Hello and welcome to IlluminatiWatcher.com- your home for learning about the occult and conspiracy theories in pop culture! Today we’re going to continue down our exploratory path of ‘decoding Illuminati symbolism’.
The subject at hand is that of water and the bathtub. Traditionally, the bathtub is meant to symbolize the cleansing of ones sins (as in a baptism), and in this article we’ll cover some of the occult origins of water, rain, and the infamous bathtub that we see so often. Let’s jump right in…
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Water has always been revered as a source of life, and therefore rain has been on the forefront of mankind’s traditional desires for crops and sustaining life. Some may be shocked to know that Satan also uses rain to possess others and even accept human sacrifices.
In my hip hop conspiracy book SACRIFICE: MAGIC BEHIND THE MIC I detail the history of the Rain Man demon (mentioned by Jay-Z, Eminem, et. al.).
As it turns out by the evidence I presented in that book, it all ties into Moloch from the times of antiquity when the ancient Babylonians would sacrifice infants to this deity
This horned deity is worshipped for the purposes of providing rain for his followers, since the rain was necessary to water crops and sustain life in those early days of civilization.
The theory that water has a satanic component is found in the Mormon faith, where there was once an urban legend that Satan had dominion over the waters. Some LDS Mormons wouldn’t go swimming because of this idea, but modern day followers don’t adhere to it.
In alchemy, the symbol for water is the inverted triangle. Water symbolizes intuition and emotion, and in alchemy it is represented by the planet Mercury when used in formulas.
You’ll notice the symbol of Mercury has the crescent moon on the top of the image- which adheres to David Icke’s philosophy on the moon goddess worship identifying with the crescent moon
The band 30 Seconds to Mars uses the Wicca symbols of the elements: air, fire, water, earth, and aether. Their logos and artwork typically have the various forms of triangles, or even the inverted pentagram within
In Wicca- a religion inspired largely by Aleister Crowley; these symbols are used as spells (or protection from spells)
In Wicca, the element of water is also represented with an inverted triangle and denotes the subconscious (where symbols communicate to us). The practitioners of Satanism believe that inverting images has symbolic meaning, which is why you see them inverting crosses- they seek to reverse the power of the original intent on the symbol.
A classic example of this inversion is the reversal of the pentagram. Ceremonial magician Eliphas Levi created the infamous Baphomet symbol which as the inverted pentagram to represent the horned deity
In ritualistic Kabbalah they conduct a Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram which utilizes the top right corner of the pentagram as the symbol of water in order to keep unwelcome intruders away.
To make a play on that Wicca reference; the inverted triangle of water is represented by the cardinal direction of West. The direction of North is the symbol for earth, (which is an inverted triangle with a line through it).
Do you recall Kanye West and Kim Kardashian having a baby with the name of North West?
If you look up Wicca beliefs in these two cardinal directions you can see that North symbolizes prosperity, wealth and feminism. West symbolizes the subconscious and emotional aspects of femininity. North West would symbolize a powerful female and the subconscious realm.
Is that the reason for Kanye and Kim naming their daughter North West? Kanye seems to think he is a god, so that falls right in line with all of the occult belief systems. To think that they are setting their child up in this same structure wouldn’t be too far off base.
In GQ it was revealed that Pharrell Williams (who I’ve exposed for his Illuminati-goddess ritual) and Anna Wintour helped them pick the name, but the story is so unbelievably stupid I find it hard to believe:
“It was a rumor in the press and we’d never really considered it seriously, at all, but Kanye and I were having lunch right over there at that table about a year ago and Pharrell [Williams] came over to us and said ‘Oh, my God, are you guys really going to call your daughter North? That is the best name.’ I said ‘No we’re not, that’s just a rumor,'” Kardashian said.
“Then a little while later Anna Wintour came over and asked the same thing. She told us ‘North is a genius name.’ Kanye and I looked at one another and just laughed. I guess at that point it sort of stuck,” she said.
So they want us to believe that Kanye West; one of the most ‘creative’ and ‘artistic’ guys in the music business is going to use a name that someone else chose? I highly doubt that. Believe you me, there is much more to that name than what they’ve told us…
Let’s get back to the importance of the symbolism behind water. I’ve been campaigning that the Illuminati want to usher in this Age of Aquarius because they believe they will be the forces behind this “evolution of consciousness.”
The Age of Aquarius is represented by the water carrier (or other symbols of water), and is a time period that represents freedom, technology, and group consciousness. I believe that describes the current state of our world as it is, and the group consciousness is the transhuman agenda they want to implement.
The New Age movement seeks to disseminate the group consciousness stuff through covert messages and practices (like The Secret). As far as the technology: it is advancing at dizzying rates, and Google’s Director of Engineering Ray Kurzweil is doing all he can to put our brains into robots. Elon Musk is pushing the worldwide ‘wi-fi’ which will connect ALL of us into this Internet web- providing the group consciousness connection to technology.
They first want us to subscribe to the New Age movement and ideals, so that when they implement the technology of mind files into robots we’ll sign up for it. Don’t be fooled- this could very well be the Mark of the Beast and the antichrist we’ve been warned about…
Water also represents the goddess, or more particularly the moon goddess (like Princess Diana, Selena, Selena Gomez, etc). The moon and the feminine divine are represented with water aspects because of their fluidity and emotional intelligence. Some theorists claim that Princess Diana was murdered because she was the moon goddess.
The Illuminati conduct blood sacrifices in order to appease their god- the evil one. This is why she was held in the Pont D’Alma tunnel for over 90 minutes before being taken to the hospital (Pont D’Alma supposedly means ‘passage of the moon goddess’).
Is this why Selena Gomez (also a moon goddess name) was depicted as Princess Diana in her video for Slow Down?
One aspect we can pull from these occult beliefs of water and bathtubs is the belief that there is a ritual component to bathing in water. Since that is the case, there could also be a ritualistic aspect to the human sacrifice in the bathtub.
One belief is that the ‘final’ bath is a ritual one can use to cleanse their soul from evil. In the Jewish tradition they participate in a ‘mikvah’- as detailed on Mikvah.org:
A mikvah is “not for the cleansing of the body,” Sarah Karmely, an author and lecturer specializing in Jewish intimacy, explained at the opening event. Rather, a mikvah is for “purity of the soul“. One of the biggest benefits of following the ritual is that it eliminates “the monotony from monogamy”, she said.
A well-known death involving a bathtub is with singer Whitney Houston. She died in the bathtub while celebrities proceeded to party at a pre-Grammys gala. Chaka Khan went on Piers Morgan and talked about how disgusting she found the whole thing, knowing that even close friends of Whitney continued to party even though she was just found dead in the hotel bathtub.
A few years later, her daughter Bobbi Kristina would also be found unconscious in a bathtub. Many weren’t aware of this, but Bobbi Kristina was found unconscious in a bathtub just one night prior to Whitney’s death- in the same hotel. As tragic as both of these deaths are- I’ve been compiling the conspiracy theories surrounding these very similar and strange deaths. In fact, that is what prompted me to write this exact article about bathtubs and water symbolism.
A biography film about Whitney showed us the symbolism of the water through the Wicca inverted triangle that her hands make (*recall that it symbolizes water from above)
I’ve also been talking about rapper A$AP Rocky’s predictive programming in his music video which features occult references to the bathtub as well
For those of you that think I’m exaggerating those claims of A$AP Rocky’s occult symbolism- take a look at this; more magick spell symbolism with a pentagram in his video for Wassup
On that same day they found Bobbi Kristina, a Nationwide commercial during the Super Bowl aired that caused much controversy because it depicted a drowning child. Is this just a coincidence?
The Doors’ lead singer Jim Morrison was heavily into the occult (and his father was the Navy admiral that kick started the Vietnam war with a false flag attack). He was found dead in a bathtub as well. There was never an autopsy performed, and nobody is sure of the cause of death. Could this be another sacrifice?
Here he is on the artwork for The Doors’ 13 album where you can see his adoration for Aleister Crowley
In a book written by Playboy bunny Holly Madison, she relayed an interesting tale of her time at the Playboy mansion:
Laying in the bath one day in “misery” in 2002, Madison wrote that she thought about ending it all. “If I just put my head under water and take a deep breath in, it would all be over,” she thought. “Would anyone even miss me?”
Her suicidal thoughts continued, “Maybe it was the pot and the alcohol, but drowning myself seemed like the logical way to escape the ridiculous life I was leading.”
In fact, the first time she met Playboy Founder Hugh Hefner she claims he offered her drugs.
Lady Gaga’s satanic prayer at the Louvre was used in an art gallery of her, which featured her lying dead in a bathtub- similar to the painting The Death of Marat (bottom left)
In her video for Bad Romance she is dragged from the tub and you’ll notice she has the “X”s on her nipples- symbolism of the Illuminati Mark of the Beast
If you recall her SXSW performance (you know, the one where she had another “artist” vomit on her while on stage); she proceeded to provide the world with a photo of the aftermath of her vomit bath which included her bathing in a tub
In her video for Marry the Night, she is doing more of the same; continually washing away evil influence
There are so many Lady Gaga-bathtub photos, that I found this compilation on Tumblr
There were also claims that she was bathing in blood in a hotel as well, however it seems that it was probably just her bathing red makeup from her performance which she appeared covered in blood.
What I find interesting about Lady Gaga is that she was supposedly the one who was able to evoke the goddess spirit of Isis (aka Semiramis) and that is why her music was so dark at one time (singing about how she was in love with Judas and whatnot). She eventually appeared to have lost this spiritual channel and the critics destroyed her most recent ARTPOP album. Of course most who are in the know realized that Lady Gaga is a name of witchcraft in itself- given that the title of “Lady” is granted to all goddesses in the Wiccan faith…
Could it be that Hollywood and the entertainment industry are honestly trying to evoke this goddess spirit into the performers? The artists who are able to contact this spirit are heavily in favor while doing so, but once they lose that connection they are sent into the downward spiral that often accompanies those that practice occult rituals.
One example that illustrates this point is Britney Spears. She was on top of the charts until she had the ‘big breakdown’ in which she shaved her head and complained that people were ‘plugging things into her.’ She came back but has never quite been the same…
Here you can see an image of Britney Spears with the symbolism of MKULTRA mind control diamond programming with the All Seeing Eye and 666 hand- these are several symbols that suggest there is occult works at play
She was also in a bathtub in the video for Everytime that had her wearing the Kabbalah red string bracelet
Note that James Franco provided a rendition of this song in the dark film Spring Breakers and Franco has plenty of ties that suggest he is into some form of dark channeling…
She then provides some blood to this sacrificial water-alter
In Kenneth Anger’s Lucifer Rising you can see the satanic influence of the bathtub as the protagonist tries to was away the blood
Eminem appeared to be taking an actual bath of blood for his album artwork
The heavily satanic group Die Antwoord showed us the hermaphroditic occult beliefs (pretty much everything they release has occult and Illuminati influence in it)
Some theorists claim the bathtub symbolizes the artist’s willingness to participate in homosexual acts, which explains why we see these rappers taking such odd photo shoots
In the film Cloud Atlas (directed by the Wachowski brothers who have their own occult agenda), we see Robert Frobisher committing suicide in a bathtub
The tale proceeds to tell us that suicide is somewhat heroic:
“People pontificate suicide is a coward’s act… Couldn’t be further from truth“- Robert Frobisher
I find it odd they paint such a picture of ‘heroic’ suicide and then proceed to tell us the bathtub is the best place for it…
Miley Cyrus made the Discordian flip after she first introduced herself as Hannah Montana on Disney. Before the big flip she showed us where things were headed
Even as Miley Cyrus she does more of the same
I’ve posted Jhene Aiko’s Illuminati connections in detail; so it’s not a surprise to find this shot of her in the tub with her arms crossed in the Illuminati Mark of the Beast ‘X’
Of course this is just a play on Tupac’s photo shoot that had similar imagery
The list just goes on forever- with Angelina Jolie, Brooke Candy, Iggy Azalea, and A$AP Mob all showing us the same image
So what is the purpose in all of this? Are we becoming overly paranoid with the images of the bathtub and water? Given the multiple years worth of symbolism I’ve been able to compile on IlluminatiWatcher.com, I find it hard to argue that it’s not being conducted on purpose.
In The Complete Guide to Wicca and Witchcraft, 3rd ed., the concept of a cleansing bath ritual is discussed. They say that the bath helps prepare the subconscious mind for ritual. It “signals” the subconscious mind to get to work. This coincides with everything we’ve learned thus far. Symbols get projected out into the ether and speak to our subconscious for the mass consumption, and then rituals are used to trigger the subconscious mind to “get to work.”
The ultimate end-game of all this is the ushering of the next step of mankind. The occult (the Illuminati) want so badly to be responsible for ‘improving’ our society and allowing the antichrist to come and destroy everything we know of in this life. They are ushering in the Age of Aquarius and most of them don’t even realize what the implications of that are.
In the film Constantine you can see that they reveal to us how the bathtub is a portal one can use to cross over into this hidden dimension (Hell). The Illuminati have been trying to contact the ‘other side’ in order to channel energy and even bring aliens into our dimension, so the bathtub and water are mere conduits used to facilitate these things
Keanu Reeves was also in the Matrix films, where we see Neo entering the ‘real’ world through an extraction portal which appears to be made of liquid
Once he reaches the other side he wakes up in similar watery goo
In Stargate we see more of the same with the portal to another dimension appearing in the form of water
In The Box we see more of the same
As well as in Inception where it triggers the person back to reality from the world of the mind
The desire is that they can bring entities from other dimensions into our world so that they can help us ‘evolve’ into these cosmic beings that will be able to transcend space and time. Eventually we’ll be immortal beings in a digital world, fully realizing the occult pursuits of the Great Work and Philosopher’s Stone of Alchemy.
The Illuminati will effectively become gods of their own world- their true desire to fulfill their egos and satisfy themselves in a ‘job well done.’
What do you think about all of this? Is it madness? Do you have a better explanation? If you do, please provide it in the comments.
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Former YouTube creator (10M+ views before being BANNED), website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the IW Patreons) as well as being the monthly Illuminati expert on BLACKOUT Radio. He has been a featured guest on Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
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