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The latest research in hip hop conspiracy theories…
I’m excited to announce my 2nd book entitled SACRIFICE: MAGIC BEHIND THE MIC. This book focuses on conspiracy theories and the Illuminati symbolism in hip hop culture, rap music, and pop music. This is literally a one-of-a-kind book. The range of topics I connect and expose aren’t made anywhere else. You can find books about hip hop conspiracies, but you’re not going to find a book that reveals the magical formula of Jay-Z’s power triangle and his obsession with the color blue and why many artists are literally performing magic rituals on their videos.
This is a book written for the hip hop community; by a life long fan of the culture. Even if you don’t know what a ‘Lil Wayne‘ is, you’ll still understand the topics I’m presenting because I’ll take the reader through the history of hip hop, what it means to so many people, how the Illuminati hijacked it, and why there is an occult influence within it that is pervasive to this day.
Official release information:
Take a journey to the dark side of hip hop…
…where the independent researcher, Isaac Weishaupt, lays out the global Illuminati agenda for all to see. In this explicit exposé he’ll explain the origins of hip hop and tell you who the key players are that allow this manipulation to transpire. Examples of powerful occult secrets and magic rituals are presented to the reader, with an explanation of why they’re being subjected to such disorder.
Learn about the mind control and demonic possession that plagues today’s most popular rap and R&B artists…
…as you acquire the skills necessary to become aware of the plan the music industry has to instill occultist Aleister Crowley’s ushering of the New Age of Horus.
Explore the dark corners of conspiracy theories revolving around the murder of musicians…
…for the ancient practice of sacrifice to the blood thirsty pagan gods and selling of one’s soul in exchange for fame and fortune.
The codex for decoding all of the major Illuminati symbols is revealed in the Appendix that provides rich detail of symbols such as the All Seeing Eye, Jay-Z’s power diamond, the black cube of Saturn, and much more.
Topics include
- Origins of hip hop
- How the Illuminati manipulates the black culture through an industrial prison complex and negative messages in rap music
- The use of magical spells used in lyrics and music videos
- Demonic possession and MKULTRA mind control
- Magician Aleister Crowley and his occult agenda
- The ancient practice of blood sacrifice being perpetuated to this day.
Learn the REAL truth about:
- Eminem and Jay-Z’s ‘Rain Man‘ demonic entity
- The reason Tupac, BIG, Aaliyah, Left Eye, ODB and Michael Jackson were murdered
- Death Row Records involvement with the Illuminati
- The black Skull & Bones known as ‘The Boule‘
- How an FBI COINTELPRO secret program assassinated black leaders with positive messages (e.g. MLK)
- Prince and Jay-Z predicting 9/11
- Dr. Dre’s Illuminati power move to become rap’s first billionaire
- Beyonce’s spiritual channeling of Sasha Fierce
- The crossover into the Age of Aquarius with pop stars like Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, and Justin Bieber
- Kabbalah secrets in the music industry
- How DMX, Kanye West, and Lauryn Hill all revealed the true nature of the music industry
- …and MUCH more!
This book has been featured on Freeman Fly’s ‘The Free Zone‘, The HigherSide Chats podcast and SHADE45’s “The All Out Show”
*This new version of SACRIFICE: MAGIC BEHIND THE MIC includes new thoughts on the latest updates to the hip hop world- including Straight Outta Compton, the rise and fall of Suge Knight, and Isaac Weishaupt’s experience of defending the book on SIRIUS/XM’s SHADE45 “All Out Show”!
Now available on Amazon in Kindle…
Get it here:
Author-narrated audiobook on Audible (FREE if you’re new to Audible and sign up for a trial):

Here is a small excerpt from the book:
One indictment of the Illuminati infiltration of the entertainment industry is the clever ruse of redefining magic. They’ve managed to depict magic as parlor tricks performed by men dressed in black and white pulling rabbits out of a hat. In all reality this is a psychological operation (PsyOp) meant to distract the masses from the beliefs held by practitioners. In reality it’s more of a self-discipline used to create one’s own world; a concept veiled in New Age thought and in books like The Secret.
There are different forms of magic such as Wiccan, Hermetic, Black, White, etc. and it all depends on what the practitioner believes in using to attain their end goal. Some of the more modern forms of magic have roots in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a close offshoot of Thelema, founded by Aleister Crowley. R&B singer Ciara wore a coat that boasted the name of the Golden Dawn in her video for Keep On Lookin’ and Jay-Z wore the Thelema expression Do What Thou Wilt on the aforementioned video shoot for Run This Town. Does this mean they practice magic? Not necessarily, but it does beg the question. The two magic sects are a more ritualistic style of magic so it falls in line with the reason why they insist on showing us these symbols.
Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud theorized about a ‘collective unconscious’ or ‘archaic remnants’ that the symbolism speaks to. When we see a symbol in a music video it is able to penetrate the message by opening up certain frequencies or chakras with the beat, effectively making the listener part of the ritual. When we see Jay-Z holding up the triangle of manifestation on his album cover, it’s working on the collective unconscious level.
Rick Rubin is a name synonymous with hip hop because he found Def Jam Records with Russell Simmons, which provided us with acts like LL Cool J, Public Enemy, Beastie Boys, and Run DMC. He was highlighted in a New York Times article when he revealed his fascination with magic:
“From the time I was 9 years old, I loved magic,” Rubin recalled as he walked around the cavernous loftlike space. “I was an only child, and I think that had a big impact on me. I always had grown-up friends even though I was a little kid. I would take the train from Lido Beach into Manhattan, and I’d hang out in magic shops. When I was 14, I had magician friends who were 60. I learned a lot from them — I still think about magic all the time. I always think about how things work, the mechanics of a situation — that’s the nature of being a magician.”
– Rick Rubin, New York Times
Theorists Jamie Hanshaw and Freeman Fly wrote about aspects of magic in their book series Weird Stuff (Operation Culture Creation). In their first book they detail various laws of magic. One of which is The Law of Knowledge which asserts that understanding comes with control and power. The more the magician knows the more control he/she has over that subject. Survivalist and Dual Survivor star Cody Lundin has a mantra that says “The more you know, the less you need” and this same principle is echoed here. In a survival situation, the more a person knows the more control they have over their continued existence. The Law of Knowledge applies in all of these situations when the practitioner controls the symbols and understands what they truly mean, while the audience remains unsuspecting.
Taking that concept a step further goes into The Law of Self Knowledge. This law reflects aspects of Descartes-like philosophy and requires the practitioner to explore who they truly are. Once you know yourself and have fully tested your limitations as a human you are no longer an insecure person, afraid to try new things. Many great minds were aware of the importance of this concept, as is evident at the Temple of Apollo at Delphi in ancient Greece where the oracle inspired the carving of “Know Thyself” to be written in the rocks.
“Know thy self and thou shalt know the universe and God.”
– KRS One, Know Thy Self
Going a bit further, there is a Law of Words that states knowing the true name of something will give you control over it. The reason for this is because the magicians believe the name holds the true essence of its being. The ancient mystery schools believed words and names held certain amounts of energy. Key words would give the power to shape reality simply by using the vibrational energy of the vocal chords and saying them. In the fifth century BC, philosopher Plato analyzed the properties of names and words in Cratylus. He explored the question of what criteria were necessary for naming an object. One of the beliefs the come out of this exercise is that names come from divine origin; not arbitrarily derived with community consensus. In fact, we see the King James Holy Bible describe just this in Proverbs 18:21:
Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
It also appears in John 1:1:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
On a simpler level, one could think of the way we teach children manners. We ask, “What is the magic word?” and the response must be “Please.” The magic is required to make the will a reality. These incantations are used with the power of words that can be expressed one letter at a time through spell-ing. We literally spell the powerful words.
Stephen Flowers, Ph.D., writes about Greco-Egyptian magical rituals in his book Lords of the Left-Hand Path and in it he details part of a theory that claims Jesus Christ was a magician. There are rituals for obtaining a spirit in order to become a son of God, and in these rituals, the magician is to look for certain signs (including a descending falcon) and then say:
I have been attached to your holy form. I have been given power by your holy name. I have acquired your emanation of the Gods. Lord, God of Gods, master, daimon.
Going further, Flowers draws parallels between magic rituals and the baptism of Jesus. In the story, Jesus received the Holy Spirit and is able to perform unbelievable (magical) feats by merely saying the word, which the author eludes to being a magical spell or mantra. Although I don’t personally believe it, that doesn’t make it so. Even more importantly, the believers of these concepts accept these as facts and dedicate their own lives to practicing the magic.
Taking this concept over into rap music, we can easily see that the rapid fire, melodic format of the genre makes the rapper a much more effective sorcerer than most. The rappers do what most practitioners of magic do, in that they use everything as a metaphor. Magicians use a stick as wand, which represents the Will which can be inferred as a microphone. The cup represents understanding (e.g. Lil Jon and Snoop Dogg’s ‘crunk’ cups), and the songs set the mood for the ritual (e.g. gangsta rap sets mood for criminal activities). Rap lyrics are teeming with lyrics that are metaphors:
“Keep one eye open like CBS, you see me stressed, right?”
– Jay-Z, Can I Live?
“Devil’s Plan is to have you drip in the Clorox, Beast deceiving us ways devious possessing, My peeps to walk streets with stolen heat like Prometheus”
– Jus Allah, Jedi Mind Tricks, I Against I
Another trick up these magicians’ sleeves is the incorporation of symbolism in the music videos, lyrics, and imagery. The most notorious symbol is the “Roc” diamond that Jay-Z made famous. Most people think this is a triangle because the shape appears to be that way, but originally it was the shape of a diamond. It derived from Roc-A-Fella records; the record label he started with Damon Dash under the Universal Music Group umbrella. Jay-Z’s first album, Reasonable Doubt was released under this label after being rejected by several other labels (and featured a song called D’Evils as the 6th track). He truly made something out of nothing in the magical sense. But that doesn’t take away the fact of the matter is that it appears to look like a triangle and Jay-Z is seen doing it with the All Seeing Eye symbolism as well. At his concerts you can see thousands of devoted fans throwing up the diamond in reverence to this modern day “God.” The same hand gesture shape is also used by actual Illuminati elites as a “power triangle” known as the Merkel-Raute (or the Merkel Diamond), and you’ll see them do this while giving speeches and on the campaign trail. It’s no coincidence that Jay-Z’s Roc-A-Fella label was named after an alleged main bloodline of the Illuminati known as the Rockefeller family.
In Texe Marrs’ book Codex Magica he highlights symbolism held by the Illuminati and displays an image of David Rockefeller Sr, then President of Chase-Manhattan Bank and founder of the Trilateral Commission. The image was from Town & Country magazine and it shows him in a masonic pose with diamonds on his necktie. The diamonds are claimed to be a symbol for the Hermetic mystery school maxim of “As above, so below.” It can be shown as two diamonds butted together and you’ll come across this in various studies of occult, magic, and Kabbalah related organizations. The basic premise is that anything that happens in this realm of the microcosm will also occur in the macrocosm. This supports the idea that the magician can bend the universe to their Will. If they make something happen in their mind it will reflect in reality of the universe.
In fact, Jay-Z’s influence has caused a chain reaction of rappers and celebrities to throw the Roc diamond up. This list includes (but is not limited to): Denzel Washington, Warren Buffet, Kanye West, Rihanna, Tom Cruise, Kobe Bryant, Drake, Lebron James, Jason Kidd, Al Sharpton, Ellen DeGeneres, NY Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, New England Patriots and business mogul Robert Kraft, and even Jay-Z’s wife, Beyoncé did it at the 2013 Super Bowl performance, prompting many theorists to speculate on her involvement in the Illuminati.
The rapper/R&B singer Drake throws up the Roc diamond but he is primarily known for having depictions of owls on his albums and jewelry. The owl is usually confused as the symbol for the deity of Moloch, but that is not the case. Moloch is depicted as a bull, while Minerva is shown through the owl. The owl shows up near ancient Goddesses like the Greek Athena and the aforementioned Roman Minerva. The symbol represents wisdom because the owl can see through the darkness. His metaphor represents the illumination of education and seeing through pervasive ignorance and deception. Not only do we see the owl on Drake’s “October’s Very Own” label (it gets truncated to “OVO” which is cleverly disguising the owl’s eyes and beak), but also at the infamous Bohemian Grove where world leaders get together and perform a ritual called The Cremation of Care where they do a mock sacrifice to a giant owl God.
Another rapper named A$AP Rocky released a video in January 2012 called Wassup that depicts him forming a sequence of pentagrams inside of an Enochian magic circle while the All Seeing Eye of Horus is displayed in the background inside the apex of a pyramid. This video released before he even had a debut album (that was called Long.Live.ASAP that released in January 2013). The purpose of the Enochian circle is to evoke spirits and form a sacred space that protects the magician from the evil they are summoning, so what we are witnessing is a spiritual evocation of an evil entity.
The practice of evocation or invocation of spirits is to magically lure the energies of the spirit world into the material world. Evoking draws from external spirits and sources, while invoking is harnessing power within you. Aleister Crowley was believed to have summoned his higher form of self through invocation of his holy guardian angel Aiwass (whom he believed to be Lucifer). This proved to Crowley that one can be God like if they invoke their higher form of consciousness. The Left-Path followers claim that Crowley was referencing Satan from a different viewpoint than what we currently think of it as. Using the principles of opposites, or yin and yang, he believed that Satan would merely be the God of anything others dislike. He believed that Satan was needed to unite the world because he provided opposition and you need opposites to clearly define the boundaries.
The list of symbolism found in music videos is also fairly exhausting, and it includes Rick Ross’ artwork for Black Barmitzvah that has the Rothschild family crest and Seal of Solomon, which is used to control demons. Solomon supposedly used this magical symbol to control demon spirits and force them to build his Temple of Solomon. In Rihanna’s video for Umbrella there is a symbol made from splashing water that clearly outlines the shape of the Baphomet. This symbol of the horned goat is another symbol for the inverted Pentagram with the horns being the bottom legs of the star. In dozens of videos we see the depiction of the All Seeing Eye of Horus inside of a triangle, outside of a triangle, or in combination with the 666 hand gesture. The same goes for the Mano Cornuto sign of the devil horns. This symbol is commonplace for representing rock ‘n’ roll but its true meaning is far more sinister and resides in the satanic doctrine which traces back through the Canaanites’ worship of the bull God Ba’al. The fact that most people laugh at those of us who point out the evil aspects of the devil horns, is just a testament for how commonplace the Illuminati have made these symbols in our daily lives. We’re led to believe that they are harmless jokes, when in reality people like Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey admitted they are used to place hexes on others.
So why do these artists throw these symbols up? Some believe in it, while others don’t know what they doing and are told by their handlers to do it. Willard Smith (better known as “Will” and you’ll see a terrible pun on it here in about one sentence…) went on the Tavis Smiley show and proceeded to talk about how he wanted to represent magic. He said that 2+2 is going to equal what he wants it to be (that’s a subtle way of saying he will bend the universe to his “Will”). One of his favorite books is The Alchemist and he says he believes he can learn patterns and create whatever he wants to. In the novel the boy named Santiago follows his prophetic dreams to go to Egypt and along the way he learns to pursue his “Personal Legend” which is “what you have always wanted to accomplish.” Again, this is the occult version of the Will, and also notice the synchronicity of two of Will Smith’s other films like The Pursuit of Happyness and I Am Legend coinciding with the ‘Personal Legend’ from this novel. High profile celebrities like Oprah Winfrey and Pharrell Williams have also gone on record to proclaim their devotion to The Alchemist.
Allegedly Will Smith is into Scientology and tried to convert his son, Jaden, but as the Hollywood Street King reports on his website, his son rejects the teachings. Instead, it claims that Jaden is into “black magic and triangles.” Again, the source of this information isn’t listed on the HSK website, but he apparently has several insider connections because he maintains one of the most popular black culture gossip websites.
The rapper 2 Chainz has gone on record in an interview with DJ Vlad to say that they had no idea they were conducting such things:
“In my opinion, I feel like directors or people that do imagery, who went to school the past last 10 years, these are some things that they learn. Which is symbols, different icons, different things – whether they be negative or positive, just to get us talking. So if I shoot a video, Vlad, and I look behind you, I have these statues behind you. You don’t know these two statues behind you. I’m the director. I’m shooting this sh*t. You don’t know that’s f*ckin’ behind you–you don’t know what the f*ck I’m doing. … Boom, you leave. Boom, people go online and say, ‘Vlad is in Illuminati.’ And guess what happens? The views go up. The views don’t help Vlad. The views help me, the f*ckin’ director.”
– 2 Chainz interview with DJ Vlad, 2013
The concepts laid out here will be elaborated on further in this book, so keep the basic fundamentals in the back of your mind as we proceed. The mind works by identification through retrieving stored information, and this information is often times first presented to the audience through predictive programming in films and music. The ability for the rappers to express concepts lyrically allows them to become the sorcerer, using magic rituals to shape the universe according to their Will. The listener participates in the ritual and devotes their energy towards that same Will. Whether you believe this idea or not is beside the point. The fact of the matter (or more appropriately the fact of this theory/speculation) is that the musicians and/or the executives handling the musicians (e.g. the Illuminati) believe in this process and apply it into their products.
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- Amazon Kindle, paperback and author narrated Audible audiobook:
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Isaac Weishaupt has been researching occult belief systems since 2011 and revealing symbolism used in the entertainment industry. Using examples of pop culture to discuss occult perspectives; Isaac has been an independent one-man army with no ZERO HANDLERS to answer to. He’s written nine books and produced hundreds of hours of podcasts since 2014 with over 15 million downloads. Isaac’s contribution to the truther world is one that comes from an honest, unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way to go towards the light instead of dark divisiveness.
Isaac hosts the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture podcast (supported by the supporter feeds like Patreon) and “Breaking Social Norms” podcast. He has been a featured guest on Coast to Coast AM, Tin Foil Hat podcast (honorary member of Mount Crushmore), Eddie Bravo’s “Look Into It,” Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho,” Richard Syrett’s “Strange Planet,” House Inhabit’s Substack, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, Newsweek, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter! Signed paperbacks available at!
xyzc says
Sorry to burst ur bubble, I appreciate ur work, but Michael Jackson did not die, he simply faked his death. If u will research, u will agree with me.
IlluminatiWatcher says
What are your thoughts on that? Where is MJ now?…
xyzc says
MJ is alive and well. Just google “Michael Jackson death hoax” and keep an open mind….
Taz says
Yes, keep an open mind. If not, you will have a hard time accepting the ridiculousness of this theory.
anon says
MJ is alive and actually escaped the Illuminati. He faked his death via conrad murray. His whole career he sings about escaping. This is it is filled with clues as his his whole career. Promise not a fan, just after researching it, its obvious.
Michael said for years he was going to die at 50. Even at London he did announce in front of the red curtain that THIS IS IT. Then “died” so many pieces of evidence fit that he facilitated a death hoax – because of the Illuminati.
The funeral was done via green screen and even several of his close friends have come out to say he faked his death. HIs family are in on it too, as are his children.
He sent a big FU out to the Illuminati with the album – Xcape, fitting title since he faked his death.
The estate = Michael Jackson.
He escaped. He did it – good luck to him
Here is an endless list proving that this was a staged death. And this is just the beginning. The more you dig the more you will find that indicates a death hoax.
Re-examine everything, from the footage of an ALIVE MJ in helicopter on way to UCLA, to Jermaine Jackson slipping up saying after the death announcement MJ went to the Airport, to confirmed photoshopped “death” photos of him in the ambulance, Name, DOB and spelling mistakes on death certificate, NO doctor signing of on death certificate – Jermaine pronounced him dead (LOL) to the alleged footage of the ambulance that went from Carolwood residence to UCLA with MJ in the back being filmed by Paparazzi and yet the Siren not on, to all the leaked videos and audio to paparazzi by Michael and family with tid bits and pieces that corroborate the “death” story, TMZ even reported the death before UCLA / Jermaine Jackson announcement, they then deleted the story online and reposted after the announcement. (MJ’s Estate (MJ) possibly owns TMZ – Hence the constant tearing down and laughing at of celebrities. Paybacks a bitch eh?) etc. Two words. NOT DEAD! Trust me, do the research. This has been planned for years. Corey Feldman verifies that MJ spoke of this for years as well as many other well respected artists who were close to him.
Check the list for more evidence. Its only the start,the_weird_list.html
IlluminatiWatcher says
Yes- he was telling us he would die soon and also that “they” were going to do it. I’m not sure he got out, but perhaps. The whole story doesn’t add up (e.g. the doctor performing CPR on a bed mattress?… Not possible- it must be a flat, solid surface; I’m CPR certified and that’s absurd).
Rosie says
Your right he’s living in Canada.
Miguel Lahunken says
Gheorghe Rakoczy, better known as
St. Germain, used a Cartesian coordinate system to illustrate what is
“in”, and what is “formless”.
The X axis represents polarities separated. The Y axis represents
polarities united and cancelled out.
At the arch defined by the diameter from the origin, 0, X to Y =
3.14159265… you have flat timespace. Within this arch going in toward
the origin you have timespaces with values less than 3.14159265…
By leaving the rigid (ting) orthogonality (chen) of flat timespace
matter gets more and more tenuous, a tenuousity indistinguishable from that which is called spirit.
Also, along that vector, the mind gets more and more powerful to
materialize its visualizations.
In flat timespace you have to earn what you get.
In, toward the origin a little, an appropriate drawing will get you what you want. In further, a symbol will get you what you want. In still further, just
writing what you want will get it. In further than that, saying what you
want will get it. “If you have the faith of a mustard seed and say to
this mountain move, it shall be moved”. You go to the timeline where the
mountain is elsewhere.
So, you can see that going in along the fifth dimension, defined by Dr.
Lisa Randall, professor of quantum physics at Harvard University,
defined for the gravitational analogue, you get your power by having it
easier to move to the resonant timeline of your ideation, along the
sixth dimension, defined by the quantum physicist, Dr. Hugh Everett.
In a little more and your visualizations will all manifest. And, in
still more, and every thought will manifest as your reality. I don’t
know about you, but, I cannot control all my thoughts. And I can be
pessimistic. I don’t like to use the word “negative”. Many scientific
negatives are very good, and visa versa, many scientific positives are
very bad.
The power of the mind is will times imagination, just as sure as, power
in mechanics is force times velocity, power in electricity is voltage
times current, and power in thermodynamics is temperature times entropy
production rate, EPR.
We get “in” the easiest by EPR. In Dr. Stanislav Grof’s holotropic
breathing sessions (see … ) assistants are
absolutely required to have experienced and safely handled holotropic
breathing themselves.
Why? When a client goes “in” by holotropic breathing, or any other
method of vagal stimulation, he brings all those near him in with him.
This is the secret of sacrifice.
Originally, sacrifice wasn’t giving up something you like. It was more
like “Eight Millimeter”, but, watch your Karma, it’s unethical.
Soviet anthropologists defined this vagal stimulation to be the real
witchcraft. Wiccans doing rituals isn’t real witchcraft.
Soviet anthropologists defined sorcery to be probability manipulations.
Rituals can be sorcery.
If we create our own fast EPR situation it will create the same field as
the person deep into holotropic breathing. EPR is identical with
polarity cancellation rate.
Take a good conductive electrolyte, to allow opposite polarities to
cancel out fast. Salt & vinegar in which copper has been dissolved to
produce a highly conductive copper acetate solution is easiest. A
lantern battery, used like an electroplating set up, will dissolve the
copper fast.
S.’. magick. Mix your opposite polarities in the solution. And, it is
absolutely antiseptic. Authoritarians complained that the s.’. magick as
describes in Frater Achad’s (Stanfield Jone’s) “The Secrets of the
G.’.B.’.G.’.” was a public health hazard.
I haven’t even been able to find anything about the book on the
internet. I bought the book from Llewellyn in 1969. Even that Llewellyn
is gone. Chester-Kent took it over, and that past editor was fired for
publishing my material.
Such a brew is alchemy. It is harmful if taken internally. Bottle it,
and it will work for you, even if you are a thousand miles away from it.
Don’t worry, the polarities wont be used up. The polarities are
continually teleported to the bottle by probability transduction
Once you pass within the pi value of two, all quantumly entangled is
transduced into probability, which ranges from lightspeed to instant at
the origin, the core, the heart. Notice, the 61st Kang Xi radical is
heart, the Cantonese for heart is “sin”.
The 160th radical, which is crime, and criminal, is “sin” in Cantonese.
The name Cain in Hebrew is Qop Yod Nun = 160. The Kang Xi radicals and
the Hebrew kaballah dove tail.
The participants of this mixture (called a “shekinah”) are quantumly
entangled with the shekinah and with each other. It is said there is a
birth here, the Magickal Child. It is a group spirit, demon in Greek,
whose nature is determined by the thoughts at its conception. Make a
But, it tends to get more and more powerful as its “polarities”, come
together, and also, its conductivity increases. I have seen the thing
rotate inside by itself, like in the movie “Prince of Darkness”, were
the phenomena was implemented by a big shekinah in the basement of a
church. That guy who played the part of Eg Chen in “Big Trouble in
Little China” starred in the movie.
It was also the bluish green liquid that levitated out of the bottle in
“Bram Stoker’s Dracula”. It was also levitating out of that big jar,
dripping up to the ceiling, in “Prince of Darkness” also.
When it reaches that degree you will find it easy to manifest your mind.
The subconscious mind gets the greatest power first. When my shekinah
reached that degree, every enemy I ever had was dead in a week. I didn’t
even think of them. My subconscious mind did it.
Monsters from the subconscious mind, called the “id” in “The Forbidden
Planet”. I used to teach my students with videos. I used to fashion my
spirit guides after movie characters. Watch out, they incarnate fallen
angels. When I became a Christian I had them all spiritually washed out
by “deliverance” sessions.
Certainly, the legends of magick lamps with geniis in them were
references to these shekinas. Fire is a fast polarity cancellation rate.
Fire is love. There is no light without polarity cancellation.
The polarities that cancel in light bulbs and candles have been
conspicuously ignored by the “system”, just like there was no blueberry
candy commonly sold before this century.
To discover secrets, take universal sets, compare them, and see what’s
missing. There are so many ways to get in trouble beyond written laws.
Gomory is not written in the Bible. It must be alright.
In the Goetia there are 72 demons. They are real group spirits. Raum is
the group spirit of the Nazi Germany. Notice I said is. Watch out he’s still
around. Vassago is the group spirit of the Mafia.
But, Gomory is the only “female” spirit in the Goetia. Stimulating the
vishuddha chakra tends to produce estrogen production. But, a Double Y
is a Double Y.
All Cro Magnon males were found to be Double Y’s. They were called
Anakim by their proclivity to profane the sacred mysteries.
Initiation is Hannaka in Hebrew, related to Qanak, Enoch, and the Anak
in Anakim. Homo Sapien orders of knighthood were able to identify Cro
Magnon men by their proclivities. Now the DNA can be easily read, and
female Cro Magnons are now found.
It has been complained that these writings are too complicated. Just
Google what you don’t understand. There are somethings that are even
censored from Google. And, the technicalities are to prove the facts.
Pat B. says
Yes, I believe that Michael Jackson faked his death. I also believe that Prince Rogers Nelson faked his death and is living with his friend (or boyfriend). What do you think of this info? Thanks.
xyzc says
And again 2pac didnt die, but he also faked his death. There was little to nothing positive about MLK. He was a tool, a communist stooge backed by Zio Jews. Same with Rosa Parks and others like them.
Jay says
Lol, that conspiracy about MLK is the least believable one I’ve heard in a while. Sounds like it was dreamed up by a Neo-Nazi (anti-Black and anti-Jewish at the same time). Apparently you subscribe to that way of thinking if you believe that.
xyzc says
Disgusting and wrong
seenb4in84 says
Ah looks like the books ready to drop already. Sorry for slow response, all the best with the book. Keep up the good work.
Eddy says
xyzc says
apache says
interesting,just keep up the good really interested in 2pac and jackson hoaxed dead,please can you find out more about them
IlluminatiWatcher says
Thanks for the kind words! There are a ton of books on Tupac and MJ, but maybe someday I’ll dig deep on both.
Dee says
I just got this book yesterday & it’s definately a page turner, tons of information, thank you so much for writing this book!
IlluminatiWatcher says
Thanks Dee! I appreciate that feedback. Let me know if you have any questions or if any parts of it are confusing.
Daeg jidu says
Hallo dear, am daeg jidu from suoth sudan. I need to be part of illuminati group. If you can help me to be on it. My number +211956588064.
Rollo says
“John 1:1:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
If you take the word “Word” in this Scripture and root it back to the Greek, it reads LOGOS meaning “Jesus Christ in eternity past” meaning He was with God and He was God meaning the entire trinity of “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit”.
Bible student says
Sorry you are mistaken. Jesus is not God. Proof.
****Mark24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only
God is all-knowing, Jesus fails this main qualification. This alone is enough to prove that Jesus is not God. Also note the verse says ONLY the Father meaning nobody else, including the divine Jesus.
****Jhn 7:16 Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me
Jhn 12:49 For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak.
Jesus acknowledged that his power and message was not of his own initiative but of him who sent him. The father. God.
****Jesus denied being ‘good’ in the same measure that God was good.
If Jesus is God one would expect him to admit he is good in the sense that God is good, meaning perfect. However when we read the Bible we see that Jesus denies being good in the sense that God is good which is perfect. Here are the passages:
Mat 19:16 And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?
Mat 19:17 And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? [there is] none good but one, [that is], God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.
****Jesus himself worshiped and prayed to God
One glaring problem the Christians have is that Jesus prayed, and had a God himself. This logically lets us conclude that Jesus cannot be God. The logical thing to do is worship and pray to the one Jesus prayed to. If Jesus told you that he had a God, would you honestly take Jesus as God? The logical answer is no, but Christians throw all logic out when it comes to their Bible.
Matthew 26:36-44
36. Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.”
****Jesus said that the father was greater than I am
You heard me say to you, ‘I am going away, and I will come to you.’ If you loved me, you would have rejoiced, because I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I.
****IN DIRECT REPLY TO YOUR USE OF JOHN1:1 in specific LOGOS, please read below****
The Truth About the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
PEOPLE who believe the Trinity teaching say that God consists of three persons—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Each of these three persons is said to be equal to the others, almighty, and without beginning. According to the Trinity doctrine, therefore, the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God, yet there is only one God.
Many who believe the Trinity admit that they are not able to explain this teaching. Still, they may feel that it is taught in the Bible. It is worth noting that the word “Trinity” never occurs in the Bible. But is the idea of a Trinity found there? To answer this question, let us look at a scripture that supporters often cite to uphold the Trinity.
John 1:1 states: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (King James Version) Later in the same chapter, the apostle John clearly shows that “the Word” is Jesus. (John 1:14) Since the Word is called God, however, some conclude that the Son and the Father must be part of the same God.
Bear in mind that this part of the Bible was originally written in Greek. Later, translators rendered the Greek text into other languages. A number of Bible translators, though, did not use the phrase “the Word was God.” Why not? Based on their knowledge of Biblical Greek, those translators concluded that the phrase “the Word was God” should be translated differently. How? Here are a few examples: “The Logos [Word] was divine.” (A New Translation of the Bible) “The Word was a god.” (The New Testament in an Improved Version) “The Word was with God and shared his nature.” (The Translator’s New Testament) According to these translations, the Word is not God himself.* Instead, because of his high position among Jehovah’s creatures, the Word is referred to as “a god.” Here the term “god” means “mighty one.”
Most people do not know Biblical Greek. So how can you know what the apostle John really meant? Think of this example: A schoolteacher explains a subject to his students. Afterward, the students differ on how to understand the explanation. How can the students resolve the matter? They could ask the teacher for more information. No doubt, learning additional facts would help them to understand the subject better. Similarly, to grasp the meaning of John 1:1, you can look in the Gospel of John for more information on Jesus’ position. Learning additional facts on this subject will help you to draw the right conclusion.
For instance, consider what John further writes in chapter 1, verse 18: “No man has seen [Almighty] God at any time.” However, humans have seen Jesus, the Son, for John says: “The Word [Jesus] was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory.” (John 1:14, KJ) How, then, could the Son be part of Almighty God? John also states that the Word was “with God.” But how can an individual be with someone and at the same time be that person? Moreover, as recorded at John 17:3, Jesus makes a clear distinction between himself and his heavenly Father. He calls his Father “the only true God.” And toward the end of his Gospel, John sums up matters by saying: “These have been written down so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.” (John 20:31) Notice that Jesus is called, not God, but the Son of God. This additional information provided in the Gospel of John shows how John 1:1 should be understood. Jesus, the Word, is “a god” in the sense that he has a high position but is not the same as Almighty God.
Think again about the example of the schoolteacher and the students. Imagine that some still have doubts, even after listening to the teacher’s additional explanation. What could they do? They could turn to another teacher for further information on the same subject. If the second teacher confirms the explanation of the first one, the doubts of most students may be put to rest. Similarly, if you are not sure what the Bible writer John was really saying about the relationship between Jesus and Almighty God, you could turn to another Bible writer for further information. Consider what was written by Matthew, for example. Regarding the end of this system of things, he quotes Jesus as saying: “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.” (Matthew 24:36) How do these words confirm that Jesus is not Almighty God?
Jesus says that the Father knows more than the Son does. If Jesus were part of Almighty God, however, he would know the same facts as his Father. So, then, the Son and the Father cannot be equal. Yet, some will say: ‘Jesus had two natures. Here he speaks as a man.’ But even if that were so, what about the holy spirit? If it is part of the same God as the Father, why does Jesus not say that it knows what the Father knows?
As you continue your Bible studies, you will become familiar with many more Bible passages that have a bearing on this subject. They confirm the truth about the Father, the Son, and the holy spirit.—Psalm 90:2; Acts 7:55; Colossians 1:15.
Bill says
Read the teachings of Guru Nanak and you will see a lot of similarities. He said Word is God, God is Word. He also said that the God is within each and every heart, hence you got Jesus saying Kingdom is within you. Your body is the temple no need to go out looking for God he is within you. Also Guru Nanak states the gospel is not his, it is coming directly from God. He used to sing it and his companion is the one who wrote it down. Praying and reciting God’s name will remove your sins. One thing Guru Nanak said is there is only One God that does everything and there is no one else, which rejects the Holy Trinity concept. Guru Nanak also said that when did the Lord created this universe and when he will destroy it only He (God) knows and no one else.
Skyrim Fiend says
Actually the latest discoveries from the archives is that the earliest version of John is in Aramaic not Koine. There is also a Coptic and an Aramaic Matthew on tin plates that was discovered in 2008, made public in 2011 that is 1st century and thus “contemporary” and those were also in Aramaic.
Naomi says
I love Billy. Her comment is just on point and this clearly shows that she’s the bible reader,and a true believer in Heavenly Father.
Beati says
I like the way you think . Too bad are very few people who have a logical mind!
BK says
@ Bible student –
TRUE ! – There is only ONE God!
Not 3-in-1, or 1-in-3
The “trinity” is pure Babylonian!
YHVH tells us in Numbers 23:19 that He is not a “man”, nor a “son of man”, and that He will never be one.
“God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?”
futuret says
Dynasty says
I mean if you actually dig a little bit into computer science and get a little more simplistic with words logos: The word logos meant both “word” and the thought or reason which is expressed in words. And then everything is logged in devices (devas, daemons, etc.) So, I think genetically/genealogy etc. that the Matrix would be more so like a documentary describing what it is that we are experiencing. Based on what language you are defining a word is going to provide different definitions and what subculture and culture you are inclined to believe on a subconscious level as the one person previously said we are run Moreso with our subconscious thoughts. I worked for a call center with the toll booths, and we would take device numbers and get the DEC/HEX #’s and all and think of people in the USA we all have Social Security #’s so maybe dying is really just evolving into another reality/location/country. I know it’s mere theory but aye the debate jobs my brain cells so. I have yet to master any of this knowledge to the point it assists me in redirecting my life properly. I do also believe we are easily manipulated via mass media; frequencies and we are radioactive beings which make us easy to manipulate. String theory and all, some may have the capacity to bend quantum physics at will, but the bible does say God’s people die because of lack of knowledge and those in power do hoard the knowledge or they will mock us by putting it in plain sight and our ignorance doesn’t let us know we are really cursing and condemning ourselves. That’s why the English US language IS so complicated. if I would have to guess on the level of what dimension we are on here in the US it would be the lowest or those of us educated and raised here but I could very well be wrong. I have learned that usually if you believe in anything strong and long enough your energy and frequencies your brain send out will bring you proof to justify, support and explain whatever idea or theory you may hold strongly too.
rasaq jimoh says
Want to join illuminati
Amanda says
IlluminatiWatcher, do you know about Falun Dafa? It is a spiritual Chinese practice, and there are many books on the Falun Dafa website that explains a lot of these issues. You may not believe them, but I think with your open mind and curiosity you will find them an interesting read. Just go to their website and click on the scriptures.
IlluminatiWatcher says
I’ll check it out- thanks. I haven’t heard of that practice yet
anon says
MJ is alive and actually escaped the Illuminati. He faked his death via conrad murray. His whole career he sings about escaping. This is it is filled with clues as his his whole career. Promise not a fan, just after researching it, its obvious.
Michael said for years he was going to die at 50. Even at London he did announce in front of the red curtain that THIS IS IT. Then “died” so many pieces of evidence fit that he facilitated a death hoax – because of the Illuminati.
The funeral was done via green screen and even several of his close friends have come out to say he faked his death. HIs family are in on it too, as are his children.
He sent a big FU out to the Illuminati with the album – Xcape, fitting title since he faked his death.
The estate = Michael Jackson.
He escaped. He did it – good luck to him
Here is an endless list proving that this was a staged death. And this is just the beginning. The more you dig the more you will find that indicates a death hoax.
Re-examine everything, from the footage of an ALIVE MJ in helicopter on way to UCLA, to Jermaine Jackson slipping up saying after the death announcement MJ went to the Airport, to confirmed photoshopped “death” photos of him in the ambulance, Name, DOB and spelling mistakes on death certificate, NO doctor signing of on death certificate – Jermaine pronounced him dead (LOL) to the alleged footage of the ambulance that went from Carolwood residence to UCLA with MJ in the back being filmed by Paparazzi and yet the Siren not on, to all the leaked videos and audio to paparazzi by Michael and family with tid bits and pieces that corroborate the “death” story, TMZ even reported the death before UCLA / Jermaine Jackson announcement, they then deleted the story online and reposted after the announcement. (MJ’s Estate (MJ) possibly owns TMZ – Hence the constant tearing down and laughing at of celebrities. Paybacks a bitch eh?) etc. Two words. NOT DEAD! Trust me, do the research. This has been planned for years. Corey Feldman verifies that MJ spoke of this for years as well as many other well respected artists who were close to him.
Check the list for more evidence. Its only the start,the_weird_list.html
yoli dupree says
rap isn’t the only genre of music that has satanic imagery,rock music has just as negetive impact on america as rap,don’t blast one style without exposing the other !!
john sith says
the church of satan with the full details of life sucess.move a step today and be the greatest of you kind
you kand email or call us at via phone number +2349050302306
Daeg jidu says
Yes i will drop my number there and try to call me please +211956588064
Daeg jidu says
All i know about mj is that, mj was a membes of devil worshper and he himself give his soul to devil.
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Tumwesigye Osbert says
em already sir help mi nd em serious am in uganda i want 2join a new life pliz help me?
MichaelJackson says
Ma.Evelyn Vergara says
Keep up the updates and research! May we know how you view the messianic Hebrews in your I. watch? Thanks in advance and Godspeed in CHRIST, sir. @illuminati watcher
Tumwesigye Osbert says
i want 2join illuminati now now 2be rich nd famous em serious my no 0774067313 pliz pliz help me thank u.
Little Bright Feather says
That MJ link goes to a not available page.
bert says
WANTED : Looking for a few bad men.
PREREQUISITES : Several conditions necessary for consideration of elevation into the elite membership of enlightened ones must exist.
1) You must be a billionaire.
2) You must be Jewish. (Zionist, or Israeli a plus)
3) Must possess little or no regard for life of any kind.
* Many positions are available to non-members in service to the goals of the elite should you not meet the requirements. Note: You may be sacrificed as a pawn for the greater bad.
Gab says
are there hard copies of your book? are any able to be found at the library also?
Nicholas Ogor says
Please help me I love to join the illuminate brotherhood please connect me please am Nicholas Ogor from Nigeria
futuret says
Vusi says
I will love to thank all this guy’s who are sharing all the positive information of this scary and corupt world of this illuminate thing. My greatest fear is this the whole of Revelations in the bible explain all this that during the times of the world coming to the end all this things will happen. what’s so very much important and my faith and believe is that I believe what the Bible says and it also mention that God him self his the one allowing all this Bad things to happen in this world you just only need to decided your faith that are you with him or against him because I believe that this is hell the earth we living in and Satan is trying by all means to have recruited as many as possible members for him self before the day of God judgement of all the sinner’s. my conclusion here is go through the whole book of Revelations from chapter one till chapter 22
Urbania says
If you owe money to the IRS, if you are a targeted individual, if you are being persecuted, black-mailed, sex- stortioned, if you have been comoromised, if you are rich enough, you can fake your death to escape the illuminati or anyone else. Michael Jackson was no dummy, he may be alive and well. Some have gone into the witness protection program in order to stay alive and have a new life free from street theatre, gang stalkers and electronic harrassment. People cookers using microwave radiation for slow kills can be escaped if you can afford to dissapear.
Jael says
For two years I’ve followed your post even subscribed to your channel, I’m impressed with the work. But I really wanted this book since I knew about it, it just that I’m a school kid (a junior so the price is not something I can pay on my own. I really wanted to read it Online atleast😢
Jeremy Auldaney says
Posted By on Oct 6, 2017
Hi, my name is Isaac Weishaupt of your home for decoding conspiracy theories in entertainment!
Today we’ll take a look at another rapper pushing the symbols of Satanism. Most of you already know that I don’t subscribe to the idea of thumping people over the head with a Bible, but the truth is that entertainment is steadily increasing the pressure to influence its followers down the path of Satanism.
Once you learn the esoteric beliefs of the “Illuminati” and the mystery schools or secret societies you can make the decision for yourself as to what path you’d like to take.
I can already tell you which one rapper Lil Uzi Vert chose…
Lil Uzi Vert has an Instagram account in which he only follows one person: Marilyn Manson.
Lil Uzi Vert = L-UCI-FER
Someone shared this information with me on a previous post’s comment so I dug deeper and found A LOT more.
Rap is not music, it is Pagan religious hypnotic chanting, used for mind control and Demon possession.
Lil Uzi Vert was interviewed by Nardwaur and he revealed his true feelings about Manson:
“That’s my father. The Pale Emperor. Listen here, at age 27 I will leave this Earth for this man right here. He’s the Pale Emperor.”
(Like Prince as a satanic sacrifice?)
It’s quite curious that he mentions leaving the Earth at 27 since this is a concept I discussed in my hip hop conspiracy book (along with a more comprehensive understanding of the scope of the satanic rap movement) with the infamous “27 Club” that holds the souls of many rockers like Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain and Jimmy Hendrix.
Jim Morrison died of heart failure at the age of 27 on July 3, 1971.
Kurt Cobain committed suicide at the age of 27 on April 5, 1994.
September 18, 1970, the American musician Jimi Hendrix died in London, aged 27 years. For some days Hendrix had been in poor health, due in part to fatigue caused by overworking, a chronic lack of sleep, and an illness assumed to be influenza-related.
Illuminati Watcher says, “…as you acquire the skills necessary to become aware of the plan the music industry has to instill occultist Aleister Crowley’s ushering of the New Age of Horus.”
Crowley organized all secret societies and satanic groups under his group to coordinate the orchestration of the New World Order. Horus was the son and reincarnation of Nimrod. Nimrod was of the Nephilim bloodlines which will lead to Antichrist. The Eye of Horus is represented as the Illuminati eye in the Triangle. It is symbolized as a hawk or eagle representing the reptile/bird the Phoenix rising from the fires of Hell or Baal i.e. Satan. The third eye represents telepathic contact with Demons and the solar ancient Egyptian number 666.
Here is an interview with Lil Uzi Vert:
Do you consider yourself a spiritual person? You talk a lot about Unknownism.
Yeah, I consider myself spiritual. I definitely move by a lot of energy and spirits. Unknownism is a religion I created. Me and my team, we all go by it. It’s a religion I created on seeking the truth about [black] history (Jeremy: History of the Hamite Philistine Nephilim?), so we can really find out about ourselves because a lot of this stuff is unknown. You put a book in my face and just tell me how life went? I just didn’t believe that. I inspired myself. I was always an out-of-the-box thinker, like with 666, they said that’s the mark of the beast but I found out it was the chemical makeup of melanin. I just wanted to know more.
So why does it matter that Lil Uzi Vert is a fan of Manson? It’s because Manson represents the Church of Satan as an “honorary priest.” While the Church of Satan does not necessarily indicate a worship of the Devil (they’re atheist); they do represent a certain current of ideas that subscribe to magical expression and Aleister Crowley’s Aeon of Horus…
Brian Warner became Marilyn Manson reportedly chose his stage name by combining the names of actress Marilyn Monroe and convict rock star and satanic mass murderer Charles Manson. Marylin Monroe was a prostitute and learned too much from her boyfriend John F. Kennedy and had to be killed and her diary confiscated. The father of John Kennedy, Communist Joseph Kennedy owned Hollywood studios. The Kennedy family is one of the Illuminati family of 13. Most Hollywood, rich CEOs, and politician elite are Ashkenazi Jews under the Learned Elders of Scion.
Marilyn Manson is the stage name of rock singer Brian Warner, who fronts a long-running band of the same name. As Marilyn Manson, Warner wears androgynous white makeup, long hair, and red or black lipstick for spooky gothic effect while playing “industrial metal” rock. His act mixes satanic images and themes of rebellion and death. The group’s albums have included Portrait of an American Family (1994), Antichrist Superstar (1996), Mechanical Animals (1998), The Golden Age of Grotesque (2003), Eat Me, Drink Me (2007) and The High End of Low (2009).
Jacalyn says
This shows real exepetisr. Thanks for the answer.
I don’t understand why people will sell their soul for fame and fortune because we all got to die so you rather burn in hell than choose the right thing and repent and go with God I don’t understand that
Pat B says
Karen Perry, I don’t understand that either. They’d rather burn in hell than choose the right thing and repent and go with God. I’d rather have Jesus any and every day and for all eternity.
futuret says
A.W.E. says
you are all laughable.
how can you think one of the above named morons, celebrities, etc. are one of us?
they are not even close.
and by the way F*ck them all, all rich suckers and bit*hes.
useless crap.
start thinking!
futuret says
Pat B says
A.W.E. – you are the one who is not thinking and you don’t even want us to think for ourselves either. Good grief!
Pat B says
I’m wondering when someone will bring up Monarch Butterflies which was a big thing a few years ago like in 2016,
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