LISTEN TO A RELEVANT EPISODE OF THE PODCAST FROM AUG 31, 2023 “Elon Musk X Conspiracy: Symbolism of X, Mark of the Beast, Freemasonry, Twitter & More!”:
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Here on I frequently reference signs and symbols that are often times given to us by the entertainment industry. Whether or not you want to believe they are done for a nefarious purpose is obviously up to you. At first I was hesitant to commit to such a stance, but the last few years of focusing on these things has led me to believe there are too many coincidences for it to be anything but coordinated. That’s not to say that I am fully ready to claim that “Lady Gaga performs black magick rituals” or “Lil Wayne worships the devil”, but I will admit that there are far too many of these symbols showing up in films and music videos for it to be easily dismissed.
In this post we will examine one such symbol, and that is the “X”. While this is merely a letter of the alphabet, it also holds much importance by the occult groups whom we collectively refer to as “the Illuminati.” I put that in quotes because there really is no proof of this secretive group, but there is a WHOLE LOT of evidence to suggest there is an organized effort to influence our decisions.
Let it be known that there is a non-occult basis of the “X” symbol, and that is the symbolism of Jesus Christ overcoming death by death; through the Cross which is often times depicted with the “X”. I’m not referring to that use of the “X” in this article at all. The practitioners of the occult often times associate with mockery of Christianity, so perhaps they are trying to use the symbol against the Christians (similar to the inverted cross).
I argue that the marketing and symbols are pointing towards the direction of the occult; whether or not you’re worried about the occult being choreographed by Satan is again, up to you…
X: The Symbol of Transformation
One resource I used to research this first topic of the mysterious ‘X’ was Texe Marrs’ Codex Magica. In this book, he cited Freemason Jim Tresnar (who is a well-decorated member of the Garfield Lodge in Oklahoma) and an article from the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Journal in which they detail the ‘X’ as a symbol of transformation.
In Freemasonry one must go through various initiation rituals before attaining the next rank in their journey of enlightenment. The 17th degree is conferred upon the initiate and is considered the transformation, or change of the initiate. They cite the crossing of cordons as part of the ritual as a reference of the point in the heavens where the celestial equator crosses the plane of the ecliptic, basically referring to changes made over time. This 17th degree marks the transformation of spiritual power into the Law of Love (which reminds me of occultist Aleister Crowley’s “Love is the law, love under will” saying, and it should also be noted that Crowley’s Star of Babalon serves as the logo for his Thelema system which has the X and O at the top center)
The cordons used in this ‘X’ transformation ceremony are depicted with black and white- the classic symbol of duality these various groups are always referencing. They are pushing the idea of joining opposites and finding a new equilibrium. This is conveyed in various manners in conspiracy theories like the Ordo Ab Chao (Order Out of Chaos), the Hegelian Dialectic (creating the New World Order through new, cultural “norms”), the Baphomet with its aspects of dual sexuality (it’s both female and male), and the Boaz & Jachin pillars which show us the entrance to a new, mystical place of transformation.
To add a bit more on the idea of Baphomet and transformations; you’ll read further on that ancient Egypt was unified when the North and South regions were merged together. They also combined the deities of Horus and Set together and said it symbolized synthesis and integration by showing the red and white headpieces together
This is just an idea, but what if the ancient mystery schools of Egypt influenced these occult ideas of the Baphomet and its androgynous characteristics? We see some of the more extreme occult practitioners like Genesis P. Orridge (he had links to Crowley’s OTO and the Satanic Process Church) taking on these sex change transformations and it seems that they aren’t doing it for the sake of an internal gender identity disorder; but rather to convey an occult message of transformation into a superior being. This is a concept referred to as pandrogyny where they embrace both sexual roles
Perhaps these ideas of transforming man into some new creature are why we see characters like the X-Men who are mutants with “super” powers. The storyline of this group are meant to sympathize with these people who are labelled as outcasts, and some theorists believe this is a way of predictively programming us to accept alterations to the creation of man and woman.
Another idea I’ll toss out is that Russell Brand has a show called Brand X. Of course this might just be a play on his last name, but I find it interesting that he’s had such a prominent voice in the media lately as a “subversive” conspiracy theorist. Perhaps he’s on the good side of the argument (or so it seems), or maybe he’s a disinformation agent for the Illuminati. This realm of conspiracy gets paranoid and convoluted the further you go down, so I won’t harp on this subject too much right now, but you get the point.
X: The Symbol of Death
Another theory is that the ‘X’ signifies death; the journey into the ultimate unknown. Texe Marrs says it is used a symbol for the Egyptian deity Osiris because you see it in Egyptian pyramids and temples, while we find pharaohs buried with their arms and legs crossed in devotion to this sun god.
No doubt this idea has permeated pop culture with its use in sayings like “cross my heart and hope to die”, and in cartoons where we see ‘X’s placed over the eyes of dead characters.
Like many other traditions, we see that we’ve heavily borrowed Egyptian themes because you sometimes see people placed in caskets with their arms crossed. We talked about how the Freemasons use the ‘X’ to symbolize transformation, but it should also be noted that the Freemasons (aka “The Illuminati”) use this for other imagery as well. For example, the Royal Arch’s Super-Excellent Master’s Degree has the first sign being that of crossing the hands over the chest, which says that the initiate will be penalized with death if they ever reveal the secrets
This talk of oaths is reminiscent of the “cross my heart and hope to die” phrase from earlier- it’s an oath taken which goes against Christian dogma of not taking any sorts of oaths. In Matthew 5:33-34 , Jesus Christ Himself warns us against swearing oaths to anyone but God, basically saying that trust cannot be secured by swearing an oath by things that aren’t in man’s possession to do so. Of course, as I always say, I’m not any sort of theologian or exemplary knowledgeable Christian, so please research these things on your own.
You’ll surely recognize this last symbol as the well-known Yale Skull and Bones secret society, which also incorporates the crossed bones with the skull as well
X Marks the Spot: Illuminati Events
Theorists also claim that the ‘X’ signifies important “Illuminati” events. This symbol is used for the entire “Illuminati” spider-web in order for all its members to know who and what is marked as one of the people or events that have some kind of Illuminati influence.
I’ve covered MANY ‘X’s in pop culture on, so here is a small sampling of what I’m referring to (some of which have the HEAVY occult symbol of the “X” and “O” fused together; which I’ll explain later):
Eminem released the appropriately titled Shady XV which I’ve posted all about, but you can see the “X” and the “V”
Madonna has a new album called Rebel Heart (with a song called Illuminati on it) that shows her with an “X” over her face
Chris Brown has an album called “X”
Lily Allen has a video called Sheezus (a mockery of the name Jesus) in which we see the same
5 Seconds of Summer does it- much to the chagrin of all the fans who love to leave nasty comments on that post
Kylie Minogue is doing the Illuminati Vow of Silence on the cover to her album called X
Miley Cyrus released a deranged video called Tongue Tied right before she started to really unravel
Big Sean shows us the All Seeing Eye and “X” as he slowly is transforming into these occult ideas
And that overrated bozo Ed Sheeran has an album called “X” as well
Here is The Weeknd with a song called Earned It from the 50 Shades of Grey film soundtrack
Ariana Grande is running around a apocalyptic scene of the fiery end of our planet, but you’ll notice that they ensured the Mark of the Beast was neatly hidden in the background
Nickelodeon’s Kids Choice Awards also sports the fused X and O
Here is Tupac in a bathtub (symbolism we find indicative of the ‘selling out’ to the Illuminati by becoming their “bathtub bitch”; which is how we found Whitney Houston and her daughter when they passed)
The jocks of our generation (Generation X; that is) are known for participating in these extreme sports. The Olympics version of these sports is called the X Games and you can guess that they’ve got the fusion of the X and the O on their medal. Again; I’ll cover the importance of the fusion of X with the O later
Texe Marrs also claims this ‘X’ is used to activate subconscious programming. Psycho-analyst Carl Jung referenced a ‘collective unconscious’ which I translate as some kind of connective web in which we are all in touch with one another (kind of like the ecology of the film Avatar).
Perhaps the use of ‘X’ does some kind of work on this collective unconscious level in order to influence us to behave in a manner that the Illuminati can take advantage of. I know this is some ‘woo-woo’ type stuff, but it’s one of the theories so I thought I’d include it.
X: The Mark of the Beast
This final explanation of the ‘X’ could possibly be the most accurate hypothesis. To better explain this, I’ll have to go in-depth on some characters and background events to support it. So here goes…
The Unknown
One aspect of the ‘X’ is to use it to symbolize the entrance to the unknown. We’ve seen it used in television shows like X-Files that is devoted to exploring the unknown, the supposed Planet X of Nibiru that Ancient Astronaut theorists claim is the hidden planet that has Annunaki aliens inhabiting it, and with generic names of items like Brand X (not to be confused with the show by Russell Brand).
We also see the ‘X’ referring to the unknown by philosopher Rene Descartes and in algebra (used as the primary placeholder for the unknown variable). This is also why the X-Ray is labeled as such; they didn’t know what they were at the time of discovery.
The Kabbalah Influence
If you’re familiar with this website than you’re familiar with the Kabbalah and its Tree of Life ideas. If you’re not, I’ve got a basic primer that explores the Kabbalah conspiracy theories in pop culture that should help make a little more sense out of it. Another disclaimer for this section is that these concepts are grossly over simplified to keep things as simple as they can. I’ve also read through a lot of the material and while it’s still confusing, I believe I am pulling out relevant material, but you’ll have to research on your own if you want to truly believe the stuff I’m talking about.
In terms of Jewish mysticism, the Kabbalah has a Tree of Life which is a depiction of ten divine emanations, or characteristics of god. Some of the occult-Kabbalah practitioners believe they can navigate through these emanations and reach the top most Sephirot- that of Kether (Heaven). They can approach this realm through one of three paths or ‘pillars’ (technically there are 22 if you consider jumping around the nodes). The three paths are up the left hand side, the right, or the center
This center path takes the practitioner from Malkuth (the Earth) and into Kether (Heaven) through the unseen realm call Da’at (or Da’ath). This path is referred to as the “G” path (or camel), which is yet another theory for why we see a “G” in the Freemason compass and square
Taking the center “G” path leads the follower into the realm known as the Abyss; which is similar to the previously mentioned “unknown” realm. This path is referred to as the “pillar of consciousness” (recall that there are three distinct paths up the Tree of Life referred to as pillars). This Abyss is more or less the shortcut of reaching the top most Sephirot. In Liber 418 (The Vision and the Voice), occultist Aleister Crowley detailed his journey through the Abyss using John Dee and Edward Kelley’s Enochian magick rituals. This book would help form the foundations of his Thelema belief system, and describe the Scarlet Whore, aka the Thelema goddess, Babalon. In this book, Aleister Crowley himself even warned of entering into the Abyss because it is guarded by a demon (or a “dweller” as he calls it) named Choronzon:
And let the Demon be invoked within a triangle, wherein is
inscribed the name of Choronzon, and about it let him write
in the angles MI-CA-EL: and at each angle the Seer shall slay a
pigeon, and having done this, let him retire to a secret place,
where is neither sight nor hearing, and sit within his black robe,
secretly invoking the Æthyr. And let the Scribe perform the
Banishing Rituals of the Pentagram and Hexagram, and let him
call upon the Holy Names of God, and say the Exorcism of
Honorius, and let him beseech protection and help of the Most
High.And let him be furnished with the Magick Dagger, and let
him strike fearlessly at anything that may seek to break through
the circle, were it the appearance of the Seer himself. And if the
Demon pass out of the triangle, let him threaten him with the
Dagger, and command him to return. And let him beware lest he
himself lean beyond the circle. And since he reverenceth the
Person of the Seer as his Teacher, let the Seer bind him with a
great Oath to do this.Now, then, the Seer being entered within the triangle, let him
take the Victims and cut their throats, pouring the blood within
the Triangle, and being most heedful that not one drop fall
without the Triangle; or else Choronzon should be able to
manifest in the universe.
And when the sand hath sucked up the blood of the victims,
let him recite the Call of the Æthyr apart secretly as aforesaid.
Then will the Vision be revealed, and the Voice heard.
This is also why we see mention of the occult belief in the ’66 fallen angels’ of the Qlippoth (a concept I heard from theorist Freeman Fly). The Qlippoth is supposed to be a realm that is the dark shadow of the Tree of Life and similar to the Abyss, anyone who traverses it would go insane because it requires the destruction of the ego and that would cause subsequent madness (as if actually believing any of this stuff would make you more rational??… but that’s just my opinion).
There also appears to be another character in this Abyss and that is Typhon: the lord of the Abyss. At some point in occult history this Typhon character gets conflated with the Celtic god Nodens, the Greek Olympian Poseidon, the Bible’s Leviathan, and the Greek Titan Atlas. There will be more on this in a few paragraphs…
The Bible says that the Beast comes from the Abyss, and I find it strange that these occult groups try to actually summon entities from the Abyss (like Crowley attempted); yet say there is nothing “evil” about these things. Granted all of this is confusing, but to me that seems a bit telling of their intentions. In Revelations Chapter 13 we read the following warning:
People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?” 5 The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for forty-two months. 6 It opened its mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven. 7 It was given power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. 8 All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written in the Lamb’s book of life, the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world.
In the next chapter it talks about a second beast arising that controls the first beast:
Because of the signs it was given power to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived the inhabitants of the earth. It ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. 15 The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. 16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.
This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.
I find it interesting in Judaic Kabbalah the number 666 is actually used to represent the creation and perfection of the world. Why would they use that specific number when the Bible warns us against it? Since we’re ultimately trying to explore the ‘X’, it should also be noted that in Greek the letter ‘X’ (Chi) has a numeric equivalent of 600; so 666=XXX. In Roman numerals, the ‘X’ is equal to 10, which is the number of Sephirot in the Kabbalah Tree of Life.
Creatures of the Abyss
Another usage for the Tree of Life Sephirot is to describe the beginning of God’s creation. It is believed to use attributes of each pillar of the Tree of Life to go from the Kether (Heaven) Sephirot and zig-zag down all the way to Malkuth (Earth), resulting in a change on the material level. This is the process often times referred to as “As Above So Below” which is a crucial concept magick practitioners believe in. They think that the universe can create a world for them in the material realm by conducting certain rituals and such. It’s causing change in the world through your own desires and will. The occult practitioners believe they can climb back up the Tree of Life in reverse of this zig-zag pattern to reach the Kether Sephirot; arguably becoming gods themselves (or so they seem to believe). This concept is depicted as a lightning bolt
This is a lightning bolt we see in Crowley’s Thelema Unicursal Hexagram as well
This same pattern can also be seen as tattoos on some of our beloved celebrities. For example, Lenny Kravitz celebrated his and Katy Perry’s Illuminati Super Bowl performance by getting a tattoo on his finger in honor of his daughter Zoe; but take notice of the shape of the “Z”
Johnny Depp (who has connections with Marilyn Manson, Die Antwoord, and the West Memphis 3) also has the lightning bolt tattooed on his hand
Going back to the talk about the entities that exist within this Abyss; we see names like Nodens and Typhon that appear in many forms and depictions throughout pop culture. To reference the lightning bolt of the Tree of Life; we also hear theorist Freeman Fly talk about the “Spirit of Nodens” which is referenced in Kenneth Grant’s book on Aleister Crowley and the Hidden God
Nodens is the lightning war god, and in the book it claims that he “flashed forth as lightning from the depths and formed a throne in the celestial realm; a seat of stone where the goddess was established.” The book goes on to talk about the heart of Noden’s sigil is the same as that of the Mark of the Beast; a fusion of X and O which produced the lightning flash from the depths. It is believed that this initiates the establishment of the goddess because the union of the X and O is analogous to the union of the phallus and vagina.
Freeman goes on further to explain a process which I translate as the reason why we see this X and O so often in pop culture. The reason they do it is because they believe the fusion of X and O will initiate the goddess Isis who will grant their every wish and desire as a way of saying “thanks” for evoking her. Freeman provides many examples to support this, and this includes the Madonna Super Bowl performance where we prominently see the X and O
Another example is Russell Brand’s show logo for Brand X. I’ve been talking about him a lot because it’s hard to discern which side of the ‘battle’ he’s on. For example, in a 2010 interview with Katy Perry (who was dating Brand at the time), Rolling Stone got the following statement from Katy about Brand:
“I think he’s going to change people’s lives. He’s going to help them remember why we exist, and it’s not for Heidi and Spencer, celebrity culture, or fame, or crotch shots, or box-office movies. His pilgrimage is spiritual. I think his destination will be complete nirvana.”
We’ve seen the transformation of the female character in the 1927 occult film Metropolis when the sinister forces create the False Maria character (a robot that proceeds to deceive the people into the plans of rebuilding Babel). You’ll notice during the film (this is the Giorgio Moroder remake) that there is a fusion of the X and the O during the transformation process; effectively evoking the spirit of Isis into this new monstrosity
Again, I’ll reference you to my hip hop conspiracy book SACRIFICE: MAGIC BEHIND THE MIC where I lay out the agenda of “False Maria” through the use of various artists who are used to try and convince us they contain this spirit of Isis
Watcher Fleurdamour provided a great finding with the links the fusion of the X and the O has with Alchemy; here is the comment provided:
A clear explanation is found on page 68 of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Alchemy by Dennis Hauck:
“The cipher for the First Matter can be shown in two orientations. Shown here [in an accompanying illustration] as a cross “+” inside a circle, it signifies the purified or rectified First Matter. If it were shown as an “x” in a circle, it would have signified the chaotic or unrefined First Matter.”
The First Matter, or Prima Materia, is the primordial chaos. In alchemy it must be processed and refined through great effort in order for spiritual development to occur. Posting the symbol for its unregenerate state over and over again in pop culture sends a pretty clear signal discouraging spiritual development and refinement. Or is truth in advertising – underdeveloped primordial soup is what you are getting if you purchase this crap.
Here is the image from that same reference where you can see the visuals of what is being talked about (you’ll notice the triangles that represent the four elements in there as well; 30 Seconds to Mars fans will get all kinds of excited since their boy Jared Leto pushes these same symbols)
Is the X and O symbolism used by occult practitioners who seek to evoke the 66 fallen angels of the Qlippoth in the Abyss of the Tree of Life? There are many followers of branches of Kabbalah in entertainment, but they don’t talk about their beliefs enough to know how ‘dark’ their belief systems take them. The only tell-tale sign of Kabbalah beliefs is the red string bracelet we see so many celebrities sporting
Freeman ascertains that this Mark of the Beast symbolism not only belongs to the depictions of the X and O, but also the letter “F” since they are all equivalent to six if you look at them from the numerology aspect:
This means that any combination of F, O, and X, will give the number 666.
The energy drink Monster also uses the Hebrew letter of Vav, which is equal to six on their logo. It has three Vavs which signify 666 yet again
V- ALSO the Mark of the Beast?…
Another of Freeman’s ideas is that the letter “V” plays a role here, and let me take a little bit of time to explain why this is so, because it seems that there is a lot out there that supports this theory as well.
First, one must understand that the followers of this occult, left-hand path believe in a certain historical tradition that traces back to ancient Egypt (a recurring theme in conspiracy theories). They believe that the Egyptian god Set is the true “good” deity because he helped humanity by bestowing knowledge upon them (similar to the Greek tale of Prometheus).
Set and his followers were always labeled as outsiders who bucked against the social norms; possibly because Set killed Horus using magick and deception (or so the story goes). They also believed he was the great god of hunting, war, destruction, and brute force, and was the true sun god.
When Northern and Southern Egypt merged and become one territory, they embraced the followers of Set by depicting the new god of Egypt with Horus (from the North) and Set (from the South) as one single, bipolar entity. This fusion of two entities reminds me of the Baphomet/androgynous topic we covered earlier, but here is the depiction of this Egyptian mixed deity where you’ll see the white portion of the cap that represents Horus and the red represents Set
Of course there is a lot more to all of that, including the Osirian cult that tried to destroy the followers of Set (which included torturing crocodiles since they were believed to embody Set). Speaking of crocodiles depicting Set; maybe that’s why we saw Rihanna portrayed with scales like a crocodile in her video for Where Have You Been…
Anyhow, the Setian cult was chastised and broken up into various sects and the Greek historian Plutarch even wrote about Egyptian rituals in his compilation book Moralia:
But the power of Typhon, weakened and crushed, but still fighting and struggling against extinction, they try to console and mollify by certain sacrifices; but again there are times when, fat certain festivals, they humiliate and insult him by assailing red-headed men with jeering, and by throwing an ass over the edge of a precipice, as the people of Kopto do, because Typhon had red hair and in colour resembled an ass. The people of Busiris and Lycopolis do not use trumpets at all, because these make a sound like an ass; and altogether they regard the ass as an unclean animal dominated by some higher power because of its resemblance to Typhon, and when they make cakes at their sacrifices in the month of Paÿni and of Phaophi they imprint upon them the device of an ass tied by a rope.
Moreover, in the sacrifice to the Sun they enjoin upon their worshippers not to wear any golden ornaments nor to give fodder to an ass. It is plain that the adherents of Pythagoras hold Typhon to be a daemonic power; for they say that he was born in an even factor of fifty-six; and the dominion of the triangle belongs to Hades, Dionysus, and Ares, that of the quadrilateral to Rhea, Aphroditê, Demeter, Hestia, and Hera, that of the dodecagon to Zeus, that of a polygon of fifty-six sides to Typhon, as Eudoxus has recorded
The Setian cult was broken up into smaller groups and one of these was a branch of Gnostics who claim that the world is a creation of an evil Demiurge and used to deceive us. They thought that Set was the “good” serpent god who tried to educate us of this deception and they worshipped Seth-Typhon as their true god. The Egyptians referred to this sect of Gnosticism as the “sons of Typhon” which you’ll recognize from the earlier text.
I talk a little bit about the Gnostic believers in my beginner’s guide to conspiracies: A Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory, but it should be noted that this Gnostic group spilled over into other cultures and allegedly went further underground and potentially is part of what we now refer to as the “Illuminati.”
Fast forwarding hundreds of years, we see Typhon (aka Nodens) appearing again in popular culture. For example, HP Lovecraft wrote an entire storyline called the Chtulhu Mythos. In it an “elder god” named Nodens- Lord of the Great Abyss appears as an elderly man with white hair and grey beard, yet is an expert hunter with incredible strength (recall the brute strength and hunting of Set).
As a side note- we’ve also seen Johnny Depp (*recall above his hand tattoo of the Crowley bolt) in Pirates of the Caribbean along side a water-based pirate who looks remarkably just like Chtulhu
Lovecraft apparently based Nodens on one of his favorite author’s work: Arthur Machen’s The Great God Pan, which describes Nodens as Pan. Surely you’ll recognize the satanic links of Pan; if not review my post on Decoding Illuminati Symbolism: Moloch, Owls, and the Horns of Satan.
Another pop culture example is from JRR Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings. In this familiar tale, the ring not only uses a concept of sympathetic magic (I lay out the concepts of magick in pop culture in my book SACRIFICE: MAGIC BEHIND THE MIC), but also has a curse on it from the King of Noden. Some may not know that this tale he derived had some factual basis…
In 1929, Tolkien researched the etymology of the name “Nodens” after archaeologist Sir Mortimer Wheeler found the connection of a cursed ring in an ancient Roman temple grounds in Lydney Park, England. The ring said “Among those who bear the name of Senicianus to none grant health until he bring back the ring to the temple of Nodens.” This ring; referred to as the “Vyne Ring” features the goddess Venus on it, which some can link into Isis (the goddess who grants those that evoke her desires and such; which surely comes at a cost…).
This ring was what inspired Tolkien to write Lord of the Rings, several years later- linking Nodens with Sauron (the All Seeing Eye of evil).
Another example comes from Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Barsoom novels. The protagonist of these books is Randolph Carter and he traverses strange worlds in an attempt to locate a visionary place he sees in his dreams. Towards the end of his journey he finds a quarry-land called Inganok where he finds Pan-like beings with horns on their heads. He also finds that entities are worshipping Nodens.
We saw a Disney rendition of this with the film John Carter, in which we saw reptilian beings and whatnot; and it should also be noted that Disney bought Marvel Comics which released the X-Men films (that’s another X-O fusion)
More examples come by way of the music industry with their obsession with naming albums after the “V” (often times the fifth album). This includes Maroon 5 who has the Vesica Pisces logo embedded into their name
The magazine that is simply called “V” is always on the front lines of Illuminati symbolism
The Hierophant card in the Crowley deck of Tarot cards is the fifth card; also referred to as “V”. It is supposed to represent the authority in which a person makes confessions (as in secret society confessions where initiates reveal their most inner secrets). Freeman asserts that the card depicts the Hierophant as a hermaphrodite with male and female body parts, and I’ve also read that the name comes from the combination of hermaphrodite and elephant. You’ll also notice that he is using the “V” hand sign with the index and middle fingers
This is the same “V” we saw the allied forces use to show “victory” after WWII, and Freeman says that Winston Churchill actually met with Aleister Crowley and learned that the “V” sign calls upon Typhon and was the only force that could battle the Nazi solar powers. Strangely true is the fact that Churchill had an entire campaign that boasted the “V for Victory” logo, and it’s also rumored that Crowley was a temporary member of the British MI5 program and he was the one that told Churchill the magick powers of the hand gesture, which would make sense because it was originally used as a sign of insult.
If you consider that the 60’s also saw a rise to prominence with Discordianism (a whole ‘other beast/subject that says that order is an illusion and chaos is king), you could see that they subscribe to the Law of Fives which states that the number 5 is of high significance. They cite the number 5 from the Roman numerals as the “V” and the letter “W” is the 23rd letter of alphabet (2+3=5) which makes it equivalent. This brings us back to the symbolism of the “VW” being of occult origin.
The pervasive use of the “V” peace sign and “X” is rampant throughout society- hippies used the “V” during the 60s and it flourished ever since with anybody and everybody using it with the intention of promoting peace (myself included). One has to wonder; are we spreading a message of peace? Or are we sending energy into the Abyss for Typhon to use for his own purposes? Are the occult groups taking advantage of this for their own rituals? These are all questions we might never find the answer to.
Some of you may have read through this and thought, “Well, if the famous people are achieving fortunes by evoking Isis or approaching Typhon in the Abyss, what harm is there in trying that for me?” I argue that this is a deception of the Devil. Even if you don’t believe in Christianity, many religions believe in the existence of a force that is trying to deceive you and entice you with monetary gains, but in the end the evil force wins by destroying your life. Steer clear of the false teachings that will only lead you astray into believing you can become god.
In one horrific example we can see that this symbol takes its effect on people in a disturbing manner (big ups to Watcher ‘Skyrim’ for finding this). We are able to see that the horror character “Slenderman” uses the symbol of the X and O together; you’ll also notice Slenderman’s resemblance to Chtulhu/Typhon- the lord of the Abyss
Slenderman is perhaps the best example we have of the “Beast” programming because a couple of 12 year old girls were obsessed with this character to the point that they stabbed another girl multiple times in an attempt to kill her as a sacrifice for Slenderman.
They found several items that proved their obsessions with him, including mutilated Barbie dolls and tons of disturbing journal entries; all of which contained the fusion of the X and the O
I believe that this symbol is being placed all around us in an attempt to call upon dark forces. Becoming aware is an important strategy in the battle against evil.
If you want to see the rest of the Decoding Illuminati Symbolism series, check out my START HERE page where you’ll find more about the Watcher community and links to more articles.
The only way to make change is to share the word; feel free to share this article on Facebook, Twitter, etc. Thanks for reading and leave a comment if you have any thoughts.
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Website publisher of, author, and independent researcher; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac has been a featured guest on Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, VICE, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Aimee says
I love your website! I recommend it to friends all the time! Keep up the good work and keep up the truth! I need to read your book!!!
IlluminatiWatcher says
Thanks! I love hearing that. And keep spreading the word, I appreciate it!
Boryana Pitson says
To all this we could add the extinction rebellion symbol
Truth says
Wow! I am surprised this isn’t here. Go look at the picture of the Luciferase quantum dot tattoo that has an X and an O
I was thinking before I found this site could The “X” be the Mark of the beast.
The light of Brittania
The earth’s anima is also divided into seven
corresponding feminine emanations, called the Seven
Atlantides, comprehended in three principal feminine con-
sorts, already named and referred to under several poetical
figures. The masculine triad is symbolised by the sign /l\ (on
the forehead it was worn thus : V, as the Jews do still the
letter Shin ^ on the Phylactery), the female by \l/. The
masculine emanations, considered collectively, are referred
to as Tau, which is a corruption of the Druidic Tad
(Father), and whose three emanations are Creator,
Decorator, and Heroism. The sign is now represented thus :
The loop implies the Vulva of the supreme Mother, Ced
(Cetus). ]t is a symbol of Egypt and among other Eastern
nations, and which, states St. Jerome on Ezekiel ix. 4-6,
is the sign of the cross. Baring-Gould states that Gesenius
in his Hebrew Lexicon states, ” Tau ” is the signum
cruciforme (sign of the cross). It was the *• mark” placed
by a man robed in white, like a Druid, on the foreheads
of the men who sighed and cried for all the abominations
that were done in the midst of Jerusalem. It was also the
sacred protective ” mark of Cain ” (Nod in Welsh, and it was
We proceed now to describe the negative principles of the
Kingdom of God according to Druidism. There are three
evil masculines, opposed to the three good emanations, sym-
bolised by the sign \l/, or, as reverberating and holding up
the earth, shown thus /l\. The evil ones are personified also,
and named Avagddu, Cythraul, and Atrais, which signify
Darkness, Pulveriser, and Soddener. These three, like
the Three Goddesses of good principles, have three con-
sorts, viz : — Annhras, Malen, and Mallt, or Graceless,
Grinder, and Soddener.
To each of the ancient churches there is a door facing
the south, where, on December 20th, the great mother
Ced (Cetus, otherwise Der Ketos) was supposed to be
stationed in the sea to receive the old sun’s Divinity into
her own body to shield his Divinity, represented as a flying
white dove, from the Power of Darkness, which was said
to have shattered the old sun’s body in the heavens at
noon on December 20th. And the old sun received
each year a new body in his mother, and he reappeared
after forty hours, rejuvenated, as explained elsewhere.
Inside, beyond the southern porch of the church is the
baptismal font, which is the matrix symbol of Ced,
the personified invisible church. There the spiritual
regeneration, by water and the Spirit, takes place in
baptism, precisely as the old sun was supposed to be
regenerated from Ced, in the sea, on the morning of
December 22ud, by the spirit of Celi, or the Creator,
co-operating with his consort Ced in the water. Out-
side, and directly opposite to the porch, is a cross on
the top of a pyramid. On the top of the cross,
called Tau, is a loop. Both cross and loop are f\
plentiful on most ancient Egyptian monu- \J
ments. Tliat loop is the symbol of the open
vulva of -Ced, prepared to receive the sun in
his escape from the cross of his murderous
enemy in the heavens, and through which he returns
“renewed.” The porch, and the cross on the pyramid
opposite to it, are the said cross with the loop called Tau,
and are to be understood as one figure. The middle part
of a church is called the nave. Pollux states the belly of
a ship is called Ketos (Ced or Cetus) in Greek ^ Nave is
from Navis, a ship or Ark, and implies also navel. The
central mast is the navel, and it communicates with the
David says
Did you know Illuminati spelled backwards and putting com at the end will direct you to nsa .gov? . Give it a try. Also, if you write in messenger, it will be blocked and won’t go through. Also facebook won’t let you write it in a comment, or post it.
Very interesting article by the way. I’m glad I found you.
I think it is also advantageous to know that the Illuminati is pushing this covid vaccine for a reason. As you know it genetically modifies us so there is something very important about that. The RNA will change your DNA which will change you and you into a GMO. There is a bill that is in the senate right now and it reads about the Constitution and the RNA shocked which tells you that you will no longer be given rights under the United States constitution because it is only for citizens of the United States and not GMO’s. You got to admit, that was a genious idea 💡 by those bastards. Also the idea of genocide was genocide was written by Bill Gates in a 2011 article. I have a copy of that. It is called the 0 carbon solution. Even though we don’t have global warming this article explains how how to reduce the world population drastically by use of a vaccine.
Boon says
The cover of wwe 13 has the 3 x’s splattered all over it. Can you do a piece on the wrestling industry in the illuminati?
newfie says
Order 66.Notice how the news usually starts at 6 AM and 6 PM.Your stove has an oven minimum temperature of 150F that is 66 degrees Celsius.WW2 the biggest land invasion took place 6/6/44.The standard height of a door is 78 or 80 inches just check a Home Depot flyer that checks out to be 6 feet 6 inches or 6.66 feet tall.Truthiracy has a 9 part series on youtube about pedophiles which has Mr. Brand,Mr.Depp and Mr. Sheen.I would advise a close look if your still on the fence about these folks.The Black Child also has a 4 part excellent series on Holywood and the lifestyle of these people on youtube.Both series should be recorded as they may be shut down in the near future.
IlluminatiWatcher says
Interesting ideas on the 6 o’clock news…
newfie says
Thanx for responding at 6 in the morning.Remember that the illuminati announced their presence on May 1st 1776 66 days later the 13 colonies proclaimed their independence on July 4th.Even the power you use has order 66,6 hours of peak and 6 hours of mid-peak charged throughout the daze of the weak.Lets not forget that 36 years after 1776 the war of 1812 began.Why 36 years?If you add the numbers together from 1-36 you get the magik # of 666.When you convert the height of the Washington monument that stands 555.5 feet tall to inches you get 6666 inches.Even the base of the structure is 55 feet by 55 feet witches 660 inches by 660 inches.You will never look at a can of man-wich the same again.Look for the release dates of movies coming out this year that have numerical significance there is one for 2//22 and 7/11 I’m sure there will be others.Groundhog day is the 33rd day of the calendar year and even Alex Jones has adopted the 3×3 background monitors in his new studio.The magik square as some might say.The space shuttle used to land on runway 33 and even Jesus was murdered at age 33.I wonder who ordered the hit and made him a blood ritual human sacrifice.Gaga and Ke$ha have performed blood rituals on stage they must have questioned the purpose of this act.Ke$ha even sued her manager then dropped the case because of this stuff.I’m sure your aware of that.On to the grammy analysis next I guess.
Brian carter says
You should come to my house .it is being over run by demons and i do not know what to do. Please help
mark says
Only JESUS can help you believe in the Lord JESUS and you be save for there us no other name by which we can be saved repent and cry out to him for there is power in his name and in his blood demons will flee on those that believe on the only true GOD JESUS
John Wright says
There is something about those 13 colonies and the people within them they have gone to great lengths to keep their identity unknown! Everyone knows Esau is the father of the Jews. What everyone doesn’t know is that 5 of his wives were the serpent seed descendants of Cain for the serpent seed descendants of Cain are the negroes. It was from their descendants the Jews would come. That means for 1900 mi.² Esau’s first descendants were blacks. In light of this, Jesus Christ was not a Jew. Jesus Christ was an ADAMIC WHITE ISRAELITE and so were all of the Europeans that landed at Plymouth Rock. The 13 colonies and their descendants were the [CHOSEN BIBLICAL ISRAELITES]. Isaac was the father of the [ANGLO-SAXONS]. (Romans 9:7) “In [ADAMIC] Isaac [father of the ANGLO-SAXONS] thy SEED LINE shall be called.” It was through Isaac the [EVERLASTING COVENANT] between JESUS the FATHER (Colossians 2:9) and ADAMIC Abraham would continue all the way to the Rapture of the “ISRAEL of God.” Jacob surname Israel was the father of the [CAUCASIAN ISRAELITES]. It was the ADAMIC WHITE ISRAELITES that received the “Blessings Heaped upon Blessings” from JESUS the FATHER (not YAHWEH the negro moon god of Judaism). It was Israel’s descendants that were promised Redemption, Salvation, and Eternal Life in Heaven with Jesus Christ! This is why they are trying to get rid of the White race. The more negroes commit the forbidden act of “MISCEGENATION” (Biblical adultery-Biblical fornication) with ADAMIC WHITE ISRAELITE women the more the numbers of the ADAMIC WHITE ISRAELITE dwindle until there are none left. The first time JESUS the FATHER brought the flood of Noah. This time Jesus Christ will come for the Rapture of the “ISRAEL of God.”
IlluminatiWatcher says
Interesting share thanks. I hadn’t seen the Ronson “O” right next to it before, that’s a good catch
Jesse says
What you think of Alex Jones isaac?
IlluminatiWatcher says
He’s fine. Not my cup of tea but sometimes he’s right. How about you? -Isaac
Jacob Whitley says
Mossad agent
Jacob Whitley says
M-oss-ad agent from the land of I s r a e l or Canaan
Sean H says
plot twist: you are Illuminati
phillip says
That was occuring to me…
Skyrim Fiend says
@illuminati watcher
Notice the “X” on the images the kids drew on the barbies.
This shit is being turned up, for real.
IlluminatiWatcher says
Great catch- I just updated. Good work (as always)
Thanks for giving me for knowledge on this information on dark forces on evil and that’s why people of this world are going to hell spreading evil on Earth.
Skylar says
Yes it is Kenny, it is a sad world for children to be raised up in period 🙁
Liz says
What you’re doing is amazing but don’t you think we should be doing something more? Like Maybe stopping this , idk I have always despised the illuminati
Skylar says
And just what would you suggest be done to stop? It has been said that there is only one thing they fear and that if the people get onto them! We still Outnumber them! They may have money and power, but don’t underestimate numbers. I think he is doing all he can & more to educate the masses of this!
Daeg jidu says
You’re the only one who can take caree of onather
Dan says
Well. I can believe it for complex symbols like 666, pentagrams, or do some hand sign like lady gaga over her eye
I don’t buy it for the X and the O because that’s probably the first thing the pre-historic men have draw on the caverns ! It is just too simple so we can see this everywhere even when it was the time of dinausors ….
kate says
Wow. The end times are upon us.
I was possessed by a demon. It was banished from me by my now husband because the Lord sent him to banish it in his name. Jesus Christ is our salvation. His blood cleanses and protects us. The bible is Gods word. Everything else and I do mean everything else is designed to distract us and lead us to temptation then to sin then death. Then people die without Jesus and burn for ETERNITY. This is the work of deceived people. They will burn forever more.
Your site is proof of this. Please people Jesus Christ is real. The Devil is REAL. This societal decay is due to the very real darkness and evil sweeping over this planet.
The Lord Jesus Christ is the light of the world. He is the Son of God. He is Our Saviour. Please accept is free gift of salvation and live Truth and know life.
God bless whoever reads this and becomes saved.
I love you Lord Jesus you have saved me.
Anna says
God bless you brother.
Anna says
and sister (sorry)
Heather says
I cannot accept a God who makes his creations ‘burn for eternity’. Especially because they chose to believe something other than what they are told to believe.
This is why I turned my back on Christianity as a child.
I believe in Divine Love, unconditional love, forgiveness and spirituality.
Not judgement and “believe this or else!”
michael sutherland says
There is light and there is darkness. If you turn away from the light you will spend eternity in darkness.
NM278 says
“Every one who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved”
God is giving us the name to use to avoid the punishment for breaking the law. Think of it as the Get Out of Jail Free card in Monopoly. How much kinder can a person be? Isn’t it obvious he doesn’t want to harm his own creation? But it’s not all about YOU. How many people have to be raped, murdered and tortured until He says “enough”? If you happen to be caught up in the “enough”, then tough, I’m sure there were ample opportunities to avoid it. If you break the laws in your country you go to prison right? How much longer and worse is the prison of the individual who created not only you and me but the entire universe too? How much more seriously will he take a breach of His laws? What tiny ants are we to argue about His laws? Never mind the Ten Commandments, the laws are said very clearly when Noah gets off the ark, and pretty simple stuff it is too. Most of us can’t be arsed to keep even those simple ones, let alone the Ten Commandments too.
Think of it like this, you beat someone up, you go to court and you tell the judge you are truly sorry and you will never do it again, and he lets you walk free because he genuinely believes you will never do it again. Or, you beat someone up, you go to court and you tell the judge you’re not even one bit sorry and you can’t wait to do it again, so he sends you to prison. That’s the point of Jesus, he’s the “I’m truly sorry” bit, it is a little more complicated than that if you want to get into the serious nitty gritty, but that’s pretty much it in a nutshell.
God has no wish to punish you, it probably breaks his heart to do it, but if you refuse to apologise or even feel sorry and change your mind (repent) what choice has he got? Should he let you walk free and continue to hurt others? Should he let this horrific state of affairs on Earth continue because you can’t pull your head out of your arse and take a good look around you? Remember, Jesus said that even hurting someone’s feelings is as bad to God as though you had physically wounded them, so don’t be surprised if God’s punishment is big, even for calling someone a name or being rude.
For the record God does have unconditional love and forgiveness for all of us, he loves us to death, why do you think Jesus died for us? I have children, I love them no matter what, doesn’t mean there are no consequences for bad behaviour. I guarantee you though I have never smacked them when they have told me they truly are sorry and asked not to be punished. Not once, and I never will, I guess God and I have that in common.
Anthony Williams says
This site isn’t about God,leave that trash at home..
NM278 says
Well firstly, I wasn’t the one who originally brought up God, and secondly, the Illuminati worship Lucifer, which is very much to do with God.
Anthony Williams says
Oook..firstly you don’t know what the illuminated worship and secondly “they” don’t believe in a god,they believe in a “creator”..AGAIN,leave it at home. This thread is decoding symbolism.
Caller out of Douce Baggins says
you are rebuked agent of Satan, o Anthony Williams you are officially rebuked in the name of Jesus Christ, you will be remembered unless yea repent o douche bag of Lucifer
Emma says
preach !!! ignore the haters they work for satan usually unknowingly , they are numb to reality because they haven’t seen the light . God Bless you
Anthony Williams says
I’ll lay it out for you like this..once you realize the biggest story every told is a lie then maybe you would refrain from using ecclesiastical insults😊 one thing is truly for certain,humans love fables..take away the filaments of reality that has been shone upon us all since birth then you’ll truly,actually SEE matrix.. MARTINE LUTHER 95 THESES..get a clue and humble yourself,and just bc hou dont something doesnt make it ok to satisfy yourself with insulting someone..that’s not what makes the world turn and no offense to that comment calling me,out you’ll probably die of bc only strong survive and while the strong rule the weak its CLEVER the rules the syrong..I’ll be.the last man standing..see you on the other
Maire says
Do you really want to spend Eternity with unrepentant rapists,murderers, child abusers,liars and theives? God doesn’t send anyone to Hell, those who are there are there because they chose it! Forgiveness is freely available from God up until the instant of our death but it is a two way process; we repent,God forgives. If people who feel NO remorse and who have never repented were in Heaven,they would ruin it,just like when a fight kicks off in a pub or at a wedding! It wouldn’t BE Heaven anymore!Until they were kicked out, anyway! Would you get back with a partner or spouse who beat you up so badly he put you in hospital and made NO demonstration of remorse or commitment to change,like seeking therapy? Plenty do and they end up in the morgue.That’s an extreme example but do you get the point I am trying to make? God’s forgiveness means complete reconciliation and being close to Him. If He were to reconcile with the unrepentant, HE wouldn’t be at risk but all the HUMAN souls in Heaven WOULD be! No loving God would put the harmless at risk from the deadly in Heaven.No loving God would let the evil turn eternal bliss into eternal suffering! That’s why the devil was turfed out in the first place!
Emma says
where in the bible does it say ” believe this or else” ?
We are given free will ….. the design of free will is to choose what you want . Read the bible properly and you will see it is a reference book to eternal life with our creator in a world free from sin.
Jax says
About “burning for ETERNITY”, in John 3:16 GOD, The Father Tells us that He “so Loved the World that He Gave His Only Begotten Son (,, that whosoever believes in Him shall not – perish – but have Eternal Life”. I want to share the following for your consideration and gleaning –
mikey says
10 is also considered a powerful and heavenly number in numerology. X being the roman numeral for 10. there are 10 sephirot in Kabbalah as well.
I suspect these artist may be trying to express different ideas from each other or no idea at all.
The strongest explanation is death though. The skull and bones is widely used to express mortality as a reminder that the material world is transient.
IlluminatiWatcher says
Good point
Ted says
Have you seen the Mac OSX logo- it is a circle with an X in it. Combine that with their watch (which they report can allow money to be done away with), and Apple’s existing logo of partaken fruit, and they very well could be fulfilling Revelations. Especially if the OSX symbol was prominent on the watch which is worn on the hand.
phillip says
God created everything, and works through all his creation to achieve his goals. As soon as you think you’ve got him pinned in a corner, he will surprise you.
JB says
My sister and me often watch a show on netflix called Ultimate Spiderman and a new season just came out on Netflix. In one of the episodes there is a super hero who called doctor strange who uses magical powers for good. But has a cloak that has an eye connecting both sides of the fabric. Then he brings up a shield when he is being shot at that is a circle with a triangle in it. Then on top of it when he and Spiderman were fighting he called on the sword of the Illuminati and finished the bad guy off.
銈儵銉炽儉銉冦偡銉ャ€€涓囧勾绛嗐€€銉炪儑銈c偨銉矷I銆€銈炽儸銈偡銉с兂銆€YN4690-286銆€銈枫偧銉€€銉偢銈︺儬銉椼儸銉笺儓銆愰€佹枡鐒℃枡銉诲悕鍏ャ倢銈点兗銉撱 says
Amazing blog! Do you have any tips for aspiring writers? I’m planning to start my own website soon but I’m a little lost on everything. Would you advise starting with a free platform like WordPress or go for a paid option? There are so many choices out there that I’m totally confused .. Any ideas? Thanks a lot!
Anon says
The past Super Bowl I predicted there would be an X somewhere. During beyonces performance of formation they formed a giant X on the field.
Anon says
Also there’s an episode of the Simpsons called paths of glory and Lisa makes a loom machine that prints out 33 X
Anon says
One more 🙂 in a Kyary pamyu pamyu video (here’s her by the way also the bottom right symbolizes something about a meteor but that’s another side thing) called crazy party night the beginning behind the tv shows a red and blue X crossing (crossing the pillars) and one of the monsters has an X on his chest.
Sain'tSteven says
If you were alive to be a member of 1960s counterculture you are a baby boomer, not a gen x’er. I am of generation y which ended in 94, the younger generation today being milennials.
If X = 600 then XXX = 1800 or 900, not 666.
The middle path or middle pillar is the narrow path. Masons don’t provide a shortcut, nor is masonry satanic as is commonly accused of them(all though to each lodge its own), masonry teaches and aids good men in becoming better, by way of #1 HONOUR. a man without honour is no kind of man at all, is pitiful and of no substance. there is no end times, that’s abused and misinterpreted Christian dogma, that people feed their bias and delusion with.
You people need to drop this illuminati shit, it means illuminated ones, anyone who is illuminated is here as teachers, like your Christos, the great Buddha, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Adolf Hitler(despite your rejection of that learn the non “nwo” history then we can debate), JFk, and so on.
The bankers and corporatists, the pope, bank of the Vatican, etcetera are not “illuminati”, that’s giving them an unearned and unjust label which is contrary to their Jew nature. These are who revelation 3:9 refers, who Hitler, a Christian, fought against, who JFk, FDR, Lincoln etcetera felled as victims to, the CiA, same fuckers who framed Bin Laden and own every country except Iran and north korea. The same people responsible for Bolshevik revolutions of eastern Europe and central America, the orient, etcetera, FALSE JEWS, SATANIC J E W S, not illuminati.
Knowledge Reigns Supreme, ignorance and greed and self serving attitudes and actions only bring you so far.
Logical theory is one thing, but insane ass shit like most of this I S disinformation. All though we all know its obvious that Hollywood, the porn industry, the music industry, and advertisement shapes youth cultural bias and conditioning, guess what? ALL OWNED BY J E W S. I’m not an anti Semite, my body father is half Iranian, I am antiJew and before you reject truth with your indoctrinated beliefs about the Jew supremacy do your fucking research into why in 2000 years Jews were expelled over 100 times from ever nation and empire across Europe until 1945 when they overran Germany. I’m a proud German and Hungarian Irish Iranian mix, because I know the truth. And all anyone shows me to the contrary is nihil.
New York Times
October 6th 1940, read the headline and maybe you’ll wise up.
Hail Victory
Passerby says
Those teachers have contradictory teachings. You can’t follow them all.
People in high positions of power believe in Kabbalah so does the illuminati. The names of their secret societies may be different (eg Jesuits, Rosicrucian) but their beliefs overlap.
These occult elites employ hegelian dialectic (eg Capitalism vs communism) to divide and conquer. Sorry but Hitler was a puppet. You don’t become the leader of a developed country without the approval of the occult elite. If they can kill JFK, they can also kill Hitler but they didn’t so he is on their side. Christians were killed by Nazis. The good Hitler did do not outweigh the moral atrocities.
I know Torah is problematic and many Jews believe in left hand path of Kabbalah but there are also many Jews who are ignorant of it and remain Jewish because of cultural and tribal factors. I believe the root problem are the left hand path kabbalists who have infiltrated every institutions of power. Holocaust literally means sacrifice. Kabbalist Jews sacrificed other Jews and prevented Jewish refugees from entering Israel during wwii.
Version says
O and X make up the word ‘ox’.
See commentaries:
BillyP says
At the time symbols were meant for people who could not read nor wright. Just me thinking.
SimmyCee says
They are symbols of tines who choose evil over good and we have a choice to manifest this or leave our thoughts to good vibes or love, peace and harmony so docfear these dark forces be brave and stay strng
BK says
The “mark” has been around since the time of Cain.
YHVH reveals the end “from the beginning” so we can study it (the beginning) to better understand our world and events of today (end times):
“Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done…” – Isa. 46:10
Also –
“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.” – Eccl. 1:9
Today’s “mark” is not a new thing!
Time is linear but biblical events are cyclical.
I agree with the “x” being a mark of the beast – I also believe that the Hebrew letter “+” (tau) is synonymous with it – the visual relation is obvious.
There are 22 Hebrew letters and each letter has a meaning – The letter “tau” (+) means “mark”.
I believe that YHVH put a “+/x” on Cain’s forehead.
I have come to this conclusion through years of Bible study and the study of occultism/Babylonianism that permeates our world today.
I could go into great length on the subject but it would take a GREAT deal of typing/time on my part so I’ll just make a couple points:
Point #1-
When the Messiah was put to death, EVERY aspect of YHVH’s Kingdom was changed.
VERY FEW Christians realize this because it is NOT taught in church.
Understanding Isaiah 48:3 is key to knowing how it was changed –
“I have declared the former things from the beginning; and they went forth out of my mouth, and I shewed them; I did them suddenly, and they CAME TO PASS.”
“they went forth out of my mouth” = YHVH spoke The Word as to what he would do.
“I shewed them; I did them” = YHVH made His spoken Word happen.
“they came to pass” = YHVH’s Kingdom was changed!
Because of this change the “mark of the beast” is no longer just physical.
Keep in mind that Satan marks no one!
He only “causes” the dis-obedient to be marked by YHVH.
It is YHVH that marks humans.
He marked Cain for dis-obedience and He marked the obedient (to YHVH) in Daniel 8 and 9.
The mark of Cain is different than the mark placed on YHVH’s obedient ones in Daniel.
There’s much more, but I must move on…
Point #2 –
Much of Revelation can’t be taken litteraly!
John wrote in “code” and “spiritual” speech so that his letter wouldn’t be destroyed by the Romans – after all, he was put on Patmos to keep him away from people and from preaching and teaching – Rome had already tried to kill him to shut him up, and they couldn’t … because YHVH had more to say!
Yahushua spoke much in spiritual speech and the carnally minded couldn’t understand Him for that reason –
“For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.”
When it comes to Rev. 13 and the verses about the mark, the most misunderstood phrase is this one:
“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding…”
This easily goes over EVERYONE’S head – including mine, for many years!
But YHVH taught me that this is a very SPECIFIC type of wisdom and understanding – a Biblical one! – and it sets the foundation for understanding the mark.
There is another point that I could make about that verse but I’ll refrain …
It’s a hard teaching for many and they’re not ready for it.
Keep in mind that I wrote this in a hurry and I’m aware that some of it may seem vague.
ronnie says
I just need understanding for the whole concept,thumbs plz coz m floating
Psserby says
Please write more, point us to some references. Very insightful.
BK says
sshnsb says
i have a Illuminati symbol in my right arm in the form of black and red mole mark.THe shape is perfect triangle.what does it means?
Allaboutthetruth says
I found your blog as I was searching for information regarding the meaning of the symbol X. Your research confirms what I have read from other sources elsewhere and I appreciate the information you have added to my growing knowledge base on this subject.
Because of you (and others) I am seeing this culture for what it is, and how dangerous the influence it has on those who have no clue as to who they are and whom they serve. Side note after reading about the X’s and the O’s I put away a skirt I used to wear because of the X’s and O pattern on it. I don’t know if the pattern has an esoteric meaning but I do not want to send the message of allegiance to someone who may think that it does. Which brings me to another thought I recently met someone who has a rather large black tattoo on his right hand!
Allaboutthetruth says
Edit: A rather large black tattoo of the symbol X on his right hand
Allaboutthetruth says
Any thought?…
Unknown says
good now you know of truth!
hi my blog
Anthony says
Ok guys try to follow me here.
Ive been searching and searching researching,trying to find answers as to why i was “envisioning” or as you might call it hallucinating the letters V and M. Primarily the letter V. Now this is where it gets interesting,i was in a altered state of mind,no sleep for 2 days,no food,and high on Ecstasy. It was one of the few times i was in that state of mind. Now i was at home the whole time with my ex gf,she was able to see everything i pointed out. She is my only witness to this event. It started when I FIRST watched the Tomorrowland festivals. I continued on to different EDM youtube videos of course and kept seeing it over and over and over again, i think the combination of all the factors plus auditory and visually hypnotized, i then began seeing, but not actually there, the letter V, on everything and everywhere. Movies,shows,billboards,on the sidewalk. I could not stop seeing it. Granted yes i was under the influence but still doesn’t add up as to why i was seeing this shit. It just stood out naturally,my ex was getting tired of me pointing it out everywhere lol. One thing i did gain from that experience is that all around,in another light,is graffitied with that letter and also by watching only the background of a movie you’ll also see things that arent meant to be seen. Can anyone give me a logical explanation within the realms of understanding? This subject is like my own little obsession. I still to this day since then haven’t seen it,but I DO know its there.
DeT says
Just noticed that the newer apple operating system logos, since they moved on from the big cats, are an X within a circle.
CAROL says
what about Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas “The Hiram Key” book. adds a spin to the total story…but et plays part and parcel in the story line virtually for gotten but still there. point is I went to Harley Davison they had a mason get together a big wig…I asked the man…who do u follow…the man said “the lady and the kid”. Story changing in my life.
CAROL says
Carol Harrison1 second ago
what about Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas “The Hiram Key” book. adds a spin to the total story…but et plays part and parcel in the story line virtually for gotten but still there. point is I went to Harley Davison they had a mason get together a big wig…I asked the man…who do u follow…the man said “the lady and the kid”. Story changing in my life. Mr. Knight I did not se u there till TODAY I HAVE HAD THE BOOK MANY YEARS TOOK MANY TO READ AND READ AND REREAD THE TEXT THANK U BOTH MR. LOMAS FOR YOUR WORDS. CAROL
BK says
Yes … The “X” is the physical mark of the Beast.
But what is it’s “spiritual” equivalent?
Man is both physical and spiritual and there is a mark for each.
“But the hour cometh, and NOW IS, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father IN SPIRIT and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
God is a SPIRIT: and they that worship him MUST WORSHIP HIM IN SPIRIT and in truth.” – Messiah
If one doesn’t know “how” to worship God “in spirit” then they are marked with a “spiritual mark” … Not good !!!
Sandy says
I sent this article to my husband and said it would make his brain bubble, because it is so in depth. Lots of information to take in. But this comment is directed towards the author of the article.
I’m not sure if you are a Christian (I suspect so), but I meditated with God about this very thing. From what I understand, it is related to the phallic symbol going into the feminine symbol. Also symbolism to the moon and the sun which also is male and female.
Satan doesn’t want male and female separate. That is evident in current day sexuality. He doesn’t’ want it that way because God, for His own reasons DID want it that way. Likely because of they symbolism of the Groom and the Bride, the Bride being the church. We are to work together as husband and wife, not become one in the same. We do not become God, or a god.
So any time you see the two symbols (V and and upside down V) combined in any way, like an X, or the Free Mason measuring square, or the Jewish star, or hexagon, or a cube, etc. it all means the same thing. The hexagon and cube lean towards a three denominational version of the same symbols.
If you would like to chat more about this (you may already have figured it out), feel free to get in touch.
Miss P. says
Yes, that’s what Jessie Czebotar explained, too. The masonic symbol actually represents a male penetrating a female. Rome and Italy were full of phallus statues. The entire masonic creation belief is about the holy phallus, the obelisk, that created the world. That’s why sperm is sacred to them.
Linda says
Don’t forget about ‘The View’ and the whining witches.
s-man says
The Heirophant in the V Card is NOT making the V sign – the index and middle fingers are closed together. it is making a different sign – one which Jesus, for example, is shown making in many images (and in some of these images there are also depictions of magic mushrooms and/or mushroom spores) (look up articles titled ‘in plain sight’). (aside: btw, lil wayne’s surname is Carter. And ‘lil’ could actually be symbolism depicting the 3 pillars of the sephirot). I do not really know what this twin-finger symbol means (possibly/likely a masonic symbol), but I see it in many places. In the film Gladiator, awaiting the Caesar’s signal, he holds his hand up and displays the twin-finger to Caesar who then (reluctantly) alters the direction of his pointing thumb from pointing down (death) to pointing up (live). Other people have used this sign to save themselves/indicate who they are. The strangest depiction, which I have seen, of this twin-finger symbol (which is displayed differently, VERY specifically and accurately) is on a carved stone at Montserrat, of all places – here, with the Matriarch in the middle of (possibly) the apostles, the Matriarch has her hand with the twin-finger depiction pointing squarely, centrally and immediately under her chin. It is SO blatant/poignant that it MUST have SPECIFIC (and different) meaning… but I don’t know what for sure (I cannot find any reference anywhere). I reckon hardly anybody has noticed it. As for the X inside the O: I’ve noticed something since childhood (Im now in my 50s), and only, til now, told a few people this – there is nearly always, in Holy-wood movies, at some point/s in the film, the depiction of a fan (the air-blowing type). It doesn’t even need to be in the shot many times i.e. it is extraneous. Also, you don’t always see the fan… just the shadow. And, usually, the fan is rotating. Russel Brand’s Brand X hand-held Standard has a swivelling (if I recall correctly) X inside the O. There must be a reason (which I’ve never found) for the X to be moving/rotating/swivelling (in ANY direction). Maybe to signify ‘energy’ of some sort or meaning. I’ve always said that the ‘fan’ in the Hollywood movies is to identify the actor/s shown in its scene. I could point out some other things that you haven’t ‘seen’ (or mentioned about) in the pictures you have posted but I would be interested to hear what you and others have to say/advise/correct me on these couple of submissions. Thanks.
Linda Smith says
On a little “rabbit trail” here but last night I was channel surfing and happened to land in the middle of the movie “Stigmata” with Gabriel Byrne. Thanks to your “online classes” on recognizing Illuminati symbolism I zoned in on a few. In one scene the setting was located in a Catholic priest’s residence. A black and white checkered floor led to a staircase with two pillars flanking its entrance. I didn’t watch the rest of the film–I have to watch movies from the beginning–it drives me nuts otherwise. But I plan to. Just want to say–thanks for the education! Great job!
Maire says
Ah yes, Stigmata has a very heretical message.It’s exhorting the Gospel of Thomas, found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, a Gnostic gospel and thus heresy,in that they deny Christ’s Divinity most of all. I won’t spoil it for you by telling you the plot,but as you are copped-on enough to know it’s got an agenda, I’d recommend you watch it all the way through and see what you can spot.All I will say is,only VERY saintly people get Stigmata! Sound,Kid!
Priscillah says
how about Beyonce s love me lights out….. video… shoeing x and o
Emma says
brilliant collection of information . Thankyou . Keep posting
Sherman says
Hi I’m Sherman. I have lived proof that this article, while not necessarily exact in it’s doctrine of describing reality, gets the general idea down pat. See, I grew up a kid naturally embracing pop culture as a good reality in life here in ol’ America. I also had childhood sexual fetishes that I, again, embraced because they came naturally. I did not take my childhood religion of Catholicism and Christ seriously, because it came off to me as “strange old rules from a thing that went the way of the tooth fairy”.
In the end, I decided, at age 22 or so in 2006, that it was a perfectly OK idea to become a Gay porn star and a male prostitute. After all, I was diligent and kind with my customers, never outright abusive or mean, and I never stole from them. I dove right into cocaine, and internet pornography. Well I slowly lost my mind, and attracted… literally… this evil all-seeing eye, threats and stalking because I occasionally made mistakes in where I ventured in my internet porn searches, albeit a stark minority of the large-scale patterns. Then I began to witness an an alignment of “prophetic” pop songs about my life dating back to the early 2000s, when I was still a kid, that described my situation too close to be coincidence. Songs like Fun “Some Nights”, Tracy Chapman “Telling Stories”, alongside a laundry list of alternately threatening, well-themed unsupportive songs promising my demise. Take a look at the lyrics of those songs if you wish to understand what I mean, but to me they spell the ushering in of a supernatural, pre-planned force that PRE-DATES my coming of age. Hollywood came after me with occult activity and my life was ruined as a result of my falling for the cheap satanic tricks of sex, drugs, music and pop culture. Telepathy, and multiple, multiple instances of telepathic “broadcasting” of events back at me that no one could have possibly witnessed without either telepathy or EXTREMELY advanced technology “beaming” into my personal, private activities. This generally occurs by people coming around while I’m working, or in social media, and saying things to me that they could only have known had they been inside my head, or again, with that high-tech espionage equipment unknown to the masses.
Meanwhile today in 2017, among people coming around and harassing me daily and making cryptic remarks about the mistakes of my past while I slave away for 10 dollars an hour in the shadows of my poor decision making skills, I’m 100% convinced that I either ended up with the (symbolic) mark of the beast and am now paying the price, or I’m simply being murdered or garnered by the occult to serve some sort of purpose I now deem likely nefarious regarding the advancement of sexual immorality as being normal. I admit that I had been a long-time fan of such things, what with my homosexuality and teenage self expression sexually both offline and online, but now in light of my sudden awakening to all this illuminati bullshit, the weird torturous things I’ve been put through following my time in Hollywood, I’m 100% convinced of JESUS and have converted to Christianity and I now consider Hollywood (and my old self) to be my enemy.
Miss P. says
Thank you for your testimony, dear brother in Christ! I hope the Lord has wrapped His protective arms around you closely to help you navigate the aftermath of leaving the occult behind.
Much love to you!
Anonymous says
On this same subject, if you have watched the Star Wars movies and its constant reference to ‘The Force’, you should mention Daniel 11, which has long been linked to the anti-christ and the god of forces. In science today, there is constant reference to forces.
Daniel 11:37-39
The Tyranny of the Western King
…37″He will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the desire of women, nor will he show regard for any other god; for he will magnify himself above them all. 38″But instead he will honor a god of fortresses, a god whom his fathers did not know; he will honor him with gold, silver, costly stones and treasures. 39″He will take action against the strongest of fortresses with the help of a foreign god; he will give great honor to those who acknowledge him and will cause them to rule over the many, and will parcel out land for a price.…
New American Standard Bible
ace says
You know what I find particularly interesting? This paragraph:
This is also why we see mention of the occult belief in the ’66 fallen angels’ of the Qlippoth (a concept I heard from theorist Freeman Fly). The Qlippoth is supposed to be a realm that is the dark shadow of the Tree of Life and similar to the Abyss, anyone who traverses it would go insane because it requires the destruction of the ego and that would cause subsequent madness (as if actually believing any of this stuff would make you more rational??… but that’s just my opinion).
Have you done any research on acid (DMT – it’s the one I’m talking about) and it’s relation to all this? I’ve watched some youtube videos on psychedelics. They talk a lot about “ego death” and entering another realm. Often times there are creatures speaking in strange tongues & some have even said that they are demons. This just has to be related… search “What DMT Feels Like | “An Interactive Experience”
Passerby says
I remember reading somewhere about altered states a way of letting spirits gain access to your mind.
futuret says
Phil says
At first It’s “x” then “x ” in an “O”, then a ightning bolt, then an “F” (+O and X) and back to “x” in an “O”. which is the mark, you think?
IlluminatiWatcher says
The Kenneth Grant references says the fusion of the X with the O so I’d think it’s that one. -Isaac
wheelbroken says
“Steer clear of the false teachings that will only lead you astray into believing you can become god.” Isaac, one of these teachings is Christianity. Paul met the risen Christ, belief in his death on the cross would grant eternal (divine) life. Elsewhere Jesus tells eternal life is equal to knowing God. Since Jesus did not die on the cross it is his blood, not his (literal) death which saves the believer. The cross, or tree, is not the tree of life, but that of knowledge of good and evil. The fruit offered is similar, the snake says: ‘You shall be like gods” similar to Jesus’ promises. All biblical teachings are false!
ROSIE says
futuret says
legion says
It is Roman. Symbol of Rome. The Beast, Rome. And yes, her immortal king.
X is Rome
reigning over the whole earth
Gertrude says
It’s 2019 now. Greta Thunberg has the masses believing in the Apocalypse. Extinction Rebellion (a group which publicly professes to be about climate change bu also says in some posts their goal is to bring down capitalism) has for their symbol, an X inside a O. I always wondered who designed it. Duh !!
Rick M Tipton says
Wow! I am not a Christian at all. In fact, I’m kinda an X. But I must say this is a great article. I wish everyone who shares your similar beliefs had the ability to articulate as rationally as you. To be honest, I haven’t read the entire column here yet, but I’ll finish it, and search for more. Again, I don’t agree with most of your claims, but you have a right to your opinion, and since you express it so well I’d be foolish to not give it an unbiased read. Peace and luck to you.
Anthony says
Please tell me you have photos or videos of the invisible tattoo of Bill Gates RFID chip. I heard it from my sources it is that of an X.
n says
When you view everything from a christian bias. And from a naive understanding of what magic is, a lot of what you end up doing is free associating symbols and co-rellations intellectually. Often driven by unconcious fear. Which leads in to a false hope in the way of christianity/faith or even, for some someone as vile as trump.
Satanic cults, ritual abuse, brainwashing, sacrifice and dark magic are very very real. And are present in the highest echelons of government, royalty, church (yes and not just catholic) and power in general. That is why, we need true knowledge and understaning about them. And that can only come from those who understand magic, mysticism and the dark truths of this world.
Merely co-rellating symbols and a general fear of magic(that the author does not understand as anything but “evil” and against “god”) will give a warped and fear based interpretation of a very serious issue. It will not provide the information necessary to identify or bring down such things in this world. The people involved will then be more easily called paranoid and loony. As they wildly accuse a far too general group of people of things (which they themselves dont know the nature of). All this allows for, is the criminals and the true psycopaths(demons) and sociopaths(posessed people) to get away with their dark intentions.
Misinformation and half truth (even unintentional) are a gift to the darkness. Just like bad information in a war is a gift to the true adversaries. You can never make good decisions based on bad information. The western occult tradition is vast. With many saints and more than a few sinners. Merely using it as a convenient sacrificial lamb will get you no closer to the actual reality of who, why and how does these very dark things. Crowley and Blavatsky, almost certainly are not your man/woman if you wanna just blame “magic” for darkness. Look into Dion Fortune, Israel Regardie. Many magicians are firmly christian. Whatever their shortcomings may be or even whether magic truly is good or not, they are most certainly not satanist or child abusers/sacrificers. And they were very aware of such issues and tried their best to combat them (look up Dion fortune “Esoteric orders and their work”).
There was a time that the rosicrucians and the freemasons were genuine orders of mystical and magical development. It is entirely possible that even in the past in hidden suborder or even at the top, there were dark people in them. But It is also just as likely that at some point, they were taken over by psycopathic infulences and “fell”. This is something that is known to happen. It also needs to be remembered that psycopaths and sociopaths “infiltrate” anything that has power and can be used or their dark gains. People need to understand that occult is a natural part of life, it is its MISUSE that created and calls forth darkness and evil. And believe me when I say, every mind is connected to the occult, whether you pray, or warmly hug someone, or yell and scare your child, or wish on a birthday cake and blow the candle. It is all a use of energy and we are always using our energy for good or bad or neutral. And whether we know it or not, it always connects to deeper unseen realms. The mind is an occult thing. Saying I love you is occult, saying vows in a marriage is occult, exchanging gifts in occult, even cooking food is occult. Everything carries energy and effect us and the world.
We need sanity and sobriety when dealing with such things. Not hysteria and wild theorizing. A real understanding of magic (you dont have to practice it) and human capacities. And perhaps, not, fundamentalist christian appropriation. Where the darkness of christianity is covered up and these dark things are used as fuel to power another insanity of paranoia and supporting sociopathy like trump or blaming liberals. The kinds of energy that conservatives hold, is actually much closer to the kind of energy that these dark beings want to inculcate in the world. It is closer to their vibration and helps them control and feed off the world. Fear, control, lack of true freedom, lack of empathy, a corrupted masculinity that dominates femininity, violence, being “hard” or “tough” on children and war. all of these are dark things that dark energies feed off. And present immeasurably more in conservatives than in liberals. Although, liberals have their own problems.
btw. I am not saying that many of the things mentioned here are not true. They are. But the general tone and direction, is not true.
If you want to see the truer face of this. look up Shaun Atwood on youtube, Anneke Lucas, and Mouthy Buddha (on bitchute, his channel was taken down form youtube).
Miss P. says
There is no such thing as “good magic”. End of story. Yes, it’s true, occult means “hidden”, and yes, people don’t understand enough about the spiritual world and the principles of God’s creation to fully understand the consequences of their ignorance. But it’s hidden, and thus forbidden, for a reason. God knows that we’re not equipped to deal with the full force of it. The tree of knowledge has brought us down once. We should learn from that lesson.
Ant says
Know only this…magick is not magic…everything is a belief..whereas “magick” is truth…research all starts in the mind..even this very conversation. Cheers
Thomas gabriel saul says
(Revelation 18:23)” And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.”
The greek god Hermes is the patron god of magic who protects merchants and carries the magic caduceus. The Caduceus can also be found on baphomets stomach. The caduceus is the symbol of merchants commonly mistaken as the Rod of Asclepius, a pagan symbol that represents pharma.
Revelation 2:13 – “I know where you dwell, where Satan’s throne is.” Yeshua is talking about Pergamum.
The site in Pergamon was founded in the 4 th Century BC Asclepion of Pergamum became one of the most famous ancient healing centers and the world’s first psychiatric hospitals.
In greek Sorcery is pharmakeia aka pharmacy. strong’s concordance 5331 pharmakeia. The greek translation of the old testament is called the SEPTUAGINT. The septuagint was translated in Alexandria Egypt around the third century bce. The Septuagint would have used the word pharmakeia not sorcery. Greek Jews and early Christian’s would have known this. Even Christ Yeshua would have been aware of the greek translation of the old testament and the word pharmakeia.
The number 666 aka the mark of the beast was written in the original Greek with the letters χξϚ chi xi stigma (600 60 6).
The character for chi/600 is χ
Chi is the symbol for magnetic susceptibility and the optic CHIasm.
The pituitary fossa and the optic chiasm lie above the nasopharynx.The nasopharyngeal swap/poke is currently the main testing method used to diagnose COVID-19
Notice the character for xi 60 (uppercase Ξ, lowercase ξ) looks like the serpent on the rod of asclepius?
Xi is the name of the CCP president.
The value of XI is 33
xi represent units of the cryptocurrency Ether and temporal frequency.
The Greek stigma 6 (ϛ) is defined as “to ‘stick'”, “a mark incised or punched a prick, puncture (for recognition of ownership)”, and “mark.”
The letter sigma (ς) is related to the sigma receptor. researchers have suspected that drugs that activate sigma-1 might be used to treat COVID-19
Aborted fetus Fetal-cell lines played a vital role in the development of all three vaccines in order for humans to hold on to their lives for a little bit longer. Don’t sacrifice yourself and your children to the gods of the pharmakeia merchants, don’t let the Caduceus serpent seduce you.
please let me know what you think about this info.bit chute has blocked this message from being posted anywhere on their site and won’t respond to my email asking why they blocked this sequence of words.
Miss P. says
I just stumbled across this blog – luckily I used duckduckgo which brought me here in quest of the X whose meaning I had forgotten.
It find it funny that someone named “Weishaupt” (like the famous founder of the Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt) has a blog on this subject. Thank you for your thorough research presented here. More pieces to the puzzle.
Miss P. says
Oh, I forgot: I came here because of the cryptic name of Elon Musk’s baby son, X (X Æ A-12).
Some high-ranking ex-member of the Illuminati says she’s seen him in satanic rituals “back in the day”. Knowing this, I am not surprised he named his first company X (“”).
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Sehgal, Parul (July 3, 2018). “Toxic Historical past, Poisoned Water: The Story of Flint”.
Hanna-Attisha, Mona (June 19, 2018). What the Eyes Don’t See.
Hanna-Attisha, Mona (June 5, 2018). “What the Eyes Don’t See”.
Robertson, Teddy (July 3, 2018). “Flint Registry, constructed to observe, link and advocate for group well being, gears up for September launch”.
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In addition to olive oil, the primary agricultural
product of Palestinians within the West Bank, Green Motion additionally sells za’atar,
dibbes, natural fruit jam, herbal infusion and pressed olives.
Lionel Rogosin filmed Arab Israeli Dialogue in 1973,
an early attempt at unlocking the cultural and political points
between Palestinians and Israelis. Palestinian olive oil to the Israeli market.
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Most American troops showed good will in the direction of civilians,
even amid a quintessentially brutal battle. Civilians showed
worry when encountering American servicemen, whom the island’s Japanese commander known as “American devils.” Propaganda that civilians would be
tortured and killed prevented many from leaving their caves.
For Americans, the shock assault on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, enraged the nation and roused an virtually
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A 10K Walk By way of German-Texas Heritage in Austin, Texas Archived December
4, 2010, on the Wayback Machine. 1 (1988): 3-15 on-line Archived August 1, 2020,
on the Wayback Machine. Chicago Tribune August 12, 1891:
2. Print. EF0 Southern Willshire Van Wert OH 40°44′49″N 84°48′06″W / 40.7469°N
84.8016°W / 40.7469; -84.8016 (Willshire (June
12, EF0)) 0327 – 0330 0.64 mi (1.03 km) 80 yd (73 m) Weak, brief twister on the
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The 4 crew and sixty two passengers weren’t injured. On thirteen December 2013, an ATR 42-600 (5H-PWI) made a protected touchdown at Arusha
Airport after its 4 tires deflated upon touchdown. Sixteen November 2004: A
Let L-410UVP-E20, tail quantity 5H-PAC, crash landed
while on a training flight at Kilimanjaro Airport. Whereas physician revenue initially boomed after the implementation of a single-payer
program, a discount in physician salaries
followed, which many feared could be a long-term
result of authorities-run healthcare. Working from dwelling
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Many individuals who buy homes for money must make some significant life modifications earlier than they’ll start
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The rationale is simple; the seller is the one who pays the fee when the house is bought, not
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straps, sustained facial accidents. The five heart home windows on the 14th story
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The London Midland Area of British Railways, and later Community SouthEast
after sectorisation, continued to run services
till the road’s closure. In 1847, from the
brig Eagle laden with corn for the starving Irish in Waterford, Ireland, master Gregg dropped a bottled message with
his location (42.40N, 54.10W) on March 27, requesting the discover be despatched to
the Nautical Magazine (London) for publication to supply data on Atlantic currents.
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On November 11, 1940, 21 of those aircraft neutralized the Italian fleet at Taranto, Italy, knocking three battleships out of commission and inflicting
serious destruction basically. On October 29, 2015, Normal Manager
Alex Anthopoulos reported that he wouldn’t be returning to the team subsequent 12 months, but has not provided a cause for his
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El Aissami said the federal government would open financial institution accounts in Europe and
Asia as potential workarounds to financial sanctions. American sanctions.
This has resulted within the Iranian oil bourse buying and selling in a number of currencies, predominantly the
euro for European trade, and both the yen or euros for sales in Asia.
As well as, Venezuela’s banking sector will now be capable of participate in foreign money auctions thrice per week, adding that the federal government would
promote some 2 billion euros amid a rebound in oil costs.
Venezuelan Minister of Industries and National
Production Tareck El Aissami announced that each
one overseas alternate government auctions will now not be quoted in U.S.
The National Theatre launches National Theatre at Home, a two-month programme whereby a special production from its archives can be streamed free of charge each week.
Changing the slender molding to vast, flat boards in a nondescript postwar
home will assist evoke a bungalowlike scene.
They are the kinds of providers that few folks need to pursue, but for their own peace of mind, they’re usually keen to pay an expert for help
in balancing the books and dealing with the complexities of tax legislation.
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Because the number of reported deaths rises to 1,408, Patrick Vallance, the UK’s chief scientific adviser,
says there are early signs social distancing measures are “making a difference”.
Protections in opposition to curiosity rate rises embody (a) a doable preliminary
period with a set fee (which provides the borrower an opportunity
to increase his/her annual earnings earlier
than funds rise); (b) a maximum (cap) that interest rates can rise in any 12 months (if there is a cap, it
have to be specified in the loan document); and (c) a maximum (cap) that interest
charges can rise over the life of the mortgage (this also
should be specified in the loan document). The truth that an adjustable price mortgage has
a lower beginning curiosity fee does not
point out what the longer term cost of borrowing will be (when rates change).
If rates rise, the fee will likely be greater; if rates go down, price might
be decrease. On 19 December, an area of low strain that had formed over Texas traveled by
the northwestern a part of Arkansas, passing by
Oklahoma overnight on 19 December, heading towards the Midwestern United States
and the nice Plains the place lower temperatures forecast
ice accumulation. Close to the front, precipitation was in the type of freezing rain and ice pellets.
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Even so, Penang is one of two states in Malaysia where Islam shouldn’t
be within the majority, the other being Sarawak.
In the United States, the first diploma granting program within the United States was established at
Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. A hurricane watch was first raised at
09:00 UTC on October 21, encompassing areas of
Michoacán, Colima, and Jalisco. Nonetheless, upon transferring ashore round
23:00 UTC near Cuixmala, Jalisco, it remained
a strong Class four hurricane, with sustained winds of one hundred fifty mph (240 km/h)
and an analyzed stress of 932 mbar (hPa; 27.Fifty two inHg).
A stable ring of −130 °F (−90 °C) cloud tops surrounded the
hurricane’s 12 mi (19 km) extensive eye and signaled its intensification right
into a Class 5 hurricane. Data from hurricane hunters investigating the
cyclone indicated Patricia to have reached Category 4 status on the
Saffir-Simpson hurricane wind scale by 18:00 UTC. The disturbance moved slowly over the next few days, later
merging with a tropical wave on October 15. The merger of
those techniques and the results of a concurrent
Tehuantepec gap wind event spurred the formation of a broad space of low strain.
岡山 今日 の ニュース says
So, it’ll come as little surprise to know
that somebody received the concept to run hurdles with swim fins on. Here’s a Guinness World Record for somebody who really is aware of tips on how to take
a beating.
サマルカンドパン says
There are actually millions of pictures available online which you can easily grasp.
In Japan, nonetheless, there will be a lot of deductions on the gross paycheck.
As a teacher, you will virtually definitely be using public transportation. March 2005.
Archived (PDF) from the unique on Could 12, 2008. Retrieved Might 4, 2008.
This text incorporates textual content from this supply, which is in the
general public domain. It’s possible you’ll must think out of the field and re-function furnishings items to hold meals and tableware.
Some cash for sale firms will rent you back your property, however might legally evict you after a few years because you didn’t learn the small print.
If you haven’t tried it within the final a couple of
years, you virtually certainly don’t require it. Allied development to Berlin was the final straw!
November 2016 to vote on a single-payer healthcare system called ColoradoCare.
国語辞典 オンライン says
Many fall into the category of high-frequency trading (HFT), which is characterized by high turnover and high order-to-trade ratios.
趣味 雑貨屋巡り 履歴書 says
A number of the BlackBerry fashions (Torch 9850/9860, Torch 9810, and Daring 9900/9930) have a 1.2 GHz MSM8655 Snapdragon S2 SOC, 768 MB system reminiscence, and eight GB
of on-board storage. Employing a Qualcomm 8992 Snapdragon 808 Hexa-Core,
64-bit, Adreno 418, 600 MHz GPU with 3 GB RAM processor, this unit
is equipped with a curved 5.4-inch (2560 x 1440) OLED show and a sliding QWERTY keyboard which is hidden when not in use; Google’s voice recognition that enables for dictating e-mails is also available.
Trendy LTE based mostly telephones such because the
BlackBerry Z10 have a Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Plus, a proprietary
Qualcomm SOC which is based on ARMv7-A structure,
featuring two 1.5 GHz Qualcomm Krait CPU cores, and a 400 MHz Adreno
225 GPU. An exception to this is the BlackBerry 8707 which is predicated on the 80 MHz Qualcomm 3250 chipset; this was because of the PXA900
chipset not supporting 3G networks. As a consequence of effortless energy steering, Car and Driver noted, it “takes fairly some time to turn into accustomed to the gradual response, and precision maneuvers can solely be undertaken at low speeds.”
With coil springs throughout, the “suspension is definitely smooth,” though body roll “was not excessive underneath any conditions” and the 9.5-inch-diameter drum brakes delivered immediate response.
掛け 捨て 生命 保険 終身 says
Deals will also be structured to pay on a professional-rata or mixture of the two.
If a affected person needs to see a specialist or is counseled to see a specialist, a referral might be made by a GP.
See typically Standard Oil Co. of new Jersey v. United States, 221 U.S.
Cordell Hull played an enormous half in Roosevelt’s effort to keep the Japanese talking till they could see for themselves
that the Axis may well lose the conflict. The
so-called vactrain would haul folks or cargo along a thin cushion of air thanks
partially to electromagnets that suspend “capsules” above rails.
The concern in the business neighborhood is thus that a plan gets foisted on creditors without a lot time for consideration that works most
in favour of the people who ran the company or the large secured
lender. Though the lender would require a home appraisal, it’s best to
separately hire your personal inspector, who is especially skilled
in the Louisville actual property market, to level out the problems that can price you money.
A bank mortgage lender with clear phrases on the highest elements is further consistent.
A good mid-measurement automotive is now much less of a worth
as a result of Saturn charges additional for ABS and traction control, yet increases base prices…
得意の対義語 says
Workplace bullying results in a loss of productivity,
as measured by self-rated job performance. Many companies have formal programs for continuously improving productivity, such
as a production assurance program. The presence of
a workplace psychopath may have a serious detrimental impact on productivity in an organisation.
雇用 保険 被 保険 者 離職 証明 書 と は says
This procedure involves the dynamic use of a computer source for
solving math problems that can be quite complicated in the creation of
coins. When testing multiple models at once there is
a high chance on finding at least one of them to be significant, but this can be due to a type 1 error.
日本 の 中国 says
But considering its slope, any textbook rebound should
run out of steam in the 1,260-1,270 range, and
be followed by a re-testing of the August 2011
low of 1,101. My guess is that the test will fail and the S&P 500 decline will meet the 20% rule-of-thumb definition of a bear market.
Too much coverage will have you paying a higher premium each
month which will not match the payout you would receive, should a claim be filed.
那珂久慈浄化センター says
Storm Prediction Center. In the dialogue, the SPC
acknowledged that a significant twister outbreak was likely
throughout central Kansas and north-central Oklahoma during the afternoon and overnight hours of April 14,
with lengthy-tracked violent tornadoes possible. Later in the
day, the 45% twister likelihood was shifted from Nebraska south to Kansas and northern Oklahoma.
Caterpillar opened these new amenities in Clayton and Sanford, North Carolina; Greenville, South Carolina; Corinth, Mississippi; Dyersburg, Tennessee; Griffin and LaGrange, Georgia; Seguin, Texas; and North Little Rock, Arkansas.
Moroter, Tanushalini (15 August 2023). “Rainy Season Boosts Penang Water Reserves”.
Krenzler, Brandon (August 14, 2014). “420 Weird Portland: A Pot-Friendly Guided Tour”.
This concert was initially scheduled to happen on 23 August 2020, then on 5 June 2021, but was rescheduled as a result of coronavirus pandemic.
In 2020, Gunten and Kohl returned to Kemeny’s thesis.
In Nebraska, a strong EF2 tornado destroyed outbuildings and badly broken a
house near Cook, while a large and violent EF4 tornado leveled a house and debarked bushes near Marquette, Kansas.
A high-finish EF2 twister struck Creston, Iowa, flipping vehicles and causing
main structural harm to houses and other buildings in city.
面白い 難しい 言葉 says
This figure measures the disincentive on the largest transactions per
extra dollar of taxable revenue. It is especially great for
evaluating profits or every other figure between currencies,
monetary years, departments and price centres. By 1929, Packard’s sales lead was insurmountable,
though Pierces of the early 1930s confirmed the company could still build great automobiles.
Cadillac, though sheltered underneath the large General Motors umbrella,
reduce again exhausting on production, however Lincoln output tapered almost
to a halt, then was restored by the streamlined, medium-priced Zephyr
starting in 1935. Packard, nonetheless proudly independent, sought salvation with
its barely lower-priced 1932 Light Eight, failed, then planned a nonetheless-cheaper quantity
product that emerged in 1935 as the company-saving One Twenty.
Gross sales picked up after Studebaker’s takeover to achieve a report
9,seven hundred in 1929. The 1930 whole was down to 6,795,
but that was still the second-greatest performance in Pierce history.
Toward the end of the 1920s, Pierce, whose sales had initially picked up below Studebaker’s aegis, joined
an business trend towards multi-cylinder engines.
chibagin お金借りる says
The additional units are created are place in the managers field for future purchasers.
For an open-end fund, there could also be an preliminary
charge levied on the acquisition of units or shares this covers
dealing costs, and commissions paid to intermediaries or salespeople.
When heavy promoting occurs models are liquidated from the managers field to protect the prevailing buyers from the increased dealing prices.
Accidental demise and Advert&D insurance policies pay actual benefits only very not often, either as a result of the reason for loss of life shouldn’t be covered by the policy or as a result of demise happens effectively after the accident,
by which time the premiums have gone unpaid. Many types of investment is probably not readily salable on the open market (e.g.
industrial property) or the market has a small capacity and investments may take time to
promote. Normal deviation is a measure of volatility of the fund’s performance over a time period.
And some measure different things in addition to
what’s occurring within the economic system. R-squared is a measure of the association between a fund
and its benchmark. Beta represents an estimate of how a lot the fund will transfer if its benchmark moves by 1 unit.
押しも押されもせぬ とは says
Phaya Chaban Boonma the governor of Chiang Mai was ultimately compelled to abandon the town as a consequence
of overwhelming Burmese forces. In practice, Phra Narin was also to oversee the Lanna authorities
to adjust to British treaty phrases together with
maintenance of safety forces on the frontiers and regulation of teak-forest leasing.
Legal dispute cases between British entrepreneurs versus Lanna lords
and instability at Burma-Lanna frontiers prompted the signing of Chiangmai
Treaty of 1874, through which Siamese government at Bangkok was entitled to appoint Kha Luang (ข้าหลวง) to Chiang
Mai to oversee the legal instances as decide and to offer security to British loggers.
Prince Phichit Prichakorn had extra powers than his predecessors
as he launched sweeping reforms that imposed Central Siamese governance onto Lanna.
ピカソ ポケモン says
When bargain-hunting for plants, you will most likely have to choose through some duds, however.
消防士身長低い says
Since the end of the traditional Bretton Woods system, IMF members have been free to choose any form of exchange arrangement they wish (except pegging their currency to gold), such as: allowing the currency to float freely, pegging it to another currency or a basket of currencies, adopting the currency of another country, participating in a currency bloc, or forming part of a monetary union.
日経リサーチ 評判 says
The 1965 El Camino combined the moderate size of a car with the performance of a truck.
漢和辞典 おすすめ 小学校 says
The power plant auction phase is crucial. This will
determine crucial late-game power plant and resource purchases.
The last two or three turns, things can get
pretty cut-throat around the Power Grid table! They are commonly issued
in units of at least one million and tend to have maturities of three months or less.
Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Chile and Sweden are the most willing and able to intervene, while the UK and New Zealand are among the least.
オルカン 債券 組み合わせ says
Since the start of recorded history in the new World, the waters around Hilton Head Island have been recognized, occupied and fought for in turn by the English,
Spanish, French, and Scots. Also in 1969, the Hilton Head Island Community Association successfully fought
off the development of a BASF chemical complicated on the shores
of Victoria Bluff (now Colleton River Plantation).
Fort Howell, Fort Mitchel, the Zion Cemetery and Baynard Mausoleum, Cherry Hill
School, Daufuskie Island Historic District, Fish Haul Archaeological Site, Green’s Shell Enclosure, Hilton Head Range
Rear Mild, Sea Pines, Skull Creek, SS William Lawrence Shipwreck Site, and Stoney-Baynard
Plantation are listed on the Nationwide Register
of Historic Locations. He issued an extra order while based mostly in Hilton Head saying that any plantation homeowners
who had been discovered to haven’t knowledgeable African-People of their new status as free folks can be “made liable to the pains and penalties of disloyalty, and their lands topic to confiscation” below
the act establishing the Freedmen’s Bureau.
大奥正勝 says
Paul, Milwaukee and Chicago Midway Airport in the north
and a number of other locations in Florida in the south including
Miami, Fort Lauderdale and Tampa. This South American dish uses the citric acid in lemons, limes and different citrus fruits to change the
proteins in recent fish and seafood in the same method that
cooking does, just with out the heat. This no-cook dish
is bursting with taste and presents a hearty texture you simply will not discover in the
average salad. As an alternative, it was the creation of restaurant proprietor Caesar Cardini, who threw together the primary Caesar salad at
his restaurant in 1924 in Tijuana, Mexico. Skip the fattening dressing and keep issues mild with Emeril’s Lighter Caesar Salad.
For a heartier dinner, place spoonfuls of your meat salad onto items of pita bread, or roll it up into a delicate tortilla with some bean sprouts for a straightforward wrap.
Chop the tomatoes into chew-sized items. Your proportions will
probably be two components corn, one half chopped tomatoes and
one part mozzarella. Begin with contemporary ears of your favourite candy corn, Roma tomatoes
and contemporary mozzarella cheese. Add salt and pepper to style and
garnish along with your favourite recent herb — parsley sprigs or basil leaves.
line 裏 掲示板 says
Link exchange is nothing else except it is just placing the
other person’s web site link on your page at appropriate place and
other person will also do similar for you.
ヤマアラシのジレンマ 歌 says
This is not going to solely give your digestive health a boost with an additional dose of dietary
fiber, but it surely may also give your
body an additional dose of vitamin C,” says registered dietitian nutritionist Maya Bach in an e mail. “Dice one or two and mix into your favorite yogurt.
Wetherell says that the shortest rationalization for his
treason is that he “married the flawed particular person”.
In Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, the Printer Setup Utility was removed and its options placed in the
Print & Fax System Preferences pane. The Printer Setup Utility was an application that served to
allow the person to configure printers bodily linked to
the computer, or related through a network. Finder would take over the machine management aspect that iTunes beforehand
served. Tunes is a media player, media library, Internet radio broadcaster, cell system administration utility, and the consumer app
for iTunes Store. The Internet Join program in Mac OS
X permits the person to activate dial-up connections to the Internet by way of an ISP or VPN.
Nevertheless, as of Mac OS X 10.5, Internet Join’s features have
been integrated into the Community pane of System Settings,
and the applying is not included.
バーガー キング クーポン すごい says
One other transient EF1 twister triggered damage to a few metallic buildings and garages on the east edge Lebanon, Kentucky.
Three weak, brief EF0 tornadoes touched down in Georgia and Florida on January 2.
Two weak tornadoes also touched down in North Carolina through the morning hours of January 3 earlier than the outbreak
ended, one of which precipitated EF1 damage to
some hog barns near Newton Grove. Two other EF2 tornadoes precipitated harm to houses, trees, and outbuildings as
they handed close to the towns of Kellogg and Tama.
Close to Garden Grove, outbuildings had been destroyed, power poles have
been snapped, and a home had its roof torn off because of an EF2 twister.
Houses and outbuildings were damaged or destroyed within the Sage space, and lots of large trees have been snapped or uprooted.
The US has massive resources of minerals, power assets, metals, and timber, a large and modernized farming business
and a big industrial base.
亀戸天神の亀 says
Every storage and compute blade nodes have 25 Gigabit Ethernet ports which may very well be
used as 10 Gbit/s ports as well as dedicated 1 Gb ports for management
functions. Historically, most valuations in Israel were statutory valuations (such
as valuations performed for purposes of Betterment Tax,
a tax administered on any gains accruing to the property by way of modifications
to the local planning) as well as valuations performed for functions of financial institution lending.
The variety of Registered Valuers in New Zealand has typically between 1,000 – 1,300.
This is an ageing ‘high heavy’ skilled with problem retaining
new and younger members resulting from pay, work stress and the current advent of ‘clearing homes’ for banks to order valuations for mortgage functions.
The clearing homes have largely ended the lengthy-standing local apply of members of the public looking for advice straight
from a valuer. Then one 12 months later, on 6 August 1996, the Indonesian Clearing and Assure Corporation (KPEI) was established.
国内株式 検索オプション 決算発表スケジュール さがす株主優待業種スクリーニングチャート形状銘柄比較 ビート・ホールディングス・リミテッド says
Storm surge in Collier County principally impacted Chokoloskee,
Everglades Metropolis, and Plantation Island. Collier County measured the best storm surge on the mainland, reaching four to eight ft (1.2 to 2.Four m).
Storm surge heights within the Florida Keys typically ranged
from four to 8 ft (1.2 to 2.Four m) and peaked at practically 9 ft (2.7 m) in Marathon. This resulted in widespread hurricane-drive sustained winds and gusts, with Class 2 conditions probably occurring in southeastern Florida from Palm Beach County to northern Miami-Dade County.
Hurricane-power wind gusts in Glades County left approximately 3,
000 folks with out electricity. Hurricane-drive wind gusts prolonged northward into
Lee County. Bonita Springs experienced the worst affect in Lee County, with 972
properties reporting minor to major injury. Quite a few properties and businesses experienced
some extent of impression, with over 55,000 dwellings and 3,600 workplaces
broken in Palm Seaside County alone. In Cape Coral,
Wilma impacted 511 residences; 490 dwellings suffered minor damage, 20 others experienced in depth injury, and 1 cellular residence was destroyed.
Wilma additionally spawned 12 tornadoes in Florida.
At the time, this represented the largest power failure within the historical past of Florida.
Six tornadoes in the county additionally broken or destroyed some
apartments, automobiles, fences, power strains, eating places,
and trees.
当方の都合で says
The formal complaint, of being pressured to attempt to make her sign the ruling, of being harassed by telephone and by an attempt to visit her at residence, was shortly dismissed.
It later proved that on Thursday there had certainly been such a request by the FPIM, which was debated on Friday afternoon and the handling of
which might certainly require up to two weeks, however the
Court docket denied the request in its ruling, which it handed early that very same
night. Thursday December 18, BNP Paribas cancelled its Friday December 19 meeting of shareholders, which was purported
to approve the take-over of Fortis, and the issuing of extra shares to pay for it.
December 18, the Belgian newspapers have been in an uproar on the
theme of a violation of the precept of the separation of powers, with a complicated position taken up by Yves Desmet, who draws the conclusion that
the federal government was aware of the gist of the ruling two
days beforehand and had instituted a diversionary manoeuvre (a frivolous request by FPIM on Thursday) to
derail the ruling. Parliament took the matter very significantly, the principle of the separation of powers being at
risk, and instituted an investigation, entrusting the task to an current Committee.
シロック ウォッカ says
The home Life Constructing was cut up vertically into two condominiums in 1989.
The basement by means of second floor was owned by
253 Broadway Associates and used as retail space,
while the upper floors have been owned by the new York Metropolis government and used as offices; parts of
the third flooring were jointly owned. Kingdom of Rattanatingsa or Kingdom of Chiang Mai (Thai: นครเชียงใหม่, full
name: รัตนติงสาอภินวปุรีสรีคุรุรัฎฐพระนครเชียงใหม่, RTGS:
Rattanatingsa Aphinawa Puri Si Khuru Rattha Phra Nakhon Chiang Mai;
Northern Thai: ᨻᩕᨶᨣᩬᩁᨩ᩠ᨿᨦᩉ᩠ᨾᩲ᩵, full name: ᩁᨲ᩠ᨲᨶᨲᩥᩴᩈᩣᩋᨽᩥᨶᩅᨷᩩᩁᩦᩈᩕᩦᨣᩩᩁᩩᩁᨭᩛᨻᩕᨶᨣᩬᩁᨩ᩠ᨿᨦᩉ᩠ᨾᩲ᩵) was the vassal state of the
Siamese Rattanakosin Kingdom in the 18th and 19th century before being annexed in keeping with the centralization insurance
policies of Chulalongkorn in 1899. The kingdom was a successor of the medieval Lanna kingdom, which had
been below Burmese rule for 2 centuries till it was captured by Siamese forces
beneath Taksin of Thonburi in 1774. It was
dominated by the Chet Ton dynasty and got here underneath Thonburi tributary.
jalcoホールディングス 株価 says
The engine would be a brand-new, fuel-injected four-cylinder with an aluminum block
and cylinder heads formed by a precision “lost foam” technique.
A dual-cam (dohc) derivative with multi-point injection (a squirter for each cylinder)
delivered 123 bhp.
ちんこ でかすぎる says
With a go to to native markets, you’ll be able to dive into
the realm’s culture without spending a dime –
it is an excellent method for locating enjoyable stuff that won’t value anything.
There’s a really robust chance very quickly flat the shelves in each retailer you go to will probably be empty.
You and your fiance will receive presents huge and small.
If she is going to her job-actions each day, then she will discover very much less time to spend together with her
husband and kids. In return, your self-respect will likely be absolutely raised with the satisfaction of choosing an amazing enterprise
platform. It involves your few efforts to turn into a very good enterprise holder.
IDX ESG Leaders, An index that measures the worth efficiency of
stocks that change into leaders in ESG score and do not need significant controversies selected
from stocks with high buying and selling liquidity and good
monetary performance. The S&P 500 Index dropped 20.4%, falling from 282.7 to 225.06.
The NASDAQ Composite lost solely 11.3%, not due to restraint on the a part
of sellers, however because the NASDAQ market system failed.
The Ghana Well being Service (GHS) is a Ghanaian government physique
established in 1996 as part of the Health Sector Reform of Ghana.
木枯らし吹きすさぶころ says
Most resorts in any part of the world supply leisure activities like swimming, walking, tennis, squash, hiking, dancing and extra.
関東温泉旅館カップル says
Stone previously served as Hertz’s executive vice president and chief retail operations officer for North America.
au偽サイト says
An EF3 tornado hit Willmar, Minnesota on July 11, injuring two people while destroying three homes and damaging eight different houses, three turkey barns, and two businesses.
gh web news says
Your blog post was a much-needed dose of inspiration. Thank you for motivating me to chase my dreams.
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Whether you are looking for stock brokers with
the lowest brokerage charges in option trading India or the
lowest brokerage charges app in India, you can consider the aforementioned options as they have been redefining the cheap brokerage system
in the country. This concept is sometimes, albeit rarely, extended to a fourth set in which
the tripled value of the trading range is used in the calculation.
ホンダローン 審査 says
Also, cities must disinfect all potable water supplies and test for asbestos and parasites,
while there are no matching FDA requirements for bottled-water companies.
IBWA members must also submit to an unannounced facility
inspection once a year by a third-party organization.
井戸ボーリング機械 says
The Response Card and Envelope: The response card
addresses the reception only. S&P Dow Jones Indices updates
the components of the S&P 500 periodically, usually in response to acquisitions, or to keep the index updated as various firms develop or shrink in value.
The index constituents and the constituent weights are updated repeatedly utilizing guidelines published
by S&P Dow Jones Indices. Might 8, 2024 VST Vistra PXD Pioneer Pure Sources S&P 500 and S&P
one hundred constituent ExxonMobil acquired Pioneer Natural Assets.
October 12, 2022 TRGP Targa Resources NLSN Nielsen Holdings Elliot Management Corp acquired Nielsen Holdings.
January 21, 2021 TRMB Trimble CXO Concho Assets S&P 500/one hundred constituent ConocoPhillips acquired Concho Sources.
December 22, 2022 STLD Steel Dynamics ABMD Abiomed S&P 500 constituent Johnson & Johnson acquired Abiomed.
August 25, 2023 KVUE Kenvue AAP Advance Auto Elements S&P 500 and S&P 100 constituent Johnson & Johnson offered to change the shares
of Kenvue held for shares of Johnson & Johnson in a cut up-off alternate
弾け飛ぶ 英語 says
Phaya Chaban had to abandon his metropolis within the face of the Burmese invasion as a result of numerical inferiority
of his defense forces. Once more, in 1788, the Burmese forces of 45,000 men attacked Lampang and Pasang.
King Taksin appointed Phaya Chaban as governor of Chiang Mai and Kawila as governor of Lampang in 1775 as vassal rulers.
With the Burmese Toungoo dynasty weakened, Chiang Mai was able to exert independence from
Burma in 1727 and the remainder of Lanna adopted however Lanna became fragmented into city-states, descending into anarchy.
With the conquest and destruction of Chiang Saen in 1804,
the Burmese were lastly driven out from Lanna and Burmese incursions just about ended.
Confused and unsure about costs, many market members tried to drop out
of the market by posting stub quotes (very low bids and really high presents) and, at the identical time, many high-frequency buying and selling algorithms tried to exit
the market with market orders (which were executed on the stub quotes) leading
to a domino impact that resulted in the flash crash plunge.
Phutthawong refused to reside in the same Hawkham or palace
as his predecessors and constructed his personal palace.
The prevalence price of ladies aged 15 to 49 years was 6.2% which was greater than that of men 3.5% in the same age group.
藤井太郎 日経 says
McCracken, Harry (November 18, 2009). “Microsoft Opens Up the Office 2010 Beta”.
Fiveash, Kelly (November 18, 2010). “Microsoft pings first Office 2010 service pack beta at testers”.
Finley, Klint (June 8, 2010). “Microsoft Rolls Out Workplace Net Apps”.
Bedera, Nicole (June 2, 2022). “Depp v. Heard Reminds Us That the System Is Stacked Against Survivors”.
Harkins, Susan (June 28, 2011). “Five tips for customizing the Workplace 2010 Ribbon”.
Dandige, Maithili (September 28, 2009). “Trusted Paperwork”.
Satterfield, Clay (July 15, 2009). Shaff, Reed (ed.). Shinder, Deb (July 27, 2010).
“The ten greatest Office 2010 annoyances”. Kaelin, Mark (June 16, 2010).
“Microsoft Workplace 2010 released to the retail market however does it matter?”.
Brodkin, Jon (June 15, 2011). “Who needs a cloud? Microsoft offered 31 million copies of Workplace 2010”.
Network World. Gordner, Jon (December 3, 2009). “Minimizing the Ribbon: Exposed”.
Foley, Mary Jo. “Workplace 14: Suppose first half of 2009”.
ZDNet. Foley, Jo Mary (June 29, 2010). “Microsoft to supply a small-enterprise version of Workplace 2010, in spite of everything”.
Foley, Jo Mary (February 10, 2012). “New Microsoft Office College product comes with harder verification rules”.
Foley, Mary Jo (November 20, 2009). “Workplace Starter 2010 private beta, with ‘Workplace to GO,’ goes to testers”.
京都競馬場 見学 says
For whitening white clothing, The Clorox Company recommends
washing the clothing on the hottest setting recommended on the fabric label and adding 3/4 cups (177 mL) of bleach to the wash.
Certain fabrics, such as mohair, wool, silk and Spandex will be damaged by chlorine bleach, so always read the clothing label before bleaching.
Chlorine bleach solutions can oxidize many of these bonds, breaking
them and taking away the substance’s ability to absorb light.
デザインエクスチェンジ 株価 says
Crackberry. Retrieved October 21, 2011. Android
apps won’t come from Google Play itself, but
slightly Android developers will merely have to repackage,
code signal and submit their BlackBerry Java and Android apps to
BlackBerry App World from the place users will be able to obtain the apps.
Children who have been abused typically have emotional and behavioral issues, and working
by means of these might be challenging. Typically, kids who are adopted at an older age have problems forming attachments to their mother and father and socializing appropriately.
U.S. states have opted for a system of doc recording through which
no governmental official makes any dedication of who owns the title or
whether the instruments transferring it are legitimate. S.
at age 25, and establishing the first official fire department
at 29. But he’s additionally recognized for a a lot later achievement: signing the U.S.
How much your little one needs to share with classmates is up to him or her.
人身傷害保険 慰謝料 says
The first twister of the day was rated excessive-finish F1 and hit the village
of Casekow in eastern Germany, snapping timber, destroying horse stables,
and causing substantial roof injury to several
residences in city. The third twister from the supercell, rated excessive-finish F1, struck the towns of Ovenhausen and Lütmarsen,
damaging dozens of timber and roofs along its
8.0 kilometers (5.0 miles)-long path, and injuring two people.
A brief twister also produced F2 injury alongside the shore of Lake Powidzkie
close to Kosewo, snapping large bushes, tossing boats, and damaging a residential building.
An F2 tornado struck Młodzikowice and one other impacted Grzywna Szlachecka, largely destroying several masonry
outbuildings, snapping many bushes, damaging vehicles, and causing roof and
window injury to properties in and around both villages.
In Poland, an F1 twister broken timber, roofs, and outbuildings in Skwierzyna.
The Lippstadt tornado had a path size of 13.4 kilometers (8.3 mi), and did not result in any
critical accidents. The Paderborn tornado injured 43
people along its 21.5-kilometer (13.Four mi)
long path, including 13 severe injuries. One other damaging however unrated tornado struck Sierosław,
where every constructing in town sustained a point of injury, a couple of of which had their
roofs torn off and sustained some injury to their brick exterior partitions.
リース 資産計上しない メリット says
An remoted supercell in West-Central Georgia produced an EF2 twister that struck Downtown Atlanta on the evening of March 14.
It precipitated extreme damage to several buildings, together with the Georgia Dome (a SEC Tournament basketball
recreation was being played as the tornado struck), the World Congress
Heart, Philips Area (an Atlanta Hawks game was additionally interrupted here), and CNN Heart.
On March 15, a reasonable threat of severe weather was
issued for the same space, with more tornadoes possible.
At midday, the risk space was extended to the Carolina Coast.
The risk carried over to Day 1 and was extended to the central Gulf Coast.
One other low pressure system tracked throughout the Gulf Coast and Florida on February 12.
21 tornadoes have been reported throughout the area after a squall line broke into
bow echo segments. A low pressure system tracked across the southern Great Plains on the night of March 30.
Remoted supercells developed along the dryline
in western Oklahoma within the late night hours, persevering with into the overnight hours.
A low strain system tracked across the Southern United States on March 6 and 7.
It produced several tornadoes alongside the rapid Gulf Coast, together with an EF1 in Corpus Christi, Texas on March 6.
In the in a single day and early morning of March 7, a squall line tracked across the Gulf of Mexico and into Northern Florida, with supercells forming inside
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Elimination of the clause permitting the Kenya Income Authority to have entry to monetary accounts of Kenyans with no
court docket order. Elimination of excise responsibility on imported eggs, potatoes and
onions. There has lengthy been debate over Mills’s
mental outlook. Analysis on the Massachusetts Institute of Know-how suggests
that there is proof that the frequency of stock market crashes follows an inverse cubic power regulation. However, unbiased studies published in 2013 strongly
disputed the declare that one hour before its collapse
in 2010, the stock market registered the very best studying of “toxic order imbalance” in earlier historical past.
Nonetheless, the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina was established in 2000, and was in one other authorities between the Social gathering of Democratic
Motion (SDA), the Serb Democratic Get together (SDS) and the Croatian Democratic Union of
Bosnia and Herzegovina (HDZ BiH), and after the 1998 Bosnian general election began operating under the auspices of the Minister for Treasury
of the Establishments of Bosnia and Herzegovina, who was then Spasoje Tuševljak (SDS).
Nevertheless, this didn’t include most software program builders and Unisys have been “barraged” by unfavorable and “typically obscene” emails
from software developers. Japheth Koome Nchebere resigned as Inspector-general of Police amid the outcry
over authorities’ response to the protests.
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They requested the jurors to “give him his life again”.
In UK newspaper The Unbiased Joanna Bourke wrote: “Nothing Thomas Cook may ever do would carry back the two children killed by carbon monoxide poisoning on a Greek holiday in 2006. However the firm’s dealing with of the case has been a lesson in how not to manage a disaster”.
Once lightning hits, the electromagnetic waves travel by way
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In the first banking emergency in the state since
the nice Depression, 300,000 depositors misplaced entry to their cash.
The Rhode Island banking disaster came about in the early nineteen nineties, when approximately
a 3rd of the US state of Rhode Island’s population misplaced entry to
funds of their bank accounts. In January 1892,
the financial institution moved from the Royal Customized Home in Intramuros to the brand new business district of Binondo after it came
upon that Intramuros was becoming “economically inactive”.
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Modular homes, nevertheless, do not suffer as a lot from this lower-quality stigma, so financing for
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The Ford Mustang Mach 1 is the star of a chase scene
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shot a little later, this has changed to the left-hand side of
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The term in the United States is most often used to describe the business activities of many financial services companies and banks that act in a fiduciary capacity for investors in a particular security (i.e.
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Whereas the traditional exchange rate system depended on a lot of factors of the country like its fiscal course of action, and the currency values remained fixed more or less, a floating exchange rate structure allows currencies of an assortment of countries to ebb and flow in their values in the foreign exchange market.
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Click on the next section to learn more. It also practices a colorway, with red or black if the
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As an example, high-yield debt, colloquially known as “junk bonds”, has
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Class R are often to be used in retirement plans resembling 401(ok) plans.
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This does not invalidate the well documented true and genuine stories of
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John “Mac” McQuown additionally started an index fund in 1973, though it was part of a large pension fund managed by Wells Fargo and
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2020) Min. April 2022) None open (as of 25
Might 2022) Min. The report published in June 2022 concluded Croatia
fulfilled all the standards for adopting the euro.
In September, speaking on the 11th assembly of the Nationwide Council for
the Introduction of the Euro as Croatia’s official forex, Plenković mentioned Croatia had the complete support of the European Commission and
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大正8年(1919年)8月24日 – 東久邇宮稔彦王が白山登拝。佐伯琢磨、清野純史:東日本大震災におけるガソリン供給問題に関する検討と システムダイナミクス・ 2002年JR西日本に譲渡し非グループ化。
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“空の旅気分を地上で満喫 / 機内食が食べられるレストラン「レジェンドオブコンコルド」が超楽しい!放送分(第24話)では、お笑いトリオ・ これは前作『ヒーリングっど♥プリキュア』が、新型コロナウイルス(COVID-19)の感染拡大およびそれに伴う緊急事態宣言を受けて、制作中断とそれによる本放送期間の延期(再開までは傑作選として再放送)を実施したことによるものである。例年、プリキュアのテレビシリーズは2月第1週を放送開始時期としてきたが、本作品では例年より1ヶ月弱遅れとなる2月最終週からの放送開始となった。
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福良専務は世間では温泉宿で死んだことになっていた。 “第22回 女性専用車両どうですか? その晩、江口の床には娘が2人用意されていた。江口に乳呑児の匂いや、独身時代の恋人を思い出させる。独身の若い頃に駆け落ちまでした恋人がいた。色黒の野性的な娘と、やわらかなやさしい色気の白い娘に挟まれて、江口は、白い娘を自分の一生の最後の女にすることを想像した。江口は自分の最初の女は誰かとふと考え、なぜか結核で血を吐き死んでいった母のことを思い出した。江口は眠っている間に自分が殺したのではないとふと思い、ガタガタとふるえた。
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“お祭りBOY”. 松竹芸能株式会社. “セバスチャン”.
松竹芸能株式会社. “おなご |松竹芸能株式会社”.
“. 日刊大衆. バラエティ番組としては珍しく初期の頃から一貫してスタジオ収録が全日帯(主に水曜の朝から夕方に掛けてであるが、メンバーの都合がつかない場合は別の日に振り替えるか、時間を遅らせて収録を調整するが、それでも深夜帯では収録はせず翌日の朝に変更する)で行われており、企画によっては午前中で収録が終わることも珍しくない。
王毅 かっこいい says
168話)、山本圭子(アニメ第1作・ (英語版)』(車谷晴子、2012年-、ARIA連載)、『たまちぇん!怪我の他、カメラなどの道具も治(直)してしまうらしい。 シンプルにかわいいし、家族のために一生懸命、料理を作る過程をのせていたり、親近感がわきます。 “井ノ原快彦主演『シャイロックの子供たち』追加キャスト発表 西野七瀬、加藤シゲアキらが銀行員に”.
フリーランスとしては、Elements Gardenとの共同制作や、別名「RUCCA」名義によるアニメやゲームへの作詞提供をおこない、2017年にはRUCCA名義で、オリコン年間作詞家ランキング2位となった。
投資法人(投資信託 違い) says
通常、銀行の合併に際しては当事銀行間の基幹システムをリレー方式で接続し、1 – 2年かけて統合するという流れを採用しているが、UFJ銀行は合併のシナジー効果を顧客にいち早く提供する主旨が有った。結果、東海3県における預貸シェアは低下し、多くの地元企業が地方銀行、信用金庫などに融資元を変更するに至り、これによる海外進出への弊害も発生した。、東京三菱銀行との合併後に、元々東海銀行系だったセントラルファイナンスが三井住友フィナンシャルグループに移籍するなどの遠因となった。
富士山 マガジン 株価 says
はじめのうちはしずかと険悪な関係であったが、梶原の見栄により2人が梶原のフィアンセとして紹介されたり、日本とEUとの食事会でのしずかの作った料理に対する両代表の態度に政子が激怒し叱りつけたことなどがきっかけで良好な関係に。 その「蒸気暴威」を我愛羅が機転によって見事封じると彼を「金の卵」と称し、後から駆けつけたナルトとは良いコンビだと絶賛しつつ満足しながら封印された。当初は自分の幻術の原理や弱点などを忍連合軍に教えながら戦っていたが、我愛羅の強さを前に戦闘欲が湧き、「自分の手助け無しで勝てないようならマダラに勝てる訳が無い」と言い放ち、弱点を教えずに切り札の「蒸危暴威」を発動させた。
郵便局の投資信託は要注意 says
番組放送がデジタルハイビジョンサイズとなった(それまでは、ファミリーコンサート等を除き有効走査線数の少ないアナログハイビジョンで放送。 “成田空港に雪、JAL機脱輪で滑走路を一部閉鎖”.
“明石市長が辞職願提出「一連の責任すべて私にある」 用地買収巡り暴言”.
“朝日新聞、写真集から盗用 函館支局記者、連載記事で”.
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またその場合、場面の名称には以下のように本来の段名とは異なるものが使われる。 これに従えば「院の御所」の時期は卯の花の咲く初夏、さらに初段切の「堀川御所」はそれより後のことであり、二段目の口「伏見稲荷」はその「堀川御所」から次の日の早朝未明のことである。二段目の口。文楽ではこの場の佐藤忠信(実は源九郎狐)の姿は、のちの四段目「道行初音旅」とおおむね変わらぬものであるが、歌舞伎ではこれを勇壮な荒事の演技とし、その衣装は四天の上に仁王襷、顔は隈取、頭は「ししかわ」という髪を逆立てた鬘である。
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基本方針としては、イギリスの王立演劇学校(RADA)などの教育路線を踏襲し、戯曲読解を含めた演技術、ボイス・ 2021年(令和3年)、日本演出者協会(1960年設立)が「演出家・ 1974年(昭和49年)、読売テレビがテレビアニメ『宇宙戦艦ヤマト』の放送を開始する。
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【ビジョン】THE ALFEE、高見沢俊彦の本音「今さら路線変更できない」(archive)、実は「王子」に抵抗があった :
タカミー王子の秘密 : 生き方!最終更新 2024年8月6日
(火) 23:34 (日時は個人設定で未設定ならばUTC)。 SHRIEK 最低絶叫計画!最後に恋に勝つルール(ミシェル〈キャスリン・第二次世界大戦後、菊水鉾・ この素晴らしい世界に祝福を!鏡餅を載せる台「三方」や「四方紅」、さらに「水引」「屏風」などが付属していれば、より伝統的で華やかな正月を演出できます。
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初日は基礎部分の組み立てが行われる。放送日 サブタイトル ミッシェル・ また、前祭期間の宵々山と宵山の両日のみ露天商の夜店が出る。柱間が封印した禁術の巻物を盗ませ、九尾が封印されていることをナルトに向かって暴露した上ナルトとイルカを殺そうとしたが、ナルトの影分身の術で返り討ちに遭い敗北した。機々一発」で揃って全身を串刺しにされて2人共死亡した。初の五影会談では初代風影を護衛した。 2006年7月5日の対西武戦後に記者会見を開き、胃に腫瘍ができていることを発表。
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