As you can read in the foreward to this mini e-book; this was originally conceived as an article I was going to make, but I quickly found that I had stumbled upon something of much greater significance. Thousands of words later, I have the finished product.
This is something I consider as a vital piece of the puzzle that interweaves the previous works from my book A GRAND UNIFIED CONSPIRACY THEORY and SACRIFICE: MAGIC AND THE MIC. This supplement is crucial material that will supplement everything we’ve learned thus far:
There’s nothing more interesting than the predictions of how the world will someday end. Many people have contributed various theories as to how this will come about, but none of them are pointing out the obvious: Google is leading the charge towards our demise.
In THE TRANSHUMAN AND OCCULT APOCALYPSE: HOW GOOGLE WILL “SOLVE THE PROBLEM” OF HUMANITY, author, podcast host, website publisher, and conspiracy theorist Isaac Weishaupt provides this unique foresight in what he sees as what could be the tragic error in integrating too much technology into our daily lives.
Something as seemingly innocuous as using a smart phone or search engine could have dastardly consequences as shadowy organizations collect personal data for purposes unknown to us. Isaac provides his theories on what precisely these NSA and other data mining programs could be used for: the digital hell prepared for us by the occult…
Learn about pop culture symbolism of this bizarre topic through Katy Perry’s PRISM links and Lil Wayne’s admission to being an alien.
Find out why Lady Gaga, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, and Google’s Sergey Brin were all groomed in the same environment.
Discover the Google X secret society and Mark of the Beast symbolism that further justifies this peculiar theory.
See how Ray Kurzweil will be the critical master mind in building this immortal realm for the Illuminati, and how they will fulfill their occult goals right under the noses of the apathetic and unsuspecting public.
The Tower of Babel is being built right before our eyes, only most of the public is asleep in the wheelhouse and doesn’t see it. Read this mini e-book and become aware of what is the battle for billions of souls worldwide…
“If you have something that you don’t want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it in the first place.” –Eric Schmidt, Google Executive, 2009
Elon Musk warned us of similar thing in a speech about A.I.:
“With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon,” he said.
“In all those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram and the holy water, it’s like yeah he’s sure he can control the demon,” he continued, to some laughs from the audience.
Musk then cracked a smile: “Didn’t work out.”
You can download this exclusive for my Watcher community on Amazon or my personal Gumroad store.
*ALSO- you’ll receive a discount code on the final page of this mini e-book (no matter which way you get the book) that you can use to buy my entire catalog of works! Get it all right here:
Taylor Curtis Braz says
I will never get a RFID chip put in me. Also the US must always stay on its Customary Units, not converting over to the metric system. An objective of the Illuminati is for universality, for electronic devices we use to be universal, interfaces for exchanging data and files to be universalized, and one world language such as the Tower of Babel. The internet’s addressing system to send packets through domain name registrar and IP addresses, that alone is very singular, like a singular language. You at home as internet user, you send very few packets. Video you’re have streamed to you is a lot of packets relative to the few packets you sent to watch that video. For an entity such as the NSA to record at Bluffdale, Utah, all of the packets you send out, that’s nothing. You can envision the packets you sent as just being metadata. Metadata just like the way the NSA is already very public about its collection of our phone conversations’ metadata. What does my historical metadata internet use reveal about my personality, like a personality test?
You’re brave to be talking Isaac, I’m sure the Illuminati causes you problems. They cause me problems, not allow my talents to flourish in their large corporations. Illuminati doesn’t want to hear it from me that their gay agenda is going to cause another 9/11 and Iraq War. Middle East and the Muslims there have always been proactive to keep gay men MSMs out of leadership positions. But the USA, we allowed a MSM to be our 43rd president, GW Bush is a gay man MSM. Had the US president been totally a 100% hetrosexual family man, 9/11 would have never occurred. Also if the US allows any MSM to be president, another 9/11 will be inevitable. MSMs cannot donate blood and they cannot be president. We will never forget, that never again will the President of the United States of America be a gay man MSM.
“The whole world spoke the same language, using the same words. While men were migrating in the east, they came upon a valley in the land of Shinar and settled there. They said to one another, “Come, let us mold bricks and harden them with fire.” They used bricks for stone, and bitumen for mortar. Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the sky, and so make a name for ourselves; otherwise we shall be scattered all over the earth.” LORD came down to see the city and the tower that the men had built. Then the LORD said: “If now, while they are one people, all speaking the same language, they have started to do this, nothing will later stop them from doing whatever they presume to do. Let us then go down and there confuse their language, so that one will not understand what another says.”Thus the LORD scattered them from there all over the earth, and they stopped building the city. That is why it was called Babel, because there the LORD confused the speech of all the world. It was from that place that he scattered them all over the earth” (Genesis 11:1-9).
jj says
hat is an MSM?
thedude says
Males who have sex with Males ???
jj says
Good as any, you’re probably right. I was ruling that out as redundant after the gay male thing. I guess a monarch slave master is a bit of a stretch.
IlluminatiWatcher says
MSM=mainstream media
Taylor Curtis Braz says
MSM: Men who have sex with men. Similar to mainstream media. I venture to say that transhumanism has already occurred. Look at the “Trolls” that follow you around on your social media. They always make a reply to your comments. Maybe there are human brains sitting in cylinders where circuitry and chips were embedded into their brains. Just like plugging the internet into their brains and that’s their only social interaction. The fundamental is that life begins at conception, when the sperm enters the egg, and that person has a soul, longing to go to heaven. Only God takes someone home, we are not allowed to kill. So we cannot kill these brains that are already a part of the cyborg group of people. So beyond these cyborgs already in existence, I do not think we should do any more. We are not allow to kill nor damage a human’s natural body, but the cyborg process damages the baby’s body. The cyborgs already in existence are to be respected, and we will have plenty to learn from each other.
F. U. Payme says
IlluminatiWatcher says
Yes- that Google Translate/Babel deal is what motivated me to write the book. Good catch.
Billy Myers says
I think the “Babel” reference in google translation is based on the “Babelfish” of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Popcorn Baby says
You are the definition of a schizophrenic.
Lisa Tyree says
So, are you saying that there is going to be a universal language?
Are you saying it’ll be in computer talk or something?
J says
Do you think people who have already had surgery (could) have this chip? Whose to stop them?
DXM says
Isaac, good on you for covering this increasingly important issue. Lots of like-minded theorists are also devoting more attention to transhumanism. There was recently an article written by a former Guardian journalist (I think) about the origins of Google (with CIA help in the early stages). You can find a link to the article, which was reprinted on InfoWars at:
Very interesting stuff.
IlluminatiWatcher says
Ah- good link thanks.
amos nuwe says
good link thx says
The Old Spice Robot is creepy AF. Made me think of Transhumanism as soon soon as I saw it.
IlluminatiWatcher says
jj says
MSM – mainstream media does not fit in to what the first poster is trying to convey. Maybe I’m trying to decode insanity, but if that is the case 9/11 should have happened with Reagan or Bush.
usan says
that first post is the kind of thing that makes people believe we’re all nutters on here *smh
pele says
taylor u re right
Taylor Curtis Braz says
troy says
Product of the 80 – 90 born mid 60s struggling with being gay has fd me up don’t feel gay just turned on by other males. I believe madonna made me gay by. that witch made me believe its OK. I don’t belivev I am gay.. Any help or info that will help me please reply
Skyrim Fiend says
If this is a real comment and you are not a troll, then I say that you shouldn’t worry about gay or straight because the elites don’t give a shit. They intend to take the planet down to a population of 500,000 because that is sustainable and will keep the planet in an Eden like state. Once they have the technology they do not need the thralls, and they are almost there.
IlluminatiWatcher says
I think people are gay on a sort of continuum. It seems that some people are bi and attracted to both sexes, others are 100% into females, others are 90% into females, etc. I know most people think being gay is a choice but I find that impossible to believe. I don’t have to fight any urges to act out homosexually. I think some people are born that way, so who are we to judge them? I live by the idea that we’re all free to make our own choices and have enough of our own issues to worry about that we should focus on ourselves and not worry what others are doing (so long as it doesn’t harm others). I don’t know that Madonna made you gay- but look inside and explore that idea a bit. Perhaps it’s the case, but maybe not. I’d advise going to a therapist to explore your feelings and stuff- I’ve been going to one for other issues for quite some time now and it has really saved me from a lot of self inflicted torment. Good luck my friend.
Heather says
Very well said.
Billy Myers says
bro just judging from your post alone… you’re gay 🙂 lol
tinfoilcat says
Madonna.. . Jup
gilmore says
The church of satan was created by our late hight priest magus anton
szandor lavey on walpurgisachd 1966 as year one,since that date the church
of satan
and anton szandor lavey have become household name,the opening and
floodgates of a revolution designed to smash the hypocrisy and unreason of
organised religion and mystical philosophies of either rigit or left
our primary goals is to clearly disseminate the philosophy created by
Anton szandor lavey to those who have an intrest in becoming a member of
the church of satan, we are looking for a few outstanding individual who
have what it takes to be one of the Alite elite.
To us satan is the symbol that best suite the nature of we who are
carner by birth.the name “illuminati” is a name given to the church of
satan because of the aim of the church and the name “illuminati” means ALL
The church of satan is a religion that best suit men who want to increase
their wisdom,their talent,their famouness and their wealth. the church of
satan have help so many people in worldwide till date, the blessing of the
church of satan is unlimited and can never stop if you are a member.
Satanism is not for everyone but if you choose to be a member,we welcome of satan is not a fan club,a pen pal society,or a loney heart
group, the church of satan is a group of dynamic individuals who stand
forth as the ultimate underground alternative -the Alien Elite. we realize
what we have,what we are and what we shall become. our scope is unlimited
and extent of your involvement is base upon your own potential.
Beware of who you contact if you choose to become member of the church
of satan because not all post are real. the church of satan is not a play
ground for kids or those who just want to become a member and posses
wealth, before joinning the church of satan you must have something you
engage yourself in that you want the church of satan to increase.
PLEASE NOTE: There is no local branched on any local contact through which
one can become a member, the only central administration office is only
here in U.S.A in new york
church of satan 666
new york
phone calls are not accepted or returned.
That is the administration office, if you choose to make your dreams
come true you can join through that address giving above or if you think
that you can not make it to U.S.A you can send a mail to that email
address that is also there, so that you can be instruct how to join the
church of satan
WARNING: only those who are intrested to become a member of the church of
satan are allow to visit office or send a mail to the email address below.
Do not contact if you are not intrested and once you contact there is no
going back. so think befor contacting..
Donna says
Troy, you sound confused. I agree with Isaac that you would benefit from talking to a counselor or therapist. Good luck and I hope things work out for you.
Isaac, thank you for never tiring of enlightening us!
Jan says
Have you guys downloaded the Google Earth? It is a COOL site I must say; but I’ll be damned if the all-seeing-eye is not right up there on the right hand side in the center of the compass! Check it out!
Heather says
Wow, thanks. It wouldn’t surprise me at all.
dontworry says
Well I am in the Army of God.The,Living God.I WILL NOT FEAR EVIL!Or any of you satanist bastards,this isn’t new,WE WIN!Satan has NEVER helped anyone, ever!Without it costing them their life,soul,or salvation.Only God saves!Satan mirrors.God creates,Satan perverts the creation.Better way to say it is,Satan causes creation to believe (the) a ,lie which competes with Gods’ wisdom and thereby destroying ITSSELF, (YOURSELF)
Maree says
Well said, Don’t Worry…Satan and his cronies are the ones behind ALL that Isaac warns us about. God bless.
Sergius says
I am also honored to be in the service of my FATHER in heaven and enlisted in HIS ARMY!
The bad guys read the BIBLE but do they understand it?
Don’t they know at the end they end up losing!
Allyson says
Isaac is a true pillar in the very few who are getting the information out there that the country needs.
To answer the question regarding technology, in a nutshell, it is the elites goal to get us so entrenched in technology and material things that we’re literally hypnotized to a point of being (&/or remaining) asleep. Technology has a much larger meaning that most don’t know about & it is meant to KEEP us asleep — not to look anywhere but outside of ourselves for our own growth and evolution as a race. It’s the elites biggest fear if we realize and learn of our own personal power as a race and as singular and collective creators. They, (elites &/or reptilians) have a plan to overtake the planet, should they become unsuccessful, it would be because we as the human race as a whole has made enough of the shift from 3rd to 4th density (& 4th to 5th dimension) preventing them from their ultimate plan. The reptilians do not want to evolve from their physical form, and if they don’t succeed in this takeover, they may have no choice but to die off and go back to source – meaning lose their physical form but also having to lose their very essence which is what they need us for — and that is fear. Fear is their sustenance, they are feeders and they need us to sustain their physicality. So it is very important that we as a race continue with drive into 4th density. The more we are looking outside of ourselves with technology or anything, the less likely we are to look inward at the magnificent powers we have as humans – keeping us asleep for that much longer (long enough to lose the spiritual war that is going on). We are creators and we ALL have power that the majority of us don’t even know about! If we harness those powers, and allow the evolutionary shift to occur, we will win. In every conceivable way!
Palehorse413 says
So do you have any relation to Adam Weishaupt? The creator of the order of the illuminati
ConsciousMind says
I thought this was interesting.. When I clicked the link to get to this page from YouTube, they sent me to this red screen with big words saying:
” The site you are trying to visit ( may include malware, phishing attempts, or disturbing content. ”
..But then what got me were the buttons:
[BACK TO SAFETY] ..all highlighted in a big blue box..
GO TO SITE ..unhighlighted, words the same color as the background. I took a screen shot but I can’t paste a picture here.
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