Hello and welcome to IlluminatiWatcher.com- your home for conspiracy theories and exploring “Illuminati” symbolism. In this article we’ll take a journey into one of the most common forms of Illuminati symbolism and attempt to understand its origins. Some of the pieces to this puzzle fit together if you follow closely…
The symbolism of the eye is referenced by practically every conspiracy theorist on the planet. Its prevalence in the world of entertainment and various forms of media begs for an interpretation and explanation. I’ve attempted to produce a succinct, yet thorough guidance into the various forms of the eye and the symbolism it represents.
I’ll start off with one of the most ancient interpretations of the eye and the concept of a deity watching over us. The idea of an omnipresent being watching over us is referenced the Bible several times (1 Peter 3:12 and Proverbs 22:12) and this also includes the Biblical reference to The Watchers, aka the Nephilim. These were the hybrid offspring of extraterrestrials who were called the ‘sons of God’ in Genesis and the daughters of men at the time on Earth (Ancient Aliens had an episode in season 6 called Alien Breeders that covers some of this). The Nephilim were said to be giants, approximately 300 cubits, or 450 feet tall, based on the translation of the Hebrew Bible and the Book of Enoch.
Genesis 6: 1-4:
Now it came about, when men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose. Then the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.
The tie-in with The Watchers is found in the Book of Daniel and again in the Books of Enoch, as they are described similar to the Nephilim in that the Watchers were sent to Earth to watch over the humans, only to succumb to lust for the women and procreate with them and create the Nephilim-giants. At this point God decides to get rid of this undesirable race so the Great Deluge occurs, with Noah being the one held responsible to maintain the human race while the flooding occurs.
Theorists such as David Icke hint that the Watchers and/or Nephilim are part of the Illuminati shape shifting reptilian bloodline (and I can’t forget to mention L.A. Marzulli; arguably the most ‘expert’ theorist on the Nephilim). The symbol of the eye is actually satanic in nature since the reptilian bloodline is evil in nature (reptilians are also known as the Archons in Gnosticism). Many cultures believed in a malevolent ‘evil eye’ that was able to place a curse on another person. This evil eye is the antithesis of the ‘third eye’ (which is discussed later). The Greek Medusa mythological character was known for turning people into stone upon seeing her, and this was because she was the physical incarnation of the evil eye.
You can find jewelry to this day that has an eye on it, which actually represents the talisman to ward off the curse of the ‘evil eye.’
One of these talismans is the Italian horn, referred to as a cornicello. The word ‘corno’ means horn and we also see the mano cornuta (horned hand) being used in the entertainment industry.
This talk of occult talismans is covered in my post about Occult & Illuminati holiday traditions:
The unicorn’s horn was attributed with healing powers, and was considered one of the most valuable things on earth. The Inquisition would torture those that wouldn’t acknowledge the strength and existence of the unicorn and its horn. The unicorn horn spirals (just like the ziggurat of the Tower of Babel), and is yet another reference to Moloch. The horn gives you blessings if you could acquire it as well (again, same logic for the Moloch sacrifices). The leprechaun shillelagh was just another representation of the horn of Moloch with its powers.
Infowars.com posted a similar idea about the evil of the eye from John Daniel’s Scarlet and the Beast, Vol. III where we see some of the origins of the pineal gland worship (as well as Luciferianism):
The Serpent promised Adam and Eve that their eyes would “be opened” if they ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The key word in this passage is eyes, which in Hebrew can be translated “knowledge.” Opened can be translated “broadened.” What the Serpent promised Adam and Eve was that knowledge would be broadened if they ate of the forbidden fruit. But the most foreboding aspect of this scripture emerges from the fact that the Hebrew word for “eyes” is not plural, but singular. What the Serpent actually told Adam and Eve was that their “eye” would be broadened by knowledge.
The “eye” that Scripture wants us to consider is not the physical organ of sight, but the eye of the mind or the soul. This singular “eye” is called the “third eye” of clairvoyance in the Hindu religion, the eye of Osiris in Egypt, and the All-Seeing Eye in Freemasonry.
We’ve also seen the some symbolism of the forbidden fruit by Lady Gaga in her Illuminati symbolism filled video for G.U.Y.- An ARTPOP Film
Whether you want to believe that these were literally angels, giants, reptilians, or the offspring of Seth & Cain; the point is that the concept of a big eye in the sky watching over us is a common thread, lying subtlety below the radar to the uninitiated.
The ancient Egyptians had the Eye of Horus, which is also known as the Eye of Ra. This ‘wedjat’ is a symbol of life because in Egyptian mythology, the god Horus had his moon eye torn out by Set, only to have Thoth invoke magic spells of the falcon to restore it (I could segue into the falcon being symbolism of the American eagle or the phoenix, but I’ll save that for another time).
The Eye of Horus would continue to be used as a symbol of a protective amulet, including its use on the tombs of Egyptians to assist in the afterlife. Here’s the Eye of Horus in the post about the Illuminati symbolism behind Katy Perry & Juicy J’s video for Dark Horse
The third eye was a conceptual symbol used by the ancient Egyptians and Hindus as a reference to the pineal gland. This chakra is believed to be the gateway to higher consciousness and sense of enlightenment. You’ve surely heard the phrase “open up your third eye” which means to become aware of the world around you.
The Theosophists believed that the pineal gland was literally a third eye with a physical and spiritual purpose, but evolution worked it back into our heads into a present day pineal glands (as did the ancient Egyptians; according to some Egyptologists- see The Pyramid Code). It’s no wonder that Theosophist Helena Blavatsky had such a powerful influence over Adolf Hitler and the Wizard of Oz’s creator Frank L. Baum.
You can see connections of Theosophy and the Eye of Horus being presented in my post about Lady Gaga’s Wizard of Oz performance of Applause:
This society was based on a philosophy presented by Helena Blavatsky, who is sort of infamous for being the one who Adolf Hitler used as motivation for his racial and occult beliefs. He was known to keep her book called The Secret Doctrine close by his side. So anyhow, Gaga did up the single in the likeness of The Wizard of Oz and gave us a shot of the one all seeing eye of Horus…
The US dollar bill has the Great Seal on its reverse which was designed by Pierre-Eugene du Simitiere in 1776, who also included the Latin phrase E pluribus unum (“Out of many, one”). Pierre was a member of the American Philosophical Society along with Benjamin Franklin. This social club included many of the American founders who all supported this theme of liberty, freedom, and justice for all. While these ideas are great and all; it’s important to consider the root of the concepts when delving into this realm of conspiracy theorizing. I summed this up previously in my post about Arcade Fire’s Reflektor Illuminati symbolism:
The ‘Age of Reflection’ refers to the Romanticism period (1800-1840) of thought, both scientifically and intellectually. It essentially sought to unify man and nature through science; an opposition to the Age of Enlightenment that sought to divide out the two. Granted, the Age of Enlightenment had prominent Illuminati-Freemasonry ties and historical connections, considering how the two had roots through prominent intellectuals like Isaac Newton (known Freemason), Robert Boyle (known Freemason), John Locke (probable Freemason), and Francis Bacon (rumored Freemason).
So one could say the Age of Reflection is in opposition to the practices of the Age of Enlightenment, and therefore the Illuminati. But I’m not going to. And the reason why is because the Age of Reflection believed in a concept of a ‘Golden Age’. Romanticism had four basic principles: “the original unity of man and nature in a Golden Age; the subsequent separation of man from nature and the fragmentation of human faculties; the interpretability of the history of the universe in human, spiritual terms; and the possibility of salvation through the contemplation of nature.
The Age of Enlightenment gave birth to the scientific process and with it, the ideals of liberty and independence, as we can see on the Seal of Delaware (also created by Pierre-Eugene).
Getting back to the Great Seal on the dollar bill; we can see Latin phrases that could take an ominous tone if you wanted to believe in some of the paranoid schools of thought that are presented here. Annuit Coeptis means “He approves our undertakings”, or even more nefariously “it is favourable to our undertakings”. We can also see Novus Ordo Seclorum which means “New Order of the Ages.”
The “New Order of the Ages” is the ‘New World Order’ that the Illuminati is believed to be orchestrating, and has been revealed to us through many speeches by prominent politicians.
The eye on the Great Seal is featured on top of a pyramid with thirteen steps, which represent the original 13 colonies. The pyramid is significant here, as I’ve explained in my post about the symbolism behind the triangle/pyramid:
The upright triangle represents solar power, or in the Hellenic tradition, the element of fire. The ancient deities that were affiliated with the sun were done so in order to convey the symbolism of strength and power (e.g. the Egyptian gods Horus and Ra, or the goddess Isis). The association of power and the sun eventually finds its way into a symbol for male power. This is appropriate since patriarchal-dominated societies are known for wars, primal urges, aggression and instantaneous flare ups. The lunar association with the goddess is tied into the inverted triangle; but we’ll get into that later.
There is also the year 1776 written in Roman Numerals underneath the pyramid, which is implied to mean the year of America’s independence, when one could actually argue that it is referring to the secret society of the Illuminati, which was also formed in 1776. Shortly after this time, the Freemasons (which were also many of the prominent founding fathers) also started using the logo of the Eye.
There are various interpretations of what it means, including the idea that it represents the All Seeing Eye of God (whom they call the “Great Creator” or “Great Architect”- the ‘G’ you see on the compass & square), who is always watching us.
The Freemasons believe the Supreme Being represented by the eye symbol is a reminder that he watches over their every deed. It is often times encased in a triangle, which is covered by the post about triangles and the significance of the number 3 in Freemasonry. From my Illuminati symbolism on the triangle:
As an example for the use of 3 and 4 in symbolism, we can take a look at the infamous Square and Compass of Freemasonry (again, I’m using material from Marty Leeds; check him out). A triangle is Freemasonry symbolism for a representation of the higher power; the ‘G’ in Grand Creator. The trowel used in Freemasonry symbolism is also triangular, while the 32nd degree initiates are symbolized with the triangle. The symbols can be explained as the duality of our purpose in life. The compass represents the spirit realm, or our soul, and this is purposefully drawn above the square to show its importance.
Thomas Smith Webb’s The Freemasons Monitor wrote in 1797:
“although our thoughts, words and actions may be hidden from the eyes of man, yet the All-Seeing Eye, whom the Sun, Moon and Stars obey, and under whose watchful care even Comets perform their stupendous revolutions, pervades the innermost recesses of the human heart and will reward us according to our merits.
Officially, nobody on the design committee was a Freemason, so to claim the pyramid and eye on the Great Seal is of Freemason origin is false. The root of this debunked theory comes from 1884 when a Harvard professor named Eliot Charles Norton, wrote that:
“(it) can hardly look otherwise than as a dull emblem of a Masonic fraternity.”
Although, I’d like to counter argument and say that even if the Seal was designed before the Freemasons started using; they certainly embraced it well.
The LDS church has roots in Freemasonry, with Joseph Smith’s membership and conducting of black magic rituals to find the golden tablets, and you can see the All Seeing Eye on the Salt Lake Temple in Utah.
Aleister Crowley became the figure of attention for pushing the Illuminati-occult agenda into the 20th century. I wrote more detail of his agenda in the Aleister Crowley & the Illuminati magick trance on the entertainment industry post:
After his stint at college he further pursued his interest in alchemy and the occult, joining the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, which performed magic and drug rituals. The Golden Dawn’s three founders were Freemasons, and their masonic influence is present in Golden Dawn because it follows a similar initiation and hierarchy before gaining any true insider knowledge. Crowley identified himself as a Freemason, and followed the teachings which were based on the Kabbalah, astrology, tarot and geomancy. Golden Dawn temples were established in London, Scotland, and Paris; all key points of interest for Illuminati rituals Crowley was always a prominent member of the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), and introduced homosexual sex magick initiations for high degree members. He was promoted through the ranks very quickly because of his ritual experience and contacts made with the spiritual world in Egypt.
Shortly after buying the Boleskine estate, Crowley and his wife spent time doing rituals in Egypt and believed they communicated directly with the Egyptian god Horus A few weeks later he was contacted by his Holy Guardian Angel named Aiwass (“Aiwass means “Lucifer” in Gnostic terms) while in Egypt, who dictated to him the document that would later form the Thelema religion, The Book of the Law. This book is where Crowley discusses the “Aeon of Horus,” a time in which the people will ”Do what thou wilt” (reinforcing the concept of freedom). Crowley believed that Horus wanted him to be the prophet that was to inform the human race of the entrance into this Aeon of Horus era, ushering in the 20thcentury. Thelema religion says human history can be divided into eras of different magical and religious expressions.
The first era was the Aeon of Isis; the second was Aeon of Osiris, and the third is the Aeon of Horus (what we’re experiencing now; since Crowley’s introduction into it). Here’s where we can see the tie-in between the Ancient Egyptians, the occult, and the modern day “Illuminati”: Aeon of Isis: This was known as the era of Goddess worship (e.g. Egyptian goddess Isis). The emphasis at this time period was on matriarchal values, and the balance of human nature. Aeon of Osiris: This occurred during the medieval times with male god worship (e.g. Egyptian god Osiris). The emphasis during this time was on patriarchy and male dominated values. Aeon of Horus: This is the modern time with child god worship (e.g. Egyptian god Horus). This current Aeon of Horus that Crowley believed he was intended to usher in is why we see the musicians doing the symbol for the all seeing eye, or the Eye of Horus (on the US Seal on the dollar bill pyramid). This symbol for the eye is found in Freemasonry as the Eye of Providence as well.
There’s also a variation of the eye symbolism known in various circles as the ‘666’ hand gesture (it is also more familiarly known as the ‘ok’ hand symbol). I mentioned this in the post Is Khloe Kardashian in the Illuminati?:
Chapter 24 of Texe Marrs’ Codex Magica book goes into detail about this controversial symbol. He says the ‘OK’ sign has the ‘O’ which is symbol for the sun, while it also symbolizes the female genitalia. In tantric yoga this gesture shows spiritual and physical ecstasy. I already showed how Aleister Crowley was into yoga in my post devoted to his magick trance on the entertainment industry: Getting back to Crowley, his interest in the occult and magick continued and he proceeded in seemingly innocuous activities such as yoga and Tantra.
These activities are practiced by celebrities and are viewed as some kind of New Age, peaceful actions; but their roots are more evil than that. Even though yoga is good for clearing the mind, it pushes an anti-Christian concept of finding God within you, which abandons Christian teachings of following the true Creator and glorifies the person themselves. The Tantric practices are another form of sex magick, which is simply a ritual. These themes will come up again, since Crowley was able to push this agenda of promoting the importance of “self” over religion.
The three extended fingers are claimed to represent the connection to the divine, or the feminine triple goddess. The Satan worshipers are believed to think the three fingers show the unholy trinity between the horned god (aka Moloch, or Ba’al), the goddess (aka Semiramis or Whore of Babylon), and their offspring: the Antichrist. The Satan worshipers would view the circle as the symbol for their sun deity; Lucifer, or the illuminated one. They call this the symbol of the Divine King, and make reference to it on the dollar bill with the Latin phrase ‘Annuit Coeptis’, which means ‘He approves our undertaking.’
And of course, you can see that the image appears to show us three overlapping 6’s, perhaps giving it more cred as a satanic symbol. Now, generally you’ll see this ‘666’ hand gesture placed over one, or both of the eyes; giving it an appropriate placement in this post since we’re talking about eye symbolism (you’ll see a slew of images here in a minute…).
And now we’ve come back to present day where our culture is inundated with symbols of the eye from various entertainers in music and film. We continuously ask why they would do such an out-of-place gesture, but when you consider the historical path of the occult and Illuminati symbolism, it becomes quite clear; the symbol is not intended for the masses to understand, but rather to become a part of the ritual and a pawn in the grand scheme of the Illuminati.
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
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Billy Wyatt says
Do Google Chrome logo is illuminati conspiracy too ?
IlluminatiWatcher says
Yes- good call. That robotic eye explains why they’re buying up robot companies.
sistyN says
hidden says
So long story short the 3Rd eye is bad?
Eddie says
The third Eye itself is not a bad. I feel the powers at be has hijacked its meaning. To blind us of the Truth. The Eye represent consciousness. thats why we refer to our selves as “I” and we have Intellect, Intelligence, Intuition, Ideas and so on.
Illuminati is fake says
That’s the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever heard
Miguel Lahunken says
In Genesis it says, “the sons of God married the dauthters of men”. A whole
book, that is part of the Ethiopian Bible, was written about this, called “The
Book of Enoch”. In the Book of Enoch it is said that these “sons of God” called
the Nephalim (fallen ones) were condemned for giving mankind writing and
In the Sumerian Books of the Dead these Nephalim are called the “Old Ones”.
The Sumerians came from Eastern Europe about 7000 years ago. Gheorghe Rakoczy
kept ancient books of skin, that were preserved by copper acetate, in his castle
basement, carbon dated to be 10,000 years old.
These old books were written in precuniform Sumerian hieroglyphics, composed
of phonemes that could be combined to look like those things that were being
written about. It looks like almost all writing originated from these figures.
They were translated, and they said, in modern terms, that extraterrestrials
from the “outer darkness”, all that beyond the Milky Way galaxy, came to Earth
and genetically engineered Neandethal Man into Cro Magnon Man. Not to “evolve”
them, but just to body switch into to them just to have fun.
The federation of fifty races in this Milky Way galaxy, arrogantly calling
themselves the “elder gods”, then came and drove out the Old Ones, who were not
in Cro Magnon bodies, back out into the “outer darkness”, and genetically
engineered Homo Sapiens from a Cro Magnon sample.
These “elders” then organized Homo Sapiens into orders of knighthood to
exterminate Cro Magnon Man. These orders came down through history to rule the
present day One World Order, to what is called today just the Illuminati.
In Gheorghe Rakoczy’s old books of skin advanced science and engineering are
revealed, far more advanced that the technology known today. Known? That which
is not “known” is top secret. No extraterrestrials are allowed to bother the
Earth except those in the federation of fifty races called the “elders”.
But, there are still Old Ones in Cro Magnon bodies. All Cro Magnon males had
Double Y chromosomes. You can now see why the originally scientifically found
facts, written in middle Twentieth Century textbooks, about “First there were
Neanderthals and then Cro Magnons, but what is in between is a mystery called the
“Missing Link”, has been covered up by rewriting history.
These mid Twentieth Century text books can still be found in junk stores and
yard sales. The “elders” have an embassy in the Crown Temple, London, England;
where also the B.A.R. Association (British Accreditation Registry Association)
has its headquarters.
Advanced extraterrestrial civilizations use probability transduction travel,
and probability transduction communication.
In https://groups.yahoo.com/group/EnergyandInformation/ by putting the terms you have questions
about in google’s search slot you can read for example, how to make a radionic
machine to receive from and communicate to advanced extraterrestrial
civilizations, by using the standardized code used which is the serial numbers
of the Kang Xi radicals, for their analogues.
You may also learn how probability transduction travel is done, much faster
than light, almost instantly, anywhere in the telescopically seeable universe.
When the lightspeed equivalency of any analogue of velocity in engineering
analogue in other branches of engineering, for example, current in electricity
(Philadelphia Experiment), and, entropy production rate, EPR, which is identical
with polarity cancellation rate (put “shekina” Google’s search slot), is
surpassed, everything involved is transduced into probability. Google lahunken for much more information.
We are bringing the earth into more globally bent timespace, in the fifth dimensional direction defined by Harvard University professor of quantum physics, Dr. Lisa Randal, in her book, “Warped Passages”, so that the Old Ones can return and stay here long enough to bring about the predictions of the Apocalypse. When will it happen? When we all can DO IT.
K says
Jesus Loves You says
The author suggests that the eye in the sky or the all seeing eye is of God.
But that is the furthest from the truth.
God has 2 eyes, not 1.
But there is 1 that is coming (and that is the reason for all this predictive programming of the 1 eye symbolism) that will match this condition and that is the Anti-Christ. We are all being setup to accept that he will be our savior when in fact he will be your 2nd death doorway.
Once you accept the Mark of the Beast 666 (and this symbolism is all over the place as well hidden in plain site as usual) this will change your DNA the book that God wrote for each individual. Once you change your DNA you won’t be able to change it back. The Mark of the Beast is a 3rd strand of DNA.
Right now you have 46 chromosomes 23 from your Father and 23 from your Mother, altering it and adding some let’s say animal DNA to your body will change your being forever, and thus seal your fate in the eternal lake of fire.
The Anti Christ will have 69 chromosomes, 3 strands of DNA (the occult love this # by the way). Aleister Crowley teaches that these occultists (Hater’s of the living God) that they should learn to walk and talk backwards, everything opposite. That’s why nowadays you are seeing this big push by the tv (who is owned and operated by the Satanic agenda) of the homosexual, bisexual (Aleister Crowley who changed his name to equal 666 in 3 different languages by the way) transgender agenda, so everyone accepts it, to think it is NORMAL, when it’s an abomination. (or should I say Obama Nation?) He is bisexual as well, and his wife Michael I mean Michelle is a man. (Joan Rivers told about that and then was knocked off 3 months later).
Ever wonder where the term “Sodomy” came from? Ever heard of Sodom and Gomorrah? Just look at the all the # 13’s in this Bible verse, if that doesn’t tell you how bad it was, you are seriously blind.
Genesis 13:13 But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
And now count the # of words in that verse……yup 13.
No it’s not a coincidence folks.
Is it a coincidence that in a witches coven there are 13?
The red and yellow in all of the fast food restaurants representing fire?
If you turn the symbol of McDonalds on it’s side it shows the # 13?
And there just so happens to be 13 bloodlines of the illuminati.
When you look under numerology the color “Orange” (red and yellow mixed together) it equals 33, (the # that represents 1/3 of the fallen angels from Heaven) and no aliens don’t exist, they are demons unlike the author tries to suggest.
33 being the highest rank in the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry?
33 being the age of Jesus Christ (who took ALL of the worlds sins upon himself)? 33 bones of the spine in Kundalini Jewish Mysticism the serpent must climb to reach the pineal gland (the 3rd eye) to reveal knowledge or Gnostisicm.
It’s ALL connected folks, Satan rules this world. Have you noticed even with all this wonderful techKNOWLEDGEy we have, nothing has improved? People are still starving in 3rd world countries, evil is increasing all across the world? Diseases all over the world? Children killing children?
Uh yeah, it’s not working folks…it’s totally obvious.
Oh, let’s not forget the #666 all over the place too, just take a look at the Google CHROMEosome logo with the 4 witchcraft elements red/fire, blue/water, yellow/air and green/earth.
Just like the Microsoft logo with the X chromosome in the middle of it.
Yeah, it’s all just a coincidence folks.
Just like Apple computer (like the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden with a byte taken out of it) and the first computer that sold for $666.66? Uh yeah, but it’s just a coincidence right?
Rodrigo says
Changing DNA by viewing things ???? OMG !! The stupidest thing I’ve ever read!! Good imagination !
Scars says
“Stupidest”? If you are a non-native English speaker, I’ll give you a pass on that. Otherwise, pointing out someone’s ignorance (based on your opinion) while displaying your own ignorance of basic English is just sad. There is no such word as “stupidest”. You either need to say that his opinion was the “most stupid” or the “dumbest”. Since you don’t mind pointing out other’s ignorance, I’m sure you aren’t offended that I am pointing out yours. I’m sure you would want to learn and be less ignorant than you are right now.
izu says
Thank you for your wisdom on this hard topic. Can you plece analyse call of duty black ops 4 trailer its a lot o sybolism there and activison just makien bilons o dolars on them. Why they are putting this to the gaming industry?
Divad says
‘Here’s to my sweet Satan. The one whose little path would make me sad whose power is Satan. He’ll give…he’ll give you 666. There was a little tool shed where he made us suffer, sad Satan’. People still believe that was accidental…coincidence. It was released by Zoso and crew nearly 50 YEARS ago..an ode to the practices and beliefs of the one on the ‘Sgt. Pepper’s’ cover! Amazing when you thin about it (which most don’t do…and what the demonic ones COUNT on!) and how long it has been going on. They ALL want to be “magick supermen”! And the feel they can do this through THEIR god…satan.
Banu says
I’m wondering, why are the celebs doing those kind of things? Do they need it ? Or somebody forcing them to do that? In US, can’t a person become famous without involving those kind of beleifs ? ?
sorry for the bad english
sistyN says
They are mocking us
Sherry says
I would like some straight answers as to why they’re all doing it. I’m sick of seeing this crap in all the videos now. Some will say it’s all just coincidence…. LOL, yeah OK. Look at the long list of examples on this page alone. All this is coincidence? The music industry is playing mind games or what? This world is a mess. Today’s music is crap, is this why? They’re deliberately turning music into trash, more about sex shows and subliminal messages or whatever they think they’re doing?
brent says
jesus said if thine eye be single thy body shall be filled with light..bible also says god is light and there is no darkness in him.. so if god is light when the eye is open and we are filled with light we are filled also with god holy ghost whatever you call it… then we all can say I AND THE FATHER ARE ONE… then jesus says I OF MY OWN SELF CAN DO NOTHING ITS THE FATHER IN ME THAT DOES THE WORKS…
a friend says
The first problem any secret society has to solve is how to identify other members.
That these communications have become so blatant is interesting. I suspect there is an effort to take census.
Jonathan says
So is the left eye bad or 8s it the right eye or are both eyes bad
Robert-The Messenger- Bozeman Jr says
it’s not about the eye it’s about the symbol they are doing over their eyes
Jonathan says
What the illuminati is doing is controlling the Elite and Filthy rich,the gestures they are doing are a representation of Satan himself..and no less,don’t Read in to it or Analize it too much..its all true…Thing is Believing in GOD is our only salvation,they want to control OUR world,so lets NOT give it to him .believe in Christ..Satan has NEVER won any war against GOD.he doesn’t learn
BETS says
You can believe what you want but truth is, the illuminati IS the super rich. The pop stars are promised lavish lifestyles and exposure in return for making the illuminati even more wealthy and powerful. These pop stars, tv and movie stars all promote the agenda of brainwashing the unsuspecting public. Their god is Saturn and everyone from obama to the pope are part of the esoteric system. Thing is, is that you are already controlled, conditioned and oblivious. So go ahead and worship your god while the 6 corporations that control ALL THE MEDIA worship their god and see who wins…you? Or the all seeing all knowing eye who owns you. Oh, by the way. A perfect example of the control is the Haitian earthquake. Every former 1st lady and president were on tv every 1/2hr begging Americans to donate donate and donate more. Busloads of shoes clothes water and a whopping 88 million dollars were donated. Fine, but the wealthy were flown out within hrs and Haiti developed CHOLERA. All that money and all it did was empty pockets here. And you think about what happened the next yr. High unemployment, no shovel ready jobs. Corn and cotton prices raised by 50% which passed on to us. Wake the hell up you slave worker bee with your religious beliefs. There is a bad vibration out there and its called fundamental change. And those symbols are ALL EGYPTIAN dumbass. Eye of Horas Isis pyramids. Another example of their control over a mindless populus was the ALS ICE BUCKET CHALLANGE. Please tell me you did this and I’ll tell you that you and millions of others were baptized in ice water and it wasn’t in the lords name.
jal11180 says
How about YOU wake up and realize that your religions that pose as anti-religions and non-religions are just as much a part of the Illuminati as the false religions, BETS?
Ruth says
Yeah right, they misinterpreted yoga’s philosophy of god being within us. It doesn’t mean we are god’s, it simply means god is omnipresent and is everywhere, yet he is seperate from the universe. Meaning we can pray to god at anytime and anywhere, it will be heard, we don’t need any outside help to connect to God. But here the Christian beliefs are supported and everything else is demonized. I don’t mind Christian beliefs and I am willing to accept it too, but my only problem is they believe God is accesseble only through Church. Now Church is a human institution that can be easily corrupted too, as we have seen in recent times.
Phil says
I have read many an explanation about these signs, but this is the best explanation I have read so far. Many thanks, you made my day!
Jesus is RETURNING says
Amen to that. Its crazy how people don’t see this. My child had a dream about a Man attacking her with this symbol and she knows nothing about this demonic symbol. But like you said. God has never lost a battle nor will he ever. God is faithful and there will be no excuse that no one heard the word of GOD and of salvation because the word of the Almighty God, father of Jesus Christ, is being preached every where on this earth. God have mercy.
Florwa says
Well said, Jonathan. I won’t read any other comments or go further. Your comment hit the nail on the head for me. Over-analyzing symbolism and such is another distraction the enemy would like for us to waste time and resources on, and especially provoke fear and worry. Jesus Christ is Our Saviour and I look to Him. He is coming!!! God bless!!!
Divad says
They ARE being forced by their higher-up handlers in the coven. Sacrifices to public humiliation…ALL to CONTINUE receiving the stew from the devil’s pot. This is why they cover their bodies with tattoos and take all the mirrors from their homes. Especially when they realize it’s TOO late…and they can NEVER go/come back.
Banu says
Are all the celebs in it ? :/ :/ “mind-fuck” can’t a good christian become famous ?
We all know the winner is when everything’s done? Why would I worship with the wrong side?
Lucifer’s allready lost everything 😀 😀
fleshvessel says
Depends who you ask. Of course the Bible is gonna say God wins. Consider the source (thanks, Al Pacino).
Before any fight, both sides talk a lot of shit.
Good thing religion is complete horseshit, otherwise I might be concerned.
jal11180 says
…and yet you have no choice but to follow one, even IF it calls itself an anti-religion or non-religion, fleshvessel.
Fleurdamour says
The book Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic has a section about how the all seing eye symbolizes an esoteric chakra beyond the physical ones that opens up a kind of black hole, taking the illuminated occultist out of this universe into another one where he becomes a god. (Thinking you can become a god in your own private Eye-da-hole sounds more like psychosis to me, but whatever.) Also several Egyptian gods were referred to by the epithet of “Eye.” Horus being the well known example but the name The Eye on the Throne can refer both to Osiris or Set. The throne can mean the lap of the goddess. And the Eye of Ra was a magical emblem thought to ward off danger. It also has goddess properties.
Eyes wide open says
Hey you should check out the new kid movie “Justin and the Knights of Valor” there are tons of occult symbols in it. That movie is all kinds of evil.
Megan the Nerd says
Dude, check out Delta Goodrem:
Framing with a triangle doesn’t even make sense. Most people would do a rectangle frame, but they have got her (eye in a) triangle-obsessed in this video, and I can’t see a reason for it. Unless she is calling for “help”, if you know what I mean.
She doesn’t really seem the type, but this is an old video from before she became famous and was really struggling to kickstart her career.
I have to also wonder, why was Neighbours so keen to get her on the show when she is a mediocre actress? If you’ve seen her act, even in Hating Alison Ashley she didn’t improve, she is very stiff and unnatural most of the time. So I wonder why they wanted her in the show so much that they even completely rewrote her character because she didn’t like what they came up with. And Neighbours was the only reason she got famous. It’s very baffling. Was she getting outside help or is there really an innocent reason? Anyone have any more info on her? She seems pretty “normal” compared to the well-known Illuminati princesses, so I have no idea, really.
joy says
without a shadow of a doubt Delta Goodrem is one of the most active involved in MK Ultra/Illuminati all over the world and has been since she was a child. Her connections include Michael Aquino of the temple of set being one and to prominent Australian Politicians who are big on the NWO. She is a demon and there is more to come on her I am sure
bobby says
Seriously, you should remove like 1/5th of this photos. See, every now and then in conversation someone may join their pointer with their thumb to emphasize a point.
lol says
You’re an idiot. That’s a 666 sign, that’s worst than the triangles. That would probably be an argument for a conversation, why would you be emphasizing a point in a PHOTOGRAPH
Something says
Becuase it was taken when they were emphasizing a point
fleshvessel says
Not every picture is taken when someone is posing for it, genius. Lots of these people are clearly in mid conversation.
Celebs are stupid, and they will do anything to seem “deep” or “cryptic”. I guarantee fucking Katey Perry is NOT in any special group other than the one she rides the bus with.
Not a Christian says
So… basically, this modern Illuminati belief hinges upon the acceptance that Christianity = ultimate good, while everything else = satanically evil? Umm… okay. I guess we’re just ignoring that as a religion, Christians have done way sicker crap than anything these entertainers have purportedly done, and don’t get me started on the bible and the things God either condones or demands in its pages. Is there a non-Christian frame of reference for why or how this Illuminati symbolism is so evil, or is that evilness really just based on a Christian perspective? I’m genuinely curious, because the symbolism is undoubtedly there, but perceiving it as strictly “evil” seems to require faith in the goodness and rightness of Christianity, and… yeah. Not so much, at least not from me.
SuperDave says
The most intelligent thing said here Brother…. You would first have to propose that christianity, or any religion, has any merit or truth to it, to accept that the entertainment industry is EVIL!! If they were indeed trying to promote evil and the devil, then they are in the same ill consciousness as the religious.
Maybe, just maybe…these people are trying to get us to wake up to the false religious oppression we have been subjected to. Live, be free in your heart, go after your dreams!!!
Religion as we knew it is finally starting to fall apart. The sooner the better for the good of this world. The brainwashed in religion won’t understand what I am saying and, of course, will rebuttal with the same scripted religious bull, but I digresses, only in time will we overcome the primitive path of consciousness that our ancestors left us with. I forgive them, they didn’t know any better, but we, certainly, in this point in our existence can understand that it (religion/primitive fears ect) all started in consciousness… and nothing more.
Erin says
This is the best comment I have read on this stupid page, I came on here to get some knowledge of the phenomenon to prove a friend wrong and a nut job. You are spot on! I forgive them to, they were all just intellectually under stimulated and as some say needed some guideline for their barbaric culture to start to form. Anyways Illuminati may be real, but not in a threatening cult way, they don’t sacrifice babies and rule the world. Why cant people just live their lives and try to be the best person they can instead of being a crazy bat shit conspiracy conversationalist.
Vicki says
I am a Christian so obviously I have that viewpoint. But even science explains that evil and goodness can only be explained by the presence of the other: For every reaction there is an opposite and equal reaction. Without darkness, how would we know to seek the light? Don’t count out taking a stand for Jesus. He is wonderful. His love is pure and undefiled. He died so we all can escape the ultimate evils of Satan. Whether or not the illuminati is real or not, I choose to stand with my Lord. He will be with me into eternity. These entertainers sadly choose to follow the crowd, the majority, which doesn’t always make it right. These signs and symbols must have meaning. Otherwise, why do we see it over and over? Yes, some may be hand gestures caught during movement, but most are deliberate and are done for a purpose. It’s scary to hear their lyrics and see how many actually sing about evil. I choose to stand with Jesus. He will be with me though eternity. So if you’re not a Christian, just think about what I’ve said. Read the Bible and you will find His love. Hope I gave you something to think about
jal11180 says
Not a Christian, without the Christians and Jews, your sorry ass would not know a damn thing about the Illuminati. Argue otherwise and I will school you!
Nubian Up^Rising says
Most def there is another way to teach it me personally I am a seeker of knowledge and as you said Christians have done worst! In the name of the “lord”! How can you kill whole civilizations in the name of the lord? How can you rape molest and abduct women children in the name of the lord? How can you pray to the creation and not the creator in the name of the “lord”( if you could read the Bible it would tell you that he says don’t pray to me !
You said it best though and I can give you the insight needed it from a universal pointo of view ( putting the pieces of each religion, faction, & states of minds together. Not saying they all connect but it is 2 sides to every story)
All is well
eyes2c says
Salim said, “‘Abdullah Ibn ‘Omar said, The Prophet stood up to address the people. He praised Allah as He deserved to be praised, then he spoke about the Dajjal(Anti-Christ): ‘I warn you against him; there is no Prophet who has not warned his people against him, even Noah warned his people against him. But I will tell you something which no other Prophet has told his people. You must know that the Dajjal is one-eyed, and Allah is not one-eyed.'”
“Satan! Cry Aloud Thou Exalted Most High ! Oh My Father Satan! The Eye!” -Aleister crowley
jal11180 says
Islam is also a part of the Illuminati.
Miserner says
you may not have noticed that those aren’t even MJ’s fingers next to his eye. I saw a similar photo where Will Smith’s daughter Willow was in a photo with one of her eyes covered and it was clear that it wasn’t her hand. Seems like the young ones have someone else’s hand over their eyes.
IlluminatiWatcher says
Interesting… Creepy. But interesting…
Lacee says
There’s also a lot of Illuminati symbolism in this music video for “Voices” by Disclosure. They make it painfully obvious too, with all the ritualistic dancing, the all-seeing eye, and the whole shebang. I reeeally wish I knew what was going on with the flower petal being in the woman’s mouth, the eggs being in the woman’s hands, the hand gestures they’re making in their dances, the levitation of cars and radios, and the masks they’re wearing. It even takes place in a prison with a prison guard. The song is catchy, but I stopped watching and listening to it ever since I found out it must be linked with the Illuminati.
Recynd77 says
I just watched the video; it’s witchcraft, through and through. Hypnotic. The spinning trio of diamond-shaped mirrors surely must symbolize an unholy trinity…the “voodoo” of modern Christianity, maybe?
The egg is a common fertility symbol; there is also the myth/tradition that Semiramis fell out of the sky in an egg (I think).
There were animal horns featured in the video, one eye symbolism, the oculus/matrix symbology, and allusions to pantheism (God is within everything). The name “Disclosure” alone speaks volumes, too.
Lacee says
This is the link I’m talking about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgF4bTCYabU
Eddie says
The third Eye itself is not bad. I feel the powers at be, has hijacked its meaning. To blind us of the Truth. The Eye represent consciousness. that’s why we refer to our selves as “I” and we have: Intellect, Intelligence, Intuition, Ideas and so on.
Laurence says
I was wondering if the Illuminati are satanists, are all the modern religions evil as well. The worst sin you can commit is to worship false gods so if every modern religion is wrong then every religious person is a sinner. The ancient Egyptians weren’t evil and they worshiped Ra among others which is what the eye is meant to represent.
jal11180 says
Laurence, you are a moron and the Holy Scriptures clearly say that only YAHWEH EL ELOHIM is to be served and these evil religions DO stem from the ancient religions, including the religion of ancient Egypt.
Laurence says
I think you are the moron if you believe in a book written by men in aa age of stupidity.
Laurence says
I think you are the moron if you believe in a book written by men in an age of stupidity.
Nubian Up^Rising says
First off you seem like you jal seem like an insightful fellow. But for you to call a man that does not know a moron but he seeks the truth is you major fault in itself. Which you speak may be factual ( Elohim one of the most ancient names of the Heavenly Father) you still have faults in which you know I garuntee. No one man knows everything. Think about this azayzial was a top angelic being even he fell due to his grotesque attitude and his “self fulfillment” attitude. If one of the top can fall do to pride what makes you think you being an ass of a character can’t be wrong? You are your worst enemy! Peace and blessings
All is well
Lacee says
Thank you, Recynd. That does explain a bit.
samaneh says
Laurence says
I was wondering if the Illuminati are satanists, are all the modern religions evil as well. The worst sin you can commit is to worship false gods so if every modern religion is wrong then every religious person is a sinner. The ancient Egyptians weren’t evil and they worshiped Ra among others which is what the eye is meant to represent.
Nubian Up^Rising says
Yes they are! You can not succeed in this world today with out you committing some type of satanic act. You might not know you’ve done it but you more than likely have. Then eventually they will come at you in a form that looks appeasin ” sign on this line with blood(blood oath) and we will give you what ever you want” but everything comes at a price. ” once you’re in you are in! The only way out is death or deathly rituals! I know religion is man made! From what I have studied it seems that none of the prophets ( more than one) nor the messiahs ( more than one) had a specific religion. They each came at a time to give certain critical information to inlighten the chosen ones and to lead the damned back to righteousness( that’s why when you pray you look up to give acknowledgement that you have fallen from grace). The Torah was given to Moses ( if memory serves me right) the Koran was given to Mohammed ( the last messiah) the Bible was man made( meaning they all were made by man but the Heavenly Father didn’t command the making of these collection of books( not the full “bible” which most people read”)). So if they all were given to the messiahs for one solid mission why are they separate now? It’s called divide and conquer. Why would you attack a swarm of bees at once? You spray a lil but a day. If you attack them all at once you’ll anger the hive and they’ll retaliate. That’s why it’s your job to seek the knowledge on the farthest reaches of the globe to collect and to decipher and figure out what you think is the right path to your salvation. But never stop seeking knowledge and don’t be scared of what’s in the dark! Nor the light! Your enemy (shaytaan( earths fleshly devil)) is probably one of many you talk to on the regular
Last but not least that is a sin to worship false idols but the key is to know that in not knowing you are safe until you find the truths you seek.
All is well. And knowledge is power
Ruth says
But how can we be expected to know who the true God is and who are the false gods ? Any information we get about God is from books written by men thousand of years ago. We don’t know what really happened back then, nor do we know if we can trust these books. God never seemed to have kept a direct contact with us, which makes it difficult to find him. Then how can we be punised for a sin of worshipping false god, when there was no way of knowing who true god is. Men are going to follow the religion they were born into, and taught by their parents to follow, then why is this the worst sin ?
ShiningPhoenix says
I have cutting edge information about the All Seeing Eye here:
Have a look- and if you like the Information, Isaac, please consider linking my material or article. Thanks!
IlluminatiWatcher says
Cool- thanks, it looks good!
jal11180 says
Your article is filled with a LOT of historical revisionism and outright lies. Please try again.
Albert E. Muhalule says
Wealthy, Wisdom, Peace, And Live Godly Brother-Hood Manner In The World.
too says
who cares!!!
IlluminatiWatcher says
You should
Larry says
(SMH) @ The stuff kidds listen to these days. Whatever happened to good wholesome music like Me So Horny or Push It Good?
In alot of cases i truly question if individuals are even consciously aware. For those with a good imagination try imagining A Secret Society So Secret That Most Will Never Even Know That They Are a Member. We are extremely vulnerable to being tricked, deceived, manipulated, pupettered by technology that is being used today, Truth is the
brain decodes signals in the dark and does not know true or false our physical eyes are only able to see reflections from the light which then sends a signal to the brain of true wheather it is or isn’t the brain doesn’t know and decodes it as it is given. For years ive been tortured by what appears to me as being an evil growing force invisible to most eyes. Things i experience on a daily basis tell me i’ve either gone Krazy (With a K), i somehow ended up in my very own tailored specifically to me personal HELL or I’m subjected to being a lab rat in some sort of illegal human experimentation torture mind control program. When i do internet searches on the things im forced to endure i end up with sites about illuminati monarchy slave programing and their lower level Alphabet groups.
IlluminatiWatcher says
Haha- 2 Live Crew has always been ‘as nasty as they wanna be’ but Salt N Pepa turned into Christians I guess.
alkme_ says
Larry you are not alone man. I hesitated to comment back but what you wrote struck a chord in me “For years ive been tortured by what appears to me as being an evil growing force invisible to most eyes.” As someone who was raised Christian, I had to experience the World because I could not live behind the safety bumpers of a wholly Christian life. I did not understand why God would create us to live in a world of imperfection. It made no sense to my rational human mind why God would create these expectations towards “good” vs “evils” while still giving us the free will to experiencing life to the fullest. I dived deep into the study of Alchemy, especially the writings of Aleister Crowly. I learned how to read Tarot, feverishly study symbology (many of mentioned within this nicely written article) and practice drug-induced meditation rituals to a greater and lesser effect. I needed to understand this playing field we call Earth from all perspectives. While studying these things, I kept a small respect for God in the back of my mind. As much as I tried to practice “do as thou wilt” I was never satisfied with the result. It has a devouring power that feels good in the moment but never completely satisfies. Still Magick is seductive and sexy, but the idea of Satan being an ally was still uncomfortable to me. I could not commit to the ways of the dark lord completely because I realized that ultimately, he has no plan for me, other than to distract me with wordly pleasures in the hopes that I die without salvation. Pleasures that will all one day rot. Satan is ultimate deception and he is a master at playing into our human weaknesses. This world is imperfect because Adam and Eve changed our DNA when they ate the apple tempted to them by the Snake. God created us in his image, entirely, but our free will corrupted us and in turn, corrupted our world matrix/perspective. This is why Jesus had to be born a human. He had to DESCEND into our world matrix in order to break the curse with his BLOOD (I capitalize because even these concepts are important to magick). The Illuminati is super hard to pin down, and Satan and those that carry out his will want it that way. But they must linger on the fringes of public entities because there is more power there than remaining in the shadows. The reason why the Illumaniti is so “public” with their symbols/rituals is because intention carries a lot of power in this world. Just as God spoke the universe into creation, so must those that practice the dark arts “speak” their intentions. The more people that “buy in” the more powerful the ritual. The reason these artists use these symbols repeatedly is because they do have power, in this world. Repetition is also powerful and hypnotic. Some of these artists do not even realize that they are perpetuating a legacy set out long before they became public figures. These symbols are sexy, mysterious, seductive, and intriguing and artists use them with or without consent of the Illuminati. It’s the perfect viral marketing platform. We as humans are drawn to power. Ultimately, we do not have power over death, only Jesus does. This is why he died for our sins. While we may have some powers over this reality, we ultimately cannot overcome death. God created us with Love, but we choose to rebel against him because it’s “cool” and because the world is just so sexy. It’s hard for us to understand that God has a plan for each of our lives well beyond the “pleasures” the World casts as desirable. He does not create in vain as Satan does (Satan actually doesn’t create, he only warps/imitates). The World celebrates the mockery of Jesus because that is the way Satan works, he deceives via slander. It’s all a distraction, a giant sleight-of-hand magick trick to keep us distracted and totally enthralled with this dying world. Ok sorry this is so long, I could write more but I should stop. Develop a relationship with the creator, so that you can understand and embody God’s Love to your fellow humans. We are not perfect, we vacillate between dark&light (it is the nature of our World) but we are at our best when we act primarily out of Love. God bless and be well~
IlluminatiWatcher says
Well said.
anti_illuminati says
brother we all in this 2gether, there is no tym i don’t come on net i don’t find one illuminati link even to the lowest core. its more like it keeps calling to me, M’ just lyk u man, trying to enlighten people on this “NWO” (new world order) THERE is this link i know of when i find it i’ll share it up.
jal11180 says
alkme, you speak wisdom. If you did the whole e-mail thing, then I would love to talk to you sometime.
Tatiana says
Oh my gosh I love you.
Aandelen Kopen says
This is very good information about the all seeing eye and other illuminati symbolism. We need more of these articles. More information needs to get out!
toe says
Anybody watch the basketball March Madness tournies last weekish?
Did anyone notice the hand gesture for a 3pointer? They’re doing the eye-o-Horus. I think you could google ,”any 3point moment ” and catch it…
A pal thinks its just the kids making the adults’ things thiers’; like the Nam era teens took the two finger victory sign and called it a peace sign.lol
Yeah,yeah…and it meant something else before that…
I think the only hand sign that hasn’t changed in meaning or effect&affect since conception is “the bird”.
See, now that is “word” to me; when the meaning is universally unmistakable…
The bird sign has great power.
Be thrown any sign and throw that sucker back and you will HAVE your audience’s attention.
I love observing kids discovering the power…and then the responsibility of using such power ever.
Funny Satanist experience:
Bartending one evening, an obvious death metal, satanist poser/wannabe, but too dorky for even Satan, got all ‘magickal’ on me when I had to 86 the weirdo.
He was dramatic and Thespian making the whole bar sob with laughter… After his little “burn in hell, bartender” hand-jive and baby-babble sounding curse; I reached over and picked up the phone as if to answer a call and told the guy Satan was on the line and said to ‘phu-cough’….flipping him the bird. Then, as if Rumpelstiltskin having his name said, he seized with anger and stomped out.
I know… It wasn’t cool or professional at all… The wacko could have come back with a gun or something.
I just cannot take that sort of display seriously ever. For good or bad, too much pageantry seems more for the presenter than the audience, so…*yawn* I nod off.
*sigh*…I know I’m just as evil for laughing at someone with obvious complications. They seemed chosen ones than born, so…I mean, if we are gonna choose dipshitty ideas, would it not be best to let us know about it? Or is that being a bully?
Is bullying OK if its against Satan and it’s imps? LOL.
Many Happy Spring times, Y’all!
jal11180 says
I don’t bully Lucifer and his human imps and I do try to avoid fighting them, but if his human minions want to be froggy and jump, then they will look like the end result of the losing end of a World Star Hip Hop fight video.
rod says
1 pyramid is half PI = half circle (ARC) = sunrise (first light) the star of David is 2 Pyramids, 1 inverted (1 works with in the other.) trans actual analyses (parent, adult, child.) an inverted T is the direction of experience = growth, all doings on earth are horizontal until one hits a wall (metaphorically ) then we grow up!
Apollo says
Why is Louis CK doing this too? Something is definitely weird going on.
look on youtube: Louis CK makes the illuminati 666 okay sign
I just don’t get it!
neck says
is there any proof of a contract or initiation for the celebs? I have to agree here this is no coincidence. just curious if there is some sort of ritual they go thru or how are they made to do this? this is really EYE opening~ get it…..
ok well ty
M.Y. says
Has anybody seen Bandcamp? The owners are allowing every ”neo-artist” upload his/her new release, even though the cover includes either an ONLY EYE or A TRIANGLE. Worse, but not so stealthy, are releases whose titles are ”New World Order” and else. The ”artists” are quite aware of what they do, therefore, nobody should EVER say they are blind, unaware, or dumb. IT IS APATHY. They think it is cool to do so.
Many ones will say they are just ”babies” and they will have no progress, but, at the same time, there are others who are looking for something new, attaching themselves to these ”neos”, despite their releases’ covers are obviously SHINY (satanic). Take a little tour on Bandcamp and find out. Be aware, though, since, at a simple blink, you will see lots of covers with lots of TRIANGULAR references.
Dorito666 says
dear celebrities: close one eye. Congratulations you are now part of the illuminati!
GabriEl says
They are making fun of you and working what they call ‘spirit magic’, a.k.a. psychology. Is it coincidence they’re doing it? No.
The question is, who are the primary people doing it? Those that do nothing but lie in some way, shape or form.
Bankers – They have tricked the world into believing that their shiny (gold) rocks have special value… ‘spirit magic’ anyone?????? They are at the top of the pyramid and believe that GOD/TIME has approved their undertaking and HE has allowed it during HIS Sabbath Time, but it is coming to an end and they know it. Their whole ‘spirit magic’ system is coming to an end as it is all lies. Have you been tricked into believing that paper with symbols on it, ‘backed’ by shiny rocks has value to The Temple of GOD/TIME, which is your human body? Have those that work in the dark against their brother, cainites, satans, devils deceived you???????
Musickians – Does repetitive sounds not put one into a mild trance and the words then sung not a form of preaching? What does every form of musick push of every genre? Screwing everything that walks, being gay, chasing after bankers (the gods you trust – it’s on your mammon~money), cheating, divorce, violence, calling women and men names, etc. Is any of this good for Adam/Man/Christkind or anti-Adam/Man/Christ?
Actors – Everything they do is a lie; they pretend, act, lie, whatever you want to call it.
Politicians(PolyTick People) – These are people that don’t believe in The ONE True GOD and HIS Word and Laws, but instead want to pass laws to govern over man that are based on their gods, which are the bankers of the world.
Major Corporations – Everything they do is to serve their banking masters/gods and they are under their complete and total rule.
D.C. – District of Columbia (the mother goddess – Isis anyone?????? Same ‘goddess’) is not even a part of The U.S. and is the ‘queen bee’ to the hive, of ‘worker bees’/slaves known as the United States of (the goddess) America; another name of the moon goddess – ishtar, selene, freedom, Athena, libertas~liberty… huh, like the statue (graven image/idol) of liberty or the freedom goddess statue placed not long ago on top of the capitol building.
The laws passed, etc. are anti-Adam/Man/Christ. Hasn’t anyone noticed how the man is made fun of and put down now? This is to wreck families, to cause women to seek out other men and thus, making the state the head of all people and those in control know a house/family/people divided cannot stand.
Folks, this is The Garden of Eden (Paradise) and look what’s been done to it. The ONLY Way back to Eden is to live HIS Laws of HIS Word, The Holy Bible. Do you enjoy your enslavement and having no Time to enjoy your life? Bankers reward their own (liars, murders, etc.) and they have plenty of Time to do whatever while you keep giving their your time in the form of radio, television, movies and so on.
The people doing this to your are those who GOD’S People have always had a problem with and is whom they warred with all throughout HIS Word – the cainites~canaanites and their offshoot families of goddess worship, etc. There is no ‘goddess’ and even science has proven that the man carries The Light the X and Y chromosomes and the woman just the XX and that the woman came from the singularity, which is the man, then the man from the woman. Why do bankers not care about ‘mother goddess’ religion, which is a lie and allow it to be pushed? They don’t care because that religion worships them. Why is GOD’S Word being attacked at every turn? It is THEE ONLY WORD that exposes them and says to Stand against them and not to be cowards, etc.
I could say much more but those that read this, take heed and know the hour of change is at hand. They have a plan to murder HIS People, as seen throughout HIS Word, but HIS will Stand and they will lose.
I Am angel Gabriel. Amen.
Little Bright Feather says
Actually that Latin saying on the pyramid – seculorum is the word we get secular from = without God. So the writing says = “One World Order Without God”.
WE have Illuminati symbols all around us getting us to be so use to them – and ACCEPTING as “normal” – like the CBS TV symbol is the eye.
And he story that the number 13 is for the 13 colonies – that is the “story” they put out to again, make it accepting to the public – but in reality (remember the Illuminati-Freemasons are a secret org) 13 is one of their most powerful occultic numbers = the US Flag is full of Illuminati symbols. DC has never put out truth to the public, and they never will.
I will never allow a US Flag near my place; it’s evil and anti-God. Just look at all the evils and lies it has flown over = unlawful invasive wars (under the guise of freedom), occupation, slavery and the Slave Trade (Yes – it was the ONLY flag from this hemisphere that flew over slavery- not the Southern flag -=they forbade their flags fly over anything to do with slavery, and they never did), the US flag also stands for control, Dictatorship, extortion, etc. – in fact it has never flown over anything ‘good’. And it is not an “American” flag, as the DC media has been pushing into your brain as their latest mind molding job on the public. The “American” US flag was the three bar flag – the stars and bars. I get into history a lot being a historian. But only TRUE history, not the stuff we all had force fed to us in the Govt schools all our lives. NONE of that was truth.
jal11180 says
You want to make it like the USA is an unjust and aggressive invader, yet you also conveniently forget the numerous times in which the members of the so-called “First Nations” not only went to war against one another for various immoral reasons, but that they also mistreated themselves and even the members of their own tribes. How about you clean up your OWN house before you begin making accusations to other people, Luciferian?
James B. says
I am just going to be completely honest: this is the dumbest bullcrap I have EVER seen. The likelihood that the illuminati is still operational is almost 0. It broke apart sometime in the 1700s. The all seeing eye has nothing to do with the illuminati, it represents God watching over us. The 666 hand sign is more well known as the okay symbol. I would have to assume that people that do these things, do them to throw idiots off and make a bunch of dumb conspiracy theorists keep doing conspiracies that are so foolish and unlikely to be real.
lin says
Thank you! I completely agree.
jal11180 says
You are such a moron. The Illuminati still exists, but it goes under another name and that name is also purposely kept from people, namely because the people that control this organization do not want their plans to be found out again like they were the last time, let alone who they REALLY are in the end. The name may have changed, but the end game is still the same and that is to promote Lucifer and his one world government that is headed by the Antichrist.
John says
Well thank goodness none of the death metal bands I listen to are mentioned…. I was worried about that being satanic or part of the NWO!
Nivence says
i wish i was in
Nivence says
i wish i was in the movement of 666
jal11180 says
You are a moron.
Ruth says
You need to see a doctor. Calling random unkown people on internet morons because they don’t believe in your fantasy world, you really need help.
Sebastian Shermer says
I for one reckon that this is in fact a conspiracy but only in order to mock us to trick us and to give us food for thought. What they really want is us to be decieved. If they were really in a secret society they wouldnt be exposing themselves like this. It is so fucking obvious that they want us to know. I’m not talking about of other symbolism like the owl, or lyrics lije ”I’ve got the eye of the tiger” “Hear me roar” “I SEE IT ALL I SEE IT KNOW” but I’m referring to the ok gesture, the all seing eye and the triangle wich can be found in every fucking video or gig nowadays. If they happened to belong to a so called secret society they wouldnt show it so blantly to the mainstream media, on the contrary they would leave under the wraps. What they(the jews) want us to believe is that christ is upon the right path if choose that filthy jewish thoughtform who will enslave gentiles whetherher he comes to existance(I quote an excerpt from the torah”when the messiah comes every jew will have 2800 slaves”) you wll be ”saved” . Moreover they portray this trash satanism for us to believe that those maggots have sold their souls the devil in order to acquire fame and fortune in fact they have done it but only to the jews. The devil is nothing like a thoughtform created by the catholic church to gain the upper hand over us. If they wasnt evil or a representation of evil why would we be needing a jew hung from a cross to save us? Like jewish anton lavey stated “the devil is the best friend the catholic church has”. Do I have to mention that christianity is a jewish trick invented by jewish paul of tarsus??? Dont waste your energy on that trash either meditate and find true enlightentment. Christianity is the root of jewish power and is in fact spiritual communism.
jal11180 says
You are a moron and you are also a servant of Lucifer. Communism is a counterfeit of Christianity and Christianity, and ditto for Judaism, are NOT Communism, nor are they Socialism, Fascism, Nationalism, or their related ilk. What powers them is a Theocratic Monarchy by Manifest Destiny. Why else do you think that YAHWEH EL ELOHIM controls everything? Why else is YAHASHUA HA’MASHIACH referred to as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords?
Nubian Up^Rising says
I would like to talk to you
All is well
Lynn B says
Well, I read what everyone wrote. I can separate the people looking for truth and those that have jumped ship and decided to defend and make excuses for all the wrongs in the world.
Huge misconceptions about believing in God and the Bible. Decide youre NOT going to be lulled asleep by the illuminati’s tricks…while not judging other humans for their sins. That’s not anybody on Eaths job. Or make excuses for ALL the different groups of people that have been incredibly stupid and hurt themselves taking innocent people with them.
God does not control the people who chose to follow his word. So they’re as screwed up as US.
I myself have had alot of mixed feelings for how extremely extremely inhumane I was raised and then all the violence that then followed my life. How can God let this happen to me? Guess what…that’s a question I have the rest of my life to figure out bc basically I’M MAD AT HIM. But I see the truth is I’m watching all the prophecies from the BIBLE are coming out…and quickly. Its now 2020. We have a President that I thought was abit rough and tumble but was getting things done. Everytime he speaks he’s got his hand gesture like 👌. Thank God I found this treasure chest of information. It will help me steer clear, if that is even possible NOW.
Best of luck to you…
Sorry for the people that refuse to see because they’ve already been brainwashed to immediately find fault with CHRISTIANS. News flash anybody is allowed in this club!
Peace out
Michael Keiffer says
You arent wrong. 2020 was quite the year wasnt it? I was reading comments looking for small traces of truth or concepts i didnt yet know of when I started thinking about how old they were and how the years since may have changed or strengthened their stated views. Then i got really fucking bummed out about being the only future person here. I only noticed the date of yours after reading it and i bhit a srick. Shit a brick, sorry. Then i noticed your name. Lynn is the name of somebody i miss very dearly and B is my middle initial. Had to reply because im a sad little bastard. Oh, before i go, i hope you read this. But if its never read by another human being it would be about right.
Laurence says
Society is flawed, it’s set up to keep us the way we are because the way we are is beneficial to keeping society running the way it is. If we as a the human race, not as a country or religion but as a joint group of people working together to make the world a better place put aside petty differences the world could change and be eternally beautiful. It would not be easy, it would be easier to just continue to live the way we are and not care but it but in end the life we live will change anyway but not in a good way. Change is inevitable but we can guide it to benefit everyone not just those that want a world set up to benefit themselves.
We have been programmed to take the easy way, programmed through centuries of violence to hate and judge one and other. People in the medieval ages would go to public executions and cheer as one of them was put to death and why, because someone in a higher position of power told them it was the right thing to do. We have been programmed to hate and to quote The Fifth Element “Evil begets evil”.
We have to break free from this cycle of hate and start to love and accept each other for the way we are. Hate is perpetuated and creates more hate in a vicious cycle (it is easier to hate then it is to love) and this is how we are all kept in place. The media blasts hate at us all the time and in turn we hate.
We the people have more power than those that want to keep things the way they are and they know this so they will do everything to keep things as they are but if we all band together we can change this world and make it a better place.
Chris says
In this world we have many Christians that are doing evil,how many churches we have now from 1994,to many to count,prophets that they they never bring freedom but we buy the church goods even if you poor,so shut up and leave people follow what they want,like when you follow conman.leave the illuminati alone.
Megan Joy Calixtro says
I love Jesus,God,Mary,and the other in heaven.And I’m trying to the right thing the best I can.I will try not to do those symbols.
I will try my best to follow God and CHRIST.
I will try to do the best I can to be a disciple of Jesus.
Even my family.I pray that someday we all together,my family,friends and relatives will someday be in heaven.
Rich says
What I’m trying to figure out is how you still believe in Christ as a literal savior ? After studying all this stuff, surely you know that the Bible is replete with esoteric, Astrotheological Numerological, Sidereal & Kabbalistic symbolism.
Pat B. says
I know this much for sure: “Jesus Christ is real.” He spoke to me when I was leaving the VA Hospital (my brother was in a coma). As I was leaving and walking down the steps to go to my car, “He said: I’m taking care of you, I’m taking care of Junior. Now lift your head.” I squared my shoulders and walked on to my car and sat down; then called my sister who is a Pastor in another state to let her know what the Lord had said to me. She said: That’s the word and I’m not worried anymore about Jr. It took a while (month or two), but he finally came out of that coma. Jesus is real. If you really would like to know if He is real, just ask Him. Say something like this: Jesus, if You are real, please let me know. He will let you know.
dawnatilla the hun says
it is INCORRECT that the gnostics word for reptilian was archon. archons are an entirely different entity entirely!! reptilians may be described as archon-like..having characteristics of… but it is NOT the same! archons are formless and were accidental. like a bacteria or virus…
and you really have barely touched the surface of the symbology used by the JESUIT ORDER and their minions. I mean, really…its almost laughable..forgive me.
there are colors and gestures and symbols and codes that are used daily as their communication via the fake network news. therein lies their messages to each other and their signatures on events.
like many people, you have gotten a bit ahead of yourself and feel that you have reached the pinnacle of learning..as if the information you have learned isnt changing with the world…there is ALWAYS more to uncover…there is no final anything..no final plan..no final knowledge..no final understanding..it is continuous. I recommend you keep on going.the path is far from over.
BK says
The “all-seeing eye” represents the Biblical antichrist.
Horus (eye of Horus) is the Egyptian name for Tammuz.
Tammuz is the (false) Babylonian “savior” of mankind.
Nimrod (Egyptian Osiris), Satan’s ‘front-man’ to humanity, was the “Sun”god of Babylon.
Semiramis (Egyptian Isis) was Nimrod’s wife … and mother!
She was instructed by the high priests to marry her son (Nimrod) and have sexual relations with him so that her “third eye” would be opened.
Tammuz was born after Nimrod’s death and his birth was considered a “miracle” birth by way of Nimrod impregnating Semiramis “through the rays of the sun” – Nimrod had ‘ascended into the sun’ upon his death – so the story goes.
Of course, we know her pregnancy didn’t happen this way, but it surely helped her to, not only keep her goddess status, but to strengthen it.
Manley P. Hall, a highly respected Freemason (respected by freemasons) to this day, wrote extensively about Freemasonry and the occult.
In ‘The Secret Destiny Of America’ he writes about how America was ‘destined’ to bring about the antichrist.
(Hall said he would sacrifice a human every year to Lucifer for all that Lucifer had done for him.)
We all know that the EGYPTIAN pyramid on the back of the dollar bill has the all-seeing eye atop it.
Freemasons call it the ‘eye of Providence’ or the ‘eye of God’.
Top-shelf Freemasons worship Lucifer – that is well documented and shouldn’t be a surprise to no one.
I personally know a former high ranking mason who verifies this.
In Zechariah 11 there is a reference to the antichrist, described as a (false) shepherd – even an ‘idol’ shepherd –
“For, lo, I will raise up a shepherd in the land, which shall not visit those that be cut off, neither shall seek the young one, nor heal that that is broken, nor feed that that standeth still: but he shall eat the flesh of the fat, and tear their claws in pieces.
Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his RIGHT eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his RIGHT eye shall be utterly darkened.”
Now, the eye atop the Egyptian pyramid …
Take a very close look at the eye on the pyramid and you’ll discover that it is indeed a left eye.
Notice the direction of the eyebrow in this google image search:
The ‘idol shepherd’ or ‘false shepherd’, a.k.a. the antichrist atop the pyramid is symbolically represented with one eye, and a left one , at that! – because the right eye has been “utterly darkened” – the symbolic meaning; ‘There is no good in him’.
[Top-shelf occultist know the Bible far better than the overwhelming majority of Christians know it!
It’s the occultists who are ‘paving the way’ for him.]
Whenever YHVH does anything in Scripture He always does it with His ‘right’ hand, never the left hand!
“Thy RIGHT hand, O YHVH, is become glorious in power: thy RIGHT hand, O YHVH, hath dashed in pieces the enemy.”
“Thou stretchedst out thy RIGHT hand, the earth swallowed them.”
Even in cleansing …
“And the priest shall put of the oil that is in his hand upon the tip of the RIGHT ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his RIGHT hand, and upon the great toe of his RIGHT foot, upon the place of the blood of the trespass offering:”
The left side is the side of evil and the right side is the side of good.
From this we get the word RIGHTeous.
When someone does something that is good, noble, etc., we said they done what was ‘right’.
Above, you wrote:
“The first era was the Aeon of Isis; the second was Aeon of Osiris, and the third is the Aeon of Horus (what we’re experiencing now; since Crowley’s introduction into it). Here’s where we can see the tie-in between the Ancient Egyptians, the occult, and the modern day “Illuminati” …
Aeon of Horus: This is the modern time with child god worship (e.g. Egyptian god Horus). This current Aeon of Horus that Crowley believed he was intended to usher in is why we see the musicians doing the symbol for the all seeing eye, or the Eye of Horus (on the US Seal on the dollar bill pyramid). This symbol for the eye is found in Freemasonry as the Eye of Providence as well.”
I couldn’t agree with you more!
Remember, that when YHVH came down at the Tower of Babel He did not destroy the Babylonian religion that was being practiced there – He only confounded the languages and caused the people to eventually scatter throughout the earth.
They took their religion with them and because of all the new languages only the names of their gods changed .
In Egypt:
Nimrod was Osiris.
Semiramis was Isis.
Tammuz was Horus.
The Babylon religion, established by Lucifer, rules the world to this day and will continue until Messiah Yahushua returns and destroys it at that time, per Daniel and Revelation.
This is why the all-seeing, non-‘RIGHT’eous, evil, eye of Horus/Tammuz is
plastered throughout the media.
People are being sub-consciously programmed as part of the practicioners ‘magic’ rituals.
In these end-times the book of Daniel is un-sealed and has been for some time.
The identity of the antichrist shouldn’t be a mystery to the ones who study.
Today, Tammuz has a new name and it’s not Horus.
It’s ‘his’ time!
Guess who’s coming to dinner?
IlluminatiWatcher says
Well said! Cheers. -Isaac
BK says
@ Isaac,
I have checked the “Notify me of follow-up comments by email.” on more than one article but I don’t receive any notifications of new comments in my e-mail.
However, I have received at least two “new posts” notifications from you.
Really like your site!
Bernard Weckmann says
I live in Toowoomba (Queensland/Australia).
Google “Toowoomba Regional Council Logo” and check out the logo. Am I the only one who can see three interlocked SIXes in there?
They are indeed everywhere!
Fleshvessel says
I see two 6’s. Maybe they are only 2/3 evil 🙂
Btw- I’m in Canada, you’re in Australia, which way does the moon appear to you? I see it, ‘bunny ears’ facing up usually, ears at the midnight or 1:00 position.
AndyTithesis says
Yeah maybe. Or likely it’s all just human apophenia you are experiencing. It’s natural in our chaotic daily life’s to perceive or imagine patterns. It’s also natural to draw conclusions and attach them together in an attempt to ease one’s mind. We find comfort in order and understanding. Yes, I said order. Which doesn’t mean I’m part of the Illuminati. Pragmatic reasoning and sardonic humor can explain away them all. They are either imagined or our being perpetrated through a schadenfreude feeding agenda at the expense of your unease and paranoia. Are there rich people telling secrets and running most everything. Yes, obviously. Are they all under syndication. Mostly. That’s how everything works. It’s always a pyramid if you are giving a thing a set value which is able to appreciate or depreciate. The rest are coincidences or modern human aping of one another. Like hand signals. Among the wealthy it is an inside joke surely by now to make Illuminati puns and references. I’m afraid it’s the other way around and we are being led around by morons acting the part and how it all hangs together is the biggest miracle or magick at work today. The whole thing will topple under our greed and schemes. But it’s not one big fault line it will be a disarray of many scattered and unconnected pockets of power grabbers. Humans are to inept to step on one another to build anything based on any factor other than enhancing one’s own pocket book. So in a sense you’re right but it’s more embarrassing and much less graceful than you seem to imagine it all to be. We just have a surplus of moronic people in this modern day whom are so daft they have confidence many will never know purely through their own lack of perception over their own short comings and imperfections. Like they say if you’re feeling a bit cocky, it just means there is something you don’t know. Good luck. Do what though wilt. Anything is possible. Just don’t let it interfere with your peace of mind. Worrying isn’t worth the trouble it places on your mental health. Relax and keep watching and keep questioning. But do enjoy yourself first. Life only gets shorter from here.
Lisa says
Please help me. I purchased a house and in my room there are what look like Egyptian symbols all over my walls including the eye of horus. someone painted over them however because they were not primed you can still see the symbols through the coat of paint. I am not sure if the following is related to these symbols however now and then I am woken from a deep sleep by a very strong smell that only I can smell. it smells like something musty and old and it is almost thick. I really want these symbols removed I am not sure if priming ans painting over them will be enough. please tell me how to remove these symbols from my room and if they are causing the smell.
Gaz says
I went through this, move house I would highly recommend. I didn’t notice the symbols until I looked at photos of friends and I. A lot of paranormal activity happened, never used to believe in that shit. Looking back there was a locked room with a crystal nob, belonged to owner who was in USA urged us not to go in there. My friend kicked it open and I kid you not, puppeteers dolls, voodoo dolls, strange photos, old artefacts. I’m guessing the house was used as ritualistic nature. This was over 3 years ago, knowing what I know now I wouldn’t have rented that place as long as I did. There’s gonna be black energy bound in your house, you have to cleanse it. Look some research but you are gonna need an expert. I tried and they attacked me. I almost went insane, the only thing that help me through was good intentions and love. Don’t fear what you do not fully understand just be aware. Oh yeah phone got hacked lost all photos and files after moving house ahaha coincidence, I think not. Peace n love
Bob says
About 40 seconds into the Count Duckula intro, there is a pentagram with several stars, Saturn surrounded by Square and Compass symbols, the All Seeing Eye, and another Square and Compass next to an M.
If the stars and pentagram are counted as fifteen stars, fifteen is The Devil in the Tarot.
The Animaniacs intro shows the planet Saturn pulled to the Earth when Pinky and the Brain are introduced.
The Duck Tales, Goof Troop, Histeria, Karate Kid Animated Series, and Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego cartoons have pyramids in their introductions.
Bob says
The pentagram in Count Duckula is pointing downward, associated with Satanism.
The M symbol appears attached to a line, possibly the same as the serpent climbing symbol in the Nick Jonas “Voodoo” video.
Bob says
In the movie “Paul” there is a photo of HW Bush with the 666 hand sign about 53 minutes in.
Hovhannes says
Antichrist used my mistakes to resurrect himself using Horus eye. I see how it controls people behavior especially children behavior. Many people don’t notice that because they are also in control of that evil force.
Greg says
Greg says
The last version of Winamp media player is 5.666 which points to number 666. So after that version Winamp updates were discontinued.
clifford says
I want to join
Jim Hansen says
This is regard to Satanic symbols in ads – I’d been watching a lot of videos and then thought to myself that I ought to see if I could see one first hand. Ironically – after listening to a video while in the car, I got out at a local gas station and the attached image shows an ad for Bang energy drinks – it was hanging on a gas station wall. Here is a link to the picture – https://imgur.com/eIHes6D – I’m sure you can see the “666” …
It was almost as if God himself set me up to see what I was looking for – immediately. Didn’t take days of looking at stores.
bruce says
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Weldon Rittenhouse says
Seems to me that this webpage makes it clear that the author is the only person not in the illuminati. If everyone is in the illuminati, it is not much of a secret society. Is it? Seems like the secret society is the two people NOT in the iluminati.
John says
newsletter please
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