Hello and welcome back to IlluminatiWatcher.com! I’m your host, Isaac Weishaupt, and we’ll examine more of the symbolism that the “Illuminati” have been using for their agenda…
The Illuminati uses various symbols in pop culture in order to implant themes and ideas into the public’s subconscious. This may seem innocuous, but it has a rather sinister and darker purpose. Depending on whom you ask, certain signs indicate Illuminati ownership, magic symbols, or energetic sacrifices to other worldly deities.
The book Symbols of the Goddess by Clare Gibson says that Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud recognized how a symbol has the power to evoke and influence our actions on a conscious and unconscious level. Take a moment and let that sink in. You’ve got possibly two of the most influential psychologists of all time telling us that a symbol can influence our actions. The author goes on to discuss how Jung noticed similarities of symbols used by all ancient cultures (even though they didn’t have any direct knowledge on one another; kind of like the elongated skulls mystery referenced in Ancient Aliens).
An example given is how early Greek and Roman psychiatry type sessions had clients drawing “trees and mandalalike circles.” These universal symbols represent the tree of life (axis mundi), and Jung attributed it to some kind of genetic mental blueprint. He subsequently made a theory of collective unconscious that defines universal archetypes of symbols. He believed there are three strata of the mind: the conscious, personal unconscious, and collective unconscious. This collective unconscious is the universal one that all of us somehow understand on a subconscious level.
These ideas manifest through universal symbolism (e.g. triangles, horns, All Seeing Eyes, etc.). He believed that symbols such as the moon and the sun are subconsciously understood by us as father and mother, or warrior and princess, or god and goddess archetypes. He said it was “an attempt to explain the reasons behind the creation and future direction of both the cosmos and humanity.”
Here’s some direct quoting from the book (which I highly recommend if you’re interested in symbolism of the female and goddess):
“Symbolism is, then, a truly international form of communication, for it bypasses the barriers of language, race and culture, speaking directly to each level of the human psyche, but most meaningfully to the collective unconscious. When we view a symbol, say, an image of the moon, we recognize it on a conscious level, equating it to the astral body that shines at night; our personal unconscious may also recall a particular night with which, for whatever reason, we associate the moon strongly.
Our collective unconscious, however, transcends such superficial connotations: in accordance with a more profound, metaphysical response, it associates the symbol with the tides, water and feminine fertility, but also with coldness, death and the underworld, and thus, since all of these are her attributes, with the Goddess.”
Conspiracy theorist Freeman Fly details symbols in his book Weird Stuff Vol. 1 and says that symbols are magical seals or ‘signatures’ thought to be the…:
“…cross stiches in the fabric of reality. The language of symbols works on the subconscious level of the mind as they are easy to grasp and meditate upon. The only magically effective symbols are those charged with the peculiar vitality of the subconscious.
Carl Jung said in Man and His Symbols:
Thus an examination of Man and his Symbols is in effect an examination of man’s relation to this own unconscious. And since in Jung’s view the unconscious is the great guide, friend, and adviser of the conscious, this book is related in the most direct terms to the study of human beings and their spiritual problems.
And later:
When the medical psychologist takes an interest in symbols, he is primarily concerned with “natural” symbols, as distinct from “cultural” symbols. The former are derived from the unconscious . . . the cultural on the other hand . . . used to express “eternal truths”, and . . . still used in many religions
One such theme of symbolism used to convey an ‘eternal truth’ is that of horned deities.
The origin of this deity with horns is convoluted at best, so by all means research it for yourself and if you find anything that counters what I’ve got here be sure to comment and let me know. I’m by no means an expert on this subject.
The oldest mention of a horned deity starts with Nimrod, El, and Moloch. These somewhat-interchangeable deities were thought to be depicted as either a single or double horned-god who was worshipped in the Bronze Ages of Mesopotamian culture. He was one of multiple gods in these ancient Pagan cultures that we see the Canaanites, Sumerians, Phoenicians, Assyrians, and Babylonians devoting much energy and bloodshed.
They were worshipping this deity to the point of sacrificing their own children (although some argue there is no definitive evidence of this, while others claim a counter-conspiracy cover-up of the disturbing practice). These ancient cultures believed that sacrificing their infants would appease the deity and they would in return have financial blessings, more fertility, good fortunes, or any other type of prayer worthy gift. This form of idolatry is what influenced much of the teachings of the Bible (about having false idols and such).
I talk about various theories involving the pagans of the time with goddess worship like Semiramis in this post on Occult & Illuminati holiday traditions, while going into Moloch stuff:
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon had a temple of Nimrod (with the single or double horns; represented as aka Moloch) where sacrifices were given, as referred to in 2nd Kings 23:10:
He also defiled Topheth, which is in the valley of the son of Hinnom, that no man might make his son or his daughter pass through the fire for Molech.
Also in Leviticus 18:21 of the KJV:
And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD
Further on in the occult holidays post when talking about St. Patrick’s Day:
They believed that Moloch would give them financial blessings if they sacrificed their children, and this is believed to continue to this day, as is evident by the startling number of missing children around the world at any given time. A study from 1999 reported that approximately 800,000 children are missing every year in America. 800,000 is an astoundingly high number, that’s about 16,000 per state (if distributed evenly). Getting back to the worship of Moloch, people still wear the horns of Moloch as jewelry, referred to as the Italian Horn.
The unicorn’s horn was attributed with healing powers, and was considered one of the most valuable things on earth. The Inquisition would torture those that wouldn’t acknowledge the strength and existence of the unicorn and its horn. The unicorn horn spirals (just like the ziggurat of the Tower of Babel), and is yet another reference to Moloch. The horn gives you blessings if you could acquire it as well (again, same logic for the Moloch sacrifices). The leprechaun shillelagh was just another representation of the horn of Moloch with its powers.
Rainbows are also symbolic of the ancient worship of Moloch. At the end of the rainbow there are treasures that leprechaun would do anything to get back. It is depicted as a cauldron filled with gold. Again, it is the financial blessings that Moloch gave you in return for the sacrifice. These cauldrons were used in occult practices, including the sadistic bobbing for apples (see the occult symbolism found in Halloween).
Perhaps this explains why we see the rainbow symbol so often in Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut
Or in Wizard of Oz; a tale by Theosophist Frank L. Baum.
Some Greek and Roman records claim that the Phoenicians of Carthage also had children that were sacrificed by fire to the deity of Saturn (Greek) or Cronus (Roman), which was also known as Ba’al Hammon by the Carthaginians. This is where we can tie-in Moloch with Ba’al, even though they were technically different deities. Ba’al was the son of their version of God the Father, El, and they were synonymously referenced. They were also both depicted as bulls, or seen with horns atop their heads.
It should be noted that the ‘sacrifice of children to a deity’ concept is refuted by some, the notion still exists that Moloch and/or Ba’al is the deity attributed to death and particularly the blood sacrifice of the youth in exchange for the gifts from an entity of the dark side. In fact, Beelzebub is a common household name for Satan, which derives its origin from Ba’al, or in its Arabic form Ba’al dhubaab (and on the occult holiday of May Day or Beltane Fire Festival, the bailfires are really just Ba’al-fires).
There was also a hollow bronze bull that the ancient Greeks would execute criminals inside of by roasting them to death via applied heat. Perhaps this is a carryover tradition from the days of Moloch worship as well. Here’s NNDB.com talking about the notorious leader of Sicily, Phalaris, who created the bronze bull as a hail to Ba’al:
After ages have held tip Phalaris to infamy for his excessive cruelty. In his brazen bull, invented, it is said, by Perillus of Athens, the tyrant’s victims were shut up and, a fire being kindled beneath, were roasted alive, while their shrieks represented the bellowing of the bull. Perillus himself is said to have been the first victim. There is hardly room to doubt that we have here a tradition of human sacrifice in connection with the worship of the Phoenician Baal (Zeus Atabyrius) such as prevailed at Rhodes; when misfortune threatened Rhodes the brazen bulls in his temple bellowed.
The Rhodians brought this worship to Gela, which they founded conjointly with the Cretans, and from Gela it passed to Agrigentum. Human sacrifices to Baal were common, and, though in Phoenicia proper there is no proof that the victims were burned alive, the Carthaginians had a brazen image of Baal, from whose downturned hands the children slid into a pit of fire; and the story that Minos had a brazen man who pressed people to his glowing breast points to similar rites in Crete, where the child-devouring Minotaur must certainly be connected with Baal and the favorite sacrifice to him of children.
There is another term for the burning sacrifice of human beings that will be easily recognized by the reader, and that is ‘holocaust.’ Some conspiracy theorists rightly point out the disturbing fact that we still reference the tragic events of World War II as the ‘holocaust’ which literally means a ‘burnt offering of sacrifice to god.’ OneEvil.com has much more on this concept as well:
The Holocaust- the mass sacrifice of over eighteen million innocent Protestants, Orthodox Christians, ethnic Jews and minority groups by burning several million of them alive in ovens in Poland and Russia less than seventy years ago by Catholic dictators Adolf Hitler S.J. and Fr Joseph Stalin S.J. represents the largest and most expensive act of mass human sacrifice in history.
So vast were the military and logistical resources ordered to be deployed to this “Great Inquisition” from Rome from 1939 to 1945 that it played a major part to the eventual downfall of the Nazi Third Reich. The effort to efficiently sacrifice the largest number of non-Catholics in 24 x 7 purpose-built ovens [24 hours a day, 7 days a week] was a massive logistical effort- not the least of which required the complete genealogy analysis of most of Europe.
The genocide that took place did in fact take place in a ritualistic manner over a mapped out area of a pentagram (from DavidIcke).
The pagan religions of the Middle Ages worship both the horned god and the Triple Goddess (Maiden, Mother, and Crone; explained further in the Occult & Illuminati holiday traditions post). The horned god is the male aspect of the divine, usually being depicted with the head of an animal, and always with horns atop its head (although it was also referenced with its various forms or ‘moods’ as the Green Man or Sun God). The male deity is shown with anthropomorphic characteristics because it represents the wild side of human nature, which one could argue is consumed by sex, survival, fear, and violence; all reptilian brain functions that the Illuminati use to their advantage:
To play devil’s advocate, there are claims by anthropologist Margaret Murray that the Christian Church started depicting Satan with horns in order to demonize the Pagans with their horned god, and the witches/Pagans use this theory to defend themselves from the given label of “devil worshippers.”
Continuing on that line of witches and Pagans, Wiccan founder Gerald Gardner established the religion through an amalgamation of Occult, Freemasonry, Theosophy, and Aleister Crowley’s beliefs from their time together at the Ordo Templi Orientis and Order of the Golden Dawn.
Occultist and magic practitioner Eliphas Levi created the infamous Baphomet image and defined the inverted pentagram with its two points upward (like horns) as the symbol representative of evil.
So it seems that through six degrees of separation we can tie evil to horned imagery, to the occult (Levi to Crowley), to witches, to Pagans, and then back to Moloch. And of course there is the overarching web of the Illuminati who promote these things subtlety through entertainment and various other forms. Depending on how deep you want to go down this rabbit hole we can claim that the Archon demons from another dimension are really pushing this entire agenda (aka the reptilian shape shifters- see my book A Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory for the breakdown on that one) .
Here’s why I say that. In Hebrew, Moloch means ‘king’ and Ba’al means ‘master’ or ‘owner.’ In Greek, Archon means ‘to rule’. The rulers of this world (the ‘kings’-Moloch, or masters-Ba’al) are the top 1% of the top 1%; the most elite who control all industries of energy, entertainment and media; also known as the Illuminati.
The Archons are the shape shifting reptilians who believe they can rule the masses. They are what form the Illuminati. When we see satanic imagery in music videos and films, it’s a subliminal message to the masses while at the same time a sign to each of the other members of the Illuminati who understand this esoteric language.
The rituals that were done in Babylon and the ancient world, and continue to this day, are done in a certain sequence in order to appease this dark force that exists in another dimension, unseen to us. The people who are into this have no empathy for others and seek only to please the demons and entities that exist on the dark side of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. I explain this in the post about the Kabbalah conspiracy theories & Illuminati symbolism in pop culture post when I talk about ‘the other side:’
When broaching the concept of evil, some of the Kabbalah teachings display it through a shadow Sephirot and call it the “Other Side.” It is also referred to as the “evil twin,” and this “Other Side” is represented by evil spirits known as the Qliphoth. The Hermetic Qabalah actually tries to make contact with the Qliphoth spirits as part of the self-realization process (unlike the Jewish Kabbalah).
Some of these evil demons are eerily similar to the Illuminati symbolism we see from the entertainment industry on a regular basis, leading me to believe that the Illuminati are part of this magic ritual trying to contact the dark forces of the Qliphoth For example, the demon Nehemoth (a.k.a. Naamah) means ‘whisperer’ and is responsible for frightening sounds and exciting the mind with strange desires. This demon was characterized as pleasing and had a proclivity for idolatry and singing songs to pagan deities (does ‘American Idol’ seem fitting?…). The symbolism for the Illuminati vow of silence that we see from young men and women in the entertainment industry couldn’t convey this point any clearer
That same post goes into songs we find about ‘the Other Side’ from various popular musicians:
And there are the remaining demons that all correspond to the Tree of Life to fill out the shadow “Other Side” of God’s good attributes. These demons were studied by many of the ‘forefathers’ of the occult and dark arts including Aleister Crowley (Liber 777) and Anton LaVey (the Satanic Bible). Is it a surprise that rock group Aerosmith had a hit called The Other Side with dark lyrics such as:
Lovin’ you has go to be (take me to the other side)
Like the devil and the deep blue sea (take me to the other side)
Forget about your foolish pride (take me to the other side)
Oh take me to the other side (take me to the other side)My conscience got to be my guide (take me to the other side)
Oh honey take me to the other sideRed Hot Chili Peppers have a song called Otherside that is about battles with addiction, and Macklemore also has a song called Otherside as well that features lyrics of drug addiction. Are these drug fueled songs revealing the reason for the rampant drug use in the entertainment industry as links to occult beliefs and the Illuminati?
Jason Derulo must also go there with his song The Other Side:
Take me to the other side
And take me to the other side
Kiss me like it’s do or die
And take me to the other sideArcade Fire’s Reflektor also boasts some lyrics about the other side in its occult-Illuminati post:
We hear the lyrics “it’s just a reflector” all throughout the Arcade Fire song, which are very close to Blavatsky statement “only the reflector” and the song ends with the repetition:
It’s a reflector
It’s just a reflector
Just a reflector
But I see you on the other side
It’s just a reflector
But I see you on the other side
We all got things to hide
It’s just a reflector
But I see you on the other sideNicki Minaj is in a movie called The Other Woman and she told MTV (concerning her new look that appears more natural and less garish):
“I went so far to the other side that there’s only one place to go from there…”
And who could forget the hit from The Doors called Break on Through (To the Other Side) which has it right there in the title and features lyrics such as:
You know the day destroys the night
Night divides the day
Tried to run
Tried to hide
Break on through to the other sideThe gate is straight
Deep and wide
Break on through to the other side
Crowley has a profound impact on the music industry and that is why they partake in these symbols. The musicians are performing these rituals when they use these lyrics and putting on certain performances. We saw Katy Perry perform a very dark ritual with Juicy J on the 2014 Grammy Awards with their performance of her song Dark Horse. I’ve got an Illuminati symbolism post about that too. In the words of Calhoun Tubbs, “if you liked to hear it, here it goes”:
The initiate who plays with magic really should know what they are falling for, but that doesn’t stop the musicians and Hollywood stars from dabbling anyways. Kenneth Grant wrote about the downfall of playing with magic when one is not ready for it in The Magical Revival:
In mediaeval times secrecy was restored to more as a safeguard for the occultist than for the world of which he formed a part. The scene is not much different today, except that the tables are turned. The indiscriminate revelation of occult formulae often leads to insanity and death. The unprepared who meddle with occult processes invite trouble.
So it’s no shocker to see that she made us watch (and take part) of a ritual with witches, a beast with Moloch horns (horned god symbolism; it’s the figure on the far right), and plenty of fire to go around
Crowley said Satan wasn’t merely just a devil with a pitchfork, but rather anyone who is ‘God’ for the ‘other’ team. From his book Magic in Theory and Practice (retrieved from Hermetic.com):
“The Devil” is, historically, the God of any people that one personally dislikes. This has led to so much confusion of thought that THE BEAST 666 has preferred to let names stand as they are, and to proclaim simply that AIWAZ — the solar-phallic-hermetic “Lucifer” is His own Holy Guardian Angel, and “The Devil” SATAN or HADIT of our particular unit of the Starry Universe. This serpent, SATAN, is not the enemy of Man, but He who made Gods of our race, knowing Good and Evil; He bade “Know Thyself!” and taught Initiation. He is “the Devil” of the Book of Thoth, and His emblem is BAPHOMET, the Androgyne who is the hieroglyph of arcane perfection. The number of His Atu is XV, which is Yod He, the Monogram of the Eternal, the Father one with the Mother, the Virgin Seed one with all-containing Space. He is therefore Life, and Love.
Evoking these dark entities breaks one down over time to the point that the medium takes on the traits and despises the masses, viewing them as cattle. The victims are destroyed and it affects many others around them. This is why you see public meltdowns from entertainers like Britney Spears shaving her head, Michael Jackson actin’ the fool going on spending sprees, Mariah Carey saying goofy stuff on TRL, or one of the many deaths we see (see the 27 club).
I go into this in Decoding Illuminati Symbolism: Moloch, Owls and the Horns of Satan Part 2:
The importance of the symbolism is expressed by occultist Manly Palmer Hall in his book The Secret Teachings of All Ages:
In the World of Assiah are to be found the demons and tempters. These are likewise reflections of the ten great globes of Atziluth, but because of the distortion of the images resulting from the base substances of the World of Assiah upon which they are reflected, they become evil creatures, called shells by Qabbalists. There are ten hierarchies of these demons to correlate with the ten hierarchies of good spirits composing the Yetziratic World. There are also ten Archdemons, corresponding to the ten Archangels of Briah. The black magicians use these inverted spirits in their efforts to attain their nefarious ends, but in time the demon destroys those who bind themselves to it. The ten orders of demons and the ten Archdemons of the World of Assiah are as follows:
D1, the evil Crown; the hierarchy is called Thaumiel, the doubles of God, the Two-head; the Archdemons are Satan and Moloch.
The light bearer known as Lucifer is also depicted as a flame, or a torch; particularly that of Torch of Liberty. The flames and light are a symbol for enlightening and truly allowing man to ‘do as thou wilt.’ Crowley oddly echoed the Declaration of Independence which gave men and women many rights to pursue their own form of happiness. The Freemasonic influence of the founding fathers is no doubt imbued in the founding of America, and Lady Liberty (aka Lady Semiramis or the Babylon Whore). I go into this a little bit on my post of Decoding Illuminati Symbolism: The All Seeing Eye and 666 Hand Gesture:
The ‘Age of Reflection’ refers to the Romanticism period (1800-1840) of thought, both scientifically and intellectually. It essentially sought to unify man and nature through science; an opposition to the Age of Enlightenment that sought to divide out the two. Granted, the Age of Enlightenment had prominent Illuminati-Freemasonry ties and historical connections, considering how the two had roots through prominent intellectuals like Isaac Newton (known Freemason), Robert Boyle (known Freemason), John Locke (probable Freemason), and Francis Bacon (rumored Freemason).
So one could say the Age of Reflection is in opposition to the practices of the Age of Enlightenment, and therefore the Illuminati. But I’m not going to. And the reason why is because the Age of Reflection believed in a concept of a ‘Golden Age’. Romanticism had four basic principles: “the original unity of man and nature in a Golden Age; the subsequent separation of man from nature and the fragmentation of human faculties; the interpretability of the history of the universe in human, spiritual terms; and the possibility of salvation through the contemplation of nature.
In Texe Marrs’ Codex Magica he claims that George Bush Sr. once walked into the Oval Office wearing a goat head mask. Combine that oddity with the fact that George Bush Jr. was reading The Pet Goat on 9/11 and one has to wonder?…
**Note the ’77’ on the hat; a number known by occultists thanks to Aleister Crowley’s Liber OZ or Book 77.
Another goat-like depiction of a deity is that of Pan. This is the horned god of nature for many Pagans. Pan’s father is Hermes; the founder of the Hermetic traditions and the Illuminati vow of secrecy.
A website called HollywoodSubliminals.com has a pretty good write up on Saturn and its occult influences and I detail it further in my Decoding Illuminati Symbolism: Saturn and the Black Cube post:
Saturn has also been associated with Satan and this, for numerous reasons. First, many authors argue that the word Satan is derived from the word Saturn. Second, Saturn is associated with the color black as well as Satan. Third, Ancients considered Saturn to be the farthest planet from the sun , the latter being associated with the principle of Good. (Note that Pluto never was considered a planet). Saturn is consequently the celestial body that is the less exposed to the sun’s divine light and thus associated with the coldness of the principle of Evil. Finally, the “great god Pan”, the horned deity, represented Saturn in ancient paganism. This half-man half-goat creature is considered the ancestor of our modern depictions of Satan.
“Pan was a composite creature, the upper part–with the exception of his horns–being human, and the lower part in the form of a goat. (…)The pipes of Pan signify the natural harmony of the spheres, and the god himself is a symbol of Saturn because this planet is enthroned in Capricorn, whose emblem is a goat”
– Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages
So Pan was depicted with horns due to the fact it represented Saturn, the ruler of the house of Capricorn which symbol is a goat.
Pan was the controlling spirit of the lower worlds. He was portrayed roaming through the forests, penis erect, drunk and lascivious, frolicking with nymphs and piping his way through the wild. We might say he ruled the lower nature of man, its animal side, not unlike Satan.
Despite acknowledging its association with Evil, secret societies find the veneration of Saturn necessary to obtain illumination. It is the necessary counterpart of the principle of Good. Masonic authors clearly associate Saturn with Satan.
Yet another play on the horns would involve the various astrological ages we know about in recorded history. The order of the astrological ages goes as follows:
- Age of Taurus (symbolized by the bull)
- Age of Aries (symbolized by the ram and fire)
- Age of Pisces (symbolized by fish and monotheism)
- Age of Aquarius (symbolized by the water carrier and the New Age movement, freedom and technology)
I know the astute reader will be able to put two and two together and see where we’re headed with this. The first age of Taurus was roughly around the pre-Moses time and he destroyed it with the Ten Commandments when God declared Thou shalt not worship false idols. This was because the people were worshipping Moloch and the bronze bull gods at that time.
The next age was Aries and the ram (more horns). This was around the time of Akhenaten who was the Egyptian pharaoh who attempted to supplant the polytheistic worship of multiple deities with a monotheistic one. Moses continued to condemn the practice of worshipping the false idols, and the concept of a single God started to take foothold.
Next up, the Age of Pisces is the age of the Christian, brought forth by Jesus Christ, hence the reason we see the fish as a symbol of Christianity.
Lastly we have the Age of Aquarius which some argue already started, while others claim they are pushing us towards. The massive amount of change that has taken place over the last 100 years makes one think we are in a period of serious transition, especially with the transhumanism movement which takes technology and “reforms” God’s creation of man to make an artificial evolution into a new form of biological robot.
So you can see that the horns of the ancient ages of astrology are the Illuminati’s way of saying that they are continuing to defy Christianity and that they are laying low until the Age of Aquarius can take over and they can make all of us transhumanistic robots and slaves to their purpose. The film Zeitgeist did a good job of going through this theory if you’re interested in learning more.
One more thing I feel I should point out is the improper conflation of the bull deities (e.g. Ba’al, Moloch, etc.) with the owl deities. I’m going to be forthright and just point out that I’ve been blatantly guilty of this in the past, but that just shows the progression of the knowledge I’ve acquired since I started this website. I started it to go on this journey of exploring controversial ideas and intend on taking the reader right along with me. So when you look up past articles on here you’ll see that Moloch and owls get mixed up together, but that is sort of incorrect.
The owl is actually symbolism for the goddess, which is depicted with the various goddesses like the Greek Athena, and then the Roman Minerva. The owl was depicted as the symbol for wisdom because it had an ability to see in the dark. It was a metaphor because it would illuminate the darkness of the masses and educate the ignorant. It was able to transcend illusions and deception and see the ultimate truths of the world.
The people who believe in these occult practices think that the owl is a perfect representation of their ‘path.’ The owl symbolizes going into the dark in order to find wisdom; as in exploring dangerous realms (like Crowley’s “Abyss”) in order to attain more wisdom.
We see the owl all over the place in the realm of conspiracy, including its most infamous use at Bohemian Grove during the Cremation of Care ceremony where ‘mock’ sacrifices of children are given up to the owl-god:
You can also see it on the DoD Project MINERVA logo.
We saw how this tied into Facebook and social experimentation to study the effects of various posts on people’s news feeds.
Richard Cassaro has a great post about owl symbolism, and one of the sections is entirely about the Cremation of Care. From RichardCassaro.com:
The ceremony involves the poling of a small boat across a lake containing an effigy of Care (“Dull Care”). Dark, hooded individuals receive the effigy from the ferryman which is placed on an altar and, at the end of the ceremony, is set on fire.
Domhoff notes: “this is the body of Care, symbolizing the concerns and woes that afflict all men during their daily lives.”
The occult meaning of this ceremony seems clear. These men carry the cares of the world and use a symbolic ritual to cast it off. The remaining time at the Club represents a careless period, or vacation of sorts, during which time no business is conducted.
By “cremating” care, they expunge the negative energy of such emotions as worry, fear, and anxiety; it is the goal and magical effect of the ritual, which could more properly be called the “Cremation of worry” or “Cremation of negative energy.”
The pertinent evidence to the present article, of course, is the fact that the ceremony takes place next to a 45 foot (14m) high concrete owl statue, symbolizing knowledge and wisdom. The voice of the owl during the ceremony is former newsman Walter Cronkite, himself a member of the Bohemian Club, and music and fireworks accompany the ritual for dramatic effect.
And of course, we tie right back into magic when referencing the ridding of stresses from this ritual:
Magical thinking applies here: they believe they have done it, and so they have.
The owl is connected to magic because Native Americans and Africans both used it as symbolism for magic, prophecy, divination, and protection from evil spirits. Some believe that the owl carries messages back and forth between the nether world and ours. From RichardCassaro.com:
Shamans called upon Owl medicine for insight. Plains Indians wore owl feathers to protect against evil spirits. The Cree and Apache believed the Boreal Owl was a summoning to the spirit world. To this day, Native Americans associate the owl with spiritual vision; the owl is viewed with respect and associated with the souls of deceased ancestors. African cultures viewed the owl similarly to the Native Americans, heralding them as messengers of secrets as well as the bird of sorcerers, witches, and warlocks. In Madagascar owls are said to dance on the graves of the dead, and to the Aboriginal Australians they are companions to medicine people.
Check out that entire RichardCassaro.com post and you’ll see more examples at Yale, and even in Disney films such as Snow White.
The owl is hidden on the American dollar (although I doubt that’s news to you).
It’s also on the layout of Washington D.C.
Here is an owl on a handout of the Bavarian Illuminati.
Drake loves the owl, and we see that with his OVO label.
Some theorists claim the owl is the female evocation of god, while the bull is the male aspect; hence the confusion.
I’ve also heard David Icke describe this concept with the ancient goddess symbolism of the moon crescent on the head which is another example of horns. Here is a statue of the Greek moon goddess Selene (also holding the torch of illumination).
The Egyptian goddess Isis also has this.
Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com, author, and independent researcher; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac has been a featured guest on Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, VICE, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
DaviD says
So when I see a cow grazing, hear an owl at night, look at the sun, a mountain, a starfish or anything else that has been used as a symbol anywhere between 13,000 BC and present day, I am actually beeing brainwashed by Satan???
Mind blowned!!!
SheSays says
What you should keep in mind (& I hope the author -also- takes this into account) is that Gods & Goddesses like Ra, Isis, Hathor, Ishtar, Cernunnos, & symbols like the Hindu/Buddhist swastika, the upright pentacle Earth symbol, & the Christian cross have been CO-OPTED by these satanic/dark occultists, their original good nature inverted & perverted. The same way satanists pervert the Christian cross by inverting it, is what they have done to other religions & their symbols.
So it would be highly ignorant & dismissive of a great many cultures’ histories to claim their religious symbols were all inherently “bad” or satanic. Even the “tough love” deities like Shiva, Kali, & Anubis are not simply Gods of “death & destruction” but also about transformation through trial & change. They help us move on to the next stage of our lives.
What especially guys tend to forget is that the -original- most ancient symbolism of the bull/cow is that the head & horns symbolized the female womb, her uterine ‘horns’ & often countries (like India) would put tassels on the end of the horns to symbolize the ovary “buds.” Now you know where the “Holy Cow” comes from in Hinduism, one of the most ancient religions in the world. Beloved Egyptian goddess Hathor is another example of matrilineal feminine divinity embodied as a cow.
Anyway, I hope I made my point that when satanic occultists rip-off other cultures gods & symbols to pervert them for their own ends, one should not assume they were inherently evil to begin with.
Greg says
Friend the Bible clearly states all false gods are demons, thus their symbols are demonic. Therefore the work of satan (enemy) ie the one who hates the Lord
boris says
IlluminatiWatcher says
Glad you like it Boris. Thanks.
m says
cremation of care is reference to paradise lost book 2 43-50 satan’s revenge after losing the war in heaven – he no longer cares he will ultimately lose to god and this loss of care means a total loss of fear
m says
thought you’d like this.
also moloch/lillith- feminine/masculine god/goddess of underworld & the owl is the guide to the underworld.
all the old idols built to moloch are the same. this owl is still definitely moloch.. they are just using tons of symbolism
the ferryman taking the effigy across the lake in the cremation of care is charon kharon ferryman of hades ferries the dead to the underworld
m says
eye of osiris is symbol of osiris god of the underworld.. underworld being the major theme
IlluminatiWatcher says
This is interesting; thanks for the share. Where can I find more about the owl references?
patrick says
I feel you’re post is a copy and paste one. There’s no independent research you have done and it’s evident on a terrible reply of a lengthy comment justifying the symbols used by 30STM video.
Evelyn Jackson says
Stalin killed 12 million Catholics…Hilter killed 6 million Catholics…Get your facts straight.
Look it up!!!!!
Whisperingsage says
He’ s wrong in this one thing. There’ s so much there, we are being deliberately brainwashed. That should concern you. For a more in a nutshell look at what Hitler did, get Ray Comfort’s “Hitler, God and the Bible”. I was shocked as no one ever talked about it. Hitler made himself God. Made the swastika his symbol, that we knew, but did we know he replaced the cross on Europe’s churches with the swastika?
Stefani says
Thank you, Evelyn! I would love to know why we think the Holocaust was due to “catholic dictators” that were set on eradication of Catholicism as well. Yes Hitler was born a
Catholic but he didn’t practice as one did he? I think not. I think some artistic license was used on this article and the writer got carried away.
Little Bright Feather says
Yes, they DID throw their babies into the fire for Moloch as a sacrifice (God does not lie and He said they did it) – thing is they are still doing it today ! They are sacrificing their babies and their children.
Some have babies just TO have that sacrifice.
I often wonder whatever happened to Spear’s 2 very beautiful blonde haired blue eyed sons. They have not been seen for years now. They were the most beautiful children and those are the ones the Illuminati go for. They have not been seen since Brittany’s break down. And I worry about them since they are the perfect targets for the devils of control and sacrifice.
SHE is so under control now again she’d be easily talked into anything.
Her father is her handler. He’s who pushed her into all this from young on !
Paul says
This is a hellishly long war between God and his first born prodigal son. Sadly, we weak flesh creatures are caught right in the middle of these two battling Titans, and that religion jazz ain’t gonna save us….
vanita says
Hi – do you know how someone can free themselves from this? how can they escape this?
Eaton says
Vanita, u already free from this. Moloch is actually the ancient all powerful Demon Mahishasuran. He nearly destroyed all of existance. He was slayed by Mahishasura Marthini aka Mother Goddess in a time before we know. But his stories filtered through old religions ( e.g Hinduism and Zoroasterism) to contorted tales & symbols we have today. He was destroyed by Divinity. Goodness prevailed which is why we today know of his destruction rather than live it. He is long gone in his old form and he swore to return during/after the Mahamada period. Some purport Mahamada = Muhammad. Some say Mahamada IS HIS NAME. That post-Mahamada period is NOW…..Dont freak out…NOW means this era which is about 3000 years if not longer.
What is a long time to us is short to Gods, demi Gods n Demons. 3000 years from them is a short time. He is said to manifest in this age in the form of hate, violence and destruction. His region of choice is from the land that is now Afghanistan right through the middle east. Even good ppl in these lands will be affected. These are the lands where thw ancient Kurukshetra wars were fought. Ongoing war there until today between Islam and Christianity have helped his fire stay alive. Again, even innocent cituzens there get affected. He will of course try to infiltrate the rest of the world. Some blogs and videos say this is ISIS. Some say it is a hidden govt in Americas! Who knows?!
Point is that the easiest way for the ppl of this era is to stay positive, loving to one another and live in peace. Whichever religion u belong to is the religion of Love. Whoever u are, be a better u. Even if u dont have a religion. Be spiritual n full of heart. Love will destory Mahishasuran’s coming. You will be fine.
Greg says
Sorry but I worry for your soul.
Greg says
Like escape from the darkness?
Audrey says
I just wanted to share my exspereance with a spikie son and moon emblem necklace given to my husband by a very evil man many years ago my husband was given this neckless it had a spikie son and moon creasent on it well one night we had put the kids to sleep and went into the bath room to have a candle lite bath a romantic evening well I took this neckless off his neck and all I remmember is he was wakeing me out of a sleep like state yelling at me why was I talking to hem like that three times this happened to me I was like what are u talking about I had no nolige of any of it so my husband was upset and called of are romantic evening so as we go to are room all of a sudden I felt kinda of a strange tieredness come over me and I tryed to stop it by forceing me to keep my eyes open and as I was doing this I felt a presence started at my feet entering my body and pushing me into the back of it and was talking out my mouth and looking out my eyes as I sat in darkness behind it in total shock as my husband Hurd this thing talking out my mouth and grabed me shaking me saying who are you get out of my wife and it left as fast as it came I grabed my husband in tolal cayous trying to exsplane what ever that was that
t just had happened to me my husband told me to say joohva joohova joohova three times and to close my eyes and go to sleep and not to worried it well never happen again and he threw out that neckless and it never did happen again but every single time I see that emblem its every were its in every house hold in yard declarations in coffee cups shower curtains and blankits I was always worned when I was little the sign of the beast one day well be in every house hold to me that is the sign of the breast in every ones house hold every time I see it it gives me the most erey feeling of an evil presence and I tell any one I know about my Esperance’s and most of them have desided to get rid of what ever they had with that emblem on it thay have seen better days since
prioris says
The article is wrong
here is some symbolism in a nutshell
Satan is symbol for planet saturn
Ancient Sun god refers to planet saturn
Owl is animal symbolism for planet saturn.
The human figure with horns and goat feet (Satan) refers to astrological sign capricorn
In astrology, Capricorn refers to planet saturn
666 refers directly or indirectly to some frequency emission from saturn
The configuration of the solar system was different in ancient time and Saturn was viewed as another Sun. Saturn and Sun is our binary stars.
Mrs.Garrett says
This was interesting until I got to the “reptillian shape-shifters” part. LOL! I knew then that I could not take any of it seriously. What is with you people that expose the Illuminati and your crazy beliefs about aliens/reptiles/angel-human hybrids?? I think you go a little too far into the area of sci-fi/fantasy. You need to come back to reality.
The Bible is the inerrant Word of God. All you need to do is to confess your sins and accept Jesus (fully God/fully Man) as your Saviour. Then you got nothing to worry about!! Jesus is the True Living God and He has no symbols and no religion. Today is the day of your salvation! Is He your Friend now or your Judge later? Choose wisely.
sizzer says
i want to join illuminati
Goddess Nyx says
Reading this I think I just lost 100 IQ points.
Me says
Drake loves owls because owls are the bird of his home city, Toronto.
Gideon Joseph Gunok says
What an eye opener. I’m interested to know about this conspiracy going on.
Veritas Magi says
The problem with this topic is it’s very deep and nuanced. But some people and fundamentalists tend to be one-sided and simplistic in their approach. Of course child sacrifice is evil, and in fact using any body fluids is also not a good thing to do (including animals). But are those the only ways to petition spirits? No, it’s not. And are all spirits or pagan gods inherently evil? No. Yes, there are dark occultists who have used symbols and names and practices from the distant past, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are using it correctly or aren’t twisting it to their dark designs. Many see the pentagram and instantly think it’s bad, but it isn’t unless it’s inverted. I also see many people calling the planet Saturn evil because some dark occultists use its imagery. But Saturn, like all planets, has both a positive and negative associated with it. Much as Saturn is associated with melancholy and discord, it’s also associated with safety, success, and intellect. In other words, the occult isn’t synonymous with evil, even though we’ve been conditioned to believe that. Much like a gun, occult teachings can be used for either light or dark depending on whose hands are at work. The elite want people disarmed, but not for themselves and their servants; they want a monopoly on the control of guns. Likewise, occult knowledge is told to the masses to be evil and to stay away from it. Why? Because the elite want it for themselves; they want a monopoly on its use. If it’s possible to be a dark occultist, then it must be possible to be a light occultist as well. But too many make the mistake of branding all who study or practice the occult as working for evil and that’s simply not true. Another interesting point comes from the same bible passages warning against allowing any “seed” to “pass” to Molech, but notice there is no warning against anything else. Is this some loophole the authors overlooked? No, it’s warning against blood sacrifice, which is wrong, but doesn’t warn or forbid against other forms of tribute. So again, occult teachings or knowledge isn’t inherently bad, but how it’s being used. I don’t support globalists or the sick elite at the top, and I want to know what they know in order to resist them. We are at a marked disadvantage by ignoring the knowledge and tools they utilize to materialize the world they want. Much like the Lord of the Rings, we need White Wizards to fight the Dark Wizards.
Jeremy Auldaney says
You are right. See my books for more details: Mysteries of History Revealed Part 1 and 2.
Lakin Tesse says
Saying that rainbows are somehow linked to the occult/Satan demonstrates how narrow minded this narrative is. Gensis 9:12
“And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: 13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. 14 Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, 15 I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind”
Whoopsie. What does that mean of God, then? Also:
“The Holocaust- the mass sacrifice of over eighteen million innocent Protestants, Orthodox Christians, ethnic Jews and minority group…”
Conveniently specifying ETHNIC Jews, lumping in Protestants/OC’s, and completely leaves out Judaism. Interesting, no? In fact, The only Christian denomination I can consistently find documented are Jehova’s Witnesses.
Lazy effort putting things together here.
Be Better says
Strange symbols. What does it mean?
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