The Twin Peaks Grey Lodge is now complete! 55 episodes walks through the entire seasons, film and books to decode the occult symbolism! I plan on writing the book in 2025 so stay tuned!…
Original Message:
If you listen to Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture with Isaac Weishaupt podcast then I want you to be a part of something special; but it’s only going to be on the supporter feeds!
I’m starting a project to write a book about the symbolism of Twin Peaks and I want to invite you to join along behind the scenes as we go through the WHOLE THING!
(*The full index of all episodes is at the bottom of this post)
From May 2023 to Feb 23rd, 2025; we did an examination of the symbolism and hidden messages behind:
- Cast, Crew & Creators (*David Lynch and Mark Frost)
- Twin Peaks Season 1
- Twin Peaks Season 2
- Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me film
- Twin Peaks: The Return (Season 3)
- The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer book by Jennifer Lynch
- The Secret History of Twin Peaks book by Mark Frost
- Twin Peaks: The Final Dossier book by Mark Frost
The topics you can expect to hear about as we try to make sense of Twin Peaks:
Owls, entities, tulpas, aliens, magick, blood sacrifice, goddesses, duality, secret societies, TM, atom bomb, Project Blue Book, MJ12, Tibet, Kabbalah, Scarlet Woman, Carl Jung’s shadow, adrenochrome, traumatic abuse, DID, altered states for contact, sex magick, Mauve Zones, Ba’al, Black Lodges & White Lodges, David Lynch, Jack Parsons, Blavatsky, Crowley, James Selby Downard, IT, Wizard of Oz and more!
It really is a master class in occult symbolism and we’re going to dive in! AGAIN- it’s ONLY going to be on the supporter feeds! I talk about the whole idea and process here on the first episode: Twin Peaks Primer- Creation, Location, Music & How to Enter the Grey Lodge! TP01 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/twin-peaks-primer-creation-location-music-how-to-enter-the-grey-lodge-tp01/
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If you’re catching this message after we’ve already started the journey; it’s fine because you can still catch up and listen to the back episodes on the supporter feeds!
Listen to the show on the Apple Podcasts or whichever podcast feed you subscribe to (**and don’t forget to leave your reviews there as well!!**); or right here on the embed:
Listen to “Twin Peaks Occult Symbolism Guide: Enter the Grey Lodge!” on Spreaker.
We started this journey in May 2023 and here is the final index of all Twin Peaks episodes- the “Grey Lodge!” (*chronological order, BOLD episodes are for free feed also)
- Twin Peaks Primer- Creation, Location, Music & How to Enter the Grey Lodge! TP01 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/twin-peaks-primer-creation-location-music-how-to-enter-the-grey-lodge-tp01/
- BONUS Twin Peaks- Cast Fun Facts: 2pac, Discordianism, P0rn Stars & Isaac’s Miss Twin Peaks Countdown! TP02 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-cast-fun-facts-2pac-discordianism-p0rn-stars-isaacs-miss-twin-peaks-countdown-tp02/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks Pilot S1E0 Northwest Passage- Oz, Duality, Meaning of Nightingale, MJ12 & More! TP03 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-pilot-s1e0-northwest-passage-oz-duality-meaning-of-nightingale-mj12-more-tp03/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks S1E1 Traces to Nowhere- James Shelby Downard, JFK, Sex & Death Rituals & More! TP04 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-s1e1-traces-to-nowhere-james-shelby-downard-jfk-sex-death-rituals-more-tp04/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks S1E2 Zen or the Skill to Catch a Killer- Reverse Speech, Babylon Whore & Meaning of Fire Walk with Me! TP05 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-s1e2-zen-or-the-skill-to-catch-a-killer-reverse-speech-babylon-whore-meaning-of-fire-walk-with-me-tp05/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks S1E3- Lynch’s Red Room Vision, Dreams, Secret Societies & More! TP06 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-s1e3-lynchs-red-room-vision-dreams-secret-societies-more-tp06/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks S1E4- Meaning of The Arm, Hank’s Domino, Antichrist & Sex Magick Gateways! https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-s1e4-meaning-of-the-arm-hanks-domino-antichrist-sex-magick-gateways/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks S1E5- Symbolism of Apocalypse, Duality, Origins of Woodsmen & Meaning of Red Curtains! TP08 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-s1e5-symbolism-of-apocalypse-duality-origins-of-woodsmen-meaning-of-red-curtains-tp08/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks S1E6- Symbolism of Unicorn, Laura’s Sexual Powers & Waldo’s Ominous Recording! TP09 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-s1e6-symbolism-of-unicorn-lauras-sexual-powers-waldos-ominous-recording-tp09/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks S1E7- Damaged Gods of the Cosmic Mind and Death & Rebirth Rituals! TP10 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-s1e7-damaged-gods-of-the-cosmic-mind-and-death-rebirth-rituals-tp10/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks S2E1- The Giant, Oz Symbolism, Origin of Smiling Body Bags & More! TP11 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-s2e1-the-giant-oz-symbolism-origin-of-smiling-body-bags-more-tp11/
- Twin Peaks Laura Palmer Home: Meeting David Lynch & Starring in S3 as Alice Tremond: It’s Mary Reber! https://illuminatiwatcher.com/twin-peaks-laura-palmer-home-meeting-david-lynch-starring-in-s3-as-alice-tremond-its-mary-reber/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks S2E2- Tibetan Buddhism, Great White Brotherhood, Symbols of Donuts, Creamed Corn & More! TP12 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-s2e2-tibetan-buddhism-great-white-brotherhood-symbols-of-donuts-creamed-corn-more-tp12/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks S2E3- Symbols of the Circle, the Giant’s Third Clue & More! TP13 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-s2e3-symbols-of-the-circle-the-giants-third-clue-more-tp13/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks S2E4- The Dark Path of Kalispell, Log Lady Theories & the Cosmic Battle Theory! TP14 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-s2e4-the-dark-path-of-kalispell-log-lady-theories-the-cosmic-battle-theory-tp14/
- BONUS Twin Peaks S2E5: Occult Yoga, Red Curtains, Oz, Owls & Wisteria at One ! TP15 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-s2e5-occult-yoga-red-curtains-oz-owls-wisteria-at-one-tp15/
- BONUS Twin Peaks S2E6: Demons, Owls & the One-Armed Man vs BOB in the Battle of Good vs Evil! TP16 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-s2e6-demons-owls-the-one-armed-man-vs-bob-in-the-battle-of-good-vs-evil-tp16/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks S2E7- Laura’s Secret Diary, Circles, Moon Goddess Sacrifice, BOB & the Apocalypse! TP17 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-s2e7-lauras-secret-diary-circles-moon-goddess-sacrifice-bob-the-apocalypse-tp17/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks S2E8- Opposing Polarity, Freemasons Golfing and Life is But a Dream! TP18 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-s2e8-opposing-polarity-freemasons-golfing-and-life-is-but-a-dream-tp18/
- Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me, Laura Palmer, Synchronicities, Ron Garcia & David Lynch Symbolism with Scott Ryan! https://illuminatiwatcher.com/twin-peaks-fire-walk-with-me-laura-palmer-synchronicities-ron-garcia-david-lynch-symbolism-with-scott-ryan/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks S2E9- Laura’s Whisper, Tremond Mystery, Cooper’s Magic, Leland vs BOB and “Got a Light!” TP19 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-s2e9-lauras-whisper-tremond-mystery-coopers-magic-leland-vs-bob-and-got-a-light-tp19/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks S2E10- Cooper’s True Will, Theosophical Light vs Dark, Briggs’ White Lodge Revelation & More! TP20 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-s2e10-coopers-true-will-theosophical-light-vs-dark-briggs-white-lodge-revelation-more-tp20/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks S2E11- Black & White Lodges, Path of the Buddha, Dweller on the Threshold, Abyss, Crowley & Frost’s Dion Fortune Book! TP21 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-s2e11-black-white-lodges-path-of-the-buddha-dweller-on-the-threshold-abyss-crowley-frosts-dion-fortune-book-tp21/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks S2E12- Ben’s Leviathan, Lord Byron, WB Yeats & Major Briggs is NOT Alright! TP22 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-s2e12-bens-leviathan-lord-byron-wb-yeats-major-briggs-is-not-alright-tp22/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks S2E13- Project Blue Book, Tarot Hierophant & Laura Palmer’s Light vs Dark Forces! TP23 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-s2e13-project-blue-book-tarot-hierophant-laura-palmers-light-vs-dark-forces-tp23/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks S2E14- Freemason Chess, Cooper’s Tragic Love Life, Windom Earle’s Darkness & Leo! TP24 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-s2e14-freemason-chess-coopers-tragic-love-life-windom-earles-darkness-leo-tp24/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks S2E15- Owls Galore, Pan & Windom Earle’s Twin Peaks Queen! TP25 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-s2e15-owls-galore-pan-windom-earles-twin-peaks-queen-tp25/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks S2E16- Josie’s Fate, Annie’s Arrival, Frankenstein, Cooper’s Vision of BOB & the Man From Another Place! TP26 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-s2e16-josies-fate-annies-arrival-frankenstein-coopers-vision-of-bob-the-man-from-another-place-tp26/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks S2E17- Alien Symbols on Briggs & The Log Lady, Annies Arrives & Audrey’s Kiss! TP27 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-s2e17-alien-symbols-on-briggs-the-log-lady-annies-arrives-audreys-kiss-tp27/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks S2E18- Owl Cave, Alien Tattoo Symbols, Inversion & More Red Room Connections! TP28 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-s2e18-owl-cave-alien-tattoo-symbols-inversion-more-red-room-connections-tp28/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks S2E19- White Lodge Black Lodge, Owl Cave’s Gateways, Astrological Alignments & Doolittle Aliens! TP29 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-s2e19-white-lodge-black-lodge-owl-caves-gateways-astrological-alignments-doolittle-aliens-tp29/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks S2E20- Black Lodge Dugpas, Saturn & Jupiter, Demonic Sigils & Kabbalah Secrets! TP30 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-s2e20-black-lodge-dugpas-saturn-jupiter-demonic-sigils-kabbalah-secrets-tp30/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks S2E21- Miss Twin Peaks, Astaroth, Keys of Solomon, Sigils, Shadows, Saturn & Jupiter! TP31 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-s2e21-miss-twin-peaks-astaroth-keys-of-solomon-sigils-shadows-saturn-jupiter-tp31/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks S2E22- Red Room Symbolism, Whore of Babylon, Dopplegangers, Fire Souls, King Arthur & More! TP32 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-s2e22-red-room-symbolism-whore-of-babylon-dopplegangers-fire-souls-king-arthur-more-tp32/
- BONUS Twin Peaks Hidden Message: Symbolism of Red Room, Cooper’s Location, Coffee Test & Abyss! S1 & S2 Recap- TP33 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-hidden-message-symbolism-of-red-room-coopers-location-coffee-test-abyss-s1-s2-recap-tp33/
- BONUS: The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer by Jennifer Lynch Book- BOB, Doppleganger, Owls, Woods Orgies & Twin Peaks Origins TP34 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-the-secret-diary-of-laura-palmer-by-jennifer-lynch-book-bob-doppleganger-owls-woods-orgies-twin-peaks-origins-tp34/
- Fire Walk With Me Film Analysis: Twin Peaks’ Shadow, Power & the Glory, Sacrifice of the Goddess & Apocalypse TP35 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/fire-walk-with-me-film-analysis-twin-peaks-shadow-power-the-glory-sacrifice-of-the-goddess-apocalypse-tp35/
- Secret History of Twin Peaks Book by Mark Frost: Freemasons, Illuminati, Crowley, Parsons, Trinity, Roswell, JFK & Downard! TP36 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/secret-history-of-twin-peaks-book-by-mark-frost-freemasons-illuminati-crowley-parsons-trinity-roswell-jfk-downard-tp36/
- Twin Peaks The Return Parts 1 & 2: Saturn, The Experiment, Laura Palmer’s Osiris Resurrection & More! TP37 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/twin-peaks-the-return-parts-1-2-saturn-the-experiment-laura-palmers-osiris-resurrection-more-tp37/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks The Return Part 3: The Mauve Zone, Symbolism of 253 & 119, Sex Magick & Kenneth Grant’s Mysteries Revealed! TP38 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-the-return-part-3-the-mauve-zone-symbolism-of-253-119-sex-magick-kenneth-grants-mysteries-revealed-tp38/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks The Return Part 4: King Arthur Returns, Owls, Gum, Shadows & a Blue Rose Case! TP39 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-the-return-part-4-king-arthur-returns-owls-gum-shadows-a-blue-rose-case-tp39/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks The Return Part 5: Reawakening Cooper, 430, 911, Keys, Dr Amp & Buenos Aires! TP40 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-the-return-part-5-reawakening-cooper-430-911-keys-dr-amp-buenos-aires-tp40/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks The Return Part 6: Rancho Rosa, Ronnie Rocket, Black Dahlia & King Arthur! TP41 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-the-return-part-6-rancho-rosa-ronnie-rocket-black-dahlia-king-arthur-tp41/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks The Return Part 7: Symbolism of Corn, Dream Manifestations, Mr C & Audrey Clues! TP42 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-the-return-part-7-symbolism-of-corn-dream-manifestations-mr-c-audrey-clues-tp42/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks The Return Part 8: Symbols of Death & Rebirth, Trinity, The Experiment & Laura IS THE ONE! TP43 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-the-return-part-8-symbols-of-death-rebirth-trinity-the-experiment-laura-is-the-one-tp43/
- Kenneth Grant: Atomic Bombs, UFO Portals, Alien Gateways & Twin Peaks! TP44 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/kenneth-grant-atomic-bombs-ufo-portals-alien-gateways-twin-peaks-tp44/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks The Return Part 9: Another Coffee Test, Mauve Zones & Another Ring! TP45 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-the-return-part-9-another-coffee-test-mauve-zones-another-ring-tp45/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks The Return Part 10: Laura is the One & Electricity is Humming! TP46 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-the-return-part-10-laura-is-the-one-electricity-is-humming-tp46/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks The Return Part 11: Laura Turkey Theory, Sycamores, Woodsmen, Black Fire & Corn! TP47 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-the-return-part-11-laura-turkey-theory-sycamores-woodsmen-black-fire-corn-tp47/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks The Return Part 12: Blue Rose Origins, Red Curtains, Downard & Audrey Horne! TP48 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-the-return-part-12-blue-rose-origins-red-curtains-downard-audrey-horne-tp48/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks The Return Part 13: Red Room Revisit, Jade Ring & Audrey Theory! TP49 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-the-return-part-13-red-room-revisit-jade-ring-audrey-theory-tp49/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks The Return Part 14: Meaning of “Dreamer Who Dreams”, Tibetan Tulpas & 253 Portal! TP50 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-the-return-part-14-meaning-of-dreamer-who-dreams-tibetan-tulpas-253-portal-tp50/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks The Return Part 15: Percolators, Phillip Jeffries, Electricity & The Log Lady! TP51 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-the-return-part-15-percolators-phillip-jeffries-electricity-the-log-lady-tp51/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks The Return Part 16: Mauve Zones, Theosophy and Revelations for Diane, Audrey & DALE COOPER! TP52 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-the-return-part-16-mauve-zones-theosophy-and-revelations-for-diane-audrey-dale-cooper-tp52/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks The Return Part 17 & 18: Final Battles of White vs Black Lodge & We Finally Talk About Judy! TP53 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-the-return-part-17-18-final-battles-of-white-vs-black-lodge-we-finally-talk-about-judy-tp53/
- BONUS: Twin Peaks The Final Dossier: Sirius, Antichrist, Audrey Horne Theories, Freemasons, Blavatsky & The Secret Word! TP54 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-twin-peaks-the-final-dossier-sirius-antichrist-audrey-horne-theories-freemasons-blavatsky-the-secret-word-tp54/
- Twin Peaks FINAL Analysis: Dale Cooper’s Alchemy Journey, Laura Palmer Divine Goddess & Sex Magick Apocalypse! TP55 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/twin-peaks-final-analysis-dale-coopers-alchemy-journey-laura-palmer-divine-goddess-sex-magick-apocalypse-tp55/
Thank you for joining me on this journey- it truly was too dreamy!
Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture podcast (supported by the premium feeds on Patreon) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Coast to Coast AM, Tin Foil Hat podcast (honorary member of Mount Crushmore), Eddie Bravo’s “Look Into It,” Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, Richard Syrett’s “Strange Planet,” “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, Newsweek, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter! Signed paperbacks available at Gumroad.com/IsaacW!
*STATEMENT: This show is full of Isaac’s useless opinions and presented for entertainment purposes.