Welcome to the IlluminatiWatcher Shop page!
Here you’ll find all the tools you need to get started on your journey of decoding the Illuminati’s agenda and symbolism hidden in plain sight.
ALL of the digital books sold here on IlluminatiWatcher.com below are offered with a 100% money back guarantee. If you don’t like the book, just shoot me an email at illuminatiwatcher@gmail.com.
The books were released in progression of “awareness”, meaning each one goes a little deeper. However, you can start wherever you’d like because I provide background info where necessary.
I’ve written nine full length books since my first in 2013- “A Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory: The Illuminati, Ancient Aliens and Pop Culture” which you can get for FREE by signing up to my email newsletter. Joe Rogan even has a copy of this book (*only because I handed him a copy- but it still counts!):
Amazon Kindle, Audible and Paperback links (*these are Amazon Associates links- meaning if you buy the book by clicking my links I’ll also get a referral bonus for each sale):
- A Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory 2013 https://amzn.to/3X6ocDh
- Sacrifice: Magic Behind the Mic 2014 https://amzn.to/4dXyaOe
- Kubrick’s Code 2015 https://amzn.to/4fWPll3
- The Star Wars Conspiracy 2016 https://amzn.to/3yXwAgs
- Alice in Rocky Horrorland (contains multiple mini books: Google, Alice in Wonderland, Alchemist & RHPS) 2016 https://amzn.to/3yTMqZF
- The Dark Path 2017 (*most popular) https://amzn.to/3MoOEmP
- Conspiracy Theories & Unpopular Culture 2020 https://amzn.to/3yXwSny
- Aliens, UFOs and the Occult: Use Your Illusion I 2020 https://amzn.to/3z0gt1H
- Aliens, UFOs and the Occult: Use Your Illusion II 2021 https://amzn.to/3XnSL9c
Mini books
- Johnny Depp: Vampire, Satanist or Illuminati?… 2015 https://amzn.to/4dZ8eBW
- Coldplay: Illuminati Magicians of Super Bowl 50 2015 https://amzn.to/3YZqpTT
- The Transhuman and Occult Apocalypse: How Google Will Solve the Problem of Humanity 2015 https://amzn.to/3T6fFzf
- The Desert Enigma: An Analysis of Occult Symbolism in Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist 2015 https://amzn.to/4cEYITu
- Hidden Occult Messages of Alice in Wonderland 2016 https://amzn.to/3T9D4Qp
- It’s Just a Jump to the Left… The Unauthorized Guide to Occult Symbolism in the Rocky Horror Picture Show 2016 https://amzn.to/4cN1hCZ
- Is Beyonce in the Illuminati?… 2016 https://amzn.to/3YZqSp7
- Super Bowl: An Analysis of the Occult and Illuminati Symbolism Ritual 2016 https://amzn.to/3T9X4SR
Other Links:
- Author-signed books and shirts: https://gumroad.com/isaacw
- Get 3 books for $5: https://wp.me/p2ijVF-aQA
I’ll post about each of these books below with links of where you can get each one (*also you can get the signed copies, free downloads and BUNDLED DEALS if you go to Gumroad.com/IsaacW)
BOOK DETAILS (*not in chronological order):
Aliens, UFOs and the Occult: Use Your Illusion I
UAP Disclosure, Spiritual Warfare and Manifesting Extraterrestrials through Entertainment
ALIENS, UFOS & THE OCCULT: USE YOUR ILLUSION I is the result of 10 years of research into the realm of the hidden. Isaac’s expertise has been exploring occult doctrine and esoteric philosophies while revealing their presence in pop culture and entertainment. Using this filter of the world, Isaac reveals a theory that suggest occultists have been in contact with extraterrestrial entities for hundreds of years and are pursuing a sinister agenda to create a spiritual faith around this pantheon of disembodied spirits…
Aliens and UFOs are part of a hidden agenda- the occult method to bring about a new age of mankind…
Independent researcher, writer and podcast host Isaac Weishaupt reveals the history of occult belief systems that have anticipated the return of our alien gods. The media and entertainment have been preparing the subconscious of the masses to accept this new reality and the religion of the New World Order.
This analysis describes the occult concept of alchemy and the Great Work- which is the historical pursuits of creating the new age. Connections will be made back to Lucifer- the first extraterrestrial to fall from the heavens and enter our world. Occult practitioners such as Aleister Crowley, John Dee and Jack Parsons have been making contact with the alien entities for hundreds of years. Pioneers of mental studies such as Carl Jung have been perfecting the language of the subconscious and entertainment has been communicating with it since the advent of television and film.
Find out how the zone of artistic creativity is the realm of the fallen gods. Artists and occultists have been making contact for purposes of enlightenment and perfection of man. Drugs and ritualistic practices have been used to alter the mind in preparation for contact with the divine. Through the occult practice of ritual magick there is a method to manifest aliens into our world- and they’ve been hard at work…
Project Blue Beam is a supposed project that will manifest a fake alien invasion to instill an antichrist figure in control of the new world order- the global government. Find out how this theory from the 1990s fits into our modern day world with its 5G global connectivity and technology advancements that make Werner von Braun’s prediction of a fake alien hoax very possible…
The alien disclosure movement is coming down fast- learn about the propaganda movement behind this operation headed by Disney and pushed into the mass subconscious through science fiction and super hero films. The Revelation of the Method has been in front of us for many decades and the future promises to provide the evidence to instill a new alien religion.
The spiritual warfare behind this alien disclosure movement will be connected to the old religions of the occult. The New Age is nothing but an acceptance of the old religions. We’ll look at the transhuman pursuits of technopaths such as Bill Gates and Elon Musk as they attempt a revolution of man that will replace him with a man-made spirit that will effectively destroy humanity. We’ll also take a quick look at the trending idea of adrenochrome- human sacrifice to the gods…
Finally the revelation will come to light as we understand the true goals of those orchestrating these events. We’ll look at the Collins Elite and see if their struggle to resist the forbidden contact with demonic alien spirits is justified. The occult ways of the past will be the religion of the future…
Where you can get the book:
Amazon Kindle and Paperbacks
Author-Signed Paperbacks
Now available on my Gumroad store at Gumroad.com/IsaacW
Apple Books
Get the digital copy on Apple Books!
Author-narrated Audiobook on Audible
Now available! If you’re new to Audible you can get the book FREE using this link:
Aliens, UFOs and the Occult: Use Your Illusion II
Aliens and UFOs are part of a hidden agenda- the occult method to bring about a new age of mankind…
Independent researcher, writer and podcast host Isaac Weishaupt reveals the history of occult belief systems that have anticipated the return of our alien gods. The media and entertainment have been preparing the subconscious of the masses to accept this new reality and the religion of the New World Order.
This analysis describes the occult concept of alchemy, the Great Work and the secret alien religion connected to Lucifer. The language of symbols reach into the subconscious and entertainment is the medium used to change the minds of the masses and in effect; change reality.
The realm of the fallen gods has been tapped into by the most creative minds and artists and their fruits are displayed on the most popular alien films from Hollywood in a technique known as the Revelation of the Method.
We’ll look at E.T.’s consciousness link and alchemical reconciliation of opposites. Flight of the Navigator features an underlying plot of horrific child abuse; enabled by scientists studying the mental connection of a boy to the UFO. Interstellar shows us the higher dimensions accessed by Freemasons through the black hold by Saturn. Under the Skin depicts the A.I. aliens feeding upon mankind as a form of sustenance. The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D demonstrates the power of mental emanations and Theosophical ancient religions. John Carpenter’s Apocalypse Trilogy shows a nihilistic future with films like The Thing, Prince of Darkness and In the Mouth of Madness. These films show the progression of the end days as the Luciferian energies manifest into our world through the power of art. Alien and Prometheus display the evolutionary process of man into transhuman as the elites seek to usher in the ancient pagan religions.
Over 100 images from the film were used in fair use to demonstrate the concepts depicted in the book.
The ideas and theories of this book are a demonstration of the principles from “Aliens, UFOs & the Occult: Use Your Illusion I.”
The occult ways of the past will be the religion of the future…
“…there would be immediate arguments about like, well, we need to spend a lot more money on weapons systems to defend ourselves. New religions would pop up.” -Former U.S. President Barack Obama, New York Times & The Ezra Klein Show 6/1/2021
The films being examined in USE YOUR ILLUSION II are:
- ET
- Flight of the Navigator
- Interstellar
- Under the Skin
- The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D
- John Carpenter’s Apocalypse Trilogy:
- The Thing
- Prince of Darkness
- In the Mouth of Madness
- Alien
- Prometheus
Where you can get the book:
Amazon Kindle and Paperbacks
Author-Signed Paperbacks
Get signed copies on my store at Gumroad.com/IsaacW
Apple Books
Author-narrated Audiobook on Audible
Get the Audible audiobook for FREE if you sign up for a new account!
Conspiracy Theories & Unpopular Culture: The Book
Illuminati and Occult Symbolism in Films, Television and Technology: Harry Potter, 5G, Flat Earth, Bitcoin and More
Inspired by the most popular subjects on Isaac Weishaupt’s podcast, “Conspiracy Theories & Unpopular Culture,” this book explores familiar topics that have an insidious truth hidden from the masses. Using occult doctrine cited from Freemasonry, Kabbalah, and Gnosticism; Isaac guides the reader through the symbolism of the concepts most frequently discussed by the conspiracy theory community.
**Note that this is the content you’ve heard on the podcast- only it is in written format for more convenience and a more polished approach. The Mother! analysis is new content never before discussed on the show.
Contents of book reveal the truth behind the most popular subjects discussed on the podcast!
Harry Potter
Consider the occult journey of man becoming god subtlety hidden in Harry Potter’s initiation tale. JK Rowling modeled Potter’s journey against the ancient mysteries in which spiritualized matter ascends back to the source of divinity to achieve apotheosis. The tale is loaded with influences from Aleister Crowley, Helena Blavatsky, alchemy, and occult duality. Find out the real meaning behind the Deathly Hallows symbol- which is steeped in occult influence.
Illuminati Bloodlines
The concepts of an “Illuminati” bloodline are defined, with exploration into historical connections with aliens, demonic spirits, and control systems. Learn more about their occult religion of the unholy trinity: Osiris, Isis, and Horus. Bloodlines of demons, dragons, and Nephilim giants are explored to see if the lineage of Cain is working behind the scenes to control the masses.
5G Conspiracy
Learn what 5G is really about; first from a rational perspective, then the conspiracy theories about artificial intelligence, NSA surveillance, and even the Devil himself! Find out what kind of safety studies have been done to protect us from these man-made technologies (HINT: there are none!).
Fake Moon Landing
Discover why man NEVER went to the moon! The moon mission was loaded with Freemason symbolism- the eagle landing was the alchemical wedding of the male phallus penetrating the female essence. The true purpose of the Space Race was to establish the moon as the Masonic Territorial Jurisdiction.
Flat Earth
We explore all of the theories for why people believe the earth is flat, including the Gnostics origins of this concept. Find out who Wilbur Voliva was and how Flat Earth personalities are trying to establish a new tribe.
Bitcoin and Crypto Currencies
The basics of crypto currencies like bitcoin are explained; as well as the conspiracies regarding its origins. Find out who Satoshi Nakamoto is, NSA’s 1996 electronic cash and the idea of fiat currencies. We’ll look at theories of the Illuminati’s hand at creating bitcoin, from the NSA to A.I., and even the Devil.
Netflix has a show reviving the “Chilling Adventures of Sabrina” that is full of symbolism pushing satanic concepts into the minds of children who view it. From the faustian bargain, to blood sacrifices, worship of the Dark Lord, satanic magick, the Baphomet, and Tubal Cain; it’s all being exposed in this writing.
Kardashian Family
The Kardashian family seems to have six degrees of separation from all kinds of occult influence- but are they part of the Illuminati? Did they sign a pact with a witch in Armenia to achieve fame and fortune? We’ll look at Caitlyn, Kendall, Kylie, Kim K. and see if there is anything of occult nature to this family.
Darren Aronofsky made several films of occult nature- most prominently “Mother!” which gave us a Gnostic tale of the oppressive Demiurge god taking advantage of the feminine Sophia wisdom to fuel his egotistical desires.
Truman Show
Jim Carrey’s role as the “True Man” in “The Truman Show” pushed the concept of reality shows into the forefront of pop culture; but there is a darker side to this tale. The parallels to the story of Christ are evident in this tale, but the concept is an inversion of the Christian tale. It’s yet another Gnostic film to influence the masses into occult spirituality. This film sums it up best:
“We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented.”
Get it on Amazon Kindle or Amazon Paperback!
Get the book through Amazon:
Author narrated on Audible!
Get it right here!
Signed Paperbacks!
This is a personal, author-signed paperback (and you’ll also get a downloadable PDF e-book version)!
Conspiracy Theories of Illuminati and Occult Symbolism in Pop Culture, the New Age Alien Agenda & Satanic Transhumanism
THE DARK PATH is considered Isaac Weishaupt’s magnum opus; a result of many years delving into the recesses of occult dogma from the approach of open-minded rationalism. Isaac’s journey started with an attempt to separate religion from conspiracy theories, but the agenda clearly showed a connection. The question to be considered is if the agenda of the “Illuminati” overlaps with the tenets of the “occult,” and whether or not there is an “evil” influence at play…
Using cited references to occult literature from the likes of Aleister Crowley, Helena Blavatsky, Kenneth Grant, Jack Parsons and Alice Bailey; Isaac provides a fundamental exploration of the occult belief system and alternate version of history.
Utilizing familiar examples from pop culture, film, music, and television; Isaac proves the “Illuminati” agenda to steer humanity down a path of Luciferianism by inserting symbolism that speaks to, and manipulates, our subconscious minds. Demonstrations of occult symbols, predictive programming, and ritual magick concepts will be evident as the reader sees the connections made between Disney, The Beatles, Star Wars, Rihanna, Led Zeppelin, Jay-Z, Katy Perry, HBO’s Westworld, Harry Potter, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, the Alien films, Batman, Ancient Aliens, comic book super heroes, and many more!
This work carves out a distinction between witches, satanists, magicians, occultists and the New Age, while proving the connected desires to usher in Crowley’s Aeon of Horus as the New World Order. Using concepts from Gnosticism, Freemasonry, Alchemy, Kabbalah, and ceremonial magick; Isaac explains Hermetic axioms such as “As above, so below” from which many occultists subscribe to mental emanations that can be used to create reality.
They are all part of the Evolution of Consciousness that is being used to push mankind down the path of obliteration through transhumanism, which promises the alchemical pursuit of immortality. NASA, Adolf Hitler’s Nazis, and Ancient Alien theorists are using Darwin’s theory of evolution to assert the superiority of alien life forms. A coordinated effort of science-fiction beliefs is being conducted to put us in direct contact with these demonic deceptions.
The unsuspecting masses will be shocked to find out the “Illuminati” savior of Lucifer and his desire to put us into the transhuman digital matrix; ultimately destroying God’s creation by “evolving” us into the next entity: a globally connected digital form of consciousness.
Isaac shares personal tales of Faustian bargains as well as experiences with radio shows that helped confirm his world view of the frequency battle for our souls; and this book is a testament to those observations.
“The religion of the ancients is the religion of the future.” -Helena Blavatsky
To pick this book up you’ve got several options (I aim to please so I’ve put them on a variety of distribution points):
1. Amazon Kindle & Paperbacks
2. Author-Signed Paperbacks on Gumroad
I will personally sign this book to you (or whomever you’d like; simply email me, instructions are on the link). Quantities limited!
3. Author-narrated Audible Audiobook
I painstakingly narrated this entire book because if you’re like me, you’d rather listen to the book than read it. I chose to go with Audible as the distributer because that is the format I use to listen to audiobooks. It allows you to save progress, skip devices, add notes, speed it up, slow it down, etc.
4. FREE Audiobook on Audible (*only for eligible new Audible members)
The Illuminati, Ancient Aliens, and Pop Culture
‘A Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory: The Illuminati, Ancient Aliens, and Pop Culture’ is a culmination project of several years of research and taking notes on taboo and fringe subjects from various theorists, philosophies, and academic walks of life. I’m a website publisher for conspiracy theories and the exposure that I’ve had to these topics gives me a fresh perspective and clarity of these sometimes confusing and offensive topics.
I focus a lot of the material on the philosophy of David Icke, so if you wanted an independent third party assessment on why he thinks reptilian shape shifters control our planet (and why he could be correct); this is the book for you!
I explore links between all of the Illuminati conspiracy theories, the music, film, and entertainment industry’s infiltration, and brainwashing symbolism found in all of these venues (e.g. the All Seeing Eye, pyramids, etc.). Ancient cultures, Nazis and occult worship still play a key role in today’s control system, and I provide insight into these topics, including a never before released review of the controversial and banned documentary of Princess Diana’s murder Unlawful Killing. This film has never been released and I was able to watch a copy of it and detail its findings in this book.
More original theories are presented such as Rihanna’s occult origins, red dragons and their symbolism, and the Illuminati eugenics program being deployed through a transhuman robotic agenda. I also explain how David Icke’s theories of the Moon Matrix and Saturn Worship operate to manipulate us into a false reality.
I wrap the book up with a conclusion of what actually works out of all this mess. It includes an assessment of David Icke’s reptilian shape shifters explained through a legitimate cognitive style model theory in academia called ‘Adaption-Innovation’ theory.
Pick up an autographed/signed paperback copy (along with a free download of the PDF) on the Gumroad store (*while supplies are available) HERE:
Pick it up the digital download ONLY on the Gumroad store HERE:
You can also get the paperback and/or Kindle version from Amazon:

On Audible you can get it free if you sign up for their 30 day trial:
Or if you’re already a member of Audible you can get it here:
Now you can read the book that has been hotly debated on SIRIUS/XM’s SHADE45 “All Out Show” , The HigherSide Chats, Freeman’s The Free Zone, and Mark Devlin’s Good Vibrations!
Take a journey to the dark side of hip hop where the independent researcher, Isaac Weishaupt, lays out the global Illuminati agenda for all to see!
In this explicit exposé he’ll explain the origins of hip hop and tell you who the key players are that allow this manipulation to transpire.
Examples of powerful occult secrets and magic rituals are presented to the reader, with an explanation of why they’re being subjected to such disorder.
Learn about the mind control and demonic possession that plagues today’s most popular rap and R&B artists as you acquire the skills necessary to become aware of the plan the music industry has to instill occultist Aleister Crowley’s ushering of the New Age of Horus.
Explore the dark corners of conspiracy theories revolving around the murder of musicians for the ancient practice of sacrifice to the blood thirsty pagan gods and selling of one’s soul in exchange for fame and fortune.
The codex for decoding all of the major Illuminati symbols is revealed in the Appendix that provides rich detail of symbols such as the All Seeing Eye, Jay-Z’s power diamond, the black cube of Saturn, and much more.
*This new version of the book includes new thoughts on the latest updates to the hip hop world- including Straight Outta Compton, the rise and fall of Suge Knight, and Isaac Weishaupt’s experience of defending the book on SIRIUS/XM’s SHADE45 “All Out Show”!
Get the autographed/signed copy of SACRIFICE: MAGIC BEHIND THE MIC (along with a FREE digital download) HERE (*while supplies are available):
Get the digital download PDF of SACRIFICE: MAGIC BEHIND THE MIC on the Gumroad HERE:
You can also get the Kindle version from Amazon:

Audible Audiobook (narrated by the author)
You can check out the audio version on Audible.com- narrated by Isaac Weishaupt!
KUBRICK’S CODE PROJECT (ebook and 2+ hour video)
I’ve studied director Stanley Kubrick’s films for years now, and as you know, I’ve provided analysis on several of his films made available on IlluminatiWatcher.com: A Clockwork Orange, The Shining, and Eyes Wide Shut.
I’m excited to announce an e-book that compiled all of these film analysis’ (AND 2001: A Space Odyssey) into a downloadable PDF and video project I called Kubrick’s Code.
In this e-book I present all of the images and analysis you saw on the website, but I’ve cleaned up the text, added even MORE images and theories, and included a never-before-seen analysis on Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey. This 2001 film analysis is not available anywhere else.
You’ll also get the two hour companion video that provides more images and clips from A Clockwork Orange, The Shining, and Eyes Wide Shut (these are extended versions NOT available on YouTube)
As always, you’ll get a 100% satisfaction guarantee and if you’re dissatisfied with my product just shoot me an email at illuminatiwatcher@gmail.com.
Pickup the signed/autographed paperback of KUBRICK’S CODE HERE (*you’ll also get immediate downloads of the book on PDF and the 2+ hour video):
Get the instant download of the digital ebook on PDF on the Gumroad:
Or you can get it from Amazon (ebook only- you won’t get the 2+ hour documentary video):

Audiobook on Audible

**(if you want the free Audible audiobook you can sign up for a FREE membership through this link HERE)
Alice in Rocky Horrorland: Entertainment’s Pursuit of the Transhuman Desert Apocalypse
This compilation book features the best mini ebooks available in one reading! You’ll get:
In this compilation you’ll receive the following projects:
Amazon Kindle:

While supplies are in stock you can pick up a personally signed copy by the author right here at the Gumroad store:

Audible audiobook is now available (narrated by the author)!
THE STAR WARS CONSPIRACY: Hidden Occult and Illuminati Symbolism of Aliens & the New Age
The Star Wars epic takes the audience through occult dogma with various lessons including duality and the battle between light and dark (explained through The Force), Joseph Campbell’s “Hero’s Journey,” Aleister Crowley’s beliefs in ritual magick through disembodied spirits (akin to the Jedi Masters), New Age founder Helena Blavatsky’s & Adolf Hitler’s belief in the Super-Man with latent internal powers, and the necessary destruction of Christianity as part of the future world religion.
Transhumanism, Atlantis, global consciousness, destruction of the family unit, and many others lessons are wrapped up and hidden within the Star Wars tale; which are occult scripture being readily consumed by today’s entertainment-obsessed masses. The planned deception of alien life forms and extraterrestrial depictions in Star Wars are paving the way for future rigged revelations of “evolved” alien entities that are truly demons in disguise…
The veiled messages of Star Wars comes to the light as Isaac Weishaupt breaks down the truth behind “balancing The Force.” How does one balance two opposing principles by destroying one side- the dark side?… Weishaupt will reveal the true intentions of George Lucas & Gary Kurtz and the Luciferian doctrine that guided them.
Disney’s four billion dollar procurement of the Star Wars franchise places them right where they desire; programming the minds of the youth to accept this future world which is a deceptive lie in which the followers are led down the Kabbalah Tree of Life and through it’s dark center: The Abyss of Da’ath, symbolized as Darth Vader in Star Wars.
Don’t let the religion of Star Wars infiltrate and possess your mind without first considering the true teachings insidiously hidden within this Promethean tale of occultism…
Digital Copies:
Gumroad PDF
Amazon Kindle
Author signed paperbacks
Audible Audiobook (Narrated by the author)

Mini Ebooks also available:
Johnny Depp: Vampire, Satanist, or Illuminati?
The Desert Enigma: An Analysis of Occult Symbolism in Paulo Coelho’s THE ALCHEMIST
The Transhuman and Occult Apocalypse: How Google Will “Solve the Problem” of Humanity
The Hidden Occult Messages of Alice in Wonderland
Is Beyonce in the Illuminati? An Examination of Occult Symbolism
It’s Just a Jump to the Left… The Unauthorized Guide to Occult Symbolism in The Rocky Horror Picture Show
…Or you can pick up a personally signed copy from the author shipped directly to your door (**if supplies are available):
Bundle Deals
I’m offering bundle deal packages on my products so you can now get all of reference guides and symbolism books at a lower price. Check them out:
Alkaline OG Granola Wokester Pkg! (UYI1 & 2, CTAUC, DP, SW, AiRHL, SMM, KC, AGUCT)
All paperbacks written by Isaac Weishaupt in one package! This package is ONLY for the most serious of OG Granola wokesters!
$271.91 value!
You’ll get every paperback written to date! *ALL BOOKS WILL BE SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR!
- A Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory: The Illuminati, Ancient Aliens and Pop Culture
- Kubrick’s Code (*with full color images)
- Sacrifice: Magic Behind the Mic
- Alice in Rocky Horrorland (*the compilation book with black and white photos: analysis of Alice in Wonderland, Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Alchemist, and Google’s Transhuman Apocalypse)
- The Star Wars Conspiracy (*with black and white photos)
- The Dark Path (*the best seller!)
- Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture
- Aliens, UFOs and the Occult: USE YOUR ILLUSION I
- Aliens, UFOs and the Occult: USE YOUR ILLUSION II (in color)
You’ll ALSO get:
- Kubrick’s Code 2.5 hour documentary video
- E-book versions of all books for instant download (PDFs)
*Get a podcast sticker and bookmark too! *While supplies last
The books will arrive in two separate padded envelopes- USPS Hi-Priority shipping in USA (2-3 day shipping).
Also- if you’re on the Patreon team don’t forget your Patreon 10% discount code! Sign up at Patreon.com/IlluminatiWatcher!
Bronze Package “Isis”
You’ll get instant downloads of the two most popular e-books from Isaac Weishaupt:
- This is the beginner’s guide to conspiracy theories where Isaac explains all of the prominent theories and how they tie together
- This is the book that covers hip hop conspiracies and how the music industry was infiltrated by occultists like Aleister Crowley. Learn about the magick rituals being conducted on a mass level and how it is shaping our universe to the Illuminati’s will.
Silver Package “Osiris”
You’ll get the Isis package (A GRAND UNIFIED CONSPIRACY THEORY and SACRIFICE: MAGIC BEHIND THE MIC), and instant downloads to more e-books…
- This e-book covers the Illuminati symbolism left behind by Stanley Kubrick in films such as 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY, A CLOCKWORK ORANGE, THE SHINING, and EYES WIDE SHUT.
- You’ll also get the two hour companion video that provides more images and clips from A Clockwork Orange, The Shining, and Eyes Wide Shut (these are extended versions NOT available on YouTube)
- Explore the first three years of IlluminatiWatcher.com music video analysis, organized by artist for easy navigation. The first book covers the most famous pop singers such as Lady Gaga, Ke$ha, Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, and many more.
- Explore the first three years of IlluminatiWatcher.com music video analysis, organized by artist for easy navigation. The first book covers the most famous rappers and R&B singers such as Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj, Rihanna, Beyonce, Kanye West, and more.
- Learn all about the pervasive agenda of pushing us into the transhuman occult-apocalypse. This is the beginning of the final stages of the occult realization of immortality.
- Is Beyonce in the Illuminati? An Examination of Occult Symbolism
Platinum Package “Horus”
You’ll get the Isis & Osiris packages, AND
- The paperback versions of A GRAND UNIFIED CONSPIRACY THEORY: THE ILLUMINATI, ANCIENT ALIENS, AND POP CULTURE and SACRIFICE: MAGIC BEHIND THE MIC mailed to your door (USA only-sorry). These books will be personally autographed to you by the author, Isaac Weishaupt. These are the books that were featured on Freeman’s The Free Zone and The HigherSide Chats podcasts.
- The price includes the shipping costs (priority 2-3 day, with insurance; USA only).
- *99% of the time I have these book in stock, ready to ship, BUT I reserve the right to delay shipment if I’m out of town or the books are backordered. I don’t foresee this being an issue, I just want to be transparent in case time is a factor. I can’t do the 100% money back guarantee on the books so I need to disclose that.
As always, thank you for your time and choosing IlluminatiWatcher.com as your source for all things conspiracy!
–Isaac Weishaupt
Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com, author, and independent researcher; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac has been a featured guest on Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories