On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we learn all about the symbolism behind the Super Bowl Halftime Show! We’ll start with the basics of symbolism: Edward Bernays propaganda, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung! We’ll go into ritual magick, Hermetic wisdom from Ancient Egypt and the New Atlantis that is America! We’ll very briefly discuss past performances: Travis Scott, NippleGate Janet Jackson, Madonna, Beyonce, Katy Perry and The Weeknd! Find out why the artists are used to channel energies into the minds of the masses during this massive ritual!
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List of past Super Bowl halftime shows:
- Super Bowl Illuminati Symbolism Post-Game: Usher’s Alchemy, Saturn, Ice Spice Satanism, UFOs & Commercials! https://illuminatiwatcher.com/super-bowl-illuminati-symbolism-post-game-ushers-alchemy-saturn-ice-spice-satanism-ufos-commercials/
- BONUS Super Bowl Pt 2: Isis Spice, Red King White Queen Alchemy, Dark Brandon, Ye’s Occultism, Swift & Beyonce! https://illuminatiwatcher.com/bonus-super-bowl-pt-2-isis-spice-red-king-white-queen-alchemy-dark-brandon-yes-occultism-swift-beyonce/
- Rihanna Super Bowl Halftime Show Symbolism: Scarlet Woman, Alchemy & the Fertility Goddess! https://illuminatiwatcher.com/rihanna-super-bowl-halftime-show-symbolism-scarlet-woman-alchemy-the-fertility-goddess/
- Super Bowl Halftime Show 2022 Symbolism of the Occult Ritual! https://www.illuminatiwatcher.com/super-bowl-halftime-show-2022-symbolism-of-the-occult-ritual
- The Weeknd Super Bowl Illuminati Symbolism: Ritual of Hollywood Hell! https://illuminatiwatcher.com/the-weeknd-super-bowl-illuminati-symbolism-ritual-of-hollywood-hell/
- Super Bowl LIV Halftime Show Illuminati Symbolism: Shakira the Scarlet Woman! https://illuminatiwatcher.com/super-bowl-liv-halftime-show-illuminati-symbolism-shakira-the-scarlet-woman/
- Travis Scott’s Illuminati Super Bowl: Symbolism, Alchemy, Fallen Angels, and Occult Rituals! https://illuminatiwatcher.com/travis-scotts-illuminati-super-bowl-symbolism-alchemy-fallen-angels-and-occult-rituals/
- Super Bowl LIII Halftime Show Illuminati Symbolism: Travis Scott, Kylie Jenner and Maroon 5! https://illuminatiwatcher.com/super-bowl-liii-halftime-show-illuminati-symbolism-travis-scott-and-maroon-5/
- I had previously covered all of the Super Bowls going back to 2011 but did not create podcasts about them so the posts have since been removed due to the images and the lawsuit. This includes the Katy Perry show, the Lady Gaga show, the Bruno Mars show, etc.
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Isaac Weishaupt 0:02
What’s up everybody? You’re listening to conspiracy theories and unpopular culture. I’m your host, Isaac wise up. You might be watching the video. If you’re a supporter of the show on tier two, or maybe you’re on rockfon I’m trying to I’m trying to spread like a virus all over the place. I’m on tick tock, I’m doing a tick tock live reporting of this. Be sure to subscribe everywhere because you don’t know where I’m going to pop up. Today, we’re gonna talk about the Super Bowl. Yes. It’s that time of year everyone where the sports ball is on the front center of everyone’s mind. But as you know, I don’t even know who’s playing this year. Don’t really care. Doesn’t matter to me. I don’t really watch the game. Now, I did a whole show. Every year, I’ve done a whole show on the symbolism found with the halftime show of the Super Bowl. Now this year, of course, we’re going to have some 90s Rap legends and and Kendrick Lamar, right. It’s got a West Coast theme with Eminem also, though, right? So of course, we’re gonna see some symbolism, maybe maybe not. Already on the commercial, we saw some we saw the chessboard, which is a free Masonic idea of the opposing reconciliation of opposites of the opposing forces of black and white. With the idea that in chess, you’ve got two players, you got a black and a white. And if you’re you know, and traditionally, black represents evil and white represents good. So when and the free Masonic, a call idea comes into play with chess, maybe you are the player, that is the black player, you are the bad guy. But to you, your perspective has now shifted 180 degrees. Now what is good is bad. The white is now the bad, because the whites the bad guy, and vice versa. But you get it, you’re all very smart. But today we’re gonna talk about this is going to be a basic primer of the Super Bowl, this is for maybe more of the normies, who don’t believe in any of this. Because I can’t believe after all these years, there are still people out there who don’t believe any of this could really be happening. They think this is all bunch of silly stuff. So that’s what this show is going to be it’s going to be a very stripped down basic fundamental understanding of how the symbolism works, why this is happening, why we as truth tellers, believe in such a crazy idea. But first, and let’s start off with the real real Normie sheeple basic understanding, you have to believe and understand that you’re being lied to that you’re being manipulated. I think we can all agree with that. Can we can we all agree that we’re used by others were manipulated through forces sometimes outside of our control. And we got to go back to a guy named Edward Bernays. Oh, cousin Eddie here. And I did a three part show back in like 2017 on Edward Bernays. There’s a documentary called century of the self, I highly recommend it. In fact, I think Kanye West recommended it to me. Not personally, of course. I’ll talk to that maniac. Some of those boots, why do you want them big, like fishing boots or whatever those are? Anyway, Kanye West, posted about I believe, and I did a whole three part series to check that I believe 2017 I did that or 2018. But we’re Bernays is a very important figure in this because he of course, was Sigmund Freud’s nephew. And one basic idea you’ll find when you research the Illuminati and the idea of globally elites, puppet masters. One recurring theme you’ll see over and over and over again are the studies of the mind and how the mind works and how they can. There’s an idea of like a philosophy of reductive ism. They think everything is approached from from a scientific perspective, they believe that the human mind can be represented in digital form. They think that the mind is merely just a computer. And of course, we all know this is wrong, because they subscribe to science as a technocracy. All right. I’m going to be
I know we were supposed to go down to the fundamentals here. And I know we’re probably getting a little confusing already. So I’m not going to harp on it too long. But the idea is that they’ve been studying how our mind works for a long time. And they, they’re pretty good at it. Alright. Sigmund Freud, he came up with different models of how the mind works and what it does in the Inner Inner acting parts. Alright. And here comes his nephew, Edward Bernays, the king of public relations, they call him right. This is the guy that made you fellas listen up. Edward Bernays is the guy that made you go spend two months salary on a diamond ring. Because diamonds are worthless. We agree kind of like a fiat currency. We agree on this idea that a diamond is worth something. But it’s actually not. And you have to go back to the De Beers family who had this monopoly on diamonds for a really long time. They hire hired Bernays because they said, look, we’ve got all these diamonds. They’re worthless. They’re colorless, worthless gems. But we’re gonna hire Bernays to make the dummies the sheeple by these diamonds thinking that they are the, you know, the greatest thing ever. And what they did was they shamed people. To believe that diamonds were the only way you could express true love. And it started out and they didn’t swing for the fences yet. When it started out, they only want to do to spend one month salary on this diamond ring. And now you fast forward 100 years and a two month salary so doubled. Edward Bernays also the guy that got women to smoke cigarettes because women used to not apparently smoke cigarettes. He had this whole publicity stunt where they called it torches of freedom it was back he took advantage of the was like the suffrage, movement and equal rights and all that stuff. And one of the waves of feminism to get women to believe that they too can show their independence by smoking a torch of freedom. Brene is also the guy that got us to eat bacon and eggs for breakfast. Breakfast used to be a much more simple meal. So you’ve got Who do you got here, you got the diamond industry, big tobacco, the animal farms, all convincing us to change our ways through lies through manipulation. And of course, these are like the most legit honest companies out there, right. In fact, even the idea that America is a Christian nation is propaganda. It’s not true. Because it wasn’t until the 1950s that we started putting all these ideas of In God We Trust and one nation under God. Because before that we had held to the original founding fathers vision which they were what they call monism. It didn’t really believe in the Holy Trinity, right. In fact, if you look at the earliest establishment of America, they were Rosicrucians that came over. And actually where I’m from in southeast PA, you go to Conrad Beisel and Kepler’s cave. And you look at these things, and you find out that those Rosicrucians from Europe, they wanted religious freedoms, because they were getting persecuted by the church in the state over their Christian faith to come over here. And the founding fathers knew that and they you know, emulated that that’s why God is not in the Constitution. And America itself is kind of a weird psyop in some ways, and don’t get me wrong. I love this country. I’m not saying bad things. It’s a great country. It’s done a lot of great things for me. All right. I haven’t served this great country in the military. Which, and and case in point, that’s why I can say these things because guess where I live? I live in America where I can say these things. But a lot of other countries. They don’t have like the Pledge of Allegiance that you say every morning. They don’t do that. We have this weird fetishization of the flag and the pledge and all that stuff.
I actually have some some interesting things here. The guy who wrote the Pledge of Allegiance I was doing a little research and it got a little squirrely down different rabbit holes. The guy who wrote the Pledge of Allegiance back in 1892, his name is Francis Bellamy. And he was very much into the separation of church and state which is why did not include in the original pledge of allegiance, the term under God, you know, as one nation under God. It’s really I don’t know if you guys do this, but I get, like weird anxiety sometimes that I have to rehearse the Pledge of Allegiance. It’s very strict, almost like in a dream like a nightmare that I’m back in school. And we get to do the Pledge of Allegiance and I forgot it. Which is kind of bizarre in itself. So anyhow, this Francis Bellamy guy, he was a Christian socialist who advocated for equal distribution of wealth based on the ideas of what Christ was teaching. And here in America, we’ve got one true God, and that is the god of capitalism. So they ran him out of his own church. And it wasn’t until 1954 that Congress added the term under God to the Pledge of Allegiance. And they did this because of the Catholic fraternity, the Knights of Columbus. And, and it was very interesting to me, because maybe you know this, but Bellamy when he started up this pledge of allegiance back in late 1800s. The original, you know how to do the Pledge of Allegiance, you put your hand over your heart, the original pledge was a Nazi salute. I’m not gonna emulate that on the video, but you put your hand out POM down, and then raise it up the exact same salute. So when the Nazis took it, we were like, Okay, let’s change it up a little bit. We just put our hand on our heart. But yeah, almost every state in America is required to do this pledge of allegiance. They drill it into your brain as a child. What the point is, the point is the founding fathers. They actually weren’t about that action about this compulsory required ritual every morning. In fact, if you look in Washington, DC, you’ll notice all these pagan statues are herbalists and reflecting poles and the Spanx. It’s like Egyptian or Roman pagan statues everywhere. They weren’t building massive statues to Christ. There were psychological operations all along the way to Inception us to Inception our minds with this mythology of America, and our world in general, and this all and what I’m trying to say is it all goes back through the occultist. Because we talk about Edward Bernays, and he’s buddies with his uncle, Sigmund Freud, who was buddies with Carl Jung and Carl Jung was a Gnostic. You’ve got a lot of these called ideas of how do we manipulate the mind? How do we create a new reality? Now imagine if you could have the attention and the focus of the largest global audience? What could you do what is possible? Even if maybe 1% of the audience can be put under a trance? If you’re putting up big numbers 1% is a lot. All right. Just don’t push up as the kids say. But the the Super Bowl annually is like the largest what most watched event there is. So just 1%. And who knows how high that number could really go. If you can just capture 1% or plant the seeds in the minds of the masses. Then you’re causing real change. You’re talking about ritual magic, it’s causing change to occur in conformity with the will. That’s a mouthful. What does that mean? It means in the realm of the occult, you’ve got magicians and we’re talking about a different form of magic than then your David Copperfield stage magic, okay. Oh, a magic with a K at the end. Because this guy, Alistair Crowley added a K to the end of magic. K being the number of magic itself, the 11th letter of the alphabet. The will is the magician okay. So in this case, the Illuminati, they’re the magicians and their will is to create a new reality, this technocracy of science.
And how will they make this happen? They need to manifest their will into reality. They could sit here and think about it all they want, but they have to take action. How do they take action? They do it through revelation of the method. They do it by planting symbols into our subconscious and all of this in This goes back even further. It goes back to the law of Hermes, the hermetic law of correspondence as above, so below. And when you go back to ancient Egypt and again see the the reference to the pagan gods and goddesses of ancient Egypt that you see in Washington, DC. The early Ancient Egyptians, they believed that this god named Hermes, literally manifested in our world. And he taught men, the privileged man, the elites, that were deserving of understanding. He taught them the laws of magic. And as the story goes, Man eventually wrote this down on the Emerald Tablets, these tablets were lost in Atlantis, or whatever. But one of the laws of the law correspondences as above so below, which means things that happen on the earthly plane are directly affected and do affect the cosmos and the planetary bodies out there. And that sounds really weird, right? But think about in physics, you’ve got the law of gravity. And it talks about how masses put a gravitational force upon each other. Regardless of how big or small it’s proportional to how large the mass is as to how much gravitational force it puts upon the other planetary body. Alright. And then we get even wackier, you go into quantum physics, quantum entanglement, things connected at a distance it gets kind of wacky in science. But that’s the idea behind symbolism and the power of symbolism. And how it works. It goes back to ancient Egypt and at a time when man thought he was literally talking to the gods and who knows, maybe they were maybe they were now the Super Bowl, you’ll notice it always has to happen on Sunday, the Lord’s day, all right. Because again, you go back to the pagan roots of, of religion. They were really into sun worship. Therefore, on Sunday would be the day of worship. And you’ll notice the Superbowl always goes by Roman numerals. They’ll tell you the, you know, Superbowl LX II or whatever. And you got to do the you got to go what is LX? Okay, it’s 56. All right, got it. You know, they still use that to this day. They don’t just call it by the number. But the Egyptians they were really big into sun worship, you had a raw and whole racial seem to pick it with the sun disc above their head. And there’s tons of religious mythology, in all kinds of cultures, like the Greeks, with Apollo, the sun god. And to me, I believe this is all to harken back to a pagan time of driving worship, to paganism. That’s what I believe. America is the new Atlantis. That’s a Francis Bacon said. And if you go back to the foundations of America and the occultist that came over here for freedom of religion, I believe that was the original intent is to have a fully pagan, non Christian nation. All right. And Francis Bacon wrote the whole book and you know, Francis Bacon if you listen to Manama screwed up, my man, he’s got a podcast. The Francis Bacon podcast, what’s it called? I gotta get it right here. Life and Times. Francis Bacon was one of those on the gods, right. Oh, dear. I’ll put it in the show notes. Anyway, my man did a whole shebang. Francis Bacon, sorry. And terrible. Fred’s big, very influential. He’s the guy who is supposedly Shakespeare. He supposedly retranslated the Bible to the King James Version. Lots of weird connections. But he also wrote about how America was the new Atlantis because that’s the idea is through science through the technocracy. They can have a world where man becomes God, right.
Now, how can they do their magic thing? How do they do this? Well, you look to the artists, artists think and act on a different wavelength. Alright. And these celebrities, these artists, they are the modern day gods. goddesses which is very much like the pagan, Romans and the Greeks, you have this pantheon of different deities of all different types, right different archetypes. And these celebrities and these artists, they control our minds, they, they take our energy, or resources, and we devote it to them. We’re always obsessed with what they’re doing. We’re listening to their music, we’re watching the movies. And the argument here is that the artists, not every single one of them, but most of them if they get the doors open to become these gods and goddesses. There’s a price to be paid for that, whether that’s the Gaussian bargain of the blood sacrifice, which shout out, I just sold a book, I gotta sign this book for somebody on my Gumroad store. Sacrifice magic behind the mic is all about that. About the hip hop music industry and the dark occult satanic ideas that go along with it. Which I’m sure you’re familiar with this guy named Travis Scott, there was a whole concert with some real weird stuff that happened last year, right? If you want to sign a copy of the book, go to gumroad.com backslash Isaac W link in the show notes, as always. Now, tweet with Travis Scott. If you watch, I did like three or four episodes on him. On on one of them. I watched the Netflix documentary Look, Mom, I can fly. And there’s a very peculiar scene where backstage, the mayor of Houston shows up. And they sort of come to this agreement that Travis Scott is going to go out on the stage and Hey, kids, we got the mayor of Houston, and we’re going to talk about the thing what to do. Because the politicians know that the kids ain’t listening to them. They don’t care. They probably even know who the mayor of Houston is, what do they care? They care about Travis Scott thinks and what Travis Scott says. So there’s a mutual arrangement there. The mayor of Houston, I’m sure is opening up some doors and making sure Travis Scott can do the things he wants to do in Houston. And then vice versa. Travis Scott’s gonna tell the kids like, Hey, here’s our buddy, the mayor of Houston. Now, these celebrities. One idea. If you read in the literature of the ecology of the celebrities and the artists, they’re used to channel the energies from the gods and the goddesses, they can make contact to the realms of the Divine, which is where God resides, because they believe in this sort of ethereal God, not the God in the clouds, all right. And through the subconscious mind, these artists can make contact with divine inspiration. They call it muses, sometimes. If you look to HP Lovecraft, and the Call of Cthulhu Cthulhu was channeled by artists in his fictional story, which is barely fictional. And the reason they choose artists is because they are the most sensitive to these energies. We all know an artist. They’re a little weird, aren’t they? Maybe they’re seeing ghosts. I don’t know what they’re doing. They’re out there. They’re on another level, right? Not that there’s anything wrong with that. It’s like, like, what, like a woman told me back when I was doing conventions. She said she corrected me. She told me something like, Oh, that’s weird. She was not weird. Different. You got it, lady. No, that stuck with me. Because it’s true. Like that’s as a very as a mocking thing to be like, Oh, that you’re weird. Because you can see things you can see shadow people. You’re weird, like, but that’s not what I mean by it. I just like, wow, that’s strange. That’s different. But you know, some people they’re sensitive that they not everyone’s so open minded, and they they judge and critique and they think all kinds of crazy stuff. But these artists are prone to get into altered states. They’re able to access other dimensions in some weird way. Right? Not some weird way, some different way. Right? And in the Super Bowl, these artists are the biggest artists that there are usually right. And strangely enough, they don’t really get paid to do the Superbowl. They do it for the publicity because even they know the power of numbers.
And it wasn’t until the 1990s that we started seeing the Illuminati, I argue, taking advantage of these halftime Super Bowl shows. Because before that it was marching bands and it was kind of corny, right. Well, in 2004, it hit levels of unprecedented notoriety. The the event called nipple gate where Janet Jackson was up there doing her thing. Just dancing real nice doing her great. Hence, I’ve always said I’ve always said Janet has better hits than Michael. Not a popular opinion, but I stand by it. She’s at least been more consistent. You gotta give her that, right. Anyway, she calls Justin Timberlake on stage. And you know what happens? At the end of the he says, I’m gonna have you naked by the end of this song, and he pulls a string and bam, out pops titty, huh? Oh, my goodness. I saw a lot. I saw it live. So why well, why? And? And yeah. That’s crazy, right? Well, what happened after that was that search, like most people in the world, went online to be like, I want to see, I want to see that Diddy. So that everyone googled it and became the most searched term in history. I don’t know if that still holds up. But if you look closely, you’ll see that on her nipple was a ring. And that ring is the eight pointed star of Ishtar as seen on Eyes Wide Shut. If you read my book, Kubrick’s code and analysis of the greatest Stanley Kubrick movies. You’ll learn all about the star of Ishtar, again, we’re talking about these Samarian pagan gods and goddesses. And there was the whole the largest search term in history focuses energy on a pagan goddess. Focusing energy on a massive level right now. There has been a lot of Super Bowl performances with Illuminati symbolism. Another big one was Madonna. The lady Madonna, she was portrayed as the Egyptian ISIS. Not to belabor the point but again, it always harkens back to these pagan gods and goddesses. And sila was up there he had his attorney and black magician robe. They performed on a stage that had an accent and no this is the antichrist mark of the beast that Kenneth grant speaks about in his books. Shout out Freeman fly. If you read Freeman find Jamie henshaws Weird stuff, culture creation books, you know about this. The excellent Oh is a sigil to evoke notions, this Cthulhu type Beast from the abyss. And of course, CeeLo was wearing this attorney in black magician robe. Because Saturn is calling upon the dark energies. This attorney and death cult it’s the embodiment of the other because Saturn was the sixth planet. From Earth, it was considered the outside the other the shadow the because these these occult some of these left hand path occultist they believe in this idea of antinomianism anything that’s bucking the the norms, right? Beyonce remember what she did the rock diamond, the triangle, I mean, it’s officially a diamond, but it shows how it looks like a triangle, right? That was back in 2013. In fact, I went to work the next day. This is back in my early blogging days. That’s our blog and in 2011 covered all this stuff. And you know the sad story if you don’t check out my checkout illuminating watch.com Go to my Start Here tab. And you can read the whole sad story about all the censorship I’ve been subjected to long before Joe Rogan even had to deal with any of it. And I never said the N word. My God. Pick it on me. Me I was I went to work the next day and I heard people talking about the rock thing. I said, Oh, damn, everyone’s talking about the they’re like, Oh, she had an Illuminati symbol in her hand. Isn’t that something back in 2013 people were talking about it 2015 Katy Perry. She of course came out on the running the beast, symbolic of the scarlet Hoare of Babylon, ushering in the end times the apocalypse. And if you recall, I believe I predicted that there would be some Alien UFO stuff. And that indeed is how it went down. Because Katy Perry showed up at that Super Bowl performance coming out of a UFO. If you recall, and then she came out on the field riding the beast.
The Scarlet horde Babylon which of course connects into Jack Parsons, a an occultist that followed Alistair Crowley. He was also the guy who started JPL which was the predecessor NASA, big time occultist. And he did really On the desert with L Ron Hubbard, the guy that founded Scientology and it was a call of the Babylon working it was a form of an A Nokian call. Now what does that mean? If you go back to the Elizabethan times, John D and Edward Kelly, they were these astrologists that were for Queen Elizabeth and they were into all this a call illuminate confirmed stuff. They were channeling aliens. Alright, they wrote down a language, the Nokian language analysis. Fast forward a few 100 years now Mr. Crowley, another big time occultist. Use that an Oken language to communicate with lamb which is the first gray alien back in 1917 during what he called the AMO Elantra working alright, now this Elantra working works so well, that Jack Parsons came along in 1946 I believe it was 47 So hey, Mr. Crowley, I want to do it Mr. Crowley. Ozzy Osborne right to get it you get the reference we’re where we lost it. It’s been a long day Allister probably Yeah, that was probably Dinamo Elantra working Jack Parsons said, let me do that. I want to in fact, I want to pull my own alien into the world. And guess what? I’m gonna have sex with that alien. So they did. So he did the Elantra working called the Babylon working cuz he’s like, you know, I’m gonna, not only am I gonna pull an alien through, I’m gonna have sex with the alien. And not only am I gonna have sex, that alien, the alien is gonna have a baby. And not only is it gonna be a baby, it’s gonna be the Antichrist and it’s gonna bring about the end of the world. So he did the air combs, Marjorie Cameron. Anyhow, also did a three part series on Marjorie Cameron back in 2018. I believe if you want to learn more about that. That’s a wild one. You got to listen to those. That’s a wild story. It’s like one of the craziest stories. I can’t believe there’s not a documentary out there covering all this. But Katy Perry comes out on she comes out as the scarlet woman, and it was in Phoenix, right? The sons and four. And it happened on in bog which is a pagan, Illuminati holiday means in the belly. And that night, she got a finger tattoo, and she said it’s time to draw blood tonight, because it’s always a ritualistic thing for these folks. Then we had Travis Scott who fell from the skies as the fallen angel. We had Shakira as another Scarlet woman in red, we had the weekend who had released a bunch of videos, where he was possessed by demons, and the elevator just like the whole Prince saga. And he came out at the Super Bowl like a demon falling from the skies, and I’m making it up. I’ve covered all these every year if you listen to my podcast and take a look at the images on Instagram I’ve got at Isaac Weishaupt TAKE A LOOK LIKE and subscribe. It is all about an occult left hand path. It’s the Dionysian Ortygia overloading the mind with rhythm and drumming. This is an ancient practice. Not trying to sound to Footloose he here. But that’s why they use these artists. That’s why they use the music because it’s very powerful. It’s a very powerful medium. Alright. Now let’s wrap it up. Because there’s probably a lot if you’re new to all this, you probably think this is a bunch of crazy malarkey. Alright, right. And I give you it sounds like a lot. It sounds crazy. But let’s wrap it up. Why do they do this? Why the symbolism? Because it matters to them. You go back to the Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud, Edward Bernays connections. They are all pretty smart guys. And they thought that symbols spoke to us on the subconscious level. That is, in fact why marketing works. It’s why people pay for ads. It’s because it’s true. It’s because it works.
There’s this occultist named Elvis Lavie, and again, shout out for him and fly. He talked about the magnetic chain. And it’s this principle that connects the consumer to the corporation. And of course corporation is a term that means to cooperate, which is creating a literal spirit and entity that doesn’t exist takes your energy in the form of currency. As a corporation incorporates makes to make corporate, real corporeal. They, these corporations, they take your energy and give you currency, a made up currency, a fiat currency to reinforce your slavery to the subterranean time loop of constraints and time and measures. Long story short, it’s the dreaded day job right? Anyway, elephas Levy said this he said, deform the magnetic magnetic chain is to originate a current of ideas, which produces faith and draws a large number of wills in a given circle of active manifestation. A well formed chain is like a whirlpool, which sucks down and absorbs all the chain may be established in three ways, by signs by speech and by contact. The first is by inducing opinion to adopt some sign as a representation of a force. Thus, all Christians communicate by the sign of the cross Masons by that of the square beneath the sun, the Magi by that of the microcosm made by extending the five fingers, etc. Once accepted and propagated signs acquire force of themselves. It’s about acquiring a force. That’s what the symbols are for. It’s the marketing and the advertising is for. That’s why the celebrities push the symbols, because you’re already in that altered state because of the drums and the rhythm and the dancing. Sounds crazy, doesn’t it? The great Sam Tripoli talked about how they’re just stealing your loose, is that what they’re doing? What are they doing with this energy once you devote it to them? Are they sending it to the lizard people? So David says, I believe, and what do I know? But this is when I believe I believe in this evolution of consciousness. They’re trying to take us down this path to a new global religion Luciferian transhumanism where man becomes God, and the Antichrist is worshiped through the scientific technocracy. It’s our chemical processes on a massive, massive level. It’s alchemy in the sense of taking this attorney and lead and turning it into the occult, Luciferian sun. Alright, that’s it, Alchemy has led to gold. We are the subterranean time constraint, lead, and they want to evolve us to the Luciferian blazing star of the free Masonic blazing star Sirius, the sun, the sun behind the sun as they would say. And that’s what this is all about. I know it sounds crazy. But take that with a grain of salt. Let’s see what happens on Super Bowl Sunday, this year as an every year. And let’s see what we find. All right, and I’ll provide a show for you on Monday. February 14 Valentine’s Day, about the symbolism that we saw when Eminem and Dr. Dre, who’s a terrible rapper, great producer, terrible rapper. Kendrick Lamar was great. Mary J. Blige. I’m sure the game will probably show up. It’s like a bunch of Los Angeles based artists I thought except for Eminem. I don’t know where he got thrown in there. But hey, you know what, Eminem is probably the greatest lyricist of all time. If you’re if you were on my Patreon back in 2018, or even today, you can go back on the index. I did a top 50 rapper show. And Eminem was not number one. Top 50 rappers meaning my favorite top 50 rappers all right. He’s probably the greatest lyricist ever but but all about the final product. Who’s number one you’re gonna have to listen to it to find out patreon.com backslash Illuminati watcher. I’ve got an index. And anyway, yeah, Super Bowl Sunday. Let’s see what happens. Stay tuned. Stay subscribed to the show till next time. Stay Woke.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
菠菜代投 says
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