On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we take a look at the film starring Scarlet Johansson from 2013: LUCY! This film has it all! If you took the occult messaging and action of 2001: A Space Odyssey, Inception, Interstellar, Under the Skin and Annihilation and mashed them up you’d get this masterpiece! We’ll discuss Scarlet and the director Luc Besson (who’s got quite a past…) before getting into the film itself. We’ll talk about the theories of the mind, evolution, immortality and Hermetic wisdom present in the film before a MASSIVE conclusion where we’ll go EXTRA DEEP into the occult philosophy! Lucy unlocks the siddhis and goes “under the skin” before taking things to the occult conclusion of man becoming god! Law of Correspondence, As Above So Below, Hermes, Prisca Theologia, Lucifer, Black Goo, aliens, Saturn and the keys to the mystery schools are ALL REVEALED IN THIS FILM! DON’T MISS THIS ANALYSIS!
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Isaac Weishaupt 0:03
You’re listening to conspiracy theories and unpopular culture. I’m your host, Isaac wise up today we’re going to talk about a film called Lucy, you’ve probably seen it came out damn near 10 years ago. Which is why I feel like I got to start the show out with an apology. You caught me slipping. I don’t know how I didn’t watch this movie for eight years. But you know, and I know other truther blogs have covered it because back in the golden days of blogging, I’ve seen it splashed on the radar. I never even read the analysis because I was like, who cares about that movie? I think I thought it was like some kind of action movie with Scarlett Johansson. And I was like, yeah, for that reason, I’m out. And I had no idea what the film was going to be. I thought it was gonna be some superhero BS. While I was wrong, turns out is one of the greatest movies I’ve ever seen. Now that might be excessive is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a long time. We’ll say that. And today we’re going to unpack the heavy duty high octane occult symbolism in here. It’s got it all. It’s got your Luciferian agenda. It’s got your transhuman agenda, it’s got your evolution of the consciousness. It’s got your Saturnian death cult. Yes, it’s all here. And we’re going to unpack every little bit of it. I’m going to prepare you for the film analysis, then I will walk you through the film, then I will do a lengthy conclusion where I will unpack these ideas from the perspective of the occult, which the Illuminati, this is the philosophy they live by. That’s the theory. That’s the argument. So I mean, without further ado, right, we’re not messing around anymore. We’re just going right into it. Scarlett Johansson plays a woman named Lucy. All right, Lucy, unlocks the powers of her mind her capabilities through some drugs, and finds herself in this battle between some college nerds and this Korean gang, the BTS army, whatever. It turns out, that’s a very minor role. It just kind of is some it’s a vehicle for you to digest the occult message. So the action sequences of the film are kind of insignificant to me. I don’t really care. But it was, it was enough to make it a palatable watch, right? Because then you got 2001 A Space Odyssey and there’s long stretches of like no dialogue, no action. But there’s big heavy duty ideas being conveyed in that film. And that’s kind of what Lucy is, except if you add it in. car chases. If this. This was Kubrick’s 2001 It would be Moon buggies racing each other on the surface. Now, should you watch this film before I talk about it before I give you the plot spoilage? Yes, absolutely. This is up there. In fact, I as you know, I now am on the letterbox app. It’s kind of like Yelp for movies. They’re not a sponsor of the podcast. I know I’m talking as if they are that you don’t really, you can’t really leave comments or nothing. It’s just you follow people and they watch movies, and then they rank them and give you a little review. So I love that. I was writing it. And I had it at four and a half stars, which is your pretty standard rating from me if it’s a great film that I really enjoyed. But that is stop and I paused and I thought, is this a five star film? It kind of is. I really think it is I mean, I might revisit it. I’ve watched it twice now and the second time through was better than the first time through even. And I know I’m really hyping this thing up as somebody who’s disagree with my movie, analysis reviews and that’s okay. i I told you Spring Breakers I warned you I said it’s either love it or hate it. And that was all the comments I read on Patreon was, that was exactly what it turned out to be. zombies were mad at me. Well, I warned you. I told you you’re gonna love this movie or you’re gonna hate it. A lot of people tapped out a lot of people tapped out. And that’s alright, but this film. It’s in the camp of if you’ve seen Scarlett Johansson is under the skin. If you’ve seen annihilation with Natalie Portman another film I slept on, which is also a five star film one of my favorites. If you like 2001 Space Odyssey if you’d like Interstellar, if you think it’s alright All right, all right. If you like Inception with the world’s greatest actor, Leo. This is in that camp.
So there you go. Now Oh, an interesting take on it. And this does explain it very well. If you go to the Wikipedia, they talk to the director Luc Besson, who we’re going to talk about in a second here. He stated that he intended for the first part of Lucy to be like the professional, another film that he wrote and directed from the 90s If you’re too young, and actually, I actually never liked the professional, I thought it was a dumb movie. I should probably watch it again. Everyone I knew loved it, though, back in the 90s. All couldn’t get away from it. The second part of the film is like Inception. And the third part is like 2001, A Space Odyssey. And he nailed it because that’s exactly what it feels like, feels like three different movies. And it’s a perfect companion for Scarlett Johansson is under the skin film, which was released about the same time just a few months before Lucy in the US theaters. So they both for all intents and purposes came out at the same time. And you know, I’m a big fan of under the skin. I talked about it in my second alien book user illusion, too. And then of course, how long is this film? It’s the perfect length. You know what it is? The perfect length for film The who’s in it. Obviously, Scarlett Johansson. She’s the only character to care about. I mean, Morgan Freeman is in it too. But who cares? Scarlett Johansson. Ironically, I found out one of her first appearances on film was in 96. She was in a film called If Lucy fell, which is very curious because now she is in a film called Lucy. Well, now eight years ago, she was in a film called Lucy. Strange. Then after this, of course, she fell into the pit of Marvel Universe, never to be seen again. And she actually hit my radar many many years ago with Lost in Translation with Bill Murray, another great film. Not my typical cup of tea. But Josie loves lost in translation, and I don’t blame her. It’s a great film. A fun fact about Scarlett she actually had her tonsils removed as an adult. Yes. Just like your boy, Isaac. If you remember several years ago, I went through the painful process would have killed a normal man. The film was directed by a guy named Luc Besson for his production company, Europa Corp, planting the seeds of a cult ideas of alien life coming to save us from another planet. Yes, Europa. I’ve talked about this many times. If you listen to my shows, when you get into the 2001, A Space Odyssey novels, you find out that Europa plays a big part in the alien intelligence. And when you know at NASA sending probes out to Europa to find alien life, so they can put us in the digital matrix. Sorry, I’m being a little silly. Today. Luc Besson also did a film called fifth element. Maybe you’ve heard of it. Now he’s got some interesting history. We’re gonna briefly do a little gossip and then we’re getting into the movie, not messing around the day. I am playing what you hos. Luke’s got some interesting theory. If you look at Wikipedia, homeboys were married four times. Okay. His second marriage was to a 16 year old name may when les Beskow he was 31. He actually met her when she was 12 started dating her when she was 15 and then impregnated her yes. And then they got married when she was 16. Now this was allegedly the love affair depicted in the professional if you’ve ever seen that movie, which also started Natalie Portman by the way a very young minute Natalie Portman she she’s like a little girl. She’s like 12 in the movie. So anyway, yeah. Because May when les Beskow appears in it as well. In the professional Sorry, I’m trying to read through my notes. But I did I always find the professional kind of a creepy film. I never really dug it. But then Luc Besson the director married Mia Yehovah vich because they had a thing during the filming of fifth element, which may wane, also stars and she is the blue singing alien. Very awkward.
Now he was also accused of various sexual assaults and rapes, but the courts dismissed the cases due to lack of evidence Make of that what you will choose your reality on that doesn’t look good, but hey, we don’t know We don’t know. We don’t know what happened. We weren’t there. So there’s the guy who directed the film. Now plot spoilers are coming because we’re getting into the film. I’m going to walk you through the whole thing. And then we’re gonna go through a very lengthy and comprehensive in depth understanding of the occult doctrine because this film gives it all to us. It gives it all to us all right, here we go. You’ve been warned let’s go
Unknown Speaker 10:39
it nearly slipped you click into your lower tummy, and you’re going to transport something very special
Unknown Speaker 11:19
Hey, speak English. English. Yes, yes, check me the hospital now. Somebody put a bag of drugs inside man need you to take it out. It’s leaking.
Unknown Speaker 11:33
It is estimated most human beings only use 10% of the brain’s capacity to imagine if we could access 100% Interesting things begin to happen. Yes,
Unknown Speaker 11:46
Professor Norman My name is Lucia. I just read all your research on the human brains. It’s a little rudimentary, but you’re on the right track.
Unknown Speaker 11:54
I have access to 20% of my cerebral capacity. It can feel every living since when did you start writing Chinese?
Unknown Speaker 12:05
What happens when she reaches 100%?
Unknown Speaker 12:08
I have no idea. All this knowledge even unlock secrets that go beyond our universe. I’m not even sure that mankind is ready.
Unknown Speaker 12:24
It’s like all things that make me human are fading away.
Isaac Weishaupt 12:29
We’re introduced to Lucy. She is attending college in Taiwan. She’s got this bad boy. BF. He works for this Korean mob the BTS army here. And he’s doing the typical sleazy, bad boy thing. He’s got to deliver this briefcase to the mob, the Korean mob. It’s full of drugs. And he’s like, Hey, baby doll. Let me tell you someone, you go ahead and take this briefcase and take the handle business for me because I got a problem right now. And she’s like, No, I don’t wanna do that. And he then forces her he had in cuffs, the briefcase to her. He was like, get in there and do it. So And before that, before she goes in, they have a conversation and we hear the name of the first woman they kind of he finds a way to insert this into the conversation. He says I hate you know, the name of the first woman to ever exist, is actually named Lucy, which sets up a trans human evolution revolution ordeal. But yes, this is true. Lucy is the name of the suppose that oldest ancestor proven to exist. And what they did was nerds dug up some bones in 1974. In Ethiopia, they found it was a woman from millions of years ago. They call her Lucy, because the researchers were playing the Beatle song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. While they were, I don’t know, digging up bones, which is very curious in itself, like it’s talking about LSD and the powers of the mind and like, this is just a side tangential rabbit hole. Because LSD was part of the MK Ultra stuff, which makes you wonder if this film doesn’t have some elements of LSD and MK Ultra type mind control going on. But in the film, you see various shots of animals in the Serengeti or whatever, they’re, they’re stalking and attacking each other. And when I saw this, I knew this was going to be a good film. I said, Okay, I see what he’s doing hair. I like that. And they imply that Lucy Scarlett Johansson. She is the gazelle being stalked by the lions, the mobsters and her her scumbag boyfriend and the BTS army coming together. But it’s really odd because you’ll notice she is wearing a leopard print coat. So you think, oh, okay, she’s the gazelle. In this video example. They’re foreshadowing she’s about to become prey to these predators. But then she’s wearing a leopard print coat? What could it ever mean? Well, we find out that she is in fact going to be the apex predator. The movie shows us directly a leopard eating the gazelle. She’s about to be the leopard. She’s about to prove some real Darwinian evolution. All right. And I’m going to post photos on my Instagram. And otherwise, I’ll link in the show notes, login subscribe. Now we’re gonna play our first clip already, because we, at the same time, Lucy and her scumbag boyfriend are trying to drop off some dope, Morgan Freeman. He’s giving a lecture at a college. He’s talking about evolution. And how animals only use so much of their cerebral capacity, which comes out to 10% for humans, which isn’t technically true, apparently, you know, that. Apparently, everyone lost their minds. Oh, that’s not true pseudoscience. And if I recall, what I think the claim is, is that we only use 10% at a time. Yeah, no. But whatever. You get what they’re saying, right? And he was like, Yeah, I know, I making the whole film. I know, that’s not real. Okay, calm down. And the crucial part of the discussion for Morgan Freeman in the college, is whether humans want to just have these capabilities like the sonar of a dolphin, or do they want to be the capability? Do they want that inherent superpower. And he goes on to talk about how if cells live in a favorable habitat, they’ll choose to reproduce, but if it’s in a hostile environment, they’ll choose immortality Take a listen.
Unknown Speaker 16:50
Primitive beings like us live seems to have only one single purpose, gaining time. And it is going through time, seems to be also the only real purpose of each of the cells in our bodies. To achieve that aim, the mass of the cells that make up earthworms and human beings, as only two solutions be immoral, or to reproduce, if its habitat is not sufficiently favorable or nurturing.
Unknown Speaker 17:30
The cell will choose immortality. In other words, self sufficiency, and self management. On the other hand, if the habitat is favorable
Unknown Speaker 17:45
they will choose to reproduce. That way, when they die, they hand down essential information and knowledge to the next cell, which hands down to the next cell and so on. Thus, knowledge and learning are handed down through time.
Isaac Weishaupt 18:24
Now, if you listen, you surely took note of the concept of time being the crux of the whole argument, right? We’re gonna revisit this in the conclusion. Because there’s so much going on in this film, I gotta go through the film first, and then revisit because we’re gonna get lost real quick in the rabbit holes. But he talks about finding balance, and he says, hey, you know if the habit is favorable people will reproduce. And this makes me think about, you know, Jonas Salk, and a lot of these early technocrats survival of the wisest kind of thought leaders. They said, overpopulation is going to be a problem for a long time. Remember that? We talked about this a couple of years ago. And that’s what a lot of people would think. They say, Oh, you know, natural resources going to take us so far. blase, blah. But I’ve heard recently that overpopulation isn’t a problem. Now we’re talking about population collapse, like people aren’t having enough kids. So it made me think maybe overpopulation was a problem these people thought was going to happen. And Morgan Freeman is saying that if the habit is favorable, people will reproduce. All right. And if the habit habitat is not favorable, my saying habitat habitat, the habitat is not favorable, unfavorable. People will not. Could they be trying to cause chaos in our world and make us feel like the world is ending and It’s all you know, climate change and all this stuff, which, you know, you know me I’m like kind of I kind of believe in the climate change thing. But could it be trying to upsell this to be like, Look, you don’t want to have kids because the future is hell you can’t afford to live and so on. How many psyops could they run on us? Moving on. So meanwhile, Lucy, she’s being used against her will the BTS army, they pull her in, they get her dope, and they’re like, Okay, now you’re gonna be a drug mule for us. And you’re gonna transport this drug, they call it CPH for and we’ll learn more about what that is. And they insert a bag of dope surgically into her body. But guess what, the bag burst open and enters her bloodstream. So now the CPH four is running through Lucy’s veins. And what happens? She levitates and hits the ceiling. She’s crawling along the ceiling, an homage to Nightmare on Elm Street, one with Tina crawling across the ceiling, and the drugs are hitting her system. And we see the as above so below symbolism, right? She’s about to enter the new world, everything’s being inverted on her. A common trope you’ve seen a lot of these films, the one that comes to mind is midsummer, recently, I had watched that. And they do the same thing there when the camera pans inverted. And things go upside down, means you’re entering a new realm. And that’s what she does. She takes the drugs and things are about to shift radically. For Lucy. So back at college with the nerds, Morgan Freeman, he’s still talking. And he’s like, what if we could just access 20% of our brain? That would be enough to allow full mastery of our own body. Take a listen.
Unknown Speaker 21:59
Let’s imagine for a few moments what our life would be like if we could access let’s say, 20% of our brain’s capacity in this first stage would give us access to and control of our own body,
Unknown Speaker 22:15
sir. Yes. Has it been proved scientifically?
Unknown Speaker 22:19
Well, for the moment, it’s just hypothesis, I confess. But if you think about it, is troubling to realize that the Greeks, Egyptians and the Indians had notion of cells centuries before the invention of the microscope, and what to say about Darwin, whom everybody took for a fool. When he put forth his theory of evolution, it’s up to us to push the rules and laws and go from evolution to revolution. 100 billion neurons per human have worked only 15% are activated. There are more connections in the human body than there are stars in the galaxy. We possess a gigantic network of information to which we have almost no access. So, yes,
Isaac Weishaupt 23:10
and what will be the next stage?
Unknown Speaker 23:12
Well, the next stage would probably be controlled of other people. But for that, we would need to access at least 40% of our brain’s capacity after control of ourselves and others come control of matter. But now we’re entering into the realm of science fiction, and we don’t know when to more than a dog. Who watches the moon.
Unknown Speaker 23:36
Excuse me, sir. Yes. But what would happen if for some reason we ignore somebody unlocked 100% of the cerebral capacity?
Unknown Speaker 23:47
100% Yes, I have no idea.
Isaac Weishaupt 23:56
So Morgan Freeman, he’s talking about how the Greeks knew we had cells before microscopes. And this is, this is referencing the occult scientists, the early Alchemist, because the Alchemist and the early occultist were the scientists back in the day. They were talking about the hermetic wisdom long ago. In some ways, they were right. They knew all this stuff. But it was from the occult teachings of Hermes Trismegistus that they knew this stuff. They knew through the law of correspondence as above, so below, the macrocosm, and the microcosm are connected. So when Morgan Freeman says, hey, they knew this cell the human cell existed. He’s saying like they knew the microscopic level existed and there was a perfect harmony harmonizing balance in the macrocosm in the cosmos and the stars. And he’s talking about how when you unlock like these extra pieces of the cerebral cortex, you lose, you gain the control over self than the control over others, then control over things control over the world. You progress to godhood status, with the implication being that if you unlocked 100% that now you’re God, no one’s gonna get there. No one’s gonna get that are they? And you even hear how he says, Look, it’s time for a revolution, not evolution. And this is a concept and I am an expert at this, because at Penn State, when I did my grad school, we talked about this. And I’ve referenced this many times, because it was very fascinating. And the idea is that the human species will evolve and keep sort of going towards perfection. But at a certain point, something different happens. You’re not just adding a new functionality. You’ve now created something that makes a fundamental shift so that the human, the homo sapiens, sapiens are no longer that it’s now something else, which we call the transhuman. Right? The transhuman agenda. So meanwhile, we see Lucy, she’s awake now. But guess what we guess what the camera shows us. This shows us the all seeing eye opening. She is now woke. She has not woken? And she is and long story short, she escapes. She escaped from the BTS army. She gets to the hospital so she can get this bag of dope removed from her right. And she starts feeling these superpowers remember, she was on the ceiling and stuff. She starts feeling his superpowers and she’s like, something’s going on. This CPH for drug got into my bloodstream and I don’t know I’m, I’m a superhuman now I guess. And she calls her mom. And she’s kind of flat. She’s in the hospital. She’s kind of flexing right? She kind of showing off her superpowers, making the surgeon remove the bag of dope. And she calls her mom and she tells mom how she’s feeling and she reveals it. Yes, I think my cerebral my brain has been unlocked through the drugs. Take a listen. Hello. Hey, Lucy,
Unknown Speaker 27:32
baby. It’s great to hear from you. But what time is it over there?
Unknown Speaker 27:39
I don’t know it’s night.
Unknown Speaker 27:40
Hold on a sec. Let me get rid of the other line. I’m back. You’re not partying too much. Are you? You promised me you’d look after yourself?
Unknown Speaker 27:49
I’m trying to Mom I am trying to
Unknown Speaker 27:54
Well, thanks for calling out of the blue like this. Your father’s going to be sad he missed you. He isn’t home from the gym yet. Usually you call us in the morning? Yes.
Unknown Speaker 28:07
I feel everything.
Unknown Speaker 28:09
What do you mean sweetie?
Unknown Speaker 28:13
space here the vibrations so people I can feel the gravity.
Unknown Speaker 28:32
I can feel the rotation of the Earth.
Unknown Speaker 28:37
The heat leave leaving my body. The blood in my veins. I can feel my brain. The deepest parts of my memory.
Unknown Speaker 28:50
Sway we have that connection. I can’t hear you so well. What did you say about memory?
Unknown Speaker 28:58
To paint in my mouth. When I had braces. I can remember the feeling of your hand on my forehead when I ran a fever. I remember stroking the cat it was so soft.
Unknown Speaker 29:12
The cat. A cat honey
Unknown Speaker 29:16
Siamese with blue eyes and a broken tail.
Unknown Speaker 29:19
Sweetie. You can’t possibly remember that. You were barely a year old.
Unknown Speaker 29:26
Remember the taste of your milk in my mouth? The room? The liquid. Sweetie are you talking about? I just want to tell you that I love you Mom and Dad.
Unknown Speaker 29:47
Unknown Speaker 29:48
And I want to thank you for the 1000 Kisses that I can still feel my face I love you
Unknown Speaker 30:00
I love you too, sweetie. More than anything in the world
Isaac Weishaupt 30:11
so Lucy, she’s describing the superpowers what they call the CDs in the, in the old world, right with the when you get into Halina livanski and her ideas of the Tibetan monks and the Ascended Masters. And they talked about how these people could harness if you read Autobiography of a Yogi. From the Yogananda guy, he talks about how he can levitate and go through walls and all this crazy stuff, once his mind achieved a certain level of whatever. Well, she’s like, I got that too. And now she’s becoming one with the universe you set. She senses, all of the natural laws, that God used to create the world and humanity. And now, she’s going to play the role of the SOFIA goddess of wisdom, she will unlock the mysteries and storm the gates of heaven. And sadly, at the same time, she also realizes the essence of who she was who she identified with is now leaving, and that train is leaving the station and it’s never coming back. So she cried. She’s on the phone, the monitors crying about this, she’s mourning the loss of this, but at the same time, she’s like, but I’m going to be God. So that’s kind of cool, too. The doctor he he actually knows this drug is the CPH for and he says, Look, a mother creates this drug. It’s an atomic bomb inside the womb and allows the baby to evolve. So she gets out of the hospital. She got Muto guns she strapped and she’s looking for revenge. She’s trying to catch this BTS army trying to catch some bodies. And the body count climbs, very violent. And she gets to the hotel where the BTS gang is holed up. As she starts shooting folks up, and at a certain point, they show how her brain is progressing throughout the movie as she hits 28% cerebral function. And she reveals that because she gets on the phone with Morgan Freeman, alright, sorry. I’m sure if you haven’t seen the movie, you’re like, bro, you’re all over the place. Well, it kind of jumps around. Okay. So she calls Morgan Freeman. And she’s like, look, I got to talk to you because you’re an expert on brains. And I gotta tell you, I’ve unlocked I’m at 20% cerebral function. And I’m gonna tell you what it feels like it doesn’t feel like I’m a human anymore. I don’t feel the emotions anymore, which is the metaverse fantasy. They think that to have human emotions is to suffer. And there’s one thing I learned from many, many years of therapy. That’s not the case. The fact that you feel sad, the fact that you feel depressed, the fact that you beat yourself up, you don’t think you’re good enough, you don’t think you look good enough. That’s what it is to be human. On some level, you got to embrace this and stop rejecting it. You embrace it and move on. You know what I’m saying? But that’s not what the nerds think the nursing No, no, no, no, let’s engineer that will make you an avatar. And you can look as society tells you, you should look, you live in the matrix with us now we’ll make the rules. It’s gonna be like Twitter will kick off the bullies. You give us this Instagram, fake Coachella version of yourself. And it’ll be perfect. It’s just like the plot from surrogates, the Bruce Willis film I always talk about I should do a film analysis on that than our old one that showed us what it was really going to happen. And listen to Morgan Freeman, he talks about how the point of life is to pass on the knowledge. Because what she’s doing is she’s trading her humanity and what it is to be a human and have a soul for the knowledge for the Gnosis. Alright, take a listen.
Unknown Speaker 34:19
Don’t feel pain, fear, desire. It’s like all things that make us human are fading away.
Unknown Speaker 34:32
It’s like the less human, I feel. All this knowledge about everything. Quantum physics, applied mathematics. The infinite capacity of the cell’s nucleus. They’re all exploding inside my brain all this knowledge. I don’t know what to do with it.
Unknown Speaker 34:57
If you’re asking me what to do What do you think about the very nature of life? I mean, from the very beginning, the development of the first cell
Unknown Speaker 35:26
divided into two cells. The sole purpose of life has been to pass on what was learned? There was no higher purpose. So if you’re asking me what to do with all this knowledge, you’re accumulating it. Pass it on this flag any symbol sale? Going through time? Yes, of course.
Unknown Speaker 36:07
I’m begging door in 12 hours.
Isaac Weishaupt 36:13
So Morgan Freeman is like, look, that’s the whole point. You have to pass this knowledge on. This is the secret society talking. This is the mystery Babylon. All right. Passing on the occult secrets, it’s the highest purpose of all things. You got to get into the, the esoteric inner circle the inner sanctum to get the true secrets, which turns out to be worshipping Lucifer. But we’re not ready for that yet. Let’s keep it moving. Lucy, she gives the drop on the drug meals, they got the CPH dope that the feds are now interested in. So she’s like, she’s snitching. She snitch she says, Hey, I need you to hate cops. I know where these drug mills are. I need you to get those drugs. And I’ll be back because I need those drugs for something. And you know, the cops are stupid. They just do what they’re told. And they collect the samples for her. And she’s herself, trying to evade authorities because she is on camera, killing folks everywhere, right? So she goes to the airport, she’s got a wig on she gets on a flight. Turns out that Morgan Freeman was right though. He says look, if this environment isn’t imbalance, then things are about to go down. And with all of this weird dope running through her system, her body starts to disintegrate. She goes in the bathroom and the and the tenants are freaking out like yo, what’s going on? Because he’s yelling and screaming and carrying on and you see your body dissolve. And then the next thing you know she wakes up on a in the airport like Infirmary with no wig. But she somehow evolved. And this part is very confusing to me. I don’t know. They don’t explain what happened there. They don’t explain how she re manifested in this hospital. But they do show her waking up and her eyes have the lizard reptilian eyeballs. Yes, she’s now a shapeshifter, apparently. But she’s up to 50% 50%. That’s a high number, right? And the BTS gang they’re still after her because they know she’s collecting all the dope bags. So the police, they meet up with her at the airport here. And she quickly shows them who’s boss. She shows off her Neil like capabilities. And then she she’s like, look, I’m trying to catch up with Morgan Freeman and these nerds. And she does so and when she gets there, she starts revealing the mysteries of nature. Take a listen.
Unknown Speaker 39:05
Sir, how are you? You’re in Paris? Yes, I am. Good. Good. Excellent. So look, I am no longer at the hotel now. I have come to the university where I’ve taken the liberty of calling together a few of my colleagues to discuss your case, top mins in that field. And very Trussell trust him. Oh, thank you. So do you think you can meet us here in university? I’m very pleased to meet you. Likewise. Captain delirio. How do you do? Let me introduce you to my colleagues. This is Professor County, a neurosurgeon
Unknown Speaker 39:50
professor. Hello everyone is.
Unknown Speaker 39:53
Of course, gentlemen, this is Lucy, the first woman to allow I mean, as I mentioned earlier, Miss Lucy has for reasons that remain a mystery to me unlock certain portions of her brain that offer access to previously unexplored cerebral zones. She has abilities can you give us an example
Unknown Speaker 40:21
your daughter Gabrielle age six died in a car accident. It was a blue car leather seats plastic bird hanging from the rearview mirror
Unknown Speaker 40:46
join us so it doesn’t mean that awesome. And you can be critical and it’s not cockiness is not always clear and John.
Unknown Speaker 41:11
For men coming here, can you secure the room, I need to stay focused? Sure.
Unknown Speaker 41:27
How did you manage
Unknown Speaker 41:28
to access all this information, electrical impulses. Every cell knows and talks to every other cell, they exchanged 1000 bits of information between them per second, cells grouped together forming a giant web of communication, which in turn forms matter. cells get together take on one form deform reform, they makes no difference. It’s all the same. Humans consider themselves unique. So they’ve routed their whole theory of existence on their uniqueness. One is their unit of measure. But it’s not all social systems we put into place are a mere sketch one plus one equals two. That’s all we’ve learned. But one plus one has never equal to. There are in fact, no numbers and no letters. We’ve codified our existence to bring it down to human size. To make it comprehensible. We’ve created a scale so that we can forget its unfathomable scale.
Unknown Speaker 42:27
But if humans are not the unit of measure, and the world isn’t governed by mathematical laws, what happens on that
Unknown Speaker 42:37
film a car speeding down a road, speed up the image infinitely, the car disappears. So what proof do we have of its existence, time gives legitimacy to its existence, time is the only true unit of measure. It gives proof to the existence of matter. Without time, we don’t exist. Time is
Isaac Weishaupt 43:13
now one of these mysteries, she reveals. You got to kind of read between the lines as we do. She talks about how we created this scale, which is a law of correspondence idea as above. So below. She’s talking about quantum physics ideas she’s talking about time is unity, and without time, we don’t exist. But this is all hermetic wisdom. This references us to Saturn when we start talking about time and the constraints and the measurements. And we’re gonna come back to this. But essentially, it’s an idea that falls out of Western esotericism. The idea that comes from Plato, the Platonic Academy, and his ideas of the great chain, that’s what he called it the great chain, man, being stuck in between the state of spirit and matter, get able to access both and from this drops out ideas of capitalism and figuring out a way to re spiritualize matter to get back to godlike status. The Divine they call it that’s like God, right? They call it the divine extends his power to the lower realms of Earth. Now coos and the Kabbalah. And these magicians think they can use this secret wisdom to achieve the powers to ascend and reach back up to Catherine to heaven where the God lives where the Divine is. So they can touch finger to finger just like Michelangelo. Michelangelo’s painting of the creation of Adam shows us right Now Morgan Freeman. He’s not too hip on this. He’s like, look, mankind is not ready for this knowledge. You know what it’s gonna bring, it’s gonna bring chaos. But you know, the love the chaos, the order out of chaos. But he’s espousing the academic philosophy, stance about humanity. Just like Isaac Newton said, he’s talked about how the, this isn’t meant for mouth breathers. This is meant for the elites, the secret doctrines. Take a listen to what he says debated, and he talks about how it’s going to bring too much chaos.
Unknown Speaker 45:39
This knowledge I’m not even sure that mankind is ready for it. We’re so driven by power and profit. Given man’s nature, it might bring us only instability and chaos.
Unknown Speaker 45:59
Ignorance brings chaos, not knowledge. I’ll build a computer and download all my knowledge and I’ll find a way for you to have access to it.
Unknown Speaker 46:10
I just hope we will be worthy of your sacrifice.
Isaac Weishaupt 46:15
So Lucy, she takes more dope. Her cerebral functions go up to 70% Things are getting weird. She turns into this being of light. This this, this light unlocks from her body. This is symbolic of the light of Lucifer, by the way, also seen in annihilation in the light house. Yes. But yeah, Lucy’s Lucy’s got all the hidden knowledge. Her or the drugs are making her brain unlock more and more potential. And Morgan Freeman and the nerds, they’re just kind of watching it like what is happening. And she just shoots light out of her whole head, right. And then something else happens. She starts transforming. The black goo starts running through her veins, as she starts turning into the black goo, which ties into other films like under the skin, with the ideas of alchemy there. But the black goo it absorbs all the computers and Morgan Freeman’s like, Oh, she’s looking for energy and matter. She’s connecting all the computers. She reaches 80% Now she’s creating a white void a matrix. And we find out that she’s building a bio computer from this black goo. Now meanwhile, the BTS army they finally caught up and they’re mad. And they fire Oh, a big rocket into the white void into this room. But she’s at 90% now, so watch out. She somehow transports and she’s in front of the Eiffel Tower, which is very curious, right? Because the guy who built it, Gustave Eiffel was in fact a Freemason. Who also helped build the Statue of Liberty, which is a an occult symbol with the goddess Samara Miss holding the torch of illumination represents the wisdom given to us the flame given to us from Prometheus, who stole fire from the gods to help mankind, which is a Luciferian concept. And the Eiffel Tower was also the tallest structure on earth for a long time, it was kind of like our tower of Babel for a period built by the Freemasons. So Lucy, she’s like black Gouda. Well, she’s transporting all over the world. She’s moving through space and time, and they show her in New York City a really a really cool sequence worth the price of admission if you asked me. So Good job, everyone over there. But it shows that going like to Times Square in the 80s, and then back to old times, and then back to Native Americans and then back to dinosaurs, which are fake, and then back to apes back to the beginning of the film, where they showed us apes, which is very 2001 A Space Odyssey, Stanley Kubrick’s masterpiece, and then we get it we get the massive moment. This is to me. The point of the whole movie right here at the end. Lucy reaches out a finger to the ape, the unsuspecting ape, and the ape reaches back and touches the finger they make contact. And this triggers a massive impact and Lucy, her consciousness fires off into the cosmos. You see the cosmos change. You see massive eclipses and the Big Bang and like crazy stuff happening. She’s at 99% But meanwhile, I’m back in the little little Morgan Freeman nerd room. So her consciousness is doing this whole trip right? But her body is still in the room. And the BTS army they’re coming in But the black goo is consuming her whole body. Right? And right when the BTS army shoots the gun to kill her, she hits 100%. And she absorbs into God or the divine as the occultist would say. And she goes back to the source. And we heard, we see her cells fusing back together, instead of breaking apart, they’re fusing back together. As opposed to splitting, she’s now merged into the unified field of consciousness. And the black goo computer that’s left behind hands, Morgan Freeman, a USB. Because remember earlier, he was like, your job is to pass on this knowledge. Now he’s got it now. The scientific, academia nerds habit, right? They will now be the source of all wisdom. And then the COP is in there. And he’s like, Hey, where’d she go? But remember, she’s the master of all technology. And he flips his phone open. He’s got a text message that says, I am everywhere.
Which is another big topic here we’re going to get into. And the final words of the whole film is Lucy saying, life was given to us a billion years ago. Now you know what to do with it? We’ve been initiated into the call, yes. Is she talking to Morgan Freeman? Is she talking to us? Who’s she talking to the Illuminati. But the point is, life was given to us a billion years ago. Now you know what to do with it, is say your job is to not only evolve, but to create the revolution, and to knit now spiritualize the matter and get back to God. So let’s unpack all of this madness, because I watched this movie. And I was nothing less than blown away. I haven’t been blown away by moving along time. Probably annihilation was the last time I did that. Which you know, Sal, Jimmy jackhammer, told me about annihilation. I had my doubts I was I’m not watching that. But then I watched us. You know, maybe I got to watch stop watching trailers. But and then another friend of mine told me to watch Lucy. And I was like, now after all these years, I know Lucy showed up on a lot of the you know, your I’m not going to name my competing. My competing occult symbolism, folks. They’ve talked about this movie, but I never just had on how it just didn’t hit my radar. So shout out mother for we’ve got to have a cool name for what’s her name? What’s her name? We’ll call her Hermione McGonigal? How’s that? My friend and her mind finding McGonigal anyway, let’s talk about this movie. What happens? Lucy unlocks mental powers she connects in with the great one. Okay, with a capital Oh, the great one. And this is kind of like what you see an avatar is this network this, this mental cars, cars, cosmic consciousness all connected. And this references and occult concept called the perennial philosophy or the Prisca Theologiae, which means the ancient theology, the ancient wisdom, right? This is the early pagan religion. Now, these two things are the same, but different right. Now, no expert, but this is what little bit I do know. All right, the Priska Theologiae. Probably not even pronouncing correctly. This goes back to the 1500s. old timey right around the time of John D. And there was this guy Marsilio for Chino, who was trying to re establish Plato’s Academy. So he ties into this Neo Platonism idea. But I think it was also John Dee’s mentor. I’m reading this book on John D, don’t quote me, I think that’s the case. Doesn’t matter. For chino. He was the influence that started this whole mystic Christian idea. And the idea that Christianity and every other Abrahamic religion, Islam, Judaism, every religion, they all derive themselves back to one ancient truth of who God is to the Priska theologia the ultimate true religion, which some people would say is over astronism kind of fits into this idea. But the ancient wisdom is the real truth to these folks. And they think they believe in Christianity to an extent but they think that we got the story a little bit wrong. There’s this esoteric, which means inner Secret Doctrine. There’s this esoteric version of Christianity And they like stuff like, they think that Moses did in fact go on Mount Sinai and talk to God. But instead of coming back with the 10 commandments, he was also given the secret tradition called Kabbalah. Like he gave them the secret little wisdom and was like look, not all of them folks out there deserve to hear this, but I’m gonna tell you a little secret. And it played into this idea that and this is these are massive rabbit hole side tangents All right, we’re not going to go into it ties into this idea that the Jews will someday convert to Christianity. And in doing so, that will open up the Apocalypse and the big reveal which that’s what the apocalypse means that the reveal the revelation, the end times, and this is what they call the mispronounce this eschatology that’s Kuntala Escot, tautological fantasies will be fulfilled the rebuilding of Solomon’s temple. Anyhow, that but they believe there’s this one true religion and understanding of God.
Now Lucifer plays a role here. Obviously, the film was called Lucy which ties into Lucifer. But Lucifer is opening the eyes of man, the third eye, the all seeing eye. And who’s Lucifer? Well, this is this is this is quite a topic here. So hang in there. We’re going to briefly cut through this as brief as we can. If you refer to in fact, we just talked about Kurth Barker, on the supporter feeds only when we talked about his book about cannibalism, blood drinking in high ATAP Satanism, he talks about Satan and Lucifer and he said that they’re pretty much the same, same a different. Like you could pick up the phone and call but either one of them’s going to answer. If you refer to the Orthodox Study Bible, they’ll tell you lose first Satan, which a lot of people disagree with. And this goes back to the Garden of Eden, the serpent said he could open the eyes of Adam and Eve with his forbidden wisdom. And if you read Isaiah 14, four, this is the verse that talks about how how you are falling from heaven. Oh loose for her rose up in the morning. Well, in the Orthodox Study Bible, which is a collection of you got all these councils of ancient Christians, St. Basil, and what St. Ignatius and all these folks, right, all these people are way smarter on theology than me on Christianity. They came together and wrote and their ideas are presented in this orthodox Study Bible. So I would defer to them as experts on Christianity. All right. And in the study notes, it says directly the king of Babylon, because that’s what the book of Isaiah is talking about, says the king of Babylon is compared to Lucifer or Satan. So they’re gonna Lucifer is Satan. If you refer to Bill Cooper’s assessment of the Mystery Babylon religion, Lucifer as the God who they were worshipping, he was when they talked about worshipping the sun, they’re actually secretly covertly talking about worshipping Lucifer. If you refer to Aleister Crowley’s ideas, he talks about the hidden sun being serious, kind of like Lucifer. If you refer to the Cambridge Handbook of Western mysticism and esotericism, it talks about Jacob Bo hemes, probably mispronouncing that he’s a Christian mystic. He says that Adam man is God’s replacement for Lucifer, who fell because he was to be not merely an embodiment of the hole, but the hole itself. Like the fallen angel, man is a perfect microcosm of the hole in the garden, Adam possessed the wisdom of God, knowledge of the primordial forms of all things contained within God’s great mirror Sofia. So Gnostic reference, maybe. However, Adam, possess this knowledge without consciousness that is, he did not know that he knew it. And insofar as he remained in this state, Adam could not be an adequate image of God. The Divine agent who brings an end to Adam’s naivety is Lucifer in the form of the serpent. Adam and Eve then eat of the forbidden tree of knowledge of good and evil, which represents consciousness of duality or opposition. Boom. Now you talk about duality. You talk about the free Masonic black and white checkered for the cult of Moses pavement. You talk about the idea of the opposing principles the divine Andrew Jain that is the Baphomet the male goat with the female breasts, symbol for the Church of Satan. Below my take on all this reading, I read all this nonsense right My take on Lucifer. Lucifer is the ultimate god for the Illuminati. He represents the archetypal energy of what they want to overthrow the heavens and take over for God. The illuminated ones, obviously would worship the illuminated fallen angel, the light bearer. He is the Prometheus he gives man the, the torch of knowledge, the keys of wisdom to free them from the enslavement of this Gnostic meanie God that they call the Demiurge Lucifer as the guide, he’s the guiding force. He’s kind of like the, the hermit of the tarot card, lighting the path he’s the Old Man of the Mountain that the assassins used to talk about.
So then you got Lucy Lucifer. Of course, this is all representing the same thing. Through science, man can now become God. And she, as Morgan Freeman instructs her passes on the knowledge. She passes on the knowledge that’s the key to life. This is the Gnosis. This is the secret oral tradition of Kabbalah. It’s all these things, they’re relaying the secret occult doctrine. She just understands it all and provides it and apropos for it to be a female as the SOFIA goddess of wisdom and Gnostic doctrine. She’s like the she’s like the serpent she is the Lucifer hence the name Lucy. The Minerva. And you see it throughout the film, she’s constantly being shown proving that she knows all. She’s constantly telling people what they’re thinking, what they’re feeling, she goes inside their mind and pulls extrapolate extrapolates the data she needs. And this is kind of like the Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty, we talked about them. This is something the Freemasons would encode architecture with sacred geometry and hidden symbols to relay these concepts to those who know those deemed worthy to understand the secrets. Now the black goo, we always see the black goo. It’s in it’s in an ironically, this is relevant to the film under the skin that she was also and I’m not going to spoil that plot. In case you haven’t seen it yet, because it’s a great film. I don’t want to ruin it. But if you read my second alien book, aliens UFOs and the occult user illusion to then you know the whole deal because I went through all these films, one of them being under the skin. It is all about the transhuman creation of new life. At the end of the film, I’m gonna read it again. Again, and again. The final words of the film is Lucy saying, life was given to us a billion years ago. Now you know what to do with it? Well, she knows what to do with it to create the new life. And in under the skin, the artificial intelligence aliens. They create the new life. And you know, in both films, you see the all seeing eye. In both films, you see the black goo, which is alchemical Negredo. This is the first stage of alchemy, on the way to the great work of refining man’s soul to re spiritualize the matter. The alchemical process starts out with the blackening. And that’s what this is. And she and what’s crazy, is she even says it in the film. She talks about how she could feel this. She could sense everything because now she has the Super Human Powers. And she’s like, Hey, I can hear the sound of the bones grinding under the skin the exact phrase from the same movie that was released at the same time starring the same people. It’s pretty crazy.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:12
Learning is always a painful process. Like when you’re little and your bones are growing and you wake all over. When you believe I can remember the sound of my own bones growing like this grinding under the skin. Everything’s different now. Like sounds or music that I can understand, like fluids.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:04:33
And under the skin. It shows us the advanced aliens. But which if you saw the film it was Scarlett Johansson and the motorcycle man both of which have no names in the film. They communicate telepathically not one word spoken between them. Just like you see. In Lucy she has this ability she uses her ESP or telekinesis. The CDs are fully unlocked and in under the skin it shows that she knows the human nature and the human drives. Remember how she uses sex to her advantage? Well, she kind of does it and Lucy she kisses the cop. Because because she’s doing all this stuff and she tells the cop Okay, come with me and he’s like, What do you need me for your you’re putting, making people levitate and all kinds of crazy stuff. And she kisses him. And she keeps him around to remind herself of what it is to be human because she knows that human nature includes lust. Under The Skin also played heavily on this law of correspondence this as above, so below. And it also showed us Michelangelo’s creation of Adam sequence with the fingers touching, yes. If you recall when the men are in the abyss, not going to spoil any plot saying that you get the finger touch. And if you read the book for under the skin, you find out that what these aliens want is they want to eat us. Yes, cannibalism tied in there again. Now, Saturn plays a role in this film to write with the black goo, which some people refer to as Saturday because the Black Sun The Black Eyed black color of the first stage of alchemy, but she talks a lot about controlling time, which is a very Saturnian idea. And you have to go back to this idea. The occultist believe we had a golden age long time ago, and the light of Saturn, which was like a purple sheath, the purple haze Jimi Hendrix was singing about. Maybe I throw that in there. It could be though I don’t know. The light of Saturn gave us the golden age. And at the same time, the planet Saturn, ushered in the end, when it brought about day and night. And this idea of time and measurements and the quantization of data, which is why Saturn is called Father Time, Saturn brought with it the idea of time. And it’s just this whole idea of quantifying data of observing that a day is, you know, 24 hours or whatever. And with it brah this idea of scarcity. And if you read Yuval Harare, his book on homosapiens, he talks about how the Agricultural Age brought with it. Scarcity, greed, control over land, separateness, capitalism, all these things. And the idea of weights and measures needed to be reinforced. Everyone needed to agree on these different quantifiable bits of data. And the first laws were created. And you had to create a law enforcement. You had the priesthood. This was the early technocracy trust the science that’s what they said to them back then to trust the science. This is the early technocracy, scientist humanist, whatever you want to call them. And supposedly, all this stuff came from Atlantis. But, you know, it was the Masonic and alchemical hermetic folks running it, but it was the time of concept or the Saturn brought with it, the concept of time and measurements, which gave us money, and you punch in your dumb timecard at work, whatever. That’s the idea. And she talks about time being this big factor in everything and with time gave us the second law of thermo thermodynamics, entropy, everything is cells are programmed to die. How do you overcome all that well, through immortality and becoming God. And this finger touch shows all this this is depicted in the film as depicted in the this is telling us the same concept of the Priska Theologiae, or the perennial philosophy again, and the painting, Michelangelo did the painting of God touching Adam and giving life to man so what we’re watching when we see Lucy do it to the ape is giving birth to a new species of transhuman, she is now God. Man has become God
through science. And if you watch the film, they actually flash it during the creation of Adam painting. During Morgan Freeman’s first lecture we already talked about the finger to finger thing with God and the Divine is extending his power man reaching back and we see this in the film. She’s extending The evolutionary finger to the early apes, which is what happens in 2001, A Space Odyssey as well. Remember, when David Bowman reaches out to the black monolith, he’s reaching out to touch fingers, which was about the advanced alien intelligence revealing itself to early men. Stanley Kubrick showed us the monolith, enhancing the early apes and evolving the early apes. And she even tells the cop I am everywhere at the end of the film. This is the the esophageal fantasy of Helena Blavatsky, talking about the integrated Ascended Masters these beings of light these entities and if you read, there’s four books in the 2001 A Space Odyssey. There’s 2001 2010 2051 and 3001. I think. If you read those as I did, David Bowman eventually becomes like the aliens he becomes a being of light, the digital consciousness in the cosmos. And just like the monolith, it can kickstart evolution of life forms in the universe. And in fact, just like in the film, Lucy, David Bowman can insert himself into any piece of technology and reveal himself to whoever he wants. Last thing well, almost the last thing we’re gonna read from Western esotericism A Guide for the Perplexed by Han Graf, it says this metaphysical radicals apart the predominance of Panin theist tendencies in western esotericism. These are like million dollar words, all right, if you’re getting lost, hang in there. I’m getting lost to put this together. All right, all those things I just said, blah, blah, blah, means that God tends to be seen as invisibly present throughout the physical cosmos and therefore, the overcoming of separation means a sense of unity with the cosmos, rather than an A cosmic unity with the one. This implies not the annihilation of individuality, but an awareness of one’s inseparable connectedness to the whole of reality. What are they saying? They’re saying, what the film is showing us. The end, if you read Stephen flowers book on lords of the left hand path, he talks about the difference between the left hand path and the right hand path, right hand path is your, your Abrahamic religions and the idea of, you know, going to heaven, whatever, but the left hand path is they they want to seek separation from the stream of consciousness, that is God. They want to become God, which is essentially what that saying. And in the book later in the book, it says this experience is very similar to the resulting in unity with all that is maybe found scattered throughout the corpus of Western esotericism from antiquity to the present. For example, in 1982, the transpersonal psychologist Jean Houston published a course book of practical exercises, for enhancing one’s physical, mental and creative abilities, and sketch her own youthful experience of cosmic unity, to give an impression of the kind of consciousness that might ultimately be attained. All right, I don’t know, if you’re picking up what I’m putting down. That’s basically what Lucy does. She enhances all her abilities. And then it reads into it from the gene Houston book. Suddenly, the key turned in the door to the universe opened, I didn’t see or hear anything unusual. There were no visions, no burst of light, the world remained the same. And yet, everything around me, including myself, moved into meaning. Everything became part of a single unity, of glorious symphonic resonance in which every part of the universe was a part of and illuminated. Every other part. Everything mattered. Nothing was alien or irrelevant or distant. The furthest star was right next door, and the deepest mystery was clearly seen. It seemed to me as if I knew everything, it seemed to me as if I was everything. It’s just like this film is showing us now, as you could imagine, why would they do this? I just read you two paragraphs from the stuffy asked book. It’s very confusing.
It makes way more sense to just watch Scarlett Johansson do it and looks good doing it by the way. So that’s the power of entertainment. People want to pretend that there is no influence on us or there’s no agenda behind their entertainment. No way. The power there of this film to convey these very kind complicated subjects is amazing. One more, I’m going to read one more passage, and I’m getting a headache. So we gotta go. I’m just getting this very wordy I realized that these, these references, but reading from that same Western esotericism book, it says, the dominant model of the Priska Theologiae implied a process of degeneration from an original state of perfect truth and wisdom. Whereas the conception of filosofia perennials emphasize that nothing new was to be expected because the truth had always been available and always would be. In chapter four, it has been suggested that the emergence of evolution as a spiritual process that takes place in and through history may have been indebted to the alchemical paradigm. So there you go, bring it back to the first stage of alchemy, and the Negredo. The blackening the black goo, it’s the chemical paradigm and look to zoom in all the way out. The overall message here is, this is the Luciferian technocracy. This film is almost no different. From 2001, A Space Odyssey, it’s an initiatory experience of film meant to plant a seed of consciousness in your mind. Maybe they, you know, reap the rewards now, maybe five years from now, maybe 10 years from now. But these concepts have been around a very long time, and they’re very confusing. And they want to simplify it. And they want to plant that into your mind. Now, what do we do about it? I don’t know. It’s up to you. Do you care? Do you agree with it? I know a lot of people agree with this stuff. They’re like, Yeah, this is the truth. Religion is a control system. Some people don’t some people say no, this is the same spiritual battle, the wisdom of the Bible, in Christ and His disciples, they knew this was going to be happening 2000 years later. Pick your path. My whole thing is I just want to help you understand what’s going on trying to make sense and decode this entertainment, so that we know what’s happening. Don’t just become a bystander passively being led down the path. So there you go. Hope you enjoyed that. I really did enjoy that show. So thanks for listening. If you want to support the show, I always talk about it you know how to do it. You know where it’s up. Till next time my friend you know what to do. Stay Woke
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