*CHAT WITH ME ON YOUR THEORIES! YouTube livestream premier goes live Wednesday March 30th at 1PM EST: https://youtu.be/WM6h2Bnbk_c
On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we continue our journey into the high profile event at the Oscars 2022! We’ll take a conspiratorial look at The Slap after Isaac conducts his own little apology tour! We’ll talk about new revelations that support the theory that The Slap was staged! We’ll look at some interesting takes such as Will Smith winning his first Oscar, Chris Rock’s new tour called EGO DEATH (and the occult significance of that), Bill Maher’s New Rules and the big one: Pfizer! Yes, Pfizer sponsored the Oscars and are even inventing a drug to cure… ALOPECIA! Seems a bit odd but I think I lay out a decent argument worth getting behind that Will and Jada MIGHT be on the payroll to push a Big Pharma agenda…
- Will Smith vs Chris Rock Part 1 (in case you missed it): https://illuminatiwatcher.com/will-smith-vs-chris-rock-illuminati-humiliation-ritual-channeling-spirits/
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Isaac Weishaupt 0:05
Welcome back to conspiracy theories an unpopular culture. I’m your host, Isaac Weishaupt. And look, I got to tell you something. I gotta tell you something I want you to listen, I want you to look me in my eye. If you’re a tier two supporter, you can look me in the eye on the video. I am very sorry. My deepest apologies. You know, I’ve told you many times. I am not a good tutor. And I stand by that. The Will Smith the slap heard around the world. We’re going to get into it. Today we’re gonna hit a part two, we’re already at part two. It’s only been one day. And a lot of us didn’t like my take on it. You didn’t like my hot take? It’s just my opinion. And that’s okay. If you don’t like it. You could pop right off with it. Yeah, I’m just kidding. I joke I kid a kid. Hey, now take it easy. Oh, no, I got a lot of negative comments. Because when look when the thing happened. I said that reaction from Chris Rock and company that was real. That was a real reaction. I’m convinced of it. Chris. Rock’s not that good of an actor. All the little stunts Will Smith did. Great actor he could pull it off. Chris Rock not so much. All right. And if I mean, you already heard part one, we’re not going to rehash the whole thing. But since part one in one day, in 24 hours time, I’ve now seen enough evidence to retract my opinion. Because on part one, I kind of had the opinion of look, maybe there was some staging here. But I don’t think so. I think that was a real slap. I don’t really know what the conspiracy would have been. I think Wilson had a mental breakdown. That’s what I thought happened now. And then I put a polls out all the polls. I did you guys like 70% of you said no, it’s fake. It’s all fake. It’s all fake news. And it’s hard right? Like in this state of affairs that we’re in now. Truth eaters are apt to believe anything that goes against the norm, right. Anything on the news is fake. Anything a celebrity says is wrong. And like I just don’t live in that world of black and white so and that’s my fault. That’s my my fault for steering you astray from your conspiracy minded thoughts, because now I’ve seen enough evidence that I can get behind the truth or idea that this was staged. Now the level of stage three is questionable. I’ll give you my take at the end what I think but like I always say like who cares what I think doesn’t matter what I think I just tried to present you the evidence the resources and citations to talk about these things because the mainstream will not so I wanted to get that off my chest a sincere apology. But I’ve told you before not a good truth don’t listen to me. Don’t listen to my opinions I stay when it’s my opinion or not. Alright, when there’s facts I give you the facts and you can’t not listen to that those are facts but if I give you an opinion, you are more than welcome to disagree. Just be nice on the comments. Good night. Guys are giving me a damn acid reflux over here reading your comments you’re so mad at me. No, no, I know there’s love I kid but a lot of people didn’t like my opinion. But guess what? We’re all back at the same camp. All right, you got me back all right now previously I said you know maybe this was stage maybe and I thought maybe this is some and I didn’t get into this in part one but I thought you know this is very much like the Greek and Roman mythology of the gods this is very much a a psychodrama of the gods and Ella Cindy and mystery if you will. All I knew was that you know and when I when I talk about that I’m saying that you have these two modern day Gods these are a list celebrities. These are like a plus list celebrities these aren’t you know, this isn’t Takashi six, nine and Freddie Gibbs or whoever right? This is like Will Smith Chris Rock the whole planet knows these people. One of the biggest events Chris Rock said it like the biggest event in TV history. And it kind of was I think it finally Janet Jackson put her nipple up for retirement. Finally she made it but to me, you know, I thought Chris Rock looks shook. I really do. I I don’t know. And he was stumbling over his words and we already talked about this. But then some things have happened since then.
Will Smith. First off, let’s state the obvious. I didn’t realize that this was his first Oscar, I had to look it up because I didn’t believe it. I was like, No way. What else this Will Smith first Academy Award. It was his first award for Best Actor, no less. So a big moment in his career. So it’s possible that you got to play ball. You want to get the doors open, you got to play ball. So if if there’s some big Illuminati, shapeshifting, lizard, umbrella, spider web, controlling all these events? And they say, look, we’ll Smith. You want this Best Actor Academy Award? You got to do something for us? You got to slap Chris Rock in the face. You got to be the biggest villain the biggest heel of all time. Could it be that Will Smith’s gonna have a movie where he’s the bad guy soon? Maybe that. But I think there’s another reason we’re gonna get into that is a big one. Big, big reason why. So that was the first little What do you call? That was the first little piece of evidence I saw that. I thought okay, I mean, that is a little odd. Then shout out young Kundalini, she posted that Chris Rock has a new tour starting, like in a couple of months, right? A new stand up comedy tour. And the tour is called ego death. What the heck, ego death. You know what this is? Right? You’ve listened to the show long enough, when he talked about the Illuminati ritual, much less the humiliation ritual, you can avoid talking about the ego death. Now, the ego death tour could be symbolic of some things for Chris Rock, right? The ego death is very important when it comes to a call ritual. We’ve talked about this on the shows where we talked about masks, the the hoodwink that the Freemasons where it’s all about suppression of the ego, right? It allows one to be reborn. Okay. So I’m going to read you from a book called lords of the left hand path, right? This is a great book. People always asked me what books to pick up. This is definitely one of them, is to give you a lot of information, more information than you then you want, I’m sure. And there’s a section where it talks about the assassins. All right. Now the assassins are alleged to be holders of the ultimate Illuminati Secret Society, as Bill Cooper would call it, the order of the quest. Arguably the people that would be conducting the rituals today behind closed doors, the people that would be responsible for this slap event. All right, I’m gonna read you. And the names don’t really matter, the time of the Ishmael ease which is basically the the left hand patters. Okay, so and as this book alludes to with the title, there’s a right hand path and a left hand path. The right hand path seeks union with God and the universe, that’s your more Christian religions, then you’ve got your left hand path which rebel and seek to make the universe conform to the practitioner or initiates will, magic basically, right? Listen to this. So the Ishmael is like the left hand path, Assassin. We’re talking old tired, I’m like 1100s, okay. All right. The Ismaili initiate dies before death, when he comes to realize the separative and alienated aspects of the self, the ego as programmed illusion, he is reborn in consciousness, but he’s reborn in the body as an individual, the soul at peace. So and then it goes on, there’s a lot more to it. You can get into a lot of a lot of different discussions about what the ego is and the self. But the idea is that our mind creates an illusion of who we are. When the reality is we are constantly changing we are in fact, your cells even die off and they’re programmed to die and reborn. And the version of you that exists today is not the same one that existed yesterday and a lot of weird existential type philosophy drops out of all this point being to the secret societies to the left hand path to the occultist. Ego Death is representation of dying and being reborn, okay? Very common trope and a lot of these rituals we see in the film’s and all that stuff. So in a way, Will Smith killed Chris Rock, I guess, right.
But that’s kind of what this was. But I think think it’s very odd that Chris Rock is in fact, embarking on a world tour. I think it’s a world tour called ego death. Now, another thing to consider. They said that his ticket sales in one night, sold more. He sold more tickets in one night than he had done all the way up till the tickets were on sale, which I don’t know how many weeks that was. Because any press is good press. Right? It’s like when some musician dies, and they sell more records than anyone you know, that kind of thing. So that was the second thing that I thought, Man, that’s really bizarre. That’s really weird. Maybe there’s something going on here. Still not convinced, though. Then I was sitting there and I was recalling. I watched Real Time with Bill Maher on Friday. And his whole at the end, he does a thing called No, man, how can I forgot I forgot what it’s called. I’m totally drawing a blank. At the end of every show. He does a little segment. I’m totally drawing a blank. Anyway, doesn’t matter. He does a segment at the end of every new rolls. Okay, geez, I knew I was gonna drop out somewhere. He does a segment called New rolls. And he finishes with a nice little narrative about whatever some little soapbox thing he’s got going on. And he’s also box was about toxic masculinity. With the idea that hey, you know what? The, and this is really weird, because a lot of people think Bill Maher is this hardcore leftist. But he is constantly critiquing the left, which I agree with him. I agree with almost everything Bill Maher says Me and Me and him are on a pretty similar wavelength most of the time. But he goes on and on about toxic masculinity and how maybe we should chill out with calling this toxic because sometimes you do need men to be toxic. And I agree with that. I’ve said that on the show many times. You know, and the example he uses which is ironically, when I’ve used I think he’s my long lost father or something. The example I’ve used is, you know, a story in the morning, you hear noise in the basement. Ain’t no way in hell, I’m sending my girl down there, right? Like I’d rather die a painful death, then have to send my girl down there to investigate the noise because I’m too scared. And that’s almost by definition, toxic masculinity, right? Because the idea is like, look, we’re equal. But I have a pride I have this male pride that it’s just I just can’t, right. And I’m not saying I’m this big badass dude. Like, I’m not back. I was. I was. I was shaking in my boots. I were hanging up some artwork, and I was on a ladder. I was shaking in my boots. I don’t like it. I was like, I hate this. But I did it. I did it. Anyway. And I thought that was really odd that Bill Maher would drop this whole narrative about toxic masculinity right before this event, because it’s arguable that Will Smith succumb to toxic masculinity. And this is another like everything else in the last few years. It’s a constant litmus test. It’s everyone’s got to argue about all it was real. It was fake. He was right. He was wrong. You know, we can all just agree that maybe it’s in the middle in a gray zone, which is what I think this was, I think, Chris Rock’s a comedian. He’s gonna make jokes. And if you don’t like it, and if you ever been to a comedy club, never sit in the front row. You don’t sit in the front row. Unless you want to get roasted. That’s what they were sitting there in the front row. And I’m like, Look, it’s comedy. You got to suck it up. I don’t know what to tell you was the joke and poor taste. I mean, a touch barely. Right. Barely. You know, because he’s making fun of Jada Pinkett Smith not having hair. But it was a health condition supposedly, but we’re gonna get into that real soon. Anyhow, I thought that was very curious, because it’s almost like that was serving up for the events that were about to transpire. So even after this after three different things I said, I’m still not convinced I still don’t get what the big picture would be here. Because Will Smith, I mean, like, he’s, he’s effing up his his image for this. Right? Unless he’s planning on doing some, some big movie where he’s the villain. But then,
but then the big dog came through for me, Jimmy the jackhammer sent me a tick tock, and it grabbed my attention. And I’m going to sum it for you. The basic theory is that Pfizer sponsored the Oscars. And they have a drug treatment for none other than alopecia in the works. And I sat up, right and I said, Okay, I think we got something here, folks. I think we got some I like this one, I think it holds a lot of weight. Because with a lot of these conspiracies, it’s like, it’s like a murder trial. I need to know the alibi. I’m not gonna believe something’s a conspiracy, just because I want to believe it. Right? I try to do that as a service to, to all of you. I try to stay grounded in the sheeple side of the world to give a counterbalance, because I don’t want to, I don’t want to contribute to an echo chamber, where we all start just believing everything we say, You know what I mean? That’s how you get that’s how you start raising the capital. Kidding, I kid I kid a kid. Anyway, okay. Yeah, I don’t like to just disregard everything is fake. I just don’t. Now, let’s see here. Okay, the video and the video was made by account Huey media. Anyway, this shows by when tech and Pfizer are sponsors of the Oscar, he plays the clip. But I, of course, skeptical of a lot of things. I confirmed it through research. And I looked at an article on fierce pharma.com. And it basically says, yeah, that’s that’s what how it went down. Spine, a Pfizer spokesperson said this, and I quote, the film industry has embraced X explanation vais if you know what I’m saying, masking and other protocols designed to help prevent disease and avoid serious illness. CO V ID one, nine, and we are pleased to work with it to further promote public health. Now put this in the back pocket. All right. And my apologies for using the silly wordplay. I don’t know that that really helps. Like as if the as if the man is able to, like, oh, they need the technology to hear the word. Anyway, I just don’t want to mess with it. But anyhow. So they flat out said yes. Pfizer in biotech, sponsored the Oscars. Then the spokesperson for Pfizer said yes, the film industry, industry has been supportive of various measures of health. And on that same article, it talks about how the Oscars charge $2 million for a 32nd ad. That’s a big, that’s a big amount of money, right? $2 million for 30 seconds. Now, put all this in your back pocket, because we’re gonna come back to it. I’m going to remind you later, but let’s hold on to that thought for one second. And let’s zoom back out. I think the point being here that big pharma should not be allowed to do any of this crap, right. This is a an American thing, almost exclusively an American thing to have commercials for medicine, and public relations for medicine. Like they don’t do this and all the other countries. But let’s get back to the theory of how does this all fit together? Okay. Well, the theory is, and and this is a mixture of what I’ve read and what I think the theory would be that Jada Pinkett Smith does not have alopecia. Alright. And I saw this comment before, right the night it happened. A lot of people said for half an hour patient. She sure isn’t patchy. She has like a close shaved head, right. And the argument is that she doesn’t really have alopecia. She’s promoting awareness of it. Alright, publicity stunt. And if you look at the history, she’s been talking about her hair loss for several years. Apparently, I don’t follow her like that. I don’t know. I could find as far back as May 2018. On her podcast, the red table talk. It’s not a podcast, it was like a video. I don’t know. So for a few years, she’s been talking about this hair issue. Now, there’s an article on Pfizer creating a drug to treat the alopecia. All right.
And the connection here would be that after the slap heard around the world, there were a lot of searches for alopecia. Because a lot of people didn’t know what it was. I didn’t know what it was. I had no idea to drive the argument that to drive an interest in alopecia and hair loss. So that we’re all aware of this. So that Pfizer who’s creating a drug to treat alocasia could come off as a you know, it would basically make it look like they created something to solve a real big problem, which is good press for them right. Now if you dig in a little bit deeper into the CD, the CD waters of conspiracy Ville, it gets a little more interesting. Some claim that Aloe pacia is actually a side effect of the exane Vay, you know what I’m saying? So how convenient for Pfizer biotech to create the problem and then provide the solution. And it’s not I don’t put it past them. I don’t know that that’s true. It’s just a theory, just an allegation? And is it really a side effect? I don’t know. Choose your own reality. Like I always say, I am definitely not a medical expert. But I do know that the would be very careful with my words, I do know that a manmade instrument used to trigger the immune system to respond could definitely cause some autoimmune issues. Right? Why wouldn’t it in theory, like, how does your body know the difference? And like not everybody’s the same? That’s the first problem with the logic of the people that are supporting universal doing this thing. Not everyone’s the same. So just because the thing works for one person, and their immune system does what it’s supposed to and stops making things when it’s supposed to stop making things doesn’t mean the next person will the next person might their immune system might just keep going. Okay, got it boss. And they’re just cranking out problems. Now you got an autoimmune disorder, which apparently is what alopecia is. So I can get behind this 100%. But you know, I’m not gonna go deeper into that. That’s a forbidden zone of discussion, because I’m not a medical expert. And this is not medical advice, nor is this a medical show. Now, if you read this article, Forbes wrote this article about the whole issue. They served it up. Monday. All right. The Oscars happened Sunday night, March 27. Monday, the 28th. Forbes has this big article on it, which is totally doable, right. I mean, I did a whole podcast by 5am. Monday morning. I’m gonna read you from the article here. This is from Forbes, a website about money and rich people. Here we go. Just a few months ago, Jada Pinkett Smith opened up publicly about her struggle with an autoimmune disorder called alopecia or hair loss. What began as several hairless patches on her scalp extended to more and she made the decision to shave her hair completely. Let me back up. This is an article in Forbes about the slap heard around the world. The title is the real medical issue behind Will Smith Oscar night. Punch. Sorry. Alright, sorry. That was a big part of that. I missed that. Yeah, it’s an article about the real medical issue behind Will Smith, Oscar night punch from Forbes. All right. And they’re talking and they tell you all about the slap and all that right. This is just a few months ago Jada Pinkett Smith Ba ba ba ba ba. What began as several hairless patches on her scalp extended to more and she made the decision to shave her hair completely as well as to share her story with the world. She embraced it and even lightened the serious nature by suggesting she’d add rhinestones to the most visible area of hair loss. Alopecia occurs in both men and women and typically occurs rather suddenly by patchy areas of hair loss through the scalp. There’s no known cause, although there may be a genetic predisposition, and it is seen more commonly in individuals with other autoimmune disorders such as psoriasis, thyroid disease, or vitiligo, batches of pigment loss on the skin. In many cases hair grows on its own but often especially if seen in young children. medical treatments such as steroids, immunotherapy or immune suppressants may be treatment options. Okay, and I thought that’s really strange. What a really bizarre article for Forbes right, but then I kind of thought, you know, sometimes they write topical stuff sometimes. They sorry to get oh, birds flying by here.
Sometimes, you know, this is a big event, one of the biggest events in TV history by far. Right. And I thought, Wow, that’s a little weird, right. And I thought, I wonder if Pfizer doesn’t sponsor Forbes, and if they’re not buddies. And if you go to a website for or a page on the Forbes website, about Forbes Premium partners, you’ll see there’s a thing called premium partners, right? I’ll read you what it says. All Forbes list makers receive a profile on forbes.com along with the ranking, along with the ranking. With Forbes premium profiles, list makers on select list can pay a fee to unlock various features that personalize their digital recognition on Forbes. features that include the ability to control how profiles presented across Forbes platforms, accolade, and licensing rights using the Forbes ranking logo. And paid owned channels, expanded BIOS section the ability to choose a headshot image for the profile and an ad free page on Forbes now. Did you catch the one little word in there? One of the features is accolade and licensing rights, accolade and licensing rights. And I imagine that means if you’re a Forbes premium profile, you can advertise that like I could go pay Forbes and be like Isaac Weishaupt for premium profile partner, I guess right? Well, sure enough, if you you already know where we’re going with this. Let’s pull the mask off this monster Scooby Doo. Pfizer is in fact a premium partner, if you and I confirm that on Forbes website. So it seems and I’m going to put on the Mr. Rational guy hat. Pfizer is chummy with Forbes on some level. How deep is that level? I don’t know. And the argument, the theory is that Pfizer could have been the coordinators of all of these events. Right. And it’s hard to say right? It’s hard to say if this is true or not. The argument and just to sort of sum made the argument. You visor is trying to create a drug to treat alopecia to cure it right. And it turns out, by the way, oh, they’re in a battle between Eli Lilly and insight as well. They’re all racing to get this drug for alopecia. In fact, let me read you from fierce biotech.com says Pfizer’s This is from August 2021. Just recently, Pfizer’s outpatient therapy has been linked to a reduction in hair loss and early top line clinical data, setting the stage for a scrap with Eli Lilly in an insight in the title fight for a potential blockbuster opportunity. Riddle synonym has met its primary endpoint in a phase two B three clinical trial of patients with alopecia. Pfizer reported Wednesday the update on the inhibitor blah blah blah, comes months after Eli Lilly and Insite reported late phase success in alopecia. There are currently no FDA approved treatments for alopecia an autoimmune disease characterized by hair loss, but multiple drugs could come to the market in the indication over the coming years. Pfizer’s riddle city nib joined Lilly and insights all you meant on the list of drugs that hit the primary endpoint in pivotal alopecia trials on Wednesday, and concert Pharmaceuticals is following closely behind. Now, let’s wrap this all up. In conclusion. Recall that Pfizer’s spokesperson said We are pleased to work with the film industry to further promote public health. I would argue the theory is it’s very possible. The Jada and Will Smith are getting a massive payout for this massive publicity stunt. This is like wrestling to the millions degree here. The argument being and look if an ad on the Oscars cost $2 million for 30 seconds. What do you think the payout would be for a long game stunt like this? What do you think the payout would be for having the biggest most talked about moment in pop culture history? Maybe not the most, but got to be up there top five at least right? It got everybody to look up the term alopecia. I didn’t know what it was. Now I do. I’m arguing the theory that maybe Pfizer is paying out massive amounts of money to Jada and will.
I know this sounds rude. Especially if if she really is suffering from a disease like that’s pretty rotten. But I’m floating it out there because it’s not like I trust people in Hollywood or Big Pharma, right? What if they say look Jada Pinkett Smith. We’re going to pretend you got a hair disease called alopecia because we got a drug in the works and we You want to win the battle? There’s a battle of Big Pharma. People trying to come up with the drug to fix it and we want to win. And what I need you to do is you’re going to tell everyone you got this outpatient and you’re gonna shave your head. Then we’re going to have Will Smith, win an Oscar, and then exchange, he has to go up and hit Chris rocks everyone talks about and starts wondering why he was so offended by the alopecia so they start Googling it. That’s the theory. And in fact, Jada Pinkett Smith only shaved her head two months ago, three months ago, December 2021. Which I just read you the order from August 2021 of Pfizer winning the aloe patient trial and it’s hard to know right? It’s hard to know if this is true. That’s that’s what’s wrong with American capitalism is in Big Pharma. You can’t trust these corporations. You can’t trust them you know, they put this stuff out there. We’re all talking about it. We’re all talking about alopecia. The timing is pretty suspect. The next thing you know Pfizer is gonna drop this drug. You’re gonna have this they’re gonna promise thicker, fuller head of hair. It’s time to get the bag baby. What do you think? Is that a plausible theory? I would argue yes, I think so. Of course more to come of course I don’t know the truth. But now I’m more in the skeptical conspiracy zone with the whole Will Smith Chris Rock slap heard around the world. But I do stand by that. I don’t think Chris Rock seen it coming. I think the only people that saw this coming with Jada will and Pfizer because here’s the thing Will Smith could have could have cleaned Chris rocks clock. He’s a big dude. One solid hit and Chris Rock would have crumbled. Even a slap a hard slap you ever seen the videos where they do competition slapping a hard slap will knock you out. He barely made contact. And you can see the trajectory of him like kind of falling back as he slaps like he just hit him with the with the the fingertips, which would be I mean, that’s a very good. Very, very good placement of the hand moving that quick. So I think that was real. I think the Oscars didn’t know. Because the reactions were really bizarre. I just, it’s just my funny sixth sense about things but I could get behind the idea that Will and Jada and Pfizer have this massive long game publicity stunt. Like I said, the commercial for the Oscars is 2 million bucks. How much you think they could pay Jada and we’ll I would do it. I mean, those guys are rich, right? How do you get rich? I wrote I wrote. I liked Chris Rock. I’ll go slap Chris Rock for 500,000 bucks right now. Let’s do it. Let’s go. Good. Yeah, there you go. That’s my theory. That’s my retraction, my apology tour for being so adamant that I thought it was real. And I do think it’s real that you know, there’s more nuance to what I think. But I can contribute something to the conspiracy side of the house and there was hope you enjoyed that. Hope you like the show. Still. Hope you like me still. If you want to continue to support the show, I’ve got a fact I got a big announcement. You know what? August let me see what data I got this scheduled. Need you to follow me on Instagram at Isaac Weishaupt link in the show notes. You can go to all my links. com backslash Isaac W and you can find me all my socials, everything there, right. But go to Instagram at Isaac Watts Up like and subscribe. Because on Wednesday, August 6, at 2pm Eastern I’m going to have a big announcement for you. For you. Big moves in April 2022. Let’s go. Alright, I’ll see you on the Instagram window alive. Big announcement. Wednesday our sister go login subscribe at Isaac wise up. And while you’re there, watch all my cool videos. I got lots of cool videos about the slap. I got a video explaining the difference between a cock and an open relationship. It’s great. You’re going to love it. Get on there and you can tell me go kill myself like everybody else does cool.
Don’t do that. I’m kidding. Don’t do it. Only love only positive vibes and 22 Everybody go hit the Instagram. I’ll see you next Wednesday on the live stream. Until next time, stay WOKE
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