On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we talk about the biggest event in pop culture this year: The Slap! Yes the Oscars had something of interest and we’ve ALL got opinions on it! We’ll talk about how it happened, listen to the unedited and uncensored version that was blocked in America, then discuss if it was real or not. We’ll talk about the theories of the Illuminati humiliation ritual (like Kanye and Taylor Swift from 2009), then we’ll take a hard look at Will Smith’s occult connections. From channeling a spirit called “Mother” while on ayahuasca, to Scientology allegations, to his open relationship with Jada Pinkett Smith, to Quincy Jones as his alchemist guide, to Denzel’s warning about the Devil; there’s A LOT to discuss! Join along!
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Unknown Speaker 0:04
For me, I want to represent possibilities. I want to represent the idea that you really can make what you want. One of my favorite books is the the alchemist Paulo Coelho. And that’s just, I just believe that I believe that I can create whatever I want to create, if I can put put my head on it, right, study it, learn the patterns. And, you know, I just, it’s hard to put into words real, metaphysical, esoteric nonsense. But I feel very strongly that we are who we choose to be.
Isaac Weishaupt 0:47
Welcome back to conspiracy theories and on popular culture. I’m your host, Isaac wise not. It’s real early in the morning, let me tell you something. It’s Monday, March 28. And, like a giddy child on Christmas, was not able to sleep. It’s four in the morning. Yeah. So hence, maybe why you can tell I’m a little more quiet than usual. You know, my lovely wife Josie is still asleep. I’m reading Will Smith book. Like a real psychopath. Wow. What the hell happened last night at the Oscars? You know, I’ve got an insane show. I’ve got to work for you guys on the passing of Taylor Hawkins because I watched Studio 666. And here comes another massive event. Surely you know what I’m talking about? The Oscars wrong last night. Will Smith went on stage to slap Chris Rock. And we’re going to talk about it. We’re gonna we’re gonna talk about what happened was a real? Was it staged? Was it an Illuminati? Humiliation ritual like Kanye West with Taylor Swift. We’re going to talk about the occult influences on Will Smith’s life that he talks about in his book, Alchemy, channeling spirits. It’s all there. It’s all there. And then, you know, we’ll wrap it up with my opinion. We’ll talk all about Scientology. Yeah. Oh, yeah. It’s all there, buddy. It’s all here. There’s actually a fair amount of information to go through tonight. You know, I’m I don’t know. I have mixed feelings on we’ll Smith. Mixed feelings. Um, let me preamble before we talk about what really happened. I’m going to play the clip too. Cuz you don’t know. I’m sure you do by now. What happened last night? Here’s my thing. We Will Smith. I think dude is one of the greatest actors of all time. He is amazing, right. But I’ve also thought, even when I was a young lad, watching the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, and look, I’m old enough that I had the cassette tape of, I’m the rapper, he’s the DJ. I was very obsessed with the Fresh Prince as a rapper. Okay, so when he had the Fresh Prince of Bel Air TV show, I immediately was drawn to that, of course. It was a good show. And I liked the show. Great show. But I was also Martin Lawrence had a show called Martin around the same time. And I’ve talked about this before. This is a topic I never hear anyone else bring up. So that’s why I always bring it up. And to me, it was very clear that at some point in the Fresh Prince of Bel Air’s recording, Will Smith took on Martin Lawrence’s persona. And at that point, I was like, Oh, this dude’s fake. Will Smith. He’s Pugliese. Right? And I always thought, and I think this often about a lot of actors, you know, actors and musicians. You gotta think about who these people were in high school. Like they went to drama class. They were in band and orchestra. Like, these were the nerds. Right? They were the nerds in high school. I mean, who’s laughing now? Sure. Sure. But Will Smith. Like he just always gave me nerd vibes? Which is fine. I don’t care. Like there’s no problem with that. There’s no problem with that. But I’ve always questioned how authentic this guy was. And when you got someone who’s this nerdy, they get nerd anger. And it boils up and explodes. I mean, I don’t know. And his book he even talks about his book. He never did any drugs. He never smoked weed and nothing. Nothing. Because eventually he did Ayahuasca Talk to a spirit named mother. We’re going to talk about that later though. So here we go. What happened? Basically at the Oscars, Chris Rock was presenting an award for, I think, Best Documentary. And he was making some jokes as one does. They were actually pretty. Amy Schumer was roasting a lot of people at the beginning too, like they were roasting pretty good. It’s pretty good. She made a great joke about Leo DiCaprio. About how he’s petitioning hard for to protect the environment for all of his girlfriend’s for when they grow up, which I thought was a great joke.
But, uh, I mean, I love Leo, right? He’s my number one. You know this, but Chris Rock made a joke about Jada Pinkett Smith, because her head was shaved right? Because she suffers from I can’t think the name of a boy. And oh, Petia I don’t you know what I’m saying? Allo. Allo Petia. Which I guess you know, whatever right health issue. But, and the irony being the Chris Rock made a whole documentary about the sensitivities to black women’s hair. Like it’s the whole thing, right? But he made a joke about it because he’s a comedian. That’s what comedians do. made a joke. Will they point the pan the camera over? Will Smith laughing she is not. She’s rolling her eyes. She seems quite upset. Now, here’s the here’s an here’s an idea that I’ve got to get more information on is don’t they do rehearsals with these people? Or is it just a rehearse? Or do Chris Rock do this rehearsal with them in the room? Did they know it was coming? I don’t know how much of this is staged behind the scenes. But either way, next thing we see Will Smith going on stage to show Chris Rock? What the five fingers said of the face? Take a listen. This is going to be oh this is gonna have explicit lyrics by the way. Because I want you to hear exactly what Will Smith said. But he’s gonna He’s gonna drop a couple F bombs. So if you’re very sensitive to that, you might want to skip for about three minutes. But you’re going to hear the reaction because it was censored in America. I went online and was able to find the foreign version that was not censored. Okay. So take a listen.
Unknown Speaker 7:30
Jada I love you JJ into can’t wait to see that was a nice one. Okay. Oh wow. Wow. Will Smith. Will Smith to smack the shit out of it Wow, dude, yeah, it was a GI Jane jokey. Gi Z no joke. I’m going to Okay. Oh, okay. That was a greatest night in the history of television. Add seashells tycoon. So we are here to give a documentary out to give an Oscar. Now the beauty of documentaries because
Isaac Weishaupt 8:38
who buddy awkward moments, right. You know Jada Pinkett Smith? She must got that. bomb ass. You know what I’m saying? These people are going crazy around her what is happening? Anyway. Yeah. So that’s the visually what happened. And we’re going to talk later about the acceptance speech. I’m going to play that for you too, because that plays a part in this as well. So was it real? Let’s talk about whether this was real or not. I was actually watching the entire show. As I do, I’ve watched almost every award show for the last 10 years. Oscars, Emmys VMAs sometimes the I Heart Radio stuff if I can catch it. I mean, it goes on and on. Like I always watch these award shows. And I was watching it but I was also kind of surfing the net. And I saw my man Billy Ray Valentine texted me and he’s on the East Coast. He’s in New York. I’m in closer to the west coast so I’m a couple hours behind. He texts me about the slap I said what? So I fast forward real quick on the DVR but I watched maybe the first hour of the Oscars I think it was roughly then fast forward to find this slap. I’m like you gotta be kidding me. Because I mean, these are two legends right Chris Rock One of the greatest comedians of all time, and Will Smith, one of the greatest actors of all time. I mean, you can’t write stuff like this or maybe you can that’s the question but I wasn’t one of these people who want just a one minute clip circulating came to the judgment call it loads, they go they want the Oscars to get their ratings back. You know. I’ve seen I watched them whole thing. They were roasting people pretty hard at the beginning, which I thought was a little bit out of out of, sort of the norm. I was like, okay, when anything gets some good comedians to participate in writing the, the award speeches and such. Now, I will say, to support the idea because I don’t know either, right? I don’t know if this is real or not. How could I? It’s really difficult to say because the slap itself at first glance, when I watched it on my TV, I thought it looks fake. It looked like he barely connected. And the way Chris Rock moved so hard as if it did connect. But then there was no real damage. I don’t know just didn’t seem like it was real. I was like, okay, it was a joke. It wasn’t real. But then the Oscars muted everything. And you couldn’t hear anything. You could see clearly what Will Smith was yelling about and everyone looked real weird in the crowd. But when you hear the the foreign television that apparently aired it, or whatever that was, it seemed pretty realistic. The reactions seemed super authentic. Chris Rock even stumbled over what he was supposed to say next. I mean, he was all jacked up, right. I don’t think that was a joke. I don’t think it was staged. I don’t think it was fake. The Hollywood heart museum they tweeted that they had made contact with someone who was working the Oscars telecast, and they had converted definitely was not staged and how everyone behind the scenes was bugging out. Which is exactly what it seemed like. Because the the publicity machine that is Twitter. They were still like, I saw the thing, right? I saw the slap. I was like, Oh, I gotta see what social media saying. Right? So I raised over to Twitter. They’re still pushing out tweets about who won this and who won that and who won Best Sound and I’m like, What is no one talking about this? Because when it first happened, no one was talking about it. And you know, when something is staged, they preposition things, right? They there’s there’s sponsored links and ads and crap. They’re preposition to post. All this other BS. You know, Jessica Chasteen, one best blah, blah, blah. You know, no one cares. Will Smith just slapped Chris Rock on stage. But they were still rolling out all these other tweets. That’s why I was like, I think that was real. Because they asked us they just kept it moving as if it didn’t even happen. They let Will Smith continue to sit in the front row. This is uncharted territory for them, right? They had him in the front row and a lot of people a lot of conspiracy people all you know that him in the front row because he had to get up on stage and slap him because it was all you know, staged. Like now he was winning the Best Actor. This guy’s one of the best actors of all time. My apologies. I told you it was early. I couldn’t sleep. Gotta before. He’s one of the most powerful actors of all time. He’s worth like a zillion dollars this guy. He’s a royalty to these people. So that’s why he’s in the front row.
And his acceptance speech to add more to the argument that this was not staged. His acceptance speech was almost incoherent. Like he was all bugged down to just like Chris Rock was after he got slapped. So was it real or not? I mean, if you force me if you force me to make an opinion, I’d say it’s real. I think it’s real. I did a couple of polls on my Instagram and my Twitter. Follow me over there. I’m posting all kinds of crazy stuff. In general, most of us think this was staged because that’s the conspiratorial mind, right? We question everything. We don’t think anything’s real. But for this one, I disagree. I think this one’s real. I think you often will see elements of events that are pre planned. When they’re staged, like ones when people make the search for the Super Bowl winners beforehand, it’s kind of like that, right? The news outlets the gossip tabloids, they would have more ready right away. And there was nothing for at least two hours I was up till like 1130 Last night surfing around like dude, they were caught flat footed. Now this morning I get up and there’s me Page Six is just loaded down. We Will Smith articles now. But yeah, I was surfing through tweets for you know a long time. before it really started trending, and that’s why I kind of think it’s real. Now, let’s get into the occult ideas here right because there’s definitely some occult occult concepts present here. The award for best actor he won his for this film King Richard, which I thought it was about, like, some old timey royal bloodline or something. Now, it’s the father of Serena and Venus Williams, the tennis stars, right? I don’t know, sports ball. I don’t know anything about sports ball. But he apparently took on the role of their father, which is something he’s really good at doing. He’s really good at taking on these personas and such. And you’ll even hear it his acceptance speech. How our imitates life because he goes on about how, you know, sometimes you got to, you got to slap somebody to protect your family. Basically. He says Art imitates life. Okay. So he spent all this time channeling the spirit of King Richard for this role. And it’s almost like he couldn’t shake it. Like it’s still in him. We talk a lot about how these artists channel entities the channel goddess energies and all this stuff. Well, he was channeling the energies of King Richard. That’s his nickname, I guess King Richard, I don’t know. Don’t ask me. But what’s curious is that in his books, I’m sorry, in his book, self titled of course called will which is a play I believe on Alister Crowley’s will the true will. Because he goes on and on about all these are called ideas about Joseph Campbell’s hero’s journey, which we’ve talked about many times, take a look at my Oh, which book, the dark path or the Star Wars conspiracy, we talk about the hero’s journey, he talks about his obsession with the book, The Alchemist. And its tales of creating reality, which I wrote a whole book on that. I’m gonna read you from will from his book. An alchemist is a spiritual chemist, a master of transmutation. The great feat of an alchemist is that they can do the impossible, they can turn lead into gold. This concept erupted in my mind the ability to take anything that life gives you and turn it into gold. So he’s harnessed and embraced a lot of these occult ideas over his lifetime. And it’s been very successful for him. So the idea here is that, could he be embracing another occult concept of the humiliation ritual? It could be right. Which would mean it’s a quasi mix of staged in the sense that he had the intention of doing this, but not staged in the intent in the idea that it really happened. And the reactions were authentic.
And it’s curious, because guess where he got all these ideas from? He got him from Quincy Jones. Yes, Quincy Jones, who I talked about in sacrifice magic behind the mic. Now. If you’re if you’re sitting there and you’re saying Isaac, quick plug in your books, bro. The only reason I’m plugging the book is because I don’t want to spend the next 30 minutes talking about these subjects. Especially because a lot of us have been on my team a long time we know what we’re talking about. And if you don’t, that’s an easy way to catch up. Go get the book. Right. That’s why I keep saying now Quincy Jones. Here’s what he says in I’m going to read you from will again. Quincy, Quincy Jones is an alchemist and he had set my mind on fire. I never met anybody like him. I wanted to be an alchemist too. I wanted to be able to transform anything and everything that life gave me into gold. Alright, so could he be embracing a call rituals? And we’re gonna come back to Quincy Jones in one second. But first, I think you need to hear what happened after the slap the slap heard around the world. He had to he had to accept the you know, irony would have it. The slap happens in that was awkward enough. Then he’s sitting in the front of the whole time and I’m like, wow, this is really weird. That made things even weirder. He had to go up on stage and accept the award for Best Actor. And during the acceptance speech. He’s blubbering and tearing up and I mean, he’s he’s, I’m gonna play you. You take a listen. See what you think. It’s got a long it’s golden minutes. Here you go.
Unknown Speaker 20:21
Richard Williams was a fierce defender of his family in this time in my life in this moment, I am overwhelmed by what God is calling on me to do and be in this world. Making this film, I got to protect ingenue Ellis, who was one of the most the strongest, most delicate people I’ve ever met. I got to protect Sanjaya and Demi the two actresses that played Venus and Serena I’m being called on in my life to love people and to protect people and to be a river to my people now know, to do what we do. You got to be able to take abuse, you got to be able to have people talk crazy about you. In this business, you got to be able to have people disrespecting you. And you got to smile and you got pretend like that’s okay. Richard Williams and what I loved Thank you D. Dazzle said to me a few minutes ago, he said at your highest moment, be careful, that’s when the devil comes for you
Unknown Speaker 22:47
it’s like I want to be a vessel for love. I want to say thank you to Venus. And Serena. I just spit I hope they didn’t see that on TV. I want to say thank you to Venus and Serena and the tyre Williams family for entrusting me with your story. That’s what I want to do. I want to be an ambassador of that kind of love and care and concern.
Unknown Speaker 23:29
I want to apologize to the academy. I want to apologize to my all my fellow nominees
Unknown Speaker 23:43
This is a beautiful moment. And I’m not I’m not I’m not crying for winning an award. It’s not it’s not about winning an award for me. It’s about being able to shine a light on all of the people Tim and and Trevor and Zach and Cynthia and Demi and ingenue and the entire cast and crew of King Richard and Venus and Serena Williams family Art imitates life I look like the crazy father this like they said like crazy father just like they said But love will make you do crazy things. To my mother a lot in this moment is really complicated for me but to my mother. She didn’t want to come out she’s had her knitting friends. She has a knitting crew that she’s in Philly watching watch it with being able to love and care for my mother, my family, my wife. I’m taking up too much time. Thank you for this honor. Thank you for this moment. I’m thank you on behalf of Richard and or seeing the entire Williams family. Thank you. Hooking Academy invites me back, thank
Isaac Weishaupt 25:33
you so you can hear a lot of these weird ideas. He’s flown out about how he’s, you know, it’s God’s will and through love. He’s gonna slap people. I mean, this is like Kanye West crazy talk. These guys start mixing up their religion with their weird antics, and they totally missed the mark. But for me, you got to go back to the beginning of all this back to the beginning of Will Smith. Because Quincy Jones is the one that put Will Smith on. He because you know, Will Smith was just the Fresh Prince, which was a big deal, right? I mean, that’s still a big mark. But you’re not in the Big Boy club until you become an actor. Right? So Will Smith got his role in The Fresh Prince through Quincy Jones. And Will Smith had this sort of, again to point to the idea of the will, which is the name of the book, he’s all about the true will the universal will Alistair Crowley came up with that idea. Or he espoused that idea and shared it with the world. Will Smith packed a ball of stuff in Philly to go find Quincy Jones because he was convinced that Quincy Jones was now chemist and he was gonna fulfill this great prophecy of Will Smith becoming a great actor which happened, right. In his book, he talks about how Quincy Jones bought and all this magical thinking of the universe, and it implies that Will Smith inherited that as well. I’m going to read you from the book. This was an idea that Quincy understood fully. Magic demands awareness, faith, you have to believe in magic, preparation, move the rock we must identify and eradicate the poisonous resistance and impediments within ourselves. Then surrender. Stay out of the way and trust the magic to do what it does. Quincy helped people get their rocks out of the way of the blessed light that is always trying to shine in the universe wants you to have that miracle move the damn rock. And Will Smith is on the you know I had a video back when I was on YouTube before they kicked me out. I had a video with various clips of different artists and celebrities talking about magic and Will Smith was on one of them. I don’t remember exactly the quote if I can find it. I’ll place it at the beginning of the show. So if you heard the clip at the beginning, that was Will Smith. I don’t know years ago. Now think about also how they’ve rebooted the Fresh Prince of Bel Air now it’s called Bel Air and it’s an I haven’t seen it yet. I hear it’s actually really good. But I hear it’s like real grimy, it’s like it’s not a jokey funny sitcom like Fresh Prince was is curious because Will Smith is an executive producer on that show as well as Quincy Jones so they’re teamed up still right. And to take it back to the channeling energies idea. Maybe Will Smith is surrounding himself with all this sort of dark gangster energy and he between playing the role of King Richard and executive producing this Bel Air I guess gangster show Maybe he thinks he’s a gangster now. And he can’t shake that out maybe right. But as far as the humiliation ritual, the comparisons are obviously just like Kanye West here. Because back in 2009 at the VMAs you were called Kanye West one of on stage when Taylor Swift one Best Video of the Year award I believe. And he took the microphone right from Taylor Swift who previous to this incident hadn’t been that big of a star I mean she was a big to do right but not like she is today or after 2009 but he had to take this fall to make her look like you know this innocent victim and humiliate her. And he was supposed to be the you know the Black Goat to elevate the the princess of purity here If she passed the humility test, she could get the goods as with Kanye, which they both have. Kanye is currently what like the richest rapper of all time are right behind Dr. Dre. Maybe he’s like a billionaire. Taylor Swift. She’s not far behind either, right? So Will Smith. Was he taking part of a humiliation ritual? I don’t know. It’s I’m very torn on this whole event right now. I’m waiting for more information. But I wanted to talk to you guys about it today. Now on Instagram right before the slap. He said, and I quote, he had a picture of himself and he said, Me and Jada Pinkett Smith got all dressed up to choose chaos.
He said it was gonna bring chaos. So was this premeditated? I mean, that could be the answer here. It could be a mixture of staged versus fake. I mean, staged versus authentic. Maybe he knew this was gonna happen. The joke that is and he was like, I’m gonna do this thing on stage and I’m going to slap Chris Rock. But maybe you know, Chris Rock and the rest of the Oscars had no idea that was gonna happen. That could be another answer. And there was a robotic VoiceOver on that video from on Instagram says good morning, everyone. God has let me live another day and I’m about to make it everyone’s problem. So bizarre. So is the humiliation ritual what happened here? I don’t see how it could be exactly the same thing as the Kanye West Taylor Swift incident. Because Chris Rock nor Will Smith necessarily needs the fame or fortune or the bumps in the headlines. But who knows, right? In this scenario could be Chris Rock, or Will Smith being humiliated depending on how you view the thing. But another idea to float about this ritualistic element behind this? Because you know, these are massive events, right? I think last year was the lowest ratings for the Oscars, and it was still 10 million plus, I mean, this is nothing to sneeze at. Is a mass ritual events, lots of energies focused towards this and especially today, we’re all talking about it right. So the other ritualistic element is that which a lot of conspiracy people are saying is like, oh, it’s all stages to get people talking about the Oscars and to get ratings back up. Which, you know, very possible, right. Like I said, the LA Times, they wrote an article talking about how just a few days ago said on Sunday evening, millions will tune into the 94th Academy Awards. Some the Film Academy hopes watching the show for the first time or returning to the fold as domestic viewership for Hollywood’s biggest night dwindled to a record low 10 point 5 million last year. So why not? Right? Why not use this? Use these really great actor to put on this big performance, sort of Andy Kaufman ask. And only flaw with that logic to me, is that Chris Rock is not that good of an actor? I don’t know. He’s easy. He’s one of the greatest comics of all time. I love him. I love his stand up. But every film I’ve seen him in I don’t know that he’s the greatest actor. He’s definitely no Will Smith says New Jack City that was we pokey a New Jack City. That was great. But I don’t know that he could pull this off. But maybe right, what do I know? Now, here’s the more fodder to support the theories of the people who say all this was staged that wasn’t real is just to get Oscars in the news headlines are some more, I’ll give you more fodder for that theory, even though I disagree with it. Generally speaking, we didn’t see a clear, consistent virtue signaling type of thing that we heard was going to happen. Like for instance, they were saying before the Oscars about how they were going to hold trophies upside down to protest, some of the award category changes. And some people were like, Oh, the Lensky from Ukraine was going to be calling in. And that didn’t happen. They held a moment of silence for Ukraine, but it’s almost like what if the plan was okay, we’re going to have the Lenski call in that’ll be the big to do on this show to get everyone talking on Monday. But then maybe last minute, like look, we can’t get the lens iannis doing whatever. We got to have a backup plan and the backup plan was this one. lat I could be right could be it. Now, let’s talk a little bit more about the occult illuminate confirm of Will Smith. He, there’s a lot of allegations and I’m going to put big capital AIG all caps, allegedly, what I read online, allegedly Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith are Scientologists. And if you read the Daily Beast article from a few years ago, about 10 years ago, they opened up a school that was alleged to be a church of scientology propaganda machine.
I’m gonna read you right from The Daily Beast. So as not to conflate my discussions with this because you know, the Church of Scientology don’t play around with this kind of stuff. So I’m going to read from The Daily Beast, quote, former teachers and administrators at the Smith shuttered new village Leadership Academy revealed to The Daily Beast that despite their public denials, it was a Scientology school. Leah Remini you remember her she was had that whole show on a&e calling out Scientology? Because she was a former Scientologists. Leah Remini had called out Jada. I know Jade is in I know Jade is in. She had been in Oh no, that was my sorry. Because I’m trying to be very careful with my words here. The quote from DailyVee starts here. I know Jade is in. I know Jade is in she’s been in Scientology a long time. I never saw Will Smith there. But I saw Jada at the celebrity center. They opened up a Scientology school and have since closed it. But Jada I had seen her at the Scientology celebrity center all the time. Then later in the article Alright, so hold on. Let’s clear some rumors just to have it on record. Okay, this is Will Smith on the show that him that Jada Pinkett has called red table talk. Alright. Well, Smith says we’ve never been Scientologists we’ve never been swingers. The Daily Beast continues. A little over a week ago, the couple confessed in terribly awkward fashion, that the squares portion of that statement was misleading at best. As for the Scientologists part, well, that doesn’t appear to be entirely true either. The Smith’s and the Church of Scientology did not respond to numerous requests for comment. According to Tony Ortega, the world’s leading Scientology reporter and publisher of the underground bunker while the Smiths aren’t currently involved with the controversial religion, Pinkett Smith has definitely been misleading about our past involvement in Scientology. I talked to close friends of Will Smith who said he was a dabbler who dabbled in everything. And that Jada was the hardcore Scientologist and nowhere was that influence more apparent than at the new village Leadership Academy. The Smith mysterious private school in Tony Calabasas, California that opened its doors in 2008. Before quietly closing in 2013. The Daily Beast spoke to four former teachers and administrators at the new village Leadership Academy who insist that Scientology not only bled into every aspect of the school, but that it was essentially a Scientology school filled with mostly Scientologists teachers that taught students Scientology methods of learning. And why and why do we pick on Scientology? Well, because it was founded by L. Ron Hubbard and L Ron Hubbard is illuminate confirmed himself. He was tied into Alistair Crowley and Jack Parsons, because he’s infamously the Edward Kelly to the John D. Relationship between Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard doing magical workings in the desert, trying to bring about the Antichrist. So yeah, kind of sketchy. Right. Now, to add more to this, if you go to the Wikipedia about this school, they reference a Fox News article which has since been taken down so I can’t confirm it right. Well, I’m gonna read you from Wikipedia. It says in 2004 Smith and his wife Jada Pinkett Smith gave $20,000 to the Scientology homeschooling organization, Hollywood Education and Literacy Program, which is licensed by the nonprofit corporation applied scholastics. The school’s website lists study technology, a form of education developed by a Church of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, as one of its methodologies. The website utilizes Scientology terminology, including spiraling and greater In order to illustrate how students learn in the schools program, the school’s motto spiral up has been compared to Scientology’s term, dwindling spiral when one commits over X on willingly, although spiral click curriculum is also a term associated with Jerome Bruner. blase blase blah. Now Jada Pinkett Smith responded to all these allegations back in 2018.
And she said, and I quote, I’ve studied Dianetics, and appreciate the merits of study tech, but I’m not a Scientologist. I practice human kindness. And I believe that we each have the right to determine what we are and what we are not. No one else can hold that power. Now it’s really weird. If you want to stick on the Scientology angle, meaning there’s some weird occult connection here, some weird religious angle to all of this. When Will Smith won the award for Best Actor? Guess who gave it to him? John Travolta Yes, one of the big known members of the Church of Scientology. He was up there with Uma Thurman and Samuel Jackson. So very strange, right. Let’s talk a little bit about the family. And then we’re gonna wrap it up in conclusion. And in conclusion, we’re going to talk a little bit more about the aftermath of what happened. And so a couple ideas to float for you. The kids, the family, so illuminate confirm. Let’s keep it on. Well, for just one second, though, we’ll he in his book, he talks about how he did Ayahuasca trips 14 times over the course of two years to communicate with a spirit that he calls mother, which is really weird, right, because he never did drugs. In his book. He says he never did weed or Coke or nothing. I’m going to read you from his book. PAGE 393. And at some point, just before sunrise, I noticed it silence. My inner roommates had stopped talking. It was euphoric. Mother let me bathe in the peace of my inner quiet tude for about 40 minutes. Then without words, she conveyed why I needed to stop talking. In essence, she told me I should be still and I should be quiet in order to better observe and understand the people and circumstances around me. She’d watched me batter myself for so many years, trying to impose my will on the world. And he capitalized will by the way, further, proving my point that he’s talking about the Crowley true will. Her point was, if I stopped talking and thinking so much, I could see and sense the universal tides and I could align my energies to them and achieve twice as much with half as much effort. I heard an echo of G’s words to me so many years before, you know, if you stopped talking so much, maybe you could see some of those hits coming. So very strange. He’s communicating with spirits, right doing these Ayahuasca trips, no judgments? That’s fine. I have no problem with any of that. But when we consider like the shows I’m doing on the Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins. Dave Grohl was channeling spirits, too. And my whole argument is, maybe we should be a little more careful about this. Maybe there’s some weird repercussions to this. Like all the mental illness issues Will Smith has maybe maybe this contributed to it. Maybe it didn’t. Maybe it helped them. And if you were calling like their kids or on some stuff to write like Willow Smith’s the whole song, meet me at our spots about her struggles with mental health. If you remember, she was thrown into the limelight as a child as well. She was 13 when she posed in a bed shirtless with Moises Darius, another actor from Hannah Montana who was 20 at the time. That’s right. Am Jaden the other kid he’s part of this whole like gender fluid thing, which is fine, whatever. I don’t even care about that. He wears a dress big deal. Don’t care. After the slap, he tweeted out and that’s how we do it. Insert my massive eye roll. As if Jaden is down for any of this hardship. Okay, buddy. You got it. All these silver spoon drama nerds. You got it? The Okay, so let’s talk about some of the occult New Age ideas that These two were into as well. I’m going to read you from an article I wrote yours truly about Kylie Jenner many many, many years ago. This of course has been taken down. You heard my whole sob story about why I had to take down all my articles because I got sued because I speak the truth and they don’t like that.
Radar Online reported the Kylie was grouping up with Jaden and Willow Smith in an attempt to join an organized society that attempted to balance mother Gaia his energies through the placement of pyramids and crystals. Apparently the Hannah Montana star Moses Orion, turned them on to some guru named Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh aka Osho. And they were studying his books at one point. Now you can hear my writing, I didn’t know who also was at the time since then, I do now know this is like manholes this article eight years old. Like any good guru driven cult, he proceeded to load up with the Rolls Royces. He was the largest single owner Rolls Royces by the way. He campaigned for open groups, sacks, meditation, free love and all the typical New Age concepts which are always meant to deceive. He proceeded to warn of the impending apocalypse and asked me to join his Oregon based commune as the Noah’s Ark of consciousness. It all came crumbling down allegations of his bioterror attack, releasing salmonella upon politicians and citizens were confirmed, making him the first to commit an act of bioterrorism in the USA. All of these things are typical in guru New Age cults where their true colors eventually shine through. Anyway, they no they were pushing the spirituality through this Osho guy. But anyway, oh shows curious because he was on that documentary on Netflix wild wild country. Which, while it was an interesting story, it was an incredibly boring watch. But still an interesting story about this cult leader guy, this this new age guru stuff, so you can see the whole family’s open to this sort of ideas. These are called New Age ideas. So in conclusion, let’s talk about some some updates here. And of course, the story will change. And I’ll update as because you are surely subscribing to this podcast. I will talk about this more as developments happen. I’m gonna read you from page six. Page six has exclusively learned that Will Smith and Chris Rock are expected to work out their issues after the now infamous slap and an event after the award show. Both are expected to attend the annual Vanity Fair’s Oscar bash. But it’s unclear if they’ll make amends before or during that Soiree. But party sources tell us that moments after Smith smacked the crap out of sh ID out of rock secure, I don’t swear because I know, some of us don’t like that. So security immediately started strategizing because Smith had 20 Plus attendees and his party. Sources at the Academy Awards also told us after the slap seen around the world that everyone backstage thought it was a joke and not real. Which makes sense. Like I was saying when you watch the reactions, it seems like everyone was just confused by it. Now another theory to float. Maybe he’s really just at a breaking point. I mean, can you blame them right between pandemics like Jazzy Jeff. He was like the first person to get COVID ever between pandemics and race situations in America, nuclear war, inflation, this public open relationship he’s been dealing with because, you know, a lot of people can’t wrap their heads around that. He’s got memes of him crying. I mean, it’s possible he just snapped. I mean, yes, he’s had some serious mental health issues. He’s gone as far as to say he’s contemplated suicide. There’s been countless memes about this guy. And all these you know, internet badass is calling them macaque. Which is curious, right? Because I’d argue and hear me out for a second. I’d argue that it takes if you wanted to really make an open relationship work. Imagine the kind of man that would take a man with confidence so together that he could allow his woman to go have sex with another man. Now this is not cooking, because cooking would be if he just watched her go do it. He apparently is allowed to do his thing as well. That’s an open relationship that is not consulting right. So these guys are talking About I have no idea what they’re talking about. And if you’re in an open relationship and it’s working you are ballsy, as are some kind of Jedi master black belts of communication and self worth. I mean, if you really want to see people that make that work, and that may or may not be the case for them, I have no idea not in their marriage.
But yeah, men, you know, men are obsessed with calling him a cook. But they don’t know anything about relationships or sexuality, I’d argue. And I’m look, I’m not saying like I’m promoting open relationships, or I can handle that myself. I mean, that looks very difficult. It’s definitely not for everyone. It’s definitely some next level wokeness there to be able to do that. But I’m in look, I’m not defending anyone here. I’m just saying, when they when these guys when these bastards on the internet are yelling that he’s a cock. Like, that’s not technically accurate. It’s not what that is. So anyway, what I’m saying is that this guy’s had a rough few years, his arms, and maybe he really did snap. Now and of course, in his book that he released, was it a year ago, maybe. You recall, he was talking about how he was having sex with so many women that he created created a psychosomatic reaction to having an orgasm that would make him vomit. So there’s a lot of strange things going on behind the scenes. He, in fact, he talked about how he would have he drained by having a harem of 20 women. So it’s not like just Jada Pinkett Smith out there having sex like this dude’s doing it too. Now, of course, the Hollywood MK Ultra abuse right, that always comes up for this kind of thing. Their programming breaks down. And during his acceptance speech, you heard him say, I know to do what we do. You got to be able to take abuse. You got to be able to have people talk crazy about you. You got to smile and pretend like it’s okay. He says right then you got to take abuse. But now to be fair to zoom out and put on my Normie sheeple hat. What little tiny teeny tiny bit of what would you call it like showbiz? I have you, He’s not wrong, like you gotta take abuse. I always say, when you look at celebrities, you’re looking at people that have been able to get past the point of worrying about what other people think of them. And that’s a very rare, difficult thing to do. I know everyone says, Well, I don’t care what people think about me, but they really do. You don’t really know if you can handle it or not until you start publishing shows every week and doing live chats, and reading the comments, reading the reviews. Because I’m here to tell you it’s very difficult, especially like I’ve had to do a lot of work on my mental health is very difficult. I know you think I’ll just hit the comment. But I mean, this stuff hits deep. Like, look, I got a lot of admiration for these celebrities abilities to just go about their daily lives. And because at some level, you gotta you got to really take the abuse. People talk crazy about you just like Will Smith says. I in fact, I’m taking I’m taking shots for my opinion, my opinion that I think this was a real slap. People get mad. I don’t know why they get mad at me. But whatever. Finally, we’re going to wrap it up. Finally, Denzel Washington right after the slap, they cut to commercial, right? Not right after the slap after the award is presented. They cut to commercial and then there’s some leaked footage of Denzel pulling him aside, pulling Will Smith aside after the slap, and he tells him You gotta be careful the devil comes for you at your highest moment. So is that what this was? Did Will Smith through all these New Age occult practices, channeling mother through the Ayahuasca rituals his kids doing this organized Osho cult nonsense this the the Scientology stuff is all of this culminating in the devil coming after him because they you know that’s my argument with the whole Dave Grohl Taylor Hawkins Foo Fighters. Unexpected Death. I don’t think like Dave roll wanted to kill his friend. I think that you dabble in dark arts and dark things can happen. think that if you want to put on your Christian soldier hat, the Bible clearly tells you to avoid doing these things, messing around with spirits and conjuring up entities and doing rituals and incantations, it tells you not to do it. Because I think it opens up a door. And you don’t necessarily know who’s gonna walk through that door. And I think Denzel Washington knows that.
All right, there you go. That’s my hot take. That’s part one. Will it be a part two? I don’t know. Maybe this seems like a pretty big event. I do want to thank you for listening to my opinion. I know that a lot of people that’s not a very popular opinion. I know a lot of people listening are getting mad about it. And I’m here to tell you don’t do that. It’s just an opinion. We got to learn to listen to each other’s thoughts and opinions and accept them and be okay with it. And we’re all gonna be alright, you know, get some feel like you’re on edge. Because I feel like look, I feel like a lot of people in the last couple years have been pushed to their breaking point. And you know, I don’t blame them. I mean, there’s so much going on. There, we got to take a step back, take a breath, relax. Try to do some good mental exercises. Whatever works prayer. Maybe it’s meditation. Maybe it’s yoga. I don’t know what it is for you. Maybe it’s organized crystals with Osho in Oregon, I don’t know. But yeah, we gotta we gotta be careful. I think even Will Smith. You know he’s not above it. Maybe just had a mental health break down there. Who knows? Alright, thanks for subscribing to the show. I’ll be back with more. Oh, and if you want to see the video versions of all these all these clips I was playing because long story short, I couldn’t do the video version of the podcast today. Go to my Instagram at Isaac Weishaupt link in the show notes. Like and Subscribe. I got the full videos there. Till next time Stay Woke
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
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