On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we are joined by a Professor of Religious Studies at the University North Carolina Wilmington and author of “American Cosmic”- Dr. Diana Pasulka! We get into the UFO disclosure at levels you won’t believe! We start out with some talk about symbolism on patches, the alien secret society (“Fight Club”), media and entertainment’s disclosure of UFOs, news on her American Cosmic 2 book (HINT: John Dee!), Enochian language with Jack Parsons’ Babalon Working rituals, her story of going to RETRIEVE CRASHED UFO WRECKAGE PARTS AROUND SACRIFICIAL ALTAR STONES, Stephen King’s Turtle Universe, simulated universe, Jacques Vallee warning her about dangerous alien contacts, ARPANET’s role in forming the internet and pushing synchronicity into the world and so much more! We even get to hear her take on the Project Blue Beam alien invasion ideas! We touch on the secret-secret-society of Christians called the Collins Elite and Ray Bouche and wrap it up with some questions on whether aliens are angels or demons! It’s all here!!!!
Catch up with Dr. Pasulka:
- Her website: https://www.americancosmic.com
- Her books are on Amazon and Audible as well- I bought them myself on Kindle AND Audiobook!
- Stay plugged into my show for updates- we’ll definitely get Dr. Pasulka back on to talk about her sequel book in 2021! https://www.instagram.com/isaacweishaupt/
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all Patreon Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is given to all Patreon supporters- join the IW Patreon team at Patreon.com/IlluminatiWatcher!
UFO Disclosure, Secret Societies, Synchronicity and the Alie…
Isaac Weishaupt, Dr Diana Pasulka
Dr Diana Pasulka 00:03
unlearn what you know about religion? Because the people like, let’s put it that the invisible college or what I now call the fight club where these people get together and they you know, in my book you have a good example of these people you have Tyler, okay. works for our government on James works for a top five research university. Okay? um they don’t consider it a religion. In fact they were angry at me for calling it that they said these things exist and we contact them we’re in contact with them I’ve experienced them. Stephen King has some great producer directors, and one of them is Josh Boone. And Josh Boone has just finished producing and directing the stand or directing the stand. He’s a director and so he fascinated with with Stephen. Well, first Stephen King and he are good friends, but he’s fascinated by Stephen King’s writing, which I am too. You know, Stephen King has this really great passage that, you know, writing is telepathy, right. And so and then so he says that Stephen King gets into this kind of state of almost like Tyler state. In fact, he liked my book white Josh liked my book and said that he said that he thought he saw huge correlations between Tyler’s connecting, you know, and Stephen King’s writing. He says Stephen King doesn’t, you know, probably is not aware of it or believe it or anything like that, but that he says he definitely believes that he does that. First of all, a lot of things he told me were quite ominous. And in fact, you know, he also would tell me, be careful dining. There are some nasty, nasty people you In which for him, you know, he never he’s such a. He’s such an A person who carries himself so well. And he’s such a gentleman, right. So when he says there are nasty people, you better believe that they’re nasty.
Isaac Weishaupt 02:17
Today, we’re joined by the very special guest, Dr. Diana Pasulka. You know where you love her? She wrote the book American cosmic. Oh, you haven’t read American cosmic yet? Well, I’m here to tell you, you better go do it. You better go do it. We’ll try it. We’ll have a conversation today with her and you don’t have to have read the book to hear the conversation, but it’ll help fill in a lot of the gaps. I’ve tried to sort of sort of carve the argument such that you could listen to the show without having read the book. And you’re gonna hear about the book in a few minutes. We’ll well you know, here’s what we do. We get into this conversation right? And we here and because the book is about this sort of stuff, Secret Society of alien believers that she is intermingling with that’s what the books about and it connects all the points of all the conspiracies we’ve ever talked about transhumanism aliens UFOs Silicon Valley demons, yes demons as a spiritual element to this, my friends. This might be one of the most, if not the most important show I’ve ever done. Definitely one of the best interviews I’ve ever done as far as like me, but as far as the subjects of the interview, I’m a huge fan of Dr. pusaka. I’ve been singing her praises since I read this book. I grabbed it a couple weeks after it dropped. She was on a lot of shows. She’s been on coast to coast. She’s been on higher side chats. She has graced us with her parents. And we talk about this UFO Fight Club. We talk about Christianity a little bit. We talked about disclosure. If you want to know anything disclosure, this is the show for you. We’ll get into her American cosmic two book, we got news, she’s writing another book. And guess what it’s about john D. That’s right. The language of the angels. We talk about that. Talk about Babylon and the Babylon workings and Alistair Crowley stuff. Of course, why not? We get into the sacred place in the book. She goes, and I’m not making this up in this book. They basically blindfold her and take her out to the deserts of New Mexico to find UFO pieces. And she she talks about it, and she’ll blow your mind with this story. You won’t believe what she tells you what she finds out there. We have a little discussion about it. And here’s a hint. The hint is I think they’re doing sacrifices of humans out there. I mean, hey, you know, it’s a kind of a bombshell. I don’t know. That’s just me feeling it. I don’t know if that’s what’s happening. You’ll listen to the part you’ll understand. We talked a little bit about Stephen King and the turtles don’t know what we’re talking about. Well Hang in there. You’ll you’ll hear it. The simulation theory. Jacques Vallee she’s buddies. Jacques Vallee. Big Shot she’s she’s Hollywood for sure. ARPANET, remote viewing stuff. Media. We’re talking about jack valets warning would have Giacomo a warner have he said Trust no one. Why did he say that? We’re gonna find out? We talked about Project Blue Beam. I asked. Professor of religious studies. Dr. Diana pusaka. I asked her, do you think Project Blue Beam is possible? Is it real? that we’re going to be manipulated with alien fake alien invasions. We talked about it. That the New York Times in asking her about Project Blue Beam she was kind enough to share her thoughts on that? Yes, indeed. We get I mean towards it, you got to stick around towards the end it gets wild. We talk about the Collins elite. If you don’t know who that is, it’s like this idea of a secret society of Christians in tied into the ABCs and the Pentagon and supposedly, you know, Louise Elizondo was talking about how they shut down all these UFO programs because they were channeling demons. So we talked a little bit about you know, Collins, elite Ray boo Shea. I mean, it sounds It’s nuts. We’re talking about demons and angels. I mean, it’s all in here. This is everything. This is the combination of everything. As you know, I’m writing my book on alien life forms or whatever you want to call these entities. I’m writing two books, Use Your Illusion one and Use Your Illusion to and Use Your Illusion One I’m done with it. I mean, I’m just doctored up a few sort of crazy elements in there, but I wanted to talk to Dr. Pusalka about this. could die happy man. I got to pick your brain with all the things and now I’ve got my own confirmation bias now I feel like I’m right. I feel like I’m right. And you’re gonna read about it when I dropped that book. But yeah, anyways, I’ve rambled on long enough I’m so excited. This is easily my favorite, easily my favorite show. She’s my number one guest you’re gonna hear me gush about it at the beginning here. And I really enjoyed this episode more than any, please listen to this show. Share it with your friends, this is a big one. This is this is everything, especially if you believe the UFO disclosure is coming. You got to hear the show. Also, one more thing. I left in a little bit of the pre book discussion on here because I think it’s very interesting information. We talked about some patches and how they embed symbolism on them. We talk a little bit about some of the ideas that are supported in the book. So take a look. I added in there Didn’t take it out. Because I think it’s actually pretty good information. You’re kind of picking up mid conversation here. But we do sort of gradually get into the book. And when we talk about people like Tyler, that’s the name of one of her contacts in her book. And Tyler is a pseudonym, because he is a secret, anonymous secret man, man of mystery. And he is in this book. And so when we talk about Tyler, that’s what we’re talking about. So, you know, didn’t we didn’t, we didn’t start off on the traditional path of prepping the audience for the conversation because things just went real smooth, real organic, right off the bat. So you’re going to pick up mid conversation, but we will sort of maybe 10 minutes into the conversation, we’ll kind of talk about what this book is and what this project is and all that. So, you know, hang in there for a little bit. Well, if you’re confused on who these people are what we’re talking about, just hang in there, and it’ll be real nice. I’ll hit you on the other side. Let’s go
Dr Diana Pasulka 09:01
Yeah, so I got this one on purpose because, um, so the NRO sends up classified satellites, they work with they, they, okay, they send up classified satellites. And if you’re on one of those missions to do that, you get these patches. Right. Okay. Okay, so when you’re doing mission work for NASA or for any of the space agencies, and you get these patches, and I, you know, in my book, Tyler has like, 100 of them or more. And so, so these patches are interesting. I have some on this one is, is one that relates to off planet things. Right. And so you can see what it says, which could be manmade satellites, I imagine. Yeah. Yeah. It could be anything. Yeah. And so you see that? So what’s really interesting is that Part of the reason why I called this the Fight Club, right and reference to that movie Fight Club was because people don’t talk about what they like you can be you can be working with this person, maybe 10 years, or maybe your whole career and not know what he or she does. Okay? So they exist in this super compartmentalised system and infrastructure. And so they had these patches. Well, I happen to be a professor of religion who understands religious symbolism. So I started to look at his patches, Tyler’s patches, and I began to like, read them, and I would tell them what he meant. And he had no idea.
Dr Diana Pasulka 10:44
yeah, I know, he had no idea. He would just get these patches. And he liked them. So he had a big box of them. And sometimes he does talk to my classes, my students, and he bring the patches in. And, you know, and I would read them So we just have this really fun time doing that. And of course, can’t do that now now after the book is out, but this is I was going to tell you so this is one of these patches that signifies a lot of things. So you see on here, um, you know, a certain configuration of the moon, and also a question, you know, and it basically says don’t ask, right, and then and then down here it says, and o y FB and that’s an acronym for none of your. Okay? Yeah, yeah. So they play so they did this, they were really playful at first until people started to get good reading the patches. So one of the things that they have in a lot of their patches, they they use Roman gods and goddesses a lot and then Okay, and they also use first century Latin and Latin changes, and did the the way that you know that it’s first century that and first of all, you’d have to be a person who knows that Right. And then once you read the Latin, you have to understand it in its context. It’s not Roman, Catholic Latin, from the fourth century onwards. This is first century Latin, and it’s Roman. And so what they’re doing is they’re suggesting, you know, they’re in a sense, quoting the Roman Empire, okay. And a lot of the patches and, and the saints that were in Latin, were very directed toward, um, don’t mess with us kind of thing, you know. And, and these would be I wish I had more patches to show you and I have a book filled with the patches to you, but, um, if you if you just, you know, go online, and there are a lot of when when a patch comes out, there are people who follow the patches and try to decode them and that kind of thing. And you can get a lot of information about what that mission is about by looking at the patches, actually. So I would read the patches, and that would actually help Tyler understand what the heck he was. They had the whole thing was about because he was his you know, he was compartmentalised. He was in the dark as well. So, um,
Isaac Weishaupt 13:08
so So wait a second. So Tyler, who I believe in the book, you say Tyler D which is Tyler Durden, right? Yeah. So Tyler says, So Tyler reveals that. So like, Are people sitting in an office with Tyler? And all the people sitting around him? Like maybe they’re all working on one project together, but they don’t know that Tyler works also on some other secret project. Is that kind of what how compartmentalize it is? Or is he with a whole team of people? All of them are in on this secret project. And you know, they’re in a larger organization that none of them realize that they’re doing secret sort of stuff.
Dr Diana Pasulka 13:47
Both okay. Yeah. Yeah, there are different configurations of it. And a lot of times people are in programs that are called print programs that aren’t even about something right, but programs to distract us from seeing what might be actually a program. The programs are super, I don’t know a lot about them. Okay, but I just know that they exist. Okay. And, and a lot of them have to do with space and, and national security, which I wouldn’t want to talk about because I’m a patriot, right? And I don’t want to compromise our country’s security or anything like that. And plus, if I if I didn’t know something, I wouldn’t even know that I knew it. So even if I say something, you know, yeah,
Isaac Weishaupt 14:31
yeah. And I get that. I get that attitude because a lot of a lot of people in the truth community are very much like, well, we need to know all the secrets and I understand and I get that we can’t have all the secrets like some of them are national security. So like, I I sympathize with both viewpoints.
Dr Diana Pasulka 14:51
Isaac Weishaupt 14:51
because I’m like, we should know if aliens exist. I think they should share that with us. But like, I also get that they can’t share everything. So it’s as weird Damn. That’s where
Dr Diana Pasulka 15:01
that’s where my book comes in. Okay, so Ezra, I just talked to Ezra Klein on his podcast. And he asked us, he asked the same question like, why the secrets, you know, why shouldn’t we have the right to know? And I said, Well, you know, Eric Davis is a physicist, if he studies things, you know, within space, and he basically says that things flying around in our airspace that we are not aware of, is not something you know, this is the military thing. You know, when it’s a military thing about our protection. We’re like, we’re not beating on the door to know secrets about like other things, you know, why are we beating on the door to know about secrets about aliens? Well, of course, we want to know everybody wants to know, but my suggestion is that we already know. And we already know because we have every single one of us will live today. I would believe maybe there are people older than 100 100 Cuz you have who aren’t like us, but everyone in life today has been in some way inundated with images and stories about UFOs. And aliens, therefore we’ve been primed to know, okay, and what I do in the good portion of my book, which is that middle portion, which a lot of people, it’s like, either people love the middle portion, or they hate it. And then there are the two bookends of the book where I talked about the actual people, right? And a lot of people just love that part. And so that middle portion no is cognitive science of media. And basically what I’m doing is I’m, I’m not a cognitive scientist, so I use the work of other cognitive scientists. So I’m at Stanford summit, University of Washington, okay. And, or Washington, you I guess, is what it’s called. And so what they’re doing, and there are a lot of people in LA in Silicon Valley are doing this too. In fact, there is this whole genre, a bunch of new genres are popping up about media, like Cognitive consumerism, like how to get people to buy stuff when they’re not aware that they actually don’t want it? Right? How do we do this? Okay, so a lot of the images and the media that we’re we are engaged with actually makes us believe things that we don’t know that we believe. So they’re already mechanisms within us. Like, you know, I, uh, here’s, here’s a good example. Okay, a lemon. Okay. When people talk about lemons, a lot of times most people have a reaction in their mouth, right? They’re like, Oh, you know that. My mouth is puckering up because lemons are really hard, right? But I don’t actually have a lemon. You’re not eating a lemon, but your body is physiologically reacting to this lemon. Okay, this lemon that’s not even here. Well, that’s how media works. You know, you go and you watch a movie and on your in the executive part of your brain here. You don’t believe it. But other you know, we just aren’t we’re just not living on this. You know, this level. Other parts. Our brains are activated and believe. So, in some sense, I think, in fact, I asked to Brother guy console Juanjo. He’s the director of the Vatican Observatory. He was actually talking to my students. Oh, I’d say it was about four years ago. And one of the students said, you know, what would happen? If there was disclosure? What would happen if all of a sudden the government said or one of the government’s because some governments, I guess I’ve said so already, you know, yeah, we don’t know what these are. And he said, What are you talking about? He said, Nobody, everybody already knows. You know, and, and we don’t, you know, it wouldn’t be big news. So I thought that was really good. And in fact, it was such a great teaching moment for me, because then the next week, he so he talked about that one week, and everybody loved it right? The next week. I’m the chief scientist of NASA, who is I don’t know she still is the chief scientist was Ellen Stokes. Okay, so she gets on, and all this media and she basically says, we’re going to find extraterrestrial life, it’s going to be within 10 years, we have the, you know, we have the instruments, we have the technology to do this, blah, blah, blah. And, and then she was saying, then she said, but we’re not talking about little green men, you know, talking about like, microbes, or you know, things like that. And so but, but none of the media quoted that part, they left that part out. So I thought it was a really great teaching moment for my students to see how media takes what a person will say, or even what a person has experience completely shifted around, so that it reinforces our belief. And so, you know, all my students were like, wow, we really do believe and I have a lot of boring academic articles. You know, they talk about the mechanisms for that. So there are certain mechanisms that that you know, people use that are in media to do that, and I honestly We think that our government uses them to you know, if you look at Cambridge Analytica, right, yeah, so, you know, these mechanisms are they weren’t developed by researchers at say, my university or you know, even Harvard or or maybe Harvard? Actually not I think about it, but they were developed in us like, like ARPANET. Right, the promo internet. It was military before before we got it. So we always get kind of like the second hand technologies that have been already that, you know, have already been used or are being used. And so, you know, who knows what is happening now? I will know in 20 years, I guess.
Isaac Weishaupt 20:42
Yeah, that’s what they always say. They say that these sort of DARPA type organizations are always 20 to 30 years ahead with technology. And I’ve heard I’ve heard several first or second hand experiences in technology. that people have seen with their own eyes that didn’t jive with what we know exists. You know, Bob Azhar is a perfect example of someone who saw something that he’s not sure if he was supposed to see it, or if they were using him as a way to sort of get messages out to the public. And because he because he was kind of like, Look, I, I was just like, the Science Guy, and they brought me in and I saw these UFOs. And it seemed kind of weird to me, too. And I’ve heard that I’ve heard that story from many people that they were witness to something that they were like, I don’t know why I was there. Like, it didn’t make any sense.
Dr Diana Pasulka 21:35
Yes, yeah. I that was a constant question for me. It’s always a question for me. Now, when somebody tells me something, I’m like, hmm, are they you know, are they stopping me now or something? You
know, it’s really bizarre, and
Dr Diana Pasulka 21:49
I know,
Isaac Weishaupt 21:50
yeah, I don’t think we can talk about the aliens or the UFO phenomenon without, you know, the Intel agencies and the militaries like tech technology. You kind of stuff because you’re, you know, and you’re in and tell me if I’m wrong in paraphrasing your book. And you know, because like you said, like, I’m also guilty of being influenced by media. In fact, I’ve used that quote from the chief scientist of NASA. In my book talking about she said, we find life with it by 2025. And my whole shtick, you know, I never wrote that book back in 2017. My whole shtick has been like, they’re gonna roll out a disclosure, I question what the motivation is for that? And if it’s really authentically, life in another planet, or I don’t know, my research goes into weird wacky occult, religion, stuff of like, Look, there’s been these occultist channeling aliens and entities for hundreds of years to ritual magic, whether you want to believe that or not, that’s what they said they’re doing. And I don’t see how this is any different. You know,
Dr Diana Pasulka 22:58
so yeah, no, I agree with you entirely.
Isaac Weishaupt 23:00
Yeah because like you look at you know jack Parsons is the archetype of this whole thing it’s it’s this guy who was intrigued by science fiction novels are going to space he wanted nothing less than destroying Christianity down to the the studs and he wants the new religion to be based on Alister Crowley and ritual magic and contacting lamb through Allah mantra workings and all this crazy stuff. And and, and I realized, and that’s a hard sell when you try to talk to people like there’s so many things they have to know like, people are like Allister, who wouldn’t, dude.
Dr Diana Pasulka 23:37
Yeah, yeah, I totally agree.
Isaac Weishaupt 23:39
Yeah. And so like your book? Oh, yeah. My question. Because I’m using I’m using a variety of sources and writing my book and yours is the most informative of all the sources and what, basically, so I want to ask you one on one, if I’m paraphrasing your book correctly to, to see if I’m being biased or influenced Reading into it something that’s not true. Tell me so tell me if I’m off base. But your book is basically a couple of things. You’ve got this experience with, essentially some kind of form of a secret society of people who believe in aliens or extraterrestrial life or whatever you want to call this the phenomenon to the point that they want to start a new religion based upon this. Some of these characters include people in government positions, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, they use various aliases, but you’ve also got these big hitters like jock valet that you were hanging out with. And I suspect that these people with aliases might even be that might even be household kind of names. And then you also have this component of how mental cognitive models work like through Jeffrey Sachs stuff, which I read after reading your book, I read his stuff, and I was like, Dude, this is exactly what we’ve been talking about in the conspiracy rolling predictive programming.
Exactly. So my,
Isaac Weishaupt 25:03
my sort of on the right track of, yeah, when I talk, I talk about your book all the time to people. So like, Is that an accurate portrayal of that?
Dr Diana Pasulka 25:11
Yes, it’s not okay. So when they Okay, so when all right, when you talk to people about religion, and you know, we have really an ethnocentric idea of religion, right? We always think of religion, you’ve got to have a god. And you’ve got to have, you know, but, you know, in a sense, Westerners made up the term religion. And, and if you look at indigenous populations, religion is something they don’t even talk about. It’s just part of what they do. There are spirits for them. Right? And there are entities and you know, some of them believe that they descended from Star people and things like that. Well for them, that’s not religion. Okay. So, my point to us in the West is we need to unlearn what we’ve learned about religion because it’s not correct. And we have to Understand religion is something that’s us first culturally specific usually. Okay? So that if you go to Japan, you know and you go to a Shinto temple or something you know, there are going to be local gods and goddesses that they do some type of a wash to, and they might even be they might even consider themselves atheists, but they believe that there are these spirit entities but there’s no big God. Right? Okay, so that our Western conception of religion that’s the first thing I have to do when I teach about this is just bring our minds to this idea that unlearn what you know about religion, because the people like let’s put it that the invisible college or what I now call the Fight Club, where these people get together and they you know, in my book, you have a good example of of these people you have Tyler, okay. works for our government on James works for a top five years. University, okay, um, they don’t consider it a religion. In fact, they’re angry at me for calling it that. They said, these things exist, and we contact them, we’re in contact with them, I’ve experienced them. So you would never tell a person that their religion was made up, you know, because you are going to offend them. And so I said, Listen, I had to convince them that I could do this, you know, and they said, as long as you you tell people and and I gave them their chapter, so they could take out stuff that they didn’t like, right? And so because I, you know, that’s just, I wouldn’t do that. I wouldn’t say Hey, be in my book and then make a person look like they don’t feel like that’s how they their true, you know, that’s not their truth. So, so yes, that that is a good paraphrase of my book. And these people have been around for a long time, thousands of years. You’ve had people. I’m writing my second book. Now I’m going to be talking about john D. Who who also you know, john d? Okay. Oh yeah, yeah,
Isaac Weishaupt 28:05
I’ve got a I’ve got a double oh seven tattoo and I didn’t know I got it done when I was when I was really young and I obviously I didn’t know john D was and like now a resource that like you talked about earlier before we started recording about Hi my name is Weishaupt might have came to me that’s really bizarre cuz i’m not i like James Bond but I’m not like this mega James Bond fan. I just thought it was a cool logo. And now I do all this research on the call and I’m like john D double oh seven you know? Whoa, whoa,
Dr Diana Pasulka 28:31
that’s really interesting.
Yeah, anyways, I don’t want to interrupt you, but john D. The interesting person.
Dr Diana Pasulka 28:38
Yeah, yeah. So John Dee is fascinating because you know, he he’s the one he he writes these volumes with this guy who thinks they’re channeling angels, Inaki and angels. Okay. So they’re, they write these volumes called the language of angels basically is what it’s called. And so um, and then what he he’s a variable Smart and elite man who knows the queen, and so he’s able to then tell her about a form of, I would call it almost like human evolution that he wants to put into place through the language of these angels. Okay, well, who does that sound like? That? Sounds like jack Parsons. Okay. Did jack Parsons know about john d? So I’m early on. I talked to Tyler about jack Parsons, because I thought Tyler’s like jack Parsons, right. So he’s, he does all these weird things. And so I asked him if he knew who jack Parsons was. No, and I said, How could you not know about jack Parsons when JP l? You know, it’s all there. And then it was like a big light for him. Like, you know, like, Whoa, so that’s how fightclub ish it is. So back when Jacques de la who’s my mentor, by the way, back when Jacques valet was doing the invisible college stuff, with you know, high neck and people like that. He was very Basically, they were talking to each other, okay? And the way it’s gone is that there’s a next generation of people who study the phenomena, and they’re not talking to each other. And if they are talking to each other, it’s only about this one spot, you know, I’m only going to talk to you about this, this is what my, my little thing is, and this is what I need. It’s a need to know kind of thing. I need to know this from you. This is what I need to tell you. And it’s almost like there’s a whole group of them working together, but they’re not communicating in a way that you and I, we think that you need to communicate, like basically that first part of my book where I talked about the conference, and everybody gets in a big fight. Like there’s the people like me, the religious studies, people, and there are the scientists and some of whom work in that three letter agencies and such, and they can’t say anything, really. And we’re like, What are you talking about? It’s knowledge. It’s it should be transparent, and they laugh at us and some of them are angry, and then two of them get in a big fight, and none of us humanists know what they’re fighting about. But I know because I’ve figured it out, you know that, oh, get I got it. We’re idiots, you know, like, professors, you know, really not smart sometimes. So we’re working with the scientists, not even understanding that their culture is a culture of silence in our culture is not. So I have a huge footnotes section in my book, they’re not gonna have footnotes, they’re not going to tell you where the stuff is or what the stuff is or what they see or what they study. So that’s the first thing I had to make clear to the audience was that I’m going into a different world. And it’s not the world that I’m used to. But I’m going to open up my mind and try to understand it. And so that’s how it starts.
Isaac Weishaupt 31:44
Okay, all right. Yeah. And I’ll concur with you on that. I was an engineer for a period of time. And I no longer do that do more of a sort of program manager role. But as an engineer, it was very segmented and like, you know, They notoriously aren’t good at communication. And I had one of my professors Tell me in college like you, you’re not in it. You’re not an engineer, like the way I acted and talked, it was kind of like, you’re articulate, you can talk, you can have a compliment, you know, and not to say there’s anything wrong with engineers, but you know, I get where you’re coming from with that.
Dr Diana Pasulka 32:19
I think we all know.
Isaac Weishaupt 32:21
So. So I do want to add in. So as I told you, I was writing this alien book and in the book I talked about, obviously jack Parsons, and I talked about the Babylon working ritual he did with L. Ron Hubbard, which most the audience is familiar with, where they basically were trying to channel entities from another dimension and croley infamously said they never closed the portal and then we got Roswell anyway. What’s curious is that in the research, I found that you know, Babylon is spelled ba ba lon. And maybe you know this already, but the Aleister Crowley, he spelled it as such for the gym geometry equivalent of 156 which was 12 by 13, which was the the dimensions of the nokian table, the John Dee and Edward Kelly, have this, you know, nokian language built from? So there’s all these sort of weird connections with the Enochian language, I find it curious that you’re now going to go into it a little bit as your
Dr Diana Pasulka 33:20
book. No. Thanks for telling me.
Isaac Weishaupt 33:22
Yeah, and I didn’t know that either. Till I was like, kind of real deep into this weird esoteric research and cuz I was wondering that too. I had read that the Babalon was spelled that way, because it meant harlot in the Enochian language, but I found that Crowley 12 by 13 reference.
Dr Diana Pasulka 33:39
That’s really interesting. Thanks.
Isaac Weishaupt 33:42
Yeah. And and as curious you said, Tyler didn’t even know who jack Parsons was. Is that right? That
Dr Diana Pasulka 33:48
is correct. Isn’t that sad? Yeah. Yeah. So you know, at the very beginning of the research, what I did this is usually what you do when you start a book is you start from the beginning and I said, Okay, I need to go research our space program and the Russian space program because before, you know, we had China here, we were like, we were the only viable space programs, right? And I thought, okay, you know, it’d be awesome. They started at the same time, it’d be awesome to go back and look, usually, if you have the credentials, you can go to a place like the Air Force library, or like, you know, the Vatican library or something like that. And, and if you’re doing research, you have access. And so I asked for access to the Air Force library in Los Angeles, and I was given it was it was, they said, Yes. Okay. And then Tyler said, Oh, I can get you some really great access, you know, to some stuff. And so he goes, we just need to, we just need to look you up or whatever. And I was like, okay, so they did, and I had written one paper that had in the title UFO, just one And after that I didn’t get I didn’t get any access at all.
Oh, really? Yeah.
Dr Diana Pasulka 35:07
See, all this stuff would be on jack Parsons and stuff like that, you know, they have the original all that stuff. But they don’t they don’t talk about it. And so after, after Tyler learned about jack Parsons, he actually went to some of his colleagues and he goes, he asked them about it. And they’re like, Ah, that’s all bunch of baloney kind of thing. I know.
Isaac Weishaupt 35:29
Okay, well, okay, so another question I have. I’m watching the clock here. I don’t want to take up too much. I could literally talk to you all day. There’s a story you relay in the book that to me was one of the most intriguing and it’s about your trip to the sacred place. I don’t know if you are, how much if you can give any more information or maybe you know, in case the audience hasn’t read your book, maybe you can give us the short version of If you want,
Dr Diana Pasulka 36:02
and yeah, they don’t do you mean a chapter one? The donation site? Yes. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So I can talk about that. Yeah. So, um, so the book opens with. And I thought it was so odd. I thought if I can get away with this with Oxford University Press, which is, you know, the most you Well, you know, in academia, it’s the most prestigious press, and they’re very, they don’t want anything that has to do with belief in anything, right? So I’m opening it up with, with Tyler, he works for the space program, taking my friend, I wasn’t going to go alone, taking James Who’s this academic, um, is a scientist, okay. And he’s one of the most well known scientists in the world. And so I invited him and I said, I’m not going to go to this place. See, the strange thing is that Tyler was, this is why I had the suspicion about Tyler throughout the whole book. I’ve had this I had this suspicion, because he wanted to know to get to know me for a year and a half. And we only kind of discussed stuff on emails and texting and stuff. And I didn’t meet him because I knew that he was part of these kinds of organizations. And I really just wanted to write a book about UFOs. And I honestly didn’t think how these organizations fit in. And as I came to learn, it’s the story, you know, if you don’t tell that part of the story, that you’re not telling the whole story. And I have friends, you’ve written about UFOs. And haven’t told that part because they’re uncomfortable with it, and it is uncomfortable. So So Tyler convinces me He says, I really want you to see and have this feeling that there’s, there’s actual because you think it’s just in your head. He goes, and I want to show you that it’s not. And so I said, Well, I’m not going out there by myself. And he said, Well, I only have permission to take you out there. So I said, Well, do you know Jeff Kripal?
Isaac Weishaupt 38:05
Yes, I heard of him. I don’t know him. But yeah,
Dr Diana Pasulka 38:08
yeah. So Jeff is a friend I’ve known for a long time. And he’s in religious studies, and he teaches at Rice. And I said, Jeff, I said, Come on, you have to come with me out to New Mexico. And we’re going to go to this alleged UFO crash site. It’s not Roswell. And Jeff was like, whoa, whoa, you know, he’s like, I don’t know about that, Diana, that’s like, way out of my comfort zone. And I said, Yeah, me too. That’s why I wanted you to come. And he’s like, Well, no. And I was like, gosh, okay, so then I had just met James. And James was on fire to like, learn about stuff like this. So I called him and I said, James, I said, Look, I know sounds really weird. And he said, just immediately, he said, I want to go tomorrow. And I was like, okay, so I looked, I told Tyler I said, I’m not going by myself with you, we’re going to take James if ongoing and he said no. Okay, now it took a while but I knew he’d like he want James to go because James is a really intelligent scientist who could actually look at stuff if we’re going to find stuff. So we’re supposed to find artifacts okay? So I’m going completely as an atheist and a person who studies religion
Isaac Weishaupt 39:25
sorry on the intersect Are you are you atheist? Or are you a Christian or what’s your what’s your
Dr Diana Pasulka 39:32
oh yeah so um okay so to call me a Christian is super complicated what I am because when you get a PhD in religion, you know a lot about religion. So I you know, and you’re like NAD bat so I’m, I’m, I’m a practicing Catholic. I practice in the sense that, but there are things that I’m not going to accept or believe. Right, so Catholic, I know Catholicism so well that I can see how it’s changed throughout the years and people say, you know, Treatment never changes. Oh, right, you know?
Isaac Weishaupt 40:03
Yeah, I get I get that sentiment. I understand. Okay. All right. I just want to make sure because you said you’re going as an atheist, you’re just saying, You’re putting a religious figure aside.
Dr Diana Pasulka 40:12
Yeah. as me. I’m an atheist, right. I’m an atheist, because, you know, we don’t, we don’t promote religions, right, we study them. So, so I’m going as an atheist with respect to this is a real UFO crash site. I don’t believe that, right. So that’s not that’s how I’m going. And I tell them that too. James is full on believing, right? Because he knows he met Tyler I introduced them. Tyler has been there many, many, many times. So he’s, he knows right. And he says it is. And so I’m going there with them. And we have to be blindfolded to go there. And so we get blindfolded. Tyler drives us there, and we spend two days and we find parks, and we and then the rest of the story kind of goes good. You know, takes on its own thing narrative basically after I write as I go, because as I go, I my mind is blown, almost did for every chapter, as every chapter comes, I’m like, really? How do I write this? So I have a, an issue with, you know, being an academic writing about this being so included in something that could possibly be true. I become agnostic at the end of the book about it. And so I’m thinking this is probably true. And I’m not supposed to say that, but I’m going to do it as best I can say, yeah, you know, there’s, you know, heck net nothing like this happened to me when I was a scholar of Catholicism, right. And I’m a full professor. So here I’ve, you know, I’ve, I’ve published a bunch of stuff, I, you know, have I’ve won research awards, I’ve done this, nothing like this has ever happened in during those projects. So, so I knew that There was, I didn’t know what it was, but I knew there was like what I call the truth effect. It was a truth effect.
Isaac Weishaupt 42:10
Wow. Okay, so the because when I read that that story what I’m thinking is because they you know, they had to like blindfolded for a segment of it right. And I’m thinking if if they’re going to the site to actively retrieve more parts meaning like they haven’t done all the cleanup yet or whatever that surely this is on some kind of guarded you know area of land and they had gone through a gate or something like it’s not like, I gotta think that they don’t tell Tyler like oh yeah, just go over to this city here and you know, drive two miles into the desert. You’ll find all these missing all these pieces. I got to think they’ve got it secured.
Dr Diana Pasulka 42:52
Yeah, there was a gate and there was everything that you said. There was also this is something that I actually had an issue with, that might editor at Oxford. And this is a part that she wanted me to take out. And it’s this part where I’m at the site, and everywhere as low as far as I can see, there’s like about, I think, probably six inches to a foot of, like rusty Rubble, and I don’t know what it is. So I pick it up, and I kind of like feel it with my fingers. And I think he What is that? And so Tyler said, That’s, those are cans, those are like aluminum cans from, I guess, or maybe not, I don’t know what they were cans from, like the 50s or whatever. He said, when they thought they cleaned it all up. They put all these cans out there. And then they disintegrated over the years into this rubble. And so, um, I put that in the book. And my editor, who’s an awesome editor, by the way, and she said, Diana, why would you put that in the book? It makes no sense. Why would the government put a bunch of kids out there. And I said, you, you know, she’s a complete non believer, of course. And I said, I have to keep it in. I said, Because data and if I don’t keep it in, we won’t know the story. I don’t know why they did it. You know, Cynthia is her name. I said, I don’t know why they did it. But we had a back and forth for like two days about that. She goes, it just, it’s gonna make you look really ridiculous. Just to put that in. I was like, so be it. You know, I’ll be ridiculous. But that’s what I saw.
Isaac Weishaupt 44:30
Well, what’s what’s bizarre about that is that I wanted to Barker ranch up in Death Valley, where Manson and his Charles Manson and his family went up there and were hiding out in the late 60s. And they had rusty aluminum cans with bullet holes in it. You know, as the story goes, they were target shooting up there and I saw them with my own eyes and they were nowhere close to disintegrating, and that’s in the 60s that those things are out there. So that that data does, I don’t know, it gets my mind moving on some weird ideas. But the the New Mexico thing also like gets my mind going in a lot of directions because I mean, we’ve got Roswell Of course, but there’s also another site in Aztec New Mexico that a lot of people refer to as sort of like a second Roswell that supposedly a UFO you know, skidded to a stop there. And, you know, there’s all these weird things with New Mexico it’s wherever you like we’re doing the nuclear testing and all this stuff. So like to see that they call it this you call the sacred place in New Mexico, like, it just triggers so many ideas in my head with what’s going on out there. And and where could this be?
Dr Diana Pasulka 45:48
It is strange. I was told there were several of the crashes in the 40s and like between 45 and 50, I guess so and so, you know, I’m although at the time, I did not I was like, okay, you know, I’m just being told these things and then what I call it the sacred site because they’re treating it as sacred when we go out there we prayed. Right
Isaac Weishaupt 46:13
well they praying to
Dr Diana Pasulka 46:17
I don’t know, I was praying so I wouldn’t
go for
Dr Diana Pasulka 46:22
Yeah, okay and also they put the so every time Tyler goes out there they he puts like you know ancient altars that are made of stone and you see them and they’re kind of if there are a bunch of these altars out there some buy him some buy these other people big giant ones sacred place yeah, so I called it that the sacred place where is
Isaac Weishaupt 46:45
so they got like big giant like, like the name escapes me. Stone and they got like big like Stonehenge like that size.
Dr Diana Pasulka 46:55
No, not that not that big but they do have big like stones. altars out there. Yeah. Yeah. Each time they go out there, or at least this is what Tyler said they do. He does. And he said there were other people who did too. And so, um, I wasn’t allowed. I wasn’t supposed to take pictures of those. And I did not. I we had to give up our phones. We had to basically I think I say this in the book too, because it was really funny. Because once we get out there, and I take off, you know, my blindfold, and I look around the place looked really familiar to me. And I was like, this looks really familiar. And I look over and I see this kind of Mesa type thing. And Tyler’s watching me to see what I’m looking at. He says, Does it look familiar? And I said, yes, it looks familiar. But you know, I have been out here and he said, this is the this is the scene from the that first last episode of The X Files. And I was like, and at that point, I thought I was in loony town, right. I’m like, My brain was just exploding at that point. And I’m thinking, this guy’s crazy. But then it made a lot of sense to me because I’m, I’m writing a book about belief in UFOs. Right? And so the X Files is one of the best programs that could bring it all together, you know, it make us really believe in UFOs In fact, National Geographic, they were gonna run this thing on UFOs and they did a survey of what Americans believe UFOs would be like, you know, if there was disclosure, it would be like The X Files it would be you know, kind of the secrecy and Fox Mulder, you know, these these agents and everything like that, which I thought was weird. Um, so yeah, so that’s kind of when that site became for me. The focal point of my book, because I thought, this is it. This includes everything religion, weird stuff, you know, like rituals, altars and meat. It’s all there.
Isaac Weishaupt 49:03
Yeah, there’s, well there’s and I was going to save this question for later but I feel like now’s a better time to bring it up towards the end. You’re talking. I got your passage here I’m trying to paraphrase. I’m not just directly reading your book, there’s a passage and I’ll just read it. Tyler told me an anecdote that demonstrates that artifacts, sacred significance to him and to many of the scientists, believers. Tyler had put the part in a backpack and had been stopped in to see a friend. He and his friend visited and dined. And then Tyler left to continue his travels. The next day, he receives a message from his friend. I had a dream about the contents of your backpack, I dreamt that there was a separate universe that you carried in a universe that was created within this universe. That who knows where this universe was creator was created, had very much the essence of turtles all the way down in the room. reason I want to read that passage. And we casually sort of glossed over this on email. But like when I read that I couldn’t help but think of Stephen King. I couldn’t help but think of his book it which I had read a couple times, which is a massive book, but and the film’s I love I just love the story so much. I don’t know why. But he talks about this matter in this, who’s the adversary turtle? And the adversary, of course, brings up all these ideas of the other and Lucifer and all this other stuff. But mattering is this turtle, the vomits of the whole universe during this ritual of chud sequence, which the film’s don’t really go into. I mean, it’s only in the book. I wanted to ask you about that turtle idea. And, you know, it’s not elaborated on in the book much. You think there’s a connection that we have there? I mean, is there anything to that?
Dr Diana Pasulka 50:50
Yeah, well, that’s really funny because I remember that email that you sent, and I couldn’t. I was like, first of all, a lot of people that passage to me is super important, you know, and I didn’t put it in there lightly, because I honestly believe that. And they’re the, you know, this is where we get into kind of really weird science, right? And so you’ve got this material thing that somehow, in my mind, how did that how did his friend know that there was something really weird in his backpack, right? That’s the first. And then not only that, but it had to do with universes, and like, universes all the way down, which suggests dimensions of universes. Again, what was weird about it? And this is where we get into that part in my book where we talk about synchronicity, because your email was a synchronicity, because I’m very good friends with I’m a drummer. Stephen King has some great Producer directors and whatever it is Josh Boone, and Josh Boone has just finished producing and directing the stand or directing the stand. He’s a director. And so he’s fascinated with with Stephen. Well, first Stephen King and he are good friends, but he’s fascinated by Stephen King’s writing, which I am too. You know, see the king has this really great passage that, you know, writing is telepathy, right. And so, and then, so he says that Stephen King gets into this kind of state of almost like Tyler state. In fact, he liked my book a lot. Josh liked my book and said that he said that he thought he saw huge correlations between Tyler’s connecting, you know, and Stephen King’s writing. He says Stephen King doesn’t, you know, probably he’s not aware of it or believe it or anything like that, but that he says he definitely believes that he does. That so that was weird that first we had that synchronicity of you know, Stephen King doing, you know saying turtles and then this turtles all the way down. Um but what do I think of the I think that Oh, see again, Josh is now doing work with Whitley Strieber. Okay, so he wants to I think he’s doing communion that could be wrong, but he works with Whitley and What’s strange and I think it may have been taken out of the book. But there was a passage I did put at the very beginning of the book, where Tyler and I are, we’re at a really nice restaurant outside and there’s the Pacific Ocean, and it’s nighttime and it’s really beautiful. The stars are huge, you know, the stars in California, the ocean are beautiful. And, and we’re talking about the parts, right? And, but we’re talking alone, and all of a sudden we Strieber comes out of the restaurant. And he walks directly up to us. And he says, you know, those parts you’re talking about, and both of us just like when, you know, those kinds of things happened during the course of writing my book. And so we and then Tyler said, Yes. Um, he said, You think you’re studying those parts, but they’re actually studying You know, that’s what I did. So for the your audience add on, Isaac just went, Oh, was blown
Isaac Weishaupt 54:36
your whole book, just it blows my mind. I’ve never read anything like this book. And to hear these stories is like, I don’t know, I don’t know how to process all this. Because it’s like it’s triggering all these things I’ve kind of read about over the years and I want to ask you about the synchronicity stuff because there’s an idea presented in the book. And I don’t know if I don’t know how much you could elaborate on because it’s pretty heavy. I mean, it’s pretty complex. But jogger valet is talking about spacetime connections in this idea of associative computing, right, and he says, an example given is like an advertisement on a computer for tires after a conversation about tires, you know, and everyone experiences this on their phone, we’d like ads that pop up like, wow, just talking about as my phone listening to me, you know. And valet sort of talks about space time being a construct, and and I wanted to get your take on, because to me when I read what valet was saying, and then I watched a TED talk of his it’s almost like he’s supporting the idea of like a simulation theory.
Dr Diana Pasulka 55:42
Yeah. Yeah, I can see. Yeah, I can definitely speak to that. Okay. Give a cool anecdote, too.
Isaac Weishaupt 55:48
All right. I like cool anecdotes.
Dr Diana Pasulka 55:50
Yeah, yeah. So um, so this was after the book was published. Okay. So there was another one of these small conferences and is at epsilon, and which is on the Pacific Ocean. Really beautiful. And Jacques was there, and he was going to do I think he hit the title of his talk was synchronicity and the simulation and the simulated universe. Okay. And he was going to link these two, um, I, I was going and I was you know, a lot of times we we do stuff for our graduate students. So I had a graduate student whose name was Alex. And so I wanted Alex to go because he was going to go to graduate school directly after that, and I wanted him to kind of see what you could do in religious studies and he got a full scholarship to go to the graduate program. So he’s, you know, he was already set. So I thought this would be a good experience for him. So this is how I know about it. And I also have a friend who I’ve not met, you know, how you can have virtual friends so I have a friend named Rizwan for or do you know him Rizwan. He’s done that is called the simulation hypothesis. And he’s just he’s an MIT Silicon Valley guy who knows jock and people like that. So um, so anyway, so jock was basically using a lot of his Juan’s work to talk about the simulated universe, but his addition was synchronicity and I was dying to see that, you know, I couldn’t wait. But my daughter was sick so I couldn’t go. So I said to Alex I and I knew and I was actually co organizing the conference. And so I said to Alex, please pay attention to everything so you can tell me what happens because you know, there’s a lot of stuff that’s that will happen. And so this is what Alex told me and Rizwan told me this too, and it was really funny. And a couple people told me this, they said that jock was giving this talk about and he was using a lot of stuff from the matrix. Okay, so Neo and you know, the matrix and stuff like that. And so basically, he was given Let’s talk about the simulated universe in synchronicity and blowing people away. So everybody was like really blown away by it. And then when it was done, they went to, they broke to go to lunch. And as they went to lunch, they pass Laurence Fishburne who plays Morpheus? Of course. They were Yeah. And excellent. Yeah. So he was going to lunch too, right. And so they were like, freaked out, of course, because of this bizarre synchronicity that was happening just after they learned about the simulated universe and fancy currency. They think about Jacques is I’ve been studying his staff for so long. Um, and I. He’s been super kind to me. So he’s shown me things to read, and he’s given me access to his library. So he’s got this library that’s got a lock on it. I think now for it. I think it was like a 10 year lock and now we’re in the third year. But I’m James and I can see it, so we can see it. And anyone I take that I think should see it like Alex, like a grad student can see it too. And it’s at Rice University. And there’s a big archive, it’s called the archive of the impossible. And and Jeff Cripe will put it together. So he’s got all of these libraries from famous, you followed us and stuff, but jack has all this stuff that that I’ve seen. And also I went back, as you know, a researcher and went to some of his first publications, which by the way, I, yeah, I had to dig up in, you know, our microfiche in my library and stuff like that, you know, that nobody uses those anymore. And so and then I had to read it and everything. And I asked him, I said, Do you have this, and he had it, and he said, here just had that he had a nice pristine version of it. And it was basically what they were doing with the ARPANET, which was called Jeff calls it the augmentation of the intellect, right. Is that They were actually, in a sense, kind. And I say kind of when I say kind of it’s not that I’m being a Californian, it’s that I’m saying that I don’t know exactly if they were doing this, but from what they were saying I think they were that they were using and from reading jocks old papers if any of your audience would like to read a lot of his old papers, he has an an academia, Edu dot, you know.edu website and you can just go there and download his papers. He was basically doing side work with with the internet and doing um, you know, pre cognition, remote viewing that kind of thing with the internet, but it was the proto internet so it wasn’t what we know about the internet now. So you know, it was a really I don’t know what you call it like primitive sort of thing. So jock noticed being one of the first Information scientists from Northwestern with, you know, PhD and also an astronomer, okay. Just a genius, right? one of the smartest people I know. Um, so what he found was that he, you know, he pays attention to a lot of things. I think a lot of intelligence has just been aware of stuff, you know, just like looking at your surroundings and being aware. And so he was aware that synchronicities were ramped up with, with internet stuff with uh, you know, digital media. And so, he would, uh, he wrote some papers about that, some of the early papers on that for the, you know, he also worked with the Sri and Institute and so to what I did in my book was then I took it further, and I talked about the what I call the synthetic synchronicity. You know, When your A lot of times, sometimes you don’t even have to, you know, a lot of this is done for us now. So we engage with media, and we’re being watched as we watch, right, we’re consumed. We think we consume media, but it’s actually, it’s consuming us. We’re the products. Okay? And so we’re engaged with media. And what it’s doing is it’s looking at us. And so a lot of times, we’ll look somewhere on our computer. And like, what’s, let’s say it’s Facebook or something like that, it will see where our eyes are going, just like in flicker, Jeffrey’s axe idea of, you know, our flicker rate or something, and then it’ll send us an ad or something that corresponds to us. And we’ll think, Oh, you know, how did it know it? read my mind. So, one of the things that happens when I go to colleges, and I talk to students, um, one of the questions I asked them halfway through what whatever Right talk I’m talking about say, Have you ever noticed that it seems like your phone is reading your mind? And every student’s like, Yes. How does that happen? So I kind of explained the mechanisms that do that. But jack was talking about something way beyond that way beyond kind of the technical aspects of media doing this and not to you. Well,
what did he mean when he said trust? No one?
Dr Diana Pasulka 1:03:24
Right? Yeah.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:03:26
I don’t want to shift gears on you too much. But like, I didn’t have that in my questions. But now that we’re talking about it came to me I thought, Oh, yeah. He said, trust no one to you.
Dr Diana Pasulka 1:03:37
Isaac Weishaupt 1:03:38
What is that supposed to mean? Like is this because like, this whole UFO phenomenon is very trickster, devilish of like, no one, it’s it blows your mind because you don’t know what to believe.
Dr Diana Pasulka 1:03:49
It is very true. So I think, you know, this is what I get from that. And first of all, a lot of things he told me were quite ominous and in fact, You know, he also would tell me, be careful. There are some nasty, nasty people, you know, and which for him, you know, he never he’s such a, he’s such an A person who carries himself so well. And he’s such a gentleman, right? So when he says there are nasty people, you better believe that they’re nasty. So, what he basically said, what I found out was that I think what happens is that there are there are a lot of this sounds terrible, but there are a lot of things that that are made to look like something like your friend who went to see the you know, or Bob was our he went to see the alien and such. And, and Jacques just told me don’t believe anything because he said, If you suspend your belief, you might be able to get story, you might be able to piece it together. But if you start believing that narrative, which is another reason why we should be a little system suspicious of government disclosure, really, you know what we’re going to put and and I put it in religious terms. So Christianity, like, let’s take Christianity for example. It starts out as a fairly awesome type of philosophy to tell you the truth. A lot of people call Jesus Socrates right? In the first and second centuries, they were thinking of him as a philosopher. And then what happens is Rome gets a hold and Rome is a major Empire. It gets ahold of, of Christianity, and it turns it into, you know, its religion, its state religion. And then what does it do? It burns all the other books, it burns all the knots, it kills a lot. A lot of the Gnostics it takes their stuff and burns them right. And makes it a heresy. You know, you can’t believe this. And what it does is it creates an official narrative. And that’s what I see happening with UFO and you follow G. There’s a there’s an official name To be created, I would leave it No way. Okay.
Yeah. Is his project Have you read about Project Blue Beam?
Dr Diana Pasulka 1:06:09
Isaac Weishaupt 1:06:10
Okay. Like you know when the the claim directly from Dr. Cal Rosen’s mouth who worked with Dr. Werner von Braun actually said that on his deathbed he basically said and I’m paraphrasing because I don’t have in front of me but he basically said don’t believe that there’s an alien invasion don’t believe they’re gonna and it’s like, this is a guy who seemed to support the idea of aliens through his work, I would assume. Yeah, he’s telling her don’t believe it and then Zack finally tells you trust no one and and the Project Blue Beam thing which you know it basically more or less is saying they’re going to the powers that be are going to fake an alien invasion for whatever nefarious purpose you want to buy into the like, do you see that as a possibility in 2020 or 2025 What do you What’s your take on project? bluebeam?
Dr Diana Pasulka 1:07:02
You’re already well, gosh, we’re you know, now we’re in August in 2020. And this is such a crazy year. You know, everybody says it’s written by Stephen King. It might well end with a fake alien invasion. Right? Right, right. Um, I guess my point is that I would hope I am a patriot, I would hope that they wouldn’t do that to us. But again, I know what empires do. And I’ve seen how religious are and almost all of them get that way. You start with a kind of authentic experience of something otherworldly, right? Whatever it is, and then it becomes narrative eyes. And then people start believing it without thinking, and I see that going on. And so I was asked to do this. What do I think about disclosure thing for the New York Times? And I don’t think they really want me to do that. Yeah, cuz I’ll just say they were supposed to video ourselves. Say what do we think about disclosure? That would be great, you know, things like that. No, I don’t believe that is what I say. That would be my wife’s statement. Okay,
Isaac Weishaupt 1:08:12
I got two more questions, and I’m gonna let you go because I know we’re out of time here. The Collins elite, have you heard of this group? It’s the idea that there’s a Christian inner core, inner secret society inside of, I don’t know, the ABCs or the Pentagon or whatever. There’s an inner group of folks that are, are very, very, you know, Christian. And, you know, I don’t know if you can talk about that or if you know anything about that. It’s something that came up in my research and I’d be curious if you’ve got any information on that.
Dr Diana Pasulka 1:08:46
And, yeah, I think they definitely exist. On to I know. Is it Nick Redfern. He writes about it. That’s right.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:08:58
He’s one of the first talked about it. He Back to a guy named Ray bolshaya. I believe his name is his passion.
Dr Diana Pasulka 1:09:04
Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Um, so Ray’s not gonna make it up. So yeah, I that source is credible. And is it to the point of I think what happened what was told to me was that there were some people that were doing things that they didn’t get didn’t go with didn’t align with their beliefs and their moral beliefs. And so they they didn’t want to do it. And so I think that then the idea is that a lot of the funding for some of these programs was cut off because of people who believe that these were pretty horrible things. Right, like demons basically. That’s the idea.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:09:48
Yeah, I think Luis Elizondo came out publicly and even said this, it was on the media that previously they’d shut down all these, you know, contact experiments or something because Some people you know, more or less at some people are believed that you know, we’re going to channel Satan or whatever and and Joe Rogan was talking with George Knapp and Jeremy korbel just recently on his podcast and that it came up again. And and a lot of people it just glosses by but like, you know, when you get deep into this research, I thought, Man, he’s talking about the Collins elite. And then, you know, Joe Rogan, which I love Joe Rogan, don’t get me wrong. He like kind of mocks and laughs He’s like, haha, and I’m like, dude, I think you know, and this is my personal view from reading all this occult literature for so long is like, I don’t think they’re wrong. But anyway,
Dr Diana Pasulka 1:10:37
so this is, I mean, the thing is that when you get in my field, what you do when you don’t have like, corroborating evidence, right, like the real thing or whatnot, is you get multiple sources that don’t know each other, but corroborate the same kind of information. And so then you can’t get absolute 100% you know, but you truth be can get, you know, probably this is probably true kind of thing. And so, you know, like with Jesus, Did Jesus really exist? A lot of people ask me, did you just really exist? Well, my goodness, we have all of these sources that say that Yeah, he existed probably I mean, like 99%. Yeah. Did you know? Can we absolutely, you know, prove it? No. But when you have the Romans talking about him, and you have, you know, this group of Jews talking about him and writing about them, and you know, all these other people and you’ve got graffiti in Rome and you know, talking about Yeah, yes, he existed. So I believe that they exist. Absolutely. Um, do they still exist to the point where they did before? I don’t know. You know, do they still exist to the point where they did 10 years ago? Um, is there a reason for them to believe that these things are like demonic and evil? Yeah. And I’ll tell you why. Because as many people as have wonderful experiences, contact event, a lot of people get like, radiated You know, radiation burns or whatnot, you know, and you could go back in history and see, like in Catholic history, and see people that have seen things in the sky, and then get burned by them. And I mean, Could these things be doing these intentionally? I don’t think so. I think that that’s just part of what they do. And, you know, are we talking about a variety of different types of things? Probably. So, um, you know, so that it doesn’t align with their Christian beliefs. makes sense to me. Because they, they, you know, even James says it, you know, and he’s, he’s not he’s a scientist. And in the beginning, you know, of, well as we go, as you have the parson, we’re going back to the airport, from New Mexico, we’re going back to Albuquerque airport. He says, you know, Diane and he said, this is very similar to 100 years ago, what people would call demons and angels. So that’s why then I decided for American cosmic to that would go back to john D. and, and look at the language of angels and see the history because just like you said, I’m Isaac, and you have a lineage here, right? There’s a lineage of this kind of activity of I get it, you’re using rituals. A person told me the other day they were wiped out word rituals. And I said, Well, if you think of a ritual, like a key that opens a door, you know, then think about it like that, because that’s what they are. So people use rituals, to do things to open doors into other portals or places or universes or whatnot. So you know, these people are using rituals to try to make contact. And they’ve been doing that, like I said, For thousands of years, so it’s nothing new. What is new is that we don’t think we do it now. That’s what’s new.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:13:47
Okay, this is funny, because my last question was to ask you about the ritual magic stuff, and you’ve answered it. So in a weird synchronistic way, you’ve answered my last year at a pre cago My last question So anyway, we’re at are we’re out of time, I do want you to, you know, can you can you share with the audience where they can keep up with you? You know, where can they get American cosmic? And where can we keep up to speed on your john D book? I know I’m for sure getting that one the second I can. If you don’t mind, maybe, you know. Oh, sure.
Dr Diana Pasulka 1:14:21
Yeah. So American cosmic is is basically sold in all the versions that are out there, like the audio, which is not me talking on the Kindle and the hardcover on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, you know, any place a library, get has to, um, and then I have a website called American cosmic calm, and I’m actually going to be changing that up to reflect work on the new book, which I’m what I think I’m gonna call it American cosmic to the language of angels or something like that to come. I have as a follow up to suggest that these aren’t, you know, because people think of ETS is kind of graves, right? We think of them as greys they look like this, but they’re, they have no lips and that kind of thing. But I’m trying to make people understand that there are there’s a lot more complexity to this. And in fact, it is pretty darn like religion when you look at it, because in religion, you have different kinds of angels, and you know, different kinds of demons and things like that. And really, you know, when you get more into you, even those people, I said this on Twitter, once when I was on Twitter, and I said that, and it’s absolutely true. I couldn’t believe how many if you know about UFOs, you know about the big names in UFOs, right? I’m not gonna name names, but some of the people that are the big names and UFOs basically believe that these are demons and angels too. And these are people who are not Christian.
You know? Yeah. And that shocked me, man, this, the second book of yours is gonna blow a lot of minds.
Dr Diana Pasulka 1:16:08
Yeah, I believe me that shocked me. I mean, it’s almost as if you I felt like I couldn’t be any more shocked. No, there was another shock coming.
When do you think that second book will be available? I think it probably takes a while for a book
Dr Diana Pasulka 1:16:24
to go into press and get. No, probably sometime in 2021.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:16:29
Nice. Okay, awesome. Well, if if I could, I’d love to have you back on we’ll talk about it. You know, after you get the book out, and I can read my copy and, and I wish I could pick your brain a little bit more.
Dr Diana Pasulka 1:16:39
Yeah, definitely. Sounds great. Yeah. about your book and everything like that. You know, your writing?
Isaac Weishaupt 1:16:45
Yeah, most definitely. All right, awesome. Well, I don’t take any more your time. I appreciate what you gave us. You’re extremely busy. I’ll put links to your books to your website on the show notes. And thanks again for your time. I think your work is This is one of the most important books I’ve ever read. It’s always my number one recommendation to people. People ask me what books to read. I always tell them get this book, because I think you’re onto the thing.
Dr Diana Pasulka 1:17:09
Thanks. I appreciate that.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:17:11
Yeah, most definitely. All right. Thanks for your time. I appreciate it. Well, there you have it. Okay. Okay, there you have it. UFOs aliens. What are they doing here? What are they doing? Are they demonic? I mean, we’ve all got some more homework to do. But Dr. pusaka, she’s an expert. She’s as expert as it gets. She’s hanging out with these people. She’s picking up pieces of UFOs out of the desert of New Mexico with these alien nerds in this secret society. If anyone knows the truth, or is close to understanding the truth, it’s her she’s friends with Dr. Jacques Vallee, for God’s sake. I’m gonna put all of our links in the show notes on the website Illuminati watchers calm You can click those links and check it all out for yourself again, you can get our book American cosmic Amazon audible. And I bought I bought the Amazon Kindle version and I bought the audible version both highly recommended. I always recommend this book on the top of my list. When people ask me what books to read, I always tell them this is right up there with Behold a Pale Horse. It’s better than Behold a Pale Horse. I said it, I said it. Sorry, Bill Cooper, I love you. But this is her firsthand experience, and knowledge and education, ties it all together in my opinion. So check out the links in the show notes and you won’t be disappointed if you read this book. Again, you can get on Amazon audible. It’s called American cosmic. You can check her out on her website and I’ll put all the links in the show notes. Thank you. Please share the show with everyone. If you’d like to show drop a review on the iTunes or the Stitcher or the spreaker or whatever it is you want to listen to the show on. Drop a review and that helps spread awareness of the show, because I think we all need to understand what’s going on with this Alien Agenda before it’s too late. So drop the review, subscribe to the show. And until next time, stay woke
Bob says
This was brutally painful to read.
If the content is important to you and your readers, I would have thought someone would make more of an effort with the transcription.
And so like um one other thing, there was this guy, you know I met at a bar, he was like literally almost entirely all the way drunk and like so um he could like um speak more eloquently than your so called “full professor” here.
I will not be reading this book.
For goodness sake what a load of waffle.
Sounds like some bizarre mixture of a valley teen and Boris Trump after a stroke.
From a podcaster, fine okay whatever.
From Dr “full professor” … Give me a break.