On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we break down the symbolism of the Netflix global phenomenon called “SQUID GAMES!” There’s so much to unpack on this first season- we’ll talk about the Illuminati elites playing the game, the initiation ritual of the main character as he traverses the Kabbalah Tree of Life (the ACTUAL squid game…), Christianity, death and rebirth, human furniture (*yes- just like we talked about in 2020 with the Wayfair Conspiracy & Stanley Kubrick), traumatic mind control via MKULTRA, Capitalism, Communism and so much more! WOW this one’s got a lot to discuss so strap in! Images discussed are at Instagram.com/IsaacWeishaupt
- Wayfair Conspiracy Show from 2020: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/wayfair-conspiracy-theories-human-trafficking-furniture-camps-kubrick-adrenochrome-and-hollywood-movies/
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
Signed paperbacks available at Gumroad.com/IsaacW!
Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Unknown Speaker 0:07
Every person standing here in this room is living on the brink of financial ruin. You all have debts that you can’t pay off if you do not wish to participate then please let us know at this time you will be playing red light green light all six games will receive a handsome cash prize. Tech quickie strongest all the way up all those games are easy to learn all mixture when you when all you do whatever it takes. Should we kill each other like this will be eliminated.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:55
You’re listening to conspiracy theories and popular culture. I am your host, Isaac wise. Today we’re going to discuss the squid game. Yes. No number one show on the planet. everyone’s seen it. Everyone’s talking about it. I hope you’ve seen it by now. Because we will get into plot spoiler territory. I’ll talk about the show for a little bit, do a little housekeeping and then we will start getting into the plot. So you got a few minutes to decide if you want to watch the squid game, or just go ahead and listen. What we will talk about the day that I mean there’s a few aspects of you could take this show any which way you like, there is, boy, there’s a lot, there’s a lot. We’re going to talk in the conclusion or I’m going to I’m going to go through the whole show went out a little bit here a little bit there. Then we’re going to talk about some symbolism that you could take away from this show. One the communism versus capitalism angle. Another the spirituality angle which I think is probably the big one, I think. And then there’s of course the Illuminati. The Illuminati are in this shell. Can you believe it? Oh, my God. This is why you told me to watch it. I had a lot of requests to watch the show. And I get a lot of requests to watch a lot of shows. And I’ll take note of that. There’s a there’s a requirement for me to watch the shows I don’t just watch every show every movie, especially when it’s like these Netflix series that are you know, you’ve got to invest eight plus hours. And this one fit the mold very well. So thank you all the people telling me to watch this show. I definitely checked it out and took about five requests before I finally was like, Alright, let me watch them. And the first episode I was hooked. In fact, if you follow me on Twitter, you saw live in action when I was starting the third episode and I said this shows really good. And I’ve got bad updates for you on that. That’s and I’ll save that for the conclusion as well. Did I love this movie or this show? It was fine. It was fine. But we’ll go through all the preamble bits. first bit of housekeeping. I have new shirts available. Yes, I need to get you the info because they’re going to sell out hopefully, or not. I don’t know maybe you don’t want shirts. The last year I put together some shirts and it was a painstaking process. I had to find the right kind of shirts the right printer and I got these great tribal and ultra soft shirts that the softest shirts money can buy and I had my conspiracy theories on popular culture logo on the front with the phrase these nerds are going to kill us on the back very apropos but in some ways that’s a prophetic statement I’ve been saying for many years and lo and behold lo and behold Revenge of the Nerds now I made a new shirt which is the same logo on the front of the podcast but on the back is a stay woke the sign off tag now this phrase kind of like these nerves are gonna kill us has been around for many years for me little would I know that the the the meaning of woke would change so much. It used to be a positive thing now it now is you’ll see it referenced by people saying you know for me, what does it mean to me? And what does it mean for the show? It means to stay conscious stay aware don’t don’t get caught slippin stay frosty and that’s all it means. So there you go. So maybe you maybe you’ll wear this shirt and you’ll make some friends maybe I’ll make some enemies. I don’t know. I heard a lot of stories some some conjecture from folks that bought the first shirt the these nerds are going to kill a shirt that a lot of comments, a lot of positive comments, which surprised me because I wear my shirt in public. And I’ve never had a conversation I think I’ve had maybe three positive statements. I don’t know if they knew what the podcast was. I don’t know. I don’t know and I’m I’m
not not narcissistic enough to be like yo you know this is my podcast you should check it out. Like I don’t say that to him. But people always have a statement I think they see the nerds are gonna kill us in the back and I guess they will they understand and then they see conspiracy theory something or the other on the front. They’re like, I like conspiracy theories too. Because now everyone’s a conspiracy theorist. So there you go. The shirts are available link in the show notes. It’s gumroad comm backslash Isaac w where you can still get the the nerds variant from 2020 I think only have smalls mediums and a couple larges. But I’ve got all the sizes for the stay woke variant in stock right now. With some sizing information, you can check it out. And also I’m coming out with a third shirt. It’s gonna be a ringer shirt, like a 70 style ringer with the cursive. If you see my Instagram, that’s what I have is the font for my profile photo. Just for something fun, I don’t know. Just throwing everything in there, see what you like. So that’ll be coming out by November, hopefully. Okay, that’s all the housekeeping. I wanted to tell you about the shirts before they’re gone. Because a lot of people were complaining that the shirt the first batch of the nerd shirt sold out, so I had to hurry up and tell you Okay, squid game. Should you watch it? In case you haven’t seen it? Even though I know you have? Should you watch it? I’m going to I’m going to provide my very controversial statement. pair. No, I don’t think you should. I didn’t like it. I mean, but maybe you should write this is now this global phenomenon. Maybe you need to know the cause. Yeah, I’ve had the conversation with people you don’t have anything else in common with and you got to you got to get through the work day. Maybe you should watch it for that. Because it wasn’t it wasn’t bad. It just, it wasn’t for me. Okay, which sounds bizarre, especially given the show. And I’ll explain why in further detail later. But, you know, clearly this violates the 90 minute movie role, but it’s not a movie. It’s a series of right, but it was like nine hours. And it just shrug on too damn long. I mean, you could have wrap this baby up in six hours, no problem. And it just was so dramatic. I was like, Good God, man. Whoever directed this needs to wrap it up, whoever the editor isn’t doing their job. And the movie or the series is basically it has everything I would like so I don’t know what went wrong. The film is basically saw meets Hunger Games meets the hunt in South Korea. Okay. All movies I enjoy. Hell I was stationed in South Korea. I was in the subway. was at the Taiwan subway in the movie. Been there. You would think on paper. This is the perfect show for me. And it was the first episode was like fire and then to me it kind of got slower and worse and worse and just the ending was the worst. Oh my god. But I’m not here to complain about the show. I’m here to talk about symbolism. First who’s in it, like to give you a little background? South Koreans, that’s who’s the main character is this loser name, gi own. And there’s there’s a couple other characters along the way. Like his super smart childhood buddy, Sang Woo. He was Mr. College boy. Fun fact, and you’re not gonna believe this. The loser guy, the main character, Geelong is played by a guy named Lee Young. Yay, I’m probably butchering all of these names, even the ones that were in the show because I already forgot what how you pronounce them. So my apologies. The main character, the loser guy. He is a model Yes, in a model in South Korea, which shocked me to read cuz I mean, like, you know, I’m very heterosexual. But I can, I can point out good looking guys, right? Pretty good gauge for that. And power, how he could have fooled me.
Until he was a model until he was an actor. He was in a movie called The thief, which was the second highest grossing film in Korean history. So apparently, acting is the way to go. What you see a lot of musicians do, right. And comedians, even like Amy Schumer, a lot of the Dane Cook a lot of professions, in entertainment. They’ll do their thing until they get a chance to go into movie and then boom, movies from here on out. Like 50 cent even like they just they stop rapping, they stop, stand up comedy eating. So I don’t know who needs to hear that advice. But apparently, movies are the where the money’s out. At least they are right now. I bet things are gonna change. I think the theaters are gonna dry out. I think with the advent of deep fake technology through the AI, that that’s going to have a ripple effect. When they start resurrecting actors from the dead and computer avatars to play these characters and they don’t have to pay anything and they just nail the shot on the first take. thing it’s going to ruin everything. Anyhow. Young Yay. This guy this model says he’s also got two DUIs. But the South Koreans they love the drinking. So I don’t know if that’s a big deal in that culture or not. Like I said I was stationed there for a year wasn’t like I was embedded in the culture that I just I just drinking with my buddies. Okay, that’s all I did. So, oh, and then the booze thing. In case you didn’t know. I’m going to reference an article from courts calm in case you think I’m just picking on South Korean says count South Koreans drink 13.7 shots of liquor per week, on average, which is the most in the world. More than anyone else. The Russians are second they do six shots a week. Americans are only three shots a week are too busy. Now the South Koreans are busy if I recall. I believe their children go to high school for like, you know, they don’t graduate at 12 years. I think it’s like 16 or something. Totally different culture and mandatory military service for the men. You know, and they smoke Oh boy, Do they smoke. They smoked like chimneys. I talked about this on the mask show. That when I was stationed over there in 2001 I saw people wearing masks all the time. Everywhere. It’s just part of the culture and I don’t know. People told me it was because tuberculosis was over there. And I don’t know. You know, when you’re young. When you’re a young guy over there like you don’t look anything over. You just hear things you’re like, Oh, yeah. Okay. So I don’t know if it’s true or if someone just repeated something that wasn’t true, but everyone wore the mask all the time. That’s why I was that’s why I had that attitude of like, well, I don’t know can’t be that bad. These guys are wearing them all the time. They’re not dropping dead. The the female player in the show, Kang say byoc Drama number 67. She is and you’ll know who that is. When you watch the show. She’s played by a woman named young, whole young, young. And turns out she’s also a model which I could believe when I saw her I thought oh, she’s attractive. I could believe that. She’s a model. In fact, Vogue magazine called Korea’s Next Top Model, the number one. Then there’s this bad guy called the front man. He’s, he’s like, I’ve seen Eyes Wide Shut the red cloak character. It’s like, he’s dressed like that. But in all black, right? With blackface. He’s the sort of, I don’t know emcee to the games. Then you’ve got these automatons all in pink, who do the bidding of front man. That’s, and then there’s old man. And we’ll get into these characters. But what’s this show about? Here’s the Wikipedia explanation, because that’s the most succinct one. This series centers on a contest where 456 players drawn from different walks of life, but each deeply in debt, play a set of children’s games with deadly consequences for losing for a chance to win a 45 point 6 billion won prize. Now, there’s about 20 501 to the US dollar, right? So we’re talking like $20 million, maybe, I don’t know, that’s rough math on the fly. So a good amount of money.
life changing them out. Now this show, and this is why you should watch it right? I’ve been picking on the show, Tom, how slow and boring it is. But it’s one of the most watched shows in history now. And definitely on Netflix, which is a global phenomenon now. So no matter where you go, there’s going to be someone who wants to talk about squid game. So maybe you should watch it. I mean, it wasn’t that bad. It’s just, you know, anyway. Now let me walk you through the story. I’m going to walk you through the whole plot episode one through nine. And I’m going to try to get through them as fast as I can. I’m going to try to not f around on this. Because in the conclusion, we’re going to talk about the spirituality of the occult Illuminati confirmed, and why this is an initiation ritual. This whole series that’s gonna be worth it. So Plotz boys coming. You’ve been warned, let’s go episode one. easily the best episode of the series hands down. I watched it I was sold. I was like, Yes, this shows great. starts out they explained the history of the squid game, which really sets it up like this is going to be a big to do by the end of the series, The squeaking. They foreshadow it, they give you the black and white foreshadowing, and you’re like, oh, wow, what’s going to happen when they finally play the squid game? I can’t believe it in the whole series every episode you like when they’re playing the squid game and then then it dawns on your you’re like, Oh my god, it’s going to be the final game. It’s going to be this huge to do but just forget about it doesn’t matter at all. I mean, at all doesn’t matter at all. School game has nothing to do with anything doesn’t really matter. Yeah, they play it. It’s the last game. Sure they play it, kind of. But it basically has no bearing on the story whatsoever. It’s the title of the show, they foreshadow and heavy on the first at the beginning of the first episode, and it doesn’t really have anything to do anything. That’s in my, my opinion.
Unknown Speaker 18:36
In my town, we had a game called the squid game. We call it that because it’s played in a court shaped like a squid. The rules are simple. Children are divided into two groups, the offense and the defense. Once the game starts, the defense can run around on two feet within bounds while the offense outside the lines are only allowed to hop on one foot. It’s your mom. But if an attacker cuts through the waste of the square past the defense, and they are given the freedom to use both feet,
Unknown Speaker 19:26
inspector royal for whatever reason, we call that the inspector royal. When we were ready for the final battle, all the attackers gathered at the entrance to the squid.
Unknown Speaker 19:45
In order to win, the attackers must have the small closed off space on the squids head when their foot but if someone on the defense manages to push you outside of the squids boundaries, you die That’s right You time
Isaac Weishaupt 20:09
so the so the if you look at the image of this squid game and I don’t know I guess this is a real game the it kind of looks like a squid in a weird kind of way maybe the How do I explain this I’m gonna put the images on the Instagram at Isaac Weishaupt like and subscribe link in the show notes as always, there is a triangle and on top of the square, and then at the top center and the bottom center there are circles, okay. And these basic geometric shapes, of course play a role in occult symbolism. If you refer to Albert Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, which always references the ancient Mystery Schools and pagan cultures. It says the, because of the triangle, let’s talk about the triangle first. The triangle symbolizes creativity magic. A call magicians draw a triangle, and then they stand within it. I’m sorry, no, they draw a circle and stay within and they manifest through the triangle. Okay. So the triangle is the place where the creative juices go. Where the action happens and Freemason represents the day the God because God created right now, if you read Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, it says, among the Egyptians, the darkness through which the candidate for initiation was made to pass was symbolized by the trail and important Masonic implement, which in their system of hieroglyphics has the form of a triangle. So it represents in some ways, the darkness through which the candidate for initiation is made to pass, which of course is Guiyang our main character, and it’s a trial of facing death, which is always, always relevant in these Illuminati initiation tales. And you could also say the darkness through which he must pass right before he can become whatever, the final metamorphosis and it also influenced the Pythagoras right back in the day when he was traveling around the Middle East. He found the formula of a trying was the sum of two squares with the two shorter sides equal to the square on the longest side. And this basically is the product of Osiris and ISIS. With your high pot news, Horace, and you have the birth, the death and rebirth cycle here, right, and the birthing of the creativity of Horus in regards to a triangle. So there’s a lot there with a triangle, of course, everyone just says, oh, is the Illuminati triangle, right? Well, there’s a lot to it. There’s a lot of different ideas you could take away from that. The circle symbolizes the rebirth, the infinity, the evolution, of Geelong, our main character, you see this with the Ouroboros, the snake eating its own tail, it’s this tale of regeneration and rebirth. The ancient Druid and Mystery Schools were circular. The circle represents God as the solar symbol as seen on target, right, the target symbol circle with the.in, the center, the mon add the.in, the center is the initiate. And yeah, so the circles got a lot going on. And then the square which symbolizes Of course in Freemasonry, the campus and square, but they of course are referring to the square tool, the perpendicular tool, but much like the much like the trail, the trail represents a triangle. So could all be coded language, right? In Freemasonry, the square represents morality or you know, you’ll hear people say, being on your square like Charlemagne was interviewing Kanye West back when he was doing his supposed rants. And he warned Kanye, he said, You’re not being on your square. Is Charlemagne a Freemason? I don’t know. I don’t care. I don’t. He seems kind of like a dick to me. I don’t know anything about him. But he did warn him of that and then lo and behold, Kim Kardashian ends up in the bathtub, you know what I’m saying?
The, or like, you’ll hear the term square deal, give me a square deal. It’s all about playing honestly, that’s literally lifted from the encyclopedia Freemasonry, the square represents playing honestly. In the square we’ve talked about with this attorney and cube represents the earth, the material realm. And then the conclusion we’re going to explain a little bit more about the squid game as it pertains to the cabbalistic tree of life. The initiate must traverse the capitalistic tree of life, much like they do with the occult initiation. That’s what Gary young is doing in this show. We’re then introduced to Gary young, the loser model. This guy’s he’s got a ton of debt, he lives with his mom. He’s got a daughter, but his BMS got what do you call it custody. And he’s always hustling his own mother for money. And she was like, it’s your daughter’s birthday today. Here’s some here’s some monies go get a gift. And then he takes that money and steals even more from her wallet. And then Worse yet, he goes and blows it up gambling on horses. And he has all this me he actually wins he wins the money from the horses, but then he gets robbed by the female model, who turns out to be number 67. What are the odds? Well, when you’re talking about Joseph Campbell’s hero’s journey, the odds are pretty great that you’re going to have a goddess guiding you. The Sophia the wisdom guiding you along the way, which is what the female Model number 67. That’s what she’s doing. So 67 she takes his money. Now he’s broke. And he’s down bad. He’s in the subway. And this guy with his suit shows up with a briefcase. Because I would you like to play a game. And they proceed to play this game where they try to flip over these beanbags don’t ask, I don’t, I don’t know. And the idea is that if yawn flips over the right beanbag, he gets money. But if he loses, he gets slapped. So he gets slapped a bunch, right. And they’re conditioning him through a little bit of trauma based mind control by Slavin to see how much abuse this guy will take, they’re grooming him, they want to see if he’s a good candidate for this game. And if you’ve ever seen Fight Club, that’s a similar attitude. You abuse the candidates to see if they’re worthy of being initiated. Remember that they would have candidates waiting on the front porch and Brad Pitt aka Tyler Durden would come out and say you’re too fat Fatty, go home. And if the candidate stuck around for the through the abuse, they were a good candidate. And that’s kind of what happens here. So he, the the groomer guy, hands him a business card with a phone number. He says you want to make more money. I got a game for you. To get young, of course, he wants to make more money. He calls the number boom, he gets picked up in a minivan. Now he’s in the slam man with like eight other people. And they they gas him. And he gets conked out. He comes to he’s in this big sterile warehouse type building on an undisclosed Island. And he’s got a uniform on everyone in this room’s got a uniform with a number on it like prison type stuff, right? His number is 456. And here come these guys wearing all pink wearing these masks with symbols on them. And they’re telling the initiates what to do. And they got guns are strapped. They’re not fooling around. And if these players want to play this series of games, they’re promised they can win tons of money billions of won. But if they lose as as you probably could already put together they get killed. So high risks very similar to other shows. Like what the running man right where the running man on us what’s the nigga Hunger Games and they’re told that they’ll have six days to play six games. And of course this cued me up because I saw the squid game diagram and I said my god that looks like the capitalistic tree of life.
Then I heard they’re playing six games over six days and I said, My God, that sounds like the number of the clip off the dark side of the capitalistic tree of life where the fallen angels reside. And the only reason I know this shout out Freeman flying Jimmy hands on a book called weird stuff. I’m going to read to you from it. And it says in Star Wars Revenge of the Sith, the Emperor Palpatine executes order 66 or operation nightfall. These were orders that clone troopers were trained to obey without hesitation, is the formal beginning of the great Jedi Purge in order 66 signified the rise of the great Galactic Empire. In capitalistic magic, the clip author fallen angels are represented by the number 66 or vv, we, we can take that idea and see how the squid game which has the catalyst the Tree of Life, plays into this the initiate, like we already talked about, the Freemason symbolism must traverse the darkness and make it to the other side. Right? That’s as good Oh, he’s got to watch murder all around them. Is there a darker ritual one could go through the facing death ritual like you see with the yellow Skull and Bones when they put the candidates in the coffin, which is a very light version of that. Another idea, you find now there’s actually 456 players meaning Geelong is the last player to receive a number. Now, I don’t know what the symbolism before five six is, but it’s got to mean something right? So nothing really stood out. I kind of looked around. Here’s the best I could find if you go to Angel number.org because again, numerology stuff is not my forte, nor is astrology. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have a place, says the number 456 as a blend of all these energies symbolizes your efforts and work put into creating a stable base for yourself and your family. It also symbolizes providing and caring for your family members. Which is exactly what Guiyang is doing. Even though he’s a scumbag. He wants to get the money to take care of his family. And you’ll find out more why in Episode Two Exactly. At this point, you don’t really know everyone’s just kind of greedy. It says this number also signifies responsibility, harmony, balance home family, creating stability for the future, moving towards your dreams, determination, adventure, so many things. Solving problems, traditional values, reliability, it goes on and on. But all of which is very fitting for what happens to the main character in the film. Now the old man who you were introduced to he is character number one, player number one. And the main character Guiyang is number four for the six he’s the last character we have the first and the last we have complete opposites we’ve got a young guy and an old guy. And as you could imagine, they need to reconcile the opposites that’s what this is all about. The elements of the baffa may are shown here. Now the players are told about the game and they’re they’re given the freewill they could play or not. They could even play the first game and decide you know what we don’t want to play again as the majority vote that they don’t want to play anymore. They don’t have to. So they go and they’re like yeah, we want to play we want to play for the money’s so they go into this room that’s like a trance. Like a portal right almost. It’s this weird MC Escher like room which I confirmed reading through some articles that that was the inspiration. While the, the front man sort of washes over this whole thing. And they go through the MCs room, which symbolizes the entrance to the new realm. And I’ll put the photo on the Instagram you can see what I’m talking about. But MC Escher is allegedly part of the mind control techniques. We’ve got all these trauma based mind control techniques going on. And according to Fritz spring Meyer, who says that MC Escher his art is like Alice in Wonderland, where the messaging and the symbols can be read by each child uniquely and differently, that’s why they use it. And there’s a book called infernal geometry in the left hand path, where they talk about satanic geometry.
satanic geometry I told you these nerds are gonna kill us. This section in the book talks about how man uses nature in combination with man’s creative abilities to make things all of which are inspired by Satan. Yes. Read you Oh, I’m not gonna read this whole thing though. Okay, yeah intriguingly, it also enables them to use those laws and all sorts of ways that they would not naturally manifest in our Oh, here we go. Here we go. Here we go. By itself, nature produces elements and substances such as iron, electricity, rubber and combustible chemicals, but it takes human ingenuity and creativity to first imagine and then actualize combining these into a Ferrari. The natural netguru don’t get out don’t go out of their way to make Ferrari’s set does set referring to Satan, okay. But that’s still not the whole story. This book tells the rest of it what happens when set or set inspired humans start tinkering with natural law. You get mathematics where in two plus two no longer equals four are an architecture that seems impossible music that your ears Can’t believe they’ve heard. Some of this stuff is amusing and entertaining, listening to a Charles Ives Symphony or viewing MC Escher, his drawings or else we’re talking about, blah, blah, blah. The first artists to realize and explore this realm where the expression is of the early 20th century, most famously in Weimar Germany. Hence the stunning and shocking impact of films such as The Cabinet of Dr. caligari, the Golem and metropolis. Yes. I had a post about Metropolis in a video. I don’t know what they’re up anymore. But it’s all about this change of perspective, which is what you get with trauma based mind control and techniques like this. And apparently what these initiates must go through to get into the game room. So they make it into the game room. And they’re told they’re going to play a game of red light green light. Oh, boy, that was a fun one, right? This is the only game one of the there’s a tug of war game. So this is the only game in America that we’re generally familiar with, I think. And this is easily the coolest part of the whole series. Right? Just like the childhood game. If you’re caught moving after red light is announced. You’re out except in the show you get bodied you get blasted with the AK. So the show and it’s well lots of people dying hundreds of die in this opening scene. And they start tallying up the dead. And the more people die, the more money gets thrown into this pot. And the pot is a giant pig by the way symbolic of capitalism I would argue. And everyone’s in shock, the initiates the viewers were in shock like Whoa, that that I made a turn quick is the end of the episode already. And we see that they’re on an island with this simulation type matrix, kind of hunger games thing going on. And he never really find out more about that. Which was a big complaint of mine. I was hoping to get more info on that. But yeah, that’s the first episode. And from here on out. It goes downhill in my opinion. Let’s get into Episode Two. Episode Two, there is kind of a useless episode. Right? It kind of fits in my overall whining about the show. Like the first episode we see the game over half the people die and there’s this rule that if the majority of players want to quit, everyone gets released so they vote and the last player to vote is the old man number one and he tips the scales and says okay, yeah, let’s shut it down. Because everyone’s terrified they face death they’ve faced the heart of darkness and they don’t want any more so they’ll get released just like that like oh man that sucks on the see more games but they all go back to their normal life and most of them decide like you know what normal life sucks. I want to go back in so there you go. Then they go back in Told you it was pointless. This is one hour they could have removed just to just to throw my theory out there you know that it’s three hours too long.
But while they’re out and about some things happen, okay. Which I guess are relevant, necessary for the story to move along. But Guiyang. He goes to the point lease tells them, hey, there’s this game. They’re killing people. The police don’t believe him. One COP is kind of interesting, he kind of believes. And the reason why is because he sees the business card, that Guiyang hands the cop. And he recognizes that because his brother got one of those cards, and his brother has been missing ironically. So this guy’s kind of interested because he knows that there’s some truth to the story. buggy and he goes back home, mom needs surgery, she’s got the, she’s got the beetus. All the players, they go back home and they’re like, Oh, god, my life really is a mess. Maybe I need to go back in this game. So they tell these people like look, okay, you want to get back in the game? Here’s what you got to do. You’re gonna meet up midnight, June 23. For your second attempt at playing this game. Which is very curious, right? Because 23 is the 23 nigma. Right, we’ve talked about this a few times. With the law of fives, two and three, two plus three equals five. This doesn’t play a huge role in the story, but it’s based on this discordian ism idea of embracing chaos, to make changes in the world right. Including Eris, the goddess of chaos, and the idea that all things happen in fives, or all things are divisible by multiples of five. And just to add one more element of curiosity in this video, the soundtrack to this show. There are several tracks called 23 by an artist named 23 I couldn’t get any more information on that thought it was bizarre. So there you go. La fives makes its way into this show. And that’s it. That’s Episode Two. called you wasted time. Episode Three. This cop right he becomes a more prominent part of the story. Joon ho is his name. And finding his brother is his game. He wants to he sneaks in right? he sneaks into the games because they’re all the people go back home. They’re like I want to play this game. Forget it. I don’t want to live like this anyway. And he sneaks in with the batch of people because they go on to this like ferry boat to get to the island. And he gets in there and conks out one of the one of the pinkies one of the workers and he puts on the costume all Scooby Doo style and gets in and we find they do the numbers they do the math, they find that there’s a 93% re entrance rate, meaning 187 players now remain out of the 201 that were left alive after the first game. Couple things here that I found curious 93 so the number for Alastair Crowley’s De Lima that’s the gematria equivalent for the Lima it’s the greeting use by fellow mites it’s a shorthand numerological equivalent to do it, that will also be the whole the law. So, you know, again, not a huge bearing on the story, but something worth mentioning. Also, 187 is the codification for murder. It’s murder. At least that’s what the rap song is telling me I don’t know if that’s true or not a cop which is all very curious, right? And they play the second game, which is to to basically cut out a shape from a cookie of Honey, don’t ask me it’s probably some Korean game I don’t know. Some players cheat and they make it through and some of them die. Boom second episode or third episode done. Next fourth episode there’s actually a fair amount of story going on in these episodes, it’s just not relevant to the the main thrust of what I’m trying to get across combined with the main ideas you need to know for this story. Otherwise, you’d have a nine hour podcast and you don’t want that and neither do I. So we find out the some of the pinkies some of the workers they are harvesting organs from the players and selling them part of some kind of black market operation. And we see them extracting the all seeing eyes and symbolism of the all seeing eye makes its way down in all these shows. And this one is no exception. Again, photo on the Instagram check it out. Now you’ll notice the doctor
Okay, one of the players is sort of toileting as this doctor cutting out these organs for the pinkies and in exchange for him to cut out the organs. They give him advance knowledge of what the next game would be. Okay, now this player is player number 111. You got that triple number again right? Now, some would say if you look it up, there’s a reference of 111 as being the Kabbalah. According to some of these occult websites, there are 111 symbols in Kabbalah is what they say. So again, another reference to the cabbalistic tree of life. And here you’ll notice when the players die, they put them in a casket. And, and it’s weird because the caskets have bows on them. Why the bows and they cremate them when they die. And I don’t know what to make of that. Maybe you do, maybe you can let me know what that means. But I find it very odd. They would take the time to put a bow on these things. When there’s going to shovel them into a, an oven. And in this episode, we confirm there’s this element of psychological operation going on. Because like we’ve talked about before, there’s like trauma based mind control ideas, which the Illuminati are great at, they know better than anyone how to divide and conquer, don’t they? And the pinkies, they end up giving the players less food, because they want them to start fighting and killing each other and fighting for the food with the idea that only the strongest will survive. And now this could go into many different areas. We could talk eugenics, we could talk Darwinism, we could talk capitalism. population control, for sure. But we’re going to talk about those ideas and their conclusion because I don’t want to get off track. Now there’s a scene where they like, sort of run a strobe light while people are killing people. And the bad guy says, oh, they’re just they’re calling the herd. See you ll. img and if you recall from a you don’t recall I haven’t done it yet. I’m doing a show on the order of nine angles. And I’m interviewing William Ramsay and William Ramsay has a book about this subject called the Global death cult book. It talks about this guy, David Myatt who’s a member or the founding member allegedly maybe. He says that my explains his position on human sacrifice referencing order of on nine angle literature such as calling a guide to sacrifice to and guidelines for testing of offers. He writes to Michael Aquino, we are expressing the philosophy of the noble and the strong and forthright terms not shying away from difficult issues, not pretending we as satanist, or some kind of altruistic, pacifist kind folk who are misunderstood. The fundamental principle behind the action is that some people are worthless, and because of their deeds and character do not deserve to live, in fact that their demise is healthy. You can do an act or acts of natural justice. This is a statement of genuine Satanism. As is the statement that offers are human calling inaction is expected that you will not find this acceptable. That’s what happens, right? This is the the I think there’s some elements of Darwinism. Like only the strong survive, blended in with capitalism in the shell. And that’s the use of satanic principles here that the satanist embrace that sort of idea. Like the What are they? What’s the term like? Now I can’t think of it. Like the string, the strong will survive, I guess, is the best way of putting it. But that’s what happens in the show. It’s a natural selection of sorts, in a weird, satanic gross way. And then Episode Four, they start playing tug of war, and of course, more people are dying. And we move into Episode Five. Episode Five, the pinkies are picking up all these dead bodies from tug of war, one of them’s still alive. They just are to each other that this is going to be one of the people that get their organs trafficked. We see them put a cross and blood on the casket. We also find out that our main guy Guiyang the main character, he’s part of the proletariat.
They worked on car parts apparently, and the company went on strike when the company did some mass firings. And he even says it was like the same thing. Like these, these games is like when they were going on strike the old man makes mention that the news made that whole strike out of a crazy story.
Unknown Speaker 50:10
So, what’s going on? Are you okay? I thought you are sleeping with your eyes open.
Unknown Speaker 50:21
Thinking of the old days,
Unknown Speaker 50:23
the old days, huh?
Unknown Speaker 50:26
I worked at this place once where we went on strike. Had a barricade just
Unknown Speaker 50:32
like this one. Why did you do when you are working?
Unknown Speaker 50:37
I used to make parts or cars.
Unknown Speaker 50:42
Why to strike?
Unknown Speaker 50:44
They fired a bunch of us all at once. I’d been employed there more than a decade.
Unknown Speaker 50:54
I bet it wasn’t easy.
Unknown Speaker 51:01
I had a kid on the way to couldn’t afford to get fired like that. Or bosses said we couldn’t stay I had no other option.
Unknown Speaker 51:13
They ruin the company and held us responsible. Made me furious. And everyone same is now all kept watching person to morning. I wait. No one could kick us all out. We were also scared. Police might come any second.
Unknown Speaker 51:36
I remember. I heard about it back then. There was a huge strike some car company. That’s right. I think then us turn it into this crazy story. That was it. someone died there too, right? I’m sorry. My goodness. I don’t know why I said all that.
Isaac Weishaupt 52:08
They don’t give you much on this. It’s a very brief moment in the whole series. Which again, like I don’t know, again, a complaint of mine. I was like, Well, what I had to look that up. You kind of got that from this short clip. But this is another critique of capitalism, which again, we’ll revisit the end. And you even hear the front man. Say that equality was the aim in this game, so that if you’re cheating, you have to die because you cheated. You broke the rules. It was equality for all. Now, June, hold the cop right. Meanwhile, he breaks into the office and he finds out this game has been going on for 30 years. And then his brother won in 2015. A little bit of foreshadowing, dun dun dun episode six. The front man, he caught the surgeon guy player 111. He called the pinkies trying to do the organ harvesting. And he already told you he said he qualities the aim. So once people are breaking the rules and finding out what the game is in advance, they got to go. And much like you see with fascism or communism. They’ve got to make examples. So they do some public hangings of these people to intimidate the rest to show them this will not be tolerated equality above everything. Episode Six, they, they are told to pair off, right. And everyone sort of picks their favorite person to to play this game with. And then they’re told Look, you’re you’re gonna play a game of marbles. And the loser has to die, meaning the player that you were friends with, uh, you were like, I’m gonna play this game with you. One of us is gonna die. And it was during this scene, I realized the show is way too long. Episode Six is where I broke and I was like, Oh my god, that I really got to finish this show. Now. That’s what I really. And some people could argue that. Well, this was all about character development. And this was a very sad episode. And I mean, maybe I guess I don’t know. You sold me a bill of goods with episode one. And I wanted more of episode one and I never got it. I never got it back. And I’m being I’m being a bit harsh, being a bit extreme. And I get that. But you’ll see that the old man player one teamed up with gay young player for 56 and gay envy young, he’s like, he’s like Khan and the old man because the old man’s got dementia. But then the old man like he calls his ass out like he’s been he knew the whole time he’s been stealing his marbles. Yeah, they continue to play but but Gary young goes through a major revelation here in this episode. But they play old man eventually loses and gets blasted pop done. Then Episode Seven, Episode Seven where it gets, I start waking up again a little bit. I’m like, okay, maybe this will be good. And it gets better for sure. we’re introduced to the VIPs. These are your Illuminati elites. They show up to the island, they’re wearing animal masks. And you know where this is going right? And the main there’s a main guy, we still don’t know who it is. You’ve got the you’ve got the front man, the guy with the black stuff on. But then you got this main main guy who tells him what to do. And all we know is that he’s he was wearing an owl mask of the owl, right? The owl Of course symbolic of Bohemian Grove where the elites gathered to do their mock sacrifices to the cremation of care ceremony to the Alma nervous statue, the owl representing wisdom, the Sophia, the Luciferian, enlightenment maybe, depends how crazy you want to get. But that’s what the main main guy is wearing is an owl mask. He’s the source of all wisdom. But we don’t know who he is. Still on. No. But all these VIPs they show up for their animal masks. And you see this all the time. In movies, hell even seen that Rothschilds dinner from the 70s where they were wearing these things. You see them in the Church of Satan. When they dress up as the anthropomorphic animals. You see, then Alison Wonderland. When the idea is that man is just another animal, which is fitting because we talked about the Darwinian ideas and human calling human sacrifice.
Because it’s like only the fittest shall survive. And these masks, they, they’re associated with the elites, you see it with the masquerade balls with Eyes Wide Shut, of course. I did six episodes on eyes wide shot. If you haven’t listened to them, they’re all very good. And the most recent one was the mask of Red Death, I think was episode number six. We went back to the Edgar Allan Poe adaptation with Vincent Price called the mask of Red Death, which was kind of like Eyes Wide Shut by elites holed up in a castle, putting on a I don’t know, sexy, crazy time with the masks. which ironically, was also on Eli Roth’s history of horror show season three, season three, Episode Two or season two, Episode Three. Don’t remember I play the clip on my Instagram. You can check it out. They talked about the mascot Red Devils. Holy crap. That’s pretty obscure film. I thought one of Eli Roth listens to my podcast. Wouldn’t it be cool? I would tell him that that Las Vegas haunted house thing was a disappointment. Because because I was so excited to go do that, I think was called the gore torium. I was so excited to do it. And it was cool at the beginning of it was cool. I think it’s I think it went out of business. Maybe I don’t think it’s there anymore. But I live in Utah and Utah, they put together some killer Han analysis. So maybe my expectations were way too high. I think I’m spoiled a little bit. Anyhow, the VIP show up. They’re here to gamble. They’re going to gamble on who’s going to win the whole event. They’re here for the final showdown. In my whole beef with this is like, why would they only show for the last two events. I mean, the first game was the most entertaining Anyway, when everyone’s getting blasted by the 8k during red light, green light. But hey, you know, not my show. They show but the end because they only want to see the one last game I guess. Even though you hear about how bored they are later? No. We’re the elites talking to VIPs talking about how these are global games. Right? So of course the global conspiracy. Of course the spider reaches across the whole globe. And here’s what’s amazing. I’m going to put this image on the Instagram also. And a lot of people point this out so like I’m not the only one to see this. But the VIPs they they get into this like viewing room to watch the games. And they use people like furniture. Yes. What is up with the people use this furniture. If you haven’t listened to my July 2020 episode on the wayfair conspiracy, you really got to listen to it because there were some very strange things going on in summer of 2020 that that episode is one of the most downloaded episodes I’ve done. checked in on it clocked in over 42,000 listens so far, so shout out you probably have heard already, but we talked about human furniture in Stanley Kubrick’s films. Lolita, which is all about grooming underage girls had it. Clockwork Orange Eyes Wide Shut had it which ties into this shell. like clockwork orange ties into it as well with the traumatic based mind control. They did it. They had human furniture at the malaco milkbar malaco. Of course mo lock the day that they sacrifice children to and when they’re at the malaco milk bar you see dren chrome on the wall which ties it into Of course adrenochrome very strange. The movie Bruno with you know the boring guy they had a to paula abdul sits on human furniture and she pretends like it’s all very normal. Very strange. And of course all the adrenochrome talk ties into Maria Marina Abramovich. We go on and on, but you can check out the wayfair conspiracy show I’ll put the link in the show notes. Almost that I’ll try to but then I thought of Yoda. Don’t try. Do now one VIP. He propositions sex is one of the servants. Very rapey.
The bad news for him was that the the servant was the undercover cop. And the cop beats him up, steals a scuba tank. He wants to escape the island and he’s got video footage on a cell phone of the VIP guy telling him what these games are really all about which of course we don’t get to see that I was hoping they would play during the credits at the very end No such luck we never find out. So they so Okay, so the cop he beats up one of the VIPs gets the real info, grabs a scuba tank he’s off. And these VIPs they’re watching the gamers play a game where there’s a bridge made out of glass, half of its tempered and won’t break the other half isn’t non tempered and will break, the contestants fall to their death. Finally, the bad guy with the snake tattoo on his face. Human is very annoying girlfriend interest finally die. That snake tattoo on his face is not real. By the way. I looked it up. And boom, episode eight. Now we’re down to three players get young, that’s the loser model. Sang Woo, that’s the smart guy that went to college who’s been buddies, childhood buddies, wiggy young, and the cyb jacc. Player 67 the female also a model to the three letter models, okay. And they’re eating at a triangular shaped table with a Masonic floor. It’s got the black and white floor around the triangle table, the black and white floor of course, on the same as the one you see in the floor of the Freemason lodges, it’s called the Moses pavement the black and white is the duality the reconciled opposites, which is what you see with the old man is played number one, and the youngest player 456, the old and the young. The first and last to the alpha the Omega. Again, just similarly, you see, it will hit in the conclusion. And there they eat this meal and they’re all very sad, because they’ve seen massive amounts of death so far. They get done eating the clutch their steak knife, the lights go out. Now Oh girl, she’s already injured from the glass breaking on the bridge game. And Guiyang. He’s like I’m gonna help you. But while he’s gone, Sang Woo, stabbed her up with a steak knife. Boom, now we’re down to two. We’re down to Geelong and Sang Woo. Only one model left. What a tragedy. Meanwhile, old scuba Steve there with a scuba tank. He’s trying to get off. He’s trying to get to the top of the island. There’s like a mountain right? You’re trying to get to the top of the mountain get cell phone reception so he can send this confession video that the VIP confessed to he sent it back to the mainland with the front man and the pinkies. They track them down. And the front man reveals himself. He takes his mask off. And it turns out this is the cops brother. The whole reason the cop went to the island was to find more about his brother. Turns out the front man is his brother. front man shoots the cop. cop falls into the water seemingly dies, but I’m gonna guess he didn’t. When you get shot in the shoulder in a movie and you fall in a water, no way you’re dead. No way. And that’s it. That’s episode eight. Also, you’ll notice that throughout the whole series, they play the Blue Danube song de newbay. I’m gonna pronounce that the river that runs through Europe. coober used that in 2001 A Space Odyssey a bunch as well. Now episode nine, the last episode. Finally, finally, we get to the squid game. Eight hours into the show, we finally revisit the namesake game that they teased us about. With the dramatic black and white sequence at the beginning of this whole journey. We’re down to the final two players. And they’re going to play squid game. And after all this setup, after all this hype, it’s basically not relevant, practically no part of the plot. After all that plot the wising. It didn’t matter they could have been playing hopscotch.
Because they just had a doing a fist fight basically. And Gary young, he is facing off against Sang Woo. And he basically beat Sang Woo up. But he’s not trying to rub it in. Because he young has gone through a transformation throughout this whole process. And he decides he’s going to take the altruistic path. He wants to end the game with the claws that the majority of players wanted to quit because there’s only two players left. And if Geelong wants to quit, and sang wants to quit obviously saying we wants to quit because he just got beaten he’s about to die. So Geelong takes the high road is like majority clause, we both want to quit. The sang was got too much pride. Or he just doesn’t want to go back to the real world. And he Shanks himself in the neck. And he asked gi young to help his mother with all the winnings. And there you go, that’s out and give young he’s now the world’s richest man. He goes back home. Mom’s dead on the floor. He’s ultra depressed. He gets a suitcase full of cash the same lose mom as he promised he would do. But he’s so miserably depressed doesn’t even spend the money. He’s just trying to booze it up. Until Ay, ay, ay z Ma, is what they call the elderly women in South Korea. Ozzie ma would do roses because they sell roses right? I don’t know if you familiar with that. His walk around flipping roses all day, right? So RG ma she gives him a business card says meet up at daddy on Christmas Eve 24 and says on the business card. Here’s the address. Meet here. Christmas Eve. December 24. So he shows up. It’s like this Penthouse Suite. And who’s there it’s this old man player number one. He’s in the hospital bed all by himself dying. What is happening? I thought he was dead. I thought he got blasted at the Marvel game. And the old man he calls him over he says we’re gonna play one more game there’s a homeless guy out there on the sidewalk want to see if he freezes to death let’s see if anyone helps him before the stroke of midnight Meanwhile, and they’re like and and gay Young’s kind of like Okay, sounds good. Weird flex but okay. And we hear that the old man he gives us stories like look, I was a money lender, the banker he’s I was rich VIP. And they set up this game that we’re all playing. Because we’re bored because we have so much money. we’re bored. He says if you have too much money Life isn’t even worth living. Which he points out is is a is ironically just like the poor people have full opposing dichotomy. You got poor people like Gary young who their life wasn’t worth living. That’s why they played the game the risk at all. Then you got the rich people who’s got so much money that life isn’t worth living. Ain’t that a bitch? Turns out money ain’t worth it ain’t everything. Didn’t Cyndi Lauper sing a song about that? So his clients all agreed that life had no joy even with all their money.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:40
So who are you? I loving lending out money. You give money to people for living? And you get rich doing it?
Unknown Speaker 1:10:56
Man. You know what making money is like? It’s not simple to the
Unknown Speaker 1:11:07
southern. With any of what you said, Drew? Was it an artist alive? Oh, yeah. Is that even your real name?
Unknown Speaker 1:11:24
Yes, that’s real. Oh, even. That, to me is also rare. And it’s also gotten larger to. That’s true. And the house I used to live with my family in was almost exactly like that wine alley. That’s all true.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:54
Can you still trust anybody to be good? Even after everything you’ve been through?
Unknown Speaker 1:12:04
Why did you send the card?
Unknown Speaker 1:12:06
I heard that. All the money you want is just sitting there. And you’re still living like you used? Is it all just because you feel guilty?
Unknown Speaker 1:12:32
You don’t feel any guilt for what you did to you.
Unknown Speaker 1:12:35
It’s yours now. That cash is your reward for your hard work and luck. And you have every right to use it now. Life goes by quick. Hello a minute. Gone in the blank.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:09
Why did you do something like this?
Unknown Speaker 1:13:14
Do you know why someone who doesn’t have any money as in common with someone with too much money to know what to do with living no foul for either of them. If you have too much money, then it doesn’t matter what you buy or eat or drink or whatever. Everything Well, it all gets boring. All my clients started to eventually say the exact same things whenever we talked. Everybody felt that there was no joy in their lives anymore. And so we decided to get together. We did a little bit of thinking. What could we all do to find I have some fun, some fun. Put us through all of that. So you’re going to find a Sims that you forgot ha no one had to play on you. Or put your signatures on the agreement and a year all made your decision to come back on your
Isaac Weishaupt 1:14:59
good He’s kind of pissy he’s kind of irritated because he’s like, Look, these games were so traumatizing. I loved you, old man. And old man said all the players, you know, he’s like, Hey, you guys had the freewill you decided to play. And Georg, he’s not really like you could tell he’s bottling up a lot of emotions. And the old man, he dies at the stroke of midnight, on December 25, he dies on Christmas, which is the day then the ideas of the rebirth of the sun, the Syrian mystery school teachings. As the day the sun starts, is reborn, it starts coming back. Right? And this is right when he is proven wrong about humanity. And here comes a person to help that homeless dude. So he lost that final bet, I guess. Now, a year later, guiones appears to be doing better. God himself a little haircut or whatever. And he’s wearing a nice suit and tie. He’s getting ready to go to I guess America to visit his daughter. He’s got his stuff together now. So things must have been good for him. But then he’s in the subway and he sees someone else getting groomed. Like he was start the squid game. So he runs over there snatches the business card calls the number. He’s like, I’m about to find you fools. And we’re gonna get down to business, figure out what’s going on. And I was basically queuing up the sequel, The next series season two. So, in conclusion, let’s let’s now let’s go real deep. First, let me wind for two seconds. If you aren’t tired of it, the pacing of the show is way too slow. Could have been six episodes instead of nine. Worst episode was the Marvel episode. And ironically, last one I didn’t like. I don’t think I’d watched season two. Maybe, and I’d probably watch it. I mean, I got to know I want to know more about so many things. But with the pacing of how slow was I would hate it, but I would still watch it. But what do I know, the show is pretty good overall, I mean, it was kind of different. But the show’s crushing the number one in 90 countries, in views on Netflix, so maybe I’m wrong. There was so much web traffic. For this show that the South Korean internet people sued Netflix for monetary damage, that’s when you know you’re hitting some numbers. One of the phone numbers on the cards was apparently real and it caused mad beef. They had a set replica at one and soul and then COVID came along and ruined it. But from a high level perspective, what we’re watching here is the metamorphosis of Geelong. The initiation ritual, he goes from hateable loser through the rituals to be reborn. And along the way you feel bad for him. At first you hate them. You’re like, Oh, I hope this guy dies first. Then you’re kind of like, Oh, I kind of feel bad for the guy. That at the end he’s got clout and you’re rooting for me like Yeah, get back in there and and solve the mystery. You can do it. Do nothing conclusion, let’s go through each of these ideas. First, let’s knock out this communist idea. The Director Wang Dong yaak said this. I wanted to write a story that was an allegory or fable about modern capitalist society, something that depicts in extreme competition, somewhat like the extreme competitive competition of life, but I wanted to use the kind of characters we’ve met in real life. Elsewhere he also said, or it was said about him, Wang had conceived the idea based on his own economic struggles early in life as well as the class disparity within South Korea. Though initially scripted in 2008, Wang had been unable to find a production to support the script, until Netflix around 2019 found interest as part of their drive to expand their foreign programming offerings. Playing wrote and directed all nine episodes himself playing commented it’s a sad story, but the rate but the reason why I returned to the product is because the world 10 years from then has transformed to a place where these unbelievable survival stories are so fitting and I found that this is the time when people call these stories intriguing and realistic.
Wang further believed that the covid 19 pandemic in 2020, and 2021 impacted the economic disparity between classes in South Korea, and said that all of these points made the story very, very realistic for people compared to a decade ago. So what’s his commentary? Right? Well, let’s look at this, what happens, the money goes into a pig, right? capitalist pig. The s like the big bank that the players all see this money piling up inside of the workers, they’re dressed in pink, the pinkies like Pinky, they call communist pinkies. They’re doing this sign up of not giving enough food. And there’s a Darwinian capitalists only the strongest survive idea of just the best players. And I would argue that it’s because they want to show the horrors of capitalism in a very grotesque manner.
The episode five remember, when the old man said that the news made that labor strike a crazy story? Because I would argue much like you would find in capitalist societies, these news organizations or they have a profit motive, right. And this old man knows he’s a elite banker, and he knows that they can control the narrative by owning the nose you see this often right? Like rupert murdoch. Why these blind people obsessive buying the news, because there’s a financial motive involved with crafting reality through the news. And that is that’s why the labor strike was made into a crazy story by the news because the news apparently is anti union, anti proletariat anti worker and pro Corporation because these the banker the bankers are in bed with the corporations. And the front man. He says that equality is the aim of these games and then the idea is to try to introduce some communism. But it’s weird because the communism even devolves into this Darwinian survival of the strongest so I don’t know it’s all very bizarre the main protagonist was in that labor strike if you recall, GM was in that labor strike he because there was this corporation laying off people it’s a very small part of the story. We had the public hangings we talked about already and the final scene The old man he talks about how the players they were all like mad cool would let other people die right because they were filling up that that piggy bank that big pig they assumed it was going to be their money and that’s the American Dream right? You cut everyone’s throat cuz you’re like yo someday I’m gonna be that rich capitalist pig was statistically it’s not really for you the American dream or the American scheme depends on your look at it it’s all subjective as to what you want to believe. But the the idea is that people are cool with the bloodshed. They think that well you know, this is a game and I’m playing the game and I had the freewill which is all kind of true, right? But the movie forces you to look at it through the lens of like, okay, capitalism, and hey, this is all fair. I mean, they all have the free will to play the game or not. But with it comes some pretty gory consequences. And again, who knows, right? What’s a better system? Maybe this is the best to get the Illuminati angle, the VIPs. The show to the party wearing those animal mask, there was forced sex with the slaves with the servants. We had a person use this furniture, which I found curious because the script was supposedly written in 2008. Long before the wayfair conspiracy dropped. Was the human furniture in the 2008 script. We don’t know. They started developing it the show in 2019. So it’s possible because they did the casting in the summer 20 20 re when the wayfarer conspiracy kicked off, so it’s possible. The director did a little bit of art imitating life and was familiar with the wayfarer furniture conspiracies and inserted it into the film. Or maybe it was part of the script and he knew the real deal with the human furniture thing. We don’t know. Maybe season two will tell us we didn’t really get much on the VIPs Oh, and I forgot to tell you, the old man was the main main guy wearing the owl mask, we find that out. Okay. Then you got the spirituality element, which is the big one, right? This is the big one. We had a bit of Hero’s Journey going on here. You had the call to adventure. When the the guy in the suit hands him a business card and propositioned them to play this sandbag game. We had the guardian to the threshold, that’s the van. When they smoke them out, before he goes to the unknown, because all the all the players have to go to the realm of the unknown. To get their boons as they say.
The mentors throughout the game, like song Wu and the old man even have the all knowing goddess, the Sophia of wisdom, who stole gay Young’s money at the beginning. Then turns out she was playing with him the whole time. She was the guiding goddess spirit. We also had the Heart of Darkness with the Abyss where the death and rebirth goes down, happened in the sort of simulation game realm. And the revelation occurs here when he’s playing the squid game. And he finally is transformed and he decides You know what, I’m not going to kill Sang Woo. Money. isn’t that important to me? cue up the Cyndi Lauper song is that Cyndi Lauper song I’m just making that up. As their song money isn’t everything she’s saying anyway. Let’s keep it moving. Young. He transformed and he goes back to the real world back to the realm of the known where you atone for his sins of being this awful guy. takes care of sang Wu’s mom. It’s not a deadbeat dad anymore. In the boons that he comes back with is a boatload of cash. It’s got all the money now. And he’s gonna try to infiltrate the system. Very Luke Skywalker is right. There was there’s other spiritual elements in the show, like how they painted the cross on the casket and blood. The Satanic wearing of animal masks. We already talked about the clip off the six games over six days. But did you know that the Director Wang said that during the making of the season, he lost six teeth. six games six days, six teeth. My God or the calling upon the Antichrist, maybe when Guiyang wins, they you’ll notice Okay, so game wins the games. And they throw them in a cab and they knock them unconscious again. And he comes to and they toss him out this cab downtown, right by a guy who’s ranting raving about the return of Jesus is the return of Jesus. Guiyang. Did he is he the Christ character? Did he die go under ground? And now he’s back. As the Savior is he the Savior figure? We’re the old man is a moneylender. And in the Bible, Christ shakes up the moneylenders, right. Could be the freewill idea keeps coming up. The old man dies at the stroke of midnight on Christmas, which is when the sun begins its journey back to full strength. And in the occult pagan religions. They obsessed over the death and rebirth of the sun. Because it goes down to its lowest point on the 21st stays dead underground for three days and then starts coming back. That’s the idea. At the very end of the show, we also find out a guiones birthday is October 31, an occult satanic holiday Salween. And you’ll notice the player one The old man and the young, the last player 456 the symbolism there The first last the alpha, the Omega, the rebirth. And I would guess that player one won this game and got rich off of it. Even though he’s a lender, right, but maybe he got the money and that’s how he became a money lender. Now 456 is there as the rebirth, the circle is complete, he is the next one in line to follow the path. And what doesn’t make sense to me is in Episode Two, player one, he makes the deciding vote to let everybody go home. Why would he do that if he was behind these games to begin with? Why would you let them go home. Now Kabbalah is also very present in this as we alluded to, let’s break that down just a little bit, and then we’re going to be done. Okay, hang in there, we’re almost done. Remember, player 111 he cut out the all seeing eye. 111 is the number of Kabbalah the background of Kabbalah it’s one of the three main flavors of occultism, neoplatonism, hermeticism, and Kabbalah. The Arabs, they took our chemical documents from the Library of Alexandria, went to the Middle East.
To get these documents and then they went to Spain, consolidate these teachings into these books like the Zohar which led to Kabbalah which comes from the ideas of the first five books of the Bible, the Torah. And this Rabbi Isaac, the blind utilized sacred geometry and numerology, from the first secret society set above by Tigris, in combined with Gnosticism, to reveal the inner secret true teachings of Judaism, they were previously only relayed by oral tradition. And some flavors of the Kabbalah says that it’s all about this narrative of the fall and redemption again, the hero’s journey, questioning the nature of good and evil and the game it plays out. As the initiates traverse this tree of life, you’ve got the circle at the top of the squid and at the bottom, just like the capitalistic tree of life as the earth. And the God at the top, at the top and bottom right. And the players, they go from the earth, the bottom of the square on the squid game up to the triangle to God, where they have to reach the top, the top Sephora, the top circle. And what we’re talking about, I know this gets a little dicey here, but the malkuth is the bottom circle, right that represents Earth. The top circle represents Catherine or the heavens, and the initiate has to go from the earth back to the heavens, because they think that mankind’s spirit, the divine spark, descends to through the material realm and is trapped here on this prison planet. And malkuth, they say that malkuth is the furthest from the divine of God. But it’s also a reflection of God of the catheter, just an expression of Kepler’s energies. As it gets filtered through the Tree of Life, the tree of death, the clip off the 66, right, chaos, which could tie into the discordian law of five that we talked about earlier. But this whole movie, I know this gets a little weird, but the whole movie is about this initiation of Guiyang through the Pythagorean sacred geometry and his influence on all occultism I digress we’re talking about here is that God is geometry. God is nature. The natural language of the universe is mathematics. Which is why these symbols are all over the pinky. The pinkies, right? The Kabbalah has this gnostic overlap, right, the human soul descends from this perfect world of light from the moon and the circle, right, the symbol of the targets with a circle and the initials of the data center. And the divine spark gets trapped in the world of darkness trapped in this material world. And the salvation is only found by rising through the world of matter through the occult teachings through rituals like the facing of death, which is what you get in the squid game, which is what Guiyang goes through. Because you recall our talk about the circle symbolic of the rebirth in the tree of life, the sefirat going from Earth to God from malkuth to kether squares on us See, which is what Guiyang learns, he learns to be honest, during that Marvel game, he has that revelation, when he’s like, oh, man, now I feel bad that I’m cheating. Whereas before he didn’t. And at the end, he’s even a nice guy to his enemy that’s trying to kill him saying we’ll try to kill him. And he’s still buddies, we’ll try to try to give him an out, he’s given up all the money to sangwich Shanks, his own dumb neck. And then of course, the triangle, which we talked about earlier, the darkness through which the candidate for initiation was made the pass. Within the squid game is the top part. The player goes through the square through the triangle makes it to the cathode at the top Sephora to the heavens. And, you know, you could talk about day off. We don’t want to get too confusing, though. But yeah, the initiate could go through the heart of darkness through the center of the tree of life. destroying their ego, which is what Geelong does in this show, he destroys the sense of self and become something better.
The first became the last and the last became the first he was the last player now he’s player number one, kind of, because the old man is dying. He’s dead now. And he sort of passes the baton on. Now he’s got all the money. He’s returned back to the realm of the known with the goods to create a new world maybe, right? We don’t know what he’s gonna do. We got to listen to season two. We don’t watch season two. So that’s it. That’s the analysis, the squid game analysis. Hope you enjoyed it. We talked about so many things, traumatic based mind control, communism, capitalism, spirituality, the hero’s journey, the occult initiation and Kabbalah with a capitalistic tree of life, which I think is the ultimate takeaway from this show. So hope you enjoyed this, breakdown this analysis. Again, leave your review on the apple podcast on October 31. I’m going to pour me a nice cup of coffee and read through all of your feedback. And if you’ve got something negative to say, by all means sad, but you got to leave a five star you got to do it because if you give me a one star that hurts me, that hurts me deep to my little heart. And also if you want to support the show in other ways, go to gumroad gumroad.com backslash Isaac w I’ve got a ton of sign books you can get. I got these new shirts, get them while they’re hot, limited quantities. link in the show notes as always, and until next time. Stay woke
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
代打广告 says
Major thankies for the blog.Really looking forward to read more. Awesome.