On today’s episode of the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture with Isaac Weishaupt podcast we begin our discussion on the Hoover Dam! Today we’ll talk about the synchronicity that led me down this path- from Nick Hinton to the 2022 transformer explosion at the Hoover Dam! We’ll talk about what the Hoover Dam is, the Freemason origins and Presidential influences from FDR to Herbert Hoover and the Order of DeMolay as well as the symbolism from films like Transformers, Edge of Tomorrow and Westworld as well as some video games; AND the architect behind the Dam- Oskar Hansen who is illuminate confirm!! We’ll also get into the occult idea of the Kabbalah Tree of Life and the path from 9 to 11 into Da’ath! Stay subscribed to the show because next week in Part 2 we’ll talk about the Luciferian Prometheus symbolism of the statues and artwork at the Hoover Dam!
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture podcast (supported by the premium feeds on Patreon) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Coast to Coast AM, Tin Foil Hat podcast (honorary member of Mount Crushmore), Eddie Bravo’s “Look Into It,” Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, Richard Syrett’s “Strange Planet,” “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, Newsweek, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter! Signed paperbacks available at Gumroad.com/IsaacW!
*STATEMENT: This show is full of Isaac’s useless opinions and presented for entertainment purposes.
Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Isaac Weishaupt 0:09
Welcome back to occult symbolism in pop culture. I’m your host, Isaac was up today we’re gonna start a journey, a deeper dive into the Hoover Dam sounds nerdy and boring. It won’t be, I assure you. And in part one, we’re going to talk about what the Hoover Dam is, in case you didn’t know, some of the ideas of the symbolism behind it. As evident in some pop culture examples I pulled up for you. We’re gonna talk about architecture, you know, the architecture, how this thing came up. We’ll talk about the architect Oscar Hansen, who’s Luminate confirm AF. So stay tuned, we’re gonna hit it off. And then in part two, next week, we’re gonna go into the statues of Prometheus. That’s right statues, worshipping the intellect, the archetype of Prometheus, which, as you know, is a very Luciferian concept. Okay. And in part two, we’re going to break down all of the occult doctrine embedded into this thing, right? And there’s a reason for that. This thing ain’t going anywhere, anytime soon. It’s gonna be here for 1000s of years. When the aliens and the who know what come from another planet, they’re gonna find that, that Hoover Dam, there’s all these guys were illuminate, confirm. Because that’s what this is all about. So without further ado, let’s get oh and quick word. If you haven’t subscribed, you better subscribe. patreon.com/illuminati watcher. I’ve also enabled the apple premium podcast, I saw lots of you signing up. That’s the easiest way to get in. Easiest thing on the planet. If you go to Illuminati watchdog calm, hit the VIP tab, you can see the various platforms, you can get all the bonus episodes. Every month, I do a bonus episode, right. And this summer, I’m a forewarning for warning this summer, starting right now to summer. Very busy. In fact, I’m probably going to do a whole show explaining what’s been going on with me because you’ve noticed I’ve been very absent on social media. But I got a lot going on right now. Between the dreaded day job, and all kinds of stuff, right? You don’t want to hear the whole sad story. I’ll save that for an entire podcast, where you can hear me crying and pissin and moanin. But, but I’m still going to be doing that bonus episode every month for all the supporters. So believe you me, you don’t want to miss out on those. Because there might be a week or two here or there that the free free losers are going to feel like real big losers. Yeah, no, because they might not get any episodes for a whole week. They’re gonna go without. And you don’t want to do that. So you know where to go. You know what to do link in the show notes. Okay, the Hoover Dam. Let me start off. Let’s get a little woowoo about this. All right. Friend of mine actually started me down this rabbit hole, which I know the Hoover Dam that sounds boring as hell. Who cares, right? Well, some friends of mine we were having there we were. There. We were having dinner. I still remember like it was yesterday was actually a year ago. All right. That’s how long it took me to complete this. Not that I was working on it this whole time. But you don’t I’m saying? Because I was actually trying to research more and get a copy of this book, by the architect that I couldn’t get long story short, we’ll come back to that here soon. There was the summer of 2020, to Salt Lake City at the El Chihuahua with Josie and our friends, Misty and Matt. And they brought up the idea about how they just gone to the Hoover Dam, which I found very interesting. Because I like talking about this stuff because I’m a dork. Alright. And we’re talking about it. And they pull up a video. They said, Hey, don’t you do some kind of weird podcast and I said, You know what I do? I do do a weird podcast. And they said, Well, you look into this Hoover Dam look at these statues and they show me these pictures in this video they took of the statues. I said, Wow, those really are strange. I’m gonna look into it. And now what was strange about all this was just three weeks later. I’m not gonna exaggerate it. Some people would say days later, I’m not gonna lie to you three weeks Exactly. Because I wrote it down. Three weeks later. I’m reading Nick Hinton’s book, The Aquarian singularity. All right. And I was taking notes from it. And I came across a passage about the Hoover Dam while I was reading through and I thought oh, that’s odd. I just were talking to the friends and they were talking about the Talking about thing. And I pulled out the notes here. This is from chapter nine, there’s a couple of interesting points. He says the Hoover Dam splits time because it sits in between two time zones. The first time it produced energy was on 911 1935, which is exactly 66 years before 911. And I’m gonna come back to that because I have more to add to that. That you’re not gonna believe we’re talking about Kabbalah the clip off the fallen angels would actually fit into that 66. And then Nick says, and Transformers The Hoover Dam stores, alien technology, and then the Edge of Tomorrow, it’s the hiding place of the omega the alien trapping humanity in time loop. Now we’re going to come back to those entertainment symbolisms coming back, hold that thought. But I was like, oh, that’s strange. I was just talking to my friends about this. How weird. Then I recalled the the request to research into Hoover Dam. And I thought, man, there’s might be some synchronicity going on in here. I better get into this right. And then, seconds later, I open up Twitter. And the tweet at the top of my you know, they have like the trending crap for you. The tweet at the very top was a video of the Hoover Dam exploding. I thought am I living in reality anymore? I don’t know. So if you if you look at the timeline, July 19 2022 is when the Hoover Dam exploded. That same day, I was reading Nick Hinton’s book. And three weeks prior, I was talking about it with some friends. Weird, right? I mean, not the weirdest thing on the planet, but weird. So then I thought I really got to dig into this. I took it serious. And, you know, and by the way, if you’re some Hoover Dam nerd, and I get some of the factoids about the Hoover Dam wrong a little bit. Calm down. I’m not an expert. Just some conspiracy, dickhead. Right. So let’s talk about what it is first, and then we’re gonna get weirder. weirder and weirder. And then in part two, we’re gonna get the weirdest. So Hoover Dam, they call this thing, the eighth wonder of the world, which to be fair, they call a lot of things, the eighth wonder of the world, but hey, it’s pretty big. It actually, it’s said to provide power to six states, including Nevada, Arizona and California. And it basically uses what do you call hydroelectric water because the Colorado River, turned some turbines and generates electricity. It’s generally like a generator and a car. All right, except instead of the belt, turning it the water turns it. And it’s down there on the border of Nevada and Arizona. This thing was, again, built in the 1930s. Dedicated formally by Franklin, Franklin Roosevelt. FDR doesn’t Franklin never I haven’t thought about that as FDR. So whatever my notes, you know what I’m talking about? It wasn’t he the biggest conspiracy of all to be honest. Let’s look that off air real quick. Make sure I got that right. Wasn’t he the biggest conspiracy of all time people always say why they can never hide a conspiracy. Well, yeah, homeboy was in a wheelchair and they hid that from the public so there’s that you know, I don’t buy that whole all theirs. They could never they can’t. The government so in common and they can’t cover up anything. They couldn’t keep the truth out. Oh, they can and they have the Manhattan Project and FDR being in a wheelchair. They can do it. All right. They’re not as these bumbling idiots, you know, and I’m part of me thinks that that’s what a lot of the people who were very anti government, who are always crying about, oh, they’re losing all of our tax money on dumb stuff. They’re so inefficient, they don’t know what they’re doing. And I get that right. There’s that leaky bucket principle and that’s kind of how the government works. Right. It’s a big moving ship and they lose money sometimes. Totally. I get it. I understand the libertarian argument I I totally get it. I’m not here waving the everything the government does great banner. That’s not the point of this. What I’m trying to say is I think that there’s a conspiracy to prop up libertarian thought that the government’s just a bunch of clumsy morons. They couldn’t ever pull anything off? Because then it then it takes away from the reality of the situation where it no they can.
The Manhattan Project, they get this thing quite they built entire cities to build the first atomic bomb. And analog. I’m just I’m just going on a soapbox rant but I think the timing is in Germany, the scientists figured out nuclear fission in December of 1938. And about five years later, we were detonating atomic bombs. Right? Five years. That’s all it took. And they kept it quiet. And they built entire cities all over the country to make this happen, you don’t think they can keep a conspiracy? Quiet, okay. Golf would talk and they kept the truth about that quiet for 3040 years. FDR in a wheelchair, anyway. Where were we? Oh, yeah. The Hoover Dam provides water to Lake Mead, the largest reservoir in America. Originally, shouldn’t you know what I should do is I should be a Hoover Dam. Or what do you call the tour guide? I should be a tour guide. And then I can go on these conspiracy rants. See how long before they fire me? Like, that’d be fun. That’s what I should do. You know, I’m gonna That’s it. I’m quitting the dreaded day job. We’re doing that. Now, here’s what’s interesting is originally named the Hoover Dam after obviously President Herbert Hoover. But as you can see, it wasn’t it was dedicated by Roosevelt. Why not? The Roosevelt Dam, right. Well, Hoover was the president during its construction. It was his baby back in 1929 when he was the president. Okay. And sure enough, when Roosevelt took office, he didn’t want to name it after Hoover at all. He’s like, No, we’re calling it the Boulder Dam. All right. He was hatin. He was hatin. So you know, Aaron wants to say things are worse now than they used to be. They’re always this way. You know, everyone, every, every fragile male ego gets in the office and can handle it. Not that I’m saying females are any better and females get emotional, too. But I’m saying like there’s divisiveness is always there. It’s that competitive, capitalist thing we do in America. Everything’s a competition here. That’s how they were born and raised. And I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with it. There’s a lot of great things that come from capitalism and competition competition. But yeah, he was hating. He was like, No, we’re calling on the Boulder Dam. But then in 1947 12 years later, and 1947, of course, the most curious of years. We had the Roswell crash. And that’s when a lot of the government agencies started researching all of the alien stuff. Remember that? But FDR, he was a Freemason. He was a grandmaster in the order of DeMolay, right, named after Jacque de Mola. And this was like a youth organization for little Freemason a cultist. Walt Disney was a member, and de malades, named after the Grandmaster of the Knights Templar, Jacques De Molay, who was burned at the stake infamously for heresy for spitting on the cross for worshiping the Baphomet for doing homos sexy time rituals, because back then, you weren’t allowed to do that stuff. And they were doing it. They were going for it. They didn’t care. Now they’re construction. One last thing, and then we’re moving on to symbolism. The construction of the Hoover Dam was completed by a consortium called six companies. Right? Now you want to get crazy. We already talked about the 66 years after first gave us electricity of 911 happening? Well, I mean, six companies, there’s another 6666 Maybe the perfect a number of man, perhaps I don’t know, the idea of man, using the intellect and wisdom and Luciferian knowledge to scientifically create a new world. Now let’s talk about the symbolism. Let’s move on. This is let’s talk about some films. And the most ironic example is transformers from 2007. Michael Bay, Megan Fox Shaila booth. Lots of illuminate confirm going on there, right. And the irony is that on that fateful day in July 22, when the Hoover Dam exploded, guess what? It was an actual transformer that exploded. Which is alarming because in the live action film, and again, shout out Nick Hinton. In his book, he tells us that the Hoover Dam stores alien technology. So let’s go back in time. Let’s take a look at this movie right. I’m going to read you from wiki because I haven’t seen this movie in many years. I saw this in the theater in 2007. That was a blue pill Isaac just happy to be alive. Not worried about research and movies or illuminate confirm this or that. I had watched David Ickes freedom Road, I’d read Bill Cooper’s behold a pale horse, but that was just flimsy fun time. Back when Nickelback was rocking out, Linkin Park might be playing on the credits we don’t know. I’m gonna read you the plot from Wikipedia. The planet Cybertron was consumed by a civil war between the two transformer factions, the Autobots, led by Optimus Prime, and the Decepticons led by Megatron, for the All Spark a cube like object that is the source of all Cybertronian life. Now, let’s pause for a second because the cube is symbolic of Saturn. And in Freemasonry, the cube is the foundational element because it goes back to platonic solids. The square where they say, remember this L you’re not in your square, because the Worshipful masters actually stand on a cube. All right. The cube is representative of the material realm of Earth. So the Autobots want to find the All Spark cube so they can use it to rebuild Cybertron and the war, while the Decepticons want to use it to defeat the Autobots and conquer the universe. So it’s a source of energy in the Transformers Universe. Megatron found the All Spark on earth but crashed landed in the Arctic Circle and was frozen in the ice. Now let’s talk about the parallels with the thing John Carpenter’s The Thing there the UFO crashes there millions of years ago, wrote about it in the aliens UFOs and they call it your delusion to now available on Amazon audible I narrated myself, support your boy got the book. We talked about the whole James John Carpenter, Apocalypse trilogy, The Thing Prince of Darkness, mouth of madness you ever heard of him? Check it out. And then Bob Lazar, he talked about this he talked about how he had seen that there was a UFO crashed in the Arctic Antarctica millions of years ago that all is area 51 folks were looking at. Anyway, Captain Archibald Witwicky and his crew of explorers stumbled upon Megatron in the ice in 1897. Captain Witwicky accidentally activates Megatronus navigational system, causing his eyeglasses to be imprinted with the coordinates of the all sparks location. Sector Seven a secret United States government organization discovered the spark in the Colorado River and builds the Hoover Dam around it to mask its energy emissions. So a conspiracy let me finish reading says the still frozen Megatron is moved into this facility and is reverse engineered to advance human technology which is the story Bob Lazar says that the UFO crash they’re trying to reverse engineer it. He was working on the anti gravity device. But they’re saying the conspiracy in the Transformers Universe is that the government builds the Hoover Dam around the AllSpark to mass the emissions because it’s creating all this energy. They’ll just say it’s from the water, right. But it’s not just the film that this transformer storyline exists. If you dig into it, the older comics, the Decepticons were just trying to steal some good old fashioned energy from the Hoover Dam. And Herbert Hoover wanted to secretly store the All Spark there and that’s allegedly why they named it after him. All right, obviously not true. When you dig into the film version of events though, the 2007 Nickelback Linkin Park film, we find that Sector Seven actually calls this Hoover Dam location area 52. AKA the igloo, right referring to the frozen Antarctica Megatron the who was basically UFO. So interesting that a transformer actually explodes loaded at the Hoover Dam in 2022. And there’s a whole plotline about transformers Hoover Dam alien technology in the films.
Now, Nick mentioned something about Edge of Tomorrow from what I and I’ve seen this movie, no less than five times. One of the greatest movies of all time, starring you know who? Okay. And I believe the dam is actually in Germany that is referenced. Okay. But I can’t avoid a chance to talk about Tom Cruise. So let’s do it. Right. Well, you know, imagine tomorrow one of the greatest films of all time, one of the greatest top 50 easily, easily found maybe top 100 will say, if you like Tom Cruise, if you like Groundhog’s Day, this is your movie. Okay? If you haven’t seen it, skip ahead about five minutes. Well, maybe not even that long. Skip ahead. I’m gonna spoil the plot right now. Okay. Don’t let me do it because it’s a great movie. Because the film was about Tom Cruise. He’s in the military, and he has to get on the front lines reluctantly, to fight these aliens called mimics. And the military they’re, you know, this is the future, right? They’re wearing these mecha suits. Ironically, like transformers that kind of look like transformer anime. And Tom Cruise’s character he’s in the military, but he’s, he’s an officer. He’s just he’s, he’s just a public relations guy. It just goes on the news and stuff like that, you know, real soft guy. intelligent, intelligent, but has zero experience in the front lines in the real military. They say you know, the real military. They call they call that a Pogue right person other than grunt, so they call that but the, you know, joke’s on you guys. Because guess what, they’re gonna drop Tom Cruise. Old white collar, Tom Cruise, or they’re going to drop him on the frontlines, and he’s still going to save your ass, right? He’s still gonna win. You can’t take them down. Even in the movies where he’s a postbag. He’s still kicking ass. Come on. Like, I know, it’s fiction. All right, folks. Don’t. I began I’ve been fielding a lot of a lot of crybaby comments. And, you know, that’s why I’m taking a break from social media. People can’t handle it. So anyhow. So now Tom, he gets caught in this time loop. All right. It’s called a time loop and he won’t die. So in a way, he’s found the path to immortality, he’s found in a way the, the elixir of life as they say, anyhow, he learns he memorizes how each day is going to go so he can fight the alien mimics and all our Groundhog’s Day, Bill Murray, another great movie pa shout out to PA. And he basically figures out how to fight the final boss called the Omega. All right. And the omega and I believe this is what Nixon said in the book. Don’t quote me. I believe he said the omega is where is hiding at the Hoover Dam. I believe he’s actually hiding in a dam in Germany. But then the real omega is actually hiding it the loo underground embarrassed, right, the blue the inverted pyramid, because that has the as above so below symbolism at the loo, the big pyramid above and then there’s a tiny pyramid below very crazy stuff. If you’ve read Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code, you already know. Because that’s where they talk about that stuff. All right. Anyway, I’m not going to spoil any more. But yeah, just tamale. Is it the Hoover Dam? No, it’s a dam whatever. And I could be wrong. I gave it a quick look over because I was getting my notes. I was like, Ah, I don’t think that’s the Hoover Dam I think is the regular dam in Germany. Whatever about Westworld, let’s briefly go through Westworld shout out yellowy be on Instagram reminded me many months ago that the Hoover Dam is actually a major part of season four. And oh by the way, Westworld got removed by HBO removed it from their library, as well as raised by wolves, two of their greatest shows. I wonder what’s going on over there. What are they doing? So they took them out of their library, I guess don’t ask. And the Westworld storyline is very confusing. It’s very good. It’s a good show. I’m sad. They canceled it. But it was getting very complex. Like I’d be having to re watch the season recaps every year I’d be like What is what happened? What are they doing? You know, but in episode one of season four, we find out that no, no big plot spoilers here, it’s fine. And so when we find out that after Rehoboam from the previous season got shut down the massive AI that was given us the Minority Report Type future that they want us to have where they predict your behavior. William aka the man and black aka Christoph from The Truman Show, he plays the Christ figure on the simulation world at Harris. Anyway, aka, man and black, he goes to the Hoover Dam, because there’s a massive data storage there now. It’s in the future, right? And he’s gonna buy all the data stored there. Because that’s what this is always about. It’s about stealing your data and selling it to other people. That’s what all of these tech companies do it. So social media is here for later we find out that the door to this realm called the sublime is kept in the data vault at the Hoover Dam. But wait, a couple more. Hang on there. Attention, gamer nerds, attention gamer nerds. There’s couple video games, and I don’t play games. So and I joke, right? I’m a side scroller Marijo kind of gamer. Okay. But apparently, in Fallout New Vegas, where they have post apocalyptic battles over energy output, they fight over the Hoover Dam, which to me is probably a more plausible scenario than transformer alien technology. If you notice the price of energy and instability, that’s kind of in population, I mean, that might be a thing. And then lastly, Duke Nukem Forever. The aliens use the energy from the Hoover Dam to create a wormhole. Maybe that’s what we’ll do someday. We don’t know. Right. Now, some other miscellaneous, we could bring it up if you take a $50 bill. And the old one, I guess the new ones don’t do this. But the old one, if you folded it, it would show the Hoover Dam. The new one, it shows the Hoover Dam. But it’s what’s interesting is that the old one shows it basically exploding. I mean, I’ve seen it. I see what they’re saying. I mean, you know, little subjective, but yeah, I mean, it’s on there. And the water is actually flowing on the new one allegedly right. Now, Nick said that it had been conjectured for years that this thing would explode. So the question is, did someone design the $50 bill to show us that? If so, why? No, I know, lots of questions, right? And this gets into conspiracy theories about what you want to believe. Okay. Now, let’s, this is where we’re gonna get, we’re gonna get a little bit deep into the occult. And they weren’t talking about architecture, and then we’re gonna wrap it up for part two. For part one, excuse me. We’re coming back with part two next week. All right, so you got to stick with me though. Let’s look at what Nick said in his book. He said the Hoover Dam splits time because it sits in between the two to two time zones. The first time produce energy was 911 1935 66 years before 911 2001. Okay, now, why does 66 matter? Well, if you look at the cabbalistic ideas of the dark side to the Kabbalah Tree of Life, you find the clip off this is the realm of the Fallen gods, the fallen angels. And these fallen angels, their number is 66 very strange right. Now, why does 911 matter? Because 911 plays into Kabbalah to also I should say, they tell us on the conscious level that or what would you say the the mundane level? It’s the day everything changed, because they have to make it simple for us dummies. But in reality, they are magicians working behind the scenes using occult practices. That’s the theory, which I subscribed to. On some levels. I don’t know if every detail about it is accurate. But it sure is weird. And if you want more I did what I do. Three or four no tell five episodes on 911 back in 2022 or 21. It was in September. I did four and then I did a fit a bonus episode where I actually read Did
my pet goat? Yeah, I bought a copy of my pet go the one George Bush was reading to the kids. And I read it. That was a bonus episode. Another bonus perk. Let me gate keep all the info from you for your $5 Ah okay 911 Why does it matter? They tell us on the conscious level, it’s the day everything changed. Everything changed that day. That’s what they told us on repeat. We’d have a new normal and of course the only thing that really changed is that we we got the Patriot Act and now they spy on us all the time. That’s how we got safer. Okay, you got it buddy. But symbolically the two towers came down. Okay, that’s the Boaz and the king the entrance to the mystical place the left and right pillar on the cabbalistic tree of life. And if you rise up between in the center pillar of consciousness then you have the single tower the new one world tower right one world order and that center pillar goes through the dark realm the day off sefer rot okay and here’s the thing we’re Kabbalah gets real dicey I am not an expert this some of these occult practices the books are very hard to read. I feel like you almost have to have a guide sort of teaching you in person some of this stuff but it gets real dicey right so I’m gonna say some of the stuff a copy off a touch here there. And, and I recently I was on coast to coast, Coast to Coast AM not to brag, but I shouted out Freeman fly because he’s, he’s the guy. When you talk about the various red pills. He’s the guy who put me on to the occult practices red pill. And I said, this is the one I I don’t I don’t say devoting my life to I am fascinated with to the point that I feel like that’s the worldview that makes the most sense as to a conspiracy happening. So in this book, The suffer yet zero, it says that 10 Suffer out of nothingness. 10, and not 910 and not 11. But this is not true. There’s a hidden realm. There’s an 11th, Sephora, and let’s back up. Let’s back up in Kabbalah, there’s an idea of this tree of life and the Tree of Life is God. Who they isn’t the God in the clouds. Isn’t the Abrahamic God isn’t the Holy Trinity is definitely not Jesus. They think God, this Gnostic belief in the Divine Realm. The Real God created reality through 10 thoughts, each represented as a sphere, a separate, okay. And people get into this, you practice Kabbalah, they believe that our matter descended through consciousness, down to this base realm of nakute, the earthly realm, the material realm, which again, you take a Gnostic flare and you say, well, the material realm is hell. Okay? The devil runs this. So they try to ascend the tree of life, to go from the Ceph route 12345. So you know, whatever, right? Try to ascend by understanding the lessons, lessons from each emanation of the thought of God. So that man can become God himself. So that’s represented by 10 circle or spherical sefirat on a Kabbalistic tree of life. If you Google the image, you’ll see it. Now, what’s interesting is that, and there’s different flavors of Kabbalah. And almost all of them will say, yeah, there’s 10, Sephora, but some of them say there’s an 11th. It’s hidden in the center. It’s day off. And it’s up that center pillar of consciousness, which is what the oneworld tower represents. Okay, the balancing of the opposing forces. When I say that on the conscious level that to everything changed on the unconscious level, in the occult realm. They are manifesting a change right. Now day on the 11th Sephora is the wisdom of God, it’s the hidden realm, and it’s considered all 10 Sephora connected into one in a way, a cheater realm if you will. But they say it’s the reflection of Keter Ketterer as the top most, the superconsciousness the mind of God, the closest to the mind of God, I guess. And day out is a reflection of that. So in terms of fidelity, it seems like it’s kind of the most accurate in embodying what it is you’re supposed to embody. But it’s not quite perfect. Right? So you’re already seeing ideas of it being a sort of imperfect realm or a fallen angel. That’s my take, I don’t know. But the superconscious mind of Qatar is actually technically actually the first Sephora that’s actually the first one, and then it goes down to malkuth, which is the 10th. But from the practice of the Initiate in the earth material realm. Keter is the 10th sefirat, one must try to understand whatever. And Keter means crown because it’s above the head, meaning it’s actually the mind of God is above the conscious mind of the practitioner. It’s very hard to understand the mind of God. So symbolically, they demonstrate it as a crown. and day out, the hidden realm is man’s understanding of the non of the non understandable. Okay. In Greek orthodoxy, I asked my priest often some absurd questions. It says, Look, we, we can’t understand the mind of God. So don’t bother. I mean, I’m paraphrasing. It’s not exactly what he says. But a lot of ideas come from the site this, you asked him, What’s the meaning of life? What’s the meaning of all this? We know so much. God gave us so much wisdom in the Bible. And say, well, on some realms, you have to just consign over and say, you know, we don’t know God’s mind, we have no way of understanding it. Same as the initiate, they start at the very bottom, Mal couth, the 10th, technically Sephora, but from their perspective, the first and then how could they work their way up? And ideally, they make it to the 10th Sephora Keter the crown, and become like God, but at the mind of God, you can’t quite know it anyway. So sometimes, I guess people who decide to become magician, this is where it gets into Freeman flies should. I’d love to get him on the show someday. He infamously doesn’t really do other interviews. He’ll do one or two here and there, but he’s very difficult. But to get a hold of to do this. Someday, I’ll get them on. But you got to skip the ninth step rot, skip God’s wisdom and go to the hidden realm that 11th Day Off, which is how Freeman infamously predicted 911 Being a day of a call ritual. So there you have it. Oh, to bring it back to Hoover Dam. Nick said something about the 66 years. Well, in day out in the dark side of the catalyst tree of life. You have 66 Fallen Angels the key path. So there we go. Finally, architecture. Let’s talk about architecture real quick. There was this Norwegian born naturalized American named Oscar JW Hansen, who made the sculptures you can find it Hoover Dam. Nowhere it is very interesting makes me think of Twin Peaks. Makes me think of it. And I obsessed with the show right now. But so Oscar Hansen made a bunch of the sculptures and Gordon, cops are everybody I’m playing my heavy watching the video I’m playing with my my beautiful locks today. I got my wrestling hair today. Ready to rock and roll? Gordon Kaufman was the architect behind the rest of the Art Deco stuff you see at Hoover Dam. Alright, but let’s talk about Oscar Hansen. Because he is illuminate confirm. Yes, indeed. I’m gonna read you straight from Oscar JW hansen.org website. Oscar was born March ninth 1892 in the remote fishing village of Oxus. Norway, to unwed mother Josephine Maximilian jaw, Johansen Baker Herman Hansen is listed as Oscar’s Father on his birth certificate. But after reports his father is actually King asker, the second of Norway and Sweden who was notorious for impregnating women while touring the country. Nick Cannon he’s basically Nick Cannon. Now what’s interesting, so he’s already got this elitist royalty bloodline he’s claiming and in the 1920s to the 1940s. On this website, it says he developed friendships with famous mystics. So we’re already starting to see some Leunig firm ideas here. We’re like, Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Then in 1953
after the Hoover Dam right after he already did all his work there, the US government gave him the world’s oldest seeds to grow. He has this, this greenhouse, a three and 50 acre, Pan tops mountain greenhouse, and they gave him the world’s oldest seeds to grow there. But then later, he would go bankrupt after battling the US government, over the Yorktown monument. I guess he had beef with that and testified to Congress against Eisenhower’s Middle East military policy. So started to get a little too big for his britches. Apparently, he’s biting the hand that feeds. And then in 1964, he was arrested for stealing millions of dollars from a covenant of nuns. Now, was he set up because he was causing a lot of problems? And there’s nothing worse than stealing money from the religious, you know, from the nuns? Maybe, I don’t know. But listen to this. I’m gonna leave you with this. The website says, and I’m going to read you right from here. Oscar’s fascinating, but never told life story includes archaeological expeditions, world famous artists, connections to nine US presidents, alien theories, a broken family, astrophysical discoveries, and a holy grail quest. But it offers no explanation on the alien theories, or the Grail quest, besides the idea that him making artwork of it out of gyms, and then he wrote a book too. And I couldn’t track the book that took me so long trying to find this book. This book it? Oh, the books called Beyond the cherub beam. And I’ll be damned if I can. I try to track down a physical print. I tried to track down a PDF I tried to get on the the shady realms to try to find a copy. I couldn’t find it. But it’s got to be where he talks about these these alien theories, which I would think would be fascinating. In fact, I put my boy Dr. anteater on the case, he couldn’t find it. And he he’s always able to find stuff for me. So yeah, if you if you’re able to figure out a way to get what’s the comp beyond the Caribbean by Oscar, so the K. Hansen let me know, hit me up. Alright. That’s it for Hoover Dam, part one. Hoover Dam part two. Coming back. Next week, we’re gonna get into the statues. And this is where it gets really interesting. A lot of Prometheus in it intellect, worship, Luciferian ideas are going to fall from the statues, because like I said, this stuff is going to be here for hundreds 1000s of years, we don’t know. And it could be a message to the alien gods. But either way, there’s a cult doctrine baked into the Hoover Dam. And in part two, we’re going to get into it and we’re going to reveal the truth. So there you go. I hope you enjoyed part one. The way to get the show ad free, you know where to go. patreon.com/illuminati watcher. That’s what the most popular option. The easiest option is Apple podcasts premium, you just click the button you’re in. You can compare all the different ways you can do it at Illuminati watcher.com, hit the VIP tab. It’ll tell you all about the other options, right? But by far the most popular is Patreon. You can get on there and comment message me and stuff and that’s the best way to get ahold of me. And yeah, thank you for your support, everybody. And until next time, stay WOKE
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
Paige Tirone says
Hey Isaac, I’m really enjoying the podcast library now that I’m not a Free Feed Loser! I really really want to encourage you to use the Bible as one of your research sources because I think it would give you the complete picture on what The Nerds are trying to accomplish!
The Bible has the most historical sources to back it up AND it’s obviously the book the Nerds are using to help bring about the opposite using the left hand path if I have that right.
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Also were saying you had no problem with the mask wearing until someone pointed out that the government isn’t normally worried about your health which makes their request suspicious. Well, I can’t remember where I got this information but I read that children are more easily brainwashed under the age of five. I think that’s why we saw so many daycares and elementary schools demanding masking.
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