On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we go over some DISTURBING symbolism found in Disney’s cult classic- HOCUS POCUS! Grab your pumpkin spice lattes ladies because I’m about to blow your minds! We’ll go through the entire film (plot spoilers) and find connections of the cast and crew with ACTUAL Salem witch bloodlines! Some connections we’ll discover include the Necronomicon and most importantly- the confirmation that the spell book used in the film has incantations from an ACTUAL Satanic ritual! Furthermore- the specific ritual used is about sex with the Devil! We’ll also hit the connections to Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut, sex rituals and obviously: ADRENOCHROME! We’ll also hit the shoutouts for the Tier 2+ supporters from Patreon.com/IlluminatiWatcher and IlluminatiWatcher.com VIP Section! *PEEP THE IMAGES OF THE BOOK AND SEXY TIME HERE: Instagram.com/IsaacWeishaupt
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- Eyes Wide Shut series started in March 2021- scroll through the episodes to start that one (*there’s 6 total episodes from March 2021 to May 2021): https://illuminatiwatcher.com/eyes-wide-shut-deep-dive-part-1-film-analysis-love-marriage-and-sex/
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Unknown Speaker 0:17
Back in 1693 The people of Salem Massachusetts, which is thought they got rid of the senators and sisters for good
Unknown Speaker 0:33
300 years later it’s Halloween and they’re back are you boys a little old to be trick or treating
Unknown Speaker 0:47
three Jun hags versus the 20 century
Unknown Speaker 0:53
now they’re digging up old friends running amok looking for the one thing they miss most and
Unknown Speaker 1:04
stay for supper
Unknown Speaker 1:10
one boy has the power to stop. Prepare to die again.
Unknown Speaker 1:13
You have no pause here.
Unknown Speaker 1:15
Before all sin falls under their spell new Pictures presents Bette Midler Sarah Jessica Parker and Kathy Regina hocus pocus they love to fly added show no screaming
Isaac Weishaupt 2:03
was ready to talk about hocus pocus and the Illuminati. Right today we’re doing the hocus pocus film analysis the long awaited I’ll be it a week overdue since we’re in November, but the reason why it’s gonna be worth it. Okay, here’s why it took me so long because I had to get a couple of books confirm some pretty gnarly ideas. And I’m going to prove to you that the creators of this movie Disney, right. modeled the tail after actual satanic rituals. Worse yet satanic rituals involving the kids. The Adrenochrome yes, we’re back at it back at it again. So I am going to as most of my film analysis go. I’m going to discuss the background of this movie who’s in it? Should you watch it? Then we’re going to go through the whole movie. So plot spoilers common as if you haven’t seen hocus pocus already. And then we’re going to go deep in the conclusion into the satanic philosophy of why this happened. Okay. What is hocus pocus? Well, it’s a movie from 1993. A Disney film. And it was released in July of 93. Not like September, October. Should you watch it is the it’s the question I was asked. Should you watch this movie? No, it’s terrible. It’s garbage. But people love it. It’s in nostalgic thing for 80s and 90s Girls, right? They love to growing up. So it’s part of pop culture history though, right? So it’s worth it for that. For guy like me. It’s terrible. I hate it. But it is only 96 minutes. So there’s that. I mean, they wrapped it up in an hour and a half, which is great. Can’t complain about that. And shout out to Josie sister for the request on this one. As much as I hated this idea of doing a film analysis on this movie. I contemplated it and I thought you know what? There’s a whole generation of girls from the 80s 90s need to hear this. And sure enough, once I dug deep and look, I’m gonna tell you some things it’s gonna blow your mind unless you’ve heard it before, but I highly highly doubt anyone’s gone through the extent that I have reading through the actual I bought the actual hocus pocus spell book text. Then I bought this The Complete Book of Spells, ceremonies and magic, which goes through satanic rituals, which I’m going to show you definitively one One of the Latin incantations in the film is a Satanic ritual. I mean, so there’s that right. And in honor of all the 80s 90s Girls, I’m drinking some pumpkin spice tea. Right. Now who’s in this movie? Bette Midler? Of course, I thought she would. She dead? I thought she would dead. She’s not dead anymore. Dead anymore. You know what I mean? I thought she was dead. She’s still alive. Okay. Sarah Jessica Parker, made famous, most famous for Sex in the City. And it was curious on my Instagram, I ran a poll on September 30. I said Is she hot or is she not? And, uh, first off some of the funniest comments I’ve ever read. A Florida man, some guy called in Florida man. He told me was the most misogynist thing I’ve ever posted. And lots of people said she looked like a foot. But overwhelmingly, you all told me No, she’s not hot. And I couldn’t believe it. It was 80 to 80% voted not hot. I think she’s hot. I don’t know. Especially in this movie. She looks good. I mean, I know what you guys are looking for you looking for perfection. Maybe appreciate a girl with a big old schnoz or whatever. Anyway, but she was originally her first debut was in felt flight of the Navigator which I covered in my second alien book aliens UFOs. Nia call it user illusion to she was in Footloose honeymoon in Vegas, with Nick Cage with a great nerd cage. Her background she grew up pretty poor it looks like which I can respect. And here’s what’s interesting.
From the Wikipedia, says Sarah Jessica Parker’s mother is German and English, though her mother Parker is descended from Esther, LOL one of the accused during the Salem witch trials. And you’re going to find I’m going to prove to you this whole film The casting, this film was done specifically as a ritualistic idea of actual bloodlines connected to the Salem witch, witchcraft. ordeal. Right? Oh, but we’re coming back to that you guys stay tuned to this all shows? I’m gonna blow your minds. Kathy Najimy she’s the third person. The third which she’s like a vegan feminist. She’s She’s going hard in the paint with the charities in the PETA. Gloria Steinem officiated her marriage ceremony woke levels on fleek. She’s mega granola woke. Penny Marshall is the character who plays Medusa lady. She’s the wife of the guy dressed up as the devil in the movie. Otherwise known as Laverne, from Laverne and Shirley Shirley. But the most important actor in the show the actress excuse me, Vanessa Shaw, why she plays the role of Allison the female, little boomerang for Macs. She was also an Eyes Wide Shut with the great Tom Cruise. She plays Domino. And if you listen to I did six, six episodes on Eyes Wide Shut. Amazing deep dive connections upon connections, and we can easily connect those ideas into this film analysis because the short version if you don’t want to listen to eight hours of Eyes Wide Shut. Kubrick model the Gnostic orgy after an actual occult ritual much like you’re gonna find with hocus pocus and in the text that he underlined he personally underlined this text about using kids for this stuff. So check out my show on that if you want more. Another interesting thing Leonardo DiCaprio was almost in this film as Max, the greatest actor Leonardo DiCaprio. Instead, he did What’s Eating Gilbert Grape. The movies directed by a guy named Kenny Ortega who directed Newsies which is another awful film. I watched that in high school they made me watch it terrible movie. I don’t have good taste in movies, so don’t look to me okay. But apparently he was a choreographer. He did Ferris Bueller which had a lot of dancing scenes. He did st almost fire which is a very rapey problematic movie. In today’s standards. Zana do Madonna’s Material Girl video pretty Empik and Dirty Dancing 30 Dancing Which shows up on the me and Josie did on breaking social norms of that top 1080s movies. And of course Dirty Dancing made the list. But he’s got this, this magic touch this Kenny Ortega is got the Magic Touch for girls, I grew up in the 80s and 90s. So it’s, it’s, of course, of course this movie would check all the boxes, right? And what’s funny is that the Wikipedia talks about how this film was a commercial failure. And then proceeds to confirm I then established at this point, idea about the 80s and 90s Girls, I’m gonna read you right from the Wikipedia which says it was not a critical or commercial success upon its release, possibly losing Disney around $16.5 million during its theatrical run. However largely through many annual airings on Disney Channel and free form. All throughout the month of October annually, hocus pocus has been rediscovered by audiences resulting in a yearly spike in home video sales of the film, every Halloween season. The annual celebration of Halloween has helped make the film a cult classic among women born in the 1980s and early 90s. And that’s something like a super pumpkin spice to that. Yeah, so it’s funny because I kind of had that thought and then I confirmed it on the wiki that was kind of funny. Now the origin of the story, officially, this is what they say. And I’m going to prove to you they telling you the truth, says in the 1994 TV documentary hocus pocus begin the magic. And on the film’s blu ray release, producer David Kirschner explains how he came up with the idea for the film one night, he and his young daughter were sitting outside and his neighbor’s Black Cat straight by Kirschner invented a tale of how the cat was once a boy who was changed into a feline 300 years ago by three witches.
Now that may have been the inspiration, but when they whoever wrote the like the story in the script and put in the ideas in the movie, they went off of an actual satanic ritual, not a witchcraft ritual, a satanic ritual. It’s called the Black Sabbath of all things. And I’m going to prove it to you. You think I’m making it up? You think I’m making it up? The film locations they actually filmed in Salem because they needed to be it’s, in some ways, this is a movie that’s a ritual conducted every year on the masses. So they need it as authentic as they can including bloodlines. Sarah Jessica Parker actual which bloodline and the casting director is bloodline with the which I’ll talk about that here in a minute. And the film locations of course needed to be in Salem, where it happened. There’s several places Salem Pioneer Village that’s from the opening scene, like Ollie, which times from 1693. The actual museum represents the year 1630 years built in 1930, though oldest museum in America, then you’ve got Max and Danny’s house. Max is the boy in the movie and Danny’s a sister person actually lives in that house to this day. That was interesting. You’ve got the Ropes Mansion. This is where the elites go to party in the movie. And what was curious was that it’s named after a guy owner named judge Nathaniel ropes. And they supposedly they hated this guy. Because they they had this conspiracy that he was loyal to the British at the time. This is 1774 Right? American revolutionary times. So homeboy got smallpox and conspiracy theorists from 200 years ago. They they’re like all he got the small box, but he got the secret vaccine from the Brits inoculation from the British. And he’ll be fine. He’s going to get over this jerk. So they started throwing stones at his house. But then he died anyway died of smallpox inside the house. So but what was curious was that a year later, his old lady Abigail died in the house because her dress caught on fire by a fireplace. And to this day, it’s supposedly haunted by these two. Thus, I posit that the witches of Salem in that town back in 1774 Put an actual curse on his ass. I think that happened, I don’t know. Maybe, right. Then they’ve got like Salem’s Old Town Hall was the museum and that’s where they filmed the Halloween ball. And of course, the cemetery, right? So that’s all you need to know about the movie going into it. And it’s going to be time to spoil that plot. So if you wanted to watch this movie, turn back now. Let’s check it out. It starts out 1693 We’re in that old timey cabin Ville. There’s this family named the Thackeray’s. All boys out there looking for Emily Thackeray. And he creeps up to this cabin, right? Where the three witches, the Sanderson Sisters, they’ve got Emily. subdued, right. And they’re finna user for a ritual, a witch, ritual. And Thackeray, he sees the whole thing go down. And you’ll notice in the story in the movie, they use an actual spellbook with a big old all seeing eye on of course, the all seeing eye, something we’ve talked about many times, symbolic of the Enlightenment and the hidden wisdom, the Gnosis, the knowledge that Lucifer is king. As the idea behind it, right? I mean, there’s a lot of different interpretations of what it means. That’s one of them. And again, like I always do, follow me on the Instagram at Isaac Weishaupt. link in the show notes like and subscribe. Because I’m gonna put all these images on there, you got to see him. Then, when Bette Midler, she’s one of the Sanderson Sisters. She’s preparing for the ritual, right? They got the cauldron and the spell book out and Emily’s all tied up. And she does the man Oh, the man Oh, Coronado. Right. And it’s not like in the context of rock and roll, like, blow like Ozzy Osborn from Black Sabbath, the band, right? It’s not in that context. It’s in the Manjot core nudo context. It’s a witch hex. So again, a literal witch hex in the movie.
Now, they give Emily this potion, and they see that she’s got this life force emitting from her. And they, they they suck it out of her. And when they pull out her life force, they now become young and beautiful. And they make the proclamation that they’re gonna suck the life force out of all the children in Salem. And the boy witnesses it. The fact Brandon Thackeray and they put a spell on his ass to they turn him into a black cat. So he can’t tell anybody what he saw. And you’ll notice the incantations and they talk about eating kids and taking the lifeforce from the children in Leaney his whole life boss take my son we wish systems boys younger but
Unknown Speaker 18:37
to me but I shall be children and yes
Unknown Speaker 18:50
there are not enough children in the world to make the young and beautiful
Unknown Speaker 18:56
sisters did you go do whatever shall we do with him? It’s barbecue in Philly. Hang them on a hook and let me play with them no. Don’t come to his his punishment must be more full some more lingering desert be my dolly. Let’s see amnesia, bunions. We can do better than that I think as usual, his punishment shall not be to die. But to live forever with his cute
Unknown Speaker 19:45
as white dog toys twice the bones and then the back here to cut through him here mother’s baby to get him
Isaac Weishaupt 20:12
Now they said they were going to fillet Thackeray. They were going to fillet him. And Sarah, Jessica says that she wants to have her way with him. Right? What does all this mean? I’m gonna let you come to your own conclusion that some of this stuff, but I’m gonna break down some of the dark forces within this and you can figure it out in your own right. So the town of pilgrims, they get down to the cabin, they break it up, they string up the Sanderson Sisters, the nooses, and they actually they throw the spellbook on the ground, and the pages fly by. And I went through and I kind of like pause the screenshots trying to read what there was on these pages. And I could see some certain terms that jumped out at me from my research, including the word alchemy. And I thought, well, that’s kind of odd, because that’s not really a part of the story. But anyone who studies the occult knows that alchemy plays a role in all of this
Unknown Speaker 21:18
listen to the knock. Oh, my God Laibach speaks to you on all howdy when the moon is around a budget. We shall be back and the children.
Isaac Weishaupt 21:55
So to me, I was like, there’s some level of awareness by the people who made this movie, why would they add that level of detail. There’s even a page and again, I’ll put the photos on the Instagram. There’s a page with the magician’s pact. And it has instruction to summon demons by calling the names of the nine divine like the tetragrammaton and the Elohim. They have a formula for Marduk. And Marduk is always a role in these occult dark artists. Because Marduk is a Babylonian god in the the Babylonian creation story, the Numa a leash. And this story about the creation of mankind and the world also appears in the Simon Necronomicon, which we’re going to cover soon, we’re going to come back to that. And I’ll explain what these things are in case your head’s spinning. But here’s the part where things get immediately very weird. I couldn’t read all the pages. So I went online to see if I could get more of the text. And sure enough, they sell a copy of the hocus pocus spell book on Amazon. And I got to forewarn you, it’s you know, it feels like it’s about 150 pages. But it’s really just the same 20 pages repeated over and over. And, you know, so it’s not a big read, it takes you 10 seconds, read 20 pages, and then just repeated throughout, I guess the, I don’t know give it the appearance of an actual book maybe. But what I saw in the screenshot, I confirmed is in this book, there’s there’s a page where it talks about the Fano or blamo, or Spargo. Like has all these Latin terms and these Latin names. It’s the incantation for sickness is what it’s called. Right? And I’m not going to read it verbatim because I’m not just like puts a spell out there. And I don’t want nothing to do with it. But it’s basically a whole page of like, what looks like names and Latin phrases. You know, I didn’t go to the level of decoding the Latin translation for you. It doesn’t matter. It won’t matter. But the incantation for sickness has these weird terms. And I was like, I got it. I gotta know what that means. I don’t I don’t know what those terms mean. So I googled it right. And I found the phrase came from a book written in 1978. A book called The Complete Book of Spells ceremonial magic, by Miss Jean Gonzalez warbler. Right, copyright 1978 13 years before hocus pocus was released. So clearly, this book was used to write the story for the screenplay for hocus pocus the movie because the incantation for sickness, this long page of probably 30, Latin phrases, terms, words whatever shows up verbatim in here in the satanic ritual Black Sabbath ceremony. And it’s in this book in The Complete Book of Spells, ceremonies and magic chapter 22. There’s a large section is called the rites of power pagans, witches and satanist because they talk about pagan rituals, witchcraft rituals, but I find it curious that the Latin phrases come from the satanic rituals. They didn’t even pick the witchcraft when they picked the satanic one. The dark arts of Disney, right? But this whole chapter discusses how ceremonial magic is used to draw down the energies of the gods into the magician, something we’ve talked about for many years on this show and in my books, but it discusses the different methods to build up magical power through the the pagan ceremonies, the witchcraft ceremonies and the satanic ceremonies. And it discusses the tools used in these ceremonies. With discussions on how to perform the rituals, like the I don’t know how to process a theme, the knife the dagger, which I covered in my midnight gospel shows, because there was an episode Damian Nichols who again, low one acre farm right, and he does it, he opens the circle, the magical circle with the theme dagger. And that’s what they use to open the circle this they call the cone of power, right? Because they’re drawing down energies into this cone of power into the circle. And if you’ve watched the film The Witch, you’ll know that they use that power to like levitate right? In combination with the fat of a baby of a child of a murdered sacrifice child.
And anyways, in the book, it goes on to discuss a satanic ritual, literally satanic like there’s no way around it, which uses a goat to represent the devil behind this altar. The goat also has a giant phallus statue between his legs, and to each side of the goat sits a female which, right they symbolize the brides of Satan with the goat representing Satan. And in the ceremony, they chant about denying God denying religion, giving face to the devil with worship and sacrifice to him. And the ceremony concludes with the the kiss the cooler of the goat. Yeah, it’s called the OSCE alum of scone home. And this is kind of like what the Knights Templar were accused of doing, and, I argue did, which is very curious, because Walt Disney himself was a member of the Order of daymo Lay the order of DeMolay his model after Jacques De Molay Jacques De Molay, being the last Grandmaster of the Knights Templar, the Knights Templar being at this magical group that were supposedly worshipping the goat and kissing the cool of the satanic goat, the bafflement curious, huh, here is how the Disney movie has the same vibe of all the goat kissing satanic doctrines. Now, in the book, after the ceremony, they they do all this stuff with the goat they begin this feast and then they have an orgy. Okay. And the food’s included in the feast include human flesh, which ties us into all the Adrenochrome talk and the the pizza emails, right. And they play this game where they dance around naked, they called the blind man’s bluff, and the warlock, the male witch, right, puts on a blindfold, and chases after all these naked witches. I think they’re also blindfolded. If he catches one, he is then allowed to have his way. You know, sexy time with who he catches. He could do without wilt as they say. Now it makes no in the book, that he would desire to get the youngest one possible. Because it’s a contractual game. And, you know, nobody’s gonna say no to what has to go down because of the game. And the sexy time didn’t stop there at the guy capturing some young girl. The witches would have sex with that phallus that was by the devil goat. Right. And they flat out in the book, they proclaim it to be that of the Devil or the demons. I’m going to read you quotes I typed up from the book. And Elizabeth’s manuscript in the British Museum also notes that those witches and warlocks Locke’s not totally overcome by their frenzy for each other, recited the following chant, prolonging their orgasms. Kind of like staying with his tantric sex stuff. And in the book, it says it was apparently only operable at the Sabbath, the Black Sabbath. And then it goes on it says a fondo blamo or Spargo Ola, Noah, masa light Beth clamavi Adonai etc. I’m not again, I’m not gonna read it verbatim. But yeah, and like, I’m gonna, if you’re if you’re on my rockfon you can see the video I don’t know if you can zoom in far enough. It’s it’s it’s a hard read. It’s a very small font in the in the spell ceremony magic, but I assure you, it’s in there. It’s page 275. And, and just to show you, I am not making things up because this is very much in the court of law. Incantation for sickness from the hocus pocus movie, from the spellbook from the movie and I have the screenshot I’ll put on my Instagram proving this was in the book is one of the pages that flies by Oh, final Obama was Burgo Hola. I can’t even read it. No, Massa light, Jeff kamati Adonai. So on and so on. You get the point. So there you go. I mean, it’s a direct incantation ritual of a satanic ritual. And has to do with having sex.
Why did all this happen? Why was this in hocus pocus? Why are they showing it to the kids? Why did Disney? Mr. Freemason himself, Mr. Order demo lay? Why is he showing it to the kids? Because there’s a reason for it. And stay tuned for the conclusion because we’re going to go deeper because we got to get back to the movie. We’re gonna go deeper into this Adrenochrome talk, kids blood. And all that, because that’s what this is all about. It’s pretty wild. Right? So in the movie, oh, boy. So they throw the spellbook down. They hang the Sanderson which is done right? Fast forward to modern day times 1993. And we see that they’re in a classroom. And they’re explaining this story to all the kids in the classroom. And you’re introduced to the main character, Max. He’s the young boy from California. And they explained to him all about All Hallows Eve. And by the way, on the clock on the wall, you see that? It’s 3pm. Exactly. Exactly. They placed all these hidden symbolisms in there. And we’re gonna come back to that because later on the other time is 3am It’s only two times you find out about the whole movie. 3pm 3am And you know what that means? Well, we’ll go back to that. But uh, you hear the teacher and the students embracing this witchcraft story, because it’s like their hometown, right? And here comes this Cali kid. And he doesn’t believe it. So they, they dropped the knowledge on his ass.
Unknown Speaker 33:12
Neither his father, his mother, nor anyone else ever knew what became of him those 300 years ago. And so the Sanderson sisters were hand either Salem townfolk now there are those who say that on Halloween night, a still guards the old Sanderson house, warning off any who might make the witches come back to life
Unknown Speaker 33:54
we seem to have a skeptic in our midst. Mr. Dennison? Would you care to share your California laid back? I died or did you?
Unknown Speaker 34:04
Okay, granted that you guys here in Salem, Oregon to these black cats and witches and stuff, stuff. But everyone here knows that Halloween was invented by the candy companies to conspiracy.
Unknown Speaker 34:20
Just so happens that Halloween is based on the ancient feasts called All Hallows Eve. It’s the one night of the year where the spirits of the dead can return to
Isaac Weishaupt 34:29
Earth. What’s up everybody hope you’re enjoying the show. Once a month, we do shout outs on this show. And the way to get a shout out is to become a supporter. At levels tier two, tier three or tier four on my Patreon or the VIP section link in the show notes. You know the drill so without further ado, let’s just blast through this thing. I’ve got a lot of new signups in the last couple of months. Shout out everyone’s signing up. Let’s start over at Patreon. Why not? Ellis? Is he 66 theories of Atlantis Mary Paul Julie Lieutenant jerk off was up faith by reason. Your dad is my dad or your dad is your dad. Apparently. John, John P. Excuse me, Brandon D Holly. A Tod Sammy Iommi, Jennifer B Genevieve. Jessica D. Marissa a Aubry T vari Amy M Kirby G Liz ah Marjorie G rusty Shackleford premier 65 Christie W Vermont Hip Hop collective Joe sauce Charles Dennis. Zack are Joshua v. Russell D Sarah B Marcia W. Jacob R Sam I Am Phil good. rechart Jennifer Betty Thomas P. Mariah Cheryl the Cheryl Yes, Frankie l Roxy Roxy Ashton Heather Allie Renee Spry you Joe nips. Brandon L M Good. Darcy de l max profit seven J Robert Z. Taylor Blake. William B big physique skinny fresh Kara JT katg and Dave W. What’s up? What’s up? Let’s move on to let’s go tier two VIP section we got poppadom Matthew K l&r. Chris and Hunter. Both of them Timothy. Yes, Krystal M Marissa a double dip and Joe F. J. Po, Jennifer B. Justin H O Gallade. Double dippers. Damien s, Elaine? M. All right, let’s, uh, let’s go. And let’s head over to tier three. We’ve got Cheryl, double dip in the Cheryl. And Jason asked, shout out, shout out, shout out. Thank you, everybody for your support. I’ve actually got two more folks that the tier four folks, but, you know, I started the tier four and I didn’t know what to do to make it special for yourself. tier four gets their own special shout outs that’ll be on a different show this month. So you’re going to hear more, when that time is right. Okay, everybody, thanks for your support. If you want support the show, you know where to go links in the show notes. I got three platforms, I got rockfon where you get all kinds of stuff. patreon.com backslash Illuminati watcher where you get all kinds of good stuff. And then the Illuminati watch calm VIP section where you get a lot of good stuff too. And we’re gonna do a live stream this month, November 18, Thursday 8pm Eastern Patreon. Team get on there. The VIP also I’m going to shoot you an email with the link in the password for you to join as well. Because the VIP section and the Patreon are very similar in their benefits. Sorry, rockfon I’ll probably do a live stream on rockin two. Sometime here soon. Everybody, thanks for your support. Let’s get back to the show. So they tell homeboy what’s up. And then he he he sees this girl Alison, he’s trying to spit game to her. She’s like the hot girl in class. But she’s kind of bullshitting with him. Whatever, he don’t care. And he’s got swag, right? This kid Max got swag. And he gets those buggy rides away rides to the cemetery. And what’s curious is that the camera I can’t make this up and I’ll put this image on the screen on to the camera stops and zooms in on one tombstone. That Tombstone is of one of the St. Claire’s that’s the last name Sinclair and Sinclair family is an Illuminati bloodline. Supposedly allegedly, right? How do I know who’s in the Illuminati? But Fritz spring Meyer wrote a book many many years ago talking about the 13 bloodlines of the Illuminati and the Sinclair’s trace back through the st. Claire’s if you read The Da Vinci Code books you’ll this rings a bell right because that was in the storyline for the Da Vinci Code. Sinclair’s go back to the st. Claire’s the st. Claire’s are part of the Priory of Saigon, which is a reference a secret society right.
And this is a time to the bloodlines of the Merovingian and the Franks. But anyway, this Sinclair’s The St. Claire’s the Priory of cyan. They practice hermetic black magic. As per Fritz spring Meyer, it’s in his book. He said this I’m going to read you from this book. In researching the Illuminati, it became clear that one these bloodlines are very important, which makes sense because of this movie, right? Like they’re obsessed with getting the right bloodlines in there. To that the people in high level Satanism believe they are descendants of the house of David. And three, the Illuminati activities tied in many ways to the Priory of cyan. And then in the book he goes on and he talks about the Freeman bloodline, they were the actual leaders of the prior side. But the point is, the prior of cyan is alleged to be in a black magic, just like the Sanderson witches. Right? And the blood lines matter because they think that there’s magic in the blood. And there’s more magical power in the veins of the the people that are direct descendants. So Max, he’s riding his bike to the cemetery. They focus in on the Sinclair family, because it’s like right in your face, right? Like, they wouldn’t think that 20 years later people will be on the internet talking about this doing the research, right. So it crosses the path with Ernie. And with this, these two bullies, right, the bullies in the story, Ernie and I remember the other guy’s name. And Ernie, his name is ice right, this net so 93 and Iceman and the other guy, they they’re shaking them down. And they they bully them and they get a little Nike cross trainers or whatever. And he finally gets home. And he got to storms upstairs like I hate this town. And I hate you dad. And dad is charging up, which to me looks like a sex toy. Again, at Instagram. Like I subscribe, check out the photos and tell me what you think in the comments on it. Isn’t that a sex toy? On the in the film, you see him like, he’s like playing with like a ship or something like a ship model. But he’s got this like little vibrating. I mean, I don’t know if you’ve seen sex toys, but it looks like a sex toy. What are they called the Flipper the dolphin something like that. But that, as silly as that may seem, it makes more sense. After we get to this whole analysis. I’m going to keep laying out this sexual you know underlying connotations about this film. Now, there’s anything wrong with sex. But you’ll see that they already did. They already did an incantation for prolonged sex with the devil with the Latin phrases. And there’s going to be continued references to sex throughout the movie, which just seems off for like a children’s Disney movie, doesn’t it? Now his younger sister, Danny. He’s got to take her out trick or treating. And he’s like, Oh, this sucks. Very, very similar to hereditary when the boy wants to go to the house party and they force him to take his younger sister. That’s that’s the only connection I got. But I mean, hereditary is all about magical spells too, right? But these bullies, Iceman and whatever his name is, they want all the smoke in Max, he was out again. I have a note here. That’s pretty funny. There was a great mockery of because Max is dress like a Little Leaguer and Iceman cuz he does. He mocks him. It’s pretty funny. Anyway, I just I found great joy in that I love the heels and wrestling. I like to villains in the movies. So what can I do? Now notice how unrealistic these parents are? Right? According to today’s standards, they didn’t have nothing to do with these kids trick or treating. And that’s how it used to be in the 80s. Right? You just went out with your friends nowadays, like the parents are walking around with the kids. Anyway, just a side note. In fact, they even they bought Mac’s he’s got a drum set. I couldn’t dream of playing the drums in my house. My dad would have killed me. Anyway, but yeah, today the the helicopter parents man, they can’t let their kids live their life. Anyway. Max and Danny, they go to Allison’s house, right and Max. He’s got the hots for Alison.
They go to her house to do a trick or treating. And it’s like this gorgeous mansion. In her family, they’re having this old timey party, you know, with the powdered wigs and all that. And if you look close, as I did, again, images on the Instagram link in the show notes. They’re wearing the Venetian masks. Now, if you listen to my Eyes Wide Shut analysis, you’ll know there’s direct connections to the historically, those Venetian masks were intended for the orgies. The orgy parties because you had have, it’s a way of suppressing the ego to wear the mask. And that’s what kind of Halloween is about is putting on a different role so that you can kind of, you know, let loose and now was the purpose of these Venetian masks in Venice, you know, 100 years ago and you will even hear Allison say cuz they’re like, Wow, this is a wild party. And Allison’s like, yeah, they do this every year. I’ll bet they do. But they do. So Danny Max Nelson, they all tribe up. And they’re like, let’s go to that Sanderson house this museum. And it’s abandoned, which I didn’t really understand why, but it’s abandoned cobwebs everywhere. And we hear about the book The spellbook. And they say that the spellbook was given by the devil to the witches, and that it’s covered in human skin. Now, this is very curious, right? There’s a practice of binding books in skin. It’s called Anthro po dharmic Biblio. Peggy. Alright. And what’s curious is that the Necronomicon, which is supposedly a fictional book, is bound in human skin as well, I couldn’t help but see the analogy there, watching this movie. Now that economic con is of course, modeled after the Book of the Dead. But it’s a fictional book created by HP Lovecraft, the guy that wrote about Cthulhu in his little fictional universe, and Cthulhu, of course, being an alien that lives under the waters and when they do a bunch of magic spells in New Orleans, it wakes up and kills everybody. So there’s that right. But the thing is that these occultist, these dark artists, they use things called Chaos magic, to reflect. They think that is a direct reflection of the fictional to the real world. So like, in some ways, when you make a movie about this stuff, in some ways that can bleed over into real events. Now occultist like Peter lavanda, allegedly an occultist will say allegedly, I don’t know the actively admits it. There’s a lot of claims that he is an occultist. I’ve read several of his books. Very knowledgeable guy. Supposedly, the he wrote the Simon Necronomicon because we’re talking about a very niche expertise and knowledge of Ancient Alchemy and the Arabic stuff and the hermetic wisdom and all this stuff. And this guy’s got it right. But the Simon Necronomicon is supposed to be a real version or it’s not supposed to be it is it’s a real version of the actual fictional Necronomicon and it ties in with Alistair Crowley and the alkem It’s, it’s all it all goes back to the cradle of civilization, and the Egyptians. Alchemy comes from the teachings of Hermes. That’s what the hermetic wisdom is about this god Hermes or Thoth, who taught magic to the people in all these Egyptian Mystery Schools, which went underground and the secret societies and so on. But this book, references the Enuma, at least the Babylonian creation story, the story of Mar Duke, slang to met the idea that Marduk slay team and created the world from the two halves of our body. Doesn’t matter in the in the hocus pocus spellbook. They have a right here in the formulas it says with the oil the incantation of I was at raw, I don’t know what that is, with the oil of the incantation of Marduk. I have made the drip with the oil of softening, which raw has given soothing. So they’re calling upon Marduk right, which is like the God Creator of the Babylonian What do you call creation story? Now, this book,
The Simon Necronomicon this book plays a role in actual murders again, because they always reflect into real life. There’s this guy named Rob Farrell, who claimed he was a vampire in the 90s I’m gonna pull you a quote right here says my bedroom was an array of the darker side of the occult such as the Necronomicon the Satanic Bible. I had upside down crosses, I’d broken shards of glass laying around the corner, I had hooks and metal cables wrapped around looking like Hellraiser. Yeah, homeboy said he was an empire and started a call and killed some people. But the Egyptian Book of the Dead that the Necronomicon is based out of it portrays black magic, which is again the hermetic black magic that the Sinclair family from the Priory of cyan practices, supposedly. And love crafts, fictional history of this book, believe this or not ties into Salem. If you go to hp lovecraft.com He lays out the history because he says he talks about how the book was translated from Arabic. Because the assassins and the Knight Templar like all this Arabic stuff is where the magic stuff sort of originated. About how The book The text was translated from Arabic to Greek to Latin and so on. Okay. I’m gonna read you right from the website says the Arabic original was lost as early as warmists time, as indicated by his preparatory note and no sight of the Greek copy, which was printed in Italy, between 15 115 50 has been reported since the burning of a certain sailor man’s library in 1692. An English translation made by dr. D was never imprinted, and exist only in fragments recovered from the original manuscript. Numerous other keeps going. Numerous other copies probably exist in secret, and a 15th century one is persistently rumored to form part of the collection of a celebrated American millionaire. Because it’s the elites that are into this stuff, right. Still vaguer rumor credits the preservation of the 16th century Greek texts in the Salem family of Pickman. But it was so preservative vanished with the artist Are you Pickman who disappeared early in 1926. The book is rigidly suppressed by the authorities and by all branches of organized Ecclesiastes CISM reading leads to terrible consequences self now this is why I went deep I went hard in the paint on your well if you go on the IMDB for hocus pocus. Look up the casting roll director. What’s her name? It’s Carolyn Pickman says she’s a casting director and actress. And now what’s even weirder is that she seems to be from Boston. She doesn’t have like a Wikipedia, but she seems to be from Boston. She teaches it all the Boston area colleges, bu Suffolk University etc. So this this Caroline pigman must be of the Pickman bloodline the last ones supposedly they have the Necronomicon book. And she’s the casting director for hocus pocus to get it to to get it it’s crazy, crazy connections do we have Okay, keep moving. They talked about the black flame candle while they’re looking at this house. And it’s supposed to summon the witches back to life if a virgin lights it on Halloween, which is max right, dork and even says it’s just a bunch of hocus pocus giving us the the the titular line that you see in some of these movies, right. But if you look up on Disney’s Wikipedia, it says the black flame candles made from the fat of a hanged man that these witches are always into the fat the body fats, right. So, so dipshit lights the candle, the witches show up. And they’re they’re like, Oh, I smell children because they’re about the kids, right? And your combs Max’s sister Danny. And they’re like all we want to eat her. Max saves or snags a spell book. But this is obviously a problem because the witches they need that spell book because they can make the potion so they get the life worse so they can stay alive because they’re going to die if they don’t. Now here comes Zachary banks, this cat, the black cat from the 1600s He’s still alive. Because the curse makes him immortal. And he escorts our, you know, protagonist throughout Salem throughout the rest of the movie. And there’s a really bizarre part because it’s like cat and mouse with these, you know, Danny Max,
Allison and the cat versus the Sanderson sister which is throughout the rest of the fellas basically what happens? But what’s bizarre is during this cat mouse chase, the three witches they get picked up by a bus driver. And he makes references to bang in these chicks. And in fact, Sarah Jessica Parker is going reverse cowgirl on the bus drivers lap. And like you may think I’m being paranoid, but I’m not. It makes sense when you consider the sex magic and the ritual incantations of the sex stuff with the witches and when it’s in the movie. So anyway, they’re downtown. All the kids are trick or treating. And everyone ends up you know, because Max, Danny Allison, they all go to this, then of going to the big adult party to get their parents and the witches follow them. Right. And Max grabs the microphone tells everyone Hey, the witches are back. Whatever. I know bet Miller she’s like yeah, but everyone’s confused. They think they’re just dressed up. They think it’s a big game. But that Miller gets on stage and they perform I put a spell on you total jumps shark moment. This is where the film gets bad. We’re only an hour into it. I’m like oh, this is terrible. But they basically they’re they’re playing cat and mouse throughout all Salem the rest of the movie. And while Max is trying to get an Alison’s pan simultaneously, this middle part of the film just drags on and on and on. And at some point in there we see the bullies Iceman and the other guy. And I says it’s three o’clock, it’s now three in the morning. It’s a second reference to time in the movie, the first one 3pm visibly clearly shown on the clock in the classroom. The second reference is 3am. And you know what that means, right? Supposedly, Christ was hung airy hanging on the cross and died at 3pm. So the Satanist revere 3am as the inversion of that as the witching hour that’s where that comes from. So how curious of course that’s the times presented in the film. Now there are a couple of references I think later they say something like oh it’s 5am or something but I’ve had a very curious that they specifically caught on those two times. So the witches they they snagged Danny the girl to retreat because they they get the spellbook from from the the protagonist right Max’s he down bad. He shows up to the museum, the cabin, and he overpowers the witches by he turns car headlights on and like that makes the witches cower like this is sorry as witches if you asked me. But anyways, Max Allison Danny they head to the cemetery the witches go after Him because they want Danny’s Adrenochrome that’s what the lifeforce is the Adrenochrome. But the cat knocks the potion out of witches hand, Max drinks it to protect Danny bet Mettler now has to eat Max is Adrenochrome. But keeping true to the movie, it’s taking way too long. And she can’t quite get it done and the sun comes up kills the witches. Because remember, they only had one night to make this happen. And ironically, it was it reminded me of the plot of midnight mass that show on Netflix. So they die and everyone lives happily ever after the cat dies. So in conclusion Let’s wrap it up. I got a lot of wrap up conclusion. Okay, I got a lot of there’s a lot of big ideas big finds in this one. It’s kind of weird to have so much symbolism of sex in this Disney child’s movie, right? In fact, the last line in the film is the cat. The cat dies because back to life is Thackeray from the 1600s but the last line of film the factory bank says I had to wait 300 years for a virgin to light the candle that’s a focus on sex all the time. You know all this virgin talk throughout the movie. And then we also had the bus driver going reverse calron Sir Jessica, we had the Venetian mass was tied to us in the Eyes Wide Shut at the Gnostic orgy which is all about Adrenochrome as I talked about my Eyes Wide Shut shows. And the reason for all this is because of this, this spellbook right which directly tells us there’s the mass ritual where the profane are joining in on the sexual magic in the Black Sabbath. And that really the key to all this is this belt this book where we reveal the connections to black magic and satanic rituals. It’s in the book it’s in the film. It’s real stuff.
There’s no hypothetically here direct links Guilty as charged. But in that chapter, of course we talked about their satanic rituals and much darker stuff if you want to get into it. Do you want to get into it? Let’s get into it. Chapter 22 Again, the section about the Black Sabbath satanic ritual it details of the satanic prayer okay. And it says the satanic prayer is all about initiating new disciples. And here’s what here’s the part you’re going to bear clutch them pearls. Clutch them pearls real tight here we go. says this ceremony contained probably the most obscene element of all for the new member was were crying required to bring with him or her a liquid made from the flesh of a child. But then details how to make this liquid says those to be called the devil service line wait for children. These are often found dead by their parents and the simple people believe that they have themselves overlain them or that they died from natural causes, but it is we who have destroyed them for that purpose. We steal them out of the grave and boil them with lime till all the flesh is loosened from the bones and is reduced to one match. You remember that the beginning when the three witches and bet Miller they talk about the bones and that spell when they’re getting the Adrenochrome from Elizabeth that hackery but anyways, it goes on and talks about how they drink this fluid. And the Initiate who drinks the food goes on to profess. They outright they deny God, they deny religion. They curse and blaspheme and provoke God. They give faith to the devil. There’s no There’s no hiding it. So why why did this happen? I argue and I believe after, I mean, there’s no denying the writers research these actual satanic rituals in this book, put the verbatim text into the film in the spellbook. thinking there was no way anyone was going to find this out. Does this mean they’re worshipping Satan? I have no idea. Maybe it’s just a joke. Seems to be modeled pretty realistically. After a satanic ritual, seems concerning to me. That I think it’s just a silly prank, like when they draw phalluses on the cover of Little Mermaid or whatever. Like, sometimes I see that I think how maybe says a sick, twisted, not funny joke. But for this, I’m like, this goes so far beyond that. But if you look at the same book about that I’m referencing with a ritual it says that the satanic ritual is, the aim is raw power at any cost. In fact, the black magician bask in the most impure and vile actions in order to be in greater harmony with the evil forces. When I read it one more time, because I think this is the key says the aim is raw power at any cost. In fact, the black magician basks in the most impure and vile actions in order to be in greater harmony with the evil forces. So it’s a power thing. And of course, we got the Adrenochrome angle, we’ve talked about it a million times, and I got some more info on yet for you. If you’re not tired of it yet, the adrenal calm thing is very fast. And I talked about this a lot in 2020, I did a bunch of shows on QA and on the whole series for the world worlds. Which I’m not gonna spoil the plot, but it’s definitely about Adrenochrome that show you in the show. This goes back to the pizza emails that we still haven’t got an explanation for. And I wrote in Aliens UFOs and you call us delusion, one that I think this is where they might be taking us feeding the babies to the alien demon gods like they did in MLOK in Babylon, taking us back to Babylon. Right. And, you know, just like we talk about with the my show on the squid game symbolism, you got to refer to my July 2020 show, by the way, fair conspiracy. One of the most downloaded shows I’ve done 42,000 views and counting. We talked about the human furniture element that you see in the Kubrick films like Lolita Clockwork Orange Eyes Wide Shut, Eyes Wide Shut again, right. And in clock regards at the malaco milkbar Moloch. More luck, the MLOK bar, you see dread comb on the wall Adrenochrome. And you could you could you could go into Marina Abramovic and all that stuff. But the basic idea here is that the Illuminati who practice satanic dark arts, they eat the babies and the children, much like these witches did. Some say it’s for the pineal gland. That’s where they drain your phone comes from.
But there are lots of facts about kids going missing every year. Look at Laura Silsbee and how the Clintons got her out of Haiti when she was smuggling kids out of there. The list goes on and on. But the occultist, like Aldous Huxley, he discussed it in the doors of perception as a product of the decomposition of adrenaline, and he said it was something like masculine and they were really in the masculine back then. Okay. Which Aleister Crowley hooked Huxley up with the masculine to begin with. And now and also Alister Crowley in the book of the law, in his thalamic Gnostic mass, it calls for the blood of a young boy. I mean, who’s making this stuff up? Hunter as Thompson talked about it, right. You remember that? And just like I did, when I did a show about Doctor sleep, which is the same exact story, they keep showing us the same story, because in Doctor sleep, Danny’s fighting the vampires, the true not who take the lifeforce from the children, the Adrenochrome. But in Hunter S Thompson’s fear and loathing, he says he got Adrenochrome from a satanic freak. And that satanic Freak was also a child molester. So there’s something with the kids right? And I surely don’t understand why or where this comes from. Anyhow, what’s something new? Well, there’s something new I can talk about with this that that blew my mind. Shout out at infinity. No infine Loke was a weird name. Shout out you on Twitter sent me this news article from 1917 The foul Kirk Herald. And this is some really bizarre stuff. And strangely enough, while I was researching that article, because it was talking about pineal gland, and Adrenochrome, and you can like Google that and you can read it. But when I was researching for that article, New York Times 1984 had an article about the pineal gland. I’m going to read you from it. I’m not gonna read you the whole thing as a lot. But I’m talking about Rene Descartes looking for the the soul. And it’s talked about how some of the scientists would say that the pineal gland in humans had no important function, but new scientific evidence shows that it does perform some good things, says the pineal body, sometimes called the pineal gland is a small structure in the center of the brain, blah, blah, blah. So as the new evidence indicates that the pineal body is a powerful factor in the hormonal changes that usher in adolescence, it seems to work through a hormone it secretes called melatonin that inhibits the chemistry of sexual maturation. The pineal body is believed to be the human body’s only source of melatonin. New research seems to show that melatonin production in early childhood keeps the reproductive system quiescent. Later, the sex hormones begin to flourish as melatonin production wanes, blah, blah, blah, goes through some more stuff. And here’s the conclusion here. It says the pineal product currently believed responsible for the effect on sexual maturity was discovered in 1958 by scientists at the Yale University home of the skull and bones. They showed that the pineal body produced a hormone now called melatonin that calls the skins of frogs to blanch. The turn in the frickin frogs corny but it’s functioned in mammals remained a puzzle. And here’s the summation of it at the end of the article says the new evidence suggests strongly although it does not prove that melatonin acts as an early childhood restraint on sexual maturation. So there we go, the scientist, they’ve been researching the pineal gland and its effect on sexuality in children. Now, I don’t have a clear. You know, I just see red flags is what I’m trying to say. I don’t know how this all ties together. I just know there’s a lot of references to it. Okay. But it’s saying there that the pineal gland creates the melatonin hormone that prevents children from reaching their sexual maturity. So if I’m one of these weirdo dark artists, and I think there’s a way I can I don’t we want to postulate this stuff, right? It gets into some real dark territory. Like I said, I’m laying it all out, you come to your own conclusion. Just don’t hurt anybody. Okay, that’s all I asked. Like, some people get all wrapped up and they want to like, they want to, you know, I was gonna say storm, the capital that you know what I’m saying?
There’s a lot of weird stuff. And I think we need to figure out what’s going on. Like, I’m always in that camp. Let’s figure out what’s going on. But in conclusion, let’s wrap it up. You heard enough. Hocus Pocus, in conclusion has direct and clear references to stealing the life force from children. It’s a tale about Adrenochrome through the dark arts. It also has these direct references to ritualistic sex with the Venetian masks. I’ll try to put links in the show notes for the Eyes Wide Shut up. So it’s, you know, six episodes deep on it so and you keep finding stuff it’s crazy. Talk about the Virgin’s needing to light the candles for the resurrection, the spell book talking about sex with demons and the actual verbatim Latin phrases from the actual witchcraft book for a satanic ritual where there was witch orgies with goats, they were supposed to be Satan. They’re using the incantations for extending the orgasms. Some kind of blue tube for the dark arts, right? They definitely did all this on purpose. The bloodline of the Necronomicon holder is Pickman. And that’s the casting director Caroline Pittman of the film. So I’ve got a copy of the hocus pocus spell book and the reference book for the Elizabeth’s and magic incantation and they match up verbatim. There’s no denying. So there you go. Illuminate confirm hocus pocus all day. That’s probably the most illuminate confirm thing I’ve ever researched. And there’s a sequel slated for 2022. So let’s see what’s up. I wouldn’t have considered this movie but you know, amazing connections to be had here. Not my cup of tea, like every other Disney Movie. One that I’ve suffered through, it’s got all the things. I mean, can you believe it right? Now, here’s some things I want to leave you with. If you’re new and all this, and you don’t understand what I’m saying, half the time. You got to read my books. I’ve got like nine books out there on Amazon audible, you can get signed paperbacks on my Gumroad store. gumroad.com backslash, Isaac W. But if you’re looking to start out get the dark path that’s my highest rated, highest reviewed highest red book. And it’s like the high octane fuel booster that’ll catch you up to what’s going on in the world today. And if you’re not ready for that level of commitment, that’s fine, too. I got something easier. I want you to share this episode with a friend. Do you know anybody that likes this movie? Have them listen to it? That’ll wake them up. And look, you can’t have arguments with these people. You can’t fight with them. You just got to be like, huh, isn’t this something? Take a listen to this. What do you think about that? And they’re gonna deny it. There’s Oh, crazy because there’s a guy. But it’s gonna sink in there. It’s a seed. Plant the seed with your finger. Share this episode. Because look, I’ve been doing this for 10 years, analyzing films, ritual magic, the occult. And this might be the most perfect example of entertainment, Disney, no less baking ideas of the occult into the film specifically aimed towards the kids. So it explains why all these 80s 90s goals are and all these New Age woowoo astrology occult Tarot reading stuff, because they’ve been baked into this. They’ve been showing you since you were little kids. Hocus Pocus, the Harry Potter Lucifer show I mean, the list goes on and on. They’re trying to plan acceptance of the New World Order, which, as we’ve talked about many times, it’s all about Luciferianism, the new global world religion centered around the worship of Lucifer. So there you go. Hope you enjoyed it. Be sure to go to my Instagram like it subscribe, check out the photos. Tell me what you think in the comments. You think. Max’s dad is playing with a sex toy pocket now you tell me. link in the show notes as always at at Isaac Weishaupt on the Instagram. And you know what to do, you can get the books. Get the dark path. Audible, I read it for you. If you don’t want to do that, share this episode with a friend or better yet do all three. Alright folks, thanks for your time. Thanks for listening. And until next time, stay WOKE
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