On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we reveal some mind blowing connections between Ghislaine Maxwell’s New Hampshire hideout, Aleister Crowley’s Toad Ritual and the Alien Apocalypse! Crowley symbolically tried to kill Christ through a frog and it brought the alien frogs through the Book of Revelations! It sounds insane but it is even crazier when we see the connections to Stephen King’s Doctor Sleep! Buckle up!
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all Patreon Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is given to all Patreon supporters- join the IW Patreon team at Patreon.com/IlluminatiWatcher!
Ghislaine Maxwell Pt 2
Fri, 7/3 2:42PM • 34:19
ritual, toad, crowley, frogs, book, alien, talk, lucifer, new hampshire, called, demons, maxwell, read, people, july, patreon, connections, devil, alistair, world
Isaac Weishaupt
Isaac Weishaupt 00:00
You’re not gonna believe this, this show is gonna blow your mind. I, I was originally going to do this just as a Patreon bonus because it was shocking the revelations that I found. But then as I dug deeper, I got even more shocking. So I want to share with everybody we’re Of course talking about Ghislaine Maxwell, this is the second show focused on her. She, of course, Epstein’s co conspirator. In part two here, we’re going to blow the little open on this thing. And we’re going to talk about connections to Aleister Crowley, the great beast 666. We’re gonna talk about his new hampshire Toad ritual, where he sacrificed a toad is Christ. We’re going to talk about connections to Dr. Sleep. Donald Trump’s Kek aliens jack Parsons, it’s all here. This This is it folks, this is a big one. Originally, I was going to make this Patreon bonus only, but I want everyone to have this. This is very important. And much like the first episode because when you sign up for Patreon you get early access to the episodes. But every now and then every now and then I will throw that that episode out simultaneously like depending on what’s going on, and this year is absolutely insane. So I’ve got to drop the episode. It’s like July 4 weekend. I know everyone’s heading out of town, but you got to hear this. You got to hear it. You got to hear this information. It’s absolutely insane what they’re doing. The So yeah, I don’t do this often where I drop it simultaneously on the free feed as the Patreon so my apologies to all the Patreon supporters. I hope you understand. But I need to get this information out there. I think we need to start talking about it. You need to start waking the sheeple up. 2020 is in fact the greatest thing. My man Charlie Robinson, Patreon folks already got his interview. I’ll drop it next week on the free feed. He talked about the great awakening and man, oh, Manischewitz. This is going to be crazy. This is wild. Let’s just get into it. I’m excited. I’m really excited to share this information with you. So what prompted this because I got to give a big shout out to the secret son on the Twitter, I follow them. And I believe it’s run by Christopher Knowles, who’s made his rounds on the podcast circuit. I need to get him on here to really break this down. But he posted this great article connecting some dots of Ghislaine Maxwell to Alistair Crowley, and it sent me off on a research frenzy. Because the article makes mention to the ritual of the toad that Crowley did up in New Hampshire. But when I dug into it deeper, I couldn’t believe what I read. Straight from the source. Horses straight from the magic ritual books. I’m going to reveal it to you today. Now. I must also mention I never really bought into the synchronicity stuff too deep but the more I researched it I’ve been researching quantum physics and synchronicity as it relates to the Alien Agenda. Maybe there’s something to it. And lately I’ve been steered towards Leo’s a gummy if you’re familiar with his work, he wrote several books on the subjects we always talk about, and I never really followed them before but his books have a lot of enlightening information. If you saw I posted a bunch of stuff on my Instagram at Isaac Weishaupt like and subscribe. Some insane predictions he was kind of making back in 2016 in January 2020, talking about all the things that happened. Now I got to read all of his information to see if if this this guy’s legit, but actually At first glance, he’s sure does seem like it. Now, one of his because I picked up a couple of his books, and I haven’t read them yet though. But in the one book invisible masters he talks about the ritual Alistair Crowley did in Bristol, New Hampshire, which was mentioned by the secret sun, which, you know, when I read on the secret suns website, I had a brief mention of this ritual conducted near where going Maxwell was arrested. So I thought, well, that’s odd. I went into my invisible masters book there And sure enough, it talks about the toad ritual. Now that secret son article, it points out that some other strange occurrences of a new hampshire the Barney Barney Hill abduction happened up there, which has kind of been debunked in the sense that under hypnosis, they basically describe a recent episode of The Outer Limits. So did they Really get abducted or not? Again, this is all, as Jacques Vallee calls the UFO phenomenon a control system. Carl Jung talks about this as all like psychosomatic, crazy mental stuff going on here. Now, the sun secret sun also points out that Ghislaine was in fact arrested on July 2 on UFO day. I didn’t put that together. Yes, in fact, July 2, based on the Roswell crash that happened in Corona, New Mexico out near Roswell airfield. Yes. So there’s that’s strange, right. He also points out that interstate 93 in New Hampshire connects the location of the hill abduction, which in fact did happen right off of I 93. In Lincoln, New Hampshire. connected into Alister Crowley’s location of his secret cabin, his secret hideout in Hebron, he run news Hampshire. Now if you recall, I took a little trip out to area 51 in Nevada with Jimmy the jackhammer a couple years ago posted a video and a podcast about it. You might be able to find it on YouTube the shadow banned the crap out of me but I got an Isaac Weishaupt channel on there. I uploaded all the old stuff. I don’t make videos anymore. I’ll probably come back to that again someday. But they just shadow banned the crap out of me. You can check it out on there. I got cool little footage of the whole trip up there and we find out I didn’t realize it until we got going that you take 93 interstate 93 to get up from Vegas to or if you want to Rachel Nevada. Which by the way, did you know that area 51 is located on the topographical map inside of the saucer Mesa. I found that strange as well. While we’re up there, there was a young Name Holly rocket making filming a music video very strange is a strange experience. If anyone goes out there I need you to take a picture of the they have a wall where they put all the artwork, people send them artwork. I sent them a cool little comic strip which I also posted on my Instagram feed, by the way that I drew. I want to know if they put it up there. Now, okay. 93 Why is that significant? Because 93 is the number first the Lima that is the religion established by Alistair Crowley given to him by the demon that whispered in his ear, in Egypt, in Cairo. But 93 is considered numerically the holiest number of the Lima they use the numerological of the Greek. Writing of the words will and love the Lima being will and love being a GOP a meaning love. I believe the Greeks have three terms for the word love. One of them is a copy which I believe is the love from God. And that’s off the top of my head I could be wrong. Now do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law is the familiar saying for the Lima as demonstrated by AP sold a rapper on his album of the same name devoted to Alistair Crowley, which had mac miller on there, by the way, before he died, and the response is love, under law, love under will, and all of that’s like equivalent to 93 as well. I think it’s 93 letters or something like that. Then, you know, secrets on talks about the connections tickling sister, which we talked about on Part One who married the son of the Suicide Squad guy, Frank Molina, we talked about that last episode, and we’re going to get back into jack Parsons. But we got to work our way into that. And what I found curious reading through the Blaine Maxwell saga here on daily beast, they had an article and this guy who lived in the town described the road of the that she was living on. And he said, East Washington Road is spooky. It’s the kind of place where people could hide out in a bunker. It’s just real Hollywood backwoods stuff down there. Well, what? What? I don’t know why they didn’t ask him to elaborate more, but that’s what he said. Hollywood backwoods stuff, huh? Like a call rituals, maybe? Maybe. Now the town where this cabin was is in Bristol, New Hampshire, and it’s roughly an hour from Lake pes quani, which is where Alistair Crowley did this in Hebron, New Ham shire. He did this ritual on July 3. 13th 1916 very close to the timeframe right now. And when we look into this, it was called the LIBOR l x x. That’s a, you know, he named all those means book. And it was called the cross of the frog. And it was his ritual to pass the grade of mages. And it was based on Christian symbolism where the magician symbolically uses the toad to symbolize Jesus Christ. And the magician is representing the serpent Lucifer and devours the toad symbolically, because the magician stabs the toad, while the toad is on across, stabs it with the knife of art, the theme, which you can see in midnight gospel, by the way, which I got to do a show on that, you know, this, this wasn’t such a hot girl summer I could get back to My thing, but the news is just like non stop culty stuff, right? Because there’s an episode of midnight gospel with Damien Echols from the West Memphis three who’s a Alister Crowley magician type and he uses the the knife, the theme, ritual knife. A lot of people didn’t catch that, I’m sure. But the same kind of knife is what you use to stab the heart of the toad of Jesus Christ, very blasphemous. Now, it is also and this is upon deeper research, I found all this stuff, because I hadn’t really heard about the ritual of the toad before so I dug into it. It’s also brought through the tract of Oz Ozi, the number of the Capricorn and it symbolizes the knight death, or the goat or the devil because those things play a role in this ritual. numerically, it’s equivalent to 77 which makes me think July 7 is going to be a critical date. Seven, seven. So I want to get this episode out there. What’s going to happen on seven seven? Something not good based on the ideas of all of these occultists and world handlers, manifesting events based on numerology, based on mass ritual. And with this Toad ritual The purpose is to gain insight of the Fallen Angel Lucifer, aka Lucifer and incorporate it as a shadow aspect. Now, I’m going to read you right from Leo’s Academy’s book, invisible masters, and it’s going to take a minute so hang in there with me. The crucify the from the chapter called the crucified frog in the alien apocalypse because that’s what I want to connect the dots with here, okay. Crowley performed Lieber xx the cross of a frog on July 17 1916. Early well from a different Reference I read July 13, either way, July of 1916 during his retreat to Lake best quani now newfound lake in New Hampshire. This is the opening of the ritual ceremonies proper to obtaining a familiar spirit of a Mercurial nature as described in the apocalypse of St. JOHN the divine from a frog or toad. He had crucified a toad in three baskets Liske abode muttering the runes, verse mad with many a mocking curse, Alister curly mentions clearly what seems to be the recipe to invoke an alien spirit. An alien spirit of Mercurial nature, indicates as the basis for this weird ritual, the apocalypse of St. JOHN the divine, something truly strange and alien is going on with this ritual where the chief officer represents a snake because of mercury. The proper food for snakes is frogs. The mystery of conception is the catching of the frog in silence and the affirmation Have the will is to perform the ceremony. First of all, let’s keep in mind snake worship is a typical of the devotion to serpent deities, and this tradition is present in several ancient cultures. Since jinn in Islamic mythology are described as alternating between human and serpentine forms, and the serpent is a character from the Genesis creation narrative, occasionally depicted with legs and sometimes identified with Satan. Remember, when Crowley is talking to us, he’s using a coded Illuminati language that permits him to talk freely about his interdimensional satanic beliefs and practices. These three demons we find in the book of Revelation who looked like grey aliens are specified to come out of the mouth of the beast dragon and false prophet. This is symbolic of speaking these creatures into being. When God spoke in Genesis, the universe came into being with the words that came out of the mouth of God. In a dark parallel, it seems that Satan, the beast from the sea, and the False Prophet will speak them into being or create these animal monsters. And here we’re talking about the power of the spoken word, the logos, we talked about this in my hip hop, book sacrifice magic behind the mic. Now available on Amazon audible or get your signed paperback gumroad comm backslash Isaac, who just sent a copy out this morning to my man, Barry, shout out Barry. And then the kings of the earth will follow these three grey aliens to battle and be deceived. We read that one more time. And then the kings of the earth will follow these three great aliens to battle and be deceit sounds very Project Blue Beam ish, doesn’t it. In fact, they will be following three demon possessed genetically engineered animal monsters, but it seems they will believe they’re aliens biological extraterrestrials from outer space. Among all the visible paranormal activities that are going on today, including ghosts, fairies, Bigfoot, orbs, and many others, it is the alien phenomenon that stands out as unique. Out of all the activities of demons and fallen angels today it is the alien phenomenon as mentioned in the book of Revelation, showing, showing great biblical prophetic signal significance. Now, on my Patreon folks out there, you’re going to get a sneak peek of my alien book, I’m gonna give you a breakdown of the Project Blue Beam. patreon bonus, you gotta sign up, like and subscribe, get me to 1000 and then I don’t know what’s gonna happen. What are we gonna do? Or what I’m gonna do? My mind will be blown. I never thought I’d get so much support and I appreciate you guys so much. Now, the book of Revelation. Well, before we get into that, so yeah, Project Blue Beam. I’m gonna break it down for you. I’ll give you the real basics of it though. This guy served my NASS claims that There’s this big plan to have this fake alien invasion and then they’re gonna project images of God to people all over the world. And it’s all about the new world order which will create a new religion which is Satanism, or luciferianism. And the Antichrist will manifest and be the new god of this
realm. Over 300 pages of esoteric do
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Isaac Weishaupt 18:08
right. Now what was curious after this ritual, and we’ll get back to the book of Revelation. Don’t you worry. After the ritual, Alistair Crowley wrote to the new york times he wrote, I do not know whether globular lightning is a sufficiently rare phenomenon in this country to Merritt remark yesterday a global fire with an apparent diameter of about a foot burst on the floor of the middle room of a cottage here and within a few inches of my right foot. Curiously enough, no damage of any kind was done is of course written in his cabin in New Hampshire by Mark Elaine Maxwell was hiding out. Now, we need to go a little deeper, and a little darker. Let’s look at a book Michael Ford, a sort of Luciferian magic occult guy wrote about the toad ritual. He prescribed an updated form. I found a copy of the book and I got it. I’m gonna read it to you. This is what he wrote. He says the toad right is a small Grimoire which is a self initiatory presentation of the toad rate, a form of diabolical ism, from which the sorceress path leads in three roads from night on to the sun. The Toad rate is derived and basis from Alister Crowley’s LIBOR LX x, but expands into darker areas not previously explored. It is said the toad rate causes madness or death for those who undertake it and fail, but ketonic power for those who may transcend it, which is very difficult these are called rituals they approaching korone zone as croley says, Crone zone the number 333. If one is not prepared, they will go insane Okay, let’s keep reading the toad right Tails a study of death and decay. And what is the essence which remains the toad which essentially moves through darkness? Shai tan of midnight or Lilith into the sun, which is Lucifer again. We talked about it all the time. The triple o G. Bill Cooper talked about this on the Mystery Babylon series, it’s like 30 hours, give it a listen. All of these secret societies talk about these coded language of wisdom and the sun and all of this stuff in the light and being illuminated and all this stuff. And he asserts, and I believe in more and more every day that all of these people are luciferians and the coded language is to worship Lucifer. Why else would they hide it under hidden language because it was not acceptable. Then you get to the early 1900s you got blood matter. ski and Crowley who popularized these themes and these ideas of the occult. So you get everyone interested in this stuff. And then you flip it on them and you hit them with the Project Blue, blue beam and the 5g kill grid and you manifest God as the Antichrist as the ecumenical antichrist. Let’s keep reading. The Toad right is presided over by Makati, the triple Goddess of the crossroads. Satan dar the patron spirit of the right, meaning ritual. All righty. Not to be confused with ri ght, and lose a feud the night familiar of sorcery and dreaming projection. This small Grimoire contains the right of the toad but also a ritual of Lucifer huge for after the working as well as a solitary black mass, with chants. given to charge the toad bone after the ritual, for the road through the right is through the darkness that leads toward the light of the sun. The ritual is about leading the initiate to Lucifer using the toad Boehner apparently. Now I downloaded that book, like I said, and well, let’s see here. Let me see if it’s time to switch over switch gears here. Okay, so in the Michael Ford book of the has the actual prescription for how to do the ritual. The first page the very first thing said to the magician to the candidate. It references the book of revelations chapter 1613 through 14 which of course supports the previous statement made by Leo’s a gummy about the frog demons of the apocalypse Okay, the Let me see if I can read it to you. Let me find it. Hang on uno momento por la or Here we go. The book is titled to Toad right the three roads of Santander Lucia, fuge and Hakata, but Michael Ford, Revelation 1613, through 14, and I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the False Prophet for their spirits of devils working miracles which go forth under the kings of the earth and of the whole world. Now, when I read that, if I put on my ancient alien hat here, and I’ve got nothing to base this on besides insane, ancient alien theories, he says, I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, out of the mouth of the False Prophet, meaning A UFO opened up and out came these three frogs. And then he says the spirits of the devil’s working miracles. Do you not see the connection here? And we’re going to get into that. I got a little bit more. If you’re ready, I don’t know if you’re ready for it. Be ready for it. The interviewer is excited about this as I am the toad, right. Okay, and this is off the first page of Mike Ford’s book. The Toad right is sacred terracotta trivia whose three ways are the path to her consorts to Tanda or as a Zell called Lucifer, for the three nights from which you shall seek the power of the toad Boehner and Toad bone. You shall call upon each shade of Makati to bless and empower your path for you shall move through the dark to the moon to the path of the sun. The Toad right is perhaps one of the most Omen bearing or dangerous to the gates of the mind. Because again, there’s a menace Until construct element to this alien phenomenon, okay. But we find out the toad ritual is empowering someone’s path to find Lucifer. Now. Crowley did this. Then he moved to New York and did the elemental working, which, if you follow me long enough, you already know where we’re going with that. But first, let’s not skip past this. Let’s not skip past what the first page of this ritual book says. It says, the toad right basically connects in to aza Zell, which should sound familiar because I did a show on Dr. Sleep back in, I believe, December 2019. Because I read the book, and I just watched the movie, by the way, and I posted a bunch of images on Instagram. I gotta give you a brief discussion on it at that time. When, when, when the timing is right, I should say. I’m going to read you from my notes. Because in the book, Danny goes to who, by the way has a little bit of dissociative identity disorder. The gates of his mind have been broken open. Danny goes to Frazier, New Hampshire where he takes on some jobs. He works at a hospital and that’s where he’s consoling the dying patients as why he’s called doctor sleep. But he does this with the assistance of a cat named aza Zell. And on that show, I talk to you about causal it’s a demonic fallen angel. And in the Bible, it’s a part of a scapegoat ritual where the sins of the Jews are placed onto a very unfortunately sad goat and sent out to the desert. But it’s the fallen angel that introduced humans to forbidden knowledge and the sacrifice to the gods. That’s what this thing represents as as well. So in Doctor sleep, these, these old people are the sacrifice to the gods. And isn’t it funny that Danny’s got perhaps the forbidden knowledge of the ESP, of the shining. So in the ritual, through Asa Zell, it opens the gates of the mind. And in the Bible, it talks about demonic spirits, providing forbidden knowledge. And in the book of revelations, it talks about the three frogs coming out of the mouth of the UFO. To give the knowledge says there are spirits of the devil’s working miracles which go forth into the kingdom of earth and the whole world. everything’s connected here. I gotta keep moving. We got a lot talk about it details. In the book there Michael Ford’s book, it updates an updated version of the ritual where you kill the toad you hang out in the graveyard with all the bones and then the devil tempts you with some powers, but you’re supposed to be like nah, devil, not right now. And then after ou can you do that? That activity defiance you become as the devil and this is what he says in the book. You shall be Then the Lord of the devil, the bicarb, the son of the devil, the Antichrist as described by john Whiteside Parsons, the son or daughter of the beast 666. So you can see the big shout out to jack Parsons, because as we talked about earlier, Ghislaine Maxwell sister, Christine Maxwell married Oh, what’s his name? Married the son of the guy who was hanging out with jack Parsons and the Suicide Squad. Frank Frank Molina, it was in the Suicide Squad with Alistair Crowley and jack Parsons. They were all hanging on the desert doing rituals and rockets, rocket magic and all this crazy stuff. Now that reference to the book revelations also gets detailed on a website called paradox brown.com, which I found through Leo’s Academy’s book. I’m going to read you from it right now. The Book of Revelation teaches of three evil spirits who are demons who look like frogs. says these three frog like demons will gather the kings of the world together for the battle of Armageddon, against Jesus Christ before his return. Then it talks about revelation 16, but it goes a little bit further 12 through 21 Here we go. The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the Kings from the east. Then I saw three evil spirits that look like frogs, they came out of the mouth of the dragon out of the mouth of the beast of the mouth of the False Prophet, their spirits, demons, performing miraculous signs. And they go out to the kings of the whole world together them for the Battle of on the great day of the God Almighty. So again, there’s these connections to be had here. Now, these frogs, these frog demons, it is argued that they’re actually the grey aliens because they’ve got the sort of pod shaped appendages and the big bug eyes. So when we see All these references to frogs, it could be talking about the grey aliens. Which of course, when you talk about the, the the frogs you can’t deny the 2016 sigil chaos magic charging of the Keck the frog God behind Donald Trump. And as you heard from my show where I interviewed Professor Tito bomb, Teitelbaum, excuse me. He talks about Steve Bannon who was in charge of the campaign that year. And he was in support of reneging on who was a guy who was talking about sort of how do I best phrase this sort of like re reverting us back to a previous time arguing that mankind goes through these cycles and we are currently in the Kali Yuga. And there needs to be this big devastation of the world as we know it. to pave the way to a new world, and it could be that the Project Blue Beam and the Keck that charged it back in 2016 is all pushing for these alien demons to come down and visit us. Because after the toad ritual that Crowley Did you know what happened then after he got this wisdom from Lucifer, and charged his path to wisdom, he left for New York. And when he got there, he did the Allah mantra working. And the result of that in 1918 was him channeling lamb, the Grey Alien, the first Grey Alien, the first illustrated version of a Grey Alien. So there you have it, I know it’s a lot. I know it’s a lot to process. But in conclusion, we see a lot of these strange connections here. What to make Have them I don’t know. I hope it doesn’t mean the apocalypse is coming. Hope it doesn’t mean the alien disclosure is coming. But I can tell you this if they do some kind of alien disclosure, I’m going to be extra weary about it based on these connections of the book of revelations and the Crowley connection to the frogs and the Keck and the Steve Bannon, Kali Yuga. And this idea that we need to destroy the old world and make a new one and an usher in this age of Luciferian. worship. So what’s Ghislaine Maxwell doing up there? Well, she taking part of this. How did Stephen King channel this dark energy of the azaZell frog, which by the way, Dr. Sleep guess where that was? The story was that wasn’t in Maine, like most of his story, it was in New Ham shire, where the hill abduction case happened where Crowley was channeling Lucifer demons, killing the frogs were killing Maxwell was high now. That’s where Dr. Sleep was set. So that’s a lot to put together a lot of pieces there, but I want to throw those at you before the weekend, so everybody can go get blitzed on July 4 and forget about 2020 The Great Awakening year. But what I do now is give you a little call to action always wants you to do something for me, you know, because we’re in a relationship you and I want you to share these two episodes with a friend, the delaine Maxwell part one and part two. Because I think we need to get some serious awareness going on what’s happening. Because before you know what they’re gonna hit us with the alien thing, and when they hit us with the alien thing. People are gonna be like all the conspiracy theorists are just making this up as a reaction. But I think if you plant the seed ahead of time, like hey, this is what they’re doing. This is what They’re attempting and this is what they’re gonna try to do in the future, people are more likely to be waking up to the process. So thank you for your time. Please share with a friend and until next time, stay woke
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