On today’s episode of the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture with Isaac Weishaupt podcast (formerly known as CTAUC Podcast) we continue a deep dive into this Balenciaga scandal! We did part 1 recapping and revisiting the bonus show from Nov 21 but now we’re going full steam ahead! Let me walk you through all the players and updates on the situation- from the photographer, to the set designers and celebrities like Nicole Kidman (who I’ll tie to MKULTRA). We’ll talk Kanye, Kim Kardashian and this HORRIFIC new image from Balenciaga from an artist who did some horrendous depictions of children, Michael Borremans. Learn about the Freemason cannibalism of Matthew Barney and so much more. We’ll discuss who Lotta Volkova is and how ALL of this ties to Mr Epstein himself…
- Key Players:
- Kim K
- Kanye
- Model Kids
- Photographer
- Set Designer
- Nicole Kidman
- New campaign- new hidden symbols, books and artists
- Matthew Barney and Michael Borremans
- Epstein
- Lotta Volkova
- Rachel Chandler
- What does it mean- Luciferian religion
- une 27, 2022 episode Beyonce Break My Soul and Renaissance Symbolism: Saturn, Occult Rituals & Great Reset! https://illuminatiwatcher.com/beyonce-break-my-soul-and-renaissance-symbolism-saturn-occult-rituals-great-reset/
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Eddie Bravo’s “Look Into It,” Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and theories.
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Isaac Weishaupt 0:06
You’re listening to occult symbolism and pop culture. I’m your host Isaac wise up today we’re gonna talk about Balenciaga. Part Two. You’ve already heard part one. Don’t need to go back into that. We’re gonna continue this deep dive into Valenciana, the fashion designer company here. We did part one, recapping, revisiting the bonus show I did from November 21. But now we’re going full steam ahead. I’m going to walk you through all the key players. I’m going to give you updates on the situation. We’re talking about. Here’s the key players we’re going to go through and their roles relations statements about what’s going on. Kim Kardashian, yay. Kanye West, right. The kid that was the model in the shoot the photographer, the set designer, Nicole Kidman. Then we’re gonna get into the new campaign, which has a horrific, horrific reference hidden in the back of it. All right. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, strapping you’re about to get your mind blown. We’re talking about this new campaign with the new hidden symbols, books in the background, the artists involved. We’re talking to Matthew Barney. Michael barman’s. I’ve reviewed their art. I’ve watched Matthew Barney’s video that wow, I’ve looked through Michael Berman’s artwork of kids, toddlers eating people walking around with severed heads. Get ready for this one. And then we’re gonna get into we’re getting into the dark, dark underbelly. We’re talking about Epstein. We’re talking about this model stylist. Lotta vagina. And we’re gonna talk a lot of Volkova is her name. Then we’re gonna talk about Rachael Chandler how this all ties to Epstein. And then we’re gonna wrap it up. What does it all mean? Hint It’s the Luciferian religion they want to believe as they want us to believe in its revelation of the method hydraway of Hydra kids rollin DEFCON three on the Balenciaga DEF CON three. Oh, yay, I and you know what? Here’s the thing. I’m recording this December 1. In the afternoon. I watched bits and pieces of the Kanye West Alex Jones interview. Insert the Ben Affleck smoking meme right here. The frustrated Ben Affleck smoking mean because now I know what I gotta do this weekend. I gotta watch three, four hours of this nonsense. It’s pure gold. It’s something amazing. Or talking about the sign up to end also psyops it ties into with the Balenciaga. It ties into QA non. I don’t know what we’re living through here. We’re living through an actual conspiracy. We’re all decoding at the same time. Kanye said he loves Hitler, and he loves and the Nazis weren’t all bad. And I get what he’s saying. But anyway, we’re gonna save that for the next show. Let’s and oh, by the way, the small excerpt I saw Alex Jones asked Kanye about the Balenciaga stuff, and he dismisses it. He dismisses it completely. He’s like, this is just a distraction. Oh, well, that’s interesting, because I know Kanye has got a lot of money involved with Lindsey Agra, even though they dropped his ass. Maybe he’s got some money still tied up there. I don’t know. But this isn’t going to be another show about Kanye. I need to make an index of all the Kanye stuff I’ve done over the years. I’ve covered this guy for about 10 years now. And he’s all over the place. Sometimes we think he’s the Conspiracy Truth or savior. Sometimes he’s pushing Luciferian symbolism. And if you asked me my opinion, he tips the scales on Luciferian. Aha, that’s right. Don’t be fooled. Some of the people you think are your heroes are the SIOP enemies. That’s all I’m saying. And I could be wrong. What do I know? You’re not I mean, these guys, Alex Jones and Kanye West and Elon Musk. These guys are in some whole other elite level that I’ll never be in the same room with. So they might know some things even trough Oh, Trump in there, too. They might know some things, some plans, some ideas that I am not privy to. And that’s always been my beef with these these All right, losers who are quasi dog whistling white supremacist. us. If you’re going to be the savior to the truth or world, then come out and say it. You know what I mean? Like with Trump and Kanye, like, you guys want to hint around? Oh, we’re going to save the kids. Oh, we’re going to expose the mainstream media and who really runs things? Okay? Then start naming names. You guys are in the rooms with these people. You’re getting paid by these people. You got the receipts? I don’t I’m just a jackass in my room watching the news and trying to make sense of all this. But people want to give these guys a pass and say no, they’re the heroes of the saviors. No, they’re not there. They’re false idols. You know, Kanye West went on and on about how he was Yeess. For a long time, he thought he was Jesus. He said he belongs in the Bible. I know. There’s probably some young people out there that don’t know Kanye West past. He said he belongs in the Bible. He thinks he’s God. He’s a narcissist. That’s why when he went in to tell Trump Trump you should be my running mate Trump, who’s also a narcissist lost his mind. These are maniacs. Anyway, blenz Yaga. I’m gonna put a link to Episode One, part one. If you haven’t heard it, you’re going to need to hear that. Today we’re going into part two, which we’re going to reference the information from part one. All right, let’s go. The episode that ensued from the first drama, the first episode, Balenciaga is suing the production designers because blondes Yaga sees a massive Fallout because this thing went viral. The mainstream media news is talking about it. Everyone’s got an opinion. Now. Let’s Yeah, doesn’t want nothing to do with this. They’re now suing the set designers. They’re like, you’re paying all the fallout damage, I believe it started at 25 million is going to go up because, you know, canceled culture. And sometimes we’ll talk about this in the conclusion. Because we’re the firt. The truth is, we’re the first ones to say cancel culture is a bad thing. You should be able to say whatever you want, even if it’s offensive. You know, Alex Jones wants to say the SHA, oh, K. Kids were actors, he should be allowed to say that first amendment? Well, you need to apply that same argument to blends Yaga if they want to push satanic stuff and little kids eat and other little kids. That’s their right. That’s their First Amendment right. And I’m anti canceled culture. So in a way, that is their right. I don’t know. I don’t know where, you know, obviously, I don’t support it. Obviously, this is disgusting. I think the whole fashion industry is disgusting. They’ve been doing this stuff for a long time. And that’s where I stand with I just want to expose it talk about it. Just you know, just so you can vote with your dollar on this aspect. I would never campaign to let’s shut down once Yaga people want to wear that nonsense and support that gross stuff a that’s on them. And you know, this is a big canceled culture discussion, because that’s what we’re looking at. People want to sit pick and choose who they can cancel. And, you know, maybe this is an example where we should actually embrace canceled culture. Maybe I don’t know. It’s an interesting conversation. And again, who am I I’m no philosopher. I’m just some, just some guy. Here’s my opinion. So there’s so in the production is Alex Bloods, Yaga. They don’t want none of the smoke. So they’re suing. The company is North six, and the guy who put it together was Nicolas de Jardins. probably mispronouncing it. There’s also a guy Demna musalia. I’m probably mispronouncing that. His name pops up on a lot of headlines. When you look around with this stuff. He’s the creative director of bullets. Yaga. He apologized on Instagram as well. He said, We sincerely apologize for any offense, our holiday campaign may have caused or plush bear bags should not have been featured with children in this campaign. We’ve immediately removed the campaign from all platforms now to make things worse. This was a holiday campaign. He’s I didn’t realize that he said it. What holiday we’re talking about, we’re talking about Christmas. And not and you know, me, everybody. I’m very, not a right wing guy. And I often think that whole idea that there’s a war on Christmas is, you know, a little exaggerated, I think. But here’s a case where they’re not saying Christmas, because it’s not that holiday for them. It’s most likely Saturnalia the pagan holiday, the Roman Holiday. All right.
But I think it’s interesting because this is all the big perversion of the holiday of Christmas and we’ve talked about this in And where did we talk about in my first book or grand unified conspiracy theory, we went through various holiday origin stories and the origin story of Christmas was that the pagans of Roman of Rome, used to practice the Saturnalia holiday around the winter solstice. And is it the equinox or Solstice Solstice? I think and don’t quote me on that. And when Constantine said, No, we’re going to do the Christian thing. Now. They, you know, conflated the dates so that they can keep partying. Because a lot of people say, well, Christ was actually not born. In December, he was born in June or something, because the sheep were in the pastures or whatever, right. And then also, let’s throw in how this new Santa Claus movie The Santa Clauses as a scene where the kids come out, and they spell we love Satan. And it’s an act. It’s a joke, because it’s an accidental thing in the movie. And if you watch the whole scene in context, because even Tim the tool, man, Taylor, was like, Hey, you guys misspelled it now like, oh, okay, and then they spell it Santa. We love you, Santa. But it does raise the question. Is this grooming? Interesting. But we’re gonna talk more about this Demna VA Salia who apologized already, he’s plugged into Kanye West and laudable Cova. Now if you’ve followed me for a period of time as you surely do on my social medias, if you don’t follow me, go to all my links.com backslash, Isaac w. And check out all the great lengths to social media and free books and all my goodness, all the things. You’ll know that we’ve covered many fashion shows through the golden age of Illuminati. watcher.com. Blogging, right. I’ve covered it on the podcast several times. I had a lot of articles on the website, which of course, got shadow banned. And then I got sued. Because I speak the truth. You know, Kanye wants to be like, Oh, I’m not controlled. You got a lot of monetary interest, buddy. Come at me when your income goes to $0 a month, and then we’ll see who’s crying. Now we’ll see who’s controlled. All right. So I got a big chip. I got I’m, I’m, I’m high tea. Isaac today. And I got a big old chip on my shoulder. Because I was watching. You know, this Alex Jones thing is in the back of my mind, Alex Jones is interviewing. Yay. And yeah, he’s being really bossy. And I’m just like, dude, and Alex is being a saint with the guy. All right. And a lot of people lit me up because I was saying how? Yeah, it was been a big baby on Tim Poole. And he needs to sack up. If he’s going to talk about crazy theories. You got to talk about them. Dimple wasn’t even being that room. Like Sure. He wasn’t embracing him being the nicest guy on earth. Like grow up, dude. I don’t know. Just the worst adversity you’ve ever faced. But Alex Jones is being great with him. And he was being bossy with Alex. I want to be like, bro. I don’t know. I couldn’t I don’t think I could interview Kanye. Even if he offered it to me, which he never would. We would have a real problem. So today, if you’re keeping score today, I’m anti Kanye West. It changes every week. Some days I’m like, This guy might be the guy. Then another time I every time I hear him talk I’m like, No, he’s not he’s a bozo. But if you follow me I’ve covered a lot of met Gala’s, including the one where Elon Musk wore a jacket that said Nova Cichorium auto, which means New World Order. Again, let’s question who these heroes are. You see the SIOP going on over and over. First, it was Donald Trump, and then it’s Elon Musk, then it’s Kanye West. It’s all these guys who are going to save the day. And when you know, they just can’t quite get it done. First, Trump is the most powerful man in the world. Couldn’t do it. He had four years he couldn’t save the kids or arrest anybody or anything. Then Kanye West who’s the world’s richest musician, world’s richest artist. The jury is out. Maybe he’ll make it happen. But he’s not. He’s more interested in becoming the president himself. And then we got Elon Musk, who was one of the world’s most dangerous nerds that I’ve talked about. For many years. I’ve talked about the guy. And now because he bought Twitter, all of a sudden he’s our hero. Get out of here with this Ma’am, I don’t know why people are falling for all any of this nonsense. I keep talking about it, though I’ll keep I’ll keep trying to help the cause here. I also talked about Neon Demon. It’s a film from a few years back about the fashion industry. It’s a horror movie, right. And I didn’t do a whole episode on this, like I normally do with my film analysis, it was a chunk of a bonus episode. So you got to be on the Patreon to hear that one or the VIP section. And in to sum it up in the neon Neon Demon, it’s about a girl trying to get in the fashion industry. And we get a lot of symbolism of the all seeing eye and guess what else we get? We get cannibalism. Let’s not overlook this new push for fashion gate is the term they’re using now. We’re reinvestigating Marina Abramovic, who was a big time, part of the fashion. She’s a huge name in the fashion industry. But she gets she’s plugged in with she’s plugged in with Jay Z, and you get into the pizza emails and all kinds of stuff. And yeas are part of this too. He was and that’s my that’s why I say the jury’s out because it’s like, did he see some things? And is he gonna provide the receipts? I don’t think he is. I think he’s a con artists like Trump. But we’ll see. Right? I can be wrong. I’ve been wrong before. I’ll be wrong again. Don’t ask me. Don’t ask me. I don’t. I don’t don’t tell me how wrong I am. I’m just trying to give you my opinion. I’m openly admitting here. Loud and clear. I could be very wrong about this. I’m just telling you as I see it, and until the day comes. And look, I gave you guys I gave someone you guys a point on the Kanye scale when he released the text of him in that Harley Pasternak guy. I said, Okay. There you go. That’s one. Let’s keep it going now, because that’s not enough. You’re gonna shut it down from that. It’s too speculative. There’s no proof here. Well, I mean, there’s proof but you know what I’m saying. Also recall, we’re gonna get into Kim Kardashian next, but also recall how I talked about last month Doge a cat. She’d be doing a lot of weird stuff, right? She was poking fun of the Illuminati. She had her birthday party. It was the 27th birthday party with Freemasonry, symbolism and Illuminati themes and stuff. Remember that? Because she was taught she’s joking about the 27 Club. When the Illuminati sacrifices they do the blood sacrifice, which Kanye said is real. Well, in October, she was also at a fashion show. And guess what happened? She was at a fashion show, she had a black eye. This is what she said. She said, This is my first Fashion Week, so I’m having a great time, but it’s definitely kicking my ass. She said in an interview with Vogue, I wanted to do something where I have a black I split nose and split lip. But my lashes are really pretty. We made it glam at the same time. And it’s this weird mix of abuse physically, sexually with the models mixed in with the art, guess who put that show on? Balenciaga. And you recall there’s this theory about all these politicians and celebrities with the black either called the Black Eye club. And, you know, there’s different ideas on what it is nothing concrete enough for me to fully believe but it is really weird that these old dudes who got these black eyes all the time what the hell’s that about? So people say it’s the panda bear eyes. What the point is, you see it on the teddy bears and the Balenciaga add those little plush bears that they got in trouble for and I’ve since taken the images down, you can still see it on my Instagram. Those teddy bears have a black eye. It’s a way of normalizing abuse of kids, allegedly. Now, let’s talk about Kim Kardashian. She came out with what I would argue is a very neutral petition. You go to some of the news websites. They’re like, Oh, Kim is really concerned about this. But when I read it, I thought that’s weak man. She’s waiting for this to blow over. She’s waiting for the next big thing to make this not to go under the rug right. She says she’s reevaluating her relationship.
Let’s see in comments posted her her social media Kardashian said she had waited to speak out not because quote, not because I haven’t been disgusted and outraged by the recent Balenciaga campaigns. But because I wanted an opportunity to speak to their team to understand for myself how this could have happened. She went on to say that as a mother, she was left quote, shaken by the disturbing images, the safety of children must be held with the highest regard and any attempt to normalize child abuse of any kind, should have no place in our society period. I appreciate Balenciaga, the removal of the campaigns and apology in speaking with them, I believe they understand the seriousness of the issue and will take the necessary measures for this to never happen again. And then it happened immediately, I’m going to tell you about that in a minute. So to me that’s, that is not very serious response. That’s her saying, Look, I’m getting paid pretty good here. I’m not trying to get rid of this cash cow. And at the same time, off topic a little bit. It was leaked that Kim Kardashian was actually the person credited for the Trump presidential pardon of prisoner Alice Johnson, as per Alice Johnson, who said that Kim was the only one talking to her because previously, it was believed that Kanye West was the guy who made this happen. And the truth comes out it was not Kanye West. It was Kim Kardashian. Because Kim apparently is a longtime friend with Ivanka Trump, and she was able to finagle her to start getting Jared Kushner to talk to Alice Johnson. So anyway, does she have you heard of the theories about how the Kardashians come from a line of witches? I mean, I explored this and I ultimately rejected it because there wasn’t enough meat on the bone there. But it could be maybe they’ve got some kind of magical power. I mean, they’re men over men, right? Meaning maybe she influenced Trump to let this woman go right. Kanye has gone all the men go a little nutty Kanye is doing some weird things. Kanye said that. Trump was actually trashing Kim Kardashian at the dinner where Yeah, I asked Trump to be his running mate in 2024. Kanye said, quote, but then he goes on to say that Kim is a expletive. And you can tell her I said that. And I was thinking like, that’s the mother of my children. This is all happening the same week. Okay. What is happening? It’s like a conspiracy soap opera genre in live action. Now, fun fact, during that same meeting, yay, asked Trump. Why he didn’t do anything for the Gen six writers while he was still the president, you right remember that? The den six writers. One of the I’m not going to speculate too many people get upset. But they did what they did. And Trump was still president for another 13 days after that. Never pardoned him never did anything for him. And Kanye pushed back and said, Why didn’t you do anything for them? Which I thought was a interesting question that he should have answered. Speak and since we’re talking Kanye, let’s move on to him. He’s been hanging out with this. Nick Fuentes and Milo Yiannopoulos. Both suppose it all right wing type people. I say suppose it because I don’t really know their host, Steve. I don’t trust the news enough to just go with what they say. They say there that Nick Fuentes is a white supremacist. I gotta dig into it. I don’t know. Maybe? Probably right. Maybe he shirt a shirt. Where’s the uniform? But but who knows? Sometimes the news is a little sensational. So I’m not going to say that. But they went on Tim Poole. Podcast, Tim Poole, who’s a guy who, on his Twitter, he says he’s a disenfranchised liberal. And now he’s this right wing guy or something like that. I don’t know much about him either. I mean, I listened to almost the whole thing. It’s only the first 30 minutes because Kanye walks out. But yeah, he said some interesting things on that interview. He says how he would have gotten Michael Jackson, meaning yay has been saying that he was on prescription for lithium. And I guess he stopped taking them because he’s worried about what it’s going to do to his mind. And I think the implication here is that he might have even said it that Britney Spears was taking so many meds that her mind is now a little off. And he’s saying like that’s how they took Michael Jackson out. is what he’s saying by giving them too many of these drugs, right? So then he goes on he talks about Jared Kushner and Robbie Manuel. And how they were both he’s implying that they were handlers for Obama and Trump and all this stuff, right? But we’re not trying to get too political here. But then around 24 minute mark, yay, walks off. And it’s because Tim Poole pushes back. And it’s kind of like, hey, when you say they, because kind of has been saying they a lot referencing the you know, who’s he did, I walked off. And Tim Poole even pushes back on all this stuff and says did you can’t just say they’re, all these one types of people are the are your problem. And that’s what I’ve been saying, You know what I mean? You can just, I get how you could say, well, there’s like, this person or that person who are messed with me, and they just so happened to be you know, what, right, I get that. Anyhow, he previously got into it with Trump. Because, again, they’re both narcissistic maniacs, and they both think they should have all the power in the world. And I don’t care about none of that stuff right now. Right. What I’m worried about is this Valencia saga thing because Kanye worked for Valencia for many years. He’s very closely tied to this evag bloods the IRA fire to him. He didn’t leave lens Agha, they fired him. And the pump, Razzies asked him about the bloods Yaga scandal. And this is what he said per TMZ. This just shows you all celebrities are controlled. You don’t see no celebrities talking about the Balenciaga situation. All of these celebrities out there, don’t let them influence you in any way. Because they’re controlled by the people who really influenced the world. They’re not serving God. Which is all very interesting, right? The end, in any way, anyone on Alex Jones today? It’s there’s a lot going on. I was I had my whole show prepared. I had gotten the things I needed to get right. And then he shows up on the Alex Jones Infowars show. And he said some very interesting things on there. Again, he and he was on there with Nick Fuentes. He’s like a 24 year old kid. I don’t know why he’s gotten, you know, nothing against 24 year olds, but I don’t know why he kept punting all the questions, the hard questions over to Nick. He’s like, Nick, can you answer that? Yeah, I did. Which I thought was really weird. But Alex Jones asked him about the blends yet. And again, I haven’t seen the whole thing yet. I see. I saw bits and pieces here and there because I’ve been busy, right? He asked yea, about this Balenciaga thing. And yay, dismissed it. He said, This is just noise. It’s nothing. Really, it’s nothing. It seems very obviously something. In fact, you know, me, I don’t get too excited about some of these conspiracies. But this one in particular, this one bears some real fruit. This one bears some real fruit. He then to flex it and says, Well, you know, I’m afraid to use certain terms, says, well, all p o RN, is 10 years from kitty P. And I don’t know what he meant by that. But I’m here to tell you. I’ve watched adult entertainment for more than 10 years. Now, I’m not proud of it. Right. I just telling you the truth here, folks. And I can tell you that I’m nowhere near trying to watch the other stuff. If Kanye is thinks that, because he used to he talks about how he was addicted to pee, PR and if he felt like he was getting drawn towards kiddie stuff, like that’s his thing. So someone would you buddy, because like, that’s not me. And again, we’re talking about one person’s subjective reality versus the consensus objective reality because he says, oh, we gotta, you know, if you want to worry about Balenciaga and kid stuff. You need to start with strip clubs and adult films. That’s the real problem. Oh, really? Kanye? Really? That’s the problem. Not these aren’t campaigns that have abuse of kids. Are you mad? Books about little kids eating people. But take down the strip clubs. Okay. Okay. Yeah,
let’s get you back to bed there, buddy. You tell I got really upset by that? Because I’m a big look. I know some people can. It’s like anything else man. Some people You can handle adult entertainment and some people get addicted to it. Same goes for cigarettes, or you could have gotten petition cigarettes, cigarettes, and alcohol, alcohol ruins a ton of lives all over the place all the time. I don’t have that problem, I can have a drink and then not drink for three months. I mean, we should all like, or we’re going to filter out all the things in life, so that it’s safe for everyone is that what yay, wants. He wants everyone to live in this Christian nationalist world where it’s all according to the Bible. And look, I’m a Christian. But it’s free will. It’s not a fascist dictatorship, that we’re gonna just say, oh, yeah, you know, this is all bad stuff. And, you know, that’s why they love Russia so much, because Putin is like that. He’s more like that. All right, fascist, you know, Christian or die kind of attitude, which is not the right way to go. You can’t I don’t know if people know people like, yeah, I don’t know human nature. The time you tell people, you can do this, that’s when they’re interested in it. You got to say, there’s some things we’ll manage, you can responsibly engage in some of these activities, but there’s going to be rolls. You want to go to a bar and drink liquor that’s very harmful and toxic to you and could kill you and ruin people’s lives. You can do that. You got to be responsible about it, you’re not going to get behind the wheel and drive. That’s the proper approach because if you just outright ban it, like they did with prohibition, you saw how well that worked. I know Yes. He lost me with that one completely. And now shows gave him like a second and third attempt to talk about these things. blenz Yaga he keeps dodging it and he’s like, Oh no, it’s Balenciaga is not the problem. You know, him and Kim loved once. Yaga apparently, is it No, the problem is cheating. threesomes fortification, okay. All right. Anything he said. He said literally anything. Anything related to sex is equally as bad as kiddie stuff. So if you enjoy adult entertainment, Kanye saying you are a kid abuser. That’s what he’s saying. So I take offense to that on behalf of all of you listening. And myself. He’s He’s lost his mind with that one. Then he defends Nazis and he said he loves Hitler. He said he said Hitler had some good at him. Okay, I mean, I get that right. Like maybe Hitler was a great artist. I got that I actually get that perspective. We’re all God’s children. You know what I mean? That’s why I’m anti death penalty because it’s like, man, you gotta give people to a place a path to salvation. And even Hitler deserves that right? Weird flex to come out and say you love them that are when you’re sitting next to the guy who’s this Nick Fuentes who there’s claiming as a white supremacist and isn’t any any wonder he’s like, you know, Hitler was a Christian. No, he wasn’t dude. I don’t know if you’ve read a history book ever. Yeah, he said he doesn’t read books so I guess not. Here’s the thing Hitler was not a Christian it’s very much into pagan occultism and that’s a pretty well documented thing. And I think I think I wonder if all of this isn’t just publicity the world’s worst publicity to run for president because he knows everyone’s going to talk about it I have no idea and then Alex Jones brings up Ali Alexander and Owen Shroyer and Alexander is a very he was on some documentary and watched called was called white noise about white supremacy hanging out with a bunch of people who think white people are better than everyone else on earth which is weird because he’s he’s a very dark complected guy. I don’t know if he’s the black guy or I don’t know I don’t know is a nationality I don’t lose enough sleep on this stuff. Anyway, this we don’t want the show to get off into the Alex Jones it’s it’s dancing around in the back of my head and it keeps coming out I’m gonna keep it moving. Let’s move on to the kid who was actually at the set at the photo shoot Daily Mail interviewed the father of one of these kids that’s holding the Pedobear thing. I know I just avoided saying that PE D O word for 10 minutes and I just said it whatever. I’m trying my best here folks. I just don’t want to get cancelled again. You know? Someone’s got to come on here give you a some fair and balanced coverage of these truth or conspiracy talks. This is what they said says the father of a British child model who posed clutching X ray to teddy bears wearing bondage gear for Balenciaga is BDSM themed fashion shoot today defended the warp campaign saying his daughter had a fantastic time posing for the photographs. spritzy speaking exclusively to Mail Online. The father who remains anonymous, said he was present at the Shoot, which was an enjoyable day out and he insisted the bizarre pictures had been taken totally out of context. Quote, no parent would actively encourage the child to take part in something which was pornographic. And I think the publicity surrounding what happened has been blown out of all proportion. I disagree with them. This is grooming. This is normalizing stuff. Now is there anything wrong with BDSM if you’re a consenting adult, absolutely not knock yourself out. But why haven’t on the kids clothing line stuff that crosses a line to me. That’s very upsetting. The photographer Gabriel gallon birdie said this bah bah bah on his Instagram page gallon Bertie issued an apology saying that he was not in creative control of the shoot and merely was in charge of lighting. He said I am not in a position to comment on blend SEOG his choices but I must stress that I was not entitled and whatsoever mannered. Neither choose the products nor the models nor the combination of the same. As a photographer I was only and solely requested to lit the given scene and take the shots according to my signature style. As usual, the direction of the campaign and end of the shooting are not on the hands of the photographer. I suspect that any person prone to the PIO philia searches on the web and has unfortunately a too easy access to images completely different than mine. Absolutely explicit in their awful content. Accusations like these are addressed against the wrong targets and distract from the real problem and criminals. So the photographer’s like Hey, I wasn’t shooting it man. They set it up to blend in as one of these deals. Bloody if point over here. Direct point over there is I got nothing to do with that. So who was responsible for the whole set design who put this court case in there? Who put these bears in BDSM gear? Nicolas de sardines. He is the set designer here and Hypebeast posted an article with his attorneys response. Smart move you better lawyer out man. You better lawyer This is about to get deep, you know. And the company North six and this guy Nicholas are getting sued. This is what the lawyer said. However, Amelie. This is what the Hypebeast article said. However, Amelia cay Bronk off and attorney for Nicholas deja sardines and in his company said that there was certainly was no malevolent scheme going on. As Valencia Yaga is aware, numerous boxes of documents simply were sourced from a prop house as rental items. Moreover, representatives from Balenciaga were present at the shoot, overseeing it and handling papers and props and days, our Dean’s as a set designer was not responsible for image selection from the shoot. A North six representative said that the production company did not have creative input or control over the shoot, nor six was not on set during the final set arrangements. So they’re like no what nuts either. I mean, I’m calling BS on that. Because it seems to me that the court it’s a quite a coinkidink to have all these things lined up. And we’re going to prove it with the next image that we’re going to decode here. And with this string is that Nicolas de Jardine actually shot many pieces with Beyonce, including her latest album Renaissance, which had the album cover we talked about on this very show when it came out. The remember the disco horse? We talked about it potentially being the pale horse, a spiritual Armageddon. The Pale Horse of the Apocalypse, though revealing, we’re gonna hit this in the conclusion we’re gonna get spiritual in the conclusion, because that’s what this is all about. And recall on the last episode, we talked about the dates on the wall of that photo. One of the dates was February 3 2013, which was the Super Bowl which Beyonce flashed the Illuminati triangle.
Coincidence, isn’t it? And if you recall, she did a song called break my soul, the sixth track on the album, by the way, and you know, and there’s lots of US Attorney in symbolism, we covered the alchemical messaging in it, and it fits into the digital matrix stuff. There’s actually a virtual reality experience in the metaverse she’s working on with spatial Labs, which is owned by Jay Z. Jay Z’s Metaverse, company. All these things fit together, I believe. So listen to that show, too. I’ll try to find the link for you if I can. I don’t know I gotta I want to listen to this. Alex Jones. So pretty bad. So let’s talk about Nicole Kidman. She came out guns blazing. Right. The next ad drops from Balenciaga. And it’s got a few models on there. One of them is Nicole Kidman, and it’s her modeling this spring 23 collection. And she’s remained silent on Balenciaga drawing criticisms, we should cancel her. All right. Now, let’s not talk about Nicole Kidman and the fact that she was an Eyes Wide Shut. Let’s talk about her father. Let’s go to one of my now deleted archive articles from Illuminati watch.com. We’re going back to 2014. We talked about her father Antony, who died in 2014. There were theories online claiming he was part of this Nazi CIA satanic child abusing ring called the ninth circle. This is all theory. I don’t know any of this for a fact this could be nonsense. But it comes from a complaint filed by Fiona Barnett and Fiona asserts there are Australian rings of kid abuse, trafficking, Mind Control hunting humans, these are all themes that keep popping up over the years. There’s got to be some truth to some of this right. I’m gonna read you here from the article. The main purpose, this is from Fiona Barnett’s article talking to blaming Antony Nicole Kimmins father who did the main perpetrator of my child, S E. X abuse Anthony Kidman is dead after I filed formal complaints, accusing him of the RIP II torture and murder of children in an exclusive Sydney Australia pedophile ring. As a child victim of mind control I feel he’s been sacrificed for failing to adequately program me. Remember Connie has been saying that all these celebrities are controlled his trainer but kind of might be tied in MK Ultra and maybe he was programming him who knows kidmin was responsible for ensuring that I never disclosed pedo I’m just gonna say pedo ring activities that I witnessed as a child he failed. News of kittens death impacted me sometimes someone who has undergone intense treatment. I know that there are other victims of kittens crimes out there who are perhaps not as far along the healing path as I am. I anticipate the news of kittens death may have serious impact on the victims. Blah, blah blah. My complaints last month to the Australian child abuse Royal Commission detailed two incidents in which Kidman subjected me to horrific physical and sexual assault. But there are even more serious crimes against children that I witnessed Kidman commit as a member of this elite Sydney pedophile ring. Those complaints have gone to the international common law court of justice in Brussels. Then they say that I’ll see her Barnett’s Nazi grandfather’s pedo network was said to include clinical psychologists. Kids Kidman, Anthony Kidman and John W. Getting juror who developed a popular test among psychiatric professionals known as the personality assessment system. Now side note, that personality assessment system by getting your was in fact, true true news here was in fact part of the CIA MK Ultra Mind Control Program. It’s kind of like the Myers Briggs Personality Test. It tells you you’re supposed to try and predict human behavior. And arguably they use this stuff for social media to predict what Joe Biden do and all this stuff. Now fun fact getting juror was the guy who did the psychoanalyzing of Sidney Gottlieb, who was the director of MK Ultra. So before the CIA put Gottlieb as the head of MK Ultra getting her did the psycho an analysis of it to make sure he could do it. galley was into some leftist stuff and counterculture ideas. He lived in a cabin in the woods and grew his own food and all this stuff. Let me keep reading though from this article. In another article The Independent Australian news it was reported that Barnett’s dramatic testimony put members in tears when she went before the Australian Royal Commission into child abuse. Barnett was named as her perpetrators. No Barnett had named as her perpetrators. Her grandfather, Kidman, two former Australian Prime Minister’s, a Parliament House Governor General, and a State Police Commissioner. As with child pedal rings in the Netherlands, Europe, Canada in the US, the Australian Bito network was set to include police officers, which some could say that ties into Freemasonry, psychiatrists, biochemist, psychologists, actors, writers, politicians, university lecturer, university lecturers and medical doctors. Ah, exhausting. So Nicole Kidman remaining real quiet about things. She’s like Kim. And yeah, at this point, waiting for the storm to blow by. You know, you just wait long enough. Wait a month something big in the news cycle is going to distract everybody and this is going to be old news. Man, we were talking about Wayfair for a month which is, you know, I don’t know if the wafer thing was real or not. It sure was weird. And I’ve used Wayfair decent service. I hope that hope is not true. Right. Moving on. New campaign from Valencia Agha, this is the hot the hot gas now. We’ve moved on to a new image from their spring 23 Guard robe collection. Prime mispronounces by French guard a rule A or something like that. If you go to their website, you can see they did his runway type show all at the New York Stock Exchange. And the model is all had these black get masks on. You know, they can’t stop the can’t stop but the BDSM and it’s solid black clothing. And yeah, he’s been walking around just like this with the solid black head to toe black ski mask with no eyes and mouth. In fact, he was wearing it on Alex Jones today. What are they doing? Is this nihilism? Suppression of the ego? Suppression of the human condition? What is this? What is going on here? If you look at the steps of the ritual, masking up is one of them. And we’re gonna cover that here real soon with one of these artists they featured in the campaign. Now because my argument is yes, he’s been wearing this weird face mask stuff for at least a year now. I think he was rolling out this stuff. Poor Balenciaga is trying to put it out in the masses, they pay him to do it. So that the fashion show seems cooler? I don’t know. Don’t ask me. I don’t know how it works. But on November 21, they dropped photoshoot him just for this campaign. And the one the model looks like Courtney Cox, it’s actually Isabel Hubert but the campaign has Nicole Kidman, Isabel Hooper and Bella Hadid but in this one with Isabel Hooper, and again I’ll put these images on the Instagram there’s some books in the background and and like just like in the the bears BDSM bears shoot. We got to dig into this stuff. They’re put there on purpose. You know, you got these court cases talking about kid stuff. But they’re like, oh, no, just came from a prop house. Just coinkidink okay. The one book is Matthew Barney’s the cremaster cycle.
And I’m looking at online what is the Cree master cycle? Well, if you go to art net, they describe what it’s about. This former book comprises images from Barney’s, eponymous five part film series, a complex masterwork of avant garde cinema populated with McCobb creatures and abstruse sexual metaphors. Oh, really? You don’t say? mean at least they had an adult in this photo shoot. I look I’m digging around like what are we talking about here? What’s a Cree master? And if you look it up a cremaster is the muscle that covers the male testicle. I’m not making this up. The five films called the cremaster cycle are about different stages of the testes because the cremaster muscle it ascends or descends the testes He’s based upon the temperature. Right? You know what I’m saying? When you get cold things shrink up? Well, the, if you want the book it was selling for like 300 bucks. I was like, I’m not buying that. There’s a five part film this cremaster cycle that the artwork in the book comes from. It’s 398 minutes. So that’s turns out that 6.63 hours, I thought it was gonna be 6.66. We got real close there. But it’s 6.6 hours. Wikipedia claims it was sold as DVDs. There’s like 20 sets in existence. And they sell they sold for at least $100,000 a set. And the people that bought them, some of them do screenings of this at the art galleries or something. I’m Rena bow these these five films cremaster three is one that stood out. The official description cremaster three from 2002 is part zombie thriller, part gangster film as the final installment completed in the series, which by the way, the crow Master 1234 and five are the five films. They didn’t come out in that order. They came out like 14523 or something like that. Don’t ask it’s the artist mind. All right. This film was a dis distillation of Barney’s major themes, filtered through a symbolic matrix involving Freemasonry, Celtic lore, and coded references to the cremaster cycle itself. I said, Oh, really. And if you dig into it, you will find out that there’s a 30 minute there’s a 30 minute teaser of cremaster three you can find online if you’re savvy enough like your boy is all right. And we’re going to talk about it because I got some photos for you again, you’re gonna go to my Instagram to see him from this 30 minute ordeal. And some of the themes we’re going to talk about Matthew Barney, the artist is in it. He is playing the role of the entered apprentice. All right. And in this you heard that there’s a someone featured as the role of Hiram Abiff This is the allegorical father of Freemasonry if you weren’t familiar write. This is presented to people when they reach the third degree of Freemasonry. He is the supposedly chief architect of Solomon’s temple. Right. And supposedly he got murdered by these three hoodlums because they try to get the secrets from him. And if you if you listen to my Harry Potter shows I did four years ago, we talked about how that is the same story in JK Rowling’s Harry Potter saga is the story of Hiram Abiff. Which is all very interesting, because you know, where Solomon’s temple was built, it was built in Jerusalem, ya know? So there’s that whole aspect of this. So and then, fun fact, cremaster two was filmed in Utah at the Bonneville Salt Flats, partially just kind of throw that in there. So let’s, let’s start by this 30 minute teaser, called the order it and of course, it’s just nonsense, right? It’s one of these arthouse films, super avant garde super abstract, super weird. Makes no sense. I’ll walk you through it anyway. When it starts out, it’s got these girls in sort of a bubble bath, but it’s not a bathtub. It’s hard to explain. And they have pasties on their nipples. And they are compass and square pasties. If you look at it this way they’re they’re put on there and then of course the free masonic symbol for as above so below this ties into alchemy. Both the alien god that gave the language of alchemy to man. Huge topic we don’t have time to get into it. Subscribe to my show and listen to some back episodes we talked about a several times and I’m going to put these images on Instagram for you to see. Then we see the title it’s shown as the order and this is what Wikipedia doesn’t tell you the subtitle is the rainbow for girls. What are we talking about what the rainbow just like we talked about in the hidden symbolism of the on the first bloods Yaga episode. The rainbow represents going over the rainbow it’s a mind control symbol As per many theorists when you go over the rainbow you get this altered personality thing going on. So, this is also in here so now you’ve got the two Balenciaga ads both with reference to the rainbow overtly. Why see the girls dancing then this kind of new metal band comes out like man biscuit comes out. Whatever right the girls are dancing Olympus gets plan. Then we get in it changes the says, second, you know had the first degree then as a second degree, Agnostic Front versus Murphy’s Law and Agnostic Front must be the band. There must be the band in the in the show in the Yeah, you know what I’m saying? Then we get third degree, Aimee Mullins, this is one of the models. She’s the female model in this film. Then they talk about the fourth degree, the five points of fellowship, which is a reference to the pentagram. Then we get the fifth degree Richard Serra. And then we get the scene that says the hope of Hiram and we see the artists. What’s his name again, Matthew Marni, as the entered apprentice and he’s got blood all over his face and he’s got a big thing smashed and like a towel smashed in his mouth like a bloody towel. He starts doing parkour and climbing the spiral shape set looks like an airport or a mall or something. I don’t know what it is. And we see dancers and the dancers are dressed as sheep. That’s on purpose. I believe this whole film was about Freemasonry. And in Freemasonry, the allegedly the apron is made of lamb’s wool sheep wool, and it’s supposedly meant to show the Freemasons and the high level initiates like, hey, the sheep are supposed to be led to slaughter, you’re an elite and you tell them what to do. Allah Aleister Crowley we talked about book 77. In the Jeffrey Dahmer show, says the slave shall serve that’s the elitist mentality. So when I criticize Elon Musk and Kanye West and Donald Trump, because I believe they would embody this attitude that the slave shall serve. This is all for show and they’re just scrolling with us. We see the tools of Freemasonry, the bands playing their Mosh pitting, and you see the cube, Saturn, right. Cuber, Saturn represented by the cube, we see what you see the cube in Freemasonry when you’re standing on your square. Remember, they said Kanye wasn’t on his square, I suppose Charlemagne the God told him back in 2016. You’re not on your square. It’s a Free Masonry warning for him. We see the hammer inside of a pentagram. And then we see this model is female. She’s at a tomb and the tomb has an X on it. We talked about this again in the Dahmer episode from exorcist three. The crossed arms with the axe is the symbol for Osiris rising, the ushering in of the new Luciferian religion. Then we get it then we get the model biting the entered apprentice. This is of course cannibalism. The ArtNet description says, oh, it’s about zombies or whatever it’s like. It’s a little bit more about cannibalism. If you asked me, and you get a bunch of nonsense and then you see the entered apprentice guy getting into the bathtub, he’s got a bell, and the bell has an inverted pentagram on it, but the top, the inverted top of the star pointing downward is x Extended extra long. And you see this on the Salt Lake City, LDS temple. They’ll have inverted pentagrams with the long top
then he clubs this female in the head with a mallet, which is kind of like the higher Mobic thing maybe I don’t know. She dies on that tomb thing. And the final shot of the 30 Minute teaser, you see the model. I think it’s Isabel. She has no legs. But she’s all beat up. And she’s got the hoodwink on from Freemasonry. The hoodwinked Freemasonry thing, and she’s corralling sheep. So is it a Ken? I mean, what are the odds? This is just a quickie deck that this is on the set. All right. Moving on the other book, Michael Borman the book is actually called as sweet as it gets. Lots of people online lots of truthers are saying, Oh, it’s it’s a book called fire from the sun, which isn’t really accurate. We’re gonna talk about fire from the sun. But as sweet as it gets is apparently a book about contentment. But at some point in the book, it takes a dark turn. Here’s what it says, online it says, For lurking in the shadows of the sunny construction, as sweet as it gets resides something darker a sensibility that recognize that if anything is as sweet as it can get, it can quite easily and will most likely soon turn bitter. So I don’t know what the contents are of that book. But I do know what the contents of fire from the sun is. Because this artist Michael Borman Wow, you want to go dark? We’re going dark. I found a copy on Amazon. I actually ordered it because I was like, Well, I gotta see what what their target about, but then I cancelled it because I after I learned more about it. I was like, Ooh, I don’t want to be in possession of this. So I cancelled it. It just has to, you know what I mean? Like, I’m a I’m not trying to have that in my house. And look, I’ve got I’ve got Charles Manson’s hair in my house. Fun story. We’ll talk about it. I’m supposed to do Eddie Bravo show again. Shout out Eddie Bravo. We’re supposed to talk about Manson. That’s probably happened in mid 2023. I don’t know. We’ll see. Don’t hold on to that. We’ll I’ll talk to you. I’ll talk to you guys about why have Charles Manson’s hair. But anyway, if you go to the gallery that hosted this, Michael Borman David’s Warner’s sight, advertises the exhibition of it in 2018. And it says, fire from the sun includes small and large scale works that feature toddlers engaged in playful but mysterious acts with sinister overtones and insinuation of violence. The children are presented alone or in groups against the studio like backdrop then to gates time and space, while underlining the theatrical atmosphere in our art to feasts that exists through Boardman’s recent work, reminiscent of cherubs and Renaissance paintings. The toddlers appear as allegories of the human condition. Their archetypal innocence contrasted with their suggested deviousness. Other paintings in the exhibition depict obscure machines whose enigmatic presence appears foreboding in the context of toddlers, and suggests an element of scientific experimentation. Now let’s talk about the images of fire from the sun. And I gotta tell you, if you look for these images online, Godspeed, my friends, you’ll find there’s some very disturbing images there’s I’ve heard there’s images of castrated toddlers. But you will for sure find images of toddlers painted nude one I saw it looks like he’s on fire. I saw one where it looks like they’re picking up body parts. It appears that the toddlers are holding severed heads. One shows them cooking the body parts I believe is a fire there and possibly eating them. And of course, one of them shows what I believe to be the top half of a bloody palmprint. That’s right, we’re talking about Wilson. Yes. If you recall, we had this really bizarre theory going around called frazzled drip. And it was the idea that this bloody palm print would show up on various celebrity clothing and artwork. And some of the ideas are based upon this supposes video of Hillary Clinton in this basement with this kid all chained up and abused. And the theory is that they cut off these children’s faces, like Leatherface from Texas Chainsaw and they wear them to absorb the energy from the blood. Now, this is like really far out there stuff, right? Obviously, I have no idea if it’s true. But it connects into a lot of different theories like the wayfare human furniture theory, all the Adrenochrome theories which the Adrenochrome idea is is on the spectrum on the scale is more plausible than a lot of these other ones. Disturbingly so right? And of course, the pizza emails. We’ve talked about this many times in the past. We’ve talked about the bloody handprint showing up as part of the QA non movement, or the early QA non movement. They talked about this a lot. Justin Bieber was wearing a shirt with a elend to generous had, I believe some artwork, which was actually a basket yacht painting. And this is where we could tie in to Jeffrey Epstein. And of course, Elon does not forget Ellen DeGeneres is set had what appeared to be the temple at orgy Island. If you recall, the blue and white striped temple recall the description of fire from the sun, it said and I quote, other paintings in the exhibition depict obscure machines, whose edek Matic presence appears foreboding in the context of the toddlers, and suggests an element of scientific experimentation. And you could take this a couple of directions, one direction that made me think of this when they talked about these insidious machines. If you’ve ever watched the Nine Inch Nails, broken EP video sequence, it’s about 30 minutes long. It’s very disturbing. It’s a very nihilistic perspective. And it has this really dark overview of these machines as a weird way of getting off. There’s a there’s like a business guy who gets in this machine and straps up and it I don’t know, pleasures them and then kills them and turns them into warm food. It’s, it’s bizarre, but it’s a very nihilistic sense of, we’re just animals is, you know, satanic Satanism, right? Man is just an animals with the Church of Satan says, and it’s this quasi scientific belief in what our purposes here. I don’t believe it. You know, I think there’s a human soul loves a very powerful emotion. But the nihilist and some of the scientists that are into this sort of dark view of the world think that we’re just, we’re just machines like any other, we’re just evolved pieces of bacteria. And from this idea, you get into what do they call the Nazis and Hitler eugenics, the eugenics program, which America was into eugenics for a minute to write. It’s not like anyone was above it. It was, again, one of the contributions that science has given us not say I’m fully anti science, but let’s be honest about the places they got it wrong, which is a whole lot of places. You know what I’m saying? Let’s talk about Epstein. Because that’s the direction I want to take it. Recall he had a ranch in New Mexico called the Zorro ranch and at Zorro ranch they were conducting experimentation type events with regard transhumanism. I’m going to read you from New York Times. Jeffrey Epstein, the wealthy financier who was accused of sex trafficking had an unusual dream, he hoped to see the human race with his DNA by impregnating women at his vast New Mexico ranch. Mr. Epstein over the years confided to scientists and others about his scheme, according to four people familiar with his thinking, although there’s no evidence that it ever came to fruition. No evidence right. Mr. Epstein’s vision reflected his long standing fascination with what has become known as transhumanism the science of improving the human population through technologies like genetic engineering and artificial intelligence. Critics have likened transhumanism to a modern day version of eugenics, the discredited field of improving the human race, through controlled breeding. Now, let’s dismantle this nonsense of transhumanism science, always so full of promises.
They always think they can make the perfect human. And what have they done, they’ve made humans live less. Right? In a way the They feed us GMOs, which are poison and toxins. These companies spew pollution in the air ruins the air. And look, I’m not advocating for Let’s all live in cabins in the woods and grow our own food. Because that’s kind of a nightmare to I don’t want to do that. But let’s just be honest about it as all I’m saying. Science made some parts of our life easier. And cheers to that. However, it’s not going to be the silver bullet to making mankind immortal or perfect. How they think they’re going to do it. There Are they want to create a digital matrix this Metaverse nonsense? They think they can promise you that they can digitize your soul and your consciousness and put it into the matrix. And guess what now you live forever weren’t talking about that and the conclusion, let’s move on. There’s this new model, this new person on the scene, the new girl, lotta vagina. lotta, lotta Volkova and as far as I know, this whole thing started when MMA fighter Jake shields started a big to do on his Twitter. Shout out to fat Jay Cutler sent me this link about a lot of alcova allegedly, she was the chief designer for Balenciaga. And they do refer to her as the coolest stylist in the industry by Vogue. And unfortunately, her Instagram is now set to private much like the other figures in this whole scandal. She was getting major heat. She told Newsweek, quote, she condemns the abuse of children in any form. If you look at her artwork, it’s very disturbing. A lot of the images are circulating online. I don’t know. pretty disturbing stuff. So disturbing. I don’t know that I want to share it on my feed. That’s how bad it is. And the claim is that she hasn’t worked with blends Yaga since 2017, and had nothing to do with those recent campaigns. Well, how did she get hooked into blondes Yaga she got hooked into it through this Demna loss Alia character. She’s also worked with Kanye West, by the way. In fact, in 2016 Yeezy Kanye was talking about his easy collaboration of blondes Yaga with Adidas, and he said he tweeted, I’m going to steal Demna from Balenciaga. So Demna a big you know, big to do. But Demna is plugged in with this lot of alcova and if you look at the images, I’m going to warn you right now, if you do a Google Image Search on this a lot of Volkova How am I sharing on my Instagram and make it easy for you? instagram.com backslash Isaac wise up against my better judgment. I want to do that for you. I mean, let me just make a note. Geez lose things I do for you guys. All right. Consider it done. There’s gonna you’re gonna see lots of kids and really odd poses. Some of them look terrified. Lots of lots of bondage bears. But she says she condemns the abusive children in any form. Well, I mean your own artwork seems to suggest otherwise. And you’ll see in the one there’s this bondage bear with the Shabari ropes ironically, me and my wife Josie on our breaking social norms podcast did an episode about the house of hammer series about Armie Hammer the the cannibal guy who’s talking about eating women and abusing chicks. Allegedly. And Armie Hammer was really into this Shabari stuff. Right? And again, again, just to re emphasize two consenting adults Knock yourself out army how you want to tie up chicks chicks want to be tied up go for it. I don’t care about the mean on. Just keep the kids out of it. Why you why you got to do it right next to the kids. Very weird. Very weird stuff. And oh, by the way, Armie Hammer dad just died last week. Interesting timing. The kids are in gory scenes. Some of them are disassembled in Volkova artwork, some of her being terrorized. Again, she said she condemns the abuse of children in any form. Tell that to your own photos and artwork. I guess. There’s one of a woman sacrificing yourself to the devil and a pentagram. There’s one of a child holding a skull. There’s one of a girl restrained with cell phone tape. And, and her eyes in her mouth covered. One image she hashtags Moloch Come on now. We’ve been talking about Moloch and ball Balenciaga BAA L, right? What do you think this is? And there’s one image in particular, you’re probably going to see this one more than any other because even some truthers ran this as their sort of headline image. It’s, it’s allegedly Volkova dressed in red holding two babies. Apparently that’s fake news and that’s not her. The claim I’ve read is that this is a 2016 photo of some other runway model showcasing Chinese designer. She Shi Guang who during Mercedes Benz China Fashion Week. So fake news, apparently. Now, last figure want to talk about we’re gonna wrap this up. And I gotta give a shout out to Jessica Reid Krauss. She has a sub stack where she talks about different pop culture scandals. Sometimes she gets into conspiracy territory. I think she did a collab with Whitney Webb. I’ll keep my opinions out of that. Anyway, it seems like she does good work. But she’s plugged in with this. What’s this dude’s name? Last American Vanguard who was talking trash on me. Last American, what’s the name Ryan or something? I don’t know, last American Vanguard. And this guy got some award from some fascist guy that he boasts about how he got this shim award or something. And if you look into that award, it comes from some weird fascist propaganda nonsense. I don’t know. I don’t know how. Anyway, that was something we talked about on truth of drama only on rockfon. So check that out for more, which I don’t do that thing anymore that truth or drama? Because I don’t like the negativity or brings me but I thought we were all in this together and people were attacking me. Where do you think that comes from? I think there’s fascist. All right. authorities that are steering the conspiracy truther movement, and because I don’t Co Op their nonsense. They try to bring me down. That’s my theory. We’re all conspiracy theorists here. Right. Rachel? Jessica Reid Krauss. She had a subscriber only article on the her substack which again, I recommend lots of good information there about a person named Rachel Chandler. Okay. RACHEL Chandler. Her parents owned the LA Times. pretty curious, right? Well, back in 2016, she was the recruiter for all the models at a Balenciaga runway show. And, allegedly, apparently she’s also been to Epstein island. There was images on the substack from Jessica Reid Krauss that shows an image of Rachel Chandler on Epstein Island, on her Instagram from 2013. I went to verify this, I went to Chandler’s Instagram, which I think was hers. Pretty sure it was, but it’s private. What do you know? And she links to middlin agency, which is her company. And what do you know, that was set to private also? I mean, the whole fashion industry, they’re panicking. So she apparently started Midland agency in 2016. And it was immediately successful. And Kraus theorizes that maybe it’s because she was plugged into Epstein. And if you recall, John, Luke Brunel, the French model Scout, founded this model management company MC two, and who funded that it was a partnership he had with Epstein. And the whole deal is, they would allegedly, supposedly, you know, get these models, and then get them into this network of human trafficking, blackmail all the things right. Brunel, fun fact, Brunel founded the models. I didn’t know Sharon Stone was a model. I just watched basic instinct for the first time. Beef out of the models shares down and Mia Yehovah vich. Shout out to them, right. Anyway, Bruno shadow, Bruno was alleged to be sexually assaulting people grooming sex trafficking with Epstein. And he was arrested and in December 2020 charged with the rape of minors.
And guess what happened? He got Epstein That’s right. does have an apparent suicide right before trial. I’m telling you, all these things are connected and there’s something shady going on here. Now Rachel Chandler, she was apparently promoting this thing called Purple night at the standard Hotel, which was, you know, some sex party thing. And the owner of the standard Andre Belaz was apparently besties with Ghislaine Maxwell and Marina Abramovic, Mrs. spirit cooking herself. Oh boy, if you don’t, I should just do a deep dive one day on Marina. We talked about her so many times. She’s the spirit gate, or the pizza gate spirit cooking lady. She hosted many of these events. She had a lot of Croley connections. She had art exhibitions with like blood and all kinds of stuff right? We tied it into cakes, Aleister Crowley’s cakes of lights, cakes of light communion, Gnostic mass communion wafers, made of semen and blood and all that stuff. You got to look through my back catalogue, you’ll find many episodes we talked about her. And Krause she posted numerous photos on on this substack which again, is this subscriber only it’s only like five bucks. And she shows these I mean, we’re talking bare minimum threads degrees of separation between Rachael Chandler and Elaine Maxwell, including a picture of Rachael Chandler with Bill Clinton, who we know Bill Clinton was hanging out with Epstein. And one major allegation is that Chandler’s Midland agency was instrumental in shifting the whole fashion industry, to this appearance at the Fashion shows to have these very unique sort of odd looking models. And a general vibe that it puts out is that they’re young underage. Dare I say homeless, they have sunken eyes like they’ve been abused. And the theory is that this is done on purpose. To entice the elites to attract kids into being trafficked to have this be a look. And what kills me is that Kanye West, who’s plugged into every one of these characters, if you recall, the last few years, has been pushing this sort of homeless look. If you’ve ever seen zoo lander, they call it a derelict. I remember a few years ago, when when they first started wearing this stuff. I remember thinking, Oh, this is just like the zoo lander movie. It’s like a joke. But there’s a reason for it now a dark insidious reason. very upsetting. And Krause says that Shandler had a Tumblr that has since been deleted showing all these images with stuff like that massive rabbit hole there. Okay. And I wanted to get Kraus on my show. So if anyone out there is plugged into Jessica Krause, tell her to hit me up. I want to I want to get into this was someone who has dug deep into this stuff. But Krause says that Shandler was buds with Prince Andrew key lane, Maxwell, Paris and Nicky Hilton, which ties us into the Rothschilds. And she was the head stylist. For Mrs. Gilgamesh resurrection chamber herself, Miss Hillary Clinton. Now, in conclusion, I know we went through a lot today, but let’s wrap it up. I’m gonna try to give you a perspective of what all this means because it sounds like just insanity. Right? It sounds like crazy talk. But everybody’s connected. Why are they all connected? I have a theory. All right. Let’s refer to this. You may have seen it. These images of people. Google translate the term Balenciaga and depending on how you break up the word, the first one that was going around, shout out headroom, capital on Twitter. I think that’s where I got hooked up there. There was this claim that ba Lin C. Agha translates from a language called Hoser as do what you want, I checked that on Google Translate fake news doesn’t work. However, if you go from Latin to English, it does stand for do what you want, which is infamously the Aleister Crowley term for the new AON of Horus the new at sought to bring about the age where man does his own will and not gods and if you translate from Latin to English as ball and C Agha you get ball is the king I mean, illuminate confirm, right? These The truth is being revealed but I thought you know, that’s really bizarre that you can break it up as do what you want and you can break it up as ball is the king because those tie into all these occult conspiracy topics. If you’re not familiar with any of these things, I’m gonna grifter Allah you for one second, you got to check out my book, the dark path. I’ve got it on Audible. I narrated it there. You can get it on Amazon. You can get signed paperbacks at my Gumroad store gumroad.com backslash Isaac W. That was my magnum opus of years of this research and trying to put my best theory forward of what is going on here. And I think this whole Balenciaga situation is connected to all this but I wanted to be rational about unsay okay. There’s all this weird stuff going on what what does blends Yaga actually mean? Right? There’s got to be an actual reason for it. And it comes from the name of the Spanish designer and creator, Cristobal Balenciaga as Maguire. either. Okay, well, there you go. Now does that change the fact that the Latin translations refer to very occult things? Now, really, but it’s apparently not baked into it. It’s part of the guy’s name. And what’s weird Christian Dior called this blend Siaka guy, and I quote, The Master of us all. What are we? What are we doing here? Dr. Says he’s the master of us all blunts. Yaga translates to ball is the king. Who are they paying devotion to the demonic? Daily Moloch that people sacrifice their children to? Then we see all these different artists connected to blondes Yaga showing us homeless abused kids going through horrific cannibalism and BDSM why are they turning out? These these young people, I can tell you why I got a theory I’ve been talking to talking to a guy, I’m gonna say who? Let me find it here. I’m going to reference you guys, a book secret societies and psychological warfare by Michael Hoffman. Alright. There’s a section in there. I’m going to read it to save you some time. It says and I quote, the rank and file Albigensian were sworn to a life of celibacy and asceticism, the better to avoid entanglements with matter and flesh. There was an additional class among them, however, a ruling or priest class known as the perfecty, these perfect ones were supposed to practice all the austerity of the rank and file and then take that austerity to an even more extreme degree of self denial, in what was supposed to have been a life lived as a perpetual lens, which sounds a lot like the the monks right like the the Greek Orthodox monks. But there was a secret side to the perfecty class which they chose not to reveal to the, quote, imperfect ones. The Secret Doctrine of the Albigensian was that since the priests class was perfect, they were above the law, immune to sin, and therefore licensed to indulge in all of the orgies, gluttony and riches solemnly forbidden to the imperfect lower order Albigensian earns the Albigensian model of a secret doctrine for the elite absolving them of most or all of the laws and the disciplines they have publicly commanded to their subordinates, represents the original corrupt executive dogma of institutionalism par excellence. It reflects the ancient occult contempt for the lower orders of man, in spite of their sucker bait preachment about everyone’s godhood it also represents the Masonic tradition of a secrets keeping hierarchy who have the cunning to condemn the elitism of enemy hierarchies, while practicing an even more vicious version of their own under the mask of a malevolent and brotherly love. So they view us the commoners as sheep. Aleister Crowley said this in Lieber 77 and libre Oz, he said, the slaves shall serve the slave shall serve. And in this Michael Hoffman’s secret societies and psychological warfare book that’s what he’s saying is happening. So I believe that they do this horrific stuff because they think they’re above the law and it’s sort of a way of flexing on that and showing off and proving it. I mean, I’m not a demented elitist, so I don’t understand these things.
Anyway, back to last thing on Cristobal Balenciaga, he died in 1972. I found this on Wikipedia. I didn’t go hunting for this. And the Women’s Wear Daily ran the headline, the king is dead. So Balenciaga whose name translates to ball is the king they say the king is dead when he dies. The you’re called him the master of us all. Did demonic Moloch Malachy and spirits possess this blends Yaga guy and it’s in the company now. I don’t know. I gotta say I think that this whole thing with Elon Musk buying Twitter could be good or bad. It could have a positive effect in the sense that a lot of people have been talking about this blends Yaga thing and I don’t think this would have spread, if the old whoever on Twitter before was a jack or whatever name is. If they would still have it, they would have censored it out. Just like they sent it out. What was what are they? The Hunter Biden thing or whatever? I don’t care about that story, but they censored it out, which is messed up. Right. And Elon Musk, he’s calling out Apple because allegedly apparently Apple is threatening to remove the Twitter out from that app store just like they did Alex Jones. Now I can’t imagine that actually happening but you never know. There’s this truly a battle for information right now going on. Now, is Elon Musk the Savior? No, he’s one of the elitist. I think he’s gonna look out for his own preservation or his own good, let some of the conspiracy people talk. But he’s still gonna, you know, he’s still gonna tell the line I think on some level, but who knows. But it what it feels like, with everything going on in the world with Valenciana with Kanye West with Elon Musk. It feels like we’re living through a massive revelation of the method, which is actually something that Mike often talks about in this book, by the way, maybe someday we’ll go through it. But he’s still alive. And he just did a show with who did a show tinfoil hat. Maybe I don’t remember. Because this is an old book, I think this is probably 20 years old, is an oldie but a goodie. All right. Very dense. But we’re living through an unfolding conspiracy theory. Is it by design? I don’t know. It’s kind of strange. I think yeah, is being used as an instrument in all of this. And, to me, the jury’s still out on you. It’s very possible. He’s for sure, connected to all these figures, which is shady, right. But maybe he saw some things and he’s trying to reveal the truth now. Maybe Maybe he’s carefully trying to reveal the truth. Weird way of doing it, buddy. But maybe. Or maybe they’re using him to reveal the truth in on some level, revelation of the method style. Now, I think that Elon Musk Yay, Taylor Swift, Britney Spears, Beyonce. All these figures play a role in the revelation of the method. They have to advance this thing more rapidly now than before. With the spread of information in the Internet and the connectivity. There’s a real battle going on. And if you recall, J had that supposes MK Ultra celebrity trainer, Harley Pasternak, who was also Brittany Murphy’s trainer. She died in that haunted house that Britney Spears also lived in. As she said, it was crazy haunted, will cover that topic. A year or two ago, we did a two part show on Brittany Murphy, which you got to listen to if you’re into this stuff. But recall, we had Jason Alexander on our show Britney Spears, his first husband, the 55, our husband from Las Vegas that the handlers broke them up. And he was saying all this stuff a couple years ago, wasn’t me. Again, there’s people that get up to these levels. And they see some things. And, you know, I think that I think there’s something going on there and we’re being informed of some larger effort going on. And to me, I think it’s a Luciferian agenda. But yeah, Jason Alexander told us Bernie was being controlled and handled a year or two before it came out on the news, where they officially came out and said, Yeah, and Britney started speaking up for herself and saying, yeah, we’ve been handled had been controlled. You know, these triggers these MK Ultra triggers. They activate and deactivate and the people that are subjected to being handled and given drugs, and all this stuff. And yay, remember, he called out Jay Z and Beyonce as taking part of something in this whole thing about them being controlled when he had that whole rant about sacrifices. In here we have Nicolas de Jardine. shooting this blenz Yaga or set designing this blends Yaga ad campaign with the BDSM bears and kids who shot the infamous horse album cover for Beyonce, his Renaissance album and don’t think I look this ties into Elon Musk. Elon Musk mother Mae Musk is a big time fashion person. She was in Beyonce Hall. This video remember that? You probably don’t know that, y’all everyone think, oh, Elon Musk is so great. No, he’s a shill he comes from he’s an elitist comes from a silver spoon family. And they’re plugged into all this. His role is to get us in the matrix via the neuro link brain cap. And I think he’s gonna do it through Twitter and there’s enough stands out there, beloved Elon, right now they’re gonna go for it. It’s just like Kanye West. He’s saying he says like horrific shit sometimes and in the stands, or just defend everything he says. He’s the greatest. I know, because every time I criticize what he says, I gotta hear it from these. These zombies. Kanye zombies. Look, there’s there’s some good and Kanye Right? Like I said, the jury’s out. Maybe he’s gonna be the guy who can prove us some stuff. Weird way of going about it by being really gross about things. But maybe let’s give it a shot and see what he has to say. And oh, by the way, Elon Musk’s nerve. If you think I’m being insane, Elon Musk, knurling brain cap. They’re doing the human trials in six months. It was just on the news. I just saw it. It’s gonna be the first social media to integrate right into your brain. And I couldn’t tell you the worst place to live than in Twitter. It’s a nightmare. Lots of trolling going on there. So here’s the big question, is this satanic? Is it in allegiance to the devil. And to be fair, and I’ll play devil’s advocate, pun very much intended. You could argue, if you wanted to play devil’s advocate Michael Berman’s fire from the sun and want the paintings of all the little kids holding severed heads and eaten each other and all this stuff. You could argue that his intention is to show us the human condition. That’s what art is supposed to do. It’s supposed to make you think. And I’m going to compare this to something a little more relatable. Pat Benatar has a song called helus for children. Now, is it literally saying children belong in hell? That’s what the title says. No, it’s sympathizing for children in the hell that some of them live in just like all these kids were talking about trying to protect, right. That’s what she said she had seen so much news stuff about child abuse. That’s why she made the song. And that’s kind of how art works. Sometimes you got to shake people up, you got to disturb them to get their attention to open up their mind. Not everything is flowery and rainbow and all that, right. I watch a lot of horror movies. Sometimes the dark stuff makes you think and like, you know, sometimes you got to disturb. That’s how the art works. It’s to start a new conversation. If you heard the song title health for children, you’d be like, Yo, what the hell, man. But the song is about raising awareness of child abuse. A noble thing we all agree, is bad. We all agree. Except for these elitists that are showing us this stuff. So maybe maybe Boardman is trying to show us something. The art is about the human condition and what kids have to go through. Maybe it’s disturbing is supposed to open a dialogue about how kids are treated. And that that paperwork the the US versus Michael Williams about kid child P stuff. It’s actually the court case actually rejected the distribution of child P saying this is not a protected first amendment right. So I mean, maybe maybe it’s just showing support for it saying that this was a good case, because it’s preventing the distribution of this stuff. I mean, I don’t think so. I think it’s more of a
sneaky covert way of being insidious, given all the information we talked about earlier, but I gotta at least throw that idea out there because it’s possible, right? You know, when you live in this conspiracy world, sometimes you lose sometimes you go black pill too hard. So I gotta throw that out there. I mean, I don’t believe I think there’s a lot of stuff connected to the occult and ball and Moloch on here. It’s and it’s just disturbing. It’s like, if you’re trying to raise awareness of child abuse, maybe you should call it the raise awareness for Child Abuse Campaign or something. I don’t know. I mean, the strangest thing that we saw in all this was the Latin translations of blends Yaga converting over to do what you want and ball is the king and you know, do what you want, of course ties and Aleister Crowley, and his whole thing was to bring out the new age. The AI Out of Horus, which is the one that dark arts occultist seek to bring about. And ball or Moloch, or Saturn, they are the date deities of sacrifice, particularly of children. And the dark arts that these people embrace, it leans towards dark things. And if you ask me, Is it satanic? I would say yes. In the sense of a spiritual battle of light and darkness. Good and bad, good and evil. Yes. It falls on the wrong side of that. And it’s about this new age, the AON of horrors, the apocalypse, the Armageddon. It just means the revelation, the revealing of the truth. The truth is those people under this Luciferian religion, it seems to Beyonce and blunts, Yaga got roped into all this. Maybe that’s what he’s trying to say. Maybe he’s trying to reveal it to us. Again, I think he’s doing it in a really bad way if that’s what he’s attempting. But Larry Johnson, who also is kind of extreme conspiracy guy. He said Beyonce is a controlled Luciferian and he was besties with Jay Z. Yeh was also abuzz with Jay Z. So these guys I mean, they’ve been hanging out with a lot of these people we talked about and if you recall, you know yay has done a full one ad. Because back when Taylor Swift one award for Best Video yay, got on stage did the humiliation ritual stole the mic from her? So Beyonce had the best video of the year or No, I think it’s best video of all time. I think he’s what he said with the put a ring on a video, which oh, by the way, she stole that dance from someone else. The whole choreography wasn’t original apparently. Well, he did that humiliation ritual. And you remember, and if you read my book, sacrifice magic behind the mic. You’ll know that later that night. He was out at dinner. And he said, My mother died for this. He said his mother got sacrificed. She had just died. Fast forward several years and he said it again. He’s basically saying this blood sacrifice is a real thing. And it’s going on in entertainment in Hollywood. We’ll see what happens. I gotta go. I gotta listen to four hours of Alex Jones and Kanye West. We’ve covered a lot today. If you’re new to this whole topic, I gotta advise you to check through my back catalogue. There’s a I got on damn near 500 shows. topics you’re going to be interested in, scroll through find. Of course subscribe, right? Gotta gotta like it. Subscribe, find some other shows. Learn more about it. If you want the high octane truth, get the dark path. Amazon audible signed paperbacks on Gumroad links are always in the show notes. And until next time, stay WOKE
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Zackary Laino says
I have not checked in here for some time since I thought it was getting boring, but the last several posts are good quality so I guess I’ll add you back to my everyday bloglist. You deserve it my friend 🙂