On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we head back into the AstroWorld portal to discuss the symbolism of the demonic spirits that possessed Travis Scott. We’ll catch up on news, hear his “apology” and then look at his sordid history of inhumanity. We’ll hear chilling clips of Travis Scott laughing as the crowd screams for medical help as well as concert goers describing the show as pure Hell. We’ll discuss the symbolism that you’ve really got to see to believe at Instagram.com/IsaacWeishaupt The symbolism includes the holy dove on fire, portals to Hell, inverted crosses, man turning into demon and more. We’ll read through a 70’s book on ritual magick and see that it perfectly describes black magick and the demonic possession of Travis Scott. Follow the discussion on Instagram.com/IsaacWeishaupt
- Astroworld Pt 1: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/astroworld-concert-blood-sacrifice-conspiracy-theory-travis-scott/
- 2018 show on Ariana Grande’s Kabbalah and Manchester concert: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/ariana-grande-illuminati-symbolism-of-the-occult-witchcraft-kabbalah-sex-kittens-and-demons/
- 2018 show on Drake and XXXTentacion: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/did-xxxtentacions-fake-his-death-drake-and-the-illuminati-blood-sacrifice-ctauc-podcast-special/
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Unknown Speaker 0:06
I’ve never experienced anything like that in my entire life. Probably because I’ve never been surrounded by so many lifeless bodies. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about what was happening all around me. It was so demonic, the energy
Isaac Weishaupt 0:33
Welcome back to conspiracy theories in popular culture. I’m your host, Isaac Weishaupt. Today we continue our research and understanding into what happened at AstroWorld. This is part two of the AstroWorld analysis. I will put the link to part one in the show notes in case you haven’t heard it, you should listen to that. That first show we did. I basically explained what happened, right? The astral world concert festival, there were several deaths. I talked a little bit about the history of Travis Scott in all of the Illuminati satanic symbolism in his videos and on his magazine covers. Because for years, I’ve been looking at this guy telling you what I think could be true. And unfortunately, it appears. Maybe that was the case, right? During the 2019 Super Bowl, I talked about how he was the fallen angel. It’s been in front of our face this whole time. It really has. And then in that first show, we talked about the symbolism of AstroWorld. But I’ve got way more for you today. scratching the surface we did when I recorded that show. I recorded it on a Saturday morning, I woke up saw the news that holy crap, because Travis Scott’s a huge name, right. And like I said, I’ve been following this guy for many, many years, not a fan of his music. So like I told you in part one. There’s a lot of things about Travis Scott, I don’t know because I’m not this, Travis Scott, Stan, just not my thing. I don’t know, I just never got into his music. But I always saw the symbolism in his work, you know. And on the part one, we talked about the artwork for astral world, which you really need to see to believe. And if you haven’t followed me on the Instagram, please do so at Isaac Weishaupt link in the show notes. Because I’m going to dump way more symbols today. You’re not going to believe what you’re seeing. I could hardly believe it. But the first show, we talked about the symbolism with the messaging of See you on the other side, we saw the pineal gland, the third eye the pyramid of sacrifice, on the damn artwork for the festival. And we talked about the history of the blood sacrifice. We talked about the location of Houston with the astro dome and how the magician works on the astral plane. Right? How that’s all connected. But we’re going to go deeper today. So deep, I couldn’t believe it. What are we gonna talk about today? In part two, we’re gonna catch up with the latest recording this Monday morning before I go to work to the dreaded day job. So it’s early early in the morning Monday runtime, I’ll Travis Scott is possessed by demons. I think that’s the case. I think that’s what happened. I mean, if we got to come up with a theory on what happened, that’s my theory, I think he was possessed by demons. Which from years of symbolism, we could tell that was was what was happening. We’re gonna talk about the history of Travis Scott with messing with the kids at his concerts. And his manager. I mean, it’s kind of crazy what we’re going to talk about. Then we’re talking about more symbolism, testimony from people that were there at the concert saying this was literally hell. Then we’re going to talk a little bit about Drake, your boy Drizzy then the demonic symbolism that was all over the place, you just got to look for it. On his shirt on the logo, we hinted on this in part one, the logo for the artwork showed you a demon going through our portal or a man I should say go into a portal and coming out on the other side is a demon with horns on his head. And the portal is on the stage. You can see it clearly. There’s an inverted cross a burning dove. This mouth of hell. And we’re gonna dig into it a little bit. Talk a little bit more about the dark arts of black magic, Kabbalah. Little Ariana little Ariana Grande. She’s gonna make a little appearance here. And then his upcoming album utopia. So let’s get into it. What’s new? What’s new since Saturday morning? It’s Monday morning. I’ve been 48 hours. And Travis Scott’s getting sued live nation’s getting sued. The New York Times alleges that the police chief of Houston warned Travis Scott prior to the show about the crowd. Kylie Jenner is damn near canceled
because she was posting Instagram Stories of Travis Scott’s performance and you could see the ambulances and all that stuff in the crowd. You can see all of it. You can hear people screaming for help. I’ve been watching the damn tic tock videos all weekend. But Kylie she asserts they had no clue. No idea. Oh, really? Okay. Now, to be fair, I will throw one defense of Travis Scott on here. And look at full disclosure here like I’m a hip hop head. I love hip hop. But, you know, Travis Scott just never grabbed me just I don’t know, it wasn’t never my thing. So in some ways, I look to defend Hip Hop when it needs to defend it. But I I’m not afraid to call out the demonic symbolism. I hate to see that happen to my beloved genre of music, but it happens. But to be fair to Travis Scott, I did see a video. I don’t know if you’ve been you know, look, I don’t know who you are. If you if you’re watching these Tik Tok videos or not, that’s where most of the videos are, right? There’s a video circulating of Travis Scott standing up on the like, I don’t know balcony or scissor lift or whatever the hell it was doing his little Auto Tune thing that he does. And you can see him looking right down at a girl that’s unconscious being sort of crowd served over to help. And the implication from the video, if you watch just the short version is like, oh, Travis Scott’s just like singing like there’s nothing wrong. He’s looking right at a dead girl. It’s evil. But if you look, there’s a video of him with more context, prior to that video prior to that moment, he actually does stop the music. And he says, Yo, we got to get this girl out of here. And he kind of like helps coordinate that, right? Which is good. You see him coordinate that. And the reason he’s doing the auto tune thing is because you know, he’s just trying to keep the entertainment going. Right. So that video a little bit debunked, right little bit debunked. Then he released a video sending prayers to the victims. But it’s really bizarre because he does not he does not issue a single apology through this whole two minute clip. But he did rub the shit out of his forehead. So take a listen.
Unknown Speaker 8:17
I just want to send out prayers to the sort of ones that was lost last night. We’re actually working right now to identify the families. So we can help assist them through this tough time. You know, my fans, my fans, like our fans really mean the world of mean and always just really want to leave them with a positive experience. And anytime I can make out, you know, anything that’s going on, you know, you know, stop the show and you know, help them get the help they need. You know, I could just never imagined this radio situation. We’ve been working closely. We’ve been working closely with everyone who just shot to get to the bottom of this city, Houston HPD fire department you know, everyone you know, help us help us figure this out. If you if you have any information you know, please just contact your local authorities. Everybody continue to just keep your prayers. I mean I’m honestly just devastated. I could never imagine anything like this just happening. I’m gonna do everything I can to keep you guys updated. You guys informed on what’s going on? Love y’all.
Isaac Weishaupt 9:47
So yeah, I mean, make it out what you will. And look, I don’t know the guy. I don’t know what kind of state of mind he was in or isn’t. You want to believe that another human being wouldn’t pass. Be okay with wanting their fans dying in front of them. Like it’s really hard to believe that. But that leads us to the next point I want to discuss. Travis Scott, is he possessed by a demon? I mean, let’s be honest about that is he really possessed. He’s got a history of being very Oh, I don’t know, anti human, apparently from this stuff. And he was signed by Kanye West, by the way, who had his share of sort of satanic symbolism over the years talking about how he should be in the Bible and all this stuff. And Kanye did a Sunday service over the weekend for the victims of this Astrodome, or I mean, the astral world thing. But apparently he was nowhere to be found. He wasn’t even there. I don’t know. What do you make of this stuff? Very bizarre behavior by these people. But anyway, back in 2012, I’m going to read to you from hip hop dx.com Back in 2012, his first manager had a seizure and Travis kind of left them on the floor and walked away. I’m going to read you from hip hop dx. I heard this week. Travis Scott’s This is the Shane Morris was his name is his name. Now I’m sorry, Shane Mars. I just watched this Tik Tok. So I looked it up because I didn’t believe it. Anyway, quote, I heard this week. This back in 2012. Okay. I heard this week Travis Scott signed a 360 deal with Kanye West for 870k. Am I happy for him? Not at all. He might be one of the most purely talented producers and rappers in the industry, but he’s a thief a liar and he manipulates what he wants out to people until he’s used them all up. There’s no such thing as loyalty to Travis Scott. In his blog, Morris claims to have discovered Scott linking him up with blog sites, other media outlets and studio time when his name wasn’t known. Morris writes about how humble he felt Scott was when they met and says he saw that change as time passed. Morris also alleges that Scott stole sessions from the studio. Additionally, Morris goes on to write about an incident where he had a seizure and felt Scott left him stranded in a time of need, quote, You know what a low grimy mother effer Travis Scott is late one night we were all down in the dungeon. That’s a studio, right? We’re down in the dungeon up late having a party music was playing we were all having fun. And then I did what all epileptic people do. From time to time I had a seizure. You know what Travis Scott did, he left. He and his friend Tony left me. I eventually ended up at the hospital that night. But Travis couldn’t be bothered. He continues by claiming scour fuse to have him manage his career because of his seizures. If there’s one thing you don’t do, it’s use my disability against me as a reason to say I’m not worthy in my business. Travis Scott is the kind of person who discriminates based upon disability. He steals from the musicians around him. Then he manipulates people into thinking he did it all on his own. And on some of I think it was Shane Morris, some of his videos he talks about how they got him a false popularity on SoundCloud like they paid for all of his streams so that the record companies would think he was this hot artist and he really wasn’t which, you know, you could, there’s a lot of weird stuff that goes on in the music industry. Like how they pit where they call it pay to play or the play, you pit putting money behind an artist and get their song on the radio enough it sort of earworms the song into popularity, because you hear they know through science of mind, the more you hear a song, the more you’re apt to like it. So as long as they can get every single person to hear a song like three or four times, then they’ll be like, Okay, here’s a good song. Another instance he, they’re, the allegation is that he basically encouraged the kid to get paralyzed. I’m going to read you from Rolling Stone and you make mega what you will.
Cow green 27 was injured at Scott’s April 30 2017 concert at Terminal five in Manhattan. The same show where Scott was caught on video encouraging a different fan to drop down from the second floor balcony into the crowd below. Quote, I see you but are you going to do it? The rapper exhorted the fan who already had climbed over the railing, quote, they’re going to catch you. Don’t be scared. Don’t be scared. Unlike that fan who appeared to dangle and drop willingly, Greene says he was forced over the edge of the higher railing at what he’s called a severely crowded an out of control event. That sounds familiar, doesn’t it? According to a lawsuit filed six months later, in October 2017, Greene broke several bones including vertebrae in his fall and was subsequently hauled off the floor by show staff without a cervical collar backboard and other safety precautions. And you see this oftentimes, like the recently I watched the Woodstock 99 documentary on HBO Max. Sometimes they’ll, they’ll pay people, they’ll give them a shirt and give them a free ticket. And they’ll be like, here, you’re now security and you’re now a paramedic. And and I don’t know if that’s what happened here. If you want some of the videos, horrific videos of the AstroWorld, you’ll see him doing CPR on people. And a lot of people were claiming that. Like, I guess there were some nurses in the crowd that said, Look, I saw these paramedics doing CPR on people, they didn’t even check the pulse. They were doing CPR, people that had a pulse. And when you do CPR, I’ve had a little bit of military training, when you do CPR, you have to break the breastbone. But like it’s not good. You can go through your cardiac rhythm off doing CPR on someone who doesn’t need it. I mean, don’t quote me on that. I’m not a doctor. But anyway, the point is, basic CPR is a very simple process. Not simple, but your basic paramedic should know the CPR process, right? Check the airway for breathing, check to see if there’s a pulse, so on and so forth. Now, Travis Scott, I’m going to play you a clip here. And what you can’t see is that he’s smiling during this clip. He’s just smiling at the crown. Like, in a weird way. I’ll put the photo of it on my Instagram again at Isaac Weishaupt. Look at us read look at Mr. Lewis. I’ll put it on the compilation for the show, like I did for the first episode. But he’s got a sort of, he’s bent over hands on his knees. He’s just kind of looking up smiling. And normally you would think well, maybe that’s out of context. But if you listen, you can hear the crowd screaming for a medic it’s very chilling.
Now on the TIC tock, there’s actually tons of videos, people have been uploading videos all weekend of other artists at concerts shutting the show down anytime they see a fan in need. I’ve seen videos from Kurt Cobain. I’ve seen videos from Post Malone, Linkin Park. I can’t even list them a little pump, little pump has a little pump going to outclass you. No offense, I like little pump. But damn. And look, I don’t know what goes on in the industry. I don’t know what kind of training you get. I don’t know if this is a discussion they have. I don’t know. I just think that you see some. And I’ve seen video clips of Travis Scott looking out and seeing the ambulance coming through the crowd. So there’s a couple videos I’ve seen where he did in fact, sort of stop the music and say, Whoa, what’s going on here? So that’s the real question. And the most damning part is when you know the most damning part is I’m going to read you from New York Times. It says because I’ve seen this video clip and I I looked it up right New York Times says this says then two men who appear to be part of Mr. Scott’s entourage approach him on the stage. He shoots them away in terms of the crowd, asking those present to put two hands in the sky. Another person tells the crowd two hands up two hands up. The video shows the performer raising his hands in the air with the ambulance visible amid the crowd of fans. Y’all know what you came to do? Mr. Scott says that the crowd then as the music resumes he urges the crowd to make the ground shake. The concert which continued for about another 30 minutes ended with Mr. Scott waving to the crowd and jogging off stage as he said, I love y’all make it home safe. Good night. Now I’ve seen this video clip. You do see two guys that go out. I mean, what else could they possibly have been telling him they stopped the show? Go up there whisper in his ear. He waves them off. He says, y’all know what you came to do. You came here to rage. Let’s make the ground shake. And meanwhile, there’s people doing CPR in the crowd. And this is where we start talking about symbolism because people tell you I think there’s testimonies all over the damn Internet of people who were there, saying it was literally hell. And that’s what it sounds like. Could you imagine dying or your loved ones right? They’re dying. And Travis Scott’s up there pumping the music away telling you to make the ground shake. Like that’s some literally demonic stuff, right? Listen to this clip. It’s a couple minutes long. This is from Tik Tok from Brooke 333. Elliot, take a listen here. What hurt her experience was, and this is a very chilling to
Unknown Speaker 20:52
her to talk about my experience. astrofest is extremely traumatizing. I’ve never experienced anything like that in my entire life. Probably because I’ve never been surrounded by so many lifeless bodies. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about what was happening all around me. It was so demonic. The energy was so demonic. The set was demonic. Travis was demonic. We were literally in hell. Like I felt like we were in hell. Nobody could breathe. We were all suffocating. everybody around you is suffocating. You’re standing on our tiptoes. And all you see is everyone around you. chins up. Gasping for air. That’s all you see around you. There was no room for mosh pits. There was no room to breathe. We couldn’t even breathe. We didn’t even have enough room like I’m sore like, like this hurts to take a deep breath today. Like we couldn’t even breathe in there. Because everyone’s bodies were literally suffocating us. suffocating us so bad that people were bleeding out of their mouths in their nose. People were screaming bloody murder, literally begging for help from anybody. There’s nothing that anybody could do. The floors were covered in bodies, you’re doing your very best for fighting for our fucking lives. We’re doing our very best to stay up. You couldn’t even put your foot on the ground. You’re stepping over other people, you’re stepping over people’s shoes, just trying to fucking breathe. I’m surrounded by unconscious bodies. I don’t even know if these people were alive. There’s just people all around you. Their eyes rolled in the back of their head just being moved with the crowds. There was nowhere we could go. We’re trying to push back to trying to push back to get out. And we’re just getting pushed for britches getting pushed deeper into the crowd. There’s sinkholes of people in the crowds all around me. Like if I would have if I would have hit the floor, I would have never gotten up. You can see like, adults holding their children up, like trying to get them to safety, whose kids like pissing and shitting themselves for as a trauma response. Like imagine going to your first concert like you This is how you think like concerts are like it took us 30 minutes to get out of the crowd and we were in the back. As we finally get out, you just see people running out bawling, lips blue. There’s people dragging dead bodies out of the crowd. Dead bodies. And Travis know, Travis had a bird’s eye view on everybody and could see everything. He was asked multiple times to stop and his responses are you know what you’re here for something like that. And let’s reach
Isaac Weishaupt 23:52
Yeah, I mean, like I’m saying I was on Tiktok all weekend watching so many videos. You see videos of kids climbing the scaffolding telling the cameraman and the workers like the trying to get their attention like hey, you got to stop the show. The crowds chanting stop the show to Travis Scott. Could you hear it? I don’t know. I don’t know. very upsetting. And it turns out like in part one I said look, I don’t know when in the show this happened but apparently it was uh, like, I guess Travis Scott completed the whole set. But when Drake was up there was sort of like the peak of hell too. And I’ve talked about Drake in the past. I’m going to put a link in the show notes to a show I did when Triple exultation died. There were some weird stuff going on. And I’ve always talked about Drake because he’s got the the Minerva Bohemian Grove owl symbolism in the 666 hand symbolism all over the place, same symbolism. I see what Travis Scott I see with Drake and all that. From June 2018. triple-x He, he, he talked about, he had predictions of his own death. I talked about the lyrics of Drake songs talking about how x is going to be shot. X went on Instagram saying that Drake would kill him and he would be the sacrifice. Is this stuff really happening? It might be more true than you want to believe. Let’s talk about some more symbolism. On the first part I talked about on the artwork for AstroWorld, the demon the guy who goes to the portal and turns into a demon. Well, turns out Travis Scott was wearing that shirt. He showed you what was happening. And on Tik Tok, I saw lots of videos of people pointing out that there was a guy walking on top of the portal. And I’ll put that photo on my on my little Instagram compilation I’m making for you. But you can see that the guy walking above the portal that’s people are like, what is this? Well, that’s, it was some visual thing about him, you know, the guy turning into a demon. Then the very disturbing image. And this is how the show started out. Or so I’m being led to believe from the videos I’ve seen. The show starts out with a dove on fire flying out of the portal, this portal that was on stage, the portal of Hell is lighting up in red circles of fire. And this dove is flying out. It’s clearly expelling any kind of Christian element to this show. That’s what the symbolism means. It’s allowing the demons to come in, that’s what the portal is for. It looks like the rings of hell. And then on another photo I’ve seen of the stage, it looks like an inverted cross going into the portal, the way the barricades were set up. And of course, the stage itself was a massive portal. And again, I’ll put all these images on the Instagram at Isaac Weishaupt. Check it out. Like and Subscribe, I’m always dropping real interesting stuff on these kinds of things. A lot of people sleep on this stuff until something bad happens. And then all of a sudden everyone’s interested, right, which is good. We need the publicity. We need people to understand that this could very well be happening. But this portal, it was like it was like a cave, right? When you look at the history of magic. And we’re going to we’re going to hit that in our conclusion here next. When you look at the history of magic, the caves are where the early people would conduct the magic rituals wrote the the origin mythology of Rome with Romulus and Remus that started from the loophole cave Mithras was worshipped in a cave in the temples there within the caves. I talked about that on my three episodes on raised by wolves, the show on HBO, how its symbolism of the cult of Mithras, which is very fascinating. Zeus he was born in a cave and Crete. And then Christ Himself, of course, resurrected in the cave. So there’s always this magical connection of the cave. And that’s kind of what the portal looks like, in some ways on the stage as a cave. And then finally, last piece of symbolism. The big mouth. If you’re familiar with the, the grounds and the artwork for AstroWorld there’s you walk through Travis Scott’s mouth to get onto the grounds.
And a lot of people were pointing out and lots of people were sending this to me, so shout out everyone. There’s a lot. A lot of people were hitting me up about stuff this weekend. You go back to the 1400s. There’s a painting by Hieronymus Bosch called Christ in limbo. Sometimes it’s referenced as the harrowing of hell. I’m not an art guy. I don’t know. That’s what the Newsweek article said it was called I think Christ in limbo. Oh, the news. I for almost wrapped a news week published a story about this exact thing about how there’s theories about the blood sacrifice, and they they cited my podcast so, you know, hate to celebrate such a thing? I don’t know. Is that the right term? I mean, I It’s a tragedy, right. I’m not not trying to get publicity from it. Exactly. But I can tell you, this is an experience I’ve had for the last 10 years anytime something horrific happens. I can flip it into publicity and notoriety and followers. And that makes me ill, in some ways, because I know this is what the mainstream media does anything, anytime some tragedy happens. You can cash it in. Right? That’s what a lot of people don’t talk about, like influencers don’t talk about mainstream media, don’t talk about it, but I’m here to tell you like it happens every time. I mean, over two days, I picked up like 1000 followers on Instagram. Right? Then look, I would trade it all in, I don’t want eight people to die. And I’m not. I’m not what I’m this isn’t virtue signaling, I’m being honest about it, like, part of it makes me feel sleazy about this. So like, I was in the Newsweek article, and like, on some levels, I’m like, wow, that’s really cool. Like, that’s a, that’s a huge platform. But in other ways, I’m like, Dude, I feel like a heavy responsibility from this. You know, like, in some ways, I’m dabbling in the dark energy myself now. So, you know, being an Orthodox Christian, a real shitty one at that. I just try to say my prayers and keep my head right. And I look, I realize the hypocrisy here, I’m here to tell Google follow you on Instagram. But like, the reason why is because I think that the more exposure we get to these ideas, the more that we can have honest discussions about this stuff. Do we want to open up these, the mouth to hell, I mean, this is literally, they call it the mouth of hell. And you see it in a ton of paintings. And that’s what Travis Scott showed you with his big mouth that people walk through. And everyone’s telling you, it was like hell, and there’s a portal to hell, and they’re expelling the dove on fire. From the portal, he shows you a demon being formulated through the portal. And I’m just trying to have an honest conversation about it. Like, is this what we want to do? Are we gonna we’re gonna continue to support these artists. And I don’t know what to tell you. I’m not trying to. I’m not trying to cancel Travis Scott, per se, but like, maybe it is. Maybe we need to worry about this kind of thing versus you know, who’s who’s someone that Dave Chappelle, right. I did a whole show on Dave Chappelle. Just recently. A whole show. That includes a discussion about Dave Chappelle being canceled. Now, anger, collusion, why is this happening? Why isn’t happening his day is Dave Chappelle is Travis Scott. possessed by demons, I’m gonna go ahead and float that theory out there. I want to float out of the theory that He’s a magician working with the dark arts working with black magic, and he’s possessed by the demonic spirits, because that’s what the black magic does it dabbles and with the demonic spirits. And I’m also told he uses this phrase called demon time. You can’t be around all this negative energy all the time, and demonic symbolism and all this stuff he’s doing without influencing you. We talked about this a lot on this show. Because my argument from day one has always been that magic predates religion. So who are we to believe that this thing just simply went away? You don’t like it’s hard to believe that. There’s this powerful practice that you can get whatever you want. And civilization just abandoned that completely? No, it went underground. It went through the secret societies, the ancient mystery schools. It’s still there. We just don’t know about it. And that’s my whole thing. I want to expose it right. I want to talk about how this is really happening.
In fact, I’ve got a show this week dropping with a massive revelation about Hocus Pocus, the movie massive. You think that you think the Travis Scott show was mind blowing wait to hear this hocus pocus show about the drop. So stay subscribed to the show because I’m going to blow your mind and I mean that in every sin every way possible. This might be the biggest revelation I’ve ever had. It might be I don’t know. Maybe I’m over hyping it. But a book I bought, specifically for the hocus pocus show. It’s called The Complete Book of Spells, ceremonies and magic from the 1970s As I was reading it for the hocus pocus show. All this astral world stuff came up all the symbolism came up. I’m gonna read you right from the book. This explains what happened. Quote, magic uses the deeper levels of the unconscious to bring about changes in the material world. Thus the magician believes it is possible to influence someone’s mind on the unconscious level and to subordinate this individual’s will to the magicians will That’s what I’m saying. That’s why I think Travis Scott’s magician, and any artist for that matter, because all the followers are sort of under a spell, and when they get into these concerts, they lose their mind. They act like savages. You saw it with this one. They’re doing CPR and these kids are jumping up on the paramedic cart, thrashing around mosh pit, or whatever, right? But isn’t that what the the capitalist magic is all about? Exploitation of money from your wallet into Travis Scott and Kylie Jenner’s. And these people are sick in the head. You can’t tell me they’re not possessed on some level. Because of their material wealth that they keep accumulating, and they it’s a sickness that can’t turn off. There’s never enough like Jeff Bezos is people are psychopaths. You see the you see this, the Jeff Bezos video clip of his How’s his girlfriend, his new girlfriend? In the eyes, she’s given Leo DiCaprio at this party. Oh my god, how uncomfortable is that? Do yourself a favor and look that when I posted it on my Instagram, and I said, and I’m so funny, so funny. I said, Do you think she’s telling him that he’s my my favorite actor? And it’s a joke of course. But is my favorite actor But boy oh boy. Poor Jeff Bezos. That’s what he gets. Man, these people are sick in the head is never enough. Never enough. Look at Kylie Jenner. Was she a billionaire? How much money do you need? People are sick. Anyway, and I base that all on watching cribs. Because these people these and I’m I’m OG granola woke, alkaline vegan woke to the fullest. And these people claim they are but then they open their fridge and they got nothing but plastic water bottles all in they’re like bro. What are you doing? Have you heard me rant about the water bottles before? It’s my pet peeve? Water bottles and disposable grocery bags. Two things I hate the most. Now anyway, let’s get back to the conclusion. To me, the grossest part is that Travis Scott targeted the weaker wills of children. That’s right. That’s right. If you recall, he was doing that massive publicity thing with fortnight. Which is like a kid’s thing kids game. That’s why That’s why a 14 year old died during this concert because there was kids all in the crowd. He was appealing to the young children because those are the weakest wills that he could bend from the magician point of view. Shout out sprite you sent me a video on the fortnight thing I forgot about the fortnight thing and they got talked about it on the show back when it was a thing, right. And look, that was my beef with little NAS X. Who was like another artist I don’t I don’t really listen to I don’t really care. But little NAS X dropped the Montero video and he’s twerking on Satan. And look, I don’t care that he’s gay. I don’t even really care that he’s got the satanic elements in the video. Like whatever. I listened to lots of rock music that was straight up showing you satanic symbolism. There’s always about the awareness, right? You got to be aware of this stuff
to take its effect away. or minimize it, I should say. Or just avoid it altogether. Like if you’re strong enough. I’m not that strong. Like I told you, I’m a pretty shitty Christian. But uh, yeah, that was my beef was that little NAS X. I mean, two months before the Montero video dropped. He released a kid’s book because the old town road was apparently very popular amongst kids, little kids. So little NAS X to make little extra monies, drops a kid’s book. Then the next thing he releases is a video where he’s working on Satan and releasing shoes with blood on it with human blood in it and 666 written all over it. That’s my beef. And I don’t even have kids like I don’t know why I’m fighting for your kids so hard. That’s a good you’re if you’re losing the show, I will fight for your kids is the people out there the mouth breathers don’t that think this is all crazy conspiracy stuff. So I’m talking about they’re messing with the kids. And the parents are either too busy or they’re too ignorant to care. I have no idea. And I have no idea why a parent would take their kids did this astral world show on the look and the tickets were I looked at the table tickets. It’s like 400 bucks for the cheapest ticket after you pay for the fees and taxes. My parents would have never taken me to a $400 show you mad. My first concert was, and it was probably because my parents wanted to go or I wasn’t a fan, but it was the Beach Boys in Chicago, which in hindsight, wow, now that I’m an old person. How lucky was I? I saw him at Hershey Park. That was it. That’s the only show I went to. That’s the only concert. And then, you know, when I was 18, my friends went to go see? Damn What was it was like 9998 I don’t remember the name of the tour had like DMX was like the Rough Riders tour or something. And I wanted to go so bad, but I couldn’t afford a ticket. So there was not going. But anyway, these parents are buying these kids these 400 on tickets to go see a bunch of rappers. But this is our world right? With the music industry just flat out showing you their demonic. Hence the book I wrote seven years ago. Sacrifice magic behind the mic. It’s all about the hip hop industry and the Illuminati symbolism in the occult and the demonic magic and all that stuff. I was talking about the seven years ago. Which the which this book is proven more and more to be accurate as the years go by. And in fact, I just retrieved a copy because I went to Sirius XM studios in LA. On do m&ms channel shade 45 to the all out show with rude dude, shout out rude dude. Shout out Eminem. I didn’t get to meet Eminem. But as you get to me rude dude. And we talked about my hip hop conspiracy book back in the 2016. I think 2015 and the audience, and look what the show is all about. They love like roasting conspiracy people. They did a bit about this for a while like to make us look crazy, right? But I didn’t care, whatever. I’ll take it. And I took so many shots. People thought I was crazy. And I mean, I fast forward I like I said on. Anyway, I found a copy of that, that show that they’d sent me. And I posted it. But it’s only on my subscriber shows like Patreon and rockfon and stuff. And I on the disclaimer for that show. I said, I bet you fast forward to 2020 And the thing that will never go away. And I’ll bet all those listeners that called in and told me I was a crazy lunatic. I bet they’ve had a change of heart since now fast forward to this weekend. And I bet they really would have a change of heart. And look, Luzi vert, whose name is Lucifer, right. I’ve talked about lose. You’ve heard a million times. Who’s straight up satanic he he only follows Marilyn Manson honorary priests in the Church of Satan. Who’s also Marilyn Manson was recently at the Kanye West church service, which I don’t know what that means. Come come with your conclusion as to what that means. But Lil Uzi Vert, aka Lucifer, he just released a video and song called demon high. These rappers are embracing the satanic stuff. And someone’s got to expose it. I’m gonna read you from this, this Old 70s Book again, because this one’s interesting because when we talk about Travis Scott being in the black magic, listen to this.
The aim of black magic is power over the material world regardless of the consequences. The spiritual world is of no interest to the black magician except to invoke its reluctant reluctant denizens to carry out His will in the world of matter. And awareness of his own powers usually overcomes the black magician, giving rise to an egotistical pride of hellish proportions. He becomes self centered and ironical. His will to him is law, the only law. He defies God In Nature openly and often. All the demons of hell come rushing forward from the hidden depths of his unconscious and take over his conscious personality. He becomes truly the devil incarnate and Basques luxuriously in this demonic identity. That Do you think that fits the mold here? Don’t you think that’s exactly what’s happening? He tells the people he’s not shut it down. Even though there’s people dying out there because he’s self centered and tyrannical. He tells them to keep going. These are the reluctant denizens. He’s like we’re gonna make the groundsheet keep going and they do it. Even though they hear people screaming, we need help when he medics, there’s an ambulance, there’s people doing CPR all around them. We see the video of him smiling and laughing. That’s the luxurious basking of his demonic identity and his apology video where he never apologizes. And all the people they’re explicitly described as as hellish. And that’s described in the text saying his ego would take over to hellish proportions. Doesn’t that nail it? He even told you this was happening. He said, See you on the other side, it was all over the place. So raises bigger questions. Did he know Was this a satanic pact was this repayment to Satan in the Gaussian bargain, the classic tail, tail is oldest time and I went on to his Instagram and I’m gonna share this image too, on my Instagram. He’s pointing to the sky and there’s a big eye in there. This is just prior to the show. Okay, so I took a screenshot cuz I’m like, Oh, he’s gonna shut his account down or something. But when he says See you on the other side on part one, I talked about how this is a reference to the capitalistic clip off. And what you may not have read is an article I wrote in 2015 talking about the capitalistic theory the the capitalistic symbolism in our entertainment. Okay, and I had to remove this article with all my other articles because I got sued by some asshole. I don’t want to go into it. Looks I get why do they why they always come after me. Why? Because there’s some truth here. I think not to sound like a paranoid conspiracy theorist. But hey, the shoe fits wear it I guess. Anyhow. I’m going to read you from the article because I have a copy of it. I just can’t publish any of these things because I don’t want to get sued again. When broaching the concept of evil, some of the Kabbalah teachings display it through a shadow Sephora and call it the other side. It is also referred to as the evil twin and this other side is represented by evil spirits known as the CLI path. The hermetic Kabbalah actually tries to make contact with the CLI path spirits as part of the Self Realization process. Some of these evil demons are eerily similar to the Illuminati symbolism we see from the entertainment industry on a regular basis, leading me to believe that the Illuminati are part of this magic ritual trying to contact the dark forces of the clip off. And that’s what I think’s happening. It sounds crazy, doesn’t it? Do you remember little Ariana Grande days Manchester concert and all those people that died? How shook she was about that? Well, back then, she was really into Kabbalah. She used to wear that red string bracelet and she was very vocal about messing around with the ghosts and demons and the aliens. I did a full show July 2018. I’ll put a link in the show notes. If you want to hear more about Ariana Grande messing around with the same stuff and look what happened to her concert. play stupid games, you get stupid prizes. Know what I’m saying? And finally, Travis Scott. He’s promoting this new album utopia, which he claims is going to be a psychedelic rock album, rock album. But he’s also releasing a mixtape called dystopia. I don’t know. He’s got a new song that he had he actually played called escape plan.
So there’s another bit of messaging into this concert, like people couldn’t escape they were stuck. And was really bizarre. And again, another photo for you to check out on my Instagram. I’ll share it. He took out a four page ad in the Houston Chronicle. And this is what it said all over it. The true dystopia is here. When the end arrives. It’s really the beginning. And then the icing on the cake and I’m going to drop the mic after this. It says Who knows what lies beneath the surface with a photo of Travis Scott as a demon. He straight up showed it to us that he’s a demon that he’s channeling the demonic forces. Or maybe I’m just paranoid maybe I’m just being overzealous. I certainly don’t know the truth there. It’s it’s dark enough energy though, that it’s disturbing. It’s disturbing. So if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go. I gotta go take a shower or something. So dark, dark, dark darkness. Yeah, there you go. That’s part two. Is there going to be a part three? I certainly hope not. talk about this anymore. But yeah, that’s there was a lot to dig into on this unfortunately. Again, if you check out I’ll put links in the show notes. You can check out my shows on exultation back in 2018 Ariana Grande 2018 Check out all the images that I’m discussing because to see that the believer I’m abolish him just on my instagram at Isaac Weishaupt link in the show notes and stay subscribe because I’m gonna. I’m gonna blow your mind once more with this hocus pocus film analysis I’m dropping real soon. Thanks for listening. Until next time, stay WOKE
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
Josh T says
Residual dark energy-
Isaac, thank you for the research and effort put into this 2nd part or the show.
Thought: Do you think the dark energy released during the concert will amplify with the added ptsd/negative feelings/emotions fear of crowds..etc. individually then ripple outward. Is that a “goal” of a mass ritual? The people especially who were present at the show opened themselves up to some pretty disturbing energy and my guess is that it won’t scrub easily.
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