On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we hit it from every angle! We look at the Netflix show “The Social Dilemma” with the nerds that are going to take over through surveillance, then we get deep on the symbolism of aliens, UFOs and Venus (you know- where the aliens are thriving), the New Jersey UFO Blimp, LeBron James the Illuminati Wizard, Lady Gaga as the Scarlet Woman goddess of Thelema, and Tom DeLonge pushing the ancient alien agenda!
- Peep all the images discussed on the show at Instagram.com/IsaacWeishaupt (*including a more in-depth look at Lady Gaga’s 911 video!)
- ALIENS, UFOS & THE OCCULT IS NOW UP ON AMAZON! (Audible version and signed paperbacks will be up soon- October 2020): https://amzn.to/33IBMRA
- 2018 show I did (the part played during The Social Dilemma bit): https://illuminatiwatcher.com/katy-perrys-witchcraft-battle-with-nuns-cias-remote-viewing-of-mars-and-social-media-experimentation-isaac-on-ctauc/
- Beyonce Black is King show: Free feed: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/beyonces-black-is-king-crowleys-queen-bee-of-thelema-777-the-goddess-worship-and-alien-gods-through-disney/
- Patreon version: https://www.patreon.com/posts/beyonces-black-40054939?cid=41947080
- LeBron James Illuminati wizard original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1siYd4O1Ee0&feature=emb_title
- Kobe Bryant Occult Children Books show: Free feed: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/kobe-bryants-occult-kids-books-illuminati-confirmed/
- Patreon version: https://www.patreon.com/posts/33596943
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
Signed paperbacks available at Gumroad.com/IsaacW!
Full Transcript (Courtesy of all Patreon Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is given to all Patreon supporters- join the IW Patreon team at Patreon.com/IlluminatiWatcher!
Isaac Weishaupt
We need to have some shared understanding of reality. Otherwise we aren’t a country. So long term, the solution here is to build more AI tools that find patterns of people using the services that
no real person would do.
We are allowing the technologist to frame this as a problem that they are equipped to solve. That is, that’s a lie. People talk about AI as if it will no truth. AI is not going to solve this problems. Ai cannot solve the problem of fake news. Google doesn’t have the option of saying, Oh, is this conspiracy? Is this truth? Because they don’t know what truth is? They don’t have they don’t have a proxy for truth that’s better than a click.
If we don’t agree on what is true, or that there is such a thing as truth, we’re toast. This is the problem beneath other problems because if we can’t agree on what’s true, then we can’t navigate out of any of our problems.
Suggested on the
show many more sports on the day.
Isaac Weishaupt 01:35
It’s your host, Isaac, Isaac Weishaupt. Here to talk to you. catch you up on the latest and greatest of the conspiracy theories and unpopular culture in the world of entertainment. The occult, where do they overlap? Where does the truth lie? We’re gonna talk about aliens. The Goddess of Venus. LeBron James, Lady Gaga, Tom DeLonge. From blink 182 Yes, the most controversial statement I made this year is that I like blink 182 Why? I don’t know. People hate that. Yeah, I guess me and someone on my Patreon team also said they like blink 182 Well, I guess it’s just the two of us. The whole world Everyone’s so advanced. Oh, my god, they’re, their musical tastes are so sophisticated. There are above doodoo and PP jokes. Whatever. I’m just bitter. You know, this is what happens. You get on the social medias and you start talking to people. Next thing you know, you’re fighting about whether or not blink 182 was a good band. Today we’re going to talk about all those things. Talk about social dilemma on Netflix. They’re pushing the idea of alien life forms. We’re going to talk about Lucifer Beyonce, the goddess that New Jersey UFO blimp out there and dirty jers. And yeah, then we’re gonna wrap up a little LeBron James, Lady Gaga, one two punch. So, Tom DeLonge, of course. So without further ado, I guess right. Let’s get into it. Oh, and a quick update. The alien book I wrote a book called aliens UFOs and the occult user illusion. One it is now live on Amazon for Kindle or paperback. If you wanted one of the signed paperback copies, you know where to get it. Hit that link in the show notes. gumroad.com backslash Isaac W. Gum like bubble gum. Gum, road.com, backslash Isaac w get all your signed paperbacks. And if you are quick enough, you can get a official podcast t shirt. I ordered some more. sold him out loud and sold out. sold like half of them in a couple days. Appreciate you. Thank you. I shipped I’m shipping them out. Now. I’m caught up. I had like 50 of them shipping out the door. So yeah, that’s where you can get all this stuff. Get that T shirt. It’s the tri blend mega comfortable. So soft.
So soft.
Isaac Weishaupt 04:18
And you’ll see all the sizing information on the website on that a storefront please measure. I’m a one man. I’m a one man group here. So I can’t do returns, exchanges and all that fancy stuff. So make sure you get the right shirt because you get one shot. And that’s it. Yeah, you get your alien books. Go on Amazon and get them. People have been leaving reviews already. Thank you appreciate that. That’s awesome. I haven’t even you know I love to peddle stuff on Yeah, I like to push the products on you. And I haven’t even started to push the products. Yeah, cuz I want to get these signed paperbacks in my hand. Let’s keep it moving here. Social dilemma. This was a show on Netflix that I watched About 90 minutes. I think it was two hours. It was two hours it was a little too long is what it felt like. And it was nothing new for me, right? Maybe the odd granola woke stir. I knew all this. So like I’m watching, I’m like, Okay, cool. Yeah, I get all this. And it’s an important message. It’s about the nerds in Silicon Valley spying on you and selling your data, taking advantage of you. Because like I say, these nerds are gonna kill us all. And it’s true. But the guy Tristan Harris, he was on Real Time with Bill Maher A few years ago, talking about how they’re programming our minds, mostly the children, because they’re too stupid to know better. We’re being used and abused and manipulated by these nerds. And I talked about it already on this very podcast back in March 2018. Back then, I was doing when I first started the Patreon channel, I was doing sort of like the first half of the show free second half was for Patreon. Only I did that for a while. And now I’m kind of more, I give like entire bonus shows to the Patreon crew. So as it would turn out, the Tristan Harris discussion was on the Patreon version. It was an episode we’re talking about Katy Perry, with witchcraft battle with the nuns and CIA doing remote viewing of Mars. And then, of course, social media experimentation. And again, I’ll have the links in the show notes. If you are on the Patreon team, you can check it out, just hit that link. But because I’m a nice guy, I’m going to share that clip with you. So you don’t have to go sign up for Patreon. This isn’t though, this isn’t a plug, I’m not trying to make you sign up for it. Even though you you know, I would love you to do that. I’m gonna show you the clip, because it’s basically what’s the social dilemma Netflix show is all about entirely. So here, take a listen to what I talked about back and try to wake you up. almost three years ago, you already knew here woke stir, take a listen.
Finally, I’d like to talk real briefly about social media. A few days ago, now maybe about a week ago, now, I started an experiment, I decided I was going to unplug from social media to see what happens. Because the reason why this came up was because I felt like I was a slave to checking it with every notification, you know, your smartphones going off, distracting you from whatever it is you were doing. And not to say that they’re not important things happening, but you are definitely a slave to it. Now.
the the idea of connecting and disconnecting so often is what I was interested in, because it seemed like we’re constantly switching gears between, you know, the real world and the things we’re doing there versus our smartphone and social media. And the, what was curious to me is because I’ve never been big on multitasking in the past, the claim that, you know, that’s how you get things done as of multitasking. But they found in the last couple years that it truly is impossible to multitask, because there is a switch time, when you’re doing one task, you have to sort of like select downshift, go into the next task, and then you know up shift into it. So there’s a lot of transition time that is being wasted. And I feel like that was what was happening with my personal life. I wouldn’t, you know, I wouldn’t choose to read a book and short periods of time. Meaning like, I wouldn’t carry a book with me and then between between sentences, having with a co worker decide to read a quick, you know, quarter paragraph or something like it’s just an odd thing that’s happening. I believe it’s contributing to the sort of like an add culture. Now, this, the reason for this is because it’s like, sort of like a low commitment thing to have social media. It’s also a superficial waste of time. You’re having superficial connections and understanding with others. And what I mean, what I mean by that is, for instance, when you see when you’re scrolling through your newsfeed and you see a headline, sometimes you read it, and you kind of know what the story’s about, without actually reading it and clicking on it, and you share it. So why do we do that? Why do we do that is because we are. We’re basically just on the social media platform saying this is me and, you know, you keep throwing your same ideas and attitudes out there. Like Maybe you’ve got a friend that’s a vegan crossfitter on Facebook. And surely you’ve already blocked them, because you can’t stand to read one more
about it, either one of those things.
No, but I don’t mean to pick on those people. But you know,
you’re sort of planting your flag and continuing to plant it. Which is fine. I got no problem with it. I just feel like sometimes when I get on my social media feeds, I already know what people are going to say before they say it. Anyway, so I just found myself getting a real strong disdain for it. And of course, I’m not talking about any of you, any of the listeners here. None of you guys are doing this. It’s all other people. No, but um, no, seriously, I, I think the tipping point was Twitter. Because every time I go on Twitter, and I’ll go to like the search that what do you call it? Our moments or whatever it is the latest news of what’s trending on Twitter. It’s always something real negative. It’s always people complaining about something. You know, maybe a movie wasn’t up to their expectations. So they’re just trashing it. I mean, it’s, it’s so hypercritical, I found it putting me in a bad mood. Now, besides, so besides that, you know, we’ve got this, everybody building their own brand. You know, but who’s this helping? I think it’s only helping Mark Zuckerberg. So helping you with your actual relationship. Now to back this up, there’s a guy named Tristan Harris, that I want you to look up. And he gave a TED talk. Now, Tristan Harris, was a Google ethicist hired to steer people’s emotions and thoughts. If this sounds very familiar, it’s because the Russians did it. Allegedly, in the 2016 election, they bought a bunch of ads, maybe had a bunch of fake stories. And again, like I said, People saw the headline and just assumed it was truce and shared it. And before you know it that picks up an energy. And now everyone thinks, you know, I don’t know, I can’t think of any of the headlines off the top my head something about Hillary Clinton, I’m sure. And similar things happen with Pokemon. This claim that the Russians influence Black Lives Matter folks to travel to certain areas have sensitivities to racial tensions. So there’s a lot of there’s a lot of things happening behind the scenes is what I’m trying to get at here. And to passively look at social media is to be influenced by these things. Now, what is the hidden goal? Well, Tristan Harris, who again, was a Google ethicist who got paid to do this sort of research, he said, there is a race for our attention, because there is a limited supply of your attention. And in order to do this, you have to know how people’s minds work, referring to just getting people’s attention, which is interesting, because that’s what I talked about. My very first book was I talked about how the Illuminati have this. This interest in understanding how our mind works, they spend a ton of money and research on it, because they want to influence us. Now, the reason, you know, they talk about the supply of attention, and there’s all these social medias, and the websites are racing for our attention, is because it is demonstrated through like YouTube, there’s an autoplay, they found that that keeps you watching and staying on YouTube, if they keep auto playing the videos. Same goes for Facebook. Same goes for Netflix, you know, this, this term binge watching I’m confident came from Netflix, Netflix itself, perhaps to popularize and make acceptable the idea of just sitting there watching, you know, couple dozen episodes in a row, which I’m guilty of, by the way, not saying I’m above it. So his argument, which I’ve casually observed is that the internet is sucking us in. It’s evolving to do this. And this evolution is not organic. And the technology is not neutral. There are forces at work here. An example that he gives that I found interesting is for Snapchat, something I don’t use, it’s you know, because they grab profiles of your face and so on for God knows what. Anyways, they have a thing called snap streaks, where it keeps track of the days that apparently you communicate with a friend on their device. It’s like texting, I guess. And these kids are obsessed with keeping their snaps. streaks going so that they give their passwords to other kids as they’re going to be, you know, out of cell phone service or whatever, to keep the snap streak going.
And what’s what’s very on here,
he says Tristan says that things are different now, because there are mad geniuses behind the scenes driving your behavior. And that’s exactly what I postulate is going on in our world. There’s mad geniuses driving our behavior. And if we don’t wake up to it, we will become susceptible to their desires, their true magicians and that sense of the word. Now, the Facebook news feeds and the Twitter feeds, they benefit from outrages. People want to share and put all their focus on to you know, Facebook, or whatever they want to show you the outrage. And Facebook is good with that they, they had, like we’ve talked about in the past, Facebook did that experiment of emotional contagion to see how people reacted to different stories on their newsfeed. And you know, what they found, they found that if they could show you outrage, you would stay connected on to their device or their website, you would be essentially giving your attention to them, which, like Tristan says, the that’s the big battle going on behind the scenes is people trying to fight for your attention. Now, so the outcome of this research is that they want you to be less calm. Because what happens is you stay on the site, and then they cater to advertisers, who also want to focus on the news feeds, and they want to have access to your mind and steer your behavior, which is the argument behind the Russia interference in the election. Now the problem seems that they are changing the way we converse with one another. In the end, our entire life is spent, we need to understand where our attention is going, and which time is best spent in our life. The technology talks to the lizard brain, and it actually connects us into our bass frequencies, which isn’t what we want to do, I don’t think I think we want to be a little more higher evolved than that. And what this Tristan Harris guy is saying is that there are boundaries. And there’s technology addiction. That’s that, uh, that steps into these sort of base frequencies. The Netflix CEO once said that their main competitors are YouTube, Facebook and sleep. So do you think that these companies have your best interest in mind they don’t. And what’s even more curious, and this is where I’ll get a lot of people hooked on to this idea is that Tristan said he studied at the persuasive Technology Lab. At Stanford, of course, Stanford always comes up in these conspiracy theories when we talk about like, you know, CFR, trilateral, lateral commission, all this stuff, MK altra, all these sort of things tying in to sort of major universities and Stanford one of them. interest in Harris, based on his experience at this lab, says that there’s a race to the bottom, to get attention by going further down the brainstem to the lizard brain and connecting into outrage. So again, the idea is they just want your attention, they don’t really care how to get it, they want it they’re going to, you know, feed into the most basic primal under, you know, emotions. And they also do this through the cell phone, the smartphone. It’s engineered as a slot machine. Interesting. Harris was on Real Time with Bill Maher talking about this. It’s a what they call variable scheduled rule reward. Sorry, about tonsillectomy like a month, two months ago, I still can’t talk. Anyways, sometimes you pull this lever, and you get a big reward. And sometimes it’s just a text. But this buzzing and this dinging keeps us hooked in looking at the phone. Like the you know, big tobacco and big food. You can’t, you can’t simply enjoy a product part time. They want all your attention. They want everything. And Harris says that the information in the world is now abundant thanks to the internet. But attention is scarce. So we are now in the attention economy. That’s why they keep the soundbites very short. They want to feed into people’s confirmation bias. But the truth is that the world is much more complex than these simple daikon enemies. Now all these apps you put on your phone, they’re meant to maximize attention. And because all the competitors are fighting for more and more, so everyone’s racing to the bottom for sensationalism.
So anyways, my idea was I wanted to go three weeks without the social media. And I’ve been doing it for about a week. I’ve got mixed feelings at first, it was very liberating. At first, I was like, man, I have so much free time. Now, I didn’t know what to do. So I downloaded like a game, Candy Crush, maybe you’ve heard of it. And now I’m drawn into that. But like, I don’t know. So like, on one hand, I feel like all this nice gives me some free time.
On the other hand, I do feel a little disconnected from people.
Isaac Weishaupt 20:51
Except with this Netflix show, there was one difference, one minor difference to what I was understanding about this whole thing back in the day. Because when you watch the Netflix show, it takes this abrupt turn after Act One, when they proceed to tell us that the Silicon Valley Tech nerd, data intrusion, data stealing agenda is going to get your kids into conspiracy theories. And that’s a big problem. Because the next thing you know, they’re going to conspiracy theory rallies, and they’re gonna go to prison, and then they’re going to be mindless zombies just staring at their tech being told what to think. And that’s legitimately what happens in the documentary, by the way, are on social dilemma, I should say it’s kind of a mix of a documentary with a drama to zation. Yeah, that’s a that’s the big warning. Oh, my god, they’re gonna get into Alex Jones. And we need to be real careful. Which is funny, right? Because we all know that. The big system has its own manipulation agenda. They’re just saying, Hey, stay on this side of the manipulation, where it’s nice and safe and cozy. Now carry on the Patreon team, posted about made a very accurate statement about how we’re actually feeding the AI machine. That’s one of the growing theories about this whole data manipulation thing. I mean, we’re we’re using it to use surveillance right, again, the illusion of safety. stealing your privacy, breaking the constitution for your safety, though, what they want you to believe. But another theory is that they’re feeding the big AI machine that AI is the demonic Luciferian force that is somehow feeding itself our data to take advantage of us. It’s a good dot, I like it. I mean, Gordie rose talks about this, if you ever heard this stuff, which I believe I make a quick mention of that in my book, aliens UFOs. And he called us religion one. Briefly, briefly, I touched on it. Because like that alien concept, the alien topic, I mean, you could read a 2000 page book, but like, I got things to do. You got things to do. So I just stuck with what I knew. Pop Culture, entertainment. The mind creating its own reality. Doesn’t 2020 makes sense with that? What version of reality Do you want to live in? Are you know, should we be scared of COVID? Should we trust the president? Should we trust the CDC? Should we wear a face mask? Well, it’s the world is your oyster? Because guess what you can find something to support your opinion. I got a study that says this. Well, guess what? He’s got a study that says that. She’s got a study that says this. You could play this game all day long. So just come down and believe. Venus, it’s got the aliens. That’s the news. That’s the big news. They’re gonna find alien life on Venus. Star nerds found one of several biomarkers that show there could be either life on Venus or just some unexplained chemical reactions. I’m gonna read you from Forbes because this is above my paygrade of understanding. I don’t know how this works. Chemistry is not a field of study for me. Nor is astronomy. Quote, this is from Forbes By the way, a chemical in the upper cloud layers of Venus might be evidence of alien life floating in the noxious haze a group of astronomers announced in a paper published earlier this week. Here on Earth, the chemical compound phosphine is produced when bacteria break down organic matter. phosphine is a waste product. The bacteria could A poop and exhalation combined. on Venus, the astronomers couldn’t find any other explanation for the amount of phosphine in the atmosphere and they tried. However, the detection of phosphine on Venus isn’t the first time scientists studying other worlds have discovered chemicals. They look like they could be the work of alien microbes. It probably won’t be the last time either. And someday the mysterious chemical signature making headlines will actually turn out to be alien farts, but probably not on Venus. So they’re telling you right there is probably not really life. But that is what the mainstream media ran with, because that’s what they do best. Quite literally making something out of nothing. Making love out of nothing at all. It’s what they do. It’s what they do. And how funny is this? How appropriate is this that they want people a story about? About poop on Venus, they want you to believe that. That means there’s aliens in there, which we all know isn’t the truth but doesn’t matter right? as well here when we talk about the New Jersey UFO. It doesn’t matter if it’s real or not, they need to float this idea into the subconscious of the masses. We’ll talk about that in a second. Let’s talk about Venus right because this matters. We’re also in Venus with Lady Gaga in a minute. But the fact that this life suggestion was found on Mars or on Venus is very important because as you know, sometimes Venus represents the Luciferian or the goddess energies. We’re going to talk about why that is because sometimes the Venus the star Venus, it appears another star Venus, excuse me, Venus the planet it appears in the dawn. Sometimes it’s out there that why they called the morning star aka the light Bringer, aka the light bearer, aka Lucifer. And at some point in its history, it got conflated with Satan. Because Venus from the earth point of view, it descends in and out of the sky disappears at times, symbolizes the fall from the heavens. As they discussed in Isaiah 14. I’m gonna read you that passage from the Orthodox Study Bible. How are, excuse me, how you are fallen from heaven, oh, Lucifer, who rose up in the morning, he who sends for all the nations is crushed to the earth. For you said in your mind, I will ascend into heaven, I will place my throne above the stars of heaven. I will sit on a lofty mountain, on the lofty mountains towards the north, I will ascend above the clouds, I will be like the Most High. But now you shall descend the Hades to the foundations of the earth. What are they talking about? Well, when you look at the study notes there, it says that this passage is comparing the king of Babylon to Lucifer or Satan. And then it tells you that Lucifer says, I will, five times because it’s the five step process. For Satan’s attempt to take the place of God, which is what I believe we’re experiencing right now. So spiritual warfare. The levels to this, okay, there’s levels, the similar symbolism and ideas about Venus in the morning star and all that when you look at the idea of Twilight language, because if you believe that they aren’t doing spiritual warfare, then you have to believe that they could be trying to propel the Armageddon by using the book of Revelation as a playbook. Meaning, you know, they bind to this hermetic teaching As above, so below, and they think that one thing can have an influence on the other and vice versa. So when they do things here on Earth, that it has an effect cosmologically out in the universe. That’s sort of a one of the ideas behind the Twilight language and why they use gematria and symbolism and all that stuff. Well, the term Aurora is means dawn, right? Well, Lucifer is the son of Aurora in mythology. Do you recall aurora colorado, having the infamous mass shooting of the at the Batman Dark Knight Rises movie? some could argue that this was trying to call upon the powers of Lucifer. I’m not saying I bind all of them. I’m just saying that that’s the theory right? If they think they can use the The End Times the book of Revelation to bring about Armageddon as a sort of recipe book, then it could be argued that these type of things are happening. The Venus is also represented by the symbol of the pentagram. Again, talking about like 911, right with the Pentagon shaped like a pentagram. And the reason for that is Venus every eight years it goes through a cycle that from the perspective of us, Earthlings, it looks like the shape of a pentagram if you track the movements. Furthermore, the star moves in sort of like tight and wide loop start explaining without looking at it, but it makes it the appearance that one is looking at a rose, which is important as well when we get into Lady Gaga. And you’ll see this rose symbolism is important to the rosicrucians an occult group of course rosicrucians, meaning the rosy cross based on the founders fake name, Christian rosenkreutz, which means Christian rose cross. So say he was trying to push an esoteric form of Christianity. As you can see, with the teachings of the Kabbalah and different esoteric traditions like alchemy, when they depict a rose on a cross,
so the cross to them
Isaac Weishaupt 31:29
so you got the rose, right, that’s like the symbol of the Venus or the Lucifer, whatever. And then you’ve got the cross, which to them is the human body and the material plane so the rose the enlightenment of man, the evolution of man is the person’s unfolding consciousness as they become enlightened against the human body of men symbolizes the duality with the cross as the male essence and the rose is the female essence talking about genitalia hair folks
Isaac Weishaupt 32:08
not for the kids maybe. But that’s those symbols mean right right in plain sight, my goodness. Oh, how do they do it? And represents the chemical great work right this this overall thing? It’s like this enlightenment of man. The Philosopher’s Stone, the initiate curly lists in his religion, the Lima as the mystical marriage, the Baphomet you know, the go with the boobs, with the Bob’s to go with the Bob’s, as the reconciliation of opposites, steel chemical wedding, they call that Freemasons Ordo templi orientis. They both have some initiate level of this rose cross or the rose Croix like Lacroix liqua cross is also depicted as the unfolded cube right if you’ve seen that right you see we had a good talk about this on the Instagram I know you’ve you should have been there. On the Instagram I posted some images of cubes hidden in plain sight downtown Salt Lake City which has its very fair share of occult symbolism and ideas when you consider you know what, you know what there’s LDS folks the story of Joey Smith’s talking to the aliens then you got you know Joey Smith’s was doing a little bit of channeling a little bit of free Masonic influence as depicted on the on the devils in fact in the temple of Salt Lake I believe there’s a thing called the Saturn stone from not mistaken be I posted some pictures that took down in the great city of Salt Lake have a white cubes there all over downtown on the sidewalk. And I couldn’t figure out why that was I even emailed the city. They have no idea. If I get that email this was years ago, I was looking into it because I was like what in the hell is going on? So yeah, yeah, well, you can check that out Instagram at Isaac Weishaupt like and subscribe link in the show notes. Don’t miss out on these great, thought provoking conversations we have a shout out to odd man out on the Instagram said to check out a book by Walter William hertz called the meaning of masonry. So I did I did check that out. And I’m gonna read you what I found. It’s kind of long. It’s kind of heady. But you know, that’s what this is about. When you get into this. Trying to understand these causes believe in it gets real long, gets real strong and it gets down to get the friction on. Quote. Here again, the symbolism of our work becomes extremely profound and interesting. He who desires to rise to the heights of his own being and to his own being must first crush it. crucify his own lower nature and inclinations, he must pre Perforce tread. What elsewhere is described as the way of the cross. And that cross is indicated by the conjunction of those working tools, which when united former cross, and that way, is involved in the scriptless performance of all that we know those working tools signify. By perfecting his conduct by struggles against his own natural propensities, the candidate is working the rough ashlar of his own nature and into the perfect cube. Now, I would ask you to observe also that the cube itself contains a secret for unfolded, it self denotes and takes the form of the cross. The inner development from the second degree symbolizes is typify by the lowering of the triangular flap of the apron upon the rectangular portion below. Now, let’s pause for a second right about that apron. That’s the one the Freemasons where it’s made out of wool, because, according to the theories, it symbolizes the sheep, which is you and I the masses, and they share the sheep and control the sheep. Let’s finish this sir. This is equivalent to the right of corn conformation in the Christian churches. It denotes the progress we’ve made in the science or in other words, it indicates that the higher nature of man symbolized by the trinity of spirit has descended into and is now permeating his lower nature. Hitherto, and in his state of ignorance and moral blindness, the spiritual part of his nature has as it were, but hovered above him. He has been unconscious of its presence in his constitution, but now having realized its existence, the day spring from on high has visited him and the Nova part of him descends into the lower nature illuminating and enriching it. So what is he saying? You saying illuminate confirms what he’s saying? He’s saying that man seeks perfection, to become like the goddess and you can see there’s nuances here, right? Like he even says, like this kind of like the Christian faith. And and like the right right man needs to rise above his lower nature, his carnal desires. He needs to rise above that. Right? That’s not wrong. It’s not wrong to think that way. The nuances are in the details that these some of these folks want to become gods, which is what the bible tells you about it warns you about this. In Isaiah 14, the passage already read. It’s the five step process to take the place of God. How dare you. So the Venus right, we’re still talking with Venus colomba, Venus, Columbia, the dove, the semiramis at all represents the goddess energies from the ancient belief systems, the pagan ancient Mystery Schools. We talked about this on, I did a show with Jay Dyer, right? And Jamie Hanshaw was on the YouTube not too long ago, about Beyonce. And Previous to that I did a whole show on black is king, revealing the truth and the symbolism hidden in this Disney propaganda film. And if you want the short version, just go to my Instagram page, I got a bunch of images on there from it. And you can see all these images, like the triple seven, the triangle of manifestation, they’re all there. And I talked about how Beyonce is doing what the Ordo templi orientis magical secret society little group is doing. If it’s a secret society per se, but it’s a magical order, we should say. And she’s doing the symbol of the fire goddess. That as they rock diamond right? I’m going to re read you what I read you on black as King. This is straight from the Oto documents for Lieber four, book four. I’m sorry, book six. Excuse me. The term of the fourth degree of initiation in the Oto says the fourth degree is for the planet Venus, the goddess that it talks to tells you to go see book, labor 777 that’s Crowley’s book, which has a bunch of random like, you know, symbols and codes and all this stuff for ritual workings. Of course, Drupal seven is the number of the Holy Trinity, you know that. But you also see the triple seven on Crowley starve Babylon sigil which is a seven pointed star. And it is the number of the woman in the name of Babylon with her personal number in gematria being 156 which again, when you read my book aliens you have chosen to call us illusion one you’ll see that that comes from the dimensions of the nokian table. The john D and Edward Kelly were, you know, cooking each other? Wife swapping, talking to the angels. They thought they were angels. And that’s how that came about. Crazy, huh? But of course Babylon is of course, yes, referring to the horror of Babylon, which again is in the book of Revelation right as the apocalypse the Armageddon, the End Times. The Great Mother of abominations So long story short Venus has alien life illuminate confirm it in New Jersey, what’s going on out there and dirty jers they they were a bunch of people pulled over on the freeway, taking video footage of a UFO. And It sure did look real. I don’t know if you saw it. I saw it. I think I retweeted it on my Twitter at Illuminati eyes. But it was a an shout out to whoever sent it to me. I forget who sent it. I’m sorry. I usually try to write your names down. But I got a lot of requests to talk about it. I wasn’t going to but here we are. They’re saying it was a blimp, a Goodyear Blimp and they have pretty good evidence to support that I guess right I guess we can believe that. But what so all those people on the freeway they all got it wrong? Yeah, apparently. Sure look like a UFO though. But uh, but here’s a question for you. Why Why does it have lights? What is a UFO need lights? Do they? Are they incandescent lights? Are they led lights? Are they some cool? Venus fart lights? Why do they need lights? Well, they can’t see. They can’t see in the dark. I don’t know. doesn’t make any sense. But this thing now a classic UFO with lights. doesn’t make any sense to me. And that goes to my point in the book. This is all I’m going to say about this topic. It doesn’t matter if it was real or not. The people believe what they saw. Their minds were conditioned to look in the sky for your phones. Even after they said it was a blimp people refused to believe it. Because UFOs are more believable than blimps. And that is by design, my friends. They have conditioned you and I to not only believe in your vote, but the look for him. I’m guilty. Look, I’m not saying above it. But years and years of science fiction and entertainment, but you got to go back to the nerds. They were the ones who ran all this stuff. JACK Parsons, Verner von Braun, rocket nerds, Nazi nerds, space nerds. They were all reading L. Ron Hubbard, science fiction, Orson Welles all this weird, fake stuff. They’re like when that’d be cool. And I think my argument is that with enough focus and belief, it can create a reality. That’s my belief. Now, well, okay, let’s see here. What else? We got Britney Spears? On August 18. She posted on her Instagram, the all seeing eye during a dance she did with Mariah Carey song. What’s your call? That was right on the time. I did a whole talk about Mariah Carey’s satanic cult conditioning as a child, which I found very curious, because I’ve kind of been joking around that maybe Britney Spears is trolling me.
Because we did shows about her.
Isaac Weishaupt 43:39
Maybe that’s so maybe she maybe she covertly follows I don’t know. That seems crazy, right? She’s been posting all kinds of weird, esoteric symbols. And I mean, it’s just I just kind of curious that it was the same time that Mariah Carey’s satanic ritual stuff was in the news that she posted that the video of her dancing and then did the all seeing eye symbol. Drake, he’s a dropping alkaloid certified Loverboy Well, that’s very strange, isn’t it? Very close to certified. Boy lover very, very, very strange timing of that. Now what do we got next? LeBron James? Ron Davis, of course the great sports ballplayer. And I did a reaction video on this. I know the tier two tier three folks, you you get the reaction videos on Patreon. But basically, somebody sent me a video. This was kind of circulating the net about this lady Shilo zelinsky truth they’re out there. Call him and him an Illuminati wizard. And at first I didn’t want to watch it because I thought this is gonna be like that Monster Energy energy drink lady. Remember that video. That’s pretty fun. It’s really weird what goes viral? Right? I mean, you got these troopers like myself, do this day in and day out. None of our stuff seems to go viral. It’s like always like some person you never heard of, you know? And I don’t know she’s, I shouldn’t say you never heard of her maybe you didn’t maybe you have I never heard of her. But the video when I looked at it, I actually did the reaction video and then I look down and the link that complex magazine sent me to was actually seal is zelinsky YouTube page. So I got to think this is the video that was splashing the trends left and right. It only had 22,000 views as of September 22, which adds more curiosity to why this got so much traction. But she says I’m gonna play I’m gonna play is the audio here but she says that LeBron James is summoning demons with the chalk and doing the hand signs and the triangle of manifestation in the 666. And, and I don’t know, is she right?
Hello, everyone, and welcome to the Sheila’s landscapes show. Thank you so much for tuning into the program. And I want to jump right into things I’m doing an expo day. Today very brief, but I want to get right into it on LeBron James, God of the NBA, LeBron James, of course, the LA Lakers superstar but is LeBron James just an athlete Well, I believe this Expo is a we’re gonna take a little dive into what I believe is quite frightening now here you’re going to see this chalk ritual toss what the sports world calls it a chalk toss, but it’s simply a disguise for what he’s really doing a high level conjuring a spell an incantation from this Illuminati wizard where he’s summoning demons. I believe he’s conjuring up demons before every game plain and simple. Really take a look at these so called chalk tosses. It is very frightening this ritual that he does I mean, putting his hands up these bathmat style dragon demons appear a chalk toss I want to pay close attention here with this ritual he also does before game so pay attention to the hands pay attention to the signs so he pounds his chest he does some symbology No, I’m going to slow this down for you to see what he’s really doing puts the bathroom at sign up the triangle the 666 Isn’t that interesting? So a lot of Illuminati freemasonic occult hand signs here of course with Jay Z the big Hollywood wizard that he has a lot of again free Masonic symbolism always the hidden in plain sight. Here he rises out of the ashes you know sort of symbolic rising up ascending, flashing the occult symbols again, over and over repeatedly symbols will be their downfall. This is correct. We are all witnesses now. He’s got that tattooed we’re going to look at some tattoos but here we see him meeting a Kabbalah wizard we know a lot of these celebs are into the high level Jewish Kabbalah wizardry, we can see the symbolism all over even the FIFA World Cup and war the worlds these symbology now, I want to pay attention to the boulais society that this Sigma Pi phi that LeBron James is involved with the boulais Society fashioned after gales Skull and Bones, taking pride in having provided leadership and service to black Americans during the Great Depression and the two world wars and the civil rights movement. joining this exclusive secret society offered advancement and perks to select blacks in return for loyalty to its objectives. And LeBron James is a part of those the elite blocks of the bullet, they’re cutting and controlling for their own slice of the elite. White Man’s pie is what they say. I want to go back to this emblem here the powers of the Sphinx. They’re said to be the four primary things essential to magic Alastair Crowley talked about to know to will to dare and to keep silent. This idea is reinforced in Levi’s trends and done transcendental magic. I just thought it’s also interesting that is jersey being 23. We know that the witches Sabbath is june two three to three symbolizes the pentagram, according to astrological references, and of course, two divided by three is 666. Very important in the capitalistic gematria 23 corresponds with what Crowley said defining 23 means transcendence 23 paths associated with the kabbalistic tree of life. On his arm, we have the serious symbology can see the lion. Of course we know what that symbolizes and then he has the boulais tattoo, I’m going to flash up a strip picture of that 1984 there’s 330 inked on his right forearm, which is really interesting. We’ll take a closer look at that 33rd degree Freemason we obviously know the symbols very telling some of these pictures aren’t they? Of course again the lion, the king, of course King James referring to himself as the King of kings, King of kings, the crowned king King James. I mean this is really painting a picture that night again total idolatry at its finest. They worship these celebrities these athletes like they are gods and that is what they believe they are their little Gods for sure. And they are serving Satan there straight out of the pit of hell we can see that he says here he hasn’t been to a pizza party in a minute Culver City obviously being notorious for pedo Central, the little emojis with the looking for pizza. And we all know hashtag pizza gate is real so but this is I mean, what kind of full grown man sitting in a child’s pool toy? a pink one no less looking for a pizza party because he hasn’t been to a pizza party in a minute. Yeah, I’m sure and again, we just see more free may Sonic occult symbology symbols again will be their downfall. A lot of NBA players if you look at them, they do these they throw up these bathmat say tonics hand symbols you can see all over the NBA these guys do it if you catch it, all of them. They give homage to Satan, their master who gives them their superpowers, the ink the tattoos. Look at this particular tattoo. A lot of them are into the Kabbalah wizardry. They’re into the Vedic Hinduism, Eastern mysticism. The Eye of Horus, you look at the Egyptian symbology for the Egyptian come at this one particular NBA player says yeah, you know, I, I like to, you know, open my chakras. We have eight chakras. The third eye meditations taken my game to another level. Yeah, I bet it has definitely taken it to another level, these NBA players are tapped straight in to the pit of hell. I mean, look at how these guys are worshipped throughout the world. Again, Jay Z hanging out with LeBron, the kingpin for the Illuminati and Hollywood, total satanic puppet. And again, these people are revered like absolute gods. But if you check out the if you check out the tattoos and just the symbology alone, the chosen one, it’s always again, these rituals, the the incantations, the spells, it’s hidden in plain sight. Very briefly, Larry Johnson, former NFL player, I noticed he posted this tweet, I thought that was a really good call, again, pointing out all the hand signs. So that was a very quick Expo say on LeBron James. I hope you enjoyed that. We’ll see you soon. God bless you.
Isaac Weishaupt 52:55
Here’s the thing. Here’s the thing. I think she might be right. I think she might be right. Isn’t that strange to think
that a
Isaac Weishaupt 53:05
wacky old theory like this has a lot of traction. She seems like she did a little bit of research like she’d call him out and hanging out with a Kabbalah wizard guy. I don’t know how to find that kind of stuff. But she did the part that I did research. She said he’s in the boulais. Right, which he’s got that chest tattoo, which looks exactly like the symbol. But I haven’t seen anything beyond that. Like, you know, that’s a mythological symbol. And it’s possible that he’s not in the boulais and he has it which they argue that George Ford has the same tattoo on his chest. I don’t know. But that’s always been my view is like how do we know besides the tattoo, and maybe that’s all you need. But she did offer up a quote on a screen grab without a citation. So I had to dig around. I found the full quote because he’s talking about a secret society right on that on that clip. He probably couldn’t hear it on the audio but on the video you see it and if you go to a website polities Sports Center comm they have a this is where I’m I think this came from originally I’m going to read you from a quote. When NBA superstar LeBron James isn’t in the middle of another season with the Cleveland Cavaliers you might find them at a secret location in Akron, Ohio, where he swims and takes yoga and polities classes. He credits these offseason pursuits for his flexibility and stamina during the season, which has allowed him to play upwards of 40 minutes a game without any problems. Quote, I just tried to do stuff to stay above the curve. James has told reporters in his 11th year in the NBA James is showing no signs of slowing down. But don’t think you’ll be able to witness his workout routine anytime soon. Quote. I can’t tell you exactly where it’s at. James says it’s a secret place we hold a secret society over there. We don’t tell too many people. Of course, you know, zelinsky took that out of context a little bit, because if you read the whole thing you’re kind of like Well, I mean, maybe right. I don’t know, like the jury’s still out in my opinion. I need a little more firm evidence. I mean, that is a curious quote. And they are done like yoga and meditation and bodies and all that stuff. Like maybe he’s just playing around a little bit maybe not though. I mean, I don’t know it’s hard to say I mean that with the tattoo makes pretty good evidence. But does that mean he’s in the blue lay? Not necessarily, but it is curious. You know, and this is like how other people do these triggers they make claims without genuine transparency that they don’t know for sure they just you know, never always say don’t like don’t trust anyone knows all the answers. They know it all. You got a problem. The 23 symbolism stocks about two divided by three of course equals point 666 she didn’t she didn’t talk about the law of fives which is something that I finally watched the first episode of raised by wolves on HBO max. They have the the talk about the law of fives on there. So we’ll get into that when we do a raised by wolves analysis here soon. took me a long time to get around to watching it’s been busy proofreading books and such selling t shirts and such. But she asserts that LeBron James is doing some self deification as King James which makes sense with all that. Talk about lucifers the morning star falling from the heavens trying to be God like the king Babylon. She has a little bit on Kyrie Irving and Yes, he’s illuminate confirm, we’ve talked about him. I’ve shared his images on my social medias many times. So I think she’s right. She’s not as crazy as they’re trying to make her sound diggit like she she through a couple of good heavy duty references there. I think she knows what she’s talking about. But, Coby, I did a big analysis on him. And it was the biggest show of the year until the wayfair conspiracy, which by the way, there’s a thing called way days, September 23 24th, wayfair, shrugging off all the conspiracies of child abduction and then pressing forward, you know, good for them, I guess, right. They don’t care. They’re pushing forward, even though, remember when we talked about Lolita, on the Patreon feed to that whole show, and Lolita. And they talk about furniture in there too. And witnessing executions and all kinds of stuff. But we talk about Kobe Bryant because I read his he had a couple books, children books, and I read them as the only truth or to do it. The first and only one. I read it for you took notes. And Boyle boy, did it blow some minds, mine included. The occult symbolism was left and right. I mean, he had the Fallen Angel symbolism of the the Luciferian character. This is the noisiest day out here in this suburban hell. We got a million airplanes and drones and garbage trucks and mowers. Good Lord, I apologize. Now the kid or where we’re talking about Kobe Bryant, he wrote a bunch of kids books, telling them about how they should pray to the fallen God for the powers of sports ball playing. That’s the real talk as what it was. You can check out my show back in February I think it was before COVID took over. Well guess who followed his footsteps, your boy LeBron James. And I talked about LeBron doing this back in July, if I recall. He wrote a kid’s book called I promise. And just like Kobe, Kobe had a multi book deal going through his company called granity. And gravity means magic is what you find out when you read the books. And and some people have been stealing my show talking about it, stealing ideas from it. Someone someone shared a link on YouTube of a some other show that took my entire show and posted on their YouTube page. Take notice that YouTube doesn’t take them down. Isn’t that curious? Anyway, sorry, I don’t mean to sound so damn salty. A lot of work though. A lot of work getting put into this stuff, just to have some people steal it. So LeBron, he wrote, he wrote a book just like Kobe called I promise. I haven’t read that one yet. But if you read from I’m going to read you from the news release about it. James was inspired by the values and initiatives of his foundations, I promise program when he started on the picture book, second book and novel for middle aged students or middle grade students will follow in 2021. So basically he’s doing he’s following the same pattern that Kobe did where like, you start them young and you kind of you hit them sort of like Harry Potter, right? Like that sequence. Like you had like eight years of getting the kids attention, grooming them if you will. Because it’s so much easier to teach the young ones than the adults. Like they got time time is on their side. So you indoctrinate the kids so I would venture that this book I promise has some illuminate confirming I could be wrong. I haven’t read it yet. Recall the Kobe Bryant was working on a book with Paulo qualia, a guy who follows Alistair Crowley for the time being. And after Coby died qualia through the book in the garbage, he in quiller, said it was out of respect, which to me never made any sense. Because if you’re writing a book with someone and that person died, you’re out of respect finish the book, right? You’d be like, Oh, you know, we wrote this book, and I’m gonna make sure it gets published and we’ll donate all the proceeds to your kids or something. Nope, not quickly. Oh, he’s like, out of respect. I’m throwing this all away into the garbage goes. Could it be that what they were reading about? Hit a little too close to home on some weird a call level. LeBron, much like Coby cites qualia, his book The Alchemist many times as the greatest inspiration. And I’ve read the alchemist. In fact, I wrote a book a commentary about the alchemist. Alison rocky Heartland is a compilation book I wrote Amazon Audible, signed paperbacks on gumroad. And I talked about the whole thing. The deserts the greatest teacher and coil Leo’s New Age. Alister Crawley psychobabble. But it’s a good book. I give him that. So yeah, LeBron James luminaire confirm him, Lady Gaga. Moving on. She’s covered Billboard magazine. And guess who she was on the cover? The horror of Babylon again, this idea they saturate the subconscious of the masses with the recipe book from the book of Revelation. And it really makes me wonder what’s in store for something’s going to happen here. I predicted that Billy Eilish was going to have this big year in 2020. But she disappeared completely. But here comes Lady Gaga back from the dead, sweeping all the VMAs for chromatica, which wasn’t that good of an album. I like Lady Gaga but like, it was very strange the amount of attention and accolades that she’s getting right now. She’s on the, in the on the cover a billboard, on the cover on the magazine cover. That is, you can see her she’s on top of like some dark paintings or something that looks much like a beast and she is the Scarlet woman on top. Much like the tarot card represents much like Katy Perry showed us at the Super Bowl a few years back. Now, why is all this matter? Why are they playing out the recipe for the end times? Well, Aster Crowley talked about this symbol of the Scarlet woman as the symbol of the End Times. Pretty cool, huh? Right. What does it feel like the end times? But she represents the liberated woman. She had an only fans and she’s the first one and if you knew that, sexual impulses her concert is guess Oh, Guess who? scholar woman’s concert is chaos. Chaos? Because 2020 right.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:03:44
order out of chaos order abco you know the deal. There 33rd degree of Freemasonry, that’s the motto order of Keio. And what’s your boy LeBron James got tattooed on his arms from what we learned from overlays video 330. In the dissolution of the ego, when the initiate goes into the best Alister Crowley’s initiates, they prepare to dissolve and become one with the darkness. The initiate embraces all that is, nothing is taboo, nothing is forbidden, you get rid of the constraints. That’s what this symbol of the Scarlet woman represents. The women they play a cosmic role in the Illuminati agenda and the occult agenda for the N days, which explains the text on the cover of this Billboard magazine. Because on the cover, you’ll see the title says a star is reborn how Lady Gaga rose out of the darkness and showed the industry the light, light out of darkness. It’s the it’s the model of the Freemasonry and the world. Illuminati and all that stuff. But we’re going deeper. We’re going deeper homeboy. Because because they put that text right next to her hand that has a ring of a big black skull and a rose. They put the symbol on the words, how Lady Gaga rose out of darkness, and showed the industry the light. So you see the symbol of the rose next to the text for the word, the rose. This is Rose symbolism. As we talked about earlier, the rose symbolizes many things, which Oh, by the way, if I if you ever get tired of me plugging my Instagram at Isaac Weishaupt, you’ll see all these cool images. I post all the time, there was a on shutter. There is a film called blood machines. It’s actually a three part series. I’m a big fan of Carpenter Brut, some heavy death since. But anyways, on this thing, they have these women with these inverted crosses dissolving into the rose symbol, and I posted the images on the Instagram. Because the rose is symbolic of many things. The ones in particular that are relevant, represents Venus. It’s the symbol of virginity, the purity of the goddess, which is curious, you know, pose to the horse Babylon idea. But in the past, I talked about Lady Gaga channeling goddess energies at the 2017 Superbowl she came down as the fallen angel. She had depictions as the triple Goddess of the pagan belief systems. She was already wearing red of the Scarlet woman. She had the artwork for her album art pop where she was literally the Venus and she was at a video at the Hearst mansion being portrayed as the goddess at Neptune’s pool carried over the eight point it’s Darvish dar that video was a for the track. g y for that stands for and it was she’s depicted as a literal fallen angels in the video with black feathered wings of alchemy. I mean, it’s all there. It’s all there. Because Ishtar, that star of his star that she’s been carried over is the Babylonian form of the goddess also known as Inanna. So yeah, she is being portrayed as the goddess again, she must have channeled back into that energy system. But you see the life and death symbolized with the thorns, and the flower on the rose, which is much like she shows you on her dumb hand. She’s got the black skull ring. Next to the rose ring, the life and the death of thorns and the flower. This is much like you see with the reflection Chamber of Freemasonry because the rose symbolizes transmutation, again, it’s all about evolving man into something else. Because the flower grows from the doodoo. Right? It’s got the doodoo and the beauty of the rose all in one, this is the life and death. Alan Watts talked about that. He talked about that as the manure create to create a rose. Thus, it symbolizes the alchemical mystical marriage, as we talked about earlier with the rose cross symbolizes the resurrection of the initiate. Now, Lady Gaga did an in reaction video for Lady Gaga, she has a video called 911. Which, of course, is a curious curious number. If you listen to my show about September 11, you know all about the symbolism, the number 11 being that of magic. But this video is, of course, we’ll have occult symbolism. It had a lot of the a lot of the imagery that you would see from Alejandro hold around skis, the holy mountain and a cult film, showing a blasphemous portrayal of Jesus Christ in His disciples of sorts, the destruction of the ego and all that stuff. But in the video, you see the rose symbolism over and over you see, the lady has got a covered eyes, the veil, which is what we talked about on the show, the great mask debate. Don’t say that fast. I did a show called The Great mask debate and you can hear about the purpose for the hoodwink of the Freemasons covering up the eyes. Same as the desert it’s about the initiate leaving the world that they know to get a greater insight into the world. But to me what was curious was that the there was some as above so below elements to this video. It’s like she The same incident and accident if as it were on two planes of existence, like one was in the subliminal, you know subconscious dream state and the other was as above on the in the real world. I’ll take some pics and throw them on the Instagram. Why not? Right? Why not? You decided you want to go like and subscribe? I’ll send you I’ll sweeten the pot. I’ll put some images on there and you can see it for your own self. Finally, let’s talk about Tom DeLonge. Blink 182 the greatest band ever to have done it. I love them like bad but you guys have made you haters out there one made me double down on like and blink 182 everyone’s giving me grief about it. You make me want to double down and just I’m just gonna say that the best that ever did it. actually really great, very diverse band. From punk to pop to emo rock. They kind of done it all really. And they’re funny. If you like dick jokes, which I do because I’m a basic bitch. Anyway, Tom DeLonge he got a tattoo on his neck. I posted this on Instagram to says illuminated. I mean, come on it Mazal say illuminated confirmed. Right? Well, not only did that happen, but he says that aliens were present at the birth of Christ, he is now pushing the ancient alien narrative of our alternative history that they’re trying to create. Already from what he said, quote, this is from loud wire.com things were written in text thousands of years ago is like hearing voices in your head, a burning bush that was talking. The ancient texts may have called a god but I’m just saying it’s not that simple. The star of Bethlehem was that a star or a craft because the star is really big, it wouldn’t be hovering over a manger. So he’s going all in he’s shoving all of his chips into the Ancient Alien Theory. And guess what? No one’s gonna stop them. Because that’s what this is going to be. If you read his books, with Pedro venda secret machines, gods, which I took a lot of excerpts from in my book aliens you have chosen the occult usually Use Your Illusion one, you can see that they are trying to factually support this idea of Ancient Alien Theory. It’s all in there. So there you have it. That’s the latest and greatest from the world of the occult and the Illuminati symbolism and pop culture and entertainment. If you want to go deep into the alien occult agenda, which you should because that’s the next big thing. They’re gonna do it I I’m telling you. I might be five years ahead of my time here on this one, but that’s where they’re going with it. You can get your book alien UFOs Nia, call us illusion, one on Amazon. You can get the Kindle version or the paperback. I’ve got a if you don’t do read books, which I get because I do a lot of audiobooks. I narrated the audible version, which should be out there anytime in October. I don’t know you, you know I’ll be plugging in the second I see it up there. I submitted. It takes some weeks to go through it though. And I’ll do signed paperbacks in mid October. I’ll have them in my greedy little hands. And I’ll post the links for all that gumroad.com backslash Isaac w can pick up signed paperbacks and your T shirts if I got them in your size if I got any left more reordering restocking. Because you guys love them so much and I love you. So yeah, that’s the latest and greatest from the world. I appreciate your time. And until next time, my friends, you know what to do.
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