On today’s episode of the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture with Isaac Weishaupt podcast (formerly known as CTAUC Podcast) we’re going into Part 2 of our Wizard of Oz deep dive! The focus for this episode will be on the film itself- straight outta 1939 we’re gonna walk through the whole story and cover the conspiracies and symbolism as it unfolds! This includes a deep dive into the song Somwhere Over the Rainbow (MKULTRA), Pink Floyd, Gene Wilder, Areola Grande, Osirian Mystery religion, comparisons with the book, the ruby slippers vs the Silver slippers (aka Silver Cord of the Occult), the real meaning of the Yellow Brick Road (it starts out with a SPIRAL), Alchemy like the Tin Man as the Rebis, asbestos, hanging munchkin conspiracies, fallen angels, Oz in the Book of Enoch, Crowley, Gnosticism and Dorothy’s Hero Journey- it’s so much that we are going to do a Part 3 next week to do a conclusion wrap up explaining these concepts in more detail!
- Wizard of Oz index:
- Part 1 If you haven’t heard it- “Wizard of Oz Esoteric Analysis: L. Frank Baum, Theosophy, Occultism & Cast Tragedies”: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/wizard-of-oz-esoteric-analysis-l-frank-baum-theosophy-occultism-cast-tragedies-part-1/
- Part 2 Wizard of Oz Film Analysis: Symbolism, Conspiracies, Rainbows, MKULTRA, Osiris & More!: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/wizard-of-oz-film-analysis-symbolism-conspiracies-rainbows-mkultra-osiris-more-part-2/
- Part 3 Wizard of Oz Occult Analysis: Conspiracy Theories & Alchemical Evolution of Dorothy! https://illuminatiwatcher.com/wizard-of-oz-occult-analysis-conspiracy-theories-alchemical-evolution-of-dorothy-part-3/
- Part 4: Return to Oz Analysis: Return to Oz Analysis: MKULTRA, Alter Egos, Occult Space Plans: https://wp.me/p2ijVF-bsA
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast (honorary member of Mount Crushmore), Eddie Bravo’s “Look Into It,” Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter! Signed paperbacks available at Gumroad.com/IsaacW!
*STATEMENT: This show is full of Isaac’s useless opinions and presented for entertainment purposes.
Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Isaac Weishaupt 0:06
You’re listening to occult symbolism and pop culture. I’m your host, Isaac Weishaupt. And today we’re doing Wizard of Oz. Part Two, the deep dive to end all deep dives. We’re doing the occult analysis, your favorite film of all time. We’re going to talk pool boy, the focus of this episode is going to be in the film itself, right? You probably listened to part one, where we set up the ideas for the show for this analysis. We talked about the characters, the cast the filming of this thing. And of course, the director, who’s, of course Illuminae confirm. Now today we’re gonna get into the film straight out of 1939. We’re gonna walk through the whole story. We’re gonna cover some of the popular conspiracy, the symbolism as the tail unfolds. This is going to include a deep dive into that song Somewhere Over the Rainbow. MK Ultra, right. Pink Floyd Gene Wilder, little me only one day is going to make an appearance of Syrian Mystery Religion schools. That’s what the real nuts and bolts of this whole thing is the mystery Babylon religion. We’re going I read the book. So we’re going to compare the film to the book with some major ideas and symbols that got switched out and will explain that Ruby Slippers versus the silver slippers aka the silver cord of the occult. We’re going to cover the real meaning of the yellow brick road because it starts out with the spiral. And if you’ve been on my team long enough, you already know where we’re going with that. We’re going to talk we’re going to cover alchemy. The Tin Man is the alchemical Rebus. We’re going to talk asbestos, hanging Munchkins. Fallen Angels oz as the Fallen Angel from The Book of Enoch. Oh, yeah, we’re going there, folks. Aleister Crowley Gnosticism. And, of course, Dorothy’s hero’s journey. As per Joseph Campbell, this story falls into the same archetypal primordial images. There’s so much, there’s so much we’re going to cover today that we’re going to have a part three, the final part of this analysis is going to be part three, where, in the conclusion, we’re going to wrap up a full In conclusion, oops, all in conclusion episode, we’re gonna have to redress all these ideas, because I don’t have time to go through each of these ideas. As it happens in the show, I’m gonna mention them give you a little taste. And then next week, we’re going to we’re going to deep dive into these ideas, why it matters. So I mean, without further ado, let’s get into it. If you didn’t listen to part one. What are you doing with your life? Go back and listen to part one. I did it last week. I’ll put links in the show notes and on the website. Yada yada, yada. Now, I don’t know who hasn’t seen Wizard of Oz. You haven’t seen it by now you’re never going to see it. If you don’t know it by now, you’ll never know it. plot of the film. Dorothy Gale and her dog Toto are swept away by a tornado from their Kansas farm to the magical land of Oz. And embark on a quest with three new friends to see the wizard who can return her to her home and fulfill the other’s wishes. Just that simple. And of course, I’ll be spoiling the plot. So you’ve been warned. cue up. Pink Floyd, Dark Side of the Moon at the MGM lion third war and let’s go all right. Fun fact, I did that as a child. All right, I had a black light, Dark Side of the Moon poster on my wall. I loved the album then love it still. And actually did this one time. Now being a naive was 14 or something. Of course the album ends well before the movie ends. But the theory is that they synchronize the recording to the Wizard of Oz film to go hand in hand and there’s there’s several moments that line up. You could argue it’s synchronicity. Pink Floyd denies they did it. Right. But there’s synchronicities like Dorothy’s walking on the fence and there’s lyrics about balancing. They talk about a lunatic on the grass when she meets the Scarecrow. Money starts when Dorothy enters the Emerald City. Or is it she didn’t know she enters the Land of Oz? I don’t remember. But what is interesting is that You know, Pink Floyd denies that this was done on purpose. So that would mean it’s synchronicity because the album was released in 1973, the film of course, released 1939. Anyway, interesting ideas. Let’s get into the film. Dorothy. She’s on the farm. She’s in the the old, dusty ass farm in Kansas. It’s black and white. She’s whining about how this lady named Mrs. Gulch is mean to her dog Toto. Now, fun fact, the farm hands that she’s, she lives on this farm. All of those characters that play the farm hands are actually going to show up on the yellow brick road. Ray Bulger plays the farmhand honk, he also plays the Scarecrow, and so on. And if you listen, he trash talks to Dorothy about how she doesn’t have any brains. And when he’s a farmhand, which is ironically, the scarecrows attribute. That’s what he wants. And you’ll also notice she lives with her aunt and uncle, mom and dad are nowhere to be seen. A classic trope. You see it in the Disney films. The argument, of course, the theory presented is that it shows the susceptibility of someone without a family structure to get swept up into the realm of the occult. It comes from an anti Christian angle, right? Because in Christ they want in the church, they want you to emulate the nuclear family as much as possible. And in all these films and stuff, all these Illuminati confirm films, they show you. Non nuclear families, there’s no parents, and the conspiracy is that the government is going to be your parent, that’s gonna be your big daddy. That’s the That’s the theory. Now I talked to someone who study did film studies in college, she told me that the reason that actually happens is because it simplifies the script writing process. To just write out the parents, he’s mad, they’re dead. Move on. When it’s not really relevant to the story, apparently, hey, I don’t know. So anyways, she’s on the dusty ass farm. And she’s, she hates it, right? She hates it. And she’s just daydreaming about she wants to go to another land and queue up the cars, Somewhere over the rainbow starts playing right
Unknown Speaker 7:55
behind the moon beyond the rain
Isaac Weishaupt 8:06
now, this song is super illuminate confirm, it’s actually about crossing into a new dimension is very similar to the concepts of Alice in Wonderland where the initiate the viewer, or 2001 Space Odyssey, The initiate is the viewer that is you are going on a journey you are crossing into a new realm, a new dimension. All right. And that’s what Dorothy is about to do. And you’ll notice it actually starts out with her saying how it’s far far away behind the moon beyond the rain. Right? This is very esoteric. It’s literally about a new dimension. And if you look at the lyrics about, you know, she talks about wishing upon a star right. And just like Disney chimney tops, which could be interpreted as when you say wishing upon a star could be interpreted as looking to the stars looking to the cosmos, reading the stars, astrology which goes back to the occult, Babylonian stargazers of Mesopotamia where this all started, this is the oldest form of occultism is astrology. But that’s not all. There’s a lot more going on with this song. Right. Now as per Wikipedia, the inspiration right, this was recorded for the Wizard of Oz. Obviously, the inspiration was, quote, a ballot for a little girl who was in trouble and wanted to get away from Kansas. A dry, arid colorless place she had never been or no she had never seen anything colorful in her life except the rainbow shots fired at Kansas. But when you know it the song Song was actually channeled. That’s right. It was channeled like we find with a lot of the greatest hits of pop culture. These artists make contact with some other realm and channel lyrics, they’re fed directly into them. We talked about this in the dark path. KENNETH grant referred to the realm of creative artistic spaces as the Mavs zone. It’s the dark side of the capitalistic tree of life. So yet again, another example. The song was given to the composer Harold Arlen, from entities from another dimension. MUSES if you will. All right. I’m gonna read you a quote. I said to Mrs. Arland. Let’s go to Groundlings Chinese. You drive the car. I don’t feel too well right now. Oh, I go to get Chinese food or you’re not feeling good, but hey 1930s Right. I wasn’t thinking of work. I wasn’t consciously thinking of work. I just wanted to relax. And as we drove by Schwab’s drugstore on Sunset, I said, pull over please. And we I’m gonna guess he didn’t say it like that. It’s like the 30s Right. These guys were running, running wild back then. Pull over please. And we stopped and I really don’t know why. Bless the Muses. And I took out my little bit of manuscript and put down what you now know as over the rainbow and if you look at the there’s a book called who put the rainbow in the Wizard of Oz by Harold Myerson in earnest Harburg quote it was as if the Lord said Well here it is now stop worrying about it. All right. So lyrics channel from another dimension from the the Muses, as he says illuminate confirm. Also the famous Hawaiian version by Israel. I’m about to butcher this one. Camera cow. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, les was recorded at when? At when, if you ever been to Hawaii, which I love, you know, Maui is probably heaven on earth if there ever was a place and they’ll play this song at the airport when you’re leaving. And you get a little sad. Me and Me in the beautiful Josie Weiss. I’ve been to Maui twice. And both times. It was like pulling teeth trying to leave I said I don’t want to go this is this is where I want to be. Now the locals probably disagree. They don’t want my my cracker ass. Holly asked over there. But I love it. But when you leave there play Israel come on DACA DACA do version of over the rainbow and it’s sad and you want to cry. But anyway, this Hawaiian version that you you’re familiar with it was recorded. He said he called the studio at 3am. To say he was going to come in and record it. Did it knock it out in one take at 3am in the morning? 3am Of course, you know what that means? It’s the witching hour. It’s the inverted hour of the the the when he called the death of Christ on the cross at 3pm. Right? That’s supposedly when the devil makes his most appearances is at 3am. I’m just here to report to you the facts and present a theory. I don’t know if it’s true. I mean, the song doesn’t sound too devilish does it? Now Fun fact, Gene Wilder made famous from he was Willy Wonka. Right. Gene Wilder died while listening to over the rainbow. And it was he said is one of his favorite songs. The Ella Fitzgerald version. Now, Ariel Ariel Agron days she recorded a version of this song if you recall, she had a concert in Manchester and there was a bombing out killed some people she felt real bad and then 2017 as a fundraiser she recorded a version of somewhere over the rainbow and also if you recall the S H O K kids sang Over the rainbow at the 2013 Super Bowl the the year the you know after the thing happened. Right. But why is it illuminate confirm? Right? We’re just pointing out things and ideas and it’s like okay, I kind of flaky eyes like I don’t know. Well, I do know. All right, and I’m gonna tell you the theory is that yeah, and you gotta get an MK Ultra right MK Ultra, of course the CIA was doing studies on American soil by the way. They they say they only do overseas stuff. Anyway, there they were on American soil, dosing people and seeing how to figure out how to do mind control. And anyways, the theory is that during violent dissociating mind control handling. This song is often played to encourage the victim to mentally cross into another dimension to escape the pain. So you basically torture somebody, their minds aren’t meant to handle the pain or comprehend it, they have to dissociate. When you’re traumatized, you have to dissociate and the song is played, to put them in the state of mind to get them to Kansas, basically. Or as Harley Pasternak told Kanye put them in zombie land forever. Now you’ll see this in the film face off when you cage a family, they’re getting shot at. And Nick, well, maybe I guess it’s John Travolta technically because in the film, you know, fun fact they literally cut off NIC Cage’s face and they put it on John Travolta’s face and and of course now you know, Nick Cage dance, like and staying alive. No, I meant staying alive the sequel to Saturday Night Fever. Anyway, Nick or John and put the headphones on. And this little kid, right, so So there’s all this shooting going on. And they take the headphones they put on his little kid because the little kids like, oh, man, I’d love to get shot up, right. And they’re trying to distract him. Try to dissociate him from the trauma. And guess what song is playing you already know. Somewhere over the rainbow which adds a weird darkness to the ah, oh, you know what thing when those kids came out and sang into the Super Bowl. Anyway, Fritz spring Meyer, he wrote a book about how to how to create mind control slaves. It’s a longer title than that I don’t remember the whole title. And he claims that over the rainbow is a term used in mind control practice. He says that some alters live over the rainbow and some do not. Both types will use the term over the rainbow but with different meanings attached. For those who live over the rainbow. They serve their masters in such a deep hypnotic trance that they perceive reality like it’s a dream. When their memories surface, there are so unlike normal memories that assist them in therapy may not know what to do with them. They had been described as similar to the pictures in the OLED TVs would when the vertical hold would go out of control.
Deeper alters who live over the rainbow experience memories and life in the following fashion. Faces and porn cameras are airbrushed out of their memory. distinctive marks and the perpetrators such as scars and wrinkles are airbrushed out. colors and lights are very bright due to the total dilation of the pupils while in deep trance and there is no sense of time for these alters. These alters are trained to trance send forward through time, by understanding the programming the codes and triggers. Those whose alters live over the rainbow can recover from the mind the full memory without the distortions created by dissociation. Now what’s he saying? He’s saying that much like in face off, they need to send the kids mind to another realm away from the trauma. They do this in the mind control experiments to create alters permanent alters different personalities. Now what’s interesting, Judy Garland who plays Dorothy told the Minneapolis Sunday Tribune back in 1951, she said, and I quote, actors live in a queer sort of double world. Not many of us have the names or identities we were born with. I don’t associate Francis Gump with me. She’s a girl I can read about the way other people do. I Judy Garland was born when I was 12 years old. So what she’s saying is and her her original her real birth name was Francis Ethel Gump. And of course, she took on the name Judy Garland. She effectively created an altar when she was 12, which Here’s what you see a lot of these child celebrities that go through this process. You see the idea of altars created with magical names as well. The occult magicians do this too, so they understand it in a way when they create a magical name. Bryce Taylor, another theorist that talks about MK Ultra Steph has a book called Thanks for the memories. And in it, she claims that she was a program sex slave for Bob Hope and Henry Kissinger claims she was forced to participate in a similar dissociation. She said, and I quote, sometimes in the middle of the night after having watched the Wizard of Oz, my father would traumatize me in order to cause me to dissociate, which created the perfect trance state for programming. In this altered state, he would tell me that over the rainbow was a bridge to the other world. And then I could walk over the rainbow bridge into the other world, and it would remain separate from my everyday world. He told me that what happened over the rainbow would feel unreal, like a train. After encounters that I was supposed to forget, I was conditioned to the word home. It began with there’s no place like home being associated with being back in my bed sleeping after a night of being used in child pee, or prostitution. Is she telling us the truth? I certainly don’t know. But if you look at the CIA history of MK Ultra, we have to consider it. Right. We have to consider it. Especially if you look at chaos, which is the Charles Manson book by Tom O’Neill. It directly ties a lot of this stuff together in a very similar fashion that they were programming him. And Cathy O’Brien wrote a book called transformation of America mentions the same concept also. So all these people are just making it up out of thin air. Okay, I believe it right, I believe. And oh, by the way, this connects into oz. When we consider that Bobby Beausoleil, a member of the Manson family was also a member of Kenneth angers house band called magical powerhouse of Oz. Right kind of anger across the Acolyte. He filmed Lucifer rising and all these crazy occult films in the 60s. And there was a band magical powers of Oz that were supposed to play on these on Lucifer rising and there’s a bunch of problems that happened, I don’t know. But anyway, Bobby Beausoleil, a member of the Manson family. The first one to get arrested I believe. Was he the one that got arrested for the murder of Gary Hinman? I gotta refresh my Manson ideas. But anyway. So yeah, Charles Manson, allegedly also part of an MK Ultra tight mind control assassination called killer group. And, of course we also have Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut, which is chock full of over the rainbow symbolism My God, we’re gonna hit down that conclusion, because we gotta move on to the big movie, right. All right, so she’s singing over the rainbow. Then cue up the witch music. Here comes Miss Gulch. And she shows up and she’s saying how all todo bid me and she’s gonna sue if they don’t get total over to get destroyed by the sheriff they say and Dorothy’s dumb parents or an uncle I should say they fall for it. And they make Dorothy give up toto but you know what? Dorothy is not going out like that. She won’t do it. And she calls Mrs. galter wicked old which fun fact is because she is and we also find out that Mrs. Galton is an elitist. She owns half the county is what we find out. You know, these crepes with all the money the elitist she’s Mrs. gulches 100% In the World Economic Forum if that movie is made in 2023 Thompson now and em and Uncle Henry. They proceed to snatch total up. Even though Dorothy tried to save toto they snatch them up they throw them Mrs. gulches basket because they’re awful people. Worst family ever. You’d have to pry my dog from my cold dead hands. You know if the best one. Maybe they deserved it. That’s all I’m saying. And Miss Gulch clearly deserved to be bitten. But Toto, he escapes the basket and runs Back to Dorothy. No thanks to her beta Cook, aunt and uncle. And now this is again, traumatic for a child. There is an I, I tried to find the reference there is a reference. And I remember talking about it in one of our shows last couple years that claims are made that the people that do this kind of MK Ultra dissociation, horrific abuse stuff have kids, that is something they do is show them the murder of animals or even their own animals. So this is very traumatic, you know, and I remember as a child watching Wizard of Oz, I was scared of Mrs. Gulch. You know, maybe we all went over the rainbow a little bit with that, with that traumatizing scene. So Dorothy, she’s got todo, and she’s Roman about. And she sees this guy, Professor Marvel and his Shanti. And he’s a crystal ball reader and a fortune teller, which are occult practices, okay. And they have a conversation. She, he pulls her into his shanty, and take a listen to what he says.
Unknown Speaker 26:18
And let’s see, well, well,
Unknown Speaker 26:19
we please, Professor, why can’t we go with you and see all the crown heads of Europe?
Unknown Speaker 26:24
You know, I? Oh, you mean the thing is, well, I never do anything without consulting my crystal first. Let’s go inside here. We’ll come along, I’ll show you. Right here, sits down here. That’s it. This is the same genuine, magic, authentic crystal, used by the priests of Isis and Osiris in the days of the Pharaohs of Egypt, in which Cleopatra first saw the approach of Julius Caesar and Marc Anthony and, and so on and so on. Now, you, you’d better close your eyes, my child for a moment in order to be better in tune with the infinite. We,
Isaac Weishaupt 27:08
you hear him say it comes from Osiris and Isis. All right. This is my red pill sensei Bill Cooper a call 101 His Mystery Babylon teachings. He says Osiris and Isis, they’re not real people. They are symbols, symbols of the occult, great work. The great work, right, that’s the master plan. That’s the the evolution of man into their false utopia. And this all goes back to Pluto ark, and the Osiris and Isis, psychodramas of Egyptian plays. And Pluto Park said, you know, this ISIS character in the plays in the dramas stands for knowledge. And knowledge, of course, is the Gnosis and this is where it ties into the occult religion or belief system of Gnosticism and wisdom and the Sophia. No, Osiris is personification of the order of learning capital O, the order of learning. And Plutarch calls him the, the, he’s the Holy Doctrine, the holy tradition of these occultist of this because Osiris represents the sun S U N. Because the sun is worshipped as the symbol of God’s power. It represents the primordial knowledge, the intellect and that’s what they’re that’s what they’re truly worshipping is man’s intellect because they think they can free all of mankind by using the minds that ironically, God gave us to defy their Creator. That’s why they try to warm you up to these adversarial characters and these Luciferian archetypes to rebel rebel against your father. But yeah, it’s all allegorical intellect will allow man to become God. That’s their fantasy. And Osiris embodies the sacred wisdom of ancient rituals. Because those uses ritual magic to bring Osiris back to life. He is the dying and resurrecting Savior figure, okay? Osiris is a story of life, death, resurrection and man’s capability to achieve apotheosis without God without the Christian God. Well, Cyrus represents the esoteric wisdom and the bar Don’t you have all the initiates who understand this? They? Bill Cooper does a good job of explaining he says, Oh Cyrus is the doctrine. ISIS is the church. And the body of all the initiates the Great Mother, right? So that’s when you when you see the symbolism, they’re not talking about literally the guy Osiris and literally the goddess Isis, right? But they use symbolism to reference this idea. Osiris is symbolized by the sun, masculine energies, the polar flop philosophy, and ISIS is represented by the moon, the female, the bride, the receiver. That’s why when we talked about the 2023 Grammys, and the massive occult ritual that was, it was on the full moon, we saw symbolism of the moon, and symbolism of the goddess throughout. Now, what’s fascinating is that Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon syncs up at this point of the movie and says, when they talk about Osiris, which I just rambled on and on about being symbolized by the sun. It syncs up to the part of the song it says, I don’t remember which track it is, the sun is the same in a relative way with chi roll Rola shoulder and breath one day closer to death. You’re welcome. The sun is Osiris. And the talk about approaching death, the death and the resurrection and it syncs up with the same point of the movie. Now, Pink Floyd tells us and assures us they did not plan for this to happen this way. So maybe it is synchronicity. Very strange. Because again, the sun is symbolized as Osiris to symbolize the sun. He is the dying, resurrecting God. And not to mention, we’re not even going to mention that. The guy’s name is Professor Marvel. And Marvel ties us into the occult beliefs of superheroes. I did a whole presentation on this two years ago or something like that. That’s what it’s all about. And Halina, blocky and theosophy and these ideas of the Superman and Frederick Nietzsche and Hitler and all why it’s so much it’s so much this is what they want to pursue. This is what they want man to become God through their nonsensical science. And I’m a science guy, right like science helps us but they want to use it for some other nefarious ends that aren’t going to work anyway. So he tells Captain Marvel or whatever tells her so BS 14 right cuz he’s a total grifter, total shill and she heads home. said okay, cool. Thanks, bro. She goes back home to the farm. And here comes a tornado. It’s just wrecking shop. A turn the dust bowl into the dustier bowl. And Dorothy She’s in her room, and she sees all kinds of wackiness the house is spinning in the tornado. Mrs. Golf she turned it in the Wicked Witch, this sequence Dorothy is burying her head in fear. And this is very important. This is the moment of traumatic fear inducing her alter making her go over the rainbow she’s going over the rainbow. We’re gonna hit that in part three though. All right. Stay tuned. So Dorothy, wakes up man metaphorically to the concepts of the occult. She is you you are the initiate you are waking up to the philosophies of the occult through this film. So she wakes up. She exits her house and bam beautiful colors everywhere. She’s now in full Technicolor because what a wonderful world it is when you go over the rainbow to the occult fantasies is what they say. Now contrary to claims this was not the actual first Technicolor film there was a couple before is the most popular first one to do. You know, get it on and poppin but it was early technology still. And so she’s in the Land of Oz. And of course it looks amazing compared to dusty ass Kansas. And this is where she drops the classic mine. Total. I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore
Unknown Speaker 34:44
I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore
Unknown Speaker 34:57
we must be over the rainbow
Isaac Weishaupt 35:10
But the next line is just as important. After she says, total I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore. She says we must be over the rainbow confirming she has in fact, transcended the threshold into a new dimension. Now the book, if you read the book, it describes how the grass wasn’t even green and the pain on the house was all beat up. Because the sun was so brutal. Alright, so again, a reference to the sun and its power. When it’s talking about the her home in Kansas right now, she gets out of the house, and we meet the Good Witch Glinda, the Witch of the North. And she shows up in this orb, this sphere. And she says, Hey, congratulations, you kill the Wicked Witch of the East. Because, you know, there she has her feet are dangling out of his house, smashed her to bits. And Dorothy of course had nothing to do with it, but she’s like, okay, and Glinda she asks Dorothy, if she’s a good witch or a bad witching and Dorothy’s confusion like I’m not a witch. Anglin Englanders, like, only bad witches or ugly too. Cold shots fired at all the bad witches out there apparently. Was the whole the whole home. Her sister was a witch right. And what was your sister? A princess? The Wicked Witch of the East bro. That’s she wore a crown and came down in a bubble. Doug grow up bro. That’s that’s another great performance by Isaac. I don’t know if you’ve seen the viral video. You got to watch it. It’s great. There’s a viral video about an argument about the witch from Wizard of Oz. If you haven’t seen it, you got to see it. Take a look. Anyway, so she comes out. They’re having this conversation and boom, you’re on the Munchkins they’re singing and dancing. Dingdong, the witch is dead. With layers like you killed her so completely that we thank you very sweetly. Raleigh’s Munchkins. Now in the book, there’s an interesting statement by the good which she says then that accounts for it. In the civilized countries. I believe there are no witches left nor wizards nor sorcerer, Sorcerer is nor magicians. But you see, the land of Vons has never been civilized, for we are cut off from all the rest of the world. Therefore, we still have witches and wizards among us. So the idea of the witch, right? If you just watch the film, I mean, it’s a roll but not too big of a deal. But when you read the book, you see how l Frank Baum was really into this occult concept of witches and wizards and warlocks and stuff plays a more prominent role in the book. Now a fun fact the Munchkins were apparently very naughty. They were wiling out. And the claim is that they were staying together at the Culver hotel, they would get drunk had Munchkin orgies. Some were sexually assaulted Dorothy or Judy Garland, putting their hands up her dress and stuff. And also there is a rumor about Asha covered this now. This is covered now. There’s a rumor that a munchkin hangs themselves on the set in the background, it’s the point where they pick up the tin man and skip down the yellow brick road into the woods. But then, you know the official claim is that no no no, it’s a bird. And it’s not necessarily true. There’s an original collector’s VHS tape that shows what seems to clearly look like a munchkin. I will put my the images on Instagram you can look for yourself. The there was a version and here’s where it gets complicated someone apparently the claim is that someone doctored the footage from the old tip from the scene to make it look like a munchkin being hanged. I don’t know but I saw on if you watch cursed films to on shudder this wizard of oz nerd puts in a VHS tape on the plays and I’m like bro, that ain’t doctored. Man, like that looks like like a munchkin being hacked. And so I don’t know if it’s true. I believe it’s true but they definitely changed the film for some reason and put a burden there. Why would they change it? The claim is that they changed it because people came up with this conspiracy theory and it kind of did look like a munchkin. So this as well let’s let’s make it a little more clear that it’s a bird. So you know, believe with it what you desire. So anyway, the wicked witch she shows up. She’s looking for the ruby slippers but Dorothy’s got them on right. And you hear how there’s the smell of sulfur when she’s around a common trope for evil particularly the devil. And in the book these ruby slippers are not Ruby at all they are silver. And there’s a claim that it was referring to the unification of silver and gold and the yellow brick road right putting silver onto the gold and the Ruby the Ruby the idea of ruby slippers for the film was probably derived from the witch of the North and the book, Gale it because they reference Gale it in a quote, handsome palace built from the great blocks of Ruby. That’s what it says in the book. Now Fun fact, galatz was sad. In the book, it’s literally says she was sad because she never found herself a man because men were too stupid and ugly. Nobody’s safe in the Wizard of Oz. Everyone’s getting the smoke. So the silver, the allegation, the theory is that silver could have been used to sit by L. Frank Baum, who again if you listened to my Part one was a theosophist, and occultist and he could have made them the slipper silver in the book because of what they call the silver cord. The silver cord connects one’s physical material realm to the spiritual realm. Right just like from Kansas to Oz, in a way, going over the rainbow maybe I don’t know. If you go to vigilant citizens article, VC cites a book called Finding Oz and in the book finding us it says this. In theosophy, one’s physical body and one’s astral body are connected through a silver cord, a mythical link inspired by a passage in the Bible that speaks of a return from a spiritual quest. Or, or ever the silver cord be lucid, says the book of Ecclesiastes. Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was and the Spirit shall return unto God who gave it. In Frank BOMs own writing the silver cord of astral travel, would inspire the Silver Shoes that bestow special powers upon the one who wears them. And again, this is from Evan Schwartz, finding out how l Frank Baum discovered the great American story. If you watch the dark journalists video on Wizard of Oz is like a three hour dive into dark journalist claims this is an alchemical process, this silver cord is a reference to the psychic threshold of the pineal gland or the third eye. But if you look at Ecclesiastes 12, six, the silver cord is mentioned and it talks about youth fading away and the body dying while the spirit ascends back to God. So it seems very likely that there is something to consider here right. If you look at text, Mars’s code it was it got Codex Magica? As a book he has on symbolism. He says silver is the metallic element for guests who the ancient goddess Isis. So here we are revisiting Osiris and Isis again. And, you know, the whole the whole film is really about the power of the females, the female goddesses here it’s, you know, the the men many shit, I think, what’s the down line? Rudolf Steiner said that women, if you read, this was interesting. If you go to Rudolf Steiners Atlantis and Lemuria book, he talks about how women from Atlantis were the first to develop memory because they have a nice natural psychic ability like a natural Sixth Sense, which I find to be true in my day to day life. He said, Women sense the forces of nature and being imbued With the these forces the influences us boy
Okay, let me start over women sense the forces of nature and being imbued with these forces, the influences thus derived left and impress on their souls. This gave the first seed for memory and with memory the first and most primitive form of a moral idea began to take shape. Now, dark journalist also says it’s believed that Oz is the name of the lost continent of Atlantis as well. So that ties in nicely with the Atlantis theory of silver Of course, you know, silver being the reference to ISIS being the reference to goddesses being the reference to the story, women coming from Atlantis, and so on. Now, what’s interesting is that Aleister Crowley, the famous occultist had a magical order card or Gentium. Astrium, also known as a not the same as the Alcoholics Anonymous or whatever. But in Latin Argentum Astrium actually means silver star, the author called it the Illuminati. It was meant to advance a human towards perfection, which is kind of what Dorothy’s hero’s journey goes through. The initiate would try to complete the great work. And the Silver Star Crowley was referring to was actually serious. And Crowley said the order of the Silver Star was actually the Illuminati. And The initiate is meant to eventually cross the abyss, reach Babylon, and become what he called the babe of the Abyss, reborn as the master of the temple with a perfect understanding of the universe, seeking the wisdom, right? There’s the wisdom, again, the Osiris. And, of course, the Ruby, the Ruby shoes is an interesting one, because of the Red Shoe club conspiracy, that the theory is that the Royals and Hollywood elites and politicians, they wear red leather made from actual human flesh. And these people that are in this club, they’re into human trafficking and eating kids and all kinds of stuff. It’s an angle of the Wayfair you know, thing, right? So anyway, Dorothy, she, she says, You know, I need to go to the Emerald City by following this yellow brick road, so she can see the Wizard of Oz, so she can get back to Kansas. And she’s not allowed to take the ruby slippers off because the witch is gonna catch her. So she keeps him on. Now we start the journey and the journey starts with the yellow brick road. But in the film, as you’ll see in the image, I will provide you on Instagram. The yellow brick road starts off as a spiral and that’s right, it’s a spiral. Now, the spiral is very important. It’s symbolic of this evolution that the occultist want to take us down. She’s about to go on a transform, transformative journey. She goes from the realm of the physical into the cosmos, over the rainbow and into the new world. And the road that she is now taking is a spiral symbolizing her evolution and her path to enlightenment into the occult sciences to the wisdom. The road and the tornado are symbolic of this evolution. As she goes on. There are spirals, symbolizing the ascension of her consciousness, right she’s going up the cabbalistic tree of life towards God. And the spiral forces show up in occultism. Right tornado is a product of the Earth’s opposing polarities of warm and cold air. Dorothy rises up in the cyclone symbolizes the rising energy of the Kundalini up the spine, right. This is referred to as the center pillar in the capitalistic tree of life, as depicted on the Baphomet as the Caduceus. The staff of Hermes with the spiraling serpents climbing it these are all a call references to the ascension of consciousness of man becoming God got me all fired up um spin the mystic secrets of Oz on Daniel Gautier, his YouTube channel claimed that a todo I consumed a lot of different sources to complete this analysis, folks. But on that one, he says that the spiral purposely chose three different colors, which it does. It’s not just yellow, it’s red, gray and yellow. And you see that on the image at the beginning of the spiral. red symbolizes fire and masculinity. Gray symbolizes the moon lunar water feminine. And the yellow is the middle of the to the androgynous or the middle pillar. And we’re going to come back to that androgynous idea with the tin man. So Dorothy, she first meets the Scarecrow like she’s on a journey. She’s on the Albert road. Recipe this up now. She first meets the Scarecrow, and he says, oh, you know, some people without brains do an awful lot of talking. And I like maybe this guy has a brain after all. I mean, that makes a lot of sense. And he joins Dorothy because he wants the wizard to give him a brain. And He says he’d face a whole back’s a whole box of matches, for a chance to get some brains. statement that doesn’t age well. As you know the term Well, I’m not gonna get into it. Look it up on urban dictionary. So Dorothy, grabs a red apple on the journey. Could it be any more symbolic? She’s eating a red apple. This is of course the forbidden fruit of knowledge. And, you know, Scarecrow wants the brains he wants the wisdom. And Dorothy is eating from the tree, the red apple, and we’ll find out that Dorothy is the Sophia of wisdom. That’s again, that’s a part three. Topic. So stay subscribed to the show. You’re not gonna want to miss part three. If you made it through part one and two. Don’t. Don’t give out on me yet. Dorothy then meets the tin man. He wants a heart. Now in the book, he relays a story about how he was going to marry a munchkin. That’s right. His munchkins are freaks. I’m telling you. The Tin Man met a munchkin. The Munchkin turned him out. And he was I got low unbutton the cost down we’re getting married. But then the witch put a curse on his axe. And he accidentally cut off his leg. Oops. Then the accident cut the other leg off. Then the arm then the other arm. And then he had the tinsmith create new arms and legs for him right? Then he cut off his own head. That’s right, he cut off his own head. Now another idea we can throw in the mix here. The Five Percenters when they reference a law their God, they will say arm leg leg arm head. Ah, I believe that’s on a Wu Tang dragger Jay Z or something like that. It was read from the book, because this is where the alchemy comes in. He says, I thought I’d beaten the Wicked Witch then and I worked harder than ever, but I little knew how cruel my enemy could be. She thought of a new way to kill my love for that beautiful Munchkin Maiden and made my axe slip again so that it cut right through my body, splitting me into two halves. Once more the tinsmith came to my help and made me a body of 10 fastening my tin arms and legs and head to it by means of joints so that I could move around as well as ever. But alas, I had now no heart. That’s how it loses his heart right because he comes the alchemical Rivas so then I lost all my love for the Munchkin girl and did not care whether I married her or not. Interesting symbolism here, folks, because in alchemy that is the Rebus it’s the person with the two heads you’ll see on our chemical artwork. It’s the final stage of the great work because Rebus and Latin means double thing. And an alchemy one goes through all the stages of purification, distillation, boiling down oneself to its basic constituents, purifying that basic matter and reassembling it which results in the Rivas the divine hermaphrodite, because it successfully reconciles spirit and matter, reconciling male and female and you’ll see this they’ll reference that as the philosopher’s child. And the parents are the Red King and the White Queen. You’ll see a symbolized as the double headed eagle it’s complicated, right but the take We’re here in the book. He is the alchemical Rivas. That’s why he misses the heart because he lost it when he sliced himself in half.
Anyway, here comes the witch. She hits him with some fire. She takes off. And she says that she’s going to use the tin man as a beehive, which I found interesting because the symbolism of the Freemasons is the beehive. I live in Utah, and the LDS Mormon folks here symbolize the beehive and the bees, constantly. It’s all over the place. It’s on the flag. It’s on every little building downtown. They love it. Well, it goes back to the occult. Because Joseph Smith, well trained in the free Masonic philosophies knew all this. And if you take it all the way back, the B is symbolic for magic. You see how it’s all connected? Hope you do. Now they’re they’re walking through the forest. Talking about lions and tigers and bears. Oh, my I had to do it. And we meet the Cowardly Lion. Now, my beautiful wife Josie, she said that they actually killed lions. To make this suit for the lion. I said no way. And I looked it up because I didn’t believe it. I looked it up. And sure enough, they did. Worse yet. Not only did they kill Lions for this movie, to make this suit, they made a second one they made a backup costume. Wild, Peter would not be happy. And these suits they weighed like 90 pounds, which is pretty nuts. So anyway, so now she’s got the whole crew together. She assembles her crew. And they’re walking around, they go to a poppy field, which of course is where you get to opium and heroin and stuff. And they get snowed on turns out that was asbestos in real life. Oops. And what’s interesting is in the book, they have to cross a river. And the Scarecrow gets stuck because you’re not gonna go in the river and a stork elves fly him over. And again, another alchemical reference here because the white bird is actually the Pelican, but you could argue it’s the stork here. It’s the second stage of the process. The white bird symbolizes the essence is left over after the distillation, the basic constituents, the prima materia, they call it the prime manner. So the they’re rocking around, they made it over the river, right? They’re singing this song that’s actually titled optimistic voices. They’re headed to the Emerald City. And then the lyrics, the lyrics go, you’re out of the woods, you’re out of the dark, step into the sun, step into the light. Now you know where we’re going with that. We talked about all the different kinds of lights, but the light is also symbolic of wisdom or enlightenment. And it’s all Luciferian when you get down into it. And in fact, when they make it to the Emerald City gate, you got to look at this image I’ll put out there. When they make it to the gate. You see a falling star on the emerald city gate. The fallen star of course, Lucifer, you know, hey. So they’re in Emerald City. And the witch she’s still messing with them. She puts some smoke messages in the sky. It says surrender Dorothy, which is a tattoo Dave Navarro has, right? My old friend Dave Navarro. I haven’t spoken to him and so long. I wish he would reach out. But anyway, so they get in there, right. And they talk to the guard. They talk to the guardian of the Emerald City. And they say look, we want to we want to talk to Oz. And he says nobody’s seen oz. And Dorothy’s. Like how do you know there is one and it’s all about questioning God How do you know there’s a real god they’re questioning the nature of God and all of the the Abrahamic or monotheistic religions that tell you there is one true God. Take a listen.
Unknown Speaker 59:40
But nobody can see the great artist. Nobody’s never seen the great odds even I’ve never seen him. How do you know there is
Unknown Speaker 59:49
one? Because you’re wasting my time. Oh, please, please, sir. I’ve got to see the Wizard A good witch of the North sent me.
Unknown Speaker 1:00:03
She’s wearing the ruby slippers she gave her.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:00:08
So the guard tells them that the Wizard of Oz wants them to go home. And they get all sad about going home, the guard spying on them and he sees them crying. All right. And he recommits he’s like, Alright, I’m gonna get you to see the Wizard. And what this is, is this a ritual to see if you’re actually committed, right. And this is like, like a fight club member and fight club. They, they yell at people that show up on the porch, and they’re like, You’re too fat, fatty. They want to make sure you’re committed to be a real initiate here. So the guard opens up the door, they go down this corridor, they’re going on the path are headed towards the inner sanctum within the inner sanctum. All right. Now, it’s interesting, because before they go to see ours, they have to be washed up, right. And to be the go to the Washington brush. It’s called an Emerald City. You know, again, all fresh to see the Wizard, right. And there’s this really bizarre messaging that I haven’t, I don’t know that I’ve got a good theory on it, but I’m gonna throw it out there. There’s, you see them getting cleaned up. And you see, for no reason at all. It says Super X and X X. And the tin man is being sort of massaged by this big wheel with a massive X on it. What does it mean? Well, and Gematria X is considered the number six. Because when you boil down like Fox fo X when you boil that down at 666, right, because Gematria numerology is all about reduction of the number to the basic form sounds very alchemical, if you asked me, but you could also argue x represents the unknown. X also if you read text Mars’s Codex magical book represents Osiris, the dying and resurrected God. That’s right, the skull and crossbones, same thing. In Roman numerals, X is the number 10. And not so ironically, the number 10 on the capitalistic Tree of Life, the 10th. Sephora is the highest Romans where God resides. Very interesting. Catherine Keter. So ideally Wizard of Oz, he is the top Sephora He is the God because Keter means crown. He is the crown, God. And then in the zohore refers to as the most hidden of all things. So you put all that stuff in a blender, I think that’s maybe what the axes mean. I don’t know. Just my just my my hot take on it. So they finally get in. The wizard says I am the Great and Powerful Oz. And he’s the All Knowing, because he already knows why they came to him, he says. And he proves it by rattling off what each person came to get from him. So they’re, they’re convinced like Dan, this guy is great, powerful, right? And as I love if you bring me the witch’s broomstick, I will grant you these requests. And what’s interesting is in the book, oz tells Dorothy, I’m gonna need you to kill the Wicked Witch of the West since she was able to kill the Wicked Witch of the East, right? Remember that? Because he’s like, Look, you You killed her and you took her shoes. Take care of the other witch. And also in the book, The Wicked Witch of the West only has one eye, right? There’s the symbolic of the all seeing eye, the pineal gland, the third eye of the occult. So the witch, you know, she gets she snatches total up. She hates this dog. And she gets total and Dorothy into the castle. Because because the witch wants those ruby slippers. Dorothy is not having it. The parallel to Mrs. Gulch taking toto is evident here. The witch says, Yeah, that’s right. You have to die. So I can get these shoes. And she puts a spell on Dorothy. And she’s like, look, when the Santa runs out, you’re dead. And I’m taking your shoes. So the fellows they all head to the castle because they’re trying to save Dorothy. And on this journey, they ironically actually start to know thyself. You know, because the lion faces danger. And turns out he’s pretty brave. The Scarecrow has to use his mind and turns out he’s pretty smart. You know, because he learned he figures out to chop down in this chandelier to stop the witches guards so you can get in there. And the witch they finally get this big confrontation and the witch says How about a little fire Scarecrow and lights his ass on fire. But Dorothy she puts it out with a bucket of water. But that water spill lashes the witch and it kills her. She melts and the guards they switch sides is just that quick and they pledge allegiance to Dorothy. She’s now their master. And what’s interesting is in the book, she the witch sends 40 wolves to attack the boy the fellas that are trying to save Dorothy. The Tin Man he annihilates these wolves those is the axe man, you know what I mean? Then she sends 40 Crows to attack the Scarecrow and she sends bees out. Right? There’s the symbol of magic again. And her slaves. She calls them the Winkies. And of course, he got the flying monkeys she summons with a golden cap of diamonds and rubies. And it talks about how the witches scared of water. Kind of sad that she wouldn’t go near Dorothy. Whenever Dorothy was bathing, and you know, she made sure to never touch the water. Now what’s interesting, fun fact not so fun fact, I guess in the filming of Wizard of Oz. There were some pyrotechnics at this part where the witch gets the How about a little fire scarecrow. All right. And it actually burned the actress Margaret Hamilton. She got secondary burns to the face. And then after that, they’re like okay, that’s I understand that we’ll do it. That didn’t work so well. And she also got some burns right. Now playing around. So we’re almost there, folks. We’re getting real close here. So they get back to Oz. They kill the witch to get back to us with a broomstick. But then I was playing games I come back tomorrow. Again more ritual stuff like Fight Club. Then they come back and oz. He’s yelling at them. He’s on the grid and powerful is a psychopath. And but toto dodo knows what’s up. Toto finds the curtain pulls it back and exposes eyes as just a little guy behind the curtain. Take a listen.
Unknown Speaker 1:07:12
That Great Oz has spoken. Tonight man behind the curtain
Unknown Speaker 1:07:25
you Oh, hi. Hi. Um, the great and powerful wizard of oz. I don’t believe you know, I’m afraid it’s true. There’s no other wizard except me. Yes, yes, exactly. So I’m you’re a very bad man. Oh, no, my dear. I am a very good man. I’m just a bad wizard. What about the heart that you promised 10 Man, the courage that you promise Cowardly Lion when I’m scared. Why anybody can have a brain. That’s a very mediocre commodity. Every pusillanimous creature that crawls on the earth or slinks through slimy Seas has a brain bank where I come from we have university seats of great learning where men go to become great thinkers. And when they come out, they think deep thoughts and with no more brains than you have. They have one thing you haven’t got a diploma. Therefore, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the university partners committee, awesome. E pluribus unum, I hereby confer upon you the honorary degree of THD. PhD. Doctor think ology some of the square roots of any two sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side I got a brain. How can I ever thank you enough? Well, you can as you buy fine friend, you’re a victim of disorganized thinking. You are under the unfortunate illusion that simply because you run away from danger, you have no courage. You will confuse encourage with wisdom. Back when I come from that a we have men were called Heroes. Once a year they take their fortitude out of mothballs and paraded down the main street of the city and they have no more courage than you have. But they have one thing that you haven’t got a medal. They have more or meritorious conduct. extraordinary valor, conspicuous bravery against wicked witches. I award you the triple cross. Why now a member of the Legion of caring shucks folks, I’m speechless. For you, my galvanised friend. You want a heart? You don’t know how lucky you are not to have won. hearts will never be practical until they can be made on break. Come on. But I, I still want one. Back where I come from. There are men who do nothing all day but good deeds. They are called for the good deed doers and their hearts are no bigger than yours, but they have one thing you haven’t got a testimonial. Therefore, in consideration of your kindness, I take pleasure at this time in presenting you with a small token of our esteem and affection. And remember, my sentimental friend, that a heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:47
Read by metal says courage aidid. The truth, the truth? What about Dorothy? Yes. How about Dorothy next year? I don’t think there’s anything in that blank bag for me.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:03
Well, you force me into a cataclysmic decision. The only way to get out of the bank to Kansas is for me to take her there myself.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:12
Oh, God, you are you a clever enough wizard to manage it?
Unknown Speaker 1:11:18
Child you cut me to the quick. I’m an old Kansas man myself born and bred in the heart of the Western wilderness. Me evolutionists are ex lost to the medical Wonderland carnival company until one day while performing spectacular piece of stratospheric skill never before attempted by civilized man an unfortunate phenomenon. The balloon failed to return to the fear which frightened frightened you are talking to a man who has laughed in the face of death sneered at Doom and chuckled and catastrophe. I was petrified. Then suddenly the wind changed and the balloon floated down into the heart of this noble city. When I was instantly acclaimed as the first wizard Deluxe.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:12:03
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Indeed. The boys the fellas, they get so mad. They’re so mad, they call Aza humbug a serious insult back in the 1930s. But then, as he finesses them, you know, this guy’s slick, he gives them tchotchkes and they fall for it. He gives, He gives the Scarecrow who wanted brains, he’s like, here’s the diploma. Here’s a degree, you know, arguably talking about how college is just a waste indoctrination system, which I actually don’t believe. Go to college folks. Maybe God has for everybody. But you know, we could have that argument another time. Actually, I did have that argument with Josie. On my other podcast breaking social norms. We had a whole college debate show. When was it late? 2022. So check that out. If you want to know what I think about college and yeah, it gives it gives the Scarecrow we already knew scarecrow had a brain member he figured out a top down the chandelier. But the Scarecrow he’s like, oh, yeah, these are spitting out geometry formulas. He’s bugging out. He’s like, Oh, yeah, you know, they totally fall for this. And then the lion gets a medal for bravery. And they compare it to AWS compared to this local pray that is some peons, doing the city every month. Maybe drawing comparisons to the military even right, because the metal is a triple cross. And the tin man, he wants a ticking heart, in the eyes, gives them this Flavor Flav heart clock, and all of a sudden they feel complete. They’re like, okay, yeah, yeah. And what this shows us is society, filling the desires and the needs of the sheeple by you know, patting them on the back while the elites maintain power. But Dorothy, remember, she wanted to go home. So Oz says, Look, I’m gonna take you back myself. I got this, this Chinese surveillance hot air balloon. And, and he goes on to talk about how he had faced death himself on this balloon, he himself went on a death and rebirth ritual. He was the Osiris and the universe, the universe is will set this balloon that he was in to Oz. That’s how he got there. And he landed on this balloon, and he became their leader. They call him the wizard Deluxe. He was the fallen angel. He just duped them though. Because he’s the king of finesse here, right? And he was like, That Ancient Alien theory of technological reference, the concept of the cargo cult, there were these islands that no one had been to forever. They were still living back in the frickin prehistoric days. And here comes some World War Two planes landing and they were bugging out. They’re like, Whoa, what is this? These are the God’s, and they weren’t, it was just their technological frame of reference was wasn’t at the same speed, right? And recall that there is this, you know, the Book of Enoch. And the remember the falling star on the emerald city gate. The wizard blew in and completely made them believe all this stuff. Now you could look at this, if you want to look at it from the Book of Enoch, realm. It’s interesting, because, and I think we’re gonna get into this in part three, perhaps, I think I think we might need to the idea here. Yeah, we’re gonna cover this in part three. I think this, I think this would fit better in part three, but let me give you a little taste. In the Book of Enoch, they talk about the watchers, and my man, my man on Patreon, John, because John, he’s the one that planted the seed and it’s gonna manifest better in part three, but I’m gonna give you a taste of what you’re in for. In the Book of Enoch, they talked about the watchers, right? And the watchers, they shared all these forbidden Arts and Sciences and the secret mysteries of the heavens with mankind. This is very a Prometheus idea. bestowing the wisdom upon man, the secrets of magic. And that’s essentially what Oz is. Right? He is the Azaz L. He’s one of the watchers. Anyway, we’re going to talk about in part three. Now, all of this, go, they go through this whole thing. And Dorothy is like, okay, I’m good to finally go back to Kansas. But then frickin stupid toto jumps out, and she has to she misses out on a balloon ride to save Toto. And an artist takes off in his balloon, he’s out of there, right? And the Good Witch comes by and she says, Look, Dorothy, you could have went back to Kansas anytime you wanted to. But you had to go on this journey to figure that out. She had to find herself. This is the, the the age old philosophy of the occultist or even the philosophers to know thyself. And the Platonic schools and it’s, we talked about this in the matrix, I did a matrix, deep dive of matrix 123, and four, and The Animatrix. If you’re on Patreon, and we talked about the philosophies here, Neo was on a similar journey. So the she says, Look, you could you could have done this the whole time. But you had to go on this journey in order to figure that out. You had to find out for yourself where your heart could lead is that look, I got this, click your heels and just keep repeating. There’s no place like home and bone, you got it. So she clicks the hills three times three times, of course is important in the occult. Going back to Pythagoras, the OG a cultist. He said three is the mystical number of perfect harmony, which is where you see it in religions, like Christianity is the Holy Trinity. Or you see it in the occultist with the magic of the triangle and manifestation. But most of these ancient mystery schools have degrees based upon three, like in the free Masonic blue Lodge, they do three three degrees, you got the entered apprentice fellow craft, Master Mason, in the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry with 33 degrees, right. In Freemasonry, the entered apprentice is given the light, which is what Dorothy and crew are obsessing about, when they walk into the Emerald City. There are three lesser lights and three greater lights, and the three lesser lights are the sun, the moon, and the lodge master, the sun and the moon, Osiris and Isis again. And the greater lights are the volume of the sacred law, the square and the compass. Now magic is said to come in threes as well. Okay, and Wicca, they’ve got the rule of three, which says that whatever energy a person puts out, it comes back to them three fold. The concept of Karma, right. So no matter what you believe, it doesn’t hurt to keep positive energy folks put out love, put it out. And if the occultus right, you’ll get it back three times. And even if they’re wrong, makes the world a better place and makes you a better person, which you got to align your frequencies with the path of Christ of love. But anyway, Glinda the witch the whole time, she’s saying that she’s got a pentagram in her hand on the wand wishing upon a star indeed. And we come full circle. Dorothy wakes up back in her busted as black and white dust home again black and white symbol of duality. There’s another one scene on the free Masonic floors, the Moses pavement. It’s a way for the Initiate to consider the conscious mind and the subconscious mind going over the rainbow subconsciously. So Dorothy, she talks about how it’s like, oh, I had a dream and I saw these men’s and, and I went to Oz and parts of it were scary. Maybe she was in an MK Ultra altered state, I don’t know. But that’s how the film ends. That’s it. She comes back. What does it all mean? She went on the hero’s journey. She is the Neo. She is the Alice in Wonderland. She got the call to adventure from the tornado. She leaves her ordinary world of Kansas. She crosses the threshold into the land of Oz, which you clearly see with Technicolor. She gets the supernatural mentorship from Glenda the Goodwitch. She faces multiple trials and hardships along the way, learning more about herself as to her friends. She goes into the inner sanctum of AWS. This is the underground realm to face death, and returns with the bones. The bones for her are the gnosis of self. Back home in Kansas. Because at the start of the story, she hated it there, remember, but now she has gone on this journey to know thyself.
She’s ready to come back a better person. So there you go. That’s the whole movie. But wait, folks, there’s more. We’re gonna do part three. Next week, stay subscribed to the show. All right, part three, we’re going to talk about what the whole thing was about. It’s about opening up the minds, particularly of the youths of the kids, to accept the occult truths. It’s the evolution of consciousness, they want us all to take a part of the spiral go down the yellow brick road, we’re all going down the yellow brick road, like in Kubrick’s 2001 Space Odyssey, the initiate the viewer goes on a journey, the alchemical evolution of man. And we’re all gonna take part in. So that’s it, stay subscribe to the show. Look, if you’d like the show, here’s what I want you to do. Right? Call to Action. I got I got a I got a call to adventure for you. Go on Apple podcast and leave a five star review. Please. Please, for the love of God. I get haters on here. They hate everything about all this stuff. And if you liked the show, if you love it, you want to keep it poppin you want to keep it because look these algorithms, the dreaded AI algorithms, these if I get the positive reviews, they they show it to more people and more people can see these ideas and wake up to the truth of what’s going on in our world. It’s a spiritual battle. Yes, that’s right. I’m basically saying if you don’t put a five star review we’re going to lose the spiritual battle to the devil. I mean, come on. Ridiculous, anyway. Or don’t whatever I don’t care. Stay subscribe till next time next week. We’re going back with part three. We’re bringing the heat as always and until next time, stay WOKE
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
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