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On today’s episode of the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture with Isaac Weishaupt podcast we start our Dark Enlightenment series deep dive! In Part 1 we’ll do an overview of the series and why you absolutely need to listen to this full analysis. I’ll explain the terms, philosophies and plans for YOU and your family that the tech elites are rolling out as we speak. We’ll lay out the New World Order Great Reset ideas and the people making a run for it- and how this has always been the occult plans for us. In Part 1 we’ll look at a philosopher named Curtis Yarvin who has every politician and tech billionaire in a chokehold over how they can destroy the US Constitution and replace it with a CEO Philosopher King and turn us into the Platonic Empire they’ve always wanted! Peter Thiel, Magick Realism, 15 Minute Cities, Libertarianism, Authoritarianism, JD Vance, Overton Window Nazi propaganda, Kek and more!
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Isaac Weishaupt has been researching occult belief systems since 2011 and revealing symbolism used in the entertainment industry. Using examples of pop culture to discuss occult perspectives; Isaac has been an independent one-man army with no ZERO HANDLERS to answer to. He’s written nine books and produced hundreds of hours of podcasts since 2014 with over 15 million downloads. Isaac’s contribution to the truther world is one that comes from an honest, unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way to go towards the light instead of dark divisiveness.
Isaac hosts the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture podcast (supported by the supporter feeds like Patreon) and “Breaking Social Norms” podcast. He has been a featured guest on Coast to Coast AM, Tin Foil Hat podcast (honorary member of Mount Crushmore), Eddie Bravo’s “Look Into It,” Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho,” Richard Syrett’s “Strange Planet,” House Inhabit’s Substack, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, Newsweek, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter! Signed paperbacks available at!
*STATEMENT: This show is full of Isaac’s useless opinions and presented for entertainment purposes.
Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
[00:00:00] If you’ve been paying any attention to the world around you, you know something is
surely happening. There’s been talk about this golden age starting and I believe that to be true.
However, it’s only the golden age for the tech elites because I’m going to reveal to you the script
they are executing and how this all ties into a spiritual battle with the Antichrist. AI The Dark
Enlightenment series starts today and you absolutely must listen because your spirituality
depends upon.
[00:00:35] Today we start our Dark Enlightenment series, Deep Dive. This is a special, a multi
part special in part one. Today we’re gonna do an overview of the series and why. You absolutely
must listen to the full analysis. Part 1, 2, 3 and 4.
[00:00:55] I’ll explain the terms, the philosophy and most importantly, the plans for you and your
family that the tech elites are rolling out as we speak. Undeniably, we’re gonna lay out the new
world Order. Great reset. That they finally started to execute.
[00:01:16] And we’re gonna talk about the people making a run for how this has always been the
plan for us. This has always been in the occult plans. All the books and the literature I’ve read
over the years, it all comes together right here in the Dark Enlightenment series.
[00:01:28] Specifically in part one, we’re going to look at a philosopher named Curtis Yarvin
who’s got every politician, every tech billionaire in a chokehold and how his ideas to basically
destroy the US Constitution are taking place right now. And they’re going to, they’re going to
replace it with their vision, which is the CEO philosopher king and this fits into the Platonic
Empire fantasies of the occult. For hundreds of years they’ve always talked about that, they’ve
always wanted it.
[00:02:06] We’re going to talk about Peter thiel, magic realism, 15 minute cities, libertarianism,
authoritarianism, JD Vance, the Overton Window, Nazi propaganda, KEK and so much more.
[00:02:17] This is going to be the most eye opening and maybe even disturbing series I’ve ever
[00:02:24] A slight, a slight detour from what I normally talk about with the cult symbolism.
[00:02:31] But then in part two, we’re gonna pick right back up into the occult stuff because as
you’re gonna find out, it’s all connected to who? Satan. That’s right. I’m the Satanic grifter. I’m
here to fear Monger Satan.
[00:02:46] That’s what they say, that’s what the comment section says. So why not, why not lean
into that? Right, so first we’re gonna do a semi brief breakdown of what the Dark Enlightenment
is and what this series is going to cover. Okay, so even if you’re like, already bored, you’re like
Curtis Jarvin. I don’t. Who cares? Who are these people?
[00:03:10] Listen to this part.
[00:03:12] And I assure you, after you listen to this, you’re going to say, wow, Isaac, this is some
prophetic, revelatory stuff you’re dropping on us.
[00:03:23] And I want to start out with a passage from Douglas Rushkoff’s 1996 book, Media
Virus. The pages are yellow, folks, and shout out Dr. An. He sent me this book, I don’t know,
years ago.
[00:03:36] That’s very good. And you reread it because it’s, it’s got the whole thing baked into it.
[00:03:45] Excuse me, it says, here’s the part I want to read to you.
[00:03:49] It is the media activists, most of all, who depend on a world view that accepts that a
tiny virus launched creatively and distributed widely can topple systems of thought as
established as organized religion and institutions, as well rooted as, say, the Republican Party or
even the two party system altogether. This is why it’s so important that we understand that at
least as far as media activists are concerned, viruses are not a bad thing.
[00:04:20] True biological viruses, when successful, can destroy the host organism. If they
invade and take control of enough cells. They redirect vital functions that the host needs in order
to survive. Media viruses do target a host organism, but that beast is not culture as a whole.
They target the systems and the faulty code that have taken control of the culture and inhibited
the natural chaotic flow of energy and information.
[00:04:47] And that, my friends, is what they’re trying to do.
[00:04:51] That book talks about memes and meme magic and memes, memism and chaos
magic and Aleister Crowley and like wild stuff with technology. Again, this is the, this is actually
the revised, updated part redo of the book from 1996. All right? He wrote this in 1994. This one’s
from 96.
[00:05:14] And I’ve hinted on a lot of these subjects and topics in the past, but this is going to be
a very comprehensive breakdown of how it fits into what’s happening today and what the Dark
Enlightenment is.
[00:05:28] So to understand the Dark Enlightenment, we need to consider a variety of terms,
philosophies and characters who’ve manifested this nonsense into our existence and forcing us
to deal with it.
[00:05:39] So these next four episodes that I’ve got lined up for you are going to go through the
whole thing and here’s an overview of what you’re in for. Okay?
[00:05:49] The Dark Enlightenment is a movement.
[00:05:52] It’s a coup of the American democracy. And I’m not saying that.
[00:05:57] I’m not saying that in the sensational conspiracy theorist way. And I. And look, look, I
fully realize I’ve now become Alex Jones in a way. I get it.
[00:06:11] But, like, I’m. And there’s not a whole lot of stuff that you hard press me to say
because I’m pretty rational, skeptical kind of dude. And there’s not a whole lot of theories that I
would firmly plant and be like, no, this is happening.
[00:06:25] This is one of the few that I’m like, oh, this is happening. I have zero doubts, but it is a
[00:06:35] And if you don’t believe me, if you’re like, oh, you granola wokester, here you go.
[00:06:42] You got to listen to these four episodes. I assure you, you will say, well, maybe.
Maybe he’s right.
[00:06:49] But you’re probably gonna say, oh, wow, he is right. And maybe you’re even still like,
yeah, but that’s fine. And I normally would say that’s okay, but it’s not okay. This is America. I. I
served active duty to support the Constitution, and I’m telling you right now, this is not okay. And
if you are fooled into thinking that these nerds are gonna make the world better for you, you are
sadly mistaken.
[00:07:16] If you’re fooled into thinking billionaires are going to try to make your life better, you
are sadly mistaken. You have not been paying attention.
[00:07:25] So the Dark Enlightenment is a coup of the American democracy. They want to
destroy liberalism and egalitarianism. Now, if you’re like, oh, what is that? You know, liberal?
Yuck. You know, no, it’s the sense of. And this is just like the dummies version. It’s the sense of
equal rights. It’s a sense of progressiveness in the terms of, like, everyone gets a fair shake. And
I support that right. If you pay taxes, guess what? You get equal rights. You know, if you’re a
citizen, whatever. You know what I’m saying? But egalitarianism just means equality, basically.
[00:08:01] And they want to replace this current democracy system with an authoritarian that’s
like a police state, an authoritarian monarch corporation. They call this the Neo Cameralism.
[00:08:18] And what this is, it’s the New World Order. It’s the great reset. It’s all the things that
we’ve been worried about.
[00:08:24] And they want it to be run by a CEO. They call him the CEO King. That’s where the
sort of authoritarian monarch idea comes in.
[00:08:34] Basically, they think the whole government and the country should be run like a
business. You’ve heard this many times in the past.
[00:08:43] A Corporation.
[00:08:45] And then there’s this group of techno elites that’s all the, all the people you saw lined
up at the inauguration. Your Zuckerbergs, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Google CEO, whoever,
whatever his name is, Peter Thiel, like all these like Silicon Valley nerds, okay? They’re the tech
elites, they’re the techno elites. And they will manage under the CEO king that they instill.
[00:09:11] They’re going to manage what they call the network States. This is the Platonic
empire that we’ve read about. When I read to you years ago, Manly P. Hall’s Secret Destiny of
America, I read excerpts at some point, I don’t remember which episode, but in the Secret
Destiny of America by Manly P. Hall, the Freemason, he talked about having this new. The
Francis Bacon New Atlantis, same thing. It was this idea of, of creating the Plato’s, Platonic
empire and the new empires to be run by scientists and technocrats.
[00:09:45] And you saw all the Truther movement rallying against the idea of 15 minute cities.
[00:09:53] And I’m telling you this is what they want to make and they’re actually doing it. I’m
going to talk about this in depth in part four.
[00:10:02] This is look up Freedom Cities. That’s what they’re, that’s. They’re called Freedom
Cities right now, but it’s like the same concept just with different names, you know.
[00:10:13] And when we look at some of the philosophies, which we’ll do as we go through this
series, we’re going to talk about neoreactionary. This is the thought that fuels the Dark
Enlightenment. It’s the belief that democracy, the U.S. constitution, the United States way of life,
is prone to corruption and deeply flawed.
[00:10:34] And it looks for, it looks at the popular opinions of the masses. The mouth breathers,
right? That’s how they look at us. They call us the parasite class. Alistair Crowley says the slave
shall serve. That’s how they view us, right? Where the slaves were, the parasite class were the
[00:10:54] And, and this all fuels eugenics, nonsense ways of thinking.
[00:11:01] But it thinks that the, the, the reason it thinks democracy is flawed is because we
have a system where we vote for our politicians to rule the country. And it’s like, why would you
look to the mouth breathers who they think should rule the country? They shouldn’t have a say in
this, right? Who should have a say in it? The tech elites. They’re the geniuses. They’re the
smartest ones here, the smartest ones in the room.
[00:11:29] So they believe this will lead to the decline of society. Kind of like an idiocracy. And
look, there’s elements of this that you’re kind of like, I don’t know, maybe that is kind of true
because I look at that too. I’m like, I don’t know, there’s a lot of dumb people out there, but that
doesn’t matter. This is a good system. We do not abandon it, we just improve it. All right, so to
prevent this decline of society, they believe we need an authoritarian figure to run the country
like a CEO of a business.
[00:12:04] And it’s going to be managed by the tech elites, your Jeff Bezos, Zuckerberg’s, Elon
Musk’s, because they’re so much more intelligent and stable, obviously. Right, obviously.
[00:12:18] So all these Silicon Valley billionaires, a lot of the crypto bro community, some of the
alt right white nationalists and occult magician Satanists have found a common goal. And I’m
going to explain that over these four episodes of why that is and prove it to you.
[00:12:38] And the inspiration comes from a mix of eugenics type ideas mixed with Darwinian
theory, like social Darwinianism, like the Church of Satan was into.
[00:12:52] Because there is a strong racial component to all of this.
[00:12:56] In fact, if you read one of the philosophers we’ll talk about in part two, Nick Land, he
wrote the book an essay called dark enlightenment and 2/3 of the book he’s talking about race.
[00:13:10] It’s not entirely a white nationalist movement, but there’s a lot of overlaps. And you’re
going to find all these groups we talk about, they have overlapping interests. And my view is it’s
like three or four gangs took or took over the country and they’re trying to sort of like overthrow
it. And then when they get control, then they’ll fight it out as to which vision we get to deal with.
[00:13:36] We’re going to talk about the philosophers that influence this pursuit of the Dark
Enlightenment, including Curtis Yarvin, that’s today’s subject, blogger, alias Mencius, Moldbug.
[00:13:51] We’ll talk about Nick Land, we’ll talk about the Silicon Valley elites, the alt right
libertarian types like Peter Thiel and Elon Musk and how they’ve endorsed all this philosophy.
Politicians like J.D. vance openly been talking about these philosophies.
[00:14:08] Yeah. And Nick Land, that part two is where it’s going to get ultra fascinating. Part one
is like, I’m going to lay the foundation. We’re going to talk about this Curtis Yarvin guy a little bit.
But part two, three and four are going to blow your mind. We’re going to talk about. Because part
two, we talk about Nick Land, who advocates for this nihilist, quasi racist transhumanist
philosophy called accelerationism. Accelerationism, yeah, that’s right.
[00:14:36] Because in his 2012 Dark Enlightenment essay, the one that has like 2/3 of it, he’s
talking about race. He was pushing for accelerationism, hyper capitalism, AI and techno
[00:14:50] Frederick Nietzsche comes up often in this analysis. He hated Christianity, he hated
[00:14:57] He inspired historical figures like Adolf Hitler with his will to power and the
Ubermensch Superman with his eugenics nonsense.
[00:15:08] A guy named Julius Evola is a philosopher that some of his stuff is inspired by some
of these things. He was an alt right traditionalist who hated modernity in the modern age and
liberalism. And he also wanted an sort of a autocratic ish aristocracy, a higher, a hierarchy of
society. He inspired Steve Bannon. We talked about him many times.
[00:15:34] We’re going to talk about Peter Thiel, the Silicon Valley venture capitalist, billionaire
co founder of PayPal and Palantir.
[00:15:44] He funnels money behind all this. I think he’s one of the heads of the snake, as it
were. One of the architects of our miserable future.
[00:15:52] He said, quote, I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible.
[00:16:01] Elon Musk, obviously his grandfather was part of a movement that tried to make this
happen 100 years ago. Technocracy Incorporated, Literally the front man for the Illuminati. And
I’ll Part four is all about. All about the world’s richest man, Mark. Well, for now he is.
[00:16:25] Keep protesting, folks. Knock that nerd off his feet. Mark Andreessen, again, another
Silicon Valley billionaire dude, amplifying today’s subject. Curtis Yarvin and his idea of Network
states, aka 15 Minute Cities. Balaji Srinivasan, another venture capitalist pushing for network
state. 15 minute cities. Steve Bannon, who’s critiqued democracy and advocates for
traditionalism, probable architect of the Kek meme magic thing, which is going to fit into what we
talk about in this series.
[00:17:01] And the occult. Right, because you can find information about the Dark Enlightenment
online in various corners of the Internet. Winnie Webb’s doing up a series right now on it.
[00:17:13] But no one’s talking about the occult. Well, maybe not no one. Not many people are
talking about the occult because that’s what’s fascinating is that we’ve covered this over the
years and you find that these philosophies are baked with occultism inspired by them because
they are using occult practices to do all of these things. A thing called hyperstition that we’ll talk
about chaos, magic, meme, magic, kick, right.
[00:17:40] Satanism and even child abuse. We’re going to tie some of these rituals and people
that are into these philosophies are. We’re part of the Balenciaga scandal.
[00:17:51] They’re trying to manifest a new reality through occult ritual magic in the cyberspace.
[00:17:57] And you, you know, if you’ve heard all the conspiracies about. Oh, the Simpsons
always predict the future. Well, I mean, that’s hyperstition. This is the nerd occult science of
manifesting strange and hideous realities through a pop culture fictional lens. I explained a
similar concept in my alien book series, use your illusion 1 and 2, now available on Amazon and
Audible. Self narrated aliens, UFOs and the occult. Use your illusion 1 and 2 and the spirituality
of the Dark Enlightenment will directly plug into Aleister Crowley, of course, the order of nine
Angles, and on the satanic magic group, HP Lovecraft. Non human entities, dark forces taking
over our humanity because what they want to do. And again, I’m not being sensational, this is
their own philosophy and I will prove it to you over these four episodes. They want to destroy
humanity completely and accelerate the technological singularity and allow AI to take over our
minds and bodies.
[00:19:03] And in the part four, in the final episode, I’m going to reveal to you that Elon Musk is
the Antichrist. We’re going to, we’re going to go through a theory, you know, allegedly a theory. A
theory I’m building that Elon Musk put a neuralink, neuralink chip in his brain and he’s now
possessed by a disembodied AI demon that he channeled into it.
[00:19:28] And you’re going to be shocked when you find out that he has been talking about this
for years, fulfilling a Faustian bargain called Roko’s Basilisk. And if you don’t know what that
means, you’re going to find out because it turns out that’s how he hooked up with Grimes.
Because she was into this too. Because she’s evil nerd too.
[00:19:50] And finally, why, why should you even listen to this?
[00:19:57] You’re probably thinking, well, gosh, you just have trump derangement syndrome.
Isaac. On the contrary. On the contrary, I think he might be our only hope, which is bleak.
[00:20:12] But I think if we can raise awareness of what’s going on, that we can maybe slow this
thing down. Stop it. I don’t know. I don’t know what the future holds, but I know that this Dark
Enlightenment series lines up everything I’ve studied in research going Back to my first book in
2012, the Plans the elites have for a golden Age. I talked about this in my very first book, A
Grand unified conspiracy theory from 2012. If you haven’t read it, go to my website and get it for
free. up top, you’ll see in the menu tab. Free book. You sign up for my free
email newsletter and I’ll send it to you for free. There’s a whole chapter I devoted to the Golden
Age and there’s many areas where I talk about the digital matrix.
[00:20:58] Everything shockingly holds up.
[00:21:01] And what’s a real bummer is I handed that book to Joe Rogan himself back in like
2014. I’m like, Joe, you didn’t read the book. You didn’t read the book.
[00:21:10] He probably threw in the garbage of the hotel.
[00:21:14] Because the golden Age is the. Is the golden age for the elites. We are not the elites.
We are the slaves. We are the parasite class. We get the digital matrix.
[00:21:25] And if you’re a Christian, you need to listen because you’ll find out the motivation
behind all of this is Luciferian demonic possession. And what they want is the destruction of
God’s creation and they’re going to do it through technology.
[00:21:38] Even if you’re not a Christian, you should be mad that the the about the plans that the
elites have for you.
[00:21:46] And this series is going to dive into each of these topics. I’ll prove it to you. I will warn
you, it’s more black pill territory than usual. So if you’re like already stressed out and losing
sleep, maybe you’re barely surviving, maybe take this in small doses. I’ll try to lighten it up where
I can.
[00:22:05] And after these four episodes, I’m back to the regularly scheduled program. I got
some really good stuff coming. The heretic film analysis everyone’s been clamoring for. I’m
working it. I’m working it. I got it going. I got some cool interviews lined up.
[00:22:19] You’re gonna love it. So for the Dark Enlightenment series, four episodes coming, Part
one is today. Curtis Yarvin.
[00:22:28] Today’s episode is going to be when we talk about Curtis Arvin. It might be a little
more boring than normal, all right? But you got to work. You got to understand who he is to
understand why this movement took hold, how it’s based in racist, hateful, anti Christian
ideology. But then you got to come back for part two, three and four, because those are going to
be absolutely fascinating, I assure you.
[00:22:52] Part two, we’re going to talk about Nick Land and this accelerationism philosophy, the
ccru, this occult cybernetic apocalypse. This is where the thing started. And he was an occultist.
And then part three, we’re going to talk about these far right satanic Nazi magic groups.
[00:23:08] The title alone is interesting enough. Part four, we’re talking about Elon Musk being
the Antichrist possessed by the chip in his dumb brain and how he also, through his family
bloodline, it wants to instill the Illuminati’s new Atlantis.
[00:23:23] So without further ado, let’s talk about Curtis Jarvin.
[00:23:29] First off, like, why do. Why even care, right? Who’s Carter Jarvin? Maybe you never
heard of him. Who cares, right?
[00:23:38] Well, Peter Thiel said that Curtis Yarvin was his most important connection.
[00:23:46] Curtis Yarvin told Milo Yiannopoulos that he was privately coaching Peter Thiel at his
[00:23:54] He also watched the 2016 election at Peter Thiel’s house. So these two are
intertwined. And Peter Thiel, as you’re going to. I’m sure you know who he is, huge funder of all
this stuff going on.
[00:24:06] JD Vance has cited Yarvin as an influence.
[00:24:10] Others in the administration have openly discussed Yarvin’s ideas. Michael Anton
from Trump’s State Department told Yarvin how he will install an American Caesar. That’s the
CEO king that we’re gonna talk about when we break down the philosophy. Marc Andreessen
said he’s had Yarvin over for dinner.
[00:24:30] Yarvin attended the Trump inauguration gala in January.
[00:24:34] Balaji Srinivasan said in 2013 that we should have a society run by Silicon Valley, run
by the tech elites. You know, he’s been on Tucker Carlson, Charlie Kirk.
[00:24:49] I’m sorry, Curtis Jarvin’s been on Tucker Carlson, Charles, Charlie Kirk and
interviewed by New York Times and a bunch of places. Right. So you probably heard the name.
[00:25:00] Well, let’s talk about the ideas. And who is Curtis Yarvin? And I consulted a variety of
sources and the best one that I would recommend is a reporter named Julia Black.
[00:25:13] She interviewed him.
[00:25:16] She, she researched the Dark Enlightenment. She had a couple articles on
information. Is it oh, the information.
[00:25:28] But it’s paywalled, right?
[00:25:31] 399 bucks a year.
[00:25:35] So luckily on the Tech Won’t Save Us podcast In October of 2024, the host interviews
Julia Black.
[00:25:48] And it’s interesting because immediately grabbed my attention because he plays a
little quote clip from the interview and she’s talking about how the spoken word can become
reality. So I Was like, we’re on the right path. Here we go.
[00:26:04] And she talks about Curtis Jarvin as a nerd philosopher king. Gotta love that. And this
guy, he was a blogger.
[00:26:13] He is who talks about getting rid of the free press and having a state run media and
such, which is ironic because he got his start by blogging. And if you have a state run media,
they’re gonna censor the blogs they disagree with. Right. That’s how that works. So I’m not sure
if he put that together. I mean, his philosophy already, already falls apart immediately. I don’t
know why we’re listening to these people.
[00:26:44] And this is the guy who’s responsible for the Dark Enlightenment. In a way, Nick Land
is a, a component of this, but apparently Curtis Jarvis, the guy, he also is the guy behind neo
reactionary thinking. What does that mean? Well, it’s like anti democracy, anti equality. Society
should be run by elites. We should just go ahead and do it.
[00:27:06] And Peter Thiel obviously been influenced by Yarvin and his philosophies. As I
mentioned earlier, Curtis Yarvin was blogging as an alias Mencius Moldbug, which if you look
that up, it’s a combination of Confucian philosopher Mencius and a play on the term gold bug,
which is a term in finances to refer to a person who’s bullish on gold.
[00:27:33] And then I thought, well, I mean, is that what this is all about? Is that really what this
is all about?
[00:27:41] He’s just bullish on gold. So he wants to crash the US dollar.
[00:27:47] And if you think that’s crazy, when you get into the crypto bro culture, they’re always
rooting for the downfall of America and the US dollar. Not always. Oftentimes they’re rooting for
the downfall because they’re invested in cryptos and they want that to be the new thing.
[00:28:05] I mean, borderline treasonous sometimes, right?
[00:28:09] It’s like, dude, if you don’t, if you don’t like America and the American way of life and
the American dollar, then get the hell out. Right? Love it or leave it, Tommy. Tom Cruise said it
[00:28:22] And it’s also interesting that gold bugs. These people bullish on gold, are obsessed
with the conspiracy theories about gold missing from Fort Knox. Well, that’s interesting because
wasn’t that literally just in the news about Elon Musk trying to audit Fort Knox? Hmm.
[00:28:41] So this Curtis Yarvin guy kind of came out of nowhere.
[00:28:45] He’s a computer programmer living in Berkeley in the 90s. Dropped out of a PhD
program, worked some Various jobs, funded his own intellectual sabbatical. And he was, during
this time period, he was reading a bunch of fascist philosophies and he came up with this
concept called formalism, which is kind of the most anti democratic ideas of the Dark
[00:29:09] And in this formalism, it advocates for a type of anarchy, but not monarchy, as in the
royal bloodlines like the divine right to rule. That the, you know, King and Queen of England type
stuff. It’s a corporate monarchy. All right, so the critiques of formalism and Dark Enlightenment in
general are that this opens us up to a risk of tyranny. Yeah, no kidding. And an oppressive,
corrupt dictator with no way for the citizens to vote them out because you effectively remove all
checks and balances. And representational democracy, which Yarvin says those things are bad.
He calls those the cathedral. The cathedral is a mix of basically everything about the American
way of life. Free press, voting, equality, equal rights, and those kinds of things. He says that’s
the cathedral and they need to tear it down.
[00:30:16] So Curtis Yarvin, he started blogging in 2007 on unqualified reservations.
[00:30:22] And this get picked up by the nerds in Silicon Valley and they start sharing these blog
posts. In fact, he was one of the guys that first used the term red pill in reference to the Matrix.
[00:30:34] So he has this blog from 2007 to 2013.
[00:30:39] Then he takes a break and works this project called Urbit, which I’ll talk about.
[00:30:44] And then back in 2020, he starts a new blog called Gray Mirror where he starts
fantasizing about an American coup.
[00:30:54] Let’s talk about this urbit project. From 2013 to 2019, he founded this project with a
funding from Peter Thiel and Julia Black, the researcher. She describes it as a company similar
to what you see on the HBO show Silicon Valley, which I watched every episode of that series. If
you recall, they had a Levan Satanist on that show.
[00:31:25] And the Urbit was a. She explains it as a new Internet to replace the Internet.
[00:31:32] I don’t understand that, but we’ll talk about it in a sec.
[00:31:36] But that was the plot line of Silicon Valley on hbo.
[00:31:42] And on the show for hbo, it was like this idealistic, nice thing. But Urban has a darker
side because it worked on class structure, a feudal feudalism. They call that like having classes
of folks.
[00:31:56] Guess which class we’re in.
[00:31:59] Not a good one.
[00:32:01] Mark Andreessen invested in Urban, so Thiel Andreessen, they’re sort of part of the
mainstreaming and funding of Curtis Yarvin. All right. So urban. If you get into what that really
was, it was a messaging app. And Curtis Yarvin actually created the company based upon a
company he founded called Tion to build it.
[00:32:26] And the name Tian is modeled after a story by Jorge Luis Borges.
[00:32:34] He was a writer of magic realism.
[00:32:37] And magic realism just means you’re mixing magic with reality. Duh. As if you didn’t
put that together. You see this in films like the Holy Mountain by Jodorowsky, Edward
Scissorhands, Twin Peaks, and apparently Francis Ford Coppola’s Megalopolis. I wouldn’t know,
because you can’t stream it anymore legally.
[00:32:59] Still waiting to watch that.
[00:33:03] So anyway, this company he founded called Tion was based upon Borges book titled
Tion Ukbar Orbis Tituris.
[00:33:15] I feel like I just read a magical spell. Oh, genie gonna pop out. And the plotline of that
story reveals a society of intellectuals named Orbis Turtius. Jeez, sorry.
[00:33:32] And these. These intellectual societies, they studied hermeticism and Kabbalah, and
he compares it to the Illuminati and the Freemasons. And their goal was to create a new country
called Uqbar.
[00:33:45] But they end up getting persecuted and end up in America two centuries later with
this eccentric millionaire member, Ezra Buckley, who’s trying to take over not only the country,
but the entire world.
[00:33:58] And he says they should write an entire encyclopedia about this world named Tion,
and it must be written, and that the whole scheme have no pact with that imposter Jesus Christ.
[00:34:12] Okay.
[00:34:14] And if you look into the storyline, I haven’t read it. I just read the synopsis in the story.
They have this perspective of living without God as common sense, which is, if you read 3001,
the Final Odyssey, that’s what they. That’s what they talk about. Because Commander David
Bauman, who’s like, you know, frozen in space, gets captured in space in 3001, and they wake
him up and he’s like in his 1960s frame of reference and talking about religion and God and stuff.
And they’re. And they’re like, what are you talking about?
[00:34:51] And he’s like, well, you know, religion. Do you guys have God? And they’re like, no,
that’s so silly. You know, and that’s kind of what this is.
[00:35:00] And then also in the story, it pushes this cosmic consciousness idea. The perennial
philosophy, like God as a person doesn’t exist. We’re all part of one unified field, is kind of what
they believe.
[00:35:12] So you can see right there, Curtis Yarvin Named his company after this, and it
embodies his sort of atheist hatred of Christians.
[00:35:23] So there you go. Luminae confirmed.
[00:35:27] Now, Julia Black says that Curtis’s father was a member of the deep state that he
hates so much.
[00:35:34] And I was like, what?
[00:35:36] So I looked it up. His grandparents on his father’s side were Jewish American
communists, and his father, Herbert Yarvin, worked for the US government as a diplomat, and
his mother was a Protestant from Westchester County. And then I went on Twitter @Mopang M
O P E N G posted in February just recently some Curtis Yarvin family connections, like his
brother Norman, who works with. Allegedly works at darpa, but definitely has affiliations with it.
So there’s a lot of weird things going on here for sure.
[00:36:16] So let’s talk about the teal Curtis Jarvin connection.
[00:36:21] The tech industry in the 2000s was sort of leaning to the right towards libertarianism.
[00:36:29] And she says that Peter Thiel starts questioning some pretty wild ideas of being anti
democratic, where like, hey, should. Should women be allowed to vote? Is this democracy thing
even good?
[00:36:42] And Curtis Yarvin also simultaneously is like, yeah, I kind of. I kind of wonder that too.
[00:36:51] And at the time, Peter Thiel was interested in the Seasteading Institute. Then these
are the. These floating cities where there’s no government.
[00:37:00] This is the, literally the 15 minute cities, the network state. We’re going to talk about
this in part four.
[00:37:08] It’s described as autonomous. No, autonomous mobile communities on seaborne
platforms operating in international waters.
[00:37:19] Maybe it’s more like Water World. I don’t know. Never seen Water World. Can you
believe that?
[00:37:25] So the idea is that they can make these cities in the water more than 200 miles from
the shore, and there would be no government laws. And Peter Thiel was like, that’s what I want.
So he starts donating hundreds of thousands of dollars in seed capital for this to happen,
because they were planning on doing it by San Francisco, you know, near Silicon Valley in the
2010s, but I don’t know, it wasn’t working. I don’t know. It didn’t. It didn’t happen. So I think they
were just like, okay, let’s just take America over, I guess. But I’m like, no nerds, go. Go wherever
you want. Go live your best life.
[00:38:00] You know, you want to make smart cities in the ocean, Knock yourself out. You want
to go to Mars, head for it.
[00:38:07] Leave us alone. Leave us out of your problems. Go see a therapist. Go talk to a
woman. Go touch grass.
[00:38:17] Then she talks about this guy Blake Masters, who was in one of Peter Thiel’s
Stanford classes, and how Curtis Yarvin was influenced by Blake Masters.
[00:38:29] And if you read Peter Thiel’s book, Zero to One, it talks about some of these things
back then. And I bought this book and read it, he was saying, and don’t bother, it’s a terrible
book. He was saying that basically all of Kurdish Arvin’s stuff out loud in 2014.
[00:38:47] And apparently he, apparently Teal also wrote a similar essay in 2009 for the Cato
Institute called the Education of a Libertarian. And it’s the same themes over and over. It’s, it’s.
We need to gut the, the democracy and the government. We need to get rid of diversity.
[00:39:05] We need to remove regulations, we need to remove social programs. We need to
instill a cryptocurrency reserve. Literally all these things are happening right now.
[00:39:14] Regardless of how you feel about any one of those, you got to keep your, you know, I
studied systems thinking in college. You got to keep your eye on the, on the prize here, the big
picture. What are we doing? So even if you’re like, well, yeah, I hate DEI trans hires or whatever,
like, first off, show them some love. What’s wrong with you guys? Don’t be so mad. But even if
you’re like, yeah, I hate all that stuff, you need to get rid of it. Because there are elements of it
that. Because I’m moderate, right? I’m very moderate. And some of that DEI stuff, I’m like, okay,
I don’t know, man. Like, some of this is a stretch too far anyway. Without. I don’t want to get so
boxy on you, but the point is, there’s a big picture here. And this is how they appeal. This is like
those wedge issues, right? Like, they get you upset about gay marriage because there’s, like, all
these, you know, religious implications there. So they get you to. On their side, but, like, they’ve
got way worse things in mind, you know?
[00:40:16] And it’s like, if you’re like, oh, I, I hate food stamps. I don’t like people getting food
[00:40:21] Well, just, I just want you to know, it doesn’t stop there. You’re. That’s how they get
you. It’s their. What do you, what do they call that? The gateway drug? They’re like, yeah, we’ll
take away this food stamps, and then we’re going to take away all your rights. How you like that?
[00:40:35] And this is all, all these books and all this literature. They say the same thing over and
over. I’m telling, I’m here to tell you right now, this is, this is the plan and this is what they’re
doing right now. That’s why they’re going to gut go Social Security. That’s why they want to get
rid of Medicare, Medicaid, disability, all these things. Because they believe in Social
Darwinianism, a literal satanic doctrine.
[00:40:54] That’s what this is. It’s this nonsense thing that’s going to drive up crime.
[00:41:02] And when it drives up the crime, welcome to your authoritarian, tyrannical police
state, your dystopian cyberpunk hell.
[00:41:13] Anyway, in the book Zero to One, he references Golden Ages. Well, what do you
know about that?
[00:41:21] He talks about how he and Elon merged PayPal and X to survive the bubble.
[00:41:30] Like he said. Like he. I’m going to read you a quote. He says lessons to learn from the
dot com bubble don’t make or buy into grand visions move incrementally because grand visions
make bubbles expand. That’s what they’re doing. They’re, they’re gradually implementing this
[00:41:45] He even quotes the Unibomber. He says the Unabomber said the key to happiness is
having goals.
[00:41:53] Oh boy.
[00:41:55] Let’s see what else he says. Startups are important. They, they have this fantasy of
startup small businesses, right? That’s why you keep hearing Elon talk about how terrible the
government is and how great we need to just run it like a startup and have people sleeping
under their desks.
[00:42:10] It says startups are important because they are small and nimble and can invent new
tech and ideas as opposed to bloated bureaucratic governments. And the most important tell
here from Peter Thiel.
[00:42:22] He says I’m reading directly from his own words in his own book. He says the PayPal
vision was to create a currency to replace the US dollar.
[00:42:32] All right.
[00:42:36] And then to get back to Julia Black, she talks about the tech industry going from a
sort of libertarianism to an authoritarianism which is more aggressive about seizing and assets
and things.
[00:42:51] And the authoritarian streak she claims has always been strong. In Curtis Yarvin, he
wrote a step by step plan to turn the next president into a dictator. Huh, that’s interesting.
[00:43:04] They, you know, the loyalty tests that even included police putting red armbands on,
which is Nazi imagery, which if you’re paying any attention, you’ve seen lots of that happen.
[00:43:16] Destroying the free press, which, look, I get it, right? Like I criticize the mainstream
media too. Like they really let you down a lot and they Oftentimes sell out for corporate
[00:43:27] But it doesn’t mean you’re going to get rid of it and put a state run media. That’s what
all the communist dictatorship type countries do. That’s no good.
[00:43:37] We have an independent press. Right. Like I’m, I’m, I, I guess in a way part of that.
Right. So I don’t know form your opinion based on a variety of sources. Like I try to tell you my
biases. I did a three hour show. Who is Isaac Weishaupt telling you my biases? Just so you
know, right?
[00:43:54] CNN ain’t gonna do that. Fox News ain’t gonna do that. They hide their little, you
know, but if you, if you pay any attention, you can be like, okay, well Fox leans right and CNN
leans left. Okay, got it. Just know that you don’t need to have a state run media.
[00:44:11] And she, she points out that a lot of the stuff is reflected in Project 2025, by the way,
this idea of gutting the US government so that a CEO will have the absolute power to do what
they want. Replace the free state with the state media. That could be Twitter also.
[00:44:30] The inspiration is that the government can move at the speed of a startup business,
as I told you about in the Peter Thiel book, but it requires the destruction of democracy. And the
reason they, one of the reasons they have to just go ahead and destroy it is because they can’t
let you vote on it. Right? Because they know nobody wants that.
[00:44:48] They’re just going to do it.
[00:44:51] She says she interacted with Curtis Yarvin on email and they talked about the Overton
window. And it’s this idea that the more you condition people to dangerous ideas, the more
they’ll eventually accept it. And this is the same philosophy from Joseph Gabels, the minister of
propaganda from the Nazi party. Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes truth. That’s why
they plan these little things. That’s why they do little. Elon does a little Nazi salute because
they’re trying to make this acceptable.
[00:45:20] And the more we give excuses and say, oh, that wasn’t what that was, the more that
they’re gonna be empowered to do this stuff.
[00:45:33] So when you see people on Twitter or podcasts saying outrageous things and trolling
people and what, what that has an effect in the Overton window. It’s, it’s desensitizing, it’s, it’s
allowing acceptance of the conversation of these ideas. Kanye west is guilty of this. You know,
Curtis Yarvin, he calls the Dark Enlightenment nerds dark elves.
[00:45:56] Because he’s inspired by the Lord of the Rings.
[00:46:00] Because, you know, he’s a nerd, right?
[00:46:04] She actually tells a story about going to a wedding that he had in a gothic castle in
Berkeley and all the nerds were there, dressed up like elves.
[00:46:13] She described it as grotesque and tacky.
[00:46:18] What about Peter Thiel, Mark and Dreeson? They spread all the Curtis Jarvin stuff.
She says everything Teal does is methodically planned out.
[00:46:25] Like I talked about in the book, Zero to one, he says, you got to incrementally do all
this stuff.
[00:46:36] Looking at my notes here, one of, one of the.
[00:46:40] There was a thing called Frog Twitter, apparently in reference to kek. And Blake
Masters was affiliated with this. That’s the guy who wrote, who helped him write that book.
[00:46:52] Sorry, my notes are really choppy. What the hell was I doing?
[00:46:57] Anyways, they. Peter Thiel was so. Okay. What she was saying was that Peter Thiel
and Blake Masters were having conversations with these sort of like Twitter trolls, these Keck
trolls. And she was like, isn’t that weird? Like, this guy’s a billionaire. Why is he talking to these
unknown nerds on the Internet?
[00:47:17] And I think it’s because I did shows about KEK and the meme magic thing, because
again, it’s all occult based. Going back to 2016 to Steve Bannon, she says that Peter Thiel thinks
he understands how humans work based on Renee Gerard and Memetic theory. That’s the
Richard Dawkins theory that ties into kek and that humans will just kind of copy and paste each
other. And that’s how ideas work.
[00:47:47] Elon learned all of this from Peter Thiel. That’s why he bought Twitter. He knew he
would lose money. But it’s an important channel of information and disseminating whatever
information they want, obviously very effective.
[00:48:02] Then there’s talk about dismantling the bureaucratic administration state as a
common goal amongst JD Vance, Peter Thiel, Project 2025, Trump and Curtis Yarvin and all
these philosophies.
[00:48:14] And you see this with them replacing the heads of state from like the, you know, all
these different people that are getting put. Like, for instance, there’s a guy who’s like, from the
logging industry who’s in charge of what, like the EPA now or something. It’s like you look at this
Linda McMahon running the department of Education from wrestling, and you’re like, what?
[00:48:34] It’s all done on purpose. They’re trying to dismantle the government, right?
[00:48:42] They call it the administrative state and it’s holding them back from making money off
of us.
[00:48:48] This is what they believe, the dismantling of the part. And this is from October 2024,
this podcast, by the way. And she’s like, yeah, they’re going to dismantle the Department of
Education. Currently happening because Curtis Jarvin wants all educational systems destroyed
and there’s no plan to replace them. Right.
[00:49:06] And he and the, the host hints that what they covertly want is homeschooling for
everybody in the country. And the COVID covert idea is that it’s because they want women out
of the workplace and back at home.
[00:49:22] And she says, you’ll notice that during the debates, J.D. vance was very elusive about
a lot of this stuff. But you can hear various quotes with him citing Curtis Yarvin.
[00:49:31] She says even the Koch brothers wouldn’t go this far into right wing libertarian
[00:49:37] She says that this is the frog and the boiling pot and it’s alarming how fast it could be
rolling out. Which she said this again back in October of 2024. So I’m be curious to catch up with
her today.
[00:49:51] Mark Andreessen wrote a techno optimist manifesto in October of 23 saying that his
enemies are holding back the tech elites from developing AI and it’s akin to murdering.
[00:50:09] It’s akin to murder to hold back the new AI God. And we’re going to talk about this in
the next episode. I’m wrapping this up where we talk about Nick Land because Curtis Jarvan is
incredibly more boring compared to Nick Land. All right. But they both have same, the same
[00:50:25] Again. Mark Andreessen has hosted Curtis Yarvin written stuff that embodies the dark
enlightenment theories.
[00:50:33] She, she talks about going to a reboot conference that was strange because it had
this mix of sort of like Silicon Valley crypto bro types. And then you had the Heritage foundation
and the Institute of Family Studies up there talking about the nuclear family. And the tech bros
were like, what? You know, because they’re a bunch of like, atheists, right?
[00:50:53] But she says these two are sort of like merging somehow in some weird way.
[00:50:58] And let’s see the good news. Democracy doesn’t just happen on election day. There
are checks and balances.
[00:51:08] So she was saying that even if we’re under attack, if you hold the line just a little bit,
like, it’s really difficult to destroy the American empire, even though they’re trying it. And this is,
you know, before we hit the final topic of this podcast, because I’m wrapping it up here, there’s
one more thing that they don’t discuss. Other than that, it’s a great interview if you want an in
depth discussion on it. Curtis Jarvin is also racist. And if you go to Wikipedia, it says he has
defended the institution of slavery and has suggested that certain races may be more naturally
inclined towards servitude than others. He has claimed that whites have higher IQs than black
people, but does not consider himself a white nationalist. He is a critic of U.S. civil rights
programs and has called the civil rights movement a black rage industry.
[00:51:56] And that’s where we’re going to tie into like, there’s a lot of like eugenics vibes in here
and a lot of like Nazi satanic vibes as you’re going to hear when we unpack in parts two, three
and four. And we’re also going to talk more about hyperstition. It’s mentioned in that interview
with Julia Black.
[00:52:14] And it goes back to Nick Land, our part two subject about making science fiction turn
into reality, where writing fiction becomes a self fulfilling prophecy, where words eventually
become real. Which takes us back to the beginning of the podcast where he played that quote
from Julia Black.
[00:52:31] And this is why they’re constantly pushing the limits of free speech.
[00:52:37] You know, ideas can manifest reality.
[00:52:42] So in conclusion, Curtis Jarvin, very dangerous, very influential. That’s a dangerous
[00:52:51] And there’s a ton of interviews out there if you want more. The New York Times
interviewed him and you’ll notice in the, if you look up some images of the guy in the New York
Times interview, he had a full like nerd glow up. Like he’s got a leather jacket on, you know, but
everything before that he looks just like a computer nerd. Right.
[00:53:09] But it’s interesting because he constantly refers to this FDR inauguration speech
where he’s like, you know, FDR said he was going to take absolute power over the government
and no one had a problem with that.
[00:53:23] He literally says we need to stop being scared of dictators.
[00:53:26] And he says that the FDR was basically running the country like a startup company
with the New Deal, which everyone loves.
[00:53:33] And George Washington also was a dictator and CEO.
[00:53:39] And it’s interesting, this is what he says in the New York Times interview. He says, I
do a speech sometimes where I’ll just read the last 10 paragraphs of FDR’s first inaugural
address in which he essentially says, hey, Congress, give me absolute power or I’ll take it
anyway. So did FDR actually take that level of power? Yeah, he did. That’s a, you know, yada
yada, yada.
[00:54:01] But that’s not how I read it at all. I went.
[00:54:05] I’m assuming he’s referring to this paragraph because I Looked this up, FDR’s first
inaugural speech and this is the. The sort of the end of it.
[00:54:13] He says action in this image and to this end is feasible under the form of government
which we have inherited from our ancestors. Our Constitution is so simple and practical that it is
possible always to meet extraordinary needs by changes in emphasis and arrangement without
loss of essential form. That is why our constitutional system has proved itself the most superbly
enduring political mechanism the modern world has produced. It has met every stress of vast
expansion of territory, of foreign wars, of bitter internal strife and world relations.
[00:54:49] And then he says, but in the event that the Congress shall fail to take one of these
two courses and in the event that the national emergency is still critical, I shall not evade the
clear course of duty that will then confront me. I shall ask the Congress for the one remaining
instrument to meet the crisis. Broad executive power to wage a war against the emergency as
great as the power that would be given to me if we were in fact invaded by a foreign foe.
[00:55:17] And this is in response to the Great Depression because we needed something
because people were starving to death. Right?
[00:55:23] Now he literally talks about the importance of the Constitution. So why is Curtis Jarvin
say we need to tear it up?
[00:55:30] Doesn’t make any sense. I think these people are fueled by greed and demons.
[00:55:37] So what did we uncover here? What do we keep in mind for part two?
[00:55:42] The idea that Curtis Yarvin, influential person in the current state of affairs, wants to
dissolve the entire government. The cathedral he calls it, social programs, academia, media,
religion, Christianity and replace that all with a state run media, an authoritarian CEO.
[00:56:04] You know, he said we need to get over our dictator phobia network states, 15 minute
cities and tech elite billionaires doing whatever they want.
[00:56:14] A mix of eugenics affiliation in there.
[00:56:17] He’s fine with race and gender discriminations because like he said, whites have
higher IQs than blacks, as he believes.
[00:56:25] He also claimed that Hitler was just defending himself and that our interpretation of
World War II was written by communists.
[00:56:33] He borderline defended Anders Brevik, that psychopath that shot and murdered 77
children in was it Norway?
[00:56:42] And he wants to do all of this very fast. He subscribes to accelerationism, which we’re
going to unpack in part two.
[00:56:51] And you know there’s still some questions, right? That’s like how does white
nationalism fit into this?
[00:56:59] Why do we have sort of pro Israel people mixed in with neo Nazis mixed in with
evangelicals trying to rebuild the Temple of Solomon, mixed with atheist nerds from Silicon
Valley. We’re going to find out what their common goals are and their common inspirations as
we go through this series. In our next episode, we’re going to talk about Nick Land and
accelerationism and how it ties into Balenciaga stuff, Aleister Crowley, the occult, cyberpunk, the
[00:57:34] This is where part two gets super fascinating because it supports a lot of the ideas of
symbolism and synchronicity studies that we’ve done over the years.
[00:57:42] It’s gonna be incredible. So make sure you’re staying subscribed to the podcast. Okay
folks, and I’ve got one last call to action for you. While I’m yammering at you for just one minute,
pull out your little phone, drop me a five star. I asked you for this a couple weeks ago. Lots of
you just did it. Thank you very much. I read them. I appreciate it. Makes my day. Makes me feel
good to read those. Even if you have something critical to say. I need a five star. I. I’ll. I’ll read
your critical little comment, but drop a five star cuz I got one star haters out there. And you know
who the one star haters are going to be? All these nerds angry that I’m revealing their plans.
[00:58:17] And I, and I, I normally say this as a way of supporting the podcast. I feel a higher
calling on this. I feel like this is really it folks.
[00:58:25] Listen up folks. They’re really trying to bring AI into our world and they want to shove
us into the matrix. I’m telling you, I’m telling you, this is what their plan is. I’ve been telling you
since 2012, go get my free book. By the way, illuminati links are always in the show
notes, but this has always been the plan. And it’s shocking, it’s upsetting. I’m losing sleep. You
wouldn’t believe the amount of stress and anxiety I’m going through. I’m str. Stress eating, stress
[00:58:53] It’s misery. I really do feel passionate about this subject because I’m looking at it. I’m
like, dude, this is exactly what’s happening. How could we be folding into this? So anyway, leave
a five star review because that supports the show a ton. If you really love the show, if you really
want to support my work, sign up for one of the supporter feeds. Illuminati Watcher
or VIP section or Apple Premium. Okay. Now, Patreon, they send me
notification that if you. Apparently, from what I’m told, if you have the Patreon app on your
phone, like, maybe you already support someone else and you’re like, oh, I’ll get on there. And
you go to sign up for my Patreon, apparently it’s going to charge you like 13, 14 bucks a month
because Apple takes a huge fee when you do it that way, or something like that. So what you
need to do is go on your laptop, on your desktop, go to Illuminati Watcher. You sign
up, it’s five bucks, go ad free, unlock hundreds of bonus episodes, early access, the works, two
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makes it great. I can read your comments and your feedback about the show. You can direct
message me. I get through those about once a month. You’re gonna love it. Okay, so there you
go. Five star review. Support the feed if that’s your jam. And until next time, stay positive.