On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we break down the 2005 film “V for Vendetta!” You won’t believe the symbolism they showed us of the future (the year 2020). They had quarantines, viruses, protests, staged events, fascism, PsyOps, and SO MUCH MORE! Learn about the symbolism of the Rose, alchemical wedding, Order out of Chaos, and the occult Luciferian initiation of Natalie Portman’s character!
Links from discussion:
- See all the images discussed on the show HERE: Follow Isaac on Instagram:@IsaacWeishaupt,Instagram.com/IsaacWeishaupt
- Metropolis Article: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/illuminati-symbolism-in-metropolis-film/
- Robert Sullivan show: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/robert-sullivan-cinema-symbolism-of-the-occult-national-treasure-aronofsky-suspiria-and-harry-potter/
- Robert Sullivan show (*for Patreon supporters- has bonus discussion on it): https://www.patreon.com/posts/22624639
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all Patreon Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is given to all Patreon supporters- join the IW Patreon team at Patreon.com/IlluminatiWatcher!
V for Vendetta Film Analysis: Alchemy and Luciferian Predict…
Movie Clip 00:03
Wish I wasn’t afraid all the time but people should not be afraid of their guns should be afraid of their people.
Those caught in violation of curfew will be prosecuted without leniency or exception. It’s past curfew
Movie Clip 00:58
gentleman, I want this Terrorists foul. I wanted to understand what terror really means. We’re working on several leads. Parents were detained when she was 12 is like this backpacks erase them from the face the Prophet one. He was telling us the whereabouts of codename the sponsor.
Isaac Weishaupt 01:32
Today we’re gonna talk about the film V for Vendetta. Yeah, yes, it’s an oldie, an oldie but a goodie. Of course it came out many, many years ago 2005 I believe. And I saw it when it came out. But the problem is that I wasn’t woke yet. No. No, my my humble listener. I was not woke yet. I was Very early in my awakening process, I was watching David Ike freedom road. I had read bill Cooper’s Behold a Pale Horse the classic. But I didn’t I didn’t understand it really, it was still just fun and games and entertainment at that point. I went saw the movie in the theater. And to be honest, I was kind of bored with it. A big fan of the word Tchaikovsky’s because they did this film, as you know. So I checked it out and I was a little bit bored with it didn’t really like it, to be honest. So I hadn’t watched it since. And on my in 2020 here I watched it again and Wow. Well, well 2020 the year that the film takes place. I watched it and how did it know how did they know the future? It predictively programmed the oil chemical conjunction of the masses.
You You idiots, it was right in front of you the whole time.
Isaac Weishaupt 03:04
You’re not an idiot. They’re idiots. All the sheep are all the sheep not listening to the show. They’re idiots. No, but um, it is kind of weird. It’s kind of bizarre how a lot of the things they’re talking about are actually happening as we speak. It’s very strange. We’re gonna go through the film today, of course. We’re going to talk a little bit about Alan Moore. Talk about some symbolism in there, the rose, the rosicrucians, the Rosie cross. Talk about a lot of stuff. Now the poster. If you look at the movie poster, you can see what to me. Looks like the bathroom that yes, the bathroom met. And this will make sense. Because yes, indeed, that’s what it is, is the symbol of the reconciled opposites. Which is a theme of the movie the conjunction of the sacred feminine In the masculine Black Sun, that’s all going over your head. Don’t worry, we’re going to explain it. And of course the V is a symbol we’ve talked about in the past. The V calling upon notice I did a whole, the most recent one that comes to mind is I posted about Machine Gun Kelly, on my Instagram at Isaac Weishaupt. Like and subscribe. And the he was doing the V noden symbol on the eyes. Same with Katy Perry. Same with all these other losers. And that’s what this this, this movie the Wii, it comes up in many ways. You won’t believe it. Little little sneak preview. It comes up in Metropolis, Fritz Lang from the 1930s Germans knew. Now of course the Wii is you already know this but we’ll talk about anyways Of course it symbolizes the combat of The solar forces Alistair Crowley infamously told Winston Churchill to use it to combat the symbolism of the solar powers. calls upon notice from the Abyss and back then it was an anti fascism symbol, okay, because Hitler was a fascist dictator. And Crowley was assisting Churchill in combating the fascism. Much like in this movie, there’s a fascist dictator running the show. And v the character that whereas the guy Fox anonymous mask he is trying to, you know, bite them. Now that Cal skis they’re very curious folks. But they did the matrix, the greatest trilogy of all time. And v and this movie is played by Hugo Weaving from the matrix Agent Smith of course. And of course the great Natalie Portman’s In the film. Now, let’s talk briefly about Alan Moore. Who is he? Who is Alan Moore? Well, he looks like picture the giant guy from Harry Potter haggard. That’s what he looks like. He wrote a bunch of great comics apparently I’m not a comic guy anymore. The watchman Batman from Ethiopia, which you know where we’re going with that. The vendetta Of course, obviously and from how but this guy he’s a ceremonial magician, he does a call rituals with the moon and serpent grand Egyptian theater of Marvel’s. If you read my book, and the show is brought to you by my book, conspiracy theories and unpopular culture, the book available on Amazon and audible. There’s a chapter on the chilling Adventures of Sabrina the Netflix show. And the the young man on the show, says Alan Moore is the greatest of all time or whatever. And, you know, a lot of people didn’t really,
really think much of that, I bet.
Isaac Weishaupt 06:58
Well, he says that because he Is illuminate confirm. Don’t believe me, I’m going to read you some quotes. He said, I believe that magic is art and that art whether that be music, writing, sculpture, or any other form is literally magic. Art is like magic. The science of manipulating symbols, words or images to achieve changes in consciousness, indeed cast a spell as simply to spell to manipulate words to change people’s consciousness and that is why I believe that an artist or writer is the closest thing in contemporary world to a shaman. Now you rap heads out there, you hip hop heads, I did a if you go on my Instagram at Isaac Weishaupt, likens the I did a little video there of Young Thug, the rapper talking about manifesting words into reality, creating one’s own reality through the spoken word. The entire concept of my hip hop book sacrifice magic behind the mic. This show is brought to you by sacrifice magic behind the mic available on Amazon audible And the sorry. The Yeah, so I was curious was, I wrote the book right? In like 2015. Then I went on Sirius XM to defend it on the all out show got roasted, because they’re a bunch of idiots, right? That’s a mouth breathers. They don’t know. They have no idea. They don’t know what they’re talking about. And I wrote a sort of second edition. It’s only when you can find now is the second edition, and has a bunch of bonus stuff that happened since the first edition of the book. And on that as my experience at the all out show, shout out to Jude. So love them. But, uh, and he was great. You know, it wasn’t him. It was the audience. They just weren’t ready for it. But I talked about Young Thug in that second bone because I had like a bunch of bonus stuff that happened since the first edition of the book and Young Thug was in there because Young Thug was in a Music Week. Deal with a guy holding an assault rifle talking on a cell phone that guy use an assault rifle the same one hold in the video to shoot it little Wayne, the greatest rapper alive while he was on his cell phone. So when Young Thug talks about manifesting reality through the spoken word, through the videos, that’s one example and then he tells you flat out how it works. Now, Alan Moore not a fan of the Christians, as you could imagine, this movie has a subplot narrative about the Christian control over the masses. The opiate of the masses if you will. He called it soul destroying the Christian faith. I read this interview he did with very Kevin off from 2000 same interview he said demons aren’t bad. said quote, I started to realize talking to it. That Haha, that is In a way a demon is that which has been demonized. On a spiritual level you’re talking about blacks or gays, or the working class, or any group that has been demonized demons have had it to their some sort of spiritual entity. I don’t think they’re good or bad anymore than we are. And finally he because we could talk about our Memorial Day, but that’s not we’re here for today. He also talked about conspiracy theories, quote, yes, there’s a conspiracy Indeed, there are a great number of conspiracies all tripping each other up. main thing that I learned about conspiracy theories is that conspiracy theorists actually believe in the conspiracy because that is more comforting. The truth of the world is that it is chaotic. The truth is, that it is not the Jewish banking conspiracy, or the grey aliens or the 12 foot rip rip to Lloyd’s from another dimension that are in control. The truth is far more frightening. No one is and control the world is rudderless. Because he’s like a nihilist right, which is what this movie is about, and he’s a bit of an anarchist. And, you know, he says we’re all question to our our Bibles and our conspiracies. And if you read looking at my bookshelf here, Rob Brotherton wrote a book. I can’t think of it. I love it. It will come it’s called suspicious minds. He sent me a signed copy what a guy. least I could do is plug it for him. And it it looks at all this stuff. Looks at the mind of a conspiracy theorist. And you know, so that’s true. Turns out now let’s get into the movie. That’s what you’re here for. What’s it about? And again, plot spoilers. Now that it matters anymore, it’s been 15 years if you haven’t seen it yet, you probably won’t But well, and look, was it a good movie? Ah, it’s pretty good. You know, even in a post woke State. I actually enjoyed it way more than when I saw in the theater when I saw the theater, it was about us snooze fest, two hours and maybe 10 minutes too long. But it’s actually pretty complex storyline, and maybe just went over my head at the time, but it’s pretty good. If I’d like to buy it, I’d watch it like more than a couple times. But it’s based on the Gunpowder Plot on November 5 1605, a fella named guy Fox tries to blow up the King of England with with gunpowder underneath the parliament building. He’s a bit of a nihilist bit of an anarchist himself.
Isaac Weishaupt 12:43
they, you know, they’re talking about remember November 5, blah, blah, blah, because basically, we’re going to try it again. And, you know, of course, 2005 they’re predicting a dystopian future of the year 2020 which is closer to reality than we want to realize. They’re in the UK. And it’s ran with the country’s run with an iron fist. There’s a fascist dictator from the Norse fire party. And they are, you know, very 1984 style oppressive against freedom of speech, freedom of where you put your genitals and so on. There’s quarantines, there’s curfews, all in the name of safety of does all this ring a bell, some of it at least. And the government there, this North fire party, they’re closely embedded with the news, the mainstream media to push propaganda. It’s actually, you know, pretty disturbing, especially if you look at what happened in the last, or the last 15 years. How close we’ve come to all of this.
Movie Clip 13:48
Remember, remember the fifth of November, that gunpowder treason and plot, have no reason why the common pata trees and should ever be forgotten. But what if the man I knew his name was Guy Fawkes, and I know in 1605 he attempted to block us. Like remember the idea not the man can be killed and forgotten. Before it is later, an idea can still change the world. I’ve witnessed firsthand the power of ideas. I’ve seen people kill in the name of them and die defending them. You cannot kiss an idea. cannot touch it or hold it. It has to know Believe it or not You became super snotty at the time this is a man. Man made me remember the fifth of November, a man that I will never forget.
Isaac Weishaupt 15:19
Now it’s curious as they’re saying, remember November 5, referring to 1605. curious enough. This year we vote on in America. We vote on November 3, implying that November 5 would happen, you know, two days later after all the ballots are counted. So let’s see what happens right? How do I find your kids? Now the movie it starts off and you’ve got the news guy talking about the US is desperate for medical supplies because everything in the US has gone to shit by then. And says the US is the world’s biggest leper colony because of godlessness and this is our judgment. This is like the below ground kind of guy right? Whereas Britain on the other hand, they got rid of all the this is his words not mine immigrants Muslims, homosexuals and terrorists they all had to go so they got rid of them again they’re they’re dangling that illusion of safety illusion of caring for you trading in your safety or trading in your freedoms for safety suppose that safety because these conniving ass politicians are in bed with Big Pharma and all these other companies and that’s when the movie in the movie we find out there’s a yellow code curfew in effect and Nicole Portman her character Evie curious name indeed Eve he home roshe she’s walking around she gets threatened by what they’re calling, calling fingerman the finger men a you know I mean, I guess maybe that’s what they call judges over there and The UK anyways, the finger man comes up to her. And you can see that in the background and I’ve got images of all this I’m going to put them on Instagram at Isaac Weishaupt like and subscribe. I need to get my numbers up to get that Igy thought on. I get my thoughts on thought and and and plotting. You see a poster in the background with the symbol of the government, the North fire government or the Norse fire party, excuse me. It’s got the double cross on it. And it’s also on the badge of the finger men. And this is a very curious symbol because if you follow David Knight he talks about the double cross ties into the Sinclair’s and the grand the Knights Templar bars and, you know, all these secret are called illuminate confirm families, as did and this is probably more relevant here, Robert Solow on a guest of the show we had him on a while back, we’re going to get them on Cuz he’s got a new book. He wrote cinema symbolism one and two. And in cinema symbolism two he covers Alan Moore in his films the watchmen and V for Vendetta amongst other films, highly recommend his books are very good. And he talks about the cross of Lorraine used by the Knights Templar that’s the double cross. It’s basically if you’re listening and you can’t picture it or cross with two horizontals basically and it’s similar to the the psychic cross from psychic TV from Genesis to rich but that has three horizontals similar definitely not the same. Yeah, this is like an ancient symbol referring to the hidden wisdom, the esoteric knowledge right? With me, so you got you got all these like symbols going on here, the Wii and of course the, you know, the character were introduced to the character because you know, now Portman, Evie, she’s in this alley, the finger man comes up and is like, hey, here we go with the horn. We’re about to do the thing you’d imagine we’re gonna happen to a pretty young lady in the alley. And here comes v to save the day with this Guy Fawkes mask on gives us long speech and you know, you can clearly tell he’s using a lot of words that begin with V. Says thing it’s like a mantra, right? It’s a charging of the sigil of V. Well, why we already talked about Churchill and croley. To fight the powers of fascism that’s why the from from this film does this. But it’s also the the card of the higher fan and the Tarot deck, the fifth card, it’s the priest, the priest teaching and exposing the revelation of the method of the esoteric wisdom. It’s also akin to the devil if you look at Elvis lovies defining of the hand gesture with the horns, right? It’s all sort of related. Now v e, it takes out the finger man. And he takes me up to the rooftop to show her this concert he calls it and basically he blows up the Lady Justice statue who is the sumir Miss she has the crown of the rays of the sun okay he blows it up symbolically blows this thing up. And we’ll get into that in a minute here we’ll skip that for now because because there’s actually a more relevant example that he actually gives you on why he did it. And you hear you know, after after v blows up the Lady Justice statues semiramis. We hear how the government is attempting to find him. This he now terrorist, and you hear about how the area which is called Bailey. The area is quarantine. There’s surveillance and all the dystopian things you’ve come to expect.
Movie Clip 21:00
The Bailey area is quarantined whole significant witnesses have been detained. But as the atherogenic recording devices found wired into the central Emergency Broadcast System DCT was tarkowski 1812 Overture added to the blacklist. I never want to hear that music again, sir. We also doubled our random sweeps and a monitoring a lot of phones surveillance, indicating a high percentage of conversation concerned with the exclusion that it has because what are we doing about that? We’re calling it an emergency demolition. We have spin coverage on the network and throughout the interlink. Several experts have been lined up to testify against the Bailey structural integrity. I want protheroe to speak tonight on the dangers of these old buildings and how we must avoid clinging to the edifice of a decadent past. He should conclude that the new Bailey will become the symbol of our time and the future that our conviction has rewarded us is to have surveillance cameras captured several images of the terrorists though the mask obviously makes retinal identification impossible. I managed to get a picture of the girl that Cree these men were detaining boys. She must have ventured. Not sure yet, but we’re working on several leads. And we located the fireworks launch and found traces of the explosives used in both sides. Unfortunately, it appears that despite the heavy level of sophistication, these devices were homemade with over the counter chemicals making them very difficult to trace. Wherever he is, Chancellor, he’s very good sparrows, your professional annotations, Mr. Finch, they are irrelevant. Apologies, Chancellor. Gentlemen, this is a test moment such as these are matters of faith to fail is to invite doubt into everything we believe everything that we have fought for doubt will plunge this country back into chaos and I will not let that happen. Gentlemen, I want this terrorist. And I want him to understand what terror really means England People will buy this. Why not? This is the btn. Our job is to report the news not fabricated. That’s the confidence challenge.
Isaac Weishaupt 23:24
So yes, they’re destroying statues, which, if you follow the news, which I never recommend, but I do it for you volcanoes, that’s what they’re doing and America, destroying the statues destroying the Confederate generals or whatever, right. The slave masters, the elites. The Illuminati is of the, you know, 1600s or whatever. 1700s 1800s. I guess you’re talking about civil war. But yeah, that’s curious. Right. Just another, I mean, the movies almost a play by play. What’s it happening in America, and are all over the world. Suggesting it’s coordinated as a coordinated event. Maybe it is, I don’t know. They decided to the government here, they, they see that the statue blows up, but they decide they’re going to spin the event and lie to the masses. We know what that’s like here in America, we get lied to many times. And they even said that the masks were the reason they you know, this is behind the scenes to talk about how these masks are, how they couldn’t identify the terrorist. Which, you know, we’re told to wear these masks out in public right. So these looters and these protesters, they’re out there with the masks on for COVID and to defeat the facial recognition software, the surveillance software and the government in the movie like you know, of course they lie and spin it to the masses like oh is a good thing. We wanted to give the old girl a send off. Well, and the reality is they’re worried about chaos behind the scenes because they are the party of order law and order the Iron Fist fascism. So in the next scene, of course, the British TV network, the btn, they’re lying to the masses. And the TV workers asked if this would work. And you hear the government insider say that the btn is there to report the news not lie this government’s job implying here that they are one in the same. Now if we look to our past, we had the CIA project Mockingbird where they infiltrated the news and push propaganda to tell us that communism was bad that was the ultimate evil was communism. I’m not here to tell you the opposite. I’m just here to tell you that that’s what they did. Now the explode the Roma The explosion happens there. And you hear that, sadly after last night, our curfew will only get worse. You know, is that what’s happening now? You have all these protesters, and then they want to punish us and Well, you know what, you guys can’t handle it. So we’re going to tighten things up a little bit more for you. Now the security guard. Okay, so let’s get skipped. So, Ed, she actually works at the btn. Okay, she goes into the office there and the security guard is watching some superhero movie called laser last. And he was like, I can’t believe you watch this crap. Which is curious, right? Because Martin Scorsese just said that dandy. He said, I can’t believe people watch this superhero crap. That’s not his exact words. But you know what I’m saying? I’ve been a harsh critic of the superhero movies myself. The garbage And I just found that very fun. That’s all I have about that. Now. I’m looking for any support for my ideas here. Okay? Yeah, he’s watched and the idea here is the movie is like, this is the, you know to pacify the dummies pass by the mouth breathers and all the same because you like superior moves your mouth breather. I’m just saying. They want to keep you distracted. Okay? Same with football. Same with sports. It’s all there for distraction. Because if you have too much time on your hands, too much energy, too much time to think. Then you can start to really question who’s running the show? And if it’s for your benefit or their benefit.
Movie Clip 27:45
Good Ed. Let me first to apologize for the emergency challenge. I do like many of you appreciate the company. security of the familiar the train quality repetition
Enjoy them as much as any
Movie Clip 28:01
bloke, but in the spirit of commemoration by those important events of the past, usually associated with someone’s death or the end of some awful bloody struggle or a celebrated with a nice holiday. I hope we could mark this November the fifth is a day that sadly no longer remembered by taking some time out of our daily lives to sit down and have a little chat. There are of course those who do not want us to speak we think just now orders are being sheltered into telephones and men with guns exclusively on their words. Why? Because while the crunch may be used to have conversation, words will always retain their power. Words are the means to meaning and for those who listen. The enunciation of the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country. Isn’t that you decided you wanted it foolproof. You told me every television and longer crude images In terms of depression, and well, once you have the freedom to object can speak because you’re so fit. You now have systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and your cameras. How did this happen? Who’s to blame? Well, certainly there are those who are more responsible than others, they will be held accountable. But again, truth be told, if you’re looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it. I know you were afraid, who wouldn’t be war, terror disease. There were a myriad of problems conspired to corrupt your reason robbed you of your common sense. Fear I got the best of you. And in your panic you turn to the now Hi, Chancellor Adams. He promised you for he promised you peace. And all he demanded in return was your silent to beat into consensus factor almost through last night I sought to end that silence. Last night. I just Troy do Bailey to remind this country of what it is for more than 400 years ago, a great citizen wish to embed the fifth of November forever in our memory. His hope was to remind the world fairness, justice and freedom are more than words. They are perspectives. You’ve seen nothing. If the crimes of this government remain unknown to you, then I would suggest that you allow the fifth of November to pass unmarked. But if you see what I see if you feel as I feel, and if you would seek as I seek the nurse to stand beside one year from tonight, outside the gates of party, and together, we shall give them a fifth of November that shall never be forgotten.
Isaac Weishaupt 30:53
So after you know, viegas, the big speech, big speech, and he wakes up, she’s actually been abducted at this Point by V to his underground layer. And he she wakes up and she is in what he calls the shadow gallery. And you can see a bunch of butterflies in the background. Okay, social butterflies. And again photo available on Instagram at Isaac Weishaupt. I’m going to put them all together on a nice little package. And the butterflies Of course represent MK Ultra project monarch, the idea of transformation here. Mentally, she’s going through a change of state, right, that’s what the that’s what the monarch butterfly symbolizes. also represents the, you know, the shadow we MK entre project of manipulating the mind brainwashing. So, that kind of tells you also that he will be going through a transformation as she does. And, you know, the makes her some breakfast, and she makes a comment about how, Hey, you got real butter. How’d you get that Because apparently that’s something in limited supply, which is the direction things are headed right the plant or Yeah, the plant based meat alternatives are rising in popularity as the the animal products become more scarce for one reason or another, more expensive Now, here’s the very curious part here. We’re gonna listen to a little piece by V where he talks about the power of symbolism. Can I
Movie Clip 32:36
ask about what you said on the telly? Yes. Did you mean it every word. You really think the blowing up Parliament’s going to make this country a better place? There’s no certainty, only opportunity. I think you can be pretty certain that if anyone does show up crazy, a black bag every one of them. People should not be afraid of their governments. Government should be a free for people and you’re going to make that happen by blowing up a building. The building is as simple as the act of destroying it. symbols are given power by people that learn this symbol is meaningless, but with enough people blowing up a building can change the world. I wish I believed that was possible. But every time I’ve seen this world change, it’s always been the worst.
Isaac Weishaupt 33:21
So yes, almost straight from the mouth of Alan Moore. You hear the power of the symbolism, which is very curious because if you look at all the symbols in the movie and put them together, you see that it is a tale about Luciferian enlightenment. Yes, indeed. Because in the movie, you got your the bill o’reilly kind of character guy he gets killed by V. And this is the first time we see the one of the first time but prominently placed on the screen there you see the red rose, the Scarlet Carson, they call it and later we find out that that bill o’reilly guy got rich through big pharma companies that he was invested in, which we’ll come back to. But what’s the symbolism here? The red rose, it symbolizes the rosy Cross of the rosicrucians symbolizes the initiate, coming to light being enlightened. The rosicrucians put it on a cross, a double, a double symbol for eternal life. And I’ll chemically represents the mystical marriage. A conjunction of the moon with the sun, which we get with this movie. Plot spoiler, but that’s what happens. The conjunction of Natalie Portman Ed, the moon the lunar goddess, she conjunct with V, the Black Sun the mystical marriage happens and what happens after that well, the great change the Great Awakening now In the movie he quotes he’s he’s, he starts spitting game EV and he, he’s like showing off his art. One says v very, very verse some VIVUS. Vici he says it’s a foul steam quote, which I found curious because I, oh, indeed Faust because that is where we get the term fallacy and bargain. Right? Because he’s the one that talked about selling one soul to the devil, which we talked about on that recent show with Grimes. Elon Musk is a little BM. She sold her soul for art. You could buy her soul. Yes, indeed. But the great Robert Sullivan, in cinema symbolism tells us that when you actually translate this, and it’s not from Faust, guess who it’s from. Whenever I’m going to read you here, I’m going to read you from his book. By the power of truth I while living have conquered The universe, which vi incorrectly attributed to Dr. Faust, who is in league with Mephisto Miss boy, Miss Mephistopheles, there you go, that’s it. Basically the devil okay. He says the phrase belongs to English occultist and ceremonial magician asked to Crowley who took this line as his magical motto as a Magister templi template or master of the temple within his a Astro argentum argentum or silver star. Crowley based his a upon the occult workings of the Golden Dawn. The principal purpose of this esoteric grade is to obtain a perfect understanding of the universe, thereby becoming its master or conqueror. So it’s not from Faust is from Alistair Crowley, who by the way, has signed with the double cross before the cross Lorraine. I mean, kind of it kind of looks More like the psychic TV cross their psychic cross. Anyway, back to the story. So V, he kills a priest,
a clergyman.
Isaac Weishaupt 37:14
And he’s actually, you know, messenger ease into little kids there said, that’s what the priest is into, you know, again, a subtle dig, not necessarily wrong. I mean, there’s all these cases of that stuff happening in the Roman Catholic Church, right, especially around that time, if you go back to 2005. It’s still a little bit taboo at the time. And we find out the V was actually at a place called Park hill where they experimented on the patience at this point in the story. It’s a little fuzzy, a little bit MK Ultra ish. A little bit of a virus experiment. We’re not sure at this point. Find out later and he was in room five. fulfilling his destiny to later become the And it’s in the Roman numeral of the the Hierophant the fifth card in the Tarot deck. Now what I found curious and again, I’ll put the photo out there, you want the photo I’ll give you the photo. We also saw this in Metropolis. It’s when the main character freighter he’s down the slums trying to track his little Maria down and the doorway he chooses to take into the underworld is the V. dominated by Nolan’s and, you know, then it goes on and on, you know, the story metropolis, right? Not I will post a link. I’m gonna make a note. I’m gonna post a link in the show notes. You can check it out for yourself. Then the inspectors, the, you know, the detectives, they’re there looking through the news articles trying to figure it all out and they and they flash this information about St. Mary’s virus. This is the virus going around. In 2020, and there’s headlines 80,000 dead. There’s protest. All sounds very familiar, doesn’t it? But in the story, the virus is believed to have been unleashed by terrorists. And the inspector begins that act. Like, well, maybe the government did this starts thinking about that the gears start turning right. And we could compare that to modern day COVID talk. If you want to believe the Chinese Wu Han lab did it on purpose, maybe not a lot of conjecture, conjecture rising we could do. I mean, would you think do you think the government’s will be good with this? I mean, we tank the economy. They can’t be happy about that. Can they? Maybe they’re trying to consolidate power. Maybe they’re trying to push surveillance. So many questions, only time will tell. I mean, judging by the looks of things doesn’t look good. But the in the movie let’s stick with the movie. They throw Evie in the in this sort of, you know, prison that where they torture her they shave her head that will Chelsea’s have a thing for shaving people’s heads. That was what Neo did in the matrix. And it symbolizes a rebirth, right? But it turns out, she wasn’t in a prison. It was just the messing with her. He did it in order to get her to release her fears. It was an initiation process, which of course she did underground. Right, because he’s still actually in his little shadow gallery. Underground. That’s where he lives. As you know, any good initiation ritual goes underground, where the initiate faces death, which is what she does, and once they release the fears they are initiated That’s what she goes through. face death. Last affair. She steps out on the patio and it flashes back to and I got photos of this V. at him when he was at the park Hill facility there he the whole place catches on fire, he steps out. That’s why he’s like got the, the the scars and the burns because he steps out of the facility. reborn, the rebirth. It’s all right there plain sight. Now what’s curious here, the investigators, they go to a memorial site, again, a false flag, and we find out about and they want to talk to this informant and he is a sort of a Hermes character. He sort of has this underground esoteric sort of knowledge that He bestows upon them and listen to the language of use. He talks about this conservative outsider politician. He’s an outsider who’s got aggressive supporters and he does all this stuff in order to gain power. He’s got this virus. He’s got this fear base control system to make it all happen.
Movie Clip 42:12
That’s close enough. We’re not wide I’m sorry but the man in my position survives by taking every precaution even information for us. No, you already have the information or the names and dates are inside your head. What do you want? What do you really need is a story. A story can be true or false, and if such judgments Do you expect our story begins as these stories often do with a young up and coming politician is a deeply religious man and a member of the Conservative Party is completely single minded and has no regard for the political process. The more power he attends the more obvious zealotry the more aggressive his supporters become. Eventually, his brand To launch as a special project and the name of national security first is believed to be a search for biological weapons as pursued without regard to its cost. However, the true goal of this project is power, completing total hegemonic domination. The project however, ends violently. Well the efforts of those involved and also in vain the new ability to wage war is born from the blood difference. Imagine a virus, the most terrifying virus you can then imagine that you and you alone have the cure. If your ultimate goal is power, how best to use your weapon. Sal is pointing out a story that along comes a spider is a man seemingly without a conscience for whom the ends always justify the means. And it is he suggests that targets should not be an enemy of the country but rather than country itself. Three targets chosen to maximize the effect of the attacks The tube station and the water treatment plant. Several hundred died within the first few weeks the three waters has in fact been contaminated authorities are attempting to control its deadly spread. So it’s a wave of destruction throughout the underground field by the media, fear and panic spreading quickly fracturing and dividing the country into the last the true goal comes into view. Because marriage crises no one would have predicted the results of the election that he then no one and that’s not long after the election lo and behold, some believed it was the work of God Himself. But it was a pharmaceutical company controlled by certain party members that made them all ups in the Vla, several extremists I tried found guilty and executed while a memorial is built to canonize their victims. But the end result the true genius of the plan was the fear. Fear became the ultimate tool of this government and threw it out A politician was ultimately appointed to the newly created position. hydrogels The rest is as they say.
Isaac Weishaupt 45:12
So they basically explain how the whole thing works. Then we see the sequence of people getting the masks in the mail because it because guy fox is not guy Fox V, sort of mails out boxes and boxes of all these, these masks, you know, so that it just leads to pure chaos because no one knows who’s who. And you know, the criminals are wearing the mask. The kids are wearing the mask. Cops accidentally shoot a kid and innocent person. Cops kill an innocent person which initiates a bunch of protests and chaos. And you hear them say it’s literally chaos. These manipulating the people for his plans now he’s using chaos to trigger a revolution and We see it when the people approach a cop, the cop that shoots the girl and initiates a riot, which makes the witch intern you know, because he knows how this is going to play out. They’re going to kill the cop. Then the fascist dictator is going to put the military out on the streets. Does this sound familiar? which apparently nobody likes, right? Nobody wants that. And it and more chaos happens. It’s just a never ending cycle. I
Movie Clip 46:30
want anyone to call
it one of those masks are
given him on it.
Movie Clip 46:38
holster has gone mad. This is exactly what I was. What I am owning you personally responsible for this situation. The problem is that he knows us better than we know ourselves. That’s why I went to lock Hill last night. That’s how I corrente I had to say there wasn’t much left. But when I was there strange I suddenly had this feeling that everything was connected. To see the whole thing, one long chain of events that stretched all the way back before I felt like I could see everything that had happened. Everything that was going to happen perfect. laid out in front of me. All part of it. Do you know what’s gonna happen? Now? It was a feeling. Packing gas. So much chaos, someone will do something stupid. And when they do, things will turn nasty
glasses were arrested
in Brixton
Movie Clip 48:50
suckler will be forced to do the only thing he knows how to do
all The needs to do. He’s keeping his word.
Movie Clip 49:04
And then
Isaac Weishaupt 49:06
So in conclusion, in conclusion, what is this movie about? Well, you’ve got a couple elements here you got a spiritual element of the Luciferian enlightenment. You’ve got the real world element of the manipulation of the sheeple on both sides. We were told that the this was going to happen back in 2016 when President Donald Trump was called the chaos candidate. unbridled chaos is what they said was going to happen. But in the movie they birth a new world right? It’s a new world order, which makes sense because Natalie forms character is Evie. Okay, this is like the Adam and Eve of the New World V and Evie are the Adam and Eve. In fact, if you watch the clips, you can see the apple I’ll try to make a note here I’ll I’ll put the photo you want the photo on the Instagram Give me the photo on the Instagram of the apple. You see the apple make its appearance couple times on the security guard desk. And when they’re talking about the creation of this virus, because you find out that they were in fact they made the virus. This was all staged, it was all coordinated for power grab. And what we got in return was protest and surveillance and curfews and quarantines until until November 5. Now V is also like the Lucifer character course. The one who awakens the masses like the pro atheists. He’s the serpent that’s why you have the multiple Apple references in the film, serpent in the Garden of Eden and EV Of course she has her head shaved she’s the initiate and she comes to full revelation of the of the understanding of the new way. By The end of the film and this is kind of what I was trying to convey on that recent episode I did the 2020 is a nightmare show. It’s kind of like to me like this is what the truth or community look like. Many years ago, this is before the the cue crowd came in. And like I was trying to say all All are welcome in this truth or world, right. But it could be that Q is a sign off. Could be right. Maybe
News clip 51:31
been hearing me say it’s a rigged system. But now I don’t say that anymore because I want
Okay, so, you know, now
News clip 51:37
I don’t care. I don’t care. Because I heard my opponent had scheduled Michigan unexpectedly It was like all of a sudden with President Obama and Michelle and Bill and Hillary and they were going to Michigan. Now Taco
Bell gather
News clip 51:57
that plays great before the end. Now we don’t care right way to drain the swamp of corruption. Funny how that term caught on, isn’t it? I tell I tell him I
hated it.
News clip 52:11
Somebody said drain the swamp. I said, Oh, that’s so hokey. That is so terrible. I said, Alright, I’ll try it. So like a month ago, I said, drain the swamp place went crazy. I said, Whoa, what since then I said it again. Then I started saying it like I meant it right. And then I said it. I said the love again. And the place love its drain the swamp and it’s true. True. True. drain the swamp.
Isaac Weishaupt 52:37
So what are we supposed to do here? Right. Well, my personal opinion if you know if what we’re experiencing today is been has been predictively programmed and much like this movie this tale. I think we can’t be too predictable to controllable. don’t have too many allegiances to one party or one person or whatever. There’s uh you know and I definitely don’t look and I definitely don’t condone for the looting of these stores and burning things down you know, but I mean I guess I’d rather have that than looting people’s homes you know it’s uh because to me like one way of looking at this you could look at it as a lash out against the oligarchy with that citizens united crap they pushed and all these lobbyists, Big Pharma all these people taking away our rights to try to make money but you know, breaking into local stores. I don’t know like, what good does that do? Right? It’s a little bit off mark. But when you look at, like Fight Club with the Project Mayhem or the unabomber, they had similar ideas, right. I don’t think the ideas are terribly wrong, but they didn’t execute them properly. You can’t kill innocent people. You shouldn’t destroy people. businesses. It’s a tough balance, right? You’re trying to figure out, you’ve got to be smarter about things. And I think Mr. Gates who was on my show a little bit ago, you vote with your dollar, you vote with your attention. We live in it, what they call the attention economy. That’s why when you go Netflix and YouTube and Amazon, they instantly queue up and load up the next video before you can click away. They don’t want to just stop they want to keep you on their website. It’s in the economy now as for your attention, like for instance, I load YouTube further for their lack of supporting free speech, so I don’t really get on there much. The news, you don’t like the news, don’t watch it. But look, we’re a small chunk of the population. How big of an effect will it have? I don’t know what to say about that. Not too many people think like we do, okay. But if all these movements want to change, they could boycott these different elements. But regardless, the point of the movie, which could be very realistic is that they’re trying to leverage for an end game of control order out of chaos we talked about all the time. 33rd degree Freemason reads the great work. And you even hear when he he’s talking about the building getting blown up. And V is like, no, it’s a symbol, destroying the symbol also has a message and they’re destroying the statues. And this story is story warns of what the real goal is here. And the real goal is power and control. And the people they want that will do anything to instill fear into the people through you know, staged extremists. But it’s all been baked up by all the people that are connected in here, as a money grab, as a power grab as a control system. It is in fact the order out of chaos, they make the chaos and then they just happen to be ready to give you the orders. That you they think you want unless you tell them you don’t want it. Then of course you always got the spiritual angle of the film The outcome wedding happens when the nihilism of the Black Sun of the the Hierophant combines the conjunction with the sacred feminine Evie. First mother, the Enlightenment, of the lunar female essence to create the new world they, they
it’s a creation story.
Isaac Weishaupt 56:36
With the symbolism of the Rose and the rosicrucian and the Lorraine cross, it’s all right there in front of you. And of course, of course, it’s all right there in front of you because Alan Moore did it right. Alan Moore’s behind it, and the witch housekeys who pushed all that gnostic transhumanism with the matrix. And then of course, you see the symbolism on the poster embedded with the bathmat. Because the Batman, of course, symbolize Is all of that the reconciliation of opposites? So there you go. That’s the whole film V for Vendetta. Hope you enjoyed the analysis. Again, check out the Instagram at Isaac Weishaupt like and subscribe and look at the pictures I got for you. You’re gonna love it. If you want to go if you want to go deeper into the subjects I’ve got many books on Amazon and audible you can check them out. stay subscribed to the show. I got lots of cool stuff on deck for you this year. And until next time,
stay woke
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