Hi everyone, this is Isaac Weishaupt and I’m VERY excited to write this post! I’ve got a new podcast and YouTube video that explain some of the background behind a new project I just completed that explores a topic MOST of you are familiar with. Over 65 million copies of Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist have been consumed by the good people of Earth and I’m shocked that nobody has pointed out the occult basis of this story…
In THE DESERT ENIGMA: AN ANALYSIS OF OCCULT SYMBOLISM IN PAULO COELHO’S “THE ALCHEMIST” I break the New Age occult agenda down to its foundation. From the author’s occult background to the covert plan the “Illuminati” have paved through works of entertainment such as this. I believe it’s another piece in the battle for our souls, so please read it and see what you think.
In THE DESERT ENIGMA: AN ANALYSIS OF OCCULT SYMBOLISM IN PAULO COELHO’S “THE ALCHEMIST”; author, blogger, and independent investigator Isaac “The IlluminatiWatcher” Weishaupt reveals the hidden occult messages found in Paulo Coelho’s novel: “The Alchemist.”
This analysis takes an honest look at the history of author Paulo Coelho and his degrees of separation from ceremonial magick, Aleister Crowley, Charles Manson, Kenneth Grant, Alejandro Jodorowsky, witchcraft, satanism, and more.
A review of themes and messages in “The Alchemist” are juxtaposed with actual occult teachings in an attempt to unravel the core belief system at play.
Learn how the New Age movement could be leading many astray and into the clutches of an Illuminati belief system that embraces the occult “evolution of consciousness” which seeks to open up a portal to other-dimensional entities, and ultimately; the Antichrist…
You’ve got a few options for reading this:
Option #1: FREE! (*donations for your favorite conspiracy theorist):
Download on the IlluminatiWatcher Gumroad storefront where you can ALSO download the video I’ve put together for the IlluminatiWatcher YouTube channel with video clips that demonstrate some of the New Age occult tie-ins.
Because I REALLY want EVERYONE to read this I’m going to offer it as a donation product. What this means is that you can put $0.00 and download it for free and I’ll still love you…
…if you like the material I’ve been giving you for years for free, you can support the cause and drop any amount you feel necessary (*it has to be over $0.99 for Gumroad to accept it).
You can get to the Gumroad store HERE.
Option #2: Go pay $2.99 on Amazon for it:
Here’s a link where you can get the Kindle ebook (no video though, sorry).
Option #3: Go pay $2.99 on iTunes for it:
Here’s a link for the iTunes download (again; no video).
CLICK HERE FOR THE iTunes Bookstore
Option #4: Sign up for a FREE trial membership on Audible
You can listen to the author narrated audiobook on Audible.com. The best way to do this is to get a compilation book I wrote called Alice in Rocky Horrorland that has The Desert Enigma analysis as well as interpretations for:
- Alice in Wonderland
- Rocky Horror Picture Show
- The Transhuman and Occult Apocalypse: How Google Will “Solve the Problem” of Humanity
Get it HERE!
Still on the fence?
Listen to my podcast/YouTube video and see what you think. I explain more about the background and what to expect.
Here is the audio-only link for the podcast:
Thanks for visiting, and thanks for all the years of support!
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I value the article post.Thanks Again. Fantastic.