HOT DEAL: VIP Section discount code “EGG” gets 50% off 3 months (*monthly Tier 1 or 2 plans, limited to first 33 sign ups): LISTEN TO THE FREE FEED VERSION OF THE SHOW HERE: Listen to the free feed version of the show on the Apple Podcasts or Spotify, or any of the podcast […]
Great Reset Pt 6: Housing Market Crisis & Renting is “Better” than Buying!
On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we continue our discussion of the Great Reset! The architects of the “new normal” are manipulating the housing market and making a “nation of renters” which could squeeze the middle class out of existence. We’ll go through the news articles discussing the red hot housing market […]
Great Reset Part 5: Generations Book from 1991 Predicts the Future, Q Anon and the Occult Fourth Turning!
On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we take one more look at the Great Reset! This time we dive into a book from 1991 that SPECIFICALLY calls out 2020 as the year a “Great Crisis” will happen that will push us into the new cycle! If that rings a bell, it’s because […]
Great Reset Pt 4: Bill Cooper’s Behold a Pale Horse Predicts the Future! Globalist Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars!
On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we dig in the crates and look at Bill Cooper’s 1991 Behold a Pale Horse to see how it predicted the Global Great Reset of 2020! We’ll look at the Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars and play clips from a presentation he put on where he […]