On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we go DEEP into the foundational belief of ALL Occult beliefs: SEX MAGICK! Mark Booth called sex the most closely guarded secret of the secret societies and today we’ll find out why! We’ll cover ancient symbols of the sun and moon as male and female before getting into real world occult demonstrations from CERN and various occult philosophies. We’ll look at the religious persecution of sex as well as the beliefs of Tantra! Aleister Crowley and Jack Parsons incorporated these practices in the Babalon Workings and we’ll find out why! It’s all here in Part 1!
Part Two will go deeper into the seriously dark territory as we’ll explore how sex magick fits into the Ordo Templi Orientis magical order! We’ll also address Stanley Kubrick’s underlined passages that informed his approach to filming that infamous orgy scene in Eyes Wide Shut!!! (HINT: Vampires, adrenochrome and energy absorbing). This is a deep dive topic so if you want to get the second part that goes further down the rabbit hole, you gotta become a supporter! The second part is far more controversial than the first so I’m putting it on my supporter feeds.
- I’ve studied Stanley Kubrick’s films (most particularly Eyes Wide Shut) for many years- including the KUBRICK’S CODE book that covers 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Shining, A Clockwork Orange and Eyes Wide Shut. I’ve compiled a guide index of links to every show and book I’ve completed on the topic so see what’s at the end of the rainbow at: “Eyes Wide Shut: Decoding Hidden Symbolism of Stanley Kubrick- Episode Index” https://illuminatiwatcher.com/eyes-wide-shut-decoding-hidden-symbolism-of-stanley-kubrick-episode-index/
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Isaac Weishaupt 0:06
Welcome back to conspiracy theories and unpopular culture. I’m your host Isaac wise out today we’re going to talk about sex magic. Maybe it’s adopt, you know about maybe you don’t. We’re going deep run so deep will put your bed to sleep. We’re gonna go deep into the foundational belief of all occult doctrine. All right? All the core belief systems. When you dig down when you get to the bottom of the rabbit hole, it’s about sex magic. Mark booth called Sex magic, the most closely guarded secret of the secret societies. And today, we’re going to find out we’re going to cover ancient symbols of the sun and the moon, and how it plays into the male and female polarities. We’ll get into some real world occult demonstrations of how they’ve been doing this. from CERN to various occult philosophies. We’ll look at the religious persecution of sex and listen up my Christian warriors out there. Because there’s a there’s some persecution of the of the sexy time by some of the religious systems, and we’re gonna get into the beliefs of Tantra, the cult of Tantra. Talk about Aleister Crowley, Jack Parsons, the Babylon workings so much more. And this is going to be part one, there’s gonna be two parts to this. All right, and part two is going to get deeper into some seriously Dark Territory. That’s why I’m going to put part two, only on the supporter feeds. That’ll be out. Next week, we’re going to explore how sex magic was part of the Ordo Templi Orientis. Magical order. We’ll address how Stanley Kubrick when he filmed Eyes Wide Shut his last film underlines certain passages in a book. That book is called cult and the OH call and I bought a copy of it. You can’t get it online, you can’t get a PDF. You can’t get a Kindle for five bucks. You got to find a copy. I was like Johnny Depp in in ninth gate, trying to find a copy of this thing. Goes for three 400 bucks. I found a copy for 100 bucks out of the UK. So I bought it just to check on this one thing. And let me tell you it paid off. It paid off. It didn’t. This is a passage. Because if you listen to my I think I got six episodes of Eyes Wide Shut deep dives. We talked about the book about the making of Eyes Wide Shut and they are the ones that confirmed he had to underline passages in this book called in the Oh call that informed the way he would film The infamous orgy scene that was allegedly cut up and censored after Kubrick’s death. And we’re going to talk about what he underlined and why he underlined it. And I gotta warn and this is why it gets in the Dark Territory. And that’s why it’s only going to be in the supporter feeds in part two. Vampires Adrenochrome and absorbing energy from young virgins. Mm hmm. That’s right. Yeah, this is a very massive deep dive topic. Sorry, I’m screaming screaming mom upset. Because if you want to go further down the rabbit hole you got to get on to the supporter feeds I got three supportive feeds is how you support the show. And you’re gonna love it. But take a listen to part one for free. We’re gonna get into Part One. This is going to be the Safe For Work sort of version, right? And then part two, we’re gonna get dark and weird. So without further ado, let’s get into it. The main idea that you need to take away from this concept of sex magic is that human sexuality is believed to be a gateway to the deeper unconscious processes that function below conscious thought. And they believe these causes they believe that sex is the underlying force that not only created this universe in this world, but it is behind all occult practices in western esotericism which is your alchemy, your ritual magic, again, all the things we talked about so many times on the show. And if you listen to my appearance on tinfoil hat 586 which just dropped you know, I’m sure you have. It was my 11th appearance and I talked about the significance of the number 11 being the number of magic
well We briefly talked about sex magic. But I’ve got a lot more to get into. And we’re gonna get into that today. This is going to be a No BS, no fooling around. No jokey times. Right? I get on the show with Sam and x, g and Johnny and we’re cracking jokes. We’re having a great time. We’re not having a great time today. All business today, I kid you know, I’ll throw in a couple of jokes here and there. But this is, this is some serious stuff. I’ve been researching this for several weeks now. And it gets really interesting. Anyway, there’s a there’s a few resources I used for this one if you look at okay, so mark booth, I’m going to start this out with a quote mark booth, the guy wrote secret secret history of the world. Said, and I quote, I gotta I gotta zoom in on my little notes here, so I can read it. In the same way that in the secret societies techniques are taught to control sexual forces, as a way of achieving higher forms of consciousness. So there are also teachings on channeling the closely intertwined death forces. Osman Spare, developed a practice, which involves closing off mouth, nostrils, ears and eyes. In India, eight apps including Bhagavan, Sri Ramana and core Hora north have achieved long death like trances which have even led to their being prepared for burial then been then being reborn into a new higher form of consciousness. When you get into this sex and death are very similar Aleister Crowley said death was the ultimate orgasm. Because you see the forces that create or also the forces that destroy the opposing polarities. Its concept we see over and over. And let’s first get into a book by Ernest Busan bark, called symbol Sex and the stars is a very interesting book the foreword by none other than the late great Jordan Maxwell. This is an old book, right? I’m gonna get you the link gets you the copyright date here. 9919 49. But then, Jordan Maxwell wrote the preface in 1997. And I’ve got the 2003 version. Old stuff this is this is old timey conspiracy. Don’t be fooled by the modern cover that was redone in 2003. The, the chapter we’re going to talk about as chapter eight you know, do these Roman numerals throws me off? Chapter V i, chapter eight, sex symbolism. It talks about how the sun and the moon is the original form of pagan religious worship. Obviously, you’ve got opposing polarities there with the sun in the moon. And they used to worship the fertility cycle of nature. And they believed to sum up a lot of stuff that the sun was the male polarity. And the earth was the female polarity. And when the sun was at its peak, high noon, maximum sun, it would impregnate Mother Earth. It was having sex Yes, sexy time in the cosmos. And they go to the support that idea with various ideas that are actually kind of interesting. They said the earliest languages didn’t actually have gender neutral terms like we do in English. And I remember this I took two years of Spanish in high school in Los squilla. Is that even right? I don’t know if that’s right. I don’t use it too much. But in the in Spanish, they assigned male and female to the terms to the nouns. And they thought that the universal order was male and female opposing polarities. And male was assigned the positive polarity female the negative polarity. Now in the sense that females are negative, my ladies it’s kind of like in Kabbalah, they’ve got the two different, the true what they call the pillar of mercy and the the pillar of yachts severity. Anyway, the two pillars in the capitalistic tree of life. One is assigned male positive and the other side female negative
Well, the male forces are assigned life which is ironic because females provide life but whatever, right? The male is symbolized by fire life, the sun, female symbolizes by the opposing forces death, water or the earth, or the moon. And they go through this description about how they used to sacrifice kids to a start a, I think I’m mispronouncing that name. I heard this The Goddess, a star day or a start on a show, and they said it and I thought, Oh, I’ve been saying that wrong this whole time. I think so. But the early Christians denounced all these things. As you know, when you read the Bible, they talk about like, Hey, don’t be sacrificing them kids to Moloch anymore. We don’t need to do that. Well, it’s interesting because the early Christians denounced the, these cults, these pagan cults have sacrificed their kids to a start date because they would do it in bodies of water, because that’s, again, the female concept of death and water. And we talked about this and sacrifice magic behind the mic, when we talk about the early Aztec cultures, and how they would do child sacrifices in the snow days in Mexico. Which I found interesting that I would kind of find support for why that would happen in this book. But the early Christians call these the devil journeys. Because the Yoni which is the female genitalia is symbolized by a body of water. So they believed for 1000s of years. They actually go through the idea of the origin of the word titty. I think they don’t say it like that. That’s just my stupid brain goes through. There was a mountain that Apollo was born on called Tonia, tip Tonia, which meant nipple because back then any sort of hill or high place, or mountain was viewed as feminine breasts. And they allegedly also sacrifice their they put sacrificial altars on these on these, these high points, high places they call them. It says that Abraham, when he tried to sacrifice Isaac to the God did it there. Moloch apparently was also set up on a hill. That’s why a lot of the architecture is of dome structures that represents the female. It’s what they claim in this book. In fact, they talk about the Holy of Holies, which if you read the Bible, they talk about how at the Temple of Jerusalem, the Holy of Holies was in the inner sanctum, only the priests could go in there. Because God would appear in there above where they stored the Ark of the Covenant. That’s where they would how’s it in the Holy of Holies? Well, they said that this was actually an old term. In the ancient temples, they call it the Holy of Holies, because it was the womb of the building. And this is where the idea of establishing temples and churches facing east or the sunrise came from. And this is a riff on a lot of the what he called monolithic structures, where the stones would be set up in such a way that they would be facing towards the vernal equinox or the summer solstice. Or they would set it up on a day sacred to the Saint of which that building was venerated to dedicated that wherever the temple was dedicated to an example, the Egyptian temple of Thebes, there was this avenue with sphinx on either side of this avenue, right. And it lined up such that on June 21, which is your summer solstice, the day where the sun is at maximum power because it’s the longest day of the year. The most northern point on the journey, the sun’s rays would actually shoot down this avenue on that specific day, and projected onto a sacred image inside the Holy of Holies. The womb, the sun’s rays would impregnate the womb. This was the impregnation of the seed into the womb. Again, the idea that the male sun, the male solar forces impregnate the female Earth forces,
I got a quote for you. Says here, almost universally, the right hand has represented mass validity and good fortune, the left is associated with femininity and bad luck. This is exemplified by the by the word sinister, which originally meant left handed evil, unlucky. And by the word dexterous, meaning right handed or lucky. And it talks about Jesus and Shiva would be seen raising the right hand, right Jesus blessed with the right hand. That’s why in the Greek Orthodox Church, they, the when you get married, the priest blesses your rings and places them on your right ring finger. In America, it’s typically the left ring finger, but in the Orthodox tradition is the right finger, because Jesus blessed the disciples with the right hand. And what they’re talking about here is the idea of a right hand, the left being evil, the right hand being good. This is the idea of the right hand path and the left hand path. We’ve talked about this concept many times. The idea is that the left hand path is the path of non union with the Divine non union, seeking God for oneself without the assistance of a church or whatever, finding God within. That’s the left hand path. Satanism and stuff that’s left hand path Gnosticism left hand path. Tange Tantra has both right hand path and left hand path. But the one we’ve talked about most often is left hand path Tantra and we’re going to get more into Tantra later. So and there’s another interesting it because again, this book was written in the 40s. It talks about the 666 hand or the A Okay, or as it’s now known as the white supremacist symbol. It talks about that it says a side view of the hand with the thumb and forefinger forming an O and the other fingers raised is a male sexual symbol. It may also be read as one and zero. All right, you got a one and a zero because if you keep all the three fingers up, right, that’s a one and then the circle you make with your thumb and forefinger is a zero, you got a one zero. Because in Kabbalah, 10 is the number of the Creator. There’s 10 sefirat, on the capitalistic tree of life. It’s also how the great Freeman fly predicted 911 When the magician jumps from nine to 11, skipping 10, skipping God and becoming God on his own through the left hand path. And in the book, they talked about how the, this the if you can see the video, you can see what I’m saying but the AOK 666 Hand white supremacy sign, whatever that is. It’s a phallic sign, it’s about masculine patriarchy which is very interesting when you see how in recent years has been hijacked and used for that reason. Now, it also talks about the moon and how the symbol is of the horns. The man Oh Coronado, another the which hex the rock’n’roll horns, the devil horns that originated with Moon worship, and it was the sign of divinity because the bull horns stood for honor power, and good luck. And they originally showed the moon goddesses portrayed with the horns on their head you see that often. It’s why the Italians and the Greeks use the horns as a way of averting the evil eye. But it goes into a lot of ideas about the in the most basic form of symbol is the sun in the moon, for the god and the goddess, or the pillar and circle the one and zero the pillar of course being the obelisk, the erect male phallus, the symbol of the sun, and the circle representing the Yoni or the reflecting pool next to an obelisk again, the body of water represent the feminine forces
Well, that’s all fine and dandy, right? But you can see where the roots of the idea of sex magic go back into these pagan cults. Right or wrong, okay. Now we’re going to fast forward quite a bit. But you know how I’ve been talking about how modern science I believe is using ideas of the ancient Alchemist you know, Isaac Newton so on, we talked about this on tinfoil hat. I won’t go too deep into this because you can check out that episode which you should support your boy support tinfoil hat. I’m an honorary member on the Mount Rushmore, I’ve got a lot to live up to, I gotta get you guys to listen to tinfoil hat too. Because we actually went into this idea. But if you look at CERN and what they’re doing this research into Higgs Boson, the God, the God particle, what they’re doing is they’re smashing atoms to get to the subatomic level to the quantum level, because they have yet to connect. Newtonian mechanics with quantum mechanics. You’ve got the laws of the observable universe on a more cosmic scale. But then things happen and break down on the subatomic scale. And they’re trying to find a way to connect these two things, a grand unified theory, they call it, some people think string theory will connect these two. But if you look at it from the lens of a conspiracy theorist, you could see how it’s arguable that they’re trying to get down to the macro level, to learn how Twilight language or ritual magic can trigger real world events. Because isn’t that kind of the thing was science. They want to understand the mind of God, so that they can become God. And doesn’t have to be this nefarious thing. Isaac Newton made all these laws of Newtonian mechanics and physics, and we use those to build buildings. And that’s pretty cool, right? I like living in a house requires engineering and all these different equations to make that happen. But you have to understand mathematics and physics and the mind of God who created this world to do so. So the real question is, how far do you take that? What’s the difference between trying to become God and trying to make life better, and understanding the mind of God? Well, it’s arguable that when you look at the ideas of ritual magic, were left hand path magicians are trying to become God. By using law of attraction, ritual magic, understanding the Twilight language using the alchemical principles of as above so below. It’s arguable that these these quantum physics, physics physicists, whether they know it or not, are practicing occult ideas. Nuclear fission, for instance, excuse me, nuclear fission, is about breaking apart, atoms breaking apart, this balanced atom, with the neutrons and protons and then the electrons, the positive and the negative, the male and the female, this perfected coupled pair that makes up the primordial matter. In the occult, they talk about the capitalist spark of creation or the monad. They’re trying to break that force down, trying to overcome the unified force of God. And if you research some of the legends like James Selby, Downard, or Michael Hoffman, they talk about the killing of the King ritual. That’s what JFK was allegedly subjected to. It’s all about the destruction of primordial matter, how can they break down? Like how, how far can they go to destroy the creation of God and until CERN, they couldn’t break down atoms that was kind of it? Well, now they’re like, look, we broke that atom in half, we can do that. And if you look to the first atomic bomb, the testing of the first atomic bomb, July 16 1945, you can find a lot of a called ritualistic ideas here that big for further research.
They took the road down the origin, or not a dumb, muerto. That’s the journey of death, to go to the Trinity site, to drop the first atomic bomb and you know, those early scientists, they weren’t sure what was going to happen. Did you know that one possible outcome was that it was going to destroy the world as we know it. It was going to create this effect that would ripple throughout the whole universe and destroy all of us in the blink of an eye. That was one possibility. They weren’t sure if that was going to happen or not. And you know, they went ahead and did it. then a month later, they went ahead and dropped Then on some human beings in Japan but it’s interesting, it’s called the Trinity site. And if you look at the idea of the Trinity, even this book symbol sex on the stars, they claim that that’s even a symbol of the male female concept. And it goes to the idea of oh boy goes the idea of the male genitalia, which is two balls and a penis, right. But that was represented and symbolized as an upright triangle for a time. They would depict this together, they would also depict it on a cross or a tau, t au, t au tau like a T, which supposedly represented the sun’s rays impregnating the earth forces. Sometime sometimes they’ll even show the circle or the sun on the cross. But anyway, at the Trinity site is where they did this. Then a year later, in March 1946, we had the Babylon working ritual. And I’ve talked about this at length many times, I’m not going to again go too deep into this. But Aleister Crowley was the one who gave Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard. The idea of the Babylon working based upon his Alma lantra working that he used to channel the first Grey Alien ever depicted called lamb or the path. And in Curley’s world, Babylon was not a reference to Rome, and that’s not what he’s talking about. So the Bible says, The Babylon to him was the sacred Goddess of sex magic. And in fact, he spelled it ba ba l o n instead of Bab. Why LM because in Gematria, that equals 156. And this number was significant to John D. Who was the guy who made contact with the Nokian angelic forces. Who told John Dee hey, here’s the the language that God used to talk to Adam. You can use this to talk to us at any time. And that’s what Aleister Crowley used in the amelanchier workings to make contact with the first gray alien. And then that’s what Jack Parsons Now Ron Hubbard did in 1946 to make contact with the horn of Babylon okay. Now, the gematria one for the six is important because the grid upon which John D was given this language is a 12 by 13 grid which is 12 by 12 times 13 is 156 entries in linear algebra there. So, Jack Parsons does this ritual to evoke the sacred Goddess of sex magic and guess who comes into his life Marjorie Cameron, and they hook up immediately and Jack Parsons infamously blew himself up. But she became obsessed with this mission this journey to produce the magical Moon child. We with Jack because Jack was supposed to impregnate the sacred Goddess of sex magic, Marjorie Cameron, and they were supposed to have a child that was going to be the antichrist that would bring about the destruction of the world and bring about the AON of Horus the new age for Aleister Crowley and all his occultist buddies. Well, the called the wormwood star, this magical child than the moon child. Well, she would proceed to continue to do sex magic, because she’s like, look, I’m the goddess of sex magic. Even if Parsons is blown up and dead, I’m still doing it. And she would do it after his death she would visualize making sexual union with jack on the astral plane, because he had moved on to the next dimension right. And she would project her her psychosocial psychosexual will. On to the conception. And during climax,
she would start chanting opera dobre that was Crowley’s magical formula for the great work. Now she would not be successful, she would eventually miscarry. And I don’t know she was a mess. She drew paintings called like the peyote vision of her having sex with an alien. It’s pretty wild. And she was also hanging out with Kenneth anger. It was worth a deep dive on his own I would argue. KENNETH anger went to the Sicilian Abbey of the Lima Uh, where Aleister Crowley was allegedly doing kind of the most heinous things over there. He was doing sex magic rituals with one of his women Leah her sick will kind of anger and Dr. Alfred Kinsey yes that Alfred Kinsey went over there to investigate anyway. But Jack Parsons, he said that tarot cards were a way that one could traverse this cabbalistic tree of life. And the aim was to bring sexual union of the male and female aspects of God through sacred deeds and ritualistic actions to actualize God, so that he may reign his grace upon the eighth and the world. So even Parsons, following the formula of many, all the way back to these pagan cultures, pre Christianity. And then, of course, we know that Crowley infamously thought Parsons was kind of a goofball. And that he wouldn’t close the portal correctly with his Babylon working ritual. And then what happens a year later we get Roswell, yes. Roswell, which resulted in the formation of the CIA and the government projects and programs like Project sign to investigate UFOs. Now allegedly, I’ve seen a video about how product sign resulted in a UFO sighting that was legit. But General Vandenberg hid it because he didn’t want to wreck his career. And they said, You know what we’re going to do instead we’re going to make a new project, we’re going to turn it into project grudge, and project grudge was all about disinformation and disproving UFOs. And now, you know, fast forward 70 years, and now the government’s gonna be like, Wow, maybe there’s something going on here. Huh. So these are called beliefs, you’ll find like I said, sex magic is the underlying force behind all the occult beliefs. And there’s several occult beliefs we can talk about. As above. So below, we’ve talked about this. It’s the idea that the soul is the microcosm that reflects the macrocosm or the cosmos, and magic is the link. It’s linked through this energy called the astral light. This invisible substance that connects the matter the material world to the spiritual one. We also have the idea Gnosticism, that when God the monad, created the world, he started by creating these perfected pairs, the CGS these were opposing polarity forces of male and female. And there was like eight or 10 of them or something like that, right? 10, right. And from one of those, there was a female, and male, obviously, and the female decided she was gonna go ahead and produce an offspring without the mail. And that thing, was a hideous thing. And she wanted to hide it. So she kicked it out of the Pleroma, which is like, where all these perfected pairs were existing. And it created our world as the Demiurge. Because this, this Demiurge. You know, it was in the Pleroma, where the Perfected world existed for a glimpse of time, and it thought, Man, how was that setup? I’m going to try my best I remember very brief glimpse of it, I’ll try my best to set that up. And this is what the Gnostics believed. And they believe that the Demiurge created the world we live in, and it’s actually this crazy psychopathic, narcissistic God that demands we worship Him. But it’s all a ruse. Fake News, God. But they believe that sex is the magical operation that resulted in creation. And as the living symbol of the great source called God, it’s the only way we can know God. And if you get into the gospel of Philip, it speaks about the return of the soul to heaven. Being a spiritual wedding or the mystery of the bridal chamber, all of this is metaphorical for sex.
Kind of like in this symbol, Sex on the stars book, like everything’s a metaphor for sex, the moon and the sun sex. in Kabbalah, you’ve got the union of male and female reuniting the male and female aspects of the Godhead, because, again, humans mirror the divine mirror the real God. You’ve got the idea of the unification of the conscious and unconscious mind. This is what Crowley believed. He thought that once a holy guardian angel was actually manifested from the unconscious. That’s why at the beginning of the show, we talked about how sexuality is the the gateway to the unconscious because Do you want to unlock that? You want to unlock the holy guardian angel to guide you on your true will? That’s what they think. A cultist also believe that there’s energy psychic energy involved with various paranormal events. And this is the same energy you found during sex. And this comes from Wilhelm Reich. He talked about the Oregon energy, the orgasmic energy Will Smith and Jaden Smith. I think we’re both members of this Oregon society. But they didn’t talk about that on the news when you get down to it. Oregon is orgasmic energy released during the time of orgasm. Paracelsus talked about it to the astral late. But what’s interesting is that poltergeists are believed to be these results of energy left ungrounded on Earth, an adolescence who is disturbed, is not able to Earth, its sexual energy into a partner. Sounds like masturbation to me. And they think that poltergeists are found in the homes of people who masturbate excessively, and they’re releasing all this unbalanced sexual energy in the home. And if you think about Poltergeist, the movie makes you think like, Whoa, is there something going on there? I don’t know. Maybe there’s some metaphor, it’s probably worth another watch. Is there metaphors for masturbation or sex and poltergeist? There’s the Amherst house. And Esther Cox. That’s a famous case where the Paranormal Activity ceased when she got married. So she must have been masturbating all crazy, right. That or getting out orgone energy up. Now, you could see why organized religion, the big Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity, Islam. They persecuted all of these ancient pagan, occult type religions, the Gnostics the Dionysian mystery religions, the Knights Templar bars, the Cath ors, the witches, the satanists, they’re all accused of obscenity and perversion, because of all their excessive hedonism because they’re always focused on sex, and all they just want to have sex or slutty. Well, when you look at it through this new lens, you can say, oh, it’s not really just about having indiscriminate sex. It’s about venerating, and using the energies found during sex. It’s kind of the purpose we’re all here for, right? It’s kind of the drive that drives all of us. So there is some energy behind that. And they considered sex to be the lower nature of man, this is the new, you know, and I’ll just say Christian Christianity, because that’s kind of the most well known to me. But these Abrahamic, new, newer religions, sects is the lower nature. It’s the Apollonian, right, because if you look at the idea of ritual, you’ve got the Apollonian and the Dionysian. And die Nicene is to overload that’s like to do sex and did have the drumming and the music and the drugs and it’s the sort of, you know, get your consciousness in league with God with the altered state. Whereas Avalonian is to deny is to fast is to wish restrain and withdrawal in order to make contact. So they so the Christians said, Look, absolute chastity is necessary for purity of the Spirit and advancement, advancement of the spirits whereas the other was the occultist. These Dionysian type practices.
They use sex for contact with the divine. If you listen to my show on hocus pocus that I did in October 2021. We confirmed that that was part of the rituals in the book used for the movie. Cornelius Agrippa, said that copulation was full of magical endowment. Now, what I find a little strange is that even in the realm of the occult, some of them have an attitude towards sex. That’s, that was unexpected LFS lovey, right one of the most famous occult magicians he thought that the fall of man was referring to sex. The original sin was when Adam and Eve made sexy time in the Garden of Eden. So when they say they were eating the forbidden fruit, that’s what God’s like, look, you can do anything you want, just don’t do the, you know, the thing. And when they ate the fruit that induce shame, right, they were shameful. And then they covered up with leaves. They didn’t realize they were naked till they had sexy time. And Halina Lasky even agreed with this idea, and she elaborated on it. Anyway, yeah, so it’s kind of strange, right? Or maybe they just see the power behind it. And they believe in a Gnostic form of God, where they’re like, look, yeah, God was punishing us. He said, Don’t do the thing that you’re made to do. And in Christianity, there is a little bit of a hang up. The hang up would be that if all this is true, that sex magic, the Dionysian rituals, the orgy, ah, they call it, if that’s a way that a common man and woman can make connection with God, that’s a problem for Christianity. Because in Christianity, it’s like, Look, you want to meet God, you want to feel God’s presence, you come to church, and you do the roles, you listen to the roles, and the priest will be your intermediary, a liaison, if you will, a middleman. So if you took that middleman out, now you could have what the occultist called the mystic marriage to God. And that removes the power structures. And if you look at how in the 1800s Pascall, Beverly Randolph, the guy I talked about with the Doctor Strange shows. He was the one that brought sex magic into western esotericism and into America. And he thought that sex magic was going to be the catalyst for in egalitarian, equal rights society. He was talking about this stuff in the 1800s equal rights. And he and he thought I would argue, sex magic is a way that every man and woman can experience God without a traditional institution, as the middleman, which the occult is believe is a control system, which you could argue, right, maybe. Finally, let’s talk about tantra and we’re going to wrap it up for part one, in in the, the ideas of tantra you’ve heard about tantric sex, right Sting’s always doing it. They say they believe that the universe is actually in this state of a perfected opposing polarity locked together again, with the male and female polarities, and they’re represented as the God and Goddess of Shiva and Shakti, imperfect union, sexual union, to create the universe. And this goes back to 10th century or and even earlier. Allegedly, the history of tantra and the tantric cults has been destroyed. But the female Shakti goddess, is the primal act of force, the Great Mother Goddess. And as I talked about a tinfoil hat, she is the physical vehicle for Shakti women actually become the goddess Shakti in some level, they sort of channel that energy during sex. And in Tantra, women and men are equal, whereas in a lot of the Abrahamic faiths, patriarchal tinge the most of it whereas the male’s will be the avatar for Shiva during sex. So the reenacting the creative forces of the universe, becoming god and goddess. Again, tantra is much like sex magic, it informs
a lot of the truth behind Western esotericism. It has all the elements you come to expect when you study the occult. The creation and destruction of the world. There’s that sex and death juxtaposition again. You’ve got this pantheon of deities, you’ve got yoga and meditation and certain poses. You’ve got sent the same symbolism to astral travel, altered states and sexual rituals. Now, Kenneth grant, he was the guy who was an acolyte of Aleister Crowley supposedly took on where Croley left off. He said 10 performs the sexual mysteries at the heart of the Lima and Philly MC magic, which again, was Aleister Crowley’s religion, dictated to him from his holy guardian angel a was. And Kenneth grant wrote these books called the tie phony and trilogies. And these are about left hand path Tantra practices in the West. And he’s talking about the left hand path of Tantra, basically. And this goes back through the tantric belief that the human body, male and female, their, their temples, they’re both laboratories, in a way. And Tantra is the technology of spirituality and altered states of consciousness. Used to make communion with entities. That’s why he was he created the Thai phony in Ordo Templi Orientis. We’re gonna talk about the OTO in part two, but he created the telephony and oto which is using ritual magic, sex magic, to make contact with entities, super mundane entities as he calls it. And like Peter lavanda, row in the Dark Lord. This is no different. Then HP Lovecraft books on Cthulhu because you know how they summon this entity from the Abyss orgies in the swamps. Yes. Could you think of a grosser place to have an orgy? But that’s where they did it. ritualistic orgies in the swamps, is what brought this entity from another dimension. And that’s what Tantra is doing, basically, no, that’s what kind of grants incorporation of tantra into the telephony and OTO is trying to do making contact making communion with these entities. But the sacred marriage of Shakti and Shiva in terms of people that do it for tantra, is to achieve this highest order of wisdom. And the power that includes, in a way they become a ritual magician, projecting their will to the cosmos, the cosmos will rearrange itself to provide the outcome the magician wants. And they do this through the awakening of the Kundalini serpent at the base chakra, the lower chakra, the Mooladhara, where Shakti, the female forces reside in the Kundalini fire serpent, and when they do the right positions, and the right practices and tantra have sex, the Kundalini serpent will awaken and rise up the body towards Shiva to make the sacred marriage in the highest crown chakra. The the Sahaba Surah, the ol boy, the Sahasrara, or the 1000 petal lotus. And once that happens, it unlocks energies and boom, the magician has put all the energy and power connected to the cosmos connected to the gods making their will happen. Left hand path practices my friends. So there you go. That’s your that’s your first part of this right? We went through a lot of the ideas that sex magic and sexual worship is a hidden force of nature in a way. The occult beliefs, you can’t have them without the ideas of sex magic. It’s why it’s the closely guarded secret of the secret societies and you see it with the symbolism, the sun and the moon, the male and the female. And all these different occult philosophies. That’s what Aleister Crowley and Jack Parsons were doing out there. That’s what they were doing. That’s how they’re making contact. Now, if you want part two, and you want to support your boy, you know where to go, I got three supporter platforms.
And when you get on the system, and when you get on there, you’re gonna get the ad free version of the show, you’re going to unlock over 100 Bonus episodes, including a three part deep dive on Marjorie Cameron and in 2018 If you want to hear more about this Babylon working stuff, and you’re also going to get this part two, part two, when I drop it here next week, it’s gonna go deeper into this dark territory that I hesitant to put on the free feed at all. And we’re going to explore how sex magic fits into the OTO including those levels of initiation that Aleister Crowley added to the OTO if you know what I’m talking about. We’re going to talk about Stanley Kubrick underlining a passage in this book that I paid 100 bucks for that informed his approach to filming the orgy scene. Then Eyes Wide Shut in answers a lot of this strange ideas of Adrenochrome and vampire bring energy from the kids. It’s kind of all there to be honest, it’s kind of dark. But this is the deep dive if you want to get down to the bottom of the rabbit hole. This part is gonna be far more controversial than the first part. And that’s why it’s going on the supporter feeds only so you want to support the show. And plus, if you go to patreon.com backslash Illuminati watcher, or you go to Illuminati watcher.com and hit the VIP section. You also gonna get a copy of two of my books, the dark path and the Cougars code. What more could you ask for? It’s so good. Check them out. I’ve got links in the show notes as always, or you can go to all my links.com backslash Isaac W, that’s got to jump off for everything. I do socials and everything. Or just go to Illuminati watch.com Hit the VIP tab and you can compare all three of those support platforms and see which one is right for you. You get all kinds of goodies. Oh my god, it’s so great, including all these bonus episodes for the people that want to go real deep down the rabbit hole like on this one. So thank you for listening to this show. Until next time, stay WOKE
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