If you’ve been listening to the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture with Isaac Weishaupt podcast (formerly known as CTAUC Podcast) you know how we’ve explored Stanley Kubrick’s classic (and last) film: Eyes Wide Shut many times!
I’ve had some new listeners who didn’t know where to start so I’m putting together this index of all the times we discussed this important film and all of its symbolism and relevant conversations.
In summary, here are the Eyes Wide Shut episode links:
- Kubrick’s Code book from 2015 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/kubricks-code-analysis-of-2001-a-clockwork-orange-the-shining-and-eyes-wide-shut/
- Kubrick’s Eye Wide Shut & Furniture, JFK Zapruder, Ghost Hunting and Upcoming Documentaries with Ryan Page! 07/2020 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/kubricks-eye-wide-shut-furniture-jfk-zapruder-ghost-hunting-and-upcoming-documentaries-with-ryan-page/
- Eyes Wide Shut Deep Dive Part 1: Film Analysis- Love, Marriage and Sex 03/2021 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/eyes-wide-shut-deep-dive-part-1-film-analysis-love-marriage-and-sex/
- Eyes Wide Shut Deep Dive Part 2: Film Analysis- MKULTRA, Rainbow Symbolism, Orgies, Sex Magick & the Mysteries Revealed 03/2021 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/eyes-wide-shut-deep-dive-part-2-film-analysis-mkultra-rainbow-symbolism-orgies-sex-magick-the-mysteries-revealed/
- BONUS: Eyes Wide Shut Deep Dive 3: Dream Novella Review 03/2021 (*Bonus shows are only supporter feeds, but you can listen to the free preview here https://illuminatiwatcher.com/eyes-wide-shut-deep-dives-going-over-and-under-the-rainbow/)
- BONUS: Eyes Wide Shut Deep Dive 4: Making of EWS Book Review Pt 1 03/2021 (*Bonus shows are only supporter feeds, but you can listen to the free preview here https://illuminatiwatcher.com/eyes-wide-shut-deep-dives-going-over-and-under-the-rainbow/)
- BONUS: Eyes Wide Shut Deep Dive 5: Making of EWS Book Review Pt 2 03/2021 (*Bonus shows are only supporter feeds, but you can listen to the free preview here https://illuminatiwatcher.com/eyes-wide-shut-deep-dives-going-over-and-under-the-rainbow/)
- Eyes Wide Shut Deep Dive 6: The Masque of Red Death! https://illuminatiwatcher.com/eyes-wide-shut-deep-dive-6-the-masque-of-red-death/
- Sex Magick Pt 2: Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut Hidden Meaning, OTO, Vampires & More! 08/2022 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/half-sex-magick-pt-2-kubricks-eyes-wide-shut-hidden-meaning-oto-vampires-more/
- Eyes Wide Shut: Occult Symbolism of the Sex & Death Cults on the Mary Wild Podcast! 07/2023 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/eyes-wide-shut-occult-symbolism-of-the-sex-death-cults-on-the-mary-wild-podcast/
- House Inhabit’s Jessica Reed Kraus Special 11/2023 “Exploring the Symbolism in “Eyes Wide Shut” With Occult Symbolism Expert, Isaac Weishaupt: Halloween Exclusive” https://jessicareedkraus.substack.com/p/halloween-episode-exploring-the-symbolism
More detailed links:
Kubrick’s Code 2015
Back in 2015 I wrote a book in a project that included film analysis of 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, The Shining, and Eyes Wide Shut. The ebook is available for download at my Gumroad store and it comes with a 2.5 hour video with clips from the film to support the theories: Gumroad.com/IsaacW Get more details with links to the Audible audiobook, signed paperbacks and more here: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/kubricks-code-analysis-of-2001-a-clockwork-orange-the-shining-and-eyes-wide-shut/
**You can get KUBRICK’S CODE FREE if you sign up for Tier 1 on Patreon.com/IlluminatiWatcher or the “Patreon” type system I own and operate called the VIP Section (Tier 1 is $5/month on either- cancel anytime). Compare all three platforms at: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/members-section

Kubrick’s Eye Wide Shut & Furniture, JFK Zapruder, Ghost Hunting and Upcoming Documentaries with Ryan Page! 07/2020
Ryan Page, the filmmaker who gave us the documentary about Tool’s Maynard Keenan’s vineyard “Blood Into Wine”, comedy “Queens of Country”, Crispin Glover’s “What Is It?” and more, joins us to talk about some new exciting projects! We go through his history with Crispin Glover, we swap ghost hunting stories (*one of his stories is pretty mind blowing), Oliver Stone, a new JFK doc with the REAL Zapruder footage, and we wrap up with a dive into Kubrick! We get into the human furniture in “Eyes Wide Shut”, the child abuse prevalent in the storyline, a Kubrick project to expose child abuse that never came to fruition and some news on his exciting “Eyes Wide Shut” documentary dropping in the future!!
Eyes Wide Shut Deep Dive Part 1: Film Analysis- Love, Marriage and Sex 03/2021
I wrote about this film in my book KUBRICK’S CODE but I want to crank up the analysis and re-examine this infamous film. We’ll get through the first half of the film in part 1 where I’ll walk you through the cast (*including Nicole Kidman’s father’s allegation of satanic rituals), MKULTRA, Ziegler, Sandor Szavost, Ovid’s “Art of Love”, the rainbow & mirror symbolism and much more! *Clips from the film contain explicit lyrics*
We’ll be continuing the exploration of the film with part 2 where we go deeper into rainbows, MKULTRA, the orgy gnostic mass and the real message of the film: occult sex magick! After part 2 we continue the journey only on the supporter feeds with bonus content in part 3 that dives deep into Dream Novella (the book that Kubrick based the film off of) and part 4 where we look at the book about the making of Eyes Wide Shut that reveals all kinds of ideas that support the conspiracy theory! Parts 3 and 4 will ONLY be on the supporter feeds (VIP Section, Patreon and Rokfin).
BONUS: Eyes Wide Shut Deep Dive 3: Dream Novella Review 03/2021
We explore the Arthur Schnitzler novel that inspired Kubrick to make EYES WIDE SHUT. We’ll talk about who Arthur Schnitzler was (Hitler called him a “Jewish pornographer”) and the notable similarities and differences between the book and Kubrick’s film.
- History of the Assassin secret society
- There’s no such thing as “Rainbow Fashions”- thus Kubrick purposefully put this in the film further supporting theory he knew of Fritz Springmeier’s book on MKULTRA mind control and the occult rainbow
- Dr. Bill’s character is sexually attracted to underage girls in the book
- The military officer is Danish and NOT in the Navy
- The password isn’t “FIDELIO”…
- There’s NO ORGY SCENE DESCRIBED IN THE BOOK! Kubrick embellished the whole thing- but why?…
- We confirm the orgy scene (and whole plot) is based on elite secret society blood sacrifice rituals- IT’S IN THE BOOK!!
**This episode is a BONUS only episode- meaning it’s only available for the supporters on my three ad-free support platforms. You can compare all three platforms at: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/members-section (*You can sign up for a FREE TWO WEEK TRIAL of the VIP Section where you can listen to all of the 150+ and growing bonus episodes- you don’t even need to provide your credit card number until you’re ready to become a Tier 1 supporter where you’ll get the ebooks of KUBRICK’S CODE and THE DARK PATH also!)
If you’re not ready to sign up for the ad-free version of the podcast; you can listen to a preview of these bonus episodes here: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/eyes-wide-shut-deep-dives-going-over-and-under-the-rainbow/
BONUS: Eyes Wide Shut Deep Dive 4: Making of EWS Book Review Pt 1 03/2021
We start our journey into “Eyes Wide Shut: Stanley Kubrick and the Making of his Final Film” by Robert Kolker and Nathan Abrams!
- Kirk Douglas introduces Kubrick to Dream Novella in 1968 (yes- he wanted to make this movie for over 30 years)
- Woody Allen was supposed to be Dr. Bill (which we confirmed in Dream Novella is sexually interested in a 15 year old)- but Kubrick was fond of Woody so was he exposing or joking about all this?
- Dr. Bill has connections to The Shining
- Schnitzler was friends with the guy who invented Zionism
- Sexual tension and concepts of Kubrick’s films
- Kubrick meet his wife- AT A MASKED BALL (where he was THE ONLY ONE WITHOUT A COSTUME)
- Originally Kubrick wanted EYES WIDE SHUT to be a big-budget porno
- Kubrick’s daughter joined Church of Scientology before the filming of EYES WIDE SHUT
- Origins of the Orgy scene- came from the Pope having a pagan holiday sex party that ALSO HAD SPIRIT COOKING and cannibalism!!!
**This episode is a BONUS only episode- meaning it’s only available for the supporters on my three ad-free support platforms. You can compare all three platforms at: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/members-section (*You can sign up for a FREE TWO WEEK TRIAL of the VIP Section where you can listen to all of the 150+ and growing bonus episodes- you don’t even need to provide your credit card number until you’re ready to become a Tier 1 supporter where you’ll get the ebooks of KUBRICK’S CODE and THE DARK PATH also!)
If you’re not ready to sign up for the ad-free version of the podcast; you can listen to a preview of these bonus episodes here: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/eyes-wide-shut-deep-dives-going-over-and-under-the-rainbow/
BONUS: Eyes Wide Shut Deep Dive 5: Making of EWS Book Review Pt 2 03/2021
We complete our investigation into the making of EYES WIDE SHUT.
- Kubrick read “Cult and Occult” book for the orgy scene- underlining certain passages about ‘union with the divine’ and sex magick using children to steal their energy
- The paintings in the whole film came from his wife
- How he selected the Rothschild owned mansion for the orgy scene
- Kubrick played PsyOps on Tom and Nicole during sexual scenes- separating them from each other so they couldn’t watch
- The story behind the composition of “Masked Ball”
- The first password chosen for the orgy wasn’t “FIDELIO” nor was it the same one chosen in the book- it’s much MUCH more interesting…
**This episode is a BONUS only episode- meaning it’s only available for the supporters on my three ad-free support platforms. You can compare all three platforms at: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/members-section (*You can sign up for a FREE TWO WEEK TRIAL of the VIP Section where you can listen to all of the 150+ and growing bonus episodes- you don’t even need to provide your credit card number until you’re ready to become a Tier 1 supporter where you’ll get the ebooks of KUBRICK’S CODE and THE DARK PATH also!)
If you’re not ready to sign up for the ad-free version of the podcast; you can listen to a preview of these bonus episodes here: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/eyes-wide-shut-deep-dives-going-over-and-under-the-rainbow/
Eyes Wide Shut Deep Dive 6: The Masque of Red Death!
We take one last look at a connection between Kubrick’s EYES WIDE SHUT and an Edgar Allen Poe tale that was made into a film in 1964 called THE MASQUE OF RED DEATH! This film stars Vincent Price and it doesn’t disappoint. Learn about these strange “coincidences” that suggest Kubrick based EYES WIDE SHUT off this story: rose symbolism, Red Cloak version 1.0, masquerade balls of satanic elites with theatrical sacrifice, A Clockwork Orange, Freemason symbolism and the inspiration for the Rainbow Fashions! It’s wild but when we’re done you’ll wonder if Kubrick wasn’t remaking this Edgar Allen Poe story!
Sex Magick Pt 2: Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut Hidden Meaning, OTO, Vampires & More! 08/2022
We go DEEPER into the foundational belief of ALL Occult beliefs: SEX MAGICK! Part Two is a bonus show only for supporters- because we will go deeper into the seriously dark territory as we’ll explore how sex magick fits into the Ordo Templi Orientis magical order! We’ll also address Stanley Kubrick’s underlined passages that informed his approach to filming that infamous orgy scene in Eyes Wide Shut!!! (HINT: Vampires, adrenochrome and energy absorbing). This is a deep dive topic so if you want to get the second part that goes further down the rabbit hole, you gotta become a supporter! The second part is far more controversial than the first so I’m putting it on my supporter feeds.
*You’ll want to start with Sex Magick Pt 1: Symbols, Alchemy, CERN, Crowley, Tantra & Occult Philosophy!, which you can listen to free here: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/sex-magick-pt-1-symbols-alchemy-cern-crowley-tantra-occult-philosophy/
Sex Magick Part 2 is the bonus show where we get into Eyes Wide Shut and you can listen to the first half for free here (or if you’ve signed up for the supporter feeds it will be up if you scroll to August 2022): https://illuminatiwatcher.com/half-sex-magick-pt-2-kubricks-eyes-wide-shut-hidden-meaning-oto-vampires-more/
This is a fascinating topic that continues to grow so be sure to sign up for my free email newsletter and follow me on the social medias so you don’t miss a thing! ONE STOP SHOP FOR ALL SOCIAL MEDIA AND OTHER LINKS: AllMyLinks.com/IsaacW
In summary, here are the Eyes Wide Shut episode links:
- Kubrick’s Code book from 2015 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/kubricks-code-analysis-of-2001-a-clockwork-orange-the-shining-and-eyes-wide-shut/
- Kubrick’s Eye Wide Shut & Furniture, JFK Zapruder, Ghost Hunting and Upcoming Documentaries with Ryan Page! 07/2020 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/kubricks-eye-wide-shut-furniture-jfk-zapruder-ghost-hunting-and-upcoming-documentaries-with-ryan-page/
- Eyes Wide Shut Deep Dive Part 1: Film Analysis- Love, Marriage and Sex 03/2021 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/eyes-wide-shut-deep-dive-part-1-film-analysis-love-marriage-and-sex/
- Eyes Wide Shut Deep Dive Part 2: Film Analysis- MKULTRA, Rainbow Symbolism, Orgies, Sex Magick & the Mysteries Revealed 03/2021 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/eyes-wide-shut-deep-dive-part-2-film-analysis-mkultra-rainbow-symbolism-orgies-sex-magick-the-mysteries-revealed/
- BONUS: Eyes Wide Shut Deep Dive 3: Dream Novella Review 03/2021 (*Bonus shows are only supporter feeds, but you can listen to the free preview here https://illuminatiwatcher.com/eyes-wide-shut-deep-dives-going-over-and-under-the-rainbow/)
- BONUS: Eyes Wide Shut Deep Dive 4: Making of EWS Book Review Pt 1 03/2021 (*Bonus shows are only supporter feeds, but you can listen to the free preview here https://illuminatiwatcher.com/eyes-wide-shut-deep-dives-going-over-and-under-the-rainbow/)
- BONUS: Eyes Wide Shut Deep Dive 5: Making of EWS Book Review Pt 2 03/2021 (*Bonus shows are only supporter feeds, but you can listen to the free preview here https://illuminatiwatcher.com/eyes-wide-shut-deep-dives-going-over-and-under-the-rainbow/)
- Eyes Wide Shut Deep Dive 6: The Masque of Red Death! https://illuminatiwatcher.com/eyes-wide-shut-deep-dive-6-the-masque-of-red-death/
- Sex Magick Pt 2: Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut Hidden Meaning, OTO, Vampires & More! 08/2022 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/half-sex-magick-pt-2-kubricks-eyes-wide-shut-hidden-meaning-oto-vampires-more/
- Eyes Wide Shut: Occult Symbolism of the Sex & Death Cults on the Mary Wild Podcast! 07/2023 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/eyes-wide-shut-occult-symbolism-of-the-sex-death-cults-on-the-mary-wild-podcast/
Thanks again for all your support! If you want to stay connected please sign up for my free email newsletter which will get you updates on all groundbreaking revelations of occultism in entertainment (as well as occasional free giveaways)!
*When you sign up for my email updates you’ll get a FREE copy of my first full length book: A Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory: The Illuminati, Ancient Aliens and Pop Culture! Sign up here:
Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast (honorary member of Mount Crushmore), Eddie Bravo’s “Look Into It,” Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
Signed paperbacks available at Gumroad.com/IsaacW!
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