On today’s episode of the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture with Isaac Weishaupt podcast (formerly known as CTAUC Podcast) we’re going to talk about Wizard of Oz for our FOURTH episode! This is part 4 (be sure to catch up on parts 1-3, links in show notes). Today we’re headed back to Oz with a cult classic film from the 80s: Return to Oz! We’ll talk about the occultists involved with the making of the film and the sinister truth of MKULTRA mind control! We’ll go through Dorothy’s journey into the underworld and through the looking glass as she makes contact with her alter ego from dissociative disorders and how this is part of the Occult fantasies of a future world in which man is obliterated into space consciousness!
- Part 1 If you haven’t heard it- “Wizard of Oz Esoteric Analysis: L. Frank Baum, Theosophy, Occultism & Cast Tragedies”: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/wizard-of-oz-esoteric-analysis-l-frank-baum-theosophy-occultism-cast-tragedies-part-1/
- Part 2: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/wizard-of-oz-film-analysis-symbolism-conspiracies-rainbows-mkultra-osiris-more-part-2/
- Part 3 Wizard of Oz Occult Analysis: Conspiracy Theories & Alchemical Evolution of Dorothy! https://illuminatiwatcher.com/wizard-of-oz-occult-analysis-conspiracy-theories-alchemical-evolution-of-dorothy-part-3/
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture podcast (supported by the premium feeds on Patreon) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Coast to Coast AM, Tin Foil Hat podcast (honorary member of Mount Crushmore), Eddie Bravo’s “Look Into It,” Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter! Signed paperbacks available at Gumroad.com/IsaacW!
*STATEMENT: This show is full of Isaac’s useless opinions and presented for entertainment purposes.
Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Isaac Weishaupt 0:03
Welcome back to occult symbolism in pop culture. I’m your host, Isaac wise up. Today we’re going to talk about Wizard of Oz for our fourth episode. That’s right. Surely you’ve heard parts one through three already. We went so deep in the Wizard of Oz. And we’re going back for just a little bit more. All right. If you haven’t heard those episodes, be sure to check out the link in the show notes or on Illuminati watchdog. com I’ve got a full index of every episode recorded hundreds and hundreds going way back to 2014. They will head back to Oz. This time, we’re talking about a cult classic film from the 80s called Return to Oz. We’re talking about the occultus behind this film, in the making of the film, The Sinister truth of MK Ultra hidden in plain sight. We’re gonna go through Dorothy’s journey, she goes on her own little Hero’s Journey Into the Unknown underworld. On her own Eleusinian Mystery Tour. She goes through the looking glass like Alice in Wonderland, she makes contact with an alter ego goes through dissociative identity disorder process. And I’m going to talk about all that. And then in the conclusion, I’m gonna tie it into the Illuminati. That’s right, the occultist who want to create a world in which man’s consciousness is obliterated, and re manifested out into the digital matrix out into space, space consciousness. That’s what they want us to do. And that’s what they’re going to try to do. And it was all right there. All right there in this movie. Shout out to Dr. Anteater. He insisted I watched this. He said, Isaac, you did such a great job with the Wizard of Oz series. take that extra step. Let’s do return of Oz. I said no, Dr. anteater I can’t. I can’t go back in. But here we are. Now, should you watch this film? Before we talk about it? Not really. I mean, it’s a kid’s movie. So who cares? And it’s 113 minutes. It’s almost two hours for a kid’s movie nonsense. Way too long. But it’s got a cult following. So maybe this is for you. Maybe. actually recall, I could be wrong. But I recall reading this book when I was a child. I could be wrong. But I have a memory of I had never seen the movie. Never seen it. But I have read the book, I think. But it was released back in the 80s 1985. All right. Who’s in it? Well, you got of course Dorothy, the main protagonist played by Pharaohs a bulk her feature film debut and with a name like that, you know, she’s interesting. I’m probably mispronouncing it Fairuza Balk. She was the original emo goth girl. She was in the craft, you know, or if you’ve seen her, and she in fact, at one time, opened up her own occult store in LA. So illuminate confirm right now, she, her. That role of Dorothy was also auditioned for by Drew Barrymore, Alatus Morissette and Juliette Lewis and a couple of those names if you paid attention, were subjected to abuse in Hollywood. Growing up as children as young girls interesting, they would be auditioning for the role. Now of course an N is back in the story. She’s played by Piper Laurie. She was the mom and Carrie who was also a witch you know carry a great movie was I think it was John Travolta’s debut on film. We’ve got the gnome King voiced by a guy named Nicole Williamson, highly decorated actor, played Merlin and Excalibur played father morning and exorcist three, which was a movie we covered when I did a full episode on the Dahmer show on Netflix. And fun fact, Nicole, a man named Nicole smoked 80 cigarettes a day until he died at 75 of esophageal cancer. And Tim Curry was considered for this role at one point And then, you know, and I’m picking out a few names of interest. And the last name of interest was the executive producer was Gary Kurtz. And if you read my book called the Star Wars conspiracy, or listen to my appearance on the higher side chats many years ago, talking about the Star Wars conspiracy, you will know that Gary Kurtz was part of the occult inspiration behind the whole story of Star Wars with the force. That idea of consciousness and space, which, again, we’ll hit that in the conclusion, but that’s the end game. The end game is the digital matrix, the end game is space consciousness. And this movie is a mixture of the second and third book in the AWS series, because homeboy wrote like 1000 books on oz. This is the second and third book, it’s a mix of the two. And it’s basically about Dorothy going back to Oz. And meeting her alter ego Ozma. Kind of. And we could go into all this territory, but we’re not going to rehash it. We talked about L Frank Baum, and his theosophical ideas of the occult, back in part one of the Wizard of Oz series. So if you want more on that, there’s an hour and a half of that, that stuff we already covered. But this movie was considered too damn scary. It failed. It was a commercial failure. With all these big names behind it still failed, because it was too scary. And they also couldn’t make the characters look identical from the 30s Wizard of Oz, because of copyrights to the original movie, even though the books were out of, what do you call it? They were out. They were out of they were in the public domain at this point anyway, but they couldn’t make it look like the movie. So you know, the tin man looks a lot different. The Scarecrow looks a lot different and so on. But apparently Disney who made this movie, they paid a grip of money to utilize the ruby slippers. So that is the one thing you’ll find in common with the original movie is the ruby slippers. So without further ado, let’s get into the return of OS.
Unknown Speaker 7:25
This summer, Walt Disney Pictures presents a motion picture fantasy adventure. Beyond your fondest imagination. You’ll be transported miraculously, back to the enchanted land of ours, that magical kingdom beloved by young and old for generations. That’s just a yellow novoline You don’t understand. This was the yellow brick road. You’ll share with Dorothy Gale, the shock of finding everything mysteriously changed what’s happened to everybody. And he will delight with her discovery of four wonderful new friends who band together against a wicked queen and the dreaded known gang and this is the hours you haven’t seen before. And this is the archives you’ll want to visit again and again. From Walt Disney Pictures comes a whole new world of entertainment. Just fly back to Kansas return
Isaac Weishaupt 8:31
Alright, plot spoiler time. We start out we’re in the the Kansas Dust Bowl. We’re in the shanty shack. And M Uncle Henry and Dorothy All right. And Uncle Uncle Henry he’s written up in the newspaper about the school and Sanitarium of electric healing by Dr. J B Warli. The called the Weltner method All right, and we also we find out it’s been six months since the events of Wizard of Oz and Dorothy hasn’t been sleeping ever since she got back she’s talking about Oh I saw the the lion and the Tin Man and the Scarecrow we all walk down the yellow brick road and and M and glamour. Like this kid is trippin. What’s wrong with this kid? They want to fix her up and and M says the Henry she’s like look, my sister’s got money. She’s gonna give me some money. We’re gonna take Dorothy to go get the the electric healing herb Henry’s too proud. He’s like, No, we’re not doing that. But turns out he’s a bozo. Anyway. He’s, he’s not he’s completely absent in this family. But she’s like, No, we’re gonna do we’re gonna take the money. We’re gonna go get her electrified. Electric Shock Therapy basically. And I already don’t like where that’s headed. We’re already off to a bad start here folks. And says, she talks she’s bitching about Dorothy’s shows, all she ever talks about is someplace that doesn’t exist. All right. And we already talked about how Dorothy she’s not living with her real parents or her real parents or apps, and they’re completely gone. And it’s a Disney movie. So what do you expect there’s going to be some dead parents. There’s one thing Disney likes us some dead parents. But we talked about this many times. One idea is that that is the New World Order is to break down the nuclear family. Because when mommy and daddy are absent, guests, so that leaves the fill in the role of caretaker, Big Daddy government. That’s what people claim. I’ve talked to a woman who was in college for some kind of theatrical summer the other. She told me that the reason they removed parents from a storyline is because it just simplifies, it makes it a lot easier. So I mean, pick your boys know which one you want to believe that don’t. I don’t really know why. Aunt Em and Uncle Henry couldn’t be replaced by two parents, but whatever. So Dorothy, she’s in a room. She’s trying to sleep, but you know, she can’t sleep. And she looks out a window in a shooting star falls to earth. All right, like Luciferian lightning, loose, the rebel angel fallen from the heavens, as described in the Bible. And she starts playing when she wakes up the next morning, she’s playing with a rooster. And the rooster helps her find a key and that key has an own Z on it on the head of the key, right. And she thinks, Oh, my friends gave me the key because she’s still a little girl, right? Ironically, she’s much younger in this movie than the original but you know, don’t ask it’s fine. She thinks her friends sent her this key via the shooting star. Now, there’s some occult symbolism behind the key keys are represented as the keys to wisdom or like the Nokian keys, the keys with which one can make contact with entities and talk to them are the last keys of Freemasonry. the book by Manley P Hall. You know, Ronald Reagan’s best friend. So she gets this key she shows her mom her mom’s like, you always talking about crazy oz talk. What do you get out my face? And, and she hates Uncle Henry, lousy husband. He won’t finish building the new house. His his legs all busted up. But he’s milking it for everything it’s worth. And she’s out there work and she’s raised cleaning the garden. Jack that lousy as husband, get off your ass. And, um, she takes she ends up. She takes Dorothy into town. She’s like, screw this. I’m just taking her in to get electrocuted. I’m tired of this stuff. It’s talking about crazy keys coming from out of space. Someone’s got to fry this kid’s brains out with electricity. So she takes her to this town. And she starts Dorothy talks to the doctor, right this doctor that does the electricity method. And she starts telling him about her goofy ass friends and ahhs. And ironically, she tells him the story of the tin man cutting off all of his limbs, including his own head. Which if you recall from my Wizard of Oz, part two, we talked about the film and the book. That is actually from the book if you read the book. It’s a witch curse. That the tin man starts cutting off his own limbs in his head. And so, you know, this one’s actually more true to the stories apparently than the original film. And the doctor. He’s like, I know just the thing to cheer you up little Dorothy. And he pulls out the electrical shock machine here we go.
Unknown Speaker 14:00
I think I know just the thing to cheer Dorothy up this electrical Marvel will make it possible for you to sleep again. And that will also get rid of all those bad waking dreams that you’ve been telling me about. Now this fella here has a face. You see? Here his eyes and this must be his nose. And this must be his What’s this? Normally quiet his tongue isn’t it? Well, it hurt. No, no, no, no, no. It just manages electrical current. Your hand already knows We are at the dawn of a new age. And just two months, it will be the year 1900, a new century 20th century, a century of electricity. The brain itself is an electrical machine is nothing but a machine. When it malfunctions, a blow to the head, for example. And the brain produces useless excess currents and these excess currents are our dreams and delusions?
Unknown Speaker 15:35
Wouldn’t we have found out? Just like the dreams that you have. Now we have the means to control these excess currents. Yes.
Isaac Weishaupt 15:52
And listen to what he said. He said, It’s the dawn of a new age. Isn’t that how all these Illuminati is talk, thought the Illuminati is talk. And this is very much, you know, he says, Oh, the brain is just an electrical machine because that’s what scientists do. They reduce all of humanity down to inputs and outputs. All right. That’s why when I when I sell T shirts, that the backside, these nerves are going to kill us. I mean it. They have a very simplistic way of looking at life. They don’t appreciate the human spirit. And this doctor is no different. He’s very much like John C. Lilly, who thinks the mind is is the bio computer and we’re going to cover that in depth in the conclusion. That’s right, the guy who was humping dolphins and snorting ketamine and isolation tanks, to make contact with entities in another dimension. And he was studying all that stuff at the National Institute of Health, by the way in the 1950s. Right? The NIH boy, there is some wild stuff, gain of function testing, which is a theory that gained a little more traction as a fact. I don’t know if you guys caught that recently. But anyway. So anyway, okay, so Dorothy, she’s looking at this electrical machine. And we get a glimpse of her, like a blonde doppelganger of her sort of thing. And I’m going to put all these images on my Instagram. And I’ll, I’ll, I’ll put them on the video and stuff too. But yeah, she sees this blonde doppelganger sort of version. And I’m going to talk about this on another show. But I’ve finished all of the Twin Peaks series, movie in the three seasons. I’m working on the books right now I’m almost done reading the diary of Laura Palmer. I’ve got a bunch of different theories going on in my mind about what’s going on in the story. Please don’t send I got a bunch of links from people. I’m not actually consuming any theories of Twin Peaks until I’m done reading the books. I want to I want to, I want to evolve this theory I’ve got in my head. And hopefully it’s something new maybe it’s not a lot of people theorize about Twin Peaks. But it has something to do with duality, natures dissociative identity disorder, maybe doppelgangers, other dimensions making contact, and sex magic, right? Sex magic is the the secret behind all occult practices. I think it’s all there. But again, there’s a lot to unpack the movies are the whole series is burned into my brain. So anyway, more to come on that stay subscribed to the show, folks. Oh, and also, I’m going to enable, you know, the way you get this show ad free, and all the bonus shows, I give a bonus shot every month 160 in counting. You can support@patreon.com backslash Illuminati watcher. And you get the show ad free all the bonus shows all the great things. I’m going I’m going to enable Apple podcasts premium subscription. Because a lot of people like that it’s an easy way to get the ad free version of the show, and all the bonus episodes. But that’s gonna take a lot of work on the back end for me, but I’m going to enable it. And over time, I’ll sort of populate the older episodes as they go. I’m also trying to work out an issue I’ve got with the early access with my, my podcast host. So for now, it might not be early access. It might might be in a couple of weeks, you know, I don’t know. I’ll do a big announcement. But I will be enabling that here soon. And I’m also going to have to charge higher amount Apple takes like half the frickin money. Whatever. So I’m gonna have to raise so it’s gonna be more expensive than Patreon, unfortunately, but anyway, the big I’m gonna work On here soon, so get ready for that. So stay subscribed, however you want to stay subscribed. I know Leo DiCaprio at the end of my shell sometimes he gives you guys a you know cause you guys free feed losers. I can’t believe it. Oh, it’s so rude. Okay, anyway, so I’m anti him. She drops Dorothy off. She’s like, Here go get electrocuted. And then she dips. What the hell? What’s wrong with this lady? That happens when you don’t have your real parents. They don’t care. And she, Dorothy she’s strapped down to the table. And the or I’m sorry, before she gets strapped out of the table. She’s in a room. And her doppelganger shows up. She just manifest out of thin air and hands her a pumpkin and she’s like, Oh, it’s Halloween soon. Which of course you know, that’s illuminate confirmed. salween is one of the most important nights when the veil is thinnest, where you can make contact with entities which is exactly what she’s doing here. So she disappears, Dorothy, they strap her down to the table the gurney and are about to hit her with the switch. Given off some real Requiem for a Dream, Requiem for a Dream vibes. Have you seen that movie? If you haven’t seen that movie, those are not good vibes. All right. Not good vibes to have when you’re strapped down with the electric electrode strapped your head. So the lightning hits sorry, my voice is wrecked again. So the lightning hits. Right when they’re about to hit the switch. And the power goes out. Just in time, right? The power was out. It’s a reverse Frankenstein scene here. And you see the blonde doppelganger girl she comes to unties Dorothy, and and she’s trying to help her escape from the facility and you hear screams from the seller. And she tells her Oh, those are some of the damaged patients that are all they stockpile them down in the cellar. What is a kids movie? And you wonder why it’s so dark. We’re gonna tell you why it’s so dark in the conclusion. So Dorothy and Blondie they escaped this institute. Dorothy ends up in a crate she’s floating on the ocean, don’t ask. Take a little nap. She wakes up and her rooster from the farm and when I gave her the key Billina she’s in the crate with her. And they end up in the desert. Okay. And again, this film is actually more like the books than the original film. Because I read the original I only read the first book I didn’t read the to the sequels, right. But in the original book, there’s a desert realms surrounding us. That’s why Oz had to take a hot air balloon in all right. So anyways, she ends up getting past the desert and getting into AWS again. And there’s a bunch of rocks watching her as she’s doing this and they’re reporting to this nefarious rock overlord that we find out as the gnome King. All right. But for now, there’s something really wrong in Oz. Okay, Dorothy, she gets her she’s like medicines a little off. She finds her old house the one that landed on the witch. But like where the Munchkins and the yellow brick roads all busted up. But she follows it she gets to the Emerald City. But the Emerald City is all jacked up. Everyone’s made a stone the whole town has fallen apart. Nobody nobody around even the tin man in the line. She finds them they’re made a stone then here comes the bad guys the Wheelers. Okay, it’s a bunch of creepers. And then their their hands and their feet are made a wheels. Like a bunch of rollerbladers right. And but Dorothy she’s got that key remember? So she has the key she opens the door and she’s hiding from the Wheelers now and while she’s hiding in this little shed she finds this mechanical man and whines him up back to life and he says are all my name is tick tock that’s right tick tock like that. And we find out he wasn’t actually turned to stone and the reason why is because he wasn’t human. All right. And the story is related that the gnome King the events in the six months since Dorothy left because remember oz flew away the Wizard of Oz. So who’s running the joint? Well, here comes the gnome king, he turned everybody to stone and you find out why later I’ll tell you why. And we hear that Dorothy she’s got she’s looking for the Scarecrow to now she can’t find him and Tiktok is like, Hey, you gotta go find Princess mambi. And she gets out, she goes to Princess mambi. The princess has a bunch of heads on display. It’s very strange. And she swaps them out. And now, mommy, she meets Dorothy and she’s like, Oh, she’s like her buddy for a second. But then mommy’s like, you know what? I think I want your head to bitch. So she’s the new bad guy. She’s the new bad witch. And those heads are symbolic of alter egos. Dissociative Identity Disorder. We’ll cover that later.
So, so Dorothy, she’s like, trapped up by the mamby chicken, her little castle, but then that pumpkin that the Blondie gave her at the beginning sort of manifests itself now it’s, it’s the pumpkin had named Jack. And Jack tells Dorothy that Princess Mombi has a little secret powder in her little room. Take a listen.
Unknown Speaker 26:05
Well, my mother built me to scare that off a witch Mumbi she stood me in a place where Mommy would meet me face to face. And alarm she came. Sure enough, she was scared. But then she was angry. She has a terrible temper, or No. When she get all those different heads, did you see the headless dancing girls outside? Well, that’s where she got. Anyway. Mombi was about to destroy me with their stick. But she decided to test some powder of life she just bought from a magician. She did well your life, your sprinklers on something. And the thing comes to life. Small we have any war that you have. She does. It’s in cabinet 31 with their original Ed.
Isaac Weishaupt 27:12
Listen to what they call they call the powder of life. This is the alchemical Philosopher’s Stone This is theosophy This is the occult This is illuminate confirm that’s what these scientists are into the trying to find life extension immortality options. One option digital consciousness, which will again we’re gonna hit that later. So Dorothy, she goes on a little secret mission, a little creepy crawly, if you will, and she gets into Princess mommy’s chamber. She snagged the powder of life and you can see it it’s got a label on it and stuff right and you find out that it only works. If you use it as a magical spell you have to say the words into existence. This is the the incantation thing. This is Abracadabra i, as I speak I create which is the fundamental ideas of alchemy and ritual magic and all that. And the label it says we ought to pee out right so nonsensical words. But it’s an incantation. Regardless, you have to sprinkle the powder, boom, say the words. So she gets the powder, she animates some Mooseheads she grabs Tiktok she grabs Jack the Pumpkinhead I said let’s go they had to the gnome Kings Mountain, right. So they get to the mountain. And the gnome cave, of course, is this nefarious voice. You hear throughout the movie, the voice that the rocks are talking to smell and what the rock is cooking. And the rocks are all watching this whole thing go down and they’re snitching the whole time to the gnome King the whole time. And the gnome King shows up. And he says he asked what Dorothy and the crew what they want. And he’s like look, I just want the Scarecrow and the goat non kings like listen, I bitch people have been stealing all my emeralds. Pupil going underground in the mountain stealing all my gems all my emeralds to make the Emerald City all these years. And that’s why I had to punish them. So I froze up those city. And guess what you’re next and he swallows her up and sends her underground? That’s right. Just like Alice in Wonderland. She’s falling down the rabbit hole to learn her lesson. And what’s interesting here is that the gnome King previously had eaten up the Scarecrow as well, because he thought that the Scarecrow had stolen some emeralds. But I didn’t understand why. The Tin Man and the lion got off so easy. They just turned to stone. They don’t really explain it It’s probably in the books. Well, when Dorothy and the crew, they’re all on the ground, there’s an interesting shot where you can see that tick tock, this mechanical entity. He has a base sort of try to explain. But there’s an x inside of an O, which, again ties into the original film. Remember, we talked about in part to the Wizard of Oz film how strange it was that there was this X and O symbolism all over the place, and Super X and all this crazy stuff, right? So the gnome king, he says, Alright, listen up. Now that you’re underground, I’m going to teach you a lesson, you got three chances to win this game. And if you win, you can turn all these objects into you can animate all of them or do whatever it is you want. But if you lose, you turn into an ornament. And you stay here forever. All right. And the idea is that if they when they can get the Scarecrow back, well, they have to go inside of a cave to play the game. All right, again, more ideas of inner sanctum, maybe even Plato’s cave, you could apply that analogy here of questioning what is reality? shadows on the cave. The most it goes in there first fails Tiktok it goes in there next fails. And, and the whole time this is happening. It’s kind of interesting because they show the known king and he looks very much like the pagan Holly King from the pagan version of Christmas. And guess what? He’s also got Dorothy’s ruby slippers on, right. So he’s kind of looking like a pimp right now. He’s looking like a more like a queen, baby. And so, so the gnome kings like art, Dorothy, everyone else couldn’t get it together at your turn. Get in there. So she goes in the cave. And we find out Tiktok he hasn’t been turned into an ornament yet. He’s actually still alive. We got one more guests. And, and he sheds a little tear. He’s like, look, I’m about to die. Because I’m about to get my third guessed wrong. I want you to watch me get this third guess. And you can use that information for you to make the correct guess. And so she so she basically does it. Oh, I lost my spot in the in the notes here. Or flailing around. Okay, so I want you to I want you to figure it out. Dorothy. So Dorothy, she, she wants to take the dog die, and then it doesn’t really matter. Anyway, she ends up using her intuition to guide herself to the correct object to win the game. And it turns out to be an emerald and she gets Scarecrow and she’s like okay, all the green ornaments are former inhabitants of Oz. So they go try to wake up all the people of Oz. But then the gnome kings getting pissed now he’s like, no one was supposed to win this game. He was it was a trick he was supposed to. They were supposed to lose. So he starts eating up all these people, right? But he accidentally eats an egg. Because remember the roosters in involved with all this the roosters hanging out and he says the eggs are poison. And he starts crumbling and he dies. Is back when eggs were cheap too. But he’s like, No, I can’t eat the egg and he dies. And Dorothy snatches up the slippers. She gets out of the mountain before it crumbles down completely. That’s all of Emerald City actually rebuilds itself. They give her a big parade and they’re like we want you to be the queen of Oz. She’s like look, I can’t do that. I gotta go back to Kansas. I wish I could be in both places. Donjon foreshadowing is the best friends anyone’s ever had. I’ve got to go back
Unknown Speaker 34:07
we understand Dorothy Do you wish I could feel both places at the same time?
Unknown Speaker 34:53
You I was afraid you would drown With a glass door
Isaac Weishaupt 35:27
beautiful What’s your name? Awesome. So she’s like, I wish I could be in both places. But guess what she can. If you manifest your doppelganger, you make contact with your alter ego, your holy guardian angel. You can do that. So in the mirror behind her Blondie manifest again. It’s Dorothy’s doppelganger. And she reaches through the looking glass. With Dorothy’s help to break on through to the other side. Dorothy reaches into the abyss and brings her back and she says, My name is Ozma my father is oz, whatever, whatever. And, you know, all’s well that ends well, and then Dorothy wakes up, she’s in Kansas. Back in Kansas, she’s in some kind of like swamp hell. But they show her with one eye her all seeing eyes opened now. A green eye and emerald eye at that, which is maybe that’s why they chose her. Maybe she had the Greens dyes. Which I remember reading about the woman who plays Dorothy and I think that was what her name. She’s Persian. And her real name has something to do with green eyes. Anyway, we find out that the clinic had burned to the ground from the lightning strike. And the doctor died trying to save his machines. Likely story. And then the she ends up going home. She is in her room and she looks in the mirror at home and she sees Blondie Ozma her alter ego in the mirror, and her mom’s coming up to talk to her. And she’s like, oh, there’s my there’s my alter ego. Crazy alter living in the mirror. And Ozma gives her the vowel silence. She puts her finger to her lips, the valve harbor crates. She says you can’t tell anybody about this. And Dorothy is happy about it. So that yeah, good call. In mom’s Actonel happy as if she didn’t just subject her kid to electroshock therapy. Dad’s finally off his lazy ass working on the house. And Dorothy goes out and plays in the yard all as well. Roll the credits. No big deal. So in conclusion, why is it illuminate confirm because Dorothy is traumatized into creating an alter ego Ozma we’ve talked about alter egos on the show many many times. It’s the idea of a dissociatives dissociative state, Hellboy, a dissociative identity disorder. Oh, David Icke was one of the first people I’ve ever heard talked about this, I think it was on his freedom road video, VHS tape I had talked about the amnesic barrier, right? When the mind is subjected to trauma, it dissociated has to escape, it can’t process all that so it goes into another realm. And sometimes it can create a different identity, very Manchurian Candidate style. And these were ideas actually studied by the CIA with MK Ultra. These ideas of mind control, making contact with entities and other dimensions, you know, Project Stargate, The Men Who Stare at Goats and all that stuff even the the Gateway project was looking at stuff like this by training the different hemispheres of the mind. And of course you can you can get to this realm through abuse which is very terrifying, right. And of course, the mirrors are all throughout this movie, in the palace and stuff. The mirrors are the portals the gateway, that’s why it’s through the looking glass. Right? That’s what the Alice in Wonderland second book is, is titled. And let’s Okay, so let’s, let’s, let’s give you the facts here. John C. Lilly, the guy I talked about earlier as whomping dolphins and stuff. He was he wrote a book I read called programming and meta programming in the human bio computer. Right. And he encapsulates the technocratic fantasies of science. About he talks about approaching In studies of the mind as a bio computer, right, and this is what fueled a lot of MK Ultra studies. If you read the press I’m gonna read you directly from the book, the preface says, All human beings all persons who reach adulthood in the world today are programmed bio computers genuinely think that you can reduce the human experience to bits to binary digits of ones and zeros, which is very wrong. He says that our minds are merely computers and they are mapped out based upon survival necessities and patterns of function. And how I read that when he says survival necessities when you when you see all this traumatizing and abuse, particularly of children who say what kind of animals would do this? What kind of evil monsters when you understand that you can fracture a mind forcing this dissociative state through trauma and abuse. And it isn’t just Miko. These books like if you read Kathy O’Brien’s transformation of America, you read Bryce Taylor’s Thanks for the memories for spring Myers books on creating a Mind Control slave. countless movies we’ve talked about over the years showing you this idea. It seems that this is a real thing. Is it happening and who is doing it? I don’t have those answers. I’m very sorry. But I do know reading this Jhansi Lilly book you can extrapolate a lot of these ideas from this research. And the book lays out some very basic assumptions. When looking at this idea of the mind as a bio computer. I want to read you from the one section. You know some of this is like wordy right says programs vary in their permanence. Some are apparently evanescent and erasable others operable without apparent change for 10s of years. Among the evanescent and erasable programs, one might categorize the ability to use visual projection in the service of one’s own thinking. One finds this ability with a very high incidence among children, and a very low incidence among adults. So Visual projection, easier done through children are an example of a program operating without change for 10s of years, one can show handwriting over a long series of years to maintain its own unique patterns. Programs are acquirable throughout life. Apparently no matter how old a person is, there is still possibility of acquiring new habits. The difficulties of acquisition may increase with age. See, that’s why it’s important. That’s why they mess with the kids. However, it is not too sure that this is correct. The problem may not be with acquiring programs as much as a decrease in the motivation for acquiring programs, meaning the young mind is eager to learn. The old mind is set in its ways stubborn, like old Uncle Henry sitting on his ass. He’s like, You know what, I’m not building this house. I’m tired. Maybe if I was 20. Young, dumb and full of fun. I’d be willing to build this house but I’m done. And I get it right. I’m in my 40s so I feel some time I’m done. Also put my feet up and watch Twin Peaks 100 more times. Back to Jhansi. Louis, he says that the mind can be programmed. And how do you do it through symbols that’s right through the unconscious. It’s a term he calls meta programming. And much like these a cultist it’s all about making contact with the divine making contact with God and annihilation of the ego. Let me read let me read you from the book and then we’re going to wrap it up. He says even as one can travel inside one’s models inside one’s head talk about cognitive models. That’s what we talked about and aliens UFOs near caught us religion two, well one and two both of them says even as one can travel inside one’s models inside one’s head. So can one travel outside or be the outside of one’s model of the universe. Still inside one’s head. In this meta program, it is it is as if one joins the creator’s unites with God, et cetera. Here one can so attenuate the self, that it may disappear. He’s talking about the Apollonian technique for making contact with God. I’m sorry. Are the Dionysian excuse me, it’s the Dionysian. It’s when you overwhelmed with drugs, or something like that, LSD maybe, so that the consciousness and the ego shrinks so that it can make contact with the higher entity of God and be absorbed into it. It’s the annihilation of self the annihilation of ego. Says are there, he here one can attenuate the self so that it may disappear?
Look, I’ve done a hell of a lot of ketamine in my day. There’s some truth to that seems like if you don’t if you don’t want to talk about I did. I did two episodes with my beautiful wife on a show called breaking social norms that I do. It’s not for everyone. But I talked about ketamine therapy and the experiences from it. It’s pretty wild. Of course, I was with medical professionals not illegal I would never ever in a million years recommend taking the illegal substances. And it’s not because I’m a what do you call it a do gooder? It’s because you don’t know what kind of crap they put in this stuff. Fentanyl. People crazy stuff and stuff now. Anyway. Here’s here’s what we’re going to boils down to in the in the in the very conclusionary. Why did they want to do this? It’s the perennial philosophy. Okay. It’s to annihilate God’s creation of man, and send us out in the space. If you don’t believe me, I’m gonna read you one last quote from John C. Lily’s Book says the planet wide consciousness joins into solar systems consciousness. In the Galaxy wide consciousness. intergalactic sharing of consciousness, fused into the mind of the universe finally faces its creator, the Star Maker. The universe’s mind realizes that its Creator knows its imperfections, and will tear it down to start over, creating a more perfect universe. So that’s what they want to do. Annihilate man’s ego, create a digital matrix, right? digitize our consciousness. Send it out into space. Exactly what happens in the sequels The 2001 Space Odyssey if you read all those books because God is the this impersonal scientific universe and says right there the universe’s mind, realizes that its Creator knows its imperfections, and will tear it down to start over creating a more perfect universe. So there you go, return us. Illuminate confirm. What do you think? So that’s the fourth part of the Wizard of Oz deep dive, I can’t imagine there’s gonna be a part five. Let’s stay subscribed in case there are. And if you haven’t heard part one through three, I did a lot of work. Do a lot of research for those of the links in the show notes. Check them out. And if you want to support the show, you know where to go. I’m gonna do I’ll do all the things all the links are in stone@patreon.com backslash Illuminati watcher, or sign up for the Apple premium subscription. I’m going to enable that really soon. Hell might be there by the time you listen to this episode. And I will start the process of back populating all the podcast episodes, uploading all the bonus episodes. But it’ll be up to date to present and future they know if I when I dropped the bonus episode here in the next week or two. I’ll put it right on there. Okay. The Early Access may not be enabled. I gotta do some backend work to make that happen, but it’ll get there. And it’s gonna cost more than Patreon. That’s the last thing I got to tell you. It’s gonna cost a couple of bucks more than Patreon and you don’t get the books. You know? You go to Patreon you get the books. Hey, you know what? Some people want you to the Apple thing. Fine by me. Okay, everybody, thanks for listening shell. Thanks for dealing with my voice. I’ve been dealing with it. You’ve been dealing with it. We’re all very sorry about that. Till next time, stay WOKE
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
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