On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we take a basic look at the ideas behind the shape shifting lizard people conspiracy and its connection to the Windsor Royal Family with the passing of Queen Elizabeth II! We’ll talk about the Q Anon ideas before diving into the origins of this theory with David Icke! Elite bloodlines, serpent worship, Golems and much more! We’ll hear about Jack Parsons and Aleister Crowley even! Plus listen to how Queen Elizabeth is related to Dracula! It’s true! ALSO- if you sign up to the supporter feed at, you will now get billed monthly on the date you sign up! (*Previously it would charge you the 1st of every month which made it a bad deal for people who signed up towards the end of the month).
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Order of the Nine Angles (*a Patreon/VIP Bonus show but you can hear the first half here):
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Website publisher of and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Eddie Bravo’s “Look Into It,” Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Unknown Speaker 0:00
A few moments ago, Buckingham Palace announced the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the second. The palace has just issued this statement. It says the Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon. The King and the Queen Consort will remain at Balmoral this evening and will return to London tomorrow. Within the past few minutes, Buckingham Palace has announced the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second. To recap on the statement, the Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon. The King is Charles and the Queen Consort will remain at Balmoral this evening and will return to London tomorrow.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:01
Welcome back to conspiracy theories and on popular culture. I’m your host, Isaac Weishaupt, aka Isaac Vaughn Hammerstein and today he liked that name. That’s my new name and gone with it. That’s my new tic tock channel because I had the shadow ban. The first one, surprise, surprise. We’re not here to talk about tick tock. We’re here to talk about shape shifting lizard people. That’s right. Today we’re going to take a look at the ideas behind this wild conspiracy theory about royal elite bloodlines being part of a intergalactic lizard species, all right, I’m going to try to explain this to you try to distill it down to the basics of this idea. Because it’s crazy, right? It’s a crazy idea. But we’re going to talk about how it connects into the Windsor royal family, aka Queen Elizabeth the Second who died not too long ago. And today we’re going to talk about we’re gonna talk a little bit about QA non because they’re part of this. Then we’re gonna get into the the roots of the theory which were best expressed by a man named David Icke. We’re gonna talk about elite bloodlines serpent worship. Even golems and homunculus is Oh, yeah, it’s all here, which gets us into Jack Parsons and Aleister Crowley. And for good measure, we’ll talk about Dracula. That’s right. Because the Queen and the royal bloodlines when you know, they’re related to Dracula, who would have thunk? So all those crazy cue theories about drinking blood and all that stuff? Well, I mean, how crazy are they? We don’t know yet. We don’t know yet. And I think that’s all part of the design. But we’re gonna get into that. And I posted I teased you guys on the social media said, Hey, if you want this show, retweet, like, comment, whatever, share. You already knew I was gonna do it anyway. Right? I like to play games sometimes. No shame in this one. But yeah, Queen Elizabeth died. And I could care less, right. I don’t really follow the royal family. I could care less about them. She was 96 As expected, right? Well, the only reason I’m talking about this is because I received many, many requests to talk about the death of Queen Elizabeth. Queen, l lizard Beth as they call her in the conspiracy circles. And if you break that down, L is the Elohim or the gods lizard. Well, you know what a lizard is? And then you got Beth. But this is one of the biggies this idea that the reason I want to talk about is because there’s a big conspiracy about lizard shapeshifting people and I don’t think I’ve ever done a full show about it. So today, we’re gonna try to explain it briefly. massive topic, right? Lots of books. You could read about this. And if you recall, there was a guy in Nashville on Christmas Day. I think it was in 2020 or 21. This bomber guy Anthony Warner blew up a van didn’t kill anybody but he blew up I think was like an AT and T or something because he was worried about 5g. Apparently, he was into the stuff too, because you know, the news, right or wrong? True or False? likes to hop on any sort of connection to the conspiracy world. And that’s what they pinned on that guy. It’s probably true, right? Like, there’s a lot of unhinged conspiracy people out there. It’s a very dangerous little subculture. And it’s funny because it used to be I’m very fascinated by subcultures. You conspiracies was one that I glommed on to. But when everybody turned into conspiracy theories, it became a little more dangerous. All right. And so we have to be careful, right? We have to be careful with these theories we present because you never know who’s listening and how far they want to take it. They’re gonna say they’re gonna, you know, someone could listen to this and be like, Oh, my God, the shapeshifting lizard people, we need to kill them all their demons, they’re possessed by demons. Well, I’m not saying that man. I’m just saying. There’s a theory and we’re gonna discuss the ideas of the theory. It seems preposterous. But I’ve got my, you know, beliefs and we’ll get into it, we’ll get into it. But this whole idea was popularized by David Icke. In 19 NDAA. He had a book called The biggest secret. He went on, there was a famous British show.
Oh, man, Terry, Terry Mari, I don’t remember. They put them on a mainstream TV show over in the UK. And they proceeded to make fun of the guy. And, you know, lo and behold, some of his ideas hold a decent amount of traction, such as this theory about Queen Elizabeth, the second being related to Dracula. Well, it turns out that was true. Royal Family even boasted it 12 years later, after David Icke wrote about it. But you see, and I always question this because there was TV shows in the 80s, like V, or films like John Carpenter’s, they live. That showed us this theory about humans being shapeshifting lizard people. So I often thought, man, maybe David Icke just saw this on fiction, and then said, Hey, maybe that’s real. It’s hard to say. But someone who did get into this and embraced it wholly is the QA non folks now, you know, here on this show, everyone deserves a seat at the table, and queue including my cue friends. I think they’re wrong. But that’s okay. You know, they think I’m wrong. And that’s all right. We’re here to share ideas, consider them. And, you know, we’re not advocating for any sort of violence on the show, I gotta be heavy because they’re canceled people left and right. And I’m not trying to get cancelled. Because I did several shows criticizing cue saying that I think it’s a psyop because I believe that it is. And, yeah, well, anyway, you already know my spiel about that. I’ve done several shows on it. But I want to lay out the disclaimer, because I don’t want the powers that be to hear this and say, Oh, he’s peddling QA not theories, because that’s not me, because I don’t believe the QA non theories. But we’re gonna ref. This is gonna, it’s gonna piss off the cube people. We’re going to reference an article on vice. I know, I know. There’s claims vice is woke nonsense, and I get it. But let me let me let me cover that for one brief second, one of the founders of vices guy named Gavin McInnes, this guy was a very far right guy. He’s the founder of the proud boys. So as Vice giving voice to these theories, is Shane Smith taking corporate woke funding? Like that’s why Gavin left, apparently. I don’t know. But what I do know is that QA Nan, is propaganda disinformation, proven over and over again, all of the theories of Q are completely fabricated. The problem is they take some ideas that have some merit of truth that we should consider. And then they run with it. And I think that’s by design, I think is to get people off of conspiracy, because as you know, and 2020 Everyone got into conspiracy, and like I said previously, it’s kind of a dangerous subculture. It questions all the official narratives. Sometimes it gets it right. Sometimes it does not. But I think they want to lump all conspiracy thinking into QA non stuff so that the mainstream masses say like, this is nonsense. JFK Jr. is going back to life. Donald Trump’s eagerly the President, this is crazy talk, so that they don’t consider any ideas. They want to think that they’re all disillusioned crackpots in this conspiracy world. But who owns Weiss it’s partially owned by Disney. partially owned by James Murdoch, son of Rupert Murdoch, the guy who owns Fox News, which is a right wing media outfit, even though James Murdoch apparently is a liberal guy. He’s donated to a lot of liberal candidates. So is it is Vice liberal propaganda? Yes, it is. You just have to know that though, right. And you should also know that mainstream media is actually Fox News. So the mainstream media is actually right wing media. Okay. If you look up the top 10 cable news shows, Fox owns virtually all of them. One of them is Rachel Maddow. And she’s like number eight. Fox News, right wing media is the mainstream media people they want they they try to persuade us to say, hey, we’re the underdogs. That’s just not the case. And you know what? It’s all All right. You just got to watch the stuff and kind of be aware so like, I watched vice, I think it’s entertaining some of the stuff some of the shows. But yes, when I watched it, I said this is generally liberal propaganda. And that’s okay. That’s all right.
Now, Bice? Geez, they did an article about QA Nan and death of Queen Elizabeth and allege it because I don’t stay up on Q. It’s not my thing. But allegedly, according to Vice in accordance with Q As reported by Vice Queen Elizabeth the Second was part of a big circle of elites messing around with the kids. And also she was dead several months ago, she’s been dead. And Q The reason why is because cue in the past was doing several anonymous drops on like 4chan hn. The forums right, that’s where Q came from years ago. And Q had been dropping the Queens name, including an OG quote in the accuser was real vague, right? That’s why I don’t like about it. It’s like okay, they’re gonna do all this stuff. We’ll name the names and give us specifics. Q said, Who is the Queen of England? How long in power with power comes corruption? What happened to Diana and then it goes on to call her evil, corrupt and part of a secret society. all valid. I think that my first book, a grand unified conspiracy theory, I have a whole chapter on Princess Diana and and the the buggery behind her death. If you ever read my first book, I’ve written nine so far. You can get it free, go to Illuminati, watchdog calm. Go to the Start Here tab. Sign up for the free email newsletter. That’s just me. I’m not selling it. Don’t worry, Disney won’t be blasting out your inbox. I’m not selling it to nobody. And your first email you’ll get a code to get it for free. Then, let’s see then a QA Nan in 2019. The members of the SSC are the members of the conspiracy movement claimed that the Queen was executed following a millage military tribunal because she had Princess Diana murdered after Princess Diana learned of a blackmail scheme involving convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. And we’re gonna go we’re gonna go back into this later on in the show, talking about this child abuse blood drinking idea, right? Because again, like these are that’s one of the elements that I think is worth looking into the queue moment runs with it and says, Oh my god, Tom Hanks is doing it. Maybe right? I don’t know. It’s worth looking at. And I know all the cute people like oh, he’s a Isaac he’s a real cook. Well, I’m just saying like, I need any proof I need evidence. I like considering these things. Back when I got into conspiracy it was just for fun thought exercise. Sometimes you would find some truths and sometimes the truth were really scary false flags and stuff. But when you get into lizard shapeshifting like how do you prove that? I don’t know. How can you be so convinced it’s real I think it’s fun interesting idea. I see some some decent evidence laid out but it’s not the it’s not the smoking gun. Right. So kill and you can hear why I’m being so careful when this show because this is one of those hot button topics that gets people canceled. They canceled David Icke because of this exact reason. Q according to visor co opted that David Icke theory of shapeshifting lizard people and they claimed that you know, all the familiar suspect usual suspects we got the bushes, Clintons, the royal family, Henry Kissinger, they’re all lizard people. That’s what they claim. Now, ironically, a guy named Jordan Saylor was mentored mentioned in the vice article. And I’m going to read you from the article says not quote Not much longer for Queen lizard, quote, unquote. Jordan Sater, a grifter who leverages his cue a non followers to peddle multivitamins wrote on his telegram channel when it was announced that doctors were worried about the Queen’s health. Now, if you were caught, your boy here had beef with Jordan Saylor back in 2020. I don’t remember what it was. But someone I think it was when I was criticizing the Q movement for being a grifting movement, which it is. And someone on Twitter wanted me to debate Jordan and tag both of us. Because I was saying the queue was nonsense, and this person apparently did not. I don’t know. But But yeah, Jordan Sater and David Wilcox. I think they’re Grifters. You know, nothing against the people. Well, yeah, I guess. I mean, they might be nice guys. I
don’t know. They maybe believe what they believe. But I don’t think so. I think they’re Griffin. And yes, to wrap up this queue thing, it is nonsense. There. They were claiming that the death of the queen will be the back before it happened. They’re like this is going to trigger the 10 days of darkness. And if you don’t know who that is, for years, they’ve been saying that. Donald Trump, Donald Trump say this is going to shut down all the media, social media news, everything. 10 days a full blackout darkness. And during that time, Trump and cue in the queue arm you’re gonna go around and arrest all the people involved here. Tom Hanks, Oprah, Clintons, whoever else they claim as part of this, right? And of course, that never happened. Of course, they keep moving the goalposts and saying, Well, it’s gonna happen now. Well, it’s gonna happen now. And after the 10 days of darkness, Trump will take his rightful place as the authoritarian, fascist dictator, King of the universe that they want him to be. That’s what they believe in. I think it’s wild. Now, let’s talk about the theory. Right? That was just the latest. And that’s where a lot of the interest expressed to me and doing a show about Queen Elizabeth the Second came in all right. So let’s talk about the theory of are there shapeshifting lizard reptile people walking amongst us? I’m going to refer you to David Icke. This was the original theorist as far as I know, proclaiming that there are lizard shapeshifters in the royal family. And he may have gotten he may have elaborated upon some ideas presented by Zechariah Sitchin with the 12, Planet books, Ancient Alien theory, and so on. Because a lot of this stuff ties into Ancient Alien theory. You know, David Wilcox, for example, who I’m pretty sure he was on a bunch of Ancient Aliens back when they first started that show. But back in David Ickes book in the mid 2000s, human race, get off your knees, which was one of my formative books. Bill Cooper’s behold, a pale horse was the first red pill for me. Then David Ickes, Freedom Road, VHS tape, then I bought human rights, get off your knees, kind of three stage now, right? But he makes some pretty wild assertions fun as they may be. And he says, he lays out this idea that basically there’s elite bloodlines going back to antiquity. These were the leaders of the ancient societies. These were the kings and queens. And they proclaim to have the divine right to rule. Now why would they say this? What would they base their right to rule over another independent, free spirit? It would be their superior bloodline. And this is why they obsess over who breeds with who. Probably allegedly, why Princess Diana got taken out because there were rumors she was going to have a baby that did not have the the right blood. But this ties in to the House of Windsor who has the lizard shapeshifting correct blood, apparently right. And David Icke proclaims that the House of Windsor is actually the German house of Saxe Coburg Gotha and they originally changed their name during World War One when Brit He was at war with Germany, hence members of their own family. So they changed their name to the House of Windsor. That’s the David Icke says, because the Germans are always involved, right? The Rothschilds, that means the red shield and German or the Rosicrucians, who came to America to start the new secret destiny of America, the new occult basis of freedom of religion. And then, of course, you’ve got the, the occult obsessed Nazi party from Germany. Lots of interesting stuff comes from Germany. Now, all of these elites, David Icke claims comm they get their origins through the Sumur, Empire, and Babylon, which is where you get all of these occult sciences of astrology and
using ley lines to focus energies and monoliths and megaliths, and the sun and the moon, and all this stuff, right? All goes back through Mesopotamia, which is where you could argue we get these ideas of lizard shapeshifting people because of Zacharias situations, theories about the Annunaki alien race that comes from the planet Nibiru or Planet X. If you recall, in 2012, New Blu Ray was supposed to get the closest it’s ever been to us again and the aliens were supposed to come down and destroy the planet. Whatever, re enslave the people to mine gold, that’s the original theory was lizard aliens, created the human race so that they could be enslaved to mined gold for the Anunnaki that was the theory. Now his David Ickes theory also goes into the ideas of the star constellation of Draco. And this is where it gets into Dracula. All right, and how the elites the lizard people drink human blood. Now, Ike says it’s not necessarily Draco the stars themselves, but Draco as a reference to a dimension or another density as he calls it. And a lot of these ideas came from man, what’s got him credo Mutwa. He was a shaman. And, man, I don’t remember. Sorry, it’s somewhere in Africa that had all this ancient knowledge of the Nomo? The daggone tribe or something like that? Gets into Ancient Alien theory pretty quick. But yes, when I when I published on my Instagram said, Hey, do you guys want to show him this? Someone mentioned about the Dracula connection and yeah, this is part of it. Right? So we do need to talk about it. And then David Ickes book it says that Vlad the Impaler himself, Dracula, was a hybrid reptilian. His dad was blood Drakul and vlog Drakul was in this ancient Order of the Dragon aka the Brotherhood of the snake. This is a secret society in Egypt that used black magic. In his dad’s name, Lada Drakul actually means the devil or dragon. And if you look at the historical symbolism of the dragon, the red dragon in particular it does represent the devil. Again another topic I covered in a grand unified conspiracy theory. The first book I wrote. Granted, not the best writing, but hey, you got to start somewhere. Get it for FREE Illuminati watchdog calm. Start here tab, sign up for the free email newsletter. You’ll get it for free. You can read about the Red Dragons in the devil. Now, where were we here? Okay, so lodge are cool. Okay, yeah, so blod the son Vlad the Impaler side has named Dracula, which means the son of the devil or the dragon. Now, this Order of the Dragon was a group discussed by the author of The Holy Grail, which goes into the Merovingian Christ bloodlines. Again, just this idea of elite bloodlines that come from the cosmos or whatever. And wouldn’t you know it Queen Elizabeth the Second grandmother, Queen Mary of tech was a descendant from the sister of Dracula Vlad the Impaler so there you go. Now is this true? That’s what David Icke claims. I looked it up. Yes, it is. Here’s CBS News from 2011. In an upcoming TV show to promote his interest in Romania’s Transylvania region, Britain’s Prince Charles claims he is related to Vlad the Impaler who gave rise to the Dracula vampire stories. Apparently so is his mother, the queen. The heir to the British throne said genealogy shows that he is related to Vlad giving him a stake in the future of Romania. The prince has long work to conserve the forest and has bought a home in the Transylvania region. The Lincoln appears is his great grandmother Mary of tech, who was grandmother to Britain’s current ruler Queen Elizabeth the Second and was Queen during the reign of King George the fifth.
A Wartenberg Princess Mary, the woman for whom the liner Queen Mary was named, was believed descended from two of lads sons. So there you go. Not only is it true, they were boasting about it, and this was years after David Icke wrote about it. Now, interesting sidebar, HBO decided to do a spin off of Game of Thrones, which was one of the most popular TV series of all times, and they ruined the last season, of course, they have a new series called the House of Dragon, which is based upon the Targaryen bloodlines. And I believe in the first episode of The Game of Thrones series, wasn’t it about the Targaryen brother and sister like having an inappropriate relation? Maybe I don’t remember. But yeah, maybe some inbreeding because they’re obsessed with the bloodlines because of this. I don’t know shapeshifting lizard blood. But let’s stick to the back to the royal bloodlines. Here, the Royals specifically David Icke tells us that the main power centers in the ancient world were Rome and London. And London he lays out is babba, Lun din, Babylon, Babylon, London. And when the people started pushing back against the royal families and the monarchies, these bloodlines got a little more quiet, little more humbled, and they went underground. We’re talking groups like the Freemasons, the Merovingian ones, the Davinci Code stuff with the Holy Blood Holy Grail. You could talk about the rituals in like the Hellfire caves. But these were all now the royal bloodlines of control. And they were coordinating events around the globe, pushing for people to have independence, like the French Revolution, which I believe was in fact tied to the Bavarian Illuminati, if I’m not mistaken, as well as the American Tea Party. All these supposedly like, you know, all this was just a grassroots common man and woman standing up for their rights. Well, the reality is it’s the secret societies are poking people with a stick or hey, maybe you should do this, you know? Why would they do such thing? David Icke claims they did this as a deception, because they wanted to put up a prison without the bars. Meaning you think you’re free, but you’re actually not. All right. It’s all smoke and mirrors is what he claims.
Now, this underground group, David Icke claims are shapeshifting royal bloodlines. This includes the Illuminati themselves. And what they are, they’re considered serpent demigods, meaning that they’re not fully God, not fully men, they’re sort of in between the two. The weird thing is that they are also also victims to this system. Because what it is, is that they are possessed by demonic entities that are allowed to pop into their bodies and take control and the marrow and and we’ll get into that a little bit more. Now the Merovingian ones, which established France or were royal bloodline in France. House of Windsor, they apparently use the symbol of the bee because it represents magic, specifically the black magic that they alleged to know going all the way back to Atlantis, right the secret great time of advanced technology and superhuman powers. But this all goes through the Dum Dum identities. And if you look at the history of the story of alchemy, that supposedly is about an alien, an entity named Thoth who came down and taught man, all these magical secrets. So again, weird close parallels Ancient Aliens and lizard people and occult sciences. So now we also see this long history of serpent worship. to lump in with that, what you see a lot of ancient alien talk with. And this goes back to the serpent kings of India, aka the Nagas and a G A S, and they also claimed the divine right to power because they were demigods. The result of the humans interbreeding with the serpent gods that came to visit them, because that’s what the Ancient Alien theory wants you to believe is that lizard aliens came down man made sexy time with them. And look, is it true? I don’t know the Bible even suggest that there’s that happened with the watchers and the Neff Aleem. So he says that, like says that the Nagas the serpent kings interbred with the rich whites at the caucus mountains, that’s where the aliens came down. And this is where you get the term Caucasian. Because if you recall the first man and woman they were black. That’s what they’re saying. Right? So sciences in Africa and expanded from there. Well, why where did this white bear skin come from? came from the Caucasus Mountains. And I don’t think this is true, as what David Icke talked about. And early man would go climb the mountain make sexy time when the lizard aliens and come back down and procreate and make white, white babies and then you have the rich whites, you know, like David Dave Chappelle says. So the, so the rich whites would become the lizard people. And they would spread to France and London, to these, you know, to the centers of Rome and all these places. And this is where the idea of Aryan kings comes from. Now, right now, sidebar, but if you’ll notice, sometimes there’s an overlap in the QA non movement with white nationalism. All right. I’m not saying all cute people are white racist nationalist. I’m just saying sometimes there’s an overlap. Same could be said of the conspiracy community. Sometimes you get this weird over representation of white nationalism. Is that tied into this have a divine right to rule because the white bloodline comes from these Aryan kings, which comes from the Caucasus region from the lizard aliens coming down and making sexy time big questions, as you can see, very controversial. But if you look at the past David Ickes book lays on a lot of arguments of the weird obsession with serpents in our past totally true right Garden of Eden, you got the serpent in Mexico, you got quotes a coatl. And cheat you need to and ancient aliens will tell you this over and over again. The Indians with the Nagas dragons and folklore over and over again.
Here’s where I critique. David Icke a little bit of David Icke to me subscribes to a form of Gnosticism. So I don’t really align entirely with David Ickes belief system. I think it’s very interesting. He laid it out, probably better than anyone else did before him in a way that I thought was interesting. I mean, even in his book, he directly tells you like, hey, you know what we were androgynous, male, female beings that allowed us to interact with the true God, which is global consciousness or the source. The all that is, as David Icke puts it, and he believes in this golden age where man could simply leave his body rejoin the source, there was no need for food, there was no killing, there was no fear. Man, it would just consume energy as a sub sustenance. And then then the lizard people, which is which are satanic, even though he doesn’t believe in God and Satan, kind of? They came here and they made this prison planet where man now has fear and the lizard people, they use that fear of sustenance because remember the early first form of man would eat energy. And that’s what the lizard people they’re sort of a higher version of, of higher species, I guess. But this is all Gnostic creation myth. I didn’t know it at the time when I read this back in the mid 2000s. And he what he talking about is the Demiurge and the Archons, putting man into a limited state of awareness, a prison planet literally. Man’s fall is referring to a descent of nature into denser reality. And he says that all religions Christianity included, are deceptions where the worshiper aligns to a vibrational connection to these false gods, the serpent gods, that lizard people. So all religions, all secret societies, all Satanists, they’re all worshipping the satanic lizards. And the point is, is that the Royals are these demigod hybrids. And they can be more easily possessed and controlled by the lizard people. And you have to understand the the Gnostic creation story, which is actually pretty big, but the belief is that there is a source of global consciousness sort of God of thy God. And God created perfected pairs, they call them CGS and it had a male and a female polarity. Well, there was one the Sophia and she decided she was going to become God herself, and create her own sort of perfected pair or something. And she gave birth to the Yalda both, and she did so without her male consort. So it was not perfect. Y’all to both was a travesty. So Sophia kicked out Jada, both from the Perfected realm, the heavens or the Pleroma, as they call it. In the Gnostic mythology, y’all the bonus is now out in this other outcasted realm. And y’all to both says, Hey, I have this memory of being in the Pleroma of a perfected world of perfected pairs and polarities. And Yalda both created its own imperfect, demonic Archons. All right, collectively known and referred to as the Demiurge. And the outer both said, Okay, Demiurge go out there and make me a world full of life that will worship me, and I will tell them, I’m the real God. But the round is I’m the false god, the real God created all the pairs. And that included my mother Sophia, wisdom. So that’s what the Gnostics believed they believe the planet Earth in this human experience was created by the Archons, which is what David Icke claims are the shapeshifting lizard entities. And we all worship the false god out of both, which David Icke says all the religions are worshipping the false god doesn’t call the out of both, but that’s what he’s saying. And the archons are the shapeshifting lizard people. Okay, he just repackaged the Gnostic creation story, or reinterpreted, maybe I don’t know. I mean, that sounds like he’s being a fraud. And he’s done some shady things, right. There’s some things I don’t like about David Icke that I don’t trust. But again,
everyone’s welcome to the table. I’ll consider all ideas. But what I would like from my listeners, if you’re on my team, you question everybody, you doubt everything you even doubt me, you even questioned me. And that’s okay. Because we’re all here to try to make sense of everything. I’m not the kind of person that wants you to just believe what I say. And then take action. These are all very complicated ideas. There’s a lot of grifting. There’s a lot of external influences in the conspiracy community. Sometimes it’s right wing, white nationalist, crazy talk. And I reject that right? I reject that. Point is the royal family. They are shaped according to David Icke, they’re shaping lizard people, which are the archons and Gnostic creation stories, and they feed on fear. That’s their form of sustenance because remember, David Icke said the first early androgynous male female pair, fed on energy. Also a Gnostic idea about this perfected male female pair. But the reason that the Royals have the special bloodline is because their DNA is more compatible for possession by the Archons, or the lizard people, and some say this is why we see different rituals and satanic things happening on mass levels, mass ritual events like 911, the Travis Scott concert. All these things open up portals and gateways that allow these fourth dimensional lizard people into our three dimensional world. That’s the theory. Now, is it true? I have no idea. It’s pretty wild, right? Until I can get some John Carpenter they live sunglasses, and I can put them on and see. It’s left to guess. But what I will do to support the idea, I will look at some occult practices. No conjecture needed my friends, this is what they claim. All right, let’s look at it. Let’s talk about homunculus and golems. If you don’t know what that is, I’m going to refer you to a book called The history of magic witchcraft and the occult. And I quote golems were sad creatures that were believed to be magically brought to life from clay by chanting the names of God. However, because they were not created by God, they had no power to speak. Even today, Gollum is sometimes used as a byword for stupid. While some magicians were said to create columns to do household chores, a famous 16th century legend from Prague Chronicles how a Gollum was created by the MaHA royal to stop anti semitic attacks. Gollum supposedly had the word Emmett truth scribed on their foreheads, and could be reduced to dust by removing the first letter which changed the word to met death. Interesting, interesting that Elon Musk is talking about making Tesla bots, right? He’s basically making golems to do household chores, which for him would be working in the warehouse. Sure, Jeff Bezos isn’t far behind and making golems to do the work. And you can see why that would be powerful, they have no power to speak, they just work and you can reduce them to dust, removing the one letter off their head. Now, that’s a whole topic on its own right. But let’s stick to this idea of lizard people possessing our bodies. This belief was espoused by our dear old friend Jack Parsons, aka the Antichrist, who was doing rituals called the Babylon workings, to channel an entity, the horror of Babylon onto Earth into a female form, so he could make sexy time and create the actual Antichrist. And if you and we’ve done many shows, where we discuss him, he was featured prominently in my books, aliens UFOs. In the occult user illusion, one and two now available on Amazon audible get a signed copy on Gumroad. Support your boy. But we talked about Jack Parsons a lot, because he is one of the formative figures in this new call world in which we live. But we want to look at his colleague Theodore von Karman back in 1930, ran the Guggenheim Arenado harriton heretical laboratory at the California Institute of Technology, the Gosset.
And he would then form Aerojet. And he would hire Frank Molina and Jack Parsons. Now those names ring a bell. They’re the the Suicide Squad, they were called. And if you recall, back in the summer of 2020, we did some shows about Elaine Maxwell, and her connections to Frank Molina. It’s all connected here, right. Now, let me I’m gonna make a note. I’m gonna put a link to that show here, because usually I try to put more info behind I’m gonna put a link to that show. ghibelline maximum, Frank Molina because it’s very interesting. But we’re not going to get off topic here. Von Karman and Parsons and Frank Molina were all part of this Aerojet thing. It would later become they would later start JPL Jet Propulsion Labs, which would become NASA. Six degrees of separation here right. Now what’s interesting here, Theodore von Karman his family, his bloodline created a Gollum what? Let’s read from sex and rockets the occult world of Jack Parsons. Quote, born in Budapest on May 11 1881. Von Karman was descended from Rabbi Judah lo Ben Bezaleel of Prague, and he often boasted of his ancestors reputation for having created a Gollum, an artificial human being in Hebrew folklore endowed with life. unmentioned in his autobiography, the wind and beyond, the Golem appears in several secondary sources obviously, you can see the connection here right you can see the connection of his bloodline and the ability to create a Gollum and you could look at the ideas of the grey aliens people say the grey aliens are golems seeking to steal souls so that they can become alive again. And that’s what they’re doing on Earth. That’s what the demonic the people who say the aliens are demons they say that right now, if you go to later on the book talks about Aleister Crowley quote, in any case, the magical child is an age old concept found in the mythologies of certain cultures. The magical child concept Parsons was pursuing was given definition by Croley. Of course, in de Arte Magica Aleister Crowley wrote, quote, it is said by certain initiates that to obtain spiritual gifts, and to aid nature, the sacraments should be as it were, a nuptial of the folk of the earth. But the magic is of the Damon in that by a certain perversion of the office, may be created elementals fit to perform the will of the magician, and quote, the perversion no doubt refers to unorthodox acts of sex, by which may be created elementals or magical children, also called a homunculus. Little Man. The moon child’s creation is described in Curley’s novel by the same name Moon child, originally titled The butterflies nap. And the cool for moon child, it proceeds to basically say the goal is to create a messiah or a super man. And man is this go into a lot of realms here Superman was the idea of Nietzsche who Hitler was using to create he was trying to create a Superman also comes from Helena Blavatsky and theosophy and the occult homunculus allegedly, Jack Parsons was creating a homunculus. And that’s what got him killed. Allegedly at the Trinity site, there was a big metal, what they call that thing, I just read about it. Anyway, there was a big metal structure that they supposedly tried to when the atomic bomb went off, they thought they could infuse a soul into a homunculus that was inside of this thing. It goes on and on. It’s crazy. You could also see stuff like this and Rosemary’s Baby. And that’s what Jack Parsons was trying to do channel an entity and make a demigod, which would be of course Lucifer, because that’s what they want. And the whole idea of channeling entities to put a put a bow on this thing. We always talk about occult magicians and the magicians have the ability to summon entities or demons, angels or demons, whatever they believe they’re doing via incantation, spells and grim wires, etc. And Aleister Crowley of course, as you know, because you listen to the show, you’ve already subscribed and listened to so many episodes 400 and counting my god
Aleister Crowley use John Dee’s a Nokia and language to communicate with the angels, which Jack Parsons would later use in the Babylon worker. Oh my god Are your eyes glossing over yet? See See. John D. who was working for man my brain is getting much was a Queen Elizabeth the first. I kind of think of what he was the conjurer and astrologer for the queen, again, tying us into the royal family. And he used magical spells to make contact with these angels. Aliens entities were everyone to call they said, Hey, here’s the language with which God spoke with Adam. We call the Nokian language ties into the Book of Enoch, which we’re going to do a show about someday here soon. Fast forward 600 years Aleister Crowley says cool give me that an Okie in language he creates the avalanche will work and he makes contact with an alien called Lamb in 1917. Then dag Parsons like 20 years later is like hey, give me that give me that all my land for work and I’m about to make contact with the horror of Babylon. And he did so. Aleister Crowley infamously said that Parsons guy’s a real idiot. He doesn’t know what he’s doing. He’s not going to close the portals to this ritual to Babylon working ritual. And then you’re later Roswell happens. Again, full circle into ancient aliens. So let’s wrap it up in conclusion. In conclusion, even if the shapeshifting lizard people is a silly conspiracy, I do think it’s very possible. They the Illuminati if they exist, right, which I believe they do, I believe there’s a group of people who believe in this stuff. Who are they I couldn’t tell you. They they stay secret on purpose. Even the early assassins secret society profess that they need to stay secret. So they need to put on different masks and embed themselves in different groups so that they don’t let on to what their true beliefs are. But I think the Illuminati they believe there’s some ability to make contact on Channel spirits through practices of the occult. Now, Queen Elizabeth second was married to Prince Philip, who actually just recently died. He made it to 99 She made it to 96 and it’s alleged then in 1933, Queen Elizabeth the Second was videotaped doing a Nazi salute with her Nazi sympathizing uncle Edward the ninth. I’ve seen the screenshot of it. It’s pretty wild, right? And recall also that Prince Harry was in trouble. For Halloween he dressed up with a full on Nazi regalia with a swastika. But now he’s mister big military hero and you’ll see the video where he’s doing an interview and then the sirens go off and then he’s like, Hold on, I gotta go see the dead he runs away from the interview. I’ve never seen such a staged piece of propaganda in my life. Although women Aw. Oh, Prince Harry, come save me the way you save. Whatever you’re saving man and then him and Meghan Markel leave the leave the royal family quote, unquote. And they’re like, You know what, we won’t stand for this anymore. I mean, I never seen such propaganda in my life. I mean, that’s just my opinion. I don’t know I could be wrong. But they’re like, You know what, we’re gonna do it on our own. And they proceed to side deals with Netflix and podcast. They’re making millions they’re fine. Why did we talk about this? Why? Why do we care about the Nazis wealth? Because the Nazis they were probably the only group to really openly profess that they’re like, Hey, we’re doing black magic dark magic. We’re contacting aliens. And we don’t care what you think about it. We’re trying to take over the world. And if you listen to this did an episode. This was a Patreon bonus only episode. This is only on the my supporter feeds VIP. Patreon. I think it even made it to the rockfon I did a show on the order of nine angles. And we talked about the roots of magical occultism and how it connects into Satanism. Nazis. Pythagoras, sacred geometry HP Lovecraft, Michael Aquino, and we talked about the rituals, the language, they use the Nokian keys, the black masks to open up gates. All right.
And one idea and as you could tell, listen to the rest of the show, you see all those topics connect into this right, opening up the portals for the lizard people. But we also talked about semiotic theory and I got a quote from the book that I found fascinating. According to semiotic theory, the magician utilizes signs and symbols as part of a communication process with the phenomena she wishes to understand or effect, and assigns meaning to the phenomena that become known to her. And that’s what this is all about. It’s all about the phenomenon, this UAP thing. If you read my alien books, you know, there’s a spiritual element to this, I believe. I believe that trying to usher in a new religion. And is it tying us into the lizard shapeshifting people, that’s the concern. And if all this lizard shapeshifting talk is real, we might find out in the next few years, which is terrifying, right? But I’m gonna leave a link to that show as well. The order of nine angles actually leave a link because I did a free preview. You can listen to the first half of it, I think. If you like it, sign up for the Patreon Speaking of which, one last note of housekeeping before we wrap up. In the past, I’ve always said hey, you want to watch Do you want to go and free you want 135 Plus bonus episodes, go to backslash Illuminati watch her. And I always said, If you sign up, I suggest you do it on the first of the month because they charge you. Whenever you sign up, then they charge you again on the first. They’ve changed it, they given me the option to change your billing cycles. And I did that. So now you’ll get billed once a month you sign up on, you know, what, October 25. Guess when you get billed next not November 1, November 25. Yes, so Patreon got together, shout out Patreon. Or you can sign up for my VIP section. I’ll give you discounts over there. But you’ll get free books, all the stuff. You know how to support the show. Links are always in the show notes. And yeah, anyway. Sorry, I had to plug that I forgot about that Patreon gave me that option. So there you go. In conclusion, in double conclusion, it’s clean Queen Elizabeth the second and the Royal Family shapeshifting lizard people. I’m gonna say maybe I’m gonna say maybe. Definitely not a I’m definitely not all the way in. I’m not sliding all the chips in like I am on the theory that man never stepped foot on the moon. I’ll slide all the chips in on that. But I’m definitely not saying it’s nonsense. I mean, maybe there’s something to it. I don’t know what it is. But especially given the weird fascination we’ve had with Ancient Aliens lately, bro. I mean, something’s going on. So there you go. Hope that shed a little bit of light on it. No pun intended. Shed. Right. Get it lizards. Anyway, I hope that shed a little bit of light on it. We talked about Queen Elizabeth second. We talked about the royal family. And we talked about the lizard shapeshifting theories and the different people. You know Q. It’s almost like to me, if you look at what Q is saying. It’s almost like that’s the giveaway for what the Illuminati don’t want you to look into drinking blood, you know, because we talked about Adrenochrome in the past many times. And I think there’s something to it. The fact I just finished watching a house of hammer. What the hell man? This guy Armie Hammer comes from an elite bloodline of rich elite, the rich whites. And they basically say oh yeah, his family is tannic. And I mean, they don’t say those words. Exactly. But they they allege the family’s got some satanic connections and a secret society of elites hanging out and like, oh, just so happens that he’s into. They made it sound like he’s more into weird sex stuff. And on like, we’re going to talk about the cannibalism here. He openly talks about eating women’s ribs. And they’re and they’re really hung up on the ropes. They talk about all these really Shabari and BDSM. And like, sure, that’s a part of the story, but are we gonna talk about the cannibalism? And they didn’t really cover it in three hours of episodes. They didn’t really cover it. But I think that’s part of the big conspiracy. Maybe, right. Anyway, thanks for listening. We’re getting off on tangents here. Hope you enjoyed that show. Hope that shed a little bit light on shapeshifting lizard people theory. Thanks for listening. Until next time, stay woke.
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