On today’s episode of the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture with Isaac Weishaupt podcast (formerly known as CTAUC Podcast) we are joined by a world famous UFO investigative journalist Paola Harris! She’s worked with major players in UFO history: J. Allen Hynek (from Project Blue Book), Jacques Vallee, Colonel Philip Corso (from Roswell), Canadian former minister of defense Paul Hellyer as well as her interviews with countless witnesses on unexplained UFOs, publishing her findings in several monumental books. She joins us to discuss the new book by Paola Harris and Jacques Vallee “TRINITY: THE BEST KEPT SECRET!” She’ll reveal the details of what is arguably the most important UFO crash of all-time! This 1945 crash occurred by the Trinity site of the first atomic bomb testing just weeks after the bomb was dropped! We’ll discuss the event, the witnesses, the artifacts they STILL HAVE IN THEIR POSSESSION and what the craft and aliens looked like!! Find out about the REAL history of Trinity– like how it was NOT a “TEST”!!!! (*MAJOR KEY ALERT*) We’ll also talk a bit about the occult and paranormal connections like visitations from aliens, atomic explosions opening portals, black monoliths at the Trinity Site, the Owl Bar, James Selby Downard, Oppenheimer, George Adamski, Colonel Corso and “Upsetting reality”…

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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Eddie Bravo’s “Look Into It,” Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and theories.
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Unknown Speaker 0:08
When you open the Atomic Age, the nuclear age, you do damage in all dimensions. When you do things like that, and you split the atom and you do that, it catches the attention of dimensional phenomenon. In other words, whatever’s out there, and I’m not gonna put names on it because I don’t know. And we don’t know whatever’s out there as you’re getting their attention, because it does damage.
Isaac Weishaupt 0:43
Welcome back to occult symbolism and pop culture with Isaac wise up. Today we are joined by a very special guest, a world famous UFO investigative journalist, Paola Harris, she’s worked with every big figure in the history of UFOs. She’s released a book with Jacque valet called Trinity the best kept secret, and she is going to join us today to discuss the details of arguably the most important UFO crash of all time. We’re talking 1945 we’re talking the predecessor to Roswell. We’re talking about the Trinity site where they support you know, quote, unquote, tested the first atomic bomb, you’re gonna hear why I put tested in quotes. And we’re gonna discuss the event, the witnesses, the artifacts, that they still have they pieces of the craft, they witnesses, the assault the aliens. We’re gonna find the real history of this whole event. And it’s gonna blow your mind. I’m very excited for you. We’re going to talk about these visitations from aliens, atomic explosions, potentially opening portals. I talk a little bit about Jack Parsons. I tried to squeeze that in there a little bit in the history of the call obsession with Palomar Mountain. We’ll talk black monoliths at the Trinity site. James Selby Downard comes up Oppenheimer, George Adamski, Colonel Corso from Roswell. And all of this is about upsetting reality in Powell his words. So without further ado, I’m very excited for you to hear this, so we’re just gonna get right into it. Also, you can get her book, Trinity the best kept secret on Amazon. You can check out Paula Harris at the Loughlin conference November 11. Through the 13th. Go to Starworks usa.com. You can go to her website to get signed paperbacks, Paola harris.com paolaharis.com. I’ll have links in the show notes for all that stuff. I’ll hit you at the end of the show for an outro let’s go. All right, we’re live. Welcome back to occult symbolism and pop culture. I’m your host, Isaac Weishaupt. And today we’re joined by an investigative journalist. She’s one of the biggest names in this field of UFO research. She’s worked with all the major players in UFO history. We’re talking J. Allen Hynek from Project Bluebook. We’re talking jock valet. We’re talking Colonel Philip Corso. We’re talking the Canadian former Minister of Defense Paul Hellyer, as well as countless witnesses she’s interviewed on the unexplained UFO slash phenomenon, publishing many books along the way she has been featured on coast to coast. She’s written the seminal book, conversations with Colonel Corso, where she published interviews with this most famous UFO whistleblower of Roswell and today she’s here with us to discuss a very interesting incident that most people don’t even know about, is the UFO crash of 1945. Detailed in her book with Dr. Jacques Vallee, Trinity the best kept secret. Welcome to the show, Miss Paula Harris.
Unknown Speaker 4:01
Oh, thank you so much. Production, I think I, I did a lot of things but I’m very I’m getting very old and now 77 years old, and I am donating all of my work to Rice University. I have to tell people that because behind me and Clos on the other side, all those drawers, they were filled with all the work I’ve been doing for 40 years. And it’s not just here. It was all over the world. Because I have to tell you lies. That guy lived in Italy from 1992 to 2007 When I came back to the United States, and I was teaching at the American Overseas School of Rome, and his ancient history and English so I have a master’s in education. So everything that comes out of my mouth is going to be like a teacher.
Isaac Weishaupt 4:50
That’s this is great. This is exactly you’re the perfect guest. I’m so excited to have you on here because I actually have a ton of stuff, a ton of questions. I feel like we could do this for hours. But I know our time is limited. I thought maybe we could maybe just dive right into it right let’s let’s talk about this book Trinity the best kept secret because I actually bought this when it came out. Because I am fascinated by the oddities of the southwestern desert of America. I feel like there’s something going on there, particularly in New Mexico as it relates to the phenomenon. So when I saw there was this book about trinity, I was like, Okay, let’s go and I’ve read the book, but I think, obviously, it would be best if you told the story of this, this best kept secret. So for the listeners that have no idea which I’m gonna guess a lot of people don’t because people think Roswell 1947 is the big first crash. Let’s get into it. Paula, what?
Unknown Speaker 5:50
What’s the story of Trinity the best kept secret over the new one. This is this is the one that I found. The fourth witness is called new updated. It’s gotta read cover. And because you never know, I mean, I was in the middle of a conversation and there was another witness. So were we I don’t I didn’t want to leave him out. So the story is this that in 1945 Trinity, and I’m so glad you read. As a teacher, I give you an A plus. All right, thank you.
Unknown Speaker 6:22
Trinity is the name of where the atomic bomb exploded because there’s three mountains there. It’s near Socorro, it the crash was 13 miles away in San Antonio, New Mexico, not San Antonio, Texas. And what happened was that the bomb exploded in July and one month later, two little boys were fixing fences. There was a major thunderstorm it’s always thunderstorm. You know, I don’t know if you notice that. But even with Roswell, I’ve been to New Mexico so many times in the thunderstorms are horrible. And the little boys because they lived through the atomic bomb blast. I mean, Jose, who was nine said he, his mom opened the door at 430 in the morning, and she was blinded in one eye and Jose himself. His eardrum was blown out. Now, they never told the people within the 150 mile radius that they’re exploding the bomb. So look at that, and it’s not a test. Jack writes a gorgeous book here because he writes it as a romance. And he says, It is not a test, a test. I mean, not a romance novel. He writes it as a novel. He said this was not a test. He said Japan had already had already surrendered. And they wanted to see what the effect of the Tomic bomb was going to be, but they didn’t tell them so honored and 50 mile radius everybody is affected. rummy’s bed from what from one side to the other of the of the bedroom. So these guys these boys just what they do and during World War Two, they’re driving a truck. They’re riding horses or fixing fences, and they hear another thud they think it’s bomb again. And they watch they watch this is what’s so amazing. A avocado shaped craft take out a piece of radio tower, a very tall they call it the Italian tower which is another name for Marconi and they and they see this this craft to a kind of a control landing an L shaped landing stop and of course they’re going to go down with their binoculars and their horses and see they don’t know what’s the UFO remember this because there is no Kenneth Arnold yet there is no Roswell yet there’s nothing in the papers. And even the the young boys who were part of the Manhattan Project, who took seven days to clean this up, they didn’t know what it was. So because first of all, it’s avocado shaped it has a little dome on top and and there is nothing in the in the current, you know media or anything that will talk about UFOs so the little boys got there. They they look and they see a panel have been blown off. And they’re they see these and Hosea describes it perfectly. These three beings sashaying are floating back and forth in there making high pitch sounds like he described it like when you go to kill a rabbit, the last dying sounds are a baby crying, and he wanted to go in there and help them. And he thought there were kids. I mean, you know, they’re the same height. And what did they look like? You have to read the book for the details. They had big heads. They had almond shaped eyes. And they had a long spindly arms. And so what’s interesting and we You said you want to talk about this later, and I’m willing to talk about the pair a normal part is that Ronny, the seven year old got a vision when he’s looking through the binoculars at these people are these things are these artificial intelligence clones or whatever they are. He got a vision of people falling out of skyscrapers and he had never seen a skyscraper. Okay, so he got that vision. And they stayed there for at least half an hour, looking at them. And then because there was so much smoking on the on the, you know, on all of the skeet and everything, and Remy started to cry, Jose and Remi went back to the Father, for dia ranch that that was the perdere ranch. They told the father and Sheriff up a DACA who went the next day, the next day, to the inside the craft, they found it it was covered by brush. So I got the story this way and then you can ask me some questions. I was in Italy, I read about it. I wondered why my colleagues never followed up when the people are still alive. You know with Roswell they’re all dead. I mean, you can you can’t find people that are alive when you wait 60 years. And I didn’t realize that it was a destined for me and Jack to do it. But me mainly because I was working on a five years before Jack came along. And so what happened was that the son of the pilot that overflew this and saw the two little Indian boys on horses called me. And when I found out that it was that story called me in the United States, I got their telephone numbers and began working on it.
Isaac Weishaupt 11:37
Oh, fascinating. Yeah. And that the whole, the whole story is, is it’s monumental. From, from what I understand in the book. You know, the first time we tested an atomic bomb, and then within weeks, we have this major crash and sighting with witnesses still alive. And the boys. You said in the book, if I recall, or I don’t remember, was it during an interview? You’re interviewing Remy? I think and Remy was talking about the visions of the skyscraper and all that but then talked about, I think the implication was that Remy was having nightmares. And didn’t
Unknown Speaker 12:17
was having nightmares. Yeah. Was Jose. Okay. Yeah. Because, well, you can have an impact or contact with anything without it completely upsetting your whole entire, you know, nervous system and, and your reality. And this is why I say, you know, I sometimes I believe that some of the people don’t want to know about it don’t want to, you know, to, to upset their reality. It does upset your reality. And I was set mine naturally. You know, when I began working with Hynek in 1980. I was okay with sightings. I mean, I was putting pins in maps. I’m not okay, I was not okay, with looking at what was inside because that that changes my whole reality, then I have to change my mind that I have to change the way I think. And I don’t think most people want to do that. So, you know, when you say Do you believe in UFOs. It’s not a matter of belief. It’s a matter of data collecting. And then you need to change the way like John Mack used to tell me you need to change your worldview to accommodate it. And and you know, a lot of people don’t want us so that’s fine. You know. What I want to stress though, is people say, Well, you know, these are kids well, the kids separated for 60 years. They didn’t see each other one lived in Rowland Heights. Jose lived in Rowland Heights, California, he became a state trooper. And the other one Gig Harbor, Washington he worked in in as an insurance man and he worked of Florida, the governor of Washington, Dixie Lee, and she was the head of the Atomic Energy Commission. And because he was Hispanic and got her elected, we realized when he told us that, that she let him see the file it this is the first crush. So it’s in the file of the Atomic Energy Commission files, which is more top secret than any file anywhere. The President doesn’t even have access to it. Because the naturally it would go there. It’s there wasn’t an Air Force, the air it was Army Air Force together. So where is this file going to go? And and of course, they’re intelligent. They know they’re going to know it’s the reaction to something they did. And then people say to me, Well, why did they wait six years? Well, this is a case where two little boys, we have the exact location. We have the exact we have four witnesses now. And we have the fact that on the seventh day that they were doing the cleanup the nine year old who is very mischievous, As waits until everybody goes to the owl barn Cafe, and that’s where Oppenheimer in the Manhattan Project had cabins behind that was the only watering all the way until everybody’s gone. And they and Jose goes in and off of a plaque against the wall, he pulls off a bracket that’s about this big. And that bracket was given to me for two years, I put it in a bank vault. So we have a piece of the inside a UFO, we have the location, and we have the witnesses. And I don’t think there’s any other case like that. And it’s hard because if people believe that it’s all Roswell, and that we were hoping to have a real great conversation, because there’s a lot of, there’s a lot of congruence with Roswell, Sabrina, who was the seven year old played with long pieces of aluminum foil when she was a kid that used to bunch up and go back. And because they had no toys, and it was the father, you know, of Jose Faustino that went back there on the horse and found all that stuff. And, and this will even make you laugh, but I’m trying to make this short. Because when the craft hit the radio towers spewed out 10 pounds of what we call angel hair, and I’m not gonna, I don’t know if it’s fiber optics, but it was all lit up was purple, pink and white. And they didn’t have electricity in those days. So they put it in a bag bag, they took it home, and they decorated the Christmas tree with it and all the windows, and they gave this angel hair stuff to the whole neighborhood. So I mean, my fourth witness is about the angel hair stuff. My fourth witness that I found Faustina Meyers he was 15 years old. He didn’t know when Jack question immediate No, we wrote a book. He didn’t know there was a crash. He didn’t know anything. He just knew that he decorated the Christmas tree with this stuff. And that he used to put it in people’s backs kazoo irritate their backs. There’s no electricity in these days. So you can you imagine how you would play with that stuff. And this came out of the crash. So it would be nice if all the researchers got together and could discuss and put the pieces of the puzzle together.
Isaac Weishaupt 17:14
Yeah, absolutely. This and that’s one of the fascinating parts of the story is the the artifacts. You talked about the angel hair, right. And I recall in the book, one of the cousins, I think, I played with it and said it had spikes, which I found curious because I’ve spoken with Ryan Bledsoe, he’s Chris Bledsoe son, from a famous contact experience North Carolina. And I he, I think it was they saw some kind of orb or his father did. And it was it was a sort of thing with spikes. And it made me think of that, I don’t know. I think the shapes were highly different.
Unknown Speaker 17:54
her hands, she called it pictures. And then when we got ahold of Faustina, and he didn’t even know about the crash, he didn’t even know what it was. He said that the reason why he you know, kid around at 15 years old, put it on people’s backs, and that’s in the new book, is because it used to irritate them, like little spikes. It maybe it was electric, you know what he call it lifts, you knows? Discharge discharge or something? But we have two witnesses who say that when they touched it, it would spike there, it would be like pinch their hands. I mean, they still trim the tree with that because it was all it was very pretty.
Isaac Weishaupt 18:39
That was the same thing the the memory metal that you’re talking about, was it the same thing as the angel hair that
Unknown Speaker 18:45
every metal was like long strips of aluminum foil that when you punched it together, it would go back to the it was it was like very much the metal described in the Roswell incidents, you know, the memory metal that I was very, I brought Jesse Marcel Jr. to Italy, because I brought a lot of the original witnesses, Colonel Corso, Jesse Marcel Jr. and he described something like that too. So that came out of that. And then of course, the bracket we call the famous bracket that came off the wall. And what happened to the bracket is that I gave it to jock to analyze in Silicon Valley. And the thing is that the bracket will eventually go to, to Rice University because that’s where it belongs. All this stuff belongs to the people. This is a history of planet Earth. It is not a UFO book. I mean, this really did happen. If if Dixie Lee’s showing is showing Remy the case, whatever crashed there, it mean whoever that was or if it was artificial intelligence or whatever what was wanted somebody to cover it, otherwise it would have been a waste. You understand if, if 60 years later, we hadn’t come on the scene, nobody would ever known about it. And you know, these these guys, if you took something from the gut, you’re not going to talk about it. So Jose had had hidden it. And he was not going to come out and say, Yeah, I went in there and I took this because he that’s the reason that kept quiet for so long.
Isaac Weishaupt 20:27
I found it interesting. They called it the to Surah which means treasure, I think, yeah,
Unknown Speaker 20:32
it was a treasure. And the one
Isaac Weishaupt 20:36
I don’t remember is Jose or Remy was talking about how they had it in their possession and I want to say they said three aliens visited them.
Unknown Speaker 20:45
I’m glad you brought that up. You’re gonna talk about the paranormal after. There’s so many things. I mean, Remy lived one place that even lived about five miles down from Jose in closer to San Antonio and the L bar. And his father, Mr. Baca had a sheep herder who had a sheep herders shack there and you know in the sheep herder shack was placed the boys hit it the first time under the the the floorboards of the sheep Porter shack because they didn’t know where to then they headed somewhere else later. While the poor sheep herder walks into Mr. Bacchus place and says I have to move away. And Mr. Baca said what’s wrong? And he says three or more zeros or three little men came in through the wall and asked for the to zero. Well, that was a paranormal occurrence. He didn’t know the boys had done that, that it could have been a dream it could have been a vision. It could have been anything but the fact that he was terrified because these three little men I didn’t know No, remember there’s no no magazines there’s no books, there’s no you know, alien statues, there’s none of that and nothing in the in the modern 1945 world that even looks like this. So they they didn’t know so they call them three little men. And that is the paranormal part that that is you know, I couldn’t leave that out of the book because that is that happened and then Jose hid it somewhere else they took it away and hid it somewhere else until years later. And I must tell you because I think he’s the greatest researcher ever Timothy good heard about this case. I mean, this case is not some mic dug up Timothy good heard about it. He flew to Gig Harbor Washington he questioned Remi Baka when he was alive Rebbi Remi Baka died in 2013 of diabeetus. Thank God I got there too. High Nemo son got there to James Fox got there, too. We we all talk to Remy Baca before he died is just that we didn’t go to the crash site until after he died. And so not only did Timothy good go there, and it’s in his book, I think it’s called, I’ve got to look it up Earth and alien enterprise. But Ryan wood book, which I think everybody should have in their library, it’s called Magic eyes only as 93 crashes, 93 crashes way before 1945. But he has 1945 in there. And so he’s got it in there. So I knew. And Ryan talked to Remy and Jose to so it isn’t that this came out of the blue. It’s that I don’t know how to tell you this size it but when you go down to New Mexico, like I was doing the first five years, three times a year, it was a tremendous amount of money. It’s a flight. It’s a hotel. It’s everything. And people don’t do feel research because it’s a tremendous amount of money. And I had to keep going down. And then Jack found out about the metal. And that’s what interested him the most four years ago. And then he began going down three times. He He loves New Mexico anyway, he gets in the car and he drives the New Mexico desert and loves it. But fascinating.
Isaac Weishaupt 24:17
Yeah, that well, the I think in the book, I think I think it was jocks part where he was, he was suggesting that maybe these UFO crashes. aren’t, you know aliens that don’t know how to steer a craft, but maybe it’s designed to crash and provide a gift like this to Soro object which I found that to be very fascinating. It’s interesting take on it because I’ve always thought that as I’ve been critical of the whole UFO agenda stuff, sometimes I go back and forth, but I often think that too I think man if these things are intelligent up to make it here, why would they crash but that’s a that’s an interesting idea.
Unknown Speaker 24:55
Well, I buy into that too. It is a gift and you gotta look at the time period. It’s an idea 45 to, like, there’s Aztec Corona and other crashes, you know, it is a statement. And you’re not going to have a statement unless you have something happening or on another fact that there’s thunderstorms and all this and all that. That’s one thing. But it’s a statement in the case of 1945 If we hadn’t done this, it would have been wasted. Nobody would have known. So then, isn’t it weird? Because I thought, I don’t know who they met Remy and Jose, but whoever they met knew Jack and I were coming in 60 years. Right? Right. Where that by your mind they even though six years would go by that we would cover the story otherwise it would be wasted for them to crash
Isaac Weishaupt 25:48
Well, the whole the whole select that whole region, right the so I I’ve research I research a lot of stuff and particularly the occult, cinco mysticism and stuff and James Selby Downard he’s he’s kind of the godfather of symbolism and synchronous mysticism. He went to great lengths to discuss the Trinity site and the the journey of death the or not adult Muerte pathway to Trinity. And he suggests that this is me paraphrasing that there’s some kind of hidden or occult destiny in all of this and perhaps the evolution of man. And in the book, during one of your interviews, you talked about how you visited all these sites and you felt again, paraphrasing you felt a certain like vibe of some sorts, particularly Oppenheimer’s destroyer of worlds quote. Yeah, you know, what do you think Oppenheimer saying, What do you think about that? Eric? Do you think Oppenheimer say there’s more than one world? What do you what’s your take?
Unknown Speaker 26:50
Well, I think I think World War Two is tricky. First of all, it was not a test. I mean, if you if you read Jack, Jack read three books on on just Japan to find out that the emperor had already had already, he’d already, you know, surrendered. So we went through the bomb anyway, it was not a test, because it was it was exploded from the ground up, which did more damage, if you just exploded from the from the, from the airplane, up in the air, it does less damage, you know, kills fewer people. Now, that’s number one. Number two, when you open the Atomic Age, the nuclear age, you do damage in all dimensions. In other words, an atomic explosion. And this is just atomic. Because in the 70s, we did so many tests in the in the Atlantic and the French, and the I think Indian did Italy, and the Bikini Atoll of H bomb, which is much much much more powerful than a bomb, the atomic bomb tests. And when you do things like that, and you split the atom, and you do that, it catches the attention of dimensional phenomena. In other words, whatever is out there, and I’m not going to put names on it, because I don’t know. And we don’t know, whatever’s out there is you getting their attention, because it does damage it. Any kind of atomic bomb is going to do damage. I mean, we’re it opened up the atomic nuclear age. And even Jacques talks about this because he this, this book is relevant just because of the nuclear threats with what’s happening today in Ukraine and Russia and everywhere else. We are playing a chess game, because everybody has it now. And the only way that you will come out of this alive is if you play if you do a checkmate, which means I haven’t you have a checkmate, so nobody’s gonna be no really set because we know we can. It’s like the Cold War, we had all of those missiles pointing towards Russia, and they had them pointing towards us and then 69 the missile missile shutdown at Malmstrom Air Force Base one right after another, the big beings whoever they are, whatever is just or just making a statement, we can shut you down. What are you thinking? And then in Russia, they activate the codes and they’re scared to death because they can’t stop it. What are you people thinking? And no, you can’t uninvent this. And so Oppenheimer and when you go to Trinity site when you go and I suggest to people it’s open twice a year you can go see where the atomic bomb was exploded. There’s a Black Onyx monolith there. It’s it’s I couldn’t breathe when I went there. I I’ve been there twice and Jack has has been there and what Oppenheimer realized they did was start this, this pattern. And when you go there, there’s a plaque that says, I am death. The Destroyer of Worlds plural, plural. Worlds means not just to this world, other worlds, you know, and it comes from the Bhagavad Gita. Now why would Oppenheimer pick that to put on a plaque and then he lost his security care, Clarence became a peacenik. If you study the life of Robert Oppenheimer, I think a lot of these people have regrets because you can’t put the genie back in the bottle. And that is the date. And that’s why this book is history. It’s not a UFO book. It’s the history of planet Earth.
Isaac Weishaupt 30:50
Now, this is this is fascinating, because there’s a there’s actually Christopher Nolan’s making a movie about Oppenheimer that releases next year. I don’t know if you’ve seen the trailer for that.
Unknown Speaker 30:58
No, but I’m very interested in him. I have a daughter in my class by accident or design in Rome. And yeah, and so everything that’s happened to me it’s been it’s been a coincidence, but she was in my, in my class and the private school and I thought, oh my god, you know, I gotta look into this.
Isaac Weishaupt 31:21
What are the odds? That’s fascinating? Well, yeah,
Unknown Speaker 31:23
don’t even go into my life. I mean, I started my career here. And I met Bridey Murphy her needs was in my class. So I’m going okay, well, why do I have to look into reincarnation?
Isaac Weishaupt 31:37
There’s something to it right and and Paulo, you know, when I because I study the occult and symbolism and all this stuff. I don’t I’m starting to believe more and more in Synchro mysticism that the fact that they Oppenheimer and all these a bomb people would meet at the owl bar, because the owl is symbolic of wisdom. The Goddess Minerva some people say that Gnostic Sophia, then
Unknown Speaker 32:03
that was the only watering hole though there was nothing else that’s the only grocery store is the only soda fountain but it did have a mystical name.
Isaac Weishaupt 32:12
Yes, yeah. Did huh. And yeah, and that whole, so I don’t know if you have you researched much on Jack Parsons.
Unknown Speaker 32:19
Yet? Well, no, because that goes back into NASA and I this is much overload. Yeah.
Isaac Weishaupt 32:27
Okay. So Jack Parsons, he, he was an occultist and obviously the guy who set up JPL, the predecessor to NASA. And he did some rituals out in the desert in 1946. And, you know, this was around the same time as all these events, right? People claim that Jack Parsons is doing these magic rituals. He was trying to incarnate a spirit into a, what he called the scarlet whore of Babylon long story. But anyway, he was doing all these rituals, magic and opening up portals. And the story goes that allegedly he was kind of a buffoon and Aleister Crowley warned that hey, he’s doing these magic rituals, he he’s not doing them right. He’s not going to close off these gateways. Then a year later we get Roswell but when I and for a long time I that’s been in the back of my mind where I think okay, that that could have been what happened but now that I’ve read this book, Trinity the suggestion being made here is that maybe it’s actually the atomic bomb that in a way could have perhaps opened up portals and stuff
Unknown Speaker 33:30
and Roswell Look, everything around. That area of Roswell is three, three hours away, was where the 409 Bomb squadron four was was housed. So you know where the Nola gay and all those. So it isn’t like they picked a city out of that, you know, they were watching that area, whoever they is, and don’t ask me was watching that area because if you could do a timeline of history, Isaac, this is the only way I can I study it anymore. Study the timeline of history when major events happen on the planet. And then you’ll see exactly what was around there like the night 1969 Malmstrom Air Force Base. I mean, there I mean, now there’s UFOs around your crane, whatever is watching this planet, whatever is making a subtle statement to get our attention, like Jack says is to get our attention. I say it’s to raise our consciousness because I think we’re at SOS mode right now. I think we’re in emergency mode. I mean, we we have done so many stupid things that I can’t even I can’t even name them when I’m when I’m looking at this the whole entire thing. I mean, Los Alamos was a first if we did a lot of research, it was boys camp. It was a you know, camping, we’re, you know, a private school. So why are you picking New Mexico as having all of these, these qualities, and then you can go do your research on portals and what’s there and the electromagnetic grid and all that kind of stuff. You can do your research. In fact, you know, my big complaint as a teacher is, this should be a university classical and on people getting together in all areas, and psychology, geology, you know, a world history. What Why aren’t we just studying this? And then they don’t come and they put the pieces of the puzzle together, because this isn’t just a crash, because they decided, that’s where, you know, they’re not on vacation. This is a statement. Nothing that’s happened is by chance. It is a statement. And then you have to go look at the geopolitical and I don’t think most researchers even bother with geopolitical. And as far as portals and stuff like that, that’s ancient. I mean, that’s been going on since the beginning of time. Those Yeah,
Isaac Weishaupt 36:07
I was just gonna ask because because you mentioned in the book, in the book, it’s mentioned you were studying Giorgio damskie, that famous contactee, from Mount Palomar. And that’s, again, that mountain Palomar region is this place where all this paranormal activities happen. ritual magic, the occult. It was said that there was a there’s a magical order called the Ordo Templi Orientis. That Parsons was a member of and he ran a certain Lodge. But anyway, Michael Hoffman’s book, he talks about how the OTO actually had a lodge at the base of Mount Palomar before the observatory was there because they claimed it was the they call it the Sexual Chakra of the earth. Did you come across any of that kind of occult
Unknown Speaker 36:57
Yes, so connected like separate compartmentalizing the study. You’ll never get to the truth. It is absolutely all connected. And I had to look at I don’t want to go into it. You can interview me another time because on this but I have graduated to look at the space brother movement, a giant rock. Okay. And I went back to to Howard menders place in June, which is still there were Val Thor was sitting and and looked at the whole entire situation there because he was part of the giant rock people. Because I believe that whoever was visiting them thought because of Yogananda and they started the New Age movement on the on the West Coast, they could intervene and whatever was visiting our whole space brother stuff came up because of a geopolitical historical situation with Yogananda Maharishi, and all of that and what’s Howard Hughes doing a funding the Integratron you so you know, I’m going okay, well, why don’t people study that? Who was involved in that? Because those guys and we forgot all about that. No, it’s just, you know, aliens abducting people left, right. And we forgot to that right after the the atomic bomb the messages that came to both Adamski and to Virginia, Siracusa on the island of Italy, of course, I’m an international journalist, who Jigna had the same messages with the same people the same suits, I questioned all the people around who Jigna and Sicily stopped the nuclear. You guys are going to destroy yourselves. So what are they coming to just hang out? And you know, and they’re not only coming to a Dembski they’re coming to a genuine set of coos and if you look at all of the world contacts, I have, I now only do work in Latin America, because they stopped going to Southern California they ended up in the desert chilka desert in and Peru with Cecil pas and all that group who see Spaceman walking off the ships in 1970s. So you gotta follow the timeline, the geopolitical situation, why would they ever come back to Southern California anyway? I mean, it’s it’s a different agendas, different races, different events, according to a geopolitical timeline. And if people did that they would be able to piece this together.
Isaac Weishaupt 39:35
Do you think there’s Do you think that’s possible that some of the, I don’t know, major power figures do politically already think and know this kind of thing, and perhaps they’re conducting some kind of ritual theater to try to stoke or to try to influence visitation for whatever reason, it may A B, do you think it’s possible that we’re actually witnessing some kind of as above so below ritualistic play out? Where? For instance, with Russia talking about nuclear weapons and stuff? I mean, do you think that there’s key players involved that are high up geopolitically that think on this level? Or do you think this is strictly a UFO researcher kind of attitude?
Unknown Speaker 40:23
No, no, it used to be with the study the beginning of time even look, even the the Romans had CB S, which are a psychics, and the in the Greeks and the left to study and I taught oral history, ancient history, if this is why I say, Wow, I do anything to get a university involved in this. Because you’d pieces together in one minute, and it wouldn’t be you followed, you wouldn’t be all kinds of stuff in there. There has been from the beginning of time, the secret knowledge that you’re talking about in this power structure. The problem with it today in today’s UFO circuit, it is it becomes sensationalistic, and that’s all people pay attention to, they don’t pay attention to the data, the data, they actual data, they love all the occult stuff and all that stuff. But they you have to go way back to ancient aliens, you have to go way back to the Aztecs and the Mayans, you have to go way back to look at that’s a pattern. That’s a sub pattern doesn’t work. Absolutely. But it’s I don’t believe that everybody in the United States government is doing stuff like that. I don’t believe they even have time to even look at this. I think that I believe it will. This is only my belief that that Eisenhower knew a lot, a lot. And that he basically was right when he said that the secret is the military industrial complex. And here’s my book on Colonel Corso conversations with Colonel Corso, where he talked about he talked about what they did only for the army. You know, those that back engineering the day after, he never was at Roswell, anyway. And they, he had a lot. They had a lawsuit against the books, so he could never talk here in the United States. So I brought him to Italy twice. And he told me a lot of things. He also told me he was friends with Jean Dixon. Jean Dixon was the only one that predicted Kennedy’s death. Oh, interesting. Oh, then you wanna you want to say the word of that come from, you know, it’s all interconnected. And I’m gonna say one more thing when I met him by accident, because when they sent me from my office in Italy, to do the 50th anniversary, by the way, 50th anniversary of Roswell, the only people who went to Clifford stones house was me, foreign journalist and Victoria Puckett Cheney, who had just done the Virginia Brazil case. And we were the only two foreign journalists that went to Clifford stones house. All arrests were like partying Hardy and you know, had their fans and everything. And what Clifford Stone had on his coffee table was eight minutes of the Holloman landing, which I didn’t know because I didn’t know anything about it. And so and the reason why I mentioned Victoria pocket Cine is because of the Virginia case that just came out. And James foxes movie, it’s very important that people start connecting dots here.
Isaac Weishaupt 43:24
Is that the new the new James Fox movie that just came out?
Unknown Speaker 43:28
Amazing, but I haven’t seen it yet. Yeah, I you need to see it. Everybody needs to see it. But I had I had come in with the pocket genie from there, though. So in Colonel Corso, I had no place to sleep. So I because it was a big party. I mean, Whitley Strieber was there, Linda Janmaat, everybody was there. So when I when I went to the, the media place, they told me to look in the phonebook. And the room, the only room that was open was the room next to Colonel Corso. And that’s how I got the interview with Colonel Carson became so close to him. And the interview gave me was a meeting with an A being. And it’s not, it wasn’t a little gray because it had a helmet at White Sands, when he saw the craft beer appearing and disappearing. And he told me that when he went up to the being, he pulled out a his, his gun, he told Jack the same story. So and he said, he said friend or phone that being said, neither. I need to leave, you need to shut down your radars. So it means that and Colonel corsia told me that they were told to shut down their radars at certain times a day it interfered with what I was flying around watching. So whatever was watching White Sands, and Colonel Corso was the head of missile battalion, but I’m going to tell you I zipline, he gave me that story. I don’t want to print print it because I thought people would think he was crazy and I just, you know, as a journalist I said, I don’t even want to hear this because and the be in when Colonel Corso said to the being in it, because of being said, you want to come in and see the craft, he said, What do you have to offer me. And that being said, in a new world, if you could take it, wow, you can take it. So credit, of course, we’re gonna write it on a napkin, and I don’t want the story. I don’t want it because it’s gonna make them look awful. I want the back engineering stuff, I want to know what he had. I want to know that parental courser reminded me any in the book, that there will be a new world if we can handle it. And then we all will be in the forefront of this new world. So I have to say this. These are taped interviews from Colonel Corso because I, I basically had the tape recorder in my pocket, I’d ride with them in the car, and I just had the tape recorder on all the time. But this is not this field. If you study it is number one, geopolitical. Number two, paranormal. Don’t throw out that part. You have to understand we live in a dimensional world. And and then it’s definitely has a purpose. And that’s why I recommend Trinity as a historical book to people.
Isaac Weishaupt 46:18
Well, this is fast. I can literally talk to you all day about this. But you do have to go
Unknown Speaker 46:25
get some time.
Isaac Weishaupt 46:26
I’d love that. I would love that. Because I’ve got so many questions. But for now, let’s where can the audience connect with you and get your books like this, you know, new game changing book turned into the best kept secret?
Unknown Speaker 46:41
Well, first of all, it’s a historical book, it should be in a historical library. And it’s on Amazon. And it’s in hardback and Kindle and so forth. I’m doing the Lofland conference, it November 11, to 14th with the kind of the Gonzalez because as I told you, I work in South America now. And Argentina, Colombia, Chile, and Peru. And I built a conference around messages that are coming out of there. That’s November 11, to 14th. And that’s on www Starworks. usa.com. Starworks. USA is my, my company, my media company, Paula harris.com is just me and all my books and so forth. I mean, I’ve written so many books, we haven’t even gotten into all the details of what the whistleblowers have told me, especially Clifford Stone, I helped publish his book guys only. But you know, it’s, let’s, let’s hope that in the future, we get some university classes around this because this is what needs to be studied.
Isaac Weishaupt 47:53
All right, there you go. I’ll put the links in the show notes for all of the all the time points for the books, the conference, your website. And again, thank you so much for your time. You’re a tremendous voice in this arena. And I’ve got a lot more questions. So we’ll definitely be in touch.
Unknown Speaker 48:10
All right, you take care.
Isaac Weishaupt 48:13
All right, everybody. What do you think that was fascinating. I could talk to Paola all day long. I’m going to try and get her back on here in the future. I feel like like I said on the show. I feel like there is a strange occult connection to all of this to the phenomenon. Then lump in the deserts of New Mexico then throw in the atomic testing. I mean, it was the Atomic Energy Commission that had all the files on this UFO crash. I know it’s got something to do with Parsons and Crowley and magic rituals, like the OTO, setting up their lodge at the base of Mount Palomar before Caltech even established it as an observatory. You know, because George Adamski was out there spotting UFOs for a long time. Anyway, I’m very grateful to have Powell on the show. That was, that was amazing. Again, get the book by Zhang valet and Paula Harris Trinity the best kept secret, it’s available on Amazon. You can check Paola at the Loughlin conference November 11, through the 13th to 2022. Go to Starworks usa.com. You can get signed paperbacks from Paula harris.com. And I’ll have links in the show notes for all of those things. Thank you for listening. I will talk to you soon stay woke.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
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