On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we FINALLY talk about Kanye West’s DONDA album! We’ll cover the recent history of the album, drama with Drake (Mr Bohemian Grove himself), Marilyn Manson, DaBaby, Rooga’s GD anthem, Trump and all the other mad rappers! We’ll talk about the bizarre symbolism of his concert- from the ritual stages to levitation and alchemical transformation! We’ll wrap it up with my worthless two cents on the album and who had the best verse on this thing!! Let’s goooOoooOoo!!!
- Want more Kanye? Check out this massive show from 2018: Kanye West: The Illuminati, TMZ Rants, Lucifer, MKULTRA Mind Control, MAGA, Symbols, and more on the CTAUC Podcast! https://illuminatiwatcher.com/kanye-west-the-illuminati-tmz-rants-lucifer-mkultra-mind-control-maga-symbols-and-more-on-the-ctauc-podcast/
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Unknown Speaker 0:03
So, Kanye West third listening party for his latest album, Donda was straight fire. No, but really, Kanye lit himself on fire.
Isaac Weishaupt 0:22
I mean, it was just fun to just do something from our heart.
Unknown Speaker 0:26
On Thursday, the 44 year old rapper hosted his most recent in a string of Donda listening parties at Soldier Field in his hometown of Chicago.
Unknown Speaker 0:42
And Kanye, he set himself on fire in a stunt that, thankfully was just that a stunt.
Unknown Speaker 0:57
The whole thing happened at the end of the show, while the Grammy winner stood in front of a replica of his childhood home.
Unknown Speaker 1:08
But the runaway rappers fiery performance wasn’t the only thing that got people talking.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:14
I’m just extremely happy. Can you tap on my face?
Unknown Speaker 1:18
Kanye brought out two celebs who are currently facing controversy. Marilyn Manson and the baby. The rocker who was dropped by his label earlier this year after a number of women came forward accusing him of physically mentally and sexually abusing them joined Kanye on the field. As for the baby, whose homophobic rant at the rolling loud festival in Miami earlier this month, led him to being dropped from several other festivals. He showed up and took over Jay Z’s verse on a Donda track that was previously played at the first listening party in Atlanta. Some have been Mama’s got to bear in mind. I said one thing they like to me. Of course, all this comes after Kanye straight up levitated with the help of some wires and dramatic lighting during his second on the listening party in Atlanta earlier this month.
Isaac Weishaupt 2:12
You’re listening to conspiracy theories and on popular culture, I’m your host, Isaac Weishaupt. Do they rent out my Kanye West and his new album Donda? So much to talk about? Do you care? Do you care? You probably care as pie while you’re listening, right. Today, we’re going to talk about the album itself the tracklisting talking about some of the bizarre symbolism at his concerts. And then you’ll hear my worthless opinion on it when we’re talking about some of the guests he had. I mean, this is bizarre. This is a weird, weird development, this whole Kanye West Dona thing. So without further ado, let’s get into it. The I’ve talked about Kanye West for many, many, many episodes. If you’ve been subscribed, as you should be to the show. You know that we’ve talked about it for many times, probably more than any other truth or I would argue. I never know I never know what to think about this guy. Right? Like, he’s, he’s going back to like 2015 2016. He’s ranted and raved about stuff that I was able to find some truth in when he was on sway. And what else was on Breakfast Club. The media was blasting him and I thought wow, this poor guy. He’s just talking about the truth. And he was going around, I believe was UCLA or something that if I want these schools talking about the Illuminati when he was doing his st. Pablo concert and had a mental breakdown and got him gay on trode it’s so much then he when refound his roots as a Christian because, you know, he started out with he was like a backpack rapper with the Jesus walk stuff. And I didn’t really like Kanye West’s early backpack rap days. Not really my speed. I don’t know. Dad’s never grabbed me. But yeah, he he really embraced those Christian roots more recently, dropped off straight up gospel album and then fast forward to this week to August of 2021. And we get Donda which is, as I would argue, another gospel album. The end in boy, I get torn all wrong because this guy, he, if you Okay, and we’re going to talk about this stuff, as it’s presented to us by the mainstream Media and the, the entertainment industry as fact, we’ll pretend it’s fact. Okay. I will suspend disbelief because what they tell us is, you know, Kanye West is this visionary. He’s an artist. He’s making his own beats. He’s writing his own rhymes. He’s a visionary. But you know, there’s an argument that couldn’t make sense that the powers that be, tell them what to say what to do. And they establish everything and they put who they want in the limelight, and who they want at the top of the charts and all that and it goes on and on, right, the whole manufacturing music industry idea, which I would argue is probably true. I don’t know where the truth lies with this specific instance. But let’s just pretend that con because I don’t want to argue about that, right. Let’s pretend Kanye West is really a visionary artist, because it seems that way I would argue it is. He listened to his albums. I wasn’t ready for it. I wasn’t ready for 808 and heartbreak. When it came out. I was like, Oh my god, more trash from this Kanye West guy. I don’t like this music. Well, then over time, it turned out to be pretty good album. Same with my dark, Twisted Fantasy, one of the greatest albums of all time. But let’s see. Alright, so we’ve been talking about this Dona album, obviously going through this divorce with Kim Kardashian, very public issue going on. He’s been going crazy buying property up in Wyoming and doing church services and talking about building these, like homeless villages and stuff, which is great. I love that go for it, bro. I love that. Finally, someone with lots of money who’s doing something cool. So I have this weird love hate with Kanye West. It’s a very strange dynamic I have
but this whole don’t to thing. It It started out he was in Atlanta doing the the album release party through apple. And he put on this whole concert. And you can’t really find a good quality version of it on the on the YouTubes and whatnot. So I didn’t, I would have done a show right off the bat. But I was like, I don’t have enough to work on here. Then he started one in Chicago, he started building his child, his childhood home because that’s where he’s from Chicago, inside the stadium, which is pretty crazy. And he was showing on his social media feeds pictures of them in this dark room inside of the stadium working on the album. And he kept delaying the album release. And I even commented on it. I said Obama was right, this guy is a jackass. Cuz he is. I mean, you can be a jackass and be a great artist too, right? The weird dynamic that I can think someone’s a jackass and still listen to their music and like them. They don’t need to be canceled. But from the leaked video snippets I saw from the first the apple album release deal. He was at the center of the stage and the audience was sort of going in us walking in a circle around him rotating one direction while he rotates in the other inside the circle. And he’s got a cape and it looks like Phantom of the Opera and it makes no sense. I wish I could have seen the whole event. So if you got if you got the whole thing. I mean, the DNS on the Instagram at Isaac was up. I’ll take a peek. I’d like to see a clean video of the whole thing but I can’t I couldn’t find it. But I’m an idiot. So what do I know? Maybe it’s maybe it’s out there and I just missed it. I mean, my my concern and care about this is minimal at the moment because I am I am deep into the world 911 because I’ve got not one, not two, not three, but four shows planned to talk about 911 with you my dear audience so you better stay subscribed better stay liked and subscribe because we’re gonna go into 911 hard in the paint Connie’s small peanuts to me right now. So let’s talk about this circular audience thing. This was very similar to the Muslim Hodge where they go to Mecca and they walk in a I believe it’s a clockwise circle around the Cabal, the big subterranean black cube. black cube that holds holds the you know, and look, I’m no expert on Islam, but oh holds a special place in the hearts of Muslims. That’s why they face Mecca when they pray every day. You know the drill. So I mean that made me think of that. Because Konya he said that he should have been in the Bible I mean, he’s talked he’s he’s put himself on this deification pedestal before and this is where I get confused about Kanye West because he has these heavy Christian messages and themes and ideas and projects but then he like takes it to this next level of like, I don’t know sort of saying he’s God So anyway, so like I see this and I think geez was he the next along what is this but I didn’t hear anything on the album that will talk about the money here and the on the album that would suggest that I gave one one solid listen well on the the first the Atlanta concert, it culminates with the the final track of dontoh, at least at the time, called No Child Left Behind because they messed with the tracks. Okay, long story short, and they show him levitating. levitating at the end of the show. And we’re talking about the symbolism behind that is like the book of Revelation. Christ is taking this children with him in the final days, the ascension. How presumptuous. Carnegie’s being invited. What does he know?
So at the time, and I sort of compiled notes as time went by trying to wrap my head around what’s going on Kanye West, and the tracklisting. I looked at the track listing and you’ve got all these tracks like praise God, Jonah, Heaven and Hell, new again, pure souls, keep my spirit alive. Jesus, Lord, I know God breathed through this, Lord, I need you, etc, etc. Clearly, a gospel album clearly. Right. There’s even a track called 24. And if you look at the lyrics, says the devil’s a lie. And now he Finn. Finn know what? I don’t know. That’s where it ends. He finished he finna.
Unknown Speaker 12:17
Isaac Weishaupt 12:19
Then he’s releasing cryptic artwork on Instagram. He shows us his childhood home. This is when he started building it in the Chicago stadium. Then he showed a dove, which I would argue maybe he’s showing the Holy Spirit who come down as the dove and the holy transfiguration. Maybe he’s saying he’s baptized into Christ. Maybe he’s saying he’s gotten maybe he’s the dove. The Holy Spirit has come down and blessed him personally. And that’s why he levitates at the end of the show. Now it’s curious because and we’ll cover this Chicago concert on kinda, I’m trying to hit this sort of chronologically, okay. Now, it’s curious because Drake, who I would argue represents the other side of the the opposing forces. I would argue he represents some satanic dark forces. He’s always doing the six symbol. He’s got the whole song he’s got the owl with October very own label, which is the owl symbol that you find from the goddess Minerva, which is tied to Gnosticism, which says that the Christian God is the devil. And then you have Kanye West over here saying, Praise be to the Christian God, Jesus Christ. So is it the word we’re watching? Some kind of ritualistic opposing forces playing out? Is this offer show? I would argue that that’s the case. It’s everything is wrestling, okay, from politics to entertainment. This is the same concept. You’ve got these opposing forces. And we’re going to talk about this when 911 Oh, my 911 shows by the way. I’m covering 911 from the angle of occult symbolism is gonna take me four hours to get through it with you. But you’re gonna understand what it’s all about with the the opposing forces the reconciliation of opposites, the Twin Towers, the twin pillars of Kabbalah. It’s all gonna make sense. Now, maybe, maybe it’ll make sense. But I argue that what we’re watching here, Drake and Kanye is opposing forces played out ritualistically now before the Chicago concert and the actual donta album release. He and Drake we’re going back for firing shots on the social media trolling on each other. But this is like boxing and wrestling it’s and we don’t know Where reality ends and and showmanship begins. Maybe they’re just getting your attention to sell their records. Because they’re both dropping records. Drake’s dropping CLB certified Loverboy which is very strange because he’s been promoting it with the heart logo shaved into his head. And the similarity of the words certified boiler right, you got it. Don’t make me sad. You got I’m saying, but that was like a logo. The double hearts is a logo on that pizza memo from the you know, the Fed rallies. So a lot of people saying what the heck. Then you look at all drugs, improprieties messaging young girls that are under 18. Billy Eilish, and was that girl from Stranger Things? I think it goes on and on. So I don’t know what’s up with that. But hey, and he’s the one with the mo law or the Minerva symbol, the owl whom they sacrifice children to. And this started back the real beef the real drama with Drake and Kanye. We’ll talk about relatively recently, because they’ve done tracks together. But back in 2018 If you recall, Kanye West and Pusha T. Releasing distracts revealing the truth that Drake had a son that he wasn’t telling the world about. And then the means started on rolling, making fun of this poor kid. And how Drake ignored him and didn’t tell anyone about his own child who maybe did for his own protection, we don’t know. Then Drake has a song called in my feelings. which you’ve surely heard one of the biggest songs of all time. And he’s talking about making sexy time with Connie’s then why Kim Kardashian? Yes. That’s what he’s talking about when he’s Kiki. Do you love me? Are you writing some about Kim Kardashian
alleging that he had slapped with Connie’s wife? So Kanye? Not very happy about this. He does his drag on his new album on the Okay, okay track, then Drake. This is Kanye back on a track called betrayal. Then Kanye docs is Drake and releases is added to the public. Then Drake fans start leaving Drake signs and you know vandalizing Kanye, his actual childhood home is getting out of hand. But again, could all be for ritualistic theater. Connie’s album dropped on Sunday, August 29. And Drake’s album releases on Friday, August 3, and I’m recording this show on what’s the date? Monday August 30. So depending on when you actually hear those cuz I gotta, you know, we got to put it on my supporter feeds First they get early access. I think when you hear that might be new revelation, since this is current up until Monday, August 30. Then we get the Chicago concert. And you could find better clips of this than you can the Atlanta concert. But this was very interesting because you had some special guests. Special guests, we had Marilyn Manson honorary priest in the Church of Satan. We had a baby canceled from a million concerts because he said some stuff about people with HIV and Marilyn Manson Of course. Being being me, dude, claims of sexual assault and improprieties and all these kinds of things. But ultimately, here’s the thing and I’ll take this stance with you. I don’t I never advocate for canceling canceled culture. I always advocate for path to salvation. And whether it’s true and heartfelt or not, I don’t know. You know, the baby was trying to drop apologies. Like we can’t cancel everybody can we who’s going to be left? Well fall short of the glory of God. I always say but ultimately I’m good with with these things because a lot of people throw fear they said What the heck was Kanye West got devil worshippers and homophobes and bring them up on stage. Why why You know, Jesus were hanging out with the prostitutes. So like, ultimately I’m good with this. Who’s going to teach Marilyn Manson the way to Christ? Nine the satanist he’s hanging out with. So yeah, that happened. Even Kim Kardashian didn’t know. Kim Kardashian showed up in a wedding dress no less. And while maybe I should rap, she showed up in a wedding dress no less. And she didn’t know Marilyn Manson and the baby we’re gonna be there. She’s very upset about that apparently. Another curiosity that I didn’t see the mainstream media pick up on. But Adam 22 from no jumper rouga He’s like, I guess a local Chicago rapper played this song called gt anthem. I don’t know what it is. How to look it up. But it’s a basically Gangster Disciples. Sort of theme song, I guess I don’t know. It’s about about a gang. Up in Chicago, the Gangster Disciples. And this was apparently on the album to these kinds of ideas. So is Kanye West a gangster disciple? I don’t know. But there’s a track tracks called Jesus Lord. They’ve got messages from Larry Hoover Jr. who if you don’t know that his father, Larry Hoover senior was the founder of the the Gangster Disciples. And he’s talking about the American criminal justice system, which again, I’m cool with that. I think it needs some work. If you recall, Kanye and Kim were trying to work with el presidente de Trump, all that kind of stuff. And I believed if I’m not mistaken, they passed some kind of reform. I don’t know how extensive it was or how far it went. Not a focus area of mine, but I’m always down for some criminal justice reform. Those privatized prison systems are a real problem. Okay. unicor, basically, slavery, modern day slavery. So you get all these little office supplies always says unicorn. That’s because they had some prisoners were going to slave labor to make those things.
Ironically, President Trump was also invited to show up but he did not. Now there’s been some drama since the album dropped. The baby who was at the concert, he was on the album, but then he wasn’t. And he was like, What the hell, then Kanye was like, hey, what the hell, then they put it back on. Then Connie says he didn’t approve the release of the album on Sunday. Then soldier boy was mad. His verse wasn’t on the album. And he’s been, he’s been talking mad ish since then. He released his own verse on his Instagram. cowboy. He’s mad to university dropping his verse to Chris Brown’s mad nobody knows why he’s actually on the album. Oh, my gosh, what everyone’s been talking about, don’t go on the social media and listen to the album, our greatest greatest artists greatest I’ll never, but still didn’t beat Drake’s scorpion. I’m opening day streams on Spotify. Now, what should we do before we get into the I’ll give you my album critique at the end. Let’s talk about the symbolism. You noticed, Connie has been wearing a full face mask as a promotion for this album. This, I argue is a free Masonic ritual that the hoodwink covering up the eyes covering up the face. And we talked about this in 2020 as you could imagine, without the mask drama. And if you recall, we talked about three stages in the ritual process to transform the initiate. Got isolation. You got the transition, then you got the reintegration. Now the isolation. That’s what Kanye showed us in the concert, right? You remember when or in the stadium. But uh, so I lost my train of thought Kanye. Yeah. He’s in the stadium. he’s by himself in the room preparing the last track that he showed it to you on his Instagram. And everyone was talking about Oh, Connie is holed up to finish his album. What an artist. Well, that’s the first stage of the ritual isolation for purification. You remove one, you remove oneself from the mundane, from the world. removed from the world where everything is familiar. This is your right he was so Social distancing, we could call it and then he’s wearing the mask. And this is again more isolation more, forcing one to face their own shadow from inside. This is done to suppress the ego so that the new, the new one can come to surface, you go deeper into yourself. Sometimes they use trauma, to accentuate the process the fear of death, confronting death to be reborn. It’s to disorient to induce anxiety remove one from the reality and allows one to be broken down and be reprogrammed. So, he wears the mask he goes into isolation. Then stage two is the transition This is the threshold of the new symbolically the old self dies, goes into the void in the middle and initiate will get the initiation will get purification. The initiate Konya will be reprogrammed into the new environment. A transformation begins. This is a new if you look at there’s headlines talking about Kanye going into the void, which is the exact language use when you research these topics. Then finally, the third phase is integration. This is the actual new normal, the great reset we could say. Connie goes through the whole initiation ritual, symbolically. That’s why he’s wearing the mask. That’s why he hold himself up in the stadium. And he is reborn as the Phoenix which you saw and now we’re going to move into the symbolism of the final concert, the one that I was able to see more of than the other. When Kanye he sets himself on fire. Now chemically, this is the final stage he’s the Phoenix he’s reborn. We saw this same thing from Travis Scott and his Quintana video. Travis Scott was on fire doing the grant hailing sign of distress the free Masonic stance
which is no surprise Travis Scott is plugged into the same Illuminati Kardashian clan is Kanye West. As you recall, I’ve talked about Travis Scott many times too, including the Super Bowl where he was the fallen angel. right in your face right in your face. Then he had the album, artwork for the highest in the room was the was the ladder reaching to the heavens? A free Masonic symbol? Then, you know, he’s, he’s, uh, he was hooked up with Kylie Jenner. As you know, related Kim Kardashian sister, right. And Kanye was putting Travis Scott on through his good music label. So these two go way back. And we see the same symbolism from Travis Scott as we do. Kanye West because it was a ritual and it ended with the Phoenix now to talk about the levitation part of this thing well depends on depends on what you what angle you want to take with Kanye because I certainly don’t know. But levitation This is one of the the supernatural powers the CDs. We’ve talked about this when it comes to superheroes. When you look at the Tibetan masters, the Ascended Masters that Alena Bove ASCII was always talking about we saw this in the movie et where Ed gives Elliot the cities the powers to levitate the bike. talked about it in my second alien book aliens UFOs in the UK, call us delusion to Amazon audible. I would recommend the Amazon version. I mean, the the paperback version is you got photos that go with it. Sound I’m still in the gumroad store gumroad comm backslash Isaac W. Got some more in stock if you want them. We’ve talked about this concept we levitation as it pertains to witches as well. If you recall, back in March 2020 I did a film analysis of the witch a brilliant pairing with the lighthouse I must say actually two of my favorite shows I’ve ever done because I thought was very clever. Yes. patting myself on the back for the because the witch and the lighthouse war again the idea of opposing forces, the masculine and the feminine. Because then the winch find out you know you just eat them kids and now you can levitate But we’re going to again, not to keep talking about it. We’re going to discuss this in more detail with the 911 shows I got a lot to talk to you about with that. Well, then the show he sort of remarried Kim Kardashian. She comes out in the white wedding dress. And people I was I mean, they’re getting mad together. I mean, maybe. But you know, these celebs are anything for money or publicity. Kim Kiki here, she got famous from the I don’t want to be crude. I mean, I want to be crude, but I’m not going to be. She did the adult film with Ray J, if you recall. That’s how she got famous. Because she was friends with Paris Hilton, who was famous for the sake of being famous. So yeah, I mean, is it past her to come out with the guy or she’s going through a messy divorce with and put on a wedding dress? I mean, these people are crazy. They’ll do anything. Finally, finally, what you came here for my opinion of the album, not do you care? You shouldn’t care? What do I know? I know music expert. It’s fine. I know. It’s fine. He’s got dude always has like great production, great beats. Again, are they all from the mind and the work of Kanye maybe? We don’t know. If you look at the production credits, they all have his name on it, but they also have like 10 other names. So who really created these things? This is a very common music industry tactic. When they put a slow people down as the if you’re like songwriters, who wrote this song, all 10 people wrote the song rarely 10 people. And of course, the artist in question will always be on the list. But, I mean, did they just did someone else write it and say here, what do you think of this? And the artist was like, Yeah, I concur. Let’s go get in the booth. And the same goes for great, Drake. I’ve been talking a lot of smack on the social medias. Why do I do it? I don’t know.
Because honestly, like, as much as I hated Drake when he came out, but I came around since and I can appreciate that. Here’s a guy who’s able to hit pop and the r&b and the rap and he does all very well. It’s very catchy music mixes up the style very well. Actually like Drake a lot. is even the best rapper of all time. Now. Does he have Ghost Riders probably the only thing all these writers do. But he definitely deserves some kind of kudos this guy. And I’m always said he’s gonna be the king. He’s gonna dethrone Michael Jackson. And I don’t know why it hasn’t happened yet, but it’s going to because I mean, this guy’s consistent. You’re talking about a guy that can knock it out of the park almost every single time. That’s Drake. Connie’s over here doing weird stuff. Not good. Give it to him. At least, you know, at least Konya, he’s always swinging for the fences. So that goes along with me. I appreciate that. And honestly, like if you want a rap gospel album, this is the best one in all of human history. The first when I first played the first few tracks I was like, Oh, this is fire. This is exactly what everyone’s talking about. I get it. Couple there’s and but then as the album went on past like five tracks, I was like, oh, make this stop. And then the whole album there’s a couple of standouts overall, it’s got way too many tracks. Too much fluff nonsense of him doing his vocal ranging on the track. Like bro, just just do the song. And like again, I’m not trying to take anything away from Kanye. I mean, he’s made some great music and is life better than I can make more here critiquing the guy like what am I gonna make a great rap song? It’s just it’s has a very pretentious vibe as it of course it does. It’s Kanye West. You don’t have the president united states call you a jackass unless there’s some truth to it. You know what I’m saying? And he’s from Chicago, dude. That’s the thing about it. It’s just so pretentious the track even when you listen to the track they’ll repeat the same line over and over it’s like okay either he’s too lazy he’s too full of themselves. He loves hearing his own voice it’s all bit abstract. Couple the tracks listen to the first track don’t listen to No Child Left Behind. He just repeats the same lines over and over you’re like bro, we doing via that first track. A woman’s repeating Dona in different sort of inflections and tones for like five minutes. And this is norlin Linguistic Programming at its finest. He should know he’s been Mkl He wants you to go into this thing with the album drilled into your brain to the point of like absurdity. And the album itself, definitely not a party starter which I’m always I’m always have a party Saturday. Look, life’s tough enough, okay. I’m not one of these pretentious kind of guys like some of these truths. only listen to conscious black rap Public Enemy, you know me Give me the dumb stuff, fill my brain with with that shirt know what I’m saying meagles that’s like I always tell you I’m not a good Christian and it’s true. It’s true. And then, you know, I mean, I appreciate it. Now I’m like this, like, I gave it a good single spin. But ultimately, life’s tough man, like sometimes you got to get your energy, you got to be in a good mood. I realized that Migos and all this stuff. They’re rabid about shooting and killing people. But it’s got to fund B. And you’re listening to satanic stuff. Like I get that on some levels. But like, for me, that’s not what it represents. For me. It’s, you know, just lyrical sort of wizardry having fun on a beat making things rhyme. I appreciate the, the the Dr. Seuss capabilities there. I can appreciate that. Yeah, but you know, there’s flaws to it. Right? You know, they are talking about selling drugs and killing people and that’s very influential and, Hey, I got it. But Kanye West, I can appreciate that. He’s put a Christian now together. But homie nuttier than a scroll turd. So I don’t know. What do we do without? I’m arguing that in two weeks, no one’s gonna talk about this Kanye West album again. Never again.
Drake certified Loverboy will create way more radio bangers than this. And also and also to critique like, because he’s, he’s going the Christian gospel route on this album, which I appreciate first office. Make sure I’m not misleading you. I appreciate that. He tried them because I wish I loved gospel music but I don’t. For being uplifting Krishna is sure how to bummer vibe to it. Sure had some bummer vibes. And finally, my favorite track. My favorite verse. If you go to Okay, okay, part two. I don’t know how to pronounce her name. Shin seya I never heard of her. I think she had I think she’s one that crushed it. You thought I was gonna say Jay Z. You probably thought I was gonna say the baby but no, no, you’re gonna say now he’s tweaking. And I’m not an expert on Jamaican dancehall rap, but I like it when I when I like it. And don’t call me Chet Hanks, but I get it. You know what I’m saying? I was in Jamaica one time and I was talking rap music with the cabbie he’s a man you got you got vibes cartel. I know he was he and he’s cool. I like I like Bob’s cartel. I can’t understand some of the things are saying you know, but she’s LinkedIn with this guy’s like the biggest rapper and all Jamaica. She’s the only one to breathe any kind of liveliness into this whole dreadful album. I mean, you got five year video foreign five year foreign, like five year foreign. I don’t know if I’m even pronouncing his name, right. I like his stuff. Every time I hear his stuff. I like him. Because he’s kind of fun. You know, sometimes you have fun stuff to say. That’s what I liked about him. And then when he first came out, if you could give me the first two m&m albums, over and over again, I would say Eminem’s greatest rapper alive because the guy really is probably the best lyricist on the planet. But Dr. Dre ruin them. Dr. Dre was like, Nah, Slim Shady, you need to be angry. And then the music was a bummer after that. It was like you were making me laugh. Man. You were like if Weird Al Yankovic was a better rapper.
Unknown Speaker 39:28
And he blew it.
Isaac Weishaupt 39:30
Anyway, so Okay, okay, part two is great. Shinsei, whatever name is and sia. That was great. And that was my favorite on the whole arm. But ultimately, it’s fine. It’s better than I could create. So kudos. But in conclusion. The album again, carnies egos bigger and better. There’s music as always, Drake’s gonna hit way more bangers at the parks in this album will. But ultimately I appreciate he’s able to Make a Christian album that wasn’t hard to listen to. It wasn’t bad. But it was much more melancholy than I would want. But who cares what I think right? So that’s it try to find more for man horns or Hawk and it’s getting real gangster I gotta get going here. One last thing I got to plug the Patreon patreon.com slash Illuminati watcher or you can go to my rockfon or you go to Illuminati watcher calm VIP section link in the show notes I just uploaded a full show about my experience on Sirius XM on shade 45 I was on the all ops show defending my rat book rat conspiracy book back in 2016. And if you want to go down history lane there cool boy It was a humiliation ritual to the extreme I was on it was rude dude and we talked about my book and he basically opened up the floodgates for the caller’s they all call them Satish kill myself and how wrong I was. Inevitably I would argue if you would ask those same people today if conspiracies are real or not they would have a full change of heart to turns out I was right in the end. Anyway you anyways that’s only a supporter only bonus show I did for the month of August. Again, there’s three places you can go link in the show notes. As always, thank you for your support, and keep dropping those reviews. I’m going to read them until Halloween of 2021. I’m going to read all the reviews. If you liked the show, that’s how you can help out. Alright, thanks for time till next time, stay woke
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