On today’s episode of the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture with Isaac Weishaupt podcast (formerly known as CTAUC Podcast) we’re going to talk about the Netflix show- Dahmer (with a major part of the show being devoted to Exorcist III). It broke Netflix streaming records and we’ve got a lot to talk about including symbolism presented in the show of Pizza-related statues, Satan and Aliens! I’ll also present a theory I have on the exact demon that MAY have been possessing Dahmer to conduct the horrific crimes of cannibalism and zombie manufacturing…
- *These two mentioned episodes (Kerth Barker book review and Fresh Film Analysis) both happen to be on the supporter feeds- back in April 2022. You can hear them free if you do the two week free trial to the VIP Section, hook into your ad-free feed, and scroll back to April 2022: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/members-section/
- April 2022 episode PREVIEW: Bl00d, Meat & Satanism: Kerth Barker Book Mash-Up w/ FRESH Film’s Secret Origins! https://illuminatiwatcher.com/preview-bl00d-meat-satanism-kerth-barker-book-mash-up-w-fresh-films-secret-origins/
- April 2022 episode PREVIEW: FRESH Film Analysis: Cannibalism, Satanism & Illuminati Elites! https://illuminatiwatcher.com/preview-fresh-film-analysis-cannibalism-satanism-illuminati-elites/
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Eddie Bravo’s “Look Into It,” Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and theories.
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Isaac Weishaupt 0:00
How are you doing males power tools going all I was in the night screaming coming from your heart just TransAm sorry she gonna open a gift I don’t know what’s in there this is meat I’m not eating a nice thing done nothing wrong Welcome back to occult symbolism of pop culture. I’m your host Isaac Weishaupt. Today we’re going to talk about Jeffrey Dahmer particularly, we’re going to talk about the Netflix show we’re gonna talk about a few things all right. The, the ideas of Aleister Crowley. Jeffrey Dahmer is interested in Satanism and possible influence, right? And symbolism of all this stuff. Particularly from exorcist three, which I posit is an influence upon Jeffrey Dahmer entertainment as an influence, right. So the show, let’s do a little five minute preamble. The show broke Netflix streaming records, coming close to the Stranger Things season four. And we’ve got I watched the whole thing rather watch all 10 episodes a couple of months ago now because it’s taken me a while to get around to doing a little bit study on Dahmer. Because to be honest, I didn’t know a lot about the guy. You would think this would be in my wheelhouse. But I only knew the sort of main ideas of Jeffrey Dahmer, who he was what he did. So it was actually interesting to see a lot of these things dramatized, which I thought they did a great job. It’s very entertaining. And I was shocked at so many things, right? We’ve got, we’re gonna talk about statues of pizza relation. If you can read between the lines, we’re going to talk about Satan. We’re gonna talk about the Church of Satan. We’re going to talk about Aleister Crowley. We’re gonna talk about aliens. Well for a second. And I will tell you my theory about how I believe Dahmer was possessed by a demon. And I will tell you which one I am now. demonologist. That’s right. You heard it here first. I mean, the guy was doing cannibalism and a zombie manufacturing plant in his apartment. If you don’t know the Dahmer story, I’m not going through the whole thing here. It took Netflix 10 hours to do that. So that’s not what today’s analysis will be about. So I would advise you to check it out. It’s really dark, though. I gotta tell you right now. So anyway, we’re going to focus on a couple of themes. Like I said, Oh, and then, and I don’t want to gloss over this, right, because there was a lot of drama, a lot of Dharma drama. When the show released, and I guess the major complaints are that it was distasteful. Which, I don’t know, like it happened, right. What are you talking about? You know, it’s like, there’s a rapper named necro. And he has the style of Horrorcore he says horrific things. And, I mean, in a way, I don’t know I don’t know if glorifies murderer and all this stuff, but it’s very dark stuff, you know? And the argument here is, is a guy like necro? Is he showcasing this stuff? Or is he endorsing it? And the truth is, I think that he is showcasing it. That’s what horror movies are. I watch horror movies and I don’t have a deviant bone in my body. I don’t even like killing bugs. That’s right. I saved a spider the other day. So, I mean, but the question is, does entertainment influence some people? And I would argue that maybe not only is the entertainment influential on some people, but those people could be possessed by demonic spirits. But lots of people were protesting the show, particularly I believe, the African American community because Dahmer targeted them, it seems. And, you know, some people say, Oh, they’re glorifying Dahmer, or they’re drawing up sympathy for the guy. And lo, you could argue those things. I believe we are fascinated by monsters. It sucks. That has happened. It’s sad. But it’s the truth. And we’re absolutely fascinated by how horrific human beings can be. And Jeffrey Dahmer is up there with the worst of them. So I’m always anti canceled culture. So I want to throw that bit out there. Now, the big topics we’re gonna cover. The first one, let’s get into it. Entertainment as an influence. It’s a debate, a discussion and idea we’ve talked about for many years. And in the first episode of the Dahmer show, they show him with a victim in his apartment and he’s playing the exorcist three on the TV, which is kind of funny, they made a meme about it. Now if you’ve seen it on tiktoks If you’ve seen it, you know what I’m saying. This show him he’s got the he’s got the blade and he’s like pointing it to the victim. And then he’s I watched this and it’s supposed to be showing maximises three but the memes they fill in with other funny sort of things. But exorcist three, and let me go through the plot. We’re gonna go through exercise three real quick. I mean, this is gonna be half the show, but so not real quick. But the plot of exercise three is a police lieutenant uncovers more than he bargained for as his investigation of a series of murders, which have all the hallmarks of the deceased Geminis serial killer, leads him to question the patience of a psychiatric ward. Now, I ironically had watched exorcist three. I mean, I think was a week before I watched Amr, which is kind of weird. I didn’t know that was going to happen. And I watched it and thought, Well, gosh, this by the second best exorcist film, it was really good. It’s got some good jumpscares got some really creepy imagery. I don’t want to. I don’t want to spoil the plot if you’ve never seen it, because there’s a couple of really good points that really make your skin crawl. But exorcist three is about a serial killer called the Gemini and it’s actually based on the Zodiac Killer. And the Zodiac Killer infamously apparently liked the original exorcist film is what he had claimed, I guess. And in The Exorcist, three, the Gemini killer was put to death, but it had this demonic spirit and what happened to other people? That was the idea of the show. So we’re gonna we’re not gonna do a full breakdown of the whole movie exorcist three, but I will not spoil any plots. All right. So let’s talk real quick about some of the ideas and themes and symbolism in exercise three because I think this plays a role in why Dahmer was obsessed with the film. First off, a fun fact about extra ces three, there’s a cameo by Patrick Ewing, Sam Tripoli’s favorite shout out Sam Tripoli, tinfoil hat podcast. There’s a cameo by Patrick Ewing and Fabio see if you can catch it when you watch it. It’s so it’s so bizarre out of left field. But the part I want to talk about is there’s a doctor at the psychiatric ward of this was at Georgetown Memorial Hospital. And in his office, there’s a lot of really dark occult symbolism. I’m going to put the images on the Instagram instagram.com backslash Isaac wise and link in the show notes as always like and subscribe, where you can take a look at what I’m talking about. So So, the occult symbols in the office you’ll noticed one of these got a bunch of images on the wall right. And
this includes one of Aleister Crowley’s Scarlet women. Leila Scarlet woman. So, so Aleister Crowley, a very famous occultist. He would hook up with these women. He called them his Scarlet women and they are the ones he would use his consorts. This was, according to him, the spirit of the horror of Babylon, who would help him usher in this apocalyptic revelation to humanity. He called them Babylon also. And this was supposed to be the sexual impulse of the liberated woman. That was his idea. Mother Earth who birthed and created the world. And Croley actually believed that his women, his Scarlet women, were the avatars of the horror of Babylon. And they were going to manifest the new age the AON of Horus as he put it. So there’s a very famous picture of Leila Leila Waddell, who’s one of the scarlet women and she’s doing the this pose with her head, her fingers crossed and her thumb straight up at perpendicular angle to her hand. This is the horns of Pan pose, similar to what Crowley would do with his thumbs, right? He would put his thumbs at a 90 degree angle with the fist and put them up to the side of his head, his horns. And it’s a very famous photo and it’s in exorcist three in the doctor’s office, and you’re like, what’s that about? Right? Well, Leila was actually Curley’s, most powerful muse, they would eventually break up because, you know, probably was cheating on her because he was doing what thou wilt. But you see her in the office, you can also see an image, referred to as the Ancient of Days, and the Ancient of Days is a reference to God from the book of Daniel. And what’s interesting, and I believe William Blake did a derivation of it. But what’s interesting is on the bottom of the image, you’re gonna see in a circle, this inverted arched body of a human. We’re gonna come back to that we’re going to discuss that in depth, because it ties into the pizza emails, it ties into Podesta. And it ties into Dammers death ceremony, right. Also, there is an image I caught of, he’s got a stack of newspapers in his office. One of the headlines talks about the Joker. I mean, kind of of interest. Joker is the agent of nihilism, the agent of chaos and the comic series. And if we go back to Crowley, Crowley was saying that the scarlet woman is the female consort to the male genitive, generative force of chaos. And here we see the Joker, the agent of chaos, also the archetype of the Trickster or the devil. Another interesting catch, there is a framed photo of the Doctor of himself on the wall, and he has his arms crossed in the next kind of like they do in Black Panther and Wakanda. They cross their arms. Well, this is symbolic of the ancient mystery Babylon religion of the worship of the sun god Osiris. Now, Cyrus is part of the alleged free Masonic Luciferian solar religion. Osiris represents the sun, the shining light, and also represents the evolution of man into the new Luciferian age. Now, here’s what’s interesting, though, because in the film, you will see during, there’s an interrogation of Oh, boy. Okay, so the detective who’s like researching, he’s like the protagonist in the film. He’s researching this whole thing, trying to make sense of what’s going on with the Gemini killer. And he’s in this madman, Sal. And the killer tells him that he’s a traveling man. Now, that’s all the context they give you. But we all know because we follow this stuff. To say you’re a traveling man is to identify as a Freemason, that’s the term they use. So here we have in exercise three, him talking about being a Freemason through this coded language. Then the doctor in the office has a an image of him with his arms crossed which is a reference to Osiris, which is allegedly part of the free Masonic solar religion of Luciferianism. Now, why you might ask why? Why cross the arms? Well, because x represents Osiris, Osiris risen. You know, it’s why the ancients, the Egyptians would bury their pharaohs and the sarcophagus with their arms crossed. And I believe he the Knights Templar, were buried with their arms and legs crossed. And then there’s this infamous image of Aleister Crowley dressed up in Egyptian garb with his arms crossed. And this all relates to the skull and bones with the crossbones. And this goes into a whole bunch of stuff. I think I did a show on 322 was the title in the last year, maybe two, talking about March 22. And we tied it into the Knights Templar and all this stuff. Now, fun fact, NASA has a mission in process right now, to bring back a sample from an asteroid to see if there is life in outer space. That mission is called the OSIRIS REx. Now, granted, it is not Osiris xx, but it’s very close. And we all know NASA has a lot of strange symbolism. You know buzz was doing that free Masonic ritual headed out to the moon took that free Masonic apron out there with them. And also in this image in exercise three you’ll see the Hanged Man from the tarot card right next to the image of the doctor with his arms crossed what is going on at Georgetown Memorial Hospital. What is happening there it’s illuminate confirm my goodness. And the doctors were in the ring. I couldn’t get a good tell what it was. I didn’t have the ultra high def version going. So I couldn’t tell might be a skull ring like your boy Johnny Depp. Where’s Johnny that’s got all that symbolism of the Osiris with his arms crossed to and should you have doubts that exorcist three has occult symbolism throughout of Aleister Crowley and the mystery religion of the secret societies in the final chase in the film, the police car they use card number 77. That’s right. I’m gonna put the image on the Instagram. See if yourself folks, again more Croley symbolism because Crowley wrote a book called libre Oz, which means book 77 libre Oz is only one page. It’s called a book but it’s only one page it’s basically Crowley’s Declaration of Independence. It’s his vision for mankind. It’s the new rights according to this new religion of the Lima it’s the way of the new age the AON of Horus, okay. Hence all the talk about the consort, the scarlet woman all of this is to usher in the new age and age with an emphasis on man and not priests and Gods an organized religion. A satanic religion Maybe? Probably. Definitely. And if you want to dig into it, which I know you do. In libre ABA book for magic, it says this brief paper first published in 1941 first appears and type script in an intermediate form of an oto degree ritual worked in Australia believed to date from 1916 and revised in 1919. In his correspondence with je je York, Crowley describes it as the OTO plane. I’m sorry, the OTO plan in words of one syllable. So he’s saying it’s the OTO plan. Now, the Lima Crowley’s religion was supposedly supposed to be the whole crux of the OTO the magical order. I’m oversimplifying that but that’s how I understand it was September 13. He added, quote, rights of man is an historical document. The items don’t go easily on the tree of life, but I’ve got them down to five sections, moral bodily, mental sexual freedom and the safeguard T ran aside 160 words and all. So that’s what Crowley was talking about, like I said, his declaration of independence right for his new religion. Now Fun fact, Laila that scar the woman we see on the wall is from Australia that Leila Waddell she’s from Australia, which is apparently where this LIBOR oz book was written, where it came from. And what’s really weird is that there is a book in that doctor’s office and exercise three there’s several books right so got to bookshelves, but one of them says it’s about Easter Island.
Well, Leila, let The Waddell was believed to be of May Ori bloodlines? And if I’m pronouncing that right Maori Maori bloodlines, which is apparently indigenous Polynesians of New Zealand, which apparently included the same Polynesians who settled Easter Island, hey, might be a stretch there, folks. But it connects. But let’s look the libre Oz, what does it say? What does this declaration say? Well, it says a bunch of stuff. It says, The Law of the strong this is our law and the joy of the world, do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law, now has no right but to do thy will do that, and no other shall say nay. Now let’s pause for a second. When he says do what thou wilt. He’s saying that you need to make contact with your guardian angel, this entity, the entity will relate to you your purpose, for being in existence, and you should stop and absolutely nothing to do that. That whatever that purpose is. And Crowley himself, talked to the spirit of a laws, which he later identified as the devil. And that’s that was his guardian angel who told him what he was supposed to do. So I was like, let’s just listen to the demons that tell me what to do. Talking about bro. Let’s keep let’s keep reading. every man and every woman is a star, which of course is the age we’re in. Right? Crowley was 100 years ahead of his time, he knew that the new religion was going to be the religion of man worshipping himself, man is star, which is social media. Everyone’s a celebrity. Everything’s got to be documented for the world to see. No one can just be peaceful in their home talking to their family or whatever we got to. I don’t know broadcast everything we do now. Right? He says there will be no emphasis on external gods or priests. It will only be self centered. Doing your own will, which is the antithesis to Christianity to do God’s will. So if you want to say it’s the inversion of Christianity that’s accurate, if you’ve want to say it’s satanic, I would argue that’s accurate to just not such a straight line between the two. Let’s keep reading says there is no god but man. All right, we just talked about that. Man has the right to live by His own law to live in the way that he wills to do to work as he will to play as he will to rest as he will to die when and how he will. Man has the right to eat what he will drink, dwell, move around, blah, blah, blah. To think to speak, to write, to draw, to paint the cave to build to dress, man has the right to love as He will take your fill and will of love as you will when where and with whom you will you kind of get that man has the right to kill those who would thwart these rights. This is social Darwinian ism, which is the philosophy behind the church of Satan. Man has the right to kill those who would thwart those rights. So he’s saying talk to your demon guardian angel. Let it fill your head with what you should do your self centered will. Man’s flawed logic and flawed will and you should pursue it and if anyone gets in your way you kill them. Nonsense right? Then he says the slaves shall serve and to me that’s the most telling statement of the whole thing. I think this is what the Illuminati globally elitist these rich jerks. I think that’s what they all believe in. They look at us they look at humanity as slaves and we need to serve them for their will they believe in this prosperity gospel nonsense of all Yeah, God made you rich because you’re the chosen one. And you know, do what your Do what you will with all your money and make sure you keep the sheeple where they need to be. The slaves shall serve. It’s a very capitalistic, social Darwinian idea. And you could go into a whole argument on whether or not America and capitalism, free market capitalism. Is it more satanic or more Christian? I mean, you probably know where I stand on that. I say it’s more satanic than anything. But the truth is, it’s a pretty great system. I don’t know if there’s a better system communism isn’t better. Fascism isn’t better. So I’m not complaining. I just want to raise awareness of it. Because I feel like if you’re aware of it, then maybe you can make it do better right. Excuse me. So the stuff that Aleister Crowley is talking about is all Satanic in the aspect that it’s always about the self over anything. Which is why Crowley couldn’t keep a relationship he had like, I don’t know eight women and they all went nuts they turned in alcoholics and we’re in insane asylums and all that anyway back to Dahmer, okay, we made it through exercise three. You see there’s a lot to unpack there in the film exercise three so it’s interesting that Dahmer was obsessed with this and insisted on showing it to the people in his apartment as victims. Excuse me, I’m still getting over the big you know what? The thing from 2020 That’ll never go away? It’s probably never gonna go away from me. I don’t know. It’s been four weeks. Okay. In episode one, let’s talk about these Polaroids. Right? There’s these Polaroids that the that are in the nightstand, Dahmer Satan Polaroids as victims, he’s making his own art just like Crowley said in Libras. mansion, make his own art, right. But there’s Polaroids in there. And there’s a scene in episode one that we need to talk about a particular Polaroid and I hesitate to put this on the Instagram, you can look it up. The the image that you’ll see is, Dahmer had a person with their head removed, he cut their head off and put them in a position where they were arched. Their stomach was arched. It’s very straight, hard to describe. But it’s a very specific pose. It’s very hard to get into I believe in yoga, it would be called a boat pose. I don’t know it could be No, I don’t think it’s a boat pose. It doesn’t matter. Very strange positioning, the person is arched with their hips towards the sky. All right. Now, what’s interesting about that positioning is we have to go back to 2016. With the emails released on WikiLeaks about pizza stuff, right? You might know what I’m talking about. Let me say, let me say it out loud. Well, some of those emails, were relating to John and Tony Podesta. Tony Podesta has a statue in his home. It’s one of six in the world. Of this headless corpse. it in the same position? Of course, It’s bronze, right? It’s not gory or nothing. But it’s a headless person in the same pose. I mean, what are the odds? Right, the same arch pose. And defenders of all this crap will say, Well, you know, this is actually based on a 1993 piece of art, from Luis Bourgeault, called arch of hysteria. And from what I read, and this is this gets a little dicey as we go, it could be a little off on this board, Joe claims it was inspired by this 19th century sketch of a guy who had ahead doing a similar pose, but doesn’t even look the same. I looked at like, doesn’t even look the same, but I guess that’s why it’s inspired, right. And apparently, it was a reference to women being quote, unquote, hysterical. Like being mad. That’s why it’s called the arch of hysteria. It was a commentary on feminism or something like that. But what’s interesting is, some people really got into this, as you know, back in 2016, and if you scour the depths of the internet, you’ll see people put together a lot of good arguments and different images and ideas. And one of them shows that same artists Luis Bordeaux, had these other sculptures. And Luis, who I believe is a female, the sketches. These These sculptures are in Toronto, but the sketches the statues were based on what appeared to be a child with a you know what Dave Chappelle brown snake turned into brown stick, you know what I’m saying? But the sculptures doesn’t have the brown stick. Right? So kind of creepy, right? Kind of creepy. And everyone also notes like, hey, that art was created two years after Dahmer was arrested. Those images were known by the public at this point. And the positioning is almost identical. It’s it’s slightly off the arm positioning is a little off, but I mean, close enough, right? It’s very bizarre. And if you want to get into the full theory of it, it goes so deep into this, you’d have to snoop around. But Tony Podesta, who was John Podesta, his brother
was hanging out with Dennis Hastert who was the Republican Speaker of the House. He was the longest running The Speaker of the House and Republican history Hastert infamously got in trouble for sexually abusing underage boys. And then you know John Podesta old Skippy, he’s got quite the rap sheet he was. He was the campaign manager for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. He is tied into the ancient alien stuff. He is affiliated on some level with that to the stars Academy stuff with Tom DeLonge. Peter, the Veno is definitely smart on the occult. I don’t know what’s going on there. There’s something going on there. I don’t know what it is. All right. Don’t go storming the Capitol. I don’t know what it is. I’m just saying. It does get messy. And once you start clicking around, which I’d advise get a VPN if you’re gonna do it. A lot of the web links had been removed and I mean, it gets dark quick. So there, there’s that. There’s that so Dahmer had this Polaroid and it ties into the whole pizza email thing. And so people believe it’s part of a more insidious thing right. Maybe Dahmer was part of some inner group of people that did this stuff. I don’t know. Oh, yeah. Real briefly before we get into big topic, the mom What was her deal? In episode three? You heard that she saw UFO Did you catch that? I looked up on Reddit. I found this some someone commented no sources. I don’t know if this is true. They wrote Yes, it’s true. According to the local paper, Joyce chased a UFO in her car and then went home and got Lionel David and Jeff and continued the pursuit. Police and others saw it. The UFO later landed in someone’s yard, and was revealed to be a bag with candles underneath, like an amateur hot air balloon thing. I don’t know if Lionel was as angry and insulting about it as they portrayed in the show. Presumably he was just as curious since he joined her in the car. So I don’t know maybe she saw a UFO. A real one, maybe revisited by an alien, maybe a demonic spirit from another dimension came through. And then the mud. There’s a whole storyline about the mother taking pills. And, you know, it ties into big pharma and all that stuff. But the big topic the one I want to focus in on is the question was Jeffrey Dahmer into Satanism. And I, let’s just go into it first. And episode one. You’ll see the Satanic Bible in his room, which I was kind of shocked by I was like, Is that real? And I looked around online, there wasn’t any clear proof of this just a bunch of dummies talking about it. So I bought this book, this shrine of Jeffrey Dahmer by Brian masters. And this is what it says. There were other things he was doing secretly what witch grandma might have deemed not a good idea. He had secured a copy of Anton LaVey Satanic Bible which he poured over in his room, while she said her prayers to a more benign God. Even more peculiar was an experiment he conducted a work taking so much blood from people in the course of his job, he found himself wondering what it might taste like and what effect it might have upon him. He concealed a vial of blood in his pocket and took it to the roof of the plasma center where he proceeded to drink it. Okay, we’re gonna go through some more. Some more tidbits, then we’re gonna wrap it up. So that’s very strange, right? He really did have a, you know, the Satanic Bible. Now I have one too. It’s on my harddrive. So that made me illuminate confirm. No, I’m just reading it for research purposes. And episode five. We find out Dahmer has an altar which I found very interesting. And in Episode 10, he confesses to the priest that he was making an altar for the devil from human body parts. Now, I wanted to learn more about this. I was like, whoa, back up. What are we talking about here? And the show doesn’t go into it. But if you watch the conversation with a killer, the Jeffrey Dahmer tape show also on Netflix, on Episode Two at the beginning, they say that he wanted to play the devil. And that’s why he was watching exorcist three. So he seemed to be very much interested in it right.
Unknown Speaker 34:45
He then had what I’d refer to as almost a religious conversion in reverse. If you had to think well, maybe there’s a devil and maybe it’s my destiny to carry out the work of the devil. They began engaging in all kinds of bizarre incantation. Since it began relating to parts of movies that seem to suggest that there were evil forces out there,
Unknown Speaker 35:10
Return of the Jedi was one of them. He really identified with the Emperor. He wanted like that mind control. He had those, you know, yellow eyes. So Jeff actually found some place where he could get contacts that were yellow eyes. And so before he would go out at night, he would put the context and he had to get himself charged up by trying to emulate a devil or evil person to fulfill his fantasies.
Unknown Speaker 35:41
People go to these gory horror movies to get a glimpse at what they show in the movies, their differences. They did it for real.
Isaac Weishaupt 35:59
I got more on the altar here, then. Sorry, I’m trying to read my notes here. Oh, and then in episode eight of the Dahmer show, his father said Dahmer was possessed by a demon. All right. There’s a little tidbits. But to go into the conversation with the killer Jeffrey Dahmer tapes show, if you will to episode three. They actually will show you the proposed alter which doesn’t necessarily line up with exactly how it’s described. Let’s see here. If I go to the book, The Shrine of Jeffrey Dahmer, it says this, The blah, blah, blah to match this development in the summer of 1988. He bought a long black table and two statues of griffins, he still nurtured the idea of his own temple. And these were steps towards its realization. The black table would be the altar and the Griffins, mythological creatures with the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion would be its protection. So that’s a pretty good description of what it’s going to look like. And if you dig around, you’ll see that he was talking about he tried a bunch of stuff to try to preserve these bodies, he was gonna buy a big, like what he called like a, like a freeze dried machine. But he couldn’t get them big enough to put a whole body in and he was keeping all these body parts throughout the apartment. But then there’s a couple other religious elements to consider. Like in episode four, he says he’s an atheist, and they talked about how his dad was a scientist. And if you look at the big scheme of things, a lot of theorists claim that they want us to go from Christianity to atheism or science, the religion of science, but man is a spiritual creature and we will create new religion and that will be the religion of the Antichrist, best the theory, the Luciferian religion of the Freemasons allegedly also the priest in I believe this is in the conversation tapes. Yeah, the conversation tapes show. The priest said that the day Jeffrey Dahmer got baptized in the prison because if you watch the show, you’ll find out he gets baptized the Christ was the same day that John Wayne Gacy was executed and the same day there was a solar eclipse so it seems the stars were aligning for something very strange that day. So let’s wrap it all up. Because I got a few I got a lot more to talk about. Let’s let’s do a little in conclusion and sort of put all the pieces together. What was Jeffrey Dahmer trying to do? In this book, The Shrine of Jeffrey Dahmer. He suggests something that’s kind of wild. He suggested that Dahmer was maybe unwillingly even trying to get in touch with a more ancient pagan religion. Referring to the incident where he drank the blood at the plasma center. And if you read my book, the dark path, you’ll know that blowback he talked about the religion of the past as the religion of the future. So let’s read from the book says, these were the first stirrings of an interest in what Dahmer mistakenly referred to as Satanism. It was to develop progressively over the years and work towards a startling Dane in WA. It was a personal quest. If a diffuse and stumbling attempt to establish contact with those turbulent dark and unanswerable exigencies of primitive nature, recognized by the pagans before civilization tamed them by denying them, but they are never entirely denied and they display themselves in disguise throughout history. From The predate history and no, I’m sorry. For they predate history and infuse the acts and thoughts of men. Within voluntary notions they barely apprehend art and Law and Society seek to keep them under control. Religions unwittingly perpetuate their power. The essence of these elemental forces is their necessity and irresistibility. They are not contingent, but constant and immutable. They cannot change or be fought against, for they represent the endless cycle of the earth and its doings. Its infinite progression and regression, surge and swell movement towards no other end than self regenerative regeneration. I do not suggest that Dahmer made any intellectual inquiry into such matters, but that he unknowingly was fumbling for an understanding of them, since he could not perceive himself within the accepted norms, categories and assimilations of civilization. Perhaps he might find some glimmer of recognition and explanation in the chaos of primitive night. He was searching for his demons that is his personal guardians. Through the unlit world of urgent response, the tight spirals he had drawn as a child were summons to the remorseless swirling and Svalbard skies getting real flowery right. But he thought about the holy guardian angel there, his demons, his personal guardians, talking about pursuing his will, talking about how he doesn’t fit into society, and how society tries to suppress these these animalistic urges of man, which is what Crowley’s AON of Horus is about unleashing. It’s all about embracing that satanic Wildside. When we keep reading here, the wish to look upon Satan was a demand for identity, the hope that a mirror might be thrust before him. The drinking of blood was an unconscious initiation into the world of the earth and its deep pre human spirituality. He did not like it, he spat it out. It was not his way. But he would find other ways in the future and gradually grow towards an expression of coupling with the underworld, which was all his own. So was he possessed by threats falling apart, or folks trying to trying to wrap it up? Was he possessed? Did he take possession? Was it a demon? And if it was, I would argue it is this particular one. I’ve talked about it before. There is a story about a guy named Gilda Ray. And Gilda Ray was a knight he was a Lord in the French army. It was friends with Joan of Arc who also channeled spirits. And in 1432, he was accused of killing hundreds of children and occult rituals. He would then be condemned to death because his friends would confess that they knew that Gilda Ray was doing these crimes. And the trials revealed how he was sodomized in kids before he would kill them. He would wine and dine the kids strip them naked hanging ropes while he would pledge or himself onto this poor child. He would. After he would do this thing on the kid, he would take them down from the ropes he would decapitate them dismember them, slicing the throat breaking the necks. Sometimes he would do all that then he would pleasure himself onto the corpse. And one of the servants of his said this said when the choke when the said children were dead, he kissed them and those who had the most handsome limbs and heads, he held up to admire them, and had their bodies cruelly cut open and took to light at the sight of their inner organs. Very often when the children were dying, he sat on their stomachs and took pleasure in seeing them die and laughed. Does not sound like the sickness of Jeffrey Dahmer. Knock Gilda Ray, and this is where you might be shocked to hear me talk about this. In the past. Aleister Crowley said that Gilda Ray was the male equivalent of Joan of Arc. And the only crime he ever did was the pursuit of knowledge. Because, again, if you get into this stuff, these wackos think they could just do whatever they want. The slaves shall serve. Remember, they should be allowed to do whatever they want. They’re chosen to do the do the nasty stuff they want to do. Then we’ll try again and that we’re putting a bow on all this. We’ve talked about Freemasonry a lot. In 1982, a Freemason Grandmaster of the Grand Lodge of France retried this guilt array case from 500 years before and found him not guilty. Why would they do that? And they claimed like all he was a victim of false charges. A lot of historians say no, homeboy did this stuff. And if you dig into it, the original trial of 1438 showed that Gilda Ray was seeking enlightenment. Through alchemy and summoning demons, and the he tried to send this demon spelled ba R O N, I don’t want to say how sometimes I say it, sometimes I don’t. I’m trying to be more careful about it. Ba R OM is the name of the demon he was trying to summon in the demon sign a contract with Gilda Ray, and the demons like I want all these body parts of these kids. So that’s what I would argue. If you wanted me to give a theory about who Jeffrey Dahmer was possessed by that’s the one.
So do I think Dahmer was possessed by this? This demon? I mean, there’s there’s a very strange darkness behind this. There’s this weird blending of sexuality and death. And I’m going to refer you to my final argument here. Going back to the same book, The Shrine of Jeffrey Dahmer, talking about this victim of his named cache D. Cache D was the first with whom Dahmer could experiment on the newly acquired black table that’s that altar right. He placed the corpse on the table in various positions, which he found attractive, always posing it to look good. I rushed out the next day to buy a Polaroid camera at blacks photo on 125 West Wisconsin Avenue. He was in a way virtually creating his own pornography, as if the picture of beauty was more alluring than beauty itself. This is tantamount to saying that fantasy, solid sculpted mandible and unthreatening has finally become more deeply important than reality. It is also more stimulating, whereas Dahmer had found it impossible to reach orgasm with the partners he met at the unicorn bathhouse in Chicago. He was able to stand over the dead body of cash D and masturbate to ejaculation which is almost the same identical process as guilt arrays, weird ass with the demon he was possessed by. And then final thought her final thought her even if it wasn’t this theory of mind about the that particular demon there was something surely evil going on. And in this book, The Shrine of Jeffrey Dahmer, they go into this possession idea using Damas own words, all right. Coming from a religious family, and having spent two years wrestling with the evil that he saw within him, it was natural that Damas understanding of his dilemma should express itself in terms of diabolic possession. The devil is seen as the agent of the imbalance or disorder, the creator of chaos and moral anarchy. Kind of like the Joker we talked about earlier. Quote, am I just an extremely evil person? Or is it some sort of satanic influence or what he wondered? I have no idea. I have no idea at all. Do you? Is it possible to be influenced by spirit beings? I know that sounds like an easy way to cop out and say I couldn’t help myself. But from all that the Bible says there are forces that have a direct or indirect influence on people’s behavior. From this moment, Dahmer began to welcome the intrusive thoughts no matter where they came from, quote, The Bible calls him Satan, I suppose possible because it sure seems like some of the thoughts aren’t my own. They just come blasting into my head, they go stronger and more urgent and steadily gained momentum. It was as if his life has been guided or being guided by malignancy. No, sorry, that’s not part of the quote. It ends up they just come blasting into my head, then it continues. These thoughts are very powerful, very destructive, and they do not leave. They’re not the kind of thoughts you can just shake your head and they’re gone. They do not leave. That was Donald’s own words. So and if you if you if you look into that book, The Shrine of Jeffrey Dahmer talks about how cannibalism goes into some weird spiritual territory. Maybe even this ancient history of man, this ancient pagan religion stuff, he makes an interesting comparison. Trying to say there’s this archetypal. What did Carl Jung call it? Archaic remnants. That’s what we call it, or is that Freud Anyway, okay, remnants, this archetypal memory that we all seem to have of cannibalism, like how parents when they play with their kids, when they’re little tiny kids, they’ll act like they’re eating them or Maracaibo. You up whatever, right? Then why don’t we do that? We don’t mean we’re really going to do it like we’re screwing around, right? We’re just playing. And then he says it goes further if you go into the as adults, when you’re in the bedroom, this idea of oral sex and even the terms we use for that. He suggests maybe there’s this primal urge there in our history, and it’s subdued. And we’ve evolved out of it. All of us except for Dahmer, who made contact with this thing. Or maybe even the Illuminati does it right. We talked about this many times. There’s a new movie by Luca Guadagnino called bones and I haven’t seen it yet. It’s about cannibalism. Lots of cannibalism shows. If you listen to I did a really good show. About Kurth Barker. Same time I did a film analysis for the film fresh. We talked about these topics as it relates to the Illuminati. I’ll put links in the show notes. But yeah, this is a topic that comes up often. So there you go. That’s my best two cents about Dahmer and the influences of Dahmer, the demons that probably possessed him. It’s an interesting subject. It’s dark, it’s really dark. So my call to action for you. If you have a friend or family member who watched those Dahmer shows, send them this episode. Have them take a listen and see what they think. Because it’s a very interesting show. And I think it scratched the surface of a darker, more insidious truth. Thanks for listening. Thanks for your time. Till next time, stay well.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
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