On today’s episode of the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture with Isaac Weishaupt podcast (formerly known as CTAUC Podcast) we’re going to discuss the occult origins of everyone’s favorite holiday- Halloween! Join as we get the theories, folklore and stories about the origins of our Halloween practices going back to the pagan Druids and the Lord of the Dead- Samhain! We’ll talk about why we bob for apples, dress up in costumes, go trick or treating and much more! It’s a very spooky special where we get into the concept of Satanists, witchcraft and human sacrifice so buckle up!
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Eddie Bravo’s “Look Into It,” Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and theories.
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
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Unknown Speaker 0:05
it’s gibberish. No, it’s a Celtic word, Sam hain. It means the Lord of the Dead the end of summer, the festival of Sam Hain October 31.
Isaac Weishaupt 0:30
Welcome back to occult symbolism and pop culture. I’m your host Isaac Weishaupt. new title of the show. Same old content today we’re talking about Halloween. Double the symbolism Halloween. This is the Halloween special. We’re going to discuss the occult origins of everyone’s favorite holiday. Join as we get into different theories, folklore, stories about the origins of Halloween, and the practices going back to the druids and the Lord of the Dead himself salween. We’re going to talk about why we bought for apples why we dress up in costumes and go trick or treating and so much more. very spooky special today, we’re gonna get into the concept of the religions affiliated oftentimes with Halloween, Satanism, witchcraft, human sacrifice, it’s all here. So buckle up, we’re gonna get into it. Now, why do you need to listen to this, because I’m going to, I’m gonna tell you, you got to listen to it. All right. As I discussed, in my first epic book from 2012, a grand unified conspiracy theory, there are certain days of the year, where we as a species, feel compelled to conduct ritualistic behaviors. And we repeat these on a regular cycle. We used to call these the holy days. And over time, it has changed to the holidays. We’ve been exploring this idea over the years, as I’ve refined and learn more about all these concepts, so I thought it was worth giving a refresh. By the way, quick plug, if you want a free copy of a grand unified conspiracy theory, where, where it all started, where my discussion of Illuminati symbolism, Ancient Aliens, are cold messages and pop culture, I talk about different theorists like Alex Jones and Joe Rogan, which you can dig through my Instagram archive and see a picture of me hanging out with Joe Rogan, I hand him a copy of my book, and he signs a copy for me to keep a habit right here in the studio. But you can get it for free. Feeling very generous, I have a deal. If you go to my website, go to Illuminati watchdog calm, or check the link in the show notes, get three books for five bucks. Now that’s a bit of a trick, right? Because you actually if you go to my website, go to the Start Here, tab, scroll down, put your name in the email list, you’ll get a link to get it for free. The five bucks is when you sign up for Patreon because you know you’re going to that’s when you’re going to get the dark path and Kubrick’s code. Anyway, back to Halloween. Every year, I replayed my original analysis of Halloween, but I wanted to revamp it. I usually do some kind of special Halloween episode. This year we did the 1978 film called Halloween, of course with Michael Myers. And last year we talked about the top 10 Occult films. And as you know, my experience of Halloween has got me very conflicted. I love Halloween. All right. As a kid I love dressing up. I love the scary movies that I used to have a nightmare a recurring nightmare. I remember I had his child which is very strange to me. It had the Frankenstein monster I was hiding behind this like dungeon door and I saw Aquaman on a jetski is a very strange dream. And I had it many times I don’t know why. But yeah, I was always in the scary stuff growing up I loved exploring fear and of course trick or treating, you know sells itself. There’s a there’s a there’s a there’s actually a loving element of this holiday if you want to get into it. And by the conclusion of this show, I’m going to tell you some ideas is Halloween bad. And as always, it depends. It’s very subjective. But if you want to look at the pros to Halloween, you know families get together you dress the kids up the kids are having a Great time, you get a nice little communal vibe with the neighborhood. And it’s honestly just a fun holiday. So I’m not trying to trash it, not trying to tell you to boycott Halloween. In some ways, it’s more enjoyable than Christmas, the day to celebrate the birth of our Lord. Because Christmas got very commercialized as you already know.
Now, this show, however, is not here to defend Halloween, we’re here to scrutinize it because that’s what we do. I scrutinize things that I like to we need to make sure we’re not participating in some of the more dangerous dark occult practices. Because if you’re trying to because I know my listeners, right, I’ve got a wide variety. I’ve got Christian warriors out there. I’ve got atheists out there. I’ve even got a cultist out there. So, take from it what you will I pass no judgment, I really don’t have a judgment on what you want to believe. But I’m here to tell you if you’re trying to stay on the path of the light of Christ, you just got to be careful, you got to tread carefully with Halloween. Much like we talked about on my Hocus Pocus, one and two film analysis. You just got to be careful, you got to have the knowledge. And then, you know, maybe maybe you maybe you’re not a Christian and you don’t care about any of that. Join long learn about your wicked little holiday, we’re gonna have a good time. And as you can tell, I’m a very lukewarm christian, not a good one. In fact, sometimes I get very agnostic. So I try not to insert my opinion into any of this stuff, because I certainly don’t know what the hell’s going on. So I try to in general, keep my opinion to myself. I know everybody wants it sometimes. So I insert what I can where I can. But yeah, like I said, I’m not trying to advocate to cancel Halloween. I just think we need to keep things into perspective. And be careful. All right. Now my church, for example, that I haven’t been to in a while. All right, the Greek Orthodox Church. We do a party around Halloween where we dress up and we do all the things right. We call it the autumn festival. Because the priest said, Halloween is an occult holiday. And he’s right. He’s right. He’s not wrong about that. Basically the same thing, though, and maybe that’s the big difference. Maybe that’s the key difference here. It boils down to the intention. What are you trying to align towards? Darkness? Satan worship. Are you just trying to have fun and keep on the path of Christ? You know, I think I’d like to think you could take a peek inside that door to the darkness. And then close it and say, Man, I’m happy. I’m on the path to light because I don’t want to go in that door. That’s what I’d like to think. You know, because I watch these horror movies. And I’m not I’m not like, oh yeah. Jason Vorhees. I want you to kill everyone and I want to see them die. Yeah, no, well, that’s a bad example. And those those there’s schlocky at the ones you do want to see that. But in some of the more intense horror movies like The strangers right, that’s all I’ve ever seen the strangers the strangers one and two are like insane, great films. You’re not rooting for the bad guys. You run for the good guys. And it makes you in some weird way makes you appreciate that no one’s breaking into your house with a mask on and a machete right? So today, I’m gonna present I’m gonna present the the histories and the theories about Halloween and I want you to decide for yourself what you want to do. Let’s start right off with the big man downstairs Satan. Satan loves Halloween. As it turns out, Anton LaVey, founder of The Church of Satan, the Black Pope, who also by the way, starred in a film called The Devil’s reign, which also featured William Shatner. And in that film, The I watched the characters that have these weird, like melting faces and stuff. Well, the mask that William Shatner wore in that film was used for Halloween 1978 That’s the mask Michael Myers wears. funfact. Now allegedly, Anton LaVey was also an Rosemary’s Baby, but I don’t think that’s true from what I’ve read, but he definitely was in the devil’s reign. I saw him with my own eyes. Anyhow, Anton LaVey he wrote the Satanic Bible, which was featured on Episode One of the Dahmer series which we are going to do some research into. We’re going to do a show on that soon. And in the Satanic Bible, it says there are three major holidays All right, we got your birthday. A very, because you got to understand the left hand path. The left hand path is to focus on the self, man is God man does his own will do what thou wilt, Aleister Crowley said, as opposed
to Christ, and doing God’s will. So the bird and again, again, you could put all this stuff into perspective of my saying you shouldn’t celebrate your birthday. No. But you can’t be too selfless, right? You got to find a nice balance. Anyway. The Satanic Bible lists three major holidays you got your birthday? You got Val Perkins, not in Halloween. Yes, Halloween is one of the three major holidays in the satanic religion. Now, Italy, they wrote a short book called The Devil’s notebook. And in it, he talks about setting the scene for the ritual because you have to understand in the Church of Satan. It’s very theatrical. Anton LaVey understood how to get the set and setting right how to set the mood. He was a circus performer, he knew theatrics. I’m gonna read you from it. decorate a room with the most hokey Halloween brick a BRAC you can find. Make sure the room is red and black. If you can find a dayglo red so much better. Fill the chamber with as many obviously plastic artifacts as you can find. Halloween is the perfect time to stock up on rubber bats, plastic pitchforks and the like. Don’t forget jacket lantern and black cat cutouts. Remember if you’re Satanists, it’s supposed to be Halloween every night. So that’s why you see these Satanists embracing a lot of these, these dark, this dark imagery. Now if you go to the church of Satan’s website, it says I’m going to read you from it says it’s time to reach down into the darkness and indulge their fantasies by donning costumes that allow for intense role playing and the release of their demonic core. Now, what is he talking about? You could argue that the costumes are much like you hear with all these Illuminati elitist party gatherings. Like you see an Eyes Wide Shut at the Gnostic orgy. Or you heard about in the the Hellfire Club with Francis Dashwood down in the caves, we’re gonna hit on this in the conclusion, because this is kind of the darkest part of the ritual. All right. So anyhow, three main holidays, they’ll Perkins night or April 30, which is the predecessor to May Day, May 1 or Beltane. And let’s, let’s briefly talk about that because it kind of plays into some of the aspects of Halloween. Thou Park is night comes from St. Valparaiso, a Christian saint who battled against witchcraft. Now, St. Val Perga protected Christians from witchcraft, which begs the question, why do the satanists like this? Because they, they want you to not forget that they were persecuted. It’s kind of like how they always bring up the witch trials. Which to be fair, we should talk about, we need to make sure we don’t persecute people to that extent. And this day was so important that Anton LaVey founded the church of Satan on dial Perkins night in 1966. And in the Satanic Bible, he talks about it says, it’s actually the most important festival for the believers of witchcraft. Could it be that it proves in a way that witchcraft works, otherwise they wouldn’t be persecuted for it. But he says they celebrate it because it’s the because of the connection of witchcraft and the spring equinox. And again, a reminder of the persecution. Now in case you didn’t know the Church of Satan is actually atheistic. They say they don’t believe in Satan. But they like what the devil represents. So they embrace the archetype and the energies of Satan. The carnal desires of man, social Darwinian ism, which I argue feeds into free market capitalism. or libertarianism in a way that is that might is right attitude. But they’re also into witchcraft and spells. LaVey wrote a book called The Satanic witch, for example, and it had spells for women and it comes from gypsy folklore. But again, the idea is of man becoming God pursuing his own will and at times using witchcraft to do so.
And you’ll find that not every witch Warlock Wicca practitioner is a Satanist. But you’ll find that most Satanists are witches. Now Beltane aka Mayday is the halfway point between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. It’s the beginning of summer in Ireland, which is the central hub for a lot of these pagan ideas because the Celts started out their pastoral people. Their calendar is solar based. So that’s why Beltane is important. But who cares about me we’re talking about October 31. Okay, now Halloween, aka All Hallows Eve is the day before All Saints Day, which is November 1. Now, this was the new year’s period for some cultures, so they would celebrate on October 31, as if it was New Year’s Eve. Party Like It’s 1999. And what they would do is they would like bonfires, which here’s where it ties into belting to Mayday. Because Beltane they would light the ball fires, B A L. And they say that the fires they did it to protect crops and the cattle because they thought it had these protective powers. And people would like house fires from the ball fires. And they would have these feasts and drink and make sexy time and all kinds of crazy stuff. Now allegedly ball fires refers to the sacrificial firepits to ball aka Moloch back in the Mesopotamian, you know Canaanite era talk about human sacrifice. Because in the Bible, it talks about don’t sacrifice your kids to Moloch. Because Moloch was a deity down in Mesopotamia, and then Leviticus, they’re like, Hey, don’t quit sacrificing your kids to Moloch. And you see stuff like this in the film Wicker Man, which is where the ideas and the concept of the Burning Man festival came from. Again, it’s all reference to an ancient pagan religion, a nature religion. So October 31, this is the passage from autumn to winter is the day that the veil is the thinness between our world and the next because the seasons would be represented by a person going from birth to death. anthropomorphized if you will, and winter is considered death and the witches believed that October 31 is the day of death for the horn to God or the stag. And you got to recall that like little Harry Potter he was the stag that was his little magical consort animal because this comes from witchcraft from the nature religions from the pagan religions. Now if you go to good faith that org, and they have an article on Halloween, and it says that the Wiccan High Priestess, Doreen Valley NT, who was a prolific writer of occult materials for Wiccans wrote the witches room and said the Halloween is a witch holiday. Now, it’s interesting, she helped establish the religion of Wicca with Gerald Gardner. And if you follow my work, you know we’ve talked about him before. He is a disciple of Aleister Crowley, a member of the magical order the Ordo Templi Orientis. If that gardener used Crowley’s axiom do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law, in his wicker phrase, that goes a little something like this, that it harm none do as thou wilt. And again, you’re gonna put it into context. It’s pushing the idea of man is God man pursuing his own will. So October 30. First, aka salween. This idea. You can refer to James Frazier’s golden bow, a classic text on ancient pagan cultures where it’s revealed, you know, Salin is a an annual ritual going all the way back to Ireland, of course, the Celts,
and similar ideas they would kindle the sacred flame. Some would claim that this sacred flame was actually human sacrifice, linking it to the ball fires and Moloch. And the allegation is that the druid, pagan priests would do blood sacrifices with these flames. And I’ve read that Ireland actually considers Halloween a national holiday, the only country to do so. And they do fireworks and give people a week off. But the fireworks, you could argue goes back to the ball fires to Moloch. Now, allegedly, these druid priests, they would worship evil spirits, and they were doing this human blood sacrifices to appease the bloodthirsty demonic pagan gods that they worshipped. Now Fun fact, Michael Myers from the Halloween franchise, if you go to Halloween six, the curse of Michael Myers I think it’s called. It’s revealed that he has the curse of Thor, and that’s why he has that weird symbol tattooed on his wrist. And this is a line of druidic priests. And they put the curse of thorn on him that requires him to conduct the blood sacrifice of His own family. So in a way, based on some of these ideas presented in the golden bow. Also, in Halloween three Season of the Witch, the kids wear masks, and these masks have little tiny pieces of Stonehenge in them as the storyline right? Again, because it ties to the pagan cultures of the United Kingdom. And it’s alleged by zombie people that they did blood sacrifices on these massive stone altars. And the end, the whole idea is that on salween, the veil is so thin that the dead would come back to visit. And that’s why there was this blood sacrifice exchange that happened on that day. Now ritualistically, you would prepare the home for the sacrifice for the visiting spirits. And this goes back to the idea you would commemorate the dead who are coming. And the Irish believed in Fomorians, who were these malevolent spirits that would show up and just in a wreck shop, they destroy the corn and the milk, oh my god. So the people, they would actually give up a small amount of tribute of sacrifice to the four Fomorians on salween. And this could bleed into the idea of human sacrifice, no pun intended. Now, the Celts would lay these fires, and they would throw animals and humans allegedly in to keep the spirits at bay and the golden bow says that he thought it wasn’t just normal humans being sacrificed, but actual witches. Perhaps this is how it got into the Salem witch trial and the persecution of witches and burning them at the stake. So I’m gonna read you a passage, it’s a little bit long, so you’re gonna have to hang in there from the golden bow when I read you straight from it, all right. At the same time, we must bear in mind that among the British Celts, the Chief Fire festivals of the year appears certainly to have been those of Beltane, mayday, and Halloween the last day of October, and this suggests a doubt whether the Celts of Gaul also may not have celebrated their principal rites of fire, including their birth sacrifices of men and animals. At the beginning of May or the beginning of November, rather than at midsummer, we have still to ask what is the meaning of such sacrifices? Why were men and animals burnt to death at these festivals? If we are right in interpreting the modern European fire festivals as attempts to break the power of witchcraft, by burning or banning the witches and warlocks, it seems to follow that we must explain the human sacrifices of the Celts in the same manner. That is we must suppose that the men whom the druids burnt in wicker work images that’s like us, you’re Nick Cage, Wicker Man stuff, right? were condemned to death on the ground that they were witches or wizards, and that the mode of execution by fire was chosen because burning alive is deemed The surest mode of getting rid of these noxious and dangerous beings.
The same explanation would apply to cattle and wild animals of many kinds, which the Celts burned along with the men. They too, we make conjecture, we’re supposed to be either under the spell of witchcraft, or actually to be the witches and wizards who had transformed themselves in the animals for the purpose of prosecuting, they’re in frontal plots against the welfare of their fellow creatures. And we’re almost done hang in there. This conjecture is confirmed by the observation that the victim’s most commonly burned and modern bonfires have been cats and that cats are precisely the animals into which, with the possible exception of hairs, which is where most usually supposed to transform themselves. Again, we have seen that serpents and foxes used sometimes to be burnt in the midsummer fires, and Welsh and German wit witches, are reported to have assumed the form both the foxes and serpents. In short, yeah, wrap it up. Bacon is short, when we remember the great variety of animals whose forms witches can assume it pleasure. It seems easy on this hypothesis to account for the variety of living creatures that have been burned at festivals, both in ancient Gaul and modern Europe. All these victims, we may surmise, we’re doomed to the flames. Not because they were animals, but because they were believed to be witches who had taken the shape of the animals for their nefarious purposes. A sale that to say this, did they do human sacrifices, perhaps all, particularly that of witches, maybe, which would put the story of Wicker Man on its head? Because in the 1973, Wicker Man, they put the Christian cop in The Wicker Man, when really the role may have been reversed. Or maybe it was done in effigy. This is like the idea at bohemian grove with the cremation of care ceremony, where they sacrifice a child in effigy to the giant stone owl of Minerva, in the woods. So there is there is some blood sacrifice related to all this. It’s not that far off. That’s why in Hocus Pocus, you see that theme because it’s kind of there. Now, is it true? I don’t know. I wasn’t there. So how do we prepare your home for Halloween well talked about the fires, you often see fires inside of the jacket lantern. These are the ball fires, this is the sacrificial flames, which could also if you want to make a stretch you could tie it into because anytime you see the symbol of the flame, you could say oh, it’s the illuminated ones, the Illuminati, they worship the Angel of Light Lucifer and the Prometheus, who gave the torch of fire to man. But I tend more towards the George Frazier Golden Bell theory. But even Fraser had a section in the book talking about the fires using a form of imitative magic or sympathetic magic, kind of like the idea of a rain dance. That’s the idea. Though as above so below, the law of correspondence that thought both the alchemical alien god gave the ancient Egyptians and the Mystery Schools, man. Now another explanation would be that the Druids, they would gather at Stonehenge, and they’d bring pumpkins and turnips and hollow them out. I don’t know how you hollow out a turnip. Maybe they were bigger back then. But they would carve them out, or hollow out the car faces in them and put candles inside of it. Only these weren’t normal candles? No, no, no, my friends. They were corpse candles made from the fat of humans from the human sacrifice. Least That’s the theory. It’s also one idea of a of Halloween parties, right? They’d gather around, they called the Great right they would have a ritualistic party. And you know what goes down there. Sexy time. That’s right. Divination, the Bible forbids it. But on salween young people would love to participate in it. They don’t really do this anymore.
You see it with Tarot cards, symbolism or you go to the I went to the spirit Halloween store seeing a bunch of tarot card stuff. That’s divination. You’re calling upon unseen forces to tell you your future, which I don’t believe in because I don’t believe in fate. No man knows the future. No one. I mean, is it fun? I’ve done it before. I’ve done it. It’s fun right? Now, the young people back in the day the battle for the TV and phones, right, this is what they would do for fun. They gather around to ask who, who’s my future spouse and such, what they would do is they would eat apples and the remnants they would make shapes of letters out of and the letters would be the initials of the new partner. Now it’s interesting because the core of the apple the remnants, if you will, which you can eat by the way, I had a friend and she used to eat apples whole. And I thought was crazy. But I I’ve eaten a couple of apples whole in my day. True story. The only you can’t really eat the stems and the seeds. But the core of the apple has a five pointed star within it. And this is the pentacle. This is the representation of earth, wind, fire, water and spirit, which is very important to witchcraft. Now, many people because they were very superstitious back in the day they believed this was evoking the devil. Furthermore, decorations of bats, owls, black cats, all this stuff, symbolic of the devil, the Dark Lord of the Dark Lord salween even because the witches were using them to predict the future to detonate. Some even thought they were shape shifting into these animals like George Frazier talks about in the golden bow. And the Druids, if you go to Encyclopedia Britannica, they believe that Sam ain the Lord of the Dead, which is where the term salween comes from. pulled all the wicked souls who died in the last 12 months because they were in fact inhabiting bodies of various animals. So this shape shifter I did very interesting. Trick or treating, where does this come from? Well, the Druids, those pesky droids, they would go door to door to see if the Lord of the Manor was in, and to see if they could provide a trick or a treat. Now the treat of course, because these were very twisted people allegedly, would be a servant, a human for the sacrifice. Maybe someone you love even Can you believe it? Someone in your family, Nick Cage and Wicker Man, what a what a fitting sacrifice, what an appropriate sacrifice, I’m going to take the face off Nic Cage. Now some people, they wouldn’t offer up a treat. You know, I wouldn’t do that when sacrifice a member mountain family. So what would happen was, they would now get tricked. They’d get a six pointed star inside of a circle painting with blood on the door, because the druids were using that to summon the demons because remember, the veil is very thin, and all the spirits are walking on the earth. So they would paint this blood symbol on your porch, and the plague would ensue upon the house all so bad. So the Druids, they go around and gather up all the human sacrifices. And they, this is all very allegedly, all right, they would have a cauldron with apples in it. And it would be hot, right? They haven’t heated up. And if you were one of these human sacrifices, you were given the option to Bob for the apple. If you pulled out an apple, you got freedom, you’re good to go. But as you could ascertain, that water is really really hot. So you got to burn your face off to do it. Now if you went in for the Apple and you didn’t get it on your first attempt, they would lop your head off. And if you decided to look I’m not playing that weird game. They just light you on fire for sacrifice. Tough times. Now the costumes this the idea of wearing a costume on Halloween comes from a term guising you’d wear disguises, going house to house to visit homes, pretending to be the spirits crossing the veil. The people would leave the food and the treats out for the spirits.
So the kids would would pretend they were the spirits so they would come and get The treats. Which of course, it’s candy, we’re not, we’re not giving away treats of human sacrifice anymore. We’re giving away candy, or maybe big ball and like me and you give out Sony’s, I give out soda pops. That’s the trick, you got to give out soda pops. Because if you buy the Halloween candy, you’re going to eat what’s left. And you don’t want that because you got to get to the CrossFit, right. So you give out the Saudis, and whatever’s leftover foam, you got stuff for next year. So you can see why the kids dress up as ghosts. It’s because they believed there was actual ghosts and spirits wandering around on selling. And if you look at a book called folklore and folk stories of wells by Marie trap, travel, travel Lian. She says that in wells, it was believed that a departed person would be seen at midnight at every single crossroad. So they used to see these things. If you read the history of the occult, or was the mark boothbook always talk about it? I forgot the damn time. I think it’s his, the occult history of the world. That’s what it’s called. They talk about how in our ancient history men was in tuned with the earth because we didn’t have all these unnatural frequencies bombarding us. And technology and crap, right. So man was more in tune and could see spirits and listen to the wind and talk to the universe and all kinds of stuff. So now, if and back in the day, if you didn’t have any treats for the spirits, the spirits or Humvees, they want the treaties. They would the spirits would cast spells and wreak havoc. So that’s all the stuff for Halloween now. Let’s take a quick second. We’re going to wrap it up here. I’m going to I’m going to give you a hot take is Halloween bad. Is this a bad holiday? Should we not be celebrating it? Well, it depends on how crazy you want to get how Thumpy of honor on the Bible do you want to be because Halloween is now in competition with Christmas Christmas used to be the clear winner of all the holidays. But Halloween is coming up fast. It’s almost like a literal competition between light and dark. If you want to look at it from that perspective. Now I like Halloween movies, way more than I like Christmas movies. So for me, I like Halloween better. But it’s two different things. It’s two different things entirely for me. If you look to axe 2618 It says from darkness to light, and from the dominion of Satan to God. That’s what happens between Halloween and Christmas. We go from darkness to light, the dominion of Satan to God. So is Halloween bad? Maybe? Maybe if you refer to Anton the vase, the devil’s notebook, it has a section on it. Ironically, it’s how to become a werewolf. Years before Twilight, what was the guy’s name Jacob. Kim a wolf. He was named we had the Teen Wolf show. Remember that scene that guy was named Tyler Posey. Shout out Tyler Posey. I see them at the Sirius XM studios years ago. Now, there were in the devil’s notebook. In that section, there’s some ideas of how to ritualistically metamorphosize oneself through a repeated exposure to darkness. Or the shadow. Right if you want to get into that can of worms of the shadow, which we don’t have time to get into today. But if you read my book, the dark path, you can see how the whole book is about occult symbolism and pop culture. And Carl Jung’s idea of the shadow and how they all fit together, then and I wrote that in like What 2017 2018 Then prophetically when Kobe Bryant died and 2020 I read the books that he wrote, he wrote kids books, a lot of people don’t know this. And I did shows about these kids books, and holy crap. All of the ideas were right there, it’ll blow your mind. You gotta listen to those shows. If I remember I’ll put the link in the show notes. If not go back to February 2020. I’m going to read you from Anton LaVey is the devil’s notebook. Consider a phenomenon common in children on Halloween or on any other night where the setting is right.
When he rhymed there, I don’t know if he knew that. The child deliberately goes out expecting to be scared, succeeds in being scared then considers how much fun it might be to scare others. Once he has been purged of his His fear needs. He then becomes the hunter. And the next child who comes along is his quarry. The entire phenomenon is akin to a recognised psychological manifestation of those who outwardly fear situation, while at the same time doing all in their power to encourage its current. This children’s Halloween game gives us the clue to the role change necessarily in life can throw profit, metamorphosis, turning into a werewolf rant. Briefly It is thus, enter the area you know to be trauma producing with the fullest intention of being frightened. Allow yourself to be frightened. If necessary, wear articles of clothing conducive to the most submissive or vulnerable image. Accidental victims are always thus a tired get the feeling of the places of victim allowing yourself to be frightened as much as you can. If you can supplement your fear with a sexually stimulating feeling so much the better How dare they’ll do that around and I’ll do that when the kids are around all right. Allow yourself to virtually shake apart with fear and if possible, attain an orgasm by whatever means may be necessary. For this will make your subsequent like cancer profit changeover easier. After you have released all fear and fled the scene of your terror, ecstasy. Go home and ruminate over what you felt. You will soon discover that a sort of magnetic pool will manifest itself begging you back to the blind spot. This uneasy attraction will increase with each succeeding day ideally bordering on compulsion. When you find yourself unable to resist the temptation to return to your dangerous spot, repeat the first incident in the same manner, you will find the second foray into the area even more profound than the first do the due to the anxiety and anticipation that has developed over the past days. In the truest sense, you have been performing a ritual of sending forth your energy into a living, breathing environment. That environment because of continual taxation upon its vitality, acts as a vampire absorbing energy from those that attracts and once having a tracted contagiously in snares for future sustenance. Now, we’re not done yet. But what does that sound like? Using fear assessments. Sounds like David Ickes theory of Archon shapeshifters. It sounds like the Adrenochrome talk we talked about in all these movies. Is there something to it? Let me finish this reading because we’re almost done, then we’re going to wrap it up. Wilhelm Reich called such areas D O R. He doesn’t provide the definition. I don’t know what that means, indicating a persistent starvation of Oregon or enervation of the atmosphere. Now Oregon is interesting because Will Smith kids were into the Oregon society thing, if you remember, right. Okay, back to the book, we’re almost done. Such areas are atmospherically hungry, and in their barrenness cry out to be fed. All alleged haunted house and terror spots are reinforced by the accumulation of energy supplied them by the anxieties of occupants in anticipation of visitors to return. ie the obsessive thoughts, those who have been affected now. What he’s saying is, through the, through the fear that if you approach it from a ritualistic perspective, this fear can accumulate an energy of itself is now what Halloween is, is Halloween, a fear based ritual? You know, the druids were supposedly sacrificing humans to this other dimension to cross the veil? Could it be all this fear feeds some kind of beast across the veil? I don’t know. But that’s the theory. And those are the ideas and as you see, as you heard a lot of these different traditions could very well be based upon a lot of dark pagan, satanic occult ritual practices. I mean, it’s everyone’s favorite holiday, right? So what do we make of it? Like I said, at the beginning, do with it? What you desire, right?
You don’t have to live in fear. Do what you want. I mean, I like I like to try and get scared. I think it’s fun. But am I feeding the Archon shapeshifter, lizard people from the other dimension maybe? Maybe? I don’t know. It’s kind of crazy, right. So there you go. That’s the symbolism Halloween and the occult holiday of selling. Have you enjoyed the show? And if you’re new to the show, subscribe and check it out. I’ve got hundreds and hundreds of shows going back since 2014. Where we talk about all the occult symbolism and all your favorite pop culture and entertainment. So thanks for your time. Until next time, stay woke.
Unknown Speaker 45:39
Why copper? Why do I need a reason? Just a cup for was right. I do love a good joke. And this is the best ever a joke on the children. But there’s a better reason you don’t really know much about Halloween. Your thought no further than the strange custom of having your children wear masks or go out begging for candy. It was the start of the year in our old Celtic lens and we’d be waiting in our houses of what Wilson play. The barriers will be done between the real and the unreal. And the dead might be looking to sit by our fires Halloween festival of Solon the last great one took place 3000 years ago when the hills ran wrecked with a blood of animals and children sacrifices part of our world our craft, which craft to us it was a way of controlling our environment. Not so different now. It’s time again. At the end, we don’t decide these things you know a planet they’re in alignment. And it’s time again. The world’s going to change like Dr. I’m glad you’re able to watch it and happy Halloween
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
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