On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we continue our discussion of the Great Reset! The architects of the “new normal” are manipulating the housing market and making a “nation of renters” which could squeeze the middle class out of existence. We’ll go through the news articles discussing the red hot housing market and how it fits into Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” fantasy of global control! We’ll also hit the Tier 2, 3 and 4 shoutouts for the Patreon.com/IlluminatiWatcher and IlluminatiWatcher.com VIP Wokesters!
**Signed copies of Use Your Illusion II in full color now available! Gumroad.com/IsaacW**
- Great Reset Series:
- The Great Reset Pt 1: Klaus Schwab Book Club & the Illuminati Globalist Agenda! 12/2020 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/the-great-reset-pt-1-klaus-schwab-book-club-the-illuminati-globalist-agenda/
- BONUS (*Patreon/VIP Section): The Great Reset Pt 2: Crowley’s Magick Age, Transhumanism, 5G & Klaus Schwab’s Fourth Industrial Revolution 12/2020 https://www.patreon.com/posts/44771065
- BONUS (*Patreon/VIP Section): The Great Reset Pt 3: Jay Dyer, World Economic Forum’s 8 Points & the Communist Agenda 12/2020 https://www.patreon.com/posts/44929076
- Great Reset Pt 4: Bill Cooper’s Behold a Pale Horse Predicts the Future! Globalist Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars! 12/2020 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/great-reset-pt-4-bill-coopers-behold-a-pale-horse-predicts-the-future-globalist-silent-weapons-for-quiet-wars/
- Great Reset Part 5: Generations Book from 1991 Predicts the Future, Q Anon and the Occult Fourth Turning! 2/2021 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/great-reset-part-5-generations-book-from-1991-predicts-the-future-q-anon-and-the-occult-fourth-turning/
- Great Reset Pt 6: Housing Market Crisis & Renting is “Better” than Buying! 7/2021 https://illuminatiwatcher.com/great-reset-pt-6-housing-market-crisis-renting-is-better-than-buying/
- Peep all the images discussed on the show at Instagram.com/IsaacWeishaupt
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
Signed paperbacks available at Gumroad.com/IsaacW!
Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Unknown Speaker 0:02
Let’s talk about this tweet from jack for sobic. This guy jack sobic, antiva book.com he’s got he’s got some nerve he said this should be. This should be illegal in all 50 states and punishable by federal prison time.
Unknown Speaker 0:21
was he referring to his Twitter thread where cultural husbandry notes? BlackRock is buying every single family house they can find paying 20 to 50% above asking price and outbidding normal homebuyers. Why are corporations pension funds and property investments group groups buying entire neighborhoods? Well, it goes on to say it’s basically the great reset. The middle class uses homeownership land ownership to transfer wealth to their children. But what happens when during a great reset, or I’m sorry, during a pandemic, there’s a great reset as it were of people’s jobs of businesses, everybody gets knocked out of the playing field sort of levels. A lot of people out there businesses are closed family businesses, these are some of the most horrifying stories, companies that have been around for 100 years gone overnight. Now these people are going to become renters, many moved, they want to buy houses, it’s not that hard to buy a house people think it is. But all of a sudden you find it out, you’re on zillow.com. And you’re flipping and you’re like, Man, this is so cool to this house. And then you call the agent. And he says, Oof, just sold for 50k above asking, you’re like how am I supposed to compute that as a regular person? How are millennials supposed to build wealth when these companies are coming in and buying a balls property?
Isaac Weishaupt 1:37
Everybody’s your host, Isaac Weishaupt, host of conspiracy theories and popular culture. Today, we’re going to talk about the great reset. The great reset comes back. And this is gonna be a long series. I think this is the sixth episode, discussing it. Let’s go back in time, let’s go back to 2020. You remember this year it was 2020. And things were getting a little crazy. And people started talking to in the truth their communities start talking about this guy, Santa Claus. And I was like, Wow, it’s churches are really into the geopolitics with this Santa Claus guy. And then I read the books I read, I read Klaus shrubs, Rose books. And for Christmas last December, December 2020. I gave you the first show about the great reset the Santa Klaus book club and Illuminati globalist agenda. And we talked about Mr. Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum and this thing called the Great reset and how they were preparing the masses for the new normal. And the end the theory being presented, which again, I don’t know if it’s true or not, I guess time will tell and as time goes by, I started to believe it more and more. But you know, I’m a hard sell conspiracy stuff. A little more skeptical than most on the on the scale on the spectrum. Which I know that pisses A lot of you off, but hey, you know what? I’m just a guy. I’m just a guy trying to figure it out. But the great reset part one, we talked about Santa Claus swab. Then I made some bonus episodes, cuz i didn’t i didn’t know. Everyone was so interested in this. I made a part two talking about Alistair Crowley’s age of magic and transhumanism and Klaus Schwab’s Fourth Industrial Revolution. And that only went up on my Patreon and rockfon VIP section for the supporters. And this whole time I thought, well, I think like maybe the diehards are going to be the ones interested in the great reset series. That’s why I kind of made them a bonus thing. Then I made a third bonus where we talked about the World Economic Forum’s eight points. The Communist agenda we looked at a friend of the show Jay Dyer shout out Jay Dyer. He’s had Mr. Ra Mr. info wars now looking to hold it down over there. We talked about Jay Dyer’s discussion about the great reset because again, I come from the skeptical perspective I say luck truth there’s kind of like flatter Look, you’re going to tell me the earth flat you better you better come with the heat. And after reading the books and listening to all these truths, I thought my god I think this is real. Then I made a part for talking about Bill Cooper’s Behold a Pale Horse something that was near and dear to my heart about how it predicted the future how to Bill Cooper know How did he know? Cuz he knows it all. He knew about us owes this mergeable UFOs, long before the Pentagon confirmed the USO videos, and much to my surprise, because I put the part number four on the free feed, because to recap, part one was on the free feed, then two and three, I thought this is probably just for the hardcores this but on the bonus feeds sporter only feeds. And I put part four back on the free feed because I said, Well, you know, everyone likes Bill Cooper. And it blew up, everyone was listened to us at holy crap people relate to this, I made a part five, because I read this book called generations back from 1991. And released this, to keep it on the timeline that I released that episode in February 2021. And this generation book from 1991, predicted the future. Again, how did everyone predict the future? How do they know? We talked about the cue thing and how it fit into the fourth turning the concept the occultist folks were into. And so here we are part six. Because again, part five blow up to everyone was listening to it. Like I look at the numbers, I see what you guys like and dislike. And you guys are really into the great reset the really wet your whistle, and I’m here to whet your whistle. That’s the part six. I say all that to say this part six, we’re talking about housing market manipulation. If you didn’t have a house, if you’re looking to buy a house right now, I feel very sorry for you.
It’s a nightmare from what I’ve heard and read. You know, and like I live in Utah, I talked to some people in Utah that had been struggling to find a house. And it’s unreal, it’s unreal. One of my friends is a first time homebuyer and to hear the struggles that he went through, I thought, Man, I would have followed this up long time ago. But there’s no, there’s no great solution because the price of renting has gone through the roof to what’s going on. Some people say it’s the lumber. I’m gonna end today’s show, we’re going to go through several articles like because I am no expert on housing, or the economy. I’ve never taken an economics class. I’ve never been a realtor. So there’s that right, what do I know? So I’m going to point you to official sources mostly for this and shout out I got a shout out. Joe nips, my man added. So I got like this tier four thing, right? And tier four. It’s, you get full access to me. And you can either come on the show and talk to your conspiracy to the crowd. Or you can do like my man Jota and we just had a phone call talk for like 30 minutes, just kicked it. And my man is very intelligent. He he was scolding me, he schooled me on a Quantum of Solace. James Bond movie I got a double oh seven tattoo. And I didn’t even put this together. And I’ve seen quantum assaults actually like the Daniel Craig Bond movies. I know there was like a Spectre sub plotline. But this was all like, you know, my red pill was still going down when I saw Quantum of Solace. So it went over my head, but like it was all about all about controlling the natural resources to control the masses. And this, there’s like an infamous quote from how dear, I’m going to look it up. I know it’s Henry Kissinger. And I’m going to find you that quote, and I’m going to read it Is that okay? Here we go. Who controls the food supply controls, the people who controls the energy can control whole continents, who controls money can control the world. And in Quantum of Solace, it’s all about controlling the natural resources. And like, what have they been working on? They you know, they the Illuminati or whoever. In America, they you know, GMOs run rampant high fructose corn syrup, the food poison. It’s like, if you’re not above, middle class, you can’t afford to buy what used to be just regular food. They call it organic. But like, you can’t afford to buy the non genetically modified food. that’s by design. Why is it cheaper to buy a cheeseburger from McDonald’s then? You know, I don’t know a banana. Banana? No, that’s a bad example. But as a very cheap an apple, there you go and Apple, those are priced apples. And then and then that statement who controls money can control the world like we’re not entering into it, but like cryptocurrencies, right. That’s the big thing. Now. We already talked about that. But Joe also talked about Chinatown, which, ironically, not a lot this is like some synchronicity thing. I had just been watching it I was like three quarters through the film when I talked to Joe because it takes me a long time to it takes me a long time to get through a movie sometimes in China Chinatown, you know, cuz I like I liked Polanski’s Rosemary’s Baby, obviously I liked the tenant. I mean, obviously, the guy’s a creep, right? Like, I don’t like the statement, I don’t condone his actions, you know, but like, he makes a hell of a movie. Rosemary’s Baby, and the tenant another one of these other classic Polanski movies I need to watch. And I watch China down and it was it was really good. It’s very dry. No pun intended. Because it’s about water. It’s about manipulating the water. Again, they’re messing with the natural resources. But the anyways, yeah, so like a couple movies there to reference, like, what’s going on with the gray reset? Basically, the elites are manipulating everything, just to destroy the middle class. So why? Well, it’s because they want you rely upon them. So that they can really, you know, take advantage of Yeah. In fact, there’s we talked about controlling the food. There’s there was actually I got some notes here. There’s actually food shortages going on in America, right? Have you heard about all this? chick fil a ran out of sauce? Oh my god. What are the white people gonna do?
Yeah, I’m seeing Popeyes I am white. I like me a chicken sandwich. But I’m team Popeyes all day not today is wrong chick fil a that I like to fly to but I’m team Popeye’s even though the investment order out 50% of the time, it’s fine. The food shortages, climate change, okay. Now, when I did the great reset series, and I read Karl Schwab’s books, and I told you exactly what were in the book. So you didn’t have to read it. There’s two books we read. One was the the COVID-19, the great reset, then we had before that the fourth industrial revolution. And in fourth industrial revolution, let’s read what they say here says climate change is in fact, already disrupting national economies and affecting lives with high costs for people, communities and systems, including costs associated with uncertainty and volatility. With many regions still industrializing in the world’s population set to increase by 1 billion people over the next 15 years. climate related disruptions are expected to soar including, here we go. Here’s the Listen up. geopolitical instability, mass migration, interrupted food production and increased security threats. So he’s trying to say like, hey, there’s gonna be these issues. We’re gonna blame it on climate change. True or false? I don’t know. The the jury’s out for some truth. There’s on the climate change. I’m not smart enough to give you the answer. I keep saying I’m going to look into it. Because you asked me that two years ago, I would have said, Yeah, climate change is the thing. It’s like 99% of climate change scientists that say it’s totally true. But I don’t know what to believe anymore. I don’t know what to believe anymore. So I’m not hard pressed. I mean, I still like him, like, yeah, the climate change is a thing, manmade climate change, carbon dioxide, all that stuff. But like, for me to defend that, I got to go deeper. So one of these days, I’ll get into it. Because that’s where we’re going. Now, if you saw the tomorrow war, that was kind of the idea behind it is that climate change is gonna manifest aliens, and then we all die. So there you go. And the fourth industrial revolution to stay on the food topic for just a couple seconds here. They talked about the Internet of Things, right, that’s the 5g is gonna bring about the Internet of Things. And they talk about how fast food restaurants will have less than half of the staff they had 10 years ago. And you see all these fast food restaurants there’s they’re hiring, like, like mad right now. So how does that fit in? I don’t know. It seems odd to me. Says here to feed the world in the next 50 years, we will need to produce as much food as was produced in the last 10,000 years. Isn’t that something they talk about? Wanna see I mean, then blah, blah, blah, blah. You don’t you don’t care about all this. talked about. crop management of writing schemes while meeting global demands for food quality, quantity and functionality, such global food security will only be achieved if regulations on GMOs are adapted to reflect the reality that gene editing offers a precise, efficient and safe method of improving crops. Is it true? I don’t think so. But like sometimes, sometimes, like churches, we were splitting hairs sometimes. Right? So like, maybe it’s an overreaction, I don’t think so I, I would argue our our hormones are out of whack. Because the environment we live in you, you give your body foreign foods and things that it doesn’t know how to process and handle, it increases inflammation, and you hold on to fat, and you get more tired. And you know, I don’t know. Now one of these ideas, of, you know, eating less meat or flying less, that they’ve been talking about this for a couple years now, you’ll you’ll see this often. It’s the the claim is that it’s not just to protect the environment, but to support this concept they call D growth. And that’s part of the great reset to is this idea that the the GDP, the national product, there should be flat or even negative.
And it’s a sort of firing shots across the bow of capitalism. Because in capitalism, the GDP has to keep increasing, always growing at all costs. And the argument is that in the future, when everyone’s on board with climate change, and taking care of one another, that we will embrace this idea that unchecked capitalism comes at a cost that it’s not worth paying. So that’s that. Now let’s talk about housing. That’s what we’re here for. And shout out Elizabeth on the Patreon. She sent me some great articles that blew my mind blew my mind. Old President Biden there apparently was increasing the tariffs on lumber. And there was also an article on a on a new book called The Great reset another great reset book. And in that it’s talking about how owning a home isn’t all that great. It’s not that great. Then I watched john oliver on HBO. And he claimed that the housing market is on fire because there’s foreign investors from from China, mostly, that are buying properties in America. And they are blowing the market up as well making it unaffordable for most people. Why are they doing it? And during preparation for this show, those conspiracy guys shout out Gordo on his Twitter, he had a great link or like a thread, you know, a Twitter thread. Talking about Bill Gates buying up all the farmland property, because again, there’s that idea you control the food, you control the people the great reset they talk about, we need to embrace GMOs, because that’s like these technocrats. That’s their fantasy is like, science will fix everything. We will tweak the human body to fit our vision. That’s what they want to do. But more importantly, on the thread, there’s talk about this thing called Black Rock. We’re gonna get into these things. Let’s talk about let’s talk about Bill Gates. First. There’s an NBC News article. And the title tells you everything you need to know it says McDonald’s french fries, carrots, onions, all of the foods that come from Bill Gates farmland, gates does not appear to count his farming investments as the nation’s largest farmland owner, as part of his broader strategy to save the climate. Saving the climate. Says here though the gates is our major owners of American farmland, the couple’s holdings only represent a fraction of the 283 million acres of farmland that is owned and rented out by non farmers. But that could change. About 40% of farmland is owned by senior 65 or older, meaning more farmland is expected to come on the market soon. So originally, the conspiracies that Bill Gates bought a ball the farmland but they’re saying it’s not all of it. Obviously. It’s not They’re saying, oh, people own most of the farmland, and they’re going to retire soon, and they’re probably gonna sell it. And it says that could spell an opportunity for young farmers hoping to get their start. But for savvy investors scrambling for more places to put their money, it also represents an opportunity. Financial giants like Prudential and Hancock have divisions looking to make money on farmland portfolios. The trend worries young farmers who cannot compete with the likes of Bill Gates when buying land. If you’re looking at what this means for farmers on the ground, looking to access land, there’s significant competition from non farmers. And that really affects young farmers because it means that the price that they’re trying to compete with on the marketplace is driven and determined by people who are not dependent on a farming income. So much like BlackRock where you got foreign investors with boatloads of cash. In America here, we’ve got nerds with boatloads of cash. And they’re driving up the price because it’s like, they got all this money. It’s so much money, they can’t spend it. They’re like, Where can I park my money and make more money? I know, I’ll buy all the farmland. And then I’ll rent it out. as Bill Gates, right. Do we all agree we hate Bill Gates? I mean, and don’t take that as a hate speech. I’d take that back. I don’t hate Bill Gates. I dislike a lot of the things Bill Gates says and does. Don’t trust them.
And then there’s a wall street journal article. If you sell a house these days, the buyer might be a pension fund. Listen to this, from individuals with smart phones and a few $1,000 to pensions with private equity firms with billions. Yield chasing investors are snapping up single family houses to run out or flip. They are competing for houses with ordinary Americans who are armed with the cheapest mortgage financing ever driving up home prices. That’s another reason they say the prices are so high is because borrowing money has never been cheaper. And the rich folks know this. They want to get that low interest rate money, buy a house, rent it out and make money off the property and off of the rental. And I’m very anti that I read Rich Dad Poor Dad. That’s what he says to do. Very anti doing that in a sense. I don’t like it when the neighborhood starts going downhill because you’ve got you know, the person that owns a house don’t care because they’re not there. There’s just a check to them. The person renting the house they don’t care. It’s not their house. So what does that leave you with a trashy asked yard and a trashy? asked neighbor? In general, not always the case. Clearly. I just know from personal experience. That’s what happened to me. living next to drug dealers. Nice people but lots of riffraff hanging out okay.
Unknown Speaker 23:09
Isaac Weishaupt 23:11
yeah. Let’s see here. You don’t have permanent capital competing with a young couple trying to buy a house, john burns. That’s going to make us housing permanently more expensive. So here you go. I’m going through article after article talking about nerds, rich people, hedge funds, rich nerds that said nerd yet foreign rich nerds, maybe making the price of housing go through the roof. And now normal people middle class people can’t afford it. Now, we don’t talk about this because we’re just trying to get upset. We’re talking about this because this might be engineered this might be architected to be this way. Because the great reset, they want to limit your choices. They want to limit your mobility. And housing is one of the easiest slash best ways for someone to move up in class from like lower class to middle class. There’s a big deal in owning a house. That’s why they had to pass the Housing Act of 1968 going off the dome with that I could be wrong. Because like people weren’t giving loans to black Americans. Because they were racist dicks. I know everyone wants to go back to the 50s with digs were great. Yeah, great for like white people. Black and 68. Like they had to they had to pass a law cuz they were like people weren’t. Because like, this is what gives people an advantage here. And it sucks. I’ve been there. Right? Me Mrs. Wise. We bought our first house I couldn’t afford the damn mortgage. But within a few years after life stops kicking you in the butt for things breaking down and the roof falling apart. You start catching up and now you’re more is less than rent, and you got the pride of owning a home. And this thing is always gonna keep going up in value he’s got to get, that’s my advice to you. If you’re looking to buy a house, buy a house, knowing that for about five years, you’re gonna have to eat crap. Because that’s my experience owning buying two houses the first house bought in 2008. Right when everything crashed, last, our butts ended up selling it five years later, for the same price we bought it for after we had sunk $30,000 into fixing the house up over those five years. But it was fine. I had to get another. Like I said, people were renting houses out all over our neighborhood to drug dealers and all kinds of stuff. And, you know, we did what we had to do, and we bought a second house and like, again, you know, you get hammered those first few years. You’re just like, Dude, why am I doing this, I’d rather rent. But then, but then you catch up, you got to give it five years. That’s my experience. Five years, then you’re there, then you made it. But everybody, once a month, we do a thing called the shout outs. Because as you know, this show gets blocked in many, many obstacles that the control system doesn’t like. And that’s a long, long story short, and I’ve got support systems, and a couple of those support systems, our Patreon and the Illuminati watch comm VIP section. And those places are where you can sign up for tier two, three, or four. And if you’re on one of those tears once a month, I formally recognize you as the least I could do in return. So without further ado, I want to go down the roster. These woke stirs hold it down the yoji granola Walker’s holding it down. Let’s start off with the Patreon team. And I don’t say the last names for anonymity purposes. Generally, sometimes I do why I don’t know. Let’s just go Brandon. g d. Holly a Tod. Samuel s Antonio. Genevieve feck b Jessica D. Risa a. ob ru t vari g Mama. Stephanie G. jams in the house. Amy M. At our Taryn Tyler h Kirby G. Liz h rusty shackleford that the rusty shackleford steering the drone helicopter over Epstein island? I don’t know. Maybe. Premier 65 Christie W. Vermont hip hop collective. B. Charles Daniel G. Zack are Russell D. Chris g Tanya Oh. Marcia w Jacob bar Alan C. Sam I am Phil gooders art,
rook Suze w sorts of sorts of tea. Tea almost said the last name sometimes I said I don’t know why this happens. Betty Thomas P. Mariah, Frankie L. Roxy Roxy Brian Ashton alley w Renee g cc Spry ute Joe nips in the house. john john lives was cared for we had a nice long conversation. That’s what he wanted to do. And it was a good time. spot for half hour. And I really enjoyed it. So shout out john. Let’s see who else we got on tape. Brandon, Lord. I got the last name permission from Brandon. So and that offer applies if you want the last name. read out loud you can go ahead and message me on the Patreon system there. Aaron E. Brian B Yak m gib D’Arcy D. l Mack Tony g krawitz. Seven Denali, G. Jade. pragmatic chick. Robert z. William B. Alexandria. Ah, skinny fresh in the house. JT. Katie G. Dave W. Sarah B. Brandon C. Jennifer, Barry. W. Crystal D. Taylor. Cara, john P. Wally G. Joshua v. Cheryl on big fuzzy hold it down. Last those last five. Those are the those are the current tier four folks. Right. And we had tier three. That’s the alkaline Oji granola Webster’s. It’s a big, big top tier support. Thank you, everyone. Appreciate you. Let’s head over to the luminary. Watch your VIP section. We got lead. Li B, you got jamsetji. Again, there’s a couple people to hold it down on a couple, a couple support system. Thank you again, you don’t have to do that. For me. I appreciate it. You know, I try to, I want to make sure you get what you need for your level of support. So like, you know, I appreciate people that are on multiple platforms, because there’s a few years to do it. So you know, my hat’s off to you. Thank you. Cosmic Blue 27 who’s much better than the cosmic Blue 26 Winston s. Papa DOM. Joshua T. Matthew K. Alan R. Felix s. Christian Hunter. Timothy s. Trina. Oh, Crystal M. Marissa over here to hold it down. Double Dipper, Joe F. Blake b. j. Po. In the house. Salvatore s. Rachel s. Oh, we’re on the tier three alkaline Oji granola woks. There’s Cheryl, holding it down. Jason s. Brandon C, Rosa, Linda. And Darren, you guys are too much. I don’t know, you know, I can’t express my gratitude enough. Thank you so much. Your support keeps this show alive. And I mean that in every sense of the word. I get blocked and censored all the time. There’s a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes that you don’t know of potential paths of breaking through to sort of more mainstream audiences. I got to leave a vague and very sorry, but they’re getting rejected because the content is too controversial. I’ll just say that. And just know that there’s more than one example of periods in in my career here, where it seemed like the doors were opening up and I thought, Oh, my gosh, here we go. We’re about to go big time with this. And the powers that be shut it down because the content is too controversial. So my options are, you know, what does that what does that message I get the message I get from that is don’t be so controversial. But for me, that’s to avoid the truth. And that’s what they want. Right? They’re dangling this carrot. And I’m not grabbing it. And you know why? Because you guys because all the supporters. So like, if the, if the Patreon dried up to nothing to the VIP section was empty. I looked around and there’s no bottles on the tables at the VIP section. And I would be like, Okay, I’m grabbing the carrot. And here’s your, here’s your boring messaging that you could find on TV. But that’s not what we do here. And that’s because of you. So I appreciate your support. If you want to join the team, and you don’t have to go tier 234. Those are above and beyond folks, if you just want to tier one and get rid of those ads and get some free books and all kinds of cool stuff. You know where to go link in the show notes. You can hit it up on the shout outs are only available for the patreon.com slash Illuminati watcher or the Illuminati watch.com VIP section. link in the show notes. Check them out. Thank you for support.
So what are we talking about here? Oh, yeah, so Oh, yeah. And then another thing? why I say this could be engineered. Look at how they sold this idea of Tiny Homes. to the to the young folks, they had shows for days about we’re gonna spend 60 grand on a tiny home where you can barely Yeah, look, I’ll I’ll sit on the toilet. And and look, I can make dinner at the same time because it’s right next to me. And, you know, oh, well, we’re mobile. And it’s like, well, those tiny houses aren’t really that mobile. First off. You still gotta like driving somewhere carefully. And parking somewhere on a plot of land is basically worse than a trailer. You just aren’t living in a trailer. It’s going to depreciate. But they’re convincing everyone all you want to live your life, spend your money traveling around and stuff, because they want to keep you broke. And I’m not saying that’s wrong. You know, it’s not all about owning things to live a good life. Like there’s merit to that, to having a low monthly housing payment. I get it. I just think that they’re trying to over because I’m from like, what do you call it? Like a Gen X generation? And like that was just baked in? I was like, No, you have to buy a house. You have to do this. But they’re trying to like convince the younger generation like, No, you don’t. And in some ways, they’re right in the sense that Yeah, you don’t want to be strapped down with a mortgage. And now you can’t afford to do anything fun for five years, like Isaac told you to do. Because that sucks for those five years. But then after that when you start catching up and you’re like, Okay, that’s cool. I’m there now. Then I guess that’s just what do you prefer? Right? Like, there’s been times where I’ve thought, God, I think I’d rather rent that’s usually when like, you get hit with a $10,000 repair. Oh, did your retaining wall, your fence fall over, that’ll be 15 grand. Hope you had that in your savings. You know, like you get hit with that when you’re a homeowner, when you’re reading, you don’t got to deal with it. When you’re renting, you have to deal with neighbors and landlords, and the price keeps going up every month. So I mean, it depends on what you’re more interested in dealing with, right? Anyway. Let’s see here. So this this same website, Wall Street Journal, talking about limited housing supply and low rates of global reach for yield that’s, that’s fancy speak for the Chinese investors. And what we’re calling the institutionalization of real estate investors is set the stage for another speculative investor driven home price level. So they’re laying the seeds that the price is increasing too fast on homes, there’s gonna be another bubble. But then it kind of goes through some, you know, stuff talking about how maybe not says, banks made it harder for regular homebuyers to get a mortgage. Millions of Americans were underwater. Post 2008 right after the housing crash thing, the first bubble. The banks made it harder for regular homebuyers get a mortgage. Millions of Americans are underwater, owing more on their mortgages than their homes are worth and unable to move. Home rental firms including invitation homes and American homes for rent thrived. Renting suburban homes proved so profitable that landlords had the open market and added properties at full price. Once foreclosures dried up. Many are building houses explicitly to rent. They’re widening the gap of the haves and the have nots, okay. It says the coronavirus pandemic sparked a race for home office space and yards. occupancy rates reached records and rents are rising with home prices. And then it goes to a bunch of smart stuff. More than 200 companies and investment firms in the house. Computer Assisted flipper open door technologies, money managers including JP Morgan, and BlackRock their that is the old BlackRock. Now let’s go into the BlackRock thing because on that on that on gordos those conspiracy guys Twitter, it LinkedIn to someone named cultural husbandry. They did a whole thread on this. And they’re saying the BlackRock is a leading arm of the great reset. And they want to basically redistribute wealth $120 trillion. And there was an article on oil price.com titled The Great reset, BlackRock fueling a 100 and trillion dollar $120 trillion transformation on Wall Street.
I’m gonna read you from it, because why not? Big money is turning its back on companies that aren’t conforming to one simple idea, sustainability. And it’s fueling one of the biggest transfers of capital the world has ever seen. In fact, within a year 77% of institutional investors will stop buying into companies that aren’t in some way sustainable, and the new king of Wall Street is taking the charge. BlackRock with over $7 trillion in assets under management says its clients will double their ESG investments in just five years. money managers on the street are saying climate change is their top concern and a leading criteria when when determining where they put their money to work. Long story short, there could be up to $120 trillion up for grabs. And they’re suggesting that the future of investments will account for sustainability, which I would argue will further drive down the price of bitcoin. Because Bitcoin has these mining rigs and require a lot of electricity to mine the Bitcoins. What do I know? There’s some more eco friendly kryptos out there. Not sure which ones they are might be ripple the other one, huh. Look into it. Look into kryptos is like kryptos is like Flat Earth. Like you got to really love it and you got to be obsessed with it and that’s all you eat and breathe. But I mean, there’s there’s some truth to the kryptos. Like that’s definitely everyone’s interested in it so it’s worth knowing what’s going on. But who’s BlackRock we’re still Talking about blogger who are they? Well, let’s go to the Wikipedia says as the world’s largest asset manager, and in 2020, in an open letter by CEO Fink, his name’s rat Fink. They said that environmental sustainability is a core goal for future investments. Federal Reserve chose them to manage some bond buying programs. Then in August 2020, they became the first to get consent from China to operate a mutual fund in their country. So you can see how BlackRock ties into the Chinese buyers. And the real estate market was curious. They were the largest investors in fossil fuels at one time. And like the Sierra Club used to give him grief for it. But now apparently they’re changing their tune. They’re also a major investor in military weapon systems, which, you know, the aliens are going to put more money into that. Let’s talk about the symbolism, right, Black Rock sounds like a black monolith. And curious enough, their first electronic system that they used was called Aladdin, which ties into the history of the Illuminati with the assassins ran by the Latin guy. But sticking to the cultural husbandry argument here, they’re saying that the properties are all becoming single family rentals. Which again, the bane of my existence. But more importantly, in the long term, this is a big problem, because property has been the path to upward mobility in class, which is what I was telling you earlier. Right? That’s kind of what I think do. So now the pathway to upward mobility through housing is almost not possible. It’s been further tightened. Like there’s already been a squeeze in the middle class a squeeze on the disparity between the haves and have nots, and this is making it. It’s exacerbating it. And their argument is that they’re using Federal Reserve funding to do this to through the BlackRock financial Institute. So that’s the kicker, they’re using your tax dollars to slice your throat. I’m too stupid to know if all that’s true, you get into all these, all this money talk and I get I’m not giving money now my thing. In the long term. They want you to be a renter to this massive investment conglomerate thing, BlackRock, you’ll never get relief from monthly bills, you’re always gonna have that monthly rental coming out. which opens up the door to universal basic income, which they’re kind of doing now, when they were doing the pandemic, bonus little monies for unemployment. And now they’re, you know, now they got the communist welfare for people with kids, they get a monthly little check.
They’re trying to warm me up to like, Look, here’s the monthly UBI. And there’s an I’ve heard good arguments for UBI. So I mean, I don’t know, again, I don’t think about the market. All I know is what I read from old Santa Klaus. Now, some would argue that these market forces will limit this eventually. Because like, they’re like, Well, look, we can’t keep selling houses at 150% of their value. Investors won’t even buy that. Really, you don’t think the corporations tied into the World Economic Forum, the richest corporations in the world don’t have the funding to bankroll this. Hmm, interesting. Interesting angle, because I believe they do. I believe there’s a great work a great reset and they’ll front the money to know that down the road. They will have us full power full control, because that’s what they want. We can be trusted and make the right decisions. Let’s see what else do I got for you. Another Wall Street Journal article. Real estate investors have a mountain of money. Looking for a home lately. A lot of it is ending up in suburban single family houses and invitation homes a country largest rental home owner disclosed a joint venture with rockpoint group resulting in a billion dollars for the landlord’s ongoing house hunt. Basically, they’re snapping up houses to rent out. Let’s see. It’s the latest example of cash flowing from large money managers to single family rental companies. So you’ve got all these articles, basically, you know that we’ve already talked about it. Now invitation homes. Neither were owned by BlackRock or they still are. And here’s the here’s the kick in the teeth, the millennials are going to eat this the hardest. They’re going to eat at the heart. So that’s why for years, they’ve been telling you all you just need to build yourself a little tiny home. And, in fact, here’s one coming now it’s a it’s a cardboard box for your refrigerator, you can just put a little shelf in there. And look, now you live outside. It’s real beautiful. You know, you get a gym membership, you just shower at the gym. Right? So they’re trying to tell these these young folks. Let’s see here. And to further prove that it says right in the Wall Street Journal article, it says, rental firms have a business model that has held up during the pandemic, they forecast millions of high earning, but debt burden millennials, forming families and heading for the suburbs. They’re getting targeted these millennials says there’s a shortage of home available, which you already know. Then, that cultural husbandry, they linked to several articles talking about how Wall Street will be the new landlord. And this will happen, you know, reading between the lines via invitation homes and BlackRock. And I actually talked to a realtor, I talked to my guy. And what he told I said, what’s been going on man? And he said, he’s been telling people like his the housing market is so crazy. And you got to go so far above the appraisal value of the home. And like people don’t have money for that. He says, he’s telling everyone like, Look, you just have to buy a new home. And you have to wait the full year it takes for them to build this thing. Because at least you’re locked into the price. So where are we at with this? Right? Is this just American capitalism run wild? And they want you to think about well, how do we solve this? Perhaps a non capitalist approach communism, oh my god. Is it designed to make us embrace communism, designed to embrace the universal basic income designed to embrace coffin apartments of the future? And I was wondering all these things and then here comes Bloomberg. Bloomberg comm whole article called America should become a nation of renter’s says rising real estate prices are stoking fears that homeownership, long considered a core component of the American Dream is slipping out of reach for low and moderate income Americans. That may be so but a nation of renter’s is not something to fear. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Can you believe the balls on these people? They proceeded to talk about how the housing used to be a good investment vehicle for moderate income families who can’t afford to put their money in stocks. And, you know, because like the housing market houses would grow in value through good or bad economy. It would grow you know, X amount
until the big subprime mortgage thing, which they blamed on the consumers. when really it was the Wall Street investment types with their derivative tradings. These Illuminati lizard people. And, let’s see here, let me just read you, you don’t need my conjecture on it. In the early 21st century, automated appraisals and mortgage underwriting began to change that. Combined with the repackaging of subprime loans into presumably safer CD O’s, they created a far more liquid market for housing. In response, housing prices soared, and became more sensitive to the vulgari vagaries of the market. When investors pulled out of CTOs, the buyer financing dried up and the whole market crashed. And then they and then they go on there. They’re trying to sell you on all running such a good thing. It’ll give you more freedom. more freedom, just like a tiny home, getting you a little cardboard box. Look how free you are right now. It says enter an economy with more rentals. However, they could afford to try a new place for a few years without the commitment of a mortgage, or downpayment. A nation of renter’s could lead to a world where location decisions are driven far more by personal preferences and life cycle demands. younger workers might prefer the excitement of a city. A couple of starting a family could reunite with their parents or siblings in a small town. So look at all these look at all you have the freedom to move around. Okay, I mean, maybe Right. I mean, if you’re not gonna live in a home for five years is probably not worth your time. It’s like, in some ways, I don’t disagree with that. Then we’re almost done here. We’re almost done. I just The articles keep falling. I can’t. That’s why it took me so long to create the show because I just can’t read more articles. On July 6 2021. News, we got a whole article about how fast the cause says the apartment rent, housing costs soar, average us rental price surpasses now that’s a choppy title. It’s not right. You know what I’m saying? Says the red squeeze is expected to hit low and middle income renters the hardest. And to exacerbate the country’s ever widening wealth gap between homeowners. Those living in apartments or on leases, tells you right there in black and white. So all these articles are saying the same thing over and over. Big money financial people are buying them homes and squeezing out low middle income income renters. And they want you to accept it and just be okay with it. Let’s read. Let’s read from Klaus Schwab though because we’re here to talk about the great reset right? How does this link into the great reset. I’m gonna read you from the COVID-19 the great reset book. I just got to zoom in so my old eyeballs can read it says here. This is made all the more significant by the fact that the younger generation is likely to be more radical than the older one. In refashioning our social contract. The pandemic has upended their lives in a whole generation across the globe will be defined by economic and often social insecurity. With millions due to enter the workforce in the midst of a profound recession. They will bear these scars forever. Also starting off in a deficit, many students have educational debts is likely to have long term effects. Already the millennials are worse off than their parents in terms of earnings, assets and wealth, they’re less likely to own a home or have children than their parents were. Now another generation Gen Z is entering a system that it sees as failing. And that will be beset by long standing problems revealed. So again, they’re aware of this the the the oligarchy that is the World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab, the 1000 richest corporations, the ones buying up all these homes, they know it. Now Klaus Schwab writes the book like oh, like you, I guess, like the idea is like his real sympathetic to it. But like, that’s not the truth. If you’re real simple, though, you should tell the 1000 richest corporations that are in your world economic forum like hey, dickheads quit mine houses. These younger generations are getting screwed. But that’s the plan. That’s the cause the conspiracy, which I’m I believe this one. They’re aware of this issue, and they’re nefariously exploiting it. And Previous to that book, in the fourth industrial revolution, he says this, and I quote,
blockchain technology can be applied for public land registration, enabling millions of people around the world to have formal ownership over their land, which in turn can be used as collateral and thereby allow them access to financial markets, the use of virtual and augmented reality could dramatically improve educational outcomes by allowing us to develop now he’s clearly aware of the possibilities of tying in the blockchain to land ownership. So it’s possible I would argue, they’re making chess moves here to ensure the masses can’t get out of debt ever. Ever. It’s like the subscription service thing right? They everyone’s like, you know, I wanted to buy this like seltzer water, but I got to subscribe to it. I’m like, What are you talking about? There’s some t shirts online, you got to subscribe to I don’t want to buy a shirt every month, bro. They want you use to this idea of cyclical, never ending debts coming in universal basic income to take care of all the debt of your rental fees and such. Which is kind of like how music goes right? Like, like, I pay for amazon music. I could just buy all the albums that I’m always listening to but like, I don’t want to do that. Because I like to mix it up. So like in some ways, I’m supporting this idea of just like monthly rotating so long as my income exceeds my outgo out, outgoing and finally, I will read you from the World Economic Forum’s 2013 GAC values document 2013 years ago. Okay. Quote in most advanced countries The ratios of Chief Executive Officer pay to the pay of the average worker in their company has risen astronomically over the last 30 years. And inequality has grown rapidly in many countries around the world, often fueled by corruption and excessive greed. The stability conversation that is also taking place is about the dangerous and growing conflicts over the resources of food, water, land and energy. Because of both scarcity and mal distribution, they knew it. They knew it now distribution means dickheads financial investment companies buying up all the land. The resources of food, water, land and energy, right? They’re black and white. They’re, they’re coming out from both angles, they are scaring people. While they’re buying up all the resources, they’re aware of the issue. And what kills me as they present it in public is as if they’re like the weakest and they want to help. But again, this is the 1000 richest corporations and they got us into this mess. The CEOs are talking about their pay going through the roof, while the lower class doesn’t get a pay increase at all. Like that’s them. That’s you guys. Same ones buying up all the housing, screwing with the middle class. They’ve the balls pretend like they’re here to help. And they are very aware of this middle class squeeze. And I believe the great reset is to squeeze it even harder. They’re gonna grab a hold of that thing and squeeze it. I don’t know what to tell you. This is uh, this is just what I’m reading, you know, take take it for what it’s worth and I don’t know apply that to your life in whatever way benefits you try to understand what’s going on and I could be wrong, right? I could be totally wrong. I don’t think I am. I think if you look at they’re almost that they’re telling the masses this stuff, but like no one’s listening. No one cares. They really don’t. You can have this conversation with people at your home or in your life or whatever and like I would argue they just be like, oh, that sucks. And I don’t know what the right answer is like maybe that is the right maybe that’s the right response. I don’t that sucks cuz I don’t what are you gonna lose sleep over it? So I don’t know what’s the takeaway? Don’t buy a tiny home I guess I don’t know. Go into debt to buy a house. I don’t know what the answer is. But one thing I do know I appreciate your support. I appreciate you listening to the show. So thank you for all the people that are listening to the great research shows I appreciate you. This is the sixth one again if you want if you want the
episodes two and three, I put those on the bonus supporter only feed so if you sign up for patreon.com slash Illuminati watcher or you go to rock Finn comm slash creator slash Isaac, or you get in the VIP section. Illuminati watch calm. You can you can access those bonus episodes. But episodes one, four and five are on the free feed. All you gotta do is go back starting in December 2020. And you can check them out for yourself. It’s a very interesting, interesting development, I should say.
Unknown Speaker 58:38
But yeah, thanks
Isaac Weishaupt 58:39
for listening. Thanks. Keep an open mind and until next time, stay woke
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
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