On today’s episode of the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture with Isaac Weishaupt podcast (formerly known as CTAUC Podcast) we take a look at the occult symbolism of Ezra Miller! We’ll cover several hand symbols and terms Ezra’s used that suggest Ezra’s into some occult practices… We’ll talk about Ezra’s grooming allegations, chaos magick, and Ezra’s OWN statements that Ezra was Jesus and the Devil- an idea presented by the Process Church of the Final Judgement! It all has to do with ushering in the end times, which is precisely what Ezra claims to be doing…
- We talked about Ezra way back in 2019 at the Met Gala: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/podcast-met-gala-2019-illuminati-symbolism/
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast (honorary member of Mount Crushmore), Eddie Bravo’s “Look Into It,” Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and theories.
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*STATEMENT: This show is full of Isaac’s useless opinions and presented for entertainment purposes.
Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
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Isaac Weishaupt 0:00
If you’re listening to a call symbolism and pop culture, I’m your host, Isaac Weishaupt. Today, we’re going to talk about a guy named Ezra Miller. That’s right. We’re going to talk about the actor Ezra Miller, we’re going to talk about knows, this young man has been in a lot of trouble lately. But he seems to get off the hook. Why is that? Why do you think that is? Well, we’re going to talk about his connections to Satanism, the process Church, which leads into conversations about Jesus Christ and the devil. We’re going to talk about ritual magic, and some occult ideas about gender for good measure. So a lot to get into with this guy. As you know, I have a certain filters, a focus of study, if you will, on the occult. So that’s where we’re going to leave it, I’m not going to tell you, Oh, his movies, he’s great at this than the other don’t know, don’t care, not my thing. So who is who is this guy? Or who is? Who are they? I should say, right? He goes by the pronouns, they them. You know, I heard I heard a good example of, I go back and forth on the pronoun thing. I’m okay, I respect, you know, people’s wishes to be identified as whatever. I heard a good example of why we shouldn’t be bugging out about people’s pronouns. But then on the same hand, I also don’t care, right? Like, where you put your genitals means nothing to me, unless I’m trying to sleep with you, right? So don’t care. I don’t care what you identify as I just want to talk to you as a person. Some people get wrapped around the axles of this identity thing. And that’s all fueling up the ego, right. And any form of enlightenment is about destruction of the ego and destructive of the social norms, social boundaries, constructs. But this good argument, I heard about why we shouldn’t really focus and care that much about people’s pronouns, the person said, it’s, it’s like when someone says, Hey, how you doing? My name is TJ. And then years later, you find out on their legal birth certificate, their real name is Thomas. And you’re like, Well, I’ve been calling you TJ all these years, I didn’t know your real name was Thomas. Do you care? Do you do get into it? Do you do? Do you want to force them and say, No, you need to change your name to Thomas. That’s what it says on your birth certificate? Do you call them out? Do you raise a fundamental flaw in their logic. But that being said, I do have a hard time wrapping my head around the concept of the day them stuff. I think if you’re part of this very small minority of people who view themselves as non binary, you also need to be considerate of other people and be considered that most people have a hard time wrapping their heads around it, and have a hard time remembering the pronoun. So if everyone gives a little bit we’ll find the happy medium right now, but overall, like fine hours, in fact, I spoke I used to speak with artists named Genesis pol Ridge, who wanted me to address them as they and I did so right on the emails. Sometimes I forgot, was it a big deal? Genesis didn’t make a big deal out of it. It’s fine. You know, I bend a little bit Genesis bends a little bit. But anyway, Ezra Miller, they, I’ll probably forget and call him. There you go. probably forgotten. Call them him. At some point. It’s fine. Who cares, right. Ezra Miller was in a show called The Flash or a movie about the superhero, right? The guy runs real fast. But more famously, he was also in Fantastic Beasts, a Harry Potter tale with Johnny Depp. And you know, Johnny Depp takes us down all kinds of occult paths. I believe we did a full show focused on Him if I’m not mistaken. Ezra Miller was also in the stand the new series. Based on the Stephen King book, he played the character of the trash can man, which he did a great job by the way. He plays a crazy Pyro technique. I wrote a maniac, you know. And I realized I am now actually talking about his works of art. As I said, I wasn’t going to, but there we are. But he came out, back, I don’t even know 2017 and praised as a icon of the queer community and a non binary king, they call him right. And in 2018, GQ style, put him on the cover and wrote, please, God tell us the next generation of movie stars is going to be like this. All right. And of course, look, I think they’re just trolling. This is all part of the divide and conquer strategy. Everyone’s trolling to keep us distracted. Meanwhile, there’s higher level things going on. The media is in on it too, right? The media, the politicians, even the conspiracy people, we take the bait constantly and start getting wrapped around the axles about culture war, identity politics stuff. But Ezra Miller, he’s been giving us strange symbols for many years. Back in 2019, he attended the Met Gala. And he was wearing a mask and it had multiple eyes all over the face. I’ve been covering this stuff for a while, right, so we talked about it back then. And one time he dressed up as a white bird, which is a reference to the occult practice of alchemy, the alchemists go through a progression of colors on their path to the great work, black, white, yellow, red. And in fact, he also did the same, he did a stance of the goat with the Bob’s the Baphomet with the words abra cadabra, written in triangular shapes on his palms. And this, of course, is a reference to the occult to ritual magic. Specifically abra cadabra, which was, you know, Aleister Crowley came up with that word, right. He wrote that word in the book of the law, which is his basically foundational Bible type book for his religion of Thelema. He said, It’s the magical formula for the new age the AON of Horus, he called it and abracadabra signifies the completion of the great work. Now, you’re probably thinking, Well, I’ve heard of abra cadabra. Is that the same thing? Yes, it is. Only Croley put the H in there. changes it up. In what do you call it a Numerology value. And the H represents Horus as in the AON of Horus the new age. Now, Ezra Miller has also been doing lots of man Oh core nudo magical hex hands, weird triangles, a manifestation with as above so below, I put all these images on my Instagram on the art for the show. Long story short, it seems he’s into a call magic, which I’m actually going to confirm later on. When we get into this. So okay, actor been doing a bunch of accolti things, whatever. Well, back in March of 22, he was arrested in Hawaii and he told the cops that he filmed himself getting assaulted as a form of art. To make it worse, NFT crypto NF Ts to add another bruise on the eye of crypto bros everywhere. But what had happened was he spat in someone’s face.
And very flight club inspired it seems. And what was weird was in his pocket he had the ring from the flash character. I’m going to read you this is from Vanity Fair thing is from Vanity Fair. Since 2020, the actor has been accused of crimes and abuses spanning 6000 miles and two oceans throwing a chair that hit a woman in the forehead, threatening a couple in their bedroom and stealing their wallet and passport in Hawaii. On top of the incident at Margarita village, choking to strangers in Iceland and breaking into a neighbor’s home in Vermont to steal alcohol which was halted in a felony charge. In June two protection orders were issued against Miller. The first was filed in tribal court in North Dakota by Chase Iron Eyes a Native American businessman, and his wife Sarah jumping eagle on behalf of their 18 year old to Takata ionise goes by Gibson. They accused Miller of grooming brainwashing and emotionally abusing the teenager, a non binary indigenous activist Miller met when ionise was just 12. And then there’s a let’s see. The second protective order. We can read a little bit more about the second protective order was requested by a mother in Massachusetts claiming that Miller’s interest in her own nonbinary 12 year old made her and the child uncomfortable and incidence between February and June of this year the actor denies the allegations. So what’s going on here? What’s going on is he’s allegedly grooming kids. And the problem is Hollywood seems quite alright with this. Which is not surprising because seems like Hollywood’s okay with grooming. Prove me wrong. Right? See the whole Balenciaga scandal. Kim Kardashian tweeted all you know I gotta think about this whole thing. I’m a little disappointed, but ooh. And then nothing. And also, Ezra Miller was on a 95 acre farm, where he was housing a woman and her three children. And the place was just loaded down with guns. And a friend called the police to get them out of there, but the women and the kids were gone. This through the mess right. On August 15, Ezra Miller said this, I now understand that I’m suffering complex mental health issues and have been inept, begun ongoing treatment. I want to apologize to everyone that I have alarmed and upset with my past behavior. I committed to doing the necessary work to get back to a healthy, safe and productive stage in my life. And then Vanity Fair, was interviewing a whole bunch of people who knew Ezra Miller and they say this they say, the actor verbally and emotionally abused those around them and refer to themselves or alternately as Jesus and the devil. Three people say Miller has also wrapped the superhero they play into their grandiose speechifying. Sorry. It’s the pronouns of screaming Okay, three people say Miller has also wrapped the superhero. They play into their grandiose speechifying. The actor says one source was claiming that the flash is the one who brings the multiverses together, just like Jesus. Now, this is interesting. This is what piqued my dad’s and this is what made me want to do this whole show. He said desert Miller says that they are Jesus and the devil. Those are the apparent non binary personalities, as are Miller believes they are. Now this is interesting, right? Let’s let’s focus in on this for a second. Because the idea of Jesus and the devil being unified. This ties into some heavy duty occult processes, and even the end of the world. Eschatology they call it which you’re gonna find out, it turns out, Ezra Miller is trying to bring about the end of the world. Illuminate confirm all day, right? You gotta go back to the 1960s. And some Scientologists, they split off. And they started what’s called the process Church of the final judgment. And their beliefs include the idea that Christ Lucifer, Satan and Jehovah are the four great gods of the universe. Now, supposedly, Charles Manson was involved with the process church because they actually interviewed him while he was in prison, and Manson allegedly claimed to even be part of this church, which led to a guy named Ed Sanders publishing a book called The Family where he talks about it. And Ed Sanders got sued and had to remove parts of the book that talked about Charles Manson being a member. However, Your boy has got a copy of the original chapter intact. And I’m going to read it for you. All right. And I quote, and again, these are allegations that apparently allegedly weren’t true on some level. I’m disagree. I’m just telling you what it said. Says the black caped black garb, death worshipping process Church of the final judgment arrived on the Los Angeles scene in early 1968. They stayed in public view till a few days after Robert Kennedy’s assassination in June of 68, after which they dropped from sight in Los Angeles. And for what purpose were these noble Englishmen journeying to the United States, gore and world and there’s that world and we’re talking about right there eschatology, the eschaton. If you fast forward later on in the book, it says the process church at the final judgment is an English a cult society dedicated to observing and aiding the end of the world by stirring a murderer violence and chaos, and dedicated to the proposition that they the process shall survive the gore as the chosen people sound like Manson. And then it goes on to describe how the process church was into the ideas of Christ and Lucifer at added Satan to the list of Gods when they spent time learning about a legit human sacrifice. In Mexico, allegedly they did this. Because the human sacrifice angle is seen as to be the center of focus, oftentimes when you get into this stuff. Now, the process church was started by Marianne and Robert De grimston. And Marianne de grimston. Fun fact, was previously engaged to Sugar Ray Robinson. And the process church they talked about this unification of Christ and Satan, which is exactly what Ezra Miller claims, as there is. And they explain it as, look, they were enemies, but through love, they forgave each other and unified. And the end times are going to be these two on the tag, the WWF Tag Team here are Gods the judge and Satan is the executor. Now, of course, we’re also looking at the idea of opposing polarities coming together, which, again, the Baphomet that go with the Bob’s represents. So when Ezra Miller shows artwork of him as the Baphomet. And then he says, I’m Jesus, and the devil kind of leads you down this path. Or so I say, right. Now, Carl Jung, famous psychoanalyst and Gnostic. He said that the holy trinity of the Christian faith is misrepresented. And, and he says, look, we’ve got God the Father, we got God the Son and we got the Holy Spirit. But there’s a missing fourth element, which is the dark side where God is the devil. You know, call God created all things. So he created the devil and the process church. Now they would end up splintering at some point, I think in 70s, or 80s. And most of them ended up in Utah at and starting the animal sanctuary called Best Friends Animal Sanctuary. Okay, but don’t start now. Don’t start protesting best friends. They they all they do is rescue animals now. They in fact, they save those pitbulls that Michael Vick was abusing
it now I’m even, I’m even thinking about driving down there to get a parrot. So, but one thing you’ll find, with the occultist, and this is where we find common ground with some of these occultist. They’re very much into the protection of animals and the environment. Like Charles Manson, right, Charles Manson started at wha air trees, water animals. So all this is going on, right? And this and this Vanity Fair article goes to this, this whole spiral timeline. And the guy has been busy. What the hell? He, like I said he had choked out a woman in Iceland, but here’s what’s interesting. I’m gonna read you from that part. It says while in Iceland Miller was accompanied by Jasper young bear a 55 year old North Dakota medicine man the actor had hired as a spiritual advisor. Young bear seems to have stoked Miller’s outsize vision of themself. Jasper was telling Ezra that he wasn’t a part of the movement. He was the movement, that he was the next Messiah, and that the Freemasons were sending demons out to kill him. The Freemasons are sending demons out to kill him because he’s the next Messiah. Now, you can’t. You can’t ignore the connections here that Ezra Miller has to these big groups, these big secret society type groups. And then you find out at his farm that his compound will say he’s got an altar there. So there’s a religious element here a spiritual element, says the house in Vermont contains an altar that’s home to bullets, weeds, sage and flash figurines. According to two people who visited this year, a lot of times he makes the women put their cell phones on the altar when they come in and other offerings. As we’re freaked out recently demanding that Susan Sarandon come pay tribute to his altar because he did she didn’t invite Ezra to a dinner party. Millet rep says that surrended and Miller are dear friends. Now if you recall, Susan Sarandon was into some really odd stuff, too. Like putting Timothy Leary’s cremains in a burning man’s sacrificial altar? We covered that several years ago. What are the offerings? That’s the question I have is it is it nails and teeth? And if that’s the case, that’s sympathetic magic, to what he could be using it. Now, let’s go one more thing. And then we’re going to then we’re going to do a sort of wrap up in conclusion to put a bow around this because there’s a lot of different things going on here, right? Well, back in 2018, Miller came out as non binary, and polyamorous says in 2018, Miller came out as non binary and polyamorous, telling Playboy about the free love environment, they created for themselves, calling it a poly kewl a portmanteau of polyamorous and molecule. According to three people in Miller circle the Pollak fuel is less a democratic society than an ever shifting court harem of mostly young women. A friend of the actor says, an openly polyamorous lifestyle that’s not inherently wrong to me. But Miller’s situation in their opinion is actually a patriarchal dictatorship where as or controls all the sex as the man and plays the women against each other screams at them b little b little them in front of the others. Sounds very mind control ask sounds very much like Manson family stuff, like, like all the cult leaders. You know, could Manson, that young woman to Angela Lansbury who just died? Her daughter Diddy, she was like 15 She was rolling around with a family using her mom’s credit cards to fund a lot of a lot of their antics. The wasa dude, Andrew Tate use this very similar practices. From his own words. I’ve seen the videos of him talking about it. So let’s wrap it all up, right? Because there’s a lot lot going on here. We know that he’s into some occult practices. And this goes back to before all these big problems have recently. And if you read about his time at the 95 acre farm in Vermont says since 2017, Miller has lived on the farm in Vermont, which they christened the mountain. The property which is surrounded by dense woods used to be an alpaca and llama farm features apple and blueberry orchards, three barns and a modest blue roofed house. Goats roam the premises. The house was kind of a mess but the friends crashing didn’t care. They shot arrows and went for hikes. Miller smoked marijuana performed chaos magic, and played Call of Duty zone and so on. So the chaos magic that he was performing the ritual magic of chaos magic, which kind of says you you’ll use any sort would have character, an extra archetype to make the magic work for you? Was he opening up doorways? During this chaos magic? He had a shaman with him at the time, if you recall. All right. And if he’s opening doorways, who is it for? Well, it’s for the End Times. All right. He’s trying to bring about the apocalypse, which is part of the process Church of the final judgment. I’m going to redo some more says Ezra is Jesus, and Takata has an apocalyptic Native American spider Goddess, and their union is supposed to bring about the apocalypse recaps one person. And that’s the real reason everyone is so opposed to them being together. Iron Eyes, his mother jumping eagle has heard Miller story too. They say they are some kind of Messiah, and they’re going to lead an indigenous revolution. So again, the processor to the final judgment is about unifying Christ and Satan. And that’s what Ezra Miller claims that Ezra Miller is. And that’s what’s being accomplished. And what about the grooming? Why is Why is everyone okay with him grooming all these kids? Allegedly, right? They, these Hollywood types, they can’t help themselves. They just love it that, you know, they have all these noble causes. But then you’ve seen all the stuff with the kids happening all over the place. In fact, I watched licorice pizza. Which is about a 15 year old boy falling in love with a 25 year old woman. That’s what the story is bone in 2022. And people love the movie. Oh, the greatest book though. All these awards. First of all, it wasn’t that great of a movie. I didn’t think. Well, that’s a weird story. Why? You couldn’t have just made it an 18 year old guy. And by the way, they casted a big ass 15 year old boy, because they knew it was gonna look weird. But you ever seen a 15 year old boy looks like a little kid? Yeah, Hollywood’s the worst, right? Well, not too long ago, reports were in that Ezra Miller is in fact, going to play the flash and these DC Universe films. And guess who’s the director James Gunn. Alright. And if you recall, back in 2018, Disney, of all people actually fired James Gunn from the Marvel Universe. Why did they do that? Because he was tweeting jokes about rape and pedophilia. Jokes, like I like when little boys touch me in my silly place. Not funny. Jokes. Like, the best thing about being raped is when you’re done being raped and it’s like, whew, this feels great. Not being raped. Look, I’m not low. I don’t agree with Kancil culture. I think you should give him a path to redemption. But the bigger question is, why did he think that was funny in the first place? Like I don’t think you should, you should cancel people because of weird tweets. But you should cancel them if they’re really doing this stuff. That’s a problem. Like, I don’t think those are funny jokes. I think they’re important tastes. I think they’re gross. But the real question is what’s actually going on? Because there’s a reason he thinks those jokes are on some level appropriate to share. And, you know, the people that support Kancil culture say, Well, the problem is these jokes, open up an environment to accept that these things are happening. So I don’t know.
But what’s going on with Ezra Miller, right. Mental health issues for sure. Right. That’s definitely a consideration. But what triggered these issues? The article suggests that it was his parents divorce. But then later, it alludes to the idea that maybe Hollywood is behind it. Uh huh. Caitlin says that Miller expressed that they had experienced a lot of trauma and weird shit in the Hollywood scene. And we were like, hell yeah. We’ll help you out. Speaking to Playboy in 2018. Miller said, I’ve survived abuse for sure, in a lot of capacities starting from a pretty young age. I think he’s got a story to tell. But I think he’s mine has been warped by all this occult practices. And, you know, he says he’s got an altar for I would argue for pride for sympathetic magic. He’s doing chaos magic. He thinks he’s Jesus and the devil. So he’s for sure doing a lot of these occult things. Which makes me wonder if that’s not why he gets the pass. Why is he getting a pass? How’s the flash not getting canceled at this point, they’ve canceled all kinds of other stuff. For less, right? Maybe it’s because of his positioning, they set him up to be the, the icon of the non binary community. And they don’t want to, I don’t know, feel like they’re attacking the community, maybe the Vanity Fair article gives examples of how Miller seems to be actually using that label to try to portray himself as a victim, even though he’s acting like a total jerk. And where the lines for me get blurry, is that in the conspiracy community, there’s always this Christian conservative tilt that I don’t always agree with. And back in the day, lots of people were pointing out how Miller was becoming a non binary person, and therefore he’s now satanic, which to me is not an argument that holds up. Right? Like, just because you’re pushing the non binary thing that doesn’t automatically equate to Satanism. Now, you’re doing chaos magic, and you say, You’re the devil. Okay? That’s a different story. And I’ve read in forums that claim this goes back to the Bible, this non binary thing, they claim that there’s a thing called the legion of demons. And they said, We are many. So a lot of people will point to that idea that non binary means multiple spirits in one body, and that goes back to Legion. A non binary demonic spirit. Now, one damning argument I read was Ezra Miller’s own statements from a GQ interview, and the cover of that particular GQ magazine shows him covering up one eye again, the all seeing eye, the idea of being enlightened into the waves of the dark arts and the occult. Miller says, We’re not fighting for equality. None of these conflicts against systems of oppression are fights for equality. They are fights for accurate regard of supremacy. We’re better at sex than y’all. We’re better at art. We’re better at warfare. These are things carried in the old understandings of so called whatever you want to call it. non binary, queer, gender, queer, trans, gay, lesbian, just like the neuro diverse peoples, these people are all sacred beings superior to other beings. Miller also says in that interview, their view of the definition of trans Miller says, In Hawaii, there’s a word mahu, which almost translates as that which is becoming like an idle, not quite formed. In Hawaiian native understanding, everyone has qu male spirit, and Hina female spirit, everyone is trans. And I think that’s true to some level, right? We all have, like the yin and yang, we all have male and female polarities within us. It’s kind of different upon as to how much of each we have right. Now, I’m not sure what to make of any of this. But I do know, what seems pretty clear to me is that Ezra Miller has been dabbling in magical occult realms. We’ve tied it into Aleister Crowley, the Baphomet, chaos magic, the process church, even just plain old fashioned Christ and Satan. And I wouldn’t count out any of that stuff being something that he really believes and subscribes to right. And there’s, but then there’s the rational argument, he’s probably got a lot of mental issues going on there. So, you know, hopefully, hopefully, the guy can get the help. He needs to snap out of it. Right. But I find it really intriguing that, given this long rap sheet, a he’s still able to maintain the job as an actor, but be how there was not even considering canceling him. It’s very odd. It’s a very odd story. But there you go. That’s, that’s unpacking a little bit on the set. Are Milla guy check out my Instagram for some of these images I’m talking about? It’s very strange. Surely more will come to this I got my eye on the guy so thank you for listening to the show. Until next time stay WOKE
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
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