On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we CONTINUE our deep dive into Kubrick’s final film- EYES WIDE SHUT! I wrote about this film in my book KUBRICK’S CODE but I want to crank up the analysis and re-examine this infamous film. We’ll complete the second half of the film where we’ll discuss that infamous orgy Gnostic mass scene! We’ll break down Fritz Springmeier’s MKULTRA rainbow symbolism (*HINT it’s a symbol of magick…), the final scene at the toy store and the REAL meaning of the film: the mystery school teachings of sex and death!
*Clips from the film contain explicit lyrics*
We’ll be continuing the journey ONLY on the supporter feeds with bonus content in part 3 that dives deep into Dream Novella (the book that Kubrick based the film off of) and part 4 where we look at the book about the making of Eyes Wide Shut that reveals all kinds of ideas that support the conspiracy theory! Parts 3 and 4 will ONLY be on the supporter feeds (VIP Section, Patreon ). If you’re interested in supporting the show and getting tons of ad-free early access BONUS content check out what the three platforms have to offer you: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/members-section/
- I’ve studied Stanley Kubrick’s films (most particularly Eyes Wide Shut) for many years- including the KUBRICK’S CODE book that covers 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Shining, A Clockwork Orange and Eyes Wide Shut. I’ve compiled a guide index of links to every show and book I’ve completed on the topic so see what’s at the end of the rainbow at: “Eyes Wide Shut: Decoding Hidden Symbolism of Stanley Kubrick- Episode Index” https://illuminatiwatcher.com/eyes-wide-shut-decoding-hidden-symbolism-of-stanley-kubrick-episode-index/
- Want a copy of KUBRICK’S CODE for free with all the images discussed?… Get it in the VIP Section (or Patreon) https://illuminatiwatcher.com/members-section/
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
He, I mean, when
he said, Look, there’s two things you can say about this film. It’s about sexual obsession and jealousy. And that was it. That was the sort of the standard press release. So that’s what we said for a year and a half where people would ask us, and now when I look at the film, I think so much more than just that. But I’m really glad that he didn’t get us he that he didn’t define it for me, and that he would not let us define it in in a couple of sentences for anybody, because it really allows you to form your own opinion on it.
It’s Stanley. It’s his final statement about relationships and who is that
person and what is life about?
The questions that he asks himself, and I think he’s so himself and that’s all live, you know, we
get people coming up to us at the party are in in LA. Scott Coppola came up and said, well, it’s about death, the film’s about depth. And then Scorsese came up and said, No, no, it’s about the great master. It’s about him. This is where he stripped away everything. And now he’s making a film about men and women. I mean, it really is that diverse the reaction to it and people’s ideas of what it’s about.
Isaac Weishaupt 01:24
Who’s ready to continue our journey down the Rainbow Bridge of Eyes Wide Shut. We already started this journey. If you recall, I did part one. And I laid out the foundation for what I believe will be the most comprehensive analysis of the occult symbolism in Eyes Wide Shut ever in the history of histories. And we’re going to continue that journey. In part one, I told you that I walked you through the first half of the movie. And we ended where so if you haven’t heard it, please go back and listen to that. And where we ended was when Dr. Bill decided he was going to go to that orgy party he was down for action. And he goes to the rainbow fashions costume place and he had the choice to go over the rainbow or under the rainbow. He goes over the rainbow. Now this plays a very important role. And you can see how in this film with all the talk about going through the looking glass with the mirrors and the rainbows and seeing where the rainbow ends and the dual natures presented. You see how this all fits together? And there’s a guy his name was Fritz spring Meyer wrote a book called Total mind control slave. Is it true I don’t know. But he lays out a pretty exhaustive prescription how the MK Ultra program worked. And you’ll see multiple references in the book to Wizard of Oz. And Alison Wonderland. And the the idea here is that going through the looking glass or going over the rainbow refers to the initiate or the subject or the victim and during the dissociative state. I’m going to read you from the book a couple paragraphs so bear with me here quote Oh and before I start altered, earning as the term alter that means like the alter ego, right? When you go into a dissociative state of mind you create alters fractured mind. components, alternate personalities, whatever split personalities, that kind of thing. Okay. Quote, some alters live over the rainbow and some do not. Both types will use the term over the rainbow but with different meanings attached. For those who live over the rainbow. They serve their masters in such a deep hypnotic trance that they perceive reality like it’s a dream. Now that’s curious. That’s curious because of some things that Allah says later, at the end of the movie. Let’s keep reading. When their memories surface, they are so unlike normal memories that a system in therapy may not know what to do with them. They have been described as similar to the pictures in the old TVs when the vertical hold would go out of control. Deeper alters who live over the rainbow experience memories and life in the following fashion. faces and porn cameras are airbrushed out of their memories distinctive marks in the perpetrators, such as scars and wrinkles are airbrushed out. Colors and lights are very bright due to the total dilation of the pupils while in deep trance and there is no such have time for these altars. These altars are trained to trance send forward through time. By understanding the programming the codes and triggers those alters who lived over the rainbow can recover from the mind the full memory without the distortions created by the dissociation. Fritz has more information on the rainbow as it pertains to the call, which is very curious if you’ve ever seen the connection of Pink Floyd’s dark side of the moon with the Wizard of Oz. The claim goes that if you start the album at the same time the movie starts that they go hand in hand and I’ve done this once the album obviously ends before the movie, but it is very curious how the two Connect like they do. Let’s read from Fritz spring Meyer, quote, constants can be in her book the hidden dangers of the rainbow, which exposes the New Age a cult movement correctly writes, quote, The rainbow also called the untuck Karana or Rainbow Bridge. This is used as a hypnotic device, the Supreme Council of the 33rd degree of Freemasonry he’s used the rainbow on the cover of their magazine. In a book teaching druidism as in Illuminati druidism. The 21 lessons of Merlin the rainbow is described as a true sign of magic. It exists in both worlds at once, which is what Bill’s doing over the rainbow or under the rainbow. And it’s all this duality stuff of the two different worlds of the elites. Elvira Gulch is a woman who owns half of the county where Dorothy lives in Kansas, she is shown later in the Land of Oz. transformed as a witch. Many of the Illuminati elite are rich and lead double lives. People who meet them at a ritual will see the dark side of these rich people. At the rituals people are transferred from drugs, chanting and mind control they are quote over the rainbow. Note here, when we talk about the drugs and the chanting and the rhythm and all that stuff and dancing. These are avalonian forms of contact with the divine. Okay, the orgiastic you overload the consciousness so it can be consumed by the divine. So in short, when we talk about going over the rainbow as bill does when he goes to maleek Rainbow fashions, it’s about entering the new dimension. Same as Alison Wonderland when she goes through the looking glass, which is also shown in eyes wide shot with the mirrors all over the place. Alice is looking in the mirror at home a couple times when she pulls out the weed when she’s making the sweet love. And then there’s you don’t want bill is at the prostitutes place. He’s looking in the mirror. We could also go to the Scarlett Johansson movie under the skin. That’s when her moment of realization hits. And I will be having that in my alien book usually allusion to if you didn’t know. Now, you know, that was curious is that the book that Fritz spring Meyer book was published in 1996. Right before Kubrick started filming this movie, because Cooper started the photography for the film in November of 1986. Could it be he read the book and put these images on the screen for all of us to watch? 2001 A Space Odyssey was a mass ritual taking the viewer into an initiation. Could it be that Eyes Wide Shut was the same thing? Yes, indeed. Now at rainbow fashions. There’s a character named Billy. He’s the owner. And he’s played by a guy named raid, Serbia and I totally butchered his name. But this guy was also in Batman Begins. Alright, now Batman Begins matters because it also features the meant more towers. That is where the orgy happens at the Somerton mansion. The actual location is the men more towers owned by the Rothschild family. And you see it in Batman Begins as well. And you’ll notice the curtain of lights in rainbow fashions that looks identical to the ones you see in Batman Begins at the house party where Bruce Wayne meets Who does he made Catwoman there and Hathaway. Now, when, when Bill shows up, he’s like, hey, let me and I need a costume. I’m going to this gangbang and you’ll notice that maleek he asked to enter an alarm code to get into the costume shop. Now if you’re a real psychopath, like me, you take a good look. And you can see it’s 56784 Well, that’s a repeating pattern. That’s the oroboros that’s the repeating cycle of life and death. Right, because you see how it restarts it goes 567-845-6784 and so on. It’s repetition. Now maleek he discovers that as he’s taking bill into look at the costumes to Asian men, making sexy time with his 14 year old daughter, right? And very curious because in the in the scene, Kubrick places like chopstick and Chinese food on the table, and it was like, I mean, we just wondered Dr. Seuss getting cancelled. Eyes Wide Shut. We’ll be out of here too, if we cancel everything. Now actually, someone curiously enough. I saw an image on Twitter of that some of Dr. Seuss’s drawings with the heart are he used the heart are you likes anyway? Let’s not get sidetracked. But in this room where the two Asian men are having, having a good time here, you see an eight pointed star the starfish star the same one you saw at Ziegler’s party at his house. Because these elites, they’re all connected, right? They’re all connected. maleek is a part of this in some ways. Now maleek breaks it up. The daughter she whispers into Bill’s ear, she says you should have a cloak line with her mind. Now, this is a pattern indicative of the Royal monarchy again, more royal bloodlines like Nuala Windsor, right at the beginning. And it’s also in the novel to this this statement. So bill gets the costume. He’s headed to the orgy. And he’s still thinking about this story in his head of Alice. Making sexy time with L Ron Hubbard. I mean, the naval officer, excuse me, the naval officer. And finally, finally, bill gets to the gates of Somerton, he gives the password of Fidelio. Oh boy does that he actually he tells the cab driver, the cab drivers like how long you’re going to be because, okay, so bill, he’s got a cab that drops him off. But he tells the cab driver like, hey, wait here for me. And the cab drivers like how long you gonna be? And Bill’s like, maybe an hour or more? Maybe 10 minutes? I don’t know. And this is a reference to sex. Right? How long is he gonna last? He’s like, I don’t know, I might be in there having a good time. I’m gonna be able to hold back 10 minutes. Because Dr. Bill is he’s on the prowl. Still. And he gets out he walks up to the gates and you hear a crow calling three times just like the metaphor of denying Christ as Peter did in the Bible. Which makes sense, right? Because you find now at the orgy it’s a blasphemous gnostic mass it’s a reversal of the mass it’s also the only location in the whole film without a Christmas tree by the way. But yeah, Bill Dr. Berg is the password of a daily Oh, they take them up to the the mansion it’s the meant more towers. meant more was built for Baron Meyer am shell Rothschild from the raw means red shield from the bloodline that gave us the banking system and all that stuff. And you hear Jocelyn Kooks song, the master ball and what it is, it’s the backwards Romanian Orthodox priest. And we’re gonna get deeper into that when we do the the book reviews on the bonus shows for the Eyes Wide Shut analysis. But, Bill, he puts the mask on and he passes the statues of the goddesses, the women holding the torches again, the bearers of light. And he gets into the main room, the temple. And you can see old Nick Nightingale over there playing piano with his blindfold on and you’ll notice if you look real close, there’s a laptop open to his left. But then when bill goes into the chamber further it disappears. You know, kind of weird. This is the the Anthony Weiner laptop right goober know about appearing and disappearing. Jokes Stokes. Yeah. Nick, he’s wearing this black blindfold, and as he does it, the female consorts. They’re doing their ritual. They’re stripping nude upon command, they’re kissing each other. And one of the masked folks, one of the elites, they take a look they notice bill and the guy notices bill, you’ll find that that mask that he’s wearing is also in a town in England owned by the Rothschild. And these masks you know that’s a big to do in this movie is their Venetian mask and it’s supposed to represent sexual debauchery. And they The reason they did this was the elites who put on the masks to hide their true nature and public again the dual dual lives. They love to feed the beast with the masks on and then go back to normal life right now, and this is something that they would they would also wear the mask at the Hellfire Club, which is where crow Liga has do with that wilt statement from now Fun fact, Milton Keynes, England, they still have statues with the masks from this film because the Rothschild family is the largest land owners in the city. And this is the same place where the Hellfire caves were located the secret society doing these underground satanic sex rituals. Now, Leon Vitaly, we mentioned him at the beginning as part of the cast. He’s the he’s the emcee of the party. He’s wearing the red cloak go and he goes by the name of red cloak. He’s got the incense. He’s using the sensor. It’s like an orthodox thing, right? Her Catholic thing too, I guess. And he’s telling the ladies the consorts. He says God to the men, Let’s get this party started. Now, one woman, she grabs bill, and warns him that he shouldn’t be there. He’s in danger. Here comes some other dude pulls a robbery takes her away. And Bill, he’s checking out the scene. And this is where you see all the mast orgies going down. And this is actually the is interesting because this is where the MPAA threatened Kubrick with an NC 17 rating because of too much sexy time. So he actually incorporated they blacked out some of the images like there’s one of some, what do you call simulated 69 sacks and there was some people used as furniture. As Ryan Paige told us about see that show I did in the summer of 2020. With big time Hollywood director Ryan page, he broke it all down for us. There was a there was actors in there, used as furniture for the orgy scene, which if you follow conspiracies in 2020, that was a big to do with the wayfair furniture conspiracy which tied us into Lolita another Kubrick film where in that film, The the character reveals that the elites were using people as furniture to very strange. Now, in this scene, also IMDb claims that Johnny Depp was considered for the role of Dr. Bill. I think that’s fake news. I didn’t see that anywhere else. But maybe, right. But this is a this is a curious scene, and you see the ideas of sex magic sort of being laid out here. This is the real Secrets of the elites, Secrets of the Knights Templar, the Oto all meant to raise the Kundalini and I’m gonna talk about that in the conclusion, because that’s what this movie is all about sex death, and that old Kundalini. So Bill, he’s approached again, does go somewhere more private, and he’s getting ready to go. But then this first mystery woman shows up again, and she begs him, she’s like, you gotta go. But he wants to see her face. And next thing, you know, bill gets kicked out by the host, they show up. And this is where as they’re escorting him out, you see him walk by two men dancing. And that plays a role because allegedly, the hotel owner that Dr. Bill will eventually talk to, is alleged to be one of these two gay men. And you also see Nick Nightingale being escorted out as well. About Wait, wait a minute. He’s not being he’s not being escorted out. He’s not leaving. He’s being brought back into the ritual temple, and everyone is watching. And the red cloak, he commands him to get up front and center. Now what’s curious, is that red cloak he’s sitting in the double headed eagle chair, again, if you didn’t have enough Freemason references, there’s another one and that’s 33 Oh, Always plays a role here. It’s when Tom Cruise divorces his wives it’s alleged that this is the the 33rd degree Freemason to use the rainbow on the one we talked about Fritz spring Meyer, all that stuff right. So here we have the symbol for the 33rd degree Freemasonry with a double headed eagle. Any asks Dr. Bailey says man have the password, please. And Bill. He only knows the password for admittance. He knows Fidelio. He doesn’t know there’s a deeper password one for the house. And this is the way it works. He is not welcome to the inner Secrets of the true wisdom. This is the inner circle. This is the the upper levels of Freemasonry, the inner sanctum, the secret secret society. Because choice of the choice of words are curious, too. He wants the password for the house. Maybe the House of Rothschild, I don’t know. But regardless, he doesn’t know it. And he’s forced to remove his mask. In the book, it’s not laid out quite the same. Because in the book builds character, he he says that they also have to remove theirs. They say take your mask off, buddy. And he’s like, no, you’re in take years off to which would have been a more typical Tom Cruise move. But you know, that’s not he’s not difficult Tom Cruise in this movie. He’s, he’s build. cackled Harford in this film, and he just does what he’s told. now. I’ll play the dialog here. And they’ll tell them to strip down naked to they don’t care. They have no qualms with that. So
remove your clothes. Or would you like us to do it? Boy?
him go.
Take me. I
am ready to redeem him.
are ready to redeem him?
Yes. Are you sure
you understand what you’re taking upon yourself?
In doing this?
Very well.
You are free.
But I warn you
if you make any further inquiries,
or if you say a single word to anyone
about what you have seen,
there will be the most dire consequences for you
and your family.
Do you understand?
what is gonna happen to that woman?
No one can change her fate now.
When a promise has been made here,
there is no turning back.
Isaac Weishaupt 24:36
So the dome was stripped down. And here comes the master woman again. She comes out to redeem Mr. Bill Harford Dr. Bill Harford which causes quite the stir, which suggests that this is of great significance. She’s about to sacrifice herself for him. Recall Beethoven’s Fidelio play. That’s the plotline from that play. Then, you know, red cloak let them go, but makes them take the vow of silence. They say they’re going to kill the whole family if he talks. Fun fact, turns out Cate Blanchett was the voice of that woman found that out. Only recently. But anyhow. How curious is this is almost like he was partaking in a ritual sacrifice of the goddess ritual. Maybe it was supposed to be a reenactment of Beethoven’s Fidelio play the whole time. He wasn’t in on it yet. They’re trying. Maybe they’re trying to vet him to see if he can hold a secret so they can really let them in. Maybe, right, maybe Dr. Bowe Harford’s about to get the pass into the inner sanctum, if he keeps his mouth shut if he sticks to the vow of silence. Now it’s curious is that the scene ends exactly on the money at an hour and 30 minutes with not one second, over or under a perfect length for a movie. But not this, this is Cooper. Cooper was always going to push the three hour time limit, you know. Here’s where we we, let’s revisit the triple goddess idea. This is the idea presented in part one, the goddess goes through the cycles over and over and over. Hence, Millie’s password for rainbow fashions, which is a repeating or abora cycle. 56784 right, you remember that? But that’s what the triple Goddess is. It’s the repeating pattern of the feminine. It’s the three forms. You’ve got the maiden which is the fertility goddess. You’ve got the mother, which is your your Earth Mother, Gaia. And you’ve got Crone. That’s the old lady. That’s the death. These are all based on the phases of the moon. And now who are the characters in the movie? Halina, the daughter, she’s the maiden. Mandy, the prostitute. She’s the mother, she’s the Savior. The motherly figure at the party at the orgy. This saves bill. And then Marian, she’s the Crone. She symbolizes death, because remember, her father died. And that’s why bill showed up there. And what’s curious is that they go through the cycle and at the end of the film, Halina, the daughter, the maiden, you actually see are being taken away by the old men from Ziegler’s party that we talked about in part one, which is quite disturbing, right. And there are theories out there that the whole movie Alice is grooming Halina to take part in this and that, and while we’re talking about all this for is because if they are presenting Dr. Bill with admittance into the secret society, then maybe this is in fact part of the grooming process for his daughter. Now, here, we start at three. The next team, Dr. Bill, he was like, Whoa, that was crazy. He’s back at his boring old apartment. And he looks into his daughter sleeping. And what’s curious is you’ll see a painting behind her on the wall and it and it clearly has the word the letters sex on that. Again, I’ve got that in qubix go check it out. And he makes his way to his bedroom. Alice’s sleeping. But she’s sort of like talking in her sleep. She’s laughing she’s laughing in her sleep. She’s still laughing. triflin triflin, she’s laughing at the whole thing about how she was going to sleep with the Navy officer. At this point, we confirm that it is now after 4am in the morning. Therefore, the orgy must have happened at 3am. The witching hour, because Nick Nightingale said he had to show up there at 2am remember? So, Bill wakes her up, because she’s laughing. And she reveals that she was actually having a nightmare. And in some ways, she sort of rekindles the bond of the husband and wife here. She’s vulnerable. She’s sad. Quite the opposite of, you know, the sexual fantasies of banging strange sailors and abandoning the husband and the kids. Sometimes it be like that though. Sometimes women are like that, right? They’re human beings. They’re just like men. Turns out, they can have fantasies. They can think about and say, you know, like, maybe maybe some strange is worth throwing all of this away. But the truth is, it’s not worth it, my friend. It’s not worth it. And that’s sort of the realization she comes to in this movie.
Sorry Sorry I woke you up but I
thought you’re having a nightmare
What time is
left for
teachers just count
took longer longer than I thought I speak
so exhausted
you’re dreaming
it’s just
weird things are
so weird to me.
We were
We were in a deserted city and and our close regard
we are naked and
I was terrified
but I felt ashamed
and I was angry because I thought it was your fault. We you you rushed away to go find find clothes for us. She were gone. It was completely different.
I felt wonderful.
And I was lying. In a beautiful garden, stretched out naked in the sunlight.
And a man walked out of the woods. He was he was the man from the hotel. The one I told you
the maple
he he stared at me.
He just laughed.
He just laughed at me.
That’s not the end. Is it?
Why don’t you tell me the rest of it.
only a dream.
He was kissing me. Making love. And there were all these other people around us. Hundreds of them everywhere. every fucking
was fucking other men
see me
in the basement.
I want to make fun of you
to laugh in your face.
That must have been when you walk.
Isaac Weishaupt 36:26
So it seems the dream she had was kind of a premonition in the sense that she saw her husband Bill naked, which is what red cloak wanted at the party. But it’s also kind of like the Garden of Eden. They both they both needed their clothes. They were naked. She’s I mean, she even says they were in a beautiful garden. And a man walks out of the woods, and he was the naval officer. Here we go. And this guy again. Geez. And the Navy officer laughs at Alice. Is he the spirit? Is he the the serpent, right? Bill wants to know the rest. And she says no, it’s too awful. And he says, but it’s only a dream. Now we’re called the fritz spring Meyer claim. When we talked about going over the rainbow. I’ll reread you the passage. parts of it said some alters live over the rainbow and some do not both types will use the term over the rainbow with different meanings. For those who live over the rainbow. They serve their masters in such a deep hypnotic trance that they perceive reality like it’s a dream. So Dr. Bell chose over the rainbow for the fashions Could it be is being placed into a deep hypnotic trance and he says it’s only a dream, because that’s what it feels like because that’s his reality. And then she tells him tells him about them making love through you know, old Mary Jane rotten crosstourer pretty pink panties. That’s Full Metal Jacket reference. Okay, don’t think I’m trying to be gross here. That’s Full Metal Jacket. Because Full Metal Jacket is in the movie too. By the way, when Bill shows up at his house, at the end, you’ll see a stack of movies and on the top Full Metal Jacket. Because Full Metal Jacket, much like other Kubrick’s other movies is all about sex and death again. Anyways, Allah says they were in the orgy. Which again, it’s like a premonition she knew because that’s where bill actually was. She knew he was there. She’s the all knowing Sophia. And the comparisons I mean, there’s so much she she has a dream, but she doesn’t want to pursue it. He tries to pursue and that’s kind of he really would have done this but she because he was actually because if you were calling Dr. Bill, he was out on the prowl, he was gonna do this thing. Which was strange, because like, she was being honest. But she never did the thing. But he was like, pissed off. He’s like, well, I’m gonna do the thing. But in the dream, she’s laughing at him. And she doesn’t even know why. I mean, could it be Could it be toxic masculinity? Could it be that she subconsciously wants him to be the alpha bro? She feels bad because that’s kind of not his character. He kind of like a goofball. The whole movie doesn’t really know what he’s doing. He’s getting punked again pushed around. He wants to be a bad boy, but he can’t. She just bored. Lots of weird things going on in that in that scene. But the next day moving along the next day. The next morning Dr. Bill gets up and he decided to revisit everywhere he went the night prior. This is like Christmas carol again another Christmas reference. He goes to the Sonata cafe. He goes to the rainbow fashions. He goes all the places and he has a cafe across the street from the sanada Cafe. And he’s like, well, one is not a cafe open, and they say about two or three. And again, you’ve got the inversion, it’s Oh, the sock cafe opens at 3pm and closes at 3am curious times, right? Curious with the, you know, when you take the biblical narrative of Christ, and then the evil witching hour, but bill, he goes to the hotel where Nick is staying, because he’s gonna see if he can get hold of Nick. And he talks to the front desk guy. And the front desk guide tells him that Nick was escorted by two large men quote, if you know what I mean. And he puts his hands in a particular manner to indicate the length of a man’s phallus. Now, some claim that there’s this hotel front desk guy is the the gay dude dancing at the party. The only gay couple in that whole orgy house and this is one of the guys. That’s also very curious, right? So anyways, Dr. Bell, he goes back to rainbow fashions going to take the costume back, but he lost the mask. while he’s there, he sees the same two Japanese men leaving after they’d visited Millie’s daughter again. The league this time offers the daughter up to Dr. Bill. So like he’s still being sort of like chased around by these sexual ideas. And he gets back into his office he’s still obsessing over L Ron Hubbard trying to bang your wife and we see tons of artwork in his office. And you’ll notice there’s lots of artwork and is in his what he called the penthouse the apartment that they live in. It’s got so much art the and there’s no there’s no illuminate confirm there, but there is a artwork in his office that appears to be him naked. If you look like it’s in the Cooper scope book, if I’m not mistaken, you’ll see. There’s like a naked Tom Cruise up there. So you’ve got this in earlier we saw Mandy in Ziegler’s bathroom naked on the couch, on the painting and in reality so Billy, he’s he’s bugging out. He drives all the way back to Somerton goes to the gate. And a butler meets him hands him an envelope and basically tells him like, Look, we know you are this is your final warning. Scram now tramp, say. And Bill, he’s he he leaves, goes back home. He’s staring at Alice while she’s being very motherly, teaching Elena some math problems. And the math problems are ironically about two men with different amounts of money, which is again the storyline here of the wealth and the even wealthier. And in his head, he’s replaying Alice’s orgy story of her making sexy time with so many other men. We got a little bit of like a, you know, Madonna whore complex going on here, right in front of you, where she’s being motherly. But like in his head, he’s like, but she’s like, once these, these fantasies of being, you know, whorish there I say. Now, he visits, he leaves again, because he can’t handle any of this. And he goes to visit the prostitute Domino. And he, he does a bit of a pause when he enters into the building, like not sure which door he has to take, if you notice, if you watch it, he kind of goes in the building and there’s only two doors and there’s one on the left and one on the right. And he pauses like he’s not sure. Why does he do this? It was done on purpose. Is he just mentally foggy all the time? It’s just like, how he couldn’t find his wallet like he’s just a total goofball. He doesn’t remember the door he went in from last night. Or Is this normal? I mean, Tom Cruise is the second greatest actor of all time. But he gets in there so he finds the doors on the left by the way, the left hand path curious. But the the woman who answers the Sally, she’s another redhead woman, all these redhead women in the whole movie. She’s dominoes friend. And she invites billon. And he is very interested in coming in. And so she quite frankly. And they’re in there and he tries on buttoning or sure she’s into it, but then she drops a bomb on them that Domino has the HIV. Now this is interesting because up until now, Dr. Bill has been lacking Confidence. And he’s been kind of unsure if he really wants to cheat on his wife. But in this scene, there’s no doubt that he’s ready to do it. He’s 100% positive, HIV positive. But But now his confidence is shaken. Because this is the first time you seem really making the moves. He’s unbuttoning your shirt. What his confidence is now shaking because he’s like, Oh, damn, I almost died. I was if I would add sexual dominance, she’s got the HIV. And he’s shaking Now. Now. He’s now he’s sort of backing down and going back to his domesticated ways. He’s, maybe I should just, you know, do this domesticated life. Maybe this isn’t for me. And was curious is that and I’ll put this image on the Instagram ad as it was on login subscribe, link in the show notes in the background when he’s sitting at the table when she’s dropping the news on them. Behind him. There’s a lady shaped fruit art on the wall. Because again, Eyes Wide Shut is all about sex, sex and death and the secret society. So Dr. Billy’s back on the streets, he’s back on the prowl. This time, he noticed is a bald man who looks just like Alister Crawley, you know, following him around. Now, what’s curious is that in my book qubix code I suggested this was Leon Vitaly and he actually walks underneath a sign that says Vitaly real estate while on the road. But IMDb claims This is an actor named Phil Davies. Now Fun fact, Alister Crawley was from the same town as Leon Vitaly royal Leamington Spa England, which I found also very curious. Now, Bill, he’s, let’s see, so he’s trying to shake the house to curly tail here. And he ducks into a coffee shop. To get some coffee, how will he ever go to sleep with all that coffee? But he’s written a newspaper and it says, lucky to be alive on the front page. And if you pause the screen, you can see the comments about the dead woman, Amanda keuren. Who is Mandy, the woman the prostitute, who was in Ziegler’s bathroom at the beginning of the film. And on the newspaper, if you zoom in, you can read as I did in qubix code. Zoom in you can see that it says she had important friends in fashion and entertainment. And she did private, seductive performances. And she dated a guy named Leon Valley. Who as you know, red cloak is Leon Vitaly. So could it be the red cloak was dating Mandy? So he goes to the morgue, because he’s like freaking out now. To go see, Amanda keuren, aka Mandy, aka the woman has saved him at the party at the orgy. And he goes into the room CRM 114 which is fun fact By the way, the medication that Alex takes in a clockwork orange and he goes into the morgue, they pulled body out the unzip it. And he gets real close. I mean, he damn near kisses her which is very odd. So he faces death when dominos roommate tells him that Oh, you almost got HIV. And then he literally comes face to face with death here when he looks at Mandy’s body. Now this is important because if you recall, Dr. Bill was peeking towards the forces of sex when he visited Domino, started being her friend excuse me, Sally. He almost was ready to do it. But then got the taste of death from the HIV scare. Then he sees Mandy death, the fear of shame, the fear of death is shaking his foundation and he wants to go back to being domestic. He’s like, maybe this ain’t the life for me either. Next thing he knows Ziegler summons Dr. Bill and he shows up there in Ziegler’s, poolroom. And Ziegler basically reveals he says, look, Bill, I know you were at that orgy house. And now he’s trying to actually like brainwash little MK Ultra brainwashing to change Bill’s mind of what he actually witnessed. He tried to Gaslight my man, Tom Cruise, and Ziegler he shaming bill oh my god like a father figure. Bills hanging his head. Because again, this isn’t the confident Tom Cruise we all know and love. This is like the doctor, Dr. Bill cockle. Harford. And Ziegler can He’s like, Look, I saw you with Nick. We had you tailed by a guy that looks like Alistair Crowley. And that, we saw that you went to look for Nick at the hotel and all this stuff. I want to play a clip and this one’s a long clip. So hang in there. It’s a lot. It’s a dialogue, which was very important in the scheme of things. Because this scene, this scene took over three weeks to film over 200 takes for one scene. So take a listen, and then we’ll come back and we’ll break it all down. Listen,
The reason I asked you to come over is I I I need to talk to you about something. Sure. It’s a little bit awkward. And I have to be completely Frank.
What kind of problem you’re having?
It isn’t a medical problem. Actually. It concerns you. Bill. I know what happened last night. And I know what’s been going on since then. And I think you just might have the wrong idea but one or two things
I’m sorry, Victor. I
What in the hell are you talking?
Please, Bill?
No games.
I was there
at the house. I saw everything that went on. What the hell did you think you were doing? I couldn’t I couldn’t even begin to imagine how you
how you even heard about it, let alone got yourself through the door. And I remembered seeing you with that that piano player Nick. Whatever the fuck his name was at my party. And it didn’t take much to figure out the rest
wasn’t next for
you. It was mine.
Of course it was next fault. If he had mentioned it to you in the first place. None of this would have happened. I recommended that little cocksucker to those people and he’s made me look like a complete asshole.
What can I say? That
I had
no idea you were involved in any way.
I know you didn’t feel but I also know that you you went to Nick’s hotel this morning and talk to the desk clerk.
Have you know that?
Because I had You followed
me follow up.
Okay, okay. I’m sorry. All right. I owe you an apology. This was for your own good, believe me. Now look, I know what the desk clerk told you. But what he didn’t tell is all they did was put Nick on a plane to Seattle. By now he’s he’s probably back with his family, you know, bang and Mrs. Nick.
The clerk said he had a bruise in his face.
Okay. He had a bruise on his face. That’s a hell of a lot less than he deserves.
Listen, Bill, I don’t think you realize what kind of trouble you were in last night. Who do you think those people were? Those were not just ordinary people there. If I told you their names, I’m not going to tell you their names. But if I did, I don’t think you’d sleep so well.
Was it the second password?
That would give me way
Yes, finally. But not because you didn’t know it. Because there was no second password.
Of course, it didn’t help a whole lot that those people arrive in limos and you showed up in a taxi or that when they took your coat they found the receipt from the rental house in your pocket made out to you know who
there was a
there was a
there was a a woman there who
tried to warn me I know
Do you know who she was
she was
she was a hooker sorry, but that’s what she was a hooker Bell suppose I told you that. That everything that happened to you there the threats the girls warnings are last minute intervention. Suppose I said that.
All of that
was staged that it was a kind of charade that it was fake.
Yes. Fake think.
Why would they do that? Why?
In plain words, to scare the living shit out of you. To keep you quiet about where you’d been and what you’d seen.
Have you seen this?
Yes, I have.
I saw her body in the morgue.
was she?
Was she the woman at the party?
She was.
the woman lying dead in the morgue.
was the woman at the party?
Victor, maybe I’m
missing something here.
You call it a fake charade?
Do you mind telling me what kind of fucking charade ends with somebody turning up dead?
Okay, but let’s let’s, let’s, let’s Cut the bullshit. All right. You’ve been way out of your depth for the last 24 hours. You want to know what kind of a charade I’ll tell you exactly what kind of whole play acted take me phony sacrifice that you’ve been jerking yourself off with had absolutely nothing to do with her real death. Nothing happened to her after you left that party that hadn’t happened to her before. She got her brains fucked out. Period. When they took her home, she was she was just fine. And the rest of it is right there in the paper. She was a junkie she odede there was nothing suspicious her door was locked from the inside the police are happy end of the story. Come on. It was always going to be just a matter of time with her. Remember, you told her so yourself? You remember that? The one with the great Tetsuo deed in my bathroom.
This bill
nobody killed anybody. someone died. It happens all the time. But life goes on. It always does. Until it doesn’t. But you know that, don’t you?
Isaac Weishaupt 1:02:51
So Ziegler he’s gaslighting build, trying to tell him nothing was as bad as he thought it was, again, Ziegler. He’s like another source of all knowing. And they’re talking about the elites. And he’s like, I can’t tell you the names. But if I did, you wouldn’t sleep at night. And then he says, you know, suppose I told you that this was all stage. It was kind of a charade. It was fake. which supports the idea that this was a ritual and an initiation into the secret society. They want to see if Dr. Bill and keep his mouth shut the vow of silence. Was it a ritual was it fake, a ritual for who all these questions left unanswered. Ziegler says it was all to scare the crap out of bill to keep him quiet about where he’d been and what he’d seen. Then bill, he pulls out the newspaper of the dead woman. Amanda, Karen, aka Mandy, the woman is eager claimed was, quote, just a hooker. He says, Look, this was the woman at the party who was you know, staged to die from an overdose supposedly, and Ziegler confirms it. Now bill knows that Amanda Karen, the dead woman at the morgue, was the woman at the party. But he asked why why a fake charade? And you would end up with a woman being actually dead. And Ziegler says all it’s fake news. But, you know, Ziegler, he was gaslighting bill this whole time. How can we believe him? And Ziegler says, life goes on until it doesn’t know how curious is that? And Ziegler he says something. He says that this woman is in fact Mandy, the woman who Oh deed in the bathroom that he held to the beginning so we’ve confirmed that we know that now. So they’re all connected. And Bill, he’s all messed up. He goes home after this brush with death is final warning. This is the third attempt to silence and by the way, the first time happened The orgy house when red cloak given the vowel silence second time when he revisited the orgy house, the gates of summer 10 in the butler game the letter. Now Ziegler himself given him the third and final, you better keep your mouth shut. So Bill, he’s a show he goes home, it’s nighttime again. Bob’s a beer. He resolves to living the married life. He’s like, you know what, this is too crazy. I’m just gonna settle down. But then he goes to the bedroom, and much to his shock to his heart, that party mask that he lost. It’s right there. It’s on his pillow right next to Alice. And he breaks down. He wakes out. So he breaks down he like, I’ll tell you everything. And it’s presumed that he does. They’re both very emotional the next morning. And the next shot that we see and this is the final scene of the movie. They’re taking their daughter Halina Christmas shopping. And they make a big to do about baby carriages and babies, which you know, could be a narrative on families, but also Halina transitioning from the maid into the mother in the triple goddess as she was groomed and prepared to do by her mother Alice. We also see the magic circle game all over the place with pentagram stars everywhere. And that magic circle was in fact at the orgy house. With the 11 magical concerts, shout out William Ramsay. He did a What was it called? There was a documentary did many years ago that I watched. What we see we see bears everywhere stuffed bears. And this is symbolic of child abuse, which is what we talked about in Kubrick’s code with the shining. So you’ve got the babies, you got the magic circle, and you got the Peto bears. And then to make things even worse, Bill and Alice they’re talking and Halina, the daughter. She goes off with the two old men from Ziegler’s party, plain as day hidden in plain sight. I got the images in coober. Scott, if you don’t believe me, there’s no it’s very clear that they’re walking and she sort of follows them. She gives one last look to mom and dad. And then she’s like, Okay, I’m going off of these do. And that’s it, then she’s gone. And then they have one last chat old bill and Alice and Bill asks, what should they do?
mean maybe I
I think we should be grateful grateful that we’ve managed to survive through all of our
whether they were real
or only a dream
right here
Are you sure.
Am I sure?
only assures I am that the reality of one night. That alarm at a whole lifetime can ever be the ultras.
And no dream is ever
just a dream.
Important thing is
we’re awake now. And hopefully
for a long time to come
further All right.
let’s not use that word. It frightens me. But I do love you.
And you know
there is something very important that we need to do as soon as possible.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:10:49
Now again, Bill he asked Sophia the goddess of wisdom, what should we do? Because she’s one of the brains here remember nallah says look, we’re just going to be grateful that these were all just dreams. And bill says no dream is ever just a dream. Again, reference the fritz spring Meyer talk about the rainbow and the victim thinking everything’s just a dream. Analysis, it’s important that they are awake now. Their eyes are open to the wisdom Could it be that bill was given the initiation ritual and now his eyes are open to the wisdom of the secret society? analysis she’s scared of the word forever. And that long term commitment is scary, but she loves him there’s one thing they need to do ASAP that’s make love make the sweet love make the sexy time. And isn’t this very much married life here? They got to schedule out the sex because you know what love is the highest power and unlike bill analysis fantasy shown throughout the whole film, it comes down to staying together and scheduling sex. Isn’t that wonderful? But yeah, that’s kind of how the film ends. The last part of the film right there. It’s all about sex. So let’s wrap it all up. Let’s get my final hot take on this all the whole movies got the symbolism of the Illuminati, occult right, you got the wisdom of Sophia, you got the sex you got the death and let’s break it down a little bit more. We got the triple goddess, the triple Goddess of the wisdom the Sophia, grooming Halina to take over the mother role from the maiden role. The Wisdom the eye, the Wisdom is represented by the all seeing eye right. That’s why you always see the the eye on everything. And we have multiple references in the film to the eyes besides the obvious. The title of the film is Eyes Wide Shut. But at the beginning, Dr. Bill’s talking to the the hot girls and she said you know he said oh you had something in your eye and he you know helped her open her eyes. Then bill asks Mandy in the bathroom of Ziegler’s party says Let me see you open your eyes. Then Ziegler the all knowing Sophia himself or wisdom, he says I saw everything. And then at the end Alice says they’re awake now. Their eyes have been opened. Then you’ve got all the sex references. Everyone’s trying to bang everyone sand or tries to sleep with Alice Nuala and gala try to sleep with Bill Alice tries to sleep with L Ron Hubbard. Marian. She tries to sleep with Bill Domino tries to sleep with Bill maleek 14 year old daughter drives Lee with Bill and then later maleek wants bill to sleep with his daughter the orgy woman as bill to go somewhere private Domino’s friends Sally tries to sleep with Bill there was trying to sleep with everyone here. Of course, you know. Yeah, I covered them all. Now, the next topic is death. The confrontation with death, Mandy, I know she’s dead. Right. Domino, she’s got the HIV. This is back in the 90s when it was, you know, not so good. Ziegler. He says life goes on until it doesn’t he threatens bill with death. Why is this movie all about sex and death? Because that’s the inner, the inner secrets of these mystery school teachings. Why the skulls of Freemasonry are out there. In the reflection chamber, they’ve got the skulls the skull and bones of Yale, which you saw in the movie quite literally. It’s all about death. And sex is a technique for manipulating the universe through energy. Magic, like the magic circle you see in the final scene. Magic is the technique to manipulate The energies, sex magic, obviously being a part of that. And the sex magic, this goes way back, it goes back to the hermetics and the Gnostic traditions from the first century. And it’s all about the male and female sexual union to describe the the mystery of this spiritual union. I got some notes here from my little, my little occult encyclopedia that I got. And they talked about how the Gnostic gospel will fill up talks of the return of the soul to heaven as a spiritual wedding. They call the mystery of the bridal chamber. And the Gnostics believe, remember we talked about the Gnostics and the CDs, the the perfected pairs that God created the male and female concerts? Well, the Christians, you know, they label these Gnostics as heretics. And so when they when they kick the Gnostics out, so where they went all the sexy time talk, they thought that the the early Christians talk to the sex and the orgies. This was all black magic Voodoo stuff, right? When in reality, it started out as a metaphor for the actual experience of God, the male and the female essence is combining. I mean, God said He created us in His image, male and female. And the sex is for creation, right? You’re actually putting a soul into the material body is that not magical to create? So the sex magic as a form of energy manipulation, and creation was something that they’ve been interested in for hundreds of years. And it wasn’t until the 19th century when they started deriving formulas. A rosicrucian named Pascal Rand off, went over to the Middle East and claims that some Sufi told him about the arts of magic, alchemy and sex magic. And he influenced others to understand that sexual freedom would usher in the new social millennium, the regeneration of the world into a non repressive civilization, which is exactly what jack Parsons and Alastair Crawley always were talking about. They said that Christianity was stifling progress. Christianity is the main culprit holding back a positive change in the world. So the Oto, the magical order, right. They formalized some of the sex magic and tantric practices from India and the founder Theodore rousse. He said that Tantra was the most ancient religious system in the world. And he referenced Shiva and Shakti, the embodying the embodiment of the male and female genitalia, the Lingam and the Yoni. Again, we’re just talking about duality stuff here, right. But he also subscribed to the idea that sex could change the world as well. So all these occult is believing this. They call it the mystical marriage to God. And as a result of that, one could effectively remove the organized religion the priest out of the equation, and one could make contact with God in their own right. That’ll along comes Alistair Crowley, and he blew everyone’s mind. Because Theodore Royce and others, they were still a little shy about the sex. But Crowley was like, Nah, bro, we’re doing all of it. We’re doing the home old days, we’re doing a beast reality things. We’re doing all the things because it’s all about manipulating energy. And then after him kind of grant, he was using sex magic energy to enter the mob zone. He took a much further down the left hand path of Tantra. He viewed it the same as the Imperial event. I wrote a great book called The Dark Lord talking about all this. But he talked about how HP Lovecraft described the the orgy rituals in the swamps of New Orleans that summoned Cthulhu. And Kenneth grant was trying to explore the dark side of the capitalistic tree of life and then Tantra as the method to contact entities. But that’s where things really launched off because croley he influenced jack Parsons, because jack Parsons was trying to make contact with the horror of Babylon the goddess energies through the rituals that Crowley provided them and again, jack Parsons, who wrote a book called The Antichrist and said he was the Antichrist again, He was like, I gotta take Christianity down because they’re stifling all the sex magic energy progress we could be making. So, jack Parsons is out there in the desert trying to bring about incarnate the horror of Babylon. It was never fully realized. And of course, you know, he did this ritual with a guy named L. Ron Hubbard, who would later invent the Church of Scientology, and that’s where Tom Cruise comes into play as a member of the Church of Scientology. Because Tom Cruise, he’s, of course, playing Dr. Bill, who’s basically doing an extended tantric practice in the movie, he’s getting closer and closer to having sex. He gets really close when he goes to visit dominoes place and he almost does actually time with a roommate. But he still doesn’t get it done. He still doesn’t released. He’s ready to bust. His Kuhn aleni energy is gaining momentum until the very end, when Alice the true concert, the true Sophia of wisdom says there’s one thing left to do. That’s to do the F word. Now, Bill’s journey is all about balancing sex and death. That’s what he’s doing the whole movie is the duality elements we spoke of in the analysis. When Parsons was channeling the Babylon, he was channeling the Sophia from Gnosticism. And Sophia, she was the concert of chaos, and she’s the one that created our world. With this dual nature of the sun and the moon, the Shiva the Shakti, the Shamash and the Ishtar, which we saw playing a role in the film and the eight pointed star vistar. It’s the whole masculine versus feminine. It’s the alchemical wedding. And Kubrick knew this. And now, so do you. Alright, hope you enjoyed that. That was, that was a deep dive into the movie. And what I want you to do, if you want to support the show, you can become a supporter, you can get all kinds of bonus content, because I’m going to go deeper and deeper and Eyes Wide Shut. We’re going to talk about dream novella. I got a whole bunch of notes from the book. That was the that was the book that Kubrick read in the 60s. And that inspired him he wanted to do this movie since the 60s. Okay, we’re gonna go through that. And then we’re gonna go through a book that goes through every little detail of how eyes wide show was created. But these are only going to be available as bonus episodes for supporters. And you know, there’s three places to support and I don’t care which one you do. Each has its own flavor patreon.com backslash Illuminati watcher, or Illuminati watch calm and the VIP section, or rockfon.com slash creator slash Isaac links for all three in the show notes. If you want to compare the three services and see which one you like the most. Go to Illuminati watch calm and click on the tabs as VIP and at the bottom you’ll see a comparison chart because each has their own little ups and downs. But all three you’re going to get the bonus episodes of conspiracy theories not popular culture. So go check it out links in the show notes. Thanks for listening. Until next time, stay woke
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