On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we take one last look at a connection between Kubrick’s EYES WIDE SHUT and an Edgar Allen Poe tale that was made into a film in 1964 called THE MASQUE OF RED DEATH! This film stars Vincent Price and it doesn’t disappoint. Learn about these strange “coincidences” that suggest Kubrick based EYES WIDE SHUT off this story: rose symbolism, Red Cloak version 1.0, masquerade balls of satanic elites with theatrical sacrifice, A Clockwork Orange, Freemason symbolism and the inspiration for the Rainbow Fashions! It’s wild but when we’re done you’ll wonder if Kubrick wasn’t remaking this Edgar Allen Poe story!
Today we’ll also be joined by Cheryl for the Tier 4 Conspiracy Considerations! She’s been HOLDING DOWN the show with SO MUCH SUPPORT! She’ll share her journey with us, talk about some quantum entanglement and let us know about her podcast that you gotta check out called “Pieces of a Broken Childhood.”
- I’ve studied Stanley Kubrick’s films (most particularly Eyes Wide Shut) for many years- including the KUBRICK’S CODE book that covers 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Shining, A Clockwork Orange and Eyes Wide Shut. I’ve compiled a guide index of links to every show and book I’ve completed on the topic so see what’s at the end of the rainbow at: “Eyes Wide Shut: Decoding Hidden Symbolism of Stanley Kubrick- Episode Index” https://illuminatiwatcher.com/eyes-wide-shut-decoding-hidden-symbolism-of-stanley-kubrick-episode-index/
- Follow Tier 4’s special guest Cheryl’s Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/laserthischeryl/
- You can also check out her podcast “Pieces of a Broken Childhood” on Apple, Stitcher, Anchor or anywhere else you listen! Links to Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pieces-of-a-broken-childhood/id1460394195
- Link to Cheryl’s show on Anchor: https://anchor.fm/tweety-ischeryl69/support
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
The Masque of Red Death
Isaac Weishaupt
So difficult ceremony fails to die. Oh, sorry one more right. And I will be giving away your so yes, gladly in essence will be gone and I will have a mortality.
Isaac Weishaupt 00:52
You’re listening to conspiracy theories and on popular culture I am your host, Isaac Weishaupt. Today we’re going to do the final deep dive Eyes Wide Shut. Part Six. You didn’t see this common digit. I didn’t tell you about it. Because it was a surprise. This is Eyes Wide Shut deep dive six, the mask of Red Death. Now what this is, my friend is a film analysis but I had to dupe you. Alright. It’s a film called The mask of Red Death from 1964. But I had to dupe you into clicking on it to listen with the Eyes Wide Shut, title. Now why did I do that? Well, nobody’s nobody likes British Gothic or called horror anymore. So I had to get your attention. Because what I’m going to reveal to you is this film from the 60s I believe inspired eyes. Watch up. Prove me wrong. Prove me wrong. And by the time we get done with this, you also my friend will agree with me. Now, could I be wrong? Yeah, sure, why not? But there’s a lot of strange elements that seem very similar. But if you’ve never seen it, Fret not. I will go through the whole film with you. Thus, plot spoilers. You’ve been warned. I mean, you’ve had 60 years to watch it. And you haven’t yet so just join along with me. As always, is it worth it is it’s an hour and a half. It’s an hour in fact, it’s an hour and 30 minutes and five seconds. Perfection. Beautiful. Yeah, if you like those old like hammer horror films, the 60s occult gothic horror vibes. If you feel the vibe, then yes, you would love this. I mean, the sets are nuts. I mean, they got like the candelabras. And this wild like castle decor is great. And the tale is based upon Edgar Allan Poe’s story of the same name. And if you’re an uncultured fellow like me, then you don’t know anything about the story about the book, which I did not I had no idea until I was doing a little research on the film after I’d watched it. Because I did not I’ve never read Shakespeare No, never, never read out. Edgar Allan Poe, in high school didn’t do those things. Because I was going to be a car mechanic. The lavish lifestyles of a car mechanic is what I wanted. And that’s what I pursued. And when I found out, I couldn’t make enough money being a car mechanic. And turns out I’m a little more lazy than a car mechanic needs to be as I’m gonna join the military. And then when I was like, this sucks to I finally broke down. I went to college, but when I went to college, it was for electronic engineering. And we didn’t have time for this nonsensical art works of art works in the classical literature, right. So to this day, I’ve never read Shakespeare or Poe reading about this makes me want to read Edgar Allan Poe though. I’ve been to his house. I went to his house. Yes. went to his house in Philly. He’s got a big old you know, they restored museum he lives in Philly moved around a bunch and one of the houses is still up there. If I remember I will post a image on the Instagram that’s pretty cool. Pretty cool. But you know Philly is a pretty cool place. Shout out all my Philly folks. Now about the film who’s in it. Vincent Price maybe you’ve heard Have them Vincent Price plays Prince Prospero which, from what I read is also the name of a Shakespeare character Prospero in the tempest. But yeah, he’s the the main character. He’s He’s the bad guy. He’s the elitist running the castle, King of the castle Kingdom castle. There you go. I there’s a drinking game when you listen to my show for every time I make a bowl rat reference, you have to drink because I’m a simple simple man. And Bora is my kind of movie. I got no time for Shakespeare. But I got lots of time for bowl rat, then, yeah, that’s kind of the main character. And that’s all you really need to know. Get ready, let’s do it. Plot spoiler coming up your way. Again, I’m gonna have some photos to support a lot of these things. And surely you need to see them because you’ve never seen the movie. And I will put those images on the Instagram ad as it was describing the shownotes as always, the film starts out in some nightmarish landscape. And we see a character in a red cloak posted up on a tree. And he’s got this white rose. And there’s this old lady and he’s like, hey, let me holla at you. She comes over, he waves his hand and makes this white rose turn red, blood blood red. And he’s like, take us to your village tells him the day of reckoning is coming. Now why does this matter? Well, it matters.
Isaac Weishaupt 06:36
in Kubrick’s world, the white rose appears in dream novella. Now, I don’t know who you are listening, my dear listener, but Eyes Wide Shut, I did a two part film analysis on the free feed. And then we went deep, so deep on parts three, four and five, where we went through dream novella the book by Arthur Schnitzler, that Kubrick based the movie upon then we went through two more shows on the making of Eyes Wide Shut and all the details about how it was created. And by the time we got done with all that, you were convinced you said oh my god, Kubrick is illuminate confirm, or at least he is aware of the illuminate confirm. Because there were a lot of strange things going on. So many strange things. And one of them was in a dream novella, inch nibblers book. The White Rose appears in the book. When, when Alice’s character from the movie, the female, right, Nicole Kidman is character in the book. She is she she’s fighting with Frida Lin. That’s Dr. Bill is Tom Cruise’s character. And like she’s like, I want to I want to bang this military officer from Denmark. And then free to London is like, cool. I’m gonna bang this underage girl with a white rose. Oh my god. It’s so disturbing. What was going on in our culture? 50 years ago? Was it like acceptable to talk like this? Anyhow, in dream novella, the white rose appears as a symbol of purity. And now it’s in this movie, one of many connections that we will reveal as we go along. And of course, red cloak right from Eyes Wide Shut the film. red cloak is the guy with the gold mask and he calls out Dr. Bill at the orgy scene. But in the book and dream novella, it’s actually gonna white clover calls out Dr. Bill or Friedel in excuse me in the book, his name is Frieden. But they do mention a red cloak at the orgy. So take all that for what it’s worth. Now the story and that’s kind of like the first scene of the film then we get into the actual story. And we’re introduced to Prince Prospero that’s Vincent Price. And he pays a visit to this village where you see this clear distinction of the haves and the have nots. Again, a theme from Eyes Wide Shut. And the villagers there, they’re all dirty and poor. They’re like, Hey, we heard through the grapevine that the day of reckoning is coming you know cuz the red cloak guy with the White Rose was said, told that old lady that it’s common and they’re and they think they’re so foolish to think it’s the day of reckoning is against the prince because the prince is like a real Dick Right Prince Prospero and they’re like, hey, Prince. Funny you should show your face around here. The day of reckoning for you is coming. And he’s like, he’s like, Nah, bitch, you’re the bitch. And he starts arresting everybody. And there’s a couple of dudes that he arrests A woman named Francesca comes out she begged, she’s like please, Prince let them go let him go. And he Denizer He’s like, no, they’re coming with me. In fact, so are you any human trafficker or takes all three of them in and leaves the village. And what’s curious again, here’s another, your, your mind is gonna be blown with all these connections. These two guys, their names are Gino. That’s Francesca’s, Loverboy. And her father, Ludovico. Now, the astute listener, has already queued in on what’s going on here Ludovico from A Clockwork Orange, the Ludovico technique, that’s what they use on Alex. Alex Dillard, the main character of Clockwork Orange who gets basically MK Ultra, gets the Ludovico technique. Now, if you didn’t think that was weird enough, we’re introduced to another character in this film, who goes by the name of Alfredo. Alfredo is played by a guy named Patrick Magee who was in A Clockwork Orange. I can’t make this up boats Come on. He was also in Barry Lyndon. And just for fun, he was also in another great old timey, a cult ish horror film called asylum. Which if I recall, he was in a wheelchair in asylum. Just like he was in a wheelchair and A Clockwork Orange, because I assumed he was actually paralyzed in real life until I saw this film and I was like, Huh, he was just real good at playing a guy in a wheelchair, I guess. Fun fact, he died in the 1980s he was only 60 he died from drinking. He was there for a good time and not a long time. Anyhow, Alfredo, he’s eating this whole drama up. You know, this is like the Middle Ages. I should I should set the scene better. It’s like the middle ages to like, they got nothing better to do than watch people get executed. It’s all in good fun. I mean, there were about that action, you know, public executions and hangings. Like I’ll bring the kids out. Let’s go watch. This is death. So anyways, Prince Prospero and his buddy Alfredo. They’re in this village there. They’re snatching up people. They’re snatching up Gino and Ludovico and they’re even taking Geno’s girl got his girl, Francesca they all go back to the to the castle. And as they’re like getting ready to leave, they’re kind of like looking around and they they notice that some of the villagers have like red stuff all over their face. And they’re dying. And they call this virus the Red Death, which, according to the Edgar Allan Poe article I read. It was a fictional disease but it could have been based on tuberculosis doesn’t matter. But they see the Red Death is spreading in the village. So Prince Prospero is like, Alright, grab these folks. We out of here, back to the lab. And the lab here is a castle. And then and then he’s like, and also by the way, we’re about to burn his village to the ground on the way out. So they head out. They go to the castle. They lock up old was named Gus. Look through my notes or Gino? Sorry. They lock up Gino and Ludovico in the basement. And he takes Francesco and he and he gets her to Austin is big at bat as bathtub. It’s so sick. It’s as big as cool bathtub and as he’s standing there. chastising her as she gets cleaned up for him. He’s on the black and white top floor. Just like in Eyes Wide Shut when Dr. Bill and Alice go to Ziegler’s house party at the beginning. Again, I’ll have the images of all this stuff on the Instagram. Now, as she’s in the bathtub, Prince Prospero questions this jewelry she has she has a cross around her neck. He says Francesca Are you a true believer
that crush you were around your neck? Is it only a decoration? Or are you a true Christian believer?
Yes, I believe truly.
And I want you to remove it at once and never to wear it within this castle again.
Isaac Weishaupt 14:50
So we see there’s a religious element to this story. And he knows the power of the symbol. Combined with a true believer he commands this he removes it because he As we find out later is very satanic. And we also find out he’s about to do this massive psyop on her throughout the film, as he introduces her to the court, giving her all the finest trappings. Just like when Dr. Bill analysis or at the party Ziegler’s house, and she’s like, what, why are we doing here? We don’t really know anyone and he’s like, well, this is what you get for making house calls late at night. The, the, you know, Dr. Bill analysis, they’re like, Illuminati light. But Ziegler and the crew with the Somerton mansion at the orgy house, they’re like, Illuminati, full strength. They got all the money’s all the stuffs, doctor bills, just a rookie. He’s new money. And that same sentiment is echoed here. So Prospero Okay, so he goes out to the court, you know, and when I say the court I’m talking about basically just a big like ballroom, right? And there’s like, it’s like his entourage I guess. It’s just like, 100 people just hanging out of this castle. Everyone’s drinking having a good time. There’s Alfredo from Clockwork Orange. He’s a real psychopath. He’s, he’s been a dagger up against this woman’s neck for fun, or real crazy person. And Prospero, you know, he is or claps his hands. He’s like, Alright, bring out the dancers. And here comes a little person name hop toad. And what appears to be like a five year old girl named esmerelda. Okay. Now, this is a very curious element of the story. And I had to do some research on this. But hop Toad is not actually in pose book of the mask of the Red Death. He’s actually in a different Poe book called hop frog, which has kind of the same storyline. It’s like the director just did a twofer and jam this storyline into the mask of Red Death to make it more interesting. In the hop frog Poe book as Miranda, the girl that comes out with hop Toad is also a little person. But what’s very curious about all of this is that they hired a little person to play hop Toad, but not as Miranda. So in the movie, as Miranda is literally like a five year old girl, which is what I assumed it was watching the whole movie, but then I looked it up afterwards and was like, Okay, I guess it wasn’t supposed to be. Because what I’m about to play for you next is the part of much concern. Where Alfredo after he’s done. Buddha’s dagger in this chicks face. He comes around and watch this dance. And he gets mad creepy about esmerelda this this apparent five year old girl.
Did you find?
I’m sure you do. I’m sure you wonder about every female in my house. Everyone with the appearance of innocence should take great pleasure in corrupting, corrupting, instructing.
Isaac Weishaupt 18:49
Now, this is all very, very disturbing. You know, he’s like, Where did you find her on what a pretty tight Oh, she’s delightful. But most importantly, you hear this dialogue about corrupting the innocent. And Prospero he talks about how he’s not corrupting her. He’s instructing her. What does that mean? We don’t really find out. We don’t really find out. But it’s arguable that this is a big theme. This is they love turning out the gospel folks. The Christian folks they love it, there’s a certain energy attached to it. And Prospero who is a Satanist? As we will find out in this movie is about that action as well. So as Miranda and a little little Toad was the name. I like a little little Toad hop toad. They’re dancing. The girl actually kicks over drink Alfredo slaps her slap her like a man too. And, and now that now the dance is over. Prospero is like Alright, everybody, look. We’re gonna have this masquerade ball. We’re gonna work costumes. There’s the Red Death spreading outside of this castle. And he goes around and he tells everyone he says, and I want you all to act according to your nature and then commands each guest to act like a different animal. He’s like, you, you’re much like a pig. And then like, the guy’s like, you know, everyone’s drink and he’s like, oh, he starts acting like a pig. There you You’re like a worm. And then I guess there’s crawling around the floor like a worm, the grass, they’re all drunk and then carrying on like, this is the funniest thing they’ve ever seen in a whole life. Again, must be like old timey jokes. But the point here is that man is an animal. One of the commandments of the satanic doctrine. Man is just an animal. And we’ve already got a clue the Prospero is satanic. He hates the cross necklace that Francesca was wearing, so he makes her take it off, right? But Prospero he reveals to Francesca The Satanic doctrine of his entire family and bloodline,
Francesca my father imprisoned a friend of his in this room for three years. When he was released, he could never again bear to look at the sun or even a daffodil. How crew crew was simply a test to prove how easily a man’s mind can be controlled and twisted. My family have always been interested in such things. Somewhere in the human mind, my dear friend, Jessica is the key to our existence. My ancestors tried to find, to open the door that separates us from our Creator.
You need no doors to find God, if you believe
if you believe my dear Francesca, you are God. Can you look around this world and believe in the goodness of a God who rules it? famine, pestilence, war, disease and death?
They rule this world. There is also love and life and hope very little hope, I assure you know, if a God of love and life ever did exist, is long since dead. Someone some thing ruled in his place.
Isaac Weishaupt 22:41
But here’s how he says that they did the psyops to teach these initiates lessons. lessons that mankind can be controlled and twisted. God can be found in the mind just needs unlocked. Not through these gullible Christian beliefs. psyops to teach the initiates lessons. What does that sound familiar? My goodness? Sounds like Eyes Wide Shut sounds like when Dr. Bill was initiated to see the sacrifice of the goddess. And I don’t know if you recall, I did a video back in January 2018. Video banned everywhere. If I can find it. I’ll put it on rockfon that seems to be the only place I can put videos now. Dave Chappelle did a show on Netflix called the bird revelation and I believe it was part two. Anyway, at the end of the show, he’s like, I bet you wonder why I went to South Africa. He says I’m gonna tell you why through an analogy and the analogy was from iceberg Slim’s book pimp. And in the book, the pimp as a prostitute, she’s mentally breaking, she’s exhausted. She’s like, I’m out of here. I’m done with us. But it needs to keep her to keep tricking. So he makes her think she accidentally killed a guy so that she stays loyal. He makes he puts on this whole theatrical thing to make her believe a lie so that he can keep using her. And that’s kind of what we see here. And that’s kind of what we see in eyes wide shot. And so Prospero he’s giving Francesca the tour of the house, the castle and you see different colored rooms, which is the theme in this and they get to a black room but he warns her not to enter he says the uninvited have much to fear from this room. We’ll come back to that a minute the rooms. Meanwhile, his other miss his other mistress wifey? I guess she’s like the real wife. She says, Hey, Prospero look like she sees the threat of this younger girl. She’s like, Look, I’m ready for the rights and incantations but we still don’t really know what that means. As soon as behind the black door and later on, when Francesca is sleeping, she hears Prospero reciting some Latin, but she’s not sure what he’s saying. So she sneaks around, she goes down in the basement. And the next thing you know, we see Prospero lying in a coffin. What does that sound familiar? Well, the Yale Skull and Bones do the same thing. They hold the initiation rituals and the coffins to contemplate death, the death of the initial initiate to the rebirth, which again, Eyes Wide Shut, because if you recall, in the film, Dr. Bill is walking down the street, and all them guys are wearing the yell stuff. And they basically call him gay and they shoved him they bully him, which was in the book, but in the book, it wasn’t Yale it was I don’t know some other school. If you listen to my deep dive part three on the bonus supporter feeds you know. So there’s just yet another example that was curious here is that Prospero he’s trying to slowly initiate Francesca into this lifestyle. And he has this Falcon and he drives a teacher lesson with this Falcon.
You know how Falcon is trained, my dear. Her eyes are sung shut, blinded temporarily she suffers the winds of her God patiently until her will is submerged and she learns to say
that sure, God taught me blind the Jew with cross. You had me take off my cross because the defendant bended no one
my master and his followers look about with overnight No, it simply appeared to me to be discourteous to to wear the symbol of a deity long day.
You must save a
lot of fly colony.
Isaac Weishaupt 27:16
Now curious is that he tells her the Falcons are taught to obey. When they put on the blindfold, this is very Masonic, this is the hoodwink. This is what you saw ritualistically when pink performed at the VMAs, many years ago, this is what you see the initiation rituals show you of the Freemasons when they wear the mask over the eyes. And then he quite literally tells her look, I worship Satan. So the Red Death is spreading out in the villages and killing off poor people. It’s scaring the Royals. And they’re all scrambling to the castle. And one Prince shows up at the castle and even offers up his wife to be allowed to hide out in the castle. He’s like, okay, you don’t want to let me in. Let my wife and rosborough He’s like, I already have that pleasure. And then he just shoots the dude and then with an arrow in his dumb neck. Oh, dear, he’s the meanest. So then we’ve got this interesting part where Prospero he’s talking to Francesca. He’s trying to teach her the ways. He’s I look, I got to torture these men to save their souls. And meanwhile, he’s talking about God to the right is God, the God of reality, and truth. needs to be here because otherwise we’d have chaos. And it’s kind of like a Church of Satan. doctrine of might is right? And like you, like Crowley said, Lee, you got to let the slaves serve. They kind of look at this as like we were born with this power. I’ve been given all these powers from God, which is Satan. And we should flex and use them to our advantage.
Go this way and I did. It would be better. I understand. Life is often a play
to torture men. Is this what your master Satan demands as worship?
These cells are very old. 100 years ago, an ancestor of mine was a Christian monk was made examiner of an early Inquisition. he tortured over 600 men, women and children in order to save their so for your god of love.
I cannot answer I have no learning. That there is Satan the God of hate. Oh no. of reality of truth.
The world lives in pain and despair, but it’s at least kept alive by a few dedicated men. If we lost our power, chaos would engulf everything. Sometimes that power must be used to teach harsh lessons.
But I don’t want to know. I’m afraid.
Do not want to catch you understand. I want to help save your soul. So you can join me in the glories of hell.
No, never.
The way is not easy. I know. Good, I will take you by the hand. Did eju through the cruel light into the velvet darkness.
Isaac Weishaupt 30:49
And he seems to be very nasty. He’s like, I’m going to save your soul so that we can go to hell, which is a great place because of the velvet darkness. Meanwhile, Prospero is wifey. She’s in the black room doing a ritual to sell her actual soul. And she marks herself she burns herself in inverted cross and asked for a demon so that she can ultimately become the wife of Satan. Satan.
He who is known as Belleayre by the ancients demon lover of all those who wish to live in your eternal life yeah. In your deepest darkest in your temple and before your I twice bind myself to the as your hand made me open the symbol of your lasting victory. Describe the final Bob. myself. So I may know I’m to be Hawaii.
Isaac Weishaupt 32:30
So here comes little toad. And he’s talking to Alfredo about how he wants to full size woman, not as Miranda. And then he’s also like, which there’s a plot. What do you call inconsistency here? In the plot, because later on, he tries to save Esmeralda. So don’t ask, Where is he says, He says, look, Alfredo. We’re gonna do a fun little prank during this ball and everyone’s gonna think you’re the coolest. He’s like I’m gonna have you put on an ape suit. And no one’s gonna expect that it’s gonna be riotous affair, and everyone’s gonna love you forever. And Alfredo is like cool, let’s do it. Now wifey Meanwhile, she shows up to Francesca’s to tell her how great this satanic ceremony was, as he reveals to her how she sold her soul for immortality.
I thought oh no. Babies Mark prosperity myself asked me is one of Satan’s handling difficult ceremony. veils of ignorance lifted from my eyes. Certainly one more right to perform and I will be wet to see given away your So, yes, gladly. The innocence will be gone. And I will have a mortality I should have prospered I must be certain if you have gone gladly if the will away. Would you dare to leave the safe to this castle? There is no safety for me here.
Isaac Weishaupt 34:47
So Prospero he’s he’s got everyone in the in the in the court. They’re in the room and the the ballroom. They’re on this big feast. And they go to this elaborate game. There’s basically like, several days And the table one of them’s got poison on it. And he brings up the two prisoners. I don’t know why I keep wanting to call him Gus Gino and Ludovico is like you guys are gonna take turns cutting yourself with these daggers until one year gets get during the big speech he claims that look we need to worship Satan because Satan protected everyone from this Red Death outside. He gives all these great gifts. And the to Gino and Ludovico they’re playing this game and little Vigo he gets he gets a little squirrely and he tries to stab Prospero but he doesn’t get it done. And prosper. I was like okay, now you both die. But Ludovico gets away and he runs out of the castle. So the prince sees all upset but he does everyone says Look, everyone go get changed for the ball starts at midnight. Which to be fair and Eyes Wide Shut, the ball starts at three, or at least the ritualistic part of the ball started at 3am. Meanwhile, back in the woods, here’s red cloak, and he’s playing with some tarot cards. And he talks to Ludovico Ludovico stumbles upon this red cloak and he confesses that he wants to go back to the castle to save Francesca, but he’s scared of Prospero and he’s got all this fear and red cloak tells him that the only way to combat the fear is with the weapon of love. You get back there, and he hands him this tarot card now couldn’t really get a good look at this tarot card. I put the photo on the Instagram, you can take a look for yourself. It looks like it could be the lovers card or it according to people on Twitter that I asked they say it’s the judgment card. which I’d argue maybe it is. But let’s look at the lovers card first, because I found this very curious. The lovers card shows a naked man and woman that I’m reading this from a terror website. I’m not a tarot guy. The lovers card shows a naked man and woman standing beneath the angel Raphael whose name means God heals and represents both physical and emotional healing. The angel blesses the man and woman and reminds them of their union with the divine. Why does that matter? Because if you listen to the Eyes Wide Shut deep dive I believe it’s part four, again, only on the bonus supporter feeds. We went through the making of Eyes Wide Shut and it was revealed that Kubrick was underlying passages in a book called cult and o cult. And one of the passages was talking about the union with the divine. So again, now the connection. Now what if this tarot card is the judgment card which I admit it does look a little bit more like the judgment card. But let’s read about the judgment card it says the judgment card shows naked men, women and children rising from their graves, our arms outspread and looking up into the sky. Above archangel gabriel the Messenger of God blows his trumpet. The people respond to his call, ready to be judged and to find out if they will be accepted into the heavens or not. Now this isn’t as fun of a connection. But there you go. Choose Your Own Adventure. The lovers card is much more fun in the scheme of the Coover connection that we’re trying to make here. But in all reality, it could just be the judgement card. I don’t know. Meanwhile, wifey she sold her soul. She’s feeling good. She’s feeling herself a little bit. But she goes to sleep as she starts to have these really bizarre visions of being sacrificed to these Aztec warriors. The Aztec word was that movie. Well, that movie was that Friday. see a lot of my Aztec warrior I call it mini me. Now she wakes up and then descends through the the multicolored rooms that we talked about earlier. She descends from the black to the white to the purple to the yellow, all these different rooms. I argue. This could also be where Kubrick got this rainbow idea because again, referring to the bonus supporter shows the making of Eyes Wide Shut. I don’t remember which part it was. We talked about how Kubrick basically came up with the rainbow fashions that is not in the book is not a dream novella. He came up with that and we talked about all the different connections that could be Fritz spring Meyer mind control, Wizard of Oz trauma, all that stuff. Now in the book and Edgar Allan Poe’s book, the mask of Red Death it details like seven rooms with seven colors in the Really, we only get to see like four was a 455 rooms. But at the end of the film, the seven different colors shows up and we’ll get to that. Not a big deal. Don’t get too bogged down in the details, but let’s stay on track. So she’s running from the Aztec warriors, I guess. She goes through the sequence of colors through the rooms. She gets back to the main room. And a falcon swooped down and killed her. While she’s hearing the voice of Satan, who she thought was her husband at this point. Prospero walked over, he sees her dead body. And he tells the guest she just married a friend of mine, and then instruct for the masquerade party to begin. Cold blooded. He don’t care. He don’t care. The sacrifice starts the party. Again, Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut sacrificial elements connected to the party, the masquerade party, same thing that’s happening in this movie in this story. So the party commences Prospero is up on top of the balconies, throne jewels, he’s making it rain throwing the jewels in the gems on the guests. And let us know comment he comments about how the these elites are scrambling for more. He says they’re wealthy and they’re just greedy for more any sort of rebels and being their God. And he’s telling them all like look, everyone’s dead from the red desk but I saved you mean Satan saved you. And about how there were six people from the village that lived and how they showed up at the castle asking to be led in and he killed him. Just for them. And Francesca she’s horrified she’s like what did you do that for? But he reveals there he’s like look I’m gonna initiate you in understanding why we do this why the mercy kills need to happen.
Diamonds rubies emeralds are my friend. I might get lucky luck at the mall scrambling like starving men for crusts of bread. Oh well band all greedy for more. I give you reason for real rejoicing my friends. The only survivors of the village have just come to the castle walls. Only six. The Red Dead is claimed the rest of them. But as I promised you all of you within these walls under my protection. Safe, so rejoice.
And the six who lived dead that they demanded to enter the castle.
You killed it was a kindness mighty. Can you see that? The Red Death brings pain and terror and madness I spent tonight after the mask I will initiate you into understanding.
I don’t know. I don’t know.
Isaac Weishaupt 43:27
So again, you got this idea of the elites in the castle in the masquerade ball just like an eyes wide shot. Same thing. Well, Meanwhile, back in the woods, red cloak and Ludovico they show up at the castle because again, remember like redcord was like you need this tarot card. You need love to go in and save the day. Which again supports the idea that is the lovers card which connects us to divine with the union, which can exercise watch out because that’s what Kubrick was underlining in the book. And red cloak basically tells him Look, buddy, look Ludovico. I’m gonna go in there, I’m gonna kill everyone. Then you come get your chick and lose our calls do it. Meanwhile, meanwhile, little Toad little frog hop toad. He shows up in esmeraldas room. Who again is played by what? I don’t know. She looks like she’s five years old. But when she talks, he has this weird voiceover of like a grown ass woman. It’s very strange. I’m assuming that it was supposed to also be a little person but they couldn’t find one. I don’t know. Must have been a shortage of female little person actresses in the 60s. I have no idea. But little Toad says, Look, I’m about do something crazy down there. And then I’m gonna come back and I’m going to take you away from her. But she’s scared of the Red Death. She’s like, I want to leave. But he’s like, Look, it’s worse to stay here. She’s like, okay. So the masquerade balls going down and you see everyone comes back out and the to the party they get the mask on and I got a screenshot again on the Instagram I’ll put it have a dude wearing what looks to be exactly like the mask from a clock regards with the big phallus on the nose. Enemy clock regard was only made was eight years after this movie so it very well could be. And here comes a little Toad he comes out with Alfredo. Alfredo is wearing the ape suit. Like he said, Oh, I was gonna love you. You’re gonna be so funny and everyone’s dying of laughter This is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. simple minded. And then little Toad lights on fire and gills on, run everybody. And he runs away, presumably to go get esmerelda or take her away from the castle. You don’t see him again. So I don’t know who cares. But Prospero he thinks it’s funny. He’s like, Cool. Thank you hop Toad for the great entertainment. Meanwhile, red cloak. He’s in the party. Now he sneaks in. And Prospero he directly told everyone he says wear whatever mask whatever costume you want. Do not wear red because of that Red Death thing going on outside. And he his eye catches the red cloak. The red cloak is walking away. And he looks over he says what? Who’s got red on and he goes to track him down. And he chases after red cloak and catches up to him. red cloak walks through the multicolored rooms and gets all the way to the black room. And that’s where Prospero catches up to him. And here’s what’s crazy. Again, you got to see the images, seeing is believing on the Instagram that I was it was the red cloak turns around and he’s got a gold mask on. Just like Eyes Wide Shut. Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? So he gets in the black room and prosper. I was like who is that under the mask? And Prospero thinks this point he, he thinks is the Prince of Darkness himself. And he says, I would like to see your face. And the red cloak says there’s no face of death until you see your own death. Now again, another parallel to eyes watch that red cloak in Eyes Wide Shut demands to see Dr. Bill’s face. I mean, as I’m saying this has to be a film that Kubrick saw it has to be so basically the film it’s close to the end here. Because in these old 60 movies, the credits are like 30 seconds. And we’re near the end of the film and red cloak he he basically is like Prospero thinks he’s the prince of darkness. He’s not sure. But red cloaks like look, I want to kill everybody. I’m calling this the dance of death. and prosperity is about that actually is a cool dude. I worship You, Satan. Let’s do it. But then he begs red cloak. He’s like, just spare Francesca let her go. And red cloak proceeds to kill everyone and he goes to the dance of death. And what he does is he walked by people and they turn red with blood. And this is very similar to, again, a little bonus conversation here. Luca guada Nino’s suspiria remake from 2018 I believe was the I don’t want to plot spoil yet because that one, I love me some suspiria if you never seen suspiria the two films I always recommend those if you like horror movies, but they’re if you’ve seen it, you’ll know there’s there’s elements similar to that. Right? Let’s all say it’s a red cloak. He’s killing everybody with a dance of death and bras barrows. He’s like cool. Man is my friend. We’re doing this. But then red cloak He’s like, Look, look, sucker. I’m not saying death.
Thank you, Your Excellency. For the go. I have no title. Why do you call me Excellent.
Well, I thought as the ambassador obviously is not my master. Death has no master.
But fake rooms the universe. I made a pact with him. He does not rule alone. Your pact with him will not save you.
There is no other God. Satan killed him. Each man creates his own God for himself. His own heaven. His own hell. Let me see your face.
Your hell Prince Prospero
The moment of your death.
Isaac Weishaupt 50:12
death says each man creates his own heaven and hell. And Prospero reaches out and takes off the gold mask, and boom, it’s him. It’s him under the mask. Death is actually him. And Prospero he’s freaked out, rightfully so he goes into this crowd of all these people covered in red blood. It’s a zombie party, I guess, I don’t know. And they try to sort of consume him, but they all drop dead. He’s left in astonishment and horror. And he goes to escape and he runs through the rooms, the yellow, the purple, the white, the black robes. He makes all the black room, but deaths already in there. The red cloak he’s already in there. And he trolls in first second. He says, He says, Why are you afraid to die? Your soul has been dead a long time. Then he kills him. He makes him die from the Red Death, blood dripping down his red face. Then it’s time of the day new law. This he read club back in the woods again, he’s playing Tarot playing a little tarot card and here comes a black cloak. black cloak comes walking up to him looking like the Grim Reaper, because he’s just another form of death. And then we see a yellow one and a white one, and an orange one and a blue one. And they all sort of have a conversation about how exhausting it is a catch all these bodies everywhere. And the film throws a quote up from Edgar Allan Poe and then boom, there was the credits, which shows a sequence of tarot card readings. Then that’s how the film ends. Crazy film, and there’s not a clear interpretation of Edgar Allan Poe story. There’s different theories on it. But none of that matters. We’re here to talk about man Stanley Kubrick. I argue, Stanley Kubrick has seen this film and used elements of it for Eyes Wide Shut, proving. Proving now that we haven’t already proven it with the bonus supporter episodes, proving that there’s a satanic elite connection to be had. And Coover goals exposing. What were the connections from this movie? Eyes Wide Shut. Let’s recap. Yet the White Rose of purity from the dream Novello when friedlin was you know dreaming about this young girl? You got Of course you got the young girl from esmerelda who’s like a five year old girl in this movie, which I don’t know apparently was a little person I don’t know. But very strange and they’re like lusting over this girl is gross. Then you’ve got the red cloak with a gold mask at a masquerade ball of satanic elites doing sacrifices for theatrical fun, just like I watched. And for bonus points in my I believe is deep dive part five. The second part of the making a visor i’d shut Kubrick was in fact reading that book called and the occult and underlined a passage about sacrifice he had these are the passages he underlined in case in case you’re not on the bonus supporter feed I’m gonna read them to you in such a nice guy. Such a sacramental use of sexual intercourse can supposedly be employed as a means of acquiring occult power and at its highest lead to the ultimate goal of the mystic union with the divine. And then he has another strange passage he underlines as the Emperor Barbarossa held young boys against his stomach and genitals to transfer their energy. Crazy stuff crazy stuff. We also have Ludovico the name of the one dude. The we got old was titz McGee from Linden, Barry Lyndon and Clockwork Orange. Play play the role of Alfredo Patrick McGee. Give me a minute. You like Pittsburgh? Yeah, it’s a funny name. But he, you know, he was in a clockwork orange. He was in Barry Lyndon. We also had the black and white checkered floor just like Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman walk on and Ziegler’s house and I’d went shot we have the Yale connection where Prospero was in the coffin just like the skull and bones just like how the the yell people picked on Tom Cruise’s character and as was shot. And of course, you got these colors of the rainbow connecting to rainbow fashions, which was something that Kubrick created for the film that was not in the dream novella. So there you go. Why does it matter? Who cares either you’re weirdo, you obsessively compulsive weirdo. Seeing Kubrick and everything and anything that matters because the film, The Tale of of Kubrick’s last movie is all about the elite connections to satanic debauchery, as well as watch that was all about It’s what Kubrick was a witness to when they paid him to fake the moon landing. Because we never went to the moon. Show me pictures of the debris on the moon. You don’t think they have satellites orbiting the moon, they can take a high rez shot like that dune buggy. They were driving around, or the big lander motors they had to leave behind. NASA got photos, but it’s like a.on the screen you can’t tell what that is. Meanwhile, you can go on Google and look a satellite image of your house with a car and high detail. Which by the way, the the actual, like, legit, sort of like military government grade satellites have way more resolution than what you see on Google. You know, they’ve got the satellites on the moon, right? They got two high resolution images, show me the high resolution image of the footprints or the flag or just the dune buggy. You don’t get to zoom in as far as the footprint or the flag. Show me the picture of the dune buggy. And then I’ll tell you the photos fake, you can’t win No, seriously though, the idea that Kubrick was exposed to the elites seems very clear to me. And this, were going on 678 hours of analyzing Eyes Wide Shut. And to me it seems like the jury’s back end like Kubrick knew and he was showing us the details in these films. I hope you liked that. If you look if you want more. If you want to support the research you want to support your boy Isaac, you know where to go links are in the show notes. Go to rock Finn comm slash crater slash Isaac that’s one option or go to patreon.com slash Illuminati watcher. Or go to Illuminati watcher.com backslash VIP, the no I’m sorry, it’s like, just go to Illuminati. watch.com look for the VIP section. And on there, you’ll even see a grid comparing the benefits from each support system. Some are cheaper, some have more things, whatever whatever you want to do, but that’s the only way you’ll get those bonus you know we got three four or five hours of bonus Coover deep dive and Eyes Wide Shut that. Sure you will blow your mind if you’re interested in this subject is a lot more to it. Alright, thanks for your support, no matter what your support. If you’re just listening in the free feed, I appreciate you leave a review. Tell me Tell me what you like about the show. I appreciate that to start to read them reading them again. So anyhow, hope you enjoyed that until next time. Stay woke
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