On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we break down the worst film of all time- Cosmic Sin! This Netflix film shows us the future world where we get the utopian fantasies of a global military, alchemy and the alien hive mind of global consciousness! We even touch on Crowley’s Choronzon if you can believe that!
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Unknown Speaker 0:09
Good evening. Always just a civilian now. Mr. James Ford, General Wilde requesting your inimitable counsel. No, he’s offered to reinstate four hours ago the crew the vendor made first contact. In the event of first contact, human humanity must strike first. To ensure the continued survival of our species. Operation cosmic sin is now ago
Unknown Speaker 1:11
that there is a space game doesn’t bring the army here.
Unknown Speaker 1:17
Let’s just start us on the cube. If you want to watch the cue ball, you need to get into orbit seats.
Unknown Speaker 1:25
Something that you know whether to burn it and put it in museum. Sure, they said the same thing about me. If we leave that door open, I’m going to charge that you can make this the kill box. Not gonna wait for them to bring light to us. We’re going to take what we do here is easy. The hard part is living with it.
Isaac Weishaupt 2:16
Everybody, you’re listening to conspiracy theories and on popular culture. I’m your host, Isaac Weishaupt. And today we’re going to talk about a movie called cosmic sin. It’s a film on Netflix. So that means you can you can use your stolen little password and watch it for free. But I’m going to tell you right now, don’t do it. Don’t do it. It might be the worst movie I’ve ever seen in my whole life. Sorry, Bruce Willis. This one’s a real turd. But we’re going to talk about the symbolism of alchemy, the symbolism of the global consciousness, the gray reset. It’s all in this terrible movie. Perennial philosophy, all these big words, big things and big ideas because that’s what it’s all about. It’s all about the Alien Agenda, ushering in the new spirituality, the new global order of things. Now, there’s going to be of course, plot spoilers. None of that matters. Doesn’t matter. Let’s start out with my personal take on things. Should you watch this film? Absolutely. Not. Like ball rat. It’s a great movie. not terrible. It was so awful. I had to look up the ratings to see if I was tripping. My been too harsh. IMDb gave it two and a half out of 10. So there you go. Decide if that’s I mean, I guess like if they would advertise it as like a B movie, you know, like a crappy sci fi B movie, then maybe I would have been alright. But I saw Bruce Willis and I thought, well, Surely this is a great movie. How can it not be a great movie with Bruce Willis in there? But hey, you know what? Two and a half out of 10 it means two and a half people liked it out of 10. So maybe you’d love it. The length of the film was perfect an hour and 20 minutes. Thank you very much for knowing when to stop the plot. officially the plot goes a little something like this. Seven rogue soldiers launch a preemptive strike against the newly discovered alien civilization the hopes of ending an interstellar war before it starts. Sounds good to me. I mean, the title of the film sounds pretty badass cosmic sin. Hell yeah. Spirituality aliens. Bruce Willis fighting people and aliens course down for all that in the O’Casey, I’m gonna read you more plot. In case you’re not reeled in by the plot yet in the year 2524 four centuries after humans started colonizing the outer planets. Retired General James Ford. That’s Bruce Willis with the real American Heart on name, James Ford can do attitude. Henry Ford. He gets called back into service after a hostile alien fleet attacks, soldiers on a remote planet. The threat against mankind soon escalates into an interstellar war, as Ford and a team of elite soldiers try to stop the imminent attack before it’s too late. The unless and I’d like to get into the Getty works of the film, the director, his name is Edward Drake. It’s kind of a nobody, right? Did a couple b movies before this, which I’d argue that’s what this movie is. They just put a little sneak attack on you though. I didn’t see it coming. I would have seen it comment, I probably would have been so harsh. Because the stars Bruce Willis, a legend. A legend in the action hero type films, the action movies. I mean, he’s still he’s still losing a fight with Tom Cruise. Okay. But he probably beat Leo up. But if we’re trying to like put him on the hierarchy of actors, like, you know, he’s up there. He’s good. I mean, some of my favorite films he was in, of course, Pulp Fiction. 12 moggies, which did a whole show on which 12 monkeys is, you know, maybe closer to reality than fiction at this point in our journey with the thing that will never go away. You know what I’m saying?
We did a whole show on the thing that won’t go away on breaking social norms. I don’t know if you listen to that show where me and my wife Josie wise up the non truth or normie sheeple perspective, and we talked about this whole thing, and you know, what, we have a lot more in common than we don’t, which I’d argue is the what’s happening with the whole population in general. So go check that out. If you listen to breaking social norms. It’s on. It’s on little podcast app on Apple or Spotify or whatever. Also, it’s got its own Patreon, and it’s on my Roku channel. So check it out. We have Bruce Willis as key blonde Bruce Willis. The last Boy Scout was a classic from the 95th element. Armageddon, which Hey, you know what? You know what? No, you’re rolling your eyes, that I like Armageddon, but I’m sorry. I do. It was great. I am, you know, had a little bit of a emotional heart string pool, which I’m into that I’m down for the romance type stuff. Shoot, I watch more romance movies than I do action movies. Because I’m a limp wristed liberal COC. We just me and Josie just watched a we’re watching the after trilogy. That’s how stupid I am. It’s like some teeny bopper love story. But I like love stories. You know what, who doesn’t love love? Push that toxic masculinity aside and pick up your skirt. It’s all right. And Armageddon had an element of that and I I liked it. Okay, I’m sorry. The Sixth Sense. classic film surrogates, using surrogates that one went under the radar, great movie. I discussed this in my first book, a grand unified conspiracy theory. It shows you reality of what’s going to be happening in the next 10 years. So there’s that worth a watch for that. And then of course, Die Hard. How can you forget? How can you not think Die Hard was great if you were if you’re an old turd like me, and you lived through the 80s and 90s. All diehard was pretty consistent. I’ve seen the first was the first three I didn’t see the newest one. I don’t watch action movies much anymore. But the first three were classics, all of them knocked it out of the park every single time. He was a singer he sang. I talked about like he’s dead. He I don’t know if he sings anymore. But he had that suit back in the 80s. Okay, here’s for you young folks who don’t know, back in the 80s. There was this thing where the celebrities, they would cut loose and sometimes they would have songs and Bruce Willis did it. He did a song called respect yourself with the Pointer Sisters. doesn’t get much more 80s than that. Some other great Eddie Murphy’s party all the time. One of the The Greatest Songs of All Time. You know, and these are just actors saying having a good time. They didn’t take themselves quite as serious as they do nowadays. Now, fun illuminate confirm fact, Bruce Willis apparently worked for Seagram that, you know, like serums like the gin or whatever, the booze. He was a pitch man for Seagram for a while. And he eventually quit because he stopped drinking. Now, Seagram that plays a role into the illuminate because if you read my hip hop conspiracy book, sacrifice magic behind the mic, we talked about Death Row Records, and how they were basically funded through the Seagram family. And it guys has all these wacky ties with Tupac and schug night no dare. That’s the whole thing and Seagram, of course, part of the Bronfman or deal with Nexium and it goes on and on and on. Now, what’s what’s not in sacrifice magic behind the mic? Obviously, I didn’t talk about the Brahmins. Because I wasn’t. I didn’t know they were part of a crazy sex, Costco sex trafficking scandal. But Claire Bronfman, she was a leader in Nexium right. And her brother Edgar Bronfman was the guy who was running Seagram back when they bought Interscope. And you know, their conspiracies go wild from there. Okay. We’re not here to talk about all that. I mean, that’s pretty loose connection. And to begin with, right, Bruce Willis was a pitch man for it. Now he’s a gangster rapper. I don’t know. Maybe there’s something there. Maybe there’s not. He, of course used to be married to Demi Moore.
And Demi Moore is, you know, there’s always weird stuff with like Ashton Kutcher. Because so to Bruce Willis and Demi Moore were a thing. They split up, Ashton Kutcher moved in. And Demi with Demi Moore. Now Ashton Kutcher is with my lacunas. And they say they only wash kids when they’re visibly dirty. I don’t know what’s going on in Hollywood. They’re very strange people. Now Dax Shepard, and what’s his old lady’s name? Kristen Bell. They come out and said they don’t they only wash their kids when they start smelling bad. There was also there was an there was another celebrity that just was talking about how they don’t bathe. And it’s like Bizarro Ville, right? Jake Gyllenhaal that’s the other guy. I can think of it as the other guy that like doesn’t shower every day. Bizarro right. I don’t know. They’re strange, folks. But to bring it back into the more of the Why are we talking about celebrity showering? Oh, yeah, cuz Demi Moore. I got to get back to the and by the way did john hall that reminds me to tell you go ahead and watch Donnie Darko. I will be doing a film analysis of that sometime this year. Maybe sooner than later. I don’t know. I’m kind of busy. But yeah, Donny darker will hit that because I haven’t watched that since I’ve been full red pill. I remember watching it several times pre red pill days, and I really enjoyed it. And it was really strange. It’s got Patrick Swayze in it, doing the stuff with the kids. That his character, right. Interesting story, but I’m gonna watch that again. Give it another take. So stay tuned for that. But to bring it back to more of the celebrities, they’re just like us. In January 2021, Bruce Willis was asked to leave a Los Angeles rite aid for not wearing a mask to protect against COVID during the pandemic. Willis later said it was an error in judgment. And that people should be safe out there everyone. And sorry, I misread that. Quote, be safe out there, everyone. And let’s continue to mask up. Yeah, effing. Right. Come on Bruce Willis. He knows who butters is bred. And regardless of what you think about the mask, as we’ve talked about this many times, I can get behind either viewpoint. I just want everyone to love everyone. You know what I mean? But anyway, come on. You could tell he clearly was on a PR campaign there. Anyway. A little bit more on Bruce Willis and then we’re gonna move into the movie. There’s not a lot to talk about for the movie, to be honest. But we’re gonna find some stuff talk about his religious views. I found curious. He was a Lutheran at some point. But in 1998, with George magazine, he said, quote, organized religions in general, in my opinion, are dying forms. They were all very And when we didn’t know why the sun moved, why weather changed why hurricanes occurred or volcanoes happened? modern religion is the end trail of modern mythology. But there are people who interpret the Bible literally, literally. I choose not to believe that’s the way and that’s what makes America cool, you know? Now, I don’t want to sound like a because I get like some parts of the Bible you think, well, there’s no way that was real. Like we didn’t. We didn’t note and build a big ass boat but to have every animal on their duty. Maybe, I don’t know. I think there’s there’s a good term for it. I can’t think of it right now. But there’s a term for the Bible as a blend of sort of metaphor, analogy and truth, right. But what I get out of that is he’s talking very much like, technocrat style, right? Like, science is the real religion, the real truth. The objective truth is science, which fits into this movie very perfectly. As we’ll discuss some other actors in the film worth mentioning Frank Grillo, this is a guy who’s been in the purge films been a bunch of Marvel movies. Minority Report with the great Tom Cruise he was on there’s a show on Netflix called kingdom. It’s like a corny MMA show with Nick Jonas. It’s kind of like was that motorcycle movie? Sons of Anarchy real corny, but still fun. I enjoyed that show. Kind of like Sons of Anarchy for MMA nerds got Nick Jonas in there be bill up.
He was also on silk silk stockings if you’re an old person like me, and you remember, I think was USA Network had silk stockings is like light, light softcore porn on the TV show. Also another actor in the movie, CJ Perry some wrestler chick fil a in the wrestling. And shallow rusty shackleford this there’s a million rusty shackleford that follow me? I don’t know why. That’s the name everyone chooses. I must have missed that somehow. I think it’s a character from King of the Hill. I don’t get why so many people named themselves after it. I think it’s like a must be some inside joke. I don’t get but rusty brought to my attention. I I very embarrassed. I had a typo in my first alien book. User illusion one. I don’t want to say I don’t want to say the wrestling thing. Right? I may have had a forward talking about WWF World Wrestling Federation and I wrote Foundation. The hell was I thinking? So embarrassing. I actually already fixed it, resubmitted the proof of the book. So if you if you have the if you already bought a copy, you’ve got the first revision with the typo. There was an action figure it’d be worth more money. Okay, when you get to the mistake on there. I’m an idiot. That’s what happens when you you write, edit and proofread your own books. Yep. So there you go. Thank you, Rusty for correcting me. It’s so embarrassing. Let’s get into the movie plots boiler time coming. It doesn’t matter though. Don’t watch this movie, just go ahead and keep listening. Like we said earlier, it’s the year 2524. And there’s some weird planet, a weird mining Corporation. Their workers make first contact with an alien species that proves to be hostile. And they use this black black fluid to infect humans. And the black fluid allows the aliens to control the people it infects. And it plugs them into this hive mind. And this alien race is called this Ziya CES idea. But anyway, it doesn’t matter. It’s just like promethium if you read my second alien book, Use Your Illusion to you read about promethium which has the same idea behind it this black fluid from the aliens. It’s symbolic of alchemy which alchemy came from the aliens by the way. The blackening the first stage of our chemical process, which came from Thoth or Hermes, this pagan god, which the Ancient Astronaut folks will tell you that’s an alien. I’m going to actually discuss that concept a little bit in my Salt Lake City fanox presentation that I’m working on. From now until mid September. I’m going to be real busy trying to work in this lecture. More details coming when I get a schedule. I don’t know what I’m doing it. It’s like September 17 or 18th I believe. We’re going to be the fanox in Salt Lake City. So if you’re near Salt Lake City should come check it out. I’ll sign you some books and talk to you. If it’s still going on, we’ll see what’s, what the state of affairs is with the thing that will never go away at that point. But we live in Utah here where we’re kind of, you know, cool about whatever. As long as it’s not, as long as it’s not against the book of Joseph Smith. We’re good with it. Okay, so the black flow, we talked, okay, yeah. So again, another alien theme of the alchemy, and the black liquid and the goo and the alchemy and all that stuff, right. And we’re going to come back to that a little bit later. But this whole process triggers a sequence, right, this mining corporation is alien makes contact. It’s very hostile. And next thing you know, here come the military and the Pentagon or whoever they are in the future. It’s called the Alliance. And it triggers the sequence of the whole action movie stick of a let’s recall, the badass military vet Bruce Willis to come save the day. He’s the only one we could trust to get the job done. Because the rest of the military lines is a bunch of push bags, and they can’t handle it like Bruce Willis could.
And the guy running the Alliance, the military, whatever this is Frank Grillo, he needs Bruce Willis. He needs him. So he’s like he hears about the alien contacts, like, get Bruce Willis. You know, the guy you know, it’s like your standard As you already know, the sequence. Frank Grillo is the general and he tells the pion give me Bruce Willis. And you know the pions like, not Bruce Willis, he’s the badass that was, he got dishonorably discharged because he’s so badass, you know, Franco ground by the shirt. You know, you know what it is? That’s why I hated this movie is so such garbage oozing with toxic masculinity. So they go to the bar, the military peons, they go to the bar, you know, of course, Bruce Willis is at a bar, drowning his sorrows and shots along with some other discharged vet. You know, the discharge vets like, hey, Bruce Willis, we got another job. And Bruce Willis is like, I’m so salty, so we’re tired. But these, these military peons show up and they’re like Bruce Willis, we need you. And Bruce Willis was like, No, you guys forced me to retire A long time ago. And then they’re like, will reinstate you if you do one last job for us. It’s of great urgency or whatever. And just like that, boom, they got Bruce Willis and his, his best buddy. Now the Alliance is very curious. We learn that the Alliance this future global military, it was formed in the year 2042. And they used quantum propulsion technology to colonize all these planets, right. So they colonized Earth zaf de he, Laura. And 500 years later, in 2510, zaft d succeeded from the Alliance. They’re now a rebel group. So Bruce Willis, who was running the show in 2510, drops a quantum bomb on that as killing 70 million people. That’s why you got dishonorably discharged. Now, I’ve so many questions here. So in 2042, they’ve mastered quantum propulsion technology to colonize planets, that’s 20 years away from now. Seems like a pretty big leap. But okay, let’s ride with that. Well, 500 years, the technology should have made us all digital consciousness. So like, it’s shocking that we’re still in the human form. But hey, you know what, let’s suspend disbelief and quit. Quit overthinking. Now, this alliance, when you look at the logo, sure enough, we already talked about the alchemy and the alchemical process of the blackening with the black goo and why that’s in this movie as well as so many others. Well, the logo of the Alliance Guess what? It’s got the Phoenix Yeah, the Phoenix and I’ll put the photo on the Instagram at Isaac Weishaupt login subscribe, look in the show notes. As always, the Phoenix is the final stage of the alchemical process. final stage starts with the blackening the Negredo and it processes through as the human transforms into the final stage of the fiery red Phoenix. And yeah, and an alliance is like The military right we are talking about that. And in the future apparently all the military folks, they’re not all fit to fight if you know what I’m saying there, some of them are a little heavy set, including Bruce Willis, his buddy at the bar. Bruce Willis is in shape in the movie, but these guys are not. Most of these guys are not. That’s okay though. You know what too much? mcdu fees in the future, I guess. Now they get to the planet where the aliens. Okay, so Bruce Willis and this crew, they’re going to go out to this planet to fight the aliens, the hostile aliens, so they shoot them out there to join a battle that’s already in progress. Because you hear about the Alliance has an outpost on this planet. And the outpost is talking about how this alien race is stealing the consciousnesses of the humans. And aliens have mastered biology? Because guess why? Because they’re further evolved than mankind? Of course,
Unknown Speaker 26:06
mankind master ballistics and their species master biology are impressed. I wonder if their hosts consciousness survived any of the metamorphosis. I mean, a larvae that turns into a butterfly has the same soul
Unknown Speaker 26:27
just changed? Well, my forced retirement, dishonorable discharge, it’s given me a lot to think about. And then we’ll start to think about when I catch a baseball game get by.
Unknown Speaker 26:47
I don’t think it was all bad. It wasn’t.
Isaac Weishaupt 26:51
So they’re talking about the the whole thing about sharing consciousness. Now what’s curious about this is if you look at the Project Blue Beam idea, which I covered in great detail in aliens, UFOs and the occult user illusion one. If you read that, it’s all about and look at Elon Musk’s neural link, it’s the idea of a brain cap of hijacking the sensors and the sensors of the mind to feed it inputs to make it believe things are happening. Or we could talk about augmented reality, virtual reality, all these things. But it’s all about hijacking the mind and the consciousness which is what the aliens have perfected. Now, during this sequence, there at the outpost, there’s a logo for the outpost, and it says the Alliance, a united vision. And all of this fits into this, you know the conspiracy world of the great reset. We’ve talked about many times on this show. six episodes deep I believe we’re at right now. This whole global world order stuff the New World Order. Ronald Reagan talked about how the aliens the presence of aliens would unite all of humanity with a common enemy or common. I don’t know, goal will say, because I don’t know how this is going to shape up. Are we going to look at the aliens as hostile sinister forces that we need to, you know, fight? Or are we gonna look at them as the sources of wisdom that we need to channel? And I certainly don’t know the answer to that question. But the United vision tells us there’s a global agenda here. And hey, you know, we’ll see what happens. And speaking of Captain America, what show is that I’ve got I got a I got a shot here. It’s a I don’t I don’t watch this stuff. But Disney plus has a series called The Falcon and Winter Soldier, Captain America. And this person who remains anonymous, sent me a photo from the show where it has the global repatriation Council. It says reset, restore rebuild. Now I don’t know the context of it. But clearly, that’s the idea is that there’s this common messaging about this resetting the world, the new normal, and they’ve kind of been telling us that since 911, things will never be the same, they said And sure enough, things are not the same. There’s also discussion by these Alliance military nerds about tacky ions, which I hate to keep referencing my books and you hate that but Use Your Illusion to I talked about this movie Prince of Darkness. And in that movie, they talk about the Tachyon These particles that go faster than light, which is all about time travel, because if you can go faster than the speed of light, you can travel through time you break through the space time continuum. So on the future there find these aliens and they decide they need the cue bomb. And that’s why Bruce Willis is there because he’s the only cold blooded killer that could do it. They couldn’t do it without them. And they even brought along in the the Alliance military there, this this maintainer for the cue bomb, she’s, she’s the only one that knows how to calibrate this cue bomb. And she has like, no tools or anything. It’s like, she just like holds it in her hand is like, Whoa, it’s out of balance. Let me steady it. I mean, this. This really feels like the worst kind of be movie. Like you’ll see if you watch it. They jump through space time, and they’re the suits. And it’s like the cornea CGI, the lowest budget CGI you’ve ever seen. Oh, my disdain for this film should be palpable. Because that’s how terrible it was. And it really, it’s really trying, like how to pull off that macho superhero vibe. You know what I mean? It’s like really unbelievable. You can see right there, it’s like, you know, like the one guy says the other. If you’ve been thinking about dying, I’ll kill you. Yeah. Because this guy has like shot in the neck. He’s dying on a stretcher. But like he’s cool, calm and composed. Which like I’m pretty sure it’s now people die. Anyways,
they’re they’re fine aliens. Finally, we got to look at these aliens look like right? We we did a whole film analysis of the tomorrow war on Amazon, which was actually a really great movie. I thought the aliens are pretty well done and pretty scary looking. And we get to the aliens. I thought okay, let’s maybe this movie can redeem itself. Maybe these aliens are terrifying. And of course, of course, we’re disappointed. Of course, it’s just people wearing hooded cloaks. That’s the aliens. Oh my god talk about shitting the bed. It’s it’s people wearing hooded cloaks, you can’t really see their face one of them, you can see its face and it’s got like a mask on like a Cthulhu kind of looking mask. Oh, it’s so terrible. But anyway, we finally get a look at the aliens. Bruce Willis is having a dream, and the aliens point towards a cave. And then this all turns out to be a dream hallucination of sorts. But in the movie, he goes into this cave. And of course, you know the cave symbolic of transformation. So again, that same theme of alchemical transformation, the initiation of Bruce Willis into the cave. And then we hear that the elite which Hey, you know what, nowhere else that happened where the idea of transformation in the cave and alchemy under the skin, the film under the skin with Scarlett Johansson, which is a much better movie featured in your illusion too. But we hear the aliens and they’re discussing about how they are all in this one mind. Right? And you can see and I’ll put this photo on the Instagram to see the tak aeons. And the number they provide is x underscore 333 blood sample. Which, to nasze the singer she’s releasing an album called 333. And all of this, like numerology and symbolism and gematria it’s tied together, right? Like 666 of the number of man 777 is the number of God. Now the 333 is supposed to symbolize mind, body and soul. You know, the Holy Trinity is in the threes and all that stuff, right? But here’s the thing. Here’s the thing. We’re talking about the occult, right? And if you I don’t know if you familiar with green jello or green jelly? It was a band in the early 90s. One of the dude’s I believe it was James Maynard Keenan from tools in that band. Anyhow, they had an album named 333. And they had all and I remember they always had like sort of devilish sort of things going on about it and I loved green jello. They got sued and had changed into green jelly. Anyway. The number 333 is believed to be the number of corones own as well, which is the, the sort of demon that guards the Abyss and Alister Crowley’s sort of interpretation of the initiate crossing the Abyss and shattering the ego and becoming one with the darkness with becoming what they call a brotherhood of the black. So there you go, it’s a it’s maybe it’s symbolic for these army folks that Alliance crossing the Abyss and approaching crowns on the devil, the demons, the aliens. But anyway, there’s a big, there’s a big there’s a clip here, where they talk about this one mind. And that plays a role in all of this occult stuff.
Unknown Speaker 35:59
The invaders have a way to transfer their parasites use their blood to procreate not only the body, but the mind. They are one army, one mind.
Isaac Weishaupt 36:15
Now, this, this idea of the one mind, this global consciousness, you’ll find this oftentimes, in teachings of the new wage or the occult. And there’s a lot of people that subscribe to this. Again, no clue. Maybe they’re right. Konstantin saw kowski, who was like your first Ancient Astronaut guy, who was obsessed with going to outer space. He believed in it called Pan psychism was the idea that there are aliens rock connected mentally, which is kind of what lays as a foundation for my alien books user illusion, one and two, is that there’s a mental component to this. We’ve heard a lot of people like Jacques Vallee, talk about that, Carl young. And I think they believe we’re connected global consciousness levels, quantum entanglement, all this wacky stuff. And maybe they’re right, maybe they’re wrong, but either way, I would argue they’re having us focus our energies to channel the energies of some of these things. Right. That’s my, that’s my thesis, basically. And you’ll see a lot of the occultist as well as your like globalist types. Aldous Huxley talked about the perennial philosophy. He wrote this whole book on it. And there were there were warnings from father Seraphim rose, that orthodox monk, whom I referenced on tinfoil hat, on my 10th appearance with Alex Kazemi the occult magician guy. We sort of discussed and debated the ideas of magic, and summoning entities which I put in the same league as summoning the aliens. But there’s this whole strong history that the occultist want to bring about this global consciousness idea. And Father, Seraphim rose warns, this is what they call ecumenicalism, where it’s like saying, It’s diluting and watering down the true faith of Christianity as he describes. And he says, look, Christianity in the way of Christ, and Orthodoxy is the only way to true salvation. And if they can get the masses to believe like, Look, you know, Buddha, and Christ and Mohammed and all these religions, they all come from the same spiritual source. It’s all the same thing. Then you’re effectively destroying the one and only true path of salvation, because everything is the path to salvation then, right? I don’t know. That’s right. I’m just telling you what they say. And that’s why a lot of these occultism stuff and now it’s actually or they have such a hard on for the perennial philosophy and this idea of a connected global consciousness. I mean, it’s very clear once you understand that, that’s part of the agenda. Back to this dumb movie, so one of the soldiers he gets shot. And he’s, he’s dying, you know, in the most heroic, brave, non crying way. And Bruce Willis shoots him in that he mercy kills him. And Bruce Willis, he was going to die anyway. It was completely unnecessary. Like who knows the guy might have led like, give me a shot Bruce Willis Damn. They’ll show me an ad, but he’s a crazed killer. That’s what they brought him for cold blooded killer. So these aliens, they built this massive space gate that connects two points, which again, is just like the tomorrow war. This is like, you know what cosmic sin is? Like the the western family generic version of the tomorrow war. It’s your no frills version. They’ve got a space gate too. But Bruce, he reflects on the time spent in the cave where he received the wisdom, the gnosis from the alien gods. And somehow, he came to the realization that these aliens don’t want to kill us. And they show it he flashes back to the cave experience. And they quickly know that the aliens are just trying to colonize, they’re not trying to kill, which I don’t understand how that played in the whole plot. That was the the knowledge bestowed upon him in the movie, in the cave, excuse me. So the aliens baptize one of the female soldiers. And it’s like this weird dream sequence. And even like, they even baptizer would like three black marks across her forehead, which we saw in the force awakening, or I’m sorry, Star Wars The Force Awakens.
And you’ve got that Trinity idea here. We’ve got the baptism idea here it’s all perversion of the true path to salvation. And they take over a this woman’s body they like like as advertised, the black goo turns them into slaves to the alien hive mind. And she starts announcing she goes on this diatribe, you know through the aliens are speaking through her now about the alien race and the warriors and how these aliens are going to take over the human race. And you know, big space makes beach. She gives his big speech about what the aliens do. But I want you to pay attention to because she’s gonna say something very curious about the alchemical process. See if you catch it.
Unknown Speaker 42:13
The US us versus Pearson no one just there for like, What? What are they only want warriors when there’s war. And then they call you barbarians? When he was sacrificed to protect them. Our culture is more our breathing. Our prayers are the race. We have ways to make our Greek legends. immortal. I overuse this one chaps embrace us. Well, you know, did you catch
Isaac Weishaupt 43:23
what she said? She’s talking about chemical process. Because the aliens are talking about how they’re going to make these great legends. immortal. Yes. So that’s why that’s what this film is all about. To it’s all about. But let’s wrap up the film real quick. We’ll hit it In conclusion, and then we’re going to get back to our day. Frank Grillo Of course, he sacrifices himself in order to kill the aliens and save the humans. Bruce Willis. He doesn’t do anything the whole movie. The end. That’s it. That’s how it ends. Terrible. Bruce Willis didn’t break a sweat this whole movie. Frank Grillo had to kill himself to save the alien. I thought it was gonna be Bruce Willis. But nope. Bruce Willis has got the fullness and he’s cashing them checks making that bread. Hey, you know what? I don’t hate him for it. Get that bread Bruce Willis. We had to move his garbage is terrible. And that’s all done. Boom. Now, now listen, let’s zoom out in conclusion. What was this movie about? Do we even care at this point? I care. It’s about the alchemical process and the aliens trying to enlightened man making man becoming mortal. Now why would they show it as a hostile takeover? Will maybe this is a faction of folks that say hey, we shouldn’t do this in some way. Maybe they’re warning us Who knows? But it’s all this you know, the Alliance has the United vision, the great reset stuff is the global consciousness stuff with the perennial philosophy with the hive mind of the aliens, which is where we’re headed. And hell maybe that’s why the aliens were humans wearing hooded cloaks and stuff. Maybe it’s just the us in the future. But it’s all right there and the Alliance logo with the Phoenix and we saw it at the beginning of the movie with the black goo that showed you there was going to be a process of chemical awakening. So again, I got the images on the Instagram at Isaac Weishaupt login subscribers if you didn’t already do that, I know you already did it. Thank you. And yeah, that’s that’s cosmic sin for you. I hope you enjoyed this. Don’t watch the movie is terrible. What else do I got for you? I got I got so many sticks in the fire right now. Sign up for my email newsletter. So I’ll give you more details about this Salt Lake City fan x lectures my first lecture. I want to see you there if it’s not you know, and look if you’ve got to travel too far to do it don’t I’m not saying make plans based on this. I don’t know if I was worth all that. But if you’re nearby sweat come through right pull up. We’re going to and that’s going to be September 17 or 18th. I don’t know which damn doesn’t lecture but I’ll be selling books out in the little little vendor alley thing that they got going. The What else do I got going on here? I got a couple of interviews lined up. Check out my tinfoil hat apparently the 10th the 10th appearance I made on there with Alex Kazemi that dropped. What was that the first week of august? I’m going to do a film analysis on Donnie Darko sometime in the future here, I’m doing a Patreon and VIP section live asked me anything. August 19. from eight to 9pm. Eastern Standard Time. Yeah, and it’s gonna be a good time. So yes, if you’re on the if you’re on the Patreon or the VIP, make sure you check your email because I sent information for that out already. and sign up for my email newsletter so you get all the updates for all the things Illuminati watch calm, and you can get four books for five bucks while you’re there. Check it out. For more details link in the show notes as always. Until next time, stay woke
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
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