On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we take our fourth look at Travis Scott and the Astroworld festival. We’ll catch up on the news since Pt 3 (link in show notes below). We’ll listen to A LOT of Travis Scott’s own words from two main sources: his 2019 documentary on Netflix “Look Mom I Can Fly” and the recent Dec. 2021 interview with Charlamagne tha God. You’ve really got to hear what he’s saying… Also the images I’ll be discussing will be on my Instagram so go like and sub at Instagram.com/IsaacWeishaupt
- Part 1: Astroworld Concert- Blood Sacrifice Conspiracy Theory & Travis Scott: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/astroworld-concert-blood-sacrifice-conspiracy-theory-travis-scott/
- Part 2: Astroworld Pt 2- Hell on Earth, Illuminati Black Magick & Travis Scott’s Demons: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/astroworld-pt-2-hell-on-earth-illuminati-black-magick-travis-scotts-demons/
- Part 3: AstroWorld Pt 3: My Apology to Travis Scott, Concert Symbolism, Luciferianism, CERN & Pearl Jam: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/astroworld-pt-3-my-apology-to-travis-scott-concert-symbolism-luciferianism-cern-pearl-jam/
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Unknown Speaker 0:03
Some people say, um, your music played a role in this, like I’ve seen them, you know, sight lyrics, you know, that encouraged just kind of behavior. I’ve seen him say your music is demonic and this was a satanic ritual. You think your music is the blame?
Unknown Speaker 0:20
I mean, no. I mean, why am a man of God
Unknown Speaker 0:28
I even said that, you know, they say your music is satanic. I saw the face that you made. What do you what do you think that even comes from? Travis Scott is satanic travels, God, I
Unknown Speaker 0:36
just think it’s just things people collect, you know, people look at the internet and they just collect and they look at things and they look at visuals. And you know, you have all these theorists and people just thinking looking at visuals, no understand, you know, just idea of like, what art may be what, what you try to do, you know, they’re just making up your message.
Unknown Speaker 0:57
sup everybody, my name is Isaac Weishaupt. You’re listening to the conspiracy theories and unpopular culture Podcast.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:05
Today, we’re talking about AstroWorld and Travis Scott, part four, right? You’re keeping track. Part One, two, and three, we covered the symbolism of Travis Scott, all the satanic imagery that he gave us at the astral world concert. I went through the entire concert, I watched the whole thing on YouTube. The Travis Scott portion, of course. We went through the symbolism of Travis Scott as an artist since his, you know, rise to popularity. I had written a whole article about it back in 2015, on the website, which I had to take down when I got sued. Because you know, there’s a battle, there’s a battle for the official narrative. And now, I can’t believe it. I’m appalled by what I had to watch tonight. Okay. You know, I’ve been busy. I actually was planning on doing this part for after I watched his Netflix show, he has a Netflix documentary called, Look, Mom, I can fly. And I got to know it. So we’re going to cover that. I’m going to play a lot of clips for you. So you don’t even have to listen to me. Don’t even take my opinion, because that’s all my shows are. It’s my opinion. And then I insert the facts to support my opinion. Sort of like a court trial of Illuminati satanic symbolism. I’m going to play you directly what this guy was saying. Back when they made this documentary, and then we’re going to talk about this crazy interview. Charlemagne, the God who I don’t know if people know who he is. He’s on the Breakfast Club. It’s like a morning radio show. He’s been around a longtime right. Actually, you know, sometimes I like Charlemagne. He interviews Travis Scott and Travis his first interview since the incident, the tragedy. And I can’t believe I never heard so much ducking and dodging my whole damn life. I mean, you think this guy is trying to run for office? And we’re going to talk about it. I’m going to play you clips and you’re going to listen to the clips I play from the Netflix documentary that was released a couple years ago. And then I’m going to play clips from what homeboy saying in the Charlemagne the god interview, and you’re gonna say, Isaac this guy’s being very disingenuous. He’s got two different versions of himself that he’s trying to float. And I don’t blame him rather trying to cancel his ass. They might do I think he should be canceled. No, I’m anti canceled culture. I don’t think it matters. They’re not gonna cancel them. And, and the thing is, is like I like some of Travis Scott’s music. I’m not a huge fan. I never really, I never really got it. I didn’t really ever understand why people loved him so much. But hey, you know, it’s a generational thing. Not my cup of tea, but you know, I like a fair amount of songs. So let’s cover some news since Part Three since I talked to you last about this. The body count is now 10. And in case you don’t know what I’m talking about, you know what I’m talking about. There was a on November 5 2021. At the astral world festival, a music event started and ran by Travis Scott in Houston, Texas. There was it’s still under investigation, but 10 people have now died. 25 people hospitalized 300 people treated for injuries. And there’s been a ton of click And on tick tock and all this stuff, including my shows where I talk about how this guy was employing satanic symbolism. And this tragedy happened, connecting the two, right? Because as you know, I’ve written a book about hip hop conspiracies back in 2014 1516, whatever it was sacrifice magic behind the mic. And a lot of these ideas I was talking about in that book. And lo and behold, here comes Travis Scott, at the astral world, showing us all the satanic symbolism. You got to you got to check out my Instagram if you haven’t, because I’ve got all the images loaded up there. This guy had had a shirt with a person turning into the demon, he had a dove on fire flying out of the mountain. I mean, is crazy. But I wasn’t shocked because he’s been doing this for a long time. And I’ve been talking about it for a long time. So you, you know, you mess with the bull, you get the horns, same thing was Satan, you mess with Satan, you get the horns.
That’s all I’m saying. I’m not saying Travis Scott’s a bad guy. They wanted people to die. He probably didn’t, I would assume he didn’t want his fans to die. Obviously, this is not good press. Obviously, this is very, you know, at the worst possible version of Travis Scott, this is very difficult for him to get past. I can’t imagine he was like, You know what, I really wanted to sacrifice people to Satan. Let’s do this. But I do think you can be influenced by Dark Forces. You can draw down dark energies. And there could very well been deep demonic forces there that night. Do you believe in possession, I believe in possession. I think there were dumb kids. And they were trampling on each other. And they were possessed by the demons or whatever. I mean, I don’t know how I know. They’re possessed by the demons that I help these people out and we’re getting trampled. But when you create a theater of ritualistic satanic symbolism, and charge up this energy, this is what happens. That’s all I’m saying. Now, yeah, so that’s the update. Our 10th person died, who I believe was the youngest one. Let me get my facts for your hair. Um, well, let’s see. I don’t have it on me. I want to say the youngest person to die was nine years old. Is that right? Oh, boy. Let me look it up for you. Sorry, I don’t want to stall too. Too much here. A nine year old boy was the youngest person to die from injury sustained. Nine years old. What are you doing taking a nine year old to the concert? But I’m not blaming the victim right? I’m not saying but I am saying like I wouldn’t take a nine year old to a concert especially now when you know what Travis Scott’s about which we’re going to get into here. Something else some other things that some other events we got to knock out of the way before we get into this? There was a there’s a magazine called W and they really there. There was a leak. I don’t know how much of this is just a publicity stunt. There was a leaked image of how Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott were on the cover of this new W magazine and W magazines like oh we didn’t want it to be released. We’re trying to stop it from from going out. And I don’t know if I believe that but whatever. Supposedly they were, I guess what it takes them a month to stop the presses from releasing it. I mean, they knew about this incident a month ago. But anyway, on the on the cover Kylie Jenner’s wearing a yellow bird outfit. I mean, it looks it’s got fringe on it. It looks kind of like a bird. And in a lot of Travis Scott’s videos we see outcome are chemical symbolism of alchemy, and an alchemy all about progressing the Initiate it’s the use the language of the birds. And the birds represent the different stages of alchemy with black, white, yellow and red, red, of course, being the Phoenix. So she ran the yellow bird. And Travis Scott’s doing this weird thing with his hand. I don’t even know. It’s hard. You’d have to see it. But it was a really bizarre magazine cover and it was really bizarre that W magazine was freaking out trying to stop this thing from getting released. Like bro, yeah, it’s been a month like you didn’t put the stop issue in the next day. So I have a hard time believing anything I hear from entertainment. Everything’s publicity. And then rapper Playboy cardi. He’s pushing even more satanic symbolism. So the Satanism thing ain’t going away and all the mainstream Your media sources are like, Oh, satanic conspiracy theories from Travis Scott. Because, you know, there’s all these corporate interests involved in Travis Scott. He’s got like cereals and shoes and I mean, they do the cash cow. Of course they don’t want. They don’t want him cancel. They’ll cancel other people but don’t cancel the guy that promotes riot incites riots, and people died at his concert. Don’t cancel him. I’ll never understand it. But Playboy cardi, he had a video and I shared it on my Instagram. I hope you’re following over there at Isaac Weishaupt link in the show notes. He played a video clip of a guy his concert being possessed. It’s exactly He’s possessed. And then Playboy cardi also posted on his Instagram, some imagery of him inside of a pentagram which is very similar to what ASAP Rocky did many years ago. Believe it was the I could be wrong on this. I’m not a huge jsat Rocky fan. I believe the out the video is called What’s up, and it shows him in like in a Nokian Magical Circle pentagram.
So this satanic thing ain’t going away, though it was the verts very satanic. I mean, it’s in his name Lucifer. But listen to this. I found this article on New York Post published November 10. I’m gonna read you from it. Because this supports the whole first half of the show. Let’s go. years before he died at his AstroWorld festival, Travis Scott would brag on social media about fans getting hurt and passing out the shows. Even suggesting one would be a hero if he didn’t survive a New York gig. The 30 year old sicko mode star under fire for playing on at a Friday’s Houston festival is eight died and hundreds are injured. Still has disturbing images on a social media celebrating previous scares. One of the most disturbing posts shows a young man seemingly unconscious at Scott’s sold out 2015 show at Manhattan’s Webster Hall. To the kid that didn’t survive the rodeo, you’re a hero in my book, Scott caption the photo that is still on his page. Okay. Again, I’m gonna try to keep my opinion separated from most of the show. So you can just hear the facts and do with it what you want. Now there And previously, we talked about the idea of blood sacrifice as a ritual as a devotion of energy to the gods. Again, no clue is that what Trump’s guys doing, that seems pretty far fetched, right. But if you read this book, by Richard Cavendish, the Black Arts. There’s a chapter talks about Rajneesh and the tantra cults being into death and darkness. And if you get into Peter venda, he’ll talk about how the tantric sex as eects keep your mind out of the gutter how the tantric sex tie into a lot of satanic worship on some levels. It’s very strange. But the idea in that chapter about Rajneesh and the tantric call, it’s being all about death and darkness ties into Hinduism, with the god of death and dissolution, known as Shiva. Who is a God of tantra ism. And this is like CERN, right out at CERN. They’ve got a statue of Shiva out from the destroyer. And that’s exactly what the astral world mountain looked like was the portal in, you know, in the center there to CERN. There were also reports of weird frequencies people are talking about how they heard all these weird sounds before the show again, I don’t know I wasn’t there. But this year the videos are seem weird. But now I want to get into the meat and potatoes of this argument. Let’s look at Netflix’s Look mom, I can fly. It’s a whole documentary about Travis Scott. His album released AstroWorld his life all that stuff, right? And at the beginning of the documentary you see and I’ll put this photo on the Instagram for you to check out at Isaac Weishaupt like it subscribe. Look. There’s a bee on his neck. He’s got a tattoo of a big bee on his neck. Now why does that matter? And I don’t know why he got it what his reason for it is but I do know in the bee is symbolic for magic. ritual magic. Right? We talked about this before with Beyonce. We always pick on Beyonce to you know, but you can see he’s got a tattoo of a bee right there on his neck. ironically next to across to, but and the reason why we could argue that he’s got you know he’s got this tattoo of the cross, why would you do that? The same reason Ozzy Osborne and all these like satanic rocker types they were crosses because they’re employing dark energies and they need to protect themselves from the dark energies they know what they’re doing. They need the protection that’s the idea now and like I said, I’m gonna play a lot of clips for you today. There when the show starts it’s so eerie. I’m shocked Netflix still has this up to be honest. Shocked I’m literally shocked they don’t have they haven’t taken this down. But the beginning of the documentary almost seems like a replay of the astral world tragedy Take a listen you’ll hear there’s people talking about how they’re not going to survive. And and you know ironically you’ll you will hear him stop the show to try to help people so you know take that for what it’s worth. But Travis Scott definitely is embracing how dangerous his shows are that’s definitely happening here
Unknown Speaker 16:21
what you’re about to hear me everybody backup op, op, op, op op ed sheeran evening everybody Travis motherfucking Scott welcome anybody you don’t know my name is Travis fucking Scott. That is like I cannot keep up
Unknown Speaker 17:47
Isaac Weishaupt 18:06
then in another clip, you’ll hear the security talk about people suffocating, which is again, something that happened at this AstroWorld incident which when we get into the interview with Charlemagne, the god to Travis Scott. Job’s gonna act like I don’t know, how could this have happened? We got to figure it out. And it’s like, bro, you don’t even have an in bro. What are you talking about? But yeah, take a listen.
Unknown Speaker 18:33
It’s a push up against the front and spread all the way across that and fill in the whole front floor. So the pressure becomes very great up against the barricades. You will see a lot of crowd surfers in general. But also you see a lot of kids that are just trying to get out get to safety because they can’t breathe because it’s so compact. He won’t know how bad it could be when they’re crowded until we turn off.
Isaac Weishaupt 18:51
Like I said, this film this is from 2019 Okay. All these things Airlie have happened and come true in 2021. There was another they play a lot of concert footage on this on this documentary. And listen to these kids that talks about how he’s I was gonna die. I thought I was gonna die. And then again, ironically, I and I’m leaving as much of this in as I can. Iraq, you hear how some of the fans say yeah, it’s great. You know, if you get knocked down, people help you up. So again, like there is this sort of, wait, there’s a sort of a defense of Travis Scott in this as well. But there’s also this acknowledgment that he must have known there was some danger involved in these concerts.
Unknown Speaker 19:42
And it’s all good. Evening, my whole life changes you will love like so many lives out there. And you’re literally music like I’ll probably never forget that It’s weird how like one person three times.
Isaac Weishaupt 20:12
Here’s another good one, the cops, they arrest Travis Scott for inciting a riot at his show, which I talked about this on one of the three AstroWorld incidents about how he has this history of causing problems like this. And again, there’s this sort of dual thing going on. On one hand, I’m saying, Look, Travis Scott knows how dangerous shows are, but don’t on the other hand, I’m going to show you the evidence to defend Travis Scott because he does in fact, say that he felt bad that kids got hurt in the show.
And then you’ll hear lawyers. It’s kind of hard to hear but you’ll hear a lawyer talking about sort of excusing Travis Scott’s behavior like oh, you know, First Amendment, you didn’t do anything wrong. And you could see how you get the wrong people in your tribe in your camp. And no one’s checking you. Things can go wrong, because you think you know, I’m not doing anything wrong. What could go wrong? What could happen?
Unknown Speaker 21:31
Really, it’s a certainly coming from. We think if this went to court, we don’t even think there’s a problem. It is crazy. During the show, we are the first of its projecting first of all units arrived, but there was one.
Isaac Weishaupt 21:51
Then later on in the documentary, there’s more kids passing out of the show. I mean, there’s video footage of it. How are they gonna know? They’ll never gonna know. So yeah, you know, kids are getting jacked up. And to be fair, they did show several clips of Travis Scott trying to help people out. So who knows what’s the thing right? But one thing I do know is that Travis Scott, he knows that there’s danger at the concerts. Right? He knows this. And he checks in with the crowd to see how they’re doing. And he did this at the AstroWorld concert to be fair that he did do that he kind of was like Hey, put your hands up everything’s cool okay cool. So like again very difficult to sort of make this judgment critique of what exactly should or shouldn’t have been known or happened hear somebody could safety help these people man everyone on the front of about the Garmin Zumo and you better be good and he’s done a good
job just a fun fact. The beginning of oh dear. The the that that song with a girl says it’s the last ride I’m going to take on astral world. They actually play that video clip on this documentary. Because they apparently I didn’t know this but they shut down astral world from that was at a Six Flags in 2005. That’s where this all came from. I didn’t know that from Houston. But yeah, just something interesting that was in there just to not just pick on Travis gone the whole time. There’s actually scenes of kids breaking down barricades, just like what happened in 2021. He gets gifted a AstroWorld day by the mayor of Houston, November 18. You know, so and because, you know, Travis Scott’s hold things like I’m doing AstroWorld for the city, doing it for the people of Houston. Now and the tickets are like 400 bucks. I don’t know. But I don’t know what it cost to run an amusement parks. Hey, maybe he’s doing it for the people. I don’t know. People seem to enjoy it, though. And I have seen clips of Travis Scott, you know, being friendly with the people of Houston. And I actually had a person on my Patreon I think it was and she was saying like, yeah, I couldn’t get this wrong, but like she either met Travis Scott or she was working at a place where he came in and he was like, super cool. So I don’t know. It’s not all the entire damnation of Travis Scott today, but Mostly okay there’s a video clip of him as a child on Power Wheels. And I’m looking at this I’m like, and I picked on Travis Scott for going to like a private school in the past right? And I’m like, cuz I argued that he had nerd anger. That’s my argument is he had nerd anger and it manifested in a bad way. And here we see a mess around. I don’t know how old he is five six on Power Wheels and I grew up in the 80s and 90s and all people I knew that a power wheels were really wealthy kids. You know, I’m saying like, it’s not like it was a different culture back then. Nowadays, like parents buy their kids anything and everything like I don’t know if it’s that abnormal now, but back then, like, I knew one kid that had a power wheels, and he was like the rich kid that went to private school. Ironically. I just found that odd. I just wanted to complain for a second. About how how everyone has so much, but me, I’m just kidding. Then there’s also and I’m going to put this image on the Instagram. He’s got a jacket with a tin man on the back is a Wizard of Oz. Maybe this is a fashion thing. I’m not into fashion. He’s wearing a jacket that says on the front, which Alistair Crowley wrote Lieber oz. Right. And then there’s like Oz The Magic powerhouse tie new into Bobby Beausoleil and Canada anger and real satanist stuff back then. But I don’t know that that’s connected here. But I do find it odd that on the back of the jacket was the tin man. And the Tin Man was known for not having a heart which keep that in your back pocket for just a minute, because we’re going to get into the Charlemagne interview, which is blows my mind. And finally, there was a scene where he reacts to losing a Grammy nomination for sicko mode. And apparently, there was a tie between King dead and some Anderson pack song. And I agree with Travis because I was listening to Anderson pack. But whatever, you know, and and what’s interesting is there’s a scene and I’m gonna I’m not gonna play this, but like there’s a scene where he meets with the mayor. And the mayor is like, look, Travis, you got to show the kids that even if you lose the nomination, like you’re still going to keep working hard and you know, trying to be a positive role model. But you see how this works, how the world of entertainment and politics blend real easy. They know the power that each other has to create culture and create society and change the world. And that’s kind of one of the ideas I’ve been talking about for years on my show and in my books is how important pop culture and entertainment is. It’s the most influential thing there is. So we really got to make sure we understand what they’re feeding to us. Because it changes us. Right. Okay, let’s get into the Charlemagne to God interview. Oh, dear. This is just an s show gone bad. Right? An Shi T show gone bad. I try not to. I try not to swear for my people. I know some of us don’t like the swearing so I try not to but uh, but I want to just have it be known.
Now I’m going to, I’m going to play clips here. And it bugs me because the whole time Travis Scott. If you watch the whole thing, he’s gonna he repeats himself a million times and you’re like, bro, what are you doing? You know, he’s Oh, we just got to figure out what it was. And Charlemagne actually did a good job. He asked a lot of the right questions. And for instance, he asked if raging is the problem. And then he’s just like, Travis Scott’s like, oh, it’s not about you know, it’s not about harming. It’s not about harming. It’s not about being rambunctious. I was like, Travis, Come on, buddy. If I didn’t watch all these other documentaries and video clips, and concert footage is like when you beat the kid up who touched your shoe or whatever. And like to be fair, like sometimes an artist can have a bad day, I guess. Right? Anyways, listen to clip, see what you think.
Unknown Speaker 29:25
And I think we really just got to figure out, you know, what that was, you know,
Unknown Speaker 29:29
there’s raging make it harder to identify when something is going wrong in the crowd.
Unknown Speaker 29:33
Well, I think, you know, raging is just a, you know, have a textbook, you know, definition but, you know, in concerts, we’ve grown it to be just experience of having fun. It’s not about just Oh, harm. It’s not about that. It’s about just letting go and having fun, you know, help others know love each other. It’s not about just, you know, harm is that’s not what it’s all about. The show isn’t just rambunctious for our, you know, that’s not what it is.
Unknown Speaker 30:06
It’s just me, I grew up on crunk. So you know, I understand, you know, you just don’t, you don’t want it to get too out of hand.
Unknown Speaker 30:13
But you know, the code, you know, energy is high, you know, and, you know, and that’s why you want to just make sure that, you know, people are surrounded to make sure that people are just having the best experience.
Isaac Weishaupt 30:24
Now, Charlemagne, throughout the whole interview keeps kind of asking him like, Look, do you feel responsibility for this? And there’s probably the first time he really does it. And he’s like, how much? Do you feel a sense of responsibility? And he’s Travis is like, you know, typical, like, this is such a dodgy answer, like political answers. Traps, do you feel a sense of responsibility? Well, you know, fans, what they do is they come to a show, and bla bla, bla, bla bla, and he’s like, you know, my responsibility is to figure out what happened, and we’ll figure out where the professionals got it wrong. And then even talk about Live Nation and take a listen.
Unknown Speaker 31:02
Just, you know, being a kickin it with you for a little bit like I can see that, you know, this is weighing real heavy on. So how much do you do you feel a sense of responsibility for what happened, and
Unknown Speaker 31:18
well, you know, fans come and have a, come to the show, I have a good experience, you know, and I have a responsibility to, to figure out what happened here, I have a responsibility to figure out the solution. You know, and I gotta, and hopefully, this takes the first step into, you know, us as artists, you know, having that more insight of what’s going on, you know, saying, and, you know, the professionals to kind of, you know, surround and figure out more of Intel, whether it’s tech, whether it’s, you know, more of a response, whether it’s, whatever the problem is, you know, um, to figure out that in the future moving forward and cost our safety, make sure this never happened again, you know,
Unknown Speaker 32:07
but let’s talk about those professionals, like, how much how much responsibility, do you think, like, Live Nation, score more the promoters having all this?
Unknown Speaker 32:16
I mean, you know, they do the job of, you know, setting these things up. So, I mean, I, I think, you know, they, they, when we dial into what, you know, specifically happen here, I feel like, you know, even they can kind of help, you know, figure out what happened in the sense, um, you know, but at the end of the day, I think collectively, everyone needs to just figure out the bottom line solution. But, you know, especially a concept of safety, you know, definitely got to have, you know, make sure that, you know, these things are, you know, the right?
Isaac Weishaupt 32:54
Yeah, so like Charlotte means, like, so what is a Live Nation responsibility, what’s going on here, and he’s like, he starts doing his, well, you know, at the end of the day, and he and he says this, no less than three or four times, this whole hour 40. It’s like a 50 minute interview. And anytime you hear someone that constantly repeats, you know, at the end of the day, cuz I used to work for I used to have, I don’t, I don’t want to dig too deep into personal but I know a person who did this all the time, and this person didn’t know their ass from a hole in the ground. Okay. And I knew it. But I wasn’t in a position to call the person out, but I should have. But anytime you hear someone that constantly is always, you know, what, if you’re in a meeting where you know what, at the end of the day, to me, this is my opinion. That’s someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing. They just don’t know. They don’t know what they’re doing. They don’t know what they’re saying. They’re trying to oversimplify something without really understanding it or digging into it. They’ve never researched it. When you hear someone that keeps saying at the end of the day, that’s what that means. They’re trying to oversimplify a complex situation, because they haven’t looked at it. They don’t know what they’re talking about. And, and this is the best part, right? He says, how, you know, I only heard about people dying at the press conference. Right? Well, you know, when was that accord? It was apparently after the show, but I can’t get the exact times to really condemn, condemn what happened here i I’ve seen it say at 2am was the press conference. But you remember how he went to Dave and Busters? Well, him and Drake went to Dave and Busters after the concert. And a lot of people, myself included, were like, that’s a little bit in poor taste. Listen to this, according to this is from an ABC 13 article. According to sources, Scott was unaware there were fatalities and injuries. At his concert, as soon as he was made aware of the fatalities, he left the party. The exact timing of Scott leaving was unclear. But ABC 13 was told it was sometime early Saturday morning. So they’re saying he heard about the fatalities at Dave and Busters at the party? Travis Scott says, No, I only heard about it at the press conference right before the press conference. So I don’t know. It’s doesn’t really add up, does it? And I could be wrong. I couldn’t confirm the timing of exactly when these things happened. I’m not a detective. So you know, look into that before you repeat it, but like, from what I could tell like, no, there’s two different stories here. But, you know, maybe the ABC 13 got it wrong. Who knows? But here’s where things got even worse for Travis. He messes up. He says that they told him on the headset, I guess, that after your guests after the guest comes on stage, the show is going to end. Right. That’s what he claims. And here’s where I’ll be listening to come on. We’ll come back.
Unknown Speaker 36:16
I’m reportedly agree to end the concert early after the Houston PD. And the fire department declared it a mass casualty event, but the concert continued for another 40 minutes. Was there any other any communication to you on stage? That you should in this?
Unknown Speaker 36:30
Well, yeah, I mean, it just told me right out there, you know, to guess get get off stage, you know, we’re gonna end the show. And so we did. No, other than that. There was no other communication. You know, so after, you may have to guess to me, yeah. After the guest comes out. Okay, we’re gonna we’re gonna end the show, but it wasn’t communication on why, you know, it was just, you know, that’s what came into my ears.
Unknown Speaker 36:51
Also, they didn’t say stop now. Oh, gotcha.
Isaac Weishaupt 36:55
Wow. So he says, Look, I didn’t know anything was wrong. I just know that they said to me, after the guest shows up on stage, that’s when the show is now going to end we’re going to end it. Okay. So a lot of questions here. If I’m the performer, and I got my whole setlist and I’m like, why? No, we’re not ending. What do you mean, we’re ending it? You’re not concerned about that? You don’t ask the question. Even after the show, if backstage you don’t get off the stage that yo Why do you cut it? Would you cut the show early? No questions. Okay, that doesn’t make any sense. Another thing that doesn’t make sense is well, first off, why can’t he why he says the guest. That’s Drake drinks the only one he brought out on stage. All right, to do sicko mode. But you notice he couldn’t say the name because dranks even more powerful than Travis Scott. It could be that they’re trying to protect Drake for all of this because, like I said, I think Drake is gonna go down as the King of Pop. No, Love him or hate him. The dude’s been cranking out hits for a long time. I believe I bet there’s some kind of legality thing there that he can’t say the name Drake. I don’t know I just found it super weird. And I’m it’s weird that Charlemagne didn’t say guessed. You mean Drake. He didn’t say it though. But what’s what’s even better than all of this is that if you watch the concert, as I did and explained to you in I believe was episode three, I went through the whole concert with you. After the guest, Drake performed and got off stage, Dr. Scott kept going. He didn’t stop the show, as he claims that he was supposed to do. Goosebumps was the last song and he performed he performed that solo. And if you recall, I even defended Travis Scott. Because the video footage of Kylie Jenner leaving you can hear goosebumps playing because a lot of people were like, oh, Kylie Jenner. They escorted her out when they saw people dying and like no, the footage even shows you she was escorted out during goosebumps, which was the last song of the set. Nothing, nothing adds up though. He said he’s supposed to stop the show after Drake. And he kept going. Who knows? Another classic cringy moment. Charlemagne like, what would you what would you say to the family? If you could talk to the family right now? What would you say to him? And you would think he would say I’m sorry. I apologize that this happened. I’m sorry. This happened. He’s like, you know, I would just say like I’m always here.
Unknown Speaker 39:34
I’m always here. Okay, I know that the families of the people who pass the definitely watching this right now and you know, there’s nothing you could say to heal the trauma these families who lost loved ones are gonna are going through but being that you know, they’re watching what would you what would you say to them
Unknown Speaker 39:52
directly? I’ll say to them that I’m always here. And that you know, I’m you know, I’m I’m in this with you guys. And I love you, you know, and always, you know, be there to help you guys heal to this. And I understand that they’re going through, you know, the grieving right now and they’re finally understanding right now. And, you know, it’s not just like a right now thing is everything. Um, and these people that came to the show, they are my family. And I’ve always had that connection to the people, I feel like they listen to the music or came to my shows.
Unknown Speaker 40:31
And that’s why I really, you know, it’s really hard on me even just, you know,
Unknown Speaker 40:39
TV and like, you know even because, you know, they ended up they, they lost, they lost a loved ones, you know?
Isaac Weishaupt 40:55
What does that mean? You’re always here you guys like, Are you friends? They give you them set their cell phone numbers. I don’t know what that means, but seemed cold blooded. Then they keep talking and and strong is like, whoa, what do you think we should do to change things? How can we fix this? And Travis Scott’s like, yeah, you know, we definitely got to find a way to stop this. Maybe Maybe heart rate monitors and tech wristbands. And I’m just like, No, how about like, you endorsed, raging? And on some levels? Like, I’m like, people people’s have the freedom to rage. If you want to be violent at a show, like, I don’t know. I’m not here saying like, Oh, we should all have seats at a concert. But you got to know there’s some inherent danger there. Right. And the artist knows it as well, Travis Scott knew it. But then the greatest moment in YouTube history. Charlemagne actually asks, If the music was satanic, I couldn’t believe it. I was aghast. I said, Did he really ask him the question? And he did. So kudos to Charlemagne.
Unknown Speaker 42:09
Some people say, um, your music played a role in this, like, I’ve seen him, you know, cite lyrics, you know, that encourage this kind of behavior. I’ve seen him say your music is demonic. And this was a satanic ritual. You, you think your music is to blame?
Unknown Speaker 42:26
I mean, no, I’m, I mean, one, I’m a man of God. So that’s the first thing first, and you know, so it’s just, yeah, that’s that. And, you know, your music is just like self expression, you know, saying, at the shows, I feel like people kind of, like, look at things. And if you’ve been no travel shows, I was been different layers of shows, you know, I think people were just, you know, misconceptions and taking me seeing, you know, all type of things, you know. And I’ve, I’ve took pride in trying to, you know, grow from where I was when I first recorded music. So now I’m going to music. Um, so yeah, I just think people got to it, that’s one thing with me is just got people got to kind of, you know, experience it sometimes. And I think that’s what it was, you know, we were kind of like, even before people were hearing about it, and come and experience it, and taking away their own thing, and it’s always gonna be outside opinion. But, you know, for the ones that, you know, really believe in me, and, you know, understand what we’re, you know, what I’m about and what I’m doing. No, that’s not, that’s not what I’m preaching, I always preach like love, always preach, understand, always preach, you know, take care, your loved ones love each other. You know, I’m saying get out your ideas, never let never let yourselves be stopped, you know. Love one another and step into that, you know?
Unknown Speaker 43:58
I mean, I think that’s a part of the music does encourage people to be violent at the shows.
Unknown Speaker 44:03
I mean, I mean,
Unknown Speaker 44:04
that’s what the rage is about. I
Unknown Speaker 44:06
mean, most of the music is, is me, sometimes talking about what I see at the shows, you know, what I mean? Um, if I’m talking about the shows, you know, and so it’s just, that’s just, you know, the energy, you know, I’m saying, but the energy isn’t to come in. Start, you know, being ultra violent and just being violent and hurting each other. That’s not That’s not what it’s about.
Unknown Speaker 44:30
It was moreso supposed to be entertainment. Yes, everything
Unknown Speaker 44:33
is you know, and it’s about what you experienced, you know, at the shows and what you see, you know,
Isaac Weishaupt 44:38
yeah, Charlemagne like, was it a satanic ritual flat out? He asked him he’s like, Well, Trump’s got you know, you got it all wrong. I’m a man of God. But okay, that’s why you got all this devil. You’re wearing a shirt of a guy turning into the demon. On stage while this was happening, and you had a dove on fire, They’re being ejected from the mountain. And I know the list goes on and on. I talked about it for three episodes about all his satanic symbolism. He’s got a shirt where he’s on fire with an inverted pentagram. All the alchemy symbolism, which isn’t necessarily satanic right? To be fair, the alchemy stuff isn’t exactly equated to Satanism. And then Charlemagne asks directly about raging being at fault, this culture of raging that Travis endorses. And Travis is like, well, raging isn’t about being violent. It is, and then even is like, you know, I’m just, I’m just singing about stuff. I see it the show. I’m like, Dude, this guy’s not owning anything. Then Charlemagne comes back around and hit him with another question about Satanism. This one’s even better than the first one to be honest.
Unknown Speaker 46:01
And a god and when I even said that, you know, they say your music is satanic. I saw the face that you made. What do you what do you think that even comes from? Travis Scott is satanic. Travis God, I
Unknown Speaker 46:10
just think it’s just things people collect, you know, people look at the internet, and they just collect and they look at things and they look at visuals. And you know, you have all these theorists and people just thinking, looking at visuals, no understand, you know, just idea of like, what art may be what, what you’re trying to do, you know, they’re just making up your message, especially when you’re not out there, like yelling the message all the time. No, it’s just yeah.
Unknown Speaker 46:32
And when they said, This is a community event afterwards. Yes. So they say community event of the satanic ritual. How did that?
Unknown Speaker 46:39
Yeah, it’s like, it’s, it’s crazy. Because, you know, it’s like, I do this for people to have a good time. You know, we have rides, we have games, you know, things for people to get off creative experiences is not, you know, the shows at the end of the day, you know, it’s like, you know, and that shows you something based on what’s, you know, this is things you know, it’s not like, white like, well, we wake up one day and just trying to this just as evil that’s not what we are part of not trying to be a part of that we’re trying to be a part of joy. Try to be a part of light and trying to be a part of full blown happiness, love, you know, understanding people taking care of each other, you know, community people to lead from these experiences and want to go out and do good.
Isaac Weishaupt 47:18
Yeah, this is great, because Travis Scott even blames he blames conspiracy theorists and the internet as the problem. Because, of course, is the problem. And you know, they’ve already got a solution. It’s called censorship. Now, Travis, God says, he keeps saying about how all the music’s healing my music is so healing, and that’s the answer to all this is more healing music. And the thing that happened that had absolutely nothing to do with Travis Scott, or his music, because his music is now it’s now all about healing and love. Like, this guy’s just Bob Marley walking down the street, apparently, all of a sudden. Because here’s my thing. He had a new album, those was a drop called utopia. And it didn’t drop, obviously. And I think they’re sitting on this thing like, bro, we gotta get this album out. You had to get right with the fans. I think that’s what I think it is. He’s like, You know what? Music still healing? I got, I got this. You know what’s going to heal you? My new album, my new album utopia. Get it in stores now for all your healing purposes. Oh, dear. Then. Then Charlemagne. This is gonna be my last clip. Okay. Charlemagne asks, Travis Scott, like, what precautions are you going to take the next show? He’s like, You know what, I’m just gonna do what I always did. And then he puts it like, on the fans. Like, it’s their fault. Okay. Take a listen.
Unknown Speaker 48:52
Just just you as an individual, when you perform again, what precautions will you take moving forward? Just you just based on what you can personally control? What precautions would you take moving forward?
Unknown Speaker 49:04
I’ll do the same thing I’m, you know, been doing just double you know, making sure everybody’s on on posting. Now, I’ll do to, you know, double down on just making sure that everyone is locked in. Everyone is aware, everyone is on response. Everybody’s on? You know, on it, you know, I’m saying and look out. Try, you know, if you felt like it, wasn’t there more push for it to be more push to call and responsible with the fans?
Unknown Speaker 49:40
Like, would you mean like a yo, yo, okay, you know, or like,
Unknown Speaker 49:43
you know, try to have some sort of color response with the fans, while still be smoothing or performance at the end of the day is still performance. All right. And I’m saying um, and that’s why the whole general idea about this is you want to make sure that is all these factors are done before we even go into these things, you know, um, because you want to just when you go in, you want to have the mindset that okay, people are going to be okay. We can have a good show these going down, people are gonna be right there to be the first one to get to him. You know? And if there’s gonna be any communication, you know, communication, but you know,
Isaac Weishaupt 50:21
yeah, he kind of puts it on the fans like, we’re gonna we’re gonna need to do more call and response and, you know, we need to listen to the fans like, Bro. The fans were screaming, they were livid literally chanting stop the show. They were literally talking to the camera man. Say, people are dying. There’s video footage of it all over the place. What are you talking about? And to be fair to Travis Scott, I did see cops after all the deaths. Haven’t I saw cops filming the concert. Like it wasn’t a big deal. So like, to be fair to Travis Scott. I’m kinda like, maybe he didn’t know. But people knew. People knew. They caught it a mass casualty event. 40 minutes before the show ended. No one thought to say hey, maybe we should get message over to Travis Scott. I don’t know. i It’s bizarre, right? He addresses how he saw it. Remember that? If you remember there was an ambulance parked out where the deaths were happening. And if you watched the concert, it was there for like 40 minutes or something crazy. And he says he had no idea was an ambulance. He’s like, I just see lights man. Like it’s lights. I don’t know what it is people going crazy. He didn’t know as an ambulance, I guess I guess Oh, man. Yeah, take his word for it. Or do we? I don’t know. And then then Charlemagne asked the real question. And of course, we get a political BS answer. But he asked him like, how much of this is about protecting the business of Travis Scott? Because Travis Scott has a big business is lots of money tied in. And you know, he gives you another? Well, you know, at the end of the day answer and dodges it entirely. And he he’s just tripled down on like, you know, it’s just all about the fans and love and giving the fans what they need. So yeah, that’s the interview was the cringes thing I’ve ever seen. In conclusion, in conclusion, let’s wrap it all up. Even though Travis Scott has said, if you listen to my first three parts, you’ve heard audio clips of him saying about how he wants blood, anyone’s violence at his shows, literally got arrested for inciting a riot. He is trying to lay it on everyone but himself trying to lay it on the fans a little bit trying to lay it on the organizers a little bit like whoever, whoever is not him, not to his fault. It is right. But he’s always just, you know, oh, he’s I really want to know what happened. And I And look, to be fair, Travis Scott, like, this is horrible, right? I don’t think he wanted it to go down like this. But he embraced some of the dark arts a little too hard and things got out of hand. That’s what I think happened. But we live in a very scientific society. And that’s like, nonsense, right? You saw the news articles talking about all crazy talk with the satanic stuff. You know what I mean? Yeah, it’s painful. It’s painful to watch this thing. He’s stumbling and bumbling to defend him. I can’t blame them, right. I just probably wouldn’t have done it if I was him. Or at least said I’m sorry if I the way to say I’m sorry. If there’s legal implications to that. I don’t know. I don’t know. But overall big alpha Travis Scott, YouTube disabled the dislike button just in time. They really did. I watched it at a at 680,000 views. And there were 30,000 likes, but obviously you can’t tell how many dislikes how many dislikes Do you think there were? I’ll think it was a good luck for him. I think it’s a big L so thanks for listening. Check out my first three Travis Scott shows if you want more. And until next time, stay WOKE
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
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