On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we wrap up Archive 81! Join along as we go through the entire first season of Netflix’s Archive 81! We’ll talk about all the symbolism and connections to the occult of this show- every element of the story appears to have been inspired by real occult ideas, symbols and key figures. It has a lot of occult elements to include: Aliens, Lovecraft, the 23 enigma, transhumanism, ritual magick, spirituality of demons, blood sacrifice, occult practices of tarot, channeling and so much more. Be sure to listen to part 1 and 2 cuz we’re gonna build an understanding that will be revealed in the conclusion at the end of part 2 where we find out the occult plans to channel the devil through aliens (and there’s even a connection to adrenochrome child abuse)…
The first part will cover the show’s creation and episodes 1 through 6. The second part will cover episodes 7 and 8 (where most all of the action happens) and the conclusion where we’ll wrap it all up and reveal ALL of the occult ideas and how this show is one big revelation of the method.
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(*Full transcript of the show will be at bottom of this post, scroll all the way down!)
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
Signed paperbacks available at Gumroad.com/IsaacW!
Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Unknown Speaker 0:05
To keep humanity safe
Unknown Speaker 0:07
to keep them small, servile,
Unknown Speaker 0:11
do you really understand what you’re about to do? Tearing a hole between these worlds,
Unknown Speaker 0:19
to save humanity from itself. From more from poverty from sick, no.
Unknown Speaker 0:25
Whatever that thing is in there, it’s not a god. It’s not a savior. It’s the force of complete and total destruction,
Unknown Speaker 0:37
maybe for the unfaithful for everyone.
Isaac Weishaupt 0:43
You’re listening to conspiracy theories and on popular culture, I’m your host, Isaac Weishaupt. We are here. And I don’t know if you’re ready. You tell me if you’re ready or not. Archive at one, part two. Let’s get it on. We’re gonna do this, we already covered part one. We’re wrapping up the first season of the show on Netflix archive 81. It’s revealing the big agenda in so many ways. And today’s conclusion will wrap up the whole first season. And you’re going to find out this is Revelation with the method. It shows us It encapsulates all of the ideas we’ve talked about in a wide breadth of different products should I say? With all the books I’ve written the podcast over the years, it kind of hits on all of it, right, particularly my alien books that I released last year. And we’re going to talk about the meaning of that weird symbol you see from the vos clan, the cult, excuse me, the clan are called it’s a cult. And the Oh called History of spirit receivers to channel the divine channel entities spirits from another dimension. It’s all here. And I’m going to assume you heard part one, because you would be foolish not to write. We covered episodes one through six. And we’re gonna dive right in starting with Episode Seven, then eight, then the conclusion where I’m going to drop all the truth bombs right. Now, one piece of housekeeping I missed from part one. I promise I’m not going on and on about housekeeping today. But part one, there’s something I missed in the timing was very unfortunate, because I recorded the part one show. It was still in the can so to speak, meaning I didn’t do the editing or nothing. Yeah, I just recorded it. And then I got to go through and do a bunch of stuff, right. And hours later, I talked to my main man, BP, we call him BP. And he says, this is weird, right? This is really weird. I’m gonna get real spiritual woowoo on your hair. Because as you know, I am a Christian. I don’t profess it much. I don’t talk about it much. Because that’s not my, you know, strong suit. I don’t. I’m not. I’m not trying to be the poster boy for that. Because that’s definitely not my thing. I definitely don’t feel qualified to be the guy that’s telling people why they should be Christians or not. Because like, look, I don’t know. I questioned it all the time. And I skip church all the time. Because I be tired. And is that good? It is not good. But you know, I try to say my prayers, prayers, training and vitamins right? Anyway, my man BP he got onto this onto this realm of research with me here. And you know, he’s out there doing his the Christian warrior like me, right. Just trying to live trying to make a hat trying to live right. Okay. And I found it very odd. A bit of synchronicity, if you will, for the non Christians. A bit of divine prophecy, maybe that I record. I’ve been researching archive 81 For weeks now, this is a big topic. And I record part one, and mere hours later, my man VP says, Hey, have you seen archive 81 on Netflix. I said, bro, I’m recording a show on it right now. I’ve got pages and pages of crap talk about. He said, Oh, I just watched it. And there’s a part where she’s on the phone. And she dials 666 I said, my goodness. You got to be lying to me, right? I said, Well, let me check it out. Okay. And I knew what party was talking about because you remember in part one, I went on and on about pagers, she gets a page from a beeper, very 90s very 94 Well, sure enough, she goes to the payphone after getting the page she types in 666. And then it goes on to like, I think the next bunch he has to and then it kind of cuts so you don’t see the whole number. I said, That’s bizarre. I did not catch that. I saw this show twice now that just goes to show how much there is involved in this this symbolism in this show.
There’s tons of stuff I missed, I bet probably. Right. Not tons. Couple couple things. Yeah, Episode 537 minutes and 30 seconds in. She goes to the payphone. Watch it for yourself. See, we think I’ll put the photo on the Instagram as well. I’ll probably attach it to the part two. I don’t know. We’ll see. We’ll see how the mood strikes. All right. So shout out BP holding it down. Illuminati watching as it were. Now, let’s get going on Episode Seven. At the beginning of the episodes, they always play this little clip of, you know, background of the story, right? And this one, and Episode Seven is where this shows really takes off. This is where it gets really interesting. And we have this story about a comet named Karen. I’m not kidding. It’s just about K h a r o n. But I’m calling it the comet Karin. And it’s here. It comes to earth to talk to the manager. You know, it’s here to cause massive amounts of damage and refunds and coupons. And it’s just had enough. Anyway, you’re gonna hear the story. I’m gonna play the clip the story about the comic Karen, and about how it’s got a twin and they crash into Earth. And let’s see if you know what movie we’re going to claim this has very close ties to God take a listen.
Unknown Speaker 7:05
Once every 70.6 years, a comet sweeps through our inner service system. For a few exhilarating weeks it is visible from Planet Earth. Then it waves disappearing into the great deep dark of space. A comment called current name for the ferryman of Hades, who carries souls of the dead across the River Styx. Comet Kern, was discovered in 1784. But geological evidence suggests it may have once been one half of a cosmic pair. Its companion is believed to have crashed to the surface millions of years ago, leaving in its wake, a coveted and rare gemstone called Carbonite.
Isaac Weishaupt 8:00
Now if you read aliens UFOs Nichol huge allusion to the second alien book I wrote in 2021. You’ll know that actually, I was actually I think I wrote usually version one in 2020. And then usually in two and 2021. Anyhow, you know what I’m saying? The thing John Carpenter’s The Thing. It was a similar storyline, right. It’s sort of like the thing meets HP Lovecraft Cthulhu. Okay. Anyway, these comments they crash on Earth, and they’re composed of this rare gemstone called Kara Knight, alright. And also it should be noted that this episode is called the fairy man and the fairy man to Hades. Hell, it has a the twin as what this is comment represents. Which in Greek mythology. The name is Karen, C, H, A. R O N. And Karen char own or however you pronounce it. Fairies, the souls across the river, the river Styx? Yes. That sticks S T Y. X, just like the band. So very interesting, right? You connect all to this spirituality and stuff. We’re gonna come back to these ideas again. But let’s stick with the storyline. Okay, so Daniel, he, he leaves this this this weird cabin in the woods, right? And he goes because he’s got this medical emergency. Well, he uses this time to go visit his podcasting buddy mark, because Mark now owns all of the William crest goodies. And you remember that William crest was the guy who did the film The Circle based upon an occult secret society in Hollywood, and a snuff film. Alright. And you’ll notice I got a screenshot again, you got to See my instagram at Isaac Weishaupt. Take a look and subscribe and see all the great things. There’s a screenshot and if you zoom in, you’ll see a sticky note. And the sticky note says, quote, magic for good magic for evil, neutral, which is very apropos. Because you’ve got all these Gnostic ideas, this inversion duality, the transliteration of values Frederick Nietzsche talked about. And it’s all very appropriate, because that’s what this is all about. It’s all about inverting our ideas. God is evil. And the devil is good. And you’ll also notice, and this one’s kind of this one’s a stretch. Okay, I’ll tell you when I think things are a stretch, because I’m not the conspiracy guy that believes everything. But you’ll notice some sketches on the wall of skeletons, and I saw them and that was very reminiscent of some sketches I’d seen before. And those sketches I’ve seen before. Paris Jackson, do you remember back in 2013? How, you know, Michael Jackson’s daughter, she was in and out of a bunch of mental facilities and such, allegedly after her father died. When Michael Jackson died, when his doctor Conrad Murray, allegedly a Freemason, and allegedly, was doing CPR on a mattress, which doesn’t make sense. But whatever. After her father died, she was doing all kinds of weird stuff. And they were forcing her to go into, I don’t know, forcings right word. A lot of allegedly is thrown into all this. But the story goes that she was in some facilities and she was tweeting some wild stuff. Maybe you’re new to the truth or world and this is all news to you. So I’m gonna go through it. She was tweeting stuff like, and I quote, a secret society is not really secret, if you know what you’re looking for. So don’t wait for the info to come to you take time to seek it out for yourself. And she was drawing these symbols of the Eastern stars the the female Freemasonry society. And she drew this skull with the vow of silence, it was putting the finger to the lips. This is the vow of silence or the sign of harbor crates. And that skull looked very reminiscent to the skulls seen on the wall in archive 81. It’s not identical, I’ll give you that not quite the same, but very reminiscent. And so much so that I saw it and it triggered this memory and I thought, dude, those were pairs. Jackson was drawn and it was a little off. I’ll post both of those on the Instagram you can compare them.
Anyhow. Iris vos back an old timey 1924 All right. She starts this call. Remember she was the Helena Blavatsky person that the woman who sold the podcaster guy all of William crests stuff said this Iris vos lady was running the vault vos cult, as she was like Hollywood love ASCII. Anyway, Iris ball starts Iris vos starts this cult and she befriends a woman named Rose. Now this goes in line with all the other weird names that you see when I say weird. All these purposely placed and chosen names from this show, because Rose is important in the history of the occult for Rose Kelly who was Alister Crowley’s first Scarlet woman. He took her to Egypt, she helped facilitate the channeling of a disembodied entity named a was very similar to this story. And she tells Crowley like, Hey, I’m channeling this demon and they’re waiting for you. And the weird thing is officially, she was not really in any of this occult stuff. She just thought Crowley was this bad boy and he was a mountain climber and you know woowoo whatever. But this made Crowley believe even more in his destiny to be the one who would usher in the new age the AON of Horus and the way he and and he proceeded to make contact with this demon and wrote the book of the law and it started the whole religion, so on and so on. And, of course, Crowley moved on he had other women in his life. And she rose Kelly would eventually go insane and get dumped off at an insane asylum. And Crowley moved on to live his best life. Because he, as it seems, if you believe the stories about him was a pretty rotten person. He smashed Some other woman’s face in she went crazy. All the women around him went crazy or killed themselves or bringing him alcoholics. But you know this called things the greatest thing ever so you got it, buddy. So, vos, she starts doing these dark rituals, Iris moss and they’re using this grim wire this spell book this witch manual called the ball dung Book of Shadows, which is based upon balding isn’t a real thing but the gentle gardener the guy started Wicca he had a book of shadows, it was very similar. And we find out that chi Lego this alien was in fact the Supreme Being. And they were trying to manifest ours boss back in 1924. Trying to manifest this alien into our world. Luminate confirm Right. and it culminated with a common viewing party very similar to wasn’t a Marshall Applewhite, that name. They got around the Heaven’s Gate cult. They were wearing the Nike shoes and the purple tablecloths over themselves, mass suicide event. But they do this common viewing party for Catherine comic Karen. And that’s when the vos mansion burned down. This vos called disappears. William crest devotes his life trying to understand what happened. They rebuild the visceral building on top of the burndown mansion. And then you fast forward and we find out Annabelle is painting Iris Voss in all her black mold paintings. Okay, then they do another flashback to 1924 old flapper Ville, New York here we see how they recruited rose into this cult. And the reason they did is because they need the sacrifice the ritual blood sacrifice. And the reason they choose Rose is because her parents are dead. We’ve talked about that on and on and on with all the Disney stories about how they insist on having dead parents or killing the parents in front of the kids and all that right. And we find out, you know, Rosie is an atheist because she’s like, Well, why would God kill my family? Which agreed that’s kind of a that’s kind of a overwrought move. Right? And that’s what a lot of times when people pull me over to that atheist argument, they talk about some of the horrific things we deal with. And I and I don’t, look, that’s tough, right? Why would God let cancer go on? Why wouldn’t he stop all these things? He or she stop all these horrific things? Is it just because man is free will? I mean, I think that’s the official answer. It’s, it’s a tough thing, though. Right? When when people have a rific, things like that happened to him, it really would make you question God. So I get it, right.
So Iris, Iris Voss, she talks about the comment, it says it’s the most beautiful the celestial bodies, and I got a photo of the moment where she says that she says, it’s a blazing light in the night sky that would reveal the secrets of the universe. And again, this is a reference to Freemasonry, with the blazing star, very much in line with Freemasonry occultism because they worship Sirius, the blazing star, that’s the sun behind the sun, the hidden sun, the hidden truth, the last word, it goes on and on and on. It’s the truth about their Luciferian beliefs. And there’s a lot of nuance to this. And there’s a million ways you can analyze it. But that to me, if you wanted to zoom out and sort of oversimplify things, that’s what it seems like to me. Now, the vos, called the hell have the big party to celebrate the comment come in. And the whole idea is that the veil between worlds is at its thinnest at this point. And she unveils the statue of Kai Lego, the alien. And she asks the party people to help bring through this new world by harming and doing this chant. And they’re capturing images of Kai Lego and he’s manifesting Oh, my goodness. You know, when I go to bars that they’ll ask, like, just bring some cups or some chips or some celery salad, she’s like, No, no, I want you to bring about the new world the end of times. And that’s what they do is very much like ghost hunting going on. And this is a 1924 was a age of spiritualism, they called it a lot of this stuff was very much invoke of seances and channeling spirits and all that stuff. Now, so Alistair Crowley, he was kind of around at the peak time of interest for that stuff. So Iris vos, she is talking about katlego This God This the other god, which is a very capitalistic reference to the other side, and you’ll hear some very interesting ideas about what chi LEGGO can do so take a listen. He says if I keep trying I’ll die please mess yeah have to take care of yourself.
Unknown Speaker 20:22
I thought
Unknown Speaker 20:25
my profession thought he’d grant me this one small thing.
Unknown Speaker 20:30
Devotion to what is
Unknown Speaker 20:35
and if I told you there’s another world different from this one, and the being the root word is more powerful than anything you’ve ever imagined. A God can grant eternal life eternal eternal peace. A gotta consider the future as easily as if it were the past. To combine the worth of any man or beast you can reunite us with the people we’ve lost here destroy the child the child I need what if I told you that devoted my life to
Unknown Speaker 21:41
not just another world? Another God? Yes. I would say it sounds like a dream.
Isaac Weishaupt 21:55
Yeah, we find out how Lego can grant eternal life. He he bends the wills of others. That’s a very magical thinking. He heals he destroys. And BAM he’s like, Imma give you a kid. I was vos. And yeah, we’re talking about the womb of the Antichrist. She’s going to be the vessel for the Antichrist. That’s what they want. It sounds bizarre, doesn’t it? But that’s their proper occult prophecies that they can somehow channel Luciferian demonic spirits and create new life to destroy this world and create a new world. Now Iris, she sees the black mold and she’s like, Oh, look proof the entities are pushing through the veil. The black mold is manifesting. And then we see there’s this bald done witch named Emma and she grabs the grim wire this book of shadows. And this is where you actually hear that the cult does in fact, want to tear a hole in the world. This is a very HP love crafty and vibrator. What are you doing?
Unknown Speaker 23:05
That’s Miss irises book. It is not her book. What has she taught you about this book? About our society? Has she made your great promises? Did you promise he could hold a whole new world inside of you? You must come with me before it’s too late See, this doesn’t belong to you.
Unknown Speaker 23:45
It doesn’t belong to you either boulder. can throw it away like a piece of garbage?
Unknown Speaker 23:50
To keep humanity safe.
Unknown Speaker 23:53
To keep them small. servile.
Unknown Speaker 23:57
Do you really understand what you’re about to do? Tearing a hole between these worlds
Unknown Speaker 24:04
that going to save humanity from itself from more from poverty from SICK no
Unknown Speaker 24:11
whatever that thing is in there it’s not a god. It’s not a savior. It’s the force of complete and total destruction maybe for the
Unknown Speaker 24:23
unfaithful for everyone
Unknown Speaker 24:30
we made a terrible mistake. We set it free and nearly destroyed everything. And now the handful of us that are left we have to make sure no one makes that mistake again.
Isaac Weishaupt 24:48
So I was Voss things kind of Lego will save humanity from itself and all the war and all the problems and the poverty and the sickness which is again the occult fantasy that. And this is a very scientific theocracy idea that we can just fix all these problems. And I disagree wholeheartedly, I think I do believe that every person needs to evolve and become better at various things so that we can stop doing all this crazy stuff. But I don’t believe that aliens or science can fix it all. Like they want you to believe they can snip some, some DNA strands and make it so that everything’s perfect. That’s their fantasy so hard. And as you know, in the last couple of years, their solution didn’t quite work out the way they wanted it to. Anyway, so Iris vos, RS boss, his brother Jonah comes through blasting. And he shoots Emma, his sister. And Iris is like oh, no, sorry. Iris, his brother Jonah. Shoots Emma bald on the witch. Alright. And Iris is like, cool, like, go collect all of our blood so we can use it for the ritual tonight. And and Jonah’s like, Yo, like I just shot a wound but you’re crazy. And she’s like, Yeah, I am crazy. ain’t cool. What’s that from? What movie? Is that from? You know the answer don’t you? Tell me in the comments if you know what movie that’s from now. Iris is Brother Jonah. He got it disappears all the storyline doesn’t really matter anymore. But Iris does Iris shows rose around the party. And she’s like, Oh, you’re so nice jewelry for you to wear a black Seeing Stone necklace. Again, going back to John D and The Seeing Stone what you want to call it mirror or whatever he does, The Seeing Stone he was looking at to channel entities back in the day. And if you watch the house of Hammer Horror, they did the shows in the 70s the Series, and there’s an episode about the scene stone the black Seeing Stone and during their satanic ritual. They use a young lady and they tell her she is this vessel that will in fact, be used to channel a demonic spirit into while she’s looking into The Seeing Stone. Now let’s see what else we got. Okay, but of course not everyone’s happy with this. Iris, his other brother Lucas, he’s getting mad too. And he’s like, look, I’m leaving this comment party. Because Iris is trying to sacrifice all these people. But she’s like, No, no, it’s for the greater good, very commonplace idea, right? We hear about it’s for the greater good. But Lucas says, Ah, this is for you. Trick. You’re trying to get knocked up by this demonic alien. For one dumb kid, we all have to die. And I says, Well, the new gods will be ushering in the new age. So this says a much bigger purpose than just me having a kid that a brother Lucas is like, no people are going to die. Regardless of anything. That’s what human beings do. That’s our purpose here. It’s not we’re not supposed to be immortal. That’s not the purpose of this experiment here. And she’s like, No, we need the alien demons to make us immortal. Very similar argument to Mark Zuckerberg, who’s our alien demon in this case, making the metaverse always supposed to live you mortally with a digital soul, digital consciousness. Are we supposed to enjoy the things of this earth while we can and then we die and we move on to the next journey? I don’t know. I haven’t died and come back yet. I’ll let you know when that happens. But he’s a guy like you know, humanity has to always fight through poverty and wars and death and that’s just the way it is. But ours is like, Nah, I’m about that alien life. So she proceeds with a ritual. They go downstairs to this. Now familiar chamber room. She chants about the night sky burning up and calling chi Lego to come through. They’re using tuning forks and reading from the grim wire. And they’re calling upon the ferryman to carry them through the veil. They put on all these Jason hockey masks. And then bam. It’s time for the blood sacrifice. Only rose doesn’t know it yet. They’re all putting their hockey masks on and roses like
where’s my hockey mask? And Iris is like, bad news for you. Chi Lego is the light that will inhabit your body. Slice. It’s Murda. And yeah, this is the snuff film that will crest off And this weird veil of energy comes down and it’s a wrap the tapes in the journals and Daniel convinces mark the podcaster guy that look we need to hunt down Annabelle melodies friend that was painting in the black mold. We got to figure out what happened. So they arrive and she’s like, Dan, I’ve been waiting for you Dahomey Come on. He’s like what she’s like Melody’s been waiting in the other world. Like where Iris was. And you need to help me get her out. And there you go. That’s Episode Seven. Episode Eight. Last episode starts out with footage of Jess. You remember her? The young girl. She was supposed to be the next sacrifice. She was supposed to be the 1994 Rose. I didn’t feel any kind of emotional connection to her but it’s probably supposed to make me feel a certain way. Maybe I’m just a cold hearted son of a gun. Anyway, it starts out with footage of Jessamine like Oh, that’s right, that girl that were supposed to care about seven hours ago. And anyhow, Melody she’s in the psych ward. Remember because Daniels dad took her out. She was going crazy. She did not use betterhelp.com backslash Illuminati watcher, where there was counselors waiting for her 24/7 And it turns out he was trying to save her from the seance. So she wasn’t trying to get her locked up. He was trying to save her because he’s like, yeah, they’re sacrificer. And he’s like He was saying that Samuel was actually studying the balding bloodline. That’s why she was sticking around, right? Because she’s part of that bloodline. She didn’t know it. And she tells him like, look, Samuel is going to use Jess for the ritual, not me. He’s like, Oh, snap. So we find out that this comment does in fact open a door. It’s the ferryman to the other side. That’s why they do this every 70 years. And that’s why, you know, the heaven’s gates, they said the similar thing with the hell Bopp comet, celestial bodies as above, so below law of correspondence, they believe in this stuff. Some more videos show that melody went back to the Visser to save jazz from Samuel. She goes to the sixth floor, of course, here comes a janitor catcher, shout out to mama janitors out there. And she wakes up in the ritual chamber. And, you know, Samuel, he’s so smug. He doesn’t care that just just got away. And Samuel finds himself another sacrifice for the ritual, you know, like, no one cares about Jess. He’s like, I don’t care about her. You don’t care about her. I don’t care about her. Let her go. We’ll find another one. And it’s tomorrow, the hot gotcha comes back. And he’s like, you’re about to be it. So the fire of the ritual, they sacrifice the goth chick. Strangely enough, they’re Jason masks. They don’t have the sigil on him, which is odd, because the 1924 ritual a did have the sigils on it. And, you know, we, you know, it goes back and forth, right. And now we’re back to Daniel, in present day. And Daniel, he’s telling Virgil, and there’s a good sum up of this. In fact, I’m gonna play this. There’s a clip that sums up the whole series in about two minutes to catch you up and sort of put a bow on everything in case you were because there’s a lot going on, in case you missed anything. So let’s play that first.
Unknown Speaker 33:33
Let’s break it down. I was born in 1924. She in her high society cult of colleague of worshipers execute a ritual ugly shit human sacrifice. Something goes wrong. It’s big explosion boss mansion collapses everyone dies, nobody’s are found. Fast forward to 1994 Professor Samuel spare or whatever the fuck his name is moved into the Visser fires up the cult again. He gathers a ragtag congregation collects all the necessary occult occult trauma, and he learns melody and unwitting Baldan, which into his web tries to ritual again, what happens it’s same fucking disaster. Except this time to the miracle of not quite modern technology. We get a better look. How’s that possible? Well, if you believe all the crazy shit that we’ve been sifting through, if you put any stock in the balls on mistakes and fall society in the visceral game, you’d say we got a glimpse into click Clinicas. Hometown, the other world, some kind of shadow dimension or pocket universe or mirror world that spell that ritual. It opens a kind of door or an access point, a place where two dimensions briefly intersect. And 1924 Iris reached into that other dimension and try to pull out a fistful of Lego and such she got pulled inside. It’s possible melody she could be stuck there too.
Unknown Speaker 34:56
Okay. Yep.
Unknown Speaker 34:56
Okay. For the sake of argument, let’s say that melody got pulled Inside by accident and let’s say that these these visions you’ve been having these these weird conversations and waking dreams that the her way of sending an SOS from the other side, she’s trapped. Let me get her out. We have no idea how to do that how to get her out.
Isaac Weishaupt 35:15
So Daniel tells Virgil that Samuel wanted the snuff film because it had magical energy attached to it. And he wants to open a doorway. Virgil waxes philosophically about how film can capture glimpses into another world. And Virgil tells Daniel how his own dad burned down his house to try and destroy these tapes and prevent this entity from manifesting. And Daniel escaping was just a coincidence. So he’s gonna burn that house down with the kid and that’s all Maddie was. Well, we find out that the new ritual room in the cabin in the woods, right, had the Karen eight panels to replace the comment, meaning they could do the ritual whenever they want it now, alright. So they don’t need to wait the 70 years. So Daniel and mark the podcaster they decided to open this portal because they’re like, look, we’re gonna save melody. And the podcaster guy. He seems so full of it the whole show. And he’s like, if you were thinking I would leave you to do this ritual alone. And it just comes off real phony. I don’t like his character. But then wait a minute, here comes that weird lady from the woods and she’s got a piece she got the biscuit as she puts it to the podcast, dumb head and and they realize she’s a ball Dunwich basically, and then they’re all helping each other out. Turns out the whole time she was just a witch. She was Melody’s mom okay. And the portal opens up they do the ritual the portal opens up cuz now there’s a ball dunk present and they needed that and she conveniently has the the key they need to unlock everything or whatever. And we find out it’s melodies mother, and she gave her up as a child to keep her safe. Lots of deadbeat parents around this whole show all right. And anyhow, Melody’s mom she freestyles, a ritual put some blood on chi Lego statue, the portal opens up. Daniel is now in this weird suspended state of space time and it’s kind of like insidious. This is where your James Wan influence comes in. And he sees Jess and where’s her deadbeat parents this whole time? Anyway, it’s all dreamlike. Though he’s but even he doesn’t care about Jesse’s like, I’m not looking for you and over melody. That’s a that’s a melody finds her in this church room. They start running away because chi Lego shows up in this weird world very much like insidious. And then bam. Next thing you know, nobody wakes up in the ritual room inside of a circle, mind you, which is actually backwards. It’s the one place this show got it wrong. Because you would manifest things spirits in a triangle while the sorcerer stands in the circle. I mean, maybe there’s something right about that. I mean, I guess. Anyway, doesn’t matter. Daniel, he’s stuck in the other world, though. Just melody came through. And boom, he wakes up and he’s in the hospital. He’s been in a coma for like, 10 days. But wait, things aren’t what they seem. He isn’t in present day. He’s told that look. Hey, buddy. You escaped the Visser was on fire, and the year is 1994. And you get one more symbol to catch. It’s Daniel looking out the window at the twin towers which are still intact because it’s 1994. And the Twin Towers if you heard my was a four or five shows on 911. I did in 2021, Boaz and Keane the answers to the mystical place the gateway to another world. So in conclusion, finally, we made it to the big conclusion. Was it a good show? It was pretty good. I support it, right? I like shows like this. But the casting could have done better. I feel like I’m no Hollywood guy. I just know when I see something what I see. I feel like none of these characters. None of these characters are likable, not one of them. I disliked the ending, because I wish they would have had more of Kai Lego. They kept building up this boogeyman coming from another world this whole time tearing through this veil, knocking chicks up. And almost almost let the B word slip. Alright, listen to too much gangsta rap scene. That’s the influence that has corrupts your mind. And you know, that was the most interesting part of this story. And they just kind of forgot about it. I mean, two seconds was barely a cameo of Kai leg. I was like, bro, this is the best part of the show. I was waiting for it for eight hours.
It was all two seconds. Total missed opportunity. I’m guessing they ran out of budget or care by the end. I don’t know. They could have tighten the show by a couple of episodes, which is my usual gripe, right? Because I’m just an impatient aihole Overall, it’s a good show though. I support it. If there’s a second season I’m watching out there for it. But, uh, yeah, anyway, so, and then some research about the show. Turns out none of these ideas are like real there, but they are based on real things. Like there’s no ball dung, which line the carrier comic carrying isn’t a real thing. The Visser weren’t real. But they’re all based on a called ideas, as we’ve talked about for the last couple hours, right? The creators clearly knew or employed someone who did it my services are available if Hollywood ever wants to give me that fast in bargain, I’ll gladly do it. I’m not above selling out. joking, I’m joking. I would never sign the deal. In fact, if you think I wrote about it in the dark path, didn’t I write about it? And here’s I’ll be quick. I’ll be brief kiss, you’re new to me who I am. I was offered a show. I had a TV show in the works and and to be fair, when you in Hollywood, you constantly get propositions and they it takes a lot for to make it through all the wickets to make it an actual show, right? So there’s been several times I’ve been almost on a show or almost hosting a show. But one of them, it got really close. And one of the episodes that we agreed we were going to do was a show about Satanism. And I said, Cool, I’m there for it. And then the producer was like, will you be? Well, maybe we could be at a satanic ritual. I said, sounds good. Let’s go. I told my priest because jealousy was she is my voice of reason. She says Why would you do that? You’re always professing all how he how bad you shouldn’t be around all this Satanism and stuff. And I said, You know what? You got a good point. I was like, Yeah, but I’m like, kind of exposing it. She’s like, you better talk to the priests. This isn’t a realm that is not something you should take lightly. I said, Okay, fine. I’ll talk to the priests. I’ll tell them. I said, Yo, Father, fill in the blank here. I’m not gonna tell you his name. I said, Look, I’m about to get a TV show. All right. Ain’t that cool? That’s real cool. Well, guess what? On one of the episodes, we’re gonna go be in a satanic ritual. He said, No, you’re not. As Wade said, No, you’re not only Jesus, Jesus is the only person that was ever in the presence of Satan. And you ain’t you ain’t Jesus. I said, Come on, man. And yeah, he said, I’m telling you is your spiritual father, you should not will not be in a room where they’re doing a satanic ritual. I said, all right. I trust you. I trust you. I trust you better than my own judgments and my own desire to be rich and famous. So I tell my producer, I said, Hey, bad news. I talked to my spiritual advisor. And he said, I shouldn’t be in the room. So here’s an idea. How about I, I’d be in a different room like a talking head and you feel me talking about commentating on the ritual? And then now is it no show never wrote back to me again. That was it. That’s not a lie. I’m not making that up. I’m not exaggerating it. I’ve got all the emails. That’s a real story. So when I when I joke around when I say I’ll take the Gaussian bargain, I was actually presented, I believe, with a Faustian bargain and I turned it down. Okay. Anyhow, where was I? Where are we talking about this? Oh, yeah, the creators, the creators of this show clearly knew or had someone on the payroll that did know. And to zoom out, you think, why is it called archive 81? They don’t really address that on the show. And nobody online seems to know or can even make a guess. And supposedly, the podcast version, which I have not listened to, it has a tape called the archive 81. that’s of importance, and that’s where it came from. So maybe right. I’m also not sure but here’s my guess. Because on all of these topics, they talk about I know a cult stuff from all my research, I would guess. Maybe it’s based on John D. We talked about John D a lot with the scrying mirror.
Well, John D had this language of the aliens language of the angels, the Nokian language, and this Nokian language. He’s like, look, the aliens gave me this language, the angels. And it’s the way we correspond with him is through this. I don’t know weird language. And he laid it out on grids. Wasn’t like ABCDEFG bah bah bah bah. It’s a grid system. And those grids were 49 by 49. Now, when I see 81, because I have a mathematic background, I took courses on number theory and linear algebra and three calculus courses. I’m a math nerd at heart. It’s been a while. Okay, so one would think that lends itself to being a geometry nerd, but I don’t like to macho stuff because it feels like it’s very much fine. Choose Your Own Adventure, find whatever you want, however you want. But I see at one, I think that’s a square of nine, right? Nine times nine. So it’s like a grid of nine by nine, which is very similar to John Dee’s Nokian, table of seven by seven or 49 by 49, I should say. So the some numerical similarities here with the squares and all of the occultist obsess over mathematics going back to Pythagoras, because they think this is the language of the gods, or the god. It’s the universal language. And of course, it’s support science and the theocracy and all that, which, again, not anti science. Science is a great tool. It’s given us a lot of great things. It Tom talking to you right now. Not anti science, but they want to make science, the new spirituality. That’s a fact Jack. And the thing is, science misses all these engineers and these nerds which I’m an engineer by trade, right? There’s no There’s no room for miracles and spirituality, everything is reducible to binary digits. And I’m sorry, it’s just not, that’s just not the case. Now, the names in the show, they’re all inspired by real occultist we’ve talked about this at nauseam in the past Alistair Crowley, Austin, Osman Spare Kenneth grant, all these occultist and they all facilitate dialogue with alien demons. That’s why all of those names appear on the show. And you got to be pretty deep into the occult to know the names Kenneth grant. Austin, Osman Spare, right. Even Alistair Crowley, I would say, when I talk to people about what I research, I would say it’s a safe, nine out of 10 that don’t even know who Alistair Crowley is, I would say and I’ve never asked, but I would say it’s probably one out of 100. Who knows, or 99 out of 100, who don’t know who Austin Azzaman spares? Probably 999 out of 1000. I bet. So for them to use those names. I know they got someone in the know involved with the show. I’m rhyming all over the place, which is apropos because the name Virgil is from a Roman poet, that Virgil name is again, a reference. And it’s a reference and we’ll come back to that in a second actually. Now the occultist, much like you see on the show, they fantasize about the end times. Why? Why would the apocalypse be something they want so bad, because they don’t look at it as the end of the world, they look at it as the end of an age and an end of an era. It’s the beginning of a new world. Because you know, they’re always talking about the brave new world, and they have this fantasy about this utopia, and it’s perfect, and it’s the new Atlantis and blah, blah, blah. So that’s why they’re all worshipping the comet Karan. And they are trying to do this ritual to bring an alien demonic Savior from another dimension through a call practices. Alright. Now let’s look at that sigil. On the alien, we’re gonna talk about the sigil we’re gonna talk about the alien, we’re gonna talk about spirit receivers, and a little bit more on the occult world, and then that’s a wrap, and then a little on Virgil. So there’s the sigil, I’m gonna guess it doesn’t really mean anything specific, but they applied some ideas of the occult, and mash a few symbols together to get there. All right. Now, if you look at it, it’s got a triangle pointing up. Above the so you got like a main logo. It’s like a bunch of overlapping triangles, right. But in the center, there’s a sort of carrot, an up an obvious sort of carrot pointing up. Triangle, obviously, is over the whole thing. But in that little called chemical glyph in the center, there’s a triangle pointing up, that’s a free Masonic thing. That’s like the composite square with the arrow pointing up means as above so below, that’s that hermetic axiom. Again, it’s that law of correspondence going back to both, who was oh, by the way, another alien entity that they, they’d say, was a god that taught them all these secret occult teachings.
Then you’ll also see a circle with which is like the sun, right? You’ll see the target symbol that’s a solar system. It’s the circle with a.in. The center represents the sun solar worship. But you’ll notice it has a cross superimposed over it. Okay. It’s the sun, dying on the cross. Then you also, this one’s This one’s probably the best. One of my prouder findings or things I figured out here. If you look over it, there’s a large Greek letter of C psi. Now I know a lot of people will pronounce it psi. But what little bit of Greek language I know I think the correct pronunciation in Greece or Greek would be C, C. So C is the 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet. hearkening back to all of those 23 References earlier in the show. You remember Daniel goes to stop 23 in the subway. Melody uses April 23. In her journal, march 23, is in the calendar in the priests office that that Samuel rips out. And when you so you got the 23 Nigma, right, it’s a Discordian idea, the idea of channeling the the arrows, chaos goddess and all this stuff. And it’s weird because some of it’s a joke. If you look at Robert Anton Wilson’s stuff, which I’m not an expert on that at all, I’ve tried reading his Illuminati trilogy, and it’s, I don’t know, my brain can’t hack it. I don’t do fiction books that well, and it’s fiction with some real ideas mixed into it from what I gather. And he’s the one that talked a lot about the number 23. And Genesis po rich had a lot of obsessives over 23 as well. Now, as you can imagine, the Greek language and see is a prefix for the term for psychic, right? PS why? So psyche or the psychic phenomenon, and it means breath, spirit, life and soul means all those things and the occult this say that C is a vibration that manifests in the universe. So as you can see that that was very purposely placed on here. So that’s, that’s how I decode the sigil of the group, right? It’s a bunch of things, the 23 Enigma, the breath, spirit, life and soul, the universe, all that stuff. All hearkening to Kai Lego. And who was this? Well, the name came from comic Karen, which is CH a. Aro n being the ferryman. to Hades just like the story suggests meaning the comic Karen is going to bring people it’s going to ferry people in the hell and the demon twin Kai Lego is already on earth. Now this is reminiscent of that Roman poet Virgil, which again same names in the story Virgil. Virgil described care on ch AR O N, the ferryman Hades, if you remember, talked about that? Well, if you listen to my analysis of the house that Jack built, which was, look, if you’re a horror film person, great film, because it’s really gnarly. It’s probably the most horrific horror film I’ve seen. I mean, it’s up there. It’s it was kind of like hereditary where it was. So I don’t know grotesque and awful and gross and dark, that I watched it once. And I was like, I don’t know if I could watch this a second time. It was kind of up there is definitely one of them was gnarly as horror films, I would not advise you to see it if you’re not really into horror movies. But we did a, we did two episodes on that I believe last year. And we talked about Virgil, the Roman Pope because he’s in the story. And he guides the initiate into the rings of hell. But in the story in the film house that Jack built, we talked about the Elysium fields were the people who got immortality, they were sent there after death. And that’s what in this story, the practitioners of the vos cult and all these other folks, they’re seeking immortality, whilst bringing a new age and the Antichrist.
And they talk about that they talk about well, we don’t know if it’s a demon or God or both. And I’m like, yeah, he’s both he’s the devil, which is both God and demon. But some level right. And one of the another big one of the one of the other large ideas that drop out from this, that I’m surprised I didn’t see anywhere. I haven’t looked too deep either. Maybe someone said this already. If you look at the the statue of Kai Lego, used by the cult on its head is a triangular spiral, which is exactly what we see in flight of the Navigator, again referencing my second alien book user illusion to on Amazon audible, and you can get a signed copy on my Gumroad store link in the show notes. But in flight of the Navigator, the UFO Max voiced by Peewee Herman and it has a lot of weird kid stuff in that movie, my goodness, very dark when you look at it that way. But the spiral triangle is a fact on the FBI memo. If you recall going back to the pizza, emails, you know what I’m saying? You’re picking up what I’m putting down. That’s on the head of this alien demon that they want to sacrifice kids to. When I said in user illusion, one, I basically laid the whole chapter on Adrenochrome. I lay out the idea, the insane theory that maybe just maybe some of these weirdos want this to be the end game channeling demonic aliens and sacrificing kids to the aliens, no devil in the sacrificing kids to MLOK it’s the same thing. history repeating itself. They just got to get the people to wrap their minds around why we need to do it. It’s for science, or whatever. Call me crazy, but give me give me 1020 years and we’ll see what happens. Now, spirit receivers is a very important topic. All right. And Crowley was very much into this. Obviously, he channeled a loss. And in the early 1900s, he was hanging out with a neophyte of his yetis. He had a secret society called Argenta mass drums or silver star star reference to the blazing star Freemasonry or Sirius, which is what Iris vos says in Episode Seven, I believe. And he hangs out with his Neil fight Victor new new Borg. And they did this thing with the 19 calls of a Nokian magic, which was prescribed by John D and Edward Kelly. Alright, there’s John D, again, showing up in everything. And it was meant to open extra dimensions. And they would do this for the purpose of facilitating contact with spiritual intelligences. Aliens, right. And they evoked the scarlet woman of Babylon the scarlet horror. They also invoked, Corona zone and a lot more. And in fact, crows book division in the voice is a dialogue with Corona zone is demonic thing. And Edward Kelley, when he in case you didn’t know chromosome was he’s the guardian of the Abyss, which I think is actually referenced actually that is referenced in the hammer house of horror episode the same one where they use the jhandi Black Mirror. How weird all these ideas are just falling out of the sky. Edward Kelly himself called corones own that mighty devil as a demonic spirit. And Iris vos in Episode Seven talks about channeling chi Lego so that she can have a baby, which is the exact same thing Jack Parsons was trying to do when he tried to bring about the scarlet woman his for Babylon. Remember that we talked about that was a three episode arc of Marjorie Cameron back in 2017, or 18. That was the whole purpose he used crows AAMA lantra ritual to manifest an entity from another realm into our world so that he could produce the Antichrist by making sexy time and having a baby. And that’s exactly what Iris falls trying to do. She wants to manifest chi LEGGO, this devil, spirit alien, and the offspring would in fact, be the Antichrist.
Now, let’s go to I’ve got this little encyclopedia called the occult world is a massive book. And it talks about spirit receiving and it says it serves four purposes, knowledge, transformation, power and authority. That’s why people do this in the occult knowledge. Let’s give some more information about that they talk about intermediary beings often appear as revelations to the practitioner, but sometimes the person can conjure up the entity and get knowledge from it right? They want to take knowledge from this entity, they’re conjuring and they talk about this medieval tradition called rs note Araya that uses magic to do this magic spells. Reference here being the ball dunk Book of Shadows having that magic spell they need to do it. And in fact John D never Kelly used this to get there and Nokia and language we talked about earlier when I said archive 81 is based on a nine by nine grid according to my crazy theory. Because the Enochian language is a 49 by 49 grid of communication with entities from another dimension. So yeah, that’s one purpose of spirit channeling or spirit receiving, trying to get knowledge about the future, the end of the world, the cosmos, the meaning of life, all that stuff. Another reason they do it is for transformation. And this is an alchemical understanding of personal transformation. One going from the attorney and led to the the Phoenix Fire, right. It’s about understanding of self salvation. And this is what the Lima and Golden Dawn advertise. That’s why they do a similar practice of summoning one’s holy guardian angel. And Plato, this goes back to Neo Platonism and Plato, Plato said that we were each assigned a holy and garden, holy guardian angel at birth, and Crowley and the Golden Dawn and Selena they’re like, yeah, you’ve got one, you just got to evoke it. And, you know, it’ll help you transform yourself out chemically. So that’s the second reason. Another one is just straight up power. What you know, what does this magician want, boom and pill impose the will on the universe? And that’s exactly what they tell you, Kai. Lego does kinda go bends wills. And then finally, authority. And what it does is, it allows whoever’s channeling or metod mediating, to set up new religions or schools, followers, right? To get this message from the higher power and share it and you see this from in the references it gives. Joseph Smith. Jay Z night she’s the one who channel Ramtha from Atlantis, you remember that? Alice Bailey’s was cool. And of course, Crowley’s a loss, which we talked about already. Now, finally, oh, my goodness, what a conclusion we’ve got wrapping up. Finally, do you remember episode two, I played you a clip where Virgil goes through this whole rigmarole about how Jesus was a demon. And his death was a blessing because he was a dangerous evil that was going to bring an end about mankind, he got expelled, and I compared that to Lucifer being expelled from the heavens. Why did archive at one show us this? Why did they talk like that? Because this is all revelation of the method. In some ways, I’m, I’m shedding a light on it. And in some ways that helps propagate the message. So I see the odd circumstance I’m in. But I feel like if the viewer can be more active, we can choose the right path hair, alright. It’s going to get people interested, people are going to watch this and say, Well, I want to channel some spirits for you know, knowledge, transformation, power, or authority. And that’s why this show is it says, Look, this is the thing that happens. And there’s books out there that can help facilitate contact that show you all these grim wires, occult rituals. And I’m going to leave you with one final quote, this is again, from the occult world, this is what it says. Moreover, the ordinary pneus of a culture does not rely on viewers passively adopting content spread through these shows. Instead, we are expecting a creative interplay between the shared representations and meanings explored in the shows. And the creative input and use is on the receiving end, popular Oh, culture can thus become an arena for learning and socializing into more formal Oh, culture, practices. That was from 2008.
So it’s a tale about the powers of channeling demonic gods for superpowers, and how the occult practices make it happen. It’s presented as a horror movie. It’s scary. Nobody wants to bring the demon into our world. But surely, some people are going to watch this and say, Yeah, but what if I control this experiment, I can pull something positive through. And just like that, quote, says, popular culture, occult tales on the show, can plant that seed and we can talk about it. And then next thing, you know, they’re like, look, we can manifest aliens. We’ll just make sure we get the right kind. And that’s dangerous, right. So there you have it. My goodness, how much archive 81 Can you handle? We went through a lot that’s very dense. I could have done two more hours on this. But we got to move on. They’re doing all kinds of stuff in the world that we need to talk about and I’m going to keep reporting on it. You know, Kanye is doing crazy stuff. There’s all kinds of stuff going on. So yeah, that was archive 81. Hope you enjoyed it. I hope you learned a little something. Hope you had a good time. And I always give you a call to action. If you liked the show, if it’s informative, share it with a friend. Surely you know someone you’d like to watch archive at one you can say hey, while you listen to this podcast, see what you think. And they’re probably come back say you believe this crazy stuff. And you can have fact checked the whole thing say, Look, my man Isaac tells me this, that and the other. Look it up homeboy. And it’s all factual based. I stand behind everything I say here because I look it up. I’m not making this stuff up. So yeah, share it with a friend. Share it with a friend. What a great thing to do is to open up conversation about whether or not these ideas are crazy if they’re, they’re really gonna bring aliens into our world. Yeah, they’re going to that’s, I mean, that’s my opinion. So there you go. Alright, hope you enjoyed it till next time you know what to do. Stay Woke
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