On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we catch up on the celebs and the Illuminati agenda! Whitney Houston can’t rest in peace, Kid Cudi is being put through the illuminati emasculation ritual, Khloe Kardashian wants aliens, Boris Johnson’s fiancee is doing Crowley porn, Prince Phillip had alien visitations in his bloodlines and Grimes tattooed alien sigils on her back! WOW!
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Grimes is new ink is hard to miss. The singer shares a photo to Instagram featuring a look at her new whitening tattoo design that covers nearly her entire back. The design features a web of tangled lines and was done by tattoo artists tweet with some help from the alien computer brain of newsy Kara. Grab captions her posts don’t have a good pic because it hurts too much and I need to sleep haha and it’ll be red for a few weeks, but gonna be beautiful aliens covers She ends her post writing hope everyone’s having a good day. Greg’s famous friends praise her new ink in the comment section. Singer princess Nokia writes set makeup artist page piske and comments. Yes, alongside a bunch of fire emojis.
I mean, I’m a conspiracy theorist to a degree but when I connect dots that maybe shouldn’t be connected, I don’t know. But certain tasks like when I see that they put every black man and movies in a dress. At some point it’s really connecting them felt like wow, he’s gonna wear dress. This happened to me. I’m gonna move with Martin. Yeah, movies going good. So I was gonna trailer I’m like, Man, this must be the wrong trailer cuz here’s a dress and they come in. The rider comes in. I think he’s right. He’s like they listen. You got this hilarious thing where Martin sneaking out of jail, so he despises you as the Prophet.
Isaac Weishaupt 01:40
Everybody says Isaac Weishaupt you’re listening to conspiracy theories and on popular culture. What are we gonna talk about today we’re gonna talk about celebrities your favorite. Your favorite celebrities doing the illuminate confirm. Whitney Houston. Kid Cuddy. Chloe Kardashian. grinds, we’re going to go across the pond even we’re going to hit a little bit on Prince Philip. Mr. virus himself. Boris Johnson. His little booth. Thanks. She’d be doing Alister croley stuff all my goodness. It’s all happening. It’s all happening today. Little bit of housekeeping. Two seconds. Give me two seconds. coffee mugs. I bought a giant box of coffee mugs. I vetted the process bought from many different people found one that holds up well I personally ran into the dishwasher myself. I don’t know how many times 2030 a million and held up on the logo. So I got him in stock, hit the link in the show notes from my gumroad store. gumroad gumroad.com slash Isaac W. pick yourself up a T shirt while you’re there because I’ve got limited quantities and once they’re gone, they’re gone. Not doing that again. So you got to get the super soft t shirt. That nerds are going to kill us which is becomes true or every day, my goodness. You don’t want to miss out on that shirt. Because once it’s gone, it’s gone forever. Same with the coffee mugs. You know a lot of people wanted some merge. I said okay, I don’t do merge. It’s not my thing. But I sunk a ton of monies into the merchant. I got it sitting here in my office waiting along with some books. It’s all here for you. Now listen, I’m gonna upsell you here. Because if you’re on the patreon.com slash Illuminati watcher, or you’re on my VIP section, Illuminati watcher calm, hit the VIP section link and you can check it out. You can get 10% off all this stuff that you’re going to pick up. So it’ll pay itself off in the first month. Speaking of the VIP section, you’re not going to have that hot girl summer. If you miss out on the deal. I have gone promo code hot girl summer for the VIP section, you get 20% off for three months, but that expires on May 1 2021. Get on it link in the show notes. Bonus and bonuses. right we’re doing Eyes Wide Shut mega deep dives. You heard the Eyes Wide Shut movie review. I did four episodes one and two. Well, I got more behind that I got a three, a four and a five. And then you’re going to hear number six. I’m going to put number six on the free feed. But we’re dropping another one this week. Deep Dive in behind the making of the film. I read all these books about the film. And shockingly, they provide a lot of strange details about the making of this film. It’s you know, Kubrick met his wife at a masquerade ball where he forgot to wear a mask Hmm Hmm. Makes you wonder well, you’re going to find out all about that. You’re going to find out about how he read this book about the occult when he was studying for the Gnostic orgy scene because it’s not in the novella dream novella. If you’re already on the Patreon or the VIP or the rockfon you already know all this because we talk about it on our deep dives. And that could be YouTube. It should be you. link in the show knows. Support your boy support the research, dude. Dang. Get some coffee mugs, get some shirts, all the things. Okay, let’s get into it. Rainn Wilson, Dwight from the office. This isn’t a story, but he is now doing a podcast or a TV show. I don’t really know. I just saw this dark air with Terry carnation. He plays a paranormal podcast or something like that. Let me know what’s good. Hit me in the social medias. Let me know if it’s good. I don’t watch or listen to a lot of stuff anymore. I’ve been reading books, I’m balls deep on books, books on books on books. I’m researching. I’m writing aliens. UFOs. And they call us allusion to I’m like 40 pages in. That’s Microsoft Word pages. So I only you know, the first book was 100 Microsoft Word pages. Like I don’t know how many words that 40,000 words. I’m like, already halfway there. And I still got a ton of more movies. I got to jam into this thing. Got to get to it. Now Whitney Houston, she’s back from the dead. And I’m not talking about that hologram tour that she was going to do in 2021. Not her. But the demonic puppet masters that control her spirit, and are still trying to milk this cow the best way they know how. Well they’re doing a concert tour in 2020. But they push it back to 2021. I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about Bobby Brown, who miraculously is still alive. Don’t ask me how everybody around him is dying, left and right from drug overdoses. And I don’t say that in a disrespectful way. I say that in the most lovingly caring way possible. But he was on TMZ talking about how he thinks Whitney and Bobby both died in similar ways because Nick Gordon was the one that did it. That was Bobby Christina’s boyfriend. When when she died, right Remember that? We talked about this very extensively on the blog many years ago. In fact, I believe it’s in my book about hip hop conspiracy sacrifice magic mind the mic. But he was telling he was on red Table Talk. And he was telling Jada Pinkett Smith. He things Nick Gordon gave Whitney and Bobby the drugs that ultimately killed him, which is a huge thing, right? It’s a real problem in our country that I would argue is worse than the virus worse than the pandemic, the opioids, the fentanyl all this stuff is terrible. absolutely terrible. You can’t just do drugs anymore. Okay. I don’t know who needs to hear this. But you got to understand these drug dealers are lacing the drugs with this fentanyl and that fentanyl is extremely deadly. And I argue that’s what Bobby Brown is alleging here. Let’s see what else did he say in the whole articles on TMZ. And he says look, it’s very strange. They both died in the bathtub, which I talked about many times. Because that is the passage of the goddesses the Wiccan cleansing ritual. And he says Next, the kind of guy who provided party party favors. And then they made sure to put a note on here that cops investigated Gordon in connection with Bobby Christine’s death for years, but he was never charged. He was never a known suspect. But he’s already dead. He’s gone. He died January 120 20. of heroin overdose. You keep notes Bobby Brown, Jr. died just a couple months ago from drug overdose was going on in the Bobbi Brown family. Now let’s move it on to Chloe Kardashian. She’s looking for those aliens. She wants you to look for those aliens to do you notice this? Look at this. Now look, look, I told you the Alien Agenda was going to be heating up over the next five years, till 2025. And much like how they cannot place advertisements for the what are we going to call this to avoid the censors? The jabby stabby were called the jabby stabby. They which again like you’ve heard me on my Instagram lives and on my live streams. People asked me about the stuff and I say Look, I don’t go in this territory anymore because this is now a personal choice. But you go back to my book that I wrote about this I got banned by Amazon, you can get that on the gumroad to get it for free. I want you to read it, I want you to pay me for I want you to take it for free. Because on it, I go through the whole jabby stabby thing right and come away with the conclusion that I get where the anti jabby swabbies get their opinion, they say? They say, Look, I don’t know that this is that safe or that effective? And I say You know what? Cheers I see you, anti jabby scabies. I agree with you. But ultimately, I think nothing in life is safe, or effective. 100%. So like, a lot of troopers are out there, laying down heavy on the shame. And it’s like, you know, everyone’s got a personal thing going on. You’re trying to protect your family. You got high risk takers. I mean, I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t I’m not a medical expert. And this is not medical advice. I just know that people got to come to their own conclusion with this thing. And anyway, why are we talking about this is because I read this that the can’t have advertisements for the JB stabby So instead, they’re getting the celebrities to endorse it. Now, I argue we lay this idea over into the world of aliens and UFOs look at all the increased focus on aliens and UFOs in the occult from the celebrities in the past few years. And Satanism Of course, because I argue as I point out in Use Your Illusion one. I think it’s all connected. But the the idea like look at Keisha creepies she’s got a whole podcast where she talks about this crap all the time. Demi Lovato is out there doing I mean, the list goes on and on. If you follow me on the socials, you’ve heard my ranting and raving and my posts and my links will add Chloe Kardashian into the mix. I’m gonna read you from people calm. And as soon sneak peek at Thursday’s episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Chloe and tristin drive to a trail in Malibu, California to go hunting for aliens. Malibu has actually attracted a ton of UFO sightings. Chloe 36 says in a confessional with tristin 29 then when I was researching I found out about this trail and this trail is supposed to have amazing alien energy. I’m so excited again hiking aliens. What’s better? A day well won’t be better that alien comes get you with the probe. That won’t be better. And then it goes on to bid bah bah bah while tristin drives them Chloe shares what she’s quote been told about alien hunting. You might get crazy dreams after this she says to which the NBA player repeats her statement and adds hmm very insightful, Tristan, Tristan. As the pair hikes along the trail together, the good American co founder asked Tristan whether he feels quote anything weird. Though the former Cleveland Cavaliers player notes that he’s doing good he asked Chloe how she’s holding up. Do you feel anything? Do you feel supernatural powers? tristin ass as Chloe replies No, but I’m sort of supernatural myself. So maybe I’m exempt. Two things to unpack here. Will three I don’t know if I’m saying Kristen’s name right. He is apparently a sports ball player for the sports ball team in Cleveland there. But he asked do you feel supernatural powers? This is the CDs I talked about the CDs all the time. Because this again goes into an ancient religious idea the idea of contacting entities for the superpowers. So you could see he is also under the same belief that hey, you know you make contact with aliens and you could get all these great gifts from which has happened like there’s reports of alien contact with strange healing superpowers. Like GM a man Ryan Bledsoe, his father, Chris Bledsoe. But yeah, and then and then get this she says Chloe says no, but I’m sort of supernatural myself. Maybe I’m exempt. She’s talking about how she’s a witch. If you read my book, named after this podcast you’re listening to. There’s a whole section on the Kardashians. And there is a myth, a legend a conspiracy theory that the Kardashians are in fact, descendants of a witch coven. which ultimately I came to the conclusion. I don’t know. I can’t I don’t know. I can’t tell. They talk about it. Here she is saying it herself. Kanye West is getting divorced from kim k, right? Because he found Jesus and maybe she’s a witch and he’s like, you know what? deuces. Speaking of Kanye West, oh Starbuck, Kate Cuddy. He was on SNL wearing a dress, causing quite the scene. And some they say officially, he was paying homage to Kurt Cobain, who wore dress once. But this goes back to the conspiracy theory of Dave Chappelle who as you know sort of like wrapped it up and left millions of dollars on the table with Hollywood to go to South Africa and then later came back during the bird revelation stand up comedy show on Netflix and said he more or less said the there’s something sick and twisted with Hollywood, and gave a curious allegory with from the book pimp. From Iceberg Slim, about faking a death, putting on a ritualistic performance, which I tie into My Eyes Wide Shut. stuff, my shows. But Chappelle also said once when he was trying to relay his experience with Hollywood and he said, there’s something wrong with it. He was saying like, they wanted Dave Chappelle to put on a dress as a joke. And he was like, No, I’m not doing that. And he argued more or less that they’ve done this to people like Martin Lawrence. It’s a way of emasculating the black man.
I mean, I’m a conspiracy. There is to a degree, like when I connect dots that maybe shouldn’t be connected. I don’t know. What certain that’s like when I see that they put every black man and movies in a dress. At some point in their career. I’ll be Connect now that like, wow, he’s gonna wear a dress. This happened to me. I’m gonna move with Martin. Yeah, movies going good. So I walk in a trailer. I’m like, Man, this must be the wrong trailer. Cuz here’s a dressing here. They come in. The writer comes in. I think he’s right. He’s like they listen. You got this hilarious thing where Martin sneaking out of jail. So he disguises you as the prostitute. He put this dress on and how much he has to now I’m not doing it. I don’t feel comfortable with it. That should have been in a discussion. You don’t feel comfortable with it? I mean, this is hilarious bit all the greats have done it so well of all the grades then it is kind of hacky, right you’re right so why don’t we just not do it? Because I don’t feel comfortable wearing a dress. Oh come on, Dave. Let’s we got it all set up. We’re supposed to shoot every every minute you waste cost this much money. No pressure comes in. I’m not I’m not well dressed man. I’m funnier than the dress is give me so funny to say I only wear no dress to be funny Milton Berle you know we’re gonna like this. And then finally it’s like I and he leaves and then like the director comes David really would be great if you wear the dress. Brokeback Mountain and wear the dress don’t wear the dress to wear this dress. Oh, gosh, I so difficult. They leave. Matter producers comes Come on, they would be so great. I mean, and then I started thinking about all the comics that I’ve seen them, you know, strong. Nice dresses. But the minute it was clear, I was adamant. I’m not wearing a dress. I’m not wearing the dress. All right, fine. Something else that comes back 10 minutes later, the whole new day. How did you write the scene? So fake?
recent controversy online. I know you’ll spend all your time online about Kevin Hart
when addressing the SNL skit, and Dave Chappelle spoke about that, as a comedian, black actors always, you know, be asked to wear dresses. Have you ran into that? And what do you think about that whole Illuminati theory that people could put out there about that? Well,
thanks for that softball question is two answers. First of all, let’s be very, very clear. It is possible that there isn’t anything funnier than a guy in a dress. And if that’s the case, then it might also be said that there’s nothing funnier than a black guy in a dress. Okay, well, I watched all my friends throughout my entire life, be able to do Basketball but not me. So everybody can’t do everything. So you know, some of us make choices. I think it’s not a biggest choice. For others, I’m saying, at the end of the day, Kevin doesn’t have to worry about what people are gonna say about him wearing a dress because of the long line of dress wearing people before him. So now, we have big momma’s house, one, two and three. I’ve never seen Medea in a pantsuit. I think she wears dresses. So now I’m saying why we pick it. Oh boy, look, Kevin Hart, because it was his turn next. Some of us are against the Illuminati and we are against the Illuminati at our own detriment. When people are against the Illuminati, then they get punched in the face all the time. The Press hates him. And nobody likes him. In quote, we all love Dave Chappelle. Exactly. Dave Chappelle has never been a part of the Illuminati. They don’t want him or me or people like us. But now, it’s not necessary for us to store up that hornet’s nest, unless we intend to get stung a million times, I didn’t understand that they had to sting me a million times. I’m still not gonna join, but I respect them a little more.
Isaac Weishaupt 21:20
And this is a, you know, this goes back further. This goes back to the time of slavery, where the slave masters performed lots of psyops on the black families which, if you’re keeping notes, and you read sacrifice magic behind the mind, we talked about how in the 60s there was a study funded, which came to that same conclusion that ever since the, you know, the white devil slave masters did their psyops on the black slaves. They’ve been suffering ever since they they purposely broke up the the nuclear families. And it still remains to this day in issue, or at least in the 60s when the study was done. And it’s like they’re weaponizing race. Now, Joyner Lucas, who was a rapper we talked about recently that the mainstream media smeared for left field for no reason because he was talking bad about little NAS x is satanic twerking video. And mainstream media was like, calling them washed up has been. I was like, okay, that’s completely irrelevant to the argument here. But you could tell their bias. By George Lucas said, he sort of defended Keith Gotti and said, even though he’s wearing a dress, he could still whip that as, okay. Now, one of these ideas by the dress, could it be kid cut, he’s just trying to grab some attention. They do this right. It works. But like I always try to say, always try to say here that because the conspiracy jurors immediately hop on the idea that well, you know, they’re trying to emasculate the men in general. They’re trying to make a bunch of soy out coasters. And, you know, it’s a real problem. They’re trying to break down the nuclear family. They’re trying to break down masculinity, calling it toxic. But I argue and then this goes back to like recently, Harry Styles wear that dress. Remember that? Well, the, the destruction of masculinity is the real, real crux of the argument here. Now, if you read, I’m reading sapiens, the book by Yuval Harare, and it’s extremely fascinating. And they talk about this exact thing. They talk about how you’ve got a biological term of a male which is, you know, I’m going to screw this up. Don’t crucify me. I will say as to why chromosomes. Let me look it up. Jeez, Louise. Let me look it out and I want to steer you wrong. I kind of thought it was two Y chromosomes and the female was an X and a Y chromosome. This is very difficult to find real quickly. Okay, I got I’m glad I looked that up. Males have 1x and one Y chromosome. females have 2x chromosomes. There you go. Okay. I don’t want to steer you wrong here. But that’s what the book talks about talks about how Yes, there’s a biological male. There’s biological female. Absolutely. There’s a difference between the two. Biologically, however, when you talk about a man or a woman, that is a construct as a gender construct. And that’s what this whole book Sapiens least the first half is laying out this idea of the collective imaginative myth. We all subscribe to a construct. And gender is a construct. I know, I know a lot of truth is don’t want to believe that you’ve got a biological difference. That’s an undeniable fact. But the idea of a gender of a man, what is a man? What does a woman those are constructs. So when people get upset about this, what you’re getting upset about is the idea of shaking up the social construct, the social construct of a gender is what keeps you manipulated is what sells products. It’s the toxic masculinity that makes you manipulated. And when people fight for this, I always say, why are we doing this? Right? I did you know, 100 years ago, boys wore pink and girls were blue. And then they decided to switch it up. You know, Edward Bernays, the king of propaganda, I would, I would argue, be part of this whole gender construct thing. Like there’s no there’s no attributes of what defines a man as male. And if a woman is female, outside of the chromosomes, you know, it’s like, you know, I faced a lot of this in my personal life because I meet I love me, I think it’s great.
Isaac Weishaupt 26:32
I at the same time, and that minute, I’m an animal lover, and I hate the way that a lot of the factory farms treat the animals. Yeah, I know, they’re gonna die. Anyway, I got that, okay. And I’m not like a vegetarian, because like, Damn, I do like to taste the meat. I do think like humans, on some level are supposed to be eating meat to get the protein, right. And all the other vitamins and minerals and such whatever. But like, I try to be more cognizant about it, I try to appreciate when I have the, the meat on my plate. You know, say a little prayer over it. Like I don’t, it’s a thing for me, right? Like, I feel bad. I don’t want to indiscriminately just eat animals all day long. I try to minimize it to where I can, while staying healthy. Okay. But like, that is not what society deems to be a real quote unquote, man, a real man eat red meat every meal of the day. You know, and the list goes on and on. This is a whole show. In fact, I’m gonna you know what, you know what? Like me, Mrs. Wise, I will talk about this on breaking social norms. I hope you’re subscribed to that podcast because that’s going to come up again. On the next subject. So So to put a bow on this, no pun intended, kid Gotti wearing a dress? I’m okay with it. I don’t care. Who cares? What do you care? Okay, next. And you know, to be a man, toxic masculinity is so full of theories of ideas that just prove themselves. A real man doesn’t care what other people thinks about what he wears. But a real man doesn’t wear a dress like it doesn’t even work right. The logic fails. And I’m for anything that shakes up the construct that shakes up the things that manipulate us that sell us products that keep us locked into the matrix. Let’s go across the pond Boris Johnson old bozo over there. What is he the Prime Minister is out of the column. He’s like the president over there. Well, he’s got a fiancee Her name is Carrie so Siemens Simon’s and you know, she’s pretty good. She’s way better than he does. I mean, I got looks like a total doofus. I was kind of surprised. I had to double check this. I said, Wait a minute. Why? Yeah, his fiance Carrie, I don’t know how to pronounce her last name doesn’t matter. Well, she posted on her Instagram some photos from an X rated play that she was in at Warwick University. Shout out to my pa folks from Lancaster County there. I didn’t know Warwick that was that’s one of the towns or one of the cities or schools or whatever. And I didn’t know like a lot of those terms come from the English back there. I don’t know why but a work University. And what’s the x rated play you may ask? Well, it’s a play based upon Alistair Crowley. Which if you listen to breaking social norms and me Mrs. Weiss, I broke down to her. You know, um, the truth is she’s not. And she says what’s so bad about Crowley and I told her and I broke it down as a as a Satanist. He’s a domestic abuser. He’s a pedophile. He’s an animal abuser. He’s the worst thing ever. And here we are continuing his legacy. Promoting him on these plays. When he was he was a bad boy naughty. Now this x rated place he was in, you can see in the photos that there was a floor. She’s on the floor and there’s a table behind her says Cagni, AK. See you NT and cocaine. Now that came from one of Alister Crowley’s poems, I’m going to because I went into this for you, because the news didn’t go into you know, they surface level they got to keep, keep you Lightly, lightly educated, they don’t want you to, to educated. But the poem is called Leah sublime. And it’s about one of his Scarlet women. Her name is Leah herceg. And if you read this thing, it’s all boys triple x rated. It says it’s all about, you know, straddle the beast, spit on me. talks about peepee and poopoo and his mouth. Oh my god. If you ever seen that a GDL and documentary, like that’s what that guy was doing. That dude was nuts. He says, Listen to that there’s a line. Here’s a Limerick dribble, you’re done on the tip of my tongue. It’s actually kind of funny. I mean, inappropriate, gross, but he talks about, I was saying it’s so gross. Eating her gonorrhea smearing diarrhea in his eyes. You’re gonna get paid guy, for sure if you do that. But more importantly, he calls upon the devil calls the devil the Lord. He says, and I quote, Satan, you gave a crown to a slave. And it goes on and on and on and just seems gone forever. Turns out, it’s exactly 666 words. But it’s all about Leah herceg. There’s one of the Scarlet women had many women in his lives and he beat the crap out of them drove them insane. They were prostitutes. They were mental asylums, they’ve committed suicide. The list goes on and on. But he was the one that he took to the abbey of the Lima in Sicily, where he made her have sex with a goat. He was like drug and chicks his way before Bill Cosby. He was what else did he do there? is supposedly an infant went missing. And that’s what made Mussolini kick his ass out. So here, here we go with Boris Johnson’s fiance paying homage to him in a play. Now what’s even more curious if you look into her, she created like a like a final straw company and persuaded Boris to ban single use straws which I commend him like yeah, it’s cool. I get that. I like that. But more curious, like her passion for the ocean and ocean life goes further, because much further. She’s a senior adviser to Oceana. Now this ties us into the Epstein and Elaine Maxwell saga. Yes. Because Oceana was a is a nonprofit ocean conservative group that Elaine did some fundraising for while she was setting up a similar company, a similar nonprofit called Terra Mar, which TerraMar feeds into a lot of conspiracies about how they were trafficking and hosting high profile folks. Get them over to the orgy Island there. So lots of smoke there. Is there some fire? I would, I would guess so. Staying over there on that side of the pond, Prince Philip when he wasn’t talking about coming back as a virus to kill everyone, guess what else he was doing? He was researching UFOs he apparently was a regular subscriber to the flying saucer review. His assistant was collecting stories about UFOs His name is Sir Peter. The assistant I guess got knighted for helping him out. I don’t know. Very strange things they do over there in the UK. I don’t understand. Then you’re gonna need them. You’re now night. I’m going to read you from what’s this from Metro code at UK. In his autobiography sound from another room Sir Peter, who served as the Dukes a query from 1949 in 1986. mascot was old Hmm. Prince Philip says he was asked to bring witnesses to Buckingham Palace for private discussions talking about witnesses to aliens and UFOs Okay, this isn’t the hotspot back in 49 to 56. It was lit back then. Philip spent the summer 2019 reading the Hult perspective which tells the story of the Rendlesham Forest incident dubbed Britain’s Roswell the Duke had I’m gonna I’m gonna skip past some stuff that says the Duke had a number of other books on extraterrestrials and his collection including haunted skies The Encyclopedia of British UFOs The title is author a retired West Midlands detective says the Duke had 12 of his books. He told the I I’ve got about 12 letters from the Duke private secretary that say the prince found the subject interesting. I’m quite fond. I’m quite proud of Prince Philip, why shouldn’t he have been interested in UFOs because for goodness sake, that is something that we should treat seriously rather than flippantly. It is a phenomenon that has baffled mankind for millennia. Even Prince Charles is interested it in it and Prince William. See, again, there’s that message of, you know, you want to be cool like the celebrities, like the royal family, you better be interested in UFOs, which is kind of a dumb statement to make right but who’s not interested in UFOs. But what I’m saying is that they’re gonna get the celebrities to endorse this stuff to accept it. And the only thing that aliens can only be good, there could be nothing bad that comes from contacting these entities from another dimension and bringing them into our world what could go wrong? According to the sun. The Dukes interest in UFOs was first sparked by his uncle, Lord Mountbatten, who wrote an official report about a silver spaceship reportedly landing on his broadlawns estate in Romsey Hampshire in 1955. So the UFOs are coming to visit the Royals cuz they are lizard people, as David said. said their lizard people come from Draco the Draco constellation, Dracula the dragon and Here come the ovals to come say hi. The report which was kept secret until after Lord Mountbatten’s death in 1979. told how brick layer Fred Briggs brick layer. Why Does that ring a bell? The Freemasons they’re laying those bricks. Eyes Wide Shut Ziegler Ziegler was the means brick layer. Say don’t have brick layer Fred Briggs spotted the craft hovering above the ground. A figure dressed in overalls and a helmet was then said to have emerged from the bottom of the vehicle before Briggs was knocked off his bike and pinned to the ground by an unseen force. I don’t know about you, that doesn’t sound too friendly to me. In 2016, Nick Pope who ran the Ministry of Defense’s UFO project told the Daily Star that Philip at one time was absolutely fascinated with extra terrestrial activity. He said this royal interest in UFOs was extremely difficult for us at the Ministry of Defense, because our policy was to downplay the true extent of our interest in involvement in UFOs. We were tianli told parliament, the media in the public that subject was a very limited interest in no defense significance. The irony was that we were all crown servants and that our ultimate bosses were fascinated by a subject we were actively trying to debunk. So again, like I’m always trying to be the voice of reason of rationality, in the truth or community, because they tend to not believe anything or anyone ever. And this is why. How can you believe these people that change their story in lie? And I mean, it’s hard, right? How can you believe that? It’s like everything you hear, you almost have to run through your own filter of what do you want to believe? Which goes back to what I said, with the alien thing like choose your own reality? What do you want to believe? Guess what you can find people to join you in that belief. Then it becomes a social consensus, just like you’ve all Harare says, created our world. So that’s how we beat the Neanderthals. Imagine collective myths. Now here’s where it gets crazy. In the book, Sir Peter, who went on to become an RF commander claims that in November 1954, he had an encounter with an alien called Mr. Janis, who was able to read his mind. Oh my god, the others that he didn’t say he was a visitor from another planet, but I had that impression. I believe he was here to observe us. I never saw him again. I have no qualms about the reaction to my experience with Mr. Janus I just realized, look, it’s spelled. It’s j A n us like anus with a J. Mr. anus. And you might have got probed, I don’t know, loose connections or loose connections. I don’t care what people think it was what happened, Sir Peter says Mr. Janus wanted to meet Prince Philip, who he described as a man of great vision. Now, let’s do the math here. Prince Philip was the guy who said when he dies, he wants to come back as a virus and wipe out humanity. And Mr. Janus, the alien says, Well, that’s a guy with a great vision. In conclusion, Prince Philip’s alien Mr. Janus annually probe Sir Peter and gave us COVID now we’re all gonna die. Oh, no. Aliens are gonna kill us through the virus bizarre bizarre time to be alive folks. Last but definitely not least. Grimes you remember Grimes? She’s the artist that old Ilan Musk is Oh, baby mama now with the X 12 arch Angel, demon child. And the llamas already got another demon child named Damien. These nerves are gonna kill us. I said it and I mean, and I’ll say that. I want that on my tombstone. make that happen? By the way, fun fact you Did you know you can order a coffin on Amazon and get a prime delivered and save yourself 1000s of dollars. I just found that out the other day on the tick tock who says it’s all stupid stuff on Tick Tock right. Where were we okay Grimes? Yes. Okay, so she’s, she’s a Buddha was the king nerd. And on Instagram, she posted a picture that you got to see to believe she got a big old tattoo on her back. Says full back in white ink. By at tweaked with some help from the alien computer brain of at New see quero don’t have a good pitch because it hurts too much. And I need to sleep haha. And it’ll be red for a few weeks, but gonna be beautiful alien scars. hope everyone’s having a good day. That’s true. I got a tattoo cross my back and it’s a tramp stamp. Okay, it’s what is a big butterfly right above my ass. And man, is it hard to sleep? It’s hard to sleep. Yeah, it’s a big crazy it looks kind of like bio alien s kind of like hr gieger stuff. It’s kind of what it looks like if you haven’t seen it. Let’s but listen to this now. I’m gonna read you a little bit more. Is this going to add anything to the story? Probably not. CNN wrote. Canadian musician Grimes has unveiled the beautiful alien scars she had tattooed across her entire back. She shared the image. And then they basically say what I just told you. The singer already has a number of tattoos on her arms and hands last year Grimes and her husband Tesla and SpaceX CEO Ilan musk. world’s richest man. That’s that was me. I don’t know Is he still the world’s richest matters that basil basil says announced the birth of their first child when they named x a 12. Musk. The musician explained x stands for the unknown variable. And you know who else did that? Charles Manson. He wanted x out of society. So he carved a big old x in his dumb head. Which he then turned into a swastika which was a symbol that for many cultures meant you know, positive things divinity, spirituality all these things It was like a symbol of prosperity and good luck until the old Nazis come around and and inverted it and you know the rest is history. But yeah, that’s a that’s very curious that they would say such thing and call out the x. The X marks the spot when you put the x and the O you’re called upon notice from the Abyss what’s known as well. It’s the alien from the Abyss that kind of grant the iPhone Ian Ordo templi orientis tries to charge of the sigils through entertainment. At least that’s the conspiracy theory. So there you go. I wanted to catch you up TMZ illuminate confirm all these folks. Bobby Brown illuminate a farm kid got 11 acre farm call we eliminate ever I don’t know does it mean does it mean it thing anymore even though we’re just getting crazy over here now. Yeah, that’s the latest. There was a lot I didn’t want everything to get away from me to get too stale on the news cycle. The next show is going to be a bonus supporter show only. We’re going Eyes Wide Shut deep dive into the making of Eyes Wide Shut book. It’s gonna be a two parter. I got the first half done. Second half will come a few days later. But you can get on that get on that team get on that winning team. I don’t care which one you do, or if you do any of them. If you ain’t got the funds, I drip and don’t worry about it. This is my way of saying thanks to the people that do take that extra mile that extra step people joining me on the rock fan people joining me on the Patreon people joining me on the VIP section whichever one you want. The cheapest way to get all this content right now is if you want to get the hot girl summer, go to Illuminati watch calm hit the VIP section. Punch in hot girl summer promo code and you’ll unlock over 300 episodes of the podcast ad free bonus shows. I mean you got dozens and dozens and dozens of bonus shows you can catch up on but that expires may 1 and then it’s gone forever. Check it out link in the show notes as always and until next time, my friend stay woke
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