On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we catch up on the Illuminati gossip on your favorite celebs! We talk about the symbolism of the trailer for Disney’s Cruella, Potato Heads, Gaga’s dogs, Aleister Crowley’s baby Bush, new Alice in Wonderland revelations, China modifying the weather, transhumanism Sophia robots and Elon Musk is an alien!
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
In this day and age, I’m hoping that people see as quick as you get it. It’s like dopamine, come quickly, quick. So when it comes to technology, exactly what it is you got an instant gratification thing, you can touch as many people as quick as they want to go. They can pull it from. And right now we’re talking about, are we talking about a virus, a virus, and when we talk about servs, merseburg, swine, Ebola now korone,
folks, I
mean, you gotta really gotta read the tea leaves, got to the devils in the details. And with that said, is if you look at the recovery numbers on what we’re talking about, I don’t know what it is, but I get the flu went on vacation this year. How do we tax when everything went on vacation this year when it came to I’m going through right now. And this is called a spade a spade. And the reason I can have this conversation, because my family comes from communism, they fled communism, they had everything taken away from everybody got murdered, everybody got killed. And that’s the reason me being a first generation Cuban American. Or maybe us being first generation Cuban Americans. I look at freedom and appreciate that. I appreciate opportunity. I appreciate anything that you give me, all I need is a little slip. And that comes from the fact that when a Castro took over everything, and I’m looking at what’s going on right now, the only person here that hot, dirty hot is Castro did it with a virus she took over the world with a virus. gotta be kidding me. He had missiles pointed to the United States of America during the Russian Missile Crisis during the Bay of Pigs and when they went went on through so this chick is deep. The only thing is, is do you want to realize how deep it is.
Isaac Weishaupt 01:54
You’re listening to conspiracy theories and on popular culture. I’m your host, Isaac Weishaupt. If you notice, but on the feed, I dropped a 30 minute show about the giveaway contest. So if you’re wondering who won the big giveaway from March 1, where I gave away signed copies of books and a T shirt, you can listen to that show. For more details on that, but today we’re gonna talk about all these things. It’s TMZ aluminum naked firm show. It’s the greatest sets. It’s the best stuff. It’s the news are catching up pop culture, symbolism, the occult. Where do these worlds blend? Well, I’ve got a lot of stuff. I got a stack of stack topics here. Cruella De Ville, Lady Gaga and her dogs. Potato Heads. Alistair Crowley, Barbara Bush, was cruelly Barbara Bush’s father. We’ll find out some updates to Alice in Wonderland. We’ll talk about the weather some transhumanism and of course, you know the drill aliens. Aliens the biggest topic the next Boogeyman now that we’re turning the bend on the nasty old Warhammer blue. Those aliens are coming next. Some of these topics where we’re not going too deep on the first topic, we will go deep on Cruella De Ville. She’s from that old Disney show the 101 Dalmatians about the dogs are 101 Chihuahuas, and all they do is bark and try to bite you when you got food to try to bite you. It’s okay because we got rescue Chihuahuas and here’s the deal if you get a Chihuahua, you get a rescue Chihuahua, right? And generally, their teeth are so rotted out that they’ve all been removed. And then when they bite you, they can’t break skin. Ha Joke’s on them. Joke’s on them. Now the one dog Eva, she will try like hell, she will grind those gums. In what short amount of time she can get them wrapped around your finger. She’s an angel though. She’s an angel. Boy, she’s listening. She’s watching me. Sorry. Okay, I’m sorry, Eva. Now. Lots of symbolism of the occult in this show in this trailer, I should say.
From the very beginning, I realized I saw the world differently than everyone else.
That didn’t sit well some people.
It wasn’t for everyone.
that I’d be a psycho.
From New day brings new opportunities
and I was ready to make a statement.
I am woman hear me roll.
I’m just getting started. I was born
Isaac Weishaupt 05:49
because you know Disney is going to be dropping this krewella movie. But on the on the trailer, you see lots of symbolism of the duality of the black and the white. And we’re gonna get into that. There’s some phrases worth looking at. Drop and this is just from the two minute trailer, and I’ll put the images on the Instagram at Isaac Weishaupt Drive. You will see all the images I’m talking about. From the beginning she says that she saw the world differently from everyone else. They were scared that she was going to be a psycho and she says a new day brings new opportunities. I am woman hear me roar. I was born bad all these things right? Well, what is she? What is she drawing energies towards the the archetype of the adversary the Luciferian character here. At the same time, she is also drawing the archetypal energy from Alice in Wonderland, which we will talk about later. She says she sees the world differently from everyone else. Because that’s what it’s all about, folks. That’s what Alice in Wonderland was all about. It’s about opening the eyes of the uninitiated. That’s you. That’s me. That’s everyone. That’s the masses opening up the minds in the eyes of the masses to accept this new way of looking at the world. And in some ways, it’s good question authority. In some ways, if you follow the research of so many truthers, it’s bad. It’s opening up the door to the new religion, the new global religion of the Antichrist. But that’s not it. There’s much more to be found in just this little old trailer. You see, you’re driving a car. And the license plate on the car says devil should you think I was making up that she’s drawing archetypal energy from the Luciferian adversary. It’s on the nose on the license places devil and she pulls it to a place called hell Hall. And now and again. I don’t really watch Disney I don’t know much about it. Never really watched it. Ironically, Alice in Wonderland was the only movie I saw as a child watching watching Disney movies. I was the only one I ever saw. And it blew my mind man. So good. actually loved it. But it was because my babysitter’s would come over and they had the old VHS tape, and they would pop it in. And I’d sit there and soak in all the crazy occult messaging and I was like what is this all about what is happening here? But we’ll we’ll talk about Allison in a bit. I don’t want to go too hard on that yet. But she pulls up to hell Hall I don’t know where she lives no clue. And you’ll notice the logo as the x with the Oh, we’ve talked about this many many times, shout out for even fly. But the the old Kenneth grant asserts that this is the mark of the beast. This will summon the Antichrist. This will bring forth nodes from the abyss. KENNETH grant was in the telephony and Oto and they were drawn all the energies to summon these gods, these aliens from the abyss. And sure enough, you see it on the logo for hell Hall. Curl also looks into the mirror before she is transformed because she starts out she’s she’s played by that actress. And that actresses name who you will recognize as I further delay this while I look at the actresses name. It’s turning to be much more difficult than I thought. Hang on. Emma Thompson. Jeez, there it was. Emma taza plays the character. And she’s like a normal girl or whatever. And she looks in the mirror in the trailer and then BAM now she’s gorilla. It’s the transformation. It’s the entrance to the mystical realm, the other dimension, the one in which our world turns upside down. Again, just like Alice in Wonderland Through the Looking Glass, right? Another curiosity that I found them a real nutjob. I was watching it and the van in the trailer pulls up. And it’s got it says j o h 1930. And to me when I looked at that, I thought immediately john 1930, a verse from the Bible. And when you look it up, it’ll make your blood freeze, freeze cold. Because guess what? And I’m not like, I’m not the guy that like spits Bible verses out. I just saw the license plate. That’s the first thing that I thought of was like, is that a Bible verse? Let me look it up. I didn’t even know the book of john had 19 chapters, no clue. I’m not that guy. But I looked it up and it’s a section on the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. In the Orthodox Study Bible, it says, so when Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, It is finished and bowing his head, he gave up his spirit. Now, I took this to mean like, oh, man, this this movie about the the Luciferian. Devil Cruella is sort of bragging about the the finishing of Jesus Christ. When he says it is finished and he dies, he gave up he gives up his spirit. But in the Orthodox Study Bible in the study part, it says, finished actually means fulfilled meaning, Christ life did not end. But it shows the divine plan of salvation, coming to completion. So in the movie, I would argue that whatever is in that van, again, no clue. Maybe that is the, the adversary to the adversary. Maybe that’s the Christian forces, fighting against krewella and her devil car pulling up the hell Hall. Speaking of hell Hall, she goes into the hell Hall, and there’s a big party very much like Eyes Wide Shut with all the masquerade ball masks, minus the sexy time, of course. And she’s wearing black and white and she’s holding a match. Again, she’s the Luciferian. She’s the light bearer. Why do we see this? What’s the symbolism behind the light? The light is a metaphor for the word. To the Masons, it’s a network of meanings. One example the initiates, when they go for their ritual for the degree of the entered apprentice, they have their blindfolds removed, and they are given the light. This is the wisdom. This is the word. Another meaning they suggest and I read this in a book called symbolism of Freemasonry. Another one is, the three lesser lights, you got the sun, you got the moon. And then you got the lodge master. The sun rules the day, the moon rules the night, and then the lodge master rules, the lodge. Those are the lesser lights, then you got three greater lights, which is the volume of the sacred law, which, you know, that can be the Bible, with a page open to the book of john is what it said in the, in this book. Again, I just told you the book of john 1930, was quite possibly in the storyline. But that’s what it says in his books is the volume of the sacred law, which is the Bible open to the book of john. Because the book of john starts with In the beginning was the Word and the Word is the wisdom to them. It’s the Sophia. But to be fair, they say it could also be the Bhagavad Gita or the Quran, or the square kompass. Now in the trailer, krewella, she comes out with the match, as the light bear on the black and white floor, oh, the black and white floor so many times we see this it’s the Moses pavement, the mosaic pavement of the Freemasons. Now the the flame from the match, it burns her up. She again she’s wearing the black and the white, she’s on snap on top of the black and the white. And it shows a red dress. Again, this is the elements we’ve seen from the Scarlet woman, the horror of Babylon, who’s here to bring about the end days, who’s here to fulfill the Antichrist attempt to take over the world. This attorney and colors of course, are red and black. Now what’s up with the Moses pavement? The mosaic pavement? Well, I’m going to read you from that same book says the role is to make us think of opposites and how they complement and contradict. Compliment and contradict so again, like they’re, they’re, they’re massaging the subconscious to accept the adversary. All right, it’s pure satin ism. Says here it says it’s the floor of the lodge and paving stones of the Temple of Solomon that the high priests would walk on. The term is actual, actually the mosaic pavement but no relation to Moses. And the reason for that is it’s referring to muses, the goddesses of art, right? Which could tie us into the next subject. We’re talking about Lady Gaga, because she is the goddess she channels The Goddess energies. And for bonus points, the late great Tracy Twyman in a book in which she channeled the bathmat, and Cain and Lucifer and all the spirits, they said that the black and white cubes symbolize the two worlds merging above and below, meeting together the end times the apocalypse, the revelation. So there you go, that’s Cruella again, take a look at all the images I will put on the Instagram and otherwise that link in the show notes. Next, Lady Gaga, her dog walker, he was walking them dogs. So here she was he some guys shot the this dude stole a couple of the dogs. I mean, come on, leave the dogs out of it. Leave the dogs out of In fact, you know, I’m actually uh, you know, I always talk trash about Lady Gaga. Right? But I enjoy your music. And I felt bad. I thought, Man, that’s too bad. That’s terrible. I must feel awful. Have your dog stolen? But I mean, she does do a lot of illuminate confirm stuff. So who knows? Now what what transpired here, she come out and said, I got 500 racks. Give me those dogs. No questions asked. Which to me should alarm all the Hollywood dog walkers. No questions asked. Now, you know, if you’re a seedy individual, you could just sit around these rich neighborhoods and watch people’s dogs and figure out who’s got the celebrity dog. Because I’m wealthy dog owners they got they pay people to walk the dogs and they’re not trying to they’re not trying to get killed for the dog. Now, in just a couple days, Lady Gaga got her dogs back. How did this happen? Well, a woman showed up the LAPD with the dogs and they confirm they are in fact Lady Gaga has dogs now. They think she was a good Samaritan. This is also the official story, right? Because I mean, the reality is like, You’re not supposed to negotiate with the terrorists. So maybe the criminals arranged it and this is the cover story. Who knows? But she got her dogs back. And in fact, they’re French Bulldogs. Right? So these are not rescue dogs. These are and I’m always I’m very anti dog groomer or, I’m sorry, dog breeder, not dog groomer. Sorry, dog groomers. I don’t have a problem with you. Dog breeders. Because like they they in breed these dogs. And it’s like, it’s all about money to them. And he’s, you know, the dog has some deformities. They just, you know, do whatever it is they do with him. Nothing good. Anyhow, she got her dogs back. But the dog walker guy got shot and blasted. He’s in the hospital. Bad Day for dog walkers. Travis Scott. He’s on the cover of ID magazine, the utopia issue because I think he’s got an album called utopia coming out. In fact, he shared a picture of a chain that he got for utopia. But anyway, on the cover of the magazine, as you saw on my Instagram feed, he’s doing the all seeing eye holding up a dog. And this was right before Lady Gaga his dogs got stolen and I thought my God, is he threatening Lady Gaga? Did Travis Scott arrange to steal Lady Gaga dogs? No, I don’t think that’s true. But just for fun to put a little poll on the Instagram story, most of you said yeah, he did it. Oh my god. Travis Scott’s threatening and then stealing dogs. Next, Mr. potatohead he went gender neutral. You already know the whole story, because you heard it because this was like the hottest piece of news the whole week. Mr. Potato Head dropped the Mr. pronoun because there’s now the potato is gender neutral. Well, here’s the thing guys and girls. I don’t want to assume gender. Everybody. Here’s the thing, everybody. This is just a publicity stunt to sell Potato Heads. I mean, you think Potato Heads were flying off the shelf before this. I mean, Peel still binos I didn’t know they were selling those anymore it’s just a publicity stunt. And much like politics, they know how to get people talking. They know how to ruffle the feathers. And why not right? They say any publicity is good publicity. Well, the potato loses the gender. That’s good publicity. But, you know, bad day for the fans of Mr. Potato Head, but I’ve already read that they say, Oh, no, we’re gonna have a Mr. And Mrs. Potato Head, but there’s gonna be a gender neutral one. So you see there, they’re there. They’re gonna make money off this somehow. Kim and Kanye is so wrapped they’re getting divorced. And I don’t have a lot of illuminate occult symbolism for that one. I just found it curious. cuz I’ve talked about Connie so many times. Curiously enough, if you recall, back in, I believe was in Paris, Kim Kardashian, they put her in the bathtub and they threatened her. And that’s when Kanye had the big breakdown. And he went to UCLA and got his MK Ultra treatment, allegedly. But now they’re getting divorced. But at least we’ll get some good music right? Because you know, the tragedy spurs good art. So maybe Connie I’ll drop a good album, means not all for a loss, right. Bad Day for Kanye. Good day for the hip hop heads. Next, Daft Punk. They broke up. I’ve talked about them a lot too. They’re always pushing the symbolism. They’re always doing the triangle of manifestation. I mean, obviously they’re always pushing the transhumanism angle with the robotic stuff. I talked about this many times back in the Golden Ages of blogging and how to I’ve got a big long article talking about it. But they broke up and I watched this eight minute video they they released on the YouTube to reveal the breakup. Oh boy, and it was excessively long. Have you watched it? I like that font. The homework album I was I was bumping that. But like, seriously, like I say movies over an hour and a half or too long. This eight minute video showed you nothing. Basically like the robots meet up they program the one robots head to explode and then that’s it. And then you get the triangle a manifestation. Oh, dear, bad day for robots. Next Tiger Woods. He wrecked he wrecked the car. And that happened on February 23, which was a called sacrifice de terminalia maybe you recall that maybe you don’t I don’t know. We talked about it with I did a what was it on the walking dead? Maybe they had a whole thing about terminalia Yeah, it’s a it’s a sacrifice holiday. But curiously enough, there was a show I watched on I believe was Showtime is like a two parter HBO or Showtime about Tiger Woods. Very interesting. Well, this guy was kind of kind of went the way of Michael Jackson didn’t really get much of a childhood plagued by inner demons. Now I’m not coming up with that term of my own. Don’t think I’m being hyperbolic conspiracy guy. I’m gonna read you right from Fox News. Tiger Woods, who is recovering from a devastating car accident that left him with a shattered leg he describes in an upcoming documentary, how he has had to overcome his, quote, inner demons to perform. And then he basically talks about it says airs this Sunday. Let me see. I don’t know was that March 7, March 7, on ESPN. He’s gonna talk about it. He says people which obtained a clip of the series reported that would said that for him the sport is quote, also about competing within myself. I have to overcome all my inner demons to perform because no one’s gonna bail me out. It’s not like you can have a bad game and just sit out. So I mean, what’s going on with Tiger Woods, he’s still recovering after the surgery. Compound fractures. They don’t know. They don’t know if he’s gonna make it through and start playing golf again. Which is kind of a bummer because man, that guy was impressive. I had no idea. But bad day for tiger. They tried to take them out on terminalia Alistair Crowley, Barbara Bush is debunked. Maybe you don’t. Let me give you the background of the Barbara Bush Alistair Crowley saga. The original theory is that Okay, if you look at the pictures of Barbara Bush next to Alistair Crowley, you can see they look really similar. Then you look at these conspiracy theories that her mom Pauline Robinson, aka Pauline Pierce, she married into the Pierce family. She was working for Alistair Crowley allegedly in 1924. And this is when Crowley was practicing sex magic rituals, because he was trying to achieve these high levels of the Oto. Historically, he created the last three, the last three was it degrees of initiation into the Oto. And it was all about sex. All about entering that all seeing eye of Horus from behind, okay. But then Pauline, came back to America in October of that same year, and then gave birth to Barbara Bush in June 1925. Now, these are all theories. I don’t know how much of That’s true. I wasn’t there. But it’s not part of the mainstream narrative, though. Okay. The claim is that Pauline, she had a Barbara’s mom, she had a friend named Nellie O’Hara, who was friends with Crowley, and she introduced the two and they all hooked up. They had sex orgies, sexy time orgies. And the counterclaim is that well, Pauline was actually married with kids when she went overseas to visit cruelly. But you and I know. That ain’t stopping freaky time from happening. Okay. So I don’t know, if I carry that counter argument is pretty flimsy. Then there’s other claims they say that the whole bush bloodline is into these secrets, which is true, right? All the bushes they were in the skull and bones of CIA intelligence agents, all this stuff. But ultimately, if you look at the photos, they look damn near identical. They both have these bugged out eyes. And someone claimed, again, unsubstantiated. Someone claimed that it’s because Crowley and Barbara Bush both had the same thyroid problem, which I don’t know if that supports the argument or not. So I was familiar with these ideas. And lo and behold, on February 28, usat, today dropped an article. Out of nowhere, I couldn’t believe it says, fact check 15 year old conspiracy theory about Barbara Bush originally an April Fool’s joke, okay. I’m gonna read you a little bit. a Facebook post from February 16 claims that infamous British occultist Aleister Crowley was the father of former first lady Barbara Bush. This makes george w bush the grandson of the world’s most famous satanist, the user wrote, Crowley is known for founding a religion called delima and popularizing the term magic to describe supernatural acts of the occult. In a comment to USA Today, Kacey Zevon Bergen, who posted the claim on Facebook said he saw the claim several times, including on the secure messaging app telegram. This post has been circulated for many years. I also have seen it on other sites like telegram not sure the authenticity but it raised a lot of conversations. While the claim is false, official White House archives and the National first lady’s library show Barbara Bush was the daughter of Marvin Pierce, who worked in publishing. The conspiracy theory has circulated online for nearly 15 years and it all started as an April Fool’s joke. On April 1 2006, a blogger who identifies himself as Joseph cannon of cannon fire.com posted the first article to espouse this false theory. His article transparent about its lack of solid evidence and mostly based on resemblance suggested the Pauline piers Barbara Bush’s mother and Marvin Pierce’s wife had a secret affair with Crowley during a trip to France. In an email interview with USA Today, cannon wrote that the article was an April Fool’s joke. He says he created that there is a litmus test for conspiracy theory and truth seeking groups. I wanted to test whether anyone would take the first obvious step of contacting me and asking Is this real? He said? It seems they did not is there has been discussed in online forums featured at length in a documentary on Crowley called in search of the great beast, which I’ve seen, by the way, and picked up by Alex Jones of right wing media outlet info wars. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Blah, blah.
Isaac Weishaupt 29:42
Okay, yeah, so they’re saying we made this claim false. Based on our research, there’s no evidence to support the Crowley was former first lady Barbara Bush’s father. In addition, the writer of the blog says he made it up. So there you go. CASE CLOSED I don’t know I don’t know. I you know I’m skeptical of a lot of things in the truth the world because they don’t truthers don’t have the best track record of fact checking. Alice in Wonderland an occult book coming out a new one, not mine, I wrote a book about the occult symbolism of Alice in Wonderland. This one’s going to go deep. called through the looking glass darkly by Jake fior. And what’s curious is that phrase through the looking glass darkly is a phrase from the first book of Corinthians, another Bible reference here, we’re thumping that Bible hard today, everybody. In the Bible verses for now we see through a glass darkly and it refers to a dim reflection. And in this case, it’s a reference to the sequel of Alice in Wonderland book. The sequel was called Through the Looking Glass and what Alice found there. And Jake fior rightfully asserts, this is a psychedelic text without a moral lesson. It talks about parodies, judiciary, and the monarchy, you know, question authority, which is good, right? We want that. Again, like I always say, like, the occult stuff isn’t always bad. In the interview with the observer, he said, this quote, Carol, that’s he’s referring to Lewis Carroll, the author. Carol had a definite interest in the esoteric I have a catalogue of his possessions, including his library, and he had lots of books on the supernatural, very curious. And he found a an original sketch book by the guy who illustrated that book, sir john tenniel and fior He is giving the story of how Alice’s journey actually paralleled the journey of a man named Samuel Liddell, Mathers, and you should recognize this name right. I talked about him. And he also claims that Samuel Adel Mathers is a distant relative to the real Alice who inspired this story. Isn’t that something? Now who’s Samuel Liddell Mathers? Well, let’s get into it. If you’re discovered that he had formed the secret magical society known as the Golden Dawn patronized by major literary figures, such as Bram Stoker II, Nesbitt, and Arthur Conan Doyle, and also by the notorious occultist Alistair Crowley. Quote, there is no evidence that Carol was practicing magic but he was interested in telepathy and was a member of the Society of Psychical Research. He also had a well known obsession with wordplay and especially across sticks. And these come from Hebrew mysticism, which he would probably have known said for. Now in his events, a lot of people around that time very like late like Victorian era ish. They’re all into this stuff, right, the spiritual ism movement. While working on the book, he found that although Carol was not a Freemason, the Adele family it was very involved in the organization. The VNA exhibition fee or suggest will be a good opportunity for fans to go back to the darker side of the story, something that the Disney cartoon version has almost obliterated, quote, The Disney image has become so strong, it has almost a faced tenille. That’s the guy who did the illustrations, right. But I find the animated visuals a bit saccharine. I always think of the phrase from Anthony Burgess’s Clockwork Orange. Week tea new brewed, as opposed to the tineo which is full strength with no sugar. So he’s saying that the actual if you drink the off the date, you’re gonna get a higher octane version of the story. And I like that he referenced Clockwork Orange, shout out. Should I try to catch up with that guy? I’m trying to get him on the show. Maybe we got a lot to talk about. Now Samuel Mathers. He comes up in the research of the occult because he and Crowley had quite the relationship. First, they were friends then they were enemies. cruelly, in fact wrote his novel moonchild and the villain was Mathers and he used his secret magical name, which is like a big No, no, in the occult magic community. The magical name is supposed to remain secret, because it could be used against you. And supposedly, the two were always squabbling about. I don’t know whatever, doing magic tricks on each other. Playing little pranks like summoning a demon and manifesting it in their bedroom. I don’t know, stuff like that. There’s not a lot you can find about Samuel matters. There’s Dion fortune wrote claiming that died from the Spanish flu. He died from the original wilhem flu. There’s not much else factually known that can be verified. Some claim that Bill vassy tried to recruit him to start the Theosophical Society because again, same timeframe, but he was like Freemason, he was a Christian mysticism he was in a rosicrucian order. There’s lots of rosicrucian orders, by the way. He wrote some books about the Kabbalah he infamously translated goetia, the lesser key of Solomon, but he actually died before it published. And Crowley allegedly stolen and published it for himself, because he’s a bad boy. So his mom called him the beast, because she knew he was gonna steal books. Well, I got a few other little random topics. I’m gonna catch you up on Drew Barrymore. I recently recorded a I was researching for my alien book, Use Your Illusion to an ET is going to be in the book. Oh, yeah, everyone’s favorite et. And you know that starring Drew Barrymore because she grew up in Hollywood. And as the story goes, hmm, she got hooked on drugs and stuff pretty early, apparently, allegedly. But she was on Howard Stern, and she talks about partying when she was 1313. Let’s see here. I’m gonna read you from the communist News Network. Barrymore said that as a child, actor, year, she was wild with too many resources and a mom and wanted to be your friend instead of her mother, quote, I was going to clubs, and not going to school and stealing my mom’s car. And you know, I was out of control. So, you know, sometimes it was as humorous as that. And sometimes I was just so angry that I would go off and I’d get thrown in the thing. She said, explaining that the thing was a full psyche, Patrick Ward, where she was placed for 818 months. Okay. Barrymore said it was not a cushy rehab experience. Quote, I used to laugh at those like Malibu 30 day places, Malibu was sort of the opposite of the experience I had, you couldn’t mess around in there. And if you did, you would get thrown either in a padded room or get put in stretcher restraints, and tied up. Barrymore said she was so angry, she could couldn’t see straight and she couldn’t understand why she was being punished so severely. I asked myself, why is this happening? And I thought maybe you need the craziest form of structure because everything was so accessible, available and screwed up in your world, and maybe it’s going to take something like this, for you to kickstart the rest of your life. And that didn’t come for probably six to eight months. For six to eight months. I was so angry, I couldn’t see straight. through therapy and soul searching, Barrymore said she has forgiven her mom and she didn’t want to live in pain. So here we got another celebrity. Going through some crazy mind control stuff. Is it kind of like Kanye West, right, similar? What are they doing to these celebrities? Why are they getting put in psychiatric units? Why are they exposing them to drugs at a young age? Is there a dark underbelly to Hollywood? Do you see the pit bull interview where he says COVID is like getting close to communism? I don’t know if you saw that. Well, speaking of COVID, and communism, China, they’re out here modifying the weather. When I read you found CNN, China this week revealed plans to drastically expand an experimental weather modification program to cover an area of over 5.5 million square kilometers. That’s 2 million square miles. More than one and a half times the total size of India. You read into the article says China will have developed will have a developed weather modification system by 2025. Blah, blah, blah. And basically they’re going to make artificial rain and artificial snowfall. They were doing they’ve been doing this for a while they see the clouds in 2008 Beijing Olympics to reduce the smog. They actually do this in Utah. Up on the mountains. They’ve been doing this since the 70s. cloud seeding was in Vietnam operation Popeye, they were trying to float out the hoti Minh trails. In fact, I wouldn’t doubt that Utah has been working on weather modification because every year in the winter, we get real nasty pollution due to an inversion, sort of natural effect of the mountains and whatnot. And the only way to clear out this nasty air particulates is weather, storm, rain, snow, whatever. But I noticed that this past winter there was like no inversion. think they’re doing out here. geoengineering, the conspiracy people have been talking about chemtrails for a long time. And then Oh, one more, one more sentence out here. China is willing to deploy large scale geoengineering schemes to tackle the impacts of climate change and achieve its Paris targets. So, again, that’s a big subject I’m going to tackle here sometime climate change, very much believed in climate change. I’m not saying I don’t believe in it. I think there’s a lot of information out there that points to the idea that the manmade climate change is a factor in this whole thing. How bad is it? I don’t know. I’m not a scientist. But I remember when I was studying this in college, I was really interested in it. I watched this whole documentary series with this, you know, climate scientist dude from Penn State. And he laid out all the evidence and I got finished when I said, Okay, yeah, this is happening. Oh. But I could be wrong, right? The scientist, how much do we trust them? So I’m gonna dig into it again. But that’s, uh, that’s what they’re saying. Now they’re going to use this geo engineering stuff to help with the climate change problem. So it could be a psyop, right? I don’t know. I’m not a I’m not a climate scientist. I couldn’t tell you. But I’ll give it a shot. I’m gonna give it another shot this year, maybe next year. But I thought, this is all this one down in December. And now in January, Texas got go whooped up by the storms. Unexpected snow storms out of nowhere freezing. You think you think China attack taxes? Do you think China made the wilhem fluido attack America?
I don’t know.
Isaac Weishaupt 41:58
Crazy stuff, huh? We call it Bill Gates. He said he was going to block out the sun when nanoparticles. Which I don’t know if you’ve seen the Anna matrix. Those are a series of anime movies about the matrix franchise. That’s the plot from the matrix. So yeah, they basically, crew you know, they basically create these robots that get energy from the sun. So the only way to fight the robots is to is to block the sun with nanoparticles. So there you go. Are you scared yet? Next, aliens. Let’s wrap this up. aliens. Neil deGrasse Tyson, he wrote a new book. He’s making the rounds. And he’s telling you there’s aliens. But only
pretty sure Neil deGrasse Tyson joins us now to answer our cosmic questions.
Neil, good
morning to you. Let’s stick with the big one. The biggest of all, I think, are we alone? in the universe?
Yeah, well, we don’t know for sure. But if you ask any informed person who knows, for example, the age of the universe, what were chemically made of life on earth is chemically made of how quickly life got underway on Earth. This how many exoplanets are now in the catalog? You would be inexcusably egocentric to suggest otherwise. So? Yeah, yeah, we could be. Maybe we’re not alone with other microbes, but possibly other intelligences. So that
that’s the follow up question. Right? If No, we are not alone in the universe. There are other beings out there. What does life look like out there? I need to find life.
You know, I mean, I can tell you this, hollywood does a bad job at it. All right. Well, the life forms that they tend to show. They have two arms, two legs, eyes, nose, mouth, head. And most life on Earth doesn’t have that. So that’s life with that we have DNA in common. So I don’t think they do a good job imagining life elsewhere. The blob was pretty good. 1958 Steve McQueen film that didn’t have a verb. It was an invertebrate thing that that that, that that didn’t have anything you would identify as humanoid. And plus, I guess there was no actor inside of it.
So then the question becomes Where is everybody? Which I think is a fascinating question. If we think life is out there beings of some kind, we don’t know what they look like. We don’t know anything about it. Where are they? How come we haven’t heard from them? Are we a zoo? Here? Are we like their experiments? Yeah,
so there’s a lot of suggestions for that. One is they have visited and they sort of were intrigued by us and we are in a zoo that they have collected. That’s one, one hypothesis. Another one I don’t know if that’s good or bad, but that’s a hypothesis. Another one I my preference is that they have visited but have not hung around because they went back to their home planet and reported that there was No sign of intelligent life on Earth,
Isaac Weishaupt 45:02
Mars. We’re going to Mars perseverence landed and it’s going to find alien life. That’s what they said they’re doing it. Whenever Do you from NBC News perseverance success with touchdown on Mars kicking off a two year mission to Rome at service in search for signs of ancient microbial life. So let’s see, blah, blah blah. NASA has taken a different approach hunting for microbes instead of the Viking landers the new perseverance rover isn’t looking for chemical signs of metabolism. Instead, it will move around Mars looking for sediments that contain clues to organisms that pitched and swirled in long fantasies. The rationale is simple. If Mars ever had life, the dead will surely outnumber the living and are therefore more likely to be found. tells you where they landed on our crater if Martians are found, Okay, here we go. The samples catched by presser variance will hopefully be collected and returned to Earth by a future mission. What could go wrong? To be analyzed in terrestrial laboratories, there will be no eureka moment for present person. Perseverance. If Martians are found they will be found on Earth. But if that happens, it will be more in more than an interesting science story. Just as the past is now divided into before and after the Copernican revolution. So to will discovering long expired Martian bacteria permanently changed Mandy’s view of its own importance. There you go. That’s what they’re doing. last paragraph. There is however, one thing that could dampen the impact of finding dead life on Mars. If it turns out that Martian organisms were related to earthly life. If both sport the same DNA biology, then this discovery may point to the way life can accidentally spread between worlds hitchhiking on dirt clods to clouds clouds kicked into space by Meteor impacts that would be interesting. Yes. But far more pretentious would be to discover that our solar system has had a second Genesis the life on Earth and Mars have different origins. That would imply that life is as commonplace in the cosmos. Oh, dear. Okay. Well, there you go. I told you they were going to prove NASA said they’re going to prove that aliens exist by 2025. This is what it looks like. Not too fun, though, right? doesn’t explain the UFOs Elan musk he said he’s an alien. Says eccentric billionaire at the helm of some of the biggest companies in the world has revealed he keeps how it keeps up with his immense workload. He revealed that he’s an alien to crit founder, Kunal saw Shah who was looking for answers from the businessman. Through tweet, Kunal Shah asked Ilan how he is holding. How he is holding has he managed to boy these people from live mint.com I need to get their editing game up. Through tweet canals. Kunal Shah asked Elon Musk how he is holding has he managed to end running over four organizations who wrote this, they may soon become $500 billion companies at such a young age. He almost responded with a three word tweet saying I’m an alien. He was also on Joe Rogan. And he said, honestly, I think I would know if there were aliens. I mean, if they wanted us to know about them, they could just show up and walk down Main Street like hey, I’m an alien. Check me out. Here’s my spaceship I just landed in the middle of Times Square. Then we’d be like okay, we believe you. These are very subtle these aliens. And then Rogan asked musk if he ever thinks about UFOs during his work with SpaceX. However, it looks like aliens don’t take up much space in his brain because he said zero. If they show up, I’m like great. This is new information. Like Where were you guys up until now if I see some evidence for aliens. I’ll be the first to be like, ah, aliens. I believe him. I think he’s an alien. But you remember how the rappers and stuff for a long time they were bragging about being aliens?
What’s up with that?
Isaac Weishaupt 49:21
Now Elon Musk is getting in on it. Oh dear. The nerds are killing us killing all this finally. transhumanism. Did you ever hear the Sophia robot from Hanson robotics? very disturbing. Well, there’s news from reuters.com. I will read you. Hanson robotics based in Hong Kong said four models including Sophia would start rolling out factories in the first half of 2021. Just as researchers predict a pandemic will open new opportunities for the robotics industry. And if you don’t know who Sofia is, is kind of like a robot. bot that has sophisticated sort of AI responses seems very real, looks real talks real. I mean, you can tell it’s not a human but it’s pretty close. But they’re saying that Hanson is going to make these robotic solutions to the pandemic. Says Sophia, enhancing robots are unique by being so human like they can be so useful during these times where people are terribly lonely and socially isolated, is basically talking about the pandemic. And I went to their website I went to Hanson robotics, and they unleashed a bunch of different models a bunch of different robots. You want to hear the names say well first off I’m gonna tell you this is where they say something very interesting it says my robotics and AI accomplishments incorporate discoveries from many previous robots from this team, including the A i award winning Philip K Dick and all this AI is networked into a hole using a protocol the Hanson AI team calls the synthetic organism unifying language soul. Now curious is this because Philip K Dick was a proponent for the simulation theory. It’s what he thought and the AI in these robots. They’re calling it soul synthetic organism unifying language. Okay. Then the robot on the website says recently my scientist tested my software using the to Noni fee, measurement of consciousness and found that I may even have a rudimentary form of consciousness, depending on the data I’m processing. Now, what are the other what are the other robots that Hanson robotics is working on? Well, you got little Sophia. I’m making that up little Sophia. She’s gonna be a rapper. Han. Like Han Solo Of course. binah Viner right remember by now I was in my first book a grand unified conspiracy theory when I was talking about transhumanism transhumanism back in Okay, talks to you my I’m exhausted my throat exhausted 20 1213 so I wrote that book. You can get it for free. If you sign up for my email newsletter, Illuminati watcher calm. You’ll get that book for free. today how to get four books for five bucks. You can sweeten the pot. Another one’s named Philip K. Dick and another one’s called Joey chaos.
Old Joey chaos.
Isaac Weishaupt 52:37
order out of chaos. And there you go. Now we’re all caught up. Aren’t you happy? job you can go about your day. Now that you know I’ve been watching for you. I’ve been Illuminati watching for you. Trying to reveal the secrets they don’t want you to know. But yeah, that’s that’s the latest krewella is gonna be hot on my radar. I’ll watch that when it drops. Like I said, I don’t normally watch Disney movies. But I’ll check that out. Check it out that Alice in Wonderland book. I don’t believe that. I think barbara bush is Crowley’s grandkid. Or kid. I do think so. They look alike. Come on, come on, really. And I do think they’re modifying the weather. And I think Lady Gaga is a jerk for not taking in rescue dogs. So there you go. That’s my judgmental hour of rumors and talking about all these celebrities. Hope you enjoyed the show. If you liked the show, there’s a way you can help out. You could subscribe to the show, you can leave a review for the show. Or you can sign up for one of my supporter feeds, Patreon rockfon or the VIP section, links in the show notes. You can check them all out for yourself. And until next time, stay woke.
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