On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we analyze a long overdue film- John Carpenter’s cult classic THEY LIVE! We’ll go over the not-so-hidden liberal plot line, alien shape shifters, the homeless village people, the infamous fight scene, OBEY, CONSUME, REPRODUCE and STAY WOKE!
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all Patreon Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is given to all Patreon supporters- join the IW Patreon team at Patreon.com/IlluminatiWatcher!
They are dismantling the sleeping middle class. More and more people are becoming poor. We are their caste. We are being bred for slavery is not powerful. The signal must be shut off at the source.
Isaac Weishaupt 00:35
Today we’re going to talk about the film. The film called they live. It is basically an 80s movie full of 80s greatness. Boy, Rowdy Roddy Piper takes on his lead role. Assisted by also another great actor. Keith, David, you remember him for a minute work? Then there’s a couple other gems in here do Peter Jason plays the role of Gilbert the the guy at the church, and we’ll talk about all this if you’ve never seen the movie. No surprise plot spoilers coming your way. If you haven’t seen it by now, well, I feel sorry for your mother. The another great actor. Oh, yeah. Yeah, Peter, Jason is in this and you may recognize him from another classic john Carpenter film Prince of Darkness. To beg you to watch if you’re a horror fan, Prince of Darkness is definitely one of my favorites. Lots of stuff going on in this movie. And by stuff, I’m not referring to dialogue, or thoughtful content. There’s a very basic, simple message. That’s why this analysis will be quite short. There’s not much going on in this movie. Yeah, I know. It’s weird, right? Had your boy Isaac, back from the future? As I was editing this film analysis, I realized a couple big things that I missed. One, I always give you my take on if you should watch this and how much you should pay for it. Well, it’s 90 minutes. JOHN carpenter, of course, you got to watch it, of course. Is it a great film? I mean, I don’t know. I watched it for free. And it’s worth that. Okay. Let’s just put it there. There’s not like I’ve alluded to in this analysis, there’s not actually a lot going on. It’s one simple message. And that’s basically it. But it’s great. But it’s a great message. So yeah, you got to see it. If you’ve never seen it, by all means, find a way to do that. And then also, there is a it’s funny, there’s a guy as I was capturing the clips for the podcast here. There’s a guy in the home one of the homeless village people who actually shows up at the end. He’s now one of the elites. So I don’t know if that was on purpose. I don’t think so. I think they were just on a shoestring budget, and they just paid an actor to do do roles. But just something fun. And I took the screenshots, as you will see on the Instagram, I’ll put my name is gonna add Isaac Weishaupt. Like and subscribe. Check it all out. Okay, back to the show. The film Of course, it’s based off of a story called eight o’clock in the morning. And john carpenter, I mean, he’s one of the greats this guy, hate. He’s cracking them out of the park, every chance he gets the thing. Prince of Darkness, mouth of madness, Halloween, good night, Halloween, spawning, probably the greatest franchise of horror films of all time. And they live deserves a place amongst these films. Now, I must say this film, be braced. My friends, this film is liberal propaganda. Its left wing socialism. Well, maybe not socialism. But it’s but it’s subscribes to what used to be the Liberal Party ideas of the 80s and 90s. Basically, the idea that we need to support the middle class because they are being manipulated by the elites. And we’ll talk about that in the conclusion. First, let’s talk about this film. Like I said, there’s a guy named Rowdy Roddy Piper, he’s the protagonist. He’s your blue collar guy down on his luck, homeless. He actually has no name. That’s all he’s like. He’s like no name Madox old Charles Manson himself just walking around with his little backpack with his sleeping bag and his tools. looking for work like a good honest, you know, red blooded American He comes upon a construction site and that’s where he gets his employment. And he meets the other main character in this film, Keith David. Again from he was from they live as well. I mean, yeah, they live good one. He was from the thing another Carpenter classic Men at Work. And he’s, he’s kind of like the the dude who’s gonna show them the ropes, right? He’s gonna show how hot rod the ropes. Because after work, he’s like, Hey, we’re going to go down to the homeless village where we all live. And then, you know, there’s the only and fun fact the only character with a full first and last name is Holly Thompson, who has a very minor role in the film. And we’ll talk about her. And another side note, old rowdy Ron, he’s ripped in this movie, you know, and I grew up obsessed with WWF wrestling, to put it lightly. And he always seemed real flabby. From what I recall, as a child watching wrestling. homeboy was ripped Oh, he takes his shirt off the constructor. So he knows guys. He’s all he’s all baby old up, got his jeans on his boots. Just pick axe and dirt like a real man. Yeah, you know, and I’ve seen this movie a few times. As a child. I didn’t understand what was going on. I’m always scared of the aliens. Because I was such a freak for WWF. But you know, and old rowdy Ronnie was on the movie. So I’m like, I’m watching it. I’m watching the movie. But I didn’t really get it. And in all honesty to revisit this film as an adult. kind of stupid. As heresy, right. That’s a little bit of heresy. Because I love john carpenter. So as well as Rowdy Roddy Piper rest in peace as well as the conspiracy angle behind it. But that’s okay. You know, I in the movie showed us what drones were many years ahead of time. So I mean, it was ahead of its time for sure. I bet it blew a lot of people’s minds they brought into one thing. Now, yeah, okay, so so old, old, not he goes by nada on the credits, which means nothing in Spanish nuca nothing nada. So, okay, so where are we so he’s homeless. He gets some work at a construction site meets up with Frank. Oh, Frank, Frankfurter there and they’re hanging out the homeless Village and this is where he drops his, you know, philosophy on how the elites are the worst. Rowdy Roddy Piper he’s he’s like pro America though. He’s pro you know, he’s your Bruce Springsteen born run kind of guy you know what I’m saying? And he’s gonna get on his feet and work his way back up self sufficient and he’s gonna make it happen
I got a wife and two kids back in Detroit haven’t seen him in six months. steel mills are laying people off left and right they finally went under we gave the steel companies a break when they needed it. No, they gave themselves raises
the golden rule
he has the gold makes the rules close one more factor. We should take a sledge to one of their fancy fucking foreign cars.
You know, you got
to have a little more patience.
Yeah, well, I’m all out the whole deal is like some kind of crazy game.
They put you at the starting line. The name of the game is make it through life. Only everyone’s out for themselves and looking to do you and at the same time. Okay, man, hey, we are here we are. Now you do what you can remember. I’m gonna do my best to blow us away. So how you gonna
deliver a hard day’s work for the money I
just want the chance it’ll come.
I believe in America. I follow the rules.
Isaac Weishaupt 09:29
Everybody’s got their own hard times these days. Now apparently john Carpenter really paid homeless people to you know, portray homelessness. And another fun fact fun story. Should the great listener wonder where I get my granola ways. The one time many moons ago I assisted at a homeless shelter feeding the homeless right. And I remember like the doors opened like 11am or whatever. And they said, Okay, first we’re going to feed the families that are in the homeless shelter here. And like one family came through, and they sat down or eating, and we had to wait till 1130 to feed the rest of the population there there was at the homeless shelter. And I said to the supervisor late, because we were just standing there for like, 20 minutes. I said, Where’s like, don’t you guys have a keep a census of like, how many families are here? Like, because to me, I’m like, Look, one family came, they got their food set down. We’re just standing here for 20 minutes. Whereas the rest of the families, or did we only have one? You know, all the questions because I’m very inquisitive. And I asked about this, and the supervisor told me, Oh, no, we have many families here. And I said, well, where are they at? And she said, Well, you see, they’re actually working. I said, Well, well, why? She said, Yeah, they’re working, the parents are working. And then we’ve got like, this daycare thing that we watched the children in. I said, You’ve met homeless, families living in the homeless shelter. And the parents are out of work. She said, yeah. I said, That’s terrible. And this was only I say, many moons ago. This was less than 10 years ago, more than five years ago. And to me, like, this is where I get these bleeding heart things because it’s like, man, a right to have two parents working and still homeless. Now, could they have been on drugs? Maybe? I don’t know. But that’s what everyone always goes to do on drugs. They deserve it. No, they don’t. You like you got to help these people out, right? Nobody wants to be homeless. These guys, these these parents are working. Couple minimum wage jobs. I’m sure now not to pay rent. Anyway, I’ll get off my soapbox. But that was my experience. And and that’s what I had learned in college prior to that, prior to that took a course on social problems was very influential in my understanding of the world. And you wouldn’t believe it, you know, the obscene numbers of it and you want to talk about supporting the troops and equality for women, like the number of military veterans, women and children in the shelter’s is I don’t have it off top my head but it’s a huge chunk. It’s like most of it and um, you know, you know, when I’m a Bruce Springsteen Born to Run blue, you know, blue collar red blooded American, like the Roadster here, so identify with his character off the bat. Okay, let’s keep it moving. Now, Ron, he’s at the homeless shelter, and they got like a TV, you know, and they’re, they’re showing these these homeless guys are trying to watch this TV and a hacker sort of breaks through the airwaves. And he’s basically trying to red pill the masses right on TV, about how repressive the society is that we’re living in and how the elites will annihilate consciousness and all this
press on nails because of all the active things you do.
Well, you ready? Beautiful,
easy to apply. Just
our impulses are being redirected. We are living in an artificially induced state of consciousness that resembles
that damn hacker that second night bedazzles gutting
the movement that was begun eight months ago by a small group of scientists who discovered quite by accident, the signals being sent through
has given me a headache. Yeah, tell me that it was took the hackers months to figure out how to do this.
The core and the underclass are growing. racial justice and human rights are non existent. They have created a repressive society and we are they are unwitting accomplices. Their intention to rule rests with the annihilation of consciousness, we have been loaded into a trench. They have made us indifferent to ourselves to others. We are focused only on our own game. We
please understand they are safe as long as they are not discovered. That is their primary method of survival. Keep us asleep. Keep a selfish keep us sedated.
Isaac Weishaupt 14:42
And what’s weird is like on the side there’s a priest and he’s like mouthing the same words as the guy on TV. But that doesn’t matter. The moral of the story is they’re saying they’re trying to wake people up. They’re literally asleep. He says keep they’re trying to keep us sedated. They’re trying to keep us asleep. The elites are going to annihilate all of us through the annihilation of consciousness and to keep us asleep in this subservient world through manipulation. And we keep we keep, keep the story moving. There’s a bit more on you know, another sort of clip, another hacker moment where they’re talking about the sleeping middle class. And we find out that the camp organizer of this homeless camp Gilbert seems to be a bit tied into where the signal is coming from and we get the we get the hints that the signal is actually coming from the church that the homeless camp the homeless village operation is run out of
they are dismantling the sleeping middle class, more and more people are becoming poor. We are their cattle. We are being bred for slavery. The rebel camp our test is not powerful enough. The signal must be shut off at the source. We have
a headache
Isaac Weishaupt 16:11
so it seems they’re facing quite a problem here. How do you wake up enough people? they’re arguing about this? How do you wake up enough folks? They’ve got these sunglasses which we all know where that’s gone the Hoffman sunglasses, which I’d argue maybe that’s related to the to Abbie Hoffman perhaps right LSD. Waking up the Masters I don’t know. So anyways, clearly there’s an operation involved with the homeless village the church Gilbert the rosters onto it, he sees it. But the but the the cops show up, and they start beating the crap out of the homeless people. Presumably, because they’re spying on the the hacker shooting out the signal. But none of this is clear quite yet. And another side note, john carpenter, he is excessive with the non dialogue, non dialogue bits of this film. I mean, there must be a frickin 30 minute stretch. Not a word gets said. which is which is so carpenter, right? If you seen Prince of Darkness, the the intro credits they roll for like, I mean, it must be 2030 minutes. But anyway, the rod, the rod stir old Hot Rod. He snagged some of these sunglasses, the Hoffman shades from the church basement, because now he’s wondering what is happening over with this homeless village was going on here. And we first get this shot of how they decode reality. Because he eventually straps on the glasses. And he looks around and he sees all the subliminal messages, which you you’re already familiar with the imagery. And I’ll post you know, when I’ll post some images on the Instagram at Isaac Weishaupt like a subscribe, link in the show notes. As always, Don konverter said that the glasses are metaphor to examine the idea that advertising is a form of subliminal suggestion and brainwashing and manipulation designed to convince the masses to part with their funds. Okay, and you kind of already intuitively know this stuff. And what’s fun is that as the ronster is sort of seeing the world through this new decoder ring. He’s at a newspaper stand and he he sees his first sort of, you know, alien, you know, the some of the people some the human beings are aliens in reality. They they show a bookshelf behind them and you see books by Edgar Casey, which is very much into the paranormal, Bermuda Triangle, all that stuff. Yeah, you’ll see all the all the imagery of obey, marry and reproduce all the things that keep the economy fire note to keep the money going through the capitalist system. Why do you think they pay you to have kids why the government takes the money of people who don’t have kids and gives it to the people who do have kids because they are repopulating and refueling the hamster wheels. Next, like I always say I think kids is the biggest conspiracy of the mall. You want a controversial show? That’ll be the show to do it. And I’m not a I’m not Hey, look, I’m not a kid hater. I’m not I’m not a child hater. It’s great. People love them. I was once a child myself. It’s true. I’m just saying the way that they will call them they This is like the Illuminati or whatever you want to believe in power structures. They do. Human beings as a commodity, so like they reward you for reproducing, because it’s good for the economy if your watch Shark Tank, every other invention is something to keep your kid distracted or entertained or out of your hair safe or whatever, fill in the blanks. It’s like high octane fuel for the economy that kids that’s all I’m saying. Now old roster, he’s got these glasses on and he’s like, Oh my god, the whole world is crazy. What’s going on? There’s aliens. There’s, I can read the subliminal messaging. And now the cops are after him. Because the aliens they’re talking to each other like, Hey, man. There’s this guy. And he sees us they got their little like Apple watches on and they communicate with each other. They’re like, Hey, we got one that can see us. And the cops show up, you know, because they’re in on this apparently. So rod, he kidnapped a woman who just so happens to be the director of a TV station. And he, he basically is like, Look, get me out of here. And he’s in his in her car, she takes them to her house. And she smashes him in the head with a bottle, throws them through at least a second story window might be even the third story. And he rolls down this massive Hill. This would kill a normal man. But this is Rowdy Roddy Piper, okay. And he’s baby old up and he’s ripped. So he gets right up. He’s, he gets right up. He’s totally fine. So he, you know, he’s like, Okay, well, that didn’t work out so well. So he, he goes down the alley where he previously hit a box of sunglasses in a garbage can. Great, great place for him. And, and he catches a dump truck, who just got done emptying the garbage cans into the dump truck. So of course, he crawls into it and finds the box, and then the dump truck for no apparent reason. decides it’s going to tilt and raise and get rid of the whole load of garbage in the middle of the alley and drive off. Don’t ask, it’s fine. And he’s got his little sunglasses. And he’s like, cool. Sounds good. Then we get the infamous street fight between rod and Frank. Because rods like hey, Frank, man, you need to put these sunglasses on to see this world for what it is racks like, I’m not having that dude. So they get into the classic fight. It’s actually very well choreographed. And you can and that’s what you would expect from my wrestling legend. Between this fight scene and the non dialogue section, I mean, I swear there’s five minutes of story in this whole film. And that fight scene was real. They held back just to touch on the face and groin shots, but they practice this for three weeks choreographing it. And john Carpenter was so impressed he get most of it in there. Can’t blame him for that right. So hot rod he he wins. He gets Frank put on the sunglasses. And Frank sees the aliens and drones and the billboard messaging and he’s like, Whoa, what’s going on dude? fun side story. I got fun sized stories because this film there’s not a lot to talk about. Fun side story. I have a friend from West Virginia who claims he tells me that he wants was in a bar. He was the 90s because he was like you know 21 of the times very young man of the time. And Lex Luger and Ric Flair wrestling legends were in this bar. And the locals did not appreciate them talking to the girls. And my buddy claims he beat up lacs loger and Ric Flair and set them home with their tails between their legs. Do I believe him? Hell no. I don’t believe him. That’s what he tells me though. I mean, he likes to fight right? Like the guy likes to fight so like. It’s not that preposterous, but like I mean, come on. Lex Luger and Ric Flair. Give me a break. That’s what he said though, you know? Now cool story, bro. Now they Frank and Rob there. They got the sunglasses and they’re like, Oh my God, we got these aliens out. They they catch up with the homeless village people, homeless village people. That’s fun. It’s a fun term. And we we get more info about what’s going on.
There is a signal broadcast every second of every day through our television sets. Even when the set is turned off the brain
and program every trouble getting here. No, we made it fun.
city’s chrome with cops looking for us. And most of the cops are human. They’ve been told that we’re commies trying to bring down the government and some of them are being recruited creatures of creating wealth. How’re you mean
people are joining up with them.
Most of us just sell out right away. And then all of a sudden we get promoted.
Our bank accounts getting bigger, they start buying new houses, cars. Perfect, and we’ll do anything to be rich.
Look around the environment.
We live in.
Carbon dioxide, fluorocarbons and methane have increased since 1958. Earth is being climatized. They are turning our atmosphere into their atmosphere.
What are these things? Why are they here?
it’s in their best interest. They’re free. enterprisers Earth is just another developing planet.
They their third world. We are like a natural resource to them. deplete the planet, move on to another. They want benign indifference. They want a struggle. We could be pets, we could be food. But all we really are his lifestyle.
Isaac Weishaupt 25:59
Find out that there’s elites bowing down to the aliens, in exchange for wealth. They’re all in on this plot to take the middle class money, funnel it to the aliens and the elites. Because the aliens apparently are free enterprisers. And we are a third world country. We just don’t know it. They’re manipulating us like livestock. So Ron Frank, they’re not part of this resistance. They’re hanging out in the basement while they’re planning like what are we going to do? We’re going to take the power back. And look, there’s a girl from the TV station that sent Rob through the window. Oh, Holly Thompson. There she is. And that’s about it for her very strange. Next thing you know, the cops break into this secret little meeting with guns blazing. They’re catching bodies like it’s a war zone. A battle ensues like like, you know Rambo and in Los Angeles. Picture, picture, Rowdy Roddy Piper, one arm full auto assault rifles pop up, pop up, pop up. On unloading the clip, it’s got 600 bullets in it. Everybody dies. The resistance, they’ve got a hold of an Apple Watch. And they basically opened up a portal with the Apple Watch. And now boom, they’re underground. With the aliens shapeshifters and the elites. And hot rod and Frank, they’re like, they got the guns are ready to rock. And they and it looks, it appears to be an underground base, like a deep underground military base, a dumb Do you envy as they call it in the biz? It’s because you’ve got this mixture of like the military, the aliens and the elite. They’re hanging on this whole plot together. And there’s a fancy dinner, and one of the shape shifting alien types. He’s given a speech. And he says that by 2025, the humans will be under the power of the elite, and the multi dimensional expansion. And the rich are going to get richer in this whole process.
Our projections show that by the year 2025. Not only America, but the entire planet will be under the protection and the dominion of this power Alliance. The gains have been substantial, both for ourselves. And for you, the human power elite.
You have given us entree to the resources we need in our ongoing quest for multi dimensional expansion. And in return, the per capita income of each of you here tonight has grown, and this year alone by an average 39%.
And I’ve just received word that our forces have won a major victory. The Underground terrorist network has been destroyed here on the west coast. We are all crisis alert. The situation is normal again.
Isaac Weishaupt 29:16
Now why is 2025 matter? Well, as you read in my books, alien deal flows and you call usually return one as well as the dark path. NASA told you what they’re doing. They told you, they will prove to you that aliens exist by 2025. I argue that in 2023 when the I believe was the Was it the Osiris Rex? Now I forget. Anyway, they send a thing, a probe out to an asteroid that’s gonna come back with samples of bacteria of life. And they’re gonna say Here you go, boom, aliens. You came from aliens. You got alien DNA. You must be sacrificed back to the alien gods. Your Stardust, your your blood with the DNA consciousness of this Alien gods that must go back. That’s a longer story though. Well, you see that then. So rod in Frank, they’re kind of talking to one of these elites who’s given him the Grand Tour because he’s confused. He thinks that they’re with him. I don’t know if they didn’t see hot rods flannel. He’s not wearing a three piece suit or whatever. And he’s giving him a tour. And you hear the mentality here from the elites themselves about how, look, there’s no such thing as countries. It’s a one world order. And you know, we’re just getting paid baby. Where’s that signal?
It’s up on the roof, saying
polyworks in there. If she made it, maybe we can find it. Then we go to the roof and break that signal.
Wait, boys. Wait, you’re making a big mistake. You made the mistake. No, no, you got to listen to me. I thought you boys understood it’s business. That’s all it is. You still don’t get to do you boys. There ain’t no countries anymore. No more good guys. They’re running the whole show. They own everything. The whole goddamn planet they can do whatever they want. What’s wrong with having a good for a change? And they’re gonna let us have a good if we just help them. They’re gonna leave us alone. Let’s make some money. You can have a little case that could live to condo You want it? Hell everybody does.
Do it to your own kind.
What’s the threat? We all sell out every day much we’ll be on the winning team.
Isaac Weishaupt 31:36
Now Fun fact, the the art the alien army here underground in this deep underground military base, which if you don’t know if you’re not familiar with that, Phil Schneider asserts that he himself worked underground on one of these bases where the aliens are him and some green berets came across some some aliens and the green burner. The Green Berets couldn’t hack it. But Phil Snyder did and he killed aliens. That’s that’s a you know, they claim there’s these deep underground military bases. I don’t need the Denver Airport in New Mexico and probably underneath Zorro ranch where Epstein lives and all this stuff. But Fun fact, this alien army underground in this base, they’re using PKP meters. Which shout out to Mrs. Wise I’ve caught this. Training her well. You see in the film Ghostbusters, the same ones. I looked it up and I was like, sure enough, same thing. pika meters. So basically, Ron Frank, they start blowing everything up to get up to the studio. In this studio. Now they’re back above ground in the building where around the TV network is hanging out. Rob basically gets up on the roof. The cops are coming from now. Because they don’t like what’s going down. Rod has to make a decision. Does he blow up the helicopter and save his life? Or does he blow up the satellite feed that’s duping the masses? You know what he does? Like the real hero he is he blows up the satellite signal. Now the whole world they can see the alien shapeshifters for who they are. They see the signs and the billboards. A girl she’s having sexy time with one doesn’t realize it. She looks down and in har. An alien. Alien goes, What’s wrong baby? And then the films, the films over? Classic carpenter. So yeah, that’s it. That’s the film. Now in conclusion, let’s talk about what we just watched. Officially, from john carpenter. Why would he lie? This is his movie. he asserts that this is a critique of reaganism, which is, you know, which has this trickle down economics and Wall Street’s greater than Main Street sort of ideas and they perpetuate this lie of Well, you see, we got to take care of the elites because they’ll trickle down the money to the middle class can’t just give to the middle class because they’ll blow it which is ironic to me, because so many of the truth is today are so right wing. And who can blame them rather, you got to understand the conspiracies came through the john birch society, which is very right wing mentality. So like, most of the conspiracy world leans to the right. But it’s funny that they use the truth is use this film and the imagery from it to try to wake people up. Yeah, they don’t understand that this film is a critique of capitalism. Not necessarily capitalism, but capitalism at all cost. Reagan is reaganism john carpenter, he said, I have this adolescent hatred of authority. I’ve never gotten over since I was a kid, which I identify with as well. I feel the same way. Ironically, Shepard Fairey guy who Oh, by the way, his real name is Frank. Isn’t that funny. He’s the guy who started the obey clothing line, which is based off of this film and the imagery. He also was the guy who made the hope poster for the Obama campaign. Now, john carpenter, he also said, should you doubt me? He said, all of the aliens are members of the upper class, the rich and they’re slowly exploiting the middle class and everybody’s becoming poor. It has a kind of theme and a message to it. But basically, it’s an action film. That is true, right? When you watch it all the aliens are the, the rich folks with the ties and the suits and all that stuff. And he’s right there. If you read any studies on this, the middle class is getting squeezed into oblivion that’s been happening for at least 2030 years. In January 2017, I retweeted the john Carpenter’s account. I mean, I retweeted it in 2020. But his tweet from January 2017 they live is about yuppies and unrestrained capitalism. It has nothing to do with Jews control the world which is slander and a lie. Because again, guess like we talked about the right winger conspiracy folks hijacked this movie and are using it to support their ideas, which to some is an anti semitic vibe, Protocols of the Elders of Zion. We can’t we can’t ignore alex jones as well. He said and I quote is one of my favorite all time movies probably seen it 100 times it breaks down everything. Rowdy Roddy Piper even appeared on Infowars once and said he himself was also a fan of alex jones back in 2013. So to wrap things up. According to john Carpenter himself, this film is about what happens when the top 1% becomes too rich becomes the point oh 1%. It’s a defensive, blue collar middle class. American capitalism, when it’s done properly, supports the middle class and has a strong middle class. It’s a warning film, right? It’s a warning of what can happen when things are left when it when an oligarchy infiltrates and works with the alien shapeshifters and squeezes the middle class into oblivion. Thanks for listening. I’ve got bonus content on rockfon comm slash creator slash Isaac or if you prefer patreon.com slash Illuminati watcher where you can get all kinds of bonus stuff to over there. They both have different flavors of what you might like Roxanne’s got a full network of many other creators get for one price, Patreon. Similar stuff, but you get a different sort of vibe, a community vibe of sorts with the other Patreon supporters.
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Isaac Weishaupt 38:01
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