On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we analyze the new Chris Pratt alien film “The Tomorrow War!” Everyone’s talking about it so let me break the whole thing down for you! We’ll start out spoiler free with talk about alien beliefs from the cast of the film, then we’ll walk through the whole thing which will have LOTS of symbolism that may surprise you! Baptism of the new alien religion with the demons!! I promise I’m not making this up! You’ve got to see the images on my Instagram on this one- YOU MUST LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE at Instagram.com/IsaacWeishaupt !!!
We’ll also hear from Wally Gorbachev in the Patreon Tier 4 Conspiracy Considerations episode! At the end of the film we’ll also get a treat from PhilGoodrichArt- a song about the global elites!! Check out his IG and artwork: https://www.instagram.com/phil_goodrich_art/?hl=en
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- Peep all the images discussed on the show at Instagram.com/IsaacWeishaupt
- Wally’s links for you: Intelligent Design conversation on Babylon Bee podcast (*which I’m told is NOT satire): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljoYRtya_9Q and JD Farad’s ABCs of Salvation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEk8C6qe960
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
Signed paperbacks available at Gumroad.com/IsaacW!
Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Unknown Speaker 0:05
We are fighting a war 30 years in the future to choke. Our enemy is not human. We need you to fight. got drafted. We’ll be back. Why is this happening? What about the teachers deferment? And the veterans deferment? If I don’t go they’re
Unknown Speaker 0:24
going to draft you in my place. But if something does happen to me, your marriage will be taken care of. If something happens to you, Dan 70% of draftees do not return to God a man does what’s best reached family. Movie shirt, please. It was it was just a test. Oh, a seatbelt driving tests. No jokes in the future. This device facilitates your job to win from the future war. One minute to jump. Just look around like, are you so calm, long story. Short story, I guess three to
Unknown Speaker 1:11
11 months time, all human beings in the future will be wiped from the face of the earth. Unless you help us with trusting my daughter, I got to save the world to save her then I’m going to do it.
Unknown Speaker 1:32
This is the end. The human species will disappear from the face of the earth. We are
Unknown Speaker 1:37
literally living on borrowed time. There’s still a chance that we could stop this war from ever happening. So we get to fight wells nice millenia.
Isaac Weishaupt 2:09
Everybody rose Isaac wise up. And we’re doing another film analysis. This one’s a good one, though. Don’t tune me out yet. It’s called the tomorrow war. And maybe you’ve seen it. It’s on the Amazon Prime. And I’m gonna tell you right now. You’re going to be blown away by the things I tell you blown away. Oh, my God. You see Isaac, you’ve done it again? How can someone be so insane? Well, I can tell you how. You got to watch the movie twice. Because that’s what I did. And the things I’m going to show you I’m going to tell you about a kind of surprised me even To be honest, the first time I watched it through and I kind of was like, I don’t know if there’s a whole lot to talk about here, really. And then the second time through, I was like, Oh my goodness, oh, my goodness. Hold my bear. Hold my white claw. It’s hot girl summer. So we’re gonna talk about the movie. And it’s gonna be spoiler free until we get to the film itself, then I’ll give you the warning. Because I do want you to sort of hear some preamble talk. But yeah, this movie hits on all the things, all the things, the global elite fantasies of the One World Government against the alien threat. The determinism of knowing who’s gonna do what freedom through the warrior culture through the industrial complex. And you’re not gonna believe this, but I got a little bit of aliens or the demons. stuff in here. And we’ll even remotely talk about john see Lily, if you can believe that. Yeah, that’s right. I said it. For you. Oh, gee, granola woke stirs. You’re like Jhansi. Lilly. That’s one of the the technocrat globalist elites. Yes. Yes. One of the counterculture guys. It’s got elements of that inherited and again, you know, I could be wrong. I’ve been wrong many times in my life and I plan to be wrong many more. But this is what you know, and I just got done. Publishing my second alien book aliens UFOs. New call yours allusion to now available on Amazon audible. Get your signed full color. paperback gumroad comm slash Isaac W. And thank you all the people that have been buying and people been dropping reviews already. Thank you very much. The first usually usually usually one got tons of great reviews. I appreciate that. And I usually use your illusion to get it To Use Your Illusion too much different than the first It’s actually all about alien films. So like, if you’re into this show with the film analysis, you’d be really into the book, because that’s all it’s about. It’s all we do. So let’s talk first about the film. From the high level of abstraction. It’s two hours and 20 minutes way too long. Way too long in my book, but I gotta tell you something. Should you watch it? Yes, absolutely. I thought it was great. I thought the pacing was great. I thought the humor was actually pretty good. It’s got like, you know, some of that corny superhero humor stuff to break up the action and the intensity. introduce a little woody Gall catharsis. But it was good. Because the film had like, it was pretty intense. Very suspenseful. Kind of scary a little bit here and there. And you know, Chris Pratt, this guy’s so good. He’s so average looking so good. I mean, he’s no Leo. He’s a Leo DiCaprio. He’s no Tom Cruise. But, uh, you know, like, you know, God has a funny way of working you know, you can’t have it all. Sir Chris Pratt with his average looks. Got a great sense of humor, which I’d argue might be more important. Maybe right now, and and it’s funny enough, you’ll I always trash on superhero movies. Guardians of the Galaxy are the Those are probably probably my favorite ones. They’re really good. Very funny. And Chris Pratt, of course, from that from those, excuse me. So yeah, it was good. I thought was great. A lot of people are kind of trash on the movie. I don’t really get it. Why I thought it was really good. It flew by. I finished it in one sitting, which, you know, that never happens for me. I had Miss Josie was up watching it with me. And she enjoyed it too. So yeah, two thumbs up over here. And plus, it was free. I mean, if you got amazon prime, if you’ve signed your soul over to the Bezos company, which I have I you know, Amazon’s like Netflix all the conspiracy people trash on it, but I’m not. I mean, you know, their problems with it sure. Sounds like it.
But from the consumer point of view, can’t beat it. From a book publishing point of view can’t beat Amazon. I publish all my books to them. They’re great. They’re great to work with. No hate here is basically going to kill us all. Sure. I’ll give you that. There’s that. Yeah, cuz you know, I have a very general anti. I’m very anti elite. So I don’t really dig on the rich people too much. But I do like Amazon. Now. So yeah, two thumbs up, I thought was great. Well worth the price of admission for sure. I would have watched this thing in the movie theater. I thought in fact, it was supposed to be in the movie theater. So the big the 2020 flew, messed it all up. And then they decided to just post it on Amazon. But yeah, it would have been great in the theater. Now let’s get I’m gonna get I got more preamble for you. beliefs and aliens is going up dramatically. Polls now showed at 65%. I’m gonna read you from Yahoo says the new poll surveyed 10,417 us adults in June, ahead of the release of the UFO report, dated by Congress. I did a whole show on already, because we read through that massive document. I went through all six pages. And I gave you the update on last week, two weeks ago whatever it was. So it’s about 65% of respondents said they think there is intelligent life on planets other than Earth. And 87% get this 87% said UFOs are not a security threat to the US at all. Or only represent a minor one that was kind of surprising. There was or what else what else give a bunch of this you don’t care about all that. Variety? The magazine they posted a whole article you know because this is outworked, right they release a movie or book and then there’s like this campaign door and all the mainstream media’s push the interviews and the this and that because it’s like free advertising. It’s the way it works is the way that showbiz works. So varieties got this article and they talk about the stars of the movie talk about their beliefs and aliens. You ready for this? The the little boy I don’t know how to pronounce her name. Eve on straw, stroeve ski. He has the role ski. Anyway, she said that she says this is a legitimate story back in 2006. I was sitting on a beach Cliff with somebody. Somebody witnessed this with me and I saw what looked like a star drop down to a couple of circles and then diagonally shoot back out into the sky, like into outer space. And I don’t know what does that. Then Chris Pratt said, That doesn’t surprise me. Yvonne definitely believes in aliens. For the record, Pratt said he doesn’t believe in UFOs and beings from another planet. He’s on screen father, JK Simmons, meanwhile, explained, he doesn’t not believe in aliens. He said, I’m open minded and foolishly optimistic. And then there’s Sam Richardson, who plays a role in the movie, and I don’t really get into it, because it’s not relevant to what I’m here to talk to you about. But he’s in the movie also. Let’s see. He said, I’ve always believed in aliens because the idea that we might be the apex of intelligence and civilization. I mean, look at people. If this is it, then all the intricacies of molecules just kind of stopped at the maskless wearing people. I don’t believe it. Who firing shots? firing shots? Betty, Betty Gilpin. She said, She’s not a believer, but she had a message for aliens just in case she’s wrong. She said, if you’re real, I would be an interesting person for you to take up. Oh, I wouldn’t. Excuse me. Big difference. I wouldn’t be an interesting person for you to wake take up. You should take someone else. So there you go. Chris Pratt doesn’t believe in him. thrills he does. And Sam Richardson hates you. Because you didn’t wear the mask. I know my audience. You know, and yes. Okay. How much you want to talk about the virus of 2020? Can we never talk about it again, please.
Let’s Okay. And then we’re going to get into the film. But first, midway through the show. We’re going to do a tear for conspiracy considerations. Man Wally, Wally Gorbachev straight from Mother Russia. This is like a this is like a very Russian episode here today. Man while he’s gonna join us to talk about all kinds of crazy stuff. We talk about evolution, the aliens, the demons, very apropos. Even abraj ones. Oh, my. And then at the end of the show, we’re going to be joined by Well, now joined by my man, Phil Goodrich. He’s a surfer. He’s a painter, Phil Goodrich art. Check him out on Instagram. He’s the one who painted my UFO in the studio right now big supporter on the Patreon team. He made a song for us. And that’s what we’re going to end the show with. You’re going to hear his song, you’re going to like it because I know my audience. Because you probably don’t like Fauci. You probably don’t trust Bill Gates. And I don’t blame you. I’m right there with you. So. So that’s gonna be a song at the end. Just for fun. We’re gonna have fun from so from here on. Plot spoilers coming. I warned you. I told you you should watch this movie because I’m about to ruin it for you. I would argue you should go watch it now. And then come back and finish. But if you still, you know, there’s even if I go through this whole movie and ruin it for you, it still be worth watching, I’d argue is actually really good. I thought a lot of people don’t like it. I don’t know why I don’t what they want. But I thought was great. Let’s go. Now this film picture Interstellar. Because it’s kind of what’s about like time traveling scientist, but it’s like less serious. Okay. But he’s time traveling scientists are employed to save the world. And this, this sort of hidden sub plotline, that global warming is what brings the aliens through, essentially, and we’re gonna get there, we’re gonna get their photos. Yes, I’ve got lots of images from the movie. I’m putting them on the Instagram at Isaac Weishaupt like unsubscribe link in the show notes. As always, you can check it out. A lot of these if you guys see these images, I’m not gonna tell you you should check it out. You will you must check them out. You have to see them. I don’t I don’t think you need an Instagram account to look at it. But I have a link in the show notes. And it starts out the first scene that shows Chris Pratt a bunch of soldiers dropping from the sky and they’re dropping into a pool. And you’re like, Whoa, what’s happening? And what’s happening is the baptism of the New World. They’re being baptized into the new global religion of the alien demons. Okay. And we’ll again we’ll come back to that. They just kind of tease that and you’re like, well, what this is intense already. I’m not even a minute of this movie. It’s a tense. Then they cut. And they say 28 years earlier, which is 2022. And you’re like, Okay, you’re introduced to Chris Pratt character. Hereafter name, his name is Dan forester. So we’ll call Chris Pratt, Dan, because that’s his name. Okay. Dan’s ease in suburban hell he’s he’s bark in his car. He’s, he’s heading home with with bros because there’s a Christmas party at his house. He’s on the phone, take an interview for a science job. And he’s talking about how he’s like military combat vet. You know, because he’s, so he’s married. He’s got a daughter named Mary. And he’s going home. Now what’s curious is that the camera zooms in on because it’s Christmas time, right? And Evans got like Christmas decorations out and Christmas lights up everywhere in the whole neighborhood. There’s an inflatable Satan. Yeah, like a creature like a Satan’s I read but like it’s got the horns, it looks like a devil, the demons. There’s an inflatable Satan for Christmas. Very strange. And there’s a reason for that. Because the aliens are the demons. They know that they’re showing it to you. And, you know, you want to get real crazy, because why not? The the inflatable Satan is not actually at Dan’s house. It’s actually like two houses down. Not sure why. Right. But they decided to zoom in on it anyway. And again, image on the Instagram.
They go in the house, there’s a big party going on, it was going nuts. And you know, he’s trying to tell his wife like I’m on I’m doing an interview. This is the big one. And they’re putting stuff away. And she’s like trying to tend to the party. And if you see on the fridge, there’s drawings from the daughter murie. And the two drawings that we see are the owl. And the Statue of Liberty, which you already know where we’re going with this, like illuminate confirm, we got the symbolism of the owl, which is Minerva, which is the wisdom, the last word, whatever you want to call this in Freemasonry, the great work in arguably, the teachings of Lucifer, because Lucifer gives mankind the technology, just like promethease did, right? Prometheus gave man fire the technology, to not rely upon God. And that’s what the idea of Lucifer is, is man becoming his own God standing up on his own two feet, through the technology, which is what science is all about. The Age of Enlightenment, gave that to us. rationalism, all that stuff. Then, of course, the Statue of Liberty is the female goddess of smear Miss. Did those play a big role in the movie? Not really. Besides the whole like sciences, technology, you know, man becomes Gods sort of stuff. Because that ultimately is the plot. So we find out like, you know, there’s problems of grandpa Dan doesn’t even want his daughter to know, Grandpa, because he hates his dad. And the weirdest part of this scene, like it’s his big Christmas party, and everyone’s like, keenly watching soccer. Like, is this America or not really. But it is. It’s America. And everyone’s all cheering for the roundball Yeah, sports ball soccer game. And let me tell you, I don’t watch sports, but I’ve got friends that do. And I’ve been over too many times to the house and they’re watching basketball, baseball, football, UFC. Boxing, even. You know, times I’ve seen soccer playing zero. My whole life. In fact, my whole life. I’ve never known anyone to play soccer. I was even in the military, hanging out with people from all over the country. No one’s ever in my whole life turned on a soccer game. Never seen it. I’m not saying people don’t like soccer. But I’m saying America doesn’t like soccer. Like I’m sure it’s fine. But uh, you know, I don’t do sports, so I don’t get it. Sorry, soccer players, you know, and, and, you know, to be fair, like, I was never an athlete. As a child. I was always playing soccer, because that’s where people who can’t play sports go. To learn that they need to pay attention in school, which is fine, right? You can grow up not being an athlete, everything will be fine. You go to college, get you a little degree. And then go to the CrossFit gym and hang out with all the athletes and then next thing you know, boom. Now you’re the jock. Anyway, sorry about the soccer guy. Drive we all thought was very odd or watching soccer, everyone’s all into it. And on the soccer field, much like you saw on Dark Knight Rises when Bane shows up at the football game. The fabric of space time tears open. And here comes like how the space force the US military space force, whoever, some military group from the future. They come in, they announced like, Hey, we’re from 30 years in the future, and we’re fighting an alien war and a year from now everyone’s gonna be dead.
Unknown Speaker 20:37
We are you 30 years in the future. We are fighting a war. Our enemy is not human. And we are losing. And 11 months time, all human beings in the future will be wiped from the face of the earth. Unless you help us. We need you, our fathers, mothers, and grandparents, we need you to fight beside us if we stand a chance at winning this war. True. You
Unknown Speaker 21:24
are our last hope?
Isaac Weishaupt 21:26
No doesn’t sound good, does it? Well, where it says films pretty good at dropping that suspense and that’s what they do here. Then the next scene, you they sort of fast forward a few years. And you hear about what’s been going on since the you know spaceforce rip through the space time continuum there. And you’re on the news, what’s been going down since these future military people came to warn us and all the things that have happened since
Unknown Speaker 21:56
12 months ago, we had no idea how those words would change everything about our daily lives. immediately jump facilities were established around the globe, to send the world’s military into the future and help fight the white. The first 1000 soldiers are headed 28 years into the future will be anxiously awaiting their return. Seven days later, those hopes were dashed as only a handful of troops survived. Since only 50% of the military are qualified to jump. civilians were needed to support the war effort. So the world’s leaders agreed to institute the first worldwide draft yesterday, they were civilians. But today, they are soldiers. But even with 1000s of civilians soldiers being sent a week, the future global population is currently estimated to be less than 500,000. And with a drafty survival rate of less than 20%. Many people are asking, Is it worth the anti
Unknown Speaker 22:49
war movement continues to gain riots and protests happening all over the world, we’re supposed to do throw up our hands say, Sorry, you’re dying.
Unknown Speaker 22:58
But why should we still be fighting a war that as far as we’re concerned hasn’t even happened. These are our children and our grandchildren that are dying. We can’t just stand by and allow them to be wiped off the face of the earth. That’s why we need to draft more civilians.
Isaac Weishaupt 23:12
And they talk about like, oh, only, you know, only 50% of the globe is qualified to jump. And he later find out why that is. Because they can only send people to the future if they 30 years into the future if they know they’re gonna die within the next 30 years. Because you can’t have yourself finding yourself 30 years in the future, right? So that’s why like, Dan, I’m taking a bunch of old people generally. They, but you see the global government type response, just like Ronald Reagan said, Ronald Reagan told you he said, Look, if there’s one thing that would unite the world together, that would be an alien threat. verbatim. That’s exactly what he said, just like that. Now, so then, we’re back to, I don’t know what it is now, like 2030 2028, sometime after 2022. But before 20 5052 or whatever. Dan crispbread. He’s a science teacher, right? And he’s teaching his class. And you see climate change posters all over the room? Because the film has this little hidden, hidden subplot on climate change and global warming. That we’ll get into that later. And he’s teaching and he’s like, you know, if there’s one thing we need, it’s more scientists. And I was screaming from my couch. I said, boo. No, we don’t know more science. And science get into a lot of mess already. We need more really. Anyway, And then, and then Dan, he goes to the he gets called to maps, very accurate to real military terminology there. Which makes me wonder if the military wasn’t involved in the filming of this somehow. I mean, they at least had an advisor. I don’t know what map stands for military entrance processing something, I don’t know. But that’s where you go, three stripped down to your little pennies, and Doctor checks you out. But they, they go in there, Chris, or Dan goes on maps, and they put his arm in a big machine. And they tell him when he’s gonna die. So, the idea, the philosophy here is that there’s no free will anymore in the future. There’s only determinism they know, because these soldiers are from the future. And I guess that’s how they figure it out. I don’t really know. But they can check his biological data somehow. I had a very, like, sort of like Minority Report vibes, right. So there’s no free will in the future. That’s what they want. They want us programmed and predictable. Exactly what they want. Now, what’s curious because he puts an arm and a machine, they flashed by a whole bunch of documents. And a lunatic like me. I’ll sit there and pause and rewind and check all these documents and you see on the documents, something they don’t really talk about in the movie, but on the documents, you find out, he gets hemmed up for domestic violence. A couple years later, like in 2020, Ford says, so I think it’s like 2022 when they’re when he’s got his arm in this machine. And they find out that he’s dead at the age of 47. Okay. Well, let’s see here. I’m trying to do math on the flyer. Matt doesn’t matter. Now. He dies on October 13 2013. It says, Okay. What I’m trying to do the math in my head, is that even add up? Right. 30 plus 18. Yeah, that’s right. Okay. Anyway, so he dies. They tell me dies on October 13 2037 years from the thing, right, because I guess it’s 2023. Then, when I was curious here, you know what, October 13. Is? Not only is it the day after Crowley’s birthday, Alistair Crowley, but it’s actually the day that the Knights Templar got arrested back in 1307, which is the reason that the number 13 is considered bad luck. So curious enough, October 13, when the Templars got arrested is also the day that our protagonist is supposed to die. What role do the Templars have in the movie? I don’t know. There is a religious theme to it, though. There’s a religious theme to this movie, a spiritual theme. Because you find out that the soldiers that they’re, you know, drafting I think I mentioned that, yeah, they’re they’re drafting soldiers to go to the future.
The way it works is they draft you, they send you the maps, they see if you’re going to die in the next 30 years. If you’re going to die the next 30 years. They’re like cool, you made it, you’re gonna you’re gonna jump to the future. And you go to the future for seven days. On the seventh day, you come back. And we’ll talk about why that is. But for now, that’s all you really know when you’re watching the movie. And I immediately thought, seven days like the number of days God took to create the world. Yeah. Same thing. And what you find out because his what Dan’s wife is a therapist. And she talks to the the soldiers that return from the future. They’ll make it they lived through the seven days. And she’s like, Look, they’re all messed up. And she doesn’t want Dan to go. She’s like, Dan, you can’t go. These people are getting jacked up if they even make it back alive. And she’s like, she played them. She’s like, you got to go talk to your dad. Go talk to grandpa. And I think he can help you remove that armband that they’ve integrated into the flesh of his arm. He can’t get it off until he’s done serving his mission, right. So he goes to talk to dad to grandpa. And JK Simmons shows up and he’s ripped. He’s got some CrossFit muscles. To his dad, his dad is a toxic masculinity to the core. He’s made fun of his son’s beard for being patchy. We hear that he’s got disdain for the US government. Because you’ll find out he’s more of a conspiracy kind of a conspiracy guy. And in the interaction, they reveal that like this is a real broken relationship. Dad, he bounced on the whole family after mom died. And he told he tells dad He’s like, Look, I was real angry and real violent after Vietnam, which explains the domestic violence that Dan supposedly succumbs to in the future. But dad’s like, Look, I was real violent, angry, and I left to protect you. And Dan was like, No, you left cuz you’re a coward. And bada bing, bada boom, he doesn’t get his armband removed. could have done it. But he had a fight with his dad. So now we gotta go fight him aliens. So he goes home. Wife, he’s packing up because they’re getting ready to draft dogs and get the hell out of there. And he and he’s like, Look, I couldn’t get the armband off. He’s like, but I’ll be fine. And she’s like, okay, dude, whatever. Your funeral. Now she’s very upset about it. And she’s like, but you got to break the news to marry the daughter. So it goes in the backyard. She’s, he’s like, what are you doing? She’s like, I’m digging for stabby jammies. Because Previously, we didn’t talk about this. But previously, she talked about how you know, cuz she’s a she’s a I don’t know how old she is. I’m not good with ages eight. I don’t know. And she’s talking about how she’s like, did you know that tuberculosis? stabby jabby was they found it in the worms and the poop? So like to mention so far of that, right? Which I thought was very, you know, this movie’s got a very pro science angle to it. Okay. That’s if I was to encapsulate this whole thing is like science saves us from the alien, the demonic aliens. That’s the subtitle to the tomorrow war. And what’s curious, because again, like, I’m kind of neurotic. And I’ll put the image on the Instagram so you can see for yourself. If you look very closely to the hat the mirror is wearing it says, and I quote, The Big journeys begin with small steps. What does that mean? Are they talking about if I’m on a slippery slope, let’s talk about the totalitarian tiptoe. That’s what it’s all about. One step at a time. taking away your rights to protect you in big air quotes. protect you from fill in the blank. Demon aliens, whatever. And, you know, the very next scene, it cuts immediately to big speech about bravery and fighting this big enemy and uniting into one world government, military. You people you all have something in common. Whenever your age, occupation, ethnicity, or gender whatever your background you are now heroes. You answer the call is a cry for help across time. It’s the voice of your children and they need the sacrifice that you make now is for them. For the first time in human history, your forces from every nation are united against one enemy. I’m sorry to dance. I am not your friend. This is seven days from now you’re sitting into that war won’t be fighting for your country I will be fighting for the war
which is what Reagan was saying more Ronald Reagan said this stuff right? You hear them talk about it right in the movie for the first time in human history armed forces from every nation are you united against one enemy? like is this another is this like a military propaganda film? I did some casual researching online not too heavy because it doesn’t really matter I didn’t see that didn’t i didn’t confirm that I’m sure as time goes by we probably could but I would guess this is a you know the timing of it is very suspect right after the drop the big you UAP disclosure report and they say look we don’t know we need lots of money to figure it out. which happened right after we’re like yeah, we’re gonna make a space force. When the time is all very suspect and I don’t you know, Dr. Steven Greer talked about this. He’s he seems to think there’s a big a big they’re going to use this as a threat to scare people. So I don’t know Time will tell. Well, we so alright, where are we okay, so they’re they’re hyping the crowd up. They’re hyping up the soldiers to go jump into the future and fight aliens. They’re getting the briefing. And you hear about how this whole thing works cuz I at this point, you’ve got questions like I did, I’m sure you’re like, Why don’t they just jump prior to the aliens killing them and kill them then? Well take a listen. they’ll explain it.
Unknown Speaker 35:13
Welcome to our force, also known as research force, you’ll be joining your counterparts in 2051. At a fortified research facility, your function is to add your knowledge and skill set to theirs and prevent our extinction.
Unknown Speaker 35:27
Excuse me, why don’t we just jump back to earlier in the war? The jump link doesn’t work that way. sampling. It’s the temporal displacement device house in a fortified location in the middle of the ocean. And it’s what makes all your armbands work. Time only flows in one direction. It’s like a river. The jump to the place to rafts on that river 30 years apart. Now we can jump back and forth between them. But both grass will always keep moving forward. So why can’t we just build more wraps. The jumbling tech is held together with chewing gum and chicken wire,
Unknown Speaker 36:02
we’ve barely managed to make one very rudimentary hormone. If we weren’t in an Extinction Level Event, we’d still be jumping lab rats, now we can jump you to 2051 and we can jump you back period.
Unknown Speaker 36:15
Every six days, the wife’s bikes disappear, they crawl back into their nests, we call
Unknown Speaker 36:20
the Sabbath, their day of rest. And that’s when we insert troops. Okay, but why don’t we have pictures or videos that would help us to know what we’re up against?
Unknown Speaker 36:31
The consensus was that if the public saw what they’d face when they reach the future, it would become virtually impossible to fill that anger. Okay, cool. Next time someone asks that you should probably just lie.
Isaac Weishaupt 36:47
We’re good. Now. You got it. You got it. All right. It’s like two wraps on the river. See, okay. But in that, in that exchange, you heard that the white spikes which are the aliens, they rest on the seventh day and they even call it the Sabbath. The aliens are the gods. We’re going back to the old pagan beliefs of these alien gods. The Ancient Aliens are the future gods. So there you go, a direct tie into the seven day thing to the religious element of this. And later on, you’ll find out that not only these aliens are the gods, they’re the demons. So to zoom back out, we’re like 30 minutes into this film, okay? And they’re getting ready to they’re, they’re gonna get jumped to the future. Good special effects. Really suspenseful lots of action for like an hour, but it’s actually really good. They move the story along. You see the you know, they get jumped into the future and the pool baptism excuse me how unprofessional the pool baptism thing happens, which was teased at the beginning of the film. Because again, it’s this religion, he’s being baptized into this new world into the new religion of the alien demons. Quite literally, he’s being dunked into the water coming back up. It’s the new world. When they’re in the future, they’re you know, they’re doing stuff and then we see the aliens the white spikes, as they call it. Now, actually pretty terrifying. They actually did a pretty good job. Now, they’re not as evil looking as HR Geers aliens, but pretty close on the like terror scale. I thought they were pretty good. In fact, the guys who worked on the alien design, I looked it up, they said that alien and Hellraiser were the references when I was like, Bravo. Bravo. To great movies. And the best scene in the fighting sequence. Well, wow, okay, yeah, they these these there’s it Wow, okay, I’m gonna wait I’m gonna wait until we get to that part. makes more sense my wait so so they’re fighting aliens are doing stuff and we’ve and Dan, he catches up with his unit. And we find out that it’s actually run by his daughter, Mary. Obviously 30 years in the future says now she’s an adult. Okay. Then he doesn’t know at the time he kind of calls in to check in and she pulls up his file, his electronic file and little iPad or whatever. And, and guess what we see. Again, oh, you only see it if you got eyes of a crazy person like I do. And you do. The logo for the military command that he’s in. And it says something something biotechnology research. It’s the it’s the Saturn it’s the three dimensional cube with the wings. Yes, the Phoenix. The rest Record Phoenix, the rebirth? Can you believe it? I couldn’t believe it. I had to pause it because I was actually looking at the script on the iPad of his electronic file to see what it said. And that’s when I saw the damn Saturnian cube. And again, you got to check out the Instagram ad I was it wasn’t like three, look at this. And you’ll see it. So they go on a mission to save, you know. So Dan calls into the command, he talks to me, he doesn’t know it yet. And she’s just like, Oh, damn, Forester, okay, you’re mister Special Forces. All right, I need you to go on a mission, you’re going to save some lab nerds. So they go to do it. But the lab nerds are dead. So mission changes the grab some hard drive some lab vials, a bunch of the group dies, then they get sent to a farm in the Dominican Republic. Previously, they were in Miami. That’s where the lab was. none of this matters. And this is where Dan learns. He finally learns that murie the commander is his daughter. And like, She’s, like mad cold to him. You know why she’s so salty right now. And she tells him like, you abandon the family. And he’s like, I didn’t do that. And she’s like, Yeah, you did. On for 30 years in the future. I know. And turns out, he banned his family just like his old dad did. Just like grandpa. The Apple didn’t fall fall far from the tree. So then they’re like, they’re gonna cage up a queen alien, right? She’s the Queen’s and the most dangerous. And they want to capture her.
Then this is where the coolest scene happens with the aliens. The they they sort of need to scoop up this cage with the Queen alien with a helicopter. And here come all the male white spikes. And like, boom, out of nowhere, they fly. Like what? He didn’t know they flew yet. It was like them, they don’t have a chance. Now they’re flying. So they get the queen, they get her back to the I don’t know where that some other lab. And they design this. They’re like, I know we’re gonna design an enzyme neutralize a toxin that’ll kill the Queens you know, science will figure it out. And they do. They synthesize whatever, some toxin and the mission now changes. Now the mission is okay, Dan, you need to go back to 2022 with this toxin vile and start mass producing it, then you’re gonna jump back to 2050 and kill all these damn aliens. But meanwhile, you know, Mary’s like she’s gonna die in the process. And then he’s not thrilled about that. He’s very upset about this. So he’s like, I don’t know. I don’t know what the game plan is. If he’s gonna try to sucker into the thing to take her back. 2022 doesn’t matter. They try to get down to the jump link to get back to 2022 with the vile before these invade, because now the aliens are invading the base there. And Mary dies, so it doesn’t matter. She dies. Dan makes it though. He goes back to 2022 he’s a mess. He’s a damn mess. Just like you know what his wife knew. In fact, maybe that’s why the the semiramis the Minerva the owl? Maybe that’s why that was on the fridge. Because the ladies always know. Okay. wifey knew it. She’s like, I knew you’d be a damn mess. Look at you now. Now. She didn’t say that. But like she’s the all knowing Sophia. She’s the goddess of wisdom. She knew what was going on. Dan, just being a dumb warrior. You guys all jacked up so. So they’re talking and he’s like, Look, I went to the future. Mary was a commander and she died. And now I’m sad. But I’ve got this toxin. I don’t know what to do now. Because in the in the midst of all that the jumbling breaks now the can’t go to the future anymore. Okay. And wifey? You know she’s the Sophia. She’s the goddess of wisdom. She says, Hey, dumb ass. What are those aliens God here before? 2051? What if they’re like chillin somewhere waiting to you know, like Cthulhu coming up from the waters. It was a frozen somewhere. We go kill them. Now. Maybe they’re here right now we can kill him before they like awake from their hibernation. And he’s like, you know what? It’s great idea. I’m going to go ask one of my students. He’s this volcano nerd and he’s and we’ll go talk to him. They talked to him. He’s like, Look, like 1000 years ago, there was this volcano. In China, and it blew ash out everywhere and made it all the way to Russia. Because they find out there’s like ash and the claw long story short, you don’t care. watch the movie. If you want the details. I’m not here for details. I’m here moving along and tell you about illuminate, confirm. And they’re like, hey, okay, cool volcanoes, pull up this climate warming model. And see what ice caves are gonna melt in the next several years in Russia and boom, they figured it out. And yeah, they they’re like, Oh, snap. So the aliens, they’re here in Russia. And they’re frozen. But climate change and global warming, falls them out. And by 2050, they’re fully thought out and they start killing everybody. So we kill ourselves through climate change through global warming. So Dan, and the whole motley crew, they go to the Department of Defense Secretary department defense, because they have access to him. Don’t ask why. And they’re like, Look, we figured it out. The aliens are frozen in Russia. We need to go over there. And he’s like, Nah, politically, we can’t do it. Because this, that and the other. They’re like, fine. But they’re warriors. They’re like, we’re gonna go there on our own. Grandpa, you’re coming with us. Let’s go. quit doing CrossFit pull ups, let’s go. So they go over to Russia.
And there’s their snowmobiling around, they get some electromagnetic disturbance. And they’re like, wait a minute, this might be up. And they go down underground, like a good initiation would. And there’s a UFO, it’s frozen in ice. The Sofia goddess knew it. The volcano nerd knew it. It’s frozen ice just like the thing. If you read my analysis, or listen to the show, I did a whole podcast. I mean, half of my book is free. Honestly, you can listen to the podcast. But you don’t want to do that. You want to support me, don’t you? You can get the book usually allusion to I got analysis of the thing in there. And that’s the same thing. The UFO crashed here. And it’s been frozen ever since. It’s in it in arctica in the thing, but I digress. So they see the UFO is frozen in ice. And they’re like, well, now what do we do? And they call a CrossFit grandpa. They call them conspiracy, Santa. And in conspiracy, Santa says, Yeah, okay, so we can go to the UN with the proof and they’re gonna debate it until we’re all dead. Because, you know, he’s like, the anti government guy, right? And he’s probably right, to be honest. So they’re like, Look, let’s just kill these damn things. Now we’ve got a bunch of vials of this toxin. Let’s just go in there and clean clean house. Cats and bodies.
Unknown Speaker 48:02
You know?
Isaac Weishaupt 48:05
Is aliens rather cats and fades so the gun the UFO and this is where things got my jaw dropped. It dropped and I think a lot of people maybe this went unnoticed but they go into the UFO and they find the pilot the cockpit and it’s a totally different kind of alien it’s not the white spikes the white spikes are in the UFO they’re actually cargo they’re in like these these little wombs these little polluted warm learn these little polluted warms but I zoomed in and I got again it’s the Instagram you got to see the image of this thing you won’t believe it. The alien navigator the pilot of this UFO to me from my insane Oh point of view looks like the demon pazuzu and it even has its little arm sticking out like the zoo does and the statue you don’t Zoo that’s the position was an exorcist. Right. You’ve seen Exorcist? Your mother sex deeds and how the Zuzu is the demon and Exorcist. Wikipedia calls it the King of Demons of the wind. The demon of the wind that sounds like a UFO Have I ever heard one? Yeah, I mean, this thing looks just like the damn thing. And again, you got to see the images on the Instagram, you won’t believe it. My jaw dropped. I said they’re showing us the aliens or demons. Not demonic or evil demon. So anyway, they’re in the cargo hold with the white spikes. They’re all in the wombs. And they start hitting it with the vials of stuff and they start kind of start waking up and the Queen wakes up and Cuz the Queen’s like, you know, pretty gnarly. And she she, she gets out of there. She gets out of the UFO she gets out of the ice cave. And now Dan and grandpa they got to go kill it. My grandpa he’s been doing push ups even no pull ups. He’s got that cardio game. And they catch up and they kill it. And there you go done. world has been saved. All the aliens are dead. Just like that. And, you know in the day new law the the department defense secretary guy who denied them the mission. He takes credit on TV for what Dan and the crew did. Puffin is his little old chest like a badass. But it doesn’t matter. The world got saved. Who cares? Dan gets home. He reunites with the family. He lets marry me Grandpa, finally old conspiracy Santa. And life seems pretty good. Because now the future has been changed. And it will never happen now. Mary won’t die. Dan won’t do the domestic violence thing. He won’t abandon his family. He won’t die prematurely. Life’s pretty good. And that’s it. That’s the end of movie. Good movie right. Now in conclusion, I got a long conclusion here. Tonight. We’re not done yet. Where they go in Russia to find these UFOs was in Lake Bacall. Now I found this curious. Because labor call shows up in a bunch of like ancient aliens kind of stuff like you see on history channel and all them alien UFO shows. Well, Lake McAllen Russia supposedly had some us owes the submergible ones, the ones that are underwater. And there was ones I’ve seen a tick tock, I can’t find it. But there’s one that it was playing a clip from one of those ancient aliens sideshows. And it said that the US over frozen in underwater caves and these people went diving and they saw them with their own eyes. They saw aliens. They saw them.
Then I found an article from Siberian Times. Talking about it in 2015. I’m going to read you from it says initially the and some of these reports right of the UFOs. And in Lake Bacall says initially these were covered up by the authorities of the USSR but later they were revealed by the Russian media in recent days. There have been unconfirmed reports in Russia that American Dr. Stephen, American director Steven Spielberg is planning a documentary based on these weird and unexplained accounts. At the time of this writing, this appeared to be a hoax, though it was unclear who planted the stories in the Russian media. true or not about Spielberg’s interest The lake is perhaps the biggest focus of fuel flows in Russia. The versions of extraterrestrial activity of Bacall edged by mountains and containing 1/5 of the world’s unfrozen fresh water. Relate to suppose an alien seen by military divers in its depth, and large spaceships hovering over it’s gray moody expanses Steven Spielberg apparently that’s not true, right. Like it hasn’t happened yet. That would be curious if you did Mr. Et himself, Mr. Artificial Intelligence itself. And then there’s a 2012 BBC video I’ll play for you the audio here it’s like two minutes that confirms this is a hotspot. A group
Unknown Speaker 53:43
of about 50 enthusiasts has arrived on the shores of Siberia’s Lake Baikal as part of an expedition in search of UFOs. But why Lake Baikal? Yes, yes, Minister to a smaller water
Unknown Speaker 53:57
chestnuts here in 1958, there was a two level 154 airplane crash. There was some reports from the local that a UFO pursued the aircraft till it reached by Kells waters, right here. And there were frequent reports of UFO activity around by car. So this is the reason why we decided to meet here. I hope that we’re going to be lucky enough to shoot something interesting. Right? Another failure was this
Unknown Speaker 54:22
idea is not human nature. Equipped with scientific and homemade devices, they hope to capture any out of the ordinary activity. It doesn’t mean you can’t read yet. So now for now.
Unknown Speaker 54:36
This is a radiation warning device and our new device made records so far the only copy is a universal abnormal activity detector. It measures infrared emissions, electric fields, and magnetic fields. We can monitor the sky, the objects there can estimate them depending on the levels of the indicators. Wasn’t a rapid power guy.
Unknown Speaker 55:01
Some of them claimed to have already captured UFO sightings on camera objects and show Bouwmeester know when you went to reasonable switching around.
Unknown Speaker 55:12
First the object did not move but it had a peculiar glow flashing with different colors blue, red, yellow green.
Unknown Speaker 55:19
We started watching it out a few minutes afterwards, the object began to move chaotically not like a helicopter or a plane or any other terrestrial machine which can fly. Additional Nipa hora, Nina Somalia Nina, Nina cookie zimny Bharata katroo de touch. The expedition thought to be one of the biggest of its kind in recent years started to the beginning of July on the Roski island in the Sea of Japan, and is due to finish in Moscow in September as its narrator BBC News.
Isaac Weishaupt 55:52
So yeah, it’s a hotspot and you hear about the 1958 UFO crash and they were monitoring electromagnetic fields, which is exactly how it happens in the tomorrow war. That’s how they find the UFO at Lake Bacall. Finally, marry the daughter science. She is as a child, she’s in the stabby jammies, then you hear and talking about it later. And, and she also, you know, she figured out the toxins or kills the aliens. And this is all like very science, right? pro science. Because in science, they have this attitude that the human body is a computer. And with the right inputs and outputs, you can kind of steer the behavior, which is I don’t know true in some senses, right? But it might be an oversimplification. And what’s curious is that throughout the movie, they make jokes about the Miami Dolphins throughout the whole movie, right? doesn’t really make sense. Like, why don’t you talk about the dolphins? Well, I got a theory for you. And it’s a little out there, but I’m gonna float it. I believe this is a veiled reference to john c Lily. This is the guy who came up with the whole idea that the minds is the biocomputer if you’ve never read the document programming and meta programming and the human bio computer, I advise you to do that. If you ever seen altered states that’s what that movie is about. Which Fun fact starred Drew Barrymore in her first appearance, which Fun fact Steven Spielberg had Drew Barrymore in et as her first like real big, main role. So there you go, six degrees of separation. Now Lily, Jhansi, Lilly, Dr. Lilly, he was one of those like spiritual scientists gurus, and he was all about taking hallucinogens to make contact with these aliens sounds crazy he called it the earth coincidence control office. Which to me sounds a lot like Mandela Effect kinda right the coincidence, control. Right sounds very Mandela Effect he, but he’s the one who invented the isolation chamber. He was studying human consciousness. And he, this led him to research dolphins. That’s why we’re talking about the dolphins, okay? Because he was trying to facilitate communications with dolphins because he thought we were all connected as one like consciousness, just like we’re connected with the aliens. So I was like, if I could learn to communicate with dolphins, I can communicate with aliens. In fact, he was part of the early SETI with he was in the order of the dolphin. Some Secret Society of dolphins. I don’t know. But he was you know, he’s trying to get communications with dolphins. And it’s, you know, he’s dolphins get horny, okay. And they started flirting with one of the lab ladies and she would do hand parties with the dolphin. And I’m making this up. It’s all very true. But now I don’t want to talk about ham party with dolphin quite yet. Well, not at all really. But the here’s what’s curious because I was reading up on lil Jhansi Lily on Wikipedia. Listen to this. Says solid state intelligence is a malevolent entity described by Lily in his 1978 autobiography the scientist. According to Lily, the network of computation capable solid state systems, electronics engineered by humans will eventually develop into an anonymous an autonomous bio form says the optimal survival conditions for this bio form are drastically different from those humans need. I guess they’re saying like you know, humans need like water and air all that stuff. Anyway, Lily predicted or prophesied, based on his ketamine induced visions, a dramatic conflict between the two forms of intelligence So he’s saying, and that makes sense, right? Like electronics and bits and digital whatever’s maybe they’re a little more capable of handling. I don’t know, think changes in the environment better, which I don’t know if that’s true, either. I mean, like electronics need to perform optimally that be it like, you know, 70 degrees or whatever. But I guess you could have like, sub freezing temperatures, like quantum computers. But anyway, I thought that was odd, because like we’ve talked about making contact with entities from another dimension. Nick Hinton talked about these, oh, I forget the term for it.
There’s a term for like this idea that like AI creates these entities from the future and like, we’re talking to them right now. Sounds crazy. I’m going to get them on the show. We get them on the show sometime in the future Marinus books. talking to him right now we’re gonna set it up. When is it gonna happen? I don’t know, sometime this year, and we’ll talk about that because I think it’s very fascinating. Now, if you read the history of human sciences journal, on mute on modified human agents, some document about Jhansi Lilly, it goes a little bit deeper into it. It says, He described a realization that monitor communication technologies are more intelligent than humans. During one session under ketamine inside the tank, literally begins to envision the future of computers and information networks. As he explains, the human bio computer consists of organic matter and water, and relies upon the balance of a controlled ecosystem. But around the mid 20th century, he writes, man conceive of solid state computers, beginning the creation of a new form of intelligence at first and communications networks, and then in computers that could do self programming as man himself does, which is kind of like AI right, and machines take over and says, bla bla bla, written in the 70s. It conveys a worldview that incorporates emerging environmental concerns prominent amongst the West Coast counterculture, Lily claims he saw his experiences inside the isolation tank, as a warning that if humans advanced the solid state entity any further man would eventually become obsolete. Within this belief system, he came to believe that extra terrestrial solid state civilizations were trying to manipulate communication networks on earth, and began to see evidence for this everywhere he went, he finally understood the killing of whales by humans as part of the programming of solid state intelligence is the preservation of biological life relied upon the reconnection of advanced bio computers, such as those of man and dolphins and organic extraterrestrials. So I saying if I if I can infer this man will kill himself through climate change, and we’re birthing the new species the transhuman and that will live beyond us. Which is kind of what the movies warning us. It’s got that subtext of the global warming and the aliens coming. Are the aliens already here. That’s what happened in the movie The aliens were already here. The aliens are the solid state AI things. Now, I never read the scientist his autobiography, he wrote, I found a copy I read the introduction. And that’s as far as I got but because it looks really interesting, in the intro written by Timothy Leary said he says start thinking of your brain as a bio computer, start thinking of your mind’s plural as your software, you know, sloppy discs that you use to process your thoughts and create images on the screen of your consciousness. wish to bring this all back round to me. That’s my argument in aliens UFOs and you call it usually illusion one and Use Your Illusion to that’s basically what I’m saying. He’s just saying it a lot smarter. I that mantra thoughts become beliefs become reality. That’s what these guys are saying. Mind blowing stuff. I told you this is wild one. So there you go. In conclusion, again, this movie it hits on all of the global elite fantasies globalization through alien threats. threat, less threats threats. determinism, predicting your future and your movements like Minority Report. More power given to the industrial complex, showing us the aliens is demons. And with the hint of all the dolphins we know hand party though, with a hint of all the dolphins. It sort of takes you down this path. Half of saying oh my god they are this is a john let’s see Lily idea that we created these things. The aliens are analogous to the solid state electronics and they’re going to kill us if we don’t take care of our environment. So there you go, your move, do what you want to do with that.
Now I’m going to play for you and and look again, not to keep plugging my books but if you want to learn more about these topics, because I think they’re all very fascinating. I wrote two books on the subject. Alien do bosnia call us your Luton? One huge illusion do on Amazon on Audible sign copies gumroad comm slash Isaac w link in the show notes. Thank you for your support. Thank you for listening. We’re going to go out with my man Phil Goodrich. dropping the ball you’re going to hear it hear the lyrics of the song and you’re gonna have a good chuckle. Until next time, my friends stay woke.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:59
This is still the Phantom angry artist. For both accountable before it’s too late. The agenda 21 tie them all down to there’s nowhere financial ties bind us to thrilling classes of Sciences mandating social control scatter humanity tested motion to decrypt and deception altered the to root your philanthropy. Keep your stupid job far away from me. Your philanthropy. Keep the stupid job far away from me. You can find that Financial Times binders sit through thrilling sciences mandating social control, testing and deception all Tic Tac Toe Tony Fauci Bill Gates Horner both accountable who had gabions under 2100 logged out to there’s nowhere to run philanthropy reeks like sodomy keep the CDC far away from me. Your philanthropy looks like sodomy keep up CDC far away from me. This is a reckoning vaccine is a test run want us to facilitate like the soldier from Metallica one
Unknown Speaker 1:07:46
this is real life Revenge of the Nerds. Jordi rose Ilan musk nerds are gonna kill us. Shout out to us
Unknown Speaker 1:08:03
all about accountable before it’s too late. The agenda 21 call them all down to this room where one it’s reckoning. Phil The Phantom angry artist
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