On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we start our investigation of John Carpenter’s Apocalypse Trilogy with THE THING! This is a featured chapter in my new book Aliens, UFOs & the Occult: Use Your Illusion II which will be out VERY SOON! We’ll walk through the entire film and point out some symbolism and ideas that support the programming of the masses to prepare for the alien apocalypse! Images from the film will be shared on Instagram.com/IsaacWeishaupt (*like and subscribe let’s gooooOooOooo)
We’ll also hit that Conspiracy Considerations! Tier 4 supporter Wally Gorbachev drops knowledge on the reason Crowley was jealous of the Bible’s heptadic structure, his disapproval of Tom Cruise and Leo DiCaprio (C’mon man!) and a bit on Batman predictive programming. The link he would like to share is JD Farad’s ABCs of Christianity; it’s only 4 minutes so check it out! https://youtu.be/GEk8C6qe960
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
nation 31 you’re ready to make something in the eyes? Need some help down here? Can anybody hear me? We found something.
Well, men have just discovered something. for 100,000 years, it was buried in the snow and ice. Now it has found a place to live inside, where no one can see it. or hear it or feel it. I know I’m human.
Some of you are still human. This thing doesn’t want to show itself. It wants to hide inside an invitation to fight if it has to, but it’s vulnerable out in the open. That takes us over. And there’s no more enemies.
Nobody left to kill it.
Man, it’s one you guys
gonna listen to Gary can be one of those things.
Isaac Weishaupt 01:15
Today we’re gonna talk about john Carpenter’s classic 1982 film nothing. Some say this is the greatest horror movie ever produced ever created. I disagree with that. But hey, you know what I’m here talking about it because the themes and the ideas all fit into the scope of the john Carpenter apocalypse trilogy, which hopefully you listen to my intro show where I sort of broke down the ideas behind the apocalypse trilogy and what this is all about. It’s about nothing. It’s about no thing it’s about nihilism. destroying everything annihilation and nihilism. JOHN Carpenter seems to want to show us this end of everything. Over three films. Three great films. I don’t want to make a sound like I’m not a fan of the thing. And of course, it’s gonna be plot spoilers, but we’re gonna go through the whole movie here. I’ll walk you along in case you never seen it. But yes, it will be plot spoilers. Should you see it? Yes. Is it worth it? Yes. I warn you this watch though. It’s very grotesque. You cannot eat food whilst watching this movie. It is gooey, gory. I’m gonna give you a little background info on the movie. I’m gonna give you a little bit on the who’s in the movie. And then we’re gonna go through the film. And a great film. You can you can there’s there’s plenty of Oh, Matias. And like little videos people have done about this interviews podcast. I mean, it’s it’s quite a cult classic. Because when it came out, it didn’t do so hot. took a while for people to catch on. It’s an odd parallel to alien, Ridley Scott’s alien. So there’s that. Dan O’Bannon wrote the screenplay for alien which was adapted from a story titled The star beast. Well, Ben and he attended the University of South Carolina, I’m sorry, South, Southern California. They don’t do that on film schools in South Carolina. Do they? I don’t know. Southern California. But anyways, he was O’Bannon was there at school with john carpenter. And they did a film together called the Dark Star, which was technically john Carpenter’s first film. And if you watch dark stars got a lot of alien as claims in it. So the thing is, in some ways, a weird parallel to alien because the guy behind alien was also sort of a influence on carpenter. And, of course, the tale it comes from a novella that was called Who goes there when these science fiction, pulp magazines. pulp magazines, of course, started by the founder of the Oto. Talk about that in user illusion, one and that’s why we’re talking about this movie, because I’m going to have this analysis in user illusion to see you don’t have to buy the book. See how much I care about Yeah. This is going to be one of the analysis in the book. I’m going to go through the whole Carpenter apocalypse trilogy in the book because it’s relevant. Yes. Not as much relevant in the first in the thing but more it gets more relevant as the film’s go along. Of course mouth in the mouth of madness is the most relevant of the three. But anyways, in this novella, called Who goes there? It’s about these scientists in Antarctica Who are they discover a UFO, and this UFO has been buried in the ice for 20 million years. Alien wakes up and is alien it can take on the appearance of any living thing that it consumes. It can replicate their personalities and their memories. But it can also read their minds and project thoughts telepathically, which is it’s not so much in the film, the thing 1982 Carpenter film, but that plotline to me is part of the big scheme here in the idea of the mental component in the Alien Agenda. Because that’s what they do they lock in telepathically with the host, that you when you’re out there in the desert with Steven Greer meditating, channeling the UFOs with Demi Lovato. You thought you were just having a good time. Next thing you know, bam, you’re locked in telepathically. And then you’re getting ready for the, you know, the probe the probe. Now, the first film adaptation of this was actually back in 1951, called the thing from another world this version had the alien The thing about the North Pole, taking on the shape of Santa Claus, I would believe. And then, ironically, wasn’t the last blockbuster up there at the North Pole in Alaska. Correct me if I’m wrong. See how you know you were back at blockbuster in the 90s renting movies, you were probably renting the thing. And little did you know that the original predecessor to place up there at the North Pole in Alaska, where the last blockbuster would ever exist. Then in 1982, this thing, john Carpenter’s actually had a prequel afterwards from 2011, which, confusingly also called the thing. And if you want to keep up to date on this stuff, in 2019, they published a book called frozen hell, because they actually discovered the full length version of that novella. The who goes their novella, they actually discovered a full length version of it, and they published it so you can like I said, you can go as deep into this mythology of the thing is you want but I’m talking about john Carpenter’s version today. 1982 Kurt Russell, beautiful feathered hair. And you know, john Carpenter’s a legend. Before this, he had done holloween the first installment of Halloween with Michael Myers, you know, and you can see, in fact, when you watch Halloween, the first one with Jamie Lee Curtis, and Michael Myers, and all that, you can see the the thing from another world, the 1951 version, where the alien takes over Santa Claus and blockbuster, you can see that on a television set in the film Halloween. How fun is that? He knew he wanted to do this movie, even back in I believe was 78 that he filmed Halloween. Now originally, Universal Studios was going to have Toby Hooper direct this Toby Hooper. You know, and you know, Toby hoeber, from Texas Chainsaw Massacre, he did a bunch of classics. I think it did last house on the left from not mistaken I could be wrong about that. Don’t Don’t quote me on that. But they didn’t like his draft on it. So carfinder, he actually teamed up with Burt Lancaster to be the screenwriter. And prior to the thing, Burt Lancaster had only been he had only written one other film, The Bad News Bears. How fun is that? Now in this movie, everyone’s gonna have their own interpretation of this. So you’re going to hear my interpretation. And then you’re going to study it a little bit more and be like, Well, wait a minute. That’s not what this person saying, Well, maybe not because we’re different interpretations. And that’s kind of one of the things about this movie that keeps it a call classic. And the reason it’s called classic is because it’s the it’s the archetypal underdog. It released the same exact time as Blade Runner. And out right after et, which I’m also going to do a film analysis for stay light and stay subscribed because that one’s also going in the book but first is going in your ear. But yeah et and Blade Runner I totally screwed this film up and didn’t have a chance. The masses, the mouth breathing masses, they didn’t like it because they wanted Reese’s Pieces and Harrison Ford but now fast forward 40 years and people claim this is the best horror movie of all time, which I don’t really agree with. I don’t love it that much. But you know, this puts Carpenter as bad as high on the horror pedestal was one could be I mean, this guy gave us Halloween which is like the most profitable film of all time. Which Halloween that I would argue that might be one of them might be the greatest film. I don’t know what my favorite horror film is. What’s the greatest horror movie of all time? I don’t know yet. I gotta do some thinking about that’s hard to pick just one you know. Now, the cast let’s talk about who’s in this. Kurt Russell. He plays rj macready great little name there, RJ. And you know, you know who Kurt Russell is. He’s Kurt Russell in the movie. A little salty, little surly. Then you got Keith David, another another great. He plays a character child and then old Wilford Brimley, please Dr. Blair. And you won’t even know Tim. This is Wilford Brimley minus the big giant walrus mustache. pre-diabetes Wilford Brimley. So yeah, that’s it. That’s the setup. And it’s 109 minutes, by the way. And it feels like it feels like they could have cut 20 to 40 out. I know that’s probably sacrilegious. But to me, it just felt like a drug on a little bit too long. About 20 minutes too long. That’s all not that bad, though. It’s still a great movie. Still a classic. On my scale of how much how much should you want to see this? I bought it on I believe Amazon. I bought on Amazon for like, I don’t know, I think it was like less than 10 bucks. Definitely worth that. It’s got a couple repeat values. I mean, it’s not considered one of the greatest movies of all time for no reason. There’s just for me, it’s it’s got a it’s mostly like action and gore. Like it’s it’s, it’s known for having the animatronics and this sort of real life, har goo. And that was pretty much like the pinnacle of that. And they It was kind of out of left field like people weren’t ready for this level of Fangoria. And now we went to CGI. So this would be it. This is the first and last right now the film, let’s talk about the film. It starts out. And again, I’m gonna put the photos on the Instagram ad as it was described, hey, the link in the show notes. And you’ll see all the images we’re talking about which I’m also going to put these images in the book just for fun, because I like pictures. That which also drives the price of the book up by the way significantly, I had to I printed Kubrick’s code with color images and the cost of printing in color pictures is outrageous. Like Cooper’s coat if you buy the paperback in color, it’s like 35 bucks, because it costs like 30 to print the damn thing. So I don’t know I might I might print it in black and white to keep the cost down a little bit and we’ll see. I’ll see if they can make two versions. Okay, let’s start out the photo. There’s a UFO is crashing into the earth and it crashes in Antarctica. It’s 1982 and UFO is of course your classic saucer. And we see the there in Antarctica there there’s a US science outpost. It actually the sciences it’s the National Science is to post for but then later McCready, RJ McCready calls it the US outpost 31. Don’t ask me. Same thing I don’t know. But Kurt Russell, were introduced to RJ Kurt, Kurt Russell. He’s drinking. He’s playing chess on the computer and he loses to the computer. And he does what any rational person does. He pours the rest of his whiskey drink onto the motherboard. He’s a wild man. He just he just wrecks a what was probably a $5,000 computer back then. He just pours his whiskey down on the motherboard like screw it but that’s the kind of guy RJ is he don’t take no shorts. No losses baby. Next Oh fun story. By the way, let me tell you a fun story. One time, you’re not gonna want to hear it, but here you go. One time. I had, man What did I had like this little crappy 13 inch TV in my bedroom. And I had Sega Genesis, I forget what it was a baseball game and it was called like RBI baseball or something. And I played my dad on it. And he and he had he had a little bit of a temper, okay. Who’s a real alpha male kind of guide and take no crap. He was kind of Kurt Russell, right. And, and I beat him. As a kid. I’m a loser. I got no nothing but time. I’ll play games all day long. And he got so busy. He slammed the controller down and broke the TV. So yeah, my dad was kind of Kurt Russell in his own right. Cool story, bro. Okay, next, the Norwegians. They are also in Antarctica. And we see them chasing a dog from helicopter like they really are after this dog. And this is where worlds collide. And they’re now on the territory of the US outpost. And he’s trying to shoot this dog from the helicopter. Only he’s leading them way too much. And then he lands on the camp. And like crazy. These no worries are crazy. They got the guns are shooting trying to get the dog. But one of the guys at the US camp. He he pulls out the Blinky and shoots the man dead right in his eye. Right? It is all seeing AI setting up symbolically that we’re in for an awakening of the reality of what we could be in for. Again, I’ll have that photo up. But the and what’s up with this outpost? So you got science nerds and they’re like, a bunch of bad asses. You know, one shot one kill right in the eye. Kurt Russell, he’s blown up computers, he don’t care. These are some badass scientists. This is like an 80s these are 80 scientists. So then, you hear Kurt Russell, he confirms it’s the first week of winter December 21. And you know what goes down on December 21. Right. You know what goes down the illuminate holiday the illuminate ritual. You know the the 20 verses the solstice, that’s the Saturnalia that is when the the sun god dies, and will be resurrected. So this happens over that three day period. This whole movie a coincidence? I think not. Now everyone in the camp. Obviously, they’re there wonder what the hell is that all about? But the Norwegians are dead so they can’t figure it out. But they got the dog drought, all of that the dog makes it and they they’re trying to reach another base McMurdo a real base in Antarctica there. And they want to head over to the base camp where the Norwegians came from because they’re like, well, we killed these Norwegians. We got to go back to where they’re from and figure out what’s up. And this is where you find out why Kurt Russell’s there. He’s not a scientist. He’s not a nerd. He’s a helicopter pilot. Of course. RJ McGrady he hops in a helicopter and they go over to the Norwegian camp then and there’s a recurring joke about he keeps thinking they’re the Swedes But anyways, they get there it’s it’s ominous it’s all charred and burned up and plots boiler again. But Carpenter Fun fact he actually uses the burnt up America American camp because then by the end of the movie, the American camp burns up okay. But to save some money he after they burn it up. They filmed this first scene at their Norwegian camp. And if you look closely, you’ll see it’s the same exact same exact camp. Everybody draws ties. And we have a another segment of conspiracy considerations. Yes. You know you love it. And what this is if you don’t know what I’m talking about. It’s the I’ve got the supporter platforms right you know about him. Talk about him all the time. Well, there’s a top tier tier for only available on Patreon and Illuminati watch coms VIP section. And tier four the top tier gets you on the show, you get your own segment of conspiracy considerations. And today we are joined by Wally Gorbachev straight from the USSR Oh my god, no pseudonym, of course, can’t be too safe around here. And he’s going to talk to us about. Well, first you got to talk to us about the this blasphemous idea that Tom Cruise and Leo DiCaprio aren’t the best actors. Then we’ll get into a little bit of Alister croley. And then the Bible and the hepatic structure and how Crowley was just a hater. He was hating on the Bible, because he couldn’t, he couldn’t perfect the fingerprint of God. Then we’ll briefly talk about some of the symbolism in the Batman films. And we’ll finish off with a reference to a guy named JD for rod, the ABCs. And I’ll post a link in the show notes for that. And without further ado, let’s go. Alright, we got Wally on the line. What’s up, man?
It’s so good to be here. Great podcast. Thanks for having me.
Isaac Weishaupt 20:53
Yeah, most definitely. Man. You’re you want to pitch some ideas on the old conspiracy conspiracy considerations corner here? Absolutely. He’s messaged me with.
Oh, yeah, your podcast is a lot like the quote from the Exorcism of Emily Rose. When people say that God doesn’t exist. But how could they do that? If I showed them the devil? That’s kind of how I encapsulate your podcast.
Isaac Weishaupt 21:15
Yeah, that’s funny. That’s kind of how it feels when I do all this research is because because I’m, I’m like, I always say I’m a Christian. Not a good one. Because I have a lot of doubts often. Christian, I know. Oh, yeah. We’re good. We’re in good company then. But yeah, that’s the kind that’s kind of how it worked for me was like, you know, you see all this dark stuff. You see enough of it and you’re like, Okay,
I’m back in going the other direction. other direction. Yeah, exactly. Yeah.
Isaac Weishaupt 21:41
Yeah. Now, you got a few ideas
on the Tom Cruise stuff, though. like Tom Cruise and Leo. We’re gonna start where, though? Oh, my gosh. Yeah. I’ve been I’ve been chomping at the bit to get this one.
Isaac Weishaupt 21:51
Okay. Let’s
say I totally overrated and I’m just gonna give you where I’m coming from first. Sam Rockwell is the best actor right now. Because he knows who he is. The name sounds familiar. Is he?
Isaac Weishaupt 22:05
Is he the guy from that? Wasn’t sure Ray on showtimes at him.
Oh, I don’t really have Showtime but he was in the Green Mile. He was William Wharton. And he was in three billboards to having visit ebbing Missouri. Galaxy Quest, he was the red shirt guy from Galaxy Quest.
Isaac Weishaupt 22:22
I’d have to look them up. Let me let me look them up. I gotta know what you’re telling me.
All right, well, you’re gonna say sacrilegious things about my phone. I’ll tell you why Tom Cruise is no good. First of all, it’s really easy to be cool and popular. When you play in an air fighter pilot during the crescendo of the Cold War. I mean, you’re basically have a ticket for the rest of your life in Hollywood. And also, jack nicholson carried him through the whole movie and a few good men.
Isaac Weishaupt 22:55
Okay, all right. Yeah. You know what, in a few good men, I’ll give you that. That wasn’t like his strongest role. I don’t know if he was supposed to be sort of the leading man or not the strongest alpha guy in there, but I’ll give you that one. So give you that one. So I’m looking at your boy no one says
they say you can’t handle the truth.
Isaac Weishaupt 23:20
You know, the In fact, I’m doing a show with Mrs. wise up that breaking social norm show and we’re gonna talk about our 10 favorite 80s movies. And, and I’m gonna have a I’ve got a pre canned statement about Tom Cruise. Because as you can, as you can imagine, Top Gun is more than likely to show up in my top 10. That’s all I’ll say. It’s a fine movie. I love it. But I’m looking up Sam Rockwell here. Yeah, this guy looks familiar. I’d have to I’d have to read I’d have to reconsider it off the wall tell you
that Steve steals every scene. whenever he’s in any movie. He steals the scene from everyone. He was in Iron Man two was Robert Downey Jr. and, and Robert, hey, that guy, great actor steals every scene. And he stole every scene from George Clooney and Confessions of a dangerous mind.
Isaac Weishaupt 24:11
Oh, you know what? Maybe that’s the most recent movie I’ve seen. I started watching it. And I missed the first like 20 minutes of it. So I set it to record I think it’s sitting on my DVR. Gotta watch that.
Nice. Nice. Yeah. And Leo. I’ll tell you this. I attribute almost all of Leo success to insync and Backstreet Boys. Because that’s that’s the 90s that’s when it was Romeo and Juliet Titanic man in the iron mask. And it was the whole culture. It was a great time to be a teenage girl in the 90s
Isaac Weishaupt 24:43
No, I don’t. I don’t know. We’re gonna have to agree to disagree. Leo is in all these great movies. And he, he’s got to me I feel like he’s got a wide enough range to say he’s the best of all time, because he’s always because every role I watch him in I’m drawn into the character, and like, I can’t wait for Leo to get back on the screen.
Not saying he doesn’t do a good job. I respect your opinion. It’s a good choice. Just, you know, you sell tickets when you’re when you’re that pretty. That’s all. That’s true.
Isaac Weishaupt 25:17
That’s true. I will disagree with that. All right, fair enough. So
what I’m really what I really Hey, good conversation. You know, I really wanted to tell you what I think kept Alister Crawley up at night seething with jealousy. Because, you know, he was a big numbers guy, it was, you know, I don’t have to tell you that.
Isaac Weishaupt 25:39
Again, we’re talking about like the gematria, numerology kind of
the 93 with, okay, yeah, religion and everything he was off. I think that’s just him copying what God has already showed us. So I’m going to try to tell you about the static structure in the Bible. So it lets me the listeners can play along. Imagine you are in college, I’m giving you an assignment. And you need to write a genealogy for me. However, the number of words in this genealogy has to be divisible by seven with no remainder. Alright, I could do that, right? Pretty easy. Everyone at home still playing along? Well, also, I have a couple more things, the number of letters in the genealogy have to be divisible by seven. Well, you could do that, especially with English. Alright, well, I have a few more things for you. The number of vowels have to be divisible by seven, the number of consonants have to be divisible by seven. And the words that begin with that will have to be divisible by seven, also, that begin with a consonant have to be divisible by seven. Now, anyone at home still playing along? And that’s pretty crazy. Yeah, it is. How about the number of words that are core that occur more than once? Now, you have to add that to the Yeah, we’re ever I’m lost to at this point. Words that in Korean multiple forums, seven words that are not nouns, the number of names only seven other kinds of nouns, the number of male names, all divisible by seven. Now, maybe some people already know what we’re getting into here. This is what the genealogy of Christ is, as found in Matthew one. All of those things. Really. That’s right. However,
Isaac Weishaupt 27:30
we talk about like, there’s a verse that goes through all the the genealogy. Yes, yes.
Okay. There’s 34 of those divisible by sevens. And I would just like to imagine Alistair Crowley being so jealous and wishing he could be that good at numerology.
Isaac Weishaupt 27:48
Interesting, I didn’t know that.
Yeah, so this heptad ik structure in the Bible, I think it’s the signature of our Creator, it’s on simulate. I mean, if you can understand, at least just by random chance, if you have to have all these things divided by seven, just by random, you lose six times in when once? Well, once you get to seven, for the 34th, that you’re basically the chances of all of these things happening randomly. It would if you had a supercomputer, that could try for 100 million tries per second. And if you had a million supercomputers, it would take over 4 million years. It is a signature of the Creator and it’s on simulate double. And However, this all happens in the Greek you can’t pull up your King James Bible and try to figure this out. And a Greek is actually a more rigid and more structured. So it’s so
Isaac Weishaupt 28:46
because I’ve got a copy of the, what he called the Septuagint. I think that’s like the Greek original first translation from Hebrew to Greek. Yes, interesting. So you’re saying that this, this sort of, because as you’re as you were describing it, I’m thinking, Okay, so like, maybe there’s a mathematician that could come up with a formula? And you’re saying,
actually, it was not, it was, it was Dr. Ivan painting. He just he was born in Russia and graduated from Harvard. Yeah, that’s he studied, he spent 50 years and he has 1000s of pages that he wrote on the heptad iq structure in the Bible. And it’s all throughout the Bible. Even Matthew two almost needs all of the same rules for this little assignment. We got to play.
Isaac Weishaupt 29:29
Oh, really. So it’s not just the genealogy that that has these these, uh, what he call characteristics. It’s very,
its various part. I wouldn’t say it’s every part of the Bible, but it’s all throughout the Bible. And actually, it’s an interesting thing because it proves that it has been translated Well, all throughout the years because if you move one letter or one word, now those things start to dissolve and you don’t have that beauty anymore. Interesting. Interesting, huh?
Isaac Weishaupt 29:59
I’ve never I’ve never heard that before. Yeah, I don’t get much into the numerology stuff necessarily.
If anyone wants to look it up, I’d point them to shut Dr. Chuck missler he is kind of like the opposite of you. He does deep dives into Christianity like you won’t believe he’s a he’s a great teacher. Right on.
Isaac Weishaupt 30:20
Was that name one more time? How do you spell that? Dr. Chuck missler. The late Dr. Chuck missler. Yeah, I miss all okay, so he’s not on social media then I guess. Oh, no, he’s he’s an old failure. Okay, Chuck missler. Got it. Yeah, I think when you start talking about numerology, it’s almost like you’re wearing a saran wrap suit. Yeah, it’s kind of it’s kind of weird. I know. I know. You’re nuts. Curly, add all those sevens on that on a star Babylon and stuff. So like he
wants to? Satan wants to be God. And he was definitely I think we would both agree he was a servant of the devil. Yeah.
Isaac Weishaupt 30:58
Satan. Coffee. God. Interesting. Yeah, that that seems to come up often in the world of conspiracy and spirituality. crossover there. Yeah, it’s, it’s cool. What you on your email. You mentioned something about evolution.
Yeah, I don’t think I think we’re running out of time. I just kind of like to end it. And just, you know, in First Corinthians 15, the apostle Paul defines the gospel. And that’s the good news that Jesus Christ was crucified, that he was buried and that he rose again in the third day, and defeating death and paying for all of our sins of all of mankind. And it’s really simple to take part in that forgiveness with the ABCs because I’m a simple guy. And I would say, Just admit, that’s a you’re a sinner, believe in Jesus Christ and call upon the name of the Lord, because Romans 1013 says, all who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved. And I think I made a pretty good defense for the Bible being true just now.
Isaac Weishaupt 31:55
Right on. I like that man. Good. Good Christian warrior here. All conspiracy conspiracy consideration. Last thing. You did mention something about Batman movies, though. You got any thoughts on Batman movies?
Oh, yes. Quick thought on the Batman movies. I think the first movie was telling us about COVID. The second movie was talking about you know, that was the Joker with Heath Ledger. That’s letting all these prisoners now and if you’re following the news, they’re just letting the prisoners out all the time. And that’s the chaos of everything. And then I think they’re setting up some sort of a Savior figure like Batman to, you know, save the city that was taken over by communist lefty rulers.
Isaac Weishaupt 32:33
Interesting. Yeah. You know, I was just going to rewatch the Christopher Nolan trilogy there because I think they’re all great movies. That that’s something I’ll consider when I’m when I’m digging into that. Yeah,
it’s a little out there. But they do the predictive programming thing every once in a while. Yeah, they
Isaac Weishaupt 32:50
- Definitely in the Batman movies, too. Oh, yeah.
Let’s not get into that. Don’t want to get any any further trouble for you, by the way.
Isaac Weishaupt 32:59
Right on. Well, cool, man. Thanks for thanks for sharing your thoughts. You got any places you want the people to follow you on social media, or websites or anything? I don’t plug
any of the social media, but I would appreciate if you could put a link up for me for people to click
Isaac Weishaupt 33:10
definitely. What’s the link?
The link will? Uh, it’s it’s just a pastor I like to follow. It’s JD frog. He’s as a little place in Hawaii. He he preaches about the times we’re living in right now.
Isaac Weishaupt 33:23
Right on, so link to JD for rods website. Yeah, just just do a YouTube video. Okay. All right. Sounds good, man. All right. Thanks so much for having me on. You have a great show. Thank you. Appreciate that. We’ll say bye bye. All right, there you go. What do you think of that? We just pulled someone up from the crowd and they drop knowledge on you. I thought was pretty interesting. The now the tier four conspiracy considerations. quick plug for it. If you’re not familiar with it, if you get on Patreon, or Illuminati watch it counts VIP section, the things you’ll get not only will you be on this show where you can share your theories. With the whole audience. There’s only 25,000 people so no pressure, but you’ll get I’ll send you a signed copy of YuGiOh illusion one, you’ll get every ebook that I’ve written, you’ll get the tier two perks of the monthly shout outs and you’ll get to the live stream. You’ll get all the ebooks from tier one to tier one that is Excuse me. No more ads you hate the ads I hate the ads, no commercials no mercy plus all the bonus shows that I’ve put up for every month for a few years. You get it all baby you get it all. And by the way, there’s there was five slots when I created this tear but five slots on Patreon and they’re damn near sold out. So if for some reason you want it on and you can’t get in there, hit up Illuminati watch coms VIP section you can sign up there and we’ll get it on and poppin Alright, thanks for supporting link in the show notes as always. But they get there and they find out all The Norwegians are dead. And some of them committed suicide. It’s a real bummer. Then they find a video recording. They find a big empty ice block real ominous. They retrieve these, these burnt up remains of what looks like a an octopus man thing. And now they’re like, Okay, what the heck’s going on? So they go back to the US outpost, the US camp there. They’re examining this octopus man. This this gooey, mangled mess of limbs and organs. And this is, this is what puts the film on the map of the heart. holophane, you had these revolutionary special effects, which you know, is still to this day better than CGI. I love in a lot of people who weren’t familiar back in the 80s. And 90s, Fangoria magazine, it was a whole magazine devoted to this sort of thing about the special effects and the and the gore and the blood and all that stuff, and how they really how they really did that and how they put it together. But it’s a lot of work to get, in fact, the guy who made these sets, I think he had some kind of breakdown or something. exhaustion or something to that effect, because I am working so much. And they’re standing around, looking at the octopus man. And you see, you’ll see Kurt Russell Stan and their old RJ McCready standing there with the Hidden Hand, he’s got his hand in his jacket, again, photo will be on the Instagram. Another photo will have a back to the dog named Jed. Will the dog he’s been even creeping around the camp. And we find out why they were trying to shoot this dog. Because you see, it’s infected with the aliens. And it transforms it split opens like a burnt sausage. And now it turns into the spider octopus thing. And it’s shooting like it’s shooting liquid at the other dogs, which you’ll also by the way, see in Prince of Darkness, which is our next film review that we’ll do. which I’d argue is a much better film than the thing. Not a popular opinion. But hey, I’m not a popular guy. And then another fun side note, I’m a fan of Billie Holiday, you hear Billie Holiday, don’t explain in the scene where they’re playing the cards right around this point. Anyway. So the dog, old Jed, he’d morphs into this thing. He’s killing the other dogs. And humans catch on because they hear quite the ruckus, they show up with the weapons. Because again, these are some badass nerds. And you see the creature has the all seeing I again, we get another all seeing eye. Again, I’ll have that photo up, you’ll take a look, see what you think. So before the kill, you’ll see the all seeing eye, then you hear they start to figure it out, they start putting the pieces together and we hear that this alien actually imitates life forms and they call this one before would mutate into the dog.
You see what we’re talking about here is an organism that imitates other life forms and it imitates them perfectly when this thing attacked our dogs it tried to digest them absorb them and in the process shape its own cells to imitate them this for instance I thought dog limitation we got to it before it had time to finish. Finish what finish imitating these dogs
Isaac Weishaupt 39:04
now this is what some argue that they argue the aliens need the humans for this. They want to get our souls to incorporate into their being which is kind of what you see in this movie. That’s what in user illusion, one I talked about how the souls were containers or I’m sorry, the human body is a container for the soul and the aliens they want us for the soul that’s what they need to animate. And that’s what Bob was our was basically saying that they referred to us as containers and all kinds of stuff. So you see this sort of idea with the thing. They need the souls they came here to host upon the humans well then they just they finally decide they’re gonna watch this videotape. Another plot in consistency. I mean, I would have been the first thing I’d watch. Anyways, they they finally from the Norwegian, Canada Got the video. They’re like, you know what, let’s watch this video. And they see that Norwegians were actually digging around and found a UFO. But it’s not clear what they found on the footage Exactly. And what’s curious? Again, I’ll put this photo up, you’ll see this curious lineup of men. Similar to what you’ll see in Prince of Darkness. Where you have the homeless Harbinger’s of the apocalypse. Well, you kind of see that in the thing. That’s the Norwegians. JOHN Carpenter showing us how man will bring about his own end. NET next. They, they, they head up to where the Norwegians were digging around and go back up there. Because they see it on the video thing. What the heck’s going on? So they find a UFO? And they think, Okay, this thing is like over 100,000 years old. The Norwegians they busted the UFO open when they drill down and turn down that’s what that’s what got the alien busted loose. And it’s funny because when they’re talking to the this, this scientists at the outpost, they’re debating they’re calling it Voodoo bullshit. And the one guy he actually cites Eric, Vandana kins chariots of the gods.
I don’t know 1000s of years ago, it crashes and this thing gets thrown out, or crawls out and ends up freezing in the ice. I just cannot believe any of this brutal bullshit.
chiles happens all the time, man. They’re falling out of the skies like flies. government knows all about it right Mac,
you believe any of this Voodoo bullshit blur? trial. Charles, chariots of the gods man. They practically own South America. I mean, they taught the Incas everything they know.
Isaac Weishaupt 41:59
Yeah, they think they think the government knows all about this. They they come to the conclusion that the alien got dug up in the ice block and now it’s been unleashed. What’s gonna happen? Well, the brains of this alpha Dr. Blair, aka Wilford Brimley without them, Walter stash, he, he, he doctors up in Atari simulation. And he confirmed which again, another thing you’ll see an Al Prince of Darkness, by the way, lots of programming. And he confirms He’s like, okay, the alien cell will assimilate into the host cell. And the new entity is created through absorption. And maybe a little diabetes for good measure. I don’t know. But Worse yet, they, he’s convinced the entire population will come with that. In fact, it’s a rap. It’s the rap for the human race. And he’s figured it all out. Which is a little bit of alchemical, you know, soft coagula. Because the new entity has to assimilate into the whole cell has to sort of rebuild, has to destroy the human nihilistic aliy so that it can create something new and coagulated something No. Meanwhile, the remains of this dog alien thing. They’re still not dead. It’s awake. And it’s hot angry. It starts snatching up nerds it wants to consume. It wants to imitate people. It’s now it’s on and poppin RJ McCready and the crew versus everybody. They got fire pits and flame throwers alien bodies, everything was go. But then you got Dr. Blair. Dr. Blair. You see he’s got the nerd anger. He’s upset. And the nerd anger consumes him. And he starts shooting everyone just like Hayden Christensen’s you know, Darth Vader when he was a boy, when he lost his mind and killed that whole village. That nerd anger takes over. And that’s what old Wilford Brimley does, he starts shooting everyone. He’s are tearing up the chopper and the escape vehicles because he’s worried that his computer simulation was 100% accurate, and that the aliens are gonna eventually kill all of humanity. Which by the way, these computer simulations are always full of assumed variables. There. I mean, it’s information, but it’s not always helpful. Okay. And that’s the problem. That’s why I always say the nerds are gonna kill us. They rely way too much on technologies and models and simulations. But they don’t they don’t have all the variables so like, how can we rely on them so much? I don’t know. Anyway, they subdue Dr. Blair but it’s too late. The choppers, the radios, everything’s done. It’s wrecked. And Blair he implies that one of the people in the camp have already been imitated by the alien. And the crew buys into that also. They want to see if one of them one of the crew is actually the alien or not. Because they think it’s evolved quick enough that now it’s not turning into octopus. Spider goo now it’s able to fully look like a human being if you watch it, you’ll notice how it it really does transform people a little bit better as it goes along. So it makes sense it’s got it’s got it all figured out by now. So the crew they start turning on each other everyone’s getting paranoid. major plot theme of COVID-19 right? Nobody trust anybody. Everyone has to prepare their own meals and eat out of cans because they’re worried about alien particles getting on their food. Dr. Blair’s begging to be let back in the camp because they they they quarantined his ass and building outside. He keeps like saying oh, I feel fine now. Sorry, I tried to shoot everybody. But they don’t they don’t believe him. And then what ensues for like 30 minutes is the crew accusing each other who’s Dalian who’s not? bodies getting ripped, open, revealing alien presence? tearing apart the victim’s torso splitting open hairs running around on spider legs, which you see in it part two, by the way. But this, you know, this masterpiece of harv special effects really, really does its thing. Now, RJ McCready, he decides you know what we don’t know who’s the alien who’s not who does the thing. We’re going to draw blood from everyone to see who it is. And the idea here is that small parts of the whole are built in like a drop of sea of alien consciousness that is designed to fight back against the attack. Unlike human species, which is just a nerve tissue, they’re going to put everyone’s blood in a little petri dish, hit a little fire see if it reacts
you die upon we’re over here. We’re gonna draw a little bit everybody’s blood. We’re gonna find out who’s the thing. Watching Norris in there gave me the idea that maybe every part of him was a whole. Every little piece is an individual animal with a built in desire to protect its own life.
You see when a man bleeds is just tissue and blood for most of you things won’t obey when it’s attacked. It’ll try and survive. crawl away from hot needles.
Isaac Weishaupt 48:13
So he tests the blood he’s collecting samples. He actually puts a heat up wire to see how it reacts is one of the best moments of the film honestly. RJ McCready he’s got everyone tied up. As he’s testing the blood samples through his own theory that he concocted of blood fighting back. Everyone’s skeptical no one’s happy with us. And he tests the blood of one guy that he actually already shot and killed because the guy tried attacking McCready and you don’t attack Kurt Russell, unless you want to catch hot lead. And the blood doesn’t react. And then Keith David is character childs is like, well the blood in reacts now your murderer and Kurt Russell, RJ McCready here he just looks at him and he’s like, he’s not even fazed by this. He’s like, No, I’m gonna test Palmer’s blood. He doesn’t give a beat. He just moves it along. Gotta love it. Gotta love it. Now the thing the thing wants to freeze itself back to sleep. So it blows the generator that was the source of heat. McCready, he decides he’s gonna light light everything on fire to keep the alien the thing from refreezing. As a form of mutual suicide, they intend to blow everything out so that the thing dies. So will they but they don’t care. they’re okay with that. And then here comes Dr. Blair. And then he starts he’s the thing now he starts killing and the final iteration of the thing appears, and McCready tosses a stick of dynamite at it, the whole outpost blows up. McCready somehow survives. As does child’s Keith David’s character, though the last two and this is where it gets real dicey, we’re not given a clear understanding. If either men are now the thing Carpenter allegedly allegedly claimed that child’s is clearly not breathing out in the cold air while McCready is implying the child is in fact now the alien and when you watch it, you can see McGreevy heavily breathing freezing cold air, this condensation you can see on the on the camera there, and child’s he doesn’t really except for there’s one spot where you can see it. So I mean, it’s like 95% accurate. So I maybe maybe the film just screwed up for the one breath. Another idea is that child’s still has his earring. So he couldn’t be the alien because the thing removes earrings and such and that’s apparently as per the sequel or the prequel, which I haven’t seen. But in the novella, McCready discovers that Dr. Blair, the who’s the thing has been building an anti gravity device to escape. And this is what you see in the movie, you’ll see the Dr. Blair is building a craft from spare helicopter parts underground. Because the alien wants to either like, get out of there or rephrase itself. So that’s the whole movie. In conclusion, like I alluded to in the carpenter setup where I talked about the carpenter apocalypse trilogy, this film is about annihilation. It’s about nihilism. It puts the nihilism in annihilation. It’s the annihilation of self. Nobody sure about who they are. Or if they are even they, maybe they are now an alien, they just don’t know. A worm buried into the subconscious manifest into pure horror as the crew members. They fight each other and themselves at the same time, not sure who is who not sure. They are truly who they think they are. We got a little bit of Rene Descartes, I think, therefore, I am annihilated as the people die, not being aware of the basic tenets of their own consciousness. their thoughts exist, but are they even theirs. And to me, this is some great reset stuff, this is the end of everything, you know, the new normal, this is what it’s all about. And the thing to me is just like COVID Trust breaks down entirely. And we create a new form a new normal, or at least that’s what they want. I don’t know if you heard my four part series on the great reset. But it’s very important. Now it has vibes of HP Lovecraft, which we’ll actually get more into within the mouth of madness. Because that story is also reminiscent to at the mountains of madness, where scientists on earth ancient aliens in Antarctica, you see these, these themes are occurring over and over. Then, of course, finally, it also has those bobl as our type influences were. Either he was familiar with this tale and informed him of the reality that he experienced or there’s more truth and fiction in these movies. And we actually have these flows in Antarctica, because that’s what lazaar said. He said there was several crafts, I believe was nine that we we recovered curiously enough on the thing Dr. Blair’s working on an anti gravity device, just like bombas are was doing now at area 51. And ask for. Yeah, I hope you enjoyed that. That was the thing. And the next film, my friend is going to be Prince of Darkness, which, to me is one of my favorite horror movies of all time. To me, easily the best film in the trilogy. That’s not a popular opinion to take that for what it’s worth. But we’re gonna get into the prince of darkness and we’re gonna get a little nihilism we’re gonna get a little religious elements, and we’re gonna have a great time. So until next time, my friend you know what to do. Stay woke
Bryan says
I like the nihilism aspects you address but I think one should also consider the role of evil in this alien presence as it doesn’t just want to absorb and take over the world. It also wants to truly horrify and torment its victims with maximum fear. It totally freaked the dogs out by splitting its head open and sprouting tentacles, the crew with spider head thing and demonic faces, and by methodically dissolving everyone’s trust with the planted underwear and sabotaged blood samples. At the end, it could have just killed Mac but it wanted to show off how scary it is with a grandiose display (like an arrogant Satan?) It also decided to patiently drink in celebration and freeze with Mac as the alien-cloned Childs, knowing it had won and can’t be stopped. Could have just quickly torched Mac but wanted to savor the sinister moment in true evil fashion. Also, Blair was already an alien when he axed the radio, he was infected early on during the autopsy and wanted to cut off all communications to isolate the crew from any possible rescue attempts.
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