On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we review the film The Hunt! We’ll go through the symbolism of the movie, as well as the connections to Orwell’s Animal Farm with the CIA propaganda! We’ll get into Hollywood manipulation, political paradigms, the meaning of “Snowball” and “Athena”, and a bombshell threat to truthers worldwide!!
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all Patreon Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
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The Hunt Film Analysis
Isaac Weishaupt, The Hunt film dialogue
Trailer for The Hunt plays
Isaac Weishaupt 01:36
It’s movie time yet again. Today we’re going to cover the movie, the hunt. So if you haven’t seen the movie, I suggest it and I always got to give you my take on how much you should spend on this. Watch is this movie worth? Well, I’ll tell you what I did. I rented it for 5.99 on Amazon watched it twice. Get like 48 hours to watch. I watched it twice. I enjoyed it thoroughly. I actually didn’t think I was gonna enjoy it that much. But I really enjoyed it, I would say, you know, if they had it for sale for like 10 to 15 bucks, like that’s a fair buy like I would, I would probably watch it again. I probably watch this thing over my lifetime, three to five times. So it’s a very specific recommendation I’ve got there so and look the movie, it hits all the things for me. It’s 90 minutes, because all good movies are 90 all good books or 200. Movies 90. It’s very gory, but it’s pretty funny. Because it’s kind of a satire horror movie. It’s definitely not a movie for the whole family though. I mean, I don’t know how you How weird your family gets but I would guess that this isn’t for everyone. It’s something akin to Shaun of the Dead or Kill Bill, where like, there’s lots of Gore. And it’s all rated. But it’s somehow like light hearted and doesn’t really like I don’t think is gonna give you nightmares. So it’s in that vein. So decide what you want to do with that information. You can go watch it and come back. Or you can press on and just hear about the movie because it’s actually quite applicable to world topics if you can believe that or not about the elites hunting down. Folks, humans, the ultimate hunt humans, so yeah, there’s gonna be plot spoilers. So you’ve been warned. Here we go. Now this film starts out and they get right into it. They get right into it. What we see basically is a bunch of people getting sort of abducted to be dropped off in a field much like sort of Hunger Games deal. They’re not really sure why they’re there, though. They drop a Well, before they get to that, I guess I should start out with. There’s talk on some text messaging, they’re using some coded language, right? Much like the WikiLeaks email of the pizza stuff. And these elites are talking about going out to the manor. Not to the manor to hunt deplorables Okay, clearly there’s a there’s a right wing left wing commentary on America here. If you go back to when Hillary Clinton called the right wingers deplorables, or some people that voted for Trump or something to that effect. It’s a real trigger word for the right wingers. So this incident is tied into a thing called Manor gate in the movie it’s a fictional event similar to the pizza And it’s this conspiracy theory that the conspiracy theorists are floating around about how the elites hunt humans every year at the manor. Okay. So we are taken to a scene where they’re on an airplane and we find out and one of the, you know, the elites, they’re taking their private jet over to the manor because they’re actually going to do this thing. And this guy’s a real, you know, douchebag and he’s talking to the stewardess and asked if she likes working for Athena. So we’re first introduced to the idea that all these folks are working for a woman named Athena. And of course, you know where we’re going with that. We’ve got the wisdom goddess of Athena. She’s the owl. She’s the Minerva. She’s the giant statue of the owl at Bohemian Grove that the elites go to to sacrifice kids to every year, allegedly Allegedly, we don’t know if that happens. Eight 800,000 missing kids every year or whatever the number is 80,000 factor 10 off missing kids every year. Do some of them end up given to the owl God at Bohemian Grove. So here we go. So already we’re already postured up. We know what’s going on here. There’s a little bit of a cult element there with Athena. Besides, have you ever met and Athena? Probably not, not a popular, not a very common name, I should say. So here’s where we meet a theme because one of the abductees that’s going to be hunted at the manor he’s actually on the plane, but he’s conked out. He’s knocked out, but he comes to you know, they didn’t give them enough of the, you know, GMO 5g kill grid. So it wakes up and he’s Running out what the hell’s going on, you know, freak it out. And we were introduced to Athena she comes out. She drives her heel right into his eyeball is all seeing eye. And I’ll put photos on the Instagram at Isaac Weishaupt Leggett subscribe links in the show notes. Of course, as always, you gotta like and subscribe at otherwise, or Yeah, can you say it anymore? So tired of pitching it. But that’s where I’ve been putting all my images. Because I know the way the world works. Now, it used to be many years ago, you had blogs on bookmarks, and you would just check out each blog. Then social media real and all that and I used to post blogs all the time. But now I’m just putting the images to make it easy for you on social media. So go to the Instagram at Isaac Weishaupt You can find me on there your priority. Subscribe if you’re tired of hearing me talk about it. I’m going to stop here soon. I just need to get to 10,000 Okay, no Shut up. Kinda like the reviews. I need to get to 1000 reviews. Now shut up. Anyway, let’s keep moving so she jams her heel right in is all seeing eye and she is clearly the leader of the group. She takes no shit. She is the one texting at the beginning of the movie. This is played by Hilary Swank. Okay. Then we see that the abductees are on a sort of giant farm ground with nothing but a big giant wooden case, big crate right in the center of it. So they go and they busted open and a pig comes running out a pig named Orwell. Now, most of you probably already pieced that together. But the pig represents Animal Farm the the novel by George Orwell, of course. But what’s curious here, and well, we’ll Well actually save that for the end we’ll wrap up the discussion with my theories on this movie at the end. It’s a big bombshell theory so stay tuned and look I don’t know if someone already came up with some of this stuff. I literally listened to no reviews read nothing on this movie. Usually I do a little homework but as you are well aware 2020 is absolute insanity and I can’t not do a show every single day. So I just watched the movie took my notes and here we are, watched it twice for you. Now this movie, it has lots of laws, lots of surprises laws as an lol Liu Ll lots of lols lots of surprises. If you’re a right winger or if you find the the PC police and the hijacking of the liberal progressive system you like this movie? You’re gonna like it. Think of your left wing or right wing or you would find this movie entertaining. And you’ve got to look at the names on the IMDb if you do watch this movie the names of the abductees are quite, quite humorous vanilla nice with the with the itat of the state of Florida and as I but yoga pants yeah that they have the actress from American Horror Story The I don’t remember her name. She goes by yoga pants on IMDB. I thought she was gonna be the this the all star the movie. She almost immediately gets bodied. There’s political tone throughout the whole movie. The hunters there. The hunt so the hunters the elites here. Okay. It’s clear that they’re the liberal elite. They’re talking about the rat faced commander in chief referring to Trump The old boy at the gas station that is in this little fake town, the manner I should say. He’s talking about how climate change is real right before killing vanilla nice. And that this gas station, which is a prop sort of used in the manner the couple are discussing why the guy from New York, who’s one of the abductees, I guess I should explain this in case you haven’t seen it. My bad excuse me, let me back up. So they open the crate, the pig comes around and out. They get a bunch of guns. Then immediately the liberal elite starts shooting at them. And everyone scatters have them die right away. And they’re sort of running away through this sort of wooded area. They find a gas station. They go in there. They think they’re going to call for help. Well, they’re not everything’s set up. Everything’s a stage. A couple work in there. They act like they’re just like an innocent old couple. But it turns out they’re part of the liberal elites. And then they start taking out all the people in there. And they kill all of them.
The Hunt film dialogue 12:13
Yeah. Oh, come on, honey, tell me what’s wrong. He’s wearing a wedding ring. He’s a monster. Honey. He probably uses the N word and not even in private. He probably uses it on Twitter. Those people suffered 400 years of bondage at the hands of that piece of shits ancestors those people sorry, black people.
African American money ramblings Julius,
it’s perfectly fine to call them black again.
According to who?
which consists almost exclusively of
white people.
Isaac Weishaupt 12:58
Were the fucking worst So, you know, they’ve got this whole exchange about white privilege and race relations, which is curious because of the timing of this movie. This movie was supposed to drop in March 2020. Right when the world went upside down. Was this warning about the anti fur movement? Was there some awareness and again, I’m going to defer to my final conclusion on the movie. Because I think it’s relevant. And it’s also curious that at one point, Richard goes to take a piss and he asks for some hand sanitizer. Now, it’s not unheard of to see hand sanitizer in a movie, but I’ll tell you I, I find it curious. Okay, that’s all I’m gonna say. Find it very curious. Then, a character named Gary played by Ethan sub From some great movies this guy’s from American History X mall rats. Wolf of Wall Street actually went to Asbury Park. I, as you know, I’m an East Coast guy originally. And I went out to Asbury Park and saw where they filmed clerks. I was in there. I was inside the gas station. I mean, this was probably, I don’t know 10 years ago. It’s no promises if it’s still there. They seem to give zero shits about clerks being filmed there, but I sure enjoyed it. And you can even go to Jay and Silent Bob’s secret stash I went in there saw What’s his name? Flanagan what Flanagan saw him in there. Anyway, where were we? Oh, yeah. Okay, so Ethan sadly he’s in this movie too. And, and his name is Gary. Okay. And he he’s got a theory on this. This is where we learn about the conspiracy theory of Manor gate and the the deep state globe, globalist and all this so they listen.
The Hunt film dialogue 15:11
Why didn’t they just kill you when you came in? I don’t care.
I want to hear my theory.
Not really
The Hunt film dialogue 15:19
read that article. Every year these liberal elites, you know the globalists cooks who run the deep state kidnap bunch of normal folks like us and harness for fucking sport and like, this mansion in Vermont or something. I thought about 250 friends. It’s not like I believed it. You believe
that you have 50 friends? No,
rest of it.
This is Vermont.
Isaac Weishaupt 15:54
So we’re introduced to Crystal she’s the main character here. Okay, crystal and Gary. they team up crystals The only one was sort of like mega through this. this farce at the gas station she kept the old people and her and Gary are on the on the move there and they see a train coming. They hop on the train and inside the train car there are a bunch of like immigrants, sir. And Gary instantly thinks they are crisis actors used to trick people into sympathizing for immigrants. JACK what?
The Hunt film dialogue 16:39
They’re not real. Ah, no we have here crisis actor in fact look like totally cannot change is the one train car with the open doors full of illegals. I mean, you look at these fucks little obvious Don’t you think in the necessity How much are you Fox trying to teach us a lesson?
Oh no. I feel
so sorry for immigrants and refugees.
I’m gonna have to rethink my entire position on immigration
here and they kind of made me.
So, crisis babies, new logic.
Isaac Weishaupt 17:14
So the train stops and the sort of military police are checking everything out. There’s a bit of back and forth. But we find out Gary’s got a podcast. He’s a conspiracy. podcaster I found that extremely humorous. where we are, but
I’m an American. American American. Yeah. Yeah. Her to look. Let me explain everything, sir, because I know exactly what’s going on here. Okay. These are not real refugees. These are crisis actors. I have a podcast I’ve been exposing these people, okay. They were placed on the train as a part of Manor gate. This is all been an elaborate trap to try to ensnare us
to Sociology. I mean, there’s no full stop, because it’s a marriage case. Um,
I don’t think they believe you Gary. Did you hear
him? Did you hear? Did you hear him?
Donna? Ah,
This is bullshit.
You’re fake, you’re fake. If you did,
Isaac Weishaupt 18:31
then, you know things go down. And we we talk about how well in the movie like they were given weapons, right? And there’s a little bit of discussion on why would they give us weapons if they’re trying to kill us. And I think that has something to do with that weird sort of karmic thing, this karmic agreement where they have to sort of tell you what they’re going to do. They have to give you the sort of free will to go along with the program. Right. So Gary and crystal, they end up in the sort of refugee camp of sorts. They’re trying to explain that they’ve they’re being hunted as as human prey. And we find out they’re like in a foreign country. And there’s a third guy who’s in the same boat that they already caught. So they’ve got three abductees, right. Well, the embassy, the US Embassy comes to get them. And sure enough, what do you know? This guy’s part of the elite programming, and Krystal, she’s the she’s the real Athena here. She kind of has the wisdom. She knows all. She sees through the lies of the embassy guy who comes to drive them away to go towards the embassy, presumably. And it’s funny because she, she catches on to it because they’re having a conversation and The the liberal elite guys as somebody who’s who’s posing as an embassy guy, he suggests that he would never blame the victim. And that’s what triggers her to understand that, oh, he’s part of the liberal elite. So she takes him out. Then she basically goes to counter attack all these liberal elites. And she makes her way up all the way to the top to Athena. And before that, we get some flashbacks. Okay. We have some flashbacks. And we find out that Athena The reason she’s doing all this, she’s the CEO of a company. And this company is worried about the optics, she’s got this partner Paul, who’s kind of implying that they already canceled the other guy who works there. And she’s gonna have to get canceled too, because she was talking about Manor gate on the text message, which is this point, a big conspiracy, that he even tells you. It’s on Reddit, and there’s Truth is digging up all the property information.
The Hunt film dialogue 21:03
Nearly critical things about the president.
Well, last I heard free speech still exists. Don’t do that.
The Hunt film dialogue 21:09
Don’t Don’t first amendment me, please. It’s not a country. It’s a business. A business and their optics.
You fired Martin.
No, he realized he had to take one for the team.
The team. Yeah, the
team. We have a team, our team. What’s in the file, Nicole? Just say
Do you recall a text thread you had with Martin, Peter, Richard and liberty amongst others? December 17. At 10 o’clock in the morning.
I don’t recall the text that I had last fucking Tuesday. Paul.
Go ahead, Nicole.
Martin, Did anyone see what our rat fucker in chief just did? liberty. Yes, day equals ruined. Peter, infuriating. Athena. At least the hunts coming up. Nothing better than going out to the mountains. And slaughtering a dozen deplorables Miranda, we promised not to talk about the manner on text, Ted. Viva almanor Liberty deleting this thread
again it
Are you aware there’s an active group of people out there believe this is a real thing. Believe
why it’s a real thing that you’re hunting human beings for sport.
Yeah, not funny. Once
Yeah, conspiracy websites are all over. They’re gone bananas. They’re gone berserk, Reddit. I mean, I don’t know the names of them all. But anyway, somebody pulled a property tax record for the manner that you bought in Vermont manner.
Now, I don’t own a fucking Manor in Vermont.
It’s a three bedroom house. Jesus I can’t believe you use that word.
manner. No deplorables it’s church. Well I initially type fucking rednecks but then I decided that wasn’t specific
on but what would you prefer? I call them Paul Gunn clutching homophone you stop please academically challenged racist. Hey, what about tos deprived Bay
ever best team at reputation management flooding, flooding the search engines in the hopes this thing doesn’t go mainstream but even if by some miracle it doesn’t, and I really don’t see that happening. Martin did what he had to Richard did what he had to he’s at a blue s. Julius and Miranda had to step down from their foundation Liberty accident for fun I’m sorry.
You got to go.
Isaac Weishaupt 23:49
So again, a little bit of reflecting of reality there because that is in fact how this works. The conspiracy troopers are will get on the forums and start digging up all these texts and emails and leaked things and hacks. into stuff and anonymous and all that. And so at this point in the movie, we’re a little fuzzy, we’re like, well, was this a real thing was mandated real thing? Or was it faked? And then later these liberally leads decided, you know what, we’re gonna make this conspiracy a reality and then they decided to do it. It’s kind of one of the lingering questions of the movie. And we see that before they decided to do the manor gate thing. We see all these liberal elites in the room in a flashback and they’re talking about how they’re going to get all the troopers and conspiracy types who’ve been pushing the manor gate and even pizza type stuff into the hunt. Could it be this is a subtle warning to people that are talking about these subjects. This will fit into my conclusion which is coming up real soon. We’re almost through the whole movie and that great. So Athena and crystal meetup crystal makes it all the way to the final boss here. And Athena is telling crystal about how her and all her tutor buddies are making something out of nothing. This is during the the big grilled cheese speeches has crystal calls it and then Athena says that they wanted man OR gate to fit the conspiracy triggers backwards, backwards worldview. So they chose to pursue it.
The Hunt film dialogue 25:38
months ago you posted this on a message board under the screen name justice for y’all. I want to make sure I get it exactly right. This bitch, Athena stone murders innocent men and women for sport evidence is all there to H EI are her manner her travel records. Oh and in case you were still on the fence she fucking admitted to it in a text message
admitted was
all caps
huh huh that’s all you have to say for yourself. Everybody you kidnapped and killed
as because they busted you and your friends and put it on the internet no one busted us. We were joking, but you ignored them I took it literally you actually believed we were hunting human beings for sport. But you are what? human beings for sport? No. Yeah, it wasn’t true.
This your manner and it’s not a fucking manner. It’s a house I rented in Croatia and had decorated with a rat but it’s yours in your hand. People So it’s
I mean, it’s true now. Now it’s true because you made it true to people you anything you want, and you twist it around until it fits into your backwards fucking worldview. You wanted it to be true. So you decided it was
Skype? Yeah.
Isaac Weishaupt 27:25
So right at the end, Crystal asks why they’ve been referring to her as snowball. And Athena tries to tell it will snowball as the idealist of the whole story and suggest that it should have been her she’s the idealist, Athena is then we also find out that it’s the wrong crystal they grabbed the wrong woman. And this is very indicative of the Uber communist mega progressiveness that we’ve been seeing in the last few years. It can canceled culture where they’re just canceling people, regardless of if there’s been an actual crime committed, regardless of if it really happened or not. And this idea of just destroying everything taken down, even unintentional targets just like crystal unintended collateral damage
because they’re so vindictive.
Now crystal,
Isaac Weishaupt 28:32
she gets into a nice little fight and she wins. And now she’s the winner. She puts on the nice dress, she grabs the, you know, the heels and all that. And she sees the rabbit. She’s walking out towards this private plane and she sees the the rabbit and this was a reference to an earlier tale she had. It’s the hare the tortoise tail right where The idea is like, the tortoise is way slower than the rabbit, but the rabbit gets cocky and takes a little nap. And the turtle, the tortoise just keeps pushing through. And he actually wins. He wins the race. A story about persistence. Now she when she tells the story in the middle of the movie, she talks about how, you know, the rabbit says he’s the fastest and it’s true. But the the turtle decides he wants to race this rabbit anyhow. The rabbit wants to really put on a show because he’s so so cocky, so confident. So he stops, he takes a nap. But he over sleeps. He wakes up and realizes that the turtle one now this is where the normal story ends, but she continues, she says, but then the turtle was telling his family at dinner about persistence and how they’re how he won how he beat the rabbit was you just get Gotta keep trying. But then the rabbit smashes the door and bashes up the turtle family with the hammer and eats him for dinner. And I think what they’re trying to say here and this fits into the idea of why they, you know, they, they accidentally grabbed the wrong crystal because in their zealous quest for equality and proper political correctness, everything’s getting burned down along the way. It’s like, they’re the biggest judges of everyone with good intentions, sure. But it never seems to work out the way it should, when looking for a quality and all that. So crystal gets on the private plane, the one that Athena flew in and one that Athena has smashed dude in the eyeball with, with her hail, and she sits down and invites the storm To over to try to caviar for the first time. So it seems on some weird level, the political parties are flipping, which takes me to the conclusion here. Okay, this is what it’s all about. This is my opinion here. It’s a commentary a little bit on politics about the blurring of the right wing and the left wing and the two political parties sort of Trading Places. It used to be that the left wing was more about free speech and, you know, do what you want, so that so that, so long as you’re not harming another adult. And this isn’t this isn’t new. But now, you know, the liberals are, they’re more of like censoring everybody. And this isn’t a new theme. The political parties have actually switched stances of like, progressive versus conservative views over the last, you know, a couple hundred years. It’s true But the real strange part here, and this is the part that I think is very odd. We got to go back to that Animal Farm story if you’re not familiar with it, George Orwell, he wrote this novel called an animal farm in the 1940s. And it’s a farm where the animals rebel against the human farmer. And they want to equal society. But they got like, sort of differing viewpoints and how to make that happen. And there’s two liter pigs that come out. There’s Napoleon and snowball, which is where we get the snowball name for crystal. But these two liter pigs sort of rise to the top. But Napoleon ultimately wins. He’s using force. He’s a dictator to get his way. It’s like by God, you will do this for the sake of everyone. Some people get punished for the sake of everyone in the whole society to keep things Even Stephen, to keep everyone happy. So Napoleon becomes a dictator, whereas snowball, on the other hand is well intentioned, wants to help everyone keep everyone nice and even any kind of new technologies we all get to share in the, in the, you know, great things that the technology brings in that sort of thing, whereas Napoleon’s a little dirty. But it shows how this kind of happens. It starts out with a socialism sort of cause and eventually makes way for a dictatorship. It’s kind of like this COVID mass thing, right? Like everyone needs to wear the mask is what they’re saying. I’m just, you know, don’t shoot the messenger. They say everyone needs to wear the mask outside. But like some folks, some leaders in government, you know, state government, the federal government, they all want the decision. To be made by the people to make the right choice. For instance, I live in Utah right now. And our governor has basically, you know, the stance it is, what the way it’s been is let the people do the right thing, because they don’t want to make a regulation a law because that’s a slide towards dictatorship. But on the other hand, not everyone wants to wear the mask. They’re not doing what’s right, according to the science and the latest claims of wearing masks. Not everybody is doing it. They’re not doing the responsible thing. And it’s like the shopping cart theory. There’s no law that says you got to take that shopping cart all the way back to the thing. It’s just the right thing to do. There’s nothing wrong with doing it. But do do the people. Do what’s Write for others or do you need to make a law and then regulate people and imprison them? You know, it’s kind of a balance we play here in America. How do we get off on that? We got off the rails. Yeah, anyway, so like snowballs, kind of more like, oh everyone you know, love wears like, Napoleon’s more like, the dictator that’s like, no, you’re gonna make a law you’re gonna wear the mask. And if you don’t wear the mask, we’ll find you. We’re gonna throw you in prison. It’s for everyone’s it’s for the best for everyone. You got to do it. So there’s two views of this whole thing? Because if you’re one of those people out there that wears a mask and sees all the people that don’t you think, hey, idiot, what are you doing? Like I’m out here suffering wearing this stupid mask. You put the dumb mask on to that’s how this works. How many times do you got to be told to do this? Before they make us do this? Right. And that’s not a commentary on mask. I know. There’s, I bet I’m gonna guess 80% sense of the audience here is anti mask. I’m going to guess that knowing the truth or community I already know. And look, I’m right there with you, man. I don’t believe these people know of a mask works or not. And what’s preposterous is that they never took the time to study this. They knew about pandemics for forever, never spent a nickel on study that makes no damn sense to me. They’re lying to us left and right. So I don’t trust them either. I trust none of these people. However, I do know that when people talk they spit. So the question is this Cova transfer through the spit? I mean, they don’t seem to know anything about anything. They change their mind they flip flop 180 degrees on everything. So to me like I put the damn mask on, I put it on. You know why? Because a I don’t want that sketchy Bill Gates, accelerated DNA, vaccine RNA vaccine whatever be I don’t want to force local leaders and government to become dictators. They say hey we want you to do this because this will lower the transmission whether I believe that or not I kind of I’m like okay, that’s cool you’re not being a dictator because I’m very much against authoritarianism and dictatorship. But I get it you know, I get if you’re an anti master I understand. I’m actually working on making masks and if you know that for my red bubble store, air I love it. I’m going to post it on Instagram. When I get this cool mask that I built. Now that I’m supportive of the mass I again, you know, you know my opinion all that. I don’t know if I believe it. I support those that you know, don’t want to wear it like I’m okay with that. I get it. They haven’t made it very clear. This is on their on them. But I also don’t want them to To get a taste of that dictatorship and keep it rolling, start interfering too much in our lives, right? Anyway, cheese, I’m so tired of talking about COVID and mass are talking about the movie here we’re talking about hunt the hunt. Okay, so the pigs, bah, bah, bah, two different political sort of factions of this idea of how to keep everyone’s, you know, equal on equal footing socialism. But it turns out bad. Napoleon becomes a dictator pig is socialism ultimately turns out to be that that’s what this story tells us. Now, this book, written by George Orwell, it becomes an animated British film in the 1950s, the biggest animated British film of all time. It’s like their version of Disney. But the reason that became so was that the CIA in America got the rights to the book through Orwell’s widow sign You Orwell, in exchange for her to have a meeting with Clark Gable. Because you see the CIA, through like project Mockingbird, and all this other stuff. They had people embedded in Hollywood, working undercover. And they did this as a form of propaganda to convince the world that communism was bad and evil. And it always gives way to dictatorships. It was anti Soviet propaganda, because this is the 1950s, Cold War, all that stuff. Because that was their big thing. And then look, they know this stuff. And this is the whole purpose of the podcast and all my books and everything. It all comes to a head here with the idea that entertainment is far more influential than we give it credit for the symbolism, the ideas. They’re very powerful. Why do you think the CIA is in Hollywood, hiding out and doing sneaky things to push messages? left and right and all this stuff. Now, what’s curious here? Because that’s not the bombshell quite yet. We’re coming up on it. Remember earlier we talked about the this was supposed to be released in March 2020, which means it was filmed prior to that 2019 and they’re sort of understanding about antiva. About the the extreme left movement that was, you know, that erupted in was in May of 2020. Here, June 2020. Was it warning about the anti fur movement somehow on some weird level? was it was it being is it being used as a warning, movie warning. I mean, much like they how they warned they were trying to warn us about the dangers of communism, with the film version of Animal Farm the CIA was trying to scare us. Are they trying to scare conspiracy and conspiracy truth or folks not to talk about these things because that’s who gets sucked into this is human hunting ground. The conspiracy folks that are spreading the truth about the elites through Manor gate. I think it’s an analogy, saying, hey, troopers, you better stop talking about the pizza gate. Because this is where you end up. Hahaha. I think that’s what they’re trying to show us here a direct metaphor for what they’re going to do. They’re going to, they’re going to take us out man. Now, should you think I’m crazy? On July 21. Twitter announced that they’re going to ban all QA on accounts. And you know, I’m not a QA none, guy.
But that’s what they said.
Isaac Weishaupt 42:04
Clearly, and you know, you go back to, you know, the days when they banned me from YouTube, all the conspiracy folks got banned from YouTube. Conspiracy people get banned left and right all over the place. Which is pretty wild. Right? For what for talking about conspiracy theories. Isn’t that silly? Well, I think it’s because the truth or movement is been so well coordinated. That now it’s a real threat. It’s a legitimate domestic threat on some levels. And I think this movie is trying to scare us. Now, finally. Finally, let me wrap this with a bow. What’s curious about all this? If you go back to the Animal Farm movie, the CIA embedded in Hollywood and the operation to fund this movie to scare everyone out of liking communism, do you know who was the man that coordinate made it all that the man who ran the entire operation he Howard hunt the Watergate criminal. So there’s the connection. He Howard hunt, Animal Farm, the hunt. See it’s all connected there. It’s a little play on words. If you know how to put the pieces together, you got the movie, the hunt that has all these references to animal farm was snowball and the pig name or well, and it’s got all this talk about sort of left wing versus right wing principles. And you go back to the animal form propaganda movie that was basically ran by he Howard hunt. Or they outright telling us that the CIA funded this movie as well. And this movie is a warning to all the troops or communities about what their fate could be. If they decided to be so So that’s the film The hunt. I enjoyed it thoroughly ominous threats from the powers that be aside, I thought was very entertaining. So let me know what you think. I am curious to hear what you think about this when I do read most of your comments. I read most of your messages Well, maybe not most your messages. My Instagram dm box is like insanely full. Especially but you got to get on Patreon for sure reading all the Patreon messages, all the Patreon comments I read all of them every single one of them. Let me know what you think. Am I off base here? Am I making things up? Am I finding something where there’s nothing? Do you think that the CIA was involved with this movie? Do you think they’ve been putting thinly veiled threats in here against the truth or community for sticking their nose in places that they shouldn’t have? have gone? Because I mean, you look at those pizza emails. Clearly. There’s some kind of coded language going on. I don’t know if it’s sacrificing kids the mall lock for adrenochrome but it’s something and they clearly didn’t want anyone to look into that because they didn’t. So what do you think? Give me let me know below in the comments and until next time my friends stay woke
Baseball live streaming says
I too believe so , perfectly indited post! .