On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we start analyzing the Lars von Trier horror film The House That Jack Built! It’s quite the tale of occult horror and mayhem as our killer embraces his shadow and makes his way through the nightmare that is this film. Part 1 will discuss the director, Lars von Trier and his alleged improprieties before going into a plot spoiling analysis of the film! Part 1 will cover the first half of the film and the occult symbolism of alchemy, Great architects, Great Work, Great Goodness! Our killer embraces Saturnian concepts and Freemasonry to initiate himself into a new understanding of the world…
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Unknown Speaker 0:03
Your house is a fine little house jack. Are you allowed to speak along the way? I was thinking there might be rules. Let me put it this way. Very few make it all the way without uttering a word. But do carry on merrily just don’t believe you’re going to tell me something I am third before
Unknown Speaker 0:45
I was maybe a mistake, what was my mistake? me getting in this car with you. You might as well be a serial killer. Sorry, but you do kind of look like
Unknown Speaker 1:03
feel like screaming, I definitely can take a shot. Some people claim that the atrocities we commit in our fiction are those inner desires, which we cannot commit in our controlled civilization. So they are expressed instead, through our art. I don’t agree. I believe Heaven and Hell are one in the same. The soul belongs to heaven, and the body to hell.
Unknown Speaker 1:50
When I think about all the things I’ve done in my life, without in any way resulting in punishment,
Isaac Weishaupt 2:07
you’re listening to conspiracy theories and on popular culture, I am your host, Isaac wise up. As you know, I do film reviews sometimes. And I watched a film called the house that jack built three years late. But we’re gonna talk about there’s actually a lot, a lot A lot to unpack here. So I got to make this two episodes. It’s gonna be too long. For one I’m very sorry. And to be a bigger dick about it. I’m only gonna put the second part on my supporter feeds as a way of saying thanks. I know, it’s a very elitist attitude, which goes along with the film. I think the film inspired me that I now think I am part of the elites, the Royal bloodlines. And you know, you should join me. No, I’m just kidding. No, but I, as you know, I have supporter feeds, right? You know, this. I’m on rock fan, I’m on Patreon. And then I got my own thing called VIP section on the Illuminati watchdog calm, the links are in the show notes. You heard me talking about it. And I give them bonus content, as my way of saying thank you for their support. I’d love for that to be you as well, my friend. And they’ll get part two. Because we’ve got so much to talk about. In this first part, we’re gonna talk about the director Lars von Trier. And we’re going to get into the film, we’re going to start our journey through this film, which is like two and a half hours by the way. Hence, the really long film analysis that you’re going to listen to. We’re going to talk about that in part one and part two, we’re going to continue on the journey of the film and then unpack the meaning of that Bizarro ending, which I will reveal to you as more illuminate confirm the occult, the alchemy, the spiritual warfare, it’s all in this movie. It’s all right here. Now a little background on this movie, it was released 2018 and you’re saying Isaac, it’s 2021 brother. Let me tell you something, brother. Is 2021 it’s too late. And I’m here to tell you it’s not too late. I’ve actually had this film on my my, my cue list. Not q as in Pep a Trump there but q like, you know, like the English people say what do you call the watch list on my watch list, waiting for it to show up free cuz I pay for subscriptions everywhere. Netflix. Amazon has a $6 million cable bill every month. And I’ve never seen this movie on any of them. Never. I’ve got Hulu as well. Which is why Thought, and big shout out to Eva on the Instagram. she messaged me and said, Hey, you got to watch this movie. And I said, Yeah, I do get to watch that movie, Eva, you’re right. Unfortunately, I’m too cheap to buy it. Because I don’t know if I’m gonna like it or not. And sure enough, I looked around and went to Hulu, and boom, there it is. So, shout out for Hulu. I don’t know if it’s gonna be on by the time you hear this, but that’s where you can find it for free streaming right now. And, you know, look, I get, here’s another thing, I got asked to watch a lot of stuff, you wouldn’t believe the list. And I appreciate it. Thank you so much. People always, you gotta watch this, gotta watch this, go watch this series on, you know, 60 hour series on Netflix, watch 10 seasons of the show. Watch this movie. And like, I appreciate it. I actually do read all that stuff. And I kind of keep mental note. And I even have every now and then I’ll write lists out and go, Okay, these are the movies, I’m gonna watch how often I get to it not too often. With that being said, generally, the way to sort of jump up the list is if it’s something that interests me, because I am self serving. Like I said, I am now part of the elites, illuminate confirm me. And, but you know, I like the horror movies. And this one was already on my radar. And sure enough, it was free on the Hulu. So here we go. Let’s go baby, let’s go. You know, there’s actually another one that I got to watch added to the list under the Silver Lake. I’ve got more requests for that than any other thing on the planet. And I actually am like 45 minutes into it. I’ve got to restart it. And so it’s another long azmuth you know, two and a half hours. But he’s got so much in it that I’m like, I don’t know, is this worth talking about? Like, is there anything interesting? I mean, you can see the symbolism for yourself, but I’ll do it. I’ll do it when? sometime this year. Not that I’ll commit to that. How’s that sound? But yeah, okay. All right. That’s all that.
Oh, and then there’s like a show on Netflix. Everyone wants me to watch about like some hybrids. I watched the trailer and I was like, he doesn’t interest me. It’s on my list though. Like I said, the list is very long. The only way to like jump to the top of that priority list is if it’s of interest to me, and it’s engrossing and I get into it. I’m like, Okay, this is good. Now, all that being said, You got the vital information. It’s longer than 90 minutes. It’s two and a half hours. It’s free on Hulu as of this recording. Should you watch this? No, absolutely not. It’s, it’s satanic filth. It’s gory. It’s disturbing. You’ll probably have nightmares. No, don’t watch it. Side note. If you’re a degenerate like me, maybe you’d like this movie. It’s just you. I mean, honestly, it might be like the the most disturbing serial killer movie I’ve ever seen in my whole life. disturbing from start to finish. really impressed and as a film, from like a sort of like film critic, dork perspective. Not that I’m a film critic. I am a dork that watches films. It was actually very interesting. It was actually hard to turn away from I mean, two and a half hours, I sat through the I mean, I burned right through it like, Dude, this is actually really good. But like, the subject matter, the kills scenes are like, it’s not for the faint of heart. I will say that. If you’re a horror person, and you love this kind of grow stuff like me. And this is I’ll put it up. I’ll put it up there. With hereditary, which I kind of thought was maybe the greatest horror movie of all time, in the sense that let me explain why I think that is hereditary in the house that jack built, both succeeded in inducing, invoking emotion into the viewer into me to the point where like, I watched her edits in the theater, and I walked in, I said, that might be the greatest harm we’ve ever seen. I’ll never watch it again. But after watching this movie, now, like I could watch hereditary again, and I will, I’ll try it again. But like it leaves disturbing images in your brain. It’s very upsetting. It’s a very upsetting movie, but like, you know, like I’ve always talked about for many years. I’m drawn into these dark things. I don’t know why. I can’t turn away. I can’t quit you jack. Quit you. So okay, all all that to say this. If you want to watch it, I would highly advise to do it before you listen to these shows. But if you watch it, if you haven’t, you know, you heard my spiel. Alright, good enough, you get what I’m saying you’re a smart person. Now, I do want to talk about Lars von Trier for a little bit before we get in the movie. We’re gonna get into the movie, of course. But like I said, I got a lot of notes here. Lars von Trier. You know this the same effect. I had watching this movie as I did the previous Lars von Trier movies I’ve seen I’ve only seen four of his movies. Okay, I’ve seen antichrist, melancholia, nymphomaniac parts one and two, because it’s like five freakin hours. That’s also known as the depression trilogy if that tells you what you’re in for. And now, the house the jacket was my fourth movie, which are no coincidentally, the the four most recent films that he’s done. That the same effect I’m watching this movie, and we’re not doing the plot spoilers. Yeah, I’ll let you know when we get to plot spoiler time. I’m watching the house of Jacko. And I’m sitting here I’m saying, Why am I watching another Lars von Trier movie? Why am I watching these movies? They’re, they’re they’re disturbing. They made my skin crawl. It’s like I’m really looking at evil is what I’m looking at is what it feels like to me. Maybe it’s just like, I’m so pure. I’m a good Christian warrior that I can see through the darkness. I don’t know. I just I watch these movies. And I’m always like, I’m always sitting. I’m like, shit, why am I watching this? What am I doing with my life? You know, now in that trilogy, so they call it the depression trilogy, because it’s, I guess, on some levels, the films are about his depression.
I’ve also heard that the house that jack built is also about him, and his experiences, which we’re going to get into now. I don’t know. I mean, you know where I’m coming from. When I watch these movies, I see the occult symbolism and messaging. And there’s a ton of it in this movie that we got to unpack. Now, Lars is a great example of the changing of the guard. Because here’s a guy Born in 56. So he’s a boomer. And there’s a slow rollout over moving boomers from society. And I’ve, you know, every generation which those are stereotypes, by the way to start up an entire generation of people to be the same thing, but what but I get it like there’s observations and behaviors that, in general speaking generations have. And in defense of the boomer like I know, sometimes I’ll all crap on the boomers a little bit here and there. And no, but independent boomers like they’ve got a certain resilience of certain grit, a certain strength that us Gen Xers and millennials and Zoomers and all that stuff. We don’t have. In general, I’m a pretty tough son of a gun. I’ve been working since I was 13. So like that don’t apply to me. But I’m talking about in generalities. But there’s this attribute of the boomers that they were a little more, man, I don’t know. They were kind of what do you call it like a tell like it is person kind of thing. They were a little less considerate. And this is the way they were brought up, right? Like societies evolve, right? And you can’t hold this against them. Let’s move on to like, we start holding it against these old people that like, you know, a great example is, maybe you’ve got a grandparent and they call Asian people oriental still, right. They don’t mean anything bad by us is what they’ve been calling for 50 years or whatever. And like, not trying, you know, you can burn them to the ground every time someone makes a mistake. Says the white guy who doesn’t have any offensive, derogatory terms against him. But you know what I’m saying? Like, you got to give people a place to be people, especially like the older people, like they, you know, grew up in a different world. I mean, a lot of these older people, they, they want this, like real racial injustice is not that there’s not real racial injustice. You know what I’m saying? Like, this is some horrific stuff in their time. And I’m just saying, when someone gets to a certain age, like, I don’t know that it’s so easy to pivot and like things change so much. Now PC culture, it’s like, it’s ridiculous, right? But there’s the slow removal of this old way of being and these people are being removed. Lars von Trier is one of them. He’s always been controversial. He’s always had controversial statements, which used to have a different effect. I mean, I grew up listening to Howard Stern and like, how star will be canceled in a heartbeat if he talked today the way he talked in the 80s and 90s. And, you know, it’s just, you know, you talk like that today, and it’s it. Bye bye bye now. canceled culture, just cut your throat and you’re out of here. Which is crazy, because we’re going to be left with no entertainers. For instance, here’s one good instance that kind of plays a role in the film. Lars grew up thinking he was Jewish because as what his father was, but then on his mother’s deathbed, she tells him Oh, by the way, that’s not your real dad. Your real dad’s German? Is what I’m reading on Wikipedia, right? take it with a grain of salt. And like this guy’s obviously got very dark humor. Sure, surely he does. And I’m going to read you from Wikipedia says he joked that since he was no longer Jewish, he now understands and sympathizes with Hitler, that he is not against the Jews, except for Israel, which is a pain in the ass and that he is a Nazi. Is that a funny joke? No. Is it dark? Yes. But like, I mean, sometimes humor is the cure, you got to take the sting out of things like, how painful is that to know? Like, that’s not your real father. Like, you know, you watch Maury Povich that tells you everything you need to know. They’ll show you what it’s like. A camera man runs into the backroom.
People are crying. So like this guy goes through a bunch of trauma, as everybody does. And maybe that’s his way of coping is joking about it. Is it an inappropriate joke now? Is it funny? Not really. Is he really a Nazi? I mean, I don’t think so. What do I know? But he did apologize. So like, to me that counts for something. Now, so this is one example of his controversial statements in the past. And the next so today’s film that we’re going to talk about in 2018. He said this about it. When it released, he said, It celebrates the idea that life is evil and soulless, which is sadly proven by the recent Rise of the Homo trumpists, the Rat King, which is obviously a narrative against Donald Trump. But he’s very controversial guy. And that Trump thing makes itself known in the film when there’s a scene where some characters wear red hats. Okay. We’ll talk about that later. And one of the big claims is that Lars is massaging this. That’s the big one. That he hates women. Supported by singer Bjork. She was in his 2000 film dancer in the dark to have not seen and she claimed she was actually sexually harassed by Lars back in 2017. I don’t know that she made that statement in 2017. Excuse me. Now, other female actresses like Kristen dance, and such they defended Lars they say he’s not that he wasn’t that kind of guy with them. I don’t know I wasn’t there. But people point to the treatment of the women in his films as support for this idea, which like is a little bit crazy, right? Like, well, I mean, is a movie in his real life, right? And like, in his defense, I’ve seen antichrist going off a memory I’m pretty sure willing to flog it’s his penis chopped off. could be wrong. Just freestyling here. But maybe, right. I don’t know. Here’s Nicole Kidman here this is this is a this is actually very good explanation. A good good example of the differences in generations and ideas of what’s funny and such. Okay. Listen to this. from Wikipedia, I’ll just read you read from it. Nicole Kidman, who started Lars Von Trier’s dogville said in an interview with ABC Radio national quote, I think I tried to quit the film three times because he said, I want to tie you up and whip you and that’s not to be kind. I was like, What do you mean? I’ve come all this way to rehearse with you to work with you. And now you’re telling me you want me to let you want. Now you’re telling me you want to tie me up and with me. But that’s Lars and Lars takes his clothes off and stands there naked and you’re like, oh, put your clothes back on Mars. Please, let’s just shoot the film. But he’s very, very raw. And he’s almost like a child and that he’ll say and do anything. And he would have to eat dinner every night. No, he said, let me take it back. And we would have to eat dinner every night. And most of the time that would end with me in tears because Lars would sit next to me and drink peach snobs and get drunk and get abusive, and I’d leave. And anyway, then we go to work the next morning. So like, all that stuff is very cancelable. Right? Like, you can’t do that at work. Kenya. Maybe that’s like old Hollywood attitudes. Maybe that’s like how things used to be. I don’t know. I wish I knew. But, you know, all very inappropriate stuff, If true, okay. But you can see Nicole Kidman, who’s like also a boomer, she’s kind of just like, whatever, like men are pigs. It’s fine. Let’s just shoot this film. Like, that’s kind of the attitude. Like I was saying, like, the boomers had a little more grit, like, Is that good or bad? I don’t think I don’t know. I mean, like, in some ways, like, you got to give people space to be scumbags. Some ways, like you can’t cancel everybody for everything. And other ways. Like you can’t let sexual harassment and abuse go on either. like someone’s got to stand up and say, Look, enough’s enough. So like, you could just see the difference in generations like it’s just a different world that the young folks live in now versus the way it used to be and how the boomers are used to just operating keeping them moving. You know. Lars his parents were both like super liberal communist types. nudists said he went to nudist camp vacations growing up, which explains why maybe he was hanging out with Nicole Kidman naked, I don’t know.
Said he grew up in a household that had no room for feelings religion, or employment or employment enjoyment. Big difference. Big difference between employment and enjoyment. Later he said he’s a bad Catholic but becoming more atheist so. And from his movies, you could be like, Oh, yeah, this dude’s an atheist. You. That seems to be the case. Let’s start with a cast. The only thing that really matters Matt Dillon. He plays jack, the main character. Everybody else insignificant. Who cares? No, I’m just kidding. But they’re the roles are very minor. But Matt Dylan’s got the most recognizable character here. And he’s the main main, the killer, right? Alright, let’s get in the movie. We’re, we’re 20 minutes into the show. Let’s start this movie. Plot spoilers from here on out. Take this serious, because it will definitely alter your viewing experience. So if you have an interest in seeing this movie, after all the stuff I’ve said, do it now. Cuz I would argue that I might ruin this whole film for you if you listen past this point. All right, let’s go. Basically, the film is about jack, our serial killer. And a 12 year period in the 70s and 80s up in Washington state where he kills people. The okay so and the way the film was presented, if you haven’t seen it, it’s given us a narrative being told by jack to a person named verge who you don’t really see till, you know, three quarters of the movie. And this is a reference to the Roman poet Virgil, more on verge in the conclusion where we’re going to talk about the themes of this movie the reconciliation of male and female the opposing polarities, good and evil. The alchemical process that jack goes through, we’ll talk about the methods of the murders and the ancient mystery rights My god, it’s all here. But I’m just gonna, I’m gonna go through the film. As you know, as the film unfolds, as it was received by me with my notes, you know, watching it the first time this is sort of the reaction video. This is as it’s unfolding, I’m realizing stuff. But then at the end of the film, you’re like, Oh, I get what this is happening now. Right? And then you a little more research, like, okay, yeah, this all makes sense. But I’m going to give it to you sort of as it unfolded to me. JACK says he’s going to discuss five formative incidents. So there’s like five acts to this movie kind of. And then the epilogue sort of scene, which we’ll get into Of course, in part two. But the first one, very gripping. I mean, within five minutes of this movie, starting, we’ve already hit this, this point of no return of being like I got to finish this film. This is great. This is really good. Because the characters are so intriguing, you’re watching it, you know, jack, he’s he’s in a pickup truck, or I’m sorry, a van or red van, which read, of course a symbolic gesture, which will again later in the film come across. And he’s driving down this sort of Reno, woodsy area of Washington. And there’s Ouma Thurman broken down on the side of the road with her flat tire. But her Jacks all busted up. And he pulls over and he’s like, he doesn’t have to talk to human beings. You can tell he’s like a total weirdo. And she’s kind of like, Hey, you want to give me a ride? And he’s like, sure. And she gets in the truck. And she starts like, it’s so bizarre because she’s talking to him and she’s like, I shouldn’t have done this. What if you’re a serial killer? You know, you could bury my body over here. Look at that. You could turn here and burn my body. Just make sure you did it six feet under. Like, you’re like what is this lady doing? Because right now you don’t know. JACK the killer yet we don’t know is the killer like she’s acting like the killer at this point. And jack is like getting really annoyed. He takes her to get her jack fix. The blacksmith fixes it and the driving back she’s still being stupid. And the jack breaks again. And
I’m just realizing now jack and jack right. So jack is using the broken jack and it breaks and this again, I’m freestyling here. I just watched this movie so it’s pretty fresh. JACK has his mental break at this point. Because the jack breaks the red jack by the way the jack is read. They keep zooming in on it showing you the jack has read. So he has a mental break induced by una Thurman’s character, this woman who’s like just being a total bitch to him and you’re like why provoking this guy. Be like, you kind of know he’s gonna be the killer, but you’re like, Dude, what are you doing? And it breaks and she harasses me giving her a ride back to the blacksmith one more time. And he’s like, Look, I’m busy. And she’s like, no, you’re gonna take me and hurry up. That’s they’re driving and she’s still harassing him. She was you know what? I don’t think you could be a serial killer you too much of a wimp. And that’s when he hits the brakes and he grabs that red jack any bashes are facing with it. And there you go. It’s on Bob 10 minutes into the movie and you’re like, Whoa, this got hardcore real quick. And he takes her body to a freezer that he had bought a big walk in freezer for pizzas, frozen pizzas, which by the way, says he ate one and wasn’t good. So there’s a few pizzas in there still. And it made me really hungry for shitty frozen pizza too, by the way, I don’t know why. disturbing, right? I don’t know what that says about me. Anyway, he he takes this body to the freezer, which ends up being a place where he stores all the bodies for all the murders. Then I’ll show every murder in this movie. You find out there’s at least 61 of them. You see just a handful of them. Yeah, and usually I watch films like 15 minute chunks because like I just not that I’m like that busy or that interesting or that cool? I just I don’t know. have our time like if it’s a movie I’m watching for work, you know, quote unquote work. Like I watched in 15 minute chunks. But this one like I mean it it pulled me in. I was like, This is wild. I gotta watch this. So the first murder had the first incident happens and we go back to the narration. Okay. And jack is narrating to verge this unseen character who I thought at this point in the movie was the shrink. I thought it was like a shrink that he was recapping all this to later find out that’s not the case. But he compares murder to art and architecture and God. And he calls God the great architect.
Unknown Speaker 29:18
Oh, do you are a dangerous man smacked her with the jack Did you? Honestly, I’ve heard of more murders than I can count. And by the way, what does this ridiculous man have to do with anything?
Unknown Speaker 29:34
It’s Glenn Gould. One of the greatest piano players of our time. He represents art.
Unknown Speaker 29:47
So jack, and the face of an admittedly unbearable lady was great art. Is that what to make of it?
Unknown Speaker 29:58
Dear Mr. verge, Please give me a chance to cast some supplemental light on the story of the jack. The old cathedrals often have sublime artworks hidden away in the darkest corners for only God’s See, or whatever one feels like calling the great architect behind it all. The same goes for murder. When I say cathedrals, is first and foremost, the Gothic buildings we admire here, elegant pointed arches have replaced the earlier more primitive, rounded arches. The Art of engineering is first and foremost, about statics. That is, so things remain standing in spite of the various forces that impact buildings. In this way, the pointed arch created a possibility to build much higher in with much more light. But most importantly, with less use of material, I often say that the material does work. In other words, it is a kind of will of its own, and that by following, the results will be the most exquisite.
Unknown Speaker 31:13
So the material was the jet that jumped into the latest face on its own. Art is many things very convenient and unusual in the pile of bad excuses. But all of that is of no interest whatsoever, unless you are an engineer. I am an engineer.
Isaac Weishaupt 31:39
Now all this talk about the material doing the work, they use that phrase doing the work. It’s rubbish to the great work, the alchemical process, Freemasonry, all of these things, all of the above. And when you look at alchemy, paracelsus taught in alchemy, there are three basic materials that form all things. Salt, sulfur, and mercury. Sulfur and Mercury are the opposing forces, solver being male, Mercury being female, and salt being the offspring, the divine child. And this comes up in many ways, a term we can all recognize as E equals MC squared, right in science. Well, that also presents itself in alchemy. 500 years prior to the discovery of the formula by Einstein energy is sulfur Mercury’s light mass is salt equals mc squared. Now, the secrets of alchemy were passed down through all these Mystery Schools, okay? in secret, right. But secrets of alchemy were also presented and passed down symbolically and in architecture as a way of protecting the secrets as a sort of subtle nod. Which is why I would argue that symbolism to this day in entertainment is in fact, revealing truths and secrets of the occult, to other initiates, or people that are in the know, you, you’re now in the know, on giving out the revelation of the method here, or at least as I interpret it, I could be wrong. I’ve been wrong before I’ll be wrong again. But yeah, how interesting that architecture was used to pass on these secret ideas and secret knowledge. And here are killers talking about God and architecture. Now, alchemy, sticking on that topic of the material doing the work. They believe that this God knows or Hermes, like Hermes trismegistus, which is where your hermetic laws come from the order of the hermetic dawn, right? golden order of No, yeah, the golden order of hermetic dawn. Does that sound right? I don’t think that’s right. You know what I’m saying though, Thoth and Hermes, they were this God was the master of the three planes of existence, the mind the body and the soul. This is the the physical, spiritual mental states, this is Earth, heaven and the in between, okay. And the alchemist, their job was to take the materials given to them. And through a process of like distillation, coagulation, all this stuff. They were to refine an object down to its basic constituents and rebuild it, such that it will be perfected. And one method of doing this was through the philosopher’s stone. The Philosopher’s Stone was more than just a physical object though. It was the the material of earth with the purpose How do we evolve and unites man, unite man’s soul into the oneness, the one global consciousness stuff. Man can become immortal. They talk about turning lead into gold, and that was more of a spiritual transmutation not necessarily getting rich off gold. Okay. So jack, he’s talking about architecture. He’s building a house, which this ties us into the Freemasons. The Freemasons are the architects the fact that big G, you see in the Freemason composition, squares refers to the great architect, which is the exact verbiage the jack uses. And jack is building a house. Now what do you think those Freemasons did? You know, literally not, you know, before you got into like speculative Freemasonry, they were builders. That’s what the composition square for the trail and all that stuff on the apron. And jack, he says he’s an engineer, he always wanted to be an architect. And he always wanted to build his own house, hence the name of the film, the house that jack built, because jack is going on a spiritual journey of Freemasons and ideas of the occult of the the alchemical processes. It is the house that jack built. And jack also, by the way, has obsessive compulsive disorder. And they joke about how how, how crazy it is that a serial killer would have OCD because he’s got to like, keep everything neat and clean.
Now we move on to the second incident. The second incident, jack decides he’s going to strangle this lady, basically. And he shows up at her house and, you know, gets in there and strangles her. Well, that’s a oversimplification because it’s quite horrific. She, he, he, he goes to he strangled her. And this is his first murder by strangulation. It’s assumed, I guess, you can tell he’s a bit nervous about killing still. The first the first killing that we saw was Zuma Thurman. And like, the jack broke, and he bashed her head and it was very violent and angry, but this is more premeditated. He’s like, I’m gonna do this. This is my thing now, I guess. And he goes up to her house, and she lets him in and he strangled her, but he doesn’t keep her strangled long enough. And she’s actually like, he thinks she’s dead, but she’s not. And she starts like, kind of gasping and like choking on her tongue. That is really horrific. I mean, it’s, it’s like, I don’t know, like watching an animal die if you don’t, I don’t know if you’re, I don’t hunt. I’ve never hunted but it’s like, if you hunted and you shot and it was just wounded. It’s like, Oh my god, like, please stop this now. Then she starts kind of gasping and he seems like I don’t know to feel bad. So this this, this poor woman, she’s, she’s grasping for air, unable to move lying on the ground and he sort of feels bad and he gets a thermos out. And it’s revealed that he is drinking Campbell mild tea, and he’s trying to get her chamomile tea. Now, I should know that like being an avid coffee drinker, what you know, that’s, that’s a real sociopath thing to drink tea. I think I don’t like tea. I’m anti tea. I’m on Team coffee all day. And this just further supports that. That idea only serial killers drink tea, and walk around with a thermos full of it.
Unknown Speaker 38:59
But he he
Isaac Weishaupt 39:02
he ends up killing her. And like he puts a every night this is where like, it’s so disturbing. He puts a knife in her like barely dead heart and it’s like squirting blood. And this is like, WTF it’s like the super realistic I mean, I guess obviously, I’ve never seen this firsthand. But like, because I guess it’s because like, he screws up killing your first and he’s just kind of horrifically wounded. And just shows that he’s kind of like learning like it’s a learning process which I imagine would be pretty realistic if you like don’t really know you’re not violently like killing people like you’re just trying to learn as you go I guess. At this point, it seems like it seems very like American Psycho ask like the guy reminds me of Patrick Bateman like with the OCD somehow way less likable though if you could find Patrick Bateman likable I don’t know. And anyways, he so he kills the woman, he wraps her up in bubble wrap and puts her in the van. And what do you know, here comes a cop. And the cop asks, he pulled he pulls up to the van. He’s like, what are you doing here at this house? He’s like, Oh, I want to talk to you know, old girl, whatever her name was ma Dukes here. And he was like, Okay, get out the van. And, and they go to the house, and they end up searching the house and, and Jack’s like, Oh, you should really look at this house, you should call it over. Because he’s basically trying to distract him so he can grab the body and get it out of there. So I’ve read about he actually saw the cop pulls the body out of the van throws it in the bushes next to the van. Because he knew the cop was going to look through the van which he did. And now he’s now he’s like, kind of basically distract this cop and the cars fine, like Okay, get out of here. So he gets out of there. And he goes and grabs the body ties with the rope to the van and hauls ass out of there, dragging this body behind them. Very brazen. Also very disturbing. You see, like a trail of like the blood from this, this corpse as he’s driving away. And he drives all the way down the alley down to where the freezer is. And it’s very, very gross, he stops and he looks and he sees this trail of blood. And he’s like, Oh, my God, I’m about to get caught. There’s a blood trail leading directly to the freezer to my van. And then here comes the rain to wash away the trail blood.
Unknown Speaker 41:57
The great rain get washed away long track from my escape. Now, I don’t consider myself a decidedly devoted man of faith, which of course is a totally crazy thing to say, considering our present situation. But I must admit, I experienced the rain, the fiercest I’ve ever seen as a kind of a blessing. And the murder as a kind of liberation. I felt that I had a higher protector.
Isaac Weishaupt 42:39
And in reality, you were just a terrifying pervert Satan. Now ironically, I just realized the irony of this. I’m actually drinking tea as I’m recording this, because when I take little breaks to play the little clip, I’d take a little sip. All right. And yeah, I drink tea. Actually, I’m trying to cut back on the coffee. It’s too much caffeine. But I still hate tea, and I’m team coffee all day. Anyway, let’s keep it to the movie. So the rain comes. And it’s almost like God is looking out for him or Satan. I would argue and even acknowledge that and verge says you’re more like Satan. And what’s disturbing in the movie he the rain comes as washing away the blood. And he flips this body over and like, you know, Lars von Trier shows you everything. Which I don’t like I don’t I love horror movies. I don’t like this too much. I like the too much. I like I like this the 70s like Halloween, you know, like is brutal. And he’s killing people but like, it’s mostly in the shadows. You don’t really see the blood. Like Carpenter’s 1978 Halloween? I don’t I don’t know there’s any. I don’t think there’s one drop of blood. If I’m not mistaken. I could be wrong. Don’t quote me on that. I don’t need to see it. Like, show me like it’s happening in a way that’s creative and doesn’t get too gory. I don’t want to I don’t want this picture burned in my brain for the next week. And that’s what happens in this movie. He flips over the body and sure enough, there’s the face all ground away from driving miles on the road with it. Then, you know every between the incidents between the murder scenes, there’s like narration and there’s like I don’t a little film ensemble things. And during this one he does jack is doing the sort of card flipping thing that if you’ve ever seen there was an nx s video and the was the 80s or 90s out I remember the name of the song but you know what I’m talking about or like he’s standing there with a deck of white 12 by 18 sheets and he flips away One word at a time. Right? And that’s kind of what he’s doing here. Now, I had only found out because you know, being like a Gen X or slash millennial type that this was done back by Bob Dylan back in the day I saw this. I don’t know what I was watching. Bob Dylan did it in some music video thing forever ago, I thought annex at all I thought he just came up with that. No Bob Dylan. Then you see, you see jack at home. And he’s cutting out photographs of people that have emotions and stuff. And he starts emulating the emotions in the mirror like a real sociopath. Because he doesn’t have emotions, which this ties us into the theory that this movie is really about Lars von Trier, because as you recall from my preamble, Lars says he grew up in a house where you couldn’t have emotions. Then he’s flashing back to his youth when jack was a child. And he talks about how he was like sort of high mountain in the in the fields. And he would enjoy watching these farmers who were in a formation. Back in the day, they used to cut down the reeds with a site like like a sickle. I don’t want to I don’t want to call this but you know, the site is what the Grim Reaper holds. Right? You know what I’m talking about? Well, this ties in to some ideas. The act of using the site. This this act is done when it’s time to harvest the crops. When it’s time for death and the rebirth process okay. This could be equivalent to what makes jack want to kill he is this attorney and force with the site is time to kill. Now, of course, Saturn showed us the Grim Reaper with the safe because in terms of mythology, which again, we already know, Lars von Trier gets into mythology, he the the forces of Saturn or Kronos they are the things that introduce the material world. And we talked about the divine material. It’s this attorney in force. The attorney in force in terms of mythology, introduct introduce the limitations of time and measurement.
Time, of course, introduces the idea of death, which some would say that the Bible like man used to live forever. And it was until the Saturnian forces came and introduced the constructs and the constraints of measurements and time, the man now was introduced to death through the snake through the Luciferian force. Saturn is also symbolic and alchemy as led as the first stage of the process. So in some ways, jack, as a boy, is starting his alchemical process. He’s introduced to the blackening, this attorney in first stage, the negotiator, whatever you want to call this, it’s the alchemical process, and that happens in this scene. Now, if you want to get real crazy, which I know you do, there’s a thing called the fraternity of Saturn, this brotherhood of Saturn, and they were to it’s going to call it group basically, they taught some of Alister Crowley’s ideas of the Lima they talked about like magic and all this stuff. And it has its roots in the Scandinavian lodges know that Lars is from Scandinavia from Denmark. Is there a connection there? No clue. There might be though, maybe someone knows more about Lars von Trier than I do. They can let me know as they find that maybe Lars was indoctrinated into these esoteric teachings. Who knows? In the fraternity of Saturday, though, there’s a guy named Greg or gregorious. That’s his like magic name. That wasn’t his real name. And his teachings were about how humans are caught between two polarities. Talk about this all the time with the reconciliation of opposites. Life or creativity? Because again, creativity ties us into art ties into the dark forces. Death or destruction. So you got life. On one pole death on the other creativity on one pole destruction on the other. Good on one pole evil on the other. But both polarities are necessary to evolve Or initiate man and to the the knowledge, the gnosis the wisdom that he seeks to become perfected. And these occultist they thought, at least in the fraternity of Saturn, that only the elites will understand this and understand this worldview, and only the elites can evolve and reach this, you know, immortal stage this Philosopher’s Stone. The masses, they’re too stupid. their mouth breathers they will never get it. They’re prisoners of the unconsciousness. And they said, Greg Laureus said, darkness proceeds light. Without darkness, there is no light. So on one hand, the initiate to become perfected has to embrace the darkness. And it’s only because of the social constructs by the mouth breathers that we think that it’s bad to embrace evil, basically. And then jack cuts a duck’s leg off. So there you go. He cuts the dog’s leg off. As a boy, they show it. They show him taking some like, you know, dikes or whatever and cutting this duck leg off. Oh my God, please make it stop. Why do I watch these movies? I hate seeing that. I don’t want to see that. But don’t worry, I stayed and watch the credits. And sure enough, it said the animals were not hurt. It looked very real. I hope that’s true. I hope animals were not hurt because I was very disturbing. And then he throws the duck in the pond and I can’t swim. It’s like good night. It takes like a an evil mind to put this on screen. Now, the vast they go back to sort of not present day but like back to the murder times the 12 years. He’s been freezing bodies. And he’s kind of getting bored with it and his OCD kicks in. Okay. There’s all time he’s been taking photos. I didn’t mention that yet. When it comes up in the plot. He’s been taking photos of every all the murders because you know, it’s like like Dexter, you know, he has to take that that piece of blood and the petri dish stuff with him. And he decides he doesn’t like the photos anymore. And he needs to take these frozen corpses back to the original murder scene and recreate the photos.
And along the way, he’s killing people. Yeah, he’s going off the rails. And like you watch it and like you just keep saying what the hell dude, Stop man. Like it’s very upsetting. And there’s another reference here and he references William Blake, and this is when I was like, okay, illuminate confirmed this movie. All the way. He talks about the lamb and the tiger.
Unknown Speaker 53:02
Could you elaborate a little on why the old lady had to die?
Unknown Speaker 53:07
I can’t explain it all. But perhaps I can describe it as the kind of blood frenzy in your mind experiences in the hen house. Do you know Blake’s poems about the lamb and the tiger
Unknown Speaker 53:24
do know break superficially. On the frail on escape the comprehensive tutorial.
Unknown Speaker 53:35
God created both the lamb and the tiger. The Lamb represents innocence. And the tiger represents savagery. both parts are perfect and necessary. The Tiger lives on blood and murder kills the lamb. And that is also the artist’s nature.
Unknown Speaker 53:55
He will read Blake like the devil reads the Bible. After all, the poor lamp didn’t have to die in order to become even the greatest art.
Unknown Speaker 54:06
The Lamb has been bestowed with the honor of living forever in art and artists divine.
Isaac Weishaupt 54:13
So again, we’ve got this opposing polarities idea. You got the innocence of the lamb versus the savagery of the tiger. And you’ve got art being divine and immortal. And murder is part of art. In his mind. He is the architect the artist. Murder is his medium or his method I should say. But the argument here is that both parts are perfect. And this is again representative of the opposing polarities. This attorney and ideas of all that stuff. And it’s a bit of Church of Satan to man is just an animal. He has animalistic urges and man should satisfy them and in defense of Church of Satan. It’s Only if, you know consenting adults are involved or whatever. But yeah, this is like the lamb versus the tiger. Like every every person has bits of lamb and Tiger within them. And you know, according to some of these folks, in the occult, they would argue that social constructs and society, they stifle the tiger. They want everyone to be a lamb. Is that right? Is that wrong? You decide. And we’ll come back to Blake one more time in the conclusion, because there’s a lot more to talk about with William Blake. But at this point, verge and jack are like, you know, having a conversation about everything and verges like that van, your boat on these bodies, and it’s getting pretty bloody, that’s pretty dangerous and reckless to drive around with those blood in the van. And jack says, sometimes the best way to hide is to not hide at all. Again, this is the the idea is hidden in plain sight, all this symbolism that you’ve seen, that we’ve been talking about for 10 years now. They hide it in plain sight. And maybe there maybe revelation of the method is the process, maybe I’m helping them Am I I don’t know. Now they there’s the scene where they’re looking at the photos and the negatives and the quality of the demonic, the dark light, as he’s looking at these negatives.
Unknown Speaker 56:37
For me, though, what was really sensational about the word with the photo, it wasn’t the image, but the negative. When I was 10 years old, I discovered that through the negative, you can see the real inner demonic quality of the light, the dark light,
Isaac Weishaupt 56:59
not the terms that he used. These are mild, though work, he says the work is the great work of Freemasonry of the initiate going through the process of enlightenment through the gnosis through the wisdom through the Sophia. It’s the alchemical journey of reconciling these opposing polarities by embracing the dark, the negative, or the dark light that he’s referring to, when talking about the photos, what that means. And he decides he’s going to mail these photos to the local newspaper, which this part of the plot doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t really ever pick up. But the the the zip code on the letters 98632 I looked that up, because I’m a little crazy, myself. And it’s revealed to be a town called Longview in the state of Washington. All right. Of course, he’s from the northwest. bunch of weirdos up there. I joke I kid. But most people I’ve met from Oregon and pretty weird. I grew up my best friend was from Washington, so shout out my best friend out there in Washington. But yeah, the and then I thought, oh my god, Washington. Is that where Bill Gates is from Bill Gates. Is he a serial killer? He kind of looks like jack with the same square spectacles and everything. Got a little bit of like OCD. Maybe that’s Bill Gates. Fun fact. The other thing that made me think of Green Day, and I looked it up and sure enough, the song long view is about the city of Longview Washington. Why? I don’t know. The song is about waxing your carrot. So I don’t know. He says, you know, in the song alergy says, sit around and watch the phone but no one’s calling, which is prophetic. Because in 1992 you couldn’t, you know, wax the carrot with the phone and now you could. Right see that. See where that is? He sits around and watches the phone. And the song is all about you know, carrot waxing. And Fast Forward 10 2030 years damn 30 years, man, I’m old 30 years and you could sit around and watch the phone and wax the carrot. So there we go. Fun fact. Next verge he he’s he’s having deeper and deeper conversations as the movie progresses, okay. And he’s asking he says What about repentance? And verse says, like the people I deal with repent all the time, which at the time that’s doesn’t make sense. You’ll find out why that is here soon enough. And jack He’s like, I don’t repent anything because again, this is the idea. There’s no such thing as evil doesn’t exist, why repent. There’s nothing wrong with doing it. murdering stuff. Now More importantly, you’ll hear talk about shadows and how they change in density and size. And then that plays a role in this too.
Unknown Speaker 1:00:13
But what about repentance check? The ones idea with paint the paint all over the place.
Unknown Speaker 1:00:23
I repent nothing, no matter how long we have to walk. But I did think of something the other day. Imagine a man walking down the street underneath the street lamps. Right under a light his shadow is the densest but also the tiniest. Then when he starts to move, his shadow grows in front of him, the shadow becomes bigger and bigger while it thins out, and the shadow behind him from the next lamppost emerges and becomes shorter and shorter, until it reaches its ultimate density as the man stands directly underneath the light. Let’s say that the man standing underneath the first lamppost is me, when I’ve just committed a murder, I feel strong, and content, I start to walk in the shadow in front of me grows bigger, like my pleasure. But at the same time, pain is on its way, represented by the shadow behind me from the next lamppost. And at the midpoint between the lampposts. The pain is so great, it outweighs My pleasure. And with every step forward, pleasure dissolves, and pain intensifies behind me. Finally, the pain is so unbearably intense that I have to act. So when I reached the point with the next lamp and Zenith, I will kill again.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:01:53
It’s all about the light in the dark in the shadows, right, and about how the light will change in strength and density depending on where he’s at. It’s like a cyclical nature, right. And it implies that he feels best and feel strongest when murdering. It’s the cycle of pain versus strength. And every street lamp provides this new, you know, reinvigoration based on the shadow, and you know, the shadow is something we’ve talked about many, many, many times, is this idea of embracing the dark. I would if you’re not familiar with this, because I don’t want to belabor the point too hard. read my book, the dark path, which, again, you’ll get if you sign up for Patreon, or Illuminati watch your VIP section, I’ll give you a free copy of the E book copy. Or you can get it on Amazon or audible. I narrated it lots of great reviews for this book is my, my magnum opus, as it were, my greatest understanding of all these ideas, synthesize into one book, get the dark path, my friend anyway. In the book, we talked about creativity a lot. Because Carl young said that creativity and man resides inside the shadow. And this is where the symbols speak to us. That’s why the symbolism is a language to the subconscious. And this ties into you know, Kenneth grant, another occultist, he talked about how the source of human creativity comes from the mob zones. And, you know, we get into the mob zone as a dream stay. The source of artistic impulse is the place where contact can be had with divine and demonic forces. So like, again, this ties into all the ideas of this movie with all of its talk about art and creating art and embracing the dark and embracing the shadow, which also by the way, we talked about the shadow a bunch on my Kobe Bryant shows from early 2020 when I read Kobe Bryant’s kids books that he wrote, and shockingly, the idea of the one book was that the athlete the athletic child, embraced the shadow and the shadow was dark and evil, but boy did that shadow increase this athletes abilities. That’s what Kobe was teaching your kids. Don’t blame me. Now, third incident Rhonda Orlando, the third incident of the movie. I mean, already, there’s, you know, it’s been implied, or at least shown, I mean, it’s been at least 1020 murders or something. And this might be the worst one. It might be the worst. I mean, they’re all bad in their own right. This one is pretty horrific. He he he’s taking like a girl on a date, a woman on a date and the woman has like her two sons with her. And, you know, there’s no background they just kind of start showing this And he’s taking them out in the woods in the woods, and he’s gonna show him how to hunt and shoot. And this is where he puts the Red Hats on. Everybody’s like for safety, we wear red hats. And this is very similar to the Donald Trump stuff. And we know previously, Lars von Trier had this statement about Trump. And what we’re presuming is like he tried to build a family. And you’re like, oh, was there a moment where jack wasn’t a homicidal maniac? And, you know, the woman seems really happy. And she’s very proud that like, Jack’s taken on this fatherly figure roll, and he’s showing the sons how to shoot a gun and how to hunt. And, you know, Jack’s kind of like, Look, you know, the one boys like, Did you kill an animal before and he was like, I have, but I’m not proud of it. You know, like you, you hunt for, you know, more noble purposes or whatever. Now, oddly enough, he he’s sort of saying the thing because, like any good serial killer, he’s, he’s putting on a face to the world. That’s not true to his own sort of will. Talking about how this whole hunting thing just bleeds ism. And he doesn’t like how people show off their dead animals as trophies. Which, of course, he’s got a freezer full of dead bodies. Anyway, so this is all happening in the next thing, you know, he’s up in this, you know, kind of cuts the scene and next thing you know, he’s, he’s on top of this tower, and he’s, he’s shooting at the family. He’s taken out the young boys first. And like, your jaw just drops and you’re like, what in the actual F is happening here?
I mean, and he just got done teaching these kids this lesson on like, how you and I don’t know anything about hunting like not my thing. Something about like, how you when you hunt a deer you don’t you don’t kill the mother, you kill the like, the biggest. I know Fon. What’s a deer child called a fallen? light me up in the comments. Anyway, the Yeah, so like, you don’t shoot the mother. Because if you if you kill the mother, now the two the two baby deer, they’re going to die for sure. Because there’s no mother to take care of. So you shoot the biggest baby deer. So mother can keep reproducing and take care of the other one. The survivor. And sure enough is what he does. He starts picking off the boys. And you would think for a moment you’re like, Lars isn’t going to show that Yo, yo, he does. It’s then like it. This is every Lars von Trier movie. It goes from bad to worse, to unbearably worse. He shoots the boys. And he makes the mother. She’s still alive. But she’s like, obviously in complete shock. He makes the mother feed the dead son pie. And you’re just like, dude. But wait, it gets worse. But wait, there’s more. He asked her He’s like, what’s your favorite number? And she’s like, my favorite numbers 12. He says that’s an excellent number. Then he gives her to the count of 12 to escape. But she’s so numb. He’s she’s just kind of stumbling around and walking. Zoey basically just pops from the sniper rifle tower. They’re not as curious as she chose 12 you know, 1212 Disciples of Christ 12 signs of the zodiac, all that stuff. Like, this is haunting thing is like, the Darwinian stuff that the Church of Satan would embrace. Not, you know, the disadvantages of saying like they wouldn’t embrace like shooting on ARM kids and stuff. But like, there’s a sort of Darwinian evolutionary idea. You know, it’s like, the the strength of the strongest animal is what should reign supreme. Right. Now, this point in the film, I’ve already committed and saying, this might be the most disturbing film of all time worse than hereditary. And in some ways, it might be the greatest horror film of all time, because to elicit such a disturbing response, you know, which I haven’t really felt since watching like faces of death, which isn’t a horror movie, really. But like the largest, he just keeps ratcheting up the heart to the point where you just want to tap out you’re like, I don’t even want to watch this anymore. But you do. Because like, he’s actually like a really great filmmaker, like almost like Stanley Kubrick, where it’s like, everything’s like very artistic. And I don’t know how to describe it, because I’m not a film critic. I got a book on it. I’m trying to read it and understand how to talk to you better So it wasn’t like such an idiot. But like, the way they filmed it, like it’s just engrossing and you’re like, dude, I can’t stop watching this. Like the count of 12 thing like good night. Oh, and by the way, like, it gets worse, like, he counts to 12. She’s like, in shock, walking away jogging, any popular, and oh, she’s not dead yet. So he walked up to her, and then they shows a close up and he shoots her point blank with the rifle. Just like, Oh my god, just when you think you can’t get worse, here we go. Here we go. So there you go. That’s uh, that’s the end of part one. Part Two, again, going to be for the bonus stuff for their supporters only shout out to my supporters, you should be one of them. If you like the show, if you like the stuff I’m presenting, you want more information, you know where to go. There’s three places patreon.com slash Illuminati watcher where you’ll get that free copy of the dark paths, you can learn all about the shadow.
You could go to Illuminati watch calm in the VIP section, which is essentially the same as Patreon a little less community involvement. But some people don’t like Patreon, so there you go, you’ll also get the dark path there. Or you can go to rockfon comm slash creator slash Isaac, and sign up and you’ll get all kinds of stuff. You won’t get the book, but you will get all kinds of other stuff. Like you’ll get the uncensored version of my other shows that I do inside the mind of a conspiracy theorist where we’re talking about spars recently, and breaking social norms with Mrs. Weishaupt, the uncensored version of that, as well. So there you go, there’s three options for you. I’ve got the comparison on Illuminati watch calm and the VIP section, you can compare all three and see which one you like one of them is just right for you. And once you unlock that, you’ll get Part Two where we’re going to talk about the meaning of the ending. Because once you watch this movie, and you see that and you’re say what in the hell is happening here, Isaac guide me Tell me I’ll tell you about alchemy and the spiritual warfare that ultimately is what this movie is all about. was what this whole world is all about. So there you go. links in the show notes. It’s your move. Till next time, stay woke.
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