On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we will begin our deep dive into Stranger Things Season 4- part of the Stranger Things September Specatular! Today we’ll start out with Season 1 because it informs our understanding of the entire series! We’ll dive into the ideas of MKULTRA, Timothy Leary, and Project MONARCH symbolism in the show! We’ll talk about the origins of Eleven’s name as the number of magick and her accessing the Dark Side known as the Upside Down! We’ll hear about the Monolith as the Stargate to the evolution of man as well- an important part of this story as we’ll reveal in Season 4’s episodes… FEELING IMPATIENT? Buy ALL the video episodes of the Stranger Things analysis RIGHT NOW ad-free at https://gumroad.com/isaacw
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Stranger Things episode schedule (*supporter feeds get all shows the Fridays prior to free feed):
- Stranger Things Special Announcement https://illuminatiwatcher.com/stranger-things-september-special-announcement/
- Stranger Things S1: Occult Symbolism of Eleven, MKULTRA & Monolith Stargate & Project MONARCH! (9/5) https://illuminatiwatcher.com/stranger-things-s1-occult-symbolism-of-eleven-mkultra-monolith-stargate-project-monarch/
- Stranger Things S4 Pt 1 E1- Hellfire Club, Leary, D&D, Damien Echols & More! (9/12) https://illuminatiwatcher.com/stranger-things-s4-pt-1-e1-hellfire-club-leary-dd-damien-echols-more/
- Stranger Things S4 Pt 2 E2:6- 322, Montauk, Monarch, NINA & Rainbow Symbolism! (9/19) https://illuminatiwatcher.com/stranger-things-s4-pt-2-e26-322-montauk-monarch-nina-rainbow-symbolism/
- Stranger Things S4 Pt 3 E7:9- Individuation, The 001, Apocalypse, Alchemy & Rosicrucianism! (9/26) https://illuminatiwatcher.com/stranger-things-s4-pt-3-e79-individuation-the-001-apocalypse-alchemy-rosicrucianism/
- Stranger Things S4 Pt 4- Kate Bush, Pizza, Satanic Panic, 11 is the Star Child & Predictions for S5! (10/3) https://illuminatiwatcher.com/stranger-things-s4-pt-4-kate-bush-pizza-satanic-panic-11-is-the-star-child-predictions-for-s5/
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Eddie Bravo’s “Look Into It,” Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Isaac Weishaupt 0:03
Welcome back to conspiracy theories and on popular culture. I’m your host, Isaac wise up today we are going to talk about Stranger Things. Season One. That’s right. A curveball, you thought it was gonna be season four. But no, we’ve got much bigger things in store for you, my dear listener in regards to Season Four shocking things, things that will change your perspective of reality. Well, I don’t know if I might be oversell on that. But anyway, let me explain to you some things here. I have a special September plan for you. It’s the Stranger Things, September spectacular. And we’re gonna go through season one right now today. And then every week, I’m going to drop a new episode to cover season four, because season four, the massive. I mean, it was a 13 hours. It’s gonna take me a few hours to go through the whole damn thing, because I watched it twice. And I found so much. It proves all the ideas we’ve been talking about. All the occult symbolism, all the illuminate, confirm. It’s all in there and season four, unbelievable, and believable. But today, you’ve got to join as we discussed the themes and concepts of season one. Now what I’m going to play for you today is the original analysis. This this original analysis was released back in 2016, when season one aired on Netflix, because I knew we had something special here. Okay. So I’m going to play for you the full analysis because it still stands all the symbolism we talked about. There’s no updates to really make there. And you’re going to hear that this like I said, I started back in, man I started doing doing all this stuff a long time ago, 10 years ago, 1211 years ago. So I’ve been covering AWS for a very long time. So I’ve got a lot of stuff in the archive that has been torched from YouTube, right. So you’re going to hear 2016 show from low T Isaac. It’s a great primer that you’re going to need when we dive so deep into season four in the month of September, every week. And the the audio that you’re going to hear there’s some video clips inserted into this because like I said, I’ve I formatted this for YouTube back when they allowed me to be on YouTube. And there might be pockets where you’ll hear the audio kind of drop out. It might be silent for 10 seconds or something. Hang in there right back. Because back then I’ve learned a lot along the way. Now I tried to remove those silence parts. Anyway, all I’m saying is you’re gonna hear pockets of silence a little different than what I do today. Because back then I didn’t take podcasting seriously back in 2016. I barely cared about it. I was primarily a writer. I found an audience on YouTube. And then they torched my YouTube when I hit 74,000 73,000 subscribers. And then I was like, Okay, I guess I’m a podcaster. Now full time because I started podcasting in 2014. Anyway, I’m just trying to brace you to know that this is not going to be the same quality that you’re used to from your boy. Alright. Now what are we going to talk about in season one? Let me entice you, my friends, we’re going to talk about a little Dungeons and Dragons. They’re programming a whole generation of kids to take interest in this and it’s still continuing. You also noticed the demi Gorgon that was the villain and season one is manifested by the children through the creativity and the creative aspects and the shadow of the mind. Which is also we’ll say happening in season four will say we’re gonna talk about ritual magic. We’re going to talk about Lord of the Rings a little bit JRR Tolkien references Season One also references season four, we’re gonna talk about how it connects into Typhon. The node ends the beast from the abyss. We’ll talk about Demogorgon as the Gnostic primordial Demiurge Wow, those are some big words. It’s gonna make sense to you though. By the time you’re done, you’ll be able to impress all your friends and family with this great occult vocabulary. We’re gonna talk about the star child, Prometheus, and of course MK Ultra. Hopper is in the library and it tells you right there boom, MK Ultra exposed. Papa was part of it. Timothy Leary was part of it. Timothy Leary is of course Winona Ryder’s God But I think since I recorded this show,
Timothy Leary died, Susan Sarandon did a ritual at Burning Man with his ashes. I think that happened since then. We’ve got butterfly symbolism, that’s again, the sub program of MK Ultra. We’ve got Papa using these nursery rhymes to force the kids into an altered state, which is exactly what Fritz spring Meyer says happens in Project Monarch. We’re gonna talk about elevens mother, Terry Ives, how she was part of MK Ultra. And then in season four, we confirm it. There were we’re going to talk about deprivation tanks, symbolism of the Owl and the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland, how it shows up in Terry’s home, and it plays a role in season four. Well, we’ll talk about 11 and the roots of her name 11 Of course, being tied to L the word for God like Elohim or Israel 11. Of course, the number of magic Aleister Crowley right. 11 is the superior model of humanity. And that’s what this show is ultimately entirely all about the superhero tropes of the superheroes and the CDs and all that stuff. We’ll talk about the Abyss being access to day out the Mavs zone 11 The character and 11 is the union of the pentagram and the hexagram. That’s as above so below. It’s about the new AON of Horus, evolving, man. It’s all about corones On the upside down the black rooms, all that stuff Nightmare on Elm Street. And if you saw season four, you saw the very obvious parallels the Nightmare on Elm Street, but in fact, in 2016, we talked about it in season one, using the tub to cross over the subconscious mind to cross over into the other dimension, the deprivation tank. It’s a way of accessing the subconscious, the feminine subconscious in the water. And then of course, you know, the whole program that 11 was involved with here is about contacting entities on the other side. And it’s not till season four that they show us the dark underbelly that guess how they do it blood sacrifice to open up the doorway the gate. They say science is neat, but it’s not very forgiving on this show. And well. Ain’t that the truth? So take a listen. And stay subscribed to the show. Because September we’re gonna drop it like it’s hot. You’re we’re gonna go through the whole damn thing you’re gonna be you’re gonna come out the other side. Enlightened evolved understanding the occult fantasies for mankind. So take a listen to the season one analysis I’m gonna hit you on the other side with a little outro for you. Take a listen Hello everyone, this
Unknown Speaker 8:19
is Isaac from Illuminati watchdog calm. Today I’m going to discuss a show that I binge watched in one sitting because it was actually quite good. I’m referring to Netflix’s Stranger Things. And if you’ve not seen this yet, please go do so before I spoil the plot because that is definitely in this video. It’s actually a great tale. It’s got a lot of 80s throwback stuff. It’s kind of kind of a nice blend of horror Suspense Thriller kind of a mix of Tales from the dark side meets X Files sort of poltergeists feel to it. So if you haven’t seen it again, I beg you please go watch it. And then come back and check out this video because in this video, I’m going to discuss a lot of the Illuminati and occult symbolism that is buried throughout this tale. Now there have been several theorists that have already covered this ground that was actually what put it on my radar. And I did not read their analyses or listen to their podcast before I created my own post and video. And once I did for my own opinion, I read through their stuff and sure enough, we came to similar conclusions. So that’s a good thing. That means we are all becoming aware and awake to the big Illuminati and occult agenda. So in this video, I will break down the aspects of occult symbolism that we see so often from these works of entertainment. The first subject I want to talk about is magic. And when I say magic, I’m not talking about the stage magic. No, no, no, I’m talking about magic with a K at the end. That is the ceremonial magic used by a contest the Use white or black magic in order to conform the universe to their own will or desires. Now this is the major tenant of this new age in which we are supposed to be living in. So when we see that the kids are playing Dungeons and Dragons, we have to assume that they’re trying to resurrect the popularity of this game.
Unknown Speaker 10:22
In Hungary, Shadow grows on the wall behind you, swallowing your darkness. It is almost here. What is it? What if it’s the Demogorgon cages for so screwed if it’s the Demogorgon not the Demogorgon an army of trouble by charging to the chamber dragonets told you to hear that, at that sound, boom, boom. Setting covenant truck because I know that I came for something else. The Demogorgon deep shit well, you’re actually fireball they have to roll a 13 or higher your whiskey caster protection so for your pussy, Fireball him cast protection, the terrible human bickering IT shops towards you.
Unknown Speaker 11:27
In fact, jays analysis.com has a podcast called East tech Hollywood where he and Jamie Hanshaw talked about this. And apparently that’s a big thing in Hollywood lately. He’s playing Dungeons and Dragons. So when we see it in this TV show, sure enough, when he was put there on purpose, it’s the idea that everyone should be practicing magic, which is what we see with Harry Potter. And there’s actually a new book out for that series as well. So in the first episode, we see will buyers and the other boys playing Dungeons and Dragons and will cast fireball instead of protection. While they’re battling this entity known as the Demogorgon. I don’t know much about Dungeons and Dragons, nor Demmick organs. So I looked all this stuff up before I wrote the post on Illuminati watcher.com and me this video, Mike tells Lucas that will was actually protecting the entire group, which led to him being trapped by these demonic forces in what they call the upside down world. So what I find interesting is that one of the boy’s names is will and that is what the Mad magician is supposed to be shaping the universe with. That’s why we hear Aleister Crowley’s famous action with do what thou wilt. He’s also the one that coined the term true will because every occult practitioner should be shaping the universe according to their own will. Now, if you listen, you’ll also hear them talk about this forest that they walk through when we’ll disappears, they call it Mirkwood. And this references JRR Tolkien in The Lord of the Rings, which is about evoking your great beast name notice from the underworld, which most of you have already heard my speech on the mark of the beast in my decoding Illuminati symbolism post, where you can learn about JRR Tolkien in the vine ring, which evokes this goddess entity. And it’s basically all talking about this NodeJS beast, which is the same one, as HP Lovecraft talked about with the Cthulhu same as Aleister Crowley’s korone zone, and the Demogorgon that we see in Stranger Things. Now, when you research the Demogorgon online, like I had to do, you find out that a demonic entity based on a true pagan demon, and it’s a primordial being that comes from the underworld. But it’s based off of an actual belief in the Demiurge, which is something I wrote about extensively when I talked in a grand unified conspiracy theory about the Gnostic roots of our occult entertainment. When we find out that the Gnostics believed in this Demiurge and these Archons, and basically these evil entities that created the world in which we live in. So the Demogorgon is just a primordial version of that of the Demiurge. We hear the damning Demogorgon referenced in many tales that we’ve covered in the past, we’re talking about Paradise Lost, who’s got this demon that exists in a place where chaos reigns at night. It’s also a major character in Prometheus unbound. Prometheus unbound was a work I referenced in my Stanley Kubrick project called Kubrick’s code. And in it, I talk about how the star child from 2001 A Space Odyssey was designed to fly Although the description in Prometheus Unbound, and we’ll talk about this a little bit later, because it turns out Stranger Things has Kubrick ties with the monolith, and this whole alchemical process of transformation. But we’ll get into that before the end of this. The point I’m trying to make about the magic theme in the show, it’s using the as above. So below ideas that we see in witchcraft and paganism, where the microcosm and the macrocosm are linked. We’re talking about the macrocosm being the cosmos, the universe, and the microcosm being the individual, the occult slash magic practitioner. They believe that conducting these magic spells or rituals in the world in which we experience will ultimately affect the universe and they can shape it towards their will, which is what we’re talking about with this upside down world.
Unknown Speaker 16:03
Next, let’s talk about MK Ultra Mind Control programming. This is one of the obvious ones from this show. In chapter three, episode three, whatever you want to call it, they call it chapters, they show us some foreshadowing of MK Ultra Mind Control programming in this show, we learned about how Police Chief Jim hopper is reading on the subject of the library. And I’ve actually believe if he would have just gone to a time machine and traveled to present time he could have read my music conspiracy books sacrifice magic behind the mic, because I detail the whole MK Ultra program within it. What we’re talking about is the CIA’s mind control operations from the 1950s to the 1970s that potentially went underground and continue to go on to this day.
Unknown Speaker 17:24
Which, you know, the show takes place in the early 80s. I think it’s quite possible that the MK Ultra continued to proceed to that day, because the only reason that it was revealed was because of some documents that were found, but most of them were destroyed. The thing was run covertly for many years, I believe that it could still be to this day. Now in the show, we also see that the Hawkins lab is run by the US Department of Energy, which goes hand in hand with MK Ultra theories, because it was the US government that conducted them. They were using LSD to try to brainwash their people. One of the original ideas behind it was because they wanted to spy on the Russians. They thought the Russians were actually going to use the LSD to mind control their people, so they wanted to beat them to it, or at least learn how it worked and provide some kind of battle against it, so to speak. Now, what’s interesting here is that supposedly Some people claim Timothy Leary was tied in with the CIA and the whole usage of the LSD. You know, this is the guy that did the turn on tune in and drop out phrase. And of course, he died in 2015. And I’ve already talked about how Susan Susan Sarandon ate his ashes in a ritual at the Burning Man pagan festival. So how curious is it that Winona Ryder who plays Will’s mother in Stranger Things, her godfather is Timothy Leary and we also see in chapter four, there’s a scene where chief Hopper goes in to take a look at the morgue and the Secretary is talking to him. You’ll notice around her neck is the MK Ultra Project Monarch butterfly is a symbolism that of a certain sub program of the MK Ultra because MK Ultra was an umbrella program. There was many sub projects under it. Not all of them were found out. Catherine O’Brien come out and said she was a victim of the Project Monarch programming, and in it they talk about child abuse and creating various alters, such as the idea of the dissociative identity disorder. So we see her with the butterfly around her neck there. You’ll also see Dr. Martin Brenner talking to 11 and he tells her that they will be conducting an exercise in which they memorized nursery rhymes
Unknown Speaker 19:58
that need you to find him
Unknown Speaker 20:00
You heard him
Unknown Speaker 20:06
No, no, I don’t want you to hurt him. I want you to listen to him Listen, yes. I want you to listen to what he says and repeat his words back to me just like we used to those old nursery rhymes Do you remember do you think you can do that for me? Good begin and Phrygian airplane repeat the words game mouse
Unknown Speaker 21:28
that was curious about this for its spring Myers book The Illuminati Formula to create an undetectable total mind control slave claims that songs and nursery rhymes were utilized with this monarch programming in order to elicit certain behaviors or attitudes. And I believe that this is what we see when he’s implanting certain messages into her subconscious. Chapter six, we confirm more of the MK Ultra routes. When we learn of a previous victim main Terry Ives, and her daughter was taken away from her during these MK Ultra experiments. Some people believe that 11 is actually her daughter, Jane.
Unknown Speaker 22:13
She was a part of some study in college MK Ultra. That’s the one that started in the 50s. By time Terry got involved, it was supposed to be ramping down but the drugs just got crazier. Messed up good. This was the CIA that ran this. You and Terry would have gotten along the man with a big capital M they’d pay a couple 100 bucks to people like my sister gave him drugs, psychedelics, LSD mostly. And then they’d strip her naked and put her in these isolation tanks. Isolation tanks. Yeah, these big bathtubs basically filled with saltwater so you can float around there, you lose any sense of sense and feel nothing see nothing. They wanted to expand the boundaries of the mind real hippie crap. I mean, I mean, it’s not like they were forcing her to do any of this stuff. The thing is, though, is that she didn’t know she was pregnant at the time chain
Unknown Speaker 23:19
too, you have any pictures of her? I don’t think you guys understand. Terry miscarried in the third trimester she keeps all as I’ve been doing it for 12 years.
Unknown Speaker 23:40
Terry pretends like Jane is real. Like she’s gonna come home someday. says she’s special. Born with abilities.
Unknown Speaker 23:53
Abilities really Stephen King you guys look scared actually. I mean, it’s all make believe.
Unknown Speaker 24:11
What kind of abilities telepathy telekinesis? You know, shit you can do with your mind. That’s why the Big Bad man stole Janeway. her baby’s a weapon of fighting the commies. The doctors all say it’s a coping mechanism to deal with the guilt. Do you think there’s any chance she could be telling the truth about having had the the kid there’s no birth certificate? Nothing from the hospital. Doctors and nurses all confirm that she miscarried.
Unknown Speaker 24:46
Yeah, but that could have been covered up.
Unknown Speaker 24:49
Right. Like I said, You and Terry would have gotten along.
Unknown Speaker 24:58
Next, let’s talk about the evolved beings and the god L because when were first introduced to 11, the boys gave her the name of L E L. Now, this is interesting because all of the ancient civilizations in the Middle East, they refer to their god with the L prefix like Ehlo him or is right l
Unknown Speaker 25:22
Hey, I never asked your name is that real? Sorry, I’ve just never seen a kid with a tattoo before.
Unknown Speaker 25:40
What’s it mean? 11 That’s your name? A lovin. Okay. Well, my name is Mike. Sure from Michael. Maybe we can call you l for 11.
Unknown Speaker 26:02
The show depicts 11 as the superior model of humanity. This is very similar to the superhero films where these evolved being show us how they are more powerful, more superior to the human beings. And in this show, we see 11 has these mental powers such as telekinesis and channeling spirits. And we’ve seen this through X Men Deadpool and the like. This all goes hand in hand with the Eastern religious figures such as Hinduism and the like the Yogananda who was able to levitate and walk through walls because when you look at the occult, like Aleister Crowley, for example, you’ll see that they follow the left hand path of these eastern religions meditating in order to make contact with extraterrestrial entities, which is exactly what we see in Stranger Things. Next, let’s talk about Aleister Crowley and the number 11. Another idea here is that the 11 was used by Aleister Crowley to represent the realm known as the abyss. And now this abyss is the hidden area on the Kabbalah Tree of Life, which is referred to as dogs or Darth as Darth Vader. And this is the Sephora where this entity named Corona zone resides. And recall already talked about Corona zone is similar to note NS or Typhon or Cthulhu. It’s this kind of beast in the abyss. I’ve talked about this with the Pokeyman go phenomenon because there’s some entities in it that exist in this mov zone, which is what Austin has one spare called, known as.or Excuse me, Kenneth. KENNETH grant called the mob zone, I believe, Austin Osmonds bear anyway, you get the point. So looking at the number 11. It represents the union of the pentagram, which is denoted with a five and the hexagram, which is the six. So the pentagram five plus the hexagram. Six is 11. And this is again, the same message of tying the microcosm to the macrocosm. It’s as above so below. I listened to Jay’s analysis esoteric Hollywood podcast with Jimmy Hanshaw and they found the same things they made note of the number 11 Being of ceremonial magic. And you know, of course, they also discussed MK Ultra in the show. The purpose of all this is this knowledge of the new age. It’s the revelation of the Illuminati method, and it’s pushing us towards this AON of Horus. This is Crowley’s age of the crown and conquering child which is what we see in the show. Mankind has no limits and they can actually evolve and become a new sort of entity become a god. Now, just like we see on the show, in order for this to happen, the call magician must first traverse the abyss and face korone zone before completing their great work. Which is why these occultists are trying to make this contact with these extra terrestrial entities. Now this next subject is the main thesis of the show its contact with the other side and using the bathtub to get there. You’ll notice this is a main theme talking about making contact with the Shadow Realm. Some call this the Abyss Some call it the hidden stuff or out on the tree of life some call it the other side on the show they call it the upside down
Unknown Speaker 29:36
but dark and empty empty and cold. Why do you say called I don’t know the stupid radio kept going in our like riddles in the dark like home, like his house? Or maybe like Hawkins upside down? What do you say? Upside down what? Upside Down Elsa is Will Will was she put the board over remember? Upside down? Dark, empty? Do you understand what he’s talking about? No, guys, come on. Just think about it. Well, it took us to find Well, she took us to his house, right? Yeah. And he wasn’t there. What if he was there? What if we just couldn’t see you? What if he was on the other side? What if this is Hawkins and this is what will is the upside down like the veil of shadows
Unknown Speaker 30:35
in Nightmare on Elm Street, that’s a movie most of us are familiar with. They also talked about this concept of a parallel dimension. And you can see the prominence of the bathtub as well, as well as MK Ultra Project Monarch butterflies. But I’ve already discussed the water in the occult bathtub on Illuminati watcher.com. And the bath is a cleansing ritual that one does before they pass over into this other side. Some people claim it’s a cleansing ritual. For instance, Whitney Houston and her daughter Bobbi Kristina. Kristina both passed away in bathtubs which led people to believe that maybe these are ceremonial rituals now in the occult the water represents the subconscious mind which is why we see it in the show so often
Unknown Speaker 31:25
farther than we’ve ever gotten before Yes, yes, the back is that okay.
Unknown Speaker 33:17
In chapter two, we see Barb and her blood hits the pool in this summons the beast. This is the first time we see the water transition from the normal world to the other side, it hits the pole and calls the beast and he takes her into that other world.
Unknown Speaker 34:04
Another tactic used by the occultist is says sensory deprivation, which they do through the bath is what they call it on the show. And we also see it later in chapter seven, which is actually named the bathtub. But it’s this idea of entering into this altered state. And they do this similar down why people take drugs. When I’m talking about the occult this here. They want to make contact with this other dimension.
Unknown Speaker 35:36
Now in the show, they make it sound like the government was using her to try and spy on the Soviets. And they accidentally opened this veil which unleashed this Demogorgon beast. So in chapter six, they confirm their desires to contact these entities when Dr. Brenner tells 11 Today we make history today we make contact.
Unknown Speaker 36:02
Today is a very special day. Do you know why? Because today, we make history. Today, we make contact.
Unknown Speaker 36:19
Later on, we see 11 Enter the bathtub, and she indeed makes contact. And this does open the veil. And they’re talking about this parallel dimension with the science teacher in the show. And he says that the only way to open this veil is with an incredible amount of energy. Now high interesting is at the CERN has the potential to do this. And they might even be trying already.
Unknown Speaker 36:45
Hey, they’re always holding up. We’re in mourning, man, the vote will go away. We were wondering if you have time to talk. We have some questions, a lot of questions. So you know how long Cosmos Carl Sagan talks about other dimensions like beyond our world? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 37:05
sure. Theoretically,
Unknown Speaker 37:06
right? Theoretically. So theoretically, how do we travel there?
Unknown Speaker 37:11
You guys have been thinking about whoever it’s many worlds interpretation, having you know, basically, there are parallel universes, just like our world, but just infinite variations of it. Which means there’s a world out there where none of this tragic stuff ever happened yet.
Unknown Speaker 37:27
That’s not what we’re talking about. We were thinking of more of an evil dimension, like the veil of shadows, you know, the little shadows that go
Unknown Speaker 37:34
up the material plane were necrotic and shadow magic, exactly.
Unknown Speaker 37:36
If that didn’t exist, of course, like the veil of shadows. How would we travel there, theoretically,
Unknown Speaker 37:42
well. Picture an acrobat, standing on a tight rope. And the tight rope is our dimension. And our dimension has rules. You can move forwards or backwards. But what if right next to our Acrobat, there is a fleet. The fleet can also travel back and forth just like the Acrobat Right? Right. Here’s where things get really interesting. Fleet can also travel this way along the side of the road. He can even go underneath the rope.
Unknown Speaker 38:25
Exactly. But we’re not the flavor of the Acrobat
Unknown Speaker 38:27
in this metaphor. Yes, we’re the Acrobat. So
Unknown Speaker 38:30
we can’t go upside down. Well, is there any way for the Acrobat to get to the upside down?
Unknown Speaker 38:36
Well, you’d have to create a massive amount of energy more than humans are currently capable of creating module to open up some kind of tear in time and space and then
Unknown Speaker 38:52
create a doorway, like a gate. Sure, like a gate. But again, this is all your
Unknown Speaker 38:58
reticle. But what if this gate already existed? Well, if
Unknown Speaker 39:02
it did, I think we’d know. It would disrupt gravity, magnetic field or environment. Heck, it might even swallow us up whole. Science is neat, but I’m afraid it’s not very forgiving.
Unknown Speaker 39:19
Now let’s talk about the Stanley Kubrick linked I was referencing earlier. If you take a look at Stranger Things at the house that wills family lives in the number is 149. Now the astute listener who’s read Kubrick’s code knows that the monolith the black monolith in 2001 A Space Odyssey has the dimensions of 149 How interesting is that the Stargate of 2001 A Space Odyssey takes the viewer through this transformation to the other side this other world. They both are talking about opening a portal, piercing the veil getting in contact back with the extra terrestrial entities, same thing we saw on Interstellar. Another Kubrick 2001 tie in, we see in chapter one, Nancy talks about a teacher and his name is Mr. Kaminski. And in Cooper’s code I talked about how there was a Mr. Kaminski in 2001 A Space Odyssey killed by Hal 9000. And also an Eyes Wide Shut when Tom Cruise’s belhar Four cancels on Mr. Kaminsky. Now, when you take a look at the Prometheus unbound reference from above, where it talks about the star child, and you consider all this similarities between entering the Stargate of 2001 and piercing the veil, as we see in Stranger Things, seems quite obvious that we’re looking at the same hidden a call belief system. Now, in conclusion, the show was actually one of my favorites of all time, I went through it very quickly, because it has kind of all the interest that strike my fancy. I don’t know much about the Dungeons and Dragons game, but apparently they’re trying to create a resurgence of this. You were calling the 80s and 90s, there was the Satanic Panic movement where they talked about the dangers of this game. And how interesting is it that the parents on the show expressed no interest or worries about this game, even though the demon they summon through the game almost kills one of them. I mean, these must be the worst parents in history, right? I think it’s put there for reasons to get kids interested in playing these kinds of things. Another interesting thing to think about as MK altra, in the show, actually like this, because it opens up dialogue gets people Google search and trying to figure out what that is, perhaps they’ve never even heard of it. So when they find out that it is a factual event that happened, maybe it’ll open their eyes up a little bit and make them a little more aware of what’s going on and the big agenda around us. That’s my big Schpeel is I want to try to break the spell of Hollywood and its magic wand. I want to keep the research going. I want to keep the awareness at high levels, and I plan on revealing more and more of this a call and Illuminati agenda. So please subscribe to my YouTube channel. Check out Illuminati watcher.com. For more, I’ve got a whole page called the shop page where I’ve got all my books on there, including that Cougars codebook thanks for listening.
Isaac Weishaupt 42:30
With their yo lo T Isaac holding down for season one back in 2016. Back in the golden archives of this podcast. Then you heard all the themes of season one now. A couple of takeaways that you need to carry with you into the season for analysis when we drop that next week. Recall I want you to keep this in your back pocket. Recall the conversation we had about Joyce and will buyers home and the house number being 149 and how the monolith in 2001 A Space Odyssey has the same dimensions of 149. And how 2001 Space Odyssey was the Stargate taking the viewer through the Stargate to be evolved. That’s going to happen. It’s gonna happen again. We talked about the Prometheus unbound reference in Kubrick’s code I pulled that out for you. Right here says the star child was designed to follow the description of the book with a photo from 2001 the film The star child being born in the orb with the alabaster arms and Prometheus Unbound, it says within the orb itself pillowed upon its alabaster arms like to a child over wearied with sweet toil on its own folded wings and wavy hair, the spirit of the Earth is laid asleep. Now, I want to take a quick second to go over this because we need to we need to have a nice foundation for the season for it. If we look at that and explore why Kubrick depicted the star child the way he did. We already spoke about Luciferian tie ins with the film. The Gnosis, the knowledge, gave the ape with the violence, right? The black monolith provided that. But you could also consider this whole tale of Prometheus, suggesting that sympathizing with the entity that defies God, in order to gain knowledge is the path that they want us to go upon. And that Prometheus unbound is a tale that explores one version of the Prometheus legend, where he is subjected to torture for supplying this knowledge to mankind by the higher gods Zeus. All right, and Jupiter is actually the planet represented by Zeus. And in Prometheus Unbound, he falls from power and subsequently releases Prometheus from the punishment Now could it be Kubrick changed his films planet from Saturn, Jupiter or in order to reference Prometheus unbound officially, they said he couldn’t film the rings because it was too difficult. I don’t know if I believe that because our Sir Arthur C Clarke’s novel was about man going to Saturn to become evolved. And you know how that fits in everything right? Well, the star child is the release of Prometheus upon the earth, which implies that these Luciferian powers of the Illuminati are going to take it over. And I think it’s saying that the black Monolith is basically Prometheus. And the people that worship this are believed this are awaiting the return. And if you looked at the Bible, the Book of Revelation depicts an End Times where evil roamed the earth in the form of the beast. And I think that’s what these are called, does want to usher in, that’s what they want to trigger. And Kubrick originally intended for the Starchild to detonate the satellite nuclear weapons that were going around the Earth. But then he abandoned it because it looked too much like Dr. Strangelove, supposedly. But there’s something to this right. Now, I want you to keep all that in your back pocket. Because Season Four is going to blow your mind this is going to be the biggest deep dive into the symbolism of Stranger Things in the world in the entire world. I assure you that I promise you that. We’re talking three or four hours, this is gonna take I watched this series twice, and it’s 26 hours of just watching it. So I’m going to discuss it for about four hours and I’m going to split it up into four parts. One per week. We’re going to cover these things we’re going to cover the Hellfire Club there are called routes and connections to Aleister Crowley. We’re gonna talk Tim Leary, Montauk, MK Ultra Project Monarch symbolism, we’re going to talk Dungeons and Dragons in the Satanic Panic. Was it real or was it justified? You’re gonna find out. Eddie Munson and Damien Echols veganize a cult connections to the left hand path 322 Skull and Bones rainbow symbolism baptising the Prometheus Starchild 11 being initiated she goes through the destruction of the ego crossing over in the bathtub, integrating the dark side to become the evolved form of man, just like the monolith from 2001 A Space Odyssey.
I mean, there’s so much more of the apocalypse of man, the revelation with the red dragon the Rosicrucian alchemy of the Philosopher’s Stone. Because 11 goes on the alchemical journey to become the philosopher’s child. I’m gonna explain all this to you. It’s gonna take us several hours, though, but you got to understand it. And you’re gonna understand it. It’s all about the technocratic takeover of America, the scientist when I say these nerds are going to kill us. These are the nerds. So stay subscribed to the show. And get ready strap in because September is going to be a rough ride. We’re going to expose the illuminate confirm of Stranger Things season four, and it’s going to be a wild ride. I assure you of that. And in fact, at the end, I will give you my predictions for season five, I will prophetically tell you what they’re going to do with the story and season five, and I’m going to be right maybe, like my track record for predictions isn’t the best. Okay, so but for fun, you’re gonna stick around to hear my dumb thoughts on what I think is going to happen. Is these five and I think I’m right. Hell, we should make a bet on that’d be fun. Okay, everybody, thanks for listening to this. Again, that was season one. We’re going to jump straight to season four next week. And as always, if you want to get on the supporter feed and go out free, get early access, you get a copy of Kubrick’s code the dark path, you know where to go, I got the three supporter systems. You can compare all three go to Illuminati watcher.com. Hit the VIP tab and you can compare the three options and see which one fits you the best. Until next time, stay WOKE
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mlbbitw says
You really make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this matter to be really something that I think I would never understand. It seems too complex and extremely broad for me. I am looking forward for your next post, I’ll try to get the hang of it!