On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we’ll finally hit the film analysis I’ve wanted to complete for years- SPRING BREAKERS! This is definitely a love it or hate film but either way I’ll break down the whole storyline and reveal the true character James Franco is meant to play: Satan! We’ll learn about the different realm that the Alien takes the girls that ends in murder and mayhem! They said they were going to find themselves but they had no idea it was going to end up here… “Bikinis and big booties y’all that’s what life is about.” *We’re going to be joined by a special magical guest midway through the show to discuss his ideas on Spring Breakers and the “inception of social media culture”- so stay tuned for that.
- If you want more from Alex Kazemi you can contact him here: fanmail@alexkazemi.com or go to AlexKazemi.com
- The TinFoilHat podcast episode we did together discussing ritual magick “The Great Occult Magick Debate” is episode #481: https://www.spreaker.com/user/11759118/tfh-isaac-alex
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the premium feeds on VIP Section and IW Patreons) and “Breaking Social Norms.” He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
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Full Transcript (Courtesy of all show Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though. It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is available for Patreon supporters- check out the options by getting in the VIP Section!
Isaac Weishaupt 0:00
WARNING This episode contains explicit lyrics
Unknown Speaker 0:08
a little bit where’s the money only knows I’m not gonna sit here another day spring break. How are we gonna get enough money? The only one still here. tired of
Unknown Speaker 0:23
seeing the same thing
Unknown Speaker 0:24
spring breaks your chance to see something different spring break just pretend like it’s a video game we can do this
Unknown Speaker 0:48
you can change your cookies and big booties. Yo, that’s what life is about are you? My name is Aileen. Why are you here? I saw y’all and they’re like nice people. On y’all. Why conspicious videos special from the moment I saw written on your faces. Really, really bad. has caused some trouble now I got my dark tanning oil lay out by the pool spring break forever better I love me, miss me. And I must confess
Isaac Weishaupt 2:13
we finally hit the film analysis you and I have been waiting for. For years. I’ve been teasing this. Talking about it. Of course it’s Spring Breakers. Yes. This is definitely a love it or hate to film. I will warn you up front. Either way, I’m going to break the whole thing down the whole storyline. And I will reveal the truth behind this story. And it’s an entire Luciferian tale of the satanic influence of James Franco’s character alien. And if you’ve read my alien books, Use Your Illusion one and two. You know that’s very apropos that the alien would be Satan. Yes. We’re going to learn about this different realm alien flat out tells us he’s taking the girls on to a realm of murder and mayhem. Okay. They thought they were going down to spring break to find themselves. And they had no idea what they were going to find when they got there. And, you know, we find out where they end up the land of bikinis and big booties, y’all. That’s what life’s all about. Now, like I said, I’ve never been more excited to do a show a film analysis as it were. This is one of my favorite movies might be my favorite movie of all time. And the reason I think that and I’m not proud of that fact. But the reason I say that is because every time I watch a clip from this movie, I get sucked in and I finished the damn thing like, what is this hypnotic trance it’s putting on me. But in, we’re gonna be joined by a very special guest halfway through the film analysis. We’ve worked together in the past. And he’s back to give us his take on Spring Breakers and he should know this guy has seen the movie 30 times in the theaters when it came out. And if you don’t know who I’m talking about, here’s a hint. He’s got some very high profile contacts in his little BlackBerry phone. Marilyn Manson Madonna. Oh, yeah, he’s illuminate confirm. We’re going to be joined by him halfway through the film analysis to get his take on Spring Breakers. Now, of course I’ve got a little preamble housekeeping before we get into the actual film. I recently did a poll on Instagram asking which film analysis you wanted next spring breakers are fresh and you came through? Shout out to all you people who voted on the Instagram. I got the link in the show notes if you haven’t followed me I do polls and stuff all the time Instagram. Isaac was up all one word. But the irony the coincidence here the synchronicity if you will is that it’s currently spring break right now. That’s What’s bizarre about this, I actually did not plan this at all, for for no less than a year have been talking about how I’m going to do a Spring Breakers film analysis. And there’s always things that come up the getting away events, right. And I’ve been slowly working on this thing for a long time. And the weird part is that it’s actually Spring Break the the moment when I was like, Okay, let’s do the show, I had no intentions of that happening. So that was very strange. And then on top of that, sadly, and tragically, there was actually murder and mayhem at the Spring Break in Miami recently, with some shootings and such. Very weird, very strange occurrence here. But if our little guest that’s going to join us, he would argue there’s some very strange and weird occurrences that happen in the, you know, space time continuum, or whatever. We’ve talked about magic and stuff. Now, speaking of magic, you get, here’s my thing, here’s why I like this movie. You get basically two magical times in your life, when you’re a small child, and you believe in Santa Claus, and Christmas. And then there’s this, this small window of adolescence, where you’re, you’re like in peak shape, you can eat like garbage, and you still look great. You got all the energy, all the optimism in the world. The reality hasn’t beat you down yet, with your soul sucking nine to five. Things are great. You you could want for know, for nothing. And everything’s great, you know, everyone’s hanging out. Having a good time. It’s like this weird window from 18 to 21. And then after that, if you’re still partying in your 30s and 40s, which is fine, you know, you just can’t party too hard. You gotta have a little balance, because then you’re
maybe a loser. Right? That’s the that’s the terrible part if it goes too far, but you want to party, you want to get that out of your system when you’re young, and it’s very, you know, inconsequential, as long as things go, don’t go awry. You know, bad things happen sometimes. But this film, nostalgically captures for me, that same time period of spring break. And back in the east coast in the northeast, we call it Senior Week. Right? You graduate high school, you’re 18 and you go down to Ocean City, Maryland, to the boardwalk to the beach, and tons of people. And they had like, you know, I don’t remember the name of the freeways or freeway. Everyone’s driving their cars. You know, you got your lowered Honda CRS bump and Bop, bop bop, you know. And man, I mean, I’m trying to keep the housekeeping short, but I could go through a ton of great stories of senior week. We’ll call it spring break just to keep it you know, I know a lot of people probably don’t know what the hell I’m talking about. But yeah, I mean, I remember just scrapping money together having a couple bucks to my name. No food, no plans just showing up. There was a bunch of there was I think there was like 10 of us in a two bedroom apartment. A nice apartment hotel. The Monticello we call it the monta ghettos grimy. We’re stashing Mad Dog 2020 in the toilet because we’re underage worried to the hotel people we’re gonna find out if they cared It was crazy. It was a crazy town but yeah, just like in this movie, you know, I remember hanging out and in parking lots of gas stations and liquor stores and it was just it was just crazy. And that’s what this movie did. That’s what Spring Breakers did it captured this moment of spring break forever. Ever. Yeah. But this one of course is in Florida. But you know it’s got all the and I lived in Florida to to add more spring break to it. When I was in the military. I was stationed down in Fort Walton Beach which is a big spring break down not a huge spring break down. Panama City Beach which is about an hour to East that was the spring break down but we got a flavor of it right in fact I wrecked my Honda Del Sol because of the rubber necking Spring Break traffic that hits there every year in March anyway. Yeah, the they catch all the Florida Spring Break essence the scooters, the cheesy airbrush art you know, and whatnot. And, of course, they The film is based in St. Petersburg, St. Pete, right, which is down on the peninsula side. Now, one and I’m going to share one quick story from my spring break from Senior Week. Just to capture the weird dichotomy that happens at Spring Break. We were it was mean a few friends. And we had some girls like you know, everyone’s like macking on each other right? And we walk around with these these hotties, men and a bunch of stuff. And there was a hotel along the boardwalk and there were these two old dudes and we didn’t think nothing of it at the time. We were like I said, like 18. And these old dudes that were looking back on it, maybe they were in their 40s. But But I feel like they were in their 50s they were yelling at us because the girls we were with right like, hey, come up here. We’ll get you booze. So here we are, like a bunch of kids. We go up to this hotel going to these guys rooms are smoking pot, they got all this booze and they’re trying to get us wasted. And of course we oblige, right. And I think Man, like that could have turned out really bad. Like those guys. I mean, you don’t. When you’re in your 50s or whatever hanging out at the senior week thing at the spring break. I’m gonna guess they did not have good intentions. And that’s just a small flavor of this weird dichotomy of this magical time. Right. You’re right on the razor’s edge of good and evil. I think anyway, sticking to the film, should you watch this film? Absolutely. But I’m gonna warn you it’s definitely R rated. It’s definitely a love it or hate it film. I’ve only had one person on Instagram. Who I was singing the praises of Spring Breakers and they wrote he wrote me is this is garbage. Why did you make me watch this? Hey, you know what I it is a love it or hate it film. But if you try to appreciate it as a piece of art, right? This isn’t no Marvel Avengers movie. You have to appreciate the full range of emotions this film has. It’s very much like real life. Like you, you know, Why watch
a comedy for 90 minutes, or just a horror movie for 90 minutes when you have this full range of emotions. And, you know, as well as I do, and this movie is 90 minutes, by the way, the perfect amount of time for a movie. The efficiency of the director, to get you to feel all of these emotions in the story in 90 minutes is unbelievable. It’s very difficult to do that. But you know, this film’s got it all. It’s got like good, bad, fun, evil fantasy reality. And it does this really good job of making you sympathize. Yeah, really dislike and distrust most of the characters, right? Plus has got fat Gucci Mane. How can you beat that right? And fun fact, this was the first feature film by a 24. The production studio put them on the map. They went on to do Ex Machina and the witch. I’ve talked about the witch on this show. I did. I did a fun analysis of the Witch and the lighthouse is one of my favorite. This is going to be my favorite film analysis ever though. gotta warn you. Who’s in it? So mainly it’s about four girls. Ashley Benson Vanessa Hudgins. Rachel Curran, of course, married to the director, Harmony Corinne, and Selena Gomez and you know, all for them. Vanessa Hudgens Of course she was previously in High School Musical. She wore a wig for the movie, by the way. Selena Gomez, this was her big transition role after Disney, which is a big controversy at the time. And during the press conference for this, because I watched a lot of interviews and press conferences, to research for this. She said she found it difficult for her fans because it wasn’t what they were used to seeing her as, right. And she even wrote a message on her social media saying like, Look, if you’re a child under 18, don’t watch this movie. Which, you know, we talk about this on the conspiracy realm. Often this recurring theme where these young girls, they come out as wholesome and they advertise them to the kids, they target directly to the demographic of the youth to grow up idolizing these these girls. And then immediately they sort of flip out and do something different, much like Miley Cyrus did with Hannah Montana, right? She was Hannah Montana and also She’s smoking weed and twerking on Robin Thicke. And not to not to leave the men out of this. Daniel Rackleff did the same. He was Harry Potter. And then he was in this immediately flip the script and was in this movie horns where he’s like the devil or something I haven’t seen. But then, of course, we got James Franco, the star of the film. He plays alien, a rapper named alien down to St. Pete. And if you look at him, you’ll immediately think oh, well, that’s riffraff. Well, riffraff, the white rapper who was I believe he was on a show called G’s to gents on MTV M are watching the show. I watched when Riff Raff became a Pop Culture sort of figure. I think the show had a black ball, which is a Freemason thing, they voted him out with a black ball. Anyhow, Riff Raff, he was one of many inspirations for this character. I mean, you see them. You see his likeness in James Franco. And in fact, later, riffraff sued because he claimed he, you know, should have been a bigger part of the movie or something like that. But riffraff but alien is based off of a rapper named dangerous, who was essentially the real alien. And he’s in the film too. You see him on stage hanging out with James Franco’s character. There’s also a couple other interesting characters in the film The ATL twins. These are a couple of skaters and it’s very interesting. They’re there. They’re white dudes with the they got the gold slugs, the gold grills, you know, if you know anything about skater culture, there’s this fine line between being a skateboarder homeless, an addict, or rich and famous, right? It’s a very strange territory they dancing. And I watched the there’s a three part documentary vise posted about these two. And there’s, there are some bizarre guys, they don’t drink water. They only have sex with the same girl simultaneously. The fact that we’re gonna marry a penthouse pet wants to eat off the same plate. I mean, all of this is real. It’s it’s in the film, but it’s also their real lives.
And you can watch the advice is a three part Doc, you watch them make a bed together. It’s a great time. And they said the longest they’ve ever been a part of six hours. Very strange. And they’ve got a ton of money in you. And I thought it was for being famous. But no, they they put on suits and clean up their image. And they sell insurance. Insurance is a big moneymaker. That’s from what a little bit. I know. If you’re an insurance sales, you getting paid. Now it’s curious. In that Vice interview, they said that Selena Gomez is a protected asset. And one time they published a photo to their Instagram of them with Selena and they got suspended from Instagram for it. And previously they posted photos of them with Ashley Benson no problems but when they posted themselves with that, Selena Gomez who they call it a protected asset. They got shut down. And they alluded to her fan base protecting her but my conspiracy theory is there’s a management handler again old hat for conspiracy people. There’s there’s puppet masters in the entertainment industry. Much like how Taylor Swift management company reached out and touched me shut my whole YouTube channel down. Also of course gucci mane is in here the rapper Gucci Mane and speaking of the Gucci Mane The soundtrack was fire if if you like trap EDM, hip hop pop. This is for you. It’s got you know Gucci Mane Waka Flocka Skrillex. Nicki Minaj Britney Spears is a couple times on here Eli Golding besom big bank, which was I think, Rick Ross, I don’t remember anyway. Let’s quickly talk about harmony Corinne. And then we’re going to get into the film analysis. Harmony Chrome. Here’s a director he did a movie called gamma, which ironically I haven’t seen. And more recently, he did a film called The beachbum with Matthew McConaughey, which I did see and I had posted the clip on my Instagram many years ago, when that film came out. In the film at the end, Matthew McConaughey talks about the Illuminati banker system, very brief, but it’s in there. Now, Harmony Koreans, Wikipedia says he grew up on a commune with his parents in San Francisco before moving to Nashville, which I found very curious that he had that hippie sort of upbringing. And apparently, he was also going to pursue a career in skateboarding, which is how he got tapped to write the script for kids, which is another classic movie. That’s so if you put it in perspective of generational type films, I’m barely a Gen Xer, right. Born in 79. And kids was kind of our Spring Breakers. You don’t have that same element of mix. all these things together, right, the good and the bad. Whereas Spring Breakers is more of a millennial type film. Same kind of idea, though, right? But he was skateboarding in New York City. And someone was like, Hey, why don’t you read this script for kids. And that’s, of course, that film blew up. His will give them the chance to direct his first film Gummo. And he actually said, I listened to the press conference for Spring Breakers back from it was from 2012. It’s on YouTube. I actually watched it when it had 666,000 views. True story. He said that kids was more of a film. From inside out, whereas Spring Breakers is about surface and the surface is superficial. The poetry of services he calls it, he says the film was like a piece of candy. Which I’ve accurate because the name of Vanessa Hudgens character is actually candy in the film, he directly tells you the metaphor, Selena Gomez character, her name is Faith. She represents the Christian opposing force to candy. Right. She’s the superficial satanic influence thing. And, you know, there’s a lot to unpack there. And in fact, our guest is going to talk a little bit about that idea about how the millennial group was the first to get sold by the corporate corporate America into the superficial way of living through Instagram.
Already Korean, he did a bunch of stuff that sounds very controversial. I haven’t seen them. So I’m not gonna comment on them. But there’s themes of death, metal and Satanism. And, yeah, I gotta check him out. Gotta check them out. Now, he said that he made this film, to feel like a drug experience. I’ve been
Unknown Speaker 21:59
wanting to make a movie. In this way. For a while, like I’ve been playing with this, this type of structure. And this thing is like more like a liquid narrative or time is more free and jumping forwards and backwards. And movie was more meant to mimic, like a dry experience. It was more like a, like a ride or a physical experience than anything, almost more like micro scenes, things that were very quick, but then extended and looped. In some ways. Maybe the movie is more musical than it is or experiential than it is like traditionally narrative. So it’s like a stew or chemical, you know, reaction, you put all these things. And look, you start to put locations and outfits and characters in one place. And then you shake it up and you document the explosion. And things go here and things go there. And he just
Isaac Weishaupt 22:47
and that’s what he did. Right? That’s the major. That’s the major rift between the lovers and haters of this film, I think is that it’s more experiential, and more of a drug trip. And, you know, Harmony cream would go into a scene and whisper into the actors ear, just an idea about well, you know, there’s this thing going on, maybe you should look into that. And he would let them create the scene. It was very interesting the way they made this film. And he said he doesn’t want anyone to watch it and feel comfortable. Which I found curious because that’s how I am with this film. I can’t like just when you start like getting the the rhythm of what’s going on, it switches up on them. This, he said the movies designed to be like a song with catchy hooks that come and go. And I agree with that. There’s, there’s these haunting phone calls you hear throughout the film, which we’re going to talk about the importance of those phone calls. He said he didn’t want to make a film that was just this vapid. You know, this sort of condemnation of youth culture, sort of just showing how vapid and, and stupid kids are. You know, he didn’t want that. He wanted to catch this different side of it. I think he nailed it. I think he got Lightning in a Bottle with this one. I think that yeah, I think all those things happen. Now harmonica and he’s got a tattoo on his hand, which I found very curious because he doesn’t look like a very tattered kind of guy. But he’s got a tattoo on his hand of like a trident or a pitchfork. And I’ve got a photo of him from days digital that I’ll post it’s on my Instagram he’s got the illuminated all seeing eye right so he’s very much could be illuminate confirm this guy. Right? But why this tattoo? And the closest I could find to an answer is this philosophy. He apparently subscribes to called mistake guests. And the short version of it is the beauty of art is in the imperfection, which is a theme you see oftentimes in art. I’m going to read a quote from him. I used to say it was a mistake, just art form that I was Making films according to a mistake manifesto, this idea that the errors were somehow the most exciting thing, they were the entry point. I was interested in the randomness of it all. It was like putting different chemicals in a jar and shaking it up and documenting the explosion. I guess since I’ve been making films for a while now I feel like I’m kind of tapping into something starting to evolve. I’m starting to figure it out. Now it feels to me when I read this, I think about chaos, right? There’s a lot of chaotic ideas there, and embracing the chaos and finding order in the chaos. And he said in a different interview, that he was the antithesis to Hitchcock the way he makes films, like he would so Hitchcock would have the whole film in his head completed before he even started filming it, right. Whereas Corinne would sort of allow the randomness to create the scene and not have too much of a stranglehold on the script. And in the press conference, he talks about like, he would go to James Franco and whisper in his area be like, hey, you know, maybe your character would do this, maybe they wouldn’t, and then kind of walk away and let him come up with it, which is pretty crazy right? Now if you want to get a cult with it, which that’s why your hair, why not? Because that mistake, his reason for the pitchfork is it’s kind of flaky, if you asked me, cuz I couldn’t confirm ever that that was the logo for the art movement. That’s the claim is that well, that’s the logo for that movement. If you read SK Baynes book about 911 He asserts that Joseph Campbell said that the Trident was symbolic of Shiva, the Lord of Destruction is also symbolic of Poseidon. And of course, Satan. Yes, the devil’s pitchfork. And this was discussed on my 911 shows I did like what I do four or five shows on 911 I think, in September of 2021. Check those out for more on that. The idea is of the Twin Towers being built on massive satanic altars, because the Twin Towers originally had Trident artwork on the bait on the foundation of them. Now and if you look at that harmony Corinne photo of him with the all seeing eye and the illumination going on this is because the serpent in the Garden of Eden opened the eyes of Adam and Eve. That’s why they do the illuminated all seeing eye. The illuminated one opens the eyes Lucifer, the light bear opens up the eyes, and gives the wisdom like he did to Adam and Eve.
One more idea on current vision of the film, and then we’re going to get into it. He said, Look, I don’t want to make an expo today about spring break. I wanted to make a film about the underbelly of what happens when you leave the strip like leaving the Las Vegas Strip, because it’s all lights glitz and glamour, but there’s some real dark stuff that happens right off strip. And he purposely left it a bit morally ambiguous. Which is a very subjective idea. If you watch this film, a lot of people are gonna watch it and say now this filth is tannic trash and another fun bag he put the girls in when he filmed it he filmed it with an actual as those are actual spring break people and he would put the girls in the rooms with these partiers for parts of the film. Now finally, we’re getting into the film plots brothers are head. Are you ready? The film starts right out hard in the paint. With spring break, you got the beaches, you got the boobs. You got the boobs, the boobs, beaches and of course scrilla.
I think you need the film to slap you in the face this hard right off the beginning because it sets the stage for this whole experience. You don’t right off the bat if you’re gonna like this film or not, I think and look I’m a I’m barely a Gen X or kind of so I kind of understand millennial culture a little bit because I’m a little bit of that. And when I hear that Skrillex dubstep kick in and I’m seeing all the debauchery I’m like let’s fucking go. But if you do old, you might be like, What is this noise? This electronic music is noise this isn’t music during this filth off right? And I get it. You know if you grew up listening to Led Zeppelin and the Beatles and then you’ve got this electronic dance music you’re probably like, this is garbage computer robot held music. I get it But I like EDM, sorry, I just do. Now, the film we cut to the main protagonist of this film the four girls, which let me tell you the character names, and I’m probably going to interchange it often. Ashley Benson plays Britt Vanessa Hudgens plays candy. Rachel, Corinne plays Kati, who has like the, I don’t think we’re gonna talk about her at all in this film. And then Selena Gomez plays faith. Alright. So we’re introduced to these characters. And they’re not at the beach. They’re not at the beach having a good time. They’re at school, they’re at the college. And it’s a damn empty college, college campus. And they’re all sad, or smoking the dope. And they’re sitting in class board, which is actually very curious, because the professor is talking about the Double V victory campaign, which they were using the soldiers that were radicalized from seeing their friends get shot and killed in the war fighting Hitler and World War Two. With the idea that when they come back home, they would be a radicalized person, and they would fight for civil rights just as hard. And of course, you know, where the Double V comes from? It comes from the idea and it’s about fighting the Jim Crow South and everything right. But the, in terms of the occult, V for victory is Winston Churchill’s V, the peace sign, which was given to him through Alistair Crowley, right, because Alistair Crowley was like telling them how to fight the solar forces of Hitler by calling notions from the abyss. So it’s very curious that he put that in there. I mean, did he know? It’s hard to say? I argue he argue he does. No. Maybe he does. Anyway, we cut this Selena Gomez, she plays faith, right? Faith is the girl that embodies the Christian moral right. And she is tempted throughout the film. And you find out by the end of the film, whether or not she succumbs to the temptation, and she’s currently at a sort of youth church event. And there’s a pastor play by Jeff Jarrett, by the way, it was a it was a wrestler, you know, and he’s wearing a bedazzled affliction shirt, and he’s got the dyed tips. And he’s trying to keep these college kids focused on Christ, right. And they’ve even read first Corinthians 1013 about how when you’re tempted God will always give you a way out. And this is foreshadowing y’all foreshadowing y’all. Big Booty, y’all. And then we hear some of faith friends warning her. They know she shouldn’t go down to spring break, because that’s where the devil reigned supreme.
Unknown Speaker 32:53
I can feel the presence of Almighty God in this room. Oh, the swagger is coming out upon us. And it’s Oh, yeah. Crazy. Keith. Are you crazy for Jesus? Amen. Are you jacked up on Jesus? I am. I am. I’m failing Almighty Jesus in this room. Are y’all hear me? That’s all right. That’s all rise and get a good, amen. Amen.
Unknown Speaker 33:25
Amen. Praise God. In closing, we’re going to read one more box. I’m going to read from First Corinthians 1013. It says that when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can enjoy how cool was that? Date? How cool is that?
Unknown Speaker 34:33
What that says that every temptation, he’s going to give me away and don’t bill me. Can I go? Work for your Heavenly Father, thank you so much for bringing me in the presence of these wonderful young Christians to discuss and to talk about temptation to talk about Satan.
Unknown Speaker 35:11
Hey good Florida. Yeah, I’ve tried for you go. Yeah, right candy. Gotta be careful. Why some girls are scarier. No. Especially for candy, buddy. I’ll say that. Because they’re just so cold that they got demon blood or evil. They give it a frickin show. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 35:30
Now I’ve known them since kindergarten. They’re sweet. So right now, I hope you pray down there in Florida, right hardcore, pre super hardcore.
Isaac Weishaupt 35:40
So she’s told by her friends that, hey, you shouldn’t hang out those girls. They got demon blood. So, very clearly, they tell you what’s going on. They’re like, look, those girls you hang out with the possessed by demons and you’re gonna get a spring break and it’s gonna be full of satanic stuff, satanic influences. So the four girls are all together in the same dorm room. They’re smoking the dope, they’re drinking the booze. And they’re trying to figure out how can they get down to the beach? How can they get down spring break and St. Pete’s everyone else already left the college campuses empty. And they philosophize about how they need to get out and they need to see and do something different. And the irony being that The irony being that they get down to St. Pete’s and they just do they drink booze and do drugs down there instead of at the college campus. But whatever. They find a way to get the funds to go down there by stealing a car, they steal an El Camino and which I haven’t seen an El Camino in a long time. But they stole no Camino, they rob a diner with water guns, they keep saying they’re pretend it’s like a video game. Because you got to understand that the youth growing up around this time in the 90s and 2000s, you had a lot of first person shooter games, which a lot of people claim is when influence mass shooting sometimes. So it’s almost like a commentary on that as well. And you hear the mantra over and over act like you’re in a movie act like you’re in a movie, man, the influence of entertainment, especially on the millennial culture, and the Gen X culture. For that matter, Now faith. She doesn’t she she doesn’t go along. She doesn’t even know about it. Right. And that could be by design. That could be that could be that would be I don’t wanna give anything away yet but we will her character ends up doing. She can’t really know about it. Right. She has to have this way out. That sort of exonerates her. But candy and Britt that’s Ashley Benson, Vanessa Hudgens. They go into the diner when they drive though so caddies, the Wheelmen into El Camino candy and Britt they go to the diner with their ski masks on they hustle up some wallets with their fake water guns pretending they’re real guns, and they get the money. They make it happen. They get the money and guess what they’re going down to spring break. Hi Grandma.
Unknown Speaker 38:24
having so much fun here. This place is special.
Unknown Speaker 38:31
Starting to think this is the most spiritual place I’ve ever been
Unknown Speaker 38:40
I think we found ourselves here. We finally got to see some other parts of the world saw some beautiful things I can’t believe how many new friends we made. friends from all over the place mean everyone was so sweet here. So warm and friendly.
Unknown Speaker 39:03
It’s way more than just having a good time. So nice to get a break from reality for a little while always remember this trip.
Unknown Speaker 39:20
I want to go back again next year with you.
Unknown Speaker 39:25
Something so amazing. Magical. something so beautiful. feels as if the world is perfect. Like it’s never gonna end.
Isaac Weishaupt 39:39
So they got their money. They’re heading down to Florida to find themselves. As you hear the narration of a phone call from faith to her grandmother taught me how special it is there. She says something so amazing and magical. It’s like it’s never gonna end. And keep that in your back pocket because at the end of the film we’re gonna hear about very similar phone call. And it’s going to play a big role I think in the messaging in this film. And you’ll notice that the director Juxtapoz candy Vanessa Hudgens character peeing in the middle of the road while faith is talking to her grandmother about how beautiful it is down there you see how that says he sort of juxtaposing the the good and the bad hair be and it’s like this weird mix of beauty and crudeness right because got Vanessa Hudgens is very good looking woman and she’s like pissing in the middle the road but that but also that’s very Spring Break culture you know, it’s you got a bunch of kids there don’t don’t plan anything out they don’t have access to a bathroom just gonna busy in the middle of the in fact, I was in where were we Key West for fantasy fest few years ago and guys just pissing on the side of the in this side of the sidewalk. They’re just everywhere you go. Not everywhere. Anyway. But, but again, like this is really this is peak life where you get a taste of that 18 to 21 Magical age of partying. You’re never going to get that back the appeal goes away. It doesn’t even look cool. And you really got to enjoy those years before you really find out. Find out how hard it is to keep weight off and how bad drugs are for you. You don’t know what gluten free means when you’re that age you don’t care oh how many carbs are in this beard just bog it he just chug it anyway they get down to the beach right and then finally we’re introduced to the main character alien played by James Franco. And we’re we’re not disappointed bored and I don’t know if you know a magic place you’re
Unknown Speaker 42:15
welcome to poetry on the beach. This is the broom of the world y’all. You can change your life. You can change who you are y’all. You just got hypnotized and transported to another realm y’all in this world y’all this is poetry in motion big booties of money falling.
Isaac Weishaupt 43:01
The alien, he tells you flat out he says I’m from another planet, y’all. You can change your life. You just got hypnotized and transported to another realm. This is for Reber, he says it. You’re in another realm. This is forever. Like I’m going to explain to you later as well. It’s hell. He is satan in your in hell. He says you’re in this new realm. I took you to forever spring break forever. He’s the fallen angel Lucifer. The adversary the other. He says he’s hypnotizing all the kids. He’s transporting everyone to another dimension. So yes, it’s a very Luciferian very Satanic and faith. Remember, she was warned about Satan being down there at St. Pete. They told her the devils down there. And here is Buddha thought it’d be so damn cool, though. Man. bikinis and big bowties y’all. That’s what life’s about y’all spring break forever. But they almost manifest their future. These girls they’re hanging out in this parking lot of this liquor store. And they’re singing. Britney Spears Hit Me Baby One motor, and they’re acting like they’re putting the guns in each other’s mouths, right? They’re showing a hawk how badass they were when they robbed the diner. During that robbery and phase, she doesn’t think it’s cute. She’s disturbed by it. But the other three they think it’s cool. They think it’s funny that they did it. And they tell her you know, stick with us and you know, you can be you can be a goody two shoes and you can still have all the money and power like we want. Which you find out when they meet up with alien. That’s what He promises them very satanic very fast in and it’s interesting because Britney Spears have two very big influential moments of this film. This is The first one, the second one’s later and the second is much better. So the girls are party in. In fact, there’s a scene where if you look closely, they’re doing the twins, the ATL twins. They’re doing cocaine off a naked girls at this hotel room. And if you look closely see a girl like sucking the head of a snake of the serpent, right? I mean, he put these satanic symbolisms in there for a reason, I think. So the cops show up to this hotel. To break the party up. They arrest the four girls and the twin ATL twins as well. They’re all sad they’re in the cell. But wait a minute. The cops arrested ATL twins who are friends with alien. So when they go to the court hearing, alien springs, the ATL twins. And he’s like, he’s got his eye on these four girls because he’s feeling horn a. So he picks up the four girls and Bails them out too. And he shows up to pick all to pick the girl’s up not the twins, but he picks up the girls in his convertible Camaro. And they started hanging out basically an alien he starts asking faith, he’s he’s like, asking her about the name that she has a faith. And he’s like, that mean you got faith? You were doing a lot of praying on this trip. Which is pretty funny. And then he says, maybe I’m the answer to your prayers, which is a very satanic thing to do.
Unknown Speaker 46:39
How about this one right here? What’s your name? faith faith that’s a pretty name. Thank you. I mean, you got faith leaving God Yes. Pray Allah pray for your friends. The Bad Girl in the loud praying. You’ve been doing a lot of praying on this trip your girlfriend? I was just thinking maybe you did all that praying and I’m answered your prayers. He was all in trouble and here I am. I’ll leave about 15 to probably y’all pretty well out of money you spend on weed motels? Scooters my right spring bride Don’t worry.
Unknown Speaker 47:55
I got planning money. How much? She fucking made of money. Look at my fucking tape. As you call me money. Don’t worry. You’ll get planning we do it right here and save pates. We do a gangster gangster What do you say? We’ll have some fun. They want to have some fun. You got a wild side? No, I live at the beach all year round. I’m from here. My home grew up here. I was only white boy my whole neighborhood.
Unknown Speaker 48:37
Monday daddy crack down on Mother You know same old sob story. Whatever. When I’m making this shit work.
Unknown Speaker 48:47
Only bad part is spring break. That’s when all the scum come do what you leave a job or job? Straight hustle. I’m a hustler.
Isaac Weishaupt 49:08
So he says maybe I’m the answer to your prayers. Which to me that’s what the devil would say. And he’s the All Knowing you know how much wisdom this guy has. He’s the All Knowing serpent. He knows what they spent their money on. He’s like you spent it on the scooters and the weed in the motels now you’re at a money and here I am. I got plenty of money. Very much a fasting bargain. He promises them the whole world just like Satan tried to do with Jesus tempting him while he was out in the wilderness he said I’ll give you the whole world same story and you know and he’s got them gold slugs got the prison tats the braids and you know they’re really into the the gold teeth down there. I I didn’t know. I didn’t know southern culture until I’m was stationed out of Florida and yeah, they got the gold grill down there. And he’s talking. He started. What’s weird is he’s talking to the girls. He’s like, Hey, I’m a rapper, too. I got the song hanging with the dope boys. He’s like, I sing it and people sing right back at me. But the weird part is that if you watch the film, the girls were singing it. The four girls he picked up, they were singing the song to him at the concert at the beginning of the movie, which I got to believe took place before the arrest. It absolutely did absolutely took place before they arrest so they act like they don’t know him. But they were doing the thing that he says, All these girls do these like they sing it right back to me. Very strange. So they start hanging out with alien, right? But you know, she starts getting too real and faith. She wants to leave. She wants to that exit strategy that her friends said, Look, God’s gonna provide you the exit strategy. She knows something bad’s gonna happen. But not the other girls. They’re about that action. They’re all about it. If you recall, they robbed a diner. So So anyways, faith, she’s like pleading to get away from Alien. But he’s, he’s saying he’s trying to keep her under his grasp. I’m going home. I don’t like it here. Too weird. This is not what we came
Unknown Speaker 51:25
here for we
Unknown Speaker 51:27
party and this is not what it was supposed to be. It’s not a fear to me, because now we’re in very uncomfortable. I don’t know these people and we were in jail. And there’s a guy that I don’t even know takes us out of the jail and then all this weird stuff freezes here. He’s too you guys in talking resume don’t know them. And I don’t feel comfortable. I want to go home. This is not what I signed up for.
Isaac Weishaupt 52:07
Right now so faith, she’s acting scared. And she dips, but the others they stay back with him and she’s scared. So she goes to church, just like Ice Cube said. Now there’s a great scene where alien takes the girls, the remaining girls back to his house to his room. And he straight up tells us he’s like, I’m about doing the wrong thing. This is a this might be the best part of the whole film. I’m gonna say that at least three times. This may be the best part of the film. And he goes on talking about he’s like look at all my shit. This is the look at all my shit scene he does. I got Scarface on repeat. And this might be some of the best moments in cinema history. In fact, if if we send another gold disc out to space for the aliens, no pun intended. We should put this scene on there. Listen to all thing it’s just a couple of minutes but it’s it’s a it’s great.
Unknown Speaker 53:18
Some kids, some little kids that want to grow be president. Some kids want to be a doctor. You know? I just wanted to be bad. They kicked me out of school. I thought that was great. She had I don’t have to go to your school. That was the best thing in the world. Some people they want to do the right thing. Am I doing the wrong thing? Everyone’s always telling me you’ve got to change. I’m about stacking change. Stacking change. That’s it money about making money. That’s a dream y’all see American Dream. See? My brothers and sisters they did? It was all bad. got murdered. I’m the last one standing. That is the sin our blood. Yo. I love this was my dream. I made it come true this is my fucking dream y’all all this shit. Look at my shit. I got I got shorts. Every fucking color. I got designer T shirts. I got to go bullets motherfucking vampires Scarface on repeat last movie Scarface on repeat constant y’all I gotta escape Calvin Klein escape mix it up with Calvin Klein be smell nice. I smell nice. And in fucking bed. That’s a fucking art piece. My fucking spaceship USS Enterprise on this shit. I got different planets on this motherfucker me my fuckin Franklin’s here we take off. Take Oh, my ship my ship I got my blue cube lay oh you got it I got my funky no I got sure cans I got different flavors. I got them I got the size that she I got sighs I got blades look at my shit. This a nun I got I got rooms are they shit I got my dark tanning oil layout by the pool but all my dark tanning oil machine guns as soon as mother motherfucker here look at this motherfucker a fucking army have
Isaac Weishaupt 55:44
you heard him? He’s an army up in this piece at the press conference, they alluded to the idea that James Franco improvised most of that scene. And he described it as alien in the womb, in his home right in this room, this superficial womb, showing off and all the superficial things that he has. And the girls are eating up, they love it. And he compared it to the Great Gatsby scene where he’s He’s showing off all of his clothes. And because you know, it’s aliens, like I got shorts, every color. And then the scene he also talks about having a site which is a symbolism of Satan, this attorney and Grim Reaper the scythe harvesting and reaping souls. It’s all there. So, alien and the girls that go to a strip club, here comes Gucci Mane. Back when he was fat, the best kind of Gucci Mane, and he plays a character called big arch and he’s a rival drug dealer, but he used to be friends with alien they used to do crimes together. But now they’re beefing because Aliens started his own drug operation. But big Arts is like I own the streets. And he says there’s no room for alien. And if you listen closely, and it goes back and forth between the scenes of the strip club and alien in his room with the girls, and you even hear an alien drop the N bomb, soft, soft and bomb any deep Delta gun it’s a crazy scene, you’d have to see the whole thing. But yeah, he this, this lays this is this is one of the shifting points of the film, where it starts to shift to now we’ve got a problem. And we got to figure out how they’re going to address this problem. Tony will be joined by a very special guest halfway through the show to discuss the film Spring Breakers and we are now going to be joined by our very special guest Alex Kazemi. Yes, you might recognize that name. We did a show if you were called tinfoil hat. We did a discussion a debate if you will, on magic. Because Alex Kazemi wrote a book called Pop magic, which was, you know, cosign and CO opted by big names Madonna, Marilyn Manson, all these big celebrity loves that they did up. And he’s joining us to discuss Spring Breakers because when I read his book pop magic, I saw that he had watched this movie over 30 times in the movie theaters. And I thought I reached out to him I say, Hey, man, I’m doing a Spring Breakers analysis. I know you’ve got some ideas. And to be honest, it’s it seems like a very small club of people that are really into this movie at that level. So I had him call in and we’re gonna go through some of the ideas that he has about the film and it’s very interesting, and you’re gonna enjoy it. There you go. Let’s go some trouble. All right, I got the the Illuminati prince himself. Alex Kazemi on the line. What’s going on, man? How you been?
Unknown Speaker 58:57
Hey, man, it’s been it’s been a while since we last caught up.
Isaac Weishaupt 59:01
Yeah, dude. I think the last time we talked, you and I were on tinfoil hat, having a spirited discussion about magic and whatnot. I do I do. I still need to get with you and discuss your book. I’ve got all the notes. I read the whole book. I got all the notes. Which is partly why I wanted to contact you about Spring Breakers. But first I’d like to catch up with you see what you’re up to. I know you’re always up to something over there.
Unknown Speaker 59:32
Hey, yeah. I’m kind of like a bit low key right now. Yeah, that was amazing on on tinfoil hat. I loved hearing your theories and your deconstructions and I think it’s really great like the platform that you create for people to explore these thoughts a lot. Have I connected you with Sean stone yet?
Isaac Weishaupt 59:54
No, I think I think we followed each other on Twitter some couple years ago, but I’ve never worked with him.
Unknown Speaker 1:00:01
Yeah, you guys are similar in the, in the higher consciousness realm of looking through the surface of everything and looking beneath the, you know, going down the rabbit hole.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:00:11
Oh cool. Yeah, yeah I casually follow him I’m not a student of his or nothing like that so I don’t I don’t know exactly all the things he covers but yeah, I used to watch what was that show he had Jesse Ventura the show with Tyrrel What’s that?
Unknown Speaker 1:00:27
Was it bizarre?
Isaac Weishaupt 1:00:29
No, I forget what it was called. It doesn’t matter
Unknown Speaker 1:00:32
anyway. Yeah. Anyways, that’s pretty cool. Yeah.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:00:35
So So what you’ve been up to man, are you You write another book you talk into any of these Madonna Marilyn Manson type still? Uh,
Unknown Speaker 1:00:44
I don’t know, I I’m pretty. I’m gonna be pretty quiet about about everything. I mean, I’m just kind of taking a year to chill out. You know, like, I feel like the pot magic stuff was really intense. And I’m just kind of like, thinking about all the decisions and everything that led up to it. And just question I’m not questioning it in a negative way. But I’m just I want to take a year to kind of chill. I’ve been on like, the work treadmill. I mean, you work really hard as well, you know, like you’ve constantly been producing so much amazing content, you know, I kind of just want to like, step back from my own matrixes and see what’s going going on in the other worlds.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:01:21
Well, that’s good. That’s good. Yeah, got to check in with yourself. Sometimes. You know what I mean? Now, so there’s a couple areas, we could take this conversation. You’re still not on social media, though. Right? You’re still off of social media completely?
Unknown Speaker 1:01:36
Yeah, I can’t, I can’t do it, man. I’m not designed for. I can’t I can’t do it. But I really appreciate people who can handle it and handle all the energy on there. And the sensory information, if you can do it, go for it. I think it creates a lot of amazing realities for people to tap into theirs is not so completely negative.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:01:58
Yeah, I can see that. I agree with you. I think it’s like I had to take a step back from Twitter a couple of weeks ago, because it was like, just crushing my soul for whatever reason I was letting it do that. But that doesn’t mean Twitter’s bad, necessarily. So.
Unknown Speaker 1:02:15
Exactly. Exactly. Yeah, the 2020s. Baby.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:02:20
What, okay, I want to talk Spring Breakers because this is, you know, the idea was I wanted to catch a little 510 minute. I wanted to catch your feelings on it. Because I when I read your book, I remember very clearly you said that you saw Spring Breakers and I want to say in the theaters 30 times is that right? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 1:02:37
I did. I did for sure. And I drove people fucking crazy when it came out. I think I’m my my draw to Spring Breakers was because I thought it was so much of an example of what happens when the media socializes youth. And when we worship idealism, through archetypes and images that are presented to us in the media before we can really truly handle what it means, you know, and I think watching, because Spring Breakers totally captures where we were culturally at at that time, like with Worldstar, hip hop, and, you know, trap culture and, you know, obsession with gangsters and all this type of stuff in showing the way that it was presented. I feel like it is a cheat code to kind of understanding like the reality through a different lens, you know, the pop culture reality.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:03:32
Interesting. Yeah, that’s interesting. You bring up the archetype angle, because I hadn’t considered that I’ve already completed my analysis, I just have to actually record the audio, which, you know, obviously will play in conjunction with our discussion right now. But the archetypes is very interesting because the, you know, Vanessa Hudgens Ashley Benson, Selena Gomez, they had this turning point in their career, I guess, you know, how, when some of these celebrity actor, kids, they’ll be in Nickelodeon Disney type shows. And yeah, and they decided to take a step out from that and take on a more mature adult kind of role, which was very controversial at the time for Selena Gomez.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:16
Yeah, for sure. I think the movie is peak millennial culture. Like I don’t think Gen Z could really understand what it felt like growing up seeing all of those stars in more clean cut TV edited roles, and then them entering harmony. Curran’s, kind of explicit on Censored darker reality. And so there was a bit of a thing going on where it was like a movie within a movie where like, the top 40 mainstream audience was like Lord into seeing this movie where they thought it was like this spring break movie with Selena Gomez and they walked into this really complex, pop art intelligent, you know, arthouse film, and then it’s kind of Funny like it’s Oh, I didn’t say harmony Crunchyroll everybody but like it was definitely, it was definitely a trap to get people into the theater for sure.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:05:08
That’s an interesting take on it. I agree because when I saw the trailer, the first time I watched it, I was under the impression it was a kind of a party humor comedy kind of movies, especially because James Franco seems to look so ridiculous when you when you say, yeah, yeah. But clearly, it’s not that.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:30
No, and I think that’s kind of like what you just said right now that’s like, that’s what that’s what it exposes, you know, it exposes that there are things happening beneath surfaces, you know, and I think that what’s so interesting about the film is is that we have this like innocent Christian like girl who is supposed to represent like the moral compass of the viewer, right? And she doesn’t want to go further. And you know, like Selena Gomez his character and I’m think harmony, Corinne said that he like emotionally tortured her on set, like he would take her he took her like, into the ghettos of Florida, so that like she would be freaked out, like literally on camera so that he could get the best roll out of her and that like she would be, she was really freaked out in those settings. So as a viewer, you kind of feel her uncomfort and fear that Oh, anything could bad happen. bad could happen. But it kind of shows you like in the point of the media and pop culture and like corporations want us to be curious so that we go down kind of like a negative psychological place, you know, and I think that that faith Salinas character really represents this kind of idea of when you’re on the cusp of adolescence and interested in danger. But it’s very interesting because Celina goes home and in the movie set they say that she also went home like because harmony, you know, we he tricked her and stuff like that. Like she didn’t want to be there anymore. So it was very meta, the whole filmmaking process.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:06:57
Oh, interesting. Did you how do you know this information? And was there a book or a good
Unknown Speaker 1:07:04
harmony talked about it on a vice interview? I mean, vise might have removed it from YouTube, but it was around the time the movie came out where he was like, I had to get the best acting out of her. And yeah, do you do some research on it? I don’t think I’m hallucinating. That’s I really definitely do remember reading this because I was obsessed with reading about it. But I do think that the woods, what is your favorite scene in the film?
Isaac Weishaupt 1:07:27
Oh, man, I was just talking about this. Hang on let like quality on my mic describe goofy. I you know, it’s hard to say I feel like the scene where they’re in. Aliens bedroom and he’s like, you know, look at all my shit. I got shorts, every color. Yeah. Like that’s but that’s kind of like a humorous scene. And it’s also right before a heavy, like tonal shift where it gets dark. Yeah. Right for the piano scene. The piano scenes also legendary. What do you think? What’s your take? What’s your favorite? Well, I agree
Unknown Speaker 1:07:59
with you. I agree with you. I think that that seemed look at all my shit was actually like a metaphor, a metaphor for how as a culture, we were asking for everyone to look at us. Like it was like the inception of social media culture, like, you know, like, in the way of, at that time, teenagers were like, posting the new Nikes that they bought, or the new designer stuff. They’re like, look at me, look at me, look at me. So it’s like, walking into aliens room was kind of like this, like gory feeling of like, what it feels like to be on the internet and like, you know, a slave to corporations and capitalism and be like, Oh, look at me, look what I bought, you know, because at that point, and culture we were starting to become as adolescents like, we were starting to become the, like corporate commercials for for, you know, brands and stuff by posting the things that we liked onto social media, which was like, never has never really happened before that.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:08:53
Interesting. Your your career? Correct. You know, that’s, that’s, that’s an interesting take on that. Because, you know, a spoiler alert for my take on the film is I believe that James Franco represents satanic forces. You know, there’s so many religious elements with faith being the Christian and yeah, yeah, and it goes on and on. But you’re right. There’s a there’s a heavy capitalism element. I remember there wasn’t when Instagram started, there was a group and I’m, I’m barely millennial. I was born in 79. So I’m on the cusp of Gen X and Millennial. Yeah, so like Vanessa Hudgens and Ashley Benson. And then I didn’t even know really who they were when the movie came out. But there was some, some kids and wealthy kids flaunting their wealth on Instagram that made it sort of blow up as a form of social media. I can’t remember who they were they were sort of universally hated. Everyone was like, in the mainstream that weren’t on Instagram. Older folks like me. Heard about these, these rich kids in LA or wherever. Yeah, well
Unknown Speaker 1:10:00
Last year for sure, and an alien, acute accrued his wealth and his like, you know, bad boy mentality all from crime and bad things. So it was also about like the, not not the wealth gap, but like in the fact that, like, he saw the, the things that he accrued as being gangster and, and he saw himself as like a part of the, the, you know, this is what I can present to women as what gives me value because I’m, I have all this money and I have all these things like kind of like in the way rap culture you know, that’s why I love that actually this is kind of underrated scene but like when they’re kind of like dancing in the parking lot to like Britney Spears, and they’re trying to do the videos from the they’re doing the dance moves from the video, because in that moment, you understand that they have been inundated with this like Sex Kitten programming from their, like a very young age, you know, like from from like the because those characters are probably like 1819. So like, they saw Baby One More Time when they were like five or six or something, you know. So it’s like, they have these, these nostalgic memories of Britney Spears, but also in the way that when they’re coming of age, that that’s what sexuality should look like. And in retrospect, like Brittany complains about being too sexualized, and all this type of stuff. So you kind of there’s all these like allusions to this, like all the childhood programming from the late 90s In the early 2000s in the characters, but also, I mean, I mean, that’s also the premise of the movie right there parodying like MTV Spring Break culture, but Faith sees it as a spiritual experience. Where did she learn that she learned that from corporations, she learned that from MTV, that this would be the promise to transcend herself, but it’s in the end, you see that? She loses her ideals. And she she grieves her youth on that car ride home. bus ride home.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:11:55
Yeah, now. Okay, I got because we’re running out of time already. I told you, I was gonna keep this to 15 minutes. One last question. Did you catch that? This is something I’ve been sort of toying around in my mind as to where I want to take it with my my, my my conspiracy theory about Spring Breakers, the beginning of the film, faith, and you have to have the subtitles on to clearly understand that faith is calling her grandmother talking because because people haven’t seen the film there’s, there’s like, audio and scenes that are sorted. So all together. Yeah, he did a really good job. So you’re constantly wondering, like, well, when did this happen in the storyline. But at the beginning, they play a phone call from faith to her grandmother of her talking about how beautiful spring break is and now they’re down there and now she sees things. And at the end of the film, Vanessa Hudgens character candy she thinks candy she calls her I think mother or something and has a verbatim the same conversation on the phone.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:05
Yeah, so it starts with Yeah, it starts with a phone call and ends with phone call. And I think what’s so gory about the end the phone call I mean, spoiler of the with Burton candy is is that it’s a basically they have just committed a very deadly act of murder and a massacre, you know, and they’re on the phone. They stole the car. And they’re they have this sense of release and this that they could run away from what they did on spring break and that they can go back to life now that like we found ourselves we’ve changed. So it’s interesting because faith what was searching for herself as well. And she says she found herself to to her grandma in a certain way. And then it closes off with the the two. I don’t know, they’re definitely satanic archetypes, Britton candy, they definitely represent evil in the film like that, like there, there it is even you know, addressed by one of the characters that they’re cold blooded evil. So you get to see this dichotomy of innocence and virginal corruption, versus like wilful evil. Through the movie.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:14:15
Interesting. It’s a fascinating film. I, I I rant and rave about it constantly. In fact, I had someone reach out to me on social media, just recently, and they said, What the hell’s wrong with you? I’m 30 minutes into this movie. It’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. And I said, Wow, that’s kind of the reaction. It’s a love it or hate to kind of film and I’m definitely in the love of camp. So
Unknown Speaker 1:14:37
yeah, man, it creates it creates such extreme reactions in people, but I’m definitely I don’t think I’m just so lucky that I was there for I think it’s such a special one. Like it’s an it’s a cult film for sure.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:14:51
Yeah, that’s cool, man. It’s interesting because, you know, you were saying how the film sort of captures, you know, millennial youth and It’s funny because, for me, it makes me reminisce about my youth, you know, being older and growing up in the 90s. And going to the spring break on the East Coast, is very much the same sort of environment. And so it makes me a little nostalgic. So it, it captures that youth feeling. But it’s more updated to maybe people younger, maybe closer to your age that you grew up on Britney Spears and High School Musical and all these things I didn’t really show up on I just kind of knew what they were and that was it.
Unknown Speaker 1:15:32
Yeah. No, no, for sure. And I think also in the sense of captures, like, you know, the difference between being like 18 and 2000. And like, seeing, like, interpreting Britney versus the way a child interprets Britney, and how that affects like the money that they’re spending on concert tickets and capitalism and commerce. And then the way these girls like looked up to pop stars, and you see today in like Gen Z culture, they, they try to sexualize themselves like the millennial pop star girls, and they look up to that. And it’s very interesting. It all comes from a construct and corporations
Isaac Weishaupt 1:16:10
are always doing the bidding of our corporate masters here. So wait, man, thanks for sharing your your thoughts on this. We got to catch up sometime this year. We’ll catch up and talk about your Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 1:16:20
sure. Don’t worry. No, there’s no worries we have. We have all the time in the world. I’m not going anywhere. But yeah, I really enjoyed. I hope that that helped your episode.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:16:29
Yeah, that’s good, man. This is good stuff. It’ll be a nice little extra reflection on what I think is one of the most important films. It’s one of my favorites. So thanks for sharing your info. Was there anything you want to share with the audience? Any I mean, you know, yeah,
Unknown Speaker 1:16:44
I mean, I don’t have any social media. But if you if you resonate, and you understand what we’re talking about, I would love if you emailed me fan mail, because me.com and my link is Alex, because me.com I don’t know if it’s going to be somewhere but you can just like look it up. And yeah, just email me and I love to hear if you heard the episode and you like, what we’re talking about.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:17:09
Cool, brother. I’ll post those links in the show notes. As always. Thanks again. And I’ll be in touch later.
Unknown Speaker 1:17:16
Yeah, have a great day. And I can’t wait to hear that episode. Later, brother.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:17:19
There you go. That’s our excuse me if you want to reach out to him fan mail at Alex kazemi.com Or go to Alex kosambi.com. I’ll put the links in the show notes. And if I can find it, I will put a link to our discussion we had on tinfoil hat, which was a very great show. One of the best sites the best ever. You can check out the tinfoil hat episode we did in 2021. I believe it was and yeah, we’re gonna have him back on in the future. We’re in discussions to talk about his book pot magic, which you can get on Amazon right now. All right, let’s get back to the show. Alright, so we’re back in the film here we got the the beef between Gucci Mane character big arch and James Franco’s character alien rival drug dealers basically at this point. And alien has got these girls under his influence, and he tells the girls they’re all going to live life to the fullest with him. And here’s where we get another one of the greatest parts of the film. He plays Britney Spears every time on the piano and it’s a beautiful scene to be honest it’s very beautiful scene I would play the whole thing but I’m not trying to get sued by Britney Spears so I’m gonna I’m gonna play most of it for you though play some
Unknown Speaker 1:18:48
I see I want to hear something sweet. Something
Unknown Speaker 1:18:55
that was really novel let’s
Unknown Speaker 1:18:58
play something inspiring.
Unknown Speaker 1:19:00
Or y’all want to see my senses play something fucking inspiring. Just wanted by little known pop singer by the name of Miss Britney Spears. When the Greatest Singers of All Time named Jeff ever was one on this
Unknown Speaker 1:19:30
is me strangers Hello strong why can we ever SRE
Unknown Speaker 1:19:58
follow I feel so small as Sandy to Bay they see you in my dreams. I see your face is haunting me. Guess me too,
Isaac Weishaupt 1:20:19
you know what’s confusing to me is why would he have a piano outside in Florida where it rains like hell every single day? I don’t know. Just a movie though, right? No clue. He says Britney is an angel if there ever was one on this earth. More talk of the fallen angels, right? Angels on the earth could be him the fallen angel. But yeah, in that scene, you get a good slow motion catch up of what’s been going on between alien and the girls and we don’t really know how long it’s been going on. But they’ve been doing a lot of crimes. He’s grooming them. He’s he he gets the girls into all the crimes and the trouble and ain’t showing them how to rob spring breakers which you heard big arch mentioned look, I showed you how to rob Spring Breakers when you started out. I made you and big guards like I’m gonna shut you down too. But alien he’s he’s grooming the girls and I would argue it’s because he knows that his time might be ending soon. And of course, this is a huge tonal shift in the film things are getting dark. These are getting real dark real quick, right? And you know and even the even the scenery goes to nighttime. Right before it was all daylight party and stuff. And then the sun is setting and we have the Britney Spears piano scene. And then it’s nighttime for the rest of the film basically. And big arch. They’re driving around right? Alien in the girls drive around the convertible Camaro and big arch pulls up. And he basically bid a big arch ends up shooting Kati in the arm. She’s in the backseat of Camaro. And now we got a real problem. Now things have escalated. So alien, he removes the bullet and evals revenge upon big arch Bacardi. She’s now had enough she’s tapping out. She’s crying in the shower and whatnot. She bells. She’s scared to she’s going to church too. With faith. She’s out. But candy and Britt they’re staying. And those were the two that actually robbed the bank. Caddy was the wheel man so she didn’t really get her hands dirty. But Kenny Britt, they’re about that action. They’re not scared. And kadhi she pleased for the other teachers that come back with me. This is this is getting out of hand. I just got shot, a bit shot. She’s like, look, and she even tells you we get a rough idea of the timeline. She says look, spring breaks over class. Everyone’s back in class. What are we doing? Let’s go back. But like I said, they’re about that action. They’re not going back. Things are good. Things are getting very dark in the movie. No more EDM, no more cocaine. No more Skrillex no more Scarface on repeat things have gotten serious. And we’re basically we’re all set up for the final showdown. We got alien candy and Brit. They’re gonna kill big arch at his mansion. It’s kind of like a compound almost. It’s huge. But first Alien has a threesome with candy and Britain the pool. But just like the rest of the film, you don’t know whether it’s hot, whether they’re in love, whether it’s tragic, whether they’re sad. It’s really hard to tell. The girls seem to be enjoying it. But alien knows something bad’s about to happen. He knows he’s about to get shot. He knows what’s happening. He’s this weird all knowing Gnostic wisdom. For some reason. He knew the girls were what they blew their money on. He knew that this wasn’t going to end well. So it’s like he had one last hurrah with the threesome. And you hear the girls call home before heading out with alien because they get on a boat because they’re going to go attack. Big arches mansion from the dock right from the water going into the house. And the girls they call home before they head out with a lady on the boat towards the place and they’re strapped up. They got the army guns. Right. And we’ll talk more about the phone call in a second. But they pull up. They pull up on the boat. Big artists have this massive house party. But here comes alien and the girls candy and Britt. The girls got their pink unicorn ski mask. Yeah, another great part of film this might be the best part of the film. The three best scenes in the film and big artists people they see these three coming up the dock with the Army guns. So they start pulling out their straps and bam, they immediately shoot alien. He’s dead immediately. He knew it was coming and it happened.
But the girls with the ski masks on they take the shooter out. They keep moving they’re cold blooded, they didn’t even hesitate they don’t even look back at alien and they proceed to take down the whole damn house while we’re hearing this phone call right and they eventually and we’ll talk about the phone call but they they mow down the whole damn house. They get into big artists bedroom he’s in the back he’s in the bathtub, watching two grills shower. And boom they knock his top off and and they they take his Lamborghini and it’s spring break forever and that’s pretty much the end of the film. Now what I want to talk about though is this final scene a little bit more because you hear candy on a phone call back home, but listen very carefully to the choice of words here
Unknown Speaker 1:26:28
Yeah, Mom, it was really great. I think we found ourselves here we finally got to see some other parts of the world we saw some beautiful things here. Things we’ll never forget. We got to let loose god I can’t believe how many new friends we made friends from all over the place. I mean everyone was so sweet here so warm and friendly. I know we made friends last lifetime we met people who are just like us people just the same as us. Everyone was just trying to find themselves it was way more than just having a good time we’re different people now we see things differently more colors more love more understanding. God it was so nice to get a break from reality for a little while and then we have to go back to school but always remember this trip something so amazing magical something so beautiful. feels as if the world is perfect like it’s never gonna end.
Unknown Speaker 1:28:33
night you can see way past the stars we can see the light is just as beautiful I never wanted to end spring break forever spring break forever pitches
Isaac Weishaupt 1:29:01
Did you notice how Kandi says verbatim the same thing that was in the phone call from the beginning when faith calls her grandma verbatim the same thing. But y’all I can’t believe how many new friends we made everyone was so sweet here. We made friends that will last a lifetime found people that are just the same as us. Everyone was just trying to find ourselves we’re different people now we see things differently. something so amazing. So so magical. So beautiful. feels as if the world is perfect like it’s never gonna end. But here’s the difference. Here’s the big here’s my big grand finale okay of my my greatest analysis of the greatest movie ever. She ends it with we can see the light Yes, my friends. The Luciferian illumination of the all seeing eye. They’re awakened to the knowledge of the serpent. It’s like hail satan. Spring break forever is like hail satan. They say we can see the light now. And really, that’s what the Illuminati, the Luciferians want to believe, is that good and evil are inconsequential. None of this matters. But I would argue it does matter. He should not go into a compound and shoot up everybody. That’s my moral stance. But yeah, we find out and then you find out they sort of start playing the crowds you find out that the girls it’s weird because the girls kind of, they go back to aliens dead body. And they give him a kiss on after he’s been shot and killed. But the first time you see the ending, that’s not really how it went down. But then they show that they did they, they went back at some point to give them a kiss. So they didn’t, I don’t know love him to some degree. But overall, there’s this idea that this is a female empowerment film. They do take the reins from James Franco’s character. And they’re like, now they’re driving the Lambo, they took out the the patriarch, mass, toxic masculinity of alien and big arch. And now they are running the show. They’ve got the Lambo, they got the guns, they got the Scarface on repeat. So in conclusion, this film was great. Because you’re not sure what’s going on, you’re not sure if it’s tragic, if it’s fun, if it’s sad. If it’s happy, if it’s a female empowerment film, you’re not sure what the characters are experiencing. You can visually see them partying and having fun. But every other sense, in your body tells you there’s something terribly wrong, there’s some dread it’s almost like you’re watching it through faiths Christian worldview, and she never comes back in the film. By the way, she took her escape plan that God gave her and left because because she knew alien was the devil. And like we talked about, there’s so many pieces of symbolism supporting that idea. The phone calls being the most obvious with the two identical phone calls bookending the film of the opposing forces of faith at the beginning that the the the light and then the dark of candy at the end making the same exact phone call verbatim. And by the way on these phone calls, you never hear the other side. So it’s almost like they’re just leaving a voicemail or journal or a diary or something. It’s very strange. But at the end Candy says we can see the light and it’s beautiful spring break forever. Hail Satan. You know, the the Luciferian fallen angel of alien sold her on the material way of living on embracing this sort of weird duality idea that there’s no such thing as good and evil, those are fabrications and one should embrace whatever brings them the most happiness, which is a shallow way of living. And they kept talking about finding themselves down there throughout the film, especially on the phone calls. How all it was all worth it. Meaning like robbing the diner and committing all these crimes. It’s all worth it. Because we found ourselves we found our true selves. And this is a very curious idea. This is very much the occult fantasies of Know thyself, right. The secret societies all talked about Know thyself. And it’s very curious because when they keep calling back to their family members that never speak back to them.
It seems more like a journal. It seems like they’re it’s a one sided journal entry. And it’s always on payphones, which is also strange. This is filmed in 2012 Almost everybody at a payphone or cell phone back then wasn’t that old? I went to Spring Break in 9899 98 Those were pay phones we use paid phones but not 2012. But you know alien said he was transporting everyone to another realm and this realm has no cell phones. And this is anyways the point. The point is the the talk about finding yourself this is very much like Crowley’s true will and he clearly talked about everyone has a true will that the universe needs them to do and you will accomplish this at all cost at any cost. Murdering big arch and Company. Maybe that’s the cost but they had to find the true will they to find themselves. And if you listen to Now the irony again another synchronicity if you will. I was listening to a podcast called noise The answers because they had a show about Alexander Dugan wasn’t super fruitful for me, but you know, whatever. They talked about this Nazi named Martin Heidegger. And this Nazi had a philosophy about how to evolve, how one could be, could evolve themselves, how one could know thyself. It’s called Daz dasa EAN design design, I think it’s called da es ein design, it’s a word that means being there. And the idea is that humans fall into this mundane routine of life. And we’re not able to be our true authentic self, right? When you’re in your mundane, nine to five grind. That’s like most of your day, you’re not your authentic true self, you’re putting on a mask a character. So you can pay the bills. And design is all about breaking free and finding the authentic self. It’s a way to rescue ourselves from the mundane. How do you do this? You do this by living towards death. That’s what this Nazi philosophy was. And it answers the question of who am I and the emergency from facing death? Stokes this, this is the same idea of confrontation with the mortality triggering the real answer. We talked about the Freemasons and their Memento Mori, the skull and bones, all the same idea of the skull and bones, they, you know, all these initiatory ideas of the secret societies. They put the initiates into a coffin, or like they do at Yale, the skull and bones. Or the ancient Egyptians would bury someone underground underneath the pyramids for three days to simulate death. And that’s what these girls in the in Spring Breakers do they go right to the edge, they commit murder. To find themselves they’ve literally faced death kadhi has shot in the arm. But But you notice faith and Connie, they both build before they could find them true selves. And it took going all the way to the edge, the design except for faith, you know, faith, she kept the faith. She was scared she went to church. So I find that very interesting that the all these ideas are encapsulated on these phone calls about finding themselves finding the true self. And of course, alien. Was he Satan? Yes, of course he was. The first clip we played you heard foreshadowing that God was going to give faith away out when Satan tempts her. And who tempts her Satan, of course. Then the faith friends in the beginning, they warned her that candy and brother demonic, they got demon blood. They’re the only two that made it to the end. I mean, obviously, her name is Faith. So you know it served up right on a platter for us. And this is a tale of good and evil. The righteous path versus temptation and clearly, temptation looks like more fun. That’s to do with that which you will do what thou wilt as Crowley would say. But you know, Satan alien, he opens the doors to these worldly powers these these temporary fun things. He the drugs, the wealth, the sex, you know, fun, but Christ He gives you something better. He teaches us how to be better people. How to make it a better world how to get into heaven. Just like Jeff Jarrett tells us, you got to get jacked up on Jesus, my friend. But yeah, it’s a perfect film. It’s got a cell phone score of zero.
Meaning you’ll never need to pick up your cell phone to check on the news or Twitter feeds or crypto prices. It’s an hour and 33 minutes of perfection. 33 There’s another Luminati symbolism there. 32 degrees, Freemasonry. Anyhow, Spring Breakers. One of my favorite films of all time, you’re going to love it or you’re going to hate it. It’s going to be one of the two. And that’s my analysis. Static influences all over the place. Lots of interesting ideas to consider to unpack. You could watch it 30 times, like our great guest, Alex because me and I’ll put a link in the show notes where you can hit him up. Tell him what you think. Put in a good word. I’ll do another show with him in the future. So stay subscribed to the show. I hope you enjoyed this. I enjoyed this. This is my favorite film analysis of all time. Hell am I gonna watch the film again right now. So thanks for your time. Thanks for listening to these ideas, these theories they subscribe to the show. If you want to support you know where you could do it. I got three supporter options to get the show ad free next time and you get over 100 Bonus episodes that I’ve done over the years. The easiest one That’s patreon.com backslash Illuminati watcher. But I’ve got a link in my show notes where you can compare the three different support systems and see which one you like. And yeah, check it out, support the show there. Until next time, stay WOKE
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
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