On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we are joined by a VERY special guest- Alex Tsakiris from Skeptiko podcast! He breaks down some very controversial ideas on the virus, masks, the alien agenda, the global government, the myth that started Christianity (*I’m clutching my pearls as we speak) and more! We discuss if Alex Jones was correct all along, why science is a failed religion, Diana Pasulka’s alien revelation about the Invisible College, consciousness, NDEs and more. We get personal and talk about Alex leaving the Greek Orthodox Church, conflicts with Christians (*Jay Dyer’s name comes up!), and how Alex believes that Christianity was fabricated by the Romans through the myth of Josephus! We wrap up with a brief talk about whether or not aliens are demonic (*come on- you know they are) and more!
We also hit the December Patreon Tier 2+ shoutouts!
- Check out Alex’s show if you want to go deep into the tough questions: https://skeptiko.com
- The show he mentions in regards to the Bible is with Joseph Atwill from this episode: https://skeptiko.com/joseph-atwill-why-the-bible-is-pro-roman-464/
- Get your mega soft podcast t-shirts (the 2020 ‘Nerds are gonna kill us’ version) AND your signed paperbacks of ALIENS, UFOS & THE OCCULT USE YOUR ILLUSION I: https://gumroad.com/isaacw
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Website publisher of IlluminatiWatcher.com and top 5% Amazon author of THE DARK PATH; Isaac Weishaupt has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry. Using examples of familiar pop culture and works of entertainment, Isaac has been speaking and writing about the occult from a unique perspective that seeks to understand the big agenda while helping others along the way.
Isaac hosts the “Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture” podcast (supported by the IW Patreons). He has been a featured guest on Tin Foil Hat podcast, Chris Jericho’s “Talk is Jericho” podcast, “Those Conspiracy Guys,” Dave Navarro’s “Dark Matter Radio,” Richard C. Hoagland’s “Other Side of Midnight”, SIRIUS/XM’s The All Out Show, The HigherSide Chats, BLACKOUT Radio, Freeman Fly’s “The Free Zone”, Mark Devlin’s “Good Vibrations”, VICE, COMPLEX magazine, Esquire, The Atlantic and many more radio shows and podcasts. His fresh perspective and openly admitted imperfections promotes the rational approach to exploring these taboo subjects and conspiracy theories.
Follow Isaac on Instagram: @IsaacWeishaupt, Twitter: @IlluminatiEyes, Facebook: @IlluminatiWatcher, or sign up for the free email newsletter!
Signed paperbacks available at Gumroad.com/IsaacW!
Full Transcript (Courtesy of all Patreon Supporters):
*Note that this is pretty accurate- not 100% though (**Especially with the two speakers here- dont commit to words being 100% precise from me or Alex). It’s run through software that is generally very accurate and then I give it a quick once over but there are most likely some errors.
**A PDF copy of the transcript is given to all Patreon supporters- join the IW Patreon team at Patreon.com/IlluminatiWatcher!
Isaac Weishaupt, Alex Tsakiris
Alex Tsakiris 00:03
We have no idea what science really is. We only know that the science we’re exposed to, is fake. And that’s what I would circle back around two. Again, a point you just kind of made in passing was that this is the reveal of the extent of the conspiracy. It’s now just in your face. It’s like, yeah, we’ve been playing it. Yeah, you know. Okay, get over it.
Isaac Weishaupt 00:36
Everybody, it’s your boy, Isaac, I’m very excited. I got a special guest for you today. We’re joined by a very, very special guest, Alex securus. From the skeptical podcast. Yes, that’s a Greek last name. And we get into that in the show. real briefly. And if you’re not familiar with my man, Alex, oh, boy, if you got a whole world that’s about to open up in front of you, he’s got this podcast skeptiko, where he goes hard in the paint, to say the least. He’s going ham on the consciousness stuff. But he breaks down some very controversial ideas with us today. So you know, get ready, strap in and strap on, you know what I’m saying? We’re gonna talk about the, you know, the big virus. We’re gonna talk about masks. But more importantly, what about the Alien Agenda? The global government the great reset the myth that he says started Christianity, his words, not mine. I’m clutching my pearls as we speak. He says Christianity is a big life. And so much more. We discuss a you know, maybe Alex Jones was right all along. We talk about how science is a religion of failed religion at that. This guy’s going hard against the nerves, the Christians, you name it. And we it’s a lively discussion. Let me tell you, we talk about we both interviewed Dan Sokka. We talked about Danica Sokka. Her alien revelation to the masses about the invisible college, the disclosure agenda, consciousness near death experiences and more. We get a little personal I hit him up say Alex, bro. You remember the Greek Orthodox Church? That’s my faith right there. Why did you leave Roe? Why did you leave? And he tells you why. Talk about conflicts with all these Christians easy. He had Jay Dyer on the show. We talked about Jay dying for a little bit truth or drama alert ever being talked about how well Alex believes that Christianity was built around the myth of a man named Josephus we talked about this whole thing for a bit. We wrap up with a brief discussion on whether or not aliens are demonic. You know the answer they are Come on. Come on. You know they are maybe not who knows. And, and I’m gonna keep this moment. I know. I’m excited to get into the show real quick. We’re going to do the Patreon December tier two and up shout outs. Let’s get into it. My man Frank Chow, Chris. owes blues King switchy. Liz Cheryl. Michael C. Marjorie G. Dana premier 65 Christie w Jo sauce in the house. Laura Suzy, your I’m sorry, Jorge. Also George there. That’s my gringo cracker ass cracker. Oh, by the way, this, this episode with Alex, we got a couple of explicit lyrics. So and all if you got the little ones nearby, and you want to air them off, and you might have to be on standby for that. Yeah, yes. Where were we Jorge Chris. Keisha Danna, and if I’m butchering your name, hit me up sliding those Patreon DMS let me know maybe I’m mispronouncing it, or maybe I missed you entirely. I shouldn’t I got all the names right here. We’re we’re Keisha, Daniel G. Renata, G. Zack. Russell D. Chris G. Ramona. Frankenstein. coolest name ever. Elena. Jason Lewis b rosalinda. Iraq, Tanya, Raman, tre Aya Jacob Allen and Elisa Phil Goodrich are pumping out some paintings. He’s pumping out the UFO and the surfboard paintings. You know you want one check them out and feel good retard on Instagram. Eric. Jason s me child beador Alexander k sues W and non amuse francy Betty Thomas, Dawn P. Elizabeth, Roxy Roxy Angie Porter. Brian. Brian’s been on it for a minute damn near Oh, Brian. It hit the one year mark a thing if I’m reading this right. Shout out Brian. Ashton. Ashley G. Kelly see Heather Jade. m. Alli, Renee, Brandon and Neha. He’s been on here for a minute to cc all these these are oh geez. Spry you out there in Utah. Doing His weird Utah football polygamous stuff, whatever he does down there. I don’t know. We have some lively Twitter’s going on there if you follow us on the Twitter, Jo n. Brandon Lord Brian B. Roach cast yak, David. m Gabe. I will see Alex he’s been on ever a minute. Shout out. Darcy all these people have been on it for a month. Jeff W. Al. Whitney B profit seven Denali, G. Jade, pragmatic chick SPG. Oh, these are we’re talking we’re going back in the old school, old school. patreon supporters are William B. Alexandria, Alexandria, h ktg. Jayco in the house. And then here we go with tier three. These are the tier three supporters Joshua B. Austin C, Southside Taro in the house and his the his little What do you call this thing? A little teepee hitting that opium hash or whatever you guys do out there. In your hippie rainbow club on getting that rainbow light body. Sara be Jennifer. Cheryl is in the house. Always holding down trails holding down all the time. Crystal de Taylor Blake always holding down big fuzzy, big fuzzy reigning champ still reigning champion Patreon Cara Charles Brook sorcha. And last but definitely not least, my man, Brandon. See. That’s the Patreon shout outs. So shout out to everyone who supports shout out for the people listening. I appreciate all you guys who make this happen. Without further ado, let’s get into the show. Hey, Alex, what’s going on man?
Hey, Isaac,
love it.
Isaac Weishaupt 06:48
Man. I’m great to hook up with you. I’m so happy I ironically, I listen. I’ve heard a few episodes of your show right? before you were even on Sam Tripoli’s daily dose. I’m obviously familiar with your work. I when I interviewed Dr. Diana Sokka, I was kind of doing a little recon honor and I stumbled across your show and your showed hit my radar a bunch of times because of all the topics and the terms you have on your titles and all that. So I’m stoked that you are here. Ready to drop the knowledge on me.
Alex Tsakiris 07:24
Diana wasps Basilica bahkan. Next level,
Isaac Weishaupt 07:28
I’m telling you, man that I had these sort of ideas swirling around in my head for a while about the Alien Agenda. And then I read her book.
Are we back? And yeah, can
Isaac Weishaupt 07:38
you hear me? on your end?
Alex Tsakiris 07:39
Oh, okay. No, froze for a minute. Yeah, that’s what I want to get your What about Pacifica?
Isaac Weishaupt 07:46
Yeah, I find her to be incredibly, you know, she seems almost so credible and believable because of her credentials. But then also, almost like she’s the disinterested third party on some levels. And I don’t know, man this whole and we’ll talk about this today, the whole Alien Agenda and disclosure? Is it a psyop? Are they demons are the angels all these ideas are are part of the big picture, I think of what’s going on?
Alex Tsakiris 08:16
Hey, do you realize I mean, in my view, how profound that point is that you just made? Because no one else or not? I shouldn’t say no, because I just talked to Alexis Brooks. I really like and respect, but not enough people are saying, Well, of course we have to consider the EXO political aspect of this. You know, the aliens got a seat on the table, right? Ever since we let them into the conversation and said there is this we are after disclosure where post disclosure, we can have any discussion and not say, what is the man human intelligence? What is that angle? Even if we say well, we have no idea what it is. It hasn’t revealed itself as to what it thinks about COVID you still have to kind of carve out a little space there and go well, is that a factor in this right? Because just like, man, I really that. You know, you said that after you did your show yesterday on the great reset, which was like fantastic. I’m listening to it. It’s amazing. And you said you’re shaking. I was shaking listening to your show. Because you were like you were like red pilling me all over the place. But I still catch myself and say okay, so what is E t think about that, right? Because that I’m just saying we just got to check ourselves like okay, what is E t think? We don’t know. Okay, why don’t we know you know, you don’t mean or no?
Isaac Weishaupt 09:40
Yeah, exactly. Because I think that man with with 2020 the ideas of the Great Awakening, then sort of confirming so many conspiracy theories through the great reset. That to me if I if you were to nail me down and say what what’s the deal with the aliens have Doesn’t fit into everything going on. If I had to make a guess, I would say that if the, the I hate using these terms too much, because I don’t want to get flagged for censorship, but if the virus and the the rollout of the the cure through the needles, if those things aren’t accepted by the masses, which the jury’s a little bit out on whether or not they will be if they’re not accepted by the masses to push us into the globalist agenda of the great reset, then, like ronald reagan told us 40 years ago, guess what, guess what we’ll get that done the alien threat the Alien Agenda? And there’s nuances of this, right? Yeah, I read through. I read through some of your material there. And there’s, there’s weird tie ins with the military industrial complex. There’s weird tie ins with Tom DeLonge. I mean, the disclosure thing is just Bizarro. And it is weird how very few people are really talking about this.
Alex Tsakiris 10:59
You know, I had an interview a few years ago with the guy really liked this guy. And he’s highly respected in academia and in political science circles. His name is Dr. Alexander went from Ohio State University. And so he did a couple of papers that, you know, were really, really controversial within the academic community and for you, and I just be like, yeah, I mean, right. But one was about one world. One World governance, New World Order kind of thing. And this is Alexander when Ohio State University poly sigh published in a peer reviewed journal, in his big insight that he had in the shower one day is one world government. Well, yeah, of course. I mean, that is the trend, right? I mean, we go back in history. And we have all these little fiefdoms and all these little states and tribes, and then they consolidate in order to protect and exert their power, but also for economic reasons. And the natural extension of that is you get fewer and fewer, there’s more and more consolidation. And eventually, there’s there’s one world state. So again, this guy’s coming at it from strictly poly side perspective, but he’s just saying we do have to look at it from this bigger picture. Of course, one rule state is the eventual outcome. And he also has an extra political angle that he kind of treads very lightly on, but it’s like, Okay, if we are part of a larger galactic community of, well, you know, you can’t really come down to earth and have you know, 20 different groups that you’re dealing with you kind of need, one would kind of be better than 20 in that circumstance. Again, I’m not saying that I know any of this stuff, but there are some really smart people who are thinking the same way. And then where I would take that with what you’re exploring is, okay, so maybe these guys who are quote, in the know, who we perceive as Super evil, doing all these horrible reset things, maybe there’s another perspective on it, that we don’t fully appreciate. And that doesn’t mean I’m down with what they’re doing at all. I’m just saying, maybe it looks a little bit different from you know, Schwab’s perspective. I love that one, you know, you lay that whole thing if anyone hasn’t heard yesterday’s show, well, it was yesterday to me whatever it was, they got a boo, but the way you did that intro was just like, I’m just like, I was stunned. I was like, Who are these quotes coming from? It’s one after another. It’s this kind of thing where if you had any doubt that this was not a programmed frickin rollout. Explain explain where those came from, if you would for much benefit Sure.
Isaac Weishaupt 14:04
Yeah. So those are like part of the so you’ve got the World Economic Forum which is one of these sort of you know you know, Jay Dyer breaks us down pretty pretty well like it’s like a specter from James Bond. It’s this you know, octopus umbrella group that is the the globalist elites. And you’ve got people on the on the intro I did for that show. They’re like, like Prince Charles and stuff. And, like, you know, these are people who like, like, why are we listening to Prince Charles, like, he, Prince Charles is going to tell us how to equitably treat humanity like this is the guy who we put on a pedestal to live in a palace in this fake royal bloodline stuff. And to me, it’s the whole thing is just so preposterous. And I, you know, I listened to and to be honest, and I think I covered this on the show. I obviously have heard of the great reset for many months from the truth or community But I’m kind of a skeptical guy myself of the truth is particularly because you know, and I get it the truth that worldview is very paranoid. It’s very much question everything. No one’s telling you the truth, extra paranoid. And it shocks me how often they turn out to be correct. But I’m always on the fence and hesitant to just, you know, slide on my chips, and we’d be like, yep, they’re right. This is a globalist agenda. And, you know, because I’m like, Well, on one hand, there’s viruses, they exist, this happens. But But then, like, I read this stuff, and I listened to Jay Dyer and I listened to there was a couple other people I listened to about the great reset, Bill Cooper, you know, and dude, these guys are so on the money with it. And I think when I when you first hear, I think this is like some fear mongering right wing nonsense. But then I read Klaus Schwab’s books, and the way they package the material, that’s what’s insidious to me, because I’ve got like some bleeding heart tendencies. And Klaus Schwab is like, he promotes it very well, in the books. He’s very convincing. You’re kind of like, I don’t know, this doesn’t sound so bad, but we’re going to take care of the earth want to take care of for people. This isn’t bad. But then like, you think about all the truth, there’s for so many years that have been warning us with this. And the real intentions behind it. Like, you could you could talk me to either side of it, but I I go with my gut on this where I’m like, Look, I don’t I don’t trust the people. You know, Bill Gates became the world’s richest man for a reason and what we’re gonna pretend he’s a, this great humanitarian, all of a sudden, like, give me a break. See,
Alex Tsakiris 16:33
that’s what I really appreciated about what you were doing, because I felt like it was your capturing where I was at, you know, like, sure, I’ve heard the great reset for months. And I always kind of pushed it to the side of kind of a little bit to cue a little bit two, way out there, you know, Mooney kind of right wing, you know, because, because we all know we love Alex Jones, but we know, those clickbait fearmongering prepper shit is not exactly where we want to live on a day to day basis. So we’ve got to kind of leery eye on that. But like you said in that thing, when you encounter it to that level, you go, holy shit, what if he’s been? He’s the one who’s been telling me the truth. All along? What if it really is that bad that I never even want to imagine because like, people like you and I who are in this community, but are trying to find this middle ground, are hesitant, reticent to go that whole way. And when someone kind of pulls you in that direction, you’re like, oh, man, I know. Because we know it. Because we know what they’re talking about. We know there’s some evidence for it. We’re not like, when you talk to, you know, people in the larger community, like I talked a lot of science people, and they are completely asleep, you know, completely asleep. So the conversation only crawls, you know, one bit or another, you and I have a conversation and boom, you know, we’re immediately off talking about extra political alien, Tom DeLonge. Versus, you know, the truth behind you know, that kind of stuff. It’s a different kind of discussion. But I think it’s the this is a cool discussion to have, which is that kind of next level within this reality centered conspiracy thing, you get what I mean. Yeah,
Isaac Weishaupt 18:31
yeah. And to add to that point about how the scientific community is asleep to the higher picture, what you mentioned earlier about the aliens and how that’s really, the spirituality element isn’t really discussed in the community at all. When when I interviewed Dr. Donna bussaco, I think it was, I think she was referring to Tyler, you know, who was like the main sort of point of contact in that invisible college. And don’t quote me, but I think it was Tyler who didn’t know who john D was. He had no idea. And I’m like, this is a scientist who’s believes in UFOs, and aliens, and he doesn’t even know john D is like, that blows my mind, you know? And yeah, and yeah, and I think you’re right. I think a lot of people in the in the masses have turned to the truth or community this year. I mean, I’ve talked to many truth, there’s and there’s insatiable need, I mean, the consumption level of my materials, my books, my podcast has gone, you know, two, three fold this year because, you know, you can only fool people for so long. That’s why like, today I retweeted something about YouTube shut down another big channel and the truth or community there. And, and, you know, the writing’s on the wall to me that I think enough people can see through all the censorship, and they’re waking up to this and that I don’t think you’re going to fool all the people I think you can fool some of them but not all of them. And, and what your your your podcast as a good service for this too. And I like how How you, you sort of force people to like, dig deeper and not you don’t just take what people say and be like, Okay, cool. Yeah, that’s that’s a thing. You know, like, I like I like we got to force our people to think is what I’m getting at. You know what I mean? Because Because if we don’t think if we don’t question some of the the truth are communities, that dilutes the genuine truth in a lot of these, a lot of these circles that we run in. And I don’t like that as a big picture. I don’t like that.
Alex Tsakiris 20:29
can’t have it, it doesn’t work. It ultimately doesn’t work. I mean, truth is truth. You have to seek it. Even if it’s among your your bros who are being under attack, you still have to call them out and say, No, that’s not it. You know, I want to circle back to the die animals Pacifica kind of thing, because I did not realize you didn’t interview with her. So now I’m really curious to go back and listen to that one and see how you guys handled it. my interview with her was, just for me, phenomenal for me for my own education. Because she is, as we were chatting about, you know, she is buttoned down proper, chairman of her department, a tenured professor at a major university, in the Religious Studies Department. So she knows how to play that game. And she’s super smart. But you just, like threw out a little morsel there, because we’re comfortable with this stuff. But she talked about the invisible college kind of thing, which is a term that jack belay Originally, I don’t know if he was the original one, but he kind of popularized it. This idea that there is a group of academics, intellectuals with inside of academia that are privy to and are kind of playing a different game. And then while saga just completely reveals that and that’s one of the things I brought up in her interview, I go, you realize you are completely validating and exposing that right in front of our eyes. And she does. And I think Tyler is actually the guy who’s the Gucci clad, you know, orders, the Uber, private jet kind of thing. And our other guy I forget, his name is the researcher, the academic type that comes along with her. And he’s the guy who exposes her to the invisible College, where he’s doing his job in, like, out of the movies, gets like a note that says, you know, show up here at this time, and you will be initiated, you know, it goes there. And it’s a bunch of academics or, yeah, academics of different disciplines who say, Okay, here’s how it works. You’re now in the group. Here’s what we talk about. Here’s how we talk about it. This is Fight Club. First rule of Fight Club is you don’t talk about Fight Club, but we’re on it, you know, and then she further validates it. Again, this is Diana Ross Basilica, Dr. Diana moss Basilica trusted me she’s telling it like it is the book is American cosmic. She goes, she’s at a conference and some guy stands up and asks a question, you know, a very direct question. And another guy across the room stands up and goes, you know, we’re not supposed to be talking. But this is a public forum. This is you know, like, dude, you’re breaking the Fight Club rule kind of thing. So you just touched on it when you said, you know, science. I mean, we have no idea what science really is. We only know that the science we’re exposed to, is fake. And that’s what I would circle back around to again, a point you just kind of made in passing was that this is the reveal of the extent of the conspiracy. It’s now just in your face. It’s like, yeah, we’ve been playing Yeah, you know, okay, get over it. I think that’s also true with regard to science. When it comes to the plant damage, I mean, it’s just kind of out there. Now. It’s like, Look, we don’t need science. We don’t need the scientific board. We don’t need peer review. We will just dictate what the science is, you know, you did a show on on masks, right? the efficacy of masks. And I have a very, I’ve looked into that science. I have a very different opinion of it, because I believe what the science shows pretty clearly, is that the efficacy of masks for viruses and bacterial infections is something that’s been looked at for years. I mean, there’s a lot of research on this. There’s a good meta method. data on it, where research compiles to more research more research. They’ve looked at it in hospitals for the longest time. And what they see is a divide between laboratory tests and clinical tests. So, yes, you can show that in a lab, a mask of a certain type can prevent the exchange of viral things and bacterial things at some distance. But every time they’ve tried to test it in a clinical setting, be it in a hospital, or be it in the general population. There’s the efficacy drops, there isn’t it isn’t effective, because for all the reasons we know, people don’t wear the mask properly, they don’t put it on properly, that they’re not wearing the mask that they was recommended by threat. So the point being, there is absolutely none of the kind of scientific based evidence we would normally rely on for public policy changes, like we’ve seen. And that’s a long, long way of my rant. But coming back and saying, We are post science here, that science is no longer I mean, climate change kind of opened the door to it. It is that we don’t really have to prove any of this stuff. We can just lay it out as an edict, and you just got to do what we say.
Isaac Weishaupt 26:37
Yes, that now to to rebuttal, the mask thing, when I recorded my mask show since then, I’ve learned a lot more. And in fact, I’m actually sort of compiling to do another sort of discussion on it. And I’m with you, 100%. When you look at the recommendations, like if you look at the actual recommendations, like the World Health Organization, the CDC put out the laundry list of requirements to suggest that maybe they’re effective, it’s like all these things that nobody in the masses is going to do. I mean, this is like, in a perfect world, in a perfect environment. Like you said, there’s a difference between a lab test and then reality. And that that’s kind of what changed. I talked to a one of my doctors that I have a few doctors that kind of see for different things. And I trust, I trust him a lot. And he kind of broke it down to me in a way that made a lot of sense. He long story short, said what you just said, he said, look like they can’t take a lab study with controlled settings and then apply it to the real world. All they can do is look at counties that have mass mandates in the counties right next to it that don’t have mass count mass mandates, and see what the rates are. But even with that, you’ve got a host of other variables and factors that you need to eliminate. And you can only eliminate in a lab, it’s sort of a catch 22. And, you know, and it goes on and on. So now I’m kind of more on the anti mass side of the house now than I used to be. Anyway, yeah. Long story short, I agree with you on that. You talked,
Alex Tsakiris 28:14
I agree. Look, big step back. Oh, kudos to you for this is what we’re talking about. Isaac is like, what I advocate for it in the most strong way is the process because it really is about the process. If we can’t go through the process, and I could have come up wrong on this, right? Because I’m wrong, like so much of the time, and people correct me and even people who listen to the show, correct me, but it’s the process, you were able to, to discern by talking to really trusted sources by sorting out stuff that you found by looking at different studies and all the rest of that, man, that’s what it’s frickin that’s, that’s the only way we’re going to be able to figure this stuff out going forward. Because the push is to not do that to do just the exact opposite. The opposite of that. Yeah.
Isaac Weishaupt 29:05
Yeah, absolutely. And I think you’re talking about a subject that’s really interesting about the power in the post science world. And it sounds like you’re essentially saying there’s a new religion in town, and this is the dogma and, okay, the scientist says it, therefore must be true. And I’ve always had beef with that. You know, I’ve graduated I’ve got I’ve got several degrees in science, and my whole beef with the scientific community is it always disproves itself over time, and I’m like, how do you trust anything these people say, I mean, I like to use it as a tool. And I think it’s, it’s better than just going off of a gut feeling. But like, I always sort of question a lot of the studies and the ideas that come out because you don’t know who funded it. You don’t know the settings they used. There’s a lot of deception in the scientific community and, boy, it really makes you think about everything and I go back to You know, and I’m talking to you today because you’ve got a new book coming out, right? And your your previous book, it was it was titled Why science is wrong about almost everything. You wrote that up several years ago very prophetically. Well, why are you picking on me? Just? Come on, man.
Alex Tsakiris 30:19
Let me explain to people where was going with that? Because? And I, you’ll get this and most people do once I explain it to him, is that the big question for me when I started the podcast, because I was just kind of a business guy, that’s my thing, you know, just making the almighty dollar and get to the point where I could, you know, step back and say, Okay, how do I answer these questions if I have the time and the opportunity to do it? So my first inclination was, to answer the biggest, who are, who am I? Why am I here? By looking to science? And I pretty quickly figured out that that question, from a scientific standpoint, boils down to a question of consciousness, you know, that little voice inside our head that minute by minute experience we have. And what I found is that science is extremely dogmatic, very firm, in their understanding of what consciousness is that essentially consciousness is an illusion is an epiphenomenon of the brain. So they can dance around and say, Oh, it’s it’s that then they they got kind of hammered on them. They said, well, it’s an emergent property of the brain. But they never kind of define what the constituent elements of that emergent property would be. Ultimately, they always come down to the same conclusion. You are your brain, you are a product of that biological robot that is in your head, you don’t really exist. We can talk about morals as a social construct something we can all agree on, or not agree on. But there’s no reality to anything that you consider this consciousness. So I’m kind of going on the point of the book, why science is wrong, is that that’s an absurd idea. That’s ridiculous. It’s philosophically ridiculous. No culture, throughout time has ever believed that you don’t exist, that your conscious experience doesn’t exist. That’s the one the mental thing that we all know, you know that you’re in there. I know that I am in here. As a matter of fact, I don’t know if you’re there, you could be a robot. You could be AI, but I know I’m in here. That’s the only thing I really know. So science to do this kind of in your face. You are not really in there, Isaac, it’s just your brain neuron firing, there isn’t really a human there. It was an absurd idea to begin with philosophically, but experimentally, it’s been falsified over and over and over again. And I always point this out to people, you know, most people who are science oriented, are familiar with the double slit experiment, way back 100 years ago, where these guys, you know, shot the little photon, and does it come out is it be more a wave? And what a lot of people forget, because again, this stuff gets papered over so that people don’t see it for what it is. That was a consciousness experiment. I mean, they were interested in photon beams and whether they form a pattern or a wave, what they really wanted to know, was whether this thing that they call the observer effect was real, whether consciousness was a part of that experiment. And what they found conclusively is that consciousness affects that experiment. and by extension, consciousness affects every experiment. Probably because consciousness is fundamental consciousness is at the root of everything. But leave that aside, again, from a geeky science perspective, that I like to keep it at. Science is wrong about almost everything because it’s wrong about consciousness. If, because once you do that double slit consciousness experiment, and you go, okay, the whole thing hinges on whether there’s an observer, the tree falls in the forest, whether there’s someone there to observe it. Now, every experiment has an asterisk by it. It says, Well, did we factor in consciousness? You know what I mean? Right? We can still go on and build our iPhones and do all that stuff. But we should, in the back of our mind have a little question is, have we factored in consciousness?
Isaac Weishaupt 34:59
Yeah, absolutely. That’s what, that’s what drew me into a lot of this red pill talk. And David Ike and stuff was because when I was in college, I took a course intro to philosophy as many people do. And at the time, I believe was the third matrix film was released. And it blew my frickin mind. And I was reading all these philosophy books and reading, I’ve got a book on the philosophies of the matrix. And it’s very fascinating stuff. But like, what that film will lead you to believe is in like, de cartes, evil genius idea. And it’s like, oh, you can just sort of put the brain in a vat and put, you know, signals into it. And you might never know, you might be just living in some virtual reality. But I think even with that, you would still have to support the idea that Yeah, but like, I’m thinking, like Descartes said, I think therefore I am, like, your thoughts are coming from somewhere. And, and I agree with you, man, I think there’s a consciousness out there. And this might be where you get into some of the occult, occult philosophies of life and, and like I always say, like, I find them fascinating. It’s not my belief system, but I think they do get some of this stuff. Right. And it’s fascinating that they’ve been right for hundreds of years, much like I believe the Christian faith is. But you know, the title of your new book, why evil matters, how science and religion fumbled a big one begs the question about the the religion element, which is one of the things I want to talk to you about, from what I what I read, you grew up in the Greek Orthodox Church. So to me, I think, Okay, this is a perfect example, because I’m actually a Greek Orthodox myself. And really, yeah, tiecon ees
kolok come first.
Isaac Weishaupt 36:48
Yeah, so So I think, Okay, this is this is, and, and, um, but I grew up in a sort of non denominational church, and it didn’t really ever speak to me, it didn’t really resonate with my soul. And God knows why I don’t know why it just didn’t. And I hated it. I hated church, I hate they always told me what to do. And they shamed all the things that I liked. And not to say that, like, the Orthodox Church is like, Oh, cool. You like you like doing all this rotten stuff? Go for it, Isaac. Like that’s not the way it is, either. But maybe I’m just older now. And I have a different perspective. But I wanted to hear your take on it, man, like, what’s your what’s your take on religion? The vibes I get are a little bit like, Oh, you know, Satan’s a fabrication a little bit? Maybe? What? What’s your take on Satan? What’s your take on religion? How does this fit into things? Where Where could I be wrong on this?
Alex Tsakiris 37:40
It’s super complicated. And I love that you brought it up, I mean, you’re just brave, you just go these places that most people don’t want to go. And I do have to say, and the kind of, you know, as preparing for this, and listening, and I had heard you before, and I kind of stumbled across your stuff, but I hadn’t really listened to a lot of it. And then I read your book. Or at least, I have to say, I’m gonna read it. But you know, we’re all swapping so much reading material, but the dark path, I kind of read the intro on Amazon, I was, I was really blown away, it is the most concise, kind of direct, easy to read explanation of what we’re all talking about. When we talk about Illuminati, and all the qualifications you have, well, it’s kind of this but it’s kind of just a metaphor for this. It’s kind of just holding in place, you know, an idea don’t get too hung up with particular people in particular events. And kind of the reason I bring that up is that’s how I see religion. So a couple of things to really dive into give it some give it some meat is number one, I was very influenced by the near death experience science. So Pardon me. So I told you, you know, I wrote a wrote that book, why science is wrong, because I was really geeking out on the science and talking to, you know, neuroscientist, debating them, talking to psychologists debating them talking to parapsychologist, talking to a lot of different people in the science room. But pretty quickly, when I figured out that the game is really about consciousness. I said, What really answers that question is this whole body of science called near death experience? And I say science called about people, you know, they think it’s not science. It’s like, man, there’s over 200 peer reviewed papers on near death experience. And when I started interviewing the leading researchers, they’re top notch people you know, there are people who are really, really well known in their field of being medical researchers, as well as practitioners. Yep. Pin Vaughn llamo. One of the most respected cardiologists teaches it Diversity, you know, Jeff long Dr. Jeff long down and in Louisiana, you know, radiation oncologists and scientists, these guys are not slouches, you know, and they’re doing this research, the net of that research near death experience research is not very kind to Christianity as we know it. It’s super kind and welcoming to the idea of a hierarchy of consciousness of a moral imperative, if you will, a right and wrong, God, it’s super welcoming to the idea of Christ consciousness, that people are dead, dead, and I say dead. And I emphasize it, because by every measure we have clinically, people are no longer alive, they’re dead, it shouldn’t even be called the near death experience, a lot of researchers will tell you that it should be called a death experience, unless we want to come up with some totally, never before understood definition of what death is, love, these people are dead for, you know, 2030 minutes, there is no record, we have in all the neurological research, that there would be anything like consciousness happening inside that brain thing. So immediately I that’s why I was drawn to it is because it gets to this question of consciousness, and it answers it. Just completely, it’s like, no, there’s something that’s happening after the brain is no longer functioning in a way that we normally understand. So that question, the first question about consciousness is answered. But I think it also answers that second question, which is, we have to look deeper than religion. Religion is, the other term often uses, you know, disintermediation. You know, when the internet first hit, what what it was all about from a business standpoint was taken up the middleman, disintermediation. You don’t need the middleman, you can go right to you know, Geico and buy insurance. That’s what we need in spirituality. You don’t need some fucking guy standing up there. You and I, Greek Orthodox Church, a motherfucker standing up there, I gotta go up and kiss his hand to get a fucking piece of bread. For the I don’t know, I know what the fuck does he know, I can go directly to the source that is being revealed. And I don’t even know what it is, I don’t have to make any firm conclusions about what it is I can access, there is some extended consciousness realm, there seems to be some hierarchy to it. So there is, for lack of a better term, there seems to be a god. And I can go directly to it. And we all know we can go directly to it. Because we already have a ton of practice doing that, throughout our lives. I think religion just gets in the way. And I think our history tells us that it is super prone to manipulation, abuse, and just all the the same kind of crap that we see in every other institution that wants to pat us on the head and say, It’s okay, let me take care of you.
Isaac Weishaupt 43:32
So in response, I will say, I think that so i would i would view that when I talk about kissing the priests hand and organized religion in general, right? I don’t think you necessarily have to subscribe to you know, go to the church in order to go to heaven. I think that much like the the icons that we we venerate, right, it’s, it’s a veneration, it’s a traditional element. It’s a respect towards God. And I would just say that, you know, kissing the priests hand to get the piece of bread, you know, that’s in that same ballpark. You know, it’s like, you know, you put your nice dress on the go to church, it’s a respect thing. Now, the I am with you on the idea of when you get into organized groupings, then you’ve got lots of elements that it can get out of hand. Look at the Catholic Church, for instance, you know, with all the hiding of the kids get a child abuse stuff, you know, because man the fallible, of course, to talk about and let me go back to the nd ease I have a close friend who who died and I, I’ve actually talked to him about this and I called it a nd ease another. He correctly says, No, I died. I literally died. So that’s funny you say that, but he he kind of relayed the same experience that all the others have, you know, this whole idea of like, he felt Consciousness sort of thing going out into the ether and light, intense light all that stuff. And to me, I think, well, I don’t know that nd ease disprove the idea that God created us, we die on our souls or consciousness or whatever you want to call this can go to a place of light or a place of darkness afterward because I’m always in the camp of like I say, with the aliens. I feel like they’re most they’re more interdimensional than anything where, you know your consciousness shifts and slips dimensions. And when you die, your consciousness is just just going wherever it’s going. And my buddy, by the way, who who, who died near death experience, whatever you want to call it. He’s actually an atheist now. So what do I make of all that? I don’t know. It sounds like you guys went on similar journeys and some levels, maybe. But what do you think? What do you think about evil? There’s a lot of material in this new book devoted to the idea of questioning who is Satan? What is evil? What, what’s your take? I mean, I know that’s a big subject to take a bite.
let me
Alex Tsakiris 46:13
let me let me return back to it. Because we’ll get back. We’ll get Bible geeky for a minute, you know, because you’re open to it. And I appreciate that. You know, you’re not like rolling over and agree in and you got your your opinions and you should, you know, she had if I could change your mind that easily, I’d be worried about you. So one of the chapters in the book is this interview that I’m interviewing this guy a bunch of times, I just have so much respect, so much love for joab Well, guy wrote a book called Caesar’s Messiah. And Jill and I, on some level, kind of disagree about this. God thing, you know, that we’re talking about in consciousness, and he’s more of the humanists slash atheist type, although whenever I push him, he always says, No, no, no, but he is. But his work is fundamental to this. I had Jay Dyer on my show, and Jay was stopped in his tracks. I don’t understand it. Jay. invited back, he doesn’t want to come back. Because he doesn’t want to face this shit. There’s one key figure historical figure that every Christian should totally focus on. It’s Josephus.
Isaac Weishaupt 47:26
So do you know what Josephus is? No. Oh, tell me more. The claim
Alex Tsakiris 47:30
of Josephus so most Christian apologist, right. So, you know, the Christian apologetics has been going on for hundreds of years, but really, in the last 50 years, when the skeptical people back in the 90s 2000s, and they had the bus, you know, Richard Dawkins, and those guys and stuff like that. They really challenged, they were challenged to Christianity and Christianity got on its course and said, We need to present a logic based reason based counter to this. And it’s going to be apologetics, you know, it’s going to be we found this and we went and studied this ancient text, and it tells us this, and it tells us that so most people get really Bible geeky on that. They’ll point to Josephus as a trusted historical source that proves that Jesus did exist because Josephus wrote this famous paragraph that gets passage in his in his book that that says, Yeah, you know, what’s going on, and we killed this Jesus guy, and that he just, all the people are still, you know, worshipping Him, and we don’t know what to do kind of thing. Well, the real story of Josephus is much, much, much more interesting. And we can’t cover it all. But I’m going to hit some of the high points, the first thing I direct people to do is go look for the ark of Titus. And Google that. And the cool thing about that is, it’s real, it’s physical, you can see this big arch that they built. And the Romans built it, because they went kicked ass in Judah, those fucking Jews were on there, but for the longest time, they couldn’t control them, you know, they had all their other groups, and they could basically get them in line. A lot of men step out of line, but the man the Jews, were just a pain for them. So when they finally in like, 6163 ad, go over there and kick ass on them, and destroy the temple and all that, but first time, they come in, they build this big arch, and arch like and go to Google and you can zoom it like this thing still exists. It’s it’s our collect or collect archaeologically data to that time. They show the Roman soldiers carry in, you know, the big stuff. The Jewish church you know the what is it the door that the shoot for getting the name but you know all those relics that show the star David and stuff like that they show them hauling out all that, you know, like, whoo we got all our loot out of there. So that battle that ass kicking that the Romans did is chronicled by Josephus. Josephus writes the book, The War of the Jews. And this, a lot of historians will tell you is the history. It’s how we know that this really happened. What every Christian needs to do is take the next step, and go and find out who Josephus is. First of all, as Joe at well points out, when you hear the story of Josephus, I’ll kind of hint at the end of the movie, like you sometimes do it before you get there. But just see, this is a fictional character he’s invented by the Romans. But let’s pretend for a minute he’s not here’s who that history claims he is. He’s this Jewish rabbi living in Galilee, living the good life. He’s been to Rome. He loves Rome, he thinks it’s great, but he’s back. And he’s a general. So he has both the religious credentials. And he has and he’s also a general, he’s like a highfalutin guy in Galilee. Doesn’t that name sound familiar? So the Romans, and this is history. Now, I’m not making this up. This is like our accepted history of the time period. So the Romans show up. And Josephus goes out there, and he’s battling with a sorter. And finally, him and his band of brothers get pushed into a cave. So let’s just see if this is a con. And there were 40 of us in our cave, and we’re gonna fight to the death and we realize we’re all going to die. So we began committing suicide. And we had this way of kind of selecting who would be killed, and it finally got down to me and to others. And then I had a revelation, but I should not commit suicide. And the revelation was that everything I had learned about my Judaism was false. And that the real Messiah was Caesar. Caesar is the Messiah. And that therefore this should be the new news of Judaism. Again, folks, you think I’m making this up? This is what is recorded in Josephus is writing this what our friend and I like Jay Dyer, and I think he does fantastic stuff in his Hollywood stuff. His movie stuff is great. But when I reminded Jay of this, he was like, what I don’t? How do you not know that every Christian should know that the guy who you’re relying on for the history was by at this point, if you don’t see this guy as a complete tool of the Romans, I mean, come on, you know, in the cave can’t kill them. And then he goes on. So here’s the next part of the story as unbelievable as it is. So he comes out of the cage and says, Okay, okay, well, well, well, well, well, I see it now. You’re the Messiah. So Caesar just wraps his arm around, says, alright, buddy, come along with me. You’re gonna record this battle that we’re in, you’re
Isaac Weishaupt 53:34
gonna write it all down. publishing deal? Yeah.
I’ll tell you what I tell you.
Alex Tsakiris 53:42
That is our history. Now he goes on. And what? what Joe at well, to his unbelievable credit. For one guy, you know, it’s kind of this this one, one man changes the world. All these biblical scholars and Isaac, I’ve interviewed so many of them on the show, you know, well credentialed, you know, Gary Habermas, my Kaiser doctors, doctors of religious studies, tons of them biblical scholars, tons of them. What no one saw until Joe atwill comes along, is that significant parts of the Gospels, as we’ve come to understand them, are more or less a direct rewrite of Josephus. What Joe also points out, is that for hundreds of years, you know, you go back 500 600 years ago, the Bible was distributed along with Josephus is war, the Jews book, because they saw it as that they obviously saw the connection, but they saw one as being supportive of the other. Then when we got to another point, we go, Well, we don’t really want to do that. So separated. But it is undeniable that what religious scholars, if you push them will tell you in the phrasing and this is interesting is that the gospels are dependent on Josephus. What they’re saying is that it is most likely that the gospel writers had access to another code word, Josephus, what they’re saying is they copied Josephus his historical account. But the key is they rewrote it as prophecy. So, when Jesus is standing above Jerusalem and saying, they will come and they both, you know, they will raise the temple, you know, destroy it to the ground, and they will do this and they will do that. He is talking directly out of what Josephus writes. But they’re calling it the gospel writers are calling it prophecy. Josephus, when he wrote it down to saying I was there with them, this is what we did,
Isaac Weishaupt 56:03
written after the fact is what you’re saying.
Alex Tsakiris 56:06
Exactly. Okay. written after the fact. So I guess that’s enough of a Bible geeky, happy to do another one on this. You could get get Jay will come on, you can come on skeptical dude. Another place I’ll bring on at? Well, anyone who goes against any of that is just there’s no grounds for nothing I said is like superduper controversial. It’s just, that was the first one to really put it together. And he’s buddies with a bunch of biblical scholars. There’s a bunch of Apple haters out there. I’ve interviewed a bunch of them on the show, too. It doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. It’s just the way that it is because it’s all written. You can read it right there. You can read Josephus, you can read the Gospels, they match up one for one. For hundreds of years, we always understood that one was dependent on another, no one took a step back and said, What the fuck does that mean that they’re dependent on the other way that I just did a show not too long on this. Why is the Bible pro Roman? Think about it. Go back and look at that history. The Jews there number one enemy was the Romans, the Romans were constantly on their ass. They destroyed the city, but the temple once twice, they were constantly like they did everybody else, you know, had under their thumb. Why does the Bible come out and say, get on to Caesar? What is Caesar? Get? You know, it’d be like Trump coming out and saying, Well, given to antiva what is antivirus? You know, you’d be like, no, it is more more the case, it’d be like antifa saying, given to Trump. What is Trump’s it’d be like antifa saying, well still pay your taxes, you know, pay your taxes, or here’s another one is go the extra mile. You know what go the extra mile means? It’s actually biblical. There was a law among the Roman military, that if you were a citizen, and you were there, and you were watching the Roman troops, any one of those trips could say, Hey, kid, come over here. carry my backpack for a mile. And those backpacks are like super heavy at all. It’s crap in there, you know, 3040 pounds, you carry it for a mile. what the Bible says is, don’t carry it for a mile. go the extra mile, carry the Roman soldiers backpack, an extra mile? Why? Why? Why would antifade saying well, and don’t just pay your taxes, pay 50% more just because, you know, we’re fighting with them. But there’s still good guys out there. It totally doesn’t make any sense. It’s scammy. From the beginning, what it fits into more is what we’re familiar with right now. Which is it’s a social engineering, social control project. It’s a way of these things aren’t that these things have been around forever? Because they’re not that complicated. How do you control people? You know, you make them feel, make them feel good over here. You make them feel scared over there. You kind of throw a few breadcrumbs on the ground and boom,
Isaac Weishaupt 59:25
interesting. Okay, well, and we obviously we could talk about this for hours on end and we’re running out of time already. I will definitely be looking this up. I’m gonna listen to those shows. You said you’ve got shows with that we’ll talk about Josephus and this whole topic right?
Alex Tsakiris 59:40
We do want to man you Come on skeptiko you don’t want
Isaac Weishaupt 59:44
I’m not even as educated on religion as Jay Dyer so if if you stumped him at all, like you’re gonna kill me. I’ll just sit there and watch. Yeah, no, I’m it’s funny. I always talk about this. Like I it’s funny that I did. So deep into the occult stuff, and I don’t spend nearly as much time reading about my own religion, you know what I mean? Like, it just was the progression of how my life is has gone. And, you know, I get it, I hear lots of good arguments against religion and against Christianity. Nothing’s convinced me yet. But you know, it’s one of those subjects that I’d like to learn more I’d like to read about this Josephus atwells book.
Alex Tsakiris 1:00:23
So I didn’t know any of this stuff. I didn’t know any of this stuff. Like I tell people. I didn’t know anything before I get to go. You know, before I started interviewing people talking to people reading their books, I had absolutely no clue. No. Okay,
Isaac Weishaupt 1:00:37
so last question, because we only got a few minutes left. in your, in your new book, you’ve had a discussion on aliens and if they’re good or evil, okay, and that’s like, I get that question a lot. And my take on it is, from a biblical perspective, of course,
Isaac Weishaupt 1:00:55
like angels and demons, right? Like, it could be good, it could be bad, but like, I look at the, what do you say, when you look at the fruits of their labor? I look at the fruits. And it’s like, I don’t man if these aliens are here to try to save us from ourselves, and they want to be these benefactors of humanity and all this stuff. Like why not just be out with it? Why this cryptic now? What
are they waiting for?
Isaac Weishaupt 1:01:14
you waiting for? Right? Like? To me, it seems very trickster and huckster ish. And that’s what I talked about in my new book. But what I found curious, you have a chapter called evil is a lens. And when I when I read that I caught I read it as evil is aliens. Little bit of a Freudian slip. But anyway, what’s your take on the alien spirituality, man? Or do you think? Or does this fit into your nd spirituality consciousness thing? where, you know, he was more of a fabrication on some levels?
Alex Tsakiris 1:01:47
Well, I think it’s a it’s super complicated, you know, like, all this stuff is, and that’s not just an out, it’s like, one of the things. Bottom line conclusion is, why do we think the nonhuman intelligence is less complicated than our little scheming thing here? Probably is, is just this complicated, you know, the, as a starting point, maybe a point to kind of leave it, since we can’t get into it all the way. Anyone who wants to step over the alien thing, and when I say step over all this stuff of Oh, it’s all this metaphysical consciousness, nother dimension, demonic satanic kind of stuff. You know, but the the best way, one of the best ways from a scientific standpoint, like anthropological standpoint that we have, is to look at cross cultures and cross time, you know, so you think something has happened, you know, you think eating disorders, you know, it’s like, oh, gosh, that’s a biological problem. And then you start looking at it across cultures, and you go, oh, it doesn’t look like it really is biological. It looks like it’s something that our culture kind of cooked up with our advertising and our obsession with this and that, that’s only a small example of when you start looking cross culturally, a lot of times some of these things shake out. So I say, what do you what happens when you look at the alien thing at cross culturally, one of my go to sources on that, as a woman I interviewed an RD six killer Clark. And she has kind of an unusual sounding name to us because she’s a Native American. But she has all the right credentials, PhD, Montana State professor at Montana State. She decides to write kind of an anthropological book on Star people, and whether they are how they exist inside of these cultures. So she starts going and interviewing various Native American tribes initially around her area in the West, but then as expanded it down to Mexico, Central America, other places. I mean, shit, Isaac, it’s like all they’re just direct. They’re like, yeah, they come from the stars. They have our great ancestors told us this. These are their attributes. This is what they done. Some of them look like lizards. Some of them come in this kind of group. So if you want to step over all that data, you know, and say, Oh, well, it’s this or that. I you can, but that’s a pretty big hill, you have to start climbing. You know, other people have said, you go over to African, some tribe that doesn’t even have a language I shouldn’t say doesn’t even have because that doesn’t necessarily mean that they don’t know what they’re doing. Like, oh, yeah, right there. See the Pleiades, that star system, that’s where they come from, and that’s why we put on these hats and we danced around for hundreds of years. And this is what they told us. You know, they told us there’s a twin star up there that you can’t see And then 50 years later we put the we finally have a telescope good enough say shit there is a twin star there. So this is when people go to the it’s all demonic it’s all satanic. I’m like I’m not shutting that down. I’m just saying you got a couple of hills you got to climb in terms of at non human intelligence before you can make that claim. So if you’ve incorporated all that stuff in then I’m all ears but if you haven’t if you’re telling me every Native American over every you know native group they’re all satanic. I mean, I guess you can make that you can make that claim you know throughout time You know, every all they were all satanic, all satanic all satanic man that’s starting to sound pretty cultish to me, you know.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:05:54
Alright, man, I like it. Okay. Yeah, these are big topics, that aliens topic is a big one. And I think that as information unfolds, and hopefully it’s not as vague as it’s already shaping out to be. And hopefully we can get a better understanding of it. And I appreciate you doing your show and getting into these topics because there’s not a lot of us talking about the idea of aliens with spirituality. You know, there’s a handful of folks, but I do appreciate you. I do have to let you go. We are at a time I used up your our
Alex Tsakiris 1:06:24
kobato we got this again. You know, we got it. Yes, again. Yeah, we if you want to come on skeptical. We’ll do part two of this. I love to do that. You’re ready. And hats off to you. I mean, you got a new you got after this. You got a new patron and a new avid listener cuz I love you, man. I
Isaac Weishaupt 1:06:45
appreciate that recover from you. That’s a huge compliment. I appreciate it. Finally, where can where can my audience get more of you your podcasts or books? Where can I send them?
Alex Tsakiris 1:06:58
skeptiko with the k l on the end?
Isaac Weishaupt 1:07:02
skeptiko with a K on the end? Okay. I’ll post the links in the show notes. And oh, and finally, when when’s your new book gonna drop?
You know, man?
Alex Tsakiris 1:07:12
The publisher pulled it on me. I don’t know why I had publisher and they dropped out. end of January. beginning of February. It’ll be up
Isaac Weishaupt 1:07:22
all right. You never
Alex Tsakiris 1:07:24
know um, those things I don’t want to claim shit that I don’t know. But it was very strange. All that is strange. There’s there’s heavy
Isaac Weishaupt 1:07:30
censorship going on this year. Man. There’s, and you got some ideas in there that I would suggest goes against some of the agendas. They’re trying to lay out on us.
Alex Tsakiris 1:07:40
You know, and I don’t even think it has to work like a heavy, it can just be like, I don’t want to go there. You know, just somebody goes. How is this bit which is I think the position they put a lot of people and just say, Do I even want to go there? I just avoid the whole thing. You know what I mean?
Isaac Weishaupt 1:07:56
Yeah, no? Yeah. too controversial too. too hot for TV. Right? All right, Alex, appreciate you, man.
Alex Tsakiris 1:08:02
Right on, bro. You’re awesome.
Okay, what
Isaac Weishaupt 1:08:10
do you think about that? Did he not drop some knowledge? Or was he dropping lies heretical lies? So many things we need to research here, okay. This is gonna be he’s gonna be a controversial guest. I like Alex. Like Alex, we get along real well. And this is what it’s all about folks. sharing information. Not being offended, forcing us to take a second look at our own belief systems. That’s what that’s what makes life beautiful. You know what I mean? That’s the passion of life. You got to keep learning, keep evolving. Keep doing better. Admit when you’re wrong.
I’m wrong.
I’m wrong all the time.
Isaac Weishaupt 1:08:50
That’s what we need to do. We need to we need to check the ego. Get to you know, get enlightened, get that rainbow Light Body action going. Get your alkaline algae granola woke status up. Alright, if you want to check that out, you know where to go check him out on skeptical. I got links in the show notes. I got a link to the show in specific where we talked about the Bible with Joseph atwill. I got a link in the show notes for that episode in particular, or you can just go check it out for yourself. skeptiko comm he’s got a whole gang of podcasts. He’s been doing this for a minute. He’s got book on Amazon, another book will be coming out on Amazon here. January, February is what he said. So be on the lookout for that. And, you know, hit him up. Tell him his extension. Tell them you like his uh, his thought process. You know what, like, we don’t have to agree. I don’t agree with him. That’s okay. That’s what this is all about. We got to flesh it out because no one else is going to do this. Everyone, all the masses, they’re snowflakes. They can’t handle this kind of argument. They can’t handle it. So that’s why they get pacified with superhero movies and mainstream media nonsense. That’s why you come here to get the real truth. So thank you for your support. Appreciate you Guys, but until next time, you know what to do. Stay well.
Naila says
Loving your podcasts! Thank you 🙂